New Moon in Cancer, 2024 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology by Gabriella Mittelman
Between July 7- August 4, 2024
Moon in IIth House
THE MOON IN THE SECOND HOUSE signifies fluctuating finances unless fortified by good aspects from Jupiter, the planet of opulence, or Venus the planet of attraction. Good aspects from the Sun make matters more settled in that respect.
* Moon in Cancer
You can sense and understand the mood and feelings of others, and are excellent at counseling and nursing. You are quite emotional, and have a natural sense of that which pleases, knowing the mood of the crowd. You can be overly protective (or protected), but are good at parenting and creating a home. Quite domestic.
* Moon in Cancer
THE MOON IN CANCER gives a disposition which is kind, sociable and sympathetic, but indolent and averse to effort whether physical, moral or mental. These people love to drift with the tide and only bestir themselves when under the whiplash of necessity. They are often sensitive to physic conditions, especially if the Moon is aspected by Neptune or Uranus and the nature of the aspect determines whether the influence is favorable or unfavorable. This position also gives a love of home and the comforts to be obtained there. It promotes the digestion and consequently the health if the Moon is well-aspected. If afflicted it has a tendency to give digestive troubles.
Example: for N.Y. the ascendant is in SAG23*, while the Sun-Moon fall in the 7th House.
In all cases, the New Moon is at 14 Cancer. Each degree in a sign has also a meaning and different astrologers throughout the history interpreted it differently. Nikola Stojanovits thought of this degree as a Taurus degree; Sepharial wrote" This denotes one having all round accomplishments He is never at a loss though lack of resources. He is capable of turning his hand or his wits to anything.."
But let's see the other planets for this Lunar month:
Mercury is now at 5* Leo - moves into Virgo, and by the start of the next New Moon it will be stationary, before R;
Venus moves from 22*Cancer to 29 Leo
Mars from 19 Taurus to 9*Gemini.54
And from Jupiter to Pluto , they don't move much, just note, Saturn Neptune and Pluto are in R.
Ceres is still Retro in Cap;
And don't forget to click "Like" at the top of the article!!
August 5, 2024 Monday
Thank you for being here, please follow me to the next article" New Moon in Leo, 2024"
August 4, 2024 Sunday
Buffet is selling big time.. He didn't always make the best choices; but we should keep in mind.
I think, there is an interesting debate in my Telegram grp., join if you please.
August 3, 2024 Saturday
what is the Sahm cycle? I came across this on X, so here it is the explanation:
In macroeconomics, the Sahm rule, or Sahm rule recession indicator, is a heuristic measure by the United States' Federal Reserve for determining when an economy has entered a recession.[1] It is useful in real-time evaluation of the business cycle and relies on monthly unemployment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). It is named after economist Claudia Sahm, formerly of the Federal Reserve and Council of Economic Advisors.
The Sahm rule originates from a chapter in the Brookings Institution's report on the use of fiscal policy to stabilize the economy during recessions. The chapter, written by Sahm, proposes fiscal policy to automatically send stabilizing payments to citizens to boost economic well-being. Instead of relying on human intuition to determine when such payments should be sent, Sahm outlines a condition to trigger the payments.[3] The trigger suggested indicates an economy beginning a recession and is now known as the Sahm rule. The Sahm rule recession indicator was also featured early in a Goldman Sachs U.S. economic research report by economist William C. Dudley with a recommended trigger of 0.33% (the nowadays more commonly used rule triggers a recession signal when the Sahm metric is crossing above 0.5%).
Here is the monthly graph for unemployment: we can see, that is topped in 2020; when the markets bottomed.
It is now 10:07 - quiet here. Let it stay so the whole day.
BTC: scroll down and see what I wrote about the BTC on 7/27!!
The world should thank Israel for eliminating these monsters..
August 2, 2024 Friday
Everyone asks me, what happened? what happened? that the markets fell?
Here is IWM chart, sent to subscribers: if you were one, you would have known in advance..
July 29 stop was 226.4
17:00 | USD | ISM Manufacturing PMI (Jul) | 46.8 | 48.8 | 48.5 | ||
17:00 | USD | ISM Manufacturing Prices (Jul) | 52.9 | 51.9 | 52.1 | ||
17:30 | USD | Natural Gas Storage | 18B | 31B | 22B |
Pls. sign up for the forecasts; know before falls happen !
Nasdaq: for all the brave ones: that want to buy the deep: lol ! how can people trade, with no knowledge at all ?? it will be a but only if it closed the gap.. even so.. questionable.
August 1, 2024 Thursday:
We wave good bye to July, 2024, never to return again.
Asia worst performers were:
Best performers:
Europe worst performers:
Best performers:
USA worst performers:
Best performers:
Cryptos best:
BTC: went up 2.88%
Today we are 300 days, that our hostages are held captives, raped and who knows what... in Gaza; Since those 300 days, since October 7, 2023, when Hamas attacked out southern towns, don't forget, why this war started !!! Israel was successful in eliminating many Hamas leaders; but the war is still ahead of us, unfortunately.
Let's see what has August in its bag?
Sun: moves from 9♌ to 9 ♍
Mercury turns R- on 8/4-28- it will be extremely bad ( on 22* between 8/22-28);
Venus moves also from ♌to ♎
Mars stays in ♊between 7-27.26; it will be extremely bad on 8/23-24 ( on 22*)
TA35:closed yesterday at 2011; now there is an open gap to close; Should be above 2014 to be able to to to 2018-2023-26-29;
July 31, 2024 Wednesday
The first news I got today was the elimination if the billionaire, Ismail Haniyeh. Born Jan 29, 1962 -Ismail Haniyeh[a] (29 January 1962 – 31 July 2024) was a Palestinian politician who was widely considered to be the chief political leader of Hamas, which has governed the Gaza Strip since 2007. He was the chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau. From 2023 until his death, he lived in Qatar. He was killed in Iran on 31 July 2024."
He was behind the Oct.7, 2023 massacre..... may he rot in hell. Others will follow...
Here is his natal chart: with the time - approx. time, of the elimination, that took place in Iran, after the new Iranian leader inauguration festival. We have again the 22* in his chart, under Mercury... so we can make a rectification for his natal chart, to have Mercury ruling his H8 or 4; but my time is more precious, than that...It is a shame for an Aquarius, to be such a monster!!! Today morning transit planets ( Mars especially) was at the right place to end his life. Also, look at the exact Sun-150*Sun position! and a lot more... but thanks to IDF; he is gone...
