New Moon in Virgo, 2015
Between September 13- October 13, 2015
Nice to see you here! Thanks for following from the former article, New Moon in Leo.
From the fire sign of Leo, we new have a month, that starts in the Earth sign of Virgo. You might want to read my former articles there are 5 or 6 , since I started to write this blog, in 2009. There is a search window in the left panel. Also many many interesting links in the panel!
From the fire sign of Leo, we new have a month, that starts in the Earth sign of Virgo. You might want to read my former articles there are 5 or 6 , since I started to write this blog, in 2009. There is a search window in the left panel. Also many many interesting links in the panel!
This lunar month we will see the Sun move by 30 degrees, Mercury turns retro and Direct and enters Libra, Venus moves 18 degrees and enters Virgo, Mars moves 19 degrees and also enters Virgo, Jupiter moves 6 degrees, and IS in Virgo, Saturn moves 2 degrees and enters Sag. Uranus moves 1 degree and is retro in Aries, Neptune moves less than 1 degree and is retro in Pisces, and finally, Pluto, turns Direct and moves 2 minutes. we can see, that most of the month we will have a stellium in Virgo, and Pluto is on its move... All these planets will trine Pluto sooner or later. Earth signs can be cruel.
Former years when Jupiter was 120 to Pluto:
But the year they were in Virgo/ Capricorn , like now, occurred only in : July 21, 1529- Aug.31, 1530! Now go back in history and see what happened then?! Interesting, how the same situations hit again...
Must go now, to prepare for the holiday... will be back later.
September 14, 2015, Monday
It is a day, when we find the Moon in Libra. A N D !!! Conjunct the North Node. - This position happens once in 28 days. checking the efficiency on the DOW, to see what happened before? I am not happy with the outcome... You know.. I am mostly relying on 65% and more..
The Moon's angles for today: gmt+3
14.09.2015 5:40:59 0°00'00"Lib <<<
14.09.2015 6:44:55 0°31'23"Lib Semi-square Venus = minor bad
14.09.2015 20:48:51 7°25'31"Lib Semi-sextile Jupiter= minor good
14.09.2015 22:03:23 8°02'05"Lib Quincunx Neptune= bad!!!
14.09.2015 23:06:57 8°33'16"Lib Semi-square Mars
Nifty is rallying... Raise stop to 7800!
Sent more alerts in the application... Download it now!
What else will happen this month, that I have not yet mentioned? On September 28th, we will have a total Lunar eclipse, at 5:50 am gmt+3, at 4.40 Aries- Libra axis. For Israel it will fall in the house of open enemies. Not a good position... here is the scientific description, by Nasa;
The effect of a Lunar eclipse is felt at least 6 months, for those, who have planets at 4.40 degrees on the Aries/Libra axis. But not only... we should take an orb of at least 5 degrees, then 29^-9^ , and also people born in Cancer and Capricorn, who have planets between 29-9 degrees. For each and everyone it will effect in a different way, depending on your own birth data...making an astrological forecast is not so easy, you see...
Now, I'll let you chew on this, I have to go to cook again... Ufff those holidays. :)
Exactly when the Moon was conjunct the North Node, an 6.6 earthquake occurred in Mexico..
Panic, pressure, paranoia... or God knows what, made Egyptian soldiers kill- by accident 12 Mexican tourists, while hunting for terrorists.. it's a far away place from home to die...
Another bad news, which sooner or later had to happen... as the proverb says" No good deed goes unpunished" ... After Angela Merkel let in thousands of refugees, the flag of Daish, or ISIS was raised in one of the camps..
I had to look at Angela Merkel's chart.. which I wrote about, many times in the past..
The chart below is her natal chart, with the progressed and transit. We can learn from her natal chart, that she has a stellium in Cancer. Cancer is a cardinal, water, and fixed sign. All is good, shows her " motherly" behaviour.. BUt she has there Uranus as well... And Uranus will push her do unexpected things. Like she embraced all refugees, in spite of the inner massive criticism. The second wheel is the Directed chart, this stellium moved by 62 degrees, is now in Virgo... And we had a Solar eclipse at 20 Virgo! Thus activating many of her natal planets... But the worst part is still ahead! When transit Mars will enter Virgo, on Sept 25th - till Nov.12... It will put on fire all her planets! Expect a war. As I said... Earth signs can be very harsh.
hello Joe, thanks!! Nice to see you always around... :) Warms my heart...
September 15, 2015 Tuesday
The day is ruled by Mercury and Mars. The Moon and Mercury are in Libra, and conjunct. Mars makes no angles. And the Sun is on Denebola, a bad fixed star.
