New Moon in Gemini, 2023 ~ Financial and Mundane Astrology by Gabriella Mittelman

 Between June 18 - July 17, 2023

Thanks for following from the former article!                                  You can read about me here

During this Lunar month, the Sun moves from 26♊to 25♋; Mercury moves from 11 Gemini to 12 Leo; Venus will be in Leo between 11-28 degrees, Mars moves from 16 Leo to 4 Virgo :(; Jupiter moves 5 degrees in Taurus, Saturn, from stationary will be now in Retro- in Pisces; Uranus moves 1.20 degree in Taurus, Neptune turns also  Retro! joining Pluto, that is already in Retro, in Capricorn. So we have a lot of changes in the sky. 

If you check back, what I wrote about Israel in the previous article, it all came true; read about the plot against Netanyahu, in his own party ! ; so let's see what to expect next: 

Let's just look at the slow or outer planets, from Jupiter to Pluto: Jupiter, from the 7th house of partners and known enemies, sends a square to the people(Moon); since Jupiter expands everything, and in Taurus, sign of "what I own, my money, my house"... it will effect the people with higher prices in food, lodging, etc.

Saturn in retro, from the 5th house of the stockmarket, will push the index lower; me effects the Moon, Venus(banks)(see yellow arrows); 

Next: Uranus barely moves, in Taurus, we saw how it pushed up AI related shares till now; it will continue.But in Israel's chart, it is getting closer to the head of the state, B.N. so something unexpected will happen to him. We know, that his son, Yair, is already abroad, not intending to return, and Sara as well, is in London. Next: Neptune, the one that brings fake news in the 5th house of the stockmarket, so look out for manipulations-squares Jupiter, in the 2nd- money- and squares Uranus as well!! in the 8th and sextiles the Sun, here is Bibi again, under something "fishy" going on..Finally Pluto at 29 Cap- on the cusp of the 4th H' (see black arrows) affects Jupiter(money) Mars (army, war) and Uranus (revolution, manifestations in the 8th) these positions will last the whole month. July 7-8 will be hectic, because tr.Mars will conjunct natal Mars.. so let's hope it will be short. Of course there are many more charts that I can check, like the secondary progressions (a day for a year- as the Bible says) there, Sec.Prog Moon will enter Taurus on July 13th; till Nov 18, 2025; since the Moon (people) is exalted in Tau;♉ should be good for us, the people,..but when the people is divided, for which side will she be good?

Here are the monthly aspects: 

