New Moon in Taurus with the UK elections
We did not discuss The UK elections, and I think we should look at the chart of David Cameron.
Born in London, 9th October, 1966. Many astrologers commented on his chart, so I will look into the peculiar things.
Libra ascendant, the ruler, Venus applying to the Sun, in a masculine sign. The Moon is out of bound, meaning his feelings are somehow questionable. Furthermore, he has a few planets hooked up, or in junction. Uranus with Pluto, Neptune with South Node, Saturn with Chiron, Moon with Jupiter. Uranus, being the ruler of the 5th house conjunct to Pluto can show his first born, Ivan's death at age 6. His second child is signified by Mars, which has no angles, only a 150 to Saturn, and to different asteroids, like Pandora, which is almost conjunct, to his Sun. I think when Saturn will make a conjunction to it, the box of Pandora will fly open and reveal.... hmmm.. . what do you think?? Anything to do with a secret love affair from the same side?
Pandora in Libra, Uranus conjunct Pluto, Venus, ruler of the 8th in opposition to Vertex. Damocles, another asteroid, is in his house of pleasures, ( 5) at 14 Aquarius. In 3 years Mars, ruler of H7, will trine this point . So we shall see.
He comes from a wealthy family, and he has North Node in the 8th, the money of others... But this placement also shows a need to deal with financial problems, and UK is one of the hushed -up places regarding investments... So he will have to deal with money, banks, investments.
There are two asteroids I read about lately, that are related to money, and are elevated in fraud' charts, they are: Midas and Utopia. In his map these two are: Midas at 4 Gemini, Utopia at 1 Aquarius. Both of them will receive an angle when Uranus and Jupiter will soon be at 1-4 Aries. So look out David!! More unexpected problems to come, regarding money and investments.
He was chosen PM, so we should look at his 10th house, which is in Cancer, it's ruler, the Moon is conjunct Jupiter. He was born for this. But will he be happy? The Moon is square to Chiron, to Amor, which means by Demetra George: "capacity of spiritual or platonic love and compassion." But the Moon sends a quincunx to Eros, (capacity for vitality and passion). To remind you, 150 deg. is a sick degree. There is also an opposition to Damocles, no need to explain this one, I hope... and to Utopia. So we are back again to the beginning.
The next graph is that of declinations. It is important to make for everyone this sort of graph just to see where are the planets out of bound?
In the negative side the POF went wild: Nov 92-98, Nov 2001-May 2007, it's the Moon OOB, and starting March 2016, it's Venus, the ruler that goes wild!
Looking at his transit chart, Uranus will trine his Jupiter already in mid-May, from the house 7, of open enemies.
He is in his first year numerologically, so, this is a turning point in his career, as we saw.
Good luck Mr. Cameron!
Nicholas William Peter "Nick" Clegg- Liberal Party Deputy, in coalition with Conservative Party under PM Mr. Cameron. Elected on May 11, 2010.
Born 7 January 1967. Since there is no time of birth, I tried to find it, by using Huber method, therefore the chart placed hereunder is after my calculations.
Many talk about the synastry chart between these two men, and how they fit, as if they were a couple. Well, using numerology, I can assure you that they are very different people. But let' see:
Numerologically he has two sevens in his birth date, which is ruled by Neptune. Neptune is on his IC, showing his idealistic believes, it symbolizes it symbolizes God, and as Max Heindel writes: " Neptune strong in the figure gives a very vivid imagination and an artistic nature, poetic, musical or literary, a fondness of ease, comfort and beautiful surroundings. The person is easily swayed by the emotions, and when Neptune is afflicted may become subject to trances, fainting, hysteria, or psychic storms. There is a love of travel, preferably by water.
When Neptune is weak by sign or afflicted it also inclines to drink or drugs, it robs the person of ambition and makes him an indolent loafer or cheat, thoroughly dishonest, or if the horoscope is otherwise good he may become the prey of other people who will rob or defraud him. People with an afflicted Neptune should particularly avoid dealings with large corporations or they may be subjected to swindles of the most fantastic nature."He too has planets in conjunction, Pluto-Uranus, Saturn-Chiron, Sun-Mercury-Vertex.
