New Moon in Taurus 2016
June 7, 2016 Tuesday
This is a day ruled by Mars and Uranus. Expect the unexpected... explosions, fights, bloodshed.
UPPS, I see now, we are after the New Moon, I should start a new article... So, follow me, to the next page" New Moon in Gemini 2016. "
June 6, 2016 Monday
The Moon entered Cancer, the sign it rules. here she is lazy.. No other moves in the sky..
At 7:30 gmt+3 Mrs. Yellen speaks.. so market will wait.. Exactly at that time, the Sun will be in a disharmonic position to Pluto, at 17^. and will square the nodes. Not a happy position...So my calculations will be based on this angle.
See you in the application!.
June 4, 2016 Saturday
Another icon left this world, yesterday, at the age of 74, after fighting Parkinson for 45 years, Muhammad Ali, the legendary boxer, died of respiratory problems... It is fantastic, how this is shown in his chart!
He was born with Moon-Mercury conjunction in Aquarius, at 12 degrees, yesterday, transit Sun+Venus trined this point from Gemini, a sign that stands for lungs.. and the thread of life was cut..
Transit Mars, was also at the Sun/Neptune MP. He was in his 9th year, numerologically, signifying endings, ruled by Mars. The Sun sules his horoscope, rules of the Ascendant, and Neptune rules his 8th house of death..
May he rest in peace!
June 3, 2016 Friday
We got a rebound yesterday.. S&P double topped, with May31st, the Dow also made a new high, as I posted yesterday.. The interest rate stays as it is, so there is no much new to say..
Here are the times to watch for the Moon's angles gmt 00:00
3.06.2016 10:07:29 19°27'33"Tau Conjunction Mercury- gaps
3.06.2016 16:15:32 23°17'09"Tau Semi-sextile Uranus - gaps
3.06.2016 23:02:26 27°31'01"Tau Opposition Mars .
For major moves in the markets we have to look at the major planets.. Till now we had the Jupiter-Saturn square. This position will return only in 2024.
Now we will have the Saturn-Neptune Square, which is extremely rare. Here is the list when this position occurred in the sky.
I wrote about this position in my weekly newsletters..(November 26- Dec 5th 2015), when it happened. It is a cycle of deflation.
For major moves in the markets we have to look at the major planets.. Till now we had the Jupiter-Saturn square. This position will return only in 2024.
Now we will have the Saturn-Neptune Square, which is extremely rare. Here is the list when this position occurred in the sky.
I wrote about this position in my weekly newsletters..(November 26- Dec 5th 2015), when it happened. It is a cycle of deflation.
June 2, 2016 Thursday
Today we are ruled by Saturn and Jupiter, astrologically and numerologically as well. In the sky, they are in square- at 13-14^. The Moon just entered Taurus. It is exalted, or best in this sign, but not necessarily a pusher..
Saturn is also at the midpoint of Jupiter/Neptune, this is a long lasting point, and brings losses disappointments, false hopes. they all are at 12-14 degrees, so they form and strengthen a point that we can use for support or resistance lines in trades. How we do that? I teach that in my course. Anyway, my alerts are based on these planetary calculations.
Ex: S&p is supported at 2092. Falling from here, next big support is at 2062.- or, target up would be 2112.
What else is new in the sky?? Venus is conjunct the Sun, and Combust. ( less then 8.30^) from the Sun, which burns it out.. It is bad for a planet to approach the Sun too much... I wrote about these days, and how they will effect mainly India, last week, I also posted on FB.
It took a long time to analyze the Jup/Nep MP from Saturn, but here it is, on the Dow chart:
thi is extreeeeeeeeeeemly rare: happened before in 1926 only! Annnnd it brings a rally! for the DOW;..
Yuan to Dollar:
Israeli Market: call 1430:
It took a long time to analyze the Jup/Nep MP from Saturn, but here it is, on the Dow chart:
DB: chart: Deutsche Bank: explanation on the graph:
VIX: astrological forecast: Dates: June 5,16,23 CIT . FIRST RESISTANCE 18.4
Yuan to Dollar:
Israeli Market: call 1430:
Have you ever heard of a place " Oberwil -Lieli"? Well, I didn't, but it exists since 1060! Today it hit front page, when the 2222 population refused to let in 10 immigrants.. They prefered to pay 200000 Euros fine.... well... what can I say? everyone with his own decisions....
the Moon was VOC- a bad time to make decisions.. many other aspects point to this decision.. I guess we shall hear about this town in the future..
NNDM: first trade date June 3, 1979- always when we have a Solar return, the share rallies.. Now we have an announcement, I think this share will rocket..It should go above 613- locally- to do so..
June 1, 2016 Wednesday
We wave good bye to May, and welcome June..
Here are the dates to watch in June:
13.06.2016 2:22:25 > Gem Mercury
13.06.2016 23:41:33 R Neptune 12°02'24"Psc
17.06.2016 22:38:45 > Cnc Venus
21.06.2016 1:34:11 > Cnc Sun
30.06.2016 2:24:12 > Cnc Mercury
30.06.2016 2:38:36 D Mars 23°03'28"Sco
There are many other issues to follow, about those, in my weekly report...
Euro Dollar: 15 minutes
Chinese Yuan:
Nasdaq: my stop on the app was 4923- and that is the exact place it stopped and turned!
Chinese Yuan:
Nasdaq: my stop on the app was 4923- and that is the exact place it stopped and turned!
May 31,2016 Tuesday
We wake with the Sun on Aldebran. This is what ZET, my software, tells us about it.
You can read about Fixed stars in my left panel, under links...We will find the Sun at this point every year...