The main angle in the sky is a very rare angle between Jupiter-Neptune. Jupiter stands for expansion, exaggeration of any event, and being in Virgo, it is bad... while Neptune brings inflation. I also got a link from a reader, about a German astrologer. Peter Schlapp, who wrote some years ago, about this massive immigration of people. - under Neptune in Pisces. If you know German, it must be a very interesting book!
September 16,2015 Wednesday
My target for the S&P was 1988- it went to 1984, which is not so bad,... from 1946..
today the Moon is 30 degrees from the Sun, still in Libra. Mercury is slowing down, at 15 Libra. Venus at 16 Leo, in a sextile to Mercury,- so far so good.... Mars in 24 Leo, approaching a powerful square to Saturn... - at 29 Sco. Jupiter is at 7 Virfo in opposition to Neptune- our leading position for this week... and there is more... but, maybe you should start studying, otherwise all this is just like heliogriphs, and probably you ask yourself, so WHAT?? , what do we care where are the planets?? LOL..
I was visiting my mom till now, so I was not here to see what's happening. I see the US rallied, and reached new highs.. 1988- reached, 1993 too. Now raise stop to 1984- .

In google play, it is under "Financial alerts",also with the little man on the star.
There are links in the left panel too...
September 17, 2015 Thursday
We have a gain a day ruled by Neptune! It is also a day for a change in trend for the Gold.
I wake up to the news on Chile, a huge Earthquake happened while I was sleeping, 8.3...
Neptune is always present, IMHO, in quakes... Now we also got the Moon moving into Scorpio, where it is bad, making a trine to Neptune, at the time the quake happened.. and Mercury is stationary, retro... But the trigger was the Solar eclipse... Always brings catastrophes before and after it occurs.
I hope there are not many casualties! The area is still trembling, since last night there were many aftershocks.. I wish I would know, or does anybody know W H E R E will the next quake hit!?
The important degree to remember will be 20 Virgo, and next 4.40 Aries, the upcoming Lunar eclipse, whenever a planet will hit these degrees, we might want to be more careful..I don't know if we can... LOL...
So we have now a Scorpio Moon, which is in fall, or bad. the S&P is still above our alert.
Besides having the Moon in Scorpio, in the Helio chart we have several bad positions: Jupiter is square Saturn, Venus is square Pluto, Mars is 150 to Neptune.also 150 to Pallas.. actually forming a YOD, All these are energetic, and difficult positions...
So what ever you trade, tighten your stops..
Here is the chart of the coffee: Last 3 times it happened- it is very rare event - it brought a fall...
All in all, let's hope the month of September will pass with as few casualties as possible!... It is a very difficult month.
Yom Kippur falls on the 23rd- it is the eve, when we eat our meal before fasting, till the next day. I am not a religious person, but I fast too, this is the only holiday I am keeping...
On the 23nd, at 9 pm our time, the stars are a w f u l . Sun at 0 Libra, Moon at 0 Aquarius,- so far so good- they are in trine.. But, Mercury is in exact square to Pluto, Venus is at the cursed 19 degrees, in exact trine to Uranus, Jupiter-Neptune opposition is still on, and Mars is at 29 Leo, the strongest degree of any sign... and in trine to the Galactic Center.
Another Earthquake? some extraordinary news?? I don't know...
Meanwhile we were stopped out of our long n the S&P....
I made a chart for the US, for the 23rd September.- there are many disturbing angles. First, the inner chart is the declaration, 1776. We have here a Libra ascendant, which is ruled by Venus, which also rules the 8th house of money. Venus is at 2^ Cancer, together with Jupiter, the Sun, and a retro Mercury. This stellium is triggered by Pluto, since it ingressed Capricorn.- a major turning point in US history.- as long as it will be in Capricorn... Besides that, Saturn, entering Sag. these days, will trigger Venus, bringing monetary changes, restrictions, hardships. Next, comes the retro Mercury on Saturn, then transit Jupiter- from Virgo, where it is bad- hitting Uranus, with a square, this too is rather a lasting angle, Uranus being in the 8th house of money, expect restrictions., monetary news... And last, but not least, is tr.Neptune on Jupiter, from Pisces... While Jupiter could bring some good influence, Neptune will make it blurr, hidden, inflations...Both are in a wide angle to Venus, which is the key, in this chart. In the backyard, tr.Uranus, in Retro, is in square to the Sun... and will be for a long time, sending warning to the head of the country. (Sun). Tr.Mars is now at 29^, thus in sextile to Venus, when it will enter Virgo, and conjunct Jupiter Oct. 18, it will be really bad..
