New Moon in Aries, 2015
Between April 18- May 18, 2015
Thank you for following me from the former article. Read it! Every article is a continuation of the former. Nothing happens just out of the blue, there is a reason, a cause- which is in the past, that are triggered in the present.
The map above shows the planets position on April 18- the Aries New moon, and the outer wheel is the coming New Moon, on May 18. Between these dates the SUn moves 30 degrees, Mercury moves from Taurus to Gemini, a sign it rules, and brings a lot of action, Venus moves from Gemini to Cancer, Mars will move to Gemini,from Jupiter to Pluto not many changes.
April 20, 2015 Monday
Yesterday I worked more than 4 hours on the alerts on different stocks. I posted, I believe, at least 30 alerts. You can see them in your mobiles. Those who like statistics, can check where was I right in the past. I really don't have time for that!. let me know what you come up with.
Besides looking at the astrology map as you know it- see picture above, there is another map that we shall always keep an eye on: the declination chart. I teach it in my course, what to watch here?!

So what is new today? The Sun is at 29.48 Aries- slipping over into Taurus, thus joining Mercury and Mars already there.
I hear on the news the sinking of the immigrants' ship in the Mediterranean.
This happened under the Venus-Neptune square. Neptune, god of the waters, as you probably read in the Greek mythology. How horrible! And of course, here too money is the cause, the greed of Venus, people were forced to go on the already overloaded ship. With a bad Mars-Mercury conjunction in the background, in Taurus, and we got the disaster of more than 700 people, mostly children( Mercury) and women ( Venus) drowned.
S&P: target given in the weekly newsletter, last week was 2070. It bottomed at 2071.4- and reversed at 18:00 gmt+3- exactly, when the Moon made a 135^ to the Nodes.... HMM I will have to watch this angle closer. Now it trades at 2102.6-there is a difficult level at 2103.80 ! Only a gap up will help!!
S&P: target given in the weekly newsletter, last week was 2070. It bottomed at 2071.4- and reversed at 18:00 gmt+3- exactly, when the Moon made a 135^ to the Nodes.... HMM I will have to watch this angle closer. Now it trades at 2102.6-there is a difficult level at 2103.80 ! Only a gap up will help!!
April 21,2015 Tuesday
We are ruled by Mars and Venus today. Mars is in exact trine to Pluto, at 15 degrees, While Venus is at 11 Gemini, applying to a sextile to Jupiter. Both positions are good.
What is less good is a Gemini Moon. It will bring a lot of nervousness and volatility. The Sun is already in Taurus, on Mirach- fixed star, a fortunate one. As of tomorrow, till 4/28 the Sun will hit several malefic ones.
If you go back to my April 18th post, this is what I wrote about the BSESN:
BSESN: Sent alert on 4.9 - we raise stop to 28697- targeting 28810- it was at 28900 yesterday. Now raise stop to 28800. Short below it! Closed 28442"
Now it trades at 27782! A great short! Lower stop to 28000
April 22, 2015 Wednesday
This is the map of the sky for today. It tells us a story.It shows everything me should know about trading. Stops, targets, energies, volumes, even gaps. Will they be good or bad?
All this I teach in my Financial Astrology course. The course is of 10 lessons on skype.
You can read students' letters at the left panel. They are much better traders today. Not only they learn to understand what they see, but they learn about themselves, their timing and psychology too. Trading is all about mass behaviour. There is only one Warren Buffett, who can go long for 5-6, 20 years and never move. We, who have no money, usually, make small and nervous little trades. During the course we learn who YOU are, how you think, how you act, how you REACT if you loose! Very important not the get a heart attack or have your hair fall out of nerves. Even after learning about the sky, about numbers, different theories, the one who counts is the one who looks at you in the mirror.
Today we are ruled by Mercury, is inTaurus. It is conjunct Mars, and both trine Pluto at 5 degrees. This could have been a good aspect if it was between other planets and in another sign. We are also ruled by Neptune which is at 9 degrees Pisces. People write about Neptune, that is the ruler of artists, and healers, and God of the Sea, all true. I can add to this, that it is also the silent killer. A bad Neptune can sneak up without noticing, and enfold you in the " ever after" ... But, we are not looking at personal charts now. Neptune gets a bad angle from the Nodes. Another hectic position, so to say, is Moon-Venus conjunction in Gemini. Both sextile Uranus at 17*. And to end the story, the Sun just hit the first malefic fixed star in Taurus.
Taking in consideration all these, I make the calculations for each index, commodity or share that I send in the application.
It is the turning day for the Gold today. Stop was 1206- we went short below it.
Running above 1201.80- 1203.85; nothing to stop it till 1209- 1212-15.
Now I have to run. See you.
April 23, 2015 Thursday
It's the 67th independence day here in Israel, and we don't have trade. It is one of the craziest thing, that I could NEVER absorb, that the day BEFORE Independence day is the Memorial day for the soldiers who died in the wars since 1948. It is a very very sad day. People are morning. and then, one day later we celebrate the Independence day. How can one switch from one end to another? But maybe, this is what defines this country, after all.
There is no trade today, tomorrow is Friday, then Shabbat, so we are off till the 26th.
Plenty of time to do things, arrange the house, rest, read. So if you want to read my former post about New Moon in Taurus, here they are:
Meanwhile I planted some flowers in my living room window. Living on the 7th floor, there is no garden, so this is what I got:
April 24, 2015 Friday

The Gold did turn, after failing to base itself above 1203.85- to 1183. The above graph shows a rally for 20 days, next 20 will be on the 27th. Another date to watch will be May 11.
