New Moon in Gemini, 2016
Between June 5- July 4
Another chart that is used, the time of the declaration, has a Libra rising... in this, we get the personal planets, stellium, at the MC, in Cancer. This puts the Government "watching " over you.. and Saturn on the ascendant... which promises hardships...
And I have 13 different times!!! for the USA.
I will not bore you with the details..
So, happy birthday, America... Numerologically, when the hour of birth is not important, you enter now to your 3rd year, 1st month, and 5th personal day. It is a year ruled by Jupiter.
So I ran the Euro/Dollar with the sunrize time, for July 4th 1776..- TS is calculating... let's see what will it show.. Playing with the cube:
And here it is....
Moving on the the New article, after all, it's the New Moon.
Thanks, for being here... see you later.
The US markets rallied yesterday, and many other targets given in the application were achieved.
What to expect today?
We are ruled by Mercury and Saturn. Mercury is on the malefic "Betelgeuse" at 28° Gemini, in 150° to the Galactic Center. Soon it will enter to Cancer, which will bring a minor turn in trend.
Saturn is still in retro, at 11.18° Sag.-
Another interesting thing to watch is the Nodes are direct. I don't know how many know astrology here... but the Nodes are 90% of the year retro, and when they are Direct, it is "different". I will not go into details here...
So, bottom line: tighten stops, we are having a turn today. How deep? till when ? check out the application..
Unfortunately, as long as the Moon is in Aries, more blood will be spilt.
I added two buttons!!! at the left panel
For the numerology reading I need the full name at birth and the date.
For the tarot reading, just a concrete question.
There is a new name to look at, which is rather promising at first. Nigel Farage, the Leader of the UK Independence Party.
Most of the targets given yesterday for the markets, achieved..
Mrs. Yellen speaks again... today at 11:00 NY time... At that time the Moon will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury is at Jup/Nep MP, Ven at Jup/Eris MP, Venus at Jup/Ur MP~ not a bright picture!
here is the 15 min. graph for the S&P: Yesterday it topped at 2100.63- and fell exactly when the Moon was at 1° Capricorn... Stops and targets on the graph.
What is so rosy in Germany??
All oils rallied- see Jupiter-Neptune angles. Also Corn, Soya, Wheat; see Mercury-Neptune square.
Mars crosses Rome- to Sweden
Pluto and Uranus cross Pakistan
I am going to the gym, hope not to hear any bad news till I come back.
CAC Weekly: Notice the math! 6 years from low to low, next 6 years from low to high. All in all the index is falling since 2000! Unlike any other index!!! Support is now at 4170- falling from it, double shorts!
I added many more charts yesterday about the Orlando shooting, scroll down to see them.
Yesterday, my concern was with the Euro sport opening... This chart too, and any other chart, that I will cast, as long as Venus is conjunct the Sun... and conjunct Chaos, will bring disasters..
Here is the chart of the Opening Ceremony tonight in Paris. Jupiter conjunct the NNode, in opposition to Neptune, conjunct the SNode..- fated and fatal issues... Mars ( war, attack, wounds, fights) sends a disharmonic angle to Uranus ( surprise, unexpected events ).
For a visitor from Kuwait,,, I just looked up your index: long term index... we can see the historical fall, and was not able to recover since then... Support is at 547- resistance at 567. Only above this level it will be a long.
Download my application!! Receive market alerts..
New Moon June 5- July 4
July 4, 2014 Monday.
Happy birthday America!! There are many birthday charts for America, actually, what changes, is only the Ascendant- because of the hour, different astrologers use.
In all of the charts, the personal planets, which are the Sun, Mercury, Venus, are in the sign of Cancer; also Jupiter. I already wrote, that this date does not "fit" for Independence day, because Cancer is an emotional sign, but also Cardinal and also Fixed. there is not much "freedom" in this chart.
Below is the date and hour used by Gann...-Gemini rising. This has the MC, or government in Pisces, making Neptune the ruler. Neptune is in the 4th house, this makes America, the place when your dreams can come true... But, with a Gemini rising? this tells us, that there are a lot of changes in this place... but with Mercury in Cancer?? AND in retro? a very bad Mercury, a disharmonic position. It is interesting, that the date adds up to 14/5; 5, which is also ruled by Mercury.
Another chart that is used, the time of the declaration, has a Libra rising... in this, we get the personal planets, stellium, at the MC, in Cancer. This puts the Government "watching " over you.. and Saturn on the ascendant... which promises hardships...
And I have 13 different times!!! for the USA.
I will not bore you with the details..
So, happy birthday, America... Numerologically, when the hour of birth is not important, you enter now to your 3rd year, 1st month, and 5th personal day. It is a year ruled by Jupiter.
So I ran the Euro/Dollar with the sunrize time, for July 4th 1776..- TS is calculating... let's see what will it show.. Playing with the cube:
And here it is....
Moving on the the New article, after all, it's the New Moon.
Thanks, for being here... see you later.
July 3, Sunday, 2016
We are one day before the New Moon. The Moon today is in Gemini. We will have a zig zag day. The arbitrage is positive, targets for today are 1400-1403-1407- 1411-1414.
The colors make a difference! Black for 150°= bad, Blue for soft- good, Red for energetic position. In my Financial Astrology course, I teach what they mean...
Download my application, now, for only 25$ ! one time fee, you will receive market alerts, with stops and targets.
News: Will Christine Lagarde to be prosecuted? Born on 1.1.1956; The chart below shows her natal date, the directed and transit chart for future. Her Ascendant is in Taurus, so ruler of the chart is Venus. Venus is at 10 Aquarius, which gives her a cold attitude, more mental than emotional.
Numerologically, her date adds up to 5, which is ruled by Mercury, and this is at 25° Capricorn, which is good for her, pulls her down to earth. Both Mercury and Venus are in the 9th house of law. Saturn... Saturn is always there when a king is crowned, or defeated..In her case, natal Saturn is at 28 Scorpio- shows her position in the monetary world, very well placed. She is 60.50 years old, so directed Saturn arrived to her 9th house of law. transit saturn is still in the 7th house and in retro, showing the restriction, from partners and "known" enemies... Saturn rules her house of law, so if anything will come out of this article...? no, not for now. September 3rd, will be a day to watch, then, beginning of November, January 6th, etc...
Women will rule??
Another woman who pops up in the news is Theresa May. First time I hear of her.. It is interesting, that she has the same numbers like Christine Lagarde. 1.10.1956 = 23/5
Another " iron lady" ? With Moon conjunct Pluto, I think this name fits her fine. If you question yourself, did Margaret Thatcher had Moon- Pluto conjunction too ? No.. She had Moon-Neptune conjunction.
I highlighted only Saturn. Directed Saturn is 60° to natal Saturn... Jupiter return... so yes, I agree with my colleagues, she has a good chance to be elected the next PM.
If you google pictures of her, you can find resemblance to Mrs. Merkel..
So it seems, that the autumn will have a woman leader in Germany, in the UK, who else is in the line?? Elections in France are far away, only in April or May 2017... Ah.. the US.. sorry, Hillary, I don't think she'll make it..
July 1, 2016 Friday.
We wave good bye to June, which will never return, and we look at the next page in the calendar... July. it's the 7th month of the year, named after Julius Caesar..