The sum of his birth date is 31/4. this Number is ruled by Uranus. His Uranus is conjunct to Pluto and POF in Virgo. Both are retrograde and in the second house of money. Clegg was born with Uranus-Saturn opposition, same is on today.

The interesting part is in the placement of his asteroids. His Neptune, is surrounded by many asteroids: Pandora at 26 Sco, Hidalgo at 18 Sco, Toro at 21 Sco. Mrs. Demetra George says about Hidalgo at page 187: the capacity for self assertion in defense of principles." and about Toro: " Capacity to use control power."
I just wonder how can he use them under the rays of Neptune??
Wikipedia: " In 2002, Nick Clegg, MEP, accused Gordon Brown of encouraging "condescension" towards Germany. In an article, Clegg wrote that "all nations have a cross to bear, and none more so than Germany with its memories of Nazism. But the British cross is more insidious still. A misplaced sense of superiority, sustained by delusions of grandeur and a tenacious obsession with the last war, is much harder to shake off"
I am not here to judge, just to observe, but what would he do if his children would blow up in a bus?
The asteroid Diana is in 9 Aquarius, conjunct Damocles. Diana speaks about the capacity for survival and self protection.... but in Aquarius?? nice philosophy...
Is the saying : the right people emerge in the right time... TRUE?
Are these two the right people against the rising Moslem threat? How will the growing idealistic west deal with the " idealistic" and growing Moslem world? The wake- up and realization will be very painful...
His declination chart shows his POF out of bound in the green circles. The Moon too is OOB, and this year it brought it's reward. But look at the years 2012-2017 what a cluster!
I do whish these two gentlemen superiority and success!
May 13
Breaking down from 144 will crash below 100.
May 17, 2010 adds up to =16 one of the Karmic (difficult) numbers.
Let's see how will the markets behave?
Sun on Algol today, very bad position; Vivian Robson says: Violent death, or extreeme sickness, it's the head of the Medusa, the Demon head, or the Lilith by the Hebrews, brings misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, it is the most evil star in heavens."
We have 6 planets at the end of signs. They are tired, and ready to rest. They are also in angle to the Galactic center, which, like a "black hole" wants to swallow them. Who can help? Venus? It is in Gemini, too young to take the world's troubles on her beautiful shoulders. Jupiter?? Is cosy at home, in Pisces... Looking at the Helio chart, more trouble there, Mercury conjunct Pluto!
So, I hope our shorts will bring their harvest.
Dow closed at: 10620, only 4 points above Jupiter, and 1-2 points above Satun-Uranus. If it breaks this support, then : 10500- 10400- MA 200 is at 10235, falling from there... wawww !!9984.
Let us remember, that the Dow went up 420 days! so ... proportions!!
S&P closed at 1135.68, the MA 200 is at 1104. If it breaks this support, then 1056-1048
GS : is stalling for the last 7 days. While other stocks fell, this one did not move. The last trading day it made a Doji. The volume is low and getting lower day by day. So this is a tricky situation.
If it breaks 141.50, then it'll continue to fall, but if it stays above this level, then it can run up to 152.
Good trading!
May 23
graph here, thoughts below
May 30
In my monthly artlicle I wrote about Uranus entering Aries, that we all know. On July 11, 1927, there was a major earthquake at the Dead Sea area. Map here:
July 11, 1927= 37/1
3 is the number of Jupiter, 7 Neptune, and Sun is 1. We see in the map 150 degree angle between Jup-Neptune, and Sun in cancer, a fixed sign. On that day Saturn in Sag conj, Moon, also in 150 deg. to Sun, and many planets coupled up, as we can see in the circles. Is this a " deja vu"? Will history repeat?
July 11 this year we have a solar eclipse on 19 cancer. 11.7.2010 add up to 21/3, so we have Sun-Moon -Jupiter to watch.
Map of this date:
There are various bad angles: from Pluto, and man... can't he rock us all!? There is also a separating opposition from Saturn- Uranus, but Saturn is in an earth sign; and Venus also in earth sign, sends 150 deg. to Uranus & Jupiter.
So, there might be a hot summer....
May 31. It seems the hot summer is already here.
