New Moon in Gemini
May 21-June 19
As always, I start a new article on the New Moon. Since I am travelling to the astrology conference, I will not be able to update it daily, as I usually do. While I am gone, maybe you would like to read stuff I wrote during the last new moons. You can also search this blog under links or archives and read many interesting things, download books, study maps.
For new visitors: you can sign up to the blog by clicking at the left the link, or sign up to my weekly news letters. Of course, if you wish to study, you can sign up to my "Financial Astrology" course. A whole new world will open up for you.
Here is the map of the coming Lunar month:
Be good!
May 29, 2012 Thuesday
I am still in New Orleans, friends, having difficulties with the internet,I'll be back on June 2nd.
Hope you miss me :)
June 2, 2012 Saturday.
I am back. Wowww, so much to tell you! This trip was under Venus retrograde allright... Venus rules the banks, and there I got a big hole now, lol... Venus rules food, and oh, boy! I had great lunches and delicious dinners. Venus rules clothes and perfumes, I had them too, shopping on the last day at the "Riverside Lake" mall, somewhat out of town, but very affordable!. I stayed in the Mariott hotel on Canal street, right in the middle of the town, where the convention took place. There were 15 lectures each 90 minutes, so sometimes it was difficult to decide which one to attend. I was at 30 of them, out of which 26 were really good and professional.
I am happy to tell you, that people, who read my blog recognised me, and I am now invited to several countries to teach, or lecture in the future. Only for this it was worth while taking the trip,
The internet connection in the hotel was terrible, so I have no idea what happend since I was gone. Let me catch up with stuff, and I'll be back as new.
Hope you are all well,
see ya'
Here are some friends:
With John Marchesella:
With Olga Morales:
With Ray Merriman
As you know, I have newsletters for all the markets, which I send out for subscribers each week end. Before I left for New Orleans, this is the forecast I gave for the S&P:
I wrote on May 19 to clients that subscribed to the Euro-Dollar news letter :
"The last candle was a corrective one, so now it might correct to 1.2788- 1.2845-2890- 1.2960. We are long now, with stop at 1.2660- in the spot –daily chart."
What I see now, it went up to 1.2820 on May 22nd, and since then it fell to 1.2280, which is even below my target given on May 12. ( I though it will stop at 1.2432- at that time it traded at 1.29395.)
About the Nifty:
I wrote on May 18 newsletter: next targets up: 4900-4914-4921-4934-4940-4954- 4960 – 4979 (would be 360^ to the last low) " and indeed, till May 29 it went up to 4990.
And: last but not least: I wrote on May 16: GOLD:
"Long: Above 1523, target: 1582.35- 1616.75."
What's next??
After lunch... :0)
TA25: : targetting 1130.
Be aware of the upcomingLunar eclipse!
June 3, 2012 Sunday
Looking back on May, it was a negative month by all means. The S&P fell from 1404 to 1276 (spot) it is now back to January's levels. If you went short this month, you really grabbed a nice bunch of fortune.
See how the markets behaved the last month:
and since May 2011 to May 2012:
See the perfect symetry of the Lunar month TA25:
June 4, 2012 Monday.
I am more or less back to normal. Still having some jet leg, sleeping in weird hours. In New Orleans I swam in the pool every morning at 6, as if I was doing it all my life. Oh boy ! I could imagine having a pool and do it for the rest of my life... In New Orleans, I ate a lot of meat, one cannot help it, if you are under the spell of Venus! It's all about clothes, good food, and drinks, and love. Hm... that one failed to come. New Orleans is very Neptunian, with all that drinking in the streets, drugs and Jazz all around. It's really a city worth visiting. I did not have much opportunity to see the sights though, but, one day...