June brought us the Brexit, a huge fall and a recuperation, almost 100%, even more! The FTSE is higher than it was on June 23rd..
So what happened in the sky, the made a V in the markets??
I think it is Mars's move. it turned retro on April 17. Around this date + - 2-3 days, all the markets topped. It went back to 23° Scorpio, from 8.54Sag, that is 16 points roughly. and when Mars turned Direct, on June 30, the markets were back to the same point, or even higher, than when the retro started... This is a point we should remember..
So let's look at some indices:
BSESN: Fibo turning date July 8- 11, Target 27200. Stop 27110.
Exception to the above said, is the DAX! ( also CAC, IBEX ) While on April 27th it was at 10332, yesterday, on Mars's turn was only at 9680. Our stop was 9600- we went long above... let's see how will the day enfold. There is a huge open gap to 10105- failing to close it, it will be the early bird for a major short..
June brought us the Brexit, a huge fall and a recuperation, almost 100%, even more! The FTSE is higher than it was on June 23rd..
So what happened in the sky, the made a V in the markets??
I think it is Mars's move. it turned retro on April 17. Around this date + - 2-3 days, all the markets topped. It went back to 23° Scorpio, from 8.54Sag, that is 16 points roughly. and when Mars turned Direct, on June 30, the markets were back to the same point, or even higher, than when the retro started... This is a point we should remember..
So let's look at some indices:
BSESN: Fibo turning date July 8- 11, Target 27200. Stop 27110.
Here is the MONTHLY graph of the 10 year Bond TNX : breaking 1.40- will crash.;
Now let's see what is has July in its bag?
12.07.2016 8:34:02 > Leo Venus
14.07.2016 3:46:39 > Leo Mercury
22.07.2016 12:30:13 > Leo Sun
30.07.2016 0:05:48 R Uranus 24°30'28"Ari
30.07.2016 21:18:19 > Vir Mercury
Besides these dates, many other events to watch, but, as usual, I shall update.
Here are the main aspects planets will make:
Now let's see what is has July in its bag?
Here is a list of dates, when planets change signs:
14.07.2016 3:46:39 > Leo Mercury
22.07.2016 12:30:13 > Leo Sun
30.07.2016 0:05:48 R Uranus 24°30'28"Ari
30.07.2016 21:18:19 > Vir Mercury
Besides these dates, many other events to watch, but, as usual, I shall update.
Here are the main aspects planets will make:
By the way, I started to write at FXStreet... here is my second article.
Sign up now now, now!!! for the weekly- long term report..
Are we on the edge? or more tops to come ???????????????
Sign up now now, now!!! for the weekly- long term report..
Are we on the edge? or more tops to come ???????????????
June 30, 2016 Thursday
I got an interesting e-mail:
it is 6:22 am now, will be back later...
OK.. I am here... 10:11 now- what do we see? Sun at 8°55 Cancer, makes no aspects.. Moon at 12°Taurus. is 60° to Neptune; Mercury just entered Cancer... Venus is 120° the SNode, Mars turns Direct, at 23° Scorpio... makes no aspects- the 150 to Uranus is over... for now, but it will be back! , Jupiter is 120° to Neptune, and Saturn is 90° to Neptune.
So we can learn from this planetary placements, that the major angles are still on, and mercury, from Cancer is adding a negative affect.
8:37 pm I posted today 27 alerts in my application... I cannot imagine what you do without it...
OK.. I am here... 10:11 now- what do we see? Sun at 8°55 Cancer, makes no aspects.. Moon at 12°Taurus. is 60° to Neptune; Mercury just entered Cancer... Venus is 120° the SNode, Mars turns Direct, at 23° Scorpio... makes no aspects- the 150 to Uranus is over... for now, but it will be back! , Jupiter is 120° to Neptune, and Saturn is 90° to Neptune.
So we can learn from this planetary placements, that the major angles are still on, and mercury, from Cancer is adding a negative affect.
8:37 pm I posted today 27 alerts in my application... I cannot imagine what you do without it...
June 29, 2016 Wednesday
Yesterday, under Mars (War,fight, attack) and Neptune( religion) Istanbul airport got a deadly hit , supposedly from Isis..
I made the chart for 10:28 pm, when at first it was announced, Mars is on the MC. Moon+Uranus conjunct in Aries... and both 150° to Mars.
The US markets rallied yesterday, and many other targets given in the application were achieved.
What to expect today?
We are ruled by Mercury and Saturn. Mercury is on the malefic "Betelgeuse" at 28° Gemini, in 150° to the Galactic Center. Soon it will enter to Cancer, which will bring a minor turn in trend.
Saturn is still in retro, at 11.18° Sag.-
Another interesting thing to watch is the Nodes are direct. I don't know how many know astrology here... but the Nodes are 90% of the year retro, and when they are Direct, it is "different". I will not go into details here...
So, bottom line: tighten stops, we are having a turn today. How deep? till when ? check out the application..
Unfortunately, as long as the Moon is in Aries, more blood will be spilt.
I added two buttons!!! at the left panel
For the numerology reading I need the full name at birth and the date.
For the tarot reading, just a concrete question.
An incredible "coincidence?" On this day, in 3123 BC "Sodom and Gomorra" happened- see the Bible. ( Mars 90° Uranus )
Also, on this day, June 29th, 2014 the Islamic State, ISIS was founded. ( Mars 180° Uranus)
and now: MARS 150° URANUS.
Let's analyse the FTSE... after all the UK is one of the biggest trade centers in the world...
I downloaded the weekly chart, and I see, that since 1997- data that I have- the average move in a week was 194.79 points.
Monthly graph:
Narrowing it down to 2016: the average move per week was 238.60 points.
So If the low was 5788 on June 23rd, basing itself above 6026- would mean a LONG.
Now it HIT 6300..( TARGET GIVEN ON 6/28 IN THE APP WAS 6250) will be A HILARIOUS long AND RALLY, if it goes even FURTHER UP THIS WEEK- ABOVE 6380. Watch the VOLUME! The secret lies there..
You should know my time table... People write me... I did not see what you wrote.. I wish I did...
I start to write around 9 am. then trade starts here, and in between, I post in the app. later I teach, or am off the computer, and then, before US opens, if I am at home, I write again.. or I send some updates. So you should recheck the blog, 2,3 times a day.. to catch up with the last news...
Also, on this day, June 29th, 2014 the Islamic State, ISIS was founded. ( Mars 180° Uranus)
and now: MARS 150° URANUS.
Let's analyse the FTSE... after all the UK is one of the biggest trade centers in the world...
I downloaded the weekly chart, and I see, that since 1997- data that I have- the average move in a week was 194.79 points.
Monthly graph:
Narrowing it down to 2016: the average move per week was 238.60 points.
So If the low was 5788 on June 23rd, basing itself above 6026- would mean a LONG.
Now it HIT 6300..( TARGET GIVEN ON 6/28 IN THE APP WAS 6250) will be A HILARIOUS long AND RALLY, if it goes even FURTHER UP THIS WEEK- ABOVE 6380. Watch the VOLUME! The secret lies there..
You should know my time table... People write me... I did not see what you wrote.. I wish I did...
I start to write around 9 am. then trade starts here, and in between, I post in the app. later I teach, or am off the computer, and then, before US opens, if I am at home, I write again.. or I send some updates. So you should recheck the blog, 2,3 times a day.. to catch up with the last news...