And the Earth is still trembling... more than usual!
HAH, YES, GALIT, when I saw this little person, it felt, it was me :) . So I embraced it..
Saturn in Sagittarius means - by the old books - travel to far away countries from home.. .. this happens each 27-28 years... SO it is not enough to reflect this human migration ... Neptune in Pisces, dreams and illusions about the new world... Jupiter- must be also the cause for the masses... but what else?? Uranus in Aries- brought the Arab spring... And by no doubt, the internet, that let people see, how others live on this earth, while they don't even have what to eat...
Searching for answers, all the time..
Now look here what I have found! I ran the Dow on TS- searching for Jupiter-Saturn square, and to my surprize, this is the outcome: happens once in 10 years..
Verrry carefully, we can trade this... stop is still at 1996.
September 19, 2015 Saturday
If you used this 1996 key level, and put one buy order at 1997- and one sell order at 1995- wowww, I can say... You gained in both directions 25-30 points... 2020-1953 top-bottom.
Now I am writing my weekly forecast for the S&P, Nifty, KLSE.. If you want to sign up Now is the time! For only $225 for 3 months...
If you want to study! It is also a good time... Anything you want to do, do it NOW...
Next week so many issues, I got dizzy... LOL...
September 20, 2015 Sunday
We have trade today, and tomorrow, then again holiday, and returning for just one day, on Thursday to pick up the pieces... I wrote the weekly forecasts, what can I tell you? Not a quiet week!
Trade starts today over here, under a Sag. Moon, at the Venus - Uranus midpoint. I guess it will bring a gap-up.
TA25: closed at 1594.83- Support is at 1590- targets: 1597.95-1598.55- gaping above this level- next- 1602-1617.
Today the support broke, and we closed at 1570. We are short now with a stop at 1573.
Looked at the chart of Barack Obama... And I see a huge WOW! I have never seen a chart triggered by the Solar and Lunar eclipse as this one! TO remind you, the Solar eclipse was at 20 Virgo, the Lunar will be at 4.40 Aries.
Watch this!
All his natal planets are hit!
Besides that, look at the exact angles in the sky! Uranus-Mars-Jupiter-the Moon- are all between 26-28 degrees! The Vertex, on Mars- and in House 9, - abroad- do you really want this to happen? Even his Directed Sun will get a straight hit from the Lunar eclipse!
A very very bad timing in the chart. Pushes him into foreign involvement.
September 21,2015 Monday
Market opens over here with a sag. Moon, exactly squaring the Sun. If you look at to the sky, you will see half a moon, stay away from fights and troubles! Don't argue- if you can... LOL today. The Moon is VOC, also a bad time to make any decisions. More so, since Mars, planet of wars is applying to the Sun, with a 30 degree... And Moon-Mars are 120 deg. away.. In the background we still have the Jupiter-Neptune opposition, and Chile is still trembling...
September 22,2015, Tuesday
We don't have trade today, due to Yom Kippur eve. Tomorrow is a fasting day. Our market closed at 1579.34I gave this target on the app, on 9/21/
The US markets are trading sideways, under a Cap. Moon... Watch for a turn - NY time at 12.48- noon...
Besides that minor turns for intra day traders: GMT: ( Greenwich Mean TIme)
22.09.2015 13:04:14 12°58'36"Cap Conjunction Pluto- powerful!
22.09.2015 13:49:00 13°23'42"Cap Sesqui-quadrate Mars
22.09.2015 15:55:46 14°34'53"Cap Square Mercury-- hipp - hopp
22.09.2015 17:16:01 15°20'03"Cap Semi-square Saturn- minor negative.
~~~~~ Draghi speaks tomorrow... Watch that time...
September 24, 2015 Thursday
We wake to a day when everything has changed in the sky. The Sun entered Libra, a sign it is in fall, or weak in it. Can only this position cause the falls of September? As the leaves fall so the markets? Probably not, never alone... we must have more reasons, and here they come:
The Moon is in Aquarius. When in this sigh the S&P will make a top or bottom, as I already wrote in the past.
Mercury is retro in Libra- any retro is a sign of weakness.
Venus is on the cursed degree of 19 Leo
Mars is at the strong degree- for good or worst - 29 in Leo,
Jupiter is in Virgo, and so on, the outers move little. BUt!!! Pluto is stationary ! before turning Direct, so this one too is very strong. TO add to this, some malefic fixed stars are hit, and we are looking more to where are the supports, than where are to resistances... We are short.
