New Moon in Aquarius 2017
Thanks for following from the former article...
As we can see in the above pictures, the inner wheel is the current New Moon, the outer is the next one, on Feb 26th. Now there are no planets retrograde. During this month Jupiter will turn retro, till June 9. Look at the second picture, with the planetary aspects, it is "calm" more or less till Feb.18, then more red lines or energetic aspects will be, bringing some "action" down to Earth.
For new readers: at the left panel you can search for previous articles, many interesting links, and Paypal, in case you want to subscribe to monthly forecasts for $155/month, to any index/share/commodity, also I have an application, and you can also study with me...
February 27, 2017 Monday
Pls. follow me to the new article. New Moon in Pisces, 2017.
February 26, 2017 Sunday
It is the day of the Solar eclipse, at 8 Pisces. Here are the areas one can see it:
We can see, that it covers South America, and a part of Afrika. However, all, who have planets around 8 degrees in the natal chart, take an orb of minimum 3 degrees, so between 5-11 degrees, will be affected. In which way? That depends of the time and place of the person.
Each eclipse belongs to a "family of eclipses". This one belongs to Saros 140, has roots in 1512.
Of course, we also have a New Moon today... so I should end this article, and start a new one.
This last month brought us a fenomenal rally, I think everyone can be satisfied. If you traded and index, it rallied, if you were in the Gold, you got your piece too... Just one has to be in the right direction...
As of today Mercury enters Pisces too ( bad). Together with the Sun and the Moon, all will line up with Neptune, at 11.35* -
Mercury conjunct Neptune will bring a culmination in the lies and fraud of the media.
I was surprised to see how the markets react to Mercury in Pisces!!!
Sign up now for the weekly forecasts, to find out...
market starts, see you later..
February 24, 2017 Friday
I shall be in Philadelphia, visiting my daughter and kids between March 10-30. I am taking my laptop with me... so I'll keep watching and alerting the markets.
Today is Friday, we are under the Venus and Mars effect. They are almost conjunct. Beauty and the beast... But, they will net get exact conjunction, because Venus turns retro... Only Mars will move on, and conjunct exactly Uranus, at 21 degrees, in Aries. This happened only on April 30, 1932. If you look back, you will find, that the DOW made a low and started to rally. No other index goes that back, so we cannot check their history. Does this mean it'll go up this time too? No. The other planetary positions don't match.
So we will just look up to today's sky, and follow the planets.
Sign up now for the weekly forecasts! Major moves are coming, you don't want to miss!!!!
Everybody writes about the Solar Eclipse... No one mentioned, that Mercury, the messenger, moves to Pisces till March 13th!! What does this MEAN?? Market-wise, and for each of us??!! All this in my weekly report...
February 23, 2017 Thursday
Yesterday I saw the film "Jacky". Jacky Kennedy Onassis, acting actress Natalie Portman. She was a Leo, born July 28, 1929, at 2:30 pm in NY. her Moon is in Aries giving her enthusiasm, fire and youth. Her Ascendant is at 17 Scorpio, Pluto trines her Ascendant, from the 8th house of death, and money. She lost her husband, and 2 children, while alive, and her son killed too in plane crash. Only her daughter survived. Caroline has 3 children.
I made a rectification to Jackie Kennedy's chart. I think Sagittarius asc. fits her character and life events much better. So the time is 15:37.
Thus, she receives Sagittarius on her Ascendant, showing her publishing a book, and making money from it. Ruler of Asc is Jupiter, the big benefactor, falls in her house of partners, and she was married to 2 famous and rich husbands. Onassis made his fortune from oil which is ruled by Jupiter and was a shipping tycoon.... . And President Kennedy was a world famous figure. Now, he was also a Gemini, and jackie, has Gemini in her 7th house- pointing to a partner in this sign. Her Sun at 5 Leo, on the cusp of the 9th house, points to relationships with abroad. (Onassis). Uranus in the 5th shows the death of her two small babies.. And she died young, (shown by the Sun too) but lymphoma, cancer is shown by Neptune in Virgo, at 0^.
While I was enjoying myself in the cinema, the markets tried for a new high.
S&P almost reached 2367, which was a target given last week.
Today the Moon is still in Capricorn. Already departing from Pluto. Squaring Jupiter, and Uranus.- and voila, we have a topping pattern. The technicals point to a negative divergence. So we have a double warning here...
The rest, under the application..
The Dollar fell so I will have to readjust my fees.
We are getting closer to the Solar eclipse, and small tremors of the Earth are already felt. What is peculiar, is, that it is centered around Seattle yesterday, and Vancouver on the 20th Canada..
And, if you still think we are alone here... Here are new findings... 7 new earth like planets, in the Aquarius constellation, quite close to Earth! They have their Sun.... More details here.
Here is the chart of the Euro/Dollar. Fell by 9% since may 2016.
Pound to the Dollar , by 16%...
February 21,2017 Tuesday
With the Sun entering Pisces, we should pay more attention to the oil. The crude oil is consolidating since mid December. We are here long, above 51$, targeting 55 and higher...
The Moon will enter Capricorn as market will start in Europe. Now it conjuncts Saturn.
But, the main issue is the Sun in Pisces. I wrote about this position many times before. But this year we have an extremely rare planetary position in the sky!
Pisces is the last sign in the wheel, it hosts the hidden enemies, closed and hidden places, like prisons, hospitals, any hidden rooms, drawers in the house. Pisces gives a person the love of silence and solitude, it is a feminine and introvert sign.
Pisces rules charity, mercy~ confinement, self-pity, sacrifice, being sacrificed by, drugs, diffusion. Conspiracies by governments. Terrorist organizations, spies,secret/ occult societies,hostages, etc...
Now, to all these, we must add the ongoing triangle in the sky, between Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto! and this is the thing that makes today's, this month's' situation so rare!
Now to all this, Mars will join Uranus! Actually, as of today, they are conjunct, mars at 17^, Uranus at 21^... And Mars will be exact on the 26th, exactly on the day of the eclipse!
Major explosion.... I am afraid, somewhere in the world..
Guess who was born on this day?? February 26? Erdugan...
Here is the natal chart of Erdugan, with the eclipse of Feb 26th. His Sun is hit exactly! But not only the Sun... His house of open enemies, or partners, is ruled by Aquarius. Therefore his natal Uranus, at 19 ( malefic degree), is hit by all the other main planets. SInce they do not move much, he is "bombarded" the whole year...
But not only his 7th house is triggered, his health as well.
Important date to watch : March 24th.