What else is there in the sky?
Important for intraday traders, the Moon moved to Aries. It is also diminishing in light, approaching the Sun, we are before the New Moon. This upcoming New Moon will have a very powerful effect, because the Moon will be closest to Earth! And in Gemini, so a lot of volatility to come...
What else? Mars just retreated to Scorpio, in its retrograde move. Mars, rules Scorpio, as per ancient astrology. Scorpio means money, and when Mars is in this sign, money issues will pop up. But, Mars is solitary, makes no angles to other planets, only on June 10th, to Mercury... till then is is vicious and strong. June 15-28 it will make a disharmonic position to Uranus, something to make a research on... I will post that in my weekly reports. You are not yet a subscriber? Sign up now! For only $250 for 3 months.. and you will get a technical and astrological analyses on the upcoming moves in the markets..
TA25: Rallied yesterday, as expected, and almost reached target: 1448! If you bought Call 1430 at 1900 level, it went up to 2860.
Here is more or less the expected move of this Call
Here is a share NNDM ~ Nano technology ~ That is supposed to reach new highs : at least till 9.7- and then much higher.. the future is here..
Here are the Moon's angles for today gmt 00:00
31.05.2016 16:08:58 8°55'53"Ari Sextile Venus= good
31.05.2016 19:09:55 10°44'33"Ari Sextile Sun
31.05.2016 21:14:37 11°59'37"Ari Semi-sextile Neptune
31.05.2016 23:23:19 13°17'14"Ari Trine Saturn
31.05.2016 23:43:03 13°29'09"Ari Sesqui-quadrate Mars = bad
31.05.2016 19:09:55 10°44'33"Ari Sextile Sun
31.05.2016 21:14:37 11°59'37"Ari Semi-sextile Neptune
31.05.2016 23:23:19 13°17'14"Ari Trine Saturn
31.05.2016 23:43:03 13°29'09"Ari Sesqui-quadrate Mars = bad
May 30, 2016 Monday
Memorial day. May they rest in peace..
The markets are consolidating upwards.. All are waiting for the US to open, and see which way to go... I sent a lot of alerts during the morning hours, and now I am reading articles like Soros sold 37% of his shares, and bought and is buying gold... Well, he can afford it.. Being a billionaire. The Gold lost 10% since May 2nd.. My subscribers are short and making money. Gold:
Then I read, that Obama turned his back on Saudia.. after Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, all countries that lived quietly under some kind of dictatorship, now the US wants them to be democratic?? LOL... who are you fooling? Isis took over all those places, where chaos turned up... and now Saudia is dropped. Will the proud kingdom survive? Or the people there too will rebel? Future will tell.. It's all about the OIL. US has its own now, they don't need the Middle East.
Oil graph: from 112 in 2011 fell to 26, now at 50.
And another thought on Gold... I made a research, right now, and I found, that W A T E R shares rallied far more better than Gold... Is that a sign of drought, they try to hide?
Actually, they are rallying in deep silence...
AWK: 483% a rise since 2009/
AWK: 483% a rise since 2009/
AWR: 334% since 2009
CWCO: only 183% "" ""
CWT: only 166% " "
MSEX: 331 % " "
MWA : 724 %
PRMW : 1812% SINCE NOV.2013
WAT 362% since 2009
YORW 324% " "
Now decide for yourselves... is there a drought or not?
May 29, 2016 Sunday
During the night the Moon moved on, to Pisces. If you look up to the sky, you will see a half Moon. Always when it is half, it is 90^to the Sun. This angle is a worrisome one, so refrain from arguing... but its effect is minor, because the Moon is in Pisces, water element.. So it can bring rain and heavy winds, but not fires.. You get me?
Our market will start soon, and we have a positive arbitrage, so probably it will slide up. it closed at 1430- so it is pressed down by Uranus, only an opening above 1432.50 will be safe, and go to 1437- where the next obstacle is waiting.
I am posting graphs on FB... you are welcome to click " like" on my page, and see them.
This is f a n t a s t i c !!!!!!!!!!!!
May 27, 2016 Friday
Yesterday there was no kindergarten, so I spent the whole day with my grandson. He is so cute... I wonder if I could see that in my chart?? LOL.. I seldom check my own chart..
SO let me see what has changed in the sky, meanwhile? Oh, I see, the Moon changed sings, now it is in Aquarius...
Mercury is still far from the Sun...
major event! Mars just retreated to Scorpio, in its retrograde motion...It will go back as far as 23.04 degrees, and on July 1st it will turn direct. Will re enter Sag. on Aug 3rd.. The S&P is now at 2090- let's see if it will be here on Aug. 3rd.. just an exercise..
Here is a "secret" I want to share with you.. Usually... and I say usually.. the index will return to it's level where it was before Mercury retro
See the DAX
Here is a "secret" I want to share with you.. Usually... and I say usually.. the index will return to it's level where it was before Mercury retro
See the DAX
but, as I always say... we have to check that the other planets don't interfere!!
18000 people read this blog last month, and NOT ONE ! COULD MAKE THE EFFORT AND CLICK "LIKE" OR SHARE???
18000 people read this blog last month, and NOT ONE ! COULD MAKE THE EFFORT AND CLICK "LIKE" OR SHARE???
May 25, 2016 Wednesday
As I wrote in my weekly report, two weeks ago, the move of Venus to Gemini delivered the rise we got yesterday.. I thought the Moon in Capricorn will make some troubles, but, Venus 's move was stronger...
So how does the sky look today?