June 28, 2016 Tuesday
We are ruled today by Mars and Neptune... Rare meeting between the two... Mars is Stationary, before turning Direct, at 23°; still being a part of the Yod from Mercury and Uranus, while Neptune is at 11°59 Pisces, in retro, still getting the square from Saturn. So, no news here. What else ? the Moon is in Aries, 30° to Neptune and 120° to Saturn, now, this is a short time "blocker" we might get a momentary correction. But, La luna moves on till US opens,so the East benefits from this position.
Since Venus turned a morning star, we are getting this turmoil in the world... Then the Mars-Uranus and Saturn-Neptune angles were added, and everything went out of order... But, somehow it was balanced. The "broch" came when the Sun entered Cancer.. This was the last straw... I hear of many suicides... People got to a breaking point.. What can I say?? Yes, difficult times, but it will be over, like everything.
We had some "light at the end of the tunnel" when a new cooperation and peace was signed yesterday with Turkey, after 6 years of break. So we can see, that some stability is returning to our area...
Later I shall upload the chart of Jeremy Corbyn, and Israel's chart, but now, let's see the markets. ~~ In the app...
I shall be back later today..
Good trading!
I shall be back later today..
Good trading!
June 27, 2016 Monday
We are under the rulership of the Moon, and Venus. It is a turning day for AORD and HSCE.
The Moon is on Scheat, a most malefic fixed star on the last degree of Pisces, and VOID of COURSE! Before entering Aries.
Venus, is at 11° trining Neptune and 150°to Saturn. - See map of yesterday...
Sign up for the weekly forecasts... Know in advance where is the stop and the take profit!
In the news: Spain voted .
Looking at the chart of Spain- from Nicholas Champions' book- which is a must have book- he gives two dates for Spain: 19.Jan.1479 and Juan Carlos' inauguration, on Nov 22, 1975. I use the modern date... and only looking at the date, I can see that it adds up to 22.11.22- what a numberrrrrrr ..
Here is the map with today's transits...
The most disturbing position is the Uranus' position... It is on the MC. Around July 2018 transit Uranus will be 180 to Natal Uranus- which will bring a major turn in Spain's history.
Right now, transit Saturn is 150° to Moon, and tr.Neptune 120° to Moon..The Moon is the people.. as the month=November= 11; this too at 11°. And we get a vote,but full gas in neutral....
NEW SERVICE : Pay with paypal.. Link in the left panel. Use " User defined".
Sign up for the weekly forecasts... Know in advance where is the stop and the take profit!
In the news: Spain voted .
Looking at the chart of Spain- from Nicholas Champions' book- which is a must have book- he gives two dates for Spain: 19.Jan.1479 and Juan Carlos' inauguration, on Nov 22, 1975. I use the modern date... and only looking at the date, I can see that it adds up to 22.11.22- what a numberrrrrrr ..
Here is the map with today's transits...
The most disturbing position is the Uranus' position... It is on the MC. Around July 2018 transit Uranus will be 180 to Natal Uranus- which will bring a major turn in Spain's history.
Right now, transit Saturn is 150° to Moon, and tr.Neptune 120° to Moon..The Moon is the people.. as the month=November= 11; this too at 11°. And we get a vote,but full gas in neutral....
NEW SERVICE : Pay with paypal.. Link in the left panel. Use " User defined".
June 26, 2016 Sunday
The sky is busy today... The Sun in Cancer, makes no major angles, it is solitary...But, it brings out all the family problems... We have a very hot day today with a lot of humidity... ( Sun=fire, in Cancer=water). The Moon in Pisces, conjunct to the South Node, bad, and adds to it. Mercury in sextile to Uranus... from Gemini..( incredible news... unbelievable).... Venus 150° Saturn and 120° Neptune, (10-12 degrees will be important today... ) Next Mars is 150° Uranus, Jupiter conjunct the NN and square Pluto, Saturn 90° Neptune, will not bring any calm for today.
The arbitrage is negative, a "hot"day in the markets as well..
there are only a few green shares in our market right now, I mean, that go up, one of them is Mankind- after a positive arbitrage..
But, all in all it not a day to go long on shares...
the Chinese Yuan rallied by 8.58% in 602 days... If you have my app- you received alerts on it..
The Indian Rupee- is a long above 67.80 only- and a hard short below..
Russian Rubal: is a short below 66.50
Dollar-Yen: we are short below 103. The Japanese government interferes all the time, I stopped trading it.
Local share: Solgrin ( formerProctogania) long stop 565- target 610-650.
I hear now in the news, that more than 2 million people are sorry for their votes, and demand a new vote, in the UK. Are we living in a " reset" world? You know, there is a possibility in the computer, to delete whatever you did in the last day, and reactivate it as of yesterday... It does not work like this in real life!!! once you push the button, it is DONE... Once you kill someone, you cannot say, phu phu, I am not playing, get up, let's start from the beginning... my steps were not right.. This is not Hollywood, you know?? Live with your decisions. COPE.
Listen to this!!! why Britain Joined the EU? LOL...
there are only a few green shares in our market right now, I mean, that go up, one of them is Mankind- after a positive arbitrage..
But, all in all it not a day to go long on shares...
the Chinese Yuan rallied by 8.58% in 602 days... If you have my app- you received alerts on it..
The Indian Rupee- is a long above 67.80 only- and a hard short below..
Russian Rubal: is a short below 66.50
Dollar-Yen: we are short below 103. The Japanese government interferes all the time, I stopped trading it.
Local share: Solgrin ( formerProctogania) long stop 565- target 610-650.

Listen to this!!! why Britain Joined the EU? LOL...
June 25, 2016 Saturday
Thanks God for Saturday... and Sunday. Finally we can rest. Look around, prepare.
I am so used to wake up early, that I was sitting here at 6 am already, in spite of the quietness outside. It is so humid that one can feel the raindrops in the air.. Later it will warm up, and again, we will have a hot summer day, and the heat will be on till mid week.
There is a new name to look at, which is rather promising at first. Nigel Farage, the Leader of the UK Independence Party.
I got his time of birth from a group, so here it is:
Numerology: name adds up to 11, together 22, which is a wow... a person who is here to make a difference... His date adds up to 9, the highest number we know, this too points to a goal in life, someone to take humanity ahead.
But then, I look at his map.. and all these promises are lost. His Ascendant and career is ruled by Mercury. We already know how reliable and contradictory this planet can be..
remember the proverb on Mercury or Gemini ? " Don't believe what I say, because I already changed my mind"...
He is a former commodity broker.. Now this fits perfectly his Mercury...
He did not go to university, but to Drexel Burnham, but left before it went bankrupt..Worked in several brokerage companies. ( his father was also in the stockmarket, left the family when he was 5..
He did not go to university, but to Drexel Burnham, but left before it went bankrupt..Worked in several brokerage companies. ( his father was also in the stockmarket, left the family when he was 5..
A good point is, that Mercury is in Taurus, which makes him more "grounded.." but then it is spoiled by being in the 8th house and conjunct Ceto.( asteroid Ceto is the inner beast, we have to deal with ) .
I wonder what happened to him at 46 years old.. will have to dig in. OK- he was elected in Nov 2010..