So, the Moon is in Capricorn now, and here are the aspects it'll make :
21.02.2017 9:07:45 0°00'00"Cap <<<
21.02.2017 15:15:35 3°05'51"Cap Sextile Sun
22.02.2017 1:05:18 8°05'27"Cap Semi-square Mercury
22.02.2017 7:08:21 11°11'00"Cap Square Venus
22.02.2017 7:34:45 11°24'32"Cap Sextile Neptune
22.02.2017 21:34:27 18°37'24"Cap Conjunction Pluto
22.02.2017 22:12:34 18°57'11"Cap Square Mars
22.02.2017 23:08:19 19°26'08"Cap Semi-square Sun
It is not a coincidence, is it,?? That Elor Azaria , a soldier, who killed a wounded terrorist, sentence is given today!? It happened in March 26, 2016, he had a long and noisy trial... He was born in a Tuesday, under "parashat Mishpatim", and the sentence is given on a Tuesday, today. He got 18 months.
You might want to read the very very strict laws the Bible gives, for the people of Israel, but mainly for those born during this week, when this parasha is read in the temple.
SO what do we see in his chart? Born in the sign of Aquarius, Sun, Mars conjunct there. He will never say " I am sorry" for what I did...
Only 19, when this terror attack happened, in Hebron, a terrorist attacked the soldiers, several wounded, and he shot one who was already wounded, thinking he had an explosive vest, on him. Elor believes in his ways : Moon-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius..He has a very strong character because of this position. I don't have his hour of birth, so I don't have the exact position of the Moon and the Ascendant, but even so. his character is shown.
The upcoming eclipse at 8 Pisces, sextiles , exactly his Jupiter, this can bring him the mercy, and being pardoned.
February 20, 2017 Monday.
Yes, we did have an up day yesterday, 1460 was reached... Now we are long above 1453.
Here are some outcomes I gave last week:
Yesterday I started to play "Two dots"... on my mobile... LOL...
So what's happening today? The Moon is in optimistic SAG/ Mercury in Aquarius, conjunct the part of Fortune, applying to the August eclipse degree... The should be of relevance! It is a day ruled by Mercury, so it'll be a volatile one...
A reader asked me, VICK, are you here? about GPRO:
Since Sept 2014, the top, it lost 92%. From 98.47 fell to 8.62 On Feb 10,2017. So if you are a day trader, it is now a long above 9, targeting 10.30. But, on the lung run, should go above 11.50-12, in order to start to come back to life...
February 19, 2017 Sunday
We start the week with a minor positive arbitrage, so technically we might open up. But, due to Presidents day, we are alone till Wednesday. ( We shall see Tuesday's outcome only the next day//). So, with an index that can be manipulated with a few dollars, we can have any outcome the big traders chose.
In the sky, we have a waning Moon, in Sag. And!!! the Sun has just entered Pisces... Which is a big energetical change.
So, let's see..
Israeli sectors so far: Insurance companies lead.. Now, there are only 7 companies in this group, and the first runner up is Menora.
Here is its weekly chart: since Aug 2016 rallied by 39%/
You can read former articles on the Sun in Pisces. It was always under the New Moon in Aquarius...It always happened on Feb 19th.
2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011;
February 18, 2017 Saturday
Yesterday, the indices made a gain new highs.. If you have the app, you knew, where to put your stops and benefit again.
this time it was the " Consumer Goods" that pushed up.
Yesterday I saw a great movie!!!! Run and see it! " The Hidden figures" with Kevin Costner..
And,,,, you want to get high??? here is the perfect share/company.. CNBX
Not a trading advice... just showing you.. It's up to you.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
February 16 2017 THursday
I can believe it @@@ I gave you Bioline at 365! an nw it is at 498~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
February 15, 2017 Wednesday
The US markets rallied yesterday... Closed at 2337, at the price level of the Part of Fortune, and the Galactic Center....Next up targets from here will taki the S&P to 2340... The Sun will change signs in 3 days, and that is our next CIT.
Sectors that pulled the markets up:
TA35: next up target is at 1443.40, basing itself above it, next:1452-65....
Let's see...
Looking at the Gann wheel, today is a CIT day...
Treasury yields rise as Yellen primes market for further rate hike
30-year yield up 0.7 basis point at 3.038%
10-year yield up 0.3 basis point at 2.438%
Fibonacci calculations: From June 27th 2016 low, +163 trading days = Feb 17 is culmination and turn! so put 1 and 1 together, and tighten stops...
Later I shall upload Marine Le Pen's chart, see if she will win or what?? I already wrote her in the past... Now off to the gym.
I uploaded the chart of Marine Le pen on Sept 11,2016. Born August 5, 1968 at 11:20 am.
She was born on August 5. The elections will take place on 23 April. Numerologically she will be in her 4th year, entering the 5th of changes after August.
Her Ascendant is at Libra (using Equal houses) age wise at 20 Gemini.
Her Sun is at 13 Leo, on "Kocab" fixed star, her moon at 2 Capricorn. Both luminaries piont to a success, a crave to rise on the ladder, and keep it.
Her career house ruler is the Moon.
The ruler of asc. is Venus, at Leo too.
The first round of the elections takes place on April 23. let's look at the transits for that day, at 11 pm. after the polls are closed.
What are the planets whispering us on that day ?? If you read this blog long enough, you know, that I always look for Saturn. On this day, Saturn will trine- good- natal Saturn, but will be in retro, which weakens it.
Mars, ruler of the opposition- on the other hand, is strong, sextiles hers/but it is also on the Pleiades... So there is a fierce fight.
Next round is on May 7, two weeks later... Saturn will not move. Moon will conjunct Jupiter on her Ascendant! Moon rules her career...
Transit Uranus will conjunct her Saturn. Showing a revolution in status..Mercury conjunct Uranus,= mainly based on the young.
Bottom line on the second round she wins.
Now adding to this the timing.. she will be in her 4th year, 9th month, 7th day/
The person you know today, will change in no time..
Some other technique gives us a major shift in energy on April 21-to 24, next on 4/27 and on June 10. On this day, Jupiter turns direct, watch the events around this date!
On that day Saturn will also be exact trine her Saturn..
ANother important thing to pay attention to, are the eclipses. We note that 8 Pisces and 22 Leo are triggering the world this year.
Her personal eclipses occurred on March 28, 1968 on 8 Aries (Sol.ecl) and 29 Virgo, on Sept 22, 1968.
The Lunar eclipses occurred on April 13, 1968 at 23 Libra, right in her first house, on the most favorable fixed star, SPICA. giving her protection. It is luckier than Regulus, the one the Trump has, on his Asc.
Both SOLAR eclipses will be triggered by the 2017 eclipses. This too point to eventful year for her.
well... good luck.
When I analyse charts of politicians, I am DETACHED of the country or any feelings. I am just looking at the charts, and write what I think. Not so many astrologers, I know, who interpret their wishes into the chart..
I am sure this analysis will piss off many french people, or other astrologers... Well... that's their problem.... let them prove the opposite... based on the chart of course. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
February 14, 2017 Tuesday
Yesterday I bought a small share, which rallied in Nasdaq later. Seems it's my valentine day present from the Universe!
