New Moon in Aquarius , 2023 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology by Gabriella Mittelman

 Between January 21,2023- to February 20, 2023 

Thank You , for following me from the former article   
                                                                                               You can read about me here:

January 21 New Moon falls in the 4th house; this is in the sky, if I use natal chart, it is different. During this Lunar month, till Feb. 20; the Sun moves from 1 Aqua to  Pisc; 
There are many changes in the sky; here is the table of the month : no moon 
Aspects till the month ends : 
Actual aspects
Begin: 22.01.2023  Period: 1 month  (GMT+2)
                                                    Aspect Exact
Mercury       9Cap02  45 Venus        24Aqr00  22.01.2023  9:41
Mercury       9Cap19  60 S.Node        9Sco20  22.01.2023 23:48
Mercury       9Cap19 120 Node          9Tau20  22.01.2023 23:48
Venus        24Aqr47   0 Saturn       24Aqr47  23.01.2023  0:13
Neptune      23Psc22   0 Vesta        23Psc22  23.01.2023 22:02
Mercury       9Cap55  45 Saturn       24Aqr55  24.01.2023  1:09
Mars          9Gem00 150 S.Node        9Sco00  24.01.2023 22:27
Mars          9Gem00  30 Node          9Tau00  24.01.2023 22:27
Venus        27Aqr25  45 Chiron       12Ari25  25.01.2023  2:46
Sun           4Aqr48  60 Jupiter       4Ari47  25.01.2023  3:30
S.Node        8Sco58 135 Vesta        23Psc57  25.01.2023  7:38
Node          8Tau58  45 Vesta        23Psc57  25.01.2023  7:38
Venus        28Aqr28  30 Pluto        28Cap28  25.01.2023 22:59
Mercury      12Cap29  90 Chiron       12Ari29  27.01.2023 12:42
Sun           8Aqr30  45 Neptune      23Psc30  28.01.2023 19:03
Saturn       25Aqr28  30 Vesta        25Psc28  28.01.2023 20:15
Sun           8Aqr50  90 Node          8Tau50  29.01.2023  2:49
Sun           8Aqr50  90 S.Node        8Sco50  29.01.2023  2:49
Sun           9Aqr53 120 Mars          9Gem53  30.01.2023  3:45
Mercury      14Cap58 120 Uranus       14Tau58  30.01.2023  4:16
My services : 
 Alert service for world indices, commodities and Cryptoswith stops and targets: 
For 2 indices you chose $60/per month.
  For 3 : $75/m
  For 4 : $80/month.

*Natal chart reading: $430, ( + 5% PP )
 *Daily alerts for 30$ per day, for anything you can think of... So, for example, to receive for 5 trading days alerts every day, for the Gold and S&P, that would cost $300 + 5% (including PayPal fees 5%).=$315
*The yearly forecast report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $365  for a year.
pls. contact me here ; for further info. 
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If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts and you wish to study, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course". ( 10 meetings, $7500 lot of homework! If interested will send syllabus )

Here is a link to my You Tube channel: GMAMA
You might want to click "interesting, cool" at the bottom of the article and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind. And don't forget to click "Like" at the bottom of the article!!
Here is a link to my Telegram group! Join the discussion, and the trades there!
In Hebrew gematria Binjamin Natanyahu a means -" the destruction  of the house."..- so he is here to destroy in a year or 2, whatever was built in 72 years... 
However, I feel sorry for him , who has to live with Sara and his son, Yair.. 
He might face jail for 19 years, but if not; it will be worse living with those two. 
But, meanwhile I am gaining on the weakening shekel; since JPM and other US banks are taking out money from Israel. 
JPMorgan warns of growing risk to investing in Israel due to judicial shakeup plans
Internal memo from US banking behemoth cites ‘geopolitical hostilities’ and proposed overhaul of judicial system, which it says could adversely impact Israeli credit rating"

February 19, 2023 Sunday 
It was a boring , unsignificant day, trade wise. I kept my positions and will be holding till Wednesday. 
Nothing important to write about, except for the fact, that Sara Nethanyahu flew to the UK yesterday, probably for further check up about Cirrhosis. Too much champagne?? Or maybe that Sun+Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio is hitting back...I don' thave her time of birth, bit it's enough to see, that the SN and Uranus are in action.  
SInce we are approaching the New Moon, I shall start a new article. New Moon in Pisces, 2023. Please follow me there. 

February 18, 2023 Saturday
USA markets yesterday: ended with a bullish sentiment.
But, based on what? not on the banks !
Next week: 
Sunday : with the Moon in Aquarius we might get an up correction. There is no trade in the USA, so "players" can do as they wish with TA35; which one can diverse with 100K; so, till Tuesday we are in the void. Wednesday will be the last day to trade February options; so not much left to dwell on ; better switch to March; 
Between 21-24 Feb: GMT+2
Actual aspects
Begin: 21.02.2023  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
Mercury      15Aqr20  90 Uranus       15Tau20  22.02.2023  0:22
Mercury      16Aqr45 120 Mars         16Gem45  22.02.2023 22:14
Sun           4Psc42  45 Moon         19Ari42  23.02.2023 16:27
or for NY hours: 
Begin: 20.02.2023  Period: 3 days  (GMT-5)
                                                    Aspect Exact
Mercury      15Aqr20  90 Uranus       15Tau20  21.02.2023 17:22
Mercury      16Aqr45 120 Mars         16Gem45  22.02.2023 15:14
Sun           4Psc42  45 Moon               19Ari42  23.02.2023  9:27
I checked in TS; how did the Gold perform during March: outcome , for the last 20 years, more down than up. 

