New Moon in Sagittarius 2012
Between December 13 to January 11, 2013
This new moon has a major importance. The Sun and Moon are in the fire sign of Sagittarius, and the Moon is closest to Earth, perigee. Therefore we shall feel its impact deeper and harder than usual. The New Moon is on 21.39 degrees in Sag.; and we remember, that the last Solar eclipse was on 21.56 degrees of Scorpio, therefore this New Moon makes 30^ angle, - minor positive - to the eclipse. Other planets that will affect are Saturn- Pluto sextile, also a positive position. Saturn represents the past, and is the ruler of the government, it is in Scorpio, and Pluto ruler of money, life and death, rebirth, is in Capricorn. Uranus will turn Direct during this month, at 4.36 degrees- exactly today, 13th December. Uranus is in Aries, after 84 years that was here before; it will be here till May 18, 2018. Uranus brought the "Arab Spring"... well, it's procedure, it takes time till things will calm down. But Uranus also brings technical and technological breakthroughs. I heard on the radio the other day, that this year more than 2 million patents were written in the world! Can you imagine? So many? We are living in quickly changing times. New worlds will be found, what we thought impossible or does not exist, we shall find that they do, we were just blind.
For newcomers: I start a new article every New Moon. Then the following days I add to this article. To read new posts you have to scroll down. I am happy when someone adds his thoughts. you can do that in the window below my post. At the left side you have many many interesting links, free links. Click on them, read them, study them. You can also click " like, post on Face book, tweet, or subscribe to my newsletters. You might even want to start studying "Financial Astrology" course with me... To do these pls. click at the left on Paypal - and you will need my e-mail:
Market starts, will be back.
December 14,2012 Friday
Yesterday we got a fall in the US markets, but the East is up and correcting. So the US might correct too today. The problem is, the levels the S&P fell to... the End of the Year rally is waving bye bye...
With Uranus stationary, the affect of the New Moon, Perigee in the fire sign of Sagittarius, a new horrible massacre happened in Newton, Connecticut Adam Peter Lanza, 20 year old boy killed his mother- firing at her face, than grabbed 3 or 4 guns - from his mother collection, broke in the Elementary School , he himself spent his early years, and killed 27 people, out of which 20 children! mostly girls, by firing multiple bullets in each and every one of them.
I was waiting for the data to appear till I write something, now I see the connection. But, before that! could ANYONE on this Earth fore see such a horrible thing to happen again??? Do you remember Jason Holmes? the batman shooting? ( Born Dec 13,1987 )? or the Virginia Tech. massacre? (16 April 2007)?
Let's see what do they have in common?
First of all , the Shooting in Newton happened on Dec 14, 2012. Adding up the date we get 13. This is the "Death" card in the Tarot. the Date adds up to 4. 4 is ruled by Uranus, and on this day Uranus was stationary.
Adam Peter Lanza : Born April 22, 1992 = has 4.4.3= 2 He was 20 years old, committed suicide, and he was in his 4th personal year.
See the other dates, they have 4 too.
There are many issues in this chart, but I want to underline the fact that he has 6 planets around 20-22 degrees, and the Solar eclipse was at 22 Scorpio, and 8 planets or other points around 5 degrees, which were hit by the last Lunar eclipse.
A picture taken before the killing: Is he telling us something??
Of course, I am NOT saying that everyone that has 4 in his date will turn out a criminal or mass murderer... We always need more than 7 triggers for anything to happen. But 4 will always show a person or an event, that it SEEMS calm and introvert to the outsiders, it shows a person living in a "box" or in an inner prison, until a day, that this is triggered and he will surprise everyone by doing, saying something that no one would have expected. This is why it is very important to study the meanings of the numbers.
Sandy Hook Elementary School was built in 1956 . I don't have the exact date, but if it opened in early April, then too Uranus was stationary before turning direct.
Let us also remember the YOD between Jupiter- Saturn-PLuto! The Yod, or the Finger of God, - it's head- Jupiter, is weak and fall in Gemini, in the 5th house of children, conjunct the Lilith, and the South Node. Saturn and Uranus are at 8 degrees- degree of death, (House 8).
Remember the 4?? Mercury and Uranus are 120 degrees on the 4th degree of a sign.
