New Moon in Leo 2014
between July 27 - August 25, 2014
Thank you for following me from the previous article.
Sky between the two New Moons: inner map is July 27, outer August 25.- made for NY...
market starts, the rest, later.
Our market consolidated today, with a very low volume. Although we had the New Moon yesterday night,. which should bring a change in trend, nothing impressive happened here, waiting for uncle Sam tomorrow. The Moon is apogee, far and weak from the Sun, has no power, so I expect lower levels tomorrow. No crash thou.
July 28,2014 Monday
Cease fire in the air... So far it is quiet. Yesterday I closed to computer... imagine .. LOL.... But then, watching the news I cold not but check why is John Kerry so unsuccessful, and detached?? One doesn't have to look too much to receive the answer for this! Isn't astrology fantastic tool to understand a person ? After you look at one's chart, you are not anggggry with him any more, because you understand who he is and why he acts as he does. He has the Sun in Sagittarius. This sign makes one believe in a certain way, and he will fight for it, even if he thinks to grow potatoes on Mars, he thinks it is right, and the correct way, and he will go for it, and preach it. detached from his surrounding... But also always an optimist, and falls on his feet like a cat. This is point one. Then? the Moon, where is it? in Gemini! in opposition to the Sun, so he was born during a full moon. People born on a full moon, can see both sides of a coin, but can also zig zag in their opinions all the time... Now, if this is not enough, he has Mars, Saturn and Uranus - most of his planets - in Gemini!!! Gemini or the Twins is the first air sign of the wheel, very premature, and bifocal. He wants to run for presidency... I will have to check if there were other presidents with so much planets in Gemini??!!
The East: is green: Nikkei is building a triple top: should go above 15490- BUT! THE OSCILLATORS ARE NEGATIVE...
Nifty: topped at 7834- one of my targets was 7823- 7889- did not reach the last one... and today is at 7750....
BSESN: Made a new top! 612 days after the low of Nov.2012... here too the technical tools show a CIT. So long only above 26295
HSI: Is heading towards the target: 25310
TA25: support at 1391 - resistance 1396.50
What's new in the sky?? The Sun is waving good bye to Jupiter, and moves on. The Moon in Leo, Mercury is squaring the Nodes, at 22^; Mars is in Scorpio. The destructive angle of Saturn-Uranus is still on, at 16 degrees.
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Again rockets on Ashkelon, so fire and the war goes on..
Here is the chart of the Hamas: 14 December 1987. Date adds up to 33/6 The map shows a stellium in Sag.! Mercury, Sun, Sat,Uranus. transit Uranus in Aries. Uranus, the planet that brings surprises, unforeseen issues, is right on his Jupiter, which is the ruler of its Sun and stellium. This year, with transit Jupiter in H8 trine to its Sun will bring a major change to this terror group.
The Evil behind the curtains: Tamim bin Hamad al Thani: this young man, the leader of Qatar, took his father's place on the throne, and being bored, he looked around and said, where can I make some action? So using "Al Jazeera" and buying other European media they influence the world. Then, he pulled out his millions to fund different uprisings and fights in Lybia, Syria, Mali, soon in Saudia, and you name it. Since the Hamas leaders live in Qatar, the road was open to the current situation. But, what is due to come will come.. October 2014 it will be an important time to look again and see what has changed in the world, and in this area in particular..
July 29,2014 Tuesday
Today there is a change in energy. First, the Moon moved out of Leo, then it is again the card of the Tower, and there is a major CIT for the Dow today... So what happened during the night? More sirens. I did not wake up to the sound of the sirens... Anyways, I am looking now at the East- they are still green . Europe is dark red. The S&P closed at 1972. I would turn short with a stop at 1977.
In the fundamental world: fed announcements :
Moon aspects: gmt+3
29.07.2014 10:02:07 1°41'15"Vir Sextile Mars- TA25 turned from 1393 - to 1397;
29.07.2014 12:27:05 2°52'46"Vir Semi-sextile Jupiter
29.07.2014 19:46:41 6°29'41"Vir Semi-sextile Sun
29.07.2014 20:45:52 6°58'53"Vir Opposition Neptune
July 30, 2014 Wednesday
I read that Benghazi of Libya fell into the hands of Isis... Who will defend the Pope?
Today the Sun is 15 to Neptune. A bad day: Last it happened: 26 Sept 13& 27 July 13.
July 31, 2014 Thursday
It is the last day of this "bloody" month. It is the 212th day of the year. I wrote above: watch day 210 for a turn.
Our index closed at : 1398.79. It is consolidating since July 15. Burning the theta. 1396 is a support. I would turn short below this level.
What is new in the sky that can make the market take a decision ? Today's angles gmt+3
Mercury 108 Saturn 31.07.2014 10:55
Moon 36 Mars 31.07.2014 12:48
Moon 72 Venus 31.07.2014 14:19
Moon 60 Mercury 31.07.2014 17:47
Moon 45 Saturn 31.07.2014 22:38
the trade range is very tight in all the major indices, TA25, S&P, Dow, Russel 2000:
From Riyadh to Stockholm and from Kuwait to Singapore people read my blog daily. Not ONE like??? share, comment?? what is wrong with you people?? Not to mention, that about 1 year ago I added a " Donate" button to the blog, just to see if anyone would click on it?? Well NOONE. Noone thinks what I write is important, interesting, or worth a " thumbs up, not to speak of a donation... Why do I bother?
Aug.4, 2014 Monday
we are going through heartbreaking events over here... Every day with its drama. It is difficult for me to concentrate on silly trades. In any case the market- our market is barely moving. Tomorrow it is Tisha Be Av, no trade. Aug 5. a day will be to remember.
Today, we had a terrible event in the heart of Jerusalem, a tractor arab driver drove into a bus, and turned it over... The police killed the driver.
See how Israel's chart is triggered this time:
Events like this happened before... but now, it is culminating during the fast of Av. and it is not over. The war is not over. Next difficult day will be Aug.5, 7,9.
The Ebola - seems- is breaking out overseas..
USA map with the date the sick volunteer American doctor was flown to the US- to Atlanta Georgia.
I don't have to say it again, that Pluto in 180^ to US Sun is shaking the natal chart... Now to this you can add the very bad Jupiter 150-Neptune position in the sky. I used the Gemini rising, which was used by Gann, here too there is a dispute if it is right, or not.
We are living times that we will not want to remember. On my facebook page I shared a lot of outrageous events..
Those who downloaded my application, received from me today a LOT of alerts.. Trade well. I am not in the mood.
Download my application now!!
August 5, 2014 Tuesday.
So we have a cease fire of 72 hours, till the parts are talking in Egypt. What will this month bring ? There are some major aspects to look at: 1) Saturn 150 Uranus till Aug.17th.= at 16-17 degrees.... This position is a major support point for the indices, if you took my course, you know how to calculate it. But this angle also brought the problems in Ukraina, and here, in Israel. 2) Jupiter 150 Neptune Aug 11-19 will be the next position to watch. This angle happened only in 2004, and brought a fall - for the Nasdaq , which I am looking at now. They form a resistance at 4396 and a support at 4366.
3) Venus will enter Leo on the 12th. for the Nasdaq in the past it brought a fall... 58% out of the times it happened.
Sirens are shrieking again.... Cease fire ha ?
4) Mercury will enter Virgo (15- Sept 1)- will bring a zig zag trade.
5) Venus 0 Jupiter in Leo! will bring a CIT.
6) Mars 0 Saturn 24-28/ Aug. should end our war.
7) Mars 150 Uranus 21-25/Aug - "aftershocks"
8) Sun in opposition to Neptune.- makes this angle once a year.. Before: 8/26/13; 8/24/12
9) Saturn - Neptune brings a fall ....Sept.1 In any case, Nasdaq will turn short only below 4100...
Today we are under Mars and Moon affect. Mars makes no aspects today... and the Moon is VOC. Fits for Tisha be Av. - we have no trade.
Nifty is 7689 now... above 7594 is a long.
So good trading.. Let me see if it will be quiet today, and I can go to the beach ?
August 6, 2014 Wednesday
Yesterday was quiet, but I did not go to the beach after all... I did go to yoga, though, something I do for the last 3-4 years twice a week.... After it I always feel fresh and ready to go on...
It is still cease fire here, the parts are talking in Egypt. to remind you how did all this started, it was on June 12, when 3 teenagers were kidnapped and killed. Yesterday the circle was closed when the person who planned and helped doing this was caught. I looked at the chart of the time of the kidnapping and yesterday... There are many interesting points to look at, but when we search the end of an issue, we should always look at the 4th house. the inner chart is the time, when one of the boys called his father and whispered " we were kidnapped". Minutes after this, they were killed. The 4th house is in Taurus, Venus is the ruler.
Yesterday when the one who planned this was caught, Venus was conjunct Jupiter, justice.
Today it is again the card of the Fool. roll up, see what I wrote or what it means for the markets... The ruling planets are Mercury and Jupiter.
AEX: Topped on 7/4; our stop was 410. Now it is at 395 which is 2/3 of the rally between March- July. We can try a long pos. above 397.
It is in the news, that Russia is entering/targeting Ukraine/ I looked again at Putin's map... There is something I did not write about till now, besides his stellium or group of planets in Libra, he has Pluto, south Node, and Lilith in Leo! A very cruel personality, I would say.
TIme wise Putin is in his Jupiter-Saturn period. Jupiter is expansion, Saturn for restriction. He is 61.8 years old, he is in his 6th year, and 5th month. As of October he will be under God's microscope, being in his 7th year, in his 8th month... Now in the sky Uranus is in opposition to his natal Saturn, and tr.Jupiter conjunct dir. Moon. a perfect time for expansion. If he has no astrologer, I am Pinocchio.