The above table shows us many things: I bought NAVB. Look! the average volume in this share is 882579 shares. Yesterday was 2,691975!! 3 times as much! The opening price was 0.35- top was 0.45, and closed at 0.43. Which means, that it will keep going up.
UNlike BLRX, which also traded with a huge volume, but the close was low, people sold, before the close, not sure about it! Topped 1.24, closed 1.18!
Follow always, the money!! Surely, you can say, but volume we can see only at the closing... No! we can already see it 20-30 minutes after the open.
Teva had earnings yesterday. Now you have to keep in mind, that it crashed from $45! for more than a year!! So this 5%, is just an acamol to a major surgery... It will have to make us believe that it will not hit 22.
PLX: is a share, that rallied from 0.20 to 1.31- and the resistance is still far... Such a massive rallies are followed with massive falls..But, for the time being it is still a long!
I don't have it... .
I gave you MOTO: Alert was to go long above 231, on Jan 19. Now it is at 280... Raise stop to 275- target 290.
I also alerted on AMZN on 2/9: Stop 810- now it is at 843!
MYL: is a long above 39
CSCO: Is a long above 31.5
QCOM: Long above 53.7
GILD: Long above 66.70
I also gave you SODA: on Jan 19, Stop 40, now?? 47!
I also quoted SSO, in October, 2016- buy above 70... Now? at 82.50!
For a deeper analysis, you might want to sign up...
Market starts soon, see you later..
In the sky: Sun sextiles Saturn, they will stop the rally.. So watch it...
February 13, 2017 Monday.
It is gray and rainy outside. And we only have, still only one planet in water sign... I don't get it..The only explanation can be the upcoming Solar eclipse in water sign of Pisces!!! But that is in two weeks only...
I read, that a dam in California , Oroville Dam, might collapse and 160000 people were evacuated?!
Tower came out with best earnings ever...! It is rallying in premarket... But I would be verrry careful!
February 12, 2017 Sunday
The sky is grey, they , on TV, promise us rain for this week. We have only Neptune and Chiron in water sign...

Ok.. let me see my portfolio.. Back later.
Today I gave an interview about women actually trading in stock markets... I am checking now my chart, and it is absolutely incredible! Transit Mercury ( talk, speech, thoughts language) was exactly on my natal Mercury! I swear, I did not check it before!!! LOL... Nothing is a coincidence!
February 11, 2017 Saturday.
Facebook popped up a graph I posted on February 11, 20116. I posted then , that the Moon was in Aries, and we will get a dip- You can read it on my FB page... Now, one year later, the index rallied by 509 points, in spite of all the "crash gurus", and topped yesterday at 2319, a target given to subscribers.. How lunch longer will it rally in price and time?? All that in the weekly reports!
Here is my alert sent on Feb.9 in the morning:
February 9, 2017 Thursday
Market opens in 2 minutes.. The Moon will move on to Leo in 1.40 hours...Here are her aspects for today and tomorrow: gmt+2
9.02.2017 11:40:56 0°00'00"Leo <<<
9.02.2017 17:25:17 3°21'26"Leo Opposition Mercury
9.02.2017 19:19:46 4°28'14"Leo Trine Venus
10.02.2017 4:04:55 9°33'35"Leo Trine Mars
10.02.2017 6:30:12 10°57'44"Leo Quincunx Neptune
10.02.2017 19:13:28 18°17'12"Leo Quincunx Pluto
The Sun is in sextile Uranus, this is a minor good position, at 20 degrees, so they form a support. Each index with its own calculations..
Mercury is at 150* to the Nodes, Venus as well, Jupiter and Saturn make no aspect and Pluto is in a disharmonic position to the North Node.
There are two degrees to remember for the time being: 8 Pisces, and 22 Leo. These are the upcoming eclipse degrees. Planets hitting these positions, will effect you, the market, everything..
February 8, 2017 Wednesday
The Dow hit yesterday a new historical high at 20155. All the analysts who shout "crashing , crashing! can eat their hats now... I don't know how can they still be there and forecast anything... It is the same like the polls before the elections... They say, he/she will win by so and so percentage... and then it turns out the opposite, but they will still make a new poll next year! How is that possible??
In any case, our stop for the Dow was 20000, and we gained 155 points in one day.. Now if that is not a celebration, what is ?
Today in the sky the Moon is 150^ to the Sun, not the best position... so be careful with longs.
Mercury just entered Aquarius, and here it will shake everything up again...
Now I have to send some alerts..
There are some people who cannot download my app, because they do not have a smartphone, or don't know how... I shall open a mail-alert service. I will have to figure it out how to do it... Per countries, per indices.. one or more... I'll see.
February 7, 2017 Tuesday
THe S&P closed above 2290, so it is still supported.
The Moon is still in Gemini, but later today, it will enter Cancer, and there she brings a new energy in.. So stay tuned!
Yesterday I wrote about the Lunar eclipse. I looked up WIlliam Lilly's work on the eclipses, and he writes, on Lunar eclipse in Leo " it swells and animates the dispositions both of the people and souldiery, so they run after Novelties, desiring new Laws and new Governours".
On February 26 we will have a Solar eclipse, at 8 Pisc12.
Lilly wrote: " it drains the rivers of their waters, unfortunates the Sea coasts and drives fishes far from shore." Why did he write this? because 8 degrees fall in the decanate of Saturn.
On August 7, 2017 we will have a Lunar eclipse at 15 Aquarius. Lilly writes: " it hinders the seed time"
On August 21, 2017 we will have another Solar eclipse, that will cross and effect the USA, at 28Leo52. Lilly writes" : it presages captivity, besieging of towns, plunderings, profanation of holy places, a scarcity of horses or a destructive murrain amongs them" . THis eclipse falls in Mars decanate- as per Lilly.
February 27, 2017 Monday
Pls. follow me to the new article. New Moon in Pisces, 2017.
February 26, 2017 Sunday
It is the day of the Solar eclipse, at 8 Pisces. Here are the areas one can see it:
We can see, that it covers South America, and a part of Afrika. However, all, who have planets around 8 degrees in the natal chart, take an orb of minimum 3 degrees, so between 5-11 degrees, will be affected. In which way? That depends of the time and place of the person.
Each eclipse belongs to a "family of eclipses". This one belongs to Saros 140, has roots in 1512.
Of course, we also have a New Moon today... so I should end this article, and start a new one.
This last month brought us a fenomenal rally, I think everyone can be satisfied. If you traded and index, it rallied, if you were in the Gold, you got your piece too... Just one has to be in the right direction...
As of today Mercury enters Pisces too ( bad). Together with the Sun and the Moon, all will line up with Neptune, at 11.35* -
Mercury conjunct Neptune will bring a culmination in the lies and fraud of the media.