So what's happening today? In a few hours ( at 14:11 local time; gmt+3) there will be a partial Lunar eclipse. at 14 Gemini-Sag. axis and a full Moon. Since it's noon here, it will not be seen. If the Solar eclipse affects us for a year more or less, the Lunar eclipses have less impact, only a month or so. Nevertheless, we humans, and everything under the Sun, are very much under the Moon's energy. So we should check your chart, where does it hit, which area of your life will be highlighted for the next months. And there are more important issues going on in the back ground. We have Sun-Venus conjunction in Gemini, squared by Mars from Virgo; There is a Mercury-Saturn trine too, and a slowing down Neptune, on a destructive degree, which will turn retrograde on June 8th. Now this is a major issue. Neptune rules oil, pharmaceutics, drugs, arts, etc. It will be a good time to look at the oil, God forbid another oil spilling, new drugs, start-ups in the markets, breakthroughs. Of course we should not forget the Pluto-Uranus square, which was the main topic of the UAC conference... So you should see all these, as layers upon layers. Who are we to change anything under such enormous pressures? All we can do is, wait for them to pass, because, thanks God, or the evolution, everything passes.
So to be more practical, here is the OIL: The oil bottomed on October 4 at 74.94, and topped 149 days later at 110.53. on March 1. Now it trades at 81.59. The trend line is at 79.80 this should not break. So wait and see. I would not enter a trade now. It it breaks, then it will be a wild short to the former low, and even below.
You know I have a weekly newsletter for my WMA group. In this letter, April 15 I wrote: " Falling from 100, 96 is over the corner.+"... well, if you went short in April, when it was 102, and you took the the ride down to 80! that's a lot of money, considering that each 0.25 points brings you 12.50$.
Our market is just about to open, so let's look at the East before: Nifty June contract hit bottom at 4751.45 so far.
10:00 am: Markets are moving with an extremly low volume. Waiting for Uncle Sam to wake up.
TA25: made a bottom, at 1036.66 -price squares Venus-Mars, and is now rising. Next steps up: 1043,1048. running above that, it will gap up.
EUR-USD: June is 13 months from May 2011 top, so look for a CIT! - you can sign up to the news letter...
June 5, 2012 Tuesday.
Good morning all,
As you can see the S&P hit my target given on May, so did the others. Isn't that cool??? Noone here to give me thumbs up?
June 6,2012 Wednesday.
We are having a historical day today. Venus is conjunct the Sun, a new synodic cycle starts.
Venus "overtakes" the Earth every 584 days as it orbits the Sun. As it does so, it changes from the "Evening Star", visible after sunset, to the "Morning Star", visible before sunrise. This conjunction happens every 120 years, so it's a major. We should check your chart, which house got "hit" by this conjunction? Its issues will be important in the next months.
USA: If I use the Sibly chart, House 8 issues- ( A friend astrologer told me that this chart may be wrong, and the correct ascendant is 19:46 Aqua. ) ...
If I use 2:12 House 1 issues. Mind you, Mars squares the Sun-Venus conjunction, and the Moon-Pluto occultation, is a difficult sign, not to say a bad omen, in this chart:
Russia is having it in house 8 too, and here we have more issues. If the 7th house in a country's chart is the "known enemy", and it is ruled by Mars, Neptune is right across the map-180 ^, as if Russia does not know, or is under the "spell" of confusing Neptune. The 10th house is the PM, or Putin, and it is simbolised in this chart, by the Moon. Look how the moon is "attacked" or squared by Sun/Venus, and by Pluto too, although it is in a trine, but, when we talk about Pluto, we can first expect some bad news, and only later, much later, a reconstruction.
Iran: the Sun-Venus conjunction hits in the fourth house. Venus this time represents the fighting woman. I wonder if women in this country will rebel and demand more rights. The Ascendant of this country falls in Aquarius, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, and both are having a sextile from Neptune and Pluto. Now sextiles are good, but the planets are bad. Neptune dissolves, Pluto is destructive. I wonder how this chart can be true, with all that religious depression, while Aquarius is all for freedom?? This is why I do not believe a certain hour can identify a counrty's birth. In my opinion a country is formed during a period of time, and we should check the autumn ingress, in Iran's case. But, many astrologers do use the dates, so by this chart, Achmadinajad is shown by Pluto, and look how Pluto is trined by Saturn from the 8th house, as if saying that an older man is keeping him under surveillance, and we read about the dispute with Ali Khamenei...