A very good saying from Fred C.Kelley: "Why you win or lose" 1930
August 7, 2014 Thursday
There is still silence here, but the Hamas promised to start firing the rockets again as of Friday 8 am. Today we are under the Jupiter and Uranus affect! This pair did not show up for a long time... Jupiter is in square to Mars, and Uranus is still 150 to Saturn. What has changed during the night is Moon's position to the Sun. Yesterday, when we got a rally in the Gold, they were 120^, now the Moon will move into negative positions, and this is what it will reflect to the markets.
TA25: is consolidating since July 15th, 1382 is a support.
S&P topped on July 24th, this is a date I alerted about in my previous article- if you wish to go back and check... yesterday the spot closed at 1920. The future bottomed at 1902-topped 1922- which way now ?
Europe is red... the East is red. Probably we will be too... let's see.
The ceasefire will end tomorrow and probably the fighting will restart. If you scroll back to the previous article, I pointed out the 7.7.7. returns. We will have another 7 coming up on the 10th of August.- which will also be the tower card. What can I say?? It is an awful month.
The Moon's position for today gmt+3
7.08.2014 14:14:34 28°32'58"Sgr Sesqui-quadrate Mercury
7.08.2014 16:36:45 29°58'59"Sgr Sesqui-quadrate Sun
7.08.2014 16:38:26 0°00'00"Cap <<<
7.08.2014 19:46:30 1°54'10"Cap Semi-square Saturn
8.08.2014 11:22:03 11°28'42"Cap Conjunction Pluto
8.08.2014 18:37:05 15°59'16"Cap Quincunx Mercury
8.08.2014 18:40:31 16°01'24"Cap Quincunx Sun
8.08.2014 19:15:14 16°23'04"Cap Square Uranus
8.08.2014 20:07:54 16°55'59"Cap Sextile Saturn
Mercury's positions for the month : gmt+3
Mercury 120 Uranus 8.08.2014 23:14
Mercury 135 Uranus 16.08.2014 11:33
Mercury 180 Neptune 19.08.2014 6:40
Mercury 144 Uranus 21.08.2014 7:35
Mercury 150 Uranus 24.08.2014 17:01
Mercury 150 Neptune 6.09.2014 10:01
Isis is now threatening to conquer Kuwait... What will Obama do, if this happens? I hope not.. But what if?? will we have a chapter II - Egypt?
A chilling 5 year plan of this caliphate... Until now our enemy in the eastern border was the Hezbollah- behind the back of Lebanon. Now, Hezbollah fights against ISIS. Would they be defeated, Isis will rule in Lebanon, I cannot understand, how a bunch of terrorists, can get to this point they got so far?? With no air force, do they have tanks? I don't know.. How is it possible that they make genocide in Iraq, Syria, and the world is SILENT???????
here is a good film that explains the situation..
August 9, 2014, Saturday
America took off the gloves. US jets attacked Isis, FINALLY! Looking deeper into the charts, I am amazed, again and again, to find clues in the sky! One just has to look!
Us invaded Iraq against the Baath party (Saddam) on March 20, 2003- inner chart.- there is a Sun-Mercury conjunction in Pisces. Pisces stands for religion, but also for oil.. So take your pick. The inner chart also shows a Mars 150 Jupiter- red arrow- angle, Mars- war- Jupiter= expansion. And the third, the black arrow point to an opposition between Saturn -Pluto. Saturn is for government, Pluto is destruction.
What can we see in the outer chart, of the time of the newly bombing in Iraq? Again Sun- Mercury conjunction!! this time in Leo- 150 degrees away from the inner chart. Mars- Jupiter are also in a square, and Saturn-Pluto in a sextile. Why are these angles important?? The US was in Iraq from 2003 to 2011. I don't know for how long this time they will be there, or act, I do hope they will stop these criminals, ISIS... which, was established in 2003!!! and in the beginning, they were fighting against Saddam! they were right under the nose of the US. During the years several leaders were killed, but new ones poped up, and the recent "AL Baghdadi" no one knows who he is, what is his background, this is not his real name... But to continue the former thought, based on this inner chart, there will be future strikes on Iraq when the a/m planets will be again in position with each other. So watch for Jupiter 60^ or 120 to Mars, Sat-30-Pluto. So watch October 5-17,2014...Nov 11, 25, Jan 1, 2015. etc...
Where did US attack yesterday?
In Erbil... I would have never known this town existed, if not this attack. Now I know, that it has a history going back to 6000 BC!!! read the link! It is one of the oldest towns on earth! It is incredible how many times they were attacked, conquered, and population killed during the history!
Why in Erbil ? WHo lives there? Who are they? and how could Da'ash base itself there, and not somewhere else?? In Erbil live a group of people called The Yezidis ... Never heard of them? Me too... Read about them... I added a link.
They believe, that the world was created by God, and is in the care of the "Heptad"- the 7 !!! ANGELS.. AGAIN NO. 7- Apart of religion, something that NOONE can confirm... let's look at Some history: wikipedia: The parliament of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region was established in Erbil in 1970 after negotiations between the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Mustafa Barzani, but was effectively controlled by Saddam Hussein until the Kurdish uprising at the end of the 1991 Gulf War. The legislature ceased to function effectively in the mid-1990s when fighting broke out between the two main Kurdish factions, the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). The city was captured by the KDP in 1996 with the assistance of the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein. The PUK then established an alternative Kurdish government in Sulaimaniyah. KDP claimed that on March 1996 PUK asked for Iran's help to fight KDP. Considering this as a foreign attack on Iraq's soil, the KDP asked the Iraqi government for help."
SO what I understand from this, is that the Kurds split, and were fighting each other! This is when Da'ash- or ISIS moved in- from Iran. As you know, "Da'ash" was a group under "El Qaida" but split from them and turned more cruel and fanatic, even El Qaida could not take it...
OK Some numerology... I took all the leaders and people involved and calculated their personal year. What you should know, is, that a man has several cycles of 9 years in his life time. Each year has a meaning. Year no. 1 is good for new and fresh starts, while year no 9 is the closing period, endings. What I have found is interesting:
Year no1: Sisi , Ismail Hania, Nasralla, and Hollande.
Year no. 2: Netanyahu, Abdallah King of Jordan, Obama, The head of Kuwait -year of cooperation
Year no 7: Putin- year when a person is under God's microscope. very challenging.
Year no 9: Abu Mazen, and Assad.
I have also found, that 9.9.2014 will be a very important day for these gentlemen... and when I googled 9.9.14- this is what I got!
August 10,2014 Sunday
We have today a Full Moon, which is also perigee, close and strong to Earth. These kind of Moons always bring some natural malfunctions... not to say disasters.
Today we also have the Tower card... Nothing good happened when this card turned up in the past. I am sorry I cannot bring you here some optimistic outlook. We had a bad July, and a worse August. And it is not the end yet.
TA25: opened green, but now it is at 1385.26... = falling from here no support till 1377.50-1371,-1367.
טו באב- Is the the "lovers" day. it is tomorrow... I simply realized, why is this day the day of the lover, or loved ones. ט - in Hebrew is 9, ן= 6 = It is the combination of Mars 9 and 6 is Venus. 9 is man , 6 is woman. AV equals 3= is the child... so of the love of the man to the woman produces the child, the joy.
August 11, 2014 Monday
We are after the full Moon and the Moon is VOID till 15:55 gmt +3. Sign up now for my weekly forecast to know in advance how to trade this week...
And to download my application you can find a link at the bottom of the blog.
So what is new?? Erdugan got elected as I wrote in my face book. He wants to be like Obama, Putin , Sisi or Hollande. Till the end of August he will be PM and!!!! President... Until then he will name his puppet government. Did you know that Turkey has 77 million people? Their economy is very good, far better than many European countries...Erdugan comes with grandiose plans for the future, wants to be the king of the area. He is pissed off that Sisi is the one who rules now. 72% as per wiki - are Hanafi sunni Muslims,
Egypt has approx 87 million population, and they too are Sunni. So they should be
I wrote about Erdugan on July 24.- roll back and see. I wrote that his chart will be triggered by transit planets. This "trigger" brought him the presidency.
I wrote in the past, that when 8 degrees and 14 degrees in his chart are triggered, important event may occur in his life. Look where is transit Mars?! At 8 Scorpio! 120^ to his Natal Sun.
Another aspect that I always watch is where is Saturn? and tr.Saturn was yesterday at 17^ in trine to natal Venus, ruler of house 10=career. The disturbing position is Neptune... though. Neptune is conjunct Sun, and will be for a long time. He might turn fanatic.. Also Jupiter is 150 to Sun, expansion, megalomania... for the whole year of 2014-. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto on Dec.2014 and July 15... some dates to expect major changes in his life.
The most disturbing thing about Erdugan is written here... Awful , terrible, no words to describe ... there is no future for women...
OK... this is today's lesson so far... market starts..
The East points to new highs.. S&P turned up, it was "saved" from a dip so far.. so let's see ...
August 12,2014 Tuesday
Very sad news: Robin Williams found dead yesterday at night. He was the best comedian in modern times,... many years ago I could laugh with Louis De Funes. Looking at Robin's chart there are extraordinary issues that point to this sad event. First, he was born on July 21,1951= the date added up gives 26/8. He died on Aug 11,2014- here too we get 26/8... Isn't that chilling?