We have a complex situation: there is a grand trine between the Moon-Mercury-Jupiter- all at 13-14 degrees, but both the Moon and Mercury move fast, and this will not last. Then there is a 30^ Moon-Saturn, this too will fade away by the time US opens. These positions are good.
Next we have the ongoing Jupiter-Saturn square and Mercury 150^ Saturn, which is bad... or let's say.. energetic. The important thing is, that all are at 13-14 degrees, thus they support the indices at this level.
Making a quick calculation, that my students, who took my Financial Astrology course, can do in their heads... we know, that they support the S&P at 2053- and form a resistance at 2083. Now, to have a stop at 2053 is suicidal... for some... so we have to look for some other answers from other planets, to put our stops.
Pls. download my app, to receive those important levels..
Posted 21 Alerts till now... got them??
May 24, 2016 Tuesday
It is May 24th, and R A I N I N G ??? Extremely rare, to have rain at this time of the year.. Usually we see the last rain during Purim, March, and then nothing till Nov-December..
Let's see why?
Ascendant trines ~120~ Neptune- both in water sign. and Mercury sextile Neptune. In an hour or less, the ascendant will be in Leo, and no more rain... But it is great to have some fresh air..
Besides those angles, Uranus is at the Sun/Nep MP. which is not a very nice position, but the Sun moves on, and tomorrow this will fade away.
And last, but not least, Venus is on the Pleiades... a very bad fixed star, as I wrote about it many times in former posts...
Of course, we can use these position to check on the markets..
Looking at this site: Finviz futures, except Methanol ,Cocoa and the bonds, everything fell yesterday.
So what is new in the sky today?? The Moon just entered Capricorn, so it is under the Saturnian influence. So it is "depressed"/ it will make the following aspects today and tomorrow: gmt+3
24.05.2016 8:33:48 0°00'00"Cap <<<
24.05.2016 10:45:49 1°08'29"Cap Semi-sextile Mars= just now!
24.05.2016 15:49:33 3°46'23"Cap Quincunx Sun= a disharmonic angle- probably a neg. opening in the US.
25.05.2016 7:25:54 11°56'03"Cap Sextile Neptune
25.05.2016 10:39:28 13°37'50"Cap Trine Jupiter= double top?
25.05.2016 10:55:57 13°46'31"Cap Semi-sextile Saturn
25.05.2016 12:34:46 14°38'34"Cap Trine Mercury = check out the news..!!
25.05.2016 14:38:50 15°44'00"Cap Semi-square Mars
25.05.2016 17:20:51 17°09'34"Cap Conjunction Pluto= bad!-
Download my application!! it's on sale now.. Receive hot market alerts.. Links- at the left panel.
Besides those angles, Uranus is at the Sun/Nep MP. which is not a very nice position, but the Sun moves on, and tomorrow this will fade away.
And last, but not least, Venus is on the Pleiades... a very bad fixed star, as I wrote about it many times in former posts...
Of course, we can use these position to check on the markets..
Looking at this site: Finviz futures, except Methanol ,Cocoa and the bonds, everything fell yesterday.
So what is new in the sky today?? The Moon just entered Capricorn, so it is under the Saturnian influence. So it is "depressed"/ it will make the following aspects today and tomorrow: gmt+3
24.05.2016 8:33:48 0°00'00"Cap <<<
24.05.2016 10:45:49 1°08'29"Cap Semi-sextile Mars= just now!
24.05.2016 15:49:33 3°46'23"Cap Quincunx Sun= a disharmonic angle- probably a neg. opening in the US.
25.05.2016 7:25:54 11°56'03"Cap Sextile Neptune
25.05.2016 10:39:28 13°37'50"Cap Trine Jupiter= double top?
25.05.2016 10:55:57 13°46'31"Cap Semi-sextile Saturn
25.05.2016 12:34:46 14°38'34"Cap Trine Mercury = check out the news..!!
25.05.2016 14:38:50 15°44'00"Cap Semi-square Mars
25.05.2016 17:20:51 17°09'34"Cap Conjunction Pluto= bad!-
Download my application!! it's on sale now.. Receive hot market alerts.. Links- at the left panel.
I just heard Mr.David Cameron debating about Brexit. He strongly wants the UK to stay in the EU .
Looking at his chart, for June 23rd, It is extraordinary to find the followings:
Looking at his chart, for June 23rd, It is extraordinary to find the followings:
The time of birth I have, is 6 am.. I am always questioning an exact hour.. however, this is published... So He has the Sun at 15 Libra, under the ruler ship of Venus. He also has a Leo Moon. - inner wheel.
Now look at the outer wheel, made for June 23rd... at 22:00 pm. The Sun in Sag., trining his natal Moon, very good position. The Ascendant at 21^Scorpio, on his natal Neptune.. in the second house, ruler of what one has.. assets, money, Scorpio, being a fixed sign, it wants to hold to what one has, to keep it, and not to change a thing... His MC- career, is under Cancer, another fixed ruled by the Moon. The Moon is in Leo, so ruled by the Sun, and the Sun is in Libra, so ruled by Venus... So after all he is very much under Venusian ruler ship. Not only his Ascendant, but his Mc too... And where is Venus in transit? on the day of the vote? at 27^ Scorpio.squaring Mars- it will not go without a huge fight, trining Saturn... hmmm... his party is backing him ... I looked if there are any bad fixed stars at 27^ Scorpio... and no, there are not. BUT! right in opposition, we have Polaris, at 28^Gemini, which is an " unfortunate" one. It is written about Polaris" Sickness, trouble, loss, afflictions, spiritual powers... "
So maybe you ask yourself, what is she talking about. ??? Will they leave or not?
OK ok ... don't get upset.. here is the chart for London June 23rd...