Ok, markets open, let's see... On the 4th I wrote that our market will gap up:
TA25: at 1066 squares the Sun-Venus conjunction. They form a support now. In a good hour the way is wide open to 1073-1078. What is a good hour?? I teach that in my course.
S&P: major resistance at 1298! Watch it!!
June 7, 2012 Thursday.
During the night the S&P made it to 1320. there is still space to go to 1323, there it will meet Neptune. With more problems rising in Europe and the planetary placements, I think it will mark a top and retreat. How deep? At least 10 points. So move your stops very close, in order not to loose what you have already gained, since the bottom of June 5! The index made almost 55 points, which, if you bought only 1 contract, you made more in 2 days, than the average income in the western world, in a week.
What's ahead?
Today we are ruled by Jupiter and Mars. A powerful day! Let me see if there are any announcements... Oh yes... Spain bonds, and at 3:30pm -my time- US unemployment. and more. Check out the rest here:
Pls. note the Moon's position for today.(gmt+3) I teach in class what each and every one means:
7.06.2012 5:28:32 23°02'11"Cap Square Saturn
7.06.2012 15:38:10 29°02'17"Cap Trine Jupiter
7.06.2012 16:54:33 29°47'05"Cap Sesqui-quadrate Venus
7.06.2012 17:16:36 0°00'00"Aqr <<< Bernanke testifies! what rabbit will he pull out of the hat?
7.06.2012 17:46:21 0°17'25"Aqr Quincunx Mercury
7.06.2012 21:22:00 2°23'20"Aqr Sesqui-quadrate Sun
7.06.2012 21:40:49 2°34'18"Aqr Sesqui-quadrate Mars
7.06.2012 22:40:20 3°08'56"Aqr Semi-sextile Neptune
Nifty topped today at 5032, as advised in my news letter... (forecast was 5024.)
The eyes are now on Germany. Will it bail out the banks, and the rest of the sinking countries?
Here is the last map of Germany: East & West combined after the fall of the Berlin Wall:
I attended a lecture of Claude Weiss, and he pointed out the eclipse affect of different countries. In this map in yellow and in orange I marked the pre and after natal eclipses. Both form positive aspects to various planets in the map of Germany. I do not want to bore you with details, but yes, it seems that Germany will make the move. How will this effect Mrs. Merkel at the next elections?? Well, I don't have the date yet. But I will check.
Nikkey: for my new Japanese clients: here is your index: The Nikkey wiped out almost all the rally from November 25. Last bottom was on June 4, it turned up like the rest of the world. It is imperative to run above 8670 in order to reach 8888- where a Gann angle will again stop further rally. Look for a change in trend, or as I use, a :CIT: on June 16.
1:50 pm. markets are vegetating. Waiting for 3:30, and 5:00 nothing to do... I am taking a break.
See ya'
Just got back from yoga. It is always great! Do you know, that some of my readers took up yoga because of me?? I am happy for them! It is so great!
What happens in the markets?
I wrote on Facebook about the fall that did not happen. LOL....
SO now here is a new issue! : We all remember the Solar eclipse at 0^ in Gemini, and the Lunar at 14^. We should watch now FOR A YEAR planets that hit those degrees, they will signal something. I was just playing around with future positions, and have I found?? Mars, planet of energy good or bad, planet of war, planet of new endevors, on July 4th ! yes, what a date! will be at 0^ Libra. Not only that this is a major important position, it will also trine the eclipse degree. Now if you take a look at the FED. reserve chart, there are some amazing issues. All pointing to money.