Looking at his chart, age wise he was exactly on his Saturn. The same Saturn , in transit just passed his Ascendant, bringing depression. By the way, all people with Scorpio rising are feeling sad and down because of this transit. It happens once in 28 years... So think back. Being close to water, sea, lake, animals or babies can help. Furthermore, since his 8th house of death opens in Gemini, Mercury is very important in his chart. His natal Mercury is at 22 Leo, and transit Mercury last night was right on it! see the black arrow. More: transit Mars was in opposition to Moon- blue arrow... he committed suicide, apparently...In his natal chart Mars is squaring Moon, giving a person an ups-and-down state of mind. When these two are in any angle, this moody character is triggered. yesterday mars was in exact opposition Moon! And, something new I learned today: there is an asteroid called Erigone. It stands for hanging, or other kinds of suicide.. in his natal chart Erigone is in the 8th house of death. In transit it is exactly on his Saturn... the same Saturn that brought the depression he was suffering all his life.
May he rest in peace!!!! It is very sad, to make everyone laugh all his life, except himself...
Aug 15: I just read that he suffered of early Parkinson... Well this explains everything. He had a quick mind, always 10 steps in front of everyone ( Mercury -Pluto conjunct in Leo) and that mind is falling apart... one would not want to live... Now I understand him completely. All the other planets were there to "push " him make it.- like Mars 180 Moon- take you own life...
Yesterday the S&P made a comeback. Will it last??? 1935...I would be more comfortable with a price above 1937...
DAX: as long as it is above the weekly Gann line from 2011- it is a long. At 12 o'clock today German Economic Sentiment... so watch it! Stay out of trade 10 minutes before or after.. Unless you are suicidal.
TA25: 1388 now . Support 1386- resistance 1389.50...You don't want to be in our index... what a waste of time and money..
The German sentiment came out rather negative... the DAX did not fell. Our market is going nowhere..So I looked who has his birthday today ? And we have Francois Hollande, France PM turns 60 today. The Full Super Moon on Sept 9, a date I wrote about before, will trigger his Sun, at 18 Leo...
August 13, 2014 Wednesday
Today we can say happy birthday to Mrs. Yellen 68 and Fidel Castro...88. yes, he is still here..He has a very powerful Sun-Neptune in Leo... Others that have Sun- Neptune (in other signs) are: Shimon Peres,Sara Nethanyahu, Warren Buffet, Putin, Achmadinajad, BIll Gates, Michael Douglas, China, Abu Dhabi, Afganistan, New Orleans.. etc. Each and every one of them is a kind of fighter for something, some ideal.
Anyways... in the markets we have the cucumber season. Not sure you know this expression, this is what we say in Hebrew when nothing moves.
S&P bottomed yesterday at 1923- we are long with this stop. It should run above 1941 and then it will be open to go to 1972.
DAX: bottomed at 8995- It should go above 9200 for a bigger correction, since the top of July 3, it is falling for 41 days...Tomorrow it should turn.. meanwhile it can run to former highs. A major declining trend line is at 9500 ish...
The news in the sky is : Venus moved to Leo till Sept 6. Now we have 4 planets in the fire element of Leo, Uranus and the South Node in Aries- another two will be added to fire, 4 in water, and only Pluto, in Earth. Are these positions good for the world? no. but for te time being good for the market... as sarcastic as this might be.
The terrible angle between Saturn-Uranus is slowly dissolving.... this 150 angle will be remembered for the one that let ISIS surface and terrorize millions of people..This was a very rare angle. It happened only in 1960-63, 1958-71, 2005-2007 and now... It will not return for a long time.
And look at the other angle that will be on the stage for the week: Mars 60 Pluto.
August 14, 2014 Thursday
To show you there are no coincidences... Tomorrow it will be exactly 9 years that we left Gaza. The inner chart is the date of when we left Gaza, it has Mars and Uranus at the 9th degree. ( year later, we had this war, which started on June 12, 2014 with the kidnapping and murdering of the 3 teenagers. So the outer chart is for June 12. Look how many points "fit" or point to this war! The most terrible angle is the Saturn 150 Uranus then and now! Mars conjunct Jupiter and the South Node, and the Moon exactly on the Moon!! Transit Mars on June 12th was exactly 150 degrees to natal Mars and Uranus, at a devastating and bad midpoint. This no one can calculate so exactly but God or fate or you name it...
Today we have a cease fire... Now I hear for another 5 days... But TV says now that people in the south should be 15 seconds from shelters... What kind of a cease fire is that?? And when I say " in the south" it is 1 hour drive from me!
But, Mars has moved on, it is now in opposition to natal Mars, and 120 to Uranus- being at 10 Scorpio... Opposition is the angle of negotiation and that is what we have now..The bad angle between Saturn -Uranus in the sky is also dissolving... so maybe maybe it will end. In another post I wrote that 21-28/8 and 1-7/9 will be again difficult days...And yes, during that week in August Mars will line up with Saturn and BOTH will be 150 to Uranus! Jupiter will conjunct Mercury.Here is the chart of the future.
About the markets: the S&P made it to the price level I gave yesterday... Hope you traded well. Today, I think because some positive positions we will see a further rally. US unemployment is due today... so watch out then.
August 15, 2014 Friday
It is the day of Venus and Jupiter... Also, the card of the day is the Fool. You may want to read about it- there is a "search " window at the left panel... By the way.. did you download my application?? Tell your friends!! Spread the word.. I think you could make good money with my alerts..
I added some news on Robin Williams, above, under Aug.11 post... Seems he was suffering from early Parkinson.. now it is understandable - for me - what he did. may he rest in peace!
I read the news in Fergusson... I don't know the details... what is happening folks?? but, it is no news, that the world is in turmoil. There is a law in the Bible: Love your neighbor as you love yourself... Until this little, simple and not so easy law will infiltrate in the brain of mankind, we will not see peace and calm.
But, all the bad planetary positions in the sky are energies,and to have higher highs in the markets, that is what we need... So, as I wrote in my alerts, we have now the S&P at 1955, ready for higher levels.
Is there enough energy in the sky to do it?? That is what I am writing in my weekly forecast.
So sign up now for the S&P or Gold to find out...
Today is the birth day of India, Pakistan and South Korea... So watch out for a CIT in their indices.
We live in times, when we make up new words... Soon, we will not understand each other! Do you know what YOLO means?? "You live only once" These kind of words will make mankind build a new Babel ladder, this time, not to mock God, but to understand each other..
Here is a vocabulary you should have.. some of them are really hilarious.. To see more, go to the left panel, under links look for Internet slang... And all these are in English... I wonder what will happen when all languages will make up their own slangs?? Then we will turn to pantomime.. :) LOL
We live in a time when the big bully is afraid from the bigger bully. Nasrallah, head of the bloody Hisballah, is concerned about ISIS>.. that's a good one, no ??
The fate's sarcasm... We live in times when Saturn is detaching from Uranus... Saturn rules governments, Uranus: unforeseen events... The people on the top can no longer control what is coming.. There is a reason for everything. The more you study astrology, the more you will understand why things are as they are, in the times that they happen...
All people, or events , countries having planets at 16-18 degrees are and were triggered by this Saturn-Uranus aspect.
Looking at the chart of the UK: I just found out that like the US & the UK too has a Pluto transit issue! right on its Sun...Transit Saturn-Uranus angle triggered Venus-Neptune in the chart. Venus is the ruler of the Ascendant, and Neptune of the 6th House of routine... England will be shaken in some way in mid October, when transit Saturn will square natal Sat.
August 18, 2014 Monday
16 hours left of the cease fire. Will the war continue?? Meanwhile, with the Moon in Gemini there are a lot of talks, and disinformation ( Moon-90-Neptune). But, the main aspect is the Venus- Jupiter conjunction.
For our index, TA25: they form a resistance at 1387. Actually the index is blocked by most of the planets. Targets: 1386.50-1391-1393-1396/// So the side trading will go on, I think. Support 1382.
If the index will stay above 1384-1382, the H&S pattern will materialize with a target at 1446.
For my Indian readers: Nifty:
AEX: in a critical position... Stop 394,4. Only above 401 it will be a calmer long..
HSI: made new high- actually in the last 3 days did not go higher than 25010. it is waiting for the west to see where to go.. We are long here with a stop at 24610
AXJO: shows some power, here too we are long with a stop at 5550. Only above 5650 it will be a sure long.
AORD: On June 26 I wrote: target 5550... it is reached now.. Raise stop to 5490.
August 19, 2014 Tuesday
Another 24 hours of cease fire... They are slicing it as a salami. .... The markets went up, as expected. Have you downloaded my application?? I sent a lot of alerts yesterday... I hope you caught them. What is new today in the sky? Well, nothing much. LOL . when there is no news in the sky, we have a status quo down here too. Only the Moon moves, and very quickly... so if you are in for an intra day trading, La Luna is the leader. But how and when? That I teach in the course. The Moon is still in Gemini, so nervousness is its middle name.
Let me see where are the indices today? Our market fell yesterday to 1372. - exactly at the time Venus was conjunct Jupiter... The Moon also gave its "push" it was square to Neptune. We got a recovery to 1382.26 . I gave up on our index.... it moves completely out of harmony. A change should come on the 22nd...
The S&P: reached my target given in the weekly report.- so those who signed up can be very happy now...
Nifty reached my first target given yesterday... AEX: made it to 400, only 1 point to be long..HSI: I would raise stop to 24900; AORD broke out, raise stop to 5630;
I find it very interesting the prices of grains.... Corn for example: is reaching for 2009 lows...!!!