1184 was a double bottom. At this level Venus-Pluto angle supports. 1187-1188.60 is another support. Resistance 1193.55-1196.25
Platinium: in my weekly newsletter I wrote last week that we are short below 1163- It is now at 1132. Lower stop to 1133.55-1136.25- target: 1125=1127/
S&P: made a double top at 2119- in an interval of 58 days- which is close to the fibonacci number 55. As I write these lines it trades at 2112. this is one of the difficult levels to cross, next is 2116-2117- as long as it trades below these levels, I would be very careful with longs.
Sometimes I post on Facebook, in my "Stockmarket and astrology" group. You are welcome to "like" it and read there too.
April 27, 2015 Monday
Hello, how was your week end? While we were resting, the planets moved on. They, or the nature never rests! And NOT when the Sun hits malefic fixed stars! One disaster after the other! First the Chile vulcano is now suffocating many Chileans, next the Nepal earthquake, killed so far 2500 people, and who knows, how many more will be found? Next the Everest avalanche, and it is not over yet. The Sky is bad. Not only the Sun is on destructive stars, but Mars, Mercury too. To all that we can add the Neptune -Node malefic position, which are always there during quakes, and we, the little creatures down here must deal with the consequences. What I can't understand is, why this earthquake did not happen where Isis is? They are the evil, not the kind and humble people in Nepal!
The world is sending help. Israel sent 2 planes and 140 people. China, with more than a millard inhabitants, and neighbor, sent 69. LOL... Isn't this grotesque??
And another picture that I see: while the world is helping people in trouble, trying to rescue as many as they can in one part of the world, in the other, people are doing their utmost to kill each other, as many as they can. Do you see the balance? Do you see good versa evil?
Saturn is solitary, makes no angles till 4/28; 10:25 when the moon will square it, and stop what ever is going on.
The Nepal earthquake map:
1) Venus-150 Pluto
2) Neptune 150 N.Node,+ Jupiter
3) Moon is VOC
4) Sun on malefic fixed star,
5) Mars on Malefic fixed star
etc etc...
TA25: consolidated the whole day traded between 1686-1688.waiting for the US to give a signal...
The market in Europe will open under a Marsian influence. Expecting a rise only between 11:35-12:41.- towards the end of the day it will turn more negative..
Nikkei: topped on April 23rd- at 20252- Our stop- given on the application, was 19780- I would raise it to 19900- a fall is always a harsh one, so why lose?
HSCE: the stop was 14420- but we were wiped out, on 4/24- when it bottomed at 14128- Now it trades again above the stop, so if you have the nerve, go for it. Targets up: 14730-14810- here it will bump into a resistance declining trend line.-
FTSE: stop given on 4/15 was 7066- it is consolidating since then- Long only above 7090- falling below 6980- it will fall to 6830
Hours to watch today: Moon's angles:
FTSE: stop given on 4/15 was 7066- it is consolidating since then- Long only above 7090- falling below 6980- it will fall to 6830
Hours to watch today: Moon's angles:
27.04.2015 17:12:19 24°36'27"Leo Square Mercury= watch out for a gap.
28.04.2015 4:07:16 0°00'00"Vir <<<
S&P outcome:
TA25: closed at 1684.46- closing negative, as expected.
Nikkei: We are still in trade, did not break the 19900 stop.
HSCE: topped at 14815- raise stop to 14600
FTSE: ran up to 7122, after a low at 7025- so both shorts and longs were wiped out. 7066 is still a stop for long, if you want to get back to trade.
One of the rallying shares is CANF: It is a dangerous move!
builds a head and shoulders pattern unless runs above 16.88 with a large volume.
Sign up to the weekly newsletter, receive alerts before it happens!
April 28, Tuesday, 2015

On May 2013- when it fell - transit Mars was on natal Moon,
and it is there now again.
Will it fall like in 2013??? This requires a deeper analysis... and I have to run now. And it's in the weekly newsletter.
Have a good day.
April 29, 2015 Wednesday
Again, I skipped yoga. For the third month now, that I have not attended. I am too tired by the time I come home, to go out again. And I feel it! I need it... I should take myself again into the routine of gym...
April... only 30 days, but seems longer then March. It is evil. This time it brought this horrific earthquake. A thought passed my mind the other day... In one part of the world Isis destroys ancient, historical monuments of Iraq , Yemen, and where ever they are, in Nepal it was the nature that did it. Many significant historical monuments were flatten down. Pluto is the one, that first comes to destroy, and later, only very much later it will rebuild. April "produced" Hitler and Saddam too. Also, Catherine the great, Queen Elisabeth, Dominique Strauss Kahn, etc. etc.. Also, Hirohito, Japan's emperor, who reigned for 61 years, and history remembers him as "reign was called the Showa Era, or time of enlightened peace"
No time now to stop and look at them. The market is fluctuating.
Ta25: we got the expected fall yesterday, I was very much short, and sold out before the close. Now we have a positive arbitrage, so probably it will correct. The Nifty turned, alerts were sent, actually, in the morning I send all the important alerts to subscribers.
So what is going on today? I wrote in the report: April 29: Wednesday: The East will open with a positive Sun-Neptune angle- the 2109 level is very important again.
