New Moon in Gemini 2013
between June 8- July 8, 2013
KOLPLANET: a local share to pay attention to: bought at 28, target:33
Every morning, after listening to the news, and checking what happened in the world markets, I update my forecasts. Check what did I send to my subscribers, and if there are any changes, like raising stops, I send them mail. So my forecast service does not end with the weekly report. ..There are some, that mail me, and ask questions. It is OK. We can discuss stuff. I am not always right.
Breaking the support line- green-, we shall look for lower levels.

OK- writing my reports now, so be good!
So relying on this detail, I could move the map to get 7Sag36- and than we get the exact date of his loss- on April 20th, 1992. Bit, again, I don't have the exact date, I am just moving the wheel, and this is the date I got. SO if anyone reads this, from Iran, and you know the date of his son's death, it might help to find the time of Rouhani's birth.
The Iranian people shout: strengthen the rial!!! Well here it is : in the last 10 years
I woke up early today. Checked the situation. What, can I tell you?? I am very satisfied. Yesterday I programmed my software, entered my stops if rallies, and if it falls. You can do that...So I gave myself a present, and went to the hairdresser, now that I can afford it... LOL...
June 23, 2013 Sunday
The angle of the week , which will be exact on the 26th, is the trine between the SUn-Saturn and Neptune. - in WATER signs.
I have to continue writing my reports, so bye for now.
At the left panel, under Yahoo group- there is a search window. Write there: "mark in your calendar".... see what you get.
June 24,2013 Monday.
A new week, new energies, new stories. THe week opens with the Moon in Capricorn. The day is ruled by the Moon and Mars. They will be inconjunct-150- today:
Moon's angles gmt+3:
24.06.2013 13:41:09 16°53'56"Cap Quincunx Mars
24.06.2013 19:02:28 20°17'39"Cap Semi-square Neptune
24.06.2013 23:19:28 23°00'12"Cap Opposition Mercury
24.06.2013 23:36:46 23°11'08"Cap Biquintile Mars
Asia is red. It seems they don't believe in a correction. The trend is still down. Markets will wait for the US to open...
Me too.. so see you later.
June 25, 2013 Tuesday
Market is continuing its downside correction. Today we are affected by Mars and the Sun. I can't add anything about this. I don't see anything special.
I am busy teaching and trading, so I'll be out today.
Take care.
Oh... here are today's Moon angles:
25.06.2013 10:09:30 29°49'24"Cap Quincunx Jupiter
25.06.2013 10:26:26 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
25.06.2013 17:07:05 4°10'28"Aqr Quincunx Sun
25.06.2013 18:21:31 4°56'51"Aqr Square Saturn
25.06.2013 18:54:02 5°17'05"Aqr Semi-sextile Neptune
25.06.2013 19:54:59 5°54'59"Aqr Biquintile Jupiter
June 26, 2013 Wednesday
It is a major important day today. It is 34 days from the top in the S&P.- from May 22 and 150 trading days from Nov 2012 low.
Jupiter just entered Cancer... a new era starts- till July 15th 2014.
Jupiter, the planet that brings everything to its extremes, if it was good till now, it will be swell, from now on, if it was bad, it will be hell. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, therefore it is a fire element. In Cancer- in water.... hmmm. it will behave differently. But cancer is a Cardinal sign, so again, it will manifest at its extremes.
Gold is moving with Jupiter in Cancer...
June 27,2013 Thursday
Probably I shall be away for a couple of days, have to take care of family- health issues...Being the only child, I am the chosen.
Today it's Jupiter's day. Jupiter is at 0 Cancer.16 It makes a square to the "Point of Death" I wonder what that means... will check later.
S&P support of the day: 1602
Gold support 1235.
Have to go... take care.
11:30: am there are no coincidences: the Moon at the last degrees in Sag- before entering Pisces... markets consolidate. Looking at the fundamental world:
the world is waiting for these....
I am still long on Gold. The Iphone... can do everything...
Moon just entered Pisces. 11:35 ... it will trine Jupiter in a few moments.
27.06.2013 12:02:10 0°17'57"Psc Trine Jupiter
27.06.2013 19:51:49 4°54'32"Psc Trine Saturn
27.06.2013 20:28:12 5°15'50"Psc Conjunction Neptune
27.06.2013 21:53:16 6°05'34"Psc Biquintile Venus
27.06.2013 22:12:56 6°17'02"Psc Trine Sun
28.06.2013 5:17:14 10°23'25"Psc Sextile Pluto
28.06.2013 8:43:13 12°22'06"Psc Semi-sextile Uranus
28.06.2013 21:57:34 19°54'14"Psc Square Mars
June 30,2013 Sunday
the date today is 6-3-6. Just a nice number.... Today we have trade, as you know, if you are reading my blog. The Moon in Aries, a hectic day ahead. Arbitrage is negative, so not much hope for rally. I forgot to underline the fact that Jupiter entered Cancer, and people who have Jupiter in their natal chart in Cancer, will have a particular good year- concerning issues that their natal jupiter represents. Angela Merkel, for instance, - if the birth hour is correct-6 pm- but it only got a "c" from the Rodden rating- meaning the hour is not sure. Puts her Jupiter in H8- a bad position... So I cannot look at her chart, since I don't have the exact hour.
Joe Biden also has his Jupiter in Cancer- at 25 degrees, so the Jupiter effect will happen later, only next June... Jupiter in the H8- is bad. too.. I guess I should stop looking at maps, all I see is bad.
So let me see the market. The Moon will square Pluto today, wait for a drop. Venus conjunct Ceres... hmmm. I should look at the wheat and corn... well, tomorrow. We still have ongoing angles between slow moving planets: Sat-120-Neptune at 5 degrees. for TA25 they mean a price level at 1205. We are now at 1191- ... They don't help me today.
SO , what else? Mursi - President of Egypt- had to fled his castle, and hide in an army base. Turbulence in Egypt. War in Syria... Turkey?? have not heard anything.. Obama in South Africa- went so far, and did not see Mandela.. hmmm.
Here is Mursi's chart with transits and progressions: see how his Jupiter is under attack- from Uranus- that brings unforeseen and long lasting events-
Also, his Moon at 5 degrees Aries, it was already triggered when Uranus was at 5 degrees, on April 8,12 and Jan 13. Furthermore, I wrote in the past the Saturn "crowns kings". well now, Saturn is " decrowning " him- being at 5 degrees Scorpio- 150 from his Moon. Saturn will be exact between July 24- Aug 15- on 5 degrees- then we should check on him again.
