New Moon in Sagittarius 2014
Between November 23- to December 22
Thanks for following me , let's see what are the planets planning for us for the coming Lunar month: Outer wheel Dec.22- New Moon in Capricorn. Note, that the New Moons since last month, fall on 0 degrees! Only this is a major event.
So let's see: The Sun moves 0.55 minutes per day- almost a degree. So rounded up, the Sun is our swiss watch! It will always be at the same place in the year... Not so the Moon. Did you know, that the Moon is moving away from the Earth's orbit by 4 cm every year? In any case, no worries, for the coming thousand of year it will still shine into my living room on a full moon. LOL. Mercury will move from Scorpio to Capricorn. Mercury brings us energy and nervousness. When in Sag.Nov 28- Dec 17 is weak by sign. Venus moves from Sag- Dec 11- to Capricorn, a sign it hates to be in; Mars will leave Capricorn, where it is strong to Aquarius- hmmm fire to air! Jupiter will turn retro! on Dec 8- Apr 8; Saturn will move 2.30 degrees ; Uranus will turn Direct on Dec 21; Neptune will move to 5th degree of Pisces and Pluto to the 12th degree of Capricorn. So, as you can see, the sky is busy so will we be, down here.
Former articles on New Moon in Sag: 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010. Listen to this while you read! :) I am listening while writing...
People born with Sun in Sagittarius: my favorite: Beethoven! Dec 16,1770, Jean Sibelius: Dec 8,1865, Brad Pitt, Walt Disney
From my "World leaders" section: Dilma Rousseff, Hu Jintao, Nicolas Maduro, Sakasvili (Gruzia), Julia Tymoshenko, and Stalin... There goes the optimism.. LOL.
Listen to "Finlandia" from Sibelius... and see Beautiful pictures of Finland! I was there twice...
November 24, 2014 Monday
I wrote about Saturn moving to Sagittarius, and more religious wars will break out. here is the first step, or sign. In which direction is going the " modern"?! WORLD. The card that fits this event: the Last Judgment. = Saturn in Sag.
Ok, let me see what is new today up there... The most important event of the day is, the Moon is Void of Course. A time when it is advised not to take any decisions.
I uploaded a weekly chart for SPY: See the 91 months difference between the two historical tops? counting 91 months ahead we will hit May 2015- and get a new top. If market is symmetrical... that is.
Saturn getting closer to Sagittarius, and we have a new black child killing by the police in the US. Hell is close to burst out...
Chuk- Charles Thimoty Hagel is fired. He is 68 years old, I am sorry for who ever loses his job, but in his chart- transit AND directed Moon are at 29 degrees' which point to an end.
November 25, 2014 Tuesday
At 6:15 I got a message from a friend, sending me a rose for women' month. showing me how she loves me. So far so good... in spite of the hour... Than the message went on saying, I had to send it to another 12 friends and back to her too, to show her that I love her too... OK- this is what makes it a SPAM... and me angrrrry.
During the night the Moon moved over Capricorn. You can see the stalling of the market. The east is correcting, but I expected that... It's all in the report.
I see in the news, the fantastic survival of a baby, 5 days, underground, in a hole, in the drain, where his mother dumped him. Having a Sun in scorpio and Jupiter on the ascendant, -together with the arabic part of Fatality, he survived, against all odds! No water, no food.
Born Nov 18, 2014, a date adds up to 18= the number of healers. Found 5 days later by bypassing bicycle riders, at 7:30 when the Part of fortune got to his Asc. and the Moon moved to Sag- right after the New Moon. As if he was re-born. The baby is well. The father is surprised, he never knew of the pregnancy. The mother?? well , she will have to live with it.
November 26, 2014 Wednesday
The night was so stormy, that I woke up, and had to roll down the shades, so I woke up two hours later than usual. Market already starts, I am late.. late to catch up with the news, late to read mails. Late. I don't like it. .. So let me see quickly what has changed during the night? First, we have a Moon-Mars conjunction now, so expect a powerful move. Besides that, Sun-90-Neptune, Mars 150 Jupiter, venus 120 Uranus, a lot of action in the sky- so we will have it down here.
Angles for the day ? Israel:
Those who took my course know what these signs are, and what they mean... For India look at 1:35 om Moon conj. Mars-
I wrote about the destructive power of Saturn at 26 Scorpio- BECAUSE it is in opposition to Algol. here is an excellent explanation I found, on Algol!
Nifty: our stop was 8455- I see it flipped to 8440- if you are still long, than next targets:
In the new upgrade of the app- I can post graphs. And I am.. so you have to open the message, and you will see the graph too.- with a lot of explanations.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~I had to look into Michael Brown's chart to see how and why did his death triggered the Hell to get loose. And to my utmost surprise, this is what I have found:
Michael Brown adds up to 15/6
Date born on June 20, 1996= 6.2.7= 15/6
The card of the Devil is no 15/6
Shot on Aug 9,2014.
Personal year 15/6
Pers month: 6+8/15/6
Pers day 6+9=15/6
What can be the odds for the 15 to show up no matter what I count?
A colleague pointed to the fact, that Ferguson also adds up to 6. Well ???
And it gets better! Looking at the Astrology map... I don't have the hour of birth, but due to his body's size- I used a Taurus rising. On his Ascendant we find Pandora. You know what it means!!! I wrote about Pandora many times... Ruler of chart is Venus- in retro and inconjunct Jupiter in H*8 also retro. There is an asteroid called Fergusson! I found out about this in a FB group. Thanks for them!. Using taurus rising, his Moon is exactly at 18 years, when he was shot.