Next he has his Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Eris, Chaos,Typhon in Aries.. What is Aries? The first fire sign, the baby of the wheel, someone who must satisfy his needs now, someone who is never to blame, someone who blames others for his mischiefs, a baby, who is not to blame. And once he leaves, he never looks back...
Venus, rules his values, money and self respect, also ruler of his life-philosophy, is on the Pleiades, "The weeping sisters" at 29 Taurus..Bad position..
He is 52.23 years old, so age wise he just squared Saturn, which, for a moment smiled at him...
last interview: is Mercury peeping out from behind the curtains??
Fights ahead: Mars will be out of bound in his chart: in July-August..
The Same Mars, that helped him win in 2010.. will be in its Direct motion in opposition to natal Venus and the POF; and 150° to natal Jupiter, ruler of his 4th house...Also, Uranus will conjunct natal Jupiter, in the 8th house. Jupiter is the ruler of H4...SO, no quietness and relaxation for Mr. Farage in the near future.
Now to my weekly forecasts...
Be well...
Now to my weekly forecasts...
Be well...
June 24, 2016 Friday
Today is ruled by Jupiter and Venus. We have one of the most rare aspects in the sky: Jupiter is 120 to Pluto. I wrote about this in the blog, and in the weekly reports..
Venus is 135° Mars. Very bad..
England votes out, and here is the outcome. Sky news : it is England's independence day...
Venus is 135° Mars. Very bad..
England votes out, and here is the outcome. Sky news : it is England's independence day...
Bonds, Gold and SIlver are up, Crude oil is down.
SO, this summer solstice brought also a major turning Point in the markets.. Will David Cameron resign?
here is the future chart of David Cameron:
Inner chart is the natal, second chart is the date he was elected, third now- 7 am London time- UK Independence day.. When he was elected Directed Saturn was in sextile to his Moon, ruler of his MC or career. Saturn crowns kings.. Now, Saturn is in the 8th house 150 -bad to his Sun, and 90 to the Moon. Yes , he will step down. I don't know who will run to replace him... but probably names will pop up.
June 23, 2016 Thursday
It is the big day today, BREXIT.. The more astrologers I read, the more ideas I see about the outcome. The sky is " in trouble" and " as above, so below"... we get a very confused picture about the outcome.
So let's see: I already posted charts on the UK, Cameron, Today,s 11 pm... the Spring ingress, and there are so many charts to look at! that one doesn't know which one to take in consideration. Do you know what I do in similar situations?? I open the Tarot Cards...
They are extremely accurate! and I ask the question. Will England leave? 3 words, 3 cards and 1 for the answer.
And you will not believe what which cards came out!
First row: right: WILL: I got the card of King of Cups, or Cancer. Cancer is a water element, Cardinal sign in the wheel. Cancer occupies the 4th house in the wheel, the house of childhood, of the mother, of nostalgies, of preserving and remembering, and not letting go of the past. It is conservative. Cancer says: I will love you and nourish you, but ON MY TERMS...
First row second-middle card- we got "The Fool" for England. This card tells us that England is relying on good fortune, the young lad walks, looking at the sky, while he does not see the cliff and the void he is going to fall into. He has a flower in his hand, and probably he is singing "kumbaya"....
Third card- for the word EXIT - I got the Knight of the swords"...Which card can represent more the situation?? The sword in the hand, ready to strike, running with red colors... Swords represent air- mind- intellect... disputes, fights, a lot of energy...But the card does not belong the the Great Arcana, it shows a situation with no outcome or decision...
And Finally, I got for an answer, the highest card of the swords. 10 swords... are in the back of a dead man... end of the issue- bad outcome- no matter what they decide, it will be bad- on the short term, but, look, in the horizon the Sun is shining.( yellow) .. so a new era will come, and things will work out...
Here is the chart of June 24, 7 am, London time: all votes are counted...Now this is an extremely interesting chart! We got the Sun and the Ascendant in Cancer! = first card.
The Moon = people , at 18 Aquarius... here is the "kumbaya"... The Moon (people) is inconjunct the Sun (governement)= 150° meaning disharmony.. The outcome is the 4th house ruler, Venus, and the Moon makes no angle to it..
We have a "situation" in the sky... Jupiter is conjunct the NN, and in opposition to Neptune, which is conjunct the SN. This angle shows manipulation, secrets, don't beleive situation... Mars 150° Uranus just adds to this worrisome energy..
With Mars in the 4th house, it shows the fight in the house..
Uranus in the 10th house brings the revolution, the change, the new.. for the UK.
Uranus, brought the "Arab spring, when it entered Aries... for the good or worst.. In those countries, they still don't know how to build a democracy.. I guess the UK is at a more emancipated level, and they will know how to handle the new era.
By the way, I looked at the maps of Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Hollande, I think neither will be reelected.
I wrote yesterday, to close computers and go fishing...but here I am...I don't fish.
The Moon = people , at 18 Aquarius... here is the "kumbaya"... The Moon (people) is inconjunct the Sun (governement)= 150° meaning disharmony.. The outcome is the 4th house ruler, Venus, and the Moon makes no angle to it..
We have a "situation" in the sky... Jupiter is conjunct the NN, and in opposition to Neptune, which is conjunct the SN. This angle shows manipulation, secrets, don't beleive situation... Mars 150° Uranus just adds to this worrisome energy..
With Mars in the 4th house, it shows the fight in the house..
Uranus in the 10th house brings the revolution, the change, the new.. for the UK.
Uranus, brought the "Arab spring, when it entered Aries... for the good or worst.. In those countries, they still don't know how to build a democracy.. I guess the UK is at a more emancipated level, and they will know how to handle the new era.
By the way, I looked at the maps of Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Hollande, I think neither will be reelected.
I wrote yesterday, to close computers and go fishing...but here I am...I don't fish.
If you signed up for my application, you got the alert yesterday, ... 2097- was one of the targets, once it fell below, we went short. falling below 2082- double it.
Crude: wrote yesterday:Crude: raise stop to 49.8. target former top 51.70. failing to reach it, we will prepare for short. CIT 6/25
outcome: topped at 50.54- we were stopped out at 49.80, and went short...
And the dirt hits the wall...
And the dirt hits the wall...
June 22, 2016 Wednesday
Today, not only we are ruled by Mercury, but this is square the Nodes. I ran the Dow on TS, to see how this aspect affected in the past the trade. Well, I got 50/50 answer, so it is not reliable. I would use only an aspect that is more than 70% efficient.
The other rare aspect, and exact today, is Jupiter 120° to Pluto.
This aspect occurred 16 times since 1920 and usually brought a top and fall.
Here is the efficiency test. This is for the Dow only, for different indices, we will get different outcome!
And, A G A I N !! There are more planets to analyze, so we cannot base our trade on one aspect.
Now, to the alerts... For long term analysis sign up for the weekly forecast!
Swiss index: is falling more than a year..
Swiss index: is falling more than a year..
Now this is interesting news.. how can they charge if they don't have your credit card no?
Forget it... it is a hoax.... a spam..
Tomorrow it is BREXIT. Best thing you can do, stay OUT OF THE MARKETSSSSSSSSSS!!!
The margin has been raised to 200%! No matter what guru you listen to, you cannot win.
Close computers and go fishing.