Assad: I posted his chart in the past. In lack of birth hour- this is a Solar map. He has Sun-Uranus-Pluto conjunct... WHo can f... with him ? But transit Saturn is doing its job- even if slowly... it is on his Sun-U-Pl- progressed stellium in Scorpio. July 23-Aug 15- critical for him.
Nelson Mandela: Also has his Jupiter in Cancer. He has passed 94 years on this Earth. Look at transit Uranus in opposition to natal Mars- did he have a stroke? HIs fight for freedom is featured by Jupiter- ideals and freedom- conjunct Pluto-in Cancer. Very stubborn. 28 years in a cell?? 3x3? Wouldn't you go mad? But he climbed from dust to the Himalaya What a life!
July 2, 2013 Wednesday
Every month, when the Sun enters a new sign, I listed which world leaders belong to that sign. Let us see, who was born under the sign of Cancer? That means- between June 21-July 21. GANN used the summer equinox day (June 21) in his calculations, by the way. So from 206 people I have in my database, I have:
Ali Khamenei, born July 17, 1939
Angela Merkel; born on the same day... hmmmm this is interesting!
Henriques Capriles Radonski; born 11.7.1972
Hassan al Bolkiah- the Sultan of Brunei; born 15.7.1946
Imad Murnia; born 12.7.1962
Nelson Mandela: 18 July 1918.
It will be interesting to watch these people this year and the next, because Jupiter entered their sign, and it will bring major changes in their lives. If you wonder how should we interpret two such different persons like Khamenei and Merkel, well, heritage, place of birth and the NAME! guys, the name has major importance...
At the same time, people born in Capricorn will have Jupiter 180^ to their natal Sun- so they should be watched as well...
Now about the markets: today we have a very rare and important pattern in the sky. Since it did not happen in the last 100 years I don't know how to interpret it. This angle will last for 2-3 days.
It is a YOD- or "Finger of God" in the Helio centric map- Earth is conjunct PLuto, and Mars sends 150^ angle to Earth-Pluto and Saturn.
Today there are no Fed. announcements, but plenty of the tomorrow!
The day is ruled by Mercury! and Venus. A nervous day. Yesterday we had a small rally in the S&P and Gold, but also a sell out before closing. It is still early, 7:50 am here, markets are waiting for Germany to open, and in the afternoon all cards are changed when the US markets open. $hth of July is here, people will be celebrating, who want to stay in the market??
I looked at Brazil's index, oh, boy, it is back to April 2009 level! exactly 2/3 correction of the 2008-2011 rally... I looked at other indices too- all are set up for consolidation.
Nikkey: topped on May 23rd, and fell to 14484 till June 13th. Now it is trying to correct, trades at 14030. Failing to go above last top, i will fall back to 14000 ish
GS: I analysed it is the past. If it fails to go above 168.2- the last top, than it will fall back to 136
JPMorgan: topped on May 30th, and fell till June 24th. the low was 50.11 Failing to go above 54.51- it will fall back to 48.75
The market moves with a very very low volume. I tell you what: today people are getting ready for July 4 celebrations, tomorrow, they buy the last steaks they can find in the stores, then they celebrate, and July 5th they'll rest. So this week is gone. no expectations. People will close positions. Why be in an uncertain market? I just went short on the Dow. Targets in yellow- stop at the green line.
July 3, 2013 Wednesday
In the news: we will have 70% humidity today. This is what I call " the rain is hanging in the air". Children born today will have 5 planets, Vesta and the North Node in water. Very sensitive kids will be born today... Very talkative too with Mars in Gemini.
I want to clear something to you. WHen I write that I am going long or short in an index, that does not mean that I am staying there for a week. Usually I make very short trades, in the 5/15 min. charts, WHILE I AM SITTING at the computer.
Here is the 10 min. chart with what happened yesterday, and my "plans" for today.
The world is red.
Today we are ruled by Mercury and Neptune. They don't make any special angle. But the Moon does. and Mars. Mars makes all the possible bad angles that are there...
July 5, 2013 Friday.
So many issues, I don't know where to start. The main happening of the last days is the fall of Morsi and the Muslim brothers in Egypt. I checked many charts of Morsi, and it is simply incredible... But before looking at particular maps it is the TIME we are now should be checked.
Look at the map I published on July 2nd. The " Finger of God" - an angle I could not track when it happened - it did not occurred since 1920. This planetary position in the Heliocentric chart shows great changes in the world, not only in Egypt. Earth conjunct to Pluto in Capricorn first of all destroys the past, in order to rebuild the future. Now, we must look at the BIble. Yes, it is all written. We are now in the "TImes of Danger" These are he 3 weeks " Bein ha Mezarim". Read about it here: . It is most curious, that major changes happen in Egypt! I cannot explain it to you in English, but in Hebrew, it is explained. So read that link. Now to Morsi:
His natal map with transits: On July 3rd, one day after the YOD in the sky- Uranus is conjunct his Jupiter- bringing sudden and fate- like changes in his life. Uranus is a slow moving planet, so it shows us the happenings of an era. But in Morsi's chart- the personal planet, Mars- sqaured his Sun- on the day he was sent home by the people- just one year and 4 days after he gained power.
I wrote in the past the Saturn crowns kings, and also dethrones them. On July 3rd Saturn was at 4 degrees, in Retro trining the Sun. Trines can show us culminations, and after, a fall.
On July 3rd, not only in Egypt were changes, also in quiet Belgium, King Albert abducted and passed the throne to his son, Prince Philippe. He was a Gemini, and the son is Aries- .... I shall add him to my data base.
While you read this, I am preparing my reports, its time to sign up!
My report starts this way:" Main issues for the next week will be Mars entering Cancer, where it will join the Sun and Mercury, and Saturn turning Direct. Mars will be in water till 28 August. Imagine fire in water? A LOT of humidity. The rain is in the air, but not falling. It will explode when Mars will enter Leo. Aug 28- Oct.15- ! On the other hand..."
sign up for more...
July 7.2013 Sunday
During the weekend two terrible accidents: one a plane crash second a train crash. Mercury in retro, and Moon conjunct Mars.
Asiana Ftl 214 Seoul- San Francisco- departure 5:04 pm KST- landing 11:28 am PDT
OK, what is new today?