Scroll down to 7/28th post - see the power of HET - the 8- in the Hebrew alphabet, 8 is the 8th house of death, under Scorpio; We can add to that list, the above..Next can be Khaled Mashal: Born 28/5/1956;tr. stellium is conj. his Sun
Here is the calendar with the planets at 22*
July 30, 2024 Tuesday
Today it is a day ruled by Jupiter and Mars. Both are in volatile ♊; the Moon also joined them.... the Sun 60^ Mars and Venus (Banks)is at22* the kill or get killed deg. Will we hear some bad news from a bank ?
15:55 | USD | Redbook (YoY) | 4.5% | 4.9% |
July 29, 2024 Monday
It is a day ruled by the Moon She is exalted in Tau; at 22* right now , it's 11:18 ; She is approaching the Sun, thus fading out of light. the other planet that ruks today is is Saturn, is is at the auspicious deg. 18Pisc ( as per Nikola S. : the Satan deg) .
After the big fall yesterday, in TA35, our index is trying to correct up; Futures are green, let's see how high TA35 can go?? I guess not much. So far low was 2012- high 2021.56- now it trades at 2016- it will be a long only if above 2018 .
As for the DJI
PLANETARY POSITIONS NOW: Uranus is still crossing Iran.
July 28 2024 Sunday
Since Oct.7, 2023 Saturdays bring horror news... Yesterday 11 children were killed by a rocket fired from Lebanon by the Hezbollah, that fell on a foot-ball field. Many wounded, more than 50...... I was not at home to see the exact time, but now, what I get from different posts is, that it was at 18:17; This Druze town is 2 hours drive from the closest hospital... so you can imagine the terrible situation they were in.
The above chart gives a lot of hints: Asc. at 13*- it's an Aries deg- related to sports; the Sun at 5deg.- in Leo = children were having fun; Moon 28* conj, Chiron and Betelgeuse, Fixed star, can be disastrous.. Mars- (sports, war, fight, weapons) in H5 of pleasure, at 4* of Cancer(family) and indeed 4 children of the same family were killed. Jupiter again at 13*(Aries deg), Saturn on the Satan deg..R- very bad. Uranus, (rockets) on 26th(Tau.deg in the 5th H' conj, Algol and Neptune in H3 (children) on Scheat. H8-house of death opens at the 22* (killer deg).
May they find peace in the next life.
If I thought, on Friday, that our market will rally today, I doubt that, now. 10:19 am So far Market is down c 1/44% - target 2020-13 and lower//// 11:20 am low 2009.20.../// low so far 2006.55 = 2.12% minus//// low 1992.35 = 2.58% minus
I must share this insight from a fellow astrologer Haim Sade, the one I ask about Bible stuff:
the only question or bottom line is now: who will use nuclear energy first" Israel or Iran? All the blabbering on the news, is pointless
July 27, 2024 Saturday
Yesterday in the USA: bears are still the majority..
Outcome of yesterday's Fed announcements:
15:30 | USD | Core PCE Price Index (YoY) (Jun) | 2.6% | 2.5% | 2.6% | ||
15:30 | USD | Core PCE Price Index (MoM) (Jun) | 0.2% | 0.2% | 0.1% | ||
15:30 | USD | PCE Price index (YoY) (Jun) | 2.5% | 2.5% | 2.6% | ||
15:30 | USD | PCE price index (MoM) (Jun) | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.0% | ||
15:30 | USD | Personal Income (MoM) (Jun) | 0.2% | 0.4% | 0.4% | ||
15:30 | USD | Personal Spending (MoM) (Jun) | 0.3% | 0.3% | 0.4% | ||
15:30 | USD | Real Personal Consumption (MoM) (Jun) | 0.2% | 0.4% |
News in the sky between July 28- August 5:
The Sun moves from 5*♌to 13*; The Moon moves from ♉to ♌; Mercury is in Virgo, strong, a sign it rules, but it will turn R by Tuesday 8/6! watch the grains...Venus moves from ♌to ♍ ( weakening the banks); and the rest don't move. I should add the degrees: Saturn is on 18* the so called"Satan"deg; Uranus at 26- it is a tau deg. and Neptune at 29, it is a Cancer deg. The Nodes move from 8 to 7*.
In the Helio centric sky Mercury moves from Sag. to Cap ( neg) Mars from ♈to ♉.so, what can we learn from the above? during the next week there aren't any major moves or
positions, that can make the markets significantly turn. IMHO, always... surely each share/index must be checked separately..
7/31: Meanwhile no change:
21:00 USD Fed Interest Rate Decision 5.50% 5.50%
Time Tunnel and Bayer rules: watch closely and tighten stops on 7/31!
Here is the S&P under the above Bayer Rule:
For TA35: for tomorrow: there is a +0.37 arbitrage; the close was at 2050.07; the trade range will be between 2043- to 2058- 2070,
TA: performance in a month:
Aspects for a month: we can see that the most important and lasting one ( I use 1 deg.orb) is the Jupiter 90^Neptune; Neptune 60^ Pluto; and Merc -150^ Saturn. Since Ura+Nep+Plu are at the last degrees of a sign, they all aspect Sedna, but we don't have enough data to relate to it.
Deleted the minor "noises"
Pls. sign up for the future forecasts... what is the direction now in the markets? Up or down?
Warren Buffett sold:
About HLF: it was a buy, big time, after a break out
Just looking at the BTC: it is dangerously coming to a fall, imho: that's a typical triple top and fall....
July 26, 2024 Friday
I woke up at 3:15, that I am sweating terribly... i thought about our soldiers, how can they be dressed up so heavily, fight and all... It must be hell. I took a cold shower, and fell asleep maybe at 4:30, this time in the living room, I switched on the AC. Checking who visited my blog, during the night, someone searched for HLF: so here it is, with a note from me.
This gave me an idea to look for other people or shares, that have a stellium in CAP. and will be re visited by Pluto, and trined by Uranus in October : Robert F.Kennedy ( 17.Jan 1954); Oct 11 will be a day to mark in the calendar!! Mars will conj. his Uranus as well..I built a graph showing when did we have a stellium in Cap= the people born on these periods of time, will have to deal with Pluto again, and Uranus as well. Tough.
Back to Kamala: Here is the Solar return for Kamala: I used Placidus houses, as Nikola Stojanovic; to emphasize her planetary degrees. So, Asc. ruled by Mercury, on a Pisc, degree, she has NN, Jupiter, POF, AND! her MC is ruled by Neptune which is of course the ruler of the sign. Casting her Solar return her MC is at 24 Libra (Pisc.again) Libra, ruled by Venus is in H11 of the Senate, at 3 deg. of Gemini- where it is weak. She has the Black Moon Lilith in H 9 on a Pisc . deg, also Mars(partners, known enemies) in her H7. Will her partners fail her? on Aug 19? Next, Her Merc, ruler of natal Asc. is at 10 Sco - badmouthing??? gets a YOD from S.R. Neptune + Uranus. Uranus is also 150 to her SUN. so with all those, I see no nomination.