With Pluto on the Ascendant!!! wowowowo... Pluto is here to destroy...It will be in a wide orb in opposition to the Sun, which will be in Cancer. Sun-fire- in Cancer-water-? the pride of the british people is stepped upon..I wish my English was better and richer.. Venus- remember her? from D.Cameron's chart? is also in water Cancer.. conjunct the Sun.. and in opposition to Pluto. all these positions point to a status quo.. a frozen situation.
What will happen really? We shall see.
Every day there is some change in the sky..
Here is the monthly graph of the POUND/Dollar. We are short below 1.4760- in the long term, or 1.4640 in the short term.
Now look at the outer wheel, made for June 23rd... at 22:00 pm. The Sun in Sag., trining his natal Moon, very good position. The Ascendant at 21^Scorpio, on his natal Neptune.. in the second house, ruler of what one has.. assets, money, Scorpio, being a fixed sign, it wants to hold to what one has, to keep it, and not to change a thing... His MC- career, is under Cancer, another fixed ruled by the Moon. The Moon is in Leo, so ruled by the Sun, and the Sun is in Libra, so ruled by Venus... So after all he is very much under Venusian ruler ship. Not only his Ascendant, but his Mc too... And where is Venus in transit? on the day of the vote? at 27^ Scorpio.squaring Mars- it will not go without a huge fight, trining Saturn... hmmm... his party is backing him ... I looked if there are any bad fixed stars at 27^ Scorpio... and no, there are not. BUT! right in opposition, we have Polaris, at 28^Gemini, which is an " unfortunate" one. It is written about Polaris" Sickness, trouble, loss, afflictions, spiritual powers... "
So maybe you ask yourself, what is she talking about. ??? Will they leave or not?
OK ok ... don't get upset.. here is the chart for London June 23rd...
With Pluto on the Ascendant!!! wowowowo... Pluto is here to destroy...It will be in a wide orb in opposition to the Sun, which will be in Cancer. Sun-fire- in Cancer-water-? the pride of the british people is stepped upon..I wish my English was better and richer.. Venus- remember her? from D.Cameron's chart? is also in water Cancer.. conjunct the Sun.. and in opposition to Pluto. all these positions point to a status quo.. a frozen situation.
What will happen really? We shall see.
Every day there is some change in the sky..
Here is the monthly graph of the POUND/Dollar. We are short below 1.4760- in the long term, or 1.4640 in the short term.
May 22, 2016 Sunday
We wake to a Sun in the sign of Gemini. It is exactly in opposition to Mars.Mars in Sag- fire, Sun in Gemini, air- will bring in new energy. But, since the Sun moves on tomorrow, this will not last.
I am searching for politicians, world leaders, who were born in the sign of Gemini. I found only Trump, the Donald, J.F.Kennedy and Bush George, W. a.. sorry, also XI Jinping.
In any case, people born with the Sun in Gemini will get a hard aspect from Uranus, pushing them to decide, or make a change. Authorities will stay in their way. Higher powers will crush them, but under a square from Neptune, they will continue dreaming..
Difficult angles are coming up at the end of June, as I posted yesterday..but then, the Sun will already move on to Cancer. .
Gemini is "light" in bad Fixed stars.. not like Taurus.. This sign only has the "Alcyone", Hyades at 5Gem45, Aldebran 9.47; Bellatrix 21Gem28; Polaris28Gem42., & Betelgeuse.
Difficult angles are coming up at the end of June, as I posted yesterday..but then, the Sun will already move on to Cancer. .
Gemini is "light" in bad Fixed stars.. not like Taurus.. This sign only has the "Alcyone", Hyades at 5Gem45, Aldebran 9.47; Bellatrix 21Gem28; Polaris28Gem42., & Betelgeuse.
May 21, 2016 Saturday
I should write my weekly forecasts, but my attention is scattered to the events of this week.
I refrained to write about the crash of the Egyptian plane, until it was not certain, that is crashed. I can not imagine the horror of the people when it happened... and of the children.
So looking at the astrocartographic chart, it is amazing, to see, that Mars crossed Pluto just outside the shores of Egypt, at the time the crash happened..
Then, I had to look at the chart of the event, and, to tell you the truth, I don't see anything that points to a plane crash. OK, we have the Mercury in retro, and the Sun at the end of Taurus, where it is only 2 degrees away from the Pleiades... But this happens every year, so where can I find a clue? Mars is in opposition Vesta, but this too happens 2-3 times a year. Here are some statistics..
Then, I thought, maybe the declination chart will enlighten me?
and indeed... Here is the next 6 months planetary declination. We have Saturn, Mars and Pluto conjunct by declination...
Then, I thought, maybe the declination chart will enlighten me?
and indeed... Here is the next 6 months planetary declination. We have Saturn, Mars and Pluto conjunct by declination...
What else can we learn from this chart? Mercury turns Direct on 5.22nd, and will culminate on July 4th! Hmmmm. interesting date... US birthday. On the same day the North Node will cross Jupiter- fatal and legal issues to deal with. Between June 12- July 4th Mars is glued to Pluto- very dangerous times.
Here is a 40 years chart only with Mars-Saturn-Pluto: what we have now, occurred only in 1808-1818.
Here is a 40 years chart only with Mars-Saturn-Pluto: what we have now, occurred only in 1808-1818.
But these positions are not the only ones, that are important during the next months, to watch. We have an extremely rare bunch of planetary positions, that occur at the same time that appeared in the sky, only between 1926-1927!