The next New Moon will occur on Aug 25th, at 2^ Virgo. On the 24th we will have an "Apogee"Moon, which means, that the Moon is far from Earth and weak, so its effect also weak. You should check where is this New Moon falls in your natal chart, it will guide you for the next month. I write this now, a week before it happens, because on this day we will enter the month of Elul, the month - as per the Bible - when Moses climbed the Sinai mountain for the third time for 40 days. These 40 days is a time-space when all should look back and correct your ways. It is the last moment when you can do something good, before Yom Kippur- the judgement day. Elul is the Hebrew month that falls in Virgo, the sign that occupies the 6th house of s e r v i c e is a time to mend your relationship with relatives and neighbors.
Number 40 keeps to pop up in all religions... see the link.
Note, that the Asc. of the New Moon is right on US Saturn- government...
We live in difficult times.
Another very very rare thing that happens in the sky: On August 23rd the fixed star Regulus moves OUT of Leo after 2000 - yes, thousand years, and moves into the sign of Virgo- the sign of service. Children born after this date will have this royal star in Virgo- for the next 2000 years. Sorry for not being here then to tell you how will this manifest
I am following a lot of charts: of all the leaders of the area, of the countries, of BO, of the Pope. The Pope... wowww... his chart get a hit by this New Moon... is he sick or whaaat ??
OK, Cease fire ended... 3 rockets were fired from Gaza to Beer Sheva at 3:55 today pm.
August 20, 2014 Wednesday
Unfortunately,what I wrote in my forecasts is coming true... The war is back. and it will stay till mid September at least. But it was expected... I wrote it on Aug. 7. You can read my FB page. Yesterday I uploaded the map of the New Moon. Perhaps this map will make it more clear:
What is difficult in this map, not only the New Moon at 2 Virgo, a sign, which can often be very cruel, but also The conjunctions of the two malefics: Mars and Saturn. Mars - the planet of war, Saturn the ruler of the government. Now both will be 150^ very very bad position to unexpected Uranus...
Mars-Saturn culminates over Kenya,Syria, Turkey , Moscow. Then over Yukon, see the red circles?? And, Uranus line crosses exactly over Washington!...
Oh dear..
A few days ago I posted a map pointing to the Vatican from Benghazi, and I asked, who will save the Pope? Yesterday I read he said that he has 3 years to live. Such a thing only an astrologer can tell tell him. Yesterday some family members were killed in a car accident... Rumors are on about this "accident". My question was a metaphoric one, I meant "Christianity" because of the rise of these barbarian group, Isis. I also wrote " Europe wake up"!!! I am very very distressed of what I see... Now an American reporter, James Foley was beheaded ... you can look it up, I could not watch it.. it is too terrible to put the link up here.
And they have another reporter: Steven Joel Sotloff. Could not find a birth data.
I am sick of this..
The markets: S&P reached my target, 1977, even went to 1979! Now raise stop to 1970
20.08.2014 11:44:49 0°00'00"Cnc <<< La Luna is at home. gmt+3
August 21.2014 Thursday
So much is happening... It seems that we finally, after 4 former tries, the 5th time, we succeeded to eliminate the most vicious person, Muhammed Deif, the chief commander of the military wing, major leader of Hamas, who was hiding here in Gaza under the Shifa hospital, and was leading the attack on Israel. Now, that he is dead, Wikipedia finally has his birth data..
I do not have his birth hour, but I rectified it as per his looks and the Huber point and I got 6^ Aries rising. We had to wait till the two malefics, Mars and Saturn will conjunct in the sky, in the sign of Scorpio, to catch him... they were at the exact midpoint of his Sun-Moon opposition.
Other leaders were killed too yesterday and today... Will we have now a real cease fire, or peace?? I still don't see the end of this war, as I wrote before, 21-28 Aug. and 1-7 Sept are still bloody weeks.
Other news arrive from Thailand, They have a new PM. See the timing... it is all in the map.
Nature cannot stay calm, with all these planetary positions, and we get the news of a possible Vulcano eruption in Iceland. On the 4th of September Pluto will be right on it..
But, I think what interests me, doesn't many others, so let's see the markets...
S&P reached my second target. the Gold too "behaved" as expected.. I send updates to those who signed up...
You can still download my application, to receive alerts on different shares etc..
DAX: On Aug 12 I gave target- on the application 9330 - well, we got it
Today we have a very nervous sky: Moon's positions gmt+3
21.08.2014 9:34:42 10°58'46"Cnc Semi-sextile Venus
21.08.2014 10:07:31 11°15'11"Cnc Opposition Pluto
21.08.2014 14:17:21 13°20'05"Cnc Semi-square Sun
21.08.2014 17:48:21 15°05'25"Cnc Trine Mars
21.08.2014 19:54:52 16°08'30"Cnc Square Uranus
21.08.2014 22:33:58 17°27'47"Cnc Trine Saturn
On July 13th I wrote about Ismail Hania... "He is now 51.45 years old. and in his 9th personal year, 7th personal month. Dangerous month for him September this year. Let us see how will this enfold... "
let's see....
At the beginning of this article I uploaded the map of Hamas. if you wonder how does astrology work, the transit of the 19th , when we eliminated Muhammad Deif, will just show you :
Look how tranist Mars is exactly on the natal Mars. And he was the head of the military... Mars representing war- or a fighter... Also, look at the Moon when this happened! And last but most interesting, transit Jupiter and Mercury making an angle to natal Neptune, at the same degree... So when time has come it has.... Big time.
Now about this reporter, Foley. Beleive me, when I read what happened to him, I cried, I was horrified, and depressed... But now I read, that he was a jihadist !!!!! He was in Syria, on the side of the Jihadists! He tweeted against the US, Obama, Israel during 2012... So, 1) why did he think someone will pay one hundred million dollars for him? and 2) why did Isis kill him?? He was ON THEIR SIDE!!!! AND MORE, A BRIT beheaded him...
I shall never understand this.
Shabbat: I see someone visits and read my blog daily from Bielefeld, Germany. I used to know 2 people from this town, is that you, Uli and C?
August 24, 2014 Sunday
Sky between the two New Moons: inner map is July 27, outer August 25.- made for NY...
market starts, the rest, later.
Our market consolidated today, with a very low volume. Although we had the New Moon yesterday night,. which should bring a change in trend, nothing impressive happened here, waiting for uncle Sam tomorrow. The Moon is apogee, far and weak from the Sun, has no power, so I expect lower levels tomorrow. No crash thou.
July 28,2014 Monday
Cease fire in the air... So far it is quiet. Yesterday I closed to computer... imagine .. LOL.... But then, watching the news I cold not but check why is John Kerry so unsuccessful, and detached?? One doesn't have to look too much to receive the answer for this! Isn't astrology fantastic tool to understand a person ? After you look at one's chart, you are not anggggry with him any more, because you understand who he is and why he acts as he does. He has the Sun in Sagittarius. This sign makes one believe in a certain way, and he will fight for it, even if he thinks to grow potatoes on Mars, he thinks it is right, and the correct way, and he will go for it, and preach it. detached from his surrounding... But also always an optimist, and falls on his feet like a cat. This is point one. Then? the Moon, where is it? in Gemini! in opposition to the Sun, so he was born during a full moon. People born on a full moon, can see both sides of a coin, but can also zig zag in their opinions all the time... Now, if this is not enough, he has Mars, Saturn and Uranus - most of his planets - in Gemini!!! Gemini or the Twins is the first air sign of the wheel, very premature, and bifocal. He wants to run for presidency... I will have to check if there were other presidents with so much planets in Gemini??!!
Looking at his future charts, Directed Neptune is on his Sun !!! It is like saying to the world, "wake me up in 2018"... then Neptune will leave the Sun and he will wake up.
Is Kerry good for the US?? the Suns are inconjunct..(150^). do I have to continue?
If the Presidential elections will take place as planned, on Nov.8,2016- Kerry has a good chance to be elected, if he will run.
What has Kerry in common with Erdugan ??? If Kerry's Sun is in Sag, Erdugan's Moon and Mars is there. If Neptune in the future chart is conjunct Kerry's Sun, It is conjunct in the transit chart of Erdugan...
The East: is green: Nikkei is building a triple top: should go above 15490- BUT! THE OSCILLATORS ARE NEGATIVE...
Nifty: topped at 7834- one of my targets was 7823- 7889- did not reach the last one... and today is at 7750....
BSESN: Made a new top! 612 days after the low of Nov.2012... here too the technical tools show a CIT. So long only above 26295
HSI: Is heading towards the target: 25310
TA25: support at 1391 - resistance 1396.50
What's new in the sky?? The Sun is waving good bye to Jupiter, and moves on. The Moon in Leo, Mercury is squaring the Nodes, at 22^; Mars is in Scorpio. The destructive angle of Saturn-Uranus is still on, at 16 degrees.
have you downloaded my application ??? I send alerts!!! :)
Again rockets on Ashkelon, so fire and the war goes on..
Here is the chart of the Hamas: 14 December 1987. Date adds up to 33/6 The map shows a stellium in Sag.! Mercury, Sun, Sat,Uranus. transit Uranus in Aries. Uranus, the planet that brings surprises, unforeseen issues, is right on his Jupiter, which is the ruler of its Sun and stellium. This year, with transit Jupiter in H8 trine to its Sun will bring a major change to this terror group.
The Evil behind the curtains: Tamim bin Hamad al Thani: this young man, the leader of Qatar, took his father's place on the throne, and being bored, he looked around and said, where can I make some action? So using "Al Jazeera" and buying other European media they influence the world. Then, he pulled out his millions to fund different uprisings and fights in Lybia, Syria, Mali, soon in Saudia, and you name it. Since the Hamas leaders live in Qatar, the road was open to the current situation. But, what is due to come will come.. October 2014 it will be an important time to look again and see what has changed in the world, and in this area in particular..