June 4, Pls. read my comment about the graph scrolldown to comments to this date
This is what happened in reality.... The Gap was there all right, but down. But look at the oscillators in May and now: the average of the RSI is in positive area, the stocastic is ready to turn up at 0 level. So if the S&P will not break 1070, this is a turning point!
The S&P on the Wheel with next target.
June 11. Following picture is self explanatory
June 12
The Sun is hiding outside, so I found myself again by the computer figuring out the mysteries of the planets, and I 've found some interesting things, herebelow explained.
This is the S&P minute graph of yesterday. with highs and lows with the hours on it
wait till you see this one here!!!
Take your time and study the W H E E L :)
Very interesting about Pandora. Neptune is opposing his Mars this year too which could be scandalous. Great work linking so many different methods!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jamie,
ReplyDeleteI not only enjoyed doing it, but appreciate to receive thumbs up :)
SO? what is going on now?
ReplyDeleteIn the S&P we got a very tiny Doji,but today we got a higher high than yesterday and a parabolic at the bottom.
In the Dow, also a Doji, here too a higher high.
Same story with the Nasdaq, also a low volume.
The name is : UNdecision.
May 14,
ReplyDeleteI continued my article above about the UK elections, I added Nicholas Clegg's map.
May 14, market is about to open... But Ohhh!!! Moon on the Pleiades! the weeping sisters! squares Neptune,Sun square Mars,etc. etc. many negative positions today. The ground is for shortists.
ReplyDeleteDow's target: 10609
ReplyDeleteI shorted BIDU...:)
ReplyDeleteExited, thank you...
ReplyDeleteare you expecting a bouce now till opex next week?
Did I say that anywhere?
ReplyDeleteno no .. but you exited short so I asked
Oh... Bidu is a nervous share, so I travel up and down with it, I am short again b the way. It has nothing to do with the market in general. This share made an enormous rally, so, I figured it should correct. Target fot Bidu $70
ReplyDeleteShould we keep our shorts till Monday?
ReplyDeleteTarget for s&P 1120, Dow: 10486.. so make up your mind.
In Heliocentric charts there will be a conjunction between Mercury-Pluto : 18-25 May.When this conjunction occured before the market fell.28.03.2000- 4.04.2000
27.08.2002- 3.09.2002
18.02.2003- 25.02.2003
20.05.2003- 27.05.2003
11.11.2003- 18.11.2003
4.05.2004- 11.05.2004
3.08.2004- 10.08.2004
25.01.2005- 1.02.2005
19.07.2005- 26.07.2005
18.10.2005- 25.10.2005
11.04.2006- 18.04.2006
3.10.2006- 10.10.2006
2.01.2007- 9.01.2007
26.06.2007 - 3.07.2007
18.12.2007- 25.12.2007
9.09.2008- 16.09.2008
3.03.2009- 10.03.2009
24.11.2009- 1.12.2009
18.05.2010- 25.05.2010
8.02.2011- 15.02.2011
May 17, 13:00 NY time
ReplyDeleteTHe market made a bottom. I sold most of my shorts. Now I am " on the fence" waiting...
I think there is some bounce now towards opex and then one more big leg down to retest may 6.
May 19
ReplyDeleteHere is what I posted in one of the Yahoo groups:
If we take the low of yesterday, was 1117.20 - some mentioned - will we get to 1172 Venus= 55 fibo number. Venus will be at 1172 on May 21.
Here are some thoughts: Price Stopped at 1120 = 10 taurus.
So Mercury being at 1114 is a support line
Pluto at 4 Cap, is in trine with the price, so also support.
Mars is at 20 leo, squares the price at 1220.
If the S&P was to go up it would have to pass above Mars.
Is there a sign or planet or angle that could help?
Moon is getting close to Mars, and will also make a square to Sun, a powerful position, it could mark a high or low, on the 20th about noon same time Venus ingress Cancer + in Helio Mars opposition Uranus, a very powerfull placement.