Maybe my American friends can tell what happened during those marked green periods?
See the Sibly chart: there too! Mars squares Venus, ruler of H8. North Node in H2- of money.
What will happen?? Any monetary changes will occur??
June 10,2012 Sunday
How is your week end?? I was at the beach, beautiful days these last days, not to hot, not too windy. We have trade today, as you know, but it is very slow, no money in the market. People were wiped out with the last options expiry. But it's always the same... Sunday low volume, waiting for uncle Sam to trade tomorrow, it's a waste of time sitting by the computer. I completed meanwhile my EUR-USD report for the week, so if you are interested... sign up now. In my June 3rd news letter I wrote about the spot price: 15 minutes: Long with a stop at 1.2388, target: 1.2540 topped at 1.2624! June 7th. - Nice gain !!:)
We have a Moon-Neptune conjunction now, Mars will square the Sun later today, that should put some paprika in the trend...
Some readers asked how will the US markets be tomorrow and the days to come. Well, this is what I write about in my reports. Why not sign up, and let this girl earn some money?
Beleive me, you will gain it back in no time.
June 11, 2012 Monday
There is a Mars square Sun today, see how Jakarta index- for instance- behaved :
I used Jakarta, because I have a lot of history there.
Today we are under the Moon and Uranus effect. The Moon is VOID and Uranus is in square with Mercury. This square will be exact at 20:40 pm- my time-, 3:40 pm NY time. What's happening at that time over the ocean? Anyone speaks, announces anything? Check it out. 

The S&P gapped up a few minutes ago, we are now long, as advised in my newsletter.
Dax ( spot) : I wrote in my WMA report: Long: above 6012, target: 6233,6309,6370.- first target achieved, do not move the stop. Waiting for the next targets to materialize. June 13 some German fed announcements, so be ready!
S&P: brought "my" 3 fathers' pattern:
TA25: our market stumbled from 1103.34 to 1078.64- it is not closed yet. 1072 would be 50% correction from the last mini-rally.
US markets are about to open. The opening of the week is important for the rest of the days. Last bottom was 1331.38. there is a strong support at 1328. this should be our stop for long. Watch the planetary positions, angles, speed, the moon, etc. Falling below 1328 next stop is at 1323-1321-1319-1318.5-1312.
Going to yoga. Be good!
June 12, 2012 Tuesday
I really hope you went short yesterday at 1334! The index hit 1303! Nice short. As long as the last low is not broken, this is only a correction phase. Somebody asked, "where is the paprika?"... well, it was delivered yesterday. Do we want an aftershock? Let's see, where are the planets?
Mercury and Mars rule today. Mercury is in Cancer,OOB. leaving an oppisition to Pluto, at 9^. Mars is still in Virgo, makes no angles today. hmmmm. The Moon just entered Aries, here is your extra paprika for today; in sextile to Jupiter. All in all, an up day. Support at 1302 on Venus, and 1298.
Major issue for today: Jupiter is on the Pleiades... Once in 12 years... will it ruin everything?
I have added - at the left side of this blog - 2 possibilities for payment. Either click on the star, my logo, and you will be linked to my secure website, or, if you have paypal account, click on the cart.
This is the first time I use paypal, I hope it will work! If you pay using paypal, and you are asked to insert my mail, pls. use:
T h a n k Y o u.
Today at 9:00 pm Fed.Budget Balance. at this time usually the market turns, so watch it. At that moment precisely Saturn will trine the Sun. Check out what happened in the past:
24.01.2010 - 25.01.2010
19.05.2010 - 20.05.2010
6.02.2011 - 7.02.2011
1.06.2011 - 2.06.2011
18.02.2012 - 19.02.2012
13.06.2012 - 14.06.2012
June 13, 2012 Wednesday
To my delight and surprise, I found my sweet potato flowering today...Look! Isn't it cute?? It made my day!!