Actual major aspects till the end of the month: 
Begin: 19.06.2023 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Sun 90 Neptune 19.06.2023 6:54
Jupiter 60 Saturn 19.06.2023 18:54
Mercury 45 Node 21.06.2023 2:15
Sun 150 Pluto 21.06.2023 13:20
21.06.2023   16:57:40 > Cnc Sun
Gann CIT day
Mercury 60 Mars 21.06.2023 18:23
Mercury P^ Pluto 21.06.2023 23:45
Mercury 60 Chiron 22.06.2023 4:42
Pluto 120 Vesta 22.06.2023 10:41
Venus P Uranus 22.06.2023 12:09
Mars 120 Chiron 23.06.2023 6:52
Sun 120 S.Node 23.06.2023 18:55
Sun 60 Node 23.06.2023 18:55
Mercury 45 Jupiter 23.06.2023 20:28
Sun P Mercury 24.06.2023 1:12- coup in Russia ?! 
Mars P Vesta 24.06.2023 13:35
Mercury 60 Eris 24.06.2023 21:41
Mercury 90 Neptune 26.06.2023 1:36
Mars 90 Uranus 26.06.2023 12:22
Mercury 150 Pluto 27.06.2023 0:07
27.06.2023    2:23:35 > Cnc Mercury
S.Node 150 Vesta 27.06.2023 8:35
Venus P Vesta 27.06.2023 13:16
Mercury 60 Node 27.06.2023 23:56
Mercury 120 S.Node 27.06.2023 23:56
Sun 45 Uranus 28.06.2023 15:52
Sun 120 Saturn 29.06.2023 4:42
Mercury 45 Venus 29.06.2023 5:25
Venus 120 Chiron 29.06.2023 11:41
Mercury 45 Uranus 30.06.2023 4:47
Mercury 120 Saturn 30.06.2023 9:23
30.06.2023   23:06:02 R     Neptune 27°41'13"Psc
Looking at the world, and where are the outer planets on the MC: 
My services : 
 Alert service for world indices, commodities and Cryptos with stops and targets: 
For 2 indices you choose $60/per month. ( minimum 3 months subscription - yoou will receive once or twice a week an update )
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*Natal chart reading: $430, ( + 5% PP )
*The yearly forecast report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $365  for a year.
pls. contact me here ; for further info. 
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If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts and you wish to study, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course". ( 10 meetings, $7500 lot of homework! If interested will send syllabus )
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July 20, 2023 Thursday
Please follow me to the next article: New Moon in Cancer, 2023
July 19,2023 Wednesday 
It is the day of the New Moon ; also it is a day ruled by Mercury and Venus in ♌; the Moon joined them too; brought a rally in the S&P; as we saw yesterday- and will see today. 
19.07.2023  8:01:56 12°07'32"Leo Square Jupiter
19.07.2023 14:22:50 15°16'15"Leo Conjunction Mercury
20.07.2023  4:50:55 22°25'23"Leo Square Uranus
20.07.2023 17:08:18 28°29'12"Leo Conjunction Venus
20.07.2023 20:12:30  0°00'00"Vir <<<
Other aspects to watch out from: 
Also, we have today another YOD or Finger of God : between Venus-Neptune -Pluto. 
Also, Sun conjunct 
Procyon (10 Alpha Canis Minoris  m 0.38)
Keywords: Violence, sudden success then disaster, occult, politics, dissipation
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Mars/ Mercury
     (Important Fixed Stars)
TA35: Call 1880 from 46 to 910 !! 
Nifty: posted in the TG group: 
Nasdaq future 

July 18, 2023 Tuesday 
I will have to start a new article, since we had the Moon conjunct the Sun, however, I don't know if you are aware of this glitch?? New Moon in the Hebrew calendar will be on the 19! The 19th is marked as Aleph Be AV; and the 27th is a mourning day,and fast- for the religious- but there is also no trade, so expiry is changed.. 
Market starts soon, I have to prepare..
Sent updates to subscribers, the rest, I hope you'll do fine. 
July 17, 2023 Monday 
We are just a few hours away from the New Moon. 
Asia already trades, most of them is red, but the Nifty shows some strength 
My last alert was : 7/13 My stop was on 7/10 : 19440 -  it is now a long above it-  closed open gap too.  Target at least 19518" now I can add, that the new stop is 19600 and the target is 19666. 
Sky news: major opposition is coming up between Mars-Saturn; and the Venus -150-Neptune is still present.
I have to watch my grand children today, so I will be mostly away. 
I will have to calculate my targets for the options I have. 
Most of the world futures that trade now: 7:47 am; are red..
Commodities futures too: 
BTC: showed some up move, but was hammered back down; so no news there. 
Currencies: Shekel is up from 3.59- another sign for the index goes down. 
TA BAnks: after a huge rally is correcting now, targets 3432-3377-3354
This is how I think and work; to prepare myself for the day. First I check the sky, then the technicals; and last are there any important announcements ? 
these too point to weakness. and I will not be by the computer.... 
TA35: closed at 1798.41; Stop is 1806 targets: 1797-92-85-81.
11:00 top so far 1801.09; low so far : 1791.46  :) 

July 16, 2023 Sunday
We start the day with the Moon in Cancer, 
16.07.2023  2:47:58  3°21'27"Cnc Sextile Mars
16.07.2023  9:05:47  6°33'41"Cnc Trine Saturn ~ before market opens
16.07.2023 19:22:28 11°46'20"Cnc Sextile Jupiter ~ after the close.
That Venus 150 Neptune I wrote about belowת is still valid; and for the day: we have a Moon trine Saturn
That Mars120 Vesta, that pumped the markets up, is gone..