Looking at the Dow chart, it rallied under those aspects. Culminated on Sept. 2, 1929. On that day Uranus was in Aries- 10^, now at 22 Aries. Neptune was at 1^ Virgo- now it is in opposition, 11 Pisces.
Pluto was at 19 Cancer- now it is in opposition- 17 Capricorn.
Saturn was at 23 Sag. Now it is at 14 Sag in retro.
Jupiter was at 14 Gemini, now it is at 13 Virgo, -squaring that point.
In 1929 Saturn trined Eris. Now it will again, on Jan 11, 2017.- again on 23 Sag. Searching for a fixed star at 23 SAG... I find, that at 24 degrees we have Lesath: " Danger, desperation, immortality and malevolence, connected with acid poisons, accidents, catastrophes, operations" it is the so called " Scorpion's Sting". Also Shaula- very unfortunate fixed stars..
Pluto was at 19 Cancer- now it is in opposition- 17 Capricorn.
Saturn was at 23 Sag. Now it is at 14 Sag in retro.
Jupiter was at 14 Gemini, now it is at 13 Virgo, -squaring that point.
In 1929 Saturn trined Eris. Now it will again, on Jan 11, 2017.- again on 23 Sag. Searching for a fixed star at 23 SAG... I find, that at 24 degrees we have Lesath: " Danger, desperation, immortality and malevolence, connected with acid poisons, accidents, catastrophes, operations" it is the so called " Scorpion's Sting". Also Shaula- very unfortunate fixed stars..
In 1929 Mars was at Saturn/Pluto Midpoint. It will occur again, on Sept. 24, 2016.
Here is the Dow with the occurrences of this midpoint
Here is the Dow with the occurrences of this midpoint
Ebertin tells us about this midpoint: "Brutality, assault or violence ruthlessness. the necessity to fight for one's existence or life, maltreatment. "
May 20, 2016 Friday
Yesterday I wrote, that the Jupiter-Saturn square is far, but this position was, that stopped the fall. We got a low, at their support, and a reversal. It was a very difficult trade, only baby-sitting the screen one could earn. I meen for intra day traders.- For long term traders, or those who can afford a deep stop, all this doesn't matter much. their stop is below 2000...
On April 1, 2015, I uploaded the chart of the swearing in, of the Knesset. I wrote, then, that I give this government 2 years maximum. and today, we wake to the news, that our defence minister resigned, because Netanyahu put Mr Liberman in his place.
I wrote last year, that this government will not last, because it was a Sun-South Node conjunction, in Aries, and also Sun-Uranus with a 6 degrees orb...
Searching who has a Sun-Uranus conjunction in his map, I found many interesting people, whose lives will be shaken and disturbed, if not ended... under such a conjunction, when a transit planet triggers them... And I found, Jason Holmes, who killed 12 in Colorado, Koby Peretz, a local singer, who was sentenced to jail yesterday, for not paying taxes...(what about all those people in Panama papers, why are they still free?), Bashar Assad ( Sun-Uranus conjunct in Virgo) ; Meryl Streep ( in Scorpio)- in the 11th house, of mental satisfaction. Jack Nicholson ( Taurus, in the 9th house of fame. Walt Disney, in Sagittarius. Bob Dylan in Gemini, Donald trump in the 11th House, in Gemini. Hamas has a Sun-Uranus conj. in Sag. 0 in the 1st house.. and Angela Merkel has them conjunct in Scorpio, in the 12th house. Izhak Rabin had them in Pisces, in the 7th house of open enemies.. or partners.. Bernard Madoff had them in Taurus. Also Saddam Hussein.
Moshe Yaalon, our resigning defense minister has them in Cancer. Interesting, that transit Mars "kicked" him out.. Also, his open enemy is Neptune, and transit Mercury, from the 8th house- of transformations and endings - is 150^ today. Last, but not least, transit Saturn squares natal Saturn, in retro...and tr. Jupiter is on natal Saturn. Jupiter in virgo is bad. When it will pass on , next year to Libra, and square his Sun, will bring him another change in his political career.
I find it formidable, that Mr. Yaalon 's Sun is in Cancer, and he stepped down on a day, when the Moon, ruler of his sign, was Apogee, or weakest.... This is an astrological nuance, sorry if I go into too much details. But when we analyse a chart we search, which planet can help the person? The first is the ruler of the sign... next Venus and Jupiter. In his case none could help. Not on this day.
On April 1, 2015, I uploaded the chart of the swearing in, of the Knesset. I wrote, then, that I give this government 2 years maximum. and today, we wake to the news, that our defence minister resigned, because Netanyahu put Mr Liberman in his place.
I wrote last year, that this government will not last, because it was a Sun-South Node conjunction, in Aries, and also Sun-Uranus with a 6 degrees orb...
Searching who has a Sun-Uranus conjunction in his map, I found many interesting people, whose lives will be shaken and disturbed, if not ended... under such a conjunction, when a transit planet triggers them... And I found, Jason Holmes, who killed 12 in Colorado, Koby Peretz, a local singer, who was sentenced to jail yesterday, for not paying taxes...(what about all those people in Panama papers, why are they still free?), Bashar Assad ( Sun-Uranus conjunct in Virgo) ; Meryl Streep ( in Scorpio)- in the 11th house, of mental satisfaction. Jack Nicholson ( Taurus, in the 9th house of fame. Walt Disney, in Sagittarius. Bob Dylan in Gemini, Donald trump in the 11th House, in Gemini. Hamas has a Sun-Uranus conj. in Sag. 0 in the 1st house.. and Angela Merkel has them conjunct in Scorpio, in the 12th house. Izhak Rabin had them in Pisces, in the 7th house of open enemies.. or partners.. Bernard Madoff had them in Taurus. Also Saddam Hussein.
