New Moon in Cancer, 2021 ~ Financial and Mundane Astrology by Gabriella Mittelman
Between : July 10- August 8, 2021
Thanks for following from the former article, New Moon in Gemini, 2021
First of all, the degree, no 18, where the New Moon started, in Cancer, is one of the worst degrees as per Nikola Stoyanovits (R.I.P.) He called this degree "the Satan degree". But, we are after that today, so let's look forward and check out what will this new Moon bring? You can see in the table at the right of the chart, the moves of the planets. The Sun moves from 18 Cancer to 16 Leo, Mercury moves from Gemini, a sign it rules, into Leo; air in fire- it is good for the markets, Venus moves from Leo to Virgo, from fire to Earth, more stabilizing sign; Mars!! moves from Leo to Virgo as well; Jupiter in its Retro motion moves back to Aquarius, good time for repair past mistakes (if you have planets at the end of Aqua; the rest hardly move.
Here are the dates for the Geocentric sky:11.07.2021 23:35:08 > Cnc Mercury
19.07.2021 19:49:40 max N Mercury
22.07.2021 3:36:36 > Vir Venus
22.07.2021 17:26:19 > Leo Sun - major CIT!
28.07.2021 4:11:29 > Leo Mercury
28.07.2021 15:42:13 > Aqr Jupiter
29.07.2021 23:32:26 > Vir Mars
Begin: 11.07.2021 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Mercury 45 Uranus 11.07.2021 9:07 - before market starts!
Mercury 120 Jupiter 12.07.2021 22:45
Venus 0 Mars 13.07.2021 16:32
Sun 120 Neptune 15.07.2021 11:49
Sun 135 S.Node 15.07.2021 21:44
Sun 45 Node 15.07.2021 21:44
Venus 150 Neptune 16.07.2021 9:41
For Israel this New Moon falls in the 9th house of foreign affairs, and law/ The important aspect of the week is the Venus +Mars conjunction in Leo; they both conjunct the Leo stellium, in the 10th house of government- that's a very positive position for the gov. But, and there is always a but, tr. Neptune, is in sextile the SUN, for a long time, so this PM, Bennett, might not see things clearly, and be under a so to say "spell".. Also Pluto, ruler of the underworld, is in trine the Sun, yes it is a good aspect, but when it comes from Pluto, I would be watching myself on the double.. I find the opposition from Saturn to Pluto, a supportive aspect, that actually lets the new gov. make some order in the chaos of the last years. Markets wise, Mercury is conjunct the Part of Fortune, still in Gemini and in the 8th, so a few more days of prosperity there.. Then Mercury enters Cancer, where sends less help in a pump, or long squeeze.
Oh... and today the Netanyahu's are moving out from the PM residency. I guess Sara is under sedatives.. LOL.. Bennett has 4 children, learning in Raanana, the family will not move in. For the best..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cit day for: S&P and AXJO DOW, Dax fut, Nasdaq, Nyse, Gold fut, Corn, Ripple, BCH, AMZN, 10 YEARBONDS, CSCO,LNKD, PSTI, etc.
FORMALHAUT - [3 degrees of Pisces]
Watcher of the South.
The effects of this star can be variable, for better or for worse. This star can bring success and financial wealth, but there is often very hard work along with plenty of responsibility. It can increases and amplify whatever planet it conjuncts: By the way, for Fixed stars we use one deg. only.
Local shares: MicroMedic, Biokensel, Cinema Yahash, Clal, Biotex, Kesem Long Pi3,Mazor,Terapics Bio,Together,
I want to check what happened with the CIT's quoted yesterday? so FTSEUK: topped at 7141; it was 29 days from 7/8th top and lower.. we are short below 7141; now at 7122Until August 21 it is only up. now this is not possible, based on other cycles... so take it with a question mark !
For the S&P: I got more down than up days on Aug 7,9, 21,23; 7 and 21 fall on a weekend... so I guess the next day should be a low.. but, this is just fishy.. Frustrating.
Local shares: Afrika,Isramco, Kamtek, kastro,Medivi, Modiin, Nano, Selcum, SafeTy, Ultrashape,
Black Rock: BLK
Local Shares: Delek Kvitza,Aeronautics, Dipharm, Fox, IceSecure, KiTov, Analog, Bionvax, BonusBio,KolPlanet, ETC.