July 15. 2023 ; Saturday
Yesterday we had a unique aspect in the sky; a YOD or Finger of God: exact aspect 5:15 pm GMT+3; then, USA markets traded, Banks earnings were in, and as posted yesterday, they all fell with a high volume; below the stops I wrote. Venus in disharmonious aspect, did that, while the YOD backed it. I hope it helped close longs..
The energy group fell most. 
First 10 - with biggest volumes, for short: use the last top as stop 
Looking at the calendar: next major CITs: based on March 13 low and June 16 top: July 16,18,26,31; 
Thoughts for the next week: 
But, before that, I was wondering if the grains were affected by that YOD: so they all ran up in the daily level while the yearly shows a decline!
So, I checked Food prices in the USA, and this is quite incredible: (I know all we pay much more for everything in the supermarkets, all over the world... so how can this be? 
If the grains will revert on the long run, food prices will not stay below 6%!! 
Energy inflation during the years: and more interesting stats
Back to watch the sky: 
Next week we will have in the Helio sky a YOD (although with a wide orb... TS doesn't even shows it )  between Jupiter-Saturn and Mars+Mercury ( conjunct and 150 to Ju+SA)
Sunday we have trade , so I think: lower highs since 5/18; last candle is a DOJI ! Arbitrage is - 0.12%; not really relevant; trade range for tomorrow: 1811-1800;

I will post more about other indices on Sunday
Have a nice weekend. 

PS: Netanyahu was rushed to the hospital; "didn't feel good"... looking at his chart, tr.Venus conjunct natal Mars could indicate a minor heart issue; bigger problem is tr.Neptune in disharmonious aspect to his Sun.. that will be a lasting one. ) people from his own party are acting agains him; This week we also have a vote in the Knesset; so this ccould also be a trick to avoid voting. however, he is in the cardiology department...
On 8/5 SN will conjunct his Sun; that is not the best news, under an Uranus at 22*

July 14:2023 Friday
Shekel / USD chart posted on 7/11: 

Outcome so far: 
I post these updates for people who ask if I have a statistics for my trades... so here it one example; in the daily chart. 
Looking at USD/ILS Put 3.70, one could make 200% in 3 days: 

In the intraday, ,pls. scroll down to Nifty - in the 5 min chart.. 
Yesterday we saw new highs again,. lead by the " communications group"
Today: 3 days before New Moon!
Ruler of the day is Venus and the Sun ; Venus is 150^ from Neptune; it's a bad aspect; (look for tightening stops in Banks); while the Sun is 135^from Saturn; another disharmonious aspect. The Moon from Gemini will provide a lot of nervous, zig-zag moves.
Earnings today for JPM: should go above 151 to continue the upside ! Update: after a hike to 152. 79; closed below 151; this is still stop for the next week.
WFC: should go above 44 for a rally! Update: ran up to 45.31; closed below the stop; 
C: long if above 48.50; Update: topped at 48.55 👼 closed with a huge Marabuzu; high volume ar 45.77
BLK: Stop = 740, target 751 Update: topped at 744 only, target was not reached, and fell under an "engulfing" candle below the stop. 

Juy 13, 2023 Thursday
Since the 10th we had a crazy up move in our index; here is the reason:
Helio centric chart: Jupiter is in trine with Mercury and Venus; while Mercury was in opposition Saturn; and Vesta 120*Mars! one of the most important aspects for a rally. 
TA35: ran up from 1734 to 1818.77
DAX: from 15545 - 16185 ( still below 7/3 top
DOW: 33706 -34587 = double top with 6/16 !
Nasdaq: 13585 - 14164 = higher high then 6/16 and new historical high
S&P: 4396 - 4517 ; gapped up ! that will soon close!
So what can we expect now?: We stillhave the Vesta-mars trine, but Mercury moved on,so we have only the Jupiter-Venus trine. 
My calculations, that I send to subscribers are based on these too. ( I also use Geo and other calculations....) 