In the financial astrology we always look at the first trade date. This date has all the secrets in it. From it, we can know when and why a share will rally or not. But yesterday I got challenged... Don't think its so easy! No no... I opened the book of Bill Meridian, a book that everyone of you should have, and what did I found? Nyse has 7 ( seven again !) LOL different "birth days"!
Take a pick, and break a leg.. LOL
So I would not base my trades on the natal, but on transits only, and on math, and some more tricks, that I teach in my course.
So I ran TS to see how does the Nyse react to the Sun in LIbra? Libra is a Cardinal sign, so very important... It is also AIR Element. Sun- fire - in Air - should feel good, no?

I spent so many hours, weeks, years on this program! you can't imagine.... Sometimes the neighbors could hear me shout at it, wanting to smash the computer, sometimes, I was crying of joy...
It will be a huge short, breaking 9700 ish level..
Some math: using the 8/24 low:
9771.348 |
9804.391 |
9837.293 |
9853.96 |
9903.66 |
Now at 9867- with math the support is at 9853.
With Planetary calculations: blocked at 9870- supported at 9867-9859
Moon aspects for today :(GMT)
24.09.2015 10:55:40 9°28'30"Aqr Quincunx Jupiter=bad
24.09.2015 16:47:03 12°58'30"Aqr Semi-sextile Pluto
24.09.2015 17:08:17 13°11'14"Aqr Trine Mercury=hipp hopp
September 25, 2015, Friday
Since I watch "tradingview" s charts, and they show cash prices, - ex. now at 1935- future is at 1925- in Finviz... another site I use.. So when I quote a price is it based on the price I see in tradingview. However, the planetary calculations are the same . The planets don't know what is future or cash.. they are at a certain level, where they support or block.
On Sept 22, I sent an alert saying: Lower stop to 1943- targets are 1930- 1900- Cit 9/28, Oct.1
On Sept 24th I sent another alert- to lower stop to 1925.
We got a low at 1907. WE ARE NOW LONG.
September 26, 2015 Saturday
These are very difficult days. The sky is dark because of bad positions. The Sun at the beginning of Libra, Mars at 0^ Virgo, is in 30 degrees to the Sun. and BOTH send an angle to Saturn, which is at 0 Sag.- thus Mars is in square-90- and the Sun at 60^- sextile, which is a good angle, but soon will dissolve, since the Sun moves a degree a day, and by Sunday it'll be gone. And Sunday we are getting the Lunar eclipse, at 4 Aries, which , with all the other positions will shake my own chart. But, I am not here to talk about myself, here is a person, very much praised and admired, who died one day after his birthday, at 76, Moti Kirshenbaum. He was a TV presentor, founder.. ect .. see the link. The reason I want you to see his chart, is, to see how death strikes. I always see this in charts of people who die, and I am always surprised anew.
I always teach, that we cannot forecast death, because there must be a multiple of positions in the sky, to close on you, and click as the Hungarian cube. Well, in his case, it happened. See the many many angles that happened exactly on his Solar return? The most difficult day in a person's chart, is the birthday. This is the reason, why mankind is celebrating birthdays, not to leave the person alone... Sun arrives to the place the Sun was at birth, and Sun is bringing extreme fire to extreme fire... unless there are good and favorable aspects to cool down this point, one just dies.
I have no time of birth, so I make a Solar chart, when the Sun is on the ascendant. Natal Sun at 0^... and the planets in the sky also at 0^- so 3 out of 10 already trigger the Sun. In the natal chart, we have the Sun-150 to Saturn, and Mars at the midpoint , at 0^, again 3 planets triggered... Which planets can help? Venus and Jupiter, Venus, in fire Leo in transit at 20^- at 90^ to his Uranus, and tr. Uranus at 19 cursed degree-30^ to Uranus- So his natal Uranus is under a double attack; in House 8! house of death. And indeed, death came suddenly, while working, I think, in the morning hours. I made the chart to 8:30, and you can see, the Moon on the Moon, in Aquarius, but if death happened at the early hours of the day, the Moon too would be exact... The other planet that could have help was Jupiter, but that is in Virgo, bad, at -150- to his Moon... So, for this gentleman, there was no appeal, no second chance, no way out.
May he rest in peace.
Someone else, who celebrates his 28th! birthday, is Kim Jo Jong; the younger sister of N.Korea's leader.