The Moon is conjunct Pluto- another difficult placement.
The MC is at 22^ = adds up to 4 - in Scorpio, the sign of death.
The Sun was conjunct or parallel by declination with Mars.
Pluto is on the destructive fixed star FACIES.
So, as you can see there are a lot of signs for a disaster.
Could anyone point out this particular school for the event to take place? I doubt...
Maybe the name?
The schools' name is Sandy- same as the Hurricane. Death all over.
The full name: Sandy Hook adds up to 13= and we are back to the Death Card.
This "something new" that the Sun can bring, is reconsidering who can keep weapon and why.
To this I can add the incorporation date of Newton was on Oct 11,1711- which also adds up to 13/4!
On the day of the killing it was 301.18 years old. Add up the numbers! =13.
We see the same in the astrology chart now: the fight between the old and new.
Another devastating event happened at the same time in China. I do not have data, but there not guns, but knife was used to injure 22 people, I think. -There, everybody survived.
Let their souls rest in peace....
December 16, 2012 Sunday.
On this day 242 years ago Beethoven, my favorite above all - was born. Listen to one of his masterpieces: the Moonlight Sonata.
Our market is closing now. Lost 0.93%. 1219.46
I am opening an Astro-Numerology course. I shall teach Numerology, numbers, that are the basics for everything, then Astrology, and we shall analyze maps. Would you like to sign up? The course will be 15 meetings, thru Skype. Pls. contact me for further details.
December 17, 2012 Monday
Today we are ruled by Neptune and the Moon. It is rare to have Neptune as a significator. And what is rare, is significant, we should pay attention to. Today Venus will square Neptune. Venus rules the banks, Neptune brings illusions or disinformation. Immediately I am checking Fed. announcements today, are there any important announcements? And, indeed, Draghi speaks at 4:30 my time.- it is US opening time. I wrote to subscribers that I think the markets will open negatively.... we shall see. Then others speak, what will they say?
The Moon will leave the positive sextile it was till now to the Sun, and it is in Aquarius today. Remember? In this sign it forms a top or a bottom for the S&P.
17.12.2012 8:46:20 19°37'12"Aqr Semi-square Uranus
17.12.2012 15:14:27 23°22'29"Aqr Semi-sextile Mars
17.12.2012 16:00:05 23°48'50"Aqr Semi-square Pluto
17.12.2012 20:11:26 26°13'27"Aqr Sextile Sun
Mars and Jupiter are contraparallel. Two powerful energies pushing in two directions. Hmmm.
There is a YOD between Jupiter-Psyche-Pluto. More madness to come??
TA25: closed at 1211.65-
S&P: trades now at 1421- it should go above 1424- in order to have some positive days.
December 18, 2012 Tuesday
Yesterday we saw a brave rise in the S&P. I wrote my subscribers to have their stop at 1408- and now we can raise it 1413. Nifty and JKSE , Silver, all behaved well. Let me see what do we have for today?
It is a day ruled by Mars and Saturn! Mars is pushing with all it's power upwards, ( 24 Cap ) - while Saturn is blocking.( at 8 Scorpio). There is a sextile between Saturn and Pluto. This means, that They form a support at 1418...I don't think anyone would like such a low stop loss for the S&P....
I wrote a while ago about JPMorgan: It just made a double top- 43.51; same as in Oct.2012 .Oscillators are high, more space to go up .
Apple: If you listened to my You Tube recording- about Apple a few months ago, you got out in time. The question is now, how deep it will fall until it will start rallying again?? I have more you tube presentations under GMAMA.
December 19,2012 Wednesday.
This day we are ruled by Mercury and Mars. Mercury is still in Sagittarius, weak.Mars is in Capricorn - it's strongest position in the wheel. It will leave and enter Aquarius on Dec. 26th.
Mars is in Cap. this time of the year every 2 years. see what Timing Solution gives us - what happens to the S&P - every time Mars is in this sign?
The Efficiency test shows us, that if we go long 50 days before Mars enters Capricorn- until more than 100 days, we can catch a great long!
Of course, there are other planets to consider! and we should never decide on one single thing.
The Moon already passed to Pisces. Saturn-60-Pluto is still there, And we have a new angle today Venus 120^ to Uranus.- at 4:38 degrees.