The Moon left Mars, and entered Cancer- while we were sleeping. There it joined the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury. There is a big disharmony between them, because the Moon and Jupiter is under the Moon's decanate- a lot of feelings and vulnerability. On the other hand, the Sun and Mercury are under Mars' decanate, which is fire... Mercury is "burnt" under the Sun's rays.
7.07.2013 1:13:33 0°00'00"Cnc <<<
7.07.2013 6:20:39 2°31'17"Cnc Conjunction Jupiter
7.07.2013 11:00:18 4°49'08"Cnc Trine Saturn
7.07.2013 11:39:19 5°08'22"Cnc Trine Neptune
7.07.2013 21:48:00 10°08'47"Cnc Opposition Pluto
The first angle to Moon will make today is a positive one, but the Saturn...
TA25: closed last week at 1195. Mars is blocking at this position, but we have a positive arbitrage of 0.3%... so probably it will open with a gap up. next target: 1199.7, 1202.50, 1204.60,1205.
Market closed at 1202.15 :)
July 9, 2013 Tuesday
Just a few words, to close this article. I am always starting a new one on the New Moon, but yesterday I was not here, so I shall do it now.
To summarize the market from the beginning of this article till now: The S&P was at 1643 on June 7th, it is now at 1646. The Dow was at 15240- now 15225. DAX: 8307- now 7968.- so more or less we are at where we were a month ago. Gemini does that!... Full gas in neutral. It is very difficult to trade a consolidating market. The world bottomed on June 24th, which was also 999 days from Sept.30th 2010.
I shall start now a new article, New Moon in Cancer. Follow me!!
Gann teached that the New Moon would bring a change in trend. This was confirmed on June 7th, when the US markets turned with a high volume. Almost all the indices reached my targets. + - a few points.
Let us see what will bring this new moon:
We have now the Sun, Mars, Jupiter in Gemini. During the 28 Lunar month the Sun and Jupiter will move from Gemini to Cancer, Mercury will turn retro between June 26- July 20th. Venus will leave Cancer and enter Leo, on June 28th. Saturn will turn Direct on July 8th. And last, Uranus will leave the terrible 11 degrees, in favor of 12. degrees Aries.
Every move means something. I explain all these in my newsletters.
For the new comers: I start a new article every New Moon. Then you have to scroll down! to see new posts. One post is built on the other. Also pls. take a look at the left panel, there are a lot of useful and interesting links. You can pay with PayPal for services.
June 10,2013 Monday.
Today we are ruled by the Moon and Uranus. The Moon is at 6 degrees Cancer. Here are its angles for today: gmt+3:
10.06.2013 9:25:30 6°58'43"Cnc Semi-sextile Mars
10.06.2013 13:28:02 8°58'17"Cnc Conjunction Venus
10.06.2013 17:12:25 10°48'57"Cnc Opposition Pluto
10.06.2013 19:33:31 11°58'34"Cnc Square Uranus
Uranus is VOC today, at 11^58 degrees. It has no angles.
The Sun is 30 degrees from the May eclipse degree.- positive position, Mars is on the last lunar eclipse degree, bringing in more energy.
Looking at Bloomberg, we can see that the world is green.
Nikkei weekly: lately we got a third correction from the 2012-13 rally. I already wrote about the nikkei several times in the past. There is a "search" window in the left panel. Last week the Nikkei turned up- like all the world, and I suppose it will correct the fall by reaching for 13770 or even 14120, but later it will fall back again. The Nikkei , at 13385- hit- exactly the Saturn-Neptune line. Just to remind you, we have now two important angles in the sky. Actually, these are ongoing positions. Saturn-Neptune trine, the other is Uranus-square Pluto. The latter is dissolving now, with Uranus at 12 degrees, and Pluto being in retrograde, at 10 deg. the angle is not exact any more.
Ta25: closed yesterday at 1232.63- now the support is at 1226.45; resistance at 1235.35. Climbing above this level, due to the positivity in the far east, next targets up: 1237- 1238.80-1240.81- 1243.65- 1246.50- 1249.60.-1256.50.
GS: bottomed at 156.34 on June 6th, next turn : June 19th, target 178.3; stop:162
JPM: bottomed at 52.7, target: 59.6, stop: 56.5
Pls. note, that all my calculations are based on the planets' positions.
GS: bottomed at 156.34 on June 6th, next turn : June 19th, target 178.3; stop:162
JPM: bottomed at 52.7, target: 59.6, stop: 56.5
Pls. note, that all my calculations are based on the planets' positions.

Transit Mars sends a couple of angles to natal planets. The top in the price, I think, will be reached when Mars will make an exact trine to Natal Mars.
Another local share is Hachsharat Energia
Transit Mars triggered the rally.
I have both.
It's after 1 pm. Our market doesn't seem to go anywhere... stuck, as yesterday
Would you believe it? We made it to 1237.12!
Price sextiles Mars :).
For the same to happen in S&P future, price should run to 1657. But, there are other angles to watch for the S&P, so be careful. THe momentum we had till now is coming to an end... How and why?? I teach that in my course.
Starting class, be good.
June 11,2013 Tuesday.
So let me see where are the planets now? We are under the spell of Mars and Mercury. Mars is at 7.43 Gemini, holding the S&P. But, it is alone... I doubt it will be able to do it for a long time...Mercury is at 14.45 Cancer. oh... the MOON is VOID. When the Moon is Void, it means it does not transfer energy from one planet to the other. Void times are bad for decisions, or new starts. It will be void till 7:58 am June 12. Let me see the other planets: we have an opposition between Venu-Pluto and 135 degrees Sun-Saturn. If you sign up to my reports, you get these positions in advance, and know what to do....
TA25: isn't going anywhere. it still trades around 1231. It fell below Helio Neptune, 1233- next support is only at 1228-1226.
Market turned up at 11:30 my time- 6 minutes ago, when Moon made 30^ to the Sun.
11.06.2013 0:14:29 14°17'14"Cnc Conjunction Mercury
11.06.2013 13:06:57 20°39'03"Cnc Semi-sextile Sun exact
11.06.2013 17:42:53 22°55'41"Cnc Semi-square Mars
The Indian Rupee made a fantastic rally- I was not trading it - just a note to my Indian readers: 58.51 is stop for long, target: 60 -60.45. Watch it in the first two weeks of July, a turn in trend will come.