June 21, 2016 Tuesday,Summer solstice. with a "Strawberry Moon"
When we got a Full Moon between June 20-22, it is called the Strawberry Moon. Happens only every 70 years or so.. I just learned about this... Here, in Israel, we had strawberries already in January... so I guess different places, different names.. But, it's a curiosity.
As of today the days will be shorter and the nights longer. here is the declination map for 2016: it is interesting, how it shows lows and tops in the markets..
Most of the targets given yesterday for the markets, achieved..
Mrs. Yellen speaks again... today at 11:00 NY time... At that time the Moon will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury is at Jup/Nep MP, Ven at Jup/Eris MP, Venus at Jup/Ur MP~ not a bright picture!
here is the 15 min. graph for the S&P: Yesterday it topped at 2100.63- and fell exactly when the Moon was at 1° Capricorn... Stops and targets on the graph.
What is so rosy in Germany??
June 20, 2016 Monday
The week opened with a green East. We can use the June 16th low as a stop for longs. watch the alerts, to see the targets...
Looking at the graphs I made in the past, I am astonished, to find this one:
VIX: made on March 18, 2016:
Looking at the graphs I made in the past, I am astonished, to find this one:
VIX: made on March 18, 2016:
The top came on June 14 at 22.16.
The Russell 2000, so many people are afraid to trade it... It rallied 1363 days from Oct 2011 low to June 2015 top, since then it is falling. So if you have deep pockets, you could have just turned short with a stop at 1300- it fell to 955- and turned. If you are still short, due to the armageddon prophecies, you already lost 25% of that short.. my last alert was on 5/9- long above 1100- target 1135. Topped at 1190... I seldom send alerts for this index, because I think not many trade it.
The key is at 1103- long above it.
Nasdaq: On May 31st I alerts that we should raise stop to 4923, falling below that, it will be risky to hold longs.. Next, June 16th : alert was to go short below 4860- What happened? First, the index fell below 4923 on June 2nd, then reversed, climbed to 4978, and fell again below. You gained 3% by shorting below 4923.- in a week...
Now we are long above 4770- should go above 4830 to be on the safe side and go higher.
The Russell 2000, so many people are afraid to trade it... It rallied 1363 days from Oct 2011 low to June 2015 top, since then it is falling. So if you have deep pockets, you could have just turned short with a stop at 1300- it fell to 955- and turned. If you are still short, due to the armageddon prophecies, you already lost 25% of that short.. my last alert was on 5/9- long above 1100- target 1135. Topped at 1190... I seldom send alerts for this index, because I think not many trade it.
The key is at 1103- long above it.
Nasdaq: On May 31st I alerts that we should raise stop to 4923, falling below that, it will be risky to hold longs.. Next, June 16th : alert was to go short below 4860- What happened? First, the index fell below 4923 on June 2nd, then reversed, climbed to 4978, and fell again below. You gained 3% by shorting below 4923.- in a week...
Now we are long above 4770- should go above 4830 to be on the safe side and go higher.
June 19, 2016 Sunday
today we are ruled by the Sun and Neptune. Neptune pops up rarely... Is there an epidemic around the corner? pay attention to what you eat or drink !
The Sun is at 28 Gemini, on Betelgeuze, a bad fixed star. in 2 days it will enter Cancer... Fire in water... lessens the Sun's power, but brings a lot of steam, humidity, rain.- in the parts of the world that rains. We don't have rain till Nov- Dec- so humidity it is. I just read, that it snowed in Hawaii... That is rather unusual... But what is? with the planetary positions we have lately, the world is going kuku...
Jupiter is at the middle of Virgo, conjunct the North Node. While Jupiter is supposed to be "the great Benefactor" his powers are off in Virgo. It is also in opposition to Neptune, so whatever Neptune does, Jupiter enlarges, to the worst. They affect mainly people who have them too in their charts, in Virgo/Pisces axis. This is a very rare opposition, because Neptune was here 160 years ago only... will make a research and post it.. when were they in opposition like now..
Here is from 1000- till 2020: only 9 times they were in opposition:
Neptune.Pisces & Jupiter.Virgo
Realization intervals (begin - end):
31.07.1031 16:00 (GMT) - 24.08.1032 4:00 (GMT)
31.07.1197 20:00 (GMT) - 25.08.1198 8:00 (GMT)
26.07.1363 4:00 (GMT) - 18.08.1364 16:00 (GMT)
26.07.1529 8:00 (GMT) - 19.08.1530 20:00 (GMT) Sweating sickness?
8.03.1684 4:00 (GMT) - 8.09.1684 16:00 (GMT)
30.07.1695 16:00 (GMT) - 23.08.1696 4:00 (GMT)
18.08.1849 8:00 (GMT) - 5.09.1850 0:00 (GMT)
2.10.1861 8:00 (GMT) - 9.02.1862 4:00 (GMT)
13.08.2015 16:00 (GMT) - 6.09.2016 4:00 (GMT)
All oils rallied- see Jupiter-Neptune angles. Also Corn, Soya, Wheat; see Mercury-Neptune square.
SOYA carefully here!!! hit major resistance:
WHEAT: Long above 453
The sky today: We can see the Jupiter-Neptune opposition, the Sun and Mercury are highlighted with red, because they are on a bad fixed star, next we have the ongoing Saturn-Neptune square, and the Moon in Sag- our market is trying for higher highs.. but, only above 1419.50 it will find support.
Pluto and Uranus are on the US now.. I am going to the gym, hope not to hear any bad news till I come back.
On the news: Former Egypt president, Mohamed Morsi, sentenced to life ... Looking at his birth date, I am shocked to see how his numbers give the clue to his life story...
Born on 8.8.1951- He has double 8, which is ruled by Saturn. So this planet will play a major role in his life.. Saturn in the natal chart is at 29Virgo26- right in opposition to Scheat, the most malefic fixed star of the sign of Pisces. It brings:
Scheat (53 Beta Pegasi m 2.42)
Keywords: Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Mars/ Mercury
Now look at the future charts: and he is 64.86 years old...therefore, any planets at 4 degrees ( 64-60) will be important...What do we find? Directed Saturn is at 4.18 degrees SAG. Sag. is for freedom, and Saturn for depression, so his freedom will be blocked.
I started today's post pointing to the Jupiter- Neptune opposition in the sky... Look who got "hit" by this!! Morsi! He has, in his natal chart, also a Jupiter- Neptune opposition, on the Aries-Libra axis.
Now, if we add up his birth date, we get 5. This number is ruled by Mercury... Mercury in his natal chart is at 11 Virgo, it is a ruler, but it is conjunct the SOuth Node! Look where is transit Saturn??!! At 11 SAG! squaring his Mercury! So this planet too, is blocked by Saturn. And he got a life sentence..
By searching my database, who else have the Jupiter-Neptune opposition at birth out of more than 5000 maps, I found only Queen Elisabeth!! Wow... She has them at Aquarius-Leo axis, and I don't like what I see... maybe later..
By searching my database, who else have the Jupiter-Neptune opposition at birth out of more than 5000 maps, I found only Queen Elisabeth!! Wow... She has them at Aquarius-Leo axis, and I don't like what I see... maybe later..
June 17, 2016 Friday
6 minutes after I left the computer for a wedding yesterday, the market bottomed, at 2050, and turned.... LOL... So having the stop at 2065- we were stopped out, and turned long. I hope you traded well...