I was surprised to see how the markets react to Mercury in Pisces!!!
Sign up now for the weekly forecasts, to find out...
market starts, see you later..
February 24, 2017 Friday
I shall be in Philadelphia, visiting my daughter and kids between March 10-30. I am taking my laptop with me... so I'll keep watching and alerting the markets.
Today is Friday, we are under the Venus and Mars effect. They are almost conjunct. Beauty and the beast... But, they will net get exact conjunction, because Venus turns retro... Only Mars will move on, and conjunct exactly Uranus, at 21 degrees, in Aries. This happened only on April 30, 1932. If you look back, you will find, that the DOW made a low and started to rally. No other index goes that back, so we cannot check their history. Does this mean it'll go up this time too? No. The other planetary positions don't match.
So we will just look up to today's sky, and follow the planets.
Sign up now for the weekly forecasts! Major moves are coming, you don't want to miss!!!!
Everybody writes about the Solar Eclipse... No one mentioned, that Mercury, the messenger, moves to Pisces till March 13th!! What does this MEAN?? Market-wise, and for each of us??!! All this in my weekly report...
February 23, 2017 Thursday
Yesterday I saw the film "Jacky". Jacky Kennedy Onassis, acting actress Natalie Portman. She was a Leo, born July 28, 1929, at 2:30 pm in NY. her Moon is in Aries giving her enthusiasm, fire and youth. Her Ascendant is at 17 Scorpio, Pluto trines her Ascendant, from the 8th house of death, and money. She lost her husband, and 2 children, while alive, and her son killed too in plane crash. Only her daughter survived. Caroline has 3 children.
I made a rectification to Jackie Kennedy's chart. I think Sagittarius asc. fits her character and life events much better. So the time is 15:37.
Thus, she receives Sagittarius on her Ascendant, showing her publishing a book, and making money from it. Ruler of Asc is Jupiter, the big benefactor, falls in her house of partners, and she was married to 2 famous and rich husbands. Onassis made his fortune from oil which is ruled by Jupiter and was a shipping tycoon.... . And President Kennedy was a world famous figure. Now, he was also a Gemini, and jackie, has Gemini in her 7th house- pointing to a partner in this sign. Her Sun at 5 Leo, on the cusp of the 9th house, points to relationships with abroad. (Onassis). Uranus in the 5th shows the death of her two small babies.. And she died young, (shown by the Sun too) but lymphoma, cancer is shown by Neptune in Virgo, at 0^.
While I was enjoying myself in the cinema, the markets tried for a new high.
S&P almost reached 2367, which was a target given last week.
Today the Moon is still in Capricorn. Already departing from Pluto. Squaring Jupiter, and Uranus.- and voila, we have a topping pattern. The technicals point to a negative divergence. So we have a double warning here...
The rest, under the application..
The Dollar fell so I will have to readjust my fees.
We are getting closer to the Solar eclipse, and small tremors of the Earth are already felt. What is peculiar, is, that it is centered around Seattle yesterday, and Vancouver on the 20th Canada..
And, if you still think we are alone here... Here are new findings... 7 new earth like planets, in the Aquarius constellation, quite close to Earth! They have their Sun.... More details here.
Here is the chart of the Euro/Dollar. Fell by 9% since may 2016.
Pound to the Dollar , by 16%...
February 21,2017 Tuesday
With the Sun entering Pisces, we should pay more attention to the oil. The crude oil is consolidating since mid December. We are here long, above 51$, targeting 55 and higher...
The Moon will enter Capricorn as market will start in Europe. Now it conjuncts Saturn.
But, the main issue is the Sun in Pisces. I wrote about this position many times before. But this year we have an extremely rare planetary position in the sky!
Pisces is the last sign in the wheel, it hosts the hidden enemies, closed and hidden places, like prisons, hospitals, any hidden rooms, drawers in the house. Pisces gives a person the love of silence and solitude, it is a feminine and introvert sign.
Pisces rules charity, mercy~ confinement, self-pity, sacrifice, being sacrificed by, drugs, diffusion. Conspiracies by governments. Terrorist organizations, spies,secret/ occult societies,hostages, etc...
Now, to all these, we must add the ongoing triangle in the sky, between Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto! and this is the thing that makes today's, this month's' situation so rare!
Now to all this, Mars will join Uranus! Actually, as of today, they are conjunct, mars at 17^, Uranus at 21^... And Mars will be exact on the 26th, exactly on the day of the eclipse!
Major explosion.... I am afraid, somewhere in the world..
Guess who was born on this day?? February 26? Erdugan...
Here is the natal chart of Erdugan, with the eclipse of Feb 26th. His Sun is hit exactly! But not only the Sun... His house of open enemies, or partners, is ruled by Aquarius. Therefore his natal Uranus, at 19 ( malefic degree), is hit by all the other main planets. SInce they do not move much, he is "bombarded" the whole year...
But not only his 7th house is triggered, his health as well.
Important date to watch : March 24th.
So, the Moon is in Capricorn now, and here are the aspects it'll make :
21.02.2017 9:07:45 0°00'00"Cap <<<
21.02.2017 15:15:35 3°05'51"Cap Sextile Sun
22.02.2017 1:05:18 8°05'27"Cap Semi-square Mercury
22.02.2017 7:08:21 11°11'00"Cap Square Venus
22.02.2017 7:34:45 11°24'32"Cap Sextile Neptune
22.02.2017 21:34:27 18°37'24"Cap Conjunction Pluto
22.02.2017 22:12:34 18°57'11"Cap Square Mars
22.02.2017 23:08:19 19°26'08"Cap Semi-square Sun
It is not a coincidence, is it,?? That Elor Azaria , a soldier, who killed a wounded terrorist, sentence is given today!? It happened in March 26, 2016, he had a long and noisy trial... He was born in a Tuesday, under "parashat Mishpatim", and the sentence is given on a Tuesday, today. He got 18 months.
You might want to read the very very strict laws the Bible gives, for the people of Israel, but mainly for those born during this week, when this parasha is read in the temple.
SO what do we see in his chart? Born in the sign of Aquarius, Sun, Mars conjunct there. He will never say " I am sorry" for what I did...
Only 19, when this terror attack happened, in Hebron, a terrorist attacked the soldiers, several wounded, and he shot one who was already wounded, thinking he had an explosive vest, on him. Elor believes in his ways : Moon-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius..He has a very strong character because of this position. I don't have his hour of birth, so I don't have the exact position of the Moon and the Ascendant, but even so. his character is shown.
The upcoming eclipse at 8 Pisces, sextiles , exactly his Jupiter, this can bring him the mercy, and being pardoned.
February 20, 2017 Monday.
Yes, we did have an up day yesterday, 1460 was reached... Now we are long above 1453.