Now it gets more difficult, putting the transit on the natal... there are a lot of points- but follow Venus! and the Sun- the life giver/taker. See all the arabic parts, and mainly Fergusson! More about it below.
The astrologer Michele Adler wrote:
"Something interesting is there is an asteroid called Ferguson. I found this out when a friend pointed out that the lawsuit regarding the Jim Crow Laws was filed with the US Supreme Court in the late 1800s by someone with the last name of Ferguson. Martin Luther King Jr. had his natal Moon opposing Ferguson in his chart. So the asteroid is connected with racial-related events. and people. "
I wrote in a group on FB:
I just found, that in the USA 4th of July 1776 Asteroid Ferguson was at 2 Sco. and on Aug 9,2014 when Michael Brown was killed , at 9 Cancer.- in trine.... the next positions: 2-9 Leo- 2-9 Virgo- 2-9 Libra -On the 5th Dec. this asteroid turns retro- on 9 Leo! Actually it is on 9 Leo between 26.11 to 8 Dec.- It will be retro till 11.March 2015- and go back to 25.46 Cancer.- and it will be again 9 Leo on 25 May 2015... So - racism related to this asteroid- will still be on stage till the end of May. IMHO.
November 27,2014 Thursday
Happy Thanksgiving !!
Yesterday the S&P made new a high=2074 there it was blocked by Neptune.- now looking back: Nov 17 was the last low at 2024- we have 50 points rally in 10 days. Today there is no trade due to Thanksgiving, next on Friday, I think it will go higher. Stop 2066.
Today we are under the influence of Jupiter and Mars. They are inconjunct= 150^ - bad pos. in the sky.
Yesterday , I forgot to mention that, Chiron turned Direct. It will turn again retro on June 24,2015 from 21.33 Pisc. You ask now, so what?? Chiron makes a round-trip around the wheel in 50.76 years! So it is a very important timing to watch... Aren't people getting depressed when around 48-50? asking themselves, what did I achieve in my life?? In the market too, 50 years is a very important turn for a stock..
Mercury is now on a very fortunate fixed star, Bungula, at 28.40 Sco. For the markets that trade now, is should help in the rally,, the problem is, that the East opened under the bad Mercury-Uranus position, and they should correct. Here comes in the synthesis I alwyas write about. Which position or angle is stronger? THAT, I teach in my course.
Read here about people and inventions born on Nov 27.
TA25: rallied yesterday to 1470- sent alerts for today...
I hear on the news the sudden parting of Phillip Hughes, an Australian cricketer, who was hit by a ball on his neck, causing brain hemorrhage. Just 3 days before his 26th birthday! Surely, you know me by now, I had to took at his map, name and numbers.
Phillip Hughes = name adds up to 11/2
Born on Nov 30th 1988 = 31/4. He was in his 3rd personal year, 5th month, 5th day. ( died 27th Nov 2014/ at the age of almost 26- minus 3 days.
So look what I have found in his chart! No time of birth, but Putting Jupiter at 26 years of age, we got the Moon in H8 at 22.35 degrees in Leo. - the Moon is the key pointer to the death.
Now loo at the transit chart! It might be too crowded, but I had to show you, poor soul!, the "knock out" he got from the planets. Not to talk about the small Arabic parts, that back the accident. Transit mars and Jupiter are triggering his Moon at exactly 22 degrees! I painted in green the exact positions, and added in pink the close ones, at 19 degrees.
May he rest in peace!
An after thought: could he have escaped his death? Yes. Staying home and reading a book, under these bad angles, he could have. Any good astrologer could have warned him. But, I guess, this was his fate.
November 28, 2014 Friday
we don't have trade today, so I was out with the family and my grandson... Isn't he cute??
After I came home, I updated my app. and I added a coupon.
It says: a friend brings a friend/// bring 5 people to download the app, send me a mail with their details, so that I will know that YOU brought them, and YOU will receive the S&P report for 3 months for free.
So spread the word!!!
Now I shall work on the reports for the next week.
Be good.
November 29, 2014 Saturday.
Writing the reports under a perfect Moon-Sun trine. Moon in Pisces, brings all the muses. Sun in Sag. makes one look into the future..
Here is one of the charts I am sending to subscribers:
November 30th 2014 Sunday
Remember Mubaraq? Egypt court acquits him. Jailed on Feb 11th 2011- and waved all charges Nov 29,2014.- You might want to make his chart. No birth hour.. I just want to remind you, what Sagittarius brings: good news, and what was hidden under Scorpio, we got to know, and get justice under Sag.
I want to add here a saying: Everything can happen to you - if you live long enough.
Market will start soon, with a Sag. Sun and Pisc. Moon.
December 1, 2014 Monday.
We shall say good bye to November, as December is already here with the Moon in Aries. We have a powerful opening for the month, with the Moon in this sign. Later, due to several strong planetary positions, a correction will come. No crashes, just corrections. The main important angle of the week is Saturn-135- Uranus bad, and Mars 60- Saturn - good aspects. Which one will win ? On the road we shall meet other nasty positions too, it will be a hectic month.
So let's see where is the East ? Japan and India are rallying, Hong Kong is red...
BSESN: sent alert on the app on NOv 28, to raise stop to 28500- targeting 28800- it topped today at 28796 :) , Raise stop to 28720.
HSI: The low 23253- target was 23862.92-24167.88. So far it reached only 23730. We are long with a stop at 23405.
Nikkei: monthly chart
I posted now a lot of alerts on the app.
Today we are ruled by the Moon. So its' angles will be very important.
For India:
For NY:
Watch these hours for a CIT.
Here is a screenshot of my gold report for the next week, and the outcome this morning.