The dates Mars opposed Uranus before:
7.01.1993 - 11.01.1993
12.12.1994- 16.12.1994
15.11.1996- 19.11.1996
21.10.1998- 24.10.1998
24.09.2000- 28.09.2000
29.08.2002- 2.09.2002
3.08.2004 - 6.08.2004
8.07.2006- 12.07.2006
11.06.2008 - 15.06.2008
16.05.2010 - 20.05.2010
You are welcome to check what happened in different markets during these days.
Time wise:
Nov 2 2009 low till May 19 = 198 days .. any importance??
Jan 19 high till May 19 = 120 days ... considerable for a turn
5 Feb till 19 May we have 103 days.. doesn't ring a bell
26 April high till 19 May = 24 days, which is a multiple of 2x12... hmmm. what do you say?
As for the eclipses, there was a lunar eclipse on Dec 31, 2009 at 10 cancer, which is 60 degrees to price ( 1120= 10 taurus)
The eclipse to be on July 11, will be at 19 cancer, here is your no. 19! :) so every 19th degree in the wheel will make some kind of angle , pricewise: 1149, 1179...
May 19
ReplyDeleteIf the Dow will get above 10437-38, it'll go up... otherwise...
May 20.
ReplyDeleteWe enter a new period with Venus in Cancer. A turn is around the corner.
The Dow hit yesterday's low at 10324.88, only to meet Pluto there and bounce back to 10453.5195, which was yesterday's high. expected targets for today: if it'll find support on Uranus (10438-9)than : 10461-10497.
S&P: Low at 1100.66. Here the support is at 994.96, target: 1131.
GS: there was an angry trade yesterday. It bottomed at 136.10 (stopped by Helio Venus) and closed 140.42. Next target: 146.66
Good trading!
May 21,2010= 2 Ruled by the moon
ReplyDeleteYesterday the Dow and all the market fell at the opening, with a large gap. What caused it? Sun-Neptune square? Moon conjunction to Mars?Mercury trine to Pluto, Venus squre to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus? In my May article about the Dow I wrote:
Only if the Dow touches 10548 and below, we can start looking for the bears. Until then it is just a correction, of the rally between Feb 5- April 28.
So here is the bear... the Dow broke 10548. Today the market will open with Sun in Gemini,( volatility it's middle name) and with Moon in Virgo. There is an exact square Sun-Moon.
The Dow closed yesterday at 10068.01 which equals 18 pisces. The next support is at 10062,1051, 10048. Final target : 9661.
But: there will be a small correction due to planets ingresses to new signs, so watch for 10091-10121-10151,10271. Let us not forget, there is an option expiry on the way too.
If I read you correctly then after today's lower open some rally to max 10271 and then drop to lowest 9661.
ReplyDeleteIs this it should be read?
I know nothing is confirmed here but just wanted to make sure this is what you wanted to write.
Yes Yash.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I have spx level 1047-1065 right now then 1074-1085 rally and then 1026-1010 lowest.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess that matches with your dow figures so we are on same page.
amazing.. I am loving this blog !!
ReplyDeleteCheck out TRMA, interesting stock, due to circumstances....
ReplyDeleteThe dow's high was 10272- th elow 9972=300 it is now at 50% correction. the rally continues,it'll go to 10172, then to 9822.
what do you think??
main this to confirm if todays open low was bottom or there is more lower low to come? everyone is expecting lower low. What happens if it never comes just like Feburuary.
ReplyDeleteSo sometimes buying todays low also makes sense. What are your thoughts?
will GS make it to 144.82 today?
ReplyDelete10172 is done. if it dose not turn down then I think bottom is over. we are going only higher in that case.
GS has too many issues around it. Resistance at 142.67
ReplyDeleteit made a high at 143.45, now I am waiting at 141.65- 136.36. I bought a put for May, I guess I am playing with fire:)
ReplyDeleteHi Gaby
ReplyDeletehow confident you are we are going below todays open low? technically and astrologically?
I think financials may not go down anymore. The worst with the reg reform is over.
ReplyDeleteMay 23,2010
ReplyDeleteI am trying to figure out which planets hold the market. Look at teh graph above.