February 17, 2023 Friday
On the day of the Tower, markets fell again.... 
Nasdaq: 60 min: short below 12447.
For today: ZET tells us it is a good day; why? because the Moon is approaching the Sun, in sextile and trines Uranus. In the cards it is a day of Aquarius...

9:25 am; I sent updates to subscribers. Pls. renew your membership ASAP. 
Dear all;
I have been sending alerts for years; for almost free.
Now it's time to start to pay for it , if you are interested...

For 2 indices you chose $60/per month.
For 3 : $75/m
For 4 : $80/month.
Pls. let me know
Thanks and good luck .


February 16, 2023 Thursday
The USA markets rallied up yesterday; but again, not yet above former tops! What we see now is just a correction of last fall. 
For the S&P , DOW: should go above 2/14 top; for the Nasdaq 2/2 top; The BTC rallied yesterday; so I guess you gained nicely there; 
What is happening today? and news from the world: 
We are under Jupiter effect; and the card of the TOWER; which is not very sympathetic! The no.16 is a Karmic no. in numerology; in the sky: the Moon moved to Capricorn right now; 
16.02.2023  2:02:56 27°01'59"Sgr Sextile Sun
16.02.2023  3:05:39 27°39'32"Sgr Sextile Saturn
16.02.2023  6:59:30  0°00'00"Cap <<<
16.02.2023 22:10:26  9°13'20"Cap Square Jupiter
And finally we have the exact conjunctions between Sun-Saturn; Venus-Neptune; Mercury squares the Nodes too; so to trade that; we should tighten our stops; if in the daily;60m or 15 min; depends what u trade; and still stay long; but... watch the volumes as well.. 
Upcoming announcements: 
JKSE: with my last alerts: 
Israel GDP: Lapid was PM between July 1- Dec. 29, 2023

February 15, 2023 Wednesday
In the S&P yesterday, due to the CPI announcement, there was an 80 points move up then down; but even so, it did not go above the last top of Feb 2nd; so, for swings we are still short below that top. In the intraday trade one could gain nicely with this move if has quick fingers and faster mind to actually do it. 
We should follow the Neptune risings in the future, to check if indices make a top during it
For today: being a Mercury day again, we will get a nervous trading day; any announcements? 
All positive forecasts..
This time the announcements will be under Venus Rising; 
Current interest rates: scroll down to see the animated evolution since 1970

For Israel inflation was just unbelievable between 1979-86 : 
Sudden rally - to wipe out all puts

TA35: 1 min : verrrry hectic day 

February 14, 2023 Tuesday 
FINVIZ would not load, so here is another site: showing the rally in the USA yesterday.
As we approach all those couples in the sky the markets turned up; but still made lower highs.So I am suspicious how long the rally can hold. 
The Banks went up a little yesterday

February 13, 2023 Monday: 
If I use 1 degree orb in my trade, we don't see much in today's chart... It says "Satan Day" 
We do see there "coupeling up"; so I have to enlarge the orbs to see this: 
Since we know how fast each planet moves, we can figure out when will these aspects will be exact... but these aspects are already in action. So what I read on FB; is the USA shot down some unknown object... People think it's E.T flying over... I doubt that, since they fly much faster than humans... so that is shown under that square :Mercury and the nodes. What do you think of that ?? 
Anyways, let's look at the markets: 
Asia: most of the indices are red: Pls. use the stops I sent during the weekend, and adjust them down. 
As for China50: so the question now is, will it tale the rest of the indices up with it? 
It is now 8:33 am; so Europe will start trading in a minute.. today we are under the affect of the Moon and the NN and Uranus. 
13.02.2023  0:42:23 15°07'59"Sco Opposition Uranus- not relevant; 
13.02.2023 12:16:23 21°29'19"Sco Trine Venus
13.02.2023 16:48:25 24°00'13"Sco Trine Neptune
13.02.2023 18:00:35 24°40'23"Sco Square Sun
13.02.2023 22:52:58 27°23'45"Sco Square Saturn
For intraday: GMT+2 
DAX: with an update for today: 
Huge demonstartion againt the gov. !!

February 12, 2023 Sunday 
Yesterday evning there was again a huge demostration in Israel, against Netanyahu's gov. and for democracy. This week will be crucial; they want to pass laws that the gov is above the law...

In the sky today the Moon is conjunct the South Node; 
Below is the chart of Israel with transits for today: Till late March situation will get worse; thaen is transiting Mars arriving to Uranus- (revolution). Also tr.Neptune will square the Sun, will Bibi step down? due to" sickness"? just to avoid jail? Hard to believe..
Netanyahu's chart  Asc... As per this chart the MC- career is under Mercury, which is at 9 Libra, in the equal houses I use, in the 10th house; and Jupiter is right across it today , Feb 12, at 8Aries; he has a stellium in Libra; between 9-27 degrees, all those planets are triggered by the outers.
Feb 12 transits: 
March 20 transits:
there is no way nothing will happen to him under these aspects! This time is as per his birth certificate I got from a friend; till now I used a rectified time with Cap.Asc.