Any market will be open at 1:40 am Dec 2? watch for a GAP! nEXT: 4:30 AM - the East is trading..! and at 16:03 Dec 2.
December 2, 2014 Tuesday
today morning the Moon was on 15 Aries, which is a degree that the last Lunar eclipse occurred.
Also, in the morning I am very busy sending out alerts to the Eastern traders, in Japan, India, China, Korea, etc. later, I send to Europe- I try to do it before the opening, so people , who downloaded the app. would know what to do. Should they go long or short, is there maybe a turn in the markets? later again, I send to our local market some shares I think will rally. Most of the times I buy them too. In the afternoon I send alerts to the US- because angles that work in the morning, often don't mean anything in the afternoon. So I sit here, in my office, from 7 am to 6 pm. If you have any questions, feel free to mail me. I also added a Thanksgiving gift to the app. You can see it under coupons. One of them is: A friend brings a friend: bring 5 people to download the app- receive the S&P report for free for 3 months.
So what is new in the sky? The Mars-Saturn angle 60^- they are there the whole week. they form a firm support or resistance, depending where is the stock trading, at what level. Ex. for the Gold they are at 1167 or 1197. For the Crude: 67.50
Us will find a bad Moon-Mercury aspect at 5:33 pm gmt+2- but here are the times to watch for today :NY time
Dec 2: the government, seems is falling today. Netanyahu is firing 6 ministers. There will be elections again in March, more waste of money...
In the map of Netanyahu we can see this, and I think this is the end of Netanyahu in his political career. Sooner or later he will step down. He has similar aspects in his chart as Rabin and Sharon, I am not saying he will die, only that his disappearance from the political stage will be sudden as in the other's case.
I rectified the time and the chart, following a list of events in his life. Thus he gets Venus as his carreer ruler. And this is triggered by transit uranus and Pluto . two difficult planets. Once they hit a personal planet, the person will not be the same after they move on. The second event to see, is the Sun, exactly today, enters the second decane of Sag, under Martial rulership, there it will fight, and bring wars, fights, etc. The third aspect, not that there aren"t more... is the 72^ of Saturn to Saturn. I always write that Saturn crowns/ wipes out kings... Well... all together point to the beginning of the political careers end.
The day - in the cards - is the day of the Hanged man. This card shows that the viewer sees the world upside down. It fits exactly the political situation.
Now they are talking about elections early March, 2015. I looked ahead, and found, that there is a Solar eclipse on the 20th. BIll Meridian writes in his book of eclipses: "Born before an eclipse- things will turn out unexpectedly". The eclipse will occur at 29^ Pisces, from here, surprize!!! will hit almost all the natal charts of people who can be taken in consideration to run against Netanyahu, including his. So after wasting a lot of money, we will get an unexpected outcome.
The 19the Knesset started to work on March 18,2013- lasted 624 days- till Dec.2,2014.
The inner wheel is March 2013- the outer, yesterday night. We can see how transit Saturn at 27 Sco- sends the knock- out to the Sun ( PM ) and Venus, ruler of the map. Also negative aspect from Jupiter in 22 Leo- to the whole stellium in Pisces- black arrow. And, the last blow is Mars at 28^ Cap- exact sextile to the Sun.
Now, the Jupiter 150 to the Pisces stellium is very important. 150 degrees is a 90+60 angle. It pushes the person to DO something. But, the outcome will be felt only when Jupiter will be 180^- an opposition. And, because its' retrograde motions on the way, it will be at 28 Virgo only in March 2016. Till then we will have to live with it.
December 3,2014 Wednesday
The inner wheel is March 2013- the outer, yesterday night. We can see how transit Saturn at 27 Sco- sends the knock- out to the Sun ( PM ) and Venus, ruler of the map. Also negative aspect from Jupiter in 22 Leo- to the whole stellium in Pisces- black arrow. And, the last blow is Mars at 28^ Cap- exact sextile to the Sun.
Now, the Jupiter 150 to the Pisces stellium is very important. 150 degrees is a 90+60 angle. It pushes the person to DO something. But, the outcome will be felt only when Jupiter will be 180^- an opposition. And, because its' retrograde motions on the way, it will be at 28 Virgo only in March 2016. Till then we will have to live with it.
December 3,2014 Wednesday
This day adds up to 13/4- It is ruled by the card of death. In astrology by Uranus, or the North Node. Also, Mercury is on the stage.
We have an important change in the sky today: the Moon enters Taurus. See the times relevant. gmt+2
3.12.2014 7:14:50 0°00'00"Tau <<<
3.12.2014 15:49:04 4°53'06"Tau Sextile Neptune
3.12.2014 18:06:10 6°11'04"Tau Sesqui-quadrate Venus
3.12.2014 23:15:33 9°06'41"Tau Quincunx Mercury
The other important issue in the sky is Venus is OOB. what this means, I teach it in my course. It will be OOB till X-mas, then it will be "normal" again, but!!!! Saturn will enter SAG.
It is interesting to see that only in 2009 was Venus OOB in December!
December 4,2014 Thursday.
The news for today is, the effect of Venus, that went OOB. Since Venus moves quickly, its effect will be for a few days, till X-Mas.
We got a small rally yesterday, Astrologically, due to the Moon in taurus, fundamentally, to positive announcements, technically, because former lows were not broken. So what comes before what? This is a eggs and chicken question.... Will let you think about it.
Meanwhile, I sent my alerts, hope you got them, on the app.
You know I am writing weekly reports, yes? Here is the banner of my letters. WMA- stands for World Markets and Astrology. The cost was and is for 3 months: $225. Links to subscribe at the left panel under Paypal.