Europe: at 9:00- the Moon will be 120^ to Pluto! at 2115.50- this level, if crossed, new highs to get.
At 14:00 gmt+3 Sun-Nodes 150^ bad, but full of energy- the whole day European announcements… this, in the past brought a 82% probability of a rally for 4 days. "
At this moment the Moon is departing from a trine to the Sun,
today times to watch:
29.04.2015 7:01:10 13°14'03"Vir Semi-sextile Jupiter
29.04.2015 11:38:51 15°30'33"Vir Trine Pluto
29.04.2015 16:11:40 17°44'43"Vir Quincunx Uranus
29.04.2015 22:37:36 20°54'37"Vir Square Venus
29.04.2015 23:21:11 21°16'05"Vir Trine Mars
On April 1 I wrote in the application about Twitter: TWTR: failing to run above 51.50- will fall to 38 by end May Stop for long 50. Short below. Earnings on April 27!" Actually it topped on 4/8 at 53.49- and yesterday, after the earnings fell to 38.38
GPRO: who asked me about it? Seems it is turning... see targets on the graph
May 4 Monday, 2015
Time flies so fast, or maybe I am so busy? I am not catching up with all the events. Or maybe I am slowing down? LOL... Be can wave good bye to April, it was absolutely bad for the world this time, we shall remember it, as the one that brought the Nepal earthquake with more than 7000 dead... so far.. Nature is annnngry. The planets are on most destructive fixed stars, together with a bad Neptune Nodes angle disasters come one after the other.
Many Israelis were in Nepal during the disaster, and all came back, were rescued, all but one. Because of this one, my mind was somewhere else, and I could not concentrate on anything else. I didn't know him, so I was watching the news, and praying.. May I be wrong, just this time, and he will also be found!!! I found his name and data, and I knew that only prayers could help. And they didn't this time. His name was bad, his Sun was bad, everything was bad in his chart. He was severely wounded in our last war, last July, but recovered, and went to an " after army" trip, so so many of our youth does. Being 3 years in the army, at 18 , it tough. Our children grow old quickly. You cannot compare them to any other 18 years old! They have to deal with situations that nowhere in the world exists. Since 1948- till today, and for ever, since the chart of Israel is like that... So they finish the army, and go either to India, Nepal or South America. Poor Or Asraf, didn't make it. He was in life danger during the war last year, and since the planets haven't moved much - in his map- he was still in danger in Nepal. May he rest in peace.
May: WIKIPEDIA teaches us that The month May was named for the Greek goddess Maia, who was identified with the Roman era goddess of fertility, Bona Dea, whose festival was held in May. Conversely, the Roman poet Ovid provides a second etymology, in which he says that the month of May is named for the maiores, Latin for "elders," and that the following month (June) is named for the iuniores, or "young people" (Fasti VI.88).
The month is the 5th , so 5 rules it, and the ruler of 5 is Mercury, the Messenger. What is outstanding for this month, is, that Mercury will turn retro and stay in this sign till July 9!
The inner map is May 4- the outer June 1- you can see how the planets move.
Ta25: Topped on April 27- and since then it is falling. 1632.76 is an important level! Also May 8. Yesterday bottomed at 1633.3- Next down level is 1612.62/ Up level 1639-1657/
May 5, 2015 Tuesday
Yesterday our market bottomed at 1632- then reversed, and made a top at 1646.64. We shall move our stops now to 1640- and look for higher levels.
The S&P too turned, and if you have my app., you received the alert before the trade opened. I sent alerts for the Russell too, an index that makes big moves.
Today I woke early, so I had the time, before rushing down to the real world, to work... LOL - to enter my buy / sell orders, make some charts, and be calm for the day.
For you I checked how did the S&P behave during May, since 2004?
28.04.2015 4:07:16 0°00'00"Vir <<<
S&P outcome:
TA25: closed at 1684.46- closing negative, as expected.
Nikkei: We are still in trade, did not break the 19900 stop.
HSCE: topped at 14815- raise stop to 14600
FTSE: ran up to 7122, after a low at 7025- so both shorts and longs were wiped out. 7066 is still a stop for long, if you want to get back to trade.
One of the rallying shares is CANF: It is a dangerous move!
builds a head and shoulders pattern unless runs above 16.88 with a large volume.
Sign up to the weekly newsletter, receive alerts before it happens!
April 28, Tuesday, 2015

There is one little change in the sky, and we get a reversal! The Moon- this time- left Leo, and entered Virgo. Soon it will trine the Sun- another intra day turn to watch. It is fascinating to watch how one index is rising, while the other falls... Some 3 years ago, I was covering Jakarta for a subscriber. I just looked at it, and to my astonishment, JKSE, is the only index, that corrected in just a few days 2 years!!!! of rally.
On May 2013- when it fell - transit Mars was on natal Moon,
and it is there now again.
Will it fall like in 2013??? This requires a deeper analysis... and I have to run now. And it's in the weekly newsletter.
Have a good day.
April 29, 2015 Wednesday
Again, I skipped yoga. For the third month now, that I have not attended. I am too tired by the time I come home, to go out again. And I feel it! I need it... I should take myself again into the routine of gym...