Here are some outcomes I gave last week:
Yesterday I started to play "Two dots"... on my mobile... LOL...
So what's happening today? The Moon is in optimistic SAG/ Mercury in Aquarius, conjunct the part of Fortune, applying to the August eclipse degree... The should be of relevance! It is a day ruled by Mercury, so it'll be a volatile one...
A reader asked me, VICK, are you here? about GPRO:
Since Sept 2014, the top, it lost 92%. From 98.47 fell to 8.62 On Feb 10,2017. So if you are a day trader, it is now a long above 9, targeting 10.30. But, on the lung run, should go above 11.50-12, in order to start to come back to life...
February 19, 2017 Sunday
We start the week with a minor positive arbitrage, so technically we might open up. But, due to Presidents day, we are alone till Wednesday. ( We shall see Tuesday's outcome only the next day//). So, with an index that can be manipulated with a few dollars, we can have any outcome the big traders chose.
In the sky, we have a waning Moon, in Sag. And!!! the Sun has just entered Pisces... Which is a big energetical change.
So, let's see..
Israeli sectors so far: Insurance companies lead.. Now, there are only 7 companies in this group, and the first runner up is Menora.
Here is its weekly chart: since Aug 2016 rallied by 39%/
You can read former articles on the Sun in Pisces. It was always under the New Moon in Aquarius...It always happened on Feb 19th.
2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011;
February 18, 2017 Saturday
Yesterday, the indices made a gain new highs.. If you have the app, you knew, where to put your stops and benefit again.
this time it was the " Consumer Goods" that pushed up.
Yesterday I saw a great movie!!!! Run and see it! " The Hidden figures" with Kevin Costner..
And,,,, you want to get high??? here is the perfect share/company.. CNBX
Not a trading advice... just showing you.. It's up to you.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
February 16 2017 THursday
I can believe it @@@ I gave you Bioline at 365! an nw it is at 498~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
February 15, 2017 Wednesday
The US markets rallied yesterday... Closed at 2337, at the price level of the Part of Fortune, and the Galactic Center....Next up targets from here will taki the S&P to 2340... The Sun will change signs in 3 days, and that is our next CIT.
Sectors that pulled the markets up:
TA35: next up target is at 1443.40, basing itself above it, next:1452-65....
Let's see...
Looking at the Gann wheel, today is a CIT day...
Treasury yields rise as Yellen primes market for further rate hike
30-year yield up 0.7 basis point at 3.038%
10-year yield up 0.3 basis point at 2.438%
Fibonacci calculations: From June 27th 2016 low, +163 trading days = Feb 17 is culmination and turn! so put 1 and 1 together, and tighten stops...
Later I shall upload Marine Le Pen's chart, see if she will win or what?? I already wrote her in the past... Now off to the gym.
I uploaded the chart of Marine Le pen on Sept 11,2016. Born August 5, 1968 at 11:20 am.
Her Ascendant is at Libra (using Equal houses) age wise at 20 Gemini.
Her Sun is at 13 Leo, on "Kocab" fixed star, her moon at 2 Capricorn. Both luminaries piont to a success, a crave to rise on the ladder, and keep it.
Her career house ruler is the Moon.
The ruler of asc. is Venus, at Leo too.
The first round of the elections takes place on April 23. let's look at the transits for that day, at 11 pm. after the polls are closed.
What are the planets whispering us on that day ?? If you read this blog long enough, you know, that I always look for Saturn. On this day, Saturn will trine- good- natal Saturn, but will be in retro, which weakens it.
Mars, ruler of the opposition- on the other hand, is strong, sextiles hers/but it is also on the Pleiades... So there is a fierce fight.
Next round is on May 7, two weeks later... Saturn will not move. Moon will conjunct Jupiter on her Ascendant! Moon rules her career...
Transit Uranus will conjunct her Saturn. Showing a revolution in status..Mercury conjunct Uranus,= mainly based on the young.
Bottom line on the second round she wins.
Now adding to this the timing.. she will be in her 4th year, 9th month, 7th day/
The person you know today, will change in no time..
Some other technique gives us a major shift in energy on April 21-to 24, next on 4/27 and on June 10. On this day, Jupiter turns direct, watch the events around this date!
On that day Saturn will also be exact trine her Saturn..
ANother important thing to pay attention to, are the eclipses. We note that 8 Pisces and 22 Leo are triggering the world this year.
Her personal eclipses occurred on March 28, 1968 on 8 Aries (Sol.ecl) and 29 Virgo, on Sept 22, 1968.
The Lunar eclipses occurred on April 13, 1968 at 23 Libra, right in her first house, on the most favorable fixed star, SPICA. giving her protection. It is luckier than Regulus, the one the Trump has, on his Asc.
Both SOLAR eclipses will be triggered by the 2017 eclipses. This too point to eventful year for her.
well... good luck.
When I analyse charts of politicians, I am DETACHED of the country or any feelings. I am just looking at the charts, and write what I think. Not so many astrologers, I know, who interpret their wishes into the chart..
I am sure this analysis will piss off many french people, or other astrologers... Well... that's their problem.... let them prove the opposite... based on the chart of course. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
February 14, 2017 Tuesday
Yesterday I bought a small share, which rallied in Nasdaq later. Seems it's my valentine day present from the Universe!
The above table shows us many things: I bought NAVB. Look! the average volume in this share is 882579 shares. Yesterday was 2,691975!! 3 times as much! The opening price was 0.35- top was 0.45, and closed at 0.43. Which means, that it will keep going up.
UNlike BLRX, which also traded with a huge volume, but the close was low, people sold, before the close, not sure about it! Topped 1.24, closed 1.18!
Follow always, the money!! Surely, you can say, but volume we can see only at the closing... No! we can already see it 20-30 minutes after the open.
Teva had earnings yesterday. Now you have to keep in mind, that it crashed from $45! for more than a year!! So this 5%, is just an acamol to a major surgery... It will have to make us believe that it will not hit 22.
PLX: is a share, that rallied from 0.20 to 1.31- and the resistance is still far... Such a massive rallies are followed with massive falls..But, for the time being it is still a long!
I don't have it... .
I also alerted on AMZN on 2/9: Stop 810- now it is at 843!
MYL: is a long above 39
CSCO: Is a long above 31.5
QCOM: Long above 53.7
GILD: Long above 66.70
I also gave you SODA: on Jan 19, Stop 40, now?? 47!
I also quoted SSO, in October, 2016- buy above 70... Now? at 82.50!
For a deeper analysis, you might want to sign up...
Market starts soon, see you later..
In the sky: Sun sextiles Saturn, they will stop the rally.. So watch it...
February 13, 2017 Monday.
It is gray and rainy outside. And we only have, still only one planet in water sign... I don't get it..The only explanation can be the upcoming Solar eclipse in water sign of Pisces!!! But that is in two weeks only...