$-YEN : bottomed on Sept 13,2012 at 77.09- and rallied to 103.73 on May 22. 261 days rally. 34%! Now, the last low was on June 7th, 94.96. During the last two days it tried to correct the fall,. there is a resistance at 98-60- 99.30- 100-30. Failing to run above these, will retest the low, and go lower, to 92.80-91.60
June 12,2013 Wednesday
Today we are ruled by Mercury and Venus. Both are in water-Cancer. Actually they are just 4 degrees apart at 11 and 15 degrees, so they form a minor support or resistance, depends, where your share is. For the S&P: which closed yesterday at 1626-it is way below both. BUt the future, I see now, trades at 1631 - at Venus's level. Yesterday there was an important angle between Venus-Pluto, which stopped the fall. See today's targets/ the graph is from
Moon's angles for today: Moon just entered LEO!
12.06.2013 7:57:41 0°00'00"Leo <<<
12.06.2013 18:40:37 5°20'28"Leo Square Saturn
12.06.2013 18:43:42 5°22'00"Leo Quincunx Neptune
12.06.2013 21:54:39 6°57'26"Leo Semi-square Sun
Yesterday we had Venus-Pluto angle, today we will have Venus-Uranus! so do not fall asleep.
Also watch Mercury enters Scorpio and Mars Gemini, in the Helio chart... A hectic day!.
With TS I could check how did the S&P behave when Venus was in opposition in the past.
Well, I got: 58.8% up if we go long 4 days before this happens- till 3 days after.
When Venus square Uranus I get:
Helio Mercury in Scorpio: usually made the index rally. (57%) since 1950.
Helio Mars in Gemini: a rally if we go long 1 day after this happens,- to 11 days. So June 13-24. 66.7% it happened this way.
OK. I would just remember these statistics, and make my own calculations... after all...
AXJO: I prepared this chart a while ago, but forgot to post it.:
June 13,2013 Thursday
Today we are ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. It's been a while since we had Neptune on the stage! I made a search in the blog - left panel- and found April 10th. S&P topped on that day.
It is human nature to search always the opposite what we have. When a share rallies, we look for the day it will turn and fall. When it falls, we search for the day it will turn and rally. Why is that? Why are we always hasty? We must give TIME to fully act out. One of our tools to do that, - besides sitting on our hands,- is the Fibonacci day's count. The last top was on May 22, at 1687. Since May 22 till today 22 days passed. Does it ring a bell? Besides being the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet, and being a master number in numerology, and having 22 cards in the Major Arcana in the Tarot? ... no, it is not a Fibonacci number.... But 23 is! and that's tomorrow. If you want to read more about the number 22, here is a link.
So tomorrow, there might be a small turn, but it is not the day to signal a change in trend.- I think... Combining these with technicals, all oscillators point lower.
So let me see where are the planets, what has changed during the night?
Oh, but first, let us say Happy birthday to Julian Assange- from Wikileaks. He has a follower now, I saw on TV- a guy who worked in the CIA? I don't have his chart yet.
Today the Sun , Mars and Jupiter are in Gemini. Mark in your calendar June 18-19, when the Sun will conjunct Jupiter! A major turn should come. Mercury and Venus in water Cancer; la Luna in Leo. O... S&P always tops or bottoms when the Moon is on the Leo/ Aquarius axis. It will leave Leo on the 15th, - no trade, not relevant- and Monday- with market opening it will be in Libra. We might get a gap.
S&P: fell yesterday to 1613- the spot, and 1611.26 the future. Support is only at 1602.
NIfty: bottomed- or gapped down at the opening to 5699; one of my targets given to subscribers was 5693.
Google Chrome is crashing all the time... I have to save every line, if I don't want to re write it. What can be the problem ?? I don't have a lot of programs open!
Our market went crazy: up to 1257- down to 1204- now whaaaat?? .
Look for a further fall between 11:32-12:43 and before the close. My target down was 1212- 1205, now these will be levels to watch.
Here are some pearls to read about "time"
June 14, 2013 Friday.
We don't have trade today, so just some thoughts about yesterday. I wrote about not rushing it, and waiting for the perfect time for a turn in trend... Well, speak of the Devil, and it will appear- says the proverb. The turn in trend arrived with the 7th day from the last low: June 6. No. 7 is very important no. in the Bible. "God created the world in 6 days, and on the 7th , He rested. 7 is Shabbat, 7 is Saturn. The multiples of 7 are very important. So we shall watch 14, 21,28 days, (starting from June 6th) which is a whole Lunar month.
Technically: 30 min. graph: we had higher lows, a sign to go long yesterday at 17:00. Entering the trade above 1623- would have been the perfect timing. Now it is at 1636.-Resistance point: 1636-1637. Support: 1632-1630-1625. Next up-steps, if it goes above 1637: 1640-1642-1646-1647.- 1655. Inspite of yesterday's rally, I will be more bullish above 1650 only...

OK- writing my reports now, so be good!
Before I go: see something very interesting... We know today, that the Bible gives us an answer to everything. We can also find there turning days indications. From June 4,2012 passed 375 days till yesterday. 375 were the number of days Noah was in the ark- during the floods.
So, the flood started on "the seventeenth day of the second month" of Noah's six hundredth year, and Noah was commanded to leave the ark on "the twenty-seventh day of the second month" of his six hundred and first year.
That means according to the book of Genesis, Noah and his family were on the ark for exactly one year and ten days.
The next day to watch will be June 18, which is 666 days from July 20,2011. And this is a pearl, I found why is 666 an important number- besides the trivial no, of the beast.
June 16,2013 Sunday
Good morning... how are you today? I woke up, and hear the there is a new president in Iran, under the name: Hassan Rouhani. He was born with the name Feridon, so numerologically this is what counts. Born on Nov. 12, 1948- a Scorpio. I'll look at his map later. Meanwhile let me wish him good luck with his position, may he bring some fresh winds into the area.
Our market hours will change as of tomorrow, trade will continue another hour. This will help those who trade arbitrage stocks, that are traded in Nasdaq and here too.. we'll see...
What is new in the sky? There is a major importance position in these days: Jupiter will be closest to the Sun by declination, A N D by longitude! Let me check when did this happened before? I should give credit to my friend, Tim Bost, who drove my attention to this double occurrence. It happened before only in 2007,Dec 24. This conjunction point to lower levels in the near future.