For Gold:
Ok, market starts... let me see where is my portfolio.
Trade well.
I looked again at Netanyahu's map and all the times he was elected PM. I found fantastic " coincidences " . In this chart we have the natal- inner wheel, and the elections- outer. Can you see the stellium in Libra- natal - and the stellium in Gemini 120^ to the natal, all cool, he is elected.. Saturn 150^ to natal Saturn, and the Asc. conjunct Saturn. Cool? cool.
He was defeated on May 17, 1999 by Ehud Barak, when natal Mercury, the ruler of his career, was triggered by transit Pluto and Venus, transit Mars on his Sun, and more... So a vulnerable Mercury brings falls.
Now see the second time he was elected: Surprize!! again, there is a stellium, now, right in opposition to his natal group. Saturn? conjunct Saturn. The other stellium in Aquarius helps.
Next time: Saturn again in a favorable position to natal Saturn, and, the stellium ... helps.
How will the sky look on March 17, 2015? for him...Again, there is a stellium in Aries. We are looking for Mercury- and we find transit Mercury at 7 Pisces- 150 to natal.- bad - Conjunct Neptune! worse. Then we look for Saturn, will it help again? and it is at 4 Sag in H12. VErrrry bad/ Sat-120-Uranus is blocking achievements.
So based on all these I draw two consequences: 1) He uses an astrologer to have the elections when time fits him. 2) he will not be reelected. Something will happen around Dec 18-22 to him, that will change the whole scenario.
January 6, 2015 there will be elections in the Likud party. He might not be re elected.
Just a few days before the elections, on March 11,2015 Mars will line up with Uranus, in the 6th house of the army, in Israel's chart. See all the arrows and positions, I am very much afraid a new terror attack will happen, in large scale, due to Jupiter on Pluto- at the MC. Also see Saturn triggering Venus and the Moon.
This event will change the outcome of the elections.
December 5, 2014 Friday.
I wonder what is the reason for one article being successful, and another less? I mean this one got more than 50% less readers than the former one... OK, we are still in mid -month, but still. Can somebody enlighten me?? Not that you people talk to me at all... That I can't understand too. There is a possibility at the bottom of the blog to comment, share your thoughts, likes and dislikes, but no. nothing. Anyway... I go on.
Tomorrow we will have the Full Moon in Gemini. from the next week
the Moon will be waning coming closer to the Sun, and closing the 28 days' journey. I wrote you - subscribers - that the Moon in Gemini will bring a hectic trade... Look at the S&P its a heart attack! Of course, this corresponded to the unemployment announcement.
The Dow couldn't care less, and made a new high at 17926.8- my target is still higher- at least: 18025.
Russel: Nov 25 the stop was 1175- we were stopped out, and we are on the fence now.
The Vix: is at 12.38- only above 13.8 I would worry.
Sectors: you can see here which one is leading on daily, weekly, monthly basis.
Nifty: the stop was 8520- this was not broken. - target given yesterday was 8598- and reached !
Nikkei: Stop was 17810- target 17874- and later: 19110. Till now: 17922. Now raise stop to 17880.
It is again week end, I have to write my reports. trade well... see you later.
December 7, 2014 Sunday
We are after the full moon, having the Moon still in Gemini, but, it will turn VOC between 11:52-19:34.
Mars entered Aquarius, and will be in this sign till Jan 12th. Mars ( fire) in Aqua ( air) is one of the most cruel places to be. Or maybe this word is too harsh... say unpredictable. People with Mars in Aqua will have their ways and reach their goals in the most unpredictable ways.
They are willful (Mars) and clever ( Aqua). Once they set a goal, they will reach it "by hook or by kook". They will let people be... lol, as long as their goals are achieved. Any planet being in an air sign, and Aquarius is the highest level in the hierarchy of the air signs, will make a person to feel with his brain.Which is quite impossible. So they seem to be detached from feelings, and will have difficulties by showing them. This can be very stressful for their partners. I would not visit a psychologist- for instance -with this planetary position. They will be very stubborn - being Aquarius a fixed sign. And will bring reforms if they run for a political position. So let's see who has Mars in Aquarius?
Victor Hugo, Woodrow WIlson, Puccini, Cary Grant, Tennessee Williams, george Bush, Jimmy Carter, lee Iacocca, Hugh Hefner, Queen Elisabeth, Jane Fonda, Lee Harvey Oswald, Ann Margaret, Achmadinajad, Joe Biden, Oscar Pistorius.
Mars in Aquarius will make the following angles, on the dates to be followed:
Here is the graph of our index, for instance:
I must mention, something about the Fixed stars. There are fortunate and unfortunate ones, like in every sign, in Aquarius too. The degrees that hold the unfortunate ones are: 1^, 13^, 20^. Mars will be on those degrees between: Dec. 6-8, 22, 31.- market wise, dates to watch!
The Moon today is far from the Earth, so its effect is weak.We are under the effect of the Sun and Uranus. Oh... Uranus ... we did not have it for a long time. Brings surprises... Unexpected events.
December 8, 2014 Monday.
It is the best time of the year to be in Israel! We have 26 celsius... warm and nice. The sea is as a mirror. So calm! There are a few people only at the beach, mostly tourists, who cannot believe their luck.
Today is a very important day, because the Knesset will have to vote to dissolve the government, as Netanyahu fired several ministers last week. See my post of December 4. Since then, in 4 days, it seems, that Gideon Saar, a former important Likud member will return, and run against Netanyahu.
Since our leaders deny us, astrologers of their hours of birth, all I have is a Solar map, which is good enough to see what is happening. And, don't forget the Numerology! That too is a great tool to know who is your friend or enemy. I teach this in my courses...