Moshe Yaalon, our resigning defense minister has them in Cancer. Interesting, that transit Mars "kicked" him out.. Also, his open enemy is Neptune, and transit Mercury, from the 8th house- of transformations and endings - is 150^ today. Last, but not least, transit Saturn squares natal Saturn, in retro...and tr. Jupiter is on natal Saturn. Jupiter in virgo is bad. When it will pass on , next year to Libra, and square his Sun, will bring him another change in his political career.
I find it formidable, that Mr. Yaalon 's Sun is in Cancer, and he stepped down on a day, when the Moon, ruler of his sign, was Apogee, or weakest.... This is an astrological nuance, sorry if I go into too much details. But when we analyse a chart we search, which planet can help the person? The first is the ruler of the sign... next Venus and Jupiter. In his case none could help. Not on this day.
May 19th, 2016 Thursday
I wrote yesterday, that we have a Fibonacci turning day.. and the US markets responded with a fall. The last alert sent on 5/17 on the S&P was, to raise stop to 2062- I wrote" Should stay above 2067 in order to go to the next targets. This did not happen, on the contrary.. we got lower highs, a recipe for a turn and fall.
What is new in the sky? The Moon is soon to enter Scorpio. It is bad in this sign. We still have the Jupiter-Saturn square in the sky, at 13 degree in Virgo. their support is far, only at 2023. Mars is solitary, this too is dangerous.
The stop for the DAX was at 9843; The trade range here is between 9920- long above it, or 9822- short below it.
TA25: I wrote yesterday:
TA25:next resistance 1402.55- next 1407.90, failing to go above 1402.55 it will fall back again, and puts will rally.
TA25: first target, 1402.55 reached, raise stop to this level.
We will go short below this level. ~ for intra day traders...
Nano Dimension; the company that makes the 3D printers, with which you can print actually anything... is waiting to launch.. For the time being it is consolidating .NNDM on Nasdaq since 5/8/16
Yesterday rallied:
TA25:next resistance 1402.55- next 1407.90, failing to go above 1402.55 it will fall back again, and puts will rally.
TA25: first target, 1402.55 reached, raise stop to this level.
We will go short below this level. ~ for intra day traders...
Nano Dimension; the company that makes the 3D printers, with which you can print actually anything... is waiting to launch.. For the time being it is consolidating .NNDM on Nasdaq since 5/8/16
Yesterday rallied:
May 18, 2016 Wednesday
It is the 138th day of the year, this reminds us of a Fibonacci number. The main aspect of the week is the square between Jupiter and Saturn. We still have the Mercury-150^Saturn in the sky. Here is the graph of Google in Timing Solution, the software I use, among others..
We can see, that this is a recurring angle, it happened in April, it will follow us all May- because both planets are in retro, and again will come in July.
We are looking forward to the G7 meeting on May 21.
May 17, 2016 Tuesday
Yesterday it was published, that "Earlier this year" Warren Buffett invested 1 Billion $ in Apple. And not only him... Soros, and other as well.
It had its effect, in spite, that the investment was made not yesterday, but it was used, to help the share not to crash. Which was coming, if it falls below 90.
It had its effect, in spite, that the investment was made not yesterday, but it was used, to help the share not to crash. Which was coming, if it falls below 90.
Mercury in retro, sends these kind of announcements, to make a move in the markets.
But, not only that, the Moon also moves to Libra, so it was time for a change.
May 16, 2016
Today we are under the rulership of the Moon and Jupiter. The Moon is still in Virgo, -Earth element and Jupiter is direct, at 13 Virgo. We have 6 planets in Earth element, which brought us yesterday, and today extreme heat. I posted in FB.... read that post.
The above picture shows which element will have the most planets during the coming months. Now we have no planet in Air, at all, no wind, no breeze. With the Moon entering Libra, this will change, but the main change will come, when the Sun enters Gemini. While water will bring a lot of humidity ( in green ).
But, besides checking on the elements, there are worse positions in the sky today.. The Sun will conjunct the worst fixed star, Algol also know as "The Medusa's head". Here is a fantastic article about this, by my late friend, Diana Rosenberg.
Today there was a 5 degree earthquake in Dahab, Egypt, a place that belonged to us, before the peace treaty, I used to fly there a lot... a most beautiful place and quiet, clean beaches! The quake was felt in our southern town, Eilat too.. no damages. The Moon made an exact~bad~ angle to Uranus, and Venus sextiled the South Node.
Meanwhile, I see the East is rising... good for them! I hope you turned with the trend.
Sign up now for the weekly forecasts... Know in advance.
Oh, there is a Bank Holiday in Switzerland, France and Germany... so we can wait for the sleeping beauty to wake up- in 4 hours... See you later.
Here is a very important article, UK ! Brexit
And here is another article saying, they want to cancel the 500 Euro and the 100$ bills
Buffett steps in to AAPL:
A lot of moves out there !!
Meanwhile, I see the East is rising... good for them! I hope you turned with the trend.
Sign up now for the weekly forecasts... Know in advance.
Oh, there is a Bank Holiday in Switzerland, France and Germany... so we can wait for the sleeping beauty to wake up- in 4 hours... See you later.
Here is a very important article, UK ! Brexit
And here is another article saying, they want to cancel the 500 Euro and the 100$ bills
Buffett steps in to AAPL:
A lot of moves out there !!