July 29,2014 Tuesday
Today there is a change in energy. First, the Moon moved out of Leo, then it is again the card of the Tower, and there is a major CIT for the Dow today... So what happened during the night? More sirens. I did not wake up to the sound of the sirens... Anyways, I am looking now at the East- they are still green . Europe is dark red. The S&P closed at 1972. I would turn short with a stop at 1977.
In the fundamental world: fed announcements :
Moon aspects: gmt+3
29.07.2014 10:02:07 1°41'15"Vir Sextile Mars- TA25 turned from 1393 - to 1397;
29.07.2014 12:27:05 2°52'46"Vir Semi-sextile Jupiter
29.07.2014 19:46:41 6°29'41"Vir Semi-sextile Sun
29.07.2014 20:45:52 6°58'53"Vir Opposition Neptune
July 30, 2014 Wednesday
I read that Benghazi of Libya fell into the hands of Isis... Who will defend the Pope?
Today the Sun is 15 to Neptune. A bad day: Last it happened: 26 Sept 13& 27 July 13.
July 31, 2014 Thursday
It is the last day of this "bloody" month. It is the 212th day of the year. I wrote above: watch day 210 for a turn.
Our index closed at : 1398.79. It is consolidating since July 15. Burning the theta. 1396 is a support. I would turn short below this level.
What is new in the sky that can make the market take a decision ? Today's angles gmt+3
Mercury 108 Saturn 31.07.2014 10:55
Moon 36 Mars 31.07.2014 12:48
Moon 72 Venus 31.07.2014 14:19
Moon 60 Mercury 31.07.2014 17:47
Moon 45 Saturn 31.07.2014 22:38
the trade range is very tight in all the major indices, TA25, S&P, Dow, Russel 2000:
From Riyadh to Stockholm and from Kuwait to Singapore people read my blog daily. Not ONE like??? share, comment?? what is wrong with you people?? Not to mention, that about 1 year ago I added a " Donate" button to the blog, just to see if anyone would click on it?? Well NOONE. Noone thinks what I write is important, interesting, or worth a " thumbs up, not to speak of a donation... Why do I bother?
Aug.4, 2014 Monday
we are going through heartbreaking events over here... Every day with its drama. It is difficult for me to concentrate on silly trades. In any case the market- our market is barely moving. Tomorrow it is Tisha Be Av, no trade. Aug 5. a day will be to remember.
Today, we had a terrible event in the heart of Jerusalem, a tractor arab driver drove into a bus, and turned it over... The police killed the driver.
Events like this happened before... but now, it is culminating during the fast of Av. and it is not over. The war is not over. Next difficult day will be Aug.5, 7,9.
The Ebola - seems- is breaking out overseas..
USA map with the date the sick volunteer American doctor was flown to the US- to Atlanta Georgia.
I don't have to say it again, that Pluto in 180^ to US Sun is shaking the natal chart... Now to this you can add the very bad Jupiter 150-Neptune position in the sky. I used the Gemini rising, which was used by Gann, here too there is a dispute if it is right, or not.
We are living times that we will not want to remember. On my facebook page I shared a lot of outrageous events..
Those who downloaded my application, received from me today a LOT of alerts.. Trade well. I am not in the mood.
Download my application now!!
August 5, 2014 Tuesday.
So we have a cease fire of 72 hours, till the parts are talking in Egypt. What will this month bring ? There are some major aspects to look at: 1) Saturn 150 Uranus till Aug.17th.= at 16-17 degrees.... This position is a major support point for the indices, if you took my course, you know how to calculate it. But this angle also brought the problems in Ukraina, and here, in Israel. 2) Jupiter 150 Neptune Aug 11-19 will be the next position to watch. This angle happened only in 2004, and brought a fall - for the Nasdaq , which I am looking at now. They form a resistance at 4396 and a support at 4366.
3) Venus will enter Leo on the 12th. for the Nasdaq in the past it brought a fall... 58% out of the times it happened.
Sirens are shrieking again.... Cease fire ha ?
4) Mercury will enter Virgo (15- Sept 1)- will bring a zig zag trade.
5) Venus 0 Jupiter in Leo! will bring a CIT.
6) Mars 0 Saturn 24-28/ Aug. should end our war.
7) Mars 150 Uranus 21-25/Aug - "aftershocks"
8) Sun in opposition to Neptune.- makes this angle once a year.. Before: 8/26/13; 8/24/12
9) Saturn - Neptune brings a fall ....Sept.1 In any case, Nasdaq will turn short only below 4100...
Today we are under Mars and Moon affect. Mars makes no aspects today... and the Moon is VOC. Fits for Tisha be Av. - we have no trade.
Nifty is 7689 now... above 7594 is a long.
So good trading.. Let me see if it will be quiet today, and I can go to the beach ?
August 6, 2014 Wednesday
Yesterday was quiet, but I did not go to the beach after all... I did go to yoga, though, something I do for the last 3-4 years twice a week.... After it I always feel fresh and ready to go on...
It is still cease fire here, the parts are talking in Egypt. to remind you how did all this started, it was on June 12, when 3 teenagers were kidnapped and killed. Yesterday the circle was closed when the person who planned and helped doing this was caught. I looked at the chart of the time of the kidnapping and yesterday... There are many interesting points to look at, but when we search the end of an issue, we should always look at the 4th house. the inner chart is the time, when one of the boys called his father and whispered " we were kidnapped". Minutes after this, they were killed. The 4th house is in Taurus, Venus is the ruler.
Yesterday when the one who planned this was caught, Venus was conjunct Jupiter, justice.
Today it is again the card of the Fool. roll up, see what I wrote or what it means for the markets... The ruling planets are Mercury and Jupiter.
AEX: Topped on 7/4; our stop was 410. Now it is at 395 which is 2/3 of the rally between March- July. We can try a long pos. above 397.
It is in the news, that Russia is entering/targeting Ukraine/ I looked again at Putin's map... There is something I did not write about till now, besides his stellium or group of planets in Libra, he has Pluto, south Node, and Lilith in Leo! A very cruel personality, I would say.
TIme wise Putin is in his Jupiter-Saturn period. Jupiter is expansion, Saturn for restriction. He is 61.8 years old, he is in his 6th year, and 5th month. As of October he will be under God's microscope, being in his 7th year, in his 8th month... Now in the sky Uranus is in opposition to his natal Saturn, and tr.Jupiter conjunct dir. Moon. a perfect time for expansion. If he has no astrologer, I am Pinocchio.
A very good saying from Fred C.Kelley: "Why you win or lose" 1930
“Many a man or woman would not expect to be successful as a circus clown, opera singer, or grocer, without some kind of preparation or talent, nevertheless they expect success right off in the stock market, probably the most intricate and difficult game on earth.”
August 7, 2014 Thursday
There is still silence here, but the Hamas promised to start firing the rockets again as of Friday 8 am. Today we are under the Jupiter and Uranus affect! This pair did not show up for a long time... Jupiter is in square to Mars, and Uranus is still 150 to Saturn. What has changed during the night is Moon's position to the Sun. Yesterday, when we got a rally in the Gold, they were 120^, now the Moon will move into negative positions, and this is what it will reflect to the markets.
TA25: is consolidating since July 15th, 1382 is a support.
S&P topped on July 24th, this is a date I alerted about in my previous article- if you wish to go back and check... yesterday the spot closed at 1920. The future bottomed at 1902-topped 1922- which way now ?
Europe is red... the East is red. Probably we will be too... let's see.
The ceasefire will end tomorrow and probably the fighting will restart. If you scroll back to the previous article, I pointed out the 7.7.7. returns. We will have another 7 coming up on the 10th of August.- which will also be the tower card. What can I say?? It is an awful month.
The Moon's position for today gmt+3
7.08.2014 14:14:34 28°32'58"Sgr Sesqui-quadrate Mercury
7.08.2014 16:36:45 29°58'59"Sgr Sesqui-quadrate Sun
7.08.2014 16:38:26 0°00'00"Cap <<<
7.08.2014 19:46:30 1°54'10"Cap Semi-square Saturn
8.08.2014 11:22:03 11°28'42"Cap Conjunction Pluto
8.08.2014 18:37:05 15°59'16"Cap Quincunx Mercury
8.08.2014 18:40:31 16°01'24"Cap Quincunx Sun
8.08.2014 19:15:14 16°23'04"Cap Square Uranus
8.08.2014 20:07:54 16°55'59"Cap Sextile Saturn
Mercury's positions for the month : gmt+3
Mercury 120 Uranus 8.08.2014 23:14
Mercury 135 Uranus 16.08.2014 11:33
Mercury 180 Neptune 19.08.2014 6:40
Mercury 144 Uranus 21.08.2014 7:35
Mercury 150 Uranus 24.08.2014 17:01
Mercury 150 Neptune 6.09.2014 10:01
Isis is now threatening to conquer Kuwait... What will Obama do, if this happens? I hope not.. But what if?? will we have a chapter II - Egypt?
A chilling 5 year plan of this caliphate... Until now our enemy in the eastern border was the Hezbollah- behind the back of Lebanon. Now, Hezbollah fights against ISIS. Would they be defeated, Isis will rule in Lebanon, I cannot understand, how a bunch of terrorists, can get to this point they got so far?? With no air force, do they have tanks? I don't know.. How is it possible that they make genocide in Iraq, Syria, and the world is SILENT???????
here is a good film that explains the situation..
August 9, 2014, Saturday
America took off the gloves. US jets attacked Isis, FINALLY! Looking deeper into the charts, I am amazed, again and again, to find clues in the sky! One just has to look!