Today we are under the effect of Jupiter and Mars. Mars, in the Helio chart, as you can see above, is in opposition Neptune and approaching a trine to Pluto; that will be a very difficult aspect, it happens twice a year.
looking back 10 years: check your index, what happened then ...
OK... so let's see what is happening in the world under these aspects now ? 
Asia is green, they write because of the slide of the USD: so let's see the DX: my former alert and now: falling below 100- target on the graph .
Shekel/USD short stop :below 3.648- target 3.622- Long only if above stop
1 pm : 3/622 reached; next 

TA35: Banks index: 13 July tr range 3516- 3560: 3:30 pm 3560 reached, now this is stop. 
Warren Buffett buys LNG : as per the news.. 
Shekel/USD now: 1:27 pm ; first target reached; next: 
Next down target 3.5935

Nifty 50 2:23 pm closed... 7/13 post in TG: "My stop was on 7/10 : 19440 - it is now a long above it- closed open gap too Target at least 19518"
7/14: top so far 19517.75 :) 

July 12, 2023 Wednesday 
I am surprised to note, that people abroad ask me what's happening, when I posted this : 

Well, for 28-29 weeks hundreds of thousand of people demonstrate against Netanyahu and his far right gov.that are aiming to turn Israel to a dictatorship. 
As I posted yesterday, our market, TA35 rallied on "empty belly" the volume being sooo low..that it's incredible how it went up? who traded? when everyone was on the streets? But, we can't argue with fact. it did go up, followed by the S&P later and the Nasdaq.
But, we cannot be an ostrich and burry our head in the sand; we must look at the  wider picture and see the trend. 
The S&P is correcting the fall between 6/30-7/6; former tops were at 4440-42- long if above. Target: 4462; Soon it will have a CIT ~ sign up for the alerts, to see a year ahead. 
Nifty50: I read people think it will surpass the USA markets and will be no 1 or 2... In any case, just now ( 9 AM ) the stop is 19440- target 19700- failing to reach it, will revert. 
Europe first runners up in a year: 
Currencies in a year performance... the Turkish Lira is falling hard 
looking at the EURO/Shekel : we pay 17% more since Bibi is in power, 
News in the sky: The Moon is still in ♉(exalted) just leaving a conjunction to Jupiter and approaching an exact sextile to the Sun. Mercury in fiery Leo is leaving an opposition to Pluto in earth Cap. We have 5 planets in Earth signs, 2 in Fire, 3 in water, and NO AIR ! ( interesting, the demonstrators yesterday said, they had no air... ) When there is no air, or wind, and Mercury ruler of the winds is in fire Leo, all it can bring is hot and dry weather. Mars is in Virgo, which is "cold, cutting wind and dry" oh.. should check where is Mars on the globe now... I read there were some floods in India, I think.. let me see
July 10 pic. JAPAN !!! Oh my !! 
more in NY, etc monsoon in India .. 
9:35 Market starts, I must concentrate 
TA35: we have a CIT today ! count the day! I warned you !! 
12.07.2023 15:29:52 19°55'32"Tau Sextile Sun
12.07.2023 19:41:39 22°10'17"Tau Conjunction Uranus
TA35: today went from 1773- to 1792 !! This is a Gann target, therefore, I think we are done with the longs. 90 min. more to go. 
TA35: top 1806.86 !!!
July 11, 2023 Tuesday 
Today we have an important position, Mercury (communication, transportation, our words that leave our mouth so easily; is in opposition (from Cancer) with Pluto ( in R, 29Cap23 ). First of all, count till 10, till you spill the venom...or some fundamentalistic statement...Mars in Virgo, will back cruel actions. Uranus, on 22Tau; will bring some explosion..Saturn could stop the madness, but it is in religious Pisces, blindfolded by "my belief is THE BELIEVE " The Moon(people) gets more stubborn in Taurus, and conjunct the NN. What can help?? Venus, is fiery Leo? no... Jupiter is stubborn Taurus? no... so God?? or looking for Mr.Goodbar.. Lol.. sad sad situation what is going on here in Israel. we are witnesses of the last democratic breath of the country. 
Everybody is talking about how the interest rate was frozen yesterday; at 4.75%; but noone mentions this : 
Expectations for today: it is now 7:35 am
Asia although it is green; not one index went above former tops; except for JKSE!! what we see is a weak correction of the last falls. 