Feb.5 was a low, at 1044.50 (S&P) that is 24 aquarius. this price was the MIDPOINT between Uranus-Pluto. Then the market rallied for 80 days, to reach 1219.80 by April 26. 1219.80 is 19.8 Leo. Except Uranus-saturn opposition I could not find any clue for this top... Then the fall began, during 11 days, reached 1099.29, to 19 taurus. On May 7 there was a Moon-Neptune conjunction. Again 6 days up and 9 days down, finally it bottomed at 1055.90, on May 21, which is 5 Pisces. Yesterday at 9.35 Earth entered Sagittarius in Heliocentric chart! I should have seen this yesterday, I would not buy the put on GS! Of course the market went up!
What should we expect next week? I wrote in my article :
In the graph I used MA 5,7,17,EMA 15. all point still down. by the rithm of the days I would expect 3 or 4 days up, then 7-9 days down again.
Between the two tops there are 17 days, between the two bottoms 16 days, a W pattern might be forming too, which can send the S&P to 1101-1115-1129.
The close was on 1087.69, this level is above Pluto, so Pluto now is a support line. Should it fall below that, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter will come to rescue at 1077.88. To the upside resistance at 1092-1097-1108-1115. Full moon is close, so a change will again knock on the door.
These numbers are planetary placements and angles between planets, has nothing to do with fibo numbers.
If I would use fibo calculus, then counting from the bottom 1055.9 I would get 1092.44 (0.55) or 1115.37 (0.89)
Monday the US markets will open under the hour of Mars, so much power in the air, followed by Sun and Venus hours, I would not be surprised if it opened with a Gap up.
What is your oppinion?? How will the market behave?
Good trading... off to the beach :)
did not gap up. In fact traded much lower than normally expected on Monday am!! now coming up.
Silent for two days, and this is what you have to say??
ReplyDeleteThe markets broke down today, "sell in May and go away" says the proverb.. 4 days more to go in may, everyone hurries to throw away what ever they were holding till now... Panic... Meanwhile winds of war are getting closer, in the far east, in the middle east, uranus is close. so what can one do? shorts...
May 25
ReplyDeleteA turn around the corner... Be careful!
S&P made a low at 1055.90- this low must break if the bear is still on!
Dow's low 9919, GS: 135.75, BAC:15.28,BIDU:66.03
all theses lows should break in order to go further down... but they can just vegetate, and go sideways, killing the theta, and Delta.
Who took the ride with GS? , BAc?
ReplyDeleteHope you made money. :)
Hi G.,
ReplyDeleteI just found your site. It looks pretty interesting. Where do you see the market going to now? Thanks.
Hello MJ,
I think the market is trying to correct, which of course will come little by little. Important days: 27 May, 31st, June 6, then we shall see. What I did yesterday, I went long but I sold before closing. With all the problems around I wanted those nickes and dimes to be in my hand. Today is another day, new possibilities around.
Did you go to my site as well? there are many articles, which I update monthly.
Stay with us and share your thoughts :)
All the best!
ReplyDeleteI read that Jupiter will conjunct with Uranus in Aries on June 8th..and that means something great will happen. The market should rise up to this date. What do you think? I'm not knowledgeable of astrology. I just picked up things here and there.
I just found your site and so I haven't looked at all your posting. My time is limited with family duties.
Hi G,
ReplyDeleteI rode with GS but dumped some BAC which I regret. I really have to learn to play long and short. Right now, I am long most of the time and cannot time my buy and exit points very well and as a result, I either make or lose money substantially. I am trying to pick up the options stuff too. Thanks a bunch for your help via chat.
ReplyDeletehow would you define Theta and Delta ? Delta is the change in price with change in time , correct ?
I have these levels -
ReplyDelete1090 now then 1060 in next 2 days and then up above 1100+ .. Any advice?
Got 1090. Now will it stop at 1060 or keep going down. Gaby should tell us.