Us invaded Iraq against the Baath party (Saddam) on March 20, 2003- inner chart.- there is a Sun-Mercury conjunction in Pisces. Pisces stands for religion, but also for oil.. So take your pick. The inner chart also shows a Mars 150 Jupiter- red arrow- angle, Mars- war- Jupiter= expansion. And the third, the black arrow point to an opposition between Saturn -Pluto. Saturn is for government, Pluto is destruction.
What can we see in the outer chart, of the time of the newly bombing in Iraq? Again Sun- Mercury conjunction!! this time in Leo- 150 degrees away from the inner chart. Mars- Jupiter are also in a square, and Saturn-Pluto in a sextile. Why are these angles important?? The US was in Iraq from 2003 to 2011. I don't know for how long this time they will be there, or act, I do hope they will stop these criminals, ISIS... which, was established in 2003!!! and in the beginning, they were fighting against Saddam! they were right under the nose of the US. During the years several leaders were killed, but new ones poped up, and the recent "AL Baghdadi" no one knows who he is, what is his background, this is not his real name... But to continue the former thought, based on this inner chart, there will be future strikes on Iraq when the a/m planets will be again in position with each other. So watch for Jupiter 60^ or 120 to Mars, Sat-30-Pluto. So watch October 5-17,2014...Nov 11, 25, Jan 1, 2015. etc...
Where did US attack yesterday?
In Erbil... I would have never known this town existed, if not this attack. Now I know, that it has a history going back to 6000 BC!!! read the link! It is one of the oldest towns on earth! It is incredible how many times they were attacked, conquered, and population killed during the history!
Why in Erbil ? WHo lives there? Who are they? and how could Da'ash base itself there, and not somewhere else?? In Erbil live a group of people called The Yezidis ... Never heard of them? Me too... Read about them... I added a link.
They believe, that the world was created by God, and is in the care of the "Heptad"- the 7 !!! ANGELS.. AGAIN NO. 7- Apart of religion, something that NOONE can confirm... let's look at Some history: wikipedia: The parliament of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region was established in Erbil in 1970 after negotiations between the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Mustafa Barzani, but was effectively controlled by Saddam Hussein until the Kurdish uprising at the end of the 1991 Gulf War. The legislature ceased to function effectively in the mid-1990s when fighting broke out between the two main Kurdish factions, the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). The city was captured by the KDP in 1996 with the assistance of the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein. The PUK then established an alternative Kurdish government in Sulaimaniyah. KDP claimed that on March 1996 PUK asked for Iran's help to fight KDP. Considering this as a foreign attack on Iraq's soil, the KDP asked the Iraqi government for help."
SO what I understand from this, is that the Kurds split, and were fighting each other! This is when Da'ash- or ISIS moved in- from Iran. As you know, "Da'ash" was a group under "El Qaida" but split from them and turned more cruel and fanatic, even El Qaida could not take it...
OK Some numerology... I took all the leaders and people involved and calculated their personal year. What you should know, is, that a man has several cycles of 9 years in his life time. Each year has a meaning. Year no. 1 is good for new and fresh starts, while year no 9 is the closing period, endings. What I have found is interesting:
Year no1: Sisi , Ismail Hania, Nasralla, and Hollande.
Year no. 2: Netanyahu, Abdallah King of Jordan, Obama, The head of Kuwait -year of cooperation
Year no 7: Putin- year when a person is under God's microscope. very challenging.
Year no 9: Abu Mazen, and Assad.
I have also found, that 9.9.2014 will be a very important day for these gentlemen... and when I googled 9.9.14- this is what I got!
August 10,2014 Sunday
Today we also have the Tower card... Nothing good happened when this card turned up in the past. I am sorry I cannot bring you here some optimistic outlook. We had a bad July, and a worse August. And it is not the end yet.
TA25: opened green, but now it is at 1385.26... = falling from here no support till 1377.50-1371,-1367.
טו באב- Is the the "lovers" day. it is tomorrow... I simply realized, why is this day the day of the lover, or loved ones. ט - in Hebrew is 9, ן= 6 = It is the combination of Mars 9 and 6 is Venus. 9 is man , 6 is woman. AV equals 3= is the child... so of the love of the man to the woman produces the child, the joy.
August 11, 2014 Monday
We are after the full Moon and the Moon is VOID till 15:55 gmt +3. Sign up now for my weekly forecast to know in advance how to trade this week...
And to download my application you can find a link at the bottom of the blog.
So what is new?? Erdugan got elected as I wrote in my face book. He wants to be like Obama, Putin , Sisi or Hollande. Till the end of August he will be PM and!!!! President... Until then he will name his puppet government. Did you know that Turkey has 77 million people? Their economy is very good, far better than many European countries...Erdugan comes with grandiose plans for the future, wants to be the king of the area. He is pissed off that Sisi is the one who rules now. 72% as per wiki - are Hanafi sunni Muslims,
Egypt has approx 87 million population, and they too are Sunni. So they should be
I wrote about Erdugan on July 24.- roll back and see. I wrote that his chart will be triggered by transit planets. This "trigger" brought him the presidency.
I wrote in the past, that when 8 degrees and 14 degrees in his chart are triggered, important event may occur in his life. Look where is transit Mars?! At 8 Scorpio! 120^ to his Natal Sun.
Another aspect that I always watch is where is Saturn? and tr.Saturn was yesterday at 17^ in trine to natal Venus, ruler of house 10=career. The disturbing position is Neptune... though. Neptune is conjunct Sun, and will be for a long time. He might turn fanatic.. Also Jupiter is 150 to Sun, expansion, megalomania... for the whole year of 2014-. Jupiter will conjunct Pluto on Dec.2014 and July 15... some dates to expect major changes in his life.
The most disturbing thing about Erdugan is written here... Awful , terrible, no words to describe ... there is no future for women...
OK... this is today's lesson so far... market starts..
The East points to new highs.. S&P turned up, it was "saved" from a dip so far.. so let's see ...
August 12,2014 Tuesday

Looking at his chart, age wise he was exactly on his Saturn. The same Saturn , in transit just passed his Ascendant, bringing depression. By the way, all people with Scorpio rising are feeling sad and down because of this transit. It happens once in 28 years... So think back. Being close to water, sea, lake, animals or babies can help. Furthermore, since his 8th house of death opens in Gemini, Mercury is very important in his chart. His natal Mercury is at 22 Leo, and transit Mercury last night was right on it! see the black arrow. More: transit Mars was in opposition to Moon- blue arrow... he committed suicide, apparently...In his natal chart Mars is squaring Moon, giving a person an ups-and-down state of mind. When these two are in any angle, this moody character is triggered. yesterday mars was in exact opposition Moon! And, something new I learned today: there is an asteroid called Erigone. It stands for hanging, or other kinds of suicide.. in his natal chart Erigone is in the 8th house of death. In transit it is exactly on his Saturn... the same Saturn that brought the depression he was suffering all his life.
May he rest in peace!!!! It is very sad, to make everyone laugh all his life, except himself...
Aug 15: I just read that he suffered of early Parkinson... Well this explains everything. He had a quick mind, always 10 steps in front of everyone ( Mercury -Pluto conjunct in Leo) and that mind is falling apart... one would not want to live... Now I understand him completely. All the other planets were there to "push " him make it.- like Mars 180 Moon- take you own life...
Yesterday the S&P made a comeback. Will it last??? 1935...I would be more comfortable with a price above 1937...
DAX: as long as it is above the weekly Gann line from 2011- it is a long. At 12 o'clock today German Economic Sentiment... so watch it! Stay out of trade 10 minutes before or after.. Unless you are suicidal.
TA25: 1388 now . Support 1386- resistance 1389.50...You don't want to be in our index... what a waste of time and money..
The German sentiment came out rather negative... the DAX did not fell. Our market is going nowhere..So I looked who has his birthday today ? And we have Francois Hollande, France PM turns 60 today. The Full Super Moon on Sept 9, a date I wrote about before, will trigger his Sun, at 18 Leo...
August 13, 2014 Wednesday
Today we can say happy birthday to Mrs. Yellen 68 and Fidel Castro...88. yes, he is still here..He has a very powerful Sun-Neptune in Leo... Others that have Sun- Neptune (in other signs) are: Shimon Peres,Sara Nethanyahu, Warren Buffet, Putin, Achmadinajad, BIll Gates, Michael Douglas, China, Abu Dhabi, Afganistan, New Orleans.. etc. Each and every one of them is a kind of fighter for something, some ideal.
Anyways... in the markets we have the cucumber season. Not sure you know this expression, this is what we say in Hebrew when nothing moves.
S&P bottomed yesterday at 1923- we are long with this stop. It should run above 1941 and then it will be open to go to 1972.
DAX: bottomed at 8995- It should go above 9200 for a bigger correction, since the top of July 3, it is falling for 41 days...Tomorrow it should turn.. meanwhile it can run to former highs. A major declining trend line is at 9500 ish...
The news in the sky is : Venus moved to Leo till Sept 6. Now we have 4 planets in the fire element of Leo, Uranus and the South Node in Aries- another two will be added to fire, 4 in water, and only Pluto, in Earth. Are these positions good for the world? no. but for te time being good for the market... as sarcastic as this might be.
The terrible angle between Saturn-Uranus is slowly dissolving.... this 150 angle will be remembered for the one that let ISIS surface and terrorize millions of people..This was a very rare angle. It happened only in 1960-63, 1958-71, 2005-2007 and now... It will not return for a long time.
And look at the other angle that will be on the stage for the week: Mars 60 Pluto.