April... only 30 days, but seems longer then March. It is evil. This time it brought this horrific earthquake. A thought passed my mind the other day... In one part of the world Isis destroys ancient, historical monuments of Iraq , Yemen, and where ever they are, in Nepal it was the nature that did it. Many significant historical monuments were flatten down. Pluto is the one, that first comes to destroy, and later, only very much later it will rebuild. April "produced" Hitler and Saddam too. Also, Catherine the great, Queen Elisabeth, Dominique Strauss Kahn, etc. etc.. Also, Hirohito, Japan's emperor, who reigned for 61 years, and history remembers him as "reign was called the Showa Era, or time of enlightened peace"
No time now to stop and look at them. The market is fluctuating.
Ta25: we got the expected fall yesterday, I was very much short, and sold out before the close. Now we have a positive arbitrage, so probably it will correct. The Nifty turned, alerts were sent, actually, in the morning I send all the important alerts to subscribers.
So what is going on today? I wrote in the report: April 29: Wednesday: The East will open with a positive Sun-Neptune angle- the 2109 level is very important again.
Europe: at 9:00- the Moon will be 120^ to Pluto! at 2115.50- this level, if crossed, new highs to get.
At 14:00 gmt+3 Sun-Nodes 150^ bad, but full of energy- the whole day European announcements… this, in the past brought a 82% probability of a rally for 4 days. "
At this moment the Moon is departing from a trine to the Sun,
today times to watch:
29.04.2015 7:01:10 13°14'03"Vir Semi-sextile Jupiter
29.04.2015 11:38:51 15°30'33"Vir Trine Pluto
29.04.2015 16:11:40 17°44'43"Vir Quincunx Uranus
29.04.2015 22:37:36 20°54'37"Vir Square Venus
29.04.2015 23:21:11 21°16'05"Vir Trine Mars
On April 1 I wrote in the application about Twitter: TWTR: failing to run above 51.50- will fall to 38 by end May Stop for long 50. Short below. Earnings on April 27!" Actually it topped on 4/8 at 53.49- and yesterday, after the earnings fell to 38.38
GPRO: who asked me about it? Seems it is turning... see targets on the graph
May 4 Monday, 2015
Time flies so fast, or maybe I am so busy? I am not catching up with all the events. Or maybe I am slowing down? LOL... Be can wave good bye to April, it was absolutely bad for the world this time, we shall remember it, as the one that brought the Nepal earthquake with more than 7000 dead... so far.. Nature is annnngry. The planets are on most destructive fixed stars, together with a bad Neptune Nodes angle disasters come one after the other.
Many Israelis were in Nepal during the disaster, and all came back, were rescued, all but one. Because of this one, my mind was somewhere else, and I could not concentrate on anything else. I didn't know him, so I was watching the news, and praying.. May I be wrong, just this time, and he will also be found!!! I found his name and data, and I knew that only prayers could help. And they didn't this time. His name was bad, his Sun was bad, everything was bad in his chart. He was severely wounded in our last war, last July, but recovered, and went to an " after army" trip, so so many of our youth does. Being 3 years in the army, at 18 , it tough. Our children grow old quickly. You cannot compare them to any other 18 years old! They have to deal with situations that nowhere in the world exists. Since 1948- till today, and for ever, since the chart of Israel is like that... So they finish the army, and go either to India, Nepal or South America. Poor Or Asraf, didn't make it. He was in life danger during the war last year, and since the planets haven't moved much - in his map- he was still in danger in Nepal. May he rest in peace.
May: WIKIPEDIA teaches us that The month May was named for the Greek goddess Maia, who was identified with the Roman era goddess of fertility, Bona Dea, whose festival was held in May. Conversely, the Roman poet Ovid provides a second etymology, in which he says that the month of May is named for the maiores, Latin for "elders," and that the following month (June) is named for the iuniores, or "young people" (Fasti VI.88).
The month is the 5th , so 5 rules it, and the ruler of 5 is Mercury, the Messenger. What is outstanding for this month, is, that Mercury will turn retro and stay in this sign till July 9!
Ta25: Topped on April 27- and since then it is falling. 1632.76 is an important level! Also May 8. Yesterday bottomed at 1633.3- Next down level is 1612.62/ Up level 1639-1657/
May 5, 2015 Tuesday
Yesterday our market bottomed at 1632- then reversed, and made a top at 1646.64. We shall move our stops now to 1640- and look for higher levels.
The S&P too turned, and if you have my app., you received the alert before the trade opened. I sent alerts for the Russell too, an index that makes big moves.
Today I woke early, so I had the time, before rushing down to the real world, to work... LOL - to enter my buy / sell orders, make some charts, and be calm for the day.
For you I checked how did the S&P behave during May, since 2004?
64% we got a fall at the beginning of the month, Then, on the 21st the SUN enters Gemini- we get a lite correction, and then down again. But this is 65% only! and we don't trade percentages.
During this month we will get Mercury in retro too! To have it in May, it occurred in 2010 and 2008- in both years the index flipped, or fell, by more than 10%.
And the Dow: Let's see how is our friend, the VIX? This index shows us in pre time what to expect.. And it is very calm! Low was 10.40 in July last year, now at 14.40- time to watch 5 7 ,22nd &30th .
Today we are under the pressure of Mars,- at 25 Taurus. The Moon is in opposition! Brings a fluctuative day. The Moon will be VOC- not a good day to decide on anything.
5.05.2015 8:33 - 5.05.2015 14:13- enters SAG! More action! Watch announcements.
The main malefic angle till May 8th, is a 135% between Saturn-Uranus. If Saturn represents black people, and Uranus uprisings, you have a situation in Baltimore, and everywhere... Here too. How awfully sad!