I read, that a dam in California , Oroville Dam, might collapse and 160000 people were evacuated?!
Tower came out with best earnings ever...! It is rallying in premarket... But I would be verrry careful!
February 12, 2017 Sunday
The sky is grey, they , on TV, promise us rain for this week. We have only Neptune and Chiron in water sign...

Market is about to open in another hour and 25 minutes, and I am drinking my morning coffee from a new jar I bought...I like Tester choice coffee.. How about you?
The Moon is in Virgo, earth sign, no reason for any rally today, besides the positive arbitrage we have... So probably we will have a positive opening, and then a flat day...
I just read something that caught my attention on FB ... Everyone,on his/her last day on Earth meets, the "self" that he/she was SUPPOSED to become during this lifetime, but DID NOT."
Ok.. let me see my portfolio.. Back later.
Today I gave an interview about women actually trading in stock markets... I am checking now my chart, and it is absolutely incredible! Transit Mercury ( talk, speech, thoughts language) was exactly on my natal Mercury! I swear, I did not check it before!!! LOL... Nothing is a coincidence!
February 11, 2017 Saturday.
Facebook popped up a graph I posted on February 11, 20116. I posted then , that the Moon was in Aries, and we will get a dip- You can read it on my FB page... Now, one year later, the index rallied by 509 points, in spite of all the "crash gurus", and topped yesterday at 2319, a target given to subscribers.. How lunch longer will it rally in price and time?? All that in the weekly reports!
Here is my alert sent on Feb.9 in the morning:
S&P: The index broke up, above 2300
move the stop to 2300
February 9, 2017 Thursday
Market opens in 2 minutes.. The Moon will move on to Leo in 1.40 hours...Here are her aspects for today and tomorrow: gmt+2
9.02.2017 11:40:56 0°00'00"Leo <<<
9.02.2017 17:25:17 3°21'26"Leo Opposition Mercury
9.02.2017 19:19:46 4°28'14"Leo Trine Venus
10.02.2017 4:04:55 9°33'35"Leo Trine Mars
10.02.2017 6:30:12 10°57'44"Leo Quincunx Neptune
10.02.2017 19:13:28 18°17'12"Leo Quincunx Pluto
The Sun is in sextile Uranus, this is a minor good position, at 20 degrees, so they form a support. Each index with its own calculations..
Mercury is at 150* to the Nodes, Venus as well, Jupiter and Saturn make no aspect and Pluto is in a disharmonic position to the North Node.
There are two degrees to remember for the time being: 8 Pisces, and 22 Leo. These are the upcoming eclipse degrees. Planets hitting these positions, will effect you, the market, everything..
February 8, 2017 Wednesday
The Dow hit yesterday a new historical high at 20155. All the analysts who shout "crashing , crashing! can eat their hats now... I don't know how can they still be there and forecast anything... It is the same like the polls before the elections... They say, he/she will win by so and so percentage... and then it turns out the opposite, but they will still make a new poll next year! How is that possible??
In any case, our stop for the Dow was 20000, and we gained 155 points in one day.. Now if that is not a celebration, what is ?
Today in the sky the Moon is 150^ to the Sun, not the best position... so be careful with longs.
Mercury just entered Aquarius, and here it will shake everything up again...
Now I have to send some alerts..
There are some people who cannot download my app, because they do not have a smartphone, or don't know how... I shall open a mail-alert service. I will have to figure it out how to do it... Per countries, per indices.. one or more... I'll see.
February 7, 2017 Tuesday
THe S&P closed above 2290, so it is still supported.
The Moon is still in Gemini, but later today, it will enter Cancer, and there she brings a new energy in.. So stay tuned!
Yesterday I wrote about the Lunar eclipse. I looked up WIlliam Lilly's work on the eclipses, and he writes, on Lunar eclipse in Leo " it swells and animates the dispositions both of the people and souldiery, so they run after Novelties, desiring new Laws and new Governours".
On February 26 we will have a Solar eclipse, at 8 Pisc12.
Lilly wrote: " it drains the rivers of their waters, unfortunates the Sea coasts and drives fishes far from shore." Why did he write this? because 8 degrees fall in the decanate of Saturn.
On August 7, 2017 we will have a Lunar eclipse at 15 Aquarius. Lilly writes: " it hinders the seed time"
On August 21, 2017 we will have another Solar eclipse, that will cross and effect the USA, at 28Leo52. Lilly writes" : it presages captivity, besieging of towns, plunderings, profanation of holy places, a scarcity of horses or a destructive murrain amongs them" . THis eclipse falls in Mars decanate- as per Lilly.
The effect of a Lunar eclipse lasts 3-4 months, the effect of a Solar, can last years, depending of the time of the eclipse. (as many minutes-so many years).
The first eclipse, at 8 Pisces, will be exact on Erdogan's Sun, and will be in opposition Hassan Nasrallah's Sun.
In opposition to Modi's Venus, ruler of partners, known enemies..
Conjunct Moshe Yaalon's Jupiter. (something to follow up)
Conjunct the 20th Knesset Neptune!- Will he have a new election? very possible, under this eclipse!
February 6, 2017 Monday
It is warm and nice outside.... and it is going to be warmer tomorrow!
The week starts, with Venus in Aries. In this sign it is bad. Its effect will be felt, depending on the natal chart of everybody. Mars, ruler of this sign is already there, at 6.45^, and both ware approaching Uranus.
The historical aspects are still there... let me upload a chart. So we have the opposition between Jupiter-Uranus, the squares to Pluto, in red, and the sextile to Saturn. I believe this sextile keeps the cake together... so far..
Jupiter is slowing down before turning retro... and Mercury is just about to enter Aquarius.. A lot of action! TO this we can add the Gemini moon... and let's start..
The Gold is holding above 1224-!! If it stays above it, it'll be a long.
Our market closed at 1412... We went short below 1416.- Sign up to the forecasts!!
Watch for intraday CITS: GMT+2 cit means change in trend.
6.02.2017 12:39:44 17°50'03"Gem Trine Sun
6.02.2017 13:12:19 18°09'30"Gem Quincunx Pluto
6.02.2017 18:19:10 21°12'42"Gem Sextile Uranus
6.02.2017 21:32:57 23°08'24"Gem Trine Jupiter
I sent out now all the alerts for the globe's indices... If you have my app. you got them.
On February 11th we will have a Lunar eclipse over South America... At 22.34 Leo/Aquarius axis. Mainly people living there will be affected, but not only. If you have a planets between 17-28 degrees, you will feel it as well.
There will also be a good trine between the SUN-JUPITER, so it should bring good news! Again, depending on each and everyone's natal chart.
Watch the path of the eclipse on this earthquake map! Chile just got one!
Watch the path of the eclipse on this earthquake map! Chile just got one!