I highlighted the main aspect she has in her chart, the South Node on her Sun. Numerologically, and astrologically her key planet is Venus. the news tell us, that she is gaining power in North Korea. See, transit Pluto in square to natal Venus. Power comes from Mars, and hers is in the 12th house of past lives. She has a mission in this world. Mars at 21 Virgo- earth sign, a sign that makes things done, to its last details. Mars gets an inconjunct- 150 from transit Uranus- from House 7- house of open enemies. Uranus will trigger her Mars till June 2016- at least... Transit Neptune, will make 150^ to her Venus at the end of April 2016... Also, she will have a Saturn return at that time. All together, will make her undergo fated times.
I could go on and on, looking at charts, but I have to write my weekend forecast...
Bye and be good.
Maybe I should post the chart of the last Hadj to Mecca, hundreds of people killed, and more injured, by stepping on each other... Here is the chart of Saudia, as I found in Nick Champion's book: January 15th 1902. Solar chart.
In this chart, we get a Sun-Jupiter conjunction. Since Jupiter rules the 9th house of religion, and extremes, when conjunct the Sun, brings extreme fortunes, extreme religious beliefs.- no wonder, millions travel to Mecca each year..
Ruler of the Ascendant is Saturn, on the cursed degree 19. Chaos, the android is conjunct Mercury, the significator of House 9- in Saudia's chart... Mercury at 2 degrees. Uranus at 19, here we go again, in opposition to Pluto- extreme and sudden disasters, and the Moon in square to Neptune. Neptune in Cancer points to the oil. This is our basic chart.
Sept.24th transit, when the disaster happened: transit Moon on Chaos. Jupiter, in the house of death in transit, at the midpoint of Uranus-Pluto axis. Venus also at 19 deg. and Uranus too.
September 28, 2015 Monday
I opened the sky chart, to show you where are the planets, and the "Sabian Oracle" jumped out saying:
So I checked immediately what is the Gold doing? It is not in vein that this small little things happen! We should always pay attention, to what message the universe sends!
On the graph you can see former alerts sent on the application.
The news in the sky: we are after the Lunar eclipse, the blood Moon, which passed as smoothly, as the smile of a new born.
We have the Moon in Aries now, at 7 degrees, here are the aspects it'll make during the day: GMT:
28.09.2015 10:31:47 9°33'07"Ari Opposition Mercury
28.09.2015 11:44:43 10°19'23"Ari Quincunx Jupiter
28.09.2015 15:55:58 12°58'40"Ari Square Pluto
28.09.2015 20:25:48 15°49'31"Ari Sesqui-quadrate Saturn
28.09.2015 22:56:25 17°24'48"Ari Sesqui-quadrate Mars
Besides the Moon we have a disturbing position, stronger than the Moon, Mars 150 to the SN.
When I make the calculations I take this, and other issues in consideration, to give my alerts.
Here are some beautiful pictures of the Blood Moon: next to be seen: 2033
September 29, 2015, Tuesday
Today we have trade again. We wake to a huge negative arbitrage. It is a bad thing to leave open positions, for 3-4 days... The outcome is painful!.
Today we are under the Mars and Sun effect. Mars applies to the Sun in a minor 30^ position.
Some graphs I posted on Facebook: Silver
September 30, 2015 Wednesday
We wake to a waning, Taurus Moon. As I write it is also 150 to the Sun. Mercury is 1 degree from the Sun, it is called "Combust". In order for a planet to "work efficiently," it sould not bee too close to the Sun.
The main position in the sky is Sun 150^ to Neptune. Since this happens only twice a year, it is a strong and important position.
For those who still have not decided if to buy my application or not, here are the alerts I posted yesterday:
Sky: market opens with a Moon-Uranus conjunction in Aries. Expect a gap. The Moon is Void till 10 pm.. a bad day to make decisions.
Axjo: the key was 5095- short below it. Last support is at 4800 It is a historical trend line from 2011.
KLSE: the Key was 1603- once it fell, we are short. Long only above 1617.
AEX: we are short, target, below
Dax: It is falling since April 13, for 168 days! It is a turning date, I am afraid for the negative side. Our last stop was 10060- now lower stop to 9750. targets: 9370-9000
S&P: WHen the robots are programmed with all we know, I am not surprised, to get a 2 points higher low than 34 Fibonacci days ago, 8.24... I am not surprised, to get a 2 points higher low than 34 Fibonacci days ago, 8.24...
Targets 1895!!98- 1900-1915.
Targets 1895!!98- 1900-1915.
Swedish index-omx supp and res. Levels There is a major resistance at 1399- Only a gap up will push it higher. But then it will bump into the next resistance at 1410 ish level- and another at 1415.
Support at 1393.
Support at 1393.
What happened since then ? Check it out..