May 6, 2015 Wednesday
It is the day of Mercury and the Sun. In the cards it is the card of the Sun. It brings a turning day for the S&P.
THe planets are scattered. Some are at the early degrees on signs, at 2,6,9 degrees, some at the last degrees: 25,27,29. THe Sun,Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto in the middle. Each degree has a meaning, an energy, Each position tells us a story. Then we have the fixed stars. Venus is an a most malefic one, at 28 Gemini... Pluto is at 15 Capricorn on a good star. Then we have the declinations.... Mercury and Venus are OOB- see the graph at the beginning of this article, on 4/20. And last but not least is La Luna. I thought while in Sag. it will bring a mirror effect of the March low, when it was again in Sag. And I was wrong.. It brought again a low. In a day like this I am holding calls and puts also, when the effects are so controversial. When a saturation point will arrive, I shall sell that end, and strengthen the other.
Today is 210 days from the October 2014 Lunar eclipse date-! It is a CIT.
May 7, 2015 Thursday 2015
I did not have time today morning to post. So I posted on Facebook.- in my group. So, always check there too.
In my weekly forecast I wrote, that the forecast of the unemployment is very negative, therefore, if it will come out LESS negative, the markets will rally. - This is the fundamental reason for the rise. Beyond this, we have the astrological reasons, and more..
In any case, the S&P is rallying now, after a low at 2060- now at 2088.
May 11, 2015 Monday 2015
Hello all, I got a mail from an old reader saying, that he has difficulty reaching me blog, it takes a long time to load, then all kind of ads pop up. Does anyone else have the same problem ?
The blog is planted on Google,so I wrote them, and I followed on line instructions, did what I could. I hope they will also check.
If it takes you a long time to load, check your own computer, when was the last time you cleaned it from cookies, pop ups, and other trash? YOu should clean the browsing history too... All these, take up a lot of memory from your computer.
My blog is heavy due to all the graphs and map I upload. So press this button, and follow explanations what to do.
Also: do this :
During the day, I can be reached on my mobile at
Let's see what is happening in the sky?
The Sun is at 20 Taurus. I wrote earlier, that this sign is full of malefic fixed stars. The Sun will cross them as of May 15 for 6 days. - till it will enter Gemini.
The worst of all , in Taurus, are the Pleiades, or weeping sisters, at 29*- the exact position of Mars now! Some indices ducked while Mars was on this cluster of stars, but not all.
The Moon is in Aquarius, in a waning position to the Sun, it will square it today. Look up to the sky, you will see half a Moon. Try not to fight today! Mercury is in Gemini, a sign it rules. So it is strong and volatility is its middle name. Mercury will stay in this sign till July 9, because it turns retro~!~
Venus is in Cancer. Right now it is separating from a bad position to Saturn-
And the important move of the week is Mars entering Gemini. Again, each index reacts differently to this change.
As I am sending now the 8th alert for Asia indices, I realise that all have turned on May 7. What happened on that day??? Sun was 120 to Pluto!
Actually here is one of the maps I sent to subscribers: using Timing Solution, a great astrological program, we can "hunt down" all these important " meetings"
Here is the S&P:
Actually here is one of the maps I sent to subscribers: using Timing Solution, a great astrological program, we can "hunt down" all these important " meetings"
Here is the S&P:
If by any chance you download the Timing Solution, please mention my name... I get good points if people arrive from me.
Moon's aspects gmt+3:
11.05.2015 10:03:52 18°21'41"Aqr Sextile Uranus
11.05.2015 10:38:42 18°42'02"Aqr Sesqui-quadrate Venus
11.05.2015 13:36:07 20°25'48"Aqr Square Sun
12.05.2015 5:53:15 0°00'00"Psc <<<
Moon's aspects gmt+3:
11.05.2015 10:03:52 18°21'41"Aqr Sextile Uranus
11.05.2015 10:38:42 18°42'02"Aqr Sesqui-quadrate Venus
11.05.2015 13:36:07 20°25'48"Aqr Square Sun
12.05.2015 5:53:15 0°00'00"Psc <<<
Off I go now.. good trading!
Alerts sent, enjoy.
May 12, 2015 Tuesday
Yesterday I sent more than 10 alerts in the morning. Hope you took good advantage of them! Today I will send about shares, but first let me see what has changed in the sky?
Aha... La Luna is the one that moved to Pisces... and forms right now an exact square with Mars, which is on the Pleiades. Usually nature cares about us, and with the bad comes something good as well, we just have to search for it, look around, and see it. In our case, Pluto is on Vega, a good star, so the negativity of the former positions is lessened.
How about the other planets? Are they positive or negative for today/ this week? And we see a malefic Mars-Pluto position, and a conjunction between Jupiter and Juno. Juno is an asteroid, usually I don't look at asteroids, but because it is Jupiter that caught up with it, I checked, and to my utmost astonishment, this position caused in the past a major fall. It takes Jupiter 12 years to make a round trip on the wheel, so it is an extremely rare occasion, that this angle happens! I checked several indices, and all point to a fall. So be very careful about longs now!