Even in his Sec.Progressed chart the South Node is conjunct his Mercury- so threat to his career. Also Venus, ruler of H6= health is under the pressure of the Nodes. 
With the clock ticking, our market opens now under a Moon hour. The Moon is in Scorpio; conjunct the SN. and Point of Unusual events... Mercury just entered Aquarius; leaving Pluto behind, in Cap. The Sun is coming into a conjunction with Saturn; Venus with Neptune; and Mars still brings casualties, dead, accidents among the young people; being in Gemini and OOB. (Yesterday a terrorist drove over the crowd, killing 2 children and one 20 year old. )
" Two children and a young man were killed and four others were injured in a terrorist ramming attack near the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem on Friday afternoon.
The terrorist, identified as Hossein Karaka, a 31-year-old resident of the Isawiya neighborhood of east Jerusalem, rammed into a bus stop at the entrance to the Ramot neighborhood.
An off-duty police officer and other officers who arrived at the scene quickly after the attack shot the terrorist." 

February 11. 2023 Saturday
On Saturdays I always send my updates to subscribers,it is quiet and I can concentrate. LOL
If you are still not one on my list, you can always start today!
Let's see what is happening next week ? 
Here is the aspect table for the first 3 days: Zet gives either 3 days or a month. 

Begin: 12.02.2023  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
                               Aspect Exact during trading hours 
Sun           45 Jupiter       12.02.2023  8:48
Moon           0 S.Node        12.02.2023  9:32
Moon         180 Node          12.02.2023 11:45
Moon         150 Jupiter       12.02.2023 13:02
Moon         120 Venus         13.02.2023 13:26
Venus         45 Node          13.02.2023 16:53
Moon         120 Neptune       13.02.2023 16:56
Sun           90 Moon          13.02.2023 17:49
Moon          90 Saturn        13.02.2023 21:33
Moon          60 Pluto         14.02.2023  0:15
Moon          60 Mercury       14.02.2023 12:04
Moon         150 Node          14.02.2023 16:15
Moon         120 Jupiter       14.02.2023 18:47
For one month - no Moon : 

The most important position in the sky for the week is the Sun coming into a conjunction with Saturn. this happens once a year; And it will be for the last time till Jan 2050, when Saturn will return to Aquarius.. Since March 2020 Saturn was in Aquarius; and we saw the hardships that started with Covid 19; new world order; governments fell, wars broke out etc.
As I explained in my videos in 2019-2020-2021; the "situation we have in the sky in the last 2-3 years is unprecedented... Look; I made a search till 2100! Saturn will be again in Aquarius , but none of the other outer planets will be in the same sign as now! 
Uranus was in Gemini in 1942-( WWII)  and will be again as of Aprl 26, 2026; so the outlook into the future is bad. 
Since year 100 to 2200- this unique planetary position that we have since 2020;  will not return. 
Let's see when were the planets in the next sign ? 
As you can see; 
Enlarged: since they were not present (except for Uranus) will we avoid, escape WWIII? 
Range of search: 1.01.1300 - 1.12.2200
In steps of: 24h 0m 0s
Search for...:

Realization intervals (begin - end):
 7.01.1356  0:00 (GMT) -  6.12.1362  0:00 (GMT)
 9.10.1439  0:00 (GMT) - 11.09.1446  0:00 (GMT)
12.07.1523  0:00 (GMT) - 17.06.1530  0:00 (GMT)
20.04.1607  0:00 (GMT) - 30.03.1614  0:00 (GMT)
20.01.1691  0:00 (GMT) -  4.01.1698  0:00 (GMT)
20.10.1774  0:00 (GMT) - 11.10.1781  0:00 (GMT)
23.07.1858  0:00 (GMT) - 20.07.1865  0:00 (GMT)
17.04.1942  0:00 (GMT) - 21.04.1949  0:00 (GMT)
10.01.2026  0:00 (GMT) - 21.01.2033  0:00 (GMT)

February 9 ,2023 Thursday 

Yesterday the USA markets called out the bears again. People are not buying Powells's words.
Nasdaq future: Gann lines show the trade range 
Today it is the day of Jupiter and Mars; they are not in aspect. Actually Mars is solitary. the Moon is at 28 Virgo, last decan in an earth sign, the Earth is still unsettled. 
Mercury,Saturn, Neptune, Pluto,  too being in the last decan of a sign.
TA35: for today: a - 0.56% arbitrage will push the index down. Today it's the weekly options expiry; so I guess again we will have a very volatile day. 50% correction of the 1/30-2/2/ rally is at 1770.

Begin: 9.02.2023  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
                               Aspect Exact
Moon         120 Pluto          9.02.2023  8:40
Moon         150 Node          10.02.2023  0:27
Moon         180 Jupiter       10.02.2023  2:02
Moon         120 Mars          10.02.2023 11:25
Oil: stop = 78

February 8, 2023 Wednesday 
The Earth is not quiet; multiple small earthquakes all the time, we had one here too, but this time I didn't feel it. It was north to Jerusalem; Yesterday Powell spoke; immediatly the markets crashed but made a full recovery and closed with higher highs. So today, a day ruled by Mercury, it will be again a crazy zig-zag trading day. 
Helio centric chart: Mercury 90^ Saturn!! 
In the Geocentric sky Venus 60^Uranus.
To trade, use the last low in the 60Min. chart and be long. 