So it seems that markets are turning.. What can go wrong to stop this? First, Ms.Yellen speaks again today, Interesting, she spoke when Mercury turned retro, and now, when it is conjunct the Sun.. What will she say this time? Then, the Moon was also VOC, tomorrow too, most of the day.
What happened since then ? Check it out..
So it seems that markets are turning.. What can go wrong to stop this? First, Ms.Yellen speaks again today, Interesting, she spoke when Mercury turned retro, and now, when it is conjunct the Sun.. What will she say this time? Then, the Moon was also VOC, tomorrow too, most of the day.
I see some visitors from Canada, so I looked at the Canadian Dollar to the dollar, and I think the stop should be at 1.3131- major CIT on Nov 5th. For intraday traders, 1.3385 sits on a trendline, below that, it will correct. Long above 1.3435-only
When a Libra meets a Libra, what will be the outcome?
I mean Putin meets Netanyahu... and it is obvious that Obama will not move a finger.
These two should sit down and play chess! They are two very clever people. (Looking at the position of Mercury ).
Both have a stellium in Libra.
the transit Uranus is in square Putin's Uranus, which pushes him to action.
In both charts open and hidden enemies is signified by Venus, and this is triggered in both cases by Jupiter, which will push situation out of proportion.
Today, at 11:32 am Russia attacked in Syria. Backing Assad, and the Hizballah, and against the revolutionaries, whom none knows any more who they are? Isis? Syrian residents that had enough of Assad?
The coalition of Russia is Iran and China.... helping Assad. And they stay in opposition the USA, which backs the other side, whoever they might be..
In India a man was beaten to death, after being suspected!!! only suspected, eating cow meat. The holy cow... you know, in India is forbidden.
October 1, 2015 Thursday
We wave good by to September, a month, that is ruled by 7 - derived from its name - it was back then, the seventh month,- they counted from March.... the Spring equinox. And 7 comes with secrets and many skeletons in the cupboard...
What did it bring? First we got a Russian invasion to Syria, under the Lunar eclipse, at 4.40 Aries, together with a market low.
Sept.29 will be a day to remember!
Now we turn with hope towards October, to bring the mirror effect of this low, being ruled by the number 8, Octo,- symbolizing power success and money.
Download my application, to receive market alerts, squeeze out the remaining drops for this year!
The S&P: after 5 hours of consolidation, ran up to 1934. I do not trade when I don't see it, certainly not when I sleep. Once I was trading for 20 hours... I became a zombie rather soon... ONe MUST give her brains some rest. So I closed all my trades, and stopped for a while, then I came back only for the local market. One cannot have it all. Not me. Even Gann wrote, not to trade more than 5 stocks at a time, but he lived in times, when people were sending notes to each other on the market grounds, what to sell and buy. I wonder how would he manage in today's crazy robotized world?
He was keeping commodities for months... I want to see you guys, sit on your hands for months and don't click on " Enter"!! LOL ...
So the S&P: some math : taking the 666 low- 1919 is a target. then 1941-48-58.
Planetary levels are at 1921, 1928, 1933 ,1939.
The Dow: Now at 16284- math targets: 16267-16470-16550-16670-16940.
AXJO: in yesterday's alert, one of the targets was 4913. That was the exact bottom, and now it turned, I see.
I come back from the cosmetician, ~ I have a wedding invitation today ~ and I remember, that today is the last trading day for us, since again, next week it's a holiday, and we will not have trade till the 6th... By then the Sun will be at 12 Libra, the Moon just entering Leo, Mercury on the NN, ... a completely other picture we have today... So I guess towards noon a massive sale will happen - over here anyways.
Besides the planets in the sky, we have many other objects, asteroids and points to consider. One of them, actually four of them are the 4 most important asteroids, Ceres, (sister ) Juno ( wife) , Pallas (daughter) and Vesta ( sister ). These asteroids are in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. They were called after Jupiter's wife, mother, and 2 sisters. By the way, in the Roman mythology Jupiter is Zeus. So why did I bring up these asteroids now? First of all, the their time table is important. Ceres returns to its starting point in 55.2 months, Juno, 52.32, Pallas 55.32, Vesta 43.56 months. For your own chart, it is important to know where are these asteroids.. they will point to some interesting traits in your nature.
Today, at 10:45 Mercury was in exact conjunction with Juno, and we got a top.Now, using TS, I can check how did this aspect influenced the index in the past.. However, analyzing the cycle, TS says, it is not strong enough... well of course not, we need the other planets to back any direction.
The trade range of the S&P is 1933-1939. I would put a buy order above 1939, and a sell order at 1932.
Going now... take care.