Good morning,
ReplyDeleteDuring the next few days there will be very important and new placements for various planets. It's all there in my monthly article in my site...First, a full moon on Mat 28th at 1:43 Tel Aviv time. At the sameinstant Uranus ingresses Aries, which was there only in 1927!!! So it's a major position. The Saturn-Uranus opposition is still on, and as I see it, for the better, because Saturn keeps the sense in the picture. Hell will turn loose when this opposition will break. Uranus is also conjunct Jupiter, the drama-queen. May 30 at 21:00 Saturn turns direct. On this day saturn will be 30 deg. from Mars, Jupiter 30 deg. from Neptune. Venus is still OOB. Neptune is stationary and Moon is on Pl;uto, plus opposite Venus and also parralel. So, you see, if I check only the planets how many things to watch. now add to this the Heliocentric chart, the fixed stars, midpoints,eclipses,and the asteroids, one has really no time for the dishes....:)
PN, if you exited one share, it's OK, never mind, there are always opportunities in the market, it's not running away. For those who are long or short, my advice is use MA 3+ MA 4, once the 3 is above 4 go long, and if 3 is below 4 go short. this is kindergarden stuff, but usefull, and you do not have to watch astro-stuff. Regarding options, stay away!!!! It is the most dangerous game and a sure way to loose money if you don't know it 100%. Options expire, that is their fault, unlike ETF's ... The Theta is the time factor with should be added if you have calls, or deleted for puts. Go take a course before you touch it!
Thanks G. That was very helpful. Typically what kind of chart would you recommend for chart MA3 and MA4. Should it be an intraday 15 min chart for the week ?
That depends what kind'a trader you are. If you want to check your folder once in two weeks, then surely in the weekly chart. If you are a daytrader, then in the 15 min chart.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!
June 2, 2010= 2, Moon day
ReplyDeleteThe Moon today is in Aquarius, forming just now, a trine to the Sun. A trine should be good for the markets, but the big conjunctions between Jupiter-Uranus, and the opposition between Saturn-Uranus overrules this now. Who can push the markets up? Venus?? It is conjunct the South Node. Mars, the energizer is in Leo, and we saw it's impact politically. Mars opposition Neptune is another problem,everything that you see from there is not the same as we see it from here. Neptune conjunct Lilith and Chiron worsens the picture.
I am still short on GS.
Dow closed 10024.02. This is a very interesting no. becasue Pluto is semisextile! So Pluto is a support line here. Support is at 10017, resistance 1047.
S&P closed yesterday at 1070.71 - Pluto support line is at 1054.7 below that, there is the Mars-Neptune opposition at 1047. Should S&P fell below 1054, next support should be 1047.
Good trading!
Good luck!
June 3,
ReplyDeleteI published a new article at my site about June-July in the markets.
June 4,2010 = 4 ruled by Uranus.
ReplyDeleteToday the Sun is at 13 Gemini, Moon in Pisces squaring the Sun. Saturn had turned direct, and soon will oppose Uranus again. Neptune is stationary retro.
Looking at the S&P graph, 60 minutes, if u use EMA 2 with EMA 16, should be perfect to make money with it, Buy when EMA 2 is above 16, and sell if below.
But to be a little more sophistacated, I am looking at the 60 min. graph, and try to project the past into the future. As we can see in the graph, May 13 there was a Gap down, this is what I expect for today, a Gap up. There are difficult resistances at 1007-10008-1009- but if the index jumps above them, the sky is open till 1117-1123.
Good trading!
Sorry, I just saw a mistake: the difficult levels are at 1107-1108-1109 of course...
ReplyDeleteWe got the Gap, but d o w n ...S&P opens at 1098.43,on Venus, the Dow at 10249.61- also . Venus squares Earth in Helio chart.
ReplyDeletenew graph above. .. If the S&P does not break 1070, this is a great turning point. Be careful, work with tight stops.
ReplyDeleteS&P now is at 1071.42, the support is on Venus, at 1068, and today it is on Wasat fixed star.
ReplyDeleteRead about Wasat here:
WIll it hold?? that is the question!
Dow: now 9991.98 - support at 9972-9974 in heliocentric chart. Be prepared to go long! check the futures! right now, it's at 9975... Should not breake 9972!!
ReplyDeleteIt should not, but is just did... So after all venus cannot hold th emarkets, S&P bottomed at 1064.31, the Dow 9917.84. now this reminds me of the hole in Guatemala... Stay out, wait for the storm to pass.
ReplyDeleteIt is one of those days buy the dips won't work!!!
Uploaded a pic. of the wheel of the S&P with starting point with the low in March. Next target: 1056 this will square March low.