Here is the map of Gideon Saar. His name adds up ( in Hebrew) to 4, which is ruled by Uranus- bringing surprises in his life. Some use the North Node for no.4
His date adds up to 7, which is a neptunian number, but some use the South Node for it. In the inner chart we have a Scorpio stellium, - Moon, SN, Neptune and Merc. are all in Sco, this fits his date, the secretive activity, behind the curtains. See that Uranus, the ruler of the name is at the MC.
Th outer chart is for Jan 6, when the primaries/elections will take place.- for the Likud party.
here we are looking for Saturn, which, as we saw in all the former charts I analysed, helped to put people in power. On January 6th, a day that adds up to 15/6- Saturn will sextile- good - his MC, and the MC will be in opposition his Sun. Transit Saturn will conjunct natal Mercury- which is the ruler of his career, so yes, he has a VERY good chance on this day.
OK. So, let us see where are the markets now:
The East trades already, and I quoted a lot of targets and stops in the app. - where are they now? let me see.
WOW... everything is green ! Except for the Nifty.
Someone asked my on Twitter how will the Mars-Uranus conjunction affect the USA.
This is what I think:
For the USA- this Mars- Uranus conjunction will be in sextile to USA Sun- Using the Gemini rising chart, as GANN did. At first glance, this position is favorable, because of the sextile,
But coming from the 11th house- the house of big enterprises, can cause uprisings, maybe some changes in the Unions?
More important, is the fact, that they will add to the otherwise so highly triggered USA charts,: see Uranus opposition to Saturn – the revolution against government, and Pluto in opposition to Sun- destruction- before rebuilding… A very highly estimated astrologer, Nikola Stojanovits, mentioned in one of his articles, that Saturn represents the black people.
So you have more uprisings of the blacks against the government, which is already ongoing.
What do you think of these angles?
Our market will open soon. We reached my target given yesterday, 1497- and closed at 1494.72.
December 9, 2014 Tuesday.
Today it is the day of Mars and the Sun. Again, it is no coincidence, that they are in a position in the sky. It is a 45 degrees. I teach in my course, how to calculate their position, and know if they support, or resist the market. This aspect happened before in Sept 29,13; Oct 13,2012, Aug.20,2011, Aug 26,2010, June 25,2009- etc. You can check what happened in your stock on these dates.
The other important issue of the day is the 150^ Moon-Sun aspect. In a personal chart, this is a negative aspect, for the markets it brings some energy. I say "some" because the Moon is in Cancer, at home, and there it is lazy. So as you see, we have to consider many aspects, positions, etc.. to take a decision how to trade.
In the news: Lisa Helps, new mayor of Victoria, refuses to swear oath to Queen Elisabeth.
Today it is the day of Mars and the Sun. Again, it is no coincidence, that they are in a position in the sky. It is a 45 degrees. I teach in my course, how to calculate their position, and know if they support, or resist the market. This aspect happened before in Sept 29,13; Oct 13,2012, Aug.20,2011, Aug 26,2010, June 25,2009- etc. You can check what happened in your stock on these dates.
The other important issue of the day is the 150^ Moon-Sun aspect. In a personal chart, this is a negative aspect, for the markets it brings some energy. I say "some" because the Moon is in Cancer, at home, and there it is lazy. So as you see, we have to consider many aspects, positions, etc.. to take a decision how to trade.
In the news: Lisa Helps, new mayor of Victoria, refuses to swear oath to Queen Elisabeth.
Now check out what I wrote on Oct 5 and 6....
Yesterday at 8 pm the government voted to dissolve, and go for new elections. Here is the map of the former elections, that lasted till yesterday:
In this map- the 7th house opens with Aries, the ruler is Mars. Mind you, there was a Sun- Mercury conjunction in 2011- as there is now, on the day of the fall. So Mars represents :
partners, open enemies, the coalition". The government lived till Jupiter made an opposition to Mars, reaching it, the government fell.
partners, open enemies, the coalition". The government lived till Jupiter made an opposition to Mars, reaching it, the government fell.
March 17, 2015 will be the next elections. But so many things change here daily... that who knows if this will be the date, really. Here is the map of that day:
In this case H7 is represented by Venus and Taurus is a fixed sign. the coalition that will be built should be stronger than in 2013. BUt, as I already wrote above, I see, the elections will come 3 days after the Solar eclipse, so the outcome will be unexpected.
Important dates to watch : Nov 8,2015 and 9.9.2016.
I worked till late checking which of the elections in Israel's history got an eclipse before the elections. " Search and thou shall find" says the proverb, and I did... Knesset 17! took place on March 28, 2006 with the Sun at 7.57 Aries, Asc 17 Scorpio, Mc 23Leo 29. - the eclipse occurred one day later, on March 29th, at 8Aries35. It is interesting to see Saturn's position then and now! at 4^ Leo, right on the Moon, while Jupiter in opposition to the Sun.
In 2015, we will get again Saturn at 4^- sending a 150 - bad- angle to the Moon, and look! Jupiter again retro, A N D on Pluto, and Saturn on Israel's natal chart.
Jupiter will turn Direct on April 8, 2015 other date to watch is end of May and beginning of August 2015.
December 10, 2014 Wednesday
Today the Moon moves to Leo. Watch out for a change in trend! Actually, we got a low and turn in the S&P as I quoted in my report. The S&P fell from 2078 to 2032. 2052 is a major planetary level, Above it we are long, below, short.
I wrote many times about Erdugan. His mind is more and more foggy, to be gentle. Transit Neptune is on his Sun. He is in his 8th year now, but after February 2015, the clock will tick for him too.