The markets yesterday, started out with enthusiasm, but at 1:pm all reversed and fell. If you scroll down to yesterday's post, you will see, that Mercury was 150 to Pluto .
15:30 | USD | Core PCE Price Index (MoM) (Jun) | 0.2% | 0.1% | |||
15:30 | USD | Core PCE Price Index (YoY) (Jun) | 2.5% | 2.6% | |||
15:30 | USD | PCE Price index (YoY) (Jun) | 2.5% | 2.6% | |||
15:30 | USD | PCE price index (MoM) (Jun) | 0.1% | 0.0% | |||
15:30 | USD | Personal Income (MoM) (Jun) | 0.4% | 0.5% | |||
15:30 | USD | Personal Spending (MoM) (Jun) | 0.3% | 0.2% | |||
15:30 | USD | Real Personal Consumption (MoM) (Jun) | 0.3% |
News in the sky: The Sun 60^ Mars, the Moon is 0^ NN; Merc. 150^ Neptune + Pluto; Merc. conj. Regulus ( Trump's star) will we hear some favorable news about him ? Venus 150^ Saturn( at 18* ( the Satan degree - very very bad); Saturn 135^ the Sun, Uranus still on Algol and Neptune on Scheat.
Negativity continues.
July 25, 2024 Thursday
DJI: Topped on 7/18: when Mars was conjunct Uranus; and these MP occurred: Just to look at the lasting ones: Mars at Sun/Nep; Jup at Merc/Nept and Neptune at Mars/Pluto +NN/Sat.News in the sky: today we are under Jupiter energy, the date adds up to 22, which is a master no. in numerology; and is ruled by Uranus and the NN. Jupiter is at 13 ♊; Venus is departing from a sextile to it; so if TA35 closed at 2058; their support at 2053 is fading out. Uranus is at 26♉39; it is coming, slowly into a sextile with Neptune; their support level is at 2046-2049; but both are weak; Uranus is in its fall and Neptune is R and conj, Scheat. Almost all the planets are on Fixed signs degrees; once the share/index falls below their support line, it will be difficult to come back. But, in spite of all this negativity, Mercury will move into Virgo, a sign it rules, so it can bring some "fixing" in the falling levels. IMHO. Time Tunnel also shows a minor rays of hope.
I posted SQQQ in the past, it went up nicely...
The Moon position for today:
Moon 30 Eris 25.07.2024 10:23
Moon 60 Uranus 25.07.2024 12:19 !! 💘💘💘
Moon 150 Mercury 25.07.2024 17:26 👀👀👀
Moon 0 Neptune 25.07.2024 17:31= any announcement??
Mercury 150 Neptune 25.07.2024 19:00 👀👀👀
Moon 60 Pluto 25.07.2024 19:13
Moon 135 Venus 25.07.2024 21:44
Sun 120 Moon 25.07.2024 23:29 - after hours.. any earnings?
Moon 60 Mars 25.07.2024 23:36
Curious how will the MAG's 7 do in the next months? Pls. sign up for the forecasts... and don't forget to click like
I don't think they apply for a certain market. we should just remember, that when any of these rules pop up, there is some kind of change in trend.
July 24, 2024 Wednesday
DJI: 15 min: short below the red flag: 7/23 was 55 days from 4/30; 42 days ( multiples of 7) from 5/20 top. 55 days from 5/30 low Today is also 70 tr.days from 4/15; but if you made an excel file, you already knew this..
The Sun moved to Leo; sextiles Mars; minor pos. for trade.. the Moon makes the following aspects from Pisces: GMT+3
Moon 45 Eris 24.07.2024 9:38
Moon 90 Jupiter 24.07.2024 13:47- broke support and fell.
Moon 165 Mercury 24.07.2024 15:11
Venus 165 Pluto 24.07.2024 16:42
Moon 45 Pluto 24.07.2024 18:26
Moon 150 Venus 24.07.2024 18:36
Sun 135 Moon 24.07.2024 20:52
Moon 0 Saturn 24.07.2024 23:31
*Netanyahu speech in Congress; 20:03 pm ; one hour, 54 times members rose and clapped hands. He can speak well, no argument there! I was touched by the soldier heroes who were there, and I was asking myself where are his loser sons?? they didn't and don't participate with one finger in this war; expect for posting poison on the internet. .. Sara was dressed in orange suit, to honor the Bibas family..
July 23, 2024 Tuesday
Yesterday in the USA: went up yesterday, lead by the Technology group.
After a top in the S&P on 7/16, we had a correction for 3 days, and yesterday one green day, up correction. Trades now at 5553; the stop is at 5550- up targets 5558-64; failing to reach any, it will fall back. Today there is the Red book and building permits to look out from.
15:55 | USD | Redbook (YoY) | 4.8% | ||||
17:00 | USD | Existing Home Sales (Jun) | 3.99M | 4.11M | |||
17:00 | USD | Existing Home Sales (MoM) (Jun) | -0.7% |
The BTC: changes trend around the multiples of 7 + - 1 day or two.
Let's see the transits for Nov 4th: Saturn will be departing from an opposition to his natal Saturn...
But, we should wait for the Dem. conference in Aug.19, as Armstrong writes..
Googl: trade range 179-190
SPY: now 11:08 trade range 553-59
July 22, 2024 Monday
The Sun was not even in Leo yet, but we got big drama from the USA; yesterday at 1:46 pm Pr. Biden announced (under family, and party pressure) that he is not running for presidency... Thanks to astrologer Sherry B; she wrote Biden made the announcement from his residency in Rehoboth Beach Delaware; and I got the exact time: 20;46 - which gives us an Asc at 9* Aquarius ( 9 is a number of endings, the highest no. we know, ruled by Mars; also as per the degree system it is a SAG. degree.; The Moon was at 7Aqua49, a Libra degree; the Sun at 29.43 Cancer- critical deg; (being the last in a sign, also a Leo deg. The Sun represents the President, it was in exact trine to Neptune, (fog, fading away, illusions, sacrifice); Mercury at 26 Leo ; squaring Uranus; sudden (Ura) announcement (Merc);Venus at 12Leo ( a Pisc. deg); Mars at 0*Gemini49 ( Mars- energy) Gemini (news)and it is in trine Pluto! All this happened a few minutes after the Full Moon in Capricorn; time to end things and events.