SO, what happened during the night? any news out there? I must tell you, that I was watching with envy the people in the US- while I was there... Everywhere, if there was a TV, people were watching sports or dance or Mtv. Here? we have news every 30 minutes! We are brain washed with news. All the time breaking news. And, because it's such a small place, and almost everybody knows everybody, it hits you personally. Life is so much tranquille there!
So, any news ?? Haha... and, sure... Putin is coming to visit us. I don't remember any former Russian leader visiting here before... Well, that's interesting... taking in consideration, that he is backing Syria, and Iran... But, who knows?? Maybe he will be converted.... Hahah. See his chart! I already wrote about him in the past. He was born on Oct. 7, 1952. Age wise, using the Huber system, he is right on his Pluto now, in the 10th house. Not everybody has such a transit, and that is not enough! Pluto does rule his 1st house, of self, and progressed Uranus is sending a harmonic angle -120- to natal Pluto. But, an angle from Uranus, is and angle from Uranus! I would not be pleased to be in his place, that's for sure. In 2014 Uranus will be across-180- to his natal Sun. Also, the last two eclipses hit his Sun AND the Moon! So the man is under enormous pressure. And because of Uranus no one can know when will he tick. One of the dogmas of astrology is, that people with planets in Libra are not capable of deciding on things. Also, Libra is the only object in the wheel. Think about that!! All the signs are either animals or persons. But libra is an object. So a person, who has Sun-Mercury-Saturn and Neptune AND the asteroid Pandora! in Libra, what traits does he have???Isn't he the one, who can decide with cold-blood on anything? Since an object has no feelings... But, I think he will just get along well with our PM, he too has a few gems there....
What else is new? East is up, I expect a further rally today. But let me check the planets. we are under Mercury-volatility and Venus's spell today. These two are in harmony today. I see the Nifty is at 5106. It is the 8th day from June 4th, so I would raise my stop to 5096.Target: 5154-5197. S&P: trades now at 1324.38. 1323 support , 1325 resistance. Above that:1328 major resistance. At 3:30 several fed. announcements.
Moon's angles for today: gmt+3
13.06.2012 13:52:41 15°23'36"Ari Semi-square Jupiter
13.06.2012 19:22:18 18°07'49"Ari Semi-square Neptune
13.06.2012 23:42:37 20°17'10"Ari Quincunx Mars
For the record: In my June 9 news letter I wrote to my S&P subscribers
The S&P closed at 1325. or, 5 Sag.Price is supported by Neptune at 1323 and resisted at 1328- by the Uranus-Pluto position. Therefore it will be extremly difficult to go above this, only if it will GAP –UP.(Watch out for Mercury squaring Uranus on the 11th!) At that time there is a French Industrial production announcement. So it might bring a twist. Fundamentally there is nothing interesting till June 13, at 9:am – German CPI…I think we should look at France's behaviour, with the new PM. how will he get along with Mrs. Merkel on the long run…
Go Long: above 1323. Target: 1330-45
Short: if it fails to run above 1330. It should not fall below 1305!:
Check out what happened!
We did get a gap-up on the 10th, a new high, at 1341.88, on June 13th a triple top at 1326-27, a fall to 1309.88, and closed at 1314.15. So it did not fell -yet- below 1305.
Good night.
June 14,2012 Thursday
Yesterday night I got a mail from Delta airlines, saying my ticket has arrived. Since I was anxious to see if my credit card was used, and I have not ordered anything, I opened it, and it turned out to be a fatal virus, a worm, It took me several hours to clean and back up my computer... Achhh, watch out!!! do not open a similar mail. But now my computer is clean, and fresh, hopefully it will stay that way.
What's ahead? The world is waiting for the Greek vote. I think that is already history. We should concentrate on the planets. It's Thursday again, and Jupiter's time. Jupiter is on the eclipse degree! Right now it is crossing India. Jupiter brings expansion, exageration. The Nifty trades now ar 5129. The way is open to 5133-5138.65.Running above it... well, We'll talk about it.