This graph shows us what happened to the S&P when this angle occurred in the past?
In the Heliocentric chart Venus will enter Scorpio. The first angle to make will be a conjunction to Mercury, and later a trine to Neptune.
All these positions can make a stop and turn in the markets. Not a major turn, just a correction, I am still waiting for some kind of rally. Maybe even a long squeeze?? towards the end of the year.
Market is opening soon, I should check my positions...
Oh... I forgot , yesterday Brad Pitt turned 49! SO HAPPY Birthday beautiful! Isn't he one of the handsomest, and most talented people we know??
Sometimes the small angles make the most difference! There is a 72^ angle between Vesta-Uranus. For TA25: this means a block or a stop at 1219.95. Let me see how will it behave??
Apple: Playing with the cubes: we get days to watch for a change in trend- see graph !
December 21, 2012 Friday.
It is the winter solstice day today... We are having heavy rains, even snow in the Northern part of the country. The Hermon mountain sky side was closed because of snow storms. Yes, we do have skying here in Israel, I know you only see camels wondering around here....LOL.
So we are still here, and the world has not stopped spinning. ( Not that I thought it will) Welcome to this new day, to this new life. What will you change, now that the opportunity has been given?
"We remember that the midpoint in the monthly chart is 29.27, so hopefully it will not cross that level!"
The low till now is 29.66- so if it stays above 29.27- there might be a correction upwards. We need a few days for this to verify.
On Nov. 10th I sent them the attached graph: and I wrote: The Silver closed at 34.14 after the November 5th low, at 30.62, then it turned and is trying to go up now. So this is what I think will happen: it will make a new high to 32.88- 33.40, and then dive again to 28.5 -28
On Nov 28th we did get a high, actually higher than expected, and now it bottomed at 29.66, which. I dont'; think is the last bottom. Remember 29.27! falling below it it will break the monthly pivot, and that will mark a further fall.
December 22, 2012
Looking back to forecasts given in the past: JKSE- Jakarta index: I wrote:
change in trend Dec 13, we had a top on the 12th, and a fall since the 13th.
Gold: 2 or 3 weeks back I wrote that on December 22 a change in trend should occur- here is the graph then and now:
December 24,2012 Monday
To all my readers, who celebrate Christmas: Merry Christmas! May you find all the presents you wished for, under the tree! :) . May you fulfill all your good wishes in the year to come.
To all the other readers, Happy holidays, and Happy new Year! Happy Baktun :) :) :) / If you don't know what this means... Google it.
Today we are under the effect of the Moon and Mercury. A volatile day, with Moon in Taurus and Mercury is Sagittarius, in 150^ angle. The Sun moved into Capricorn, 2 days ago, and in 7 days it will conjunct Pluto. Wawww... that will be a powerful day. Meanwhile Mars will enter Aquarius. We should not forget the YOD- Finger of God- that it formed in the sky between Jupiter-Saturn Pluto. The three of them being at 8 degrees, form a stable support. Well, this has to be calculated...
On the 28th we will have a Full Moon- on the Capricorn/Cancer axis. This position will mark a major turn.
December 24-25 the banks in Europe and US are closed. Bank holiday. :)
Enjoy... :)
December 25,2012 Tuesday.
We have trade as usual. So our market opened with a gap-up and I think it will close 0. - just an intra day hick up- If you understand what I mean.
During the night the Moon entered Gemini. By the time market opens in the US it will be at 15 Gemini, and will make a lot of aspects to different planets. Be ready for a nervous day.
The Sun will be on "Kaus Australis" a fortunate fixed star. This positiveness, and the energy will pump the market up. At the same time Mars will enter Aquarius.... more energy.
I am ready... are you? LOL ...
December 26,2012 Wednesday
Welcome back to the trading ground..
Today we are ruled by Mercury-. which is in Sagittarius. The first angle it will make to the North Node.
The other planet ruling today is Neptune! Hoppaaa... Long time no seen. Neptune is at 0 Pisces, and Mars, that just entered Aquarius is at 30^ to it. Mars- fire - in Aqua- air - will bring some new energy on the grounds. Besides these positions, we have the Sun-Uranus square, the Saturn-Pluto sextile, and the Jupiter-Sat-Pl. YOD.