Today, for TA35: there is a strong positve arbitrage: so index will gap up from 1806.28 to 1815- a level that was so difficult to reach; once above, it will go to 1822-25-28 .
Moon aspects today: 
 8.02.2023  5:01:04 14°55'46"Vir Opposition Venus - not relevant- it is now 9:14am
 8.02.2023  5:16:04 15°03'19"Vir Trine Uranus - ''                                        ''
 8.02.2023 22:39:56 23°50'42"Vir Opposition Neptune
                               Aspect Exact
Venus         60 Uranus         8.02.2023  7:29
Uranus        45 Vesta          8.02.2023  9:54
Mercury       30 Saturn         9.02.2023  4:48
Mercury      108 Uranus         9.02.2023  9:20
Mercury      135 Mars           9.02.2023 15:23
Sun           45 Jupiter       12.02.2023  8:49
Sun           30 Neptune       13.02.2023  1:37
Mercury       60 Vesta         13.02.2023  1:54
Sun           60 Eris          13.02.2023  2:23
Neptune       30 Eris          14.02.2023  5:00
Mars         135 Pluto         15.02.2023  6:10
Venus         30 Eris          15.02.2023 13:39
Venus          0 Neptune       15.02.2023 14:25
Sun            0 Saturn        16.02.2023 18:48
Sun           45 Chiron        17.02.2023  7:43
Mercury       45 Neptune       17.02.2023 22:47
6:18 pm

February 7, 2023 Tuesday 
The Moon moved to Virgo now, an Earth sign, will it calm down the earthquakes ?? Unfortunatly the NNode is still in the first Decan of Taurus; (also Earth sign) and runs throught Turkey longitude line 
For today, Tuesday, Mars and  Neptune! are ruling... there is always a CIT when we meet Neptune. 
ES1: dtop is 4140; target 4016-
In Asia these are green: 
OIL: Stop sent 2/2 = 73.35 - now 75,25
GOld : Long above 1885 
10:00 Hour of Jupiter!! good one- markets up
BTC: 2/7: Stop  = 22900 = former low was 22516- that is target, Falling belw next short + 22300; CIT: NY time 2/8:  8:15 pm
BA: news: 
MRNA: It failed to go above 179- and fell - as expected. If below 173 will go to 168
Double short if below 41.45- targets 36-34

February 6, 2023 Monday 
I woke up at 3:22 that my bed is rocking below me.. I dressed up, and looked out, but none of my neighors came out. I felt dizzy and I saw the lamps and my plant that hangs from the ceiling, circling. It was in Turkey, 7.8 on Richter skale, and immediatly after another one 6.8 
Neptune must always be there, in an aspect when an earthquake happens. THis time it was Moon 150^Neptune, and Mercury, Neptune 90 Asc. Many many casualties in Turkey... Terrible. 

February 5, 2023 Sunday : 
TA35: Fell today to 1808 and closed at 1817- for tomorrow, if above 1815- might go to 1822, but it will fall later. 
I sent alerts for the USA markets, Europe and Asia so good luck !!

TA35: as expected; fell to 1815-1811 even made bottom at 1808.11 Great gain in Puts that I bought on Thursday. I went to my pilates lesson, but entered sell prices, all were triggered; Now 1811 is stop- and price now is 1813.69 ( 12:03 noon ); failing to go above 1815- we will see 1800. 
Interesting event here in Israel : Bibi wanted to go to Paris ; or was it Sara? or Yair? for the weekend; but look what a miracle !! no pilot of EL AL wanted to fly them!! what a shame!! He invited himself to a meet with Macron... what a shame... for the "her highness" to eat croissons in Paris in a weekend... only to get a cold shower for Macron.
"The Prime Minister landed in France this evening, but even before takeoff, the network was abuzz over what appeared to be Mary's attempt at El-Al: one captain wrote a political message and called for opposition to flying the Prime Minister - and was reprimanded on the spot. The airline stated that there were technical problems with the crew of Netanyahu's flight, but not on political background"
the truth is that NO pilot of ELAL wanted to take them to Paris, a flight that cost hundreds of thousands of shekels. 
What happened at the end?? Netanyahu wants to nominate Meir Haviv as ambassador in Paris, who was defamed due to (election fraud) in Paris ; Macron said, if so, all doors will be closed before him. 
France nixes election of Jewish MP as Netanyahu said to consider him for ambassador" 
but that was not the only "cold shower he, BIBI, got.... 

February 4, 2023 Saturday:
Yesterday, at 12 noon, when the bells rang, the USA markets reversed and the rally that started in the morning, stopped and markets reversed.