TA25: fell yesterday to 1062.40. In my weekly forecast last week, I gave it 1066+-. Now, the index should turn and run above 1116. But, it's the last day of trade here, and usually people cash out. So we shall see.
Let me turn back to the planets: we have several major turns today: Jupiter enters Gemini. In this sign it is weak, and "playes out " it's negative traits. It will conjunct the South Node between July 1-6.. and I have already written about this date during the past days. Look it up! Bad times... The other important issue is Mars; moves to Scorpio at 19:20 pm my time (gmt+3). Mars rules this sign so it is very strong. Mars will be in Scorpio till August 14. Then it will pass to Sag. fire in fire... what can I tell you?? A long hot summer is in front of us.
June 15 Venus will ingress Capricorn. Look at this placement tomorrow: Neptune 120 to Mars and Venus at the midpoint. I will have to make a small research what happened in the past...
This occurred before in: Nov 2,2004, Dec.1,2007, and tomorrow... so it's quite a rare phenomena. In the past it brought a small rally.
About Greece: the Sun is at 0^ in Leo, in a sextile to the last eclipse degree. Jupiter, ruler of the army (H6) is sextiling it. I do not want to bore you with astro-details... but Greece is facing a major problem, not only on June 17, when the elections will be, but for the next 2 years, since Venus, ruler of the 4th house trines the MC, and progressed Mars is on the Moon-Pluto conjunction. Mars brings wars and uprisings. Moon signifies the people. and Pluto? well it first destroys, then rebuilds.
A... about the markets in general?? The trend is UP UP UP, as long as the S&P is above 1310, DAX above 5941. etc.
TA25: makes new lows, it is now at 1049. there is a strong support at 1048-1046. Let's see if they'll hold.
The Moon is VOC! today, not a good day to decide on anything... If you can postpone your decisions till after 19:30 pm, the better.
We just got some important EU announcements: Greek unemployement 22.6 - previous:20.7 :( ; but EU CPI is stable.
DAX: thoughts and possible future picture:
Before the bell:
watch the banks and drugs: are slightly greenish
more here:
Negative fed. announcements... bye bye tops, hello new bottoms. oooops, for the time being in the1H graph we have 4 higher bottoms... So let's not rush it.
June 17,2012 Sunday
During the weekend the S&P hiked to 1343. More or less my target mentioned on June 9. This week we have lots of issues in the fundamental world, same as in the sky.
My newsletters are ready and sent to all subscribers. I write them each week end.
Today, as usual we are catching up with the US markets. Our market gapped up with 1.7%! now all day it'll try to close it. Support is very deep down and resistance at 1071.
Moon's angles for today:
17.06.2012 0:30:42 26°06'55"Tau Semi-sextile Sun
17.06.2012 8:23:57 0°00'00"Gem <<<
17.06.2012 10:58:22 1°16'09"Gem Conjunction Jupiter
17.06.2012 14:19:36 2°55'28"Gem Semi-square Mercury
17.06.2012 14:41:57 3°06'30"Gem Square Neptune
June 18,2012 Monday
Today we are ruled by the Moon. It is in Gemini, together with the Sun, Venus, the South node and Jupiter. It is not a coincidence, that the G20 talks take place now. Gemini is all about communication and volatility. The dark side of this "communication" is, that Geminis will talk and talk, just to fill the air, not really meaning it. Their voice must be heard. Actions, actually doing someting? Well, maybe, when the Moon will be in Virgo.
What else? Venus and Jupiter are conjunct by declination today. And both in opposition to Pluto. These are contraversary powers. Since Venus and Pluto rule money, a major turn in forex should occur.
Venus-Jupiter conjunction happened before on: 5/12/11, - 8/19/11 - 3/6/12 and now. check out what happened then in what ever you trade !