News: " 
Turkey gives green light to Swedish NATO membership bid
" Earnings expectations: Expectations are for earnings to decline for a third straight quarter. Consensus estimates project a decline of about 7% in earnings per share among S&P 500 companies compared to the same quarter last year, which would mark the steepest decline since 2020, per UBS.
I postesome graphs for our banks on FB, just for follow up here they are: 
TABanks forecast: 

HaPoalim Bank: stop 3060- targets 3070-82-89;3111-3133 ; former top was 3160;
Leumi Bank: stop = 2800- target 2848

Shekel/Dollar forecast
Shekel/USD: in April we got 1.8% fall; will this fall return? now after 7 consolidations day?

As you see the cycles are mixed, with Venus in Leo and Retro - that happened only twice since 2000 it is hard to tell which direction it will go. 
Nifty future: 

TA35: so far: next 1768-72-77
Moon 60 Saturn - top so far - 1766
15:55  USDRedbook (YoY)-0.4% 0.7%

5:36 pm: we had a crazy move today from 1738 to 1770.2 !! on extremly low volume ! Tomorrow, probably opens at 1762- that is support, short if below. 

July 10, 2023 Monday 
6:15 am
I see an early reader from Germany, so I thought to start with Europe and see what's going on ? 
Loosers in the last week: 
Gainers in the last week: 
DAX: future: daily chart: short below 16000. 
MIB future and most of Europe: bottomed on Oct 13, an topped on 7.4 = 184 bars (trading days ) we can use 7.4 top as stop for short; targets are the last lows.. 
MIB bottomed on 6/26- so today is CIT; use 28030 as stop for short; target: 27625 
If you wish to receive a long term forecast, please sign up for it... 
ASIA: one week loosers: 
Pls. scroll down to 7/5 and see the alerts for the Nifty, Nikkei, etc.. they all reached my targets. 
Nifty future trade range now is between 19300-500; for intradady stop is 19440 
CHINA 50 future: stop was 12600- lower it to 12390
Nikkei: rallied till 7/3; since then reached all my targets , even made a lower low than 6/26 !! Stop there is 32247.
USA: Loosers of the week
Dow future: double short if below 6/26 low 

For today: 
16:00  ILSInterest Rate Decision (Jul) 4.75%4.75%
Just before leaving Leo, Mars in now conjunct Regulus fixed star ( Trump's star) I wonder what's in the news about him?
TA35: 12:31 : 1 min 

I am posting these charts for people who ask me for success % in my trades.. well, I don' t have time to do that. but if you follow my alerts, you would know by now... 
12:20  ILSBudget Balance-6,200M -4,400M
16:00  ILSInterest Rate Decision (Jul)4.75%4.75%4.75%
TA35: closed at 1752.71- tomorrow thoughts on the graph 