Here is Pr.Biden natal chart with the announcement transits: see how many planets aspect his Sun (in yellow); I wrote last week, I think, that I don't see him quitting, due to his strong Scorpio stellium. Scopios don't give up so easily... and there are a lot of things hidden, that we don't know under that Sun 120 Neptune in the sky. Next: Mercury rules his MC (career) natally it is at 19* and Saturn ( gov.) now is at 19* Pisces.. dissolved his carrier. I will have to search who else has the same aspect?
But, watching world news... so many world leaders are now targeted... Macron, Trump, now Biden, Xi Jinping stroke??!! come on!! who's next?
OK. so the announcement was made at 8:46 pm, and a few minutes later he endorsed Kamala Harris; Born on Oct.20, 1964- she is almost 60; her age point is conj. natal Saturn, (the one that crowns kings) Saturn at 28*(Cancer deg. - mother, homeland, water; stomach) is in AQUA. Retro- giving a hint about major event at the age of 58.5.
Next her Asc. is at 0Taurus, Pluto squares it now- We can also see asteroid Lucifer on her Asc. Her Sun is at 27♎41; (a ♊deg) it is triggered by tr.Uranus, Neptune, Sysiphus, Requiem and more. Her Moon is at 25♈52; ( an Aries deg, restless, jumps ahead of thinking)//// Mercury is also at 1* = also Aries deg. Her MC is ruled by Saturn, and we are back to her age point..All these point to the sudden nomination ( tr.Uranus 150^ Sun) and tr Ura 0 Jup.and tr.Uran 90 Saturn.
Found this on X
Will she win the elections ? that is the question..
market starts in 15 min. more later.
After the drama in USA, the S&P future is green: stop is 5521, or if too close than 5515. Long if above.
ֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱZigzag statistics for the S&P:
I wonder what will happen to all these IPOS, under Mars+ Uranus +Algol conjunctions!
Zack mentions, that Herbert Hoover, the 31st Pr. died on the day Kamala was born

July 21, 2024 Sunday
Thanks to astrologer Ed Kohout, USA, I have now the exact timing the Falcon CRWD was updated and here is the chart with the Fixed stars: yes, Uranus on Algol, the Asc at 11 Aqua - the Moon conj, the Galactic Center; Mercury is on stage here, and also Pluto at 0♒58; but Pluto was here on @10/2024 also, and then nothing happened.. SO it was mainly Mercury that triggered this event. Luckily, because Mercury moves away fast, so the glitch was repaired quickly.
Looking again at the transit on the natal chart of CRWD: we can see, that the event Asc is in exact opposition to the first trade date Asc; the tr. Lilith triggers Venus, H10 ruler; and more..
On 7/19 I wrote the retaliation will soon come.. and all we could read yesterday was the multiple attacks in Yemen.
Pluto now is closest the Earth. A very rare event; due to its elliptic move
What to expect this week?
Till next Sunday: the Sun moves from Cancer to Leo, a sign it rules; fire into fire - will bring more fire.. Mercury moves from Leo to Virgo ( a sign it rules-strong); the rest move 1-9* in the same sign..Uranus will still be conjunct Algol and Neptune, Scheat. no good news there.. Mars moves from 0^♊to 5.25; At 0^08 we have Alcyone - an unfortunate fixed star, and next again between 5.53-9.55 - the Hyades and Aldebaran, which are also called "unfortunate" You can read a lot about these stars and meaning in Diana Rosenberg's book. 2 volumes ; tremendous info !!
TS can generate a ZIG ZAG statistics in the intraday what happened: so for ex. TA35: makes more tops than bottoms, between 11-12; July is more tops ; Sun in Cancer is 50/50; and Moon in Capricorn more tops than lows.
The SKY TOMORROW: Sun at 29Cancer, that' s a Leo deg. at 3:00 am GMT+3; the Moon will be at 7 Aqua; Mercury at 26 Leo - squaring Uranus; Venus at 12 Leo; makes quintals to Mars and Sat; Mars at 0 Gem.- trines Pluto ( Perigee Earth) Saturn at the bad 19* in Pisces; R; Uranus still on Algol and Neptune still on Scheat. We will be after the Full Moon,
TA35: closed at 2028.66; this means the stop is at 2026; long if above. Short targets: 2019-16-13-2010-2006
S&P closed at 5505; so the stop here is rather close: 5502; if above: long; but it fell below 3 MA's so more to the downside. IMHO.
QQQ will be a long only above 476.50 ran up for 40 days ( a BIblical no,) it should correct at least 20, no ?
Good trading!
July 20, 2024 Saturday:
Yesterday in the USA, as expected, we got more down corrections:
At least the CEO, George Kurtz, immediately apologized, didn't send the clerk to explain; but he himself had the integrity, that many people I know don't . Born May 5, 1965 NJ.
Surprise or not?? Solar return Uranus is at the "kill or get killed" deg- Since Aquarius is on his MC; carrier wise it's a blow
Follow up:
Let's see how did the Mag's 7 do yesterday?
AAPL: stop was 227.50 - it is still above it- now still above the stop. target 235-239: now: after a top at 236.26 fell below the stop and closed at 224.31- longs were closed. Short target 210; staying above it, will be a sign for a recovery, below it, double short.
AMZN: Stop was 199- fell below, longs were closed. Wait for a reversal.= Still; NOW: closed at 183; there is a support at 181; but below is more short
CANF: Stop now: 3.19 long if above. Stop now 3.39; tgt 4. 4.20 Now (well, it's not in the MAg's 7, but I hold it) Tgt.4.20 reached, now at 4.50- Stop moves to 4.20; tgt 5.10
GOOGL: stop was 190- fell below, now wait.= Still; 7/19 post: short below 179- now at 177.66
META: fell below the stop 535; wait. Now: There is an open gap at 478! we are short below 499; now: that gap was closed, now at 476.79 Stop is 479; short below.
MSFT: Stop was 463; closed at 454.70- longs closed; wait. CIT: 7/19, 22, 25, 26, 28.Now: 7.19 bottomed at 432; that is the stop; it might try to correct up to 441-45; I would wait.
NFLX: stop was 685- now 652.75; if you used that stop, longs were closed and you are safe.= Still; Now at 633; still short. Below 6/4 low, double short.
NVDA: Target was 140, reached, fell later below the stop, now 127.40; wait. In spite of a higher close, I wouldn't buy it yet. Now: at 117.93; Stop is 119- short below.