Could we know that in advance? hardly. maybe using the rising and setting of the planets could give a clue.  
If you don't know astrology, and use only technical analysis: here is the 15 min chart of ES1: 
I use in trading view 2 indicators : Holders' sentiment; that shows even sincer 2/2 that theydidn't buy the FED. words... as we saw in the banks too; and the "Squeeze momentum indicator" which is like an MACD- that too topped on 2/1; and is declining since. 
Let me check if anything happened fundamentally in the world? 
U.S. Unemployment Rate Unexpectedly Rises, Despite Strong Job Creation
and this: Gold
Now I will send new updates for this week.
Cryptos performance in a week: 
TA35: For tomorrow trade: We have a negative arbitrage; the close was 1834.18; opening below 1830; will push the index back to 1828-1826-1823-1821-1818- 1811.
Time tunnel: low on 1/31 + 5 Fibo days ! time for a reversal. There is an open gap to 1800; falling below next = 1770.
In the sky we have a "deja vu" from Nov 8, 2022, then for 3 days the index fell with 2%;
This relates to all markets... so check your index and apply it.
Planetary positions for Feb 6-9: 
 Aspect Exact
Venus         30 Chiron         6.02.2023 12:24
Mercury       60 Neptune        6.02.2023 20:26
Venus         45 Pluto          7.02.2023  8:21
Jupiter      150 S.Node         7.02.2023 16:29
Jupiter       30 Node           7.02.2023 16:29
Mercury       72 Jupiter        8.02.2023  3:07
Venus         60 Uranus         8.02.2023  7:29
Uranus        45 Vesta          8.02.2023  9:54
Mars          72 Vesta          8.02.2023 11:00
Some Forex thoughts: 
GBP/USD: Rallied from Sept 26 to Jan 23 = 119 days = almost 120! Now it is correcting that rally, Closed at 1.20508- in the daily we are short below 1.22 ; ; Target Jan 6 low, CIT 2/8, 20
EUR/USD : Up between Jan 6- Feb 1 : now it is correcting that rise; falling below Jan 6 low- double short. Stop was 1.0840- as per rule we adjusted it as it went up to 1.1020 expecting 1.1050 once it was not reached, short was triggered below 1.1020 Now at 1.07925 ; stop is at 1.0810- expecting 1.0780 and lower/ Falling below Jan 17th low, more short.  to 1.07305
USD/JPY: It is correcting the fall from Oct 21-Jan 15 = using 60 Min bars - that is 1446 bars - while 1440 is a Fibo number... divide 1446 by 8 - we get 180.75 bars- that gives us a CIT approx - on Feb 6, 15,27  and price wise - long above 130. - tgt 132.93

February 3, 2023 Friday
I wrote it will be reversible, and it was... 
The banks didn't react to the sweet talks.. 

XLF: should go above 37.10 for this grroup to catch up and rally 
For today, we are under the energies of Venus and Mars, they are in square. Venus is at Sa/Nep MP: Ebertin wrote: " Inhibited sex expression the statte of being fed upfaintness or feebleness; suffering in love." this doesn't help much in the markets, but if we think pf it, Venus is in exaltation in Pisces, so very strong, but it is "locked between severe, strickt Saturn and "foggy" Neptune; any events,fraud, manipulation, firing in a bank? that would explain this position. 
After I posted that midpoint I checked Bankin news, and that's what I found... 

February 2, 2023 Thursday: 
At 20:30 my time,after some good announcements, USA markets rallied 
However, this happening under a VOC Moon; it says it is reversible.. Now the Moon is already in her domicile, Cancer; in square to Jupiter; as posted yesterday: 
1.02.2023 22:11:12  0°00'00"Cnc <<<
2.02.2023 10:54:46  6°18'50"Cnc Square Jupiter
2.02.2023 14:14:40  7°57'52"Cnc Trine Venus
Shouldn't the banks rally, if everything is so rosy ? 
local and USA banks: 
FUTURES now: 9"25 am 
So, I am skeptical as you can see.. 
For today, a day ruled by the Moon and Jupiter; 
Dates for the Moon VOC in FEB: 

Moon Perigee: close to Earth and strong - in AQUA !! 19.02.2023   10:58  17Aqr21
All these dates will be important. 
Next Fed. announcement forecast 
14:00  GBPBoE Interest Rate Decision (Jan)4.00%4.00%3.50%

15:15  EURECB Interest Rate Decision (Feb) 3.00%2.50%
15:15  EURECB Interest Rate Decision (Feb)3.00%3.00%2.50%
17:15  EURECB President Lagarde Speaks  

Armstrong agrees with my thoughts: 

" The Fed’s cautionary commentary saying that the “disinflation process” has started triggered shares to jump ending up 1%. This shows how insane the analysis had become that they cheer a recession and think that lower interest rates are bullish for the stock market. Obviously, they just listen to the talking heads on TV and have never bothered to look at reality. When interest rates decline, so has the stock market. Interest rates rose for the entire Trump Rally, and they crashed during the Great Recession of 2007-2009. For the life of me, I just shake my head when the talking heads cheer lower rates and spread doom and gloom with higher rates."

February 1, 2023 Wednesday
We wave good bye to January that had not a drop of rain in its pocket, and welcome February; with heavy storms all night, and floods all over the country. 
In January 2023 we have 2 lows; we use them to count the days: Jan.5; and 20th; also untill Dec 13th top ( DOW) is not reached, it trades in a triangle; If abbove 34712- then it might run up to 35-36000; It all depends on the Fed announcement today. 