August 14, 2014 Thursday
To show you there are no coincidences... Tomorrow it will be exactly 9 years that we left Gaza. The inner chart is the date of when we left Gaza, it has Mars and Uranus at the 9th degree. ( year later, we had this war, which started on June 12, 2014 with the kidnapping and murdering of the 3 teenagers. So the outer chart is for June 12. Look how many points "fit" or point to this war! The most terrible angle is the Saturn 150 Uranus then and now! Mars conjunct Jupiter and the South Node, and the Moon exactly on the Moon!! Transit Mars on June 12th was exactly 150 degrees to natal Mars and Uranus, at a devastating and bad midpoint. This no one can calculate so exactly but God or fate or you name it...
Today we have a cease fire... Now I hear for another 5 days... But TV says now that people in the south should be 15 seconds from shelters... What kind of a cease fire is that?? And when I say " in the south" it is 1 hour drive from me!
But, Mars has moved on, it is now in opposition to natal Mars, and 120 to Uranus- being at 10 Scorpio... Opposition is the angle of negotiation and that is what we have now..The bad angle between Saturn -Uranus in the sky is also dissolving... so maybe maybe it will end. In another post I wrote that 21-28/8 and 1-7/9 will be again difficult days...And yes, during that week in August Mars will line up with Saturn and BOTH will be 150 to Uranus! Jupiter will conjunct Mercury.Here is the chart of the future.
About the markets: the S&P made it to the price level I gave yesterday... Hope you traded well. Today, I think because some positive positions we will see a further rally. US unemployment is due today... so watch out then.
August 15, 2014 Friday
It is the day of Venus and Jupiter... Also, the card of the day is the Fool. You may want to read about it- there is a "search " window at the left panel... By the way.. did you download my application?? Tell your friends!! Spread the word.. I think you could make good money with my alerts..
I added some news on Robin Williams, above, under Aug.11 post... Seems he was suffering from early Parkinson.. now it is understandable - for me - what he did. may he rest in peace!
I read the news in Fergusson... I don't know the details... what is happening folks?? but, it is no news, that the world is in turmoil. There is a law in the Bible: Love your neighbor as you love yourself... Until this little, simple and not so easy law will infiltrate in the brain of mankind, we will not see peace and calm.
But, all the bad planetary positions in the sky are energies,and to have higher highs in the markets, that is what we need... So, as I wrote in my alerts, we have now the S&P at 1955, ready for higher levels.
Is there enough energy in the sky to do it?? That is what I am writing in my weekly forecast.
So sign up now for the S&P or Gold to find out...
Today is the birth day of India, Pakistan and South Korea... So watch out for a CIT in their indices.
We live in times, when we make up new words... Soon, we will not understand each other! Do you know what YOLO means?? "You live only once" These kind of words will make mankind build a new Babel ladder, this time, not to mock God, but to understand each other..
Here is a vocabulary you should have.. some of them are really hilarious.. To see more, go to the left panel, under links look for Internet slang... And all these are in English... I wonder what will happen when all languages will make up their own slangs?? Then we will turn to pantomime.. :) LOL
We live in a time when the big bully is afraid from the bigger bully. Nasrallah, head of the bloody Hisballah, is concerned about ISIS>.. that's a good one, no ??
The fate's sarcasm... We live in times when Saturn is detaching from Uranus... Saturn rules governments, Uranus: unforeseen events... The people on the top can no longer control what is coming.. There is a reason for everything. The more you study astrology, the more you will understand why things are as they are, in the times that they happen...
All people, or events , countries having planets at 16-18 degrees are and were triggered by this Saturn-Uranus aspect.
Looking at the chart of the UK: I just found out that like the US & the UK too has a Pluto transit issue! right on its Sun...Transit Saturn-Uranus angle triggered Venus-Neptune in the chart. Venus is the ruler of the Ascendant, and Neptune of the 6th House of routine... England will be shaken in some way in mid October, when transit Saturn will square natal Sat.
August 18, 2014 Monday
16 hours left of the cease fire. Will the war continue?? Meanwhile, with the Moon in Gemini there are a lot of talks, and disinformation ( Moon-90-Neptune). But, the main aspect is the Venus- Jupiter conjunction.
For our index, TA25: they form a resistance at 1387. Actually the index is blocked by most of the planets. Targets: 1386.50-1391-1393-1396/// So the side trading will go on, I think. Support 1382.
If the index will stay above 1384-1382, the H&S pattern will materialize with a target at 1446.
For my Indian readers: Nifty:
AEX: in a critical position... Stop 394,4. Only above 401 it will be a calmer long..
HSI: made new high- actually in the last 3 days did not go higher than 25010. it is waiting for the west to see where to go.. We are long here with a stop at 24610
AXJO: shows some power, here too we are long with a stop at 5550. Only above 5650 it will be a sure long.
AORD: On June 26 I wrote: target 5550... it is reached now.. Raise stop to 5490.
August 19, 2014 Tuesday
Another 24 hours of cease fire... They are slicing it as a salami. .... The markets went up, as expected. Have you downloaded my application?? I sent a lot of alerts yesterday... I hope you caught them. What is new today in the sky? Well, nothing much. LOL . when there is no news in the sky, we have a status quo down here too. Only the Moon moves, and very quickly... so if you are in for an intra day trading, La Luna is the leader. But how and when? That I teach in the course. The Moon is still in Gemini, so nervousness is its middle name.
Let me see where are the indices today? Our market fell yesterday to 1372. - exactly at the time Venus was conjunct Jupiter... The Moon also gave its "push" it was square to Neptune. We got a recovery to 1382.26 . I gave up on our index.... it moves completely out of harmony. A change should come on the 22nd...
The S&P: reached my target given in the weekly report.- so those who signed up can be very happy now...
Nifty reached my first target given yesterday... AEX: made it to 400, only 1 point to be long..HSI: I would raise stop to 24900; AORD broke out, raise stop to 5630;
I find it very interesting the prices of grains.... Corn for example: is reaching for 2009 lows...!!!
The next New Moon will occur on Aug 25th, at 2^ Virgo. On the 24th we will have an "Apogee"Moon, which means, that the Moon is far from Earth and weak, so its effect also weak. You should check where is this New Moon falls in your natal chart, it will guide you for the next month. I write this now, a week before it happens, because on this day we will enter the month of Elul, the month - as per the Bible - when Moses climbed the Sinai mountain for the third time for 40 days. These 40 days is a time-space when all should look back and correct your ways. It is the last moment when you can do something good, before Yom Kippur- the judgement day. Elul is the Hebrew month that falls in Virgo, the sign that occupies the 6th house of s e r v i c e is a time to mend your relationship with relatives and neighbors.
Number 40 keeps to pop up in all religions... see the link.
Looking at the map of Israel, this New Moon is no ball...
Looking at the US map with the New Moon- I use the Gemini ascendant, what Gann used. This new Moon will fall in the 11th house- how the world sees you
Note, that the Asc. of the New Moon is right on US Saturn- government...
We live in difficult times.
Another very very rare thing that happens in the sky: On August 23rd the fixed star Regulus moves OUT of Leo after 2000 - yes, thousand years, and moves into the sign of Virgo- the sign of service. Children born after this date will have this royal star in Virgo- for the next 2000 years. Sorry for not being here then to tell you how will this manifest
I am following a lot of charts: of all the leaders of the area, of the countries, of BO, of the Pope. The Pope... wowww... his chart get a hit by this New Moon... is he sick or whaaat ??
OK, Cease fire ended... 3 rockets were fired from Gaza to Beer Sheva at 3:55 today pm.
August 20, 2014 Wednesday
Unfortunately,what I wrote in my forecasts is coming true... The war is back. and it will stay till mid September at least. But it was expected... I wrote it on Aug. 7. You can read my FB page. Yesterday I uploaded the map of the New Moon. Perhaps this map will make it more clear:
What is difficult in this map, not only the New Moon at 2 Virgo, a sign, which can often be very cruel, but also The conjunctions of the two malefics: Mars and Saturn. Mars - the planet of war, Saturn the ruler of the government. Now both will be 150^ very very bad position to unexpected Uranus...
Mars-Saturn culminates over Kenya,Syria, Turkey , Moscow. Then over Yukon, see the red circles?? And, Uranus line crosses exactly over Washington!...
Oh dear..
A few days ago I posted a map pointing to the Vatican from Benghazi, and I asked, who will save the Pope? Yesterday I read he said that he has 3 years to live. Such a thing only an astrologer can tell tell him. Yesterday some family members were killed in a car accident... Rumors are on about this "accident". My question was a metaphoric one, I meant "Christianity" because of the rise of these barbarian group, Isis. I also wrote " Europe wake up"!!! I am very very distressed of what I see... Now an American reporter, James Foley was beheaded ... you can look it up, I could not watch it.. it is too terrible to put the link up here.
And they have another reporter: Steven Joel Sotloff. Could not find a birth data.
I am sick of this..
The markets: S&P reached my target, 1977, even went to 1979! Now raise stop to 1970
20.08.2014 11:44:49 0°00'00"Cnc <<< La Luna is at home. gmt+3
August 21.2014 Thursday
So much is happening... It seems that we finally, after 4 former tries, the 5th time, we succeeded to eliminate the most vicious person, Muhammed Deif, the chief commander of the military wing, major leader of Hamas, who was hiding here in Gaza under the Shifa hospital, and was leading the attack on Israel. Now, that he is dead, Wikipedia finally has his birth data..