Ta25 topped at 1073. There met Saturn, and fell below it. The S&P topped at 1347.03, now it is at 1341. There is an open gap in all the indices. The DAX, which should be soaring, after Greece's decision, made a tiny move upwards, now it is closing that gap. As if someone put plumber on their feet. Why aren't the markets running? This is the time to check the fundamentals. "Seek and thou shall find" voila…
Planets vise?? The Sun is moving towards Cancer…
June 19,2012 Tuesday
For some reason this blog turned into a white background. No idea why. Anyone can help me with this?? It looks as if I am copying the stuff I write from somewhere ... Look at last month's writings, it has the natural background.
There is an interesting pattern in the sky today: Venus-Uranus and Pluto are at 8^.
In the map you can see, that Venus is at 60^ soft angle to Uranus, But the Uranus-Pluto square rule, and there is a malefic angle from Venus to Pluto. We are not yet done, there is also Mercury 60^ to Mars, which should pump more rises into the market, but also Merc.90^ to Saturn, which blocks. And, there is a New Moon later today at the last degree of Gemini. So as you can see we are in for a merry go round.
TA25: the above graph is spot 15 min. it trades now at 1070. there is an open gap to 1050. The oscillators are weak and trendless. Saturn-Mars block at 1072.75
S&P: (future) trades now at 1340. Same here, Saturn blocks at 1342.
as long as we have higher highs, we are long. Stop at 1338. Because of todays' volatility Iwould use very tight stop.
How is Germany doing? The DAX future trades now at 6271.Support at 6268, 6262. We are long here too, with a stop at 6220. Target: 6387-6490
Ta25 climbed above Saturn, now the road is open to 1078- 1083.
11:30 several announcement... markets are weakening. :(
S&P: climbed above Saturn, it's at 1344, so I think the road is clear to 1346.50-1348.55 Here it might turn and wait for a perfect angle from the Moon or Merc. and continue to 1351-1358.
19.06.2012 18:02:06 28°43'22"Gem Conjunction Sun (gmt+3)
19.06.2012 20:33:41 0°00'00"Cnc <<<
TA25: closed: 1081.83:)
Something interesting to watch :
In my newsletter on June 10th I wrote about the Russel: "The index is waiting… in spite of the S&P, this one did not move. We can go long very carefully, with a stop at 762, which is the MA50."- Now it is as 785. Target: 791-800.
I gave target yesterday for the S&P at 1358. It went up to 1356.28. There is met Venus, sextiled Chiron and fell.
There is a New Moon today, so as usual, I shall start a new article. Thank you for being here, follow me ...
Hi Gabriella...
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures ...looks like you thoroughly enjoyed it..Its been a pleasure to be associated with your work...keep up the good work..
Best Regards
Kirtan Raut..
Hello Kirtan,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words, hope you benefitted from the newsletters. I have a terrible jet-leg, have to sleep now, but, I'll send your report soon.
"The index made almost 55 points, which, if you bought only 1 contract, you made more in 2 days, than the average income in the western world, in a week."... YES, and don't forget last October the SP rallied more than 200 pts in 3 weeks- anything possible with sentiment this dire! Often I like to ask the media's questions in reverse..."What if Greece defaults?" - WHAT IF THEY DON'T?
ReplyDeleteTom in Detroit
ah... the media!! as long as we have the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Gemini the MEDIA rules... the incredible amount of bla bla bla is spread out into the air. Wait till Mercury enters Cancer, their mouth will be full of water. Less talking, more vegetating. But Mercury is quick, and it'll lash out again once in Leo. So we have nothing else to do, but close the TV/rafia/Facebook/Twitter and go to the beach. :)
Gabriella is the astro bullish or bearish for Monday 11th?
ReplyDeleteFor which market?
DeleteYour Monday forecast on the U.S. market would be good to know.