Volatility... Gemini is tricky... At 17:40 the Moon made 120 to Neptune, and 30^to Saturn. If you want to know what happened in the sky, that made that turn... Also, 2050 is the Heliocentric Neptune line- a strong support....
Technically: 120 min: the S&P made higher highs,Apr 20- June 8, and higher lows: May 19 and June 16... So if you can afford it, because the stop is always dependable on how deep a stop one can afford, -2050~ for intraday traders, 2025 for long term traders, and 2067 for planetary traders.
My weekly reports ( $250 for 3 months ). are built of: technical analysis long term and short term, math and Fibonacci calculations, and planetary positions. Each can use the section that works for him/her.
In my Financial Astrology course I teach all these, and also forecast, to understand how are the planetary cycles and positions supporting, or rejecting the market moves...
We don't have trade today.... So I shall post now some alerts in my application... good trading. and have a nice weekend.
Here is an example from yesterday, an alert I sent on the Gold: at 8-9 am my time.. gmt+3
Gold: Stop was 1283- topped so far at 1312- taking the May 30th low, a perfect target would be 1343.26. But till that level, we have a resistance at 1315.60-1322. Stop is at 1306.
Now 1343.26 is math... But then I gave also the planetary positions, and the Gold was blocked at 1322- topped at 1320- and reversed.... SO when you see, that a target given is not reached, you can use the same = 1322 and turn short below..
Here is the 1 hour chart.
You still think about investing 25$ in my application? to make 22 points in a few hours?? Well... OK.
I just heard, that the first shot was fired in the BREXIT issue, which killed Jo Cox, who was a labour MP, backing the "stay" party.
Born on 22 June 1974, - Killed on June 16- just 5 days before her Solar return; 5 days, before 42 years old. - She is another, and not the last, victim of the Venus-Sun conjunction.
I don't have her hour of birth, nor the exact hour of the shooting, but, here is a chart I came up with.. uranus "rules" her chart. Her MC is at 23 Aries, in the Directed chart, so transit Uranus killed her career and body. Also, her natal Venus was on Algol...and transit Mars in opposition Venus- which was fatal. May she rest in peace..
June 16, 2016 Thursday
With the Moon entering Scorpio, we got a high, and a reversal. Many of my targets given in the app. reached.. 2085.65 -OK... Our stop was 2075- once it fell lower, we turned short.
There are many who speak about major crashes... that will come "SOON". Well, we might see a correction, after 1835 days, from March 6, 2009... The question is, are we trading, or are we debating on events that maybe will happen? How do you trade a maybe scenario? for me, it is an empty discussion. I give stops and targets. If they are achieved, we raise stop, if not, we turn short below the stop- how much easier this can be? Are we trading 2017 now, or June 16th ?
The rally between 2003- 2007 lasted for 1674 days.
The rally between 1994- to 2000 lasted for 1931 days..
Some calculations highlight August 19th.- so mark this date in your calendar.- It might be important...
June 15, 2016 Wednesday
Today Heliocentric Venus enters Cancer. This will effect the trades, again, each with it's own map.. Volatility will be at its extreme today, not only because of Venus, but also, of the many fed. announcements... So watch your screens, better not to trade at all...
At 4:20 pm, just before US opens, the Moon will move to Scorpio.
let's see some shares:
I posted about BABA: here is the graph: found support, now we are long with 77 stop.
Remember! All my stops are planetary- based.. 77 is the Pluto line.
I posted about BABA: here is the graph: found support, now we are long with 77 stop.
Remember! All my stops are planetary- based.. 77 is the Pluto line.
DOWNLOAD my application.. receive hot market alerts on indices, commodities and much more!
CAC Weekly: Notice the math! 6 years from low to low, next 6 years from low to high. All in all the index is falling since 2000! Unlike any other index!!! Support is now at 4170- falling from it, double shorts!
The Elections in France will be in April or May 2017. In April there is a Venus-Saturn square and in May 2017, a Saturn 120 Uranus and a Jupiter 150 Neptune. Transit Uranus will square Hollande's Uranus, and Jupiter will square natal Jupiter... fascinating... some unforeseen events will take place to shake his chair. I'll be cleverer after they will publish a date, and who the adversaries will be..
LNKD :Microsoft buys it- so it jumped, but a gap must be closed, we are short below 192.
June 14, 2016 Tuesday
Today we are under the effect of the Moon and Mars.. The Moon is at 15 Libra,= 30^to Jupiter, and 150 from Neptune. Neptune is turning retro right now... We have a major turn in trend.... Mars, on the other hand, is retro in Scorpio, and is 150 to Venus.. and 150 to Uranus. Actually, it is forming a YOD- or "The finger of God" where is this finger pointing?For everyone it is related to his/her natal map...
Meanwhile, the markets are correcting. So we flow with the trend...
More and more news are arriving about the Orlando shooter. Now they say he himself was gay, which, in the Arab world is unforgivable.
I think the most important share to look at now is the VIX.My last alert for it was on May 31. I wrote: the key is 13.33- Target down 12.50- Expecting a major turn in the markets, around June 2-3, keep tight stops. The outcome was: a 58% rally.
Meanwhile, the markets are correcting. So we flow with the trend...
More and more news are arriving about the Orlando shooter. Now they say he himself was gay, which, in the Arab world is unforgivable.
I think the most important share to look at now is the VIX.My last alert for it was on May 31. I wrote: the key is 13.33- Target down 12.50- Expecting a major turn in the markets, around June 2-3, keep tight stops. The outcome was: a 58% rally.
The "Finger of God" - worked, and I just heard on the radio, that Isis leader, El Baghdadi, was killed. Just two weeks before his "Solar return"... never made it to 45.
The "Finger of God" - worked, and I just heard on the radio, that Isis leader, El Baghdadi, was killed. Just two weeks before his "Solar return"... never made it to 45.
If you are short, I would tighten my stops very carefully... This news will sturr everything... It is funny, how things turn out. Right under a YOD and Neptune turning, we will see the market stop falling, and go up again. Volatility, up and down trades till the SUn in Gemini... I said so? I did.;
Is the violence to end after the SUn moves to Cancer? I doubt... Until the slow moving Saturn is in Sag, and Mars in Scorpio, it will last. We will have to add to these positions the Uranus- Eris conjunction at 23 degrees in Aries, a position that occurred only in 1927- as a reader pointed out to me, ~ thank you Dietrich from Austria~!
So going back to the VIX: the stop is at 20.40- seems it will fall back till July 4th.
June 13, 2016 Monday
I added many more charts yesterday about the Orlando shooting, scroll down to see them.
The atmosphere is changing now, under a LIBRA Moon and Mercury in Gemini...
For market alerts, pls. download my application...
I am writing on FB, and corresponding with various very clever astrologers.. You are welcome to read!
Now, the debate is about Belgium... SOmeone proposed the date of the European Union: Dec. 1, 2009- Brussels; In this chart, we get an Ascendant and MC ruled by Mercury. So any planet that will trigger Mercury, will affect the European Union. Mercury is at 22 degrees SAG, and by the astrologer, Nicola Stojanovits, this is a " kill or get killed" degree. The first victim was greece. next?