TA25: opened lite green. 1223. Resistance at 1225- support 1219.
Another move to watch is Chiron turning retrograde. June 15- Nov.19- it will go back to 9 degrees Pisces.- So if you are one, (born in the sign of Pisces)- here is your remedy, or second chance. - depending in which natal house this affects you.
For the Dow, Chiron's retros point down if you go short 2 days after is starts- till 25 days later- the Dow fell 54.4% . hmmm...
Dow with Retro Chiron times:
Brainsway: a local share- also traded on Nasdaq: I don't have it, but subscribers asked for it, so here it is, what I think: it trades at 5686 now. last top was 6670. There is a lot of pressure from the planets now, it might fall to 5460-5432. In the last week of June it will be worthwhile checking it again- it might turn up then. It should not break 5330!
Some updates: I wrote about the Turkish index TR20- in my last article. May 22- June 7 correction of 22.75%.Now I think it will correct up to 84-845, and fall again to 663-618.
SPY: I wrote on May 31 go short below 165.90. Now it is at 163.17. Next 161.ish.
AEX Holland: wrote on May 27th, go short below 362. It bottomed 341.9. Now it is at 347.98- It will try to correct to 353-358- then short again all the way down to 325.
Have you signed up for my reports?? Would you like to know in advance what , why and how to trade???? Sign up now. Click on PayPal at the left, enter my
and I shall send you weekly reports.
Hassan Rouhani, the elected Iran president, joins a very small club of world leaders who have their Sun in Scorpio. I have 250 names, I found only Abdullah Gul- Turkey's last president, Herman Von Rompuy- former EU president, Juan Evo Morales Ayma- Bolivia's President, dear old Hillery, Lula- Brazil PM, not sure if still around, and Rouhani.
Hassan Feridon - (under this name he was born) - adds up to 7. This number is ruled by illusionary Neptune. Neptune rules religions too. His date of birth: 12.Nov.1948 - no time- so I use Solar map:
I marked the points where eclipses occurred around his birth. 8 Scorpio, and 7.45 Taurus. If you follow my blog long enough, you could have learned, that Saturn crowns kings. Transiting Saturn was on his prenatal eclipse degree, and is squaring right now his natal Saturn, and voila, he is the new president. But we know this already. How will he be? will he really bring a change to Iran, and her international relations? First, we should understand that we have here a person, who is very secretive. Not only his name- 7 - but 2 planets in Scorpio, AND ! the South Node on his Mercury, gives him a very sharp tongue, and someone who will be good in driving the talks and their outcome as he wants. Neptune -Venus conjunction- another secretive position. The solar map puts his Pluto on the MC, in Leo- he is very powerful, will achieve what he wants. His Mars- the drive, the energy- is in Sag. makes him enthusiastic, and a believer One who will say the last word. And, finally, his Moon in Pisces... ha. a dreamer, an illusionist.
I think the joy of the Iranians is premature, they are not aware who stands in front of them. But, he has the Ayatollah above him, who- for the time being - have their veto.
Now see the map with transits and progression. In the very near future, this year already, he will have to cope with major issues. Transiting Neptune- in retro will conjunct progressed Jupiter, transiting Pluto will conjunct progressed south Node and Mercury, and transiting Saturn will hit natal Node and Mercury. If I had the hour of his birth I could know more...
Two important things to know about him: his first son committed suicide in April 1992. And he is polyglot, speaks 6 languages.
This would be his corrected chart: 8:01 am
The Iranian people shout: strengthen the rial!!! Well here it is : in the last 10 years
But, the situation is much worse... read here.
June 17, 2013 Monday
Today we are under the double rulership of the Moon . So we should look at it more seriously. First, it just entered Libra, which is a cardinal sign. It takes two and a half days for the Moon to be in one sign. During this time it will angle all the other planets, and it tells us a story, it gives us a forecast.
17.06.2013 0:25:41 27°53'44"Vir Square Jupiter
17.06.2013 4:18:33 0°00'00"Lib <<<
17.06.2013 13:45:33 5°09'58"Lib Semi-sextile Saturn
17.06.2013 14:05:14 5°20'48"Lib Quincunx Neptune
17.06.2013 23:39:29 10°38'36"Lib Square Pluto
It is "strange" that the G8 talks start today, when La Luna is in Libra! Don't you think? Although the sign of the scale is there to bring harmony and understanding, it seldom does. Why? Because Libra is the only OBJECT of the wheel. So it would be as if talking to a table. Do you love me?? Do you agree with me?? The table will never answer. Furthermore, Mercury, the planet of communication is in Cancer- water. What does it mean? Imagine someone trying to talk while under water? The same I thought when I heard yesterday about the talks between the Koreas. They should consult an astrologer!...
I see Asia is mixed, but, still more greenish. The Future S&P tries to go above 1635- 1636- is a resistance point. So we'll see.
S&P future trades now- almost 1 pm - at 1639. At 1640 will meet Mercury. No signs to stop. Today is 777 days from 5/2/2011.
Count 777 days from lows, you will get interesting outcomes. The Number 777 tells us about the "completion of a cycle".
Take March 6,2009 +777 = Nov.30,2011
April 26.2010 +777= June 11,2012
I entered some trades, but ochh, what a bore! Market is trying to balance, just like the Moon... it was a mistake... ha!! I should have written this earlier... now it is moving. Niceee.
June 18,2013 Tuesday
My positions are flourishing... I hope yours too...
What should we expect today? A day ruled by Mars, will be more hectic than yesterday, that's for sure. The Moon just separated from a trine to Mars, and it will go into an inconjunct, that is a negative position, tomorrow. (gmt+3)
18.06.2013 14:05:21 18°45'21"Lib Square Venus
18.06.2013 17:34:27 20°44'18"Lib Square Mercury
19.06.2013 6:14:02 28°01'08"Lib Trine Sun
19.06.2013 6:55:10 28°25'00"Lib Trine Jupiter
19.06.2013 9:38:30 0°00'00"Sco <<<!!!!
19.06.2013 18:20:20 5°05'51"Sco Conjunction Saturn
19.06.2013 18:44:21 5°20'00"Sco Trine Neptune
19.06.2013 22:42:45 7°40'59"Sco Biquintile Mars
Big moves are coming.
TA25: opened slightly reddish. 1227.44 - in a sextile to the Sun. Next resistance: 1228.21. Support:1220.50-1218.50
Markets might trade sideways- waiting for Godo- no, seriously, for the G8 outcome in Ireland.