February 5, 2017 Sunday
Market starts here in 40 minutes. It will find the Moon in Gemini, bringing a volatile two days.
The arbitrage is positive, so we might open with an up leg.
Planetary calculations show that 1413.50 is a support... and 1420.60 is a resistance..
So, let's wait and see...
it's 1:00 pm, and the index is at 1417... So those who got my report, were not "tricked" by a high opening...
The other day I was horrified, to read that beating women in Russia in not illegal!
Is Pluto in Capricorn turns us back to the middle ages? It cannot happen! with Uranus in Aries!
I am surprised, disappointed in Putin and sad. Would he OKEY with his daughter to be beaten up by her husband? Putin said, that there is an old proverb in Russia saying" If he doesn't beats me, he doesn't love me"... I cannot imagine this for a sign of love, over there..
Let's see Russia's chart: from Champion's book: here is the bummer.. there are more than 8 dates for Russia.. I'd better look at the time when Putin came to power..This happened when Boris Yeltsin "suddenly resigned", and he became the Acting President of the Russian Federation, in Dec 31, 1999.
In this chart the Moon ( women) is at the last degree of Libra ( masculine sign) waning in light, after the Full Moon. It'll take 71 years for the russian women to gain power..- looking at this chart..
Maybe I should use the 1917 Soviet revolution date, to see where was the Moon ( women) then..
In any case, astrology or not, this is OUTRAGEOUS...
Putin enters a very strong period between Feb 7- March 9.
February 2, 2017 Thursday
Find us still with the Aries Moon. Jupiter is slowing down in its move, before turning retro~ till June 9th. THis retro movement happens yearly, and it effects everything, but in different manner. Depends on your natal chart.
The Gold and Silver are now rallying, and I am updating subscribers...
Trade range 1.16- 1.02- since 2015... Should go above 1.10- now to rally.. We are long with a stop at 1.0620
In the world: protests are breaking out under this Aries Moon... This time, in Romania..
I tried to search its chart yesterday, in Nicholas Champion's book, and I found 5-6 dates.
That's a trap I don't want to fall into..
Historical date to remember: Dec.22.1989, the fall of the dictator Ceausescu, executed on the 25th..
Here are the planetary lines in the sky now: we can see Mars right on Bucharest..
No doubt, one will need to be a robot, or with very strong nerves, to trade this year! And the next.
Once you signed up, you will get updates all the time!!
I am preparing my lunch.. An hour ago, I was in a mall, and I made myself a present. a BIG coffee Jar.. :) My morning coffee is too short..
Ok, so I make me lunch, and I remember MOM... She passed away 183 days ago, bu she is HERE... we used to have a game.. in the last 3 years. She loved food! I don't . But always, 3 times a week I went to see her, and I always had to GUESS what is it she wants to eat. We had a special telepathy... For I guessed 90% of the times, what is it she was craving for. Now, you have to understand, that we came from a place where food was non existent..
(Romania). We arrived to Israel in 1973, and I shall never forget the time when we first went into the first supermarket.; where there was SO MUCH FOOD, one didn't know what to chose!!! we all cried. This was in 1973. The same happened when my grandmother, aunt and uncle came for visit.
SInce she passed away, I have noone to buy for.
F E B R U A R Y 2017
We wave goodbye to January 2017, never ever to return... and, we welcome February..
Last night it was ice-raining here.. can you imagine? Now the Sun, shyly smiles above the clouds... Not sure if he should come out or wait a little longer.
The Moon is separating from from the Sun, it is in Aries. soon to be followed by Venus here, where she doesn't feels well... So prepare, for a CIT.
So what is there to pay attention to in February?
Here are the most important moves:
3.02.2017 Ari Venus
6.02.2017 R Jupiter 23°08'25"Lib
7.02.2017 Aqr Mercury
18.02.2017 Psc Sun
26.02.2017 Psc Mercury
Then, we can search for the eclipses. Here I use Timing Solution, gives a very nice graph:
Here are the most important moves:
3.02.2017 Ari Venus
6.02.2017 R Jupiter 23°08'25"Lib
7.02.2017 Aqr Mercury
18.02.2017 Psc Sun
26.02.2017 Psc Mercury
Then, we can search for the eclipses. Here I use Timing Solution, gives a very nice graph:
A lunar eclipse on Feb.11, 2017 and a Solar in Feb 26th. The highlighted area is where it will be seen.
FB earnings today, after market: thi sis the graph I was alerting: SInce 2013 low it rallied by 646%. Former top was 133.5, should gap up above it to reach next target 137.90
For long term traders, as long as it is in the channel, it's a long.
After a few days of absence,Assad surfaced.. I don't' know what to believe in anymore...
FB earnings today, after market: thi sis the graph I was alerting: SInce 2013 low it rallied by 646%. Former top was 133.5, should gap up above it to reach next target 137.90
For long term traders, as long as it is in the channel, it's a long.
After a few days of absence,Assad surfaced.. I don't' know what to believe in anymore...
January 31, 2017 Tuesday
It is the last day of this month, another 334 days to go in this year.
Today is the birthday of Baba Wanga... She died at 85, in 1996, if you have not heard of her, you should check the internet. She was a blind Macedonian "seer in the future" a modern Nostradamus... Some things cannot be explained...Just read her biography..
She spoke or forecasted things, that she could have not known, being a simple, uneducated countryside woman.
Last night I read many tweets and FB posts, saying how the market falls under Trump..What a selected understanding of events! I am not American, and as I wrote in the past, I couldn't care less who is sitting where. I am just looking at graphs. And what do I see? The elections were on Nov 8. SInce then the DOW and the S&P rallied by 10%. A correction was due, under the present planetary positions. So?? What's the fuss??
OK, so what's new in the sky today? The Moon is departing from the Sun, we are after the New Moon. It is still in Pisces. It will be VOC today, check out your weekly reports...
Mercury ( transportation and communication) is conjunct Pluto ( disaster ). So we get a change in trend. See in this graph, by Timing SOlution, what happened in history, when these two met? Since the effectivity is only 52%, it is like tossing a coin, not reliable.
We look further on...Venus makes no important angles, Mars entered Aries, already wrote about this one, major CIT! and from Jupiter to Pluto the planets hardly look...
Then we check the Heliocentric chart, and many other issues... to come up with a forecast..
Check out later the app. to receive the stops and targets..
By the way, I am thinking of making an e-mail group for these alerts, instead of the app. It is not selling and I almost don't benefit from I'll see..
January 30, 2017 Monday
Today we are under the Lunar and Mercurian effect. The Moon is in Pisces, Mercury in Capricorn. They, today, don't give us any clues.