The asteroids were all named after the female family of Jupiter. Ceres his sister, Juno his wife, Pallas Athena his daughter and Vesta another sister. Much of the feminine is left out of astrology aside from Venus and the Moon. The asteroids help add the feminine back into the astrological chart. More details here
As you can read in the first link, Juno is linked to money. Now this is very interesting! During the fall of the markets in 2001 Juno was at 12 Pisces, squaring Pluto- and Venus. Both planets are money related! During Oct. 2007- the second fall of the markets, Juno was at 11 Scorpio- a sign that is ruled by Pluto, and the sign of money, and trine Uranus- a sudden fall.. On March 6, 2009- at the bottom and rise since then!- Juno was conjunct Jupiter!!! at 13 degrees in Aquarius. so now, we have again a conjunction!- at 13 degrees in Leo! in Opposition to the 2009 low. If this is not a perfect cycle, what is?
Here are the dates that these two were conjunct:
Realization intervals (begin - end):
24.03.1926 0:00 (GMT+2) - 4.04.1926 0:00 (GMT+2)
29.06.1932 0:00 (GMT+2) - 8.07.1932 0:00 (GMT+2)
27.02.1940 0:00 (GMT+2) - 4.03.1940 0:00 (GMT+2)
25.12.1945 0:00 (GMT+2) - 12.01.1946 0:00 (GMT+2)
4.04.1946 0:00 (GMT+2) - 22.04.1946 0:00 (GMT+2)
13.07.1946 0:00 (GMT+2) - 3.08.1946 0:00 (GMT+2)
22.06.1953 0:00 (GMT+2) - 27.06.1953 0:00 (GMT+2)
16.11.1960 0:00 (GMT+2) - 29.11.1960 0:00 (GMT+2)
18.10.1966 0:00 (GMT+2) - 25.10.1966 0:00 (GMT+2)
27.06.1974 0:00 (GMT+2) - 17.07.1974 0:00 (GMT+2)
19.08.1974 0:00 (GMT+2) - 7.09.1974 0:00 (GMT+2)
15.11.1974 0:00 (GMT+2) - 26.11.1974 0:00 (GMT+2)
28.08.1980 0:00 (GMT+2) - 7.09.1980 0:00 (GMT+2)
9.04.1988 0:00 (GMT+2) - 14.04.1988 0:00 (GMT+2)
5.11.1994 0:00 (GMT+2) - 21.11.1994 0:00 (GMT+2)
29.07.2001 0:00 (GMT+2) - 3.08.2001 0:00 (GMT+2)
7.02.2009 0:00 (GMT+2) - 17.02.2009 0:00 (GMT+2)
13.05.2015 0:00 (GMT+2) - 22.05.2015 0:00 (GMT+2)
Must hurry and send my alerts now. Be well.
May 13, 2015 Wednesday.
Yesterday I slept from 6 PM till 5:30 am this morning. Wowowo.... I skipped yoga, and so many other stuff I was supposed to do...
So when I woke up, I rushed to the computer, to see what is new, read all mails, see what happened in the markets. And what did I found? An angel wrote me LONGLY! about this blog, trying to help me, and you all- how to clean the computer! and so the blog will load better and quicker.So here it is: follow this link.
I cleared my computer again, now I am getting a most annoying pop up site, and I cannot access my gmail.- Mercury is slowing down, so are computers, trains, busses, communications of all kinds... Oh boy! this will last till mid July! Mercury will be retro in Gemini! A lot of accidents, nervous system troubles, everything that has to do with transportation, communication, speaking, electric devices, accidents to hands, legs, lungs.
Be extra careful
Time is up, I must go..
Hope you received yesterday all the alerts, I sent so much people were complaining that is too much and too quick... LOL
May 14, Thursday, 2015
Yesterday I gave a lecture on astrology, numerology and Tarot. These are the three that I use in my analysis, or in consulting. It was thrilling!
It is a Mercury related issue. I was born under Mercury in retro, so for me, the negative energy that it brings, till mid July, is not so difficult, because I was BORN into it. Do you know where is YOUR Mercury, and in what condition it is? We can find out, if you do a reading!!.Only $180... and you will be amazed.
So let's see what happens now in the sky?
The Moon is VOC another 50 minutes, then it will enter Aries! Look out for a turn in trend. Also, the first angle to make will be to Mars, a square! Double problem.
Here in Israel the government will be sworn in under this difficult angle, adding to this the stationary Mercury, I expect a quarrelsome time, and a fall that soon will follow. I pray that these angles will not bring a new war!.
Born on May 14, 1948: I use the 16:38 time, with Scorpio rising. In my opinion it fits better, for a nation, that rose from the ashes of Auschwitz, than a Libra rising, with the time at 16:00- as other astrologers use. In any case, so or so, see all the planetary returns! It is a critical time for the country. Saturn, the ruler of the 10 house is trined by Uranus, although a good angle, not when it comes from Uranus.
Next, the South node is on Damocles,- in blue- we all know the story of Damocles, if not, search the blog.- Next, transit Uranus is 150^ - bad to Venus- representing the Arab countries-/ Next transit Mercury is conjunct Pandora- another issue to search in the blog!! and both are in the 8th house! of transformation and life and death. Next: Jupiter is conjunct Juno, a very bad position, - now in the sky - I wrote about them a few days ago, and both are conjunct natal Pluto and Saturn - Money and government..
With these planetary positions, I doubt this government will last.
Looking at Netanyahu's chart, I don't see any prosperity either... Transit Uranus is right across his Libra stellium. Jupiter+Juno on his Mars+Pluto.- Very vulnerable times!! Not to speak about Mercury+Pandora in the 6th house of work and routine! No quietness there, that's for sure.