Where is the Moon?? at 11^ Gemini. So all in all, bottom line, we are in for a volatile day.
The East opened positive. Nikkey makes new highs. However, 10255 , the former high is still to be conquered. Now it is at 10230. 28-28 is a major CIT date. Watch Jan 22 for a turn in
trend.Later, Feb.15th.
Ten days ago I sent to my subscribers: targeting:
Today we are here:
Axjo: support 4556, target: 4853- CIT on Feb 15th. But, watch out, its 144 -turning day- today, from June 4th low.
HSI: same, Dec 27th CIT date, it topped at 22684 on the 19th. Since the last 3 days it is declining. Falling below 22423- will be a short.
Lately I came across the So-Jok... Check this out! it is really interesting.
DAX: The Dax is in a dangerous position. Topped at 7694- the low was 7598.25. Now i trades at 7649.75.Falling below 7598 it will go to 7584;7551; 7505.
Moon angles to watch for intra day traders:
26.12.2012 11:08:54 12°43'52"Gem Opposition Venus
26.12.2012 15:58:29 15°06'23"Gem Biquintile Saturn
There is still Bank holiday in Europe , so it is another dull day!
----- Syria: On Dec 5 I wrote that the 13th will be bad news for him: On that day his mother got a nervous breakdown, and left Syria - not sure where- maybe the Emirates? where she was hospitalized.
----Well come to my reader from Malta!! :) At the left you have the counting of the flags- the visiting countries. it says 96- it is not accurate, since 2 or 3 months ago, a clicked something, and it deleted this gadget- It showed 145 countries!!!! :( . Since then the counting started from 0. But I am very happy most of the visitors from all over the world returned. I do hope you will write also something. Participate, tell us what you think? about anything...
All the markets that bottomed on June 4th, will have a CIT date on December 31st. But, it's a Bank holiday again, so the last day to decide to stay with the portfolio or sell, is December 28th! - The next day the banks will open is only Jan 2, when Mercury will already be in Capricorn, and the Moon will square Jupiter from Virgo. I would say a negative opening.
The elections are coming up here in Israel. Jan 22,2013, for the 19th Knesset. 19 adds up to 1, so I checked what happened when the 10th Knesset was elected. Back then Begin was elected, and one year later he had to resign, and Izhak Shamir took over."
Retirement from public life
Begin himself retired from politics in August 1983 and handed over the reins of the office of Prime Minister to his old friend-in-arms Yitzhak Shamir, who had been the leader of the Lehi resistance to the British. Begin had become deeply disappointed by the war in Lebanon because he had hoped to establish peace with Bashir Gemayel, who was assassinated. Instead, there were mounting Israeli casualties. The death of his wife Aliza in Israel while he was away on an official visit to Washington DC, added to his own mounting depression. After his wife's death, Begin would rarely leave his apartment, and then usually to visit her grave-site to say the traditional Kaddish prayer for the departed. His seclusion was watched over by his children ..."The map of Jan 22,2013 Election: Difficult dates to watch : 30.1/ 18.2 / 23.2 /
December 27,2012 Thursday
Yesterday, it you looked up to the sky in the evening, you could have seen the Moon almost full, conjunct Jupiter, shining very bright. I took some pictures, but they did not come out as it was..
Today the Moon already left behind Jupiter, it is now in opposition to Mercury.- Maybe in the parts of the world that it is still dark you can see it. What else is going on up there??? The Sun is getting closer and closer every day to Pluto- so for the next 6-7 days it will be very Plutonian... Not the best place for it, specially not for the New Years. By lining up with Pluto it will "join" the Uranus-Pluto square; another unfavorable angle. It will also make another very bad angle to Jupiter. - in 2-3 days... What can I tell you ?? I would not stay in the market during these days, more so, since there is a bank holiday till the 2nd.
In spite of the fall I am expecting, there is always something that goes up- so check your portfolio...
December 28, 2012 Friday.
100 years ago, on this day Galileo discovered Neptune. Reason to celebrate.... LOL.