I do not have his birth hour, but I rectified it as per his looks and the Huber point and I got 6^ Aries rising. We had to wait till the two malefics, Mars and Saturn will conjunct in the sky, in the sign of Scorpio, to catch him... they were at the exact midpoint of his Sun-Moon opposition.
Other leaders were killed too yesterday and today... Will we have now a real cease fire, or peace?? I still don't see the end of this war, as I wrote before, 21-28 Aug. and 1-7 Sept are still bloody weeks.
Other news arrive from Thailand, They have a new PM. See the timing... it is all in the map.
Nature cannot stay calm, with all these planetary positions, and we get the news of a possible Vulcano eruption in Iceland. On the 4th of September Pluto will be right on it..
But, I think what interests me, doesn't many others, so let's see the markets...
S&P reached my second target. the Gold too "behaved" as expected.. I send updates to those who signed up...
You can still download my application, to receive alerts on different shares etc..
DAX: On Aug 12 I gave target- on the application 9330 - well, we got it
Today we have a very nervous sky: Moon's positions gmt+3
21.08.2014 9:34:42 10°58'46"Cnc Semi-sextile Venus
21.08.2014 10:07:31 11°15'11"Cnc Opposition Pluto
21.08.2014 14:17:21 13°20'05"Cnc Semi-square Sun
21.08.2014 17:48:21 15°05'25"Cnc Trine Mars
21.08.2014 19:54:52 16°08'30"Cnc Square Uranus
21.08.2014 22:33:58 17°27'47"Cnc Trine Saturn
On July 13th I wrote about Ismail Hania... "He is now 51.45 years old. and in his 9th personal year, 7th personal month. Dangerous month for him September this year. Let us see how will this enfold... "
let's see....
At the beginning of this article I uploaded the map of Hamas. if you wonder how does astrology work, the transit of the 19th , when we eliminated Muhammad Deif, will just show you :
Look how tranist Mars is exactly on the natal Mars. And he was the head of the military... Mars representing war- or a fighter... Also, look at the Moon when this happened! And last but most interesting, transit Jupiter and Mercury making an angle to natal Neptune, at the same degree... So when time has come it has.... Big time.
Now about this reporter, Foley. Beleive me, when I read what happened to him, I cried, I was horrified, and depressed... But now I read, that he was a jihadist !!!!! He was in Syria, on the side of the Jihadists! He tweeted against the US, Obama, Israel during 2012... So, 1) why did he think someone will pay one hundred million dollars for him? and 2) why did Isis kill him?? He was ON THEIR SIDE!!!! AND MORE, A BRIT beheaded him...
I shall never understand this.
Shabbat: I see someone visits and read my blog daily from Bielefeld, Germany. I used to know 2 people from this town, is that you, Uli and C?
August 24, 2014 Sunday
The weekly forecasts were sent. IF you would like to know if 1991 was the top, or 1274 was the bottom, please sign up for the S^P/ Gold report to know how to trade..This week is a very disturbing one... .Here is the map of the world. I deleted all the planets, but Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. These will bring the major bad news. See where they fell...
I already posted the map of Reykjavik, with the volcano, that is expected to blow. If you enlarge the map, you will see a lot of names in black. Those are the fixed stars, that sometimes play a huge role . The major event of today is the Sun entering the sign of Virgo. You can look it up, what I wrote in the past about this sign. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and is located in the 6th house of the wheel. Virgos are looking for the tiniest detail to back their thesis, whatever that might be. It is an Earth sign, so they are very "down to earth " people. I am always surprised when I have an "earth" sign student... They are the last to believe in anything that is linked to esotheric stuff: Numerology, astrology, etc... But, they are detectives, researchers, so their interest might come from that end. Mercury in this sign is much more reliable and constant than in Gemini, the other sign that it rules. Children born during this week will be very clever, and will make future's scientists. Not only because the Sun in Virgo, but also because Mercury is also here, the part of Fortune too, AND Mars+Saturn conjunct in Scorpio, in the other sign, that wants to know everything, inside out, upside down. SO, parents... good luck... LOL.
Market started, let me see where I stand.
There was an 6 deg. quake in San Francisco area.. Not serious..
August 25, 2014 Monday
I should have looked closer yesterday... Look at the astrocartography chart I posted yesterday... Where is Pluto? Right on Peru ! And there was an earthquake of 7^ yesterday... Our market yesterday, like during most Sundays' was lousy.. But I was not here, had to take care of the car... and the heat outside... ohhhh, you can't imagine. And I read on FB, that the decapitation of the US reporter was a fake... So go figure.. Didn't I write a few days ago, that when Mercury is in angle to Neptune, you should not believe anything you see of hear?? Everything must be double checked...even triple.
So I woke up, and where do I find the S&P? at 1994! :) LOL...
I have to return to the garage now, so I'll be back later. If you wondered, the rockets here continue to fly and fall. THE SIRENS ARE SHRIEKING..
I am back... and where is the S&P? still hanging on.. I wrote about the Dax in the past and gave alerts on the app. hope you made money ... Now I would watch it, the New Moon is due.
25.08.2014 12:32:36 0°00'00"Vir <<<
25.08.2014 14:39:56 1°02'57"Vir Sesqui-quadrate Uranus
25.08.2014 17:12:45 2°18'31"Vir Conjunction Sun
Be careful over there in San Francisco! Mars-Saturn is right in the neighborhood!
And in Iran:
Market started, let me see where I stand.
There was an 6 deg. quake in San Francisco area.. Not serious..
August 25, 2014 Monday
I should have looked closer yesterday... Look at the astrocartography chart I posted yesterday... Where is Pluto? Right on Peru ! And there was an earthquake of 7^ yesterday... Our market yesterday, like during most Sundays' was lousy.. But I was not here, had to take care of the car... and the heat outside... ohhhh, you can't imagine. And I read on FB, that the decapitation of the US reporter was a fake... So go figure.. Didn't I write a few days ago, that when Mercury is in angle to Neptune, you should not believe anything you see of hear?? Everything must be double checked...even triple.
So I woke up, and where do I find the S&P? at 1994! :) LOL...
I have to return to the garage now, so I'll be back later. If you wondered, the rockets here continue to fly and fall. THE SIRENS ARE SHRIEKING..
I am back... and where is the S&P? still hanging on.. I wrote about the Dax in the past and gave alerts on the app. hope you made money ... Now I would watch it, the New Moon is due.
25.08.2014 12:32:36 0°00'00"Vir <<<
25.08.2014 14:39:56 1°02'57"Vir Sesqui-quadrate Uranus
25.08.2014 17:12:45 2°18'31"Vir Conjunction Sun
Be careful over there in San Francisco! Mars-Saturn is right in the neighborhood!
And in Iran:
And there was an earthquake of 4.8 in Iran..
August 26, 2014 Tuesday
Today I am ending this article, and start a new one.=, as I always do with the New Moon. But' lets look back... and see what did this month bring us? It brought the ongoing war here in Israel with Hamas, it is the 49th day already... one of the longest ones we ever had. Today at 6:20 I woke to the sound of the sirens right above my window there was a rocket, that the Iron dome shot down. Israel is working now on a way to close the sky with lasers, so nothing will fall on us... It's a question of time. But even so the Gaza situation will not be solved. I think the Hamas will disappear, as they are now, and the population will understand that they cannot back them, and they should fight them from inside. But not only here we have a war, there is one ongoing in Syria, with 100 times more casualties than here. And the worst is Isis. USA will have to go hand in hand with Assad to fight them, so as I wrote in an older post, once an enemy is now a partner. And there is Ukraine and Russia, and all the other wars that don't make head lines, like Libya, which is falling in the hands of Isis, and thus Italy is in great danger... No other species kills its own...
Mother Earth is also in turmoil, diseases, earthquakes, land slides disasters.
So we see a lot of negative energy in the sky, but it is exactly this that pumps the markets up. The S&P made it to almost 2000... Dow Jones made it to 17125,- still has to go above 17140-From July 27th, almost all the indices made a V.
Thank you for being here, let's go to the "New Moon in Virgo".
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ****** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *******
August 26, 2014 Tuesday
Today I am ending this article, and start a new one.=, as I always do with the New Moon. But' lets look back... and see what did this month bring us? It brought the ongoing war here in Israel with Hamas, it is the 49th day already... one of the longest ones we ever had. Today at 6:20 I woke to the sound of the sirens right above my window there was a rocket, that the Iron dome shot down. Israel is working now on a way to close the sky with lasers, so nothing will fall on us... It's a question of time. But even so the Gaza situation will not be solved. I think the Hamas will disappear, as they are now, and the population will understand that they cannot back them, and they should fight them from inside. But not only here we have a war, there is one ongoing in Syria, with 100 times more casualties than here. And the worst is Isis. USA will have to go hand in hand with Assad to fight them, so as I wrote in an older post, once an enemy is now a partner. And there is Ukraine and Russia, and all the other wars that don't make head lines, like Libya, which is falling in the hands of Isis, and thus Italy is in great danger... No other species kills its own...
Mother Earth is also in turmoil, diseases, earthquakes, land slides disasters.
So we see a lot of negative energy in the sky, but it is exactly this that pumps the markets up. The S&P made it to almost 2000... Dow Jones made it to 17125,- still has to go above 17140-From July 27th, almost all the indices made a V.
Thank you for being here, let's go to the "New Moon in Virgo".
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ****** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *******
And now begins the global fall of the market all markets should witness CIT
ReplyDeleteAnd that is because??
ReplyDeleteSorry, I don't know how to get listed on Yahoo news, but you might want to download my application, and receive alerts? Link at the bottom, or at the left panel.
ReplyDeleteYour reports helped me made money in this entire rally of s&p us index. Thanks for the timely interim guidance too