TSLA: Stop was 265; tried twice to break out, news on X made it fall to 241. Longs were closed. IMHO ! Same as NVDA.7/17 post: stop = 259; short below; now at 239.20 move stop to 241- short below
TSM: stop was 190; closed at 184; longs closed. wait. Bottom 4/22+55 bars= 7/11 =CIT- Same, I wouldn't buy it yet. Now : closed at 165.77; stop is at 175; short below
LLY: Stop was 930, still above it/ stop stays. Raise stop to 935- still long; Now: Stop was 935; fell to 857! with a gap ! Move stop to 865; short below; it is correcting the rally from 4/25; if below that low, double short.
As always, my calculations are based on planetary positions. This is what I would do, but each and everyone can trade as per own insights and knowledge.
Let's see how will TA35 do tomorrow? It topped at 2079.44 on 7/15, and closed at 2044- reached the low of 7/10; we have a minor negative arbitrage; ( how can that be, when Tech . shares dropped? ) anyways, 2044 is the price; The stop is at 2040- up targets 2051-52-55-59-65-66\\\ below these levels minus 30 points.. so 2010-21 etc.
Tomorrow we will have the Sun at 28.60 - in trine with Neptune; which happens twice a year; Moon, Merc. are at the last degrees in a sign; Mars moves to Gemini. Till Sept.4. leaves behind Uranus on Algol; but it's on the "Pleiades"; so volatility will increase.
Please click "like" if you did.July 19, 2024 Friday
Today we are under Venus's and Neptune (again) effect.
These were the aspects this morning, at 3:00am, when citizens first spotted a drone over Tel Aviv; 5 hours later, now, we know it was sent from Yemen, a country we had never attacked before.. But that was before.. now the situation has changed. The drone blew up close to the USA embassy in the heart of Tel Aviv; one person killed while sleeping in his bed, and 7 injured. Israel says it was a human mistake, not to take it down, while it was spotted... Unbelievable.. Yemen is further from Tel Aviv then Iran... They named the drone" Jaffa" is was tent to reach Jaffa.
Didn't I say Algol means" heads rolling? The Moon is now: 9:28 am at the last degree of Saturn.. wait for news from far away. Mars+ Uranus are in the far countries of H9. Jupiter in the mutable and double sign of Gemini- multiple effects.. volatility- for the markets; Venus, is in ♌9*; also a SAG. degree = far places. And of course, the no. 19 is popping up in the date and under Saturn's position..
The more I think of what had happened in Tel Aviv; the more I think if to post my thoughts or not. I feel I am back to communist Romania, where you didn't know if your neighbor was a friend or foe.
July 18, 2024 Thursday:
It is a day ruled by Jupiter at 11*, ( weak in ♊) and Venus at 8*♌; they are almost in an exact sextile, meaning, if by calculation a share/index is above their level, it might be supported. On the other hand, we have the Moon in Sag; so far USA markets corrected, which was expected, due to the time count... The Fear and Greed index is Neutral, for now. It is 7:19 am. Mercury today is also in ♌~ at 22* deg!!! It will square, later today Mars+ Uranus at 26-28*♉.
But now, Pr. Biden has Covid?? what a farce He didn't want to quit; now he must? Someone is aiming at world leaders... I am just watching the news...Did he drink the "wrong tea?" LOL... just amazed of what's going on...I have a few other in mind to serve them that tea.
I should look again at Neptune.. wasn't it in the ruler of the day, yesterday ? It rules drugs, fake news, poison and tons of other things.. It is still at 29*♓, and on Malefic Scheat.. - will linger at that degree till Aug.16... When is the Dem's convention?? let me see... oh!!! some looked up to the sky, to wait for Neptune to leave Scheat... Aug. 19.. lol.. isn't this marvelous? I mean, isn't astrology just incredible?
OK... let me look at how is Europe doing: still closed: these ended up in red yesterday:
Rising: SMI20 ; TELBANk; OBX: one of the strongest indices: trade range 1330-39-45-49;
DAX: posted on 7/10: long above 18200- Target 18600- now at 18589; so long.
SE30:Long above1975
TR20: Long above 10950
MOEX Russia: 7/16 was a lower low than 12/15/23; so even it if corrects, it will fall back; Stop = 3040- short below, target 2680- 2580.
In the fundamental world: News: to watch : seems no change..
15:15 | EUR | Deposit Facility Rate (Jul) | 3.75% | 3.75% | |||
15:15 | EUR | ECB Marginal Lending Facility | 4.50% | ||||
15:15 | EUR | ECB Monetary Policy Statement | |||||
15:15 | EUR | ECB Interest Rate Decision (Jul) | 4.25% | 4.25% | |||
15:30 | USD | Continuing Jobless Claims | 1,860K | 1,852K | |||
15:30 | USD | Initial Jobless Claims | 229K | 222K | |||
15:30 | USD | Jobless Claims 4-Week Avg. | 233.50K | ||||
15:30 | USD | Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (Jul) | 2.7 | 1.3 |
SPLITS: AVGO (7/15) falling.. Stop is 134- //// MGOL 1:10: ( doesn't worth to look at it)
Futures are mostly green, after the shock yesterday..
it is now 8:47 am; I should prepare for my trades... so you later.
Please click like at the top of the page ! tku
D.J.Vance birth data was published, 8:11 am
Thanks to Mark Cullen:
Pls. see below his natal chart again: His Asc. falls exactly on Trump's Asc.Sun, Juno, Vesta and Venus are in Leo, in the 12th house. Sun and the ruler of H10(career) in the 12 signal, that this person was meant to be a ruler; from past lives. ( should check which former USA president had that, a vocation, that "calls" you ). Mercury is his strongest planet, it is at 7* Virgo31. The 7th degree, as per N.S. is a Libra degree ~ being the 7th house~; and Mercury rules Virgo; so it is very strong; also by sign. Interesting, that Chiron is in Gemini and Mercury in Virgo - so they are in each other's house ( so called: mutual reception)...Venus rules his H10; it is at 23*- an Aquarius degree Mars is at 22* Scorpio - Same as Trumps' Sun at 22*♊ Gemini - this is a very challenging aspect between the two.. There is also a 180^ between his Jupiter to Trump's Mercury; Uranus trines T's Pluto; and his POF is || SPICA, the best fixed star in Libra.
He was elected VP 2 weeks before his 40th birthday; as for the Age point it is 3* before his Lilith.. which is at 0 Aries...Aug 9. -10 and Oct. 20-25 will be dates to look out from danger.
James David Vance( equals 133= 7 Neptune in Numerology (born James Donald Bowman ( = 166/13/4 = Uranus; in numerology); I find it odd the change in the name... I understand Vance from Bowman, but David from Donald? why?