See this, and understand why I say what I say. Next year will find him in jail. In my humble opinion.
December 11,2014 Thursday
Venus entered Capricorn, and last night the S&P fell- completing almost a third correction- only till now. the low was at 2022, which is the perfect place, since it is the Pluto-Uranus position too. They "caught" it and now it is correcting.
I just sent out my alerts on the Nifty, BSESN, NIkkei, S&P, Russell, etc etc- as I usually do in the mornings. If you have my app., you know what to do.
I want to draw your attention to a major change in the planetary positions, on X-mas eve! Saturn will enter Sagittarius. While Sagittarius represents, freedom, no borders, no obstacles, not in body, not in mind, optimism, and relying on yourself, believing things will turn out all right in the end.. It will receive an unclaimed visitor, in Saturn, which signifies exactly the opposite to all this. Restriction, depression, loss, boundaries. This will last till mid December 2017 !!!!
If this is not enough, the first angle to make will be to Neptune! bringing financial catastrophes, and expansion ( Sag) of epidemics/diseases (Neptune).
Here are the dates Saturn squared Neptune in the past:
6.04.1909 - 23.04.1909
8.10.1909 - 1.11.1909
13.01.1910 - 4.02.1910
8.01.1926 - 27.01.1926
12.05.1926 - 4.06.1926
28.10.1926 - 15.11.1926
25.06.1944 - 11.07.1944
29.12.1944 - 23.01.1945
24.03.1945 - 17.04.1945
4.05.1962 - 7.07.1962
11.02.1963 - 27.02.1963
7.09.1979 - 23.09.1979
15.03.1980 - 11.04.1980
8.06.1980 - 4.07.1980
17.06.1998 - 6.07.1998
21.10.1998 - 12.11.1998
28.03.1999 - 15.04.1999
18.11.2015 - 5.12.2015
5.06.2016 - 5.07.2016
25.08.2016 - 23.09.2016
In personal charts they will trigger different aspects of life, depending on each and every one's personal data.
December 14, 2014 Sunday
We had a rainy week-end, time to stay home, or meet friends and warm up. Sometimes I find it fascinating, that people actually talk about what they eat, ware, of buy. and are not sunk into the sky and planets, where I spend most of my time... HAHA, it's nice to land sometimes and see that life is down here.
But, markets starts soon, so I am dragged back and up again, to see what has changed in the sky.
the Sun is at 22 degrees of Sag. 22 is a difficult number, it is a master no, bringing big lessons to its bearer. I mean, for people born today, like Mrs.Dilma Rousseff- Born 14 Dec.1947- she turns 67 today, She has the Sun at 21.21SAG, and Saturn at 22.35 Leo.- I saw her crying on TV, don't know what is the story, but I can imagine - because of the planets- she is having a very difficult time. The Sabian Oracle says about this degree:
Sun's Position at 9:10:27 AM is 22°Sg12'
This is a time of possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life. You may find that you are prepared to venture into new territory for the promise it offers. There may need to be adjustments about the way one communicates one's thoughts and ideas - be receptive to this new way of life and you'll learn much. Reorientation of self-hood. If negative - entering into new situations with inflexible traditions. Throwing away the known in pursuit of the unknown.
The Moon is too at 22 degrees, but in Virgo, thus,in a square to the Sun. Watch out! do not quarrel today! Count till 10 before you say something! Drive carefully! Mercury in Sag. is weak and bad, can cause accidents by car or fire.
The important position in the sky - the whole month - is the Uranus 90- Pluto square. Which make some believe the markets are crashing. Well, In the past when this occurred, they brought a rally in most o the indices. Not all respond in the same way to the same planetary position!.
See the blue arrow, is the other important position in the sky now: a good one between the Sun and Jupiter! at 22 degrees. And, the last one is the Venus- Neptune sextile- a minor positive position.
I ran Timing Solution, to see how did this square affected the Dow- Why the Dow? I have data since 1885- and for these slow moving planets one need a lot of data!
this square occurred before 2012 in 1934 only! see at the right panel how did the Dow react to this:
We got a rally, actually under this angle!
For the market this angle brings a lot of energy, pushing it up. In personal charts we should check if you have any planets around 12-14 degrees, because, on Jan 20th, the Nodes will conjunct Uranus- bringing fateful changes in one's life.
See USA Sun is at 12 Cancer- will get an exact square- which is not very cheerful. I made some research, to see who has the Sun at 12 Aries, or the other cardinal signs, and here they are: USA, DOW, Mel Gibson,Ahmadinejad, Rodney King, TA25.
Who has the Moon at 12 Cardinal? Euro, Matteo Renzi, Mia Farrow, Maya Angelou, etc... and the research one can make is endless...
Vix: I wrote above, that only above 13 I would worry- well it topped at 23! Actually this is 2/3 correction of the fall between Oct 15- Dec 5th. So there is still space to go up to 23.64-24.38-26.5- But the Stock is already at 91.8, so it will fall back soon to the "normal level, pointing to an end of the falls in the market, and a X-mas rally.
On Sept 14 I posted the graph of the russian Rubel.... wowowow!! IF you took that advice, you are now a new oligarch. Since then it rallied by 55%! in 3 months! Can go for 62!
Japan: Shinzo Abe- victorious in today's elections. No wonder... transit Saturn in favorable position to his Sun! and directed Jupiter+Uranus on his Sun.. Mercury- helped too.
December 15, 2014 Monday
The Moon squares Mercury now, and this is the news I woke up to: Sydney under the terror attack of a lunatic. I hope police will solve it... with no casualties. Some were lucky enough to fled the Lindt cafe, running for their lives. I say lunatic, since they know who he is.... Keeping my fingers crossed.