May 13, 2015 Wednesday.
Yesterday I slept from 6 PM till 5:30 am this morning. Wowowo.... I skipped yoga, and so many other stuff I was supposed to do...
So when I woke up, I rushed to the computer, to see what is new, read all mails, see what happened in the markets. And what did I found? An angel wrote me LONGLY! about this blog, trying to help me, and you all- how to clean the computer! and so the blog will load better and quicker.So here it is: follow this link.
I cleared my computer again, now I am getting a most annoying pop up site, and I cannot access my gmail.- Mercury is slowing down, so are computers, trains, busses, communications of all kinds... Oh boy! this will last till mid July! Mercury will be retro in Gemini! A lot of accidents, nervous system troubles, everything that has to do with transportation, communication, speaking, electric devices, accidents to hands, legs, lungs.
Be extra careful
Time is up, I must go..
Hope you received yesterday all the alerts, I sent so much people were complaining that is too much and too quick... LOL
May 14, Thursday, 2015
Yesterday I gave a lecture on astrology, numerology and Tarot. These are the three that I use in my analysis, or in consulting. It was thrilling!
It is a Mercury related issue. I was born under Mercury in retro, so for me, the negative energy that it brings, till mid July, is not so difficult, because I was BORN into it. Do you know where is YOUR Mercury, and in what condition it is? We can find out, if you do a reading!!.Only $180... and you will be amazed.
So let's see what happens now in the sky?
The Moon is VOC another 50 minutes, then it will enter Aries! Look out for a turn in trend. Also, the first angle to make will be to Mars, a square! Double problem.
Here in Israel the government will be sworn in under this difficult angle, adding to this the stationary Mercury, I expect a quarrelsome time, and a fall that soon will follow. I pray that these angles will not bring a new war!.
Born on May 14, 1948: I use the 16:38 time, with Scorpio rising. In my opinion it fits better, for a nation, that rose from the ashes of Auschwitz, than a Libra rising, with the time at 16:00- as other astrologers use. In any case, so or so, see all the planetary returns! It is a critical time for the country. Saturn, the ruler of the 10 house is trined by Uranus, although a good angle, not when it comes from Uranus.
Next, the South node is on Damocles,- in blue- we all know the story of Damocles, if not, search the blog.- Next, transit Uranus is 150^ - bad to Venus- representing the Arab countries-/ Next transit Mercury is conjunct Pandora- another issue to search in the blog!! and both are in the 8th house! of transformation and life and death. Next: Jupiter is conjunct Juno, a very bad position, - now in the sky - I wrote about them a few days ago, and both are conjunct natal Pluto and Saturn - Money and government..
With these planetary positions, I doubt this government will last.
Looking at Netanyahu's chart, I don't see any prosperity either... Transit Uranus is right across his Libra stellium. Jupiter+Juno on his Mars+Pluto.- Very vulnerable times!! Not to speak about Mercury+Pandora in the 6th house of work and routine! No quietness there, that's for sure.
Good trading!
When I analyse a map, first I check the Numerology part. In our case, we have the Gregorian calendar and the hebrew calendar as well. By the gregorian, 14.5.2015 adds up to 9, which is ruled by Mars- pointing to fights, wars and troubles,- being in the 1st degree of Gemini, and Mars a fire planets, fire in air, exaggerate fights...
Then, I look at the Hebrew calendar, adding it up I find, that the date is a 16/7, and 16 is the card of the Tower, showing the king falling from high. Not so swell till now, is it?
Then I take the word Knesset 34- in Hebrew and adding it up, I get 11- which is Uranus, and brings sudden fateful turns in one's life. Where is Uranus in the map? in Aries, at 18 degrees, in the 4th house- symbolizing, that the sudden change will come from inside.
The swearing in happened during a slowing down Mercury , before turning retro, in gemini! It will stay in this sigh till mid July, so the disputes, quarrels will last.
More difficult is to get Pluto on the Ascendant, bringing a major turn. Pluto first destroys, then rebuilds... verrrry slowly. Pluto is at 15 Cap- in retro... so it's effect is long lasting. It is also 150 to Jupiter, disarming it. If I want to see something positive in a map, I would always search for Jupiter, or Venus. Now both are disarmed by bad angles from Pluto and Saturn.
The SUn, symbolises the PM, gets two angles, that we will have to see how it will affect him? one is a square from the Vertex- asking the PM-- do you really really want this?? then a square from Damocles, you know the story, right?? But then, it gets a positive angle from the part of Fortune! WHich one will win? The PoF? or Damocles?
Here is a time table for the next two years: times to watch!
Then, I look at the Hebrew calendar, adding it up I find, that the date is a 16/7, and 16 is the card of the Tower, showing the king falling from high. Not so swell till now, is it?
Then I take the word Knesset 34- in Hebrew and adding it up, I get 11- which is Uranus, and brings sudden fateful turns in one's life. Where is Uranus in the map? in Aries, at 18 degrees, in the 4th house- symbolizing, that the sudden change will come from inside.
The swearing in happened during a slowing down Mercury , before turning retro, in gemini! It will stay in this sigh till mid July, so the disputes, quarrels will last.
More difficult is to get Pluto on the Ascendant, bringing a major turn. Pluto first destroys, then rebuilds... verrrry slowly. Pluto is at 15 Cap- in retro... so it's effect is long lasting. It is also 150 to Jupiter, disarming it. If I want to see something positive in a map, I would always search for Jupiter, or Venus. Now both are disarmed by bad angles from Pluto and Saturn.