October 2, 2015 Friday
It is a day ruled by Venus and the Moon.
the sky today is bad. this is what ZET shows me. Pluto is at Sun-Uranus midpoint, Saturn at Venus-Neptune midpoint. During the night, the Moon touched the Pleiades, and entered Gemini. I just read about the Oregon college shooting...again, 13 murdered, and many injured. Here too, parents were killed in front of their 4 children, by arabs.
Mars is on the Lunar Eclipse degree.
We have to remember the last Solar and Lunar eclipses' degrees. Whenever a planet is conjunct, there is something to happen. - according to the planet. Now it is Mars, so violence, accidents, death, fire, war, fight, etc.... is it's middle name.
The markets are volatile, and will be more so, now with the Moon in Gemini. S&P topped at 1939, and fell 40 points, then turned again. I was dancing at a wedding, did not follow these events, saw them just this morning...
So what's next? Nothing much. These midpoints will be there during this day, only the Moon moves on.
Moon aspects for today: gmt+1
2.10.2015 16:06:14 11°10'24"Gem Square Jupiter
2.10.2015 19:14:44 12°59'20"Gem Quincunx Pluto = bad
The next important angle will be on Oct. 6th, when the Sun will square Pluto.
On Sept 10 I wrote about Assad. I wrote his life will be in danger, but he will be saved. Look it up.. There is a search window in the left panel. Now I am waiting for the news.
I also wrote about how Mrs.Merkel, or her career will be in danger... You can read about that now
October 3, 2015 Saturday
As usual, instead of going to the beach, I am writing next week's forecast. Time to sign up, to make my "stay home" worth while.. :)
October 4, 2015 Sunday
News in the sky: the Moon just left Gemini, and is now in Cancer, a sign it rules. It is also in waning position, fading in light, towards the New moon on the 13th, at 19 Libra.
My reports are out, for the next week, sign up now, to get them!! It will be a hectic week... that I can tell you.
October 5, 2015 Monday
We have holiday again, the last one till Hanukkah, so no trade. It is the best time of the year to be at the beach.... But first, let me see how is the East doing?
All green .
So let's see how is the sky doing?
The Sun is at 11 LIbra.- Jupiter is in waning 30 degrees to it- a minor positive position, that will be here for the week.
here is what I see: click on it to enlarge it. The table shows the planetary positions for the next 3 days. The point in the middle shows when is that aspect culminating. I do it with ZET.
checking which sector is strong/weak, I see, that the Banks are the worsts... And if the Banks are not supporting the markets, it is not a good sign. The Banks are ruled by venus, This is at the last degrees of Leo, solitary, or VOC, makes no angles.. So watch it.. Venus will move to Virgo soon, where it is not "feeling so well".
October 6, 2015 Tuesday
News in the sky: the Moon entered Leo. Expecting some energy... It is also 60 degrees to the Sun, before the New Moon.
I sent yesterday 20 alerts in the application, I hope you benefitted from it.
Watch out for Draghi- today, in 4 hours..
there is a powerful angle in the sky right now! Sun 90 Pluto ! For the S&P this means 1963- they form a support, and 1993 a resistance.
This is the outcome of my alerts: for different indices..
if you still don't have the application... well, see for yourselves.
October 7, 2015 Wednesday
I woke up in the night to the sound of a heavy rain. Oh... what a nice air outside!!.. First rain here after a long, hot summer.
The Sun is right on Algorab, an unfortunate fixed star in the heart of Libra. In 5 days it will be in opposition to Uranus, once a year event... important. Mars is in opposition to Neptune, right now, and since it is slow in motion, will stay till the week end. Jupiter is in trine-~120~ to Pluto, this too is a very rare event.
S&P topped so far at 1991- and closed at 1979- Our last stop was 1977- for intraday, or 1963 long term. Any Fed announcements today ?
Oh, in 3 minutes, German production... Let's see.. The Dax is rallying since Sept 29th, 5 trading days. Should open above 9770- to go on, higher. This is the stop now.
At 5:30- Crude oil inventories.. Should stay above 49- to rally on.
October 8, 2015 Thursday
Venus will be on Regulus today.- Regulus is one of the most important fixed stars, at the last degree of Leo. The S&P rallied 60% - probability that it will again. In any case, we have our stop at 1985- or if you can afford it, 1977. We still have one more up-leg to make. 2020- is not so far now.. In my weekly forecast I wrote, that it would be nice to reach 1980 by October 8th, Well, it did, and even more!