Today we have a perfect Full Moon, on Capricorn/Cancer axis. It is an important full moon, because it's only 1 degree away from the last Lunar eclipse point, and it happens in Cardinal/ strong signs. The Moon phases often cause a turn in trend. Of course, the Full Moon occurs when the Moon is 180 degrees to the Sun. After that degree comes again the bad 150^, and the good 120^. When the 150 will happen it will be a bank holiday, the 120^ will be on Jan 2, at around noon my time, gmt +2; so we shall see... again, we must always look at all the planets to decide to go long or short. As I wrote above, there is no rush to place your bets, wait till Jan. 5-8 to see where is the market heading...
December 29, 2012 Saturday.
I am writing the weekly forecasts. Would you like to know what is ahead in January?? Sign up now!!
To do that, pls. look at the left panel- for Pay Pal- click, and insert my e-mail:
It's only $450 for 6 months- for 1 index...Or, maybe you would like to receive an astrological reading?? Maybe you would like to start studying Financial astrology?? Best time is NOW!
December 30, 2012 Sunday.
The Sun and Pluto are now conjunt in Capricorn. Both are 150^ to Jupiter, which is 150^to Saturn.
We have trade today. All are waiting for a further fall. But this Mars-Uranus sextile.... hmmmm....
Will wait till 10- 10:15 to watch what will they do. The Moon is VOC. so no rush.
Do you know what happened on this day in history?
December 30th 1861 | US, banks stops payments in gold |
December 31, 2012 Monday-
Last day for the Fiscal Cliff decision.
The day is ruled by the Moon, which is 150^ to the Sun, waxing.- But in LEO! Obama is a LEO. The date adds up to 12; the card of the HANGED MAN. LOL.... Sorry, folks, but this is so Kafka-style. This card shows us an "upside down" situation. No matter how you look at it, you will see the problem in a different way that it really is. A VERY bad day for decisions.
Guess what??? The Moon is Void of course- till January 1.13- 19:35 my time! another sign for a time not to hurry and decide on anything; because by the time this VOC Moon will disappear, everything will glitter in a different light.
S&P: future 30 min. graph: with the VOC Moon.
Barack Obama's chart with today's transits: The Moon is EXACTLY on his Natal Sun.- Now ones can say, but the Moon moves quickly.. True, but See Pluto+Sun in Capricorn? they are sending 150^ to his Sun, also Saturn is in square- from Scorpio. Saturn and Pluto are here to stay. Pluto is the ruler of his career, Saturn the ruler of his self. So his career is in question, not to say in danger. Using numerology, he is in his 9th year of endings, and today in his 3rd personal month, 7 personal day. all in all point to very difficult times for him. Furthermore transiting Mars, trines his Moon. If this chart would be the chart of a share I would say- it reached a peak, and will decline. In a person's chart, since Mars is in the 12th house of death and hidden enemies, some people behind the curtain are acting against him. Cruel people (Mars in Aqua).
I am looking at the US chart with today's transits: after all, the Fiscal decision will influence the country... The country's money is ruled by Saturn in this chart- with Sag. rising.Look! today Mercury entered Capricorn, the sign of restriction. It makes a sextile to Neptune- we don't know what is going on behind the curtains, but soon it will square Uranus! (1.3.13) and then bummm... it will be too late to act.
This is how the S&P behaved in the past when Mercury entered Cap. and squared Uranus:
And what happened to Poor Hillary?? I read she was hospitalized yesterday night. Her map shows it.: In her natal chart Mercury- that is the ruler of the mind , of our way of thinking, of the brain, is in Retro in Scorpio. The last Solar eclipse hit her Mercury, and since then she is weak, she fell, she was finally hospitalized. But this did not happen overnight! Saturn, entering Scorpio thus arrived to her Sun. It was the beginning of her fall. Her 6th house of health is ruled by Mars, and Mars rules the head. Mars is squaring her Sun;
If you are still here, and not partying, thank you for being here, and hope to see you tomorrow
January 1, 2013
On December 19th I wrote: I am still waiting for some kind of rally. Maybe even a long squeeze?? towards the end of the year.
We got it, haven't we??? The S&P rallied from 1388 to 1426.08! If you were next to the monitors, it could have been a nice finale! :)
Different ways to see it:
After closing:
January 2nd, 2013 Wednesday
Today we are under a Mercurian effect. Where is it? 2 Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of the government, and the cold and restrictive house of Saturn. I don't think it is a coincidence that the decision about the Fiscal issue was taken now. Our market rallied. Will the US markets "follow" us?