Meanwhile Asia is dark green ;
Nifty and Bank Nifty in a rally after this announcement: 
AXJO: is heading to April top; China50 should not fall below Jan 19 low; Hang Seng, JKSE, NIkkei, SZse:  stop is 1/31 low; IND50 stop is 17800; KLSE; SSE: are in short; 
Europe: 1 month performance: 
most of them trade between Jan 20-27th levels; below 1/20th  price short will be triggered. 
Today it is a trickster Mercury day, it is at 17♑; mark these dates in the calendar! 
while Venus: Banks- forex: is slowing down in its move: 
Venus speed in 2022: check out the dates! 
So, to trade this; also don't forget, the Moon is in Gemini!! brings a zig zag trade -sudden falls and reversals; 
1.02.2023  9:20:44 23°36'27"Gem Square Neptune
1.02.2023 13:57:58 25°54'39"Gem Trine Saturn
1.02.2023 22:11:12  0°00'00"Cnc <<<
2.02.2023 10:54:46  6°18'50"Cnc Square Jupiter
2.02.2023 14:14:40  7°57'52"Cnc Trine Venus
3.02.2023  4:27:08 14°59'42"Cnc Sextile Uranus
3.02.2023 14:08:53 19°47'19"Cnc Opposition Mercury
3.02.2023 22:01:51 23°41'06"Cnc Trine Neptune
And also Sun 90^ Uranus!!
Better don't trade if you cannot watch the market. 
Full moon is on the 5th! mark this date too in the calendar.. for a CIT:

January 31, 2023 Tuesday
USA markets yesterday were a one way ticket!
Was it because of the Moon in Gemini, or Mrs.Yellen's speach? or maybe the 4.75% inflation forecast? The fact is, for example, for the DJI: it is correcting the rally between Sept.30/22- Dec 1. - My alert sent to subscribers on the 28th was:  
1/28 : double top but lower on 12/13 + 1/13;  at 33978 stop was 34287 -  short was triggered below.  Now the stop  moves to  33975 -or if too tight 33945- should go above 34005 to go higher.  CIT:2/2 Fed announcement! 
The futures are red: 
TA35 usually followed the Nasdaq or the S&P; since Jan.18th it broke away and fell by 6.4%; the USA markets havn't started even yet to correct... but it will come..The target for the DOW is at least 31200. The Nifty also is falling since Dec.1; so far 7/5% down from the top; it is forming an M pattern, targeting 17180;  if stops there it might correct upwards.
All that bottomed on Sept.30th - will have a CIT on Feb.12
And all that topped on Dec/1 - had a CIT on Jan 30th. Next day to watch is Feb.2; on this day the Moon will be in Cancer; 
Actual aspects
Begin: 1.02.2023  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
                               Aspect Exact
Venus         30 Jupiter        1.02.2023  1:14
Sun           45 Vesta          1.02.2023  2:58
Moon          90 Neptune        1.02.2023  9:21
Moon          45 Node           1.02.2023  9:29
Moon         135 S.Node         1.02.2023  9:29
Moon         120 Saturn         1.02.2023 13:58
Moon          90 Vesta          1.02.2023 16:24
Sun          135 Moon           1.02.2023 17:07
Neptune       45 Node           1.02.2023 19:18
Neptune      135 S.Node         1.02.2023 19:19
Moon         150 Pluto          1.02.2023 19:33
Sun           60 Chiron         1.02.2023 21:27
21:00  USDFed Interest Rate Decision 4.75%4.50%
Moon          45 Uranus         1.02.2023 22:09
Moon         165 Mercury        2.02.2023  4:35
Moon          90 Jupiter        2.02.2023 10:55
14:00  GBPBoE Interest Rate Decision (Jan) 4.00%3.50%
Moon         120 Venus          2.02.2023 14:15
15:15  EURECB Interest Rate Decision (Feb) 3.00%2.50%
Moon          60 Node           2.02.2023 15:18
Moon         120 S.Node         2.02.2023 15:18
Moon          30 Mars           2.02.2023 19:41
Moon         135 Saturn         2.02.2023 20:30
Moon         108 Neptune        2.02.2023 21:42
Venus         60 Node           2.02.2023 23:09
Venus        120 S.Node         2.02.2023 23:09
Moon          90 Chiron         2.02.2023 23:49
Chart of Feb 1, 9 pm : Moon conjunct Betelgeuze; Mars conjunct Aldebran Neptune conjunct Markab; one cannot make this up !! also the Sun is at the Saturn/Pluto midpoint. Ebertin wrote " Renunciation, privation,a physical separation" 
Aldebran: " Aldebaran is one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. Its image is the likeness of God, or of a flying man. Rules carbuncle, ruby, milky thistle, and “matry-silva”. [2]

This is one of the four key stars in the heavens, also called Archangel stars, Michael in this case – military commander of the Heavenly Host. It was also called “Watcher of the East”, possibly since it is the bull’s eye, though each of the Archangels is a “Watcher of”; Gabriel (Fomalhaut) of the South; Raphael (Regulus) of the North; Oriel (Antares) of the West. At one time they marked the two Equinoxes and two Solstices.To Ptolemy, Aldebaran was a Mars-type star, and indeed the red giant can be mistaken for that red planet at times, so it is no surprise that it has been much associated with war and military careers, and “The Follower”, as its name translates, can well be taken to imply following in the steps of the celestial general, Michael. The idea put forward by some mundane-minded astronomers, that the name means only the star comes soon after the Pleiades star group, makes little sense since every star follows some other in that manner.