June 19,2013 Wednesday.
Yesterday afternoon I was not by the computer, and at night, when I returned home, I saw the indices rallied. Dow now at 15318, a new high, but lower than May 28th top, same with the S&P, Gold made new bottom at 1360. SIlver bottomed at 21.52 .
What is happening today in the sky? First, in the fundamental world we have the G8 conference. As I wrote so many times before, during Fed.Announcements STAY OUT! Believe me, NOTHING will be missed, the stock market will there tomorrow, and tomorrow and the day after. Go out, sit on your hands. It does not worth it.
So the sky: We are ruled by Mercury, which is at 21 Cancer. The other planet to watch is Uranus.So even by the daily ruler, we are to have a hectic and surprise day. The Sun conjunct Jupiter. Their power is transferred by the Moon, 120 degrees to them- at 29 Libra. In the evening, G8- at 9:30 pm - my time - the Sun will still conjunct Jupiter, but the Moon will be conjunct restrictive Saturn.
I am off to the beach.
Take care
June 20, 2013 Thursday
What now?
After a storm everything is quiet. Dolce & Gabbana are going to jail... James Gandolfini- The Sopranos star died of a heart attack in Rome- this saddened me a lot, because I love that actor! What a pity... But his chart shows a possibility for a heart attack, and when all the planets click- it's like the Hungarian cube. once it is arranged it is arranged. In a death chart we should have at least 7 angles that point to it. He had them. And only 51. May he rest in peace.
Yesterday Obama and Putin swore not to talk to each other anymore. What a shame. Are they politicians, or kids on the playground... Will this signal or trigger the new cold war? Obama's chart is highly affected, have not checked Putins' yet..
So what is going on?? As I already wrote, bad timing for talks with the planet of communication , Mercury, in water. Not only in water, but in Cardinal sign of Cancer! Stubbornness! Not only that, but slowing down, before turning retrograde... And, having the Saturn 120-Neptune in WATER! TOO!. AND Moon in Scorpio, the sigh of intrigues, and dark backgrounds... All is bad for talks. But ,what has to come, has to come. Who are we to oppose them? we can only bend and let the waves pass.
Markets: I have to start writing my reports... so hang in there... talk later.
June 21.2013 Friday
Summer equinox- longest day of the year.
This is the picture of the day: what now??? where is the market going?
This is the picture of the day: what now??? where is the market going?
How nice to receive mails like this!!!
I am A. K.from Mumbai reading your blog. Thought of writing you a note of appreciation as your analysis is far more accurate then anybody else.
June 23, 2013 Sunday
The angle of the week , which will be exact on the 26th, is the trine between the SUn-Saturn and Neptune. - in WATER signs.
I have to continue writing my reports, so bye for now.
At the left panel, under Yahoo group- there is a search window. Write there: "mark in your calendar".... see what you get.
June 24,2013 Monday.
A new week, new energies, new stories. THe week opens with the Moon in Capricorn. The day is ruled by the Moon and Mars. They will be inconjunct-150- today:
Moon's angles gmt+3:
24.06.2013 13:41:09 16°53'56"Cap Quincunx Mars
24.06.2013 19:02:28 20°17'39"Cap Semi-square Neptune
24.06.2013 23:19:28 23°00'12"Cap Opposition Mercury
24.06.2013 23:36:46 23°11'08"Cap Biquintile Mars
Asia is red. It seems they don't believe in a correction. The trend is still down. Markets will wait for the US to open...
Me too.. so see you later.
June 25, 2013 Tuesday
Market is continuing its downside correction. Today we are affected by Mars and the Sun. I can't add anything about this. I don't see anything special.
I am busy teaching and trading, so I'll be out today.
Take care.
Oh... here are today's Moon angles:
25.06.2013 10:09:30 29°49'24"Cap Quincunx Jupiter
25.06.2013 10:26:26 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
25.06.2013 17:07:05 4°10'28"Aqr Quincunx Sun
25.06.2013 18:21:31 4°56'51"Aqr Square Saturn
25.06.2013 18:54:02 5°17'05"Aqr Semi-sextile Neptune
25.06.2013 19:54:59 5°54'59"Aqr Biquintile Jupiter
June 26, 2013 Wednesday
It is a major important day today. It is 34 days from the top in the S&P.- from May 22 and 150 trading days from Nov 2012 low.
Jupiter just entered Cancer... a new era starts- till July 15th 2014.
Jupiter, the planet that brings everything to its extremes, if it was good till now, it will be swell, from now on, if it was bad, it will be hell. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, therefore it is a fire element. In Cancer- in water.... hmmm. it will behave differently. But cancer is a Cardinal sign, so again, it will manifest at its extremes.
Gold is moving with Jupiter in Cancer...
June 27,2013 Thursday
Probably I shall be away for a couple of days, have to take care of family- health issues...Being the only child, I am the chosen.
Today it's Jupiter's day. Jupiter is at 0 Cancer.16 It makes a square to the "Point of Death" I wonder what that means... will check later.
S&P support of the day: 1602
Gold support 1235.
Have to go... take care.
11:30: am there are no coincidences: the Moon at the last degrees in Sag- before entering Pisces... markets consolidate. Looking at the fundamental world:
the world is waiting for these....
I am still long on Gold. The Iphone... can do everything...
Moon just entered Pisces. 11:35 ... it will trine Jupiter in a few moments.
27.06.2013 12:02:10 0°17'57"Psc Trine Jupiter
27.06.2013 19:51:49 4°54'32"Psc Trine Saturn
27.06.2013 20:28:12 5°15'50"Psc Conjunction Neptune
27.06.2013 21:53:16 6°05'34"Psc Biquintile Venus
27.06.2013 22:12:56 6°17'02"Psc Trine Sun
28.06.2013 5:17:14 10°23'25"Psc Sextile Pluto
28.06.2013 8:43:13 12°22'06"Psc Semi-sextile Uranus
28.06.2013 21:57:34 19°54'14"Psc Square Mars
June 30,2013 Sunday
the date today is 6-3-6. Just a nice number.... Today we have trade, as you know, if you are reading my blog. The Moon in Aries, a hectic day ahead. Arbitrage is negative, so not much hope for rally. I forgot to underline the fact that Jupiter entered Cancer, and people who have Jupiter in their natal chart in Cancer, will have a particular good year- concerning issues that their natal jupiter represents. Angela Merkel, for instance, - if the birth hour is correct-6 pm- but it only got a "c" from the Rodden rating- meaning the hour is not sure. Puts her Jupiter in H8- a bad position... So I cannot look at her chart, since I don't have the exact hour.