A Belarusian runner says she was taken to a Tokyo airport against her will by team officials after she criticized coaches. Belarusian officials are denying her version of events."
AXJO: target given on 7./23 reached, topped at 7448; now still above stop. New target: 7430 ; stop 7405
Turkey Titan 20: it is a short below 1184.
Today's CIT: CAC ( stop = 6602), Solgrin, Ken Fight (stop =1.94), COPPER FUTURES ( move stop to 4.435), Netflix ( stop = 523)
Local shares: Ta35,Energian, Tower, Sapiens, Proktogania, Pluristem, Medigum, ken Fight, El al, Canbit, Bazan, etc
" The United States came away with silver in the competition, but Biles withdrawing after competing in just one event was the storyline at the Olympics, especially since it was a non-injury-related reason.
Biles, who is still eligible to compete in the individual all-around later in the week, told reporters that she wasn’t injured, but she was "dealing with a few things."
Iranian judoka who defected dedicates his silver medal to Israel"
CNN)Iranian judoka Saeid Mollaei, who refused to return home after being ordered to withdraw from the 2019 World Judo Championships to avoid facing an Israeli opponent, says he will never forget the kindness he's been shown by the Israeli judo team as he prepares to compete in a major tournament in Tel Aviv.
Mollaei said he had feared for his safety and that of his family after ignoring Iranian officials two years ago, who he says told him to lose his semifinal bout on purpose.
Iranian athletes have long been prohibited from competing in any sport against Israeli opponents because Iran refuses to acknowledge Israel's right to exist as a state.
A quindecile is when at least two planetary bodies are 165° degrees apart. This minor neutral aspect is also referred to as a Johndro. It largely indicates an obsession and/or compulsion quality. Quindeciles suggest a marked determination or motivation that can be rather disruptive.
Actual aspects
Begin: 27.07.2021 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Mercury 28Cnc23 30 Mars 28Leo23 27.07.2021 9:48
Moon 18Psc34 165 Vesta 3Lib34 27.07.2021 15:45
Mercury 29Cnc09 60 Sedna 29Tau09 27.07.2021 18:36
Moon 21Psc55 165 Venus 6Vir55 27.07.2021 21:54
Moon 22Psc56 0 Neptune 22Psc56 27.07.2021 23:47
July 28:
Moon 25Psc19 60 Pluto 25Cap19 28.07.2021 4:13
Moon 25Psc34 45 Saturn 10Aqr34 28.07.2021 4:41
Mercury 0Leo03 150 Jupiter 0Psc03 28.07.2021 4:45
Moon 29Psc03 150 Mars 29Leo03 28.07.2021 11:11
Moon 29Psc10 60 Sedna 29Tau10 28.07.2021 11:23
Moon 29Psc35 45 Uranus 14Tau35 28.07.2021 12:10
Moon 0Ari01 30 Jupiter 0Psc01 28.07.2021 12:59
Moon 0Ari55 120 Mercury 0Leo55 28.07.2021 14:42
Moon 1Ari07 60 Lilith 1Gem07 28.07.2021 15:04
Mars 29Leo10 90 Sedna 29Tau10 28.07.2021 15:33
Venus 7Vir49 90 S.Node 7Sgr49 28.07.2021 16:04
Venus 7Vir49 90 Node 7Gem49 28.07.2021 16:04
Mercury 1Leo08 60 Lilith 1Gem08 28.07.2021 17:06
Venus 7Vir55 165 Neptune 22Psc55 28.07.2021 18:09
Moon 4Ari06 180 Vesta 4Lib06 28.07.2021 20:41
July 29:
Sun 6Leo00 120 Moon 6Ari00 29.07.2021 0:19
Moon 7Ari47 120 S.Node 7Sgr47 29.07.2021 3:43
Moon 7Ari47 60 Node 7Gem47 29.07.2021 3:43
Moon 8Ari28 150 Venus 8Vir28 29.07.2021 5:00
Moon 10Ari29 60 Saturn 10Aqr29 29.07.2021 8:53
Moon 12Ari51 0 Chiron 12Ari51 29.07.2021 13:27
Moon 14Ari10 45 Sedna 29Tau10 29.07.2021 16:00
Moon 14Ari36 30 Uranus 14Tau36 29.07.2021 16:51
Moon 14Ari50 135 Mars 29Leo50 29.07.2021 17:18
Moon 14Ari53 45 Jupiter 29Aqr53 29.07.2021 17:23
Mars 29Leo53 180 Jupiter 29Aqr53 29.07.2021 18:50
Moon 16Ari15 45 Lilith 1Gem15 29.07.2021 20:04
UK: It is falling for 33 days! from 7218, bottomed at 6977; stop was 7121; move it 6925, only above it long; It bottomed at 6812! which produced a great short trade.