May 15, 2016 Sunday
You know what is missing in the sky today? the Air element. We have many planets in Earth, and in water, even in fire, but no Air. What does this mean? Without air, the fire dies out, So we cannot count on Saturn or Uranus. Also, having the Sun, Mercury and Venus in stubborn Taurus? will make the trade clumsy, slow and down, short. ~for us! since we are the only ones trading today. We is Israel, where I live... for those who wondered, or are new readers.
Sky today: the angle that will be there the next 10 days is the Jupiter-Saturn square Happened before on Oct 30th 2014, 8/5/15 and now.- just that now, it will take longer to dissolve, because both are retro. .
I sent 30 alerts just now in the application. Enjoy..
Sign up for the weekly forecast... Click PayPal for $250 for 3 months...will guide you in your trades.
May 13, 2016 Friday

During the last days, there were elections for London Mayor, on May 5th.
Sadik Khan, (muslim) son of Pakistani immigrants won. I looked
at his chart, of course... now. Born in London, October 8, 1970,
has 5 brothers, married, with two daughters, intended to be a
dentist, but came out to be a lawyer... He is clever and handsome. Why? Because Mercury is far from the Sun, ( clever) and he has 3 planets in LIbra, which produces beautiful people.. I don't have his time of birth, but I think he was born around 6:30, because of Saturn's effect in his life. His date adds up to 8~Saturn~ and this , with this hour, is exactly at the Huber point, age wise, pointing to a winning. With this hour we get the Moon to rule his 10th house of career, which is at 14 degrees, and transit Jupiter trined it, on May 5th, day of the elections.
So did the Sun... more favorable than that? Also, in the sky Jupiter trined the Sun. A perfect celestial timing.
Outer wheel for 5.5.16:23:00; there is an Earth grand trine in the sky, pointing to a stable event. I just don't like the Sun, Mercury, Venus position in the 8th house.. Let's hope they point to a radical change- for good-
So, let me wish him the very best of luck, and success in his career... He has a Moon:Sat/Vertex midpoint, asking him, do you really want this? Are you ready for this? Unfortunately, Ebertin, in his book did not relate to the Vertex, so if anyone can explain this midpoint better, I'll be glad to read it.
It is interesting to see, that the same Earth Grand trine pushed Dilma Rousseff off the chair.
So, what is new in the sky today?
And here is a cute game for you in the week end: chatnoir. Don't let the cat run away... LOL.I succeeded... after a few tries.
It is interesting to see, that the same Earth Grand trine pushed Dilma Rousseff off the chair.
So, what is new in the sky today?
Here is Saturn, the one that blocked yesterday the fall. Staying above 2063- nothing to disturb a rally to 2074.
Today there are multiple favorable angles to reach new highs.. So good luck for the traders.
May 12, 2016 Thursday
For those who live in New Jersey, I think this is a very important article to read.
More readings: Former Taurus New Moon articles: 2015, 2014, 2013,2012, 2011, 2010.
Yesterday I alerted," to raise stop for the S&P to 2072- or even 2077". If you did that, you were stopped out, and immediately went short. below either of the stops. In each, case you won. Closed at 2059,60. Now, falling below 2055, and 2039, it will be a major short for months. But, I will have to check to long term effects, in the weekly forecast. Meanwhile, we are short.
The Moon is in Leo now. prepare for bottoms, till she leaves it. Any fundamental announcements, to back this? Oh, sure... many. Unemployment too..
5:10 pm: Unemployment came out catastrophic, so this brings a negative sentiment for longs.
Yesterday I alerted," to raise stop for the S&P to 2072- or even 2077". If you did that, you were stopped out, and immediately went short. below either of the stops. In each, case you won. Closed at 2059,60. Now, falling below 2055, and 2039, it will be a major short for months. But, I will have to check to long term effects, in the weekly forecast. Meanwhile, we are short.
The Moon is in Leo now. prepare for bottoms, till she leaves it. Any fundamental announcements, to back this? Oh, sure... many. Unemployment too..
5:10 pm: Unemployment came out catastrophic, so this brings a negative sentiment for longs.
May 11, 2016 Wednesday
I wrote 2072 yesterday, and we got 2077..after a high at 2084...It is also higher than May 2nd top. We don't have trade today. till Sunday.. due to Memorial day, and Independence day tomorrow... but you have out there, so let's see what is going on in the sky..
There are harmonic angles in the sky. 13,17, 21 degrees are important. Now, that the index is supported by most of the planet, nowhere to go , but up.
Will post my alerts soon, download my application!
I have a LinkedIn account, but I never understood, what it is good for. I accept friendships of people They endorse me for different stuff, that I have no idea about... LOL... But what it is for?? Why is it more expensive- now at 128 and rising in premarket, than FB (120)? or Twitter (14)? The graph shows , that it fell with a huge gap, and it is trying to close it. I don't think it will. I would wait for the right moment to enter short... and that , will be huge. Low was 55.98, that is where it is heading.. Not today... but when it breaks 117.
I have a LinkedIn account, but I never understood, what it is good for. I accept friendships of people They endorse me for different stuff, that I have no idea about... LOL... But what it is for?? Why is it more expensive- now at 128 and rising in premarket, than FB (120)? or Twitter (14)? The graph shows , that it fell with a huge gap, and it is trying to close it. I don't think it will. I would wait for the right moment to enter short... and that , will be huge. Low was 55.98, that is where it is heading.. Not today... but when it breaks 117.
May 10, 2016 Tuesday
Today we are ruled by Venus and Mars. There is also a rare position in the sky: Venus trines Jupiter. Their price level is 2072- which , if you make a calculation, is also the midpoint of the last fall in the S&P. Isn't that interesting?? Any announcements today? Yes, from Europe, in the early hours..