The SUn, symbolises the PM, gets two angles, that we will have to see how it will affect him? one is a square from the Vertex- asking the PM-- do you really really want this?? then a square from Damocles, you know the story, right?? But then, it gets a positive angle from the part of Fortune! WHich one will win? The PoF? or Damocles?
Here is a time table for the next two years: times to watch!
What can I say?? Good luck! We are all in this boat together.
Let me see what is new in the sky? The S&P soared yesterday with the Moon entering Aries - just as I wrote in the weekly report. 2122 top- there it was stopped by the Sun.
This is a part I wrote in my QQQ newsletter last week:
May 15:2015 Friday:
The East opens under an Aries Moon.= and a conjunction between the Moon to the south Node. During the day the Moon will conjunct Uranus, which probably will bring to a gap. – The Mars-Saturn opposition is still on, at 2 degrees- so they form a strong support or resistance, depending where is your stock or index. For the QQQ means 108.35 Besides this, we will have a positive Venus-Neptune position at 109.50 level- so we have a double support at these levels..
The East opens under an Aries Moon.= and a conjunction between the Moon to the south Node. During the day the Moon will conjunct Uranus, which probably will bring to a gap. – The Mars-Saturn opposition is still on, at 2 degrees- so they form a strong support or resistance, depending where is your stock or index. For the QQQ means 108.35 Besides this, we will have a positive Venus-Neptune position at 109.50 level- so we have a double support at these levels..
The strong perigee Moon’s position will influence the market.
Next step higher: Jupiter, Pluto and Uranus are at 109.43-109.85-- So gaping up above them, next targets to watch will be 110.90-112.35"
It topped till now at 109.50!
"Europe : parliamentary elections in the UK, Mr. Cameron won, as his chart was much more favorable than Edward Miliband’s. "
Here are the aspects of the Moon for this day: gmt+3
15.05.2015 0:10:22 9°35'51"Ari Semi-sextile Neptune
15.05.2015 4:59:16 12°29'57"Ari Sextile Mercury
15.05.2015 8:25:29 14°34'15"Ari Trine Jupiter
15.05.2015 9:43:32 15°21'18"Ari Square Pluto
15.05.2015 13:00:26 17°20'00"Ari Semi-square Mars
15.05.2015 15:03:33 18°34'14"Ari Conjunction Uranus
US: Consumer sentiment – looking back till 2007- May was always higher than April…
Today the Moon is Perigee... so watch it for it brings a lot of energy.
May 18, 2015 Monday
It is the New Moon again. At this time, at 28 Taurus. As usual, I should start a new article.
But first, let us see what happened during the last 28 days?
Ta25: we are more or less at the same level as before 28 days! breaking 1616- fromer low- it will search for lower levels: 1564-34.
S&P: has a historical support at 2060- Now at 2122- It rallied, in 2002 for 1840 days, Now for 2264 days- it is signaling for a turn! Support at 1900 ish area. Sign up for the weekly report... You will know ahead, what , how when to trade.
Silver: rallied by 8.30% Watch for a turn today...
Before closing this article, I have to clear something to you. When I write, that a change or a turn is due, is not necessarily oat the same moment. A change can also mean a breakout after consolidation to the upside or down. In my weekly newsletters I give to the subscribers stops, targets and key levels. They know how to use use them, because of the many followups I send them. Here is a mail I got yesterday:
Before closing this article, I have to clear something to you. When I write, that a change or a turn is due, is not necessarily oat the same moment. A change can also mean a breakout after consolidation to the upside or down. In my weekly newsletters I give to the subscribers stops, targets and key levels. They know how to use use them, because of the many followups I send them. Here is a mail I got yesterday:
"Thank U Mam immensely
Bought Nifty at 8290 with 8277 stop closed at 8373 still
holding for a positive opening and will book immediately.
let's go now to the new article: New Moon in Taurus 2015
True G..its a weird combination of back to back holidays...
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy the time off..and yes reading your prior posts is always illuminating... ;)
Talk later
Joe x
Thanks, Joe... Now I am writing next's week's forecast. Have a nice week end.
ReplyDeleteLovely for window plants...You must have a green thumb also...very beautiful...
ReplyDeleteBtw..if I did use FB I would like the posts I am sure...
Enjoy the time off G
GM G***
ReplyDeleteWell apart the disaters and world events out of our w/e was just fine ... golf and relax...
joe ***
Same here, shouldn't we be grateful for every single peaceful moment... ? !
ReplyDeleteHi Gabriella,
ReplyDeleteyou are amazing. I like reading your blog and enjoy your application
Thank you so much..
Hi Galit, nice to meet you ! I am glad you read, and have the app. I hope you also make money... :)
ReplyDeleteactually, I just moved to Android from Iphone, do I have to purchase the applicatin again?
ReplyDeleteExcellent Mam, your Astro Technicals specially with most sought after alerts.
ReplyDeleteAfter moving from Iphone to Android it seems that I always missed notification. so, I found a good application to save all the alert called 'Past Notifications' - Android Apps on Google Play. This app record notifications shown in status bar and list all the notification history in chronological order.
ReplyDeletehi G,
ReplyDeleteTHe fall in markets you expected has not happened any change in view for this week .
Thanks in advance.
S&P new all time high , where is the change in trend?