His mother was married for 5 times...His natal Moon(mother) is at 19 Libra...first: the no. 19 is a Karmic no. and Libra? abused, drunk, drug addict.. well.. I should check Liz Taylor children's moon. Did she have any? After reading what a life he had... Chapeau!! he made it..
But, back to the markets: July 16 was the exact conjunction between Mars-Uranus, thus the top and correction now.
July 17, 2024 Wednesday
Today is a day ruled by Mercury and Neptune; when Neptune shows up, and more!! together with mercury, it will be a very volatile day and a reversal. Yesterday it was 89 days from a previous low, today is 55 days from 5/23 low(S&P);
News in the sky: the Moon moved to SAG! it is the sign of Jupiter, of optimism; expansion, sign of the 9th House of law; but for the S&P, the Moon cycle doesn't work...So we should look on for a clue. In any case, as per my calculations, the future: once it is below 5719- it is in a correction zone. as for the spot, as posted yesterday, the trade range is between 5665-35.
Let's see what sectors rallied most?
XLI: Last alert was in November, since then I didn't look at it... now, finally it broke out of a long consolidation. Stop = 126-127, target 130-31-39
Looking at all the X es:
XBI is close to a double top!
XLB: lower highs!
XLC: is above 8/2021 top! that is now the stop!
XLE: in an uptrend; long above 90
XLF: new ATH- stop 42
XLI: new ATH, stop 125
XLK: new ATH, stop 229
XLP: 4 tops_ ready for a break out
XLRE: also
XLU: stop 67
XLV: new ATH
XLY: new high, stop 190
It is 9:14: market about to open; TA35 : we should see 2100 -ish today.
SQQQ: I have been holding for ages.. I thought markets will drop much earlier, but now, it shows some, only some! move- from 7.15 low- should go to: 8-8.20;
XI : Pr. of China - chart looks bad ! Mars rules the head and Pluto is 150^ from it; and stays for a long time, since it's in R. Next his Sun is getting the Mars + Uranus ( bad ) effect...Uranus is like an electric shock...Let's wait for more news.
July 16, 2024 Tuesday
Yesterday it was 54% to 46% in favor of the Bears.. However, this means nothing, till major last lows are not broken.Futures are still up:
Btc: is coming close to a triple top, and you know what comes after that!
S&P future: topped and was blocked by Saturn at 5718.25 ( Saturn = 5719); now at 5684; support at 5681- below====correction !! 5630 was 7/11 low, if falls below it, double short. ( I would do)
Nasdaq Future NQM24 topped at 20982; trade range now is 20629-20539- breaking them. correction!
GOOGL: TO BUY WIZ; no enthusiasm yet, in the premarket!
Google owner Alphabet is in advanced discussions to buy fast-growing cybersecurity startup Wiz for roughly $23 billion, a person familiar with the matter confirmed to CNN.
A takeover of Wiz, which makes cybersecurity software for cloud computing, would represent a major bet by Google on cybersecurity, marking the tech giant’s biggest-ever acquisition.
July 15, 2024 Monday
The more I read, the more I am confused... Now it it more than 50%probability, that the shooting was staged.. I am not an American, so I am not going to say anything.. Maybe YOU out there can figure out what is really going on.
However, I got the chart of the shooter, and of the victim ( who shielded the bullets from Trump; many many details.. I will let a few days pass before posting. This it too confusing.
FOR TRADERS: We have 3 difficult aspects in the sky: Mars 0^ Uranus, Venus 135^ Saturn and Mercury 150^ Saturn; these will defy the trade today. Note, they are NOT necessarily bad.
Elon Musk: " Elon Musk has revealed that he survived two assassination attempts over the past year. These attempts were made by "homicidal maniacs," as he described during a Tesla shareholder meeting and an interview. Musk attributed these threats to his high-profile status and the widespread recognition of his name. He emphasized that such dangers come with being a prominent public figure" ~ I posted his chart yesterday, he has some bad transits!!
the first 10 most wealthy:
As of mid-2024, the ten wealthiest people in the world are:
1. **Elon Musk** - $245.7 billion (Tesla, SpaceX)
2. **Jeff Bezos** - $211.9 billion (Amazon)
3. **Bernard Arnault & family** - $194.7 billion (LVMH)
4. **Mark Zuckerberg** - $179.7 billion (Facebook/Meta)
5. **Larry Ellison** - $176.6 billion (Oracle)
6. **Larry Page** - $153.2 billion (Google)
7. **Sergey Brin** - $146.5 billion (Google)
8. **Bill Gates** - $135.0 billion (Microsoft)
9. **Steve Ballmer** - $132.6 billion (Microsoft)
10. **Warren Buffett** - $131.9 billion (Berkshire Hathaway)
All born between the dates, have Mars conj. Uranus. Meaning: Mars represents fights, disputes, wars, weapons, but also pomp in energy into the markets, depending in what sign it is; while Uranus stands for sudden, unexpected change, revolution; we saw how Technology rallied while in Taurus, it will rocket when in Gemini! I can say, that Uranus also is eminent in a chart when cancer attacks one's body, Uranus would rule X-rays, calamities, races ( 265-281 pages in "The rulership book" by REZ.E.Bills..).
I woke up to the news, that somebody tried to kill Pr.Trump yesterday. Shooter is dead, also one person in the crowd, while Trump is already out of the hospital. I wrote 2 years ago, Trump wins if still alive.. well... I also posted in February and 2 days ago again, the Rep. convention chart, and said, "they didn't get advice from an astrologer.. How could they make such a gathering under Mars + Uranus conjunction on Algol? It was shouting from the wall!! something like this will happen. Thanks to William.St. we got the exact time : 6:11 Pm, Butler PA. Let's look at it It's extremely interesting, that the Moon is 90^ from the Sun and the Sun 90^ from Chiron(the wounded healer)..
Let's look at Trump's natal chart with this transit:Let's walk through again his natal chart:
Sun at 22^ " kill or get killed degree"- tr. Sun at 21.59; at he time of the shooting; 30^ aspect; tr.Sun. con.j Malefic fixed star Procyon;
Natal Moon 21*12 Virgo, - just a few minute off the killer 22*; Natal Mercury, H11 ruler (of the senate) at 8Cancer, gets a square from the NN; in H8- (of death)hmmm do we have a clue here, who is behind this ? Natal Venus at 25Cancer conj, Saturn; gets a sextile from tr.Mars+ Uranus on Algol; Venus rules his 10th H of career, and this is the reason I wrote 2 years ago " wins if still alive" . Saturn rules his H5+6; Jupiter (Natal)is at 17* Libra, but R; weak; and in tr. at 10 Gemini, also weak; Natal Uranus is at 17Gemini, actually he has a trine between Jupiter-Uranus, and yesterday's Mercury is at 17Leo ( it is at the exact midpoint of his Jup/Ura trine!