July 9, 2023 Sunday 

Here is the calendar for the next 2 weeks in July : Western, Geo and Helio aspects, aspects to Fixed stars destructive degrees and declination: 
NY time: 
GMT: 00:00
It is now almost 7 am; trade starts at 9:45; the day is ruled by the Sun and Mercury; they are both in Cancer; bringing a lot of humidity in the air, it is as rain stopped before hit ground... 
The Moon in Aries brings in energy, power, probably market will make a gap at the opening. the Moon is separating from a conjunction to Pandora ( yesterday night the manifestations got ugly...) Venus and Mars from Leo are 150 to Neptune = bad aspect; Mars soon moves on, but Venus in retro ( listen to my you tube recordings below ) will stay 150 to Neptune a long long time. And if this is not enough, Pluto is at the MP of the Nodes.. Which is also something that is very very rare...and lasting one. What can help? Jupiter?? is at 10♉- it is a Capricorn degree, makes the gov. more powerful. Oh.. Uranus just reached 22* in Taurus, the "kill or get killed" deg. (as per N.S. RIP). 
What can we do with all this information ? 
TA35: closed at 1762; opening above it ( we have +0.6% arbitrage - but this doesn't always work...) would push the markets up to1765-67-69-74-76-79-80-86-89; 
TIme wise: CIt days: for TA35: July 9,12,17,21,26, 29.
You should calculate the same for your index.. 
It is now 12:00 TA35 opened with a gap up - as expected, and it is falling since.. So top was 1766.33 and fell to 1750.05 so far. Short targets now are 1759-56-50-49-46-44-40 - sent to subscribers.. 
Calls were sold at the opening, and I bought puts... lots of them ; 
We are now " Bein Ha Meizarim " it is in vain trying to translate it to English with Google...It means, during these next 3 weeks one is not supposed to marry, go to the beach (will drown) or trade longs ( says me ). 
"are the three Shavuots, which begin from the 17th of Tammuz and continue until the ninth of Av, these are days of sorrow, about which it is said (Lamentations 1:3): "All her persecutors will overtake her among the Egyptians." To take caution during these days that are prone to calamities. For example, those who go for a walk or bathe in the sea, although they should always be careful and guard their souls, on these days they will be more careful. And there are those who avoid it altogether. The nature of these days is indicated in the reading of the Haftarot on the three Shabbats applicable on these days, which deal with calamities. On the seven Shabbats that follow Tisha B'av will come the petrats of Nechama (Shu'a Takhah, 8, according to Psikta)."

2:-6 p, m TA35 aspects now in charge " 1749.50 stop
the last hours:
7:53 pm: tomorrow it should open above 1745- then targets will be 47-50-57; Below 1740 it will fall to 1735-32-1728- (6/1 low)1720-1710.

July 8, 2023 Saturday

I uploaded 2 very important videos about forecasts , what is going on in Israel; I speak in Hebrew, but I put English subtitles. 

About Venus retrograde in Leo till October; meanings and more

July 7, 2023 Friday 
We are discussing , in the Telegram group, why did we get a fall yesterday in the markets? Well, not in all markets, but certainly here, TA35 topped at 2 pm and fell; and 
USA: fell at the opening : which could be foreseen, since a day before they made lower highs and as I  wrote on 7/4 it was a CIT day too. 
Gabriella, [7/7/2023 7:37 AM]
I think nothing is a collective effect. It can work for one index and not in the other.( the Nifty rallied ! ) .I check Moon 180 Venus - shows a rally, for TA35; and Moon 180 Mars a fall 1 day before it happens... About the asteroids, I already ran TS and it showed that their cycle don't work.
Gabriella, [7/7/2023 7:41 AM]
The answer is more simple than that... count the days... from tops and lows. a CIT must come.
Gabriella, [7/7/2023 7:42 AM]
not everyone is an  astrologer, and certainly not many have the TS to research, but everyone can make an excell file... and use the Fibo numbers.
Gabriella, [7/7/2023 7:48 AM]
I alerted subscribers for this fall, a few days ago...
Gabriella, [7/7/2023 8:00 AM]
take the S&P future for example: JuNe 26 low + 8 Fibo days = = July 4 = CIT, so using the 60 or 15 min graph, depending on everyone's pocket.. we used the low of 7.4 =4487 and went short below.
Then, if you had an excell file, you knew, that July 5 = 180 days from Jan 6, 2023- that backed a CIT! How low it would fall? If it falls to 1/3 correction = it is a minor one, Then we use 50% as stop, if it falls below 50 % - =4433; that is more severe; yesterday it fell to almost 2/3; that can be considered as an A - then up to B and down to C - which should not be lower than 4395; this is BEFORE WE TURN TO THE PLANETS AND TRY TO FIGURE THEM OUT... FOR MORE SOPHISTICATED and learned people, we can add the Gann wheel' which I used for subscribers... NeXT CIT = July 10 = 13 days from 6/26

Gabriella, [7/7/2023 8:09 AM]
Finally if you know nothing , just use the moving averages, 5-13-21 - in S&P case 21 supports at 4371; and the volume was low!