Mind you, Mercury in the map is WEAK - by sign, it is in SAG. and the closest planet to it, is Pluto. By direction Mercury will hit Pluto in 2019... so look out for a major event then. Meanwhile, I ran the EURO-Dollar, based on this chart's date, and here are the dates to watch in 2016.
For market alerts, pls. download my application...
I am writing on FB, and corresponding with various very clever astrologers.. You are welcome to read!
Now, the debate is about Belgium... SOmeone proposed the date of the European Union: Dec. 1, 2009- Brussels; In this chart, we get an Ascendant and MC ruled by Mercury. So any planet that will trigger Mercury, will affect the European Union. Mercury is at 22 degrees SAG, and by the astrologer, Nicola Stojanovits, this is a " kill or get killed" degree. The first victim was greece. next?
Mind you, Mercury in the map is WEAK - by sign, it is in SAG. and the closest planet to it, is Pluto. By direction Mercury will hit Pluto in 2019... so look out for a major event then. Meanwhile, I ran the EURO-Dollar, based on this chart's date, and here are the dates to watch in 2016.
June 12, 2016 Sunday
We have to watch Mercury very tight... Since the Sun is in Gemini, and this sign is ruled by Mercury, it is, as if Mercury rules the Sun... This is true for all other planet, but the Sun. No one or nothing can overcome the Sun. In any case... Mercury is at 29 degrees Taurus, on the Pleiades, ( the cluster of 7 stars, also called the Weeping Sisters) very bad position right now.
We have holiday today, so no trade. the only action going on are the games in France. And what is happening there? Violence.. from our own people... the British against the Russians.. those men are crazy.. don't we have enough trouble?? Idiots.. Anyways.. I wrote about violence during the games, it just didn't occur to me, it can come from friendly, our own.. They should be banned from the games! Both groups, and sent home. that's my opinion.. But, again, my Saturn is speaking here... discipline and order!!
The Moon will be void of course today. 17:47- 3:33 am (gmt+3)- any games during this time? outcome could be reversible..
Tomorrow the markets will find Mercury already in Gemini. Also the Moon will move on, to Libra. Both are air signs. Mutable/ volatile positions will dominate.
I read somewhere, that people in Britain are told, and scared now, that if they leave the EU, the pound will fall by 30%. So I had to make an analysis to see, where was the pound 5-10 years ago, where is it now, and where is it heading? BREXIT or not.. It topped in Nov. 2007, at 2.07, and triple bottomed at 1.35ish level.. Now it trades at 1.4255. So no matter BREXIT or not, we are short, with a stop at 1.44. Target: former low: 1.3840. This is the technical outlook. I am running TS to see what is due in the future... This might take some time.. so stay tuned...
Tomorrow the markets will find Mercury already in Gemini. Also the Moon will move on, to Libra. Both are air signs. Mutable/ volatile positions will dominate.
I read somewhere, that people in Britain are told, and scared now, that if they leave the EU, the pound will fall by 30%. So I had to make an analysis to see, where was the pound 5-10 years ago, where is it now, and where is it heading? BREXIT or not.. It topped in Nov. 2007, at 2.07, and triple bottomed at 1.35ish level.. Now it trades at 1.4255. So no matter BREXIT or not, we are short, with a stop at 1.44. Target: former low: 1.3840. This is the technical outlook. I am running TS to see what is due in the future... This might take some time.. so stay tuned...
Ok.. I have the forecast, by Timing Solution. This search takes in consideration hundreds of astrological positions, and shows, that NO MATTER what UK votes, the pound is to decline till early November. So as it looks now, it will retreat to Feb 28th low, maybe lower.
I just heard of the Orlando shooting. Here is the chart of the shooter. It is incredible! Look at the Moon position, 29.58~ and he committed this crime, exactly at the age of 29.57. He was born in New York, but I don't have his hour of birth. I am sure it will pop up sometime, but meanwhile, see the chart of a killer: mars is at the Sun-Moon midpoint.
Further more, he has 4 planets in the sign of Scorpio, sign, that rules the 8th house of death. His Saturn is in Sag- this points to a dogmatic person, who will not accept someone who is different than him~ so starting with religion, and sexual drives... Outer wheel shows the time of the event in Orlando, we can clearly see the Saturn return, a time of fate and major change in life. Transit Mercury on the Pleiades.... I wrote about this at the beginning of today's post. So, here America is weeping... and everyone who cares...
Look at the Sun-Venus position, at the time of the shooting ! I wrote Venus turned to be a Morning star, rising before the Sun, therefore it is a warrior...
At the time of the shooting, 2 am, the map is just ugly... Mars trines- or culminates with a trine to Scheat, a most vicious fixed star, it is also conjunct "Ceto" the monster, in the 8th house of death. Mercury is conjunct the Pleiades, Sun+Venus are conjunct Karma and Chaos, Pandora is in the 5th house of entertainment, and "The killing point, Anareta, is on the Moon, pointing to a mass killing.
June 11, 2016 Saturday
I wake up early every day... The heat we had last days is gone, and it is cool and so serene up there in the sky, one would not imagine, what "they" are cooking for us, those planets... Sometimes I panic for what I see, but I learned what is the remedy... just go to the beach and see the people having fun.. LOL.. It is so easy when you don't have a clue.. Not that I am a great " know it all.".. not at all, and I am wrong too sometimes. But, the people, the energy of the masses, they, can turn things upside down, and benefit from every position. So, let's do it too, folks, benefitting, and looking at the bright side of the things. Learn what you can change, and don't' worry, and also learn what you cannot change, so also don't worry...
We are in a month, when the Sun, Mercury and Venus, the personal planets are in the dual sign of the Twins, or Gemini. This is the first sign out of 3, in the air element. It is also MUTABLE. This teaches us, that everything said, thought or done today, can change in a fickle of second. There is a saying that fits Geminis: Don't believe what I said, because I already changed my mind.
Applying this to the markets,we get upsanddowns, and a very difficult time to trade.
Applying this to politics?We have Brexit, we have US elections, and many other issues that don't make the front page. Wait for the Sun to enter Cancer, a cardinal sign, to have some stability.
Applying this to your body? your nerves are torn apart..Why? because 5000 years ago, ancient astrologers of the Bible or who knows who, gave to the Geminis the arms, legs, lungs and nerves. There are many axioms in astrology... like this, for example... why? I don't ask these questions.. For me, it is good enough, what Ptolemy, Lilly, Ibn Ezra, and all the other ancients worked with.. There are many astrologers who use the philosophical part of this art. I don't. I go down to the numbers... This is because if my own natal chart.. Everyone has his demons... LOL...
Before becoming an astrologer, I was also a numerologist. If you add up my name in Hebrew, Gabriella adds up to 8. 8 is the 8th house in the wheel, the house of others' money..8 is ruled by Saturn, and Saturn is sitting right on my Ascendant...bringing forward, for me,money issues, and also giving me this discipline to sit down every day, and write this blog, and post in every possible way in FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc... about the markets. Usually I don't get any feed back, and I feel alone, But who said Saturn is easy?? Not at all! It is a wicked old man with a stick in his hand sitting on my shoulder and sending me to work every day.. or else... LOL... I am my own enemy.. But am I? If not Saturn, I wouldn't have made it.