Joe Biden also has his Jupiter in Cancer- at 25 degrees, so the Jupiter effect will happen later, only next June... Jupiter in the H8- is bad. too.. I guess I should stop looking at maps, all I see is bad.
So let me see the market. The Moon will square Pluto today, wait for a drop. Venus conjunct Ceres... hmmm. I should look at the wheat and corn... well, tomorrow. We still have ongoing angles between slow moving planets: Sat-120-Neptune at 5 degrees. for TA25 they mean a price level at 1205. We are now at 1191- ... They don't help me today.
SO , what else? Mursi - President of Egypt- had to fled his castle, and hide in an army base. Turbulence in Egypt. War in Syria... Turkey?? have not heard anything.. Obama in South Africa- went so far, and did not see Mandela.. hmmm.
Here is Mursi's chart with transits and progressions: see how his Jupiter is under attack- from Uranus- that brings unforeseen and long lasting events-
Also, his Moon at 5 degrees Aries, it was already triggered when Uranus was at 5 degrees, on April 8,12 and Jan 13. Furthermore, I wrote in the past the Saturn "crowns kings". well now, Saturn is " decrowning " him- being at 5 degrees Scorpio- 150 from his Moon. Saturn will be exact between July 24- Aug 15- on 5 degrees- then we should check on him again.
Assad: I posted his chart in the past. In lack of birth hour- this is a Solar map. He has Sun-Uranus-Pluto conjunct... WHo can f... with him ? But transit Saturn is doing its job- even if slowly... it is on his Sun-U-Pl- progressed stellium in Scorpio. July 23-Aug 15- critical for him.
Nelson Mandela: Also has his Jupiter in Cancer. He has passed 94 years on this Earth. Look at transit Uranus in opposition to natal Mars- did he have a stroke? HIs fight for freedom is featured by Jupiter- ideals and freedom- conjunct Pluto-in Cancer. Very stubborn. 28 years in a cell?? 3x3? Wouldn't you go mad? But he climbed from dust to the Himalaya What a life!
July 2, 2013 Wednesday
Every month, when the Sun enters a new sign, I listed which world leaders belong to that sign. Let us see, who was born under the sign of Cancer? That means- between June 21-July 21. GANN used the summer equinox day (June 21) in his calculations, by the way. So from 206 people I have in my database, I have:
Ali Khamenei, born July 17, 1939
Angela Merkel; born on the same day... hmmmm this is interesting!
Henriques Capriles Radonski; born 11.7.1972
Hassan al Bolkiah- the Sultan of Brunei; born 15.7.1946
Imad Murnia; born 12.7.1962
Nelson Mandela: 18 July 1918.
It will be interesting to watch these people this year and the next, because Jupiter entered their sign, and it will bring major changes in their lives. If you wonder how should we interpret two such different persons like Khamenei and Merkel, well, heritage, place of birth and the NAME! guys, the name has major importance...
At the same time, people born in Capricorn will have Jupiter 180^ to their natal Sun- so they should be watched as well...
Now about the markets: today we have a very rare and important pattern in the sky. Since it did not happen in the last 100 years I don't know how to interpret it. This angle will last for 2-3 days.
It is a YOD- or "Finger of God" in the Helio centric map- Earth is conjunct PLuto, and Mars sends 150^ angle to Earth-Pluto and Saturn.
Today there are no Fed. announcements, but plenty of the tomorrow!
The day is ruled by Mercury! and Venus. A nervous day. Yesterday we had a small rally in the S&P and Gold, but also a sell out before closing. It is still early, 7:50 am here, markets are waiting for Germany to open, and in the afternoon all cards are changed when the US markets open. $hth of July is here, people will be celebrating, who want to stay in the market??
I looked at Brazil's index, oh, boy, it is back to April 2009 level! exactly 2/3 correction of the 2008-2011 rally... I looked at other indices too- all are set up for consolidation.
Nikkey: topped on May 23rd, and fell to 14484 till June 13th. Now it is trying to correct, trades at 14030. Failing to go above last top, i will fall back to 14000 ish
GS: I analysed it is the past. If it fails to go above 168.2- the last top, than it will fall back to 136
JPMorgan: topped on May 30th, and fell till June 24th. the low was 50.11 Failing to go above 54.51- it will fall back to 48.75
The market moves with a very very low volume. I tell you what: today people are getting ready for July 4 celebrations, tomorrow, they buy the last steaks they can find in the stores, then they celebrate, and July 5th they'll rest. So this week is gone. no expectations. People will close positions. Why be in an uncertain market? I just went short on the Dow. Targets in yellow- stop at the green line.
July 3, 2013 Wednesday
In the news: we will have 70% humidity today. This is what I call " the rain is hanging in the air". Children born today will have 5 planets, Vesta and the North Node in water. Very sensitive kids will be born today... Very talkative too with Mars in Gemini.
I want to clear something to you. WHen I write that I am going long or short in an index, that does not mean that I am staying there for a week. Usually I make very short trades, in the 5/15 min. charts, WHILE I AM SITTING at the computer.
Here is the 10 min. chart with what happened yesterday, and my "plans" for today.
The world is red.
Today we are ruled by Mercury and Neptune. They don't make any special angle. But the Moon does. and Mars. Mars makes all the possible bad angles that are there...
July 5, 2013 Friday.
So many issues, I don't know where to start. The main happening of the last days is the fall of Morsi and the Muslim brothers in Egypt. I checked many charts of Morsi, and it is simply incredible... But before looking at particular maps it is the TIME we are now should be checked.
Look at the map I published on July 2nd. The " Finger of God" - an angle I could not track when it happened - it did not occurred since 1920. This planetary position in the Heliocentric chart shows great changes in the world, not only in Egypt. Earth conjunct to Pluto in Capricorn first of all destroys the past, in order to rebuild the future. Now, we must look at the BIble. Yes, it is all written. We are now in the "TImes of Danger" These are he 3 weeks " Bein ha Mezarim". Read about it here: . It is most curious, that major changes happen in Egypt! I cannot explain it to you in English, but in Hebrew, it is explained. So read that link. Now to Morsi:
His natal map with transits: On July 3rd, one day after the YOD in the sky- Uranus is conjunct his Jupiter- bringing sudden and fate- like changes in his life. Uranus is a slow moving planet, so it shows us the happenings of an era. But in Morsi's chart- the personal planet, Mars- sqaured his Sun- on the day he was sent home by the people- just one year and 4 days after he gained power.