1306 King Phillip the Fair, orders expulsion of Jews out of France - how "fair"?
It is now 2:00 pm the Nifty closed after quite a rally, but not enough ! Stop is at 15815
Local Shares: Delek Kvutza, Aeronautics, Dipharm, Fox, IceSecure, KiTov, Analog, Bionvax, BonusBio,KolPlanet, ETC.
People in the news:
Comey , Muller , Pauline Hanson, RahulGandi, Nawaz Sharif, Mario Draghi, GeneWilder, Akihito 15/6, (emperor of Japan). Jerome Powell; Local politicians: Orly Levi; Ayman Ude, Yoav Galant, Emily Musati.
CAC, Solgrin, Ken Fight, COPPER FUTURES,Netflix, SNAPCHAT
Local shares: Ta35,Enerigian, Tower, Sapiens, Proktogania, Pluristem, Medigum, ken Fight, El Al,Canbit, Bazan, etc
Slowly, but surely, the world is going crazy:
WW3 fears as China threatens to NUKE Japan on eve of Olympics if it intervenes in Taiwan conflict
Watcher of the West The nature can be impulsive, headstrong, stubborn, and courageous. The life meets with unpredictable events, unexpected upsets and changes, and a loss of success can come from self-undoing. There is military and martial aptitude, bringing honor and favors. This is a warrior star. Those who have this star prominent in their charts often rebel against spiritual and religious oppression, bringing drastic changes in these areas.
SPCE: fell 46%
Today it is a day ruled by the Moon and Uranus. the Moon is in Scorpio, she will have no aspects or VOC after 7:30 GMT+3 till midnight.
KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty,BIG, PSTI, COIN,
Local : Robogrp, Mind,Hizdamnut Yahash, Foresight, Bezeq, Partner, Strauss Bluefenix (Block chainKria), etc.
" Thousands of people protested against mandatory vaccinations and other measures imposed by the Greek government to tackle the pandemic in Athens, Thessaloniki and other cities around Greece on Wednesday.
Alongside the around 4,000 that turned out in front of the Greek Parliament in Athens, police said several hundred people also took to the streets in the cities of Thessaloniki, Ioannina and Heraklion for the same reason."
Checking who else has a 0 Leo Sun, and can be affected by that Sol.ecl Mars : Oman, and Bahrain; so any news from there, will be under this eclipse. ( and anyone born on July 24th like Jennifer Lopez, any news around her?) I just read about her... so she was married 3 times, 1) for 1 month; 2: for 9 months, 3) for 7 years - had twins during this time. Now she is with Ben Affleck. She has no time of birth, but I would put Uranus in her 7th...
Demonstrators called for an end to restrictions just hours after Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced the state would enter a five-day snap lockdown from midnight.
“We’ve got to do this, otherwise it will get away with us and we, as more than any other part of our nation know, we don’t want this getting away from us and being locked down for months,” Mr Andrews said.
“We want to deal with this with a short, sharp, lockdown, decisive action, not waiting, not dawdling, now is our time.”
regarding TA35: the arbitrage is 0.58%; so what I wrote yesterday about the trade range is valid. Just realized, there is no trade tomorrow, due to a religious holiday.. so all is postponed to Monday.
Some ask if becoming a billionaire creates a new type of disease of assuming they are demi-gods. They certainly seem to lose touch with humanity. They seem to allegedly cheer genocide as long as they can pull it off without a gun or gas chamber. Does having too much money that could never be spent bring out the Hitler in people? I would love to see a physiological study on that subject." - there is more in the article!!
Tisha B'Av (Hebrew: תִּשְׁעָה בְּאָב[a] Tīšʿā Bəʾāv; IPA: "the ninth of Av") is an annual fast day in Judaism, on which a number of disasters in Jewish history occurred, primarily the destruction of both Solomon's Temple by the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the Second Temple by the Roman Empire in Jerusalem.
Tisha B'Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and it is thus believed to be a day which is destined for tragedy.[2][3] Tisha B'Av falls in July or August in the Gregorian calendar.