Gabriella, [7/7/2023 8:10 AM]
I teach all that in my FInancial astrology course. I don't think I can share FOR FREE everything I learned so hard in the last 20 years. but if you, ESWAR want to, do that in your group. Good luck

Gabriella, [7/7/2023 8:12 AM]
Also, one must be very careful using TS, outcomes there are not always reliable or tradable...

Gabriella, [7/7/2023 8:36 AM]
OK, I just found that yesterday for TA35 at 2 pm when the last top occurred and then a fall the Moon was at Venus/Mars midpoint - one aspect out of thousands... at the same time."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~These were my thoughts... 
What can we expect for today? 
The Sun is still conjunct the best fixed star in ♋: Sirius ( most markets topped and now are correcting) ; the Moon moved into Pisces, as I wrote yesterday; and now is conjunct Saturn;
Why are all Asian markets red, except for these? 
Why is one person happy while the other miserable ?
Europe now : 9:03 the rest are red.
It is now 12:41 pm I am back from my Pilates lesson 
Let's think out loud for Sunday trade :
Ta 35: bottomed on 6/29 and topped on 7/5= at 1779; on 7/6 we got a low; target now is : 1759 - is medium correction, or 1744 is deep correction. 
TA35 daily: 
It is now 12:56 noon; USA is still sleeping.. our market depends on how the  Nasdaq closes... Nevertheless; we can see the future levels for TA35: Sunday: with the Moon in Aries,( will it be a negative or positive power ??? )  approaching the Sun ( after the Full Moon ) : 
TA35: close was 1762.50 : long targets: 1765-67-69-70-75-76-80-= major !! - 1789 
Opening below 1762.50 =  use the same level minus 30 points. Falling below 1740 - it will mark a long term short.
Surprisingly, the Gann wheel doesn't work here. 

July 6, 2023 Thursday
While the Nifty and us made a rally in the last hours of trade yesterday, ( scroll down and check out the graph for TA35) the USA markets didn't :
It is now 6:03 am, I woke up at 4:15... and got up early, so. let's see what can we expect for today? 
The BTC: double topped on 7/3 with 6/23 and fell below the stop sent to subscribers.. the markets follow the BTC, as I observed, even if a few days later, but they do. 
News in the sky: the Moon today:
6.07.2023  7:29:50 21°55'15"Aqr Square Uranus - good for Asia - gaps..
 6.07.2023 10:37:20 23°51'47"Aqr Opposition Venus - banking news in Europe
 6.07.2023 16:41:34 27°37'30"Aqr Opposition Mars - USA!! watch it..
 6.07.2023 20:32:18  0°00'00"Psc <<< - oh... the victim...
On a larger scale: aspects for the next 3 days: note that parallels are like conjunctions, and antiparalells as oppositions.. 
Begin: 6.07.2023  Period: 3 days  (GMT+3)
                                                    Aspect Exact
Mercury      20Cnc42  45 Vesta         5Gem42   6.07.2023 17:27
Mars         27Leo41 150 Neptune      27Psc41   6.07.2023 18:47
Sun          14Cnc29 165 Pluto        29Cap29   6.07.2023 22:34
Mercury      21Cnc54 135 Saturn        6Psc54   7.07.2023  7:14
Mercury      21Cnc58  60 Uranus       21Tau58   7.07.2023  7:54
Mercury      25Cnc02  30 Venus        25Leo01   8.07.2023 19:45
Mercury      25Cnc15  90 Eris         25Ari15   8.07.2023 22:11
Mercury       0Ari00 P^  Pluto         0Ari00   8.07.2023 22:38
except for 1 aspect, I dont' see anything positive here..
So: let's see if anything disturbing in the news/// indeed. 
On 7/4 I wrote this: 

CIT days for the S&P