Morsi was elected on June 24,2012. This chart shows the planets then and now:
I wrote in the past the Saturn crowns kings, and also dethrones them. On July 3rd Saturn was at 4 degrees, in Retro trining the Sun. Trines can show us culminations, and after, a fall.
On July 3rd, not only in Egypt were changes, also in quiet Belgium, King Albert abducted and passed the throne to his son, Prince Philippe. He was a Gemini, and the son is Aries- .... I shall add him to my data base.
While you read this, I am preparing my reports, its time to sign up!
My report starts this way:" Main issues for the next week will be Mars entering Cancer, where it will join the Sun and Mercury, and Saturn turning Direct. Mars will be in water till 28 August. Imagine fire in water? A LOT of humidity. The rain is in the air, but not falling. It will explode when Mars will enter Leo. Aug 28- Oct.15- ! On the other hand..."
sign up for more...
July 7.2013 Sunday
During the weekend two terrible accidents: one a plane crash second a train crash. Mercury in retro, and Moon conjunct Mars.
Asiana Ftl 214 Seoul- San Francisco- departure 5:04 pm KST- landing 11:28 am PDT
OK, what is new today?
The Moon left Mars, and entered Cancer- while we were sleeping. There it joined the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury. There is a big disharmony between them, because the Moon and Jupiter is under the Moon's decanate- a lot of feelings and vulnerability. On the other hand, the Sun and Mercury are under Mars' decanate, which is fire... Mercury is "burnt" under the Sun's rays.
7.07.2013 1:13:33 0°00'00"Cnc <<<
7.07.2013 6:20:39 2°31'17"Cnc Conjunction Jupiter
7.07.2013 11:00:18 4°49'08"Cnc Trine Saturn
7.07.2013 11:39:19 5°08'22"Cnc Trine Neptune
7.07.2013 21:48:00 10°08'47"Cnc Opposition Pluto
The first angle to Moon will make today is a positive one, but the Saturn...
TA25: closed last week at 1195. Mars is blocking at this position, but we have a positive arbitrage of 0.3%... so probably it will open with a gap up. next target: 1199.7, 1202.50, 1204.60,1205.
Market closed at 1202.15 :)
July 9, 2013 Tuesday
Just a few words, to close this article. I am always starting a new one on the New Moon, but yesterday I was not here, so I shall do it now.
To summarize the market from the beginning of this article till now: The S&P was at 1643 on June 7th, it is now at 1646. The Dow was at 15240- now 15225. DAX: 8307- now 7968.- so more or less we are at where we were a month ago. Gemini does that!... Full gas in neutral. It is very difficult to trade a consolidating market. The world bottomed on June 24th, which was also 999 days from Sept.30th 2010.
I shall start now a new article, New Moon in Cancer. Follow me!!
Hi, It was a good Analysis. Fingers crossed for upside for 13-24 june and steep fall back during last week of june to mid july. I remember u said something like 1750 for S&P by Sep 25 in earlier blog. U turn upmove from july 21.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment, but it would be REALLY nice if you signed with your name....
ReplyDeleteHi, My name is Ashish from India. I have been reading your blog everyday for almost 2+ yrs. So, today is 13th, Nifty nose dives on opening. I was skeptical on its up move. let's see post lunch.
DeleteYa, one thing, when India was upgraded by FITCH yesterday night, I believed your statement is coming true but this morning, it was a weak opening. A magic will be needed to move it upside across Asia and US Pacific.
Helooo Ashish, nice to meet you finally! Are you from Bangalore? I see someone reading my blog from there... I was not aware of the upgrading. But, if time is not ripe, no markets will move up. The Nifty is falling since May 17th. Tomorrow will be 28 days, a Lunar month... so you'll see.
No reversal today. Let's see tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteSaw news of Coffee rust in WSJ. I guess now, this will be in BULL for next 2 yrs, if Coffee rust is really affecting auction prices
See today's graph for Nifty... Turn came like a swiss clock.
ReplyDeleteYep, U were damm true.
ReplyDeleteHere I see one more claim
few more i found
I now see 18th as major date for trend reversal (up or down, not sure) as u mentioned S&P will hit either bottom or Up on 15th so, anyways Asian markets follows S&P so, if S&P Sneezes, Asian market will catch cold, Another is that Indian RBI meet is on 17th for rate cut (which if does not happen) will weaken INR and will start the downfall.
Will send u separate email later
(I typically read this type of free newsletter too)
Sorry pasted incorrect lunk
Hi, the outcome of G8 will be felt on the 19th.-The day Sun conjuncts Jupiter, and is conjunct by declination... see June 16th post. What a timing!
ReplyDeleteHmm. so DOW is on the verge of massive fall. and me being piscean can expect losses :( Expecting so. Found something for nifty below which I believe I should not trust further
Coffee free report is at
Hi Gabby, I am fully Confused in last 3-4 blog readings. From Blog dated 16th june, I understand DOW will fall from 19th as bad news might come from G8 (Chiron retrograde). Today I see "Big moves". On 13th blog, you mentioned "Mark in your calendar June 18-19, when the Sun will conjunct Jupiter! A major turn should come"
ReplyDeleteWhich direction to look until 24th June. Post that world will keep falling
Hello Ashish,
ReplyDeleteThe best thing to do, when there is a Fed.Announcement, or G8, G13 meeting, to keep out of the market. Our fingers are not quick enough, to follow the zigzagging.
When I publish a direction - Chiron - for ex. I give also statistics. I wrote 54% of the time this happened, the Dow fell. But 46% didn't.
I'm out today, that's for sure.
Hello Ashish,
ReplyDeletecoffee traded at 122.
your astoguru says coffee will not trading below 124.50!
so what?
You are correct. Few of his reports are typically freely published there so, just reading them. But Thumbs UP for your accuracy. Chiron did worked in direction. Now, I am visiting more often your blog then anybody.
ReplyDeleteHi Gabby
ReplyDeleteWhy are you long Gold?
bob collett
South Africa