The observance of the day includes five prohibitions, most notable of which is a 25-hour fast. The Book of Lamentations, which mourns the destruction of Jerusalem is read in the synagogue, followed by the recitation of kinnot, liturgical dirges that lament the loss of the Temples and Jerusalem. As the day has become associated with remembrance of other major calamities which have befallen the Jewish people, some kinnot also recall events such as the murder of the Ten Martyrs by the Romans, massacres in numerous medieval Jewish communities during the Crusades, and the Holocaust.
Thousands of Cubans marched on Havana’s Malecon promenade and elsewhere on the island Sunday to protest food shortages and high prices amid the coronavirus crisis, in one of the biggest anti-government demonstrations in memory.
Many young people took part in the afternoon protest in the capital, which disrupted traffic until police moved in after several hours and broke up the march when a few protesters threw rocks."
DURBAN, South Africa, July 14 (Reuters) - South Africa plans to deploy up to 25,000 soldiers in two provinces where security forces are struggling to quell days of looting, arson and violence, its defence minister told a parliamentary committee on Wednesday, according to local news channel eNCA.
A military surge of that size would increase tenfold the number of soldiers deployed in the hot spots of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng provinces, where the police and army have been battling unrest for days.
"We have now submitted a request for deployment of (about) 25,000 members," according to a video recording of Defence and Military Veterans' Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula shown on eNCA.
Triggered by the jailing of ex-president Jacob Zuma last week, after he failed to appear at a corruption inquiry, protests have widened into an orgy of looting and an outpouring of anger over the hardship and inequality that persist in South Africa 27 years after the end of apartheid."
Police in Paris fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators on Wednesday, as 19,000 people protested throughout France over new coronavirus restrictions.
Some of the protests began in the morning in Paris as the annual military parade for the traditional Bastille Day parade, watched by President Emmanuel Macron, was taking place along the famous Champs-Elysees.
The demonstrators are unhappy at the decision announced on Monday to oblige health workers to get vaccinated and bring in a vaccine health pass to most public places.'
1789 Storming of the Bastille
Bastille, a prison housing only 7 prisoners at the time, was stormed by a crowd calling for the closure of the prison. The storming became the central event of the French Revolution."
The Company To Watch As Helium Prices Soar in 2021
Dear Reader,
Big Tech may be in for a major crisis in the coming months, all because of a global shortage virtually nobody’s talking about.
And it has nothing to do with the shortages we’ve seen worldwide in everything from computer chips to lumber to chicken wings.
This supply squeeze runs far deeper and has the potential to crush major blue-chip companies if the situation doesn’t dramatically improve soon.
That’s because Big Tech companies like Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook, and Netflix all depend on this one gas to keep their servers up and running around the clock.
Helium - which is both abundant, yet extremely rare - has unique properties that make it the perfect fit for creating the technology that’s become a part of our daily life.
It’s responsible for helping create today’s cars, bringing you high-speed internet cables, and even building the device you’re reading this on right now.
The health sector is in desperate need of this gas too since it’s needed to cool the magnets inside of MRI machines.
In fact, it’s such a crucial piece of so many different industries that helium has even been identified as one of 35 minerals deemed critical to the United States’ national security.
That’s why it’s so devastating that supply has taken a complete nosedive recently.
As a result, it’s caused the price of the rare gas to increase more than 3x in recent years… And it seems to be soaring higher by the day."
If you are interested, check this out too.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SPCE: stop was 44 - scroll down, now at 40.69- fell with 17%!!! People are crazy to spend millions for a minute in space, when millions of people are hungry in Africa. God damn.
BA: last stop was on 5/19 = 225- ran up to 258; and fell; now bad news on the net... Raise stop to 236.
For the new users:…..some things you should know: My calculations of the stops are based either on technical analysis, or on planetary cycles. Once I write the stop is X- you should prepare to have a buy order above it and a sell order below it. Once one of them is triggered, you close the other order. Sometimes the targets are very close, because there are many resistances, and only gapping up it would go higher.
July 8 alert for the S&P spot was : Price is 4358 now. Move stop to 4351; targets: 4358-61-62-66-73-75. Now at 4370
Looking at the Gann wheel from 666 low: 4356-73!
July 11, 2021 Sunday
What did I write Saturday? It will be a gap up today at the opening and a long boring consolidation. Trades now- 15 min before the close at 380; and there is an open gap to 900.
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