So , if you want to know where is your Saturn,or the other planets, you should learn your chart, and then see if and W H E N you are apt for anything you want to do? Marry, travel, study, invest..Learn the secrets that are in your own map, to get acquainted with yourself. Then, the next level, is to learn the secrets of the markets...Why and when these planets affect it? I teach that in my Financial Astrology course.
OK.. back to write my weekly reports, see you, and go out, meet with people.. :)
Are you still here??? read what happened in the history, on this day! Amazing.. where are these people today ? What good it made what they have done??
And this is the sky now: a GREAT MUTABEL SQUARE. This is a huge controversy! The Mutable side wants the change, but the square is tightly closed! no change from its' side.
Wow!!! are you still here??? I read this post and everything falls to it's place! When Saturn ( government ) is in the Mutable Square, in OPPOSITION to Mercury, that will enter Gemini tomorrow, OF COURSE! THE MEDIA (Mercury) is depressed by the government! Read this too!!! and NEVER believe the media... they can twist it and turn it, as they wish! Frankly? I don't know if you can believe anything nowadays.. Neptune, illusions, fraud, is in opposition Jupiter! BIG TIME! ON THE DOUBLE.. IS WHAT IT STANDS FOR...
Luckily, the wheel spins... Eppur si muove.
OK.. back to write my weekly reports, see you, and go out, meet with people.. :)
Are you still here??? read what happened in the history, on this day! Amazing.. where are these people today ? What good it made what they have done??
And this is the sky now: a GREAT MUTABEL SQUARE. This is a huge controversy! The Mutable side wants the change, but the square is tightly closed! no change from its' side.
Wow!!! are you still here??? I read this post and everything falls to it's place! When Saturn ( government ) is in the Mutable Square, in OPPOSITION to Mercury, that will enter Gemini tomorrow, OF COURSE! THE MEDIA (Mercury) is depressed by the government! Read this too!!! and NEVER believe the media... they can twist it and turn it, as they wish! Frankly? I don't know if you can believe anything nowadays.. Neptune, illusions, fraud, is in opposition Jupiter! BIG TIME! ON THE DOUBLE.. IS WHAT IT STANDS FOR...
Luckily, the wheel spins... Eppur si muove.
June 10, 2016 Friday
We are celebrating Shavuot, the "Feast of Weeks" there are 7 weeks to be counted from passover to Shavuot, when the people of Israel received the Torah, on mount Sinai. It is also the feast of the first harvest. Due to this, Sunday we will have no trade.. and during these days, people mostly eat dairy food.. Cheese cakes, etc.. anything you can imagine made of cheese.
By the way... feast of the first harvest?? it is CASH IN TIME...
What can I say?? I am fed up with pointing to bad aspects... But what can I do, when these come one after the other?? Today Mercury is conjunct Algol, at 26 Taurus, a most vicious fixed star. So be more attentive while you drive, count till 10 before you speak, stop smoking..
I am writing my reports now... Major change in the sky next week!!! Sign up now for the weekly newsletter.. Only $250 for 3 months..
What can I say?? I am fed up with pointing to bad aspects... But what can I do, when these come one after the other?? Today Mercury is conjunct Algol, at 26 Taurus, a most vicious fixed star. So be more attentive while you drive, count till 10 before you speak, stop smoking..
I am writing my reports now... Major change in the sky next week!!! Sign up now for the weekly newsletter.. Only $250 for 3 months..
June 9, 2016 Thursday
Yesterday night there was a terror attack in a central coffee shop. Ramadan started, and so the killings.. These terrorists are told, that they receive double blessing if they kill others during the Ramadan...
But the problem is not Ramadan... the problem, or the answer, is the Venus- Sun conjunction, Venus being a Morning star, and a "warrior"...Also, Mars returned to Scorpio, and sends a disharmonic angle to Uranus, which is conjunct Eris. The Venus-Sun conjunction opens a period of bloodshed.. I already wrote about this in former posts.. to add to this, "Chaos" is conjunct both.. Pandora in the 8th house of death..
Yesterday, my concern was with the Euro sport opening... This chart too, and any other chart, that I will cast, as long as Venus is conjunct the Sun... and conjunct Chaos, will bring disasters..
Here is the chart of the Opening Ceremony tonight in Paris. Jupiter conjunct the NNode, in opposition to Neptune, conjunct the SNode..- fated and fatal issues... Mars ( war, attack, wounds, fights) sends a disharmonic angle to Uranus ( surprise, unexpected events ).
For a visitor from Kuwait,,, I just looked up your index: long term index... we can see the historical fall, and was not able to recover since then... Support is at 547- resistance at 567. Only above this level it will be a long.

Mars returned to Scorpio. It will be in this sign till Aug.2nd. Will retreat to 23^. So it will trigger everyone's' chart, who has the Sun, or any other personal planets between 23-30^ Taurus. Careful!! One of the examples I can give you, is Israel. Sun at 23^ Taurus, I was expecting something to happen. Precisely , those born between May 14- 19. or, taking a wider orb, between May 9-25. ( any year ) , will be affected by these bad aspects..
June 8, 2016 Wednesday
have you downloaded my application, yet? Important alerts there!!
In last alert sent for the S^P, I gave target to 2112-2117. This was reached yesterday...OK. nice, it made us a favour, and fell back to 2112. Although this is a strong support point, astrology steps in, and calls us to order... Hey, you, little creatures, look up to the sky! and what do we see?? la Luna, crossed into Leo. Now for some indices this doesn't matter, for others oh, yes! Adding to this the date of today, for the CAC, DAX, NIFTY and the QQQ is a turning day today... Why and how? I teach that in my "Financial Astrology" course.
I want to show you a simple trick: S&P:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I want to show you a simple trick: S&P:
Did I use this calculation for my forecast? No. I use planetary cycles and positions. But it is interesting, how all click together.
Does this work for all indices? not really.... Here is the AORD: it should hit 5776- will it?? As you can see, my last alert here was to go long only above 5475. It is trading sideways since a month now. Until it doesn't get into an up or down channel it is a waste of time, money and nerves..
Planets wise? there is a support at 5370.- so if you can afford such a deep stop, go ahead. I would wait and see. Planets are pressing down at 5520.- 5570- so only above 5570- it will have space to go higher. therefore the trade range is between 5570-5370.
New Moon June 5- July 4
There are many aspects, as usual, to check and research, but the most important and extremely rare is the Saturn-Neptune square, which happens very rarely. There are other aspects to check as well.. We shall never decide on one only.
I could check the effect of this angle only on the DOW, because I have a large historical data:
This is how I see my charts: combining technical analysis, with Gann, Fibonacci tool, and Planetary positions: AEX
I am sending my alerts on different indices, and I pay attention to an interesting thing: Most topped on May 31, when the Moon was 60^ to the SUn, bottomed and turned on June 3rd, when the Moon was 30^ to the Sun... This will be interesting to follow next month..
I could check the effect of this angle only on the DOW, because I have a large historical data:
here is another chart that I follow:
these are all the planetary aspects that occur in June, in the geocentric sky.. Based on these I make my calculations. This is how I see my charts: combining technical analysis, with Gann, Fibonacci tool, and Planetary positions: AEX
I am sending my alerts on different indices, and I pay attention to an interesting thing: Most topped on May 31, when the Moon was 60^ to the SUn, bottomed and turned on June 3rd, when the Moon was 30^ to the Sun... This will be interesting to follow next month..
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