ReplyDeleteHi Golden, Watch Mercury's angles. It has all the answers. You are also most welcome to sign up to my S&P newsletter. Or, if you would like to know more, and really dig in, sign up to my Financial astrology course. You will not regret it!
Where's the paprika?
ReplyDeleteI just uploaded JKSE-Jakarta index with Sun Mars square- with the efficiency test- what happened in the past when this angle occurred. I used JKSE-because I have history.
ReplyDeleteWhen you say Greek vote is already history, what do you mean ? Will the market like the outcome ?
Olarewaju - London
ReplyDeleteDo you trade? My thought is that if astrology is as effective as it appears in guiding a direction you should be a multi-millionaire several times over. Why would you even request a fee for anything at all? Just curius.
Tom in Michigan
I agree with Gabby. Though astrology consists of a number of belief systems which hold that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world it should not only be the basis. If you trade, same with other businesses you have to study on it and explore its techniques.
DeleteHello Tom.
ReplyDeleteYes, I do trade.I am trading since 1983. Back than I decided on what shares to but based on a finanicial newspaper I read every evening. After a few months I changed my FIAT to a Ford Fiesta.
Then I started to learn about the markets. I took every course there was. One of them introduced me to Gann. Since I already knew astrology, I got very curious, and started to learn and read everything I could based on his teachings, which are hidden, like his novel TTTA. It took me 10 years, all by myself. I can assure you, at that time,Nobody here knew anything about him. I wish I lived in Australia, there many people know Gann, and use it, also sell courses. A course there costs $25000!
My course is only $2500. I teach things you can actually and immediatly apply to the markets.
But, bottom line is discipline. That is why I ask for my students' or subscribers' birth data. There are certain things in a map, that if I see those, I don't even start...
Now, after I put in so many long days and nights, should I give it out for free?? You must be joking. Buying and selling is an exchange of energy. If I only give without getting anything in return, soon I would be dried out.Anyway, people do not appreciate things they are given for free. Air is for free, health is for free, love is free, anyone appreciates receiving it for the universe or from someone else? Only when one LACKS those things, they receive a meaning. The higher the cost, people evaluate it more. Funny, isn't it?
So 90% discipline, and 10% techniques. And endless studies... :). By the way, my services are the chiepest-as far as I know- in the market.That too will change in the near future.
Hope I answered to your questions.
ReplyDeletePlease provide your birth data so that we may be able to astro determine how good an astrology and teacher that you are.
Hello Benjamin,
DeleteI was born in Cluj-Romania on a Wednesday
25. Jan. 1956
3:15 am.
Curious to hear your opinion on the above.
Well sort of... My point is why spend all this time on your course when you could end it completely and just focus on the markets and profit from them. Would be much less worrisome. Just trade for yourself and profit huge. No need for a paid service for a living as the markets should provide the living and reward you 1000X more...
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I can program my trades and stops, no need to watch it 24 hours. I used to do it, traded in the morning the local markets, then from 5-11 the US markets, and in the night the forex. Soon I turned into a zoombee. I stopped that completly, "reset "myself, because I understood that there are no short cuts in life. In the last years I traded only the local market, thus the rest of the day was free. Since I wrote the blog, I trade the indices that I have subscribers to, except JKSE- the Jakarta index, yes, I have clients in Indonesia too, lol, thanks'God for the internet.... simply because Metatrader4 does not quote their index.
DeleteAbout why bother? Well, I am not a religious person at all, but there is a line in the bible: "If I do not care about myself, who will?" Everybody knows this line. But you know what is the continuation for it? " And if I am only for myself, what am I? "
Sometimes I walk in the town and I see merchants sitting in a shop 8-10 hours without anyone entering. I think, if they only could trade, to make 1 move a day, they could earn an extra income.
My dream is to have a "knitting group"... lol, women coming with their laptops and trade. small groups of people, who would earn some extra daily. 500$-800 $ a month. Enough, no? But to do that, one should study. Knowledge is the only power no one can ever take away from you.