Same calculation gives us 10105- level for the DAX- should go above it, to make a bigger correction. The alert yesterday was to go long with a stop at 9988- and we were stopped out.. So now: "on the fence". Let's see how will the news come out.
Venus Jupiter is blocking at 10030. So I would go long only above this level.
There is an extremely important planetary position tomorrow, that occurred only 6 times since 2010, and before that only in 2004, Pluto will be at the Sun/Jupiter midpoint. Market wise, this is a balancing position. All are at 13 degrees, so this degree will be important , for a support. 2073 for the S&P, 1273 for the Gold. etc.. etc..
2) On May 21st Uranus will also trigger a very important position, that, of Mars(war, accidents, killings, cuts) Jupiter (freedom, justice, exaggeration) midpoint. Formerly it happened on Jan 24th
2) On May 21st Uranus will also trigger a very important position, that, of Mars(war, accidents, killings, cuts) Jupiter (freedom, justice, exaggeration) midpoint. Formerly it happened on Jan 24th
May 9, 2016 Monday
If I don't turn on the TV, when I come home in the morning, from the kindergarten, I can hear my thoughts. And boy, they are zig-zagging.. from what shall I have for breakfast, to Nasa, published about Mercury occultation yesterday... So a nice salad will be nice. One onion, I love onions, they keep the doctors away, one cucumber, a tomato, half gamba.. I put some eggs to boil... I go to check on my mails, open FB, Twitter, Linkedin,,, so much to catch up with. So why did Nasa write, that Mercury occultation happens only 13 times? I ran Timing solution, and I found 48 times from 1900-2020... I will have to write to Sergey, and ask him.. Meanwhile the eggs are still boiling. Did you know, that if you put them in cold water, after they are done, you can clean them easily? So what is an occultation? It is a time, when a planet comes between the Sun-Earth. Exactly like a lunar eclipse, it is a planet eclipse, it is just called occultation. Unlike the lunars, which occur 2-3 times a year, these are rare. However, I would not base my trades on them. Here is AAPL with occultations.
OK, I got a clarification from friends, that we are having an inferior conjunction, meaning Mercury is in front of the SUN. Here is a scientific explanation.
Here is another useful site.
It is most fantastic, that the "Panama papers will be published today... exactly, when this - so rare event, Mercury occulting the Earth , happens.. and Jupiter, the planet of justice turns Direct.
So some news I heard yesterday. It was mothers' day/// Chelsea Clinton urged people to donate money to Hillary.. Was that a good idea? I don't think so.. not with so many planets in retro.. I don't have time to check her chart, but I think, many eyebrows were raised..
OK, I got a clarification from friends, that we are having an inferior conjunction, meaning Mercury is in front of the SUN. Here is a scientific explanation.
Here is another useful site.
It is most fantastic, that the "Panama papers will be published today... exactly, when this - so rare event, Mercury occulting the Earth , happens.. and Jupiter, the planet of justice turns Direct.
So some news I heard yesterday. It was mothers' day/// Chelsea Clinton urged people to donate money to Hillary.. Was that a good idea? I don't think so.. not with so many planets in retro.. I don't have time to check her chart, but I think, many eyebrows were raised..
Jupiter is stationary today, before turning Direct..
May 8,2016 Sunday
I see a lot of unrest on Earth, meaning, many quakes..
today's sky, after the New Moon... We have a very rare opposition : Jupiter-Neptune. Jupiter is retro, but it will not go back to 11 degree, since it is turning soon. But the Moon, and Venus, send angles to both..
Since the bigger planets are not involved, no big deal...
SO what else is new?
The Moon enters Gemini, and we got a new low... because of the negative arbitrage. 1399- so far.. 1383 was the last low, so breaking it, it will mean a major shift.. but, in the meanwhile,it is trying to close the gap. 1400 now. Not that I would go long, just yet..
I had to get up really early today, because my daughter had to be in the hospital, at 7- ~ she is a doctor~ and I woke up at 3, at 5, and 5:30.. then I got up and went to her house, so that she could leave, her husband too, he is also a doctor... and I took my little precious to the kindergarten. Not much to do today, so I guess I'll just rest.
I wrote an article on Sisyphus, in Hebrew.. There is so little knowledge in Hebrew in astrology... it's a shame.. So I think I can contribute by writing articles.. So I will have to work on that... and some more stuff...
I hope your Sunday is nice.
Somebody asked me about Brexit. Will the UK exit from the EU or not? I looked up the date, it's June 23rd/ well, what can I tell you ?? they chose a day...the name comes from Britain will exit? BREXIT
I made the chart for 23:00- after the votes end, and probably the news will come in. The Ascendant is in Aquarius, at 3^. The date adds up to 11, Which is the position of Saturn. Saturn squares Neptune- and blocks dreams.
It is very difficult to analyse this chart, because the Queen can veto what ever will be the outcome..
Somebody asked me about Brexit. Will the UK exit from the EU or not? I looked up the date, it's June 23rd/ well, what can I tell you ?? they chose a day...the name comes from Britain will exit? BREXIT
I made the chart for 23:00- after the votes end, and probably the news will come in. The Ascendant is in Aquarius, at 3^. The date adds up to 11, Which is the position of Saturn. Saturn squares Neptune- and blocks dreams.
It is very difficult to analyse this chart, because the Queen can veto what ever will be the outcome..
May 7, 2016 Saturday
Thank you for following me from the former article, New Moon in Aries.
As every Saturday, I am writing my weekly forecasts, to which you can sign up. I'll be back later.
Meanwhile, you might want to listen to my YOu Tube recordings. Search for GMAMA. I have there several uploads. The latest is from this week.
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