In astrological practice, it is not assumed that Aldebaran necessarily promises success in war – unless it is especially well aspected to other items on the horoscope, as opposed to it is the Mars-Jupiter star Antares, for the inclusion of Jupiter in the Ptolemaic styling of this star actually implies more power than Aldebaran, Any general launching an attack with one of the pair in the Ascendant for himself should remember that the other fellow has the other star in HIS Ascendant. Many generals have discounted this even after consulting an astrologer! (And have regretted it).
Read more here ( thanks to Jamie)
Neptune conjunct Markab: ( till Feb 18th ) Fixed star Markab gives honor, riches, fortune, danger from fevers, cuts, blows, stabs and fire and a violent death. Markab is of the nature of Mars and Mercury (high enterprise, combative, destructive.) [1]

Markab portends danger from cuts or stabs and fire, but can also indicate riches and honor. [2]Neptune conjunct Markab: Unbalanced or abnormal mind, many disappointments, emotional, romantic, distasteful environment, secret enemies, domestic disharmony, many accidents, violent death in early life. [1] Read more here:
Theodore Roosevelt 0°57′, Nikola Tesla 1°07′, Sigmund Freud 1°37′
All these crucial conjunctions during the first week of February- point not only to the worsening in econimy, but also trigger wars. 
Since CHina is back, we must follow their move: 
CN50 : most indices in Asia are red, except for the Nifty Bank; 
Bank Nifty: in 48 days fell: more than 10%; the rise of today will not last. IMHO; CIT:2/1 +2/8 
Comparing with Hang Seng, SSE, Nikkei: 
GOLD: is correcting the rise between 1749 on Dec 16- 1960 on Jan 26; It broke down with a gap today; Targets are 1907-1900 even lower to 1856
For the Nasdaq USTECH alert was to go short below 12235; now it is at 11942

On this day the famous Baba Wanga was born in 1911, also Franz Schubert in 1797. 
Less in everything: slowers economic growth : 
UBS reported $1.7 billion of net income for the fourth quarter of last year, bringing its full-year profit to $7.6 billion in 2022.
“The rate environment is helping the business on one side, and that offsets some of the lower activity that we see on the investment side,” CEO Ralph Hamers told CNBC’s Geoff Cutmore Tuesday.
The Swiss bank said it will be purchasing more of its own shares this year.
Stop = 18.60

Pumping up , before inflation rate
January 30, 2023 Monday
It is now 2 pm, the Moon moved into ♊; so watch for a zig-zag trade today. Ta35: made an up correction from yeterday's close, 1748- now it is around1765; the Shekel weakened, I gained nicely on that... also on Puts last week and calls today. I am very busy; have to answer so many questions from all over, also birth day good wishes; it fills me with good energy. 
I sent alerts for the USA and commodities, use them by adding 30 +30  points. 
BtC: stop now 23330
List of shares that we discuss in my telegram group : 
Here is a list of weapon shares: check out how they rose in the last month !!

January 29, 2023 Sunday 

Sun           8Aqr30  45 Neptune      23Psc30  28.01.2023 19:03
Saturn       25Aqr28  30 Vesta        25Psc28  28.01.2023 20:15
Sun           8Aqr50  90 Node          8Tau50  29.01.2023  2:49
Sun           8Aqr50  90 S.Node        8Sco50  29.01.2023  2:49
TA35: today : made a top at 1779.47 and a bottom, so far, not yet closed !! 1742.53. 
On the 27th I wrote: 
"Bottomed on 12/26; up till 1/18; and fell since then. Closed at 1780- stop is at 1778- short targets 1775-65-55- up targets 1785-95-1800-1805 ;" Once the stop broke, we went hard short!! 
Now, the support is at 1745.50- short below. Target 1734 
Rumors say that Israel attacked Iran simultaneously in 5 towns, < I think approx 2-3 am today- Moon was conjunct Uranus.. No acknowledgement or confirmation from Israel. Weapon factories were attacked, followed by an earthquake - it was a drone attack, in the night, when no people were around, and it must have been deep bombers, if  it made an earthquake !! Me thinks.. 

January 28, 2023 Saturday: 
I sent alerts for the USA and commodities this morning, I worked on them many hours.. Seems that Feb/2  is a major CIT - under the Fed inflation announcement - forecast 4.75% - higher than before. For us here, I am confused. We are under terrorist attacks, on the other hand there is a positive arbitrage; so if markets don't care of what is happening, we should see a rally to 1800-1805 at least - after TA35 closed at 1780. 
Sign up for those alerts!!! 
Yesterday 8 pm one person opened fire on people at the entrance of a synagogue in Jerusalem 8 killed, many injured. Attacker killed
Today at 10:49 - or maybe a few minutes before, a 13 years old killed 2, also in Jerusalem; attacker injured. 
Moon will conjunct Uranus 1/29 at 5:36 am - another killing?
I should add that on January 24th the army attacked in Jenin and killed 10 terrorists; what happened since then, is a counter attack. This is a never ending story - like the chicken and the egg. That's why I watch Korean serials... I cannot watch the news anymore. 
TSLA: rallies with unusual volume !! Stop is 169- targets: 