His age point is at 28 Virgo; and look, how many houses, Vesta and the POF are at this degree!
Anyone, who fabricated this shooting DID consult an astrologer.. Interesting, it was 144 ( pivotal day ) before the elections..
Right ear is ruled by Jupiter and Saturn.
I guess he will have to move around in bulletproof helmet and speak behind bulletproof glass, like Bibi...... And there is a high possibility of poisoning.. the coming years are very dangerous. I am looking at his Solar return charts. Better not give any tips to offenders.
Market is about to start...
Mars+ Uranus conjunction on Algol is EXACT ON 7/15: NT TIME:
I WROTE yesterday : TA35: for tomorrow: it will probably open with a gap up and then consolidate???, in any case; the close was 2069; expect it to go to 2071-73-80-87-89-96. Not a trading adv.. just my thoughts.."
Biden is 8 months older than Mike Jagger.. But what a difference!
July 13, 2024 Saturday
I wonder, why so many people read my blog, but so so so again few click like? I work so hard, each morning on my posts, giving stops and targets, so you can make a gain, bringing up all kind of ideas, events, thoughts.... what stops you people out there the answer is some way, any way, to my work?
Follow up:
Let's see how did the Mag's 7 do yesterday?
AAPL: stop was 227.50 - it is still above it- now still above the stop. target 235-239
AMZN: Stop was 199- fell below, longs were closed. Wait for a reversal.= Still
CANF: Stop now: 3.19 long if above. Stop now 3.39; tgt 4. 4.20
GOOGL: stop was 190- fell below, now wait.= Still
META: fell below the stop 535; wait. Now: There is an open gap at 478! we are short below 499;
MSFT: Stop was 463; closed at 454.70- longs closed; wait. CIT: 7/19, 22, 25, 26, 28.
NFLX: stop was 685- now 652.75; if you used that stop, longs were closed and you are safe.= Still
NVDA: Target was 140, reached, fell later below the stop, now 127.40; wait. In spite of a higher close, I wouldn't buy it yet.
TSLA: Stop was 265; tried twice to break out, news on X made it fall to 241. Longs were closed. IMHO ! Same as NVDA.
TSM: stop was 190; closed at 184; longs closed. wait. Bottom 4/22+55 bars= 7/11 =CIT- Same, I wouldn't buy it yet.
LLY: Stop was 930, still above it/ stop stays. Raise stop to 935- still long
TA35: for tomorrow: it will probably open with a gap up and then consolidate???, in any case; the close was 2069; expect it to go to 2071-73-80-87-89-96. Not a trading adv.. just my thoughts..
The sky between July 14-21:
Sun is still in Cancer, the Moon moves from a sextile to the Sun to Full Moon- from Libra to Cap; Mercury still in fire Leo, Venus as well; Mars moves out from its weakness in Taurus and enters volatile Gemini, joins there Jupiter.. Jupiter +Saturn +Neptune move some minutes, and Pluto too. Vesta is in Leo, both Merc+ Venus will be conj.,
I already wrote about the S&P CIT days, but for everything else a different table fits, so do that in excel.
Don't forget to click like, and if you wish to see future forecast, pls. sign up..
July 12, 2024 Friday
Yesterday, if you used the stops posted in the morning, for many shares, indices, you ended up gaining...If you use the Fibonacci calculations I am always talking about, yesterday it was 55 tr.days from April 19th low; so a correction was written on the wall.
S&P: Next CIT calendar days: 7/14, 16,17,19,22+24. If they fall on a weekend, use it 1-2 days before or after.
You have to know astrology, to be aware, that the Moon is Apogee; and also to remember, what I wrote yesterday: under trines we get a top and reversal.
Here is the table for Apogee and Perigee moon 2024:
Calendar: July, NY time:
Europe: GMT+2
India Time:
Best performers in the USA yesterday:
In spite of the "fall" yesterday, the Bulls are still out:More shares made new highs, than lows, by far..XLRE: 55 days CIT:
Let's see how did the Mag's 7 do yesterday?
AAPL: stop was 227.50 - it is still above it
AMZN: Stop was 199- fell below, longs were closed. Wait for a reversal.
CANF: Stop now: 3.19 long if above.
GOOGL: stop was 190- fell below, now wait.
META: fell below the stop 535; wait.
MSFT: Stop was 463; closed at 454.70- longs closed; wait.
NFLX: stop was 685- now 652.75; if you used that stop, longs were closed and you are safe.
NVDA: Target was 140, reached, fell later below the stop, now 127.40; wait.
TSLA: Stop was 265; tried twice to break out, news on X made it fall to 241. Longs were closed.
TSM: stop was 190; closed at 184; longs closed. wait. Bottom 4/22+55 bars= 7/11 =CIT
LLY: Stop was 930, still above it/ stop stays.
All my calculations are always based on planetary positions; I write what I would do, but you can do as you please...always; They say, election years are bullish, so, until the last major low: 4/19 is not broken, it is only a correction.
Healthcare XBI: is on the move...
Here are a few that did well yesterday: but, check them well, before buying!
Europe: doesn't care about the MAG's 7: these rise:
MOEX corrects the fall, is in a reversal.. possibility to earn a few bucks
DAX is long; SWi20: new All time High, Stoxx50 higher than 7/4 top! SPAIN!! viva Espagna !! ES35 new highs. AEX too
Follow up on Orban Viktor:
on Feb 8thm, I discussed with my friend, Norm on Fb the followings:
July 11, 2024 Thursday
MSFT: trade range 463= stop/ tgt 469-473-76-79NVDA: topped at 140, now at 134; Stop = 133; tgts: 139-140-143-146 - had the biggest volume yesterday.
GOOGL: posted on 7/2: stop was 181- tgt 188' next posted on 7/9 - stop was 190- tgt 193-197; they are still valid.
AMZN: in spite of Jeff Bezos massive selling, it is still above the stop = 199
META: stop was / is 535- it is below now... so watch it.
TSM: stop posted 6/22 was 169; now at 191; move up the stop to 190; tgt 193-200
LLY: Since March 7,2023 - till now gained 207%; fabulous! now at 939- stop = 930; Earning 8/8/; CIT 7/22
Nikkei made 2 Fibonacci!!