Sydney was founded: January 26, 1788 on a Saturday at 18:00- as per It is now in its 8th year, a number ruled by Saturn. But as per this map the government is ruled by Mars which is at 10 degrees in retro, and see where are the progressed and transit planets? Pluto in opposition, Mars at 150^- pointing to this "situation"/ . Mind you, the Solar eclipse on April 29, 2014 hit Australia, so "something" was expected to happen, in this quiet and peaceful place. For someone who lived through many terror attacks in the past, I fully feel what those people go through now.
During the night the Moon moved on into Libra. As I wrote to my subscribers, a change in trend will be due. here are the angles it will make:
15.12.2014 6:04:37 0°00'00"Lib <<<
15.12.2014 16:10:10 5°02'40"Lib Quincunx Neptune
15.12.2014 18:36:33 6°16'09"Lib Square Venus
15.12.2014 21:09:08 7°32'53"Lib Semi-square Jupiter
15.12.2014 22:56:13 8°26'49"Lib Trine Mars
The market over here turned up, but still not enough to be on a safe side-- at 1485.2.Support is at 1482.55- target or first resistance: 1486.90
I see that a lot of people are connecting and reading the blog. But only if you PAY for the application, you will receive the market alerts, which I am sending out constantly!
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December 16, 2014 Tuesday
244 years ago, on this day, my favorite composer, Beethoven was born today! remembering him, I am listening to his beautiful music!
We are after the Sydney Drama, with one poor hostage, mother of 3 dead, and the attacker. Why exactly her? What was there in her map, that did not let her live more? There were 20 people in that coffee shop, why her? Well, I don't have her data, so this question will be out there, till I get the data. By the way, you know, that if you speak out laud a question, or a wish, it will linger forever in the universe, and you will get your answer, sooner or later. That is why you should guard that hole you have under your nose.
Sometimes we say or wish for something that we didn't mean!... And then it gets back to us as a bumerang.
What is new in the sky today? The Moon moved to 13 Libra, thus it will make an exact opposition to Uranus in a few minutes. Venus is conjunct Vesta and Mars sextiles the Solar eclipse point-that occurred at 8 taurus.
S&P: made a low on Oct 15th and on Dec.15th. The low was 1981-- now it trades at 1993.
We got the low yesterday, when: the Moon squared venus, and made 150 degrees to Neptune, Mercury was conjunct the Galactic Center, and Jupiter 120 to Eris. Maybe we should watch Eris too... LOL- we can add it to the hundreds of points we are. Here are some dates you can watch - in Eris's move in the sky, maybe it hides a secret...
Here are the future angles for Eris with different planets. Maybe these dates will be worth while watching!
Some nasty positions coming up: Saturn will oppose the Pleiades- or the weeping Sisters- exactly on X-mas-, and the Sun on Dec19th will be 150 to the worst fixed star, Algol.
There is no calm with Uranus -Pluto square! We hear about the School in Pakistan attacked by the Taliban. More than 120 children killed.
But, the chart of Pakistan shows it: we can see the Pluto-Saturn-Venus-Sun stellium, or group of planets in Leo- and transit mars is in opposition to all these. Therefore, when we have a stellium, many areas of life will be hit at the same time by one single transit. transit Saturn, as you can see is at 29 Scorpio, and I just wrote in the morning, its bad opposition to the Weeping Sisters. Unfortunately, till Mars doesn't move on, this map, of Pakistan is triggered! till Jan 5th.
If I remember well, India has a very similar chart! So look out!!! a similar attack might come over there as well!
Steven Harper- has his Uranus at 12 Leo, Madonna too, Goldie Hawn, BIll Clinton, Susan sarandon,Mitt Romney, Elton John, OJ Simpson, Camilla Parker,Schwarzenegger, etc etc.. have planets at 12 Leo- that will be triggered by this bad square.
Queen Elisabeth has her Moon at 12 Leo! Obama has his Sun as 12 Leo!
See Nawaz Sharif's PM -chart being triggered by this horrible square: and it is not over! transit mars will conjunct his natal Venus on Dec.22, very dangerous times!
For Israel: the square hits exactly natal Pluto, the ruler of the 2nd house on "my money".
December 17, 2014 Wednesday
To the above list of who gets a direct hit by the Uranus-PLuto square, we can add Russia. Every country has many maps. Here is the map of Russia drawn to the Union with Belarus in April 2nd, 1996. I must say that I got inspired by Mr.Thor, someone who runs a very good Vedic group. Since I don't know Vedic astrology, I thought too show you, how we can see the fall of Russia- because of the oil! in the last year.
As you can see, the Asc is at 14 Cancer, right on the "Killing planet Anareta"- a very bad start.... Then the Sun is as 12 Aries, conjunct Mercury and the South Node on the MC- Transit Uranus is hitting it straight in the heart. The Sun in a country's map is the leader, so Putin. Then, we have the Moon -the people- at 22 Virgo- a very vulnarable position. Nikola Stojanovitz- my astrologer friend from Serbia, calls this degree" kill or get killed". And finally, look at Saturn! It is conjunct Pandora, at 29 Pisces. Now Pisces rules oil. And transit Saturn is at 29 Sco.- Saturn blocks, so you have the fall in the oil prices. Nothing extraordinary, this happens every 28 years, ... like a swiss clock , it could have been predicted. By the way, in 2009 when the oil was 34-40 dollars, transit Saturn was in opposition this Saturn. So you see? The planets tell us everything. Next dates to watch will be Oct-Dec 2017- then transit Saturn will square Saturn, Just like in 2002 ( then it traded at 24-32.) The oil peaked =147= on July 1, 2008- when transit Saturn was 150 to natal Uranus. and transit Mars 150 to Neptune- ruler of Pisces, Oil.