The Moon is still in Leo, till 22:50 gmt+3 - then it moves to Virgo; and Jupiter trines Pluto. Happened before on 3.13.2012, 10.28.2011, 7.1.2003
Today we are ruled by Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn is speeding up- till Nov. 29- Dec. 6- then it will slow down. It would be interesting to check the markets under different speeds of planets.. hmmm...
I ran TS and this is the outcome of Saturn Speed effect on the Dow:
October 9, 2015 Friday
Those, who have my application: I have not posted since October 5th, because all targets were reached, and there was nothing new to add. my calculations are based on the planetary levels, and if a target is reached, than the stop should be moved to the highest target, and just go with the direction...
When I send the alerts, they appear in a small window on your screen. It depends on you how you want to see the alert. First, you must allow to get push notification from the application. Go to "Settings" Notification Center- choose the app- tap on it, then u have 3 possibilities: name- banners and alerts . I use alerts.. then move the app icon and sound to be green, scroll down - include 10 recent items- that is the max. I have, but I have an old Iphone 4, so maybe u have more items...
The graphs I post are small, but all to have to know is on the graph. You cannot open them or enlarge them... :(
News in the sky: The Moon moved to Virgo, Mercury is stationary retro, 3 weeks passed in a minute, and Mercury turns... Venus enters Virgo right now, she doesn't feel very well here..
On Oct 7 Putin celebrated his birthday... I posted many of his charts... Today Angela Merkel might get a Nobel prize... let's see.. See her chart above.
It is interesting, that when her polls are lowest, she is up for the prize.. - for the same issue...
the S&P reached 2018- a target I wrote about in my last week's report, but never believed that it will reach it.. but it did... I think it has to do with the acceleration of the planetary moves.
Dow: Reached 17081; higher than the last top... raise stop to 16930.
OK, I sent 22 alerts.. Good trading.
I am working now on the coming week... bye for now.
October 10, 2015 Saturday
Writing my forecasts..The TV is on, listening with one ear to the news. Rocket was fired in the night to our southern towns again, the sirens are again working. Well, not where I live...
transit Mars, should move quicker, if we want to avoid a "situation" ...
October 12, 2015 Monday
We wake to the SUn, Moon, Mercury and the North Node to be in Libra. they are in opposition to Uranus- in Aries, in retro. The Sun is in exact position! I should turn on the TV to see the news. But I don't/ I am so fed up with all the last days killings, stabbings, I prefer to listen to Chopin. Waiting for Mars to reach Jupiter, and move on! COme on... I just read that house 11 represents also politics. Well... We have of that a handful. Wherever you turn, you have North Korea and China, and Putin with Obama,or against, and us... well, here the situation will never calm down. So politics is triggered to maximum. Look at the flood of immigrants to europe, look at the floods in the US... The world is in a turmoil.
I started to learn more about asteroids... there are about 3000...LOL.. Being self-educative, all I know, well, most of what I know,is from learning alone.. when I buy books, I buy 20-30, and then I have my winter booked.. :)
It's Columbus day today in the US, so no trade. Eyes are wide open to see how the UK and German announcements will come out. SOme nasty news about Mr.Cameron will bring the clouds over his head ... Not to speak about Angela Merkel...
The sky today:
Search all I have written about the no. 19! It is a very special no. Something else I can add to all I have written about the 19th degree, if the SUn is in fall in Libra, then at 19 degrees it is the worst degree of Libra, for the Sun. It is the "fall of the Sun". doubled. If the sun represents managers,world leaders, let's see who's fall it will bring. The effect of the New Moon is for 28 days.
In the body, 19 Libra is in charge of the kidneys.
As per Keane, 19 Libra stands for divorce." Someone makes a tremendous success of his chosen work, but does so by divorcing himself from his fellows in one sense, he climbed to a point where separation in necessary. "
Nifty: In my last report I wrote that we might geo a gap. Here is what happened:
October 13, 2015 Tuesday
It is the day of the New Moon, in Libra. I am closing this page, or article, wave good by to the New Moon in Virgo, and we are looking into the future. With hope.
I welcome my readers from far away countries, who found my blog, from Rwanda, South Korea, Douglas, Dubai... and thanks to you, old friends, who stick around for such a long time.
I wish you were speaking up, write me, comment on what I write, share yur thoughts, doubts...
Here we go! New Moon in LIbra...
Good morning G!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat to be on anew moon and new article with you!!!
Happy New Year and enjoy!!!
Joe xxx
Hi, looked for your program to download on G-play but could not find it. Do you have a direct link?
ReplyDeleteNice to know there is a little man on the star...I did not notice :)
ReplyDeleteWhen you alert on S&P S/R, are they on cash market or futures market?