Or by the time they open the energy is over?
January 3rd, 2013 Thursday
The US markets rallied yesterday. The S&P was stopped by Mars- Vesta position, at 1262.50
Yesterday I bought shorts on our index. I think today and tomorrow will be a rough correction. Mercury-Uranus is on the stage.
Today we are ruled by Jupiter and Mars. Surprise!!! They are in trine, or 120 Degrees at 7. Gemini. This means 1207 for TA25, 1447 for the S&P.
Do you want to receive early forecasts?? Sign up NOW...
January 6, 2013 Sunday
We have a lot , but I mean a LOT of rain! Meanwhile it's cool.... Let's hope it will stay - cool. This week we will also have snow in Jerusalem, and winds 100km/hour. This can be dangerous if one is driving... In the same time, my aunt writes me, that in Milano, Italy was 24 + Celsius yesterday... Weather got crazy.... haha, it's us, that should have heat, and Italy snow...
Today is 7 years that Arik Sharon is in coma. Born on 28.2.1928, at the age of 77 he fell ill, when transiting Uranus conjuncted his Sun. Uranus is electricity...
This made me check my database, who are the people with planets in the early degrees of Aries, that will get the Uranus effect. Well, what can I tell you?? it's a huge research.
OK. what else? We have 3 planets in the cold and sober sign of Capricorn: Sun, Mercury, Pluto. Uranus is at 4 Aries51, Jupiter at 7Gemini 19 in Retro, Saturn at 9 Sco.56. They form a wide YOD.
Do you see almost all the planets at 7-9 degrees? they form a stubborn and strong support/ resistance to the market.
TA25: gapped up at the opening. It is now at 1219.88 - the top was 1221.36. Next resistance is at 1224.60, but now there are 2 open gaps... Oho.,,, I am waiting for that fall for sure. Support at 1216. falling from there, it will fill the gap.
January 7,2013 Monday.
The shrieking wind woke me today at 5:30. It was still early, only a few cars out. The wind was blowing at 120km/hour... Heavy rains. If it goes on... and it will, the Kinereth or as it is called in the Bible the Sea of Galilee will rise after many years of drought. In the nature it is great, less on the high ways... No beach today, that's sure...:)
So let me see what is going on up there?
We are ruled by the Moon and Mercury today. AHaaaa... do you see?? I don't. :) No, seriously... I don't see what make the winds. Carolyn Egan, a weather-astrologer might have the answer for this. Anyways, market wise: the Moon is in Scorpio, just left behind Saturn. Today it will sextile the Sun, that might be a rainbow in the mid day, I mean some correction, otherwise I don't see any positive angle up there. Do you?
In the Helio chart we got a dis harmonic angle between Ceres-Venus-trading the grains?? Look out!
TA25: trades now at 1211.62; this means that there is a support at 1209-1210.50 falling below these lines, it will go to 1207-1204-1201. & lower.
Moon's angles: (gmt+2)
7.01.2013 13:31:04 17°20'03"Sco Sextile Sun
8.01.2013 1:31:57 24°34'08"Sco Semi-square Pluto
8.01.2013 5:12:18 26°47'45"Sco Semi-square Mercury
8.01.2013 8:37:20 28°52'28"Sco Semi-sextile Venus
8.01.2013 10:28:08 0°00'00"Sgr <<<
8.01.2013 12:34:02 1°16'53"Sgr Square Neptune
8.01.2013 16:08:09 3°27'54"Sgr Semi-square Sun
8.01.2013 18:29:12 4°54'24"Sgr Trine Uranus
8.01.2013 22:05:09 7°07'07"Sgr Opposition Jupiter
January 8,2013 Tuesday.
As I said, rain is nice, but today the main highway was flooded, and the police closed it. No one can drive thru it, and so Tel Aviv is an island now.
Look at today's map: We have a three-some in cold and restrictive Capricorn, to which Venus will join tomorrow at 6:30 am my time;(gmt+2). The mutual reception between Saturn in Scorpio- to Pluto in Capricorn is the reason for the flood, which was triggered by Moon in Scorpio.