It will take a long long time for Saturn to make 150 to Uranus in this chart! Only in 2030...
Oil monthly chart:
Listening to the CNN: they say, that Germany is also in a very vulnerable position.. So I looked at their chart, made for Bonn 23 May 1949. and I am searching if is there any planet at 12 degrees? Well, yes, the Moon , Venus and Neptune- get the direct hit from the Uranus-Pluto square.
Germany: The Moon represents the government, Venus is the ruler of the Asc., and Neptune, the 6th house. The 6th house in a country's map is the army.Are we in front of an internal disturbance?
Furthermore, looking at Angela Merkel's natal chart, we can see a stellium in Cancer! mercury, Jupiter, at 12 deg, Sun , Uranus the South Node, and the Killing point Anareta! all in cancer , now triggered by transit Pluto in opposition, and transit Uranus in sqaure! More!!! transit Mars will conjunct her Moon on Dec.24th! X-mas eve, when Saturn moves to Sag...She should be very careful! not only her career but herself too is in danger.
Today we are ruled by Mercury, and this just entered today the sign of Capricorn, which should make a difference. Every index or share behaves in a different way...
December 18, 2014 Thursday,
We wake up to a Moon in Scorpio. In this sign it is weak. On the other hand, it is in a waning position to the Sun- which is usually a positive position.
Number 18, in Hebrew is ×—×™ - or Chai- meaning "life". in donations, people often donate the multiples of Chai- 180, 360, 1800 shekels. In numerology the number is that of a healer.
In the cards it is the card of the Moon.
And, happy birthday to Brad Pitt. he is 51 today, He too will be affected by the Uranus-Pluto square. Also, having 5 planets in Capricorn, transit Pluto " irons" many aspects in his life. Steven Spielberg was also born today, and he is 68.
OK, so let me see how did the markets do during the night?
I see all US indices, Gold and Oil made a low and turned.
NIkkei I alerted yesterday, to lower stop to 16850- above it long... And now it trades at 17136! There is a huge open gap now, so, careful! If you can afford it, keep the 16850 stop.
AXJO: Somebody is reading this blog.... On Dec 15th I wrote, to lower stop for short to 5200 and it should not break 5140. Well, it didn't! It turned up right on time! We are long with a stop at 5160.
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December 21, Sunday
It is 26 degrees and warm outside. Hanuka. But, we have trade. The arbitrage is very positive, so I guess we shall see new highs.
TA25 : I alerted last week- on the app, that should run up with a big volume, above 1475- well, it did; and we reached the target quoted: 1482.55
Now opening above this level, next steps: 1483.20-1486.4-1487.35-1492.30-1499.70
Good trading, will be back later.
December 22, 2014 Monday
The target yesterday for TA25 was: 1492-1499. It topped at 1494- and closed at 1487.53
Today sky:
In yellow- we have a stellium, or a group of planets, in Capricorn. It is , as you put all your eggs in one basket. How vulnerable it can be, when you drop that basket!?! It is only favorable for those born in Capricorn... But very bad for the Leos, and Geminis. Then in green I highlighted Saturn, which , on X-mas eve will enter Sagittarius. two controversal energies. While Sag. is optimistic, Saturn will bring his depression into it. Not all is bad with this move, but we will have to adjust to a new energy- Saturn in this sign till mid December 2017.
And, finally, of course, we still have the Uranus-Pluto Square in the sky. For the markets they form- till now, a support. In my weekly forecasts it is all explained.
December 23, 2014 Tuesday.
We are after the New Moon, so as always, I thank you for being here, and please follow me to the new page: New Moon in Capricorn, 2014".
On Dec 16, you mention watching Eris. I respectfully submit that the Grand Trine of Eris, Jupiter, and Ceres inflated and nurtured markets upward last week. I know Eris gets a bad rap from being Ares' sister and that whole Golden Apple thing, but, imho, she bears watching when aspecting Mars, Jupiter, and/or Neptune.
ReplyDeleteOn Dec 17, you show a radix of Russia on April 2, 1996. I respectfully contend that Sirius on the ascendant, even if not exactly partile, although in this case it is, is very worthy of attention.
The anareta is not a planet, per se, but merely a point of disputable calculation. I say, disputable, because it runs off an areta, or hyleg in Arabic, of which there can be several in a chart. Yes, the computer programs make it easy, but I think they use a mean location much like mean Node or mean Lilith.
I do appreciate that it is at the ascendant and conjunct Sirius and thank you for pointing it out.
We also notice that Jupiter, the "unruler" of this Cancer ascendant chart, is not only in its fall of Capricorn, but is almost exactly opposing the anareta. And is just slipping below the western horizon into darkness.
And speaking of slipping into darkness, if we progress this Apr 2 chart to today, we see P2 Neptune, planet of illusions and oil, itself setting over the western horizon. Oops.
Also in the progressed chart, in the 10th house of government, we see transiting Eris, Rx, in ruler Aries, applying to conjoin Mars, in ruler Aries. Oops.
One last thing. We see transiting Saturn at 29 Scorpio just separating from a nice trine with natal Saturn at 29 Pisces. And the same transiting Saturn leaves Scorpio and ingresses Sagittarius on 25 December, it will trine with P2 Saturn at 1 Aries.
Just conversating.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for sharing this information about astrology with us!
ReplyDeleteThis is excellent information. It is amazing and wonderful to visit your site.
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