January 27, 2023: Friday
It is a day ruled by Venus and Saturn; Venus just entered Pisces. I look at Pisces as a sign of sacrifice, martyrdom ; although Venus is exalted in this sign... Iknow, I have it in my natal chart- and I don't stop giving free advice.. why is that?? Is it the need to be loved? I should grow up!! In any case, Venus rules Forex and Banks !! SO watch these and tighten stops.
Actual aspects
Begin: 29.01.2023  Period: 1 month  (GMT+2)
                          Sun           90 Node          29.01.2023  2:49
Sun           90 S.Node        29.01.2023  2:49
Venus         72 Uranus        29.01.2023 13:36
Sun          120 Mars          30.01.2023  3:45
Mercury      120 Uranus        30.01.2023  4:16
Venus         30 Jupiter        1.02.2023  1:14
Sun           45 Vesta          1.02.2023  2:58
Neptune       45 Node           1.02.2023 19:18
Sun           60 Chiron         1.02.2023 21:27
Venus         60 Node           2.02.2023 23:09
Venus        120 S.Node         2.02.2023 23:09
Sun           90 Uranus         4.02.2023  4:50
Venus         90 Mars           5.02.2023  5:29
Pluto         60 Vesta          5.02.2023 13:14
Venus         30 Chiron         6.02.2023 12:24
Mercury       60 Neptune        6.02.2023 20:26
Huge terrorist attack on Jan.27 at 8 pm; one man killed 8 and injured many at an entrance of a syngogue; and today also, a 13 year old killed 2 ; all these happened in Jerusalem under Moon is Aries yesterday and Sun-Mars + Mercury -Uranus trines. 
Using Israel's chart: 

January 26; 2023 Thursday: 
Today we have weekly options expiry under a positive arbitrage; so the low of yesterday in TA35: was 1798.25l up targets are: 1806-09-12-15-23-28- 36; 
USA yesterday: 

Once MSFT came out with bad earnings, they were waiting for TSLA good ones.. 
TSLA: check  out the stop for now: long if above. 

January 25, 2023 Wednesday 

Two famous people ( that I know ) were born on this day, the famous astrologer Robert Zoller and Virginia Wolf; both R.I.P. - and me- lol ... So many wishes from all over the world! heart warming. 
Yesterday the bears came out again, they are restless..
Once the Sun made an exact sextile to Jupiter the Nasdaq topped and fell. also Venus-Saturn "helped"

Today we are under the influence of tricky Mercury ! and Venus; Mercury is 72^ to the Moon and Neptune; while Venus is 72^ to the NN. But more important is the Moon conjunct Neptune- and we still have the Sun 60 Jupiter; - this sextile made a top and fall in the Gold and the Nasdaq ; but the Sun moves on , tomorrow it will be gone; 

January 24, 2023 Tuesday 
USA markets yesterday: minor bullish only! 
Technology group led the rise : Uranus rules Technology, it is stationary, therefore strong, and Mercury is approacing in a trine. That is why I published the NYFANG charts yesterday: 

so, let's see how did they do? 
AMZN: stop was 94; target 98 ; topped at 97.78; move stop to 97.13; CIT Jan 26; 30
AAPL: stop was 135- tgt 145- topped at 143.32; move stop to 140.8; Earnings on Feb 2nd! new target 144.50-147-150; CIT: FEB 4, 6.
GOOGL: Stop was 98- went to 100.05;stop stays
META: stop was 128; tgt 135;145 ; topped at 143.76; Move stop to 139 Target:144-148-156; cit 2/2
TSLA: stop was 125- now at 143.25! Earnings today ! 
I posted this in my former article: 
Other ingresses to pay attention to : 
20.01.2023    0:35:56 max S Moon
20.01.2023   10:29:25 > Aqr Sun = painted the markets green 
21.01.2023    0:00:53 min N Uranus
21.01.2023   20:28:34 > Aqr Moon
23.01.2023    0:58:11 D     Uranus 14°56'26"Tau
23.01.2023   19:35:35 > Psc Moon
25.01.2023   20:47:44 > Ari Moon
26.01.2023    7:31:10 >0 N  Moon
27.01.2023    4:32:38 > Psc Venus
28.01.2023    1:42:15 > Tau Moon
28.01.2023   14:26:15 min N Node
28.01.2023   16:15:56 D     Node  8°49'50"Tau
28.01.2023   16:50:49 max N Node
28.01.2023   19:00:11 R     Node  8°49'50"Tau
30.01.2023   10:34:35 > Gem Moon
It is now 9 am; we are under the energies of Mars and Mercury; most of the futures are green.
Gold, Silver and OIL too; no trade in the Far East- due to Chinese, Korean new year; 
TA35: opened at 1835.71 - premarkt low was 1825.79; I wrote to subscribers, that targets are 34-38-45 let's see 
If you want to now the yearly forecasts, with stops and targets, pls. sign up for that analysis $365
GE: although good earnings, but/.// look at the chart ! 
MSFT: earning due ; but there is an interesting issue I wan to highlight: top was 349- fell for 349.67 days 
STOP = 237- TGT 253 
3:32PM futures are red 
DAX thoughts: 1 min : 

January 23, 2023 Monday 
It is a day ruled by the Moon , Uranus and the NN; the Moon is still in Aquarius, and Mercury is in sextile to the North Node, so it is a positive day; The Sun moved forward, leaving Pluto behind at 28Cap;  so using last lows ( if in the 15 min, 60 or daily) depends what can you afford, targets are former tops. 
TA35 made low so far ( 1:13 pm ) at 1823.3- and top: 1834.02 stop is at 1824 

Posten in my Telegram grp: 

usd/jpy : Stop was 128.40 - now at 130.347  Raise stop to 130.20
USD/NZD: lower stop to 1.5430 


  1. hi gaby, any thoughts about the departure and replacement of New Zealand Prime Minister?

  2. On January 19 in "New Moon in Capricorn 2023"


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