ReplyDeleteHave a good week end. :)
June 8
ReplyDeleteI guess today we shall se a turn in trend.There are 42 (6x7) days from the last high (Apr26). There are favourable angles in the helio chart.
Neptune is at 1046. And guess who is back to normal?? Venus!! is no longer Out of bound!
that was neat !! thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteJune 9
ReplyDeletetoday we shall find the Moon in taurus. Slower than in Aries, no doubt. I guess we have seen a low yesterday, and now slowly as a taurus can will climb up.
First five hours will be good to ride up, then it'll calm down. Be careful one hour before closing.
DOw stopped yesterday at 9940. expected targets: 9983-10050-10115.
S&P made double bottom on May 25+ June 8= 14 days! (2x7) next targets: 1086
Good trading!
at 14:00 NY time FED BEIGE BOOK!! do not stay in the market 20 minutes before and 20 after!!
ReplyDeleteI think because of the Fed announcement they will vegetate till 2 PM, so it'll be a very boring day.
ReplyDeleteAre we ready for a change? I made an excercise on the S&P;which goes like this:
Last low: Feb 5
Last HIgh: April 26
calendar days count between them : 80 days. On day 81 ( 9x9) the market started to fall.
Last high: April 26
there are 45 days ( 5x9) till today.
9 is ruled by Mars. 5 is ruled be Merury.
Feb.5 till June 10 there are 125 days ( 5x5x5)
So the planet which enlight us will be Mercury.
I checked Helio chart for Feb 5- Mercury was at 25 Sco.
Today, at 18:30 min. Tel Aviv time, Mercury will be at 25 Pisces, thus trining it's previous placement, and showing the way up.
Just a thought... we shall see if Mercury knows this today :)
S&P closed yesterday on 1055.69 this equals to 25.69 Pisces. but Since there are only 60 min, we have to turn this to 26.09 pisc.
ReplyDeleteWHo is at 26 cancer? thus trining this point in helio? Vulcanus.. Hmmm I usually do not look at the Uranian planets.
So I turn to the Geo chart, and there too I find another Uranian at 26.07 in Taurus, sextiling the price.
I will have to consider these guys from now on ... haha
Planetary resistance is there in the shape of Uranus at 1059.33 and jup at 1059.55, but above that it's clear for a while. Targets: 1061-1064-1075- 1080
You figure out the fibo's you are good at it. Mind you, if I take the high of 1219.8 sqrd - 2.33 etc.... a target at 1038.8 shows up... so I am rather sceptic about being the last low. but... for the meantime we go up .
Pls. guys' this is an excercise only, each one of us should trade by his own understanding.
we need lower low for big uptrend for sure is my guess.
Before closing: S&P reached 1085.23 till now. Next target: 1098 :)
ReplyDeleteJune 11,2010= 11/2 day ruled by the Moon, which is in Gemini in the geo chart. Zet says" today is the 29th Moon day,- Satan day! symbol is a Hydra." The Sabian symbol says: "5th degree of
ReplyDeleteA publication devoted to some vital moment for human welfare flaunts an attention-compelling cover." Until the market will open, 16:30 my time,the Moon will be at 9 Gem a Royal degree (The Rex degrees are: 18 Aries, 9 Gemini, 7 Leo, 25 Virgo, 13 Scorpio, 11 Capricorn, and 30 Aquarius. The Destruct degrees are: 23 Aries, 13 Gemini, 10 Leo, 1 Libra, 19 Scorpio, 19 Capricorn, and 4 Pisces)By the time trade ends the Moon will be on 13 Gem. which is a distructive degree. Hmmmm... Will this show a high opening and a low closing? Even without this, we are in to a very nervous trade today.
Check out the new wheel above!!
Today the market fell back on Uranus, 1077, and reversed; although made a new high, but not extraordinary...There were some great swing possibilities today, home you made your nickle and dime.
ReplyDeleteI wish you a quiet week end,
see ya :)
June 12, 2010= 12/3 ruled by Jupiter. New Moon
ReplyDeleteI shall start a new article, but before we say goodbye to this month, check my findings about June 11 rally, who pushed, what triggered, which planet blocked the market.