BUT, we have MARS entering ARIES! Now that is something to analyse! And we don't have to go far... the news opened today with a killing in a mosque in tranquille Canada... Yes yes... hatred took guns in his hand, with the help of Mars ~planet of wars, accidents, arms blood~. Now, Mars is in Aries every 2 years! So its effect is not so lasting, or hurting like that of the slow moving planets, Saturn to Pluto...
Remember the world leaders born in Aquarius? It's King Abdallah II, of Jordan's birthday today.( 55); King FelipeVI of Spain's birthday (49). So happy birthdays :) .
It is also Franklin Roosevelt's, Gandhi was assassinated on this day, in 1948; Hitler was appointed chancellor of the Nazi party today, in 1933.
So market is already on... and it is not going anywhere here... What a bore!
Meanwhile, you can sign up for the weekly forecasts...
Breaking news: Assad had a massive stroke, and he is hospitalized.
Looking at his natal chart, he is almost at the peak of his year, being born on September 11, 1965, with the Sun at 18 Virgo- transit Saun is at 150^ to his natal Sun, and many other bad angles, triggered this health event.
It was in the news, on Jan 22,, that he had a stroke, then the news were withdrawn, and published again lately... Not sure what it true..
Update: He is conscious..
Now I read, that Russia rushed in a new favorite, who MIGHT come in Assad's replacement.
Anyone has Gen. Manas Tlass's birthday ?? besides 1964 >> T H A N K S
SBUX: The coffee has been spilt..Heading to 55-52
Update: He is conscious..
Now I read, that Russia rushed in a new favorite, who MIGHT come in Assad's replacement.
Anyone has Gen. Manas Tlass's birthday ?? besides 1964 >> T H A N K S
SBUX: The coffee has been spilt..Heading to 55-52
January 29 Sunday, 2017
US sectors that rallied last month:
In astrology, besides the planets asteroids fixed stars , Arabic Parts, etc... there are also the NODES of the PLANETS. These are math calculations. " The points at which the orbits of the planets intersect the ecliptic, because of the inclination of their planes to the plane of the Earth's orbit.".
Just out of curiosity I made the chart of the Inauguration, to see where were these points? Now looking only to the slow moving planets, Saturn-till Pluto, these places don't change over the year, almost..
On the day of the Inauguration, Saturn 150* to It's South Node.
Uranus 90^ Pluto SN.& Pluto NN
Neptune 60* Mercury NN
Pluto 60* Venus NN.
Homework: search what they mean.... LOL..
In my former article I wrote about the Dutch elections, Mark Rutte and Wilders. Now I hear about the crisis in France. The most popular, and certain to win person, Francois Fillon is probably going home... It turns out, that his wife and two sons received FOR MANY YEARS salary for doing absolutely nothing.... Thousands of Euros!! Here is his chart, where his grave is clearly seen: Jupiter in H8 ( others' money ) in the natal chart, 150 to Neptune. It is also conjunct the Point of Fatality, or Point of Saturn. Now, 63 years later, this Point moved to his MC, his career, while Jupiter conjuncts Neptune~fraud~.
It is very interesting, that this issue ~ the Penelope gate~ surfaces now, 2 months before the elections, when there is not enough time to replace him, thus clearing the road for Marion Le Pen, whose chart I analysed in a former article.... Seems, that the world is rushing towards right wing nationalism... A very dangerous time...But what can we expect of this Jupiter-Uranus opposition and both squaring Pluto ?? And Saturn in Sagittarius, surfacing all the dogmas possible ??
Two things dig one's grave : sex and money. Both are under the sign of Scorpio, in the 8th house, the house of life and death. Look around, watch politicians fall. Pluto/Scorpio, does that sooner or later.
Now, let's look at CAT, a share that can rally if the wall will be built. It traded at 3.8 in 1985, now it is around 97.-99 .. This is a weekly graph. It should go above former top for a new rally..
In my former article I wrote about the Dutch elections, Mark Rutte and Wilders. Now I hear about the crisis in France. The most popular, and certain to win person, Francois Fillon is probably going home... It turns out, that his wife and two sons received FOR MANY YEARS salary for doing absolutely nothing.... Thousands of Euros!! Here is his chart, where his grave is clearly seen: Jupiter in H8 ( others' money ) in the natal chart, 150 to Neptune. It is also conjunct the Point of Fatality, or Point of Saturn. Now, 63 years later, this Point moved to his MC, his career, while Jupiter conjuncts Neptune~fraud~.
It is very interesting, that this issue ~ the Penelope gate~ surfaces now, 2 months before the elections, when there is not enough time to replace him, thus clearing the road for Marion Le Pen, whose chart I analysed in a former article.... Seems, that the world is rushing towards right wing nationalism... A very dangerous time...But what can we expect of this Jupiter-Uranus opposition and both squaring Pluto ?? And Saturn in Sagittarius, surfacing all the dogmas possible ??
Two things dig one's grave : sex and money. Both are under the sign of Scorpio, in the 8th house, the house of life and death. Look around, watch politicians fall. Pluto/Scorpio, does that sooner or later.
Now, let's look at CAT, a share that can rally if the wall will be built. It traded at 3.8 in 1985, now it is around 97.-99 .. This is a weekly graph. It should go above former top for a new rally..
The other share to watch is MAGS: security. Started to trade in 1994. It is an Israeli share, that trades also in Nasdaq. Topped at 40, so there is plenty of space up.
I don't have them... Just pointing out it for you guys. To analyse any share how and when to trade it.. pls. click on Paypal... at the left.
January 28 started the Fire rooster year in the Chinese calendar...
ReplyDeletei read your article today and it saddens me that women will have to endure this pain for another 70yrs;its a tragedy.i hope what you telling about Putin its time from Feb7th for another couple of weeks will OPEN his eyes and he will not allow this tragedy for women to become a LAW. why GOD is NOT giving him that wisdom??
It is unlikely, that Putin will change this law.. He is for it, He believes in it...
ReplyDeletehope this finds you well; i was looking at GPRO my all children using this camera whenever they go for one time it went all the way to 89 and since then it has crashed to almost about $8. what happened?? do you think it has any future?? or just a dad cat???
as always your opinion counts a lot
Gabby, yes, i am always there; first thinRg in morning at 3AM usa time with my coffee first thing i do is to read your post to see what you have to teach rest of the world. i had asked the question because my son asked my Dad what is wrong with GPro i did not know but i told him i can check and asked for your help.
ReplyDeleteBy the way at 70+ my days of trading are gone and i am enjoying my retirement reading your educationg posts after posts.
with many thanks and May God bless all of us and especially you for bringing knowledge to all of us.
chart of interest. I cloned the low of 09 to the high of April 2010 moved it to Feb 2016 low, the high comes in at SPX 2373 Time is Feb27th Monday day after solar eclipse .
ReplyDeleteWe shall watch this with great interest!
ReplyDeleteThank You!!
Nice Post...
ReplyDeleteAstrologer in Chennai
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