AXJO: TRIPLE TOP!!JKSE: LOWER HIGHS: STOP 7290KLSE: Double top !!! short below the top
Nifty topped at 24461- it is a short below it After 36 days of rally.Bank Nifty: short below 52560EUROPE: new highs: SMI; AEX
Crashing: MOEX-Russia
TSLA:Don't forget to click "Like"
15:30 | USD | Continuing Jobless Claims | 1,852K | 1,860K | 1,856K | ||
15:30 | USD | Core CPI (YoY) (Jun) | 3.3% | 3.4% | 3.4% | ||
15:30 | USD | Core CPI (MoM) (Jun) | 0.1% | 0.2% | 0.2% | ||
15:30 | USD | Core CPI Index (Jun) | 318.35 | 318.78 | 318.14 | ||
15:30 | USD | CPI (MoM) (Jun) | -0.1% | 0.1% | 0.0% | ||
15:30 | USD | CPI (YoY) (Jun) | 3.0% | 3.1% | 3.3% | ||
15:30 | USD | CPI Index, n.s.a. (Jun) | 314.18 | 314.63 | 314.07 | ||
15:30 | USD | CPI Index, s.a (Jun) | 313.05 | 313.22 | |||
15:30 | USD | CPI, n.s.a (MoM) (Jun) | 0.03% | 0.17% | |||
15:30 | USD | Initial Jobless Claims | 222K | 236K | 239K |
thanks to Mica. I got this site:
July 10, 2024 Wednesday
TA35: for today" short below 2049 - to 41-35 -29
MAGS: made a fantastic up move! target is 53.53 - Stop= 49.00
July 9, 2024 Tuesday
yesterday the USA markets: after a long weekend; didn't shine as expected, but still the Bulls are out there:
The Nasdaq and the S&P turned up before the closeThe best group was the technology: here are the first 10 that rallied:
Biggest shares by "Market cap" Apple is leading:
META: Zuck sold a lot of shares again 7/7/ stop was 535, it fell below; so longs were closed. for the time being.
NFLX: made 2 Fibo levels, topped at 697.53; now it is at 685; which is also the stop
NVDA: STOP = 127
TSLA: is reaching out to Dec. top = 265
News in the sky: the Moon
9.07.2024 0:17:48 21°36'02"Leo Square Mars
9.07.2024 9:03:33 26°04'38"Leo Square Uranus
9.07.2024 16:47:18 0°00'00"Vir <<<
Posted this on FB:
HIs Solar return chart says "may day may day !" Merc+ Mars at 22^ - bad bad bad
I also checked his astrocarthography chart; SN runs on Washington.. not so good.
Time tunnel: today we are 255 days from Oct 27, 2023 low;
186 days from Jan 4, 2024 low;
80 days from April 19 low;
and 103 days from March 28 top; none of these days point YET to a reversal.
The sky today:
We have the Moon in Leo ( here, the S&P tops/bottoms) separating from the Sun, thus gaining in light; Mercury in fire Leo in sextile Jupiter; Venus is sextile Uranus; Jupiter is conjunct Aldebran:
Aldebaran (87 Alpha Tauri m 0.85)
Bull's North Eye
Keywords: A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, integrity, popularity, courage, war mongering, agitation, danger, loss, violent death.
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Mars
Asia now: 8:00 am
all the rest are red.
TSEM: leading the rise
News at PARA: Europe: 1 month performance:
France elections: the far left party won, Macron will be uncapable to make any decisions..
It's morning in Paris. Here's what you need to know From CNN staff
A left-wing alliance has won the most seats in the French parliament after tactical voting in Sunday’s second round election thwarted Marine Le Pen’s far-right party — but France will be left in political limbo after no party came close to winning an absolute majority.
Unable to call a new election for at least another year, and with three years left of his term, President Emmanuel Macron looks set to preside over an unruly parliament, as problems mount at home and abroad.
Who is Jean Luc Melenchon? he is 72.89 years old, tr.Saturn was 180 to the ruler of his Asc +MC = Mercury.; also the Moon ( the people_ was conjunct tr.Mercury.
in the progressed future chart; the most important is Jupiter on his MC ! Uranus - sudden change- on his opposition his Moon ( time rating AA),
Unfortunately, the first thing his party said was, to recognize Palestinian state.. They don't have enough trouble at home, they need their noses in other's lives.. Well, take in all the Palestinians.. then I will see how you will cope!
For this week only
TA35: our market low 2035.84 - high 55.84 closed 46.51;
Tomorrow: expecting short if below 2049.
July 7, 2024 Sunday
I just read, that NVDA got downgraded !! Somebody want to buy it much cheaper... seems to me. I am adjusting the stops to all my holdings.
Have you seen the BTC? Ran up by 375% in 480 days; and now, when it is correcting, 27%; some say it is collapsing... well...Even if it falls to 45000, it will still be only a 50% correction.
ETH/USD: went up by 380% in 637 days, now it is correcting 31%; 50% correction will be at 2462;
Monthly best performers:
Monthly : very dangerous!!
Declination chart for TA35: Sun + Mercury, Venus and Mars already reversed; market is still above Uranus; it's only a question of time when it falls below as well.
July 6, 2024 Saturday
Here are the aspects for this week:
Begin: 7.07.2024 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Venus 45 Jupiter 7.07.2024 8:56
Sun 45 Sedna 7.07.2024 15:55
Venus 90 Eris 8.07.2024 3:00
Pallas 60 Juno 8.07.2024 5:47
Venus 60 Uranus 8.07.2024 14:04
Mercury 60 Jupiter 8.07.2024 17:26
Mercury 120 Node 8.07.2024 23:46
Jupiter 60 Node 10.07.2024 1:04
Mercury 150 Ceres 11.07.2024 2:38
Sun 120 Saturn 11.07.2024 6:05
Venus 120 Neptune 11.07.2024 17:32
Sun 120 Pallas 11.07.2024 17:41
Jupiter 45 Eris 11.07.2024 20:22
Venus 60 Sedna 12.07.2024 13:47
Venus 180 Pluto 12.07.2024 17:12
News about the Magnificent 7: Jeff Bezos ( AMZN) sold a lot of shares at $200; NVDA CEO, Huang Jen sold also a lot, at $122-124.
Best performers in 1 week:
AAPL: closed at 226; target 230; Stop is 219!
AMZN: closed at 200- Stop = 199
from Tradingview:
In the last 5 days only META went up more than 5% in all the markets..
I posted this Gann wheel in the past: target was 5574
shooters father" i don't know wHat's going On". he signed off on his unemployed son's gun purchase.