The Most important angle is Mars-Saturn 90^.
The Moon has moved to Sag. today.
On January 6th, I wrote that I am waiting for the fall, in our index, well, here we are, it trades now at 1204..
S&P: as I see it now; 1 hour graph:
DAX: Daiyly chart; see support and resistance levels in blue.
Personal natal chart readings.
As you know, I do personal chart readings as well, based on Numerology and astrology. Here is what I received yesterday: " Gabriella , you actually floored with the natal
chart reading. It's as if you know me as well as I know myself and even more"
How about you? If you would like to "meet " yourself, go the "Paypal" click Natal chart -$180, enter my mail: , send me your full date of birth, with hour, place, your full name, your parents names, and I shall send your report.
TA25: 10 minutes before closing; hit 1201.87 - Neptune caught it... :) ... for the time being. OK. Closed 1203.97. Tomorrow I think the decline will be harsh and deep.
We shall see... said the blind. LOL..
The rain is still falling.
January 9,2013 Wednesday
With the Moon leaving Scorpio and entering Sagittarius, the rain stopped. It is now snowing in Jerusalem and in the North. :)
January 10,2013 Thursday
No rain this morning, but it is cooooooold. Snow in Jerusalem and in the high parts of the country. In Italy it is still +20 Celsius... - as per my aunts' mails - I cannot comprehend it.
We still have 4 planets in Capricorn- cold. The Moon will join them today. Mars in Aquarius -cold winds. Yesterday my car was rocking while I was driving... :) .
Moon's angles for the day:
10.01.2013 3:12:40 25°11'28"Sgr Semi-square Saturn
10.01.2013 5:56:16 26°53'39"Sgr Semi-square Mars
10.01.2013 10:54:20 0°00'00"Cap <<
10.01.2013 13:03:02 1°20'31"Cap Sextile Neptune
10.01.2013 13:31:16 1°38'11"Cap Conjunction Venus
10.01.2013 18:49:15 4°57'11"Cap Square Uranus- sudden move.
10.01.2013 22:03:39 6°58'52"Cap Quincunx Jupiter
Our index closed at 1210 yesterday, there it squared Saturn, and was shown the steps down way.
S&P: closed at 1461. On Tuesday I wrote to subscribers:
Our stop for SHORT is 1462- Target: 1446-1440.- On the same day, it fell to 1451. Now, I would be "on the fence". It is trading side wise, killing the Theta.
DAX: Made a bottom on Dec.28th, at 7602.89 - and since then a new high. Nut there is an open gap to 7675! so watch it!
January 13, 2013 Sunday.
I fall on sleep " on guard"... The New Moon passed, and I did not realize it!
Usually I start a new article on each New Moon. new Moon happens, when the Moon is conjunct the Sun. This happened on the 11th, so now I say good bye to you. Please follow me to the new article : New Moon in Capricorn.
Thank You for being here.
Hi Gabriella,
ReplyDeleteGold shot up just after FOMC but took a massive hit from then on. What is your view on gold over a 1 month horizon?
I think that Gold will hit bottom in mid December, and from then on it will climb.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much for your view! -Rajat
ReplyDeleteWonder if this pic of Lanza was actually the day before the shooting as its bright, sunny and warm. Its December in Conneticut and cold (at least cool) and brown - not green and warm. No green grass anyway. Just a thought. What a monster.
ReplyDeleteTom in Michigan
Hi Tom, This is what Google search gave.
ReplyDeleteBut you are right...
Not a winter background.
However his fingers tell me: "I told you", or re they firing, as a weapon??
I corrected it...
ReplyDeleteHis mother taught him - a mentally ill child - how to shoot assault weapons... NICE! Well it cost her.
ReplyDeletePistols and hunting rifles are one thng - for sport - but assault weapons have NO place in the public sector and SHOULD BE BANNED all over the world. This is nuts!
Something on your sight is running and slowing it way down. Everytime I visit here I get "a script in this movie is running causing Adobe to run slow"...
Yes I am getting it too- no idea what it is! :(
ReplyDeleteAppears to be repaired - possibly(?) No message this time!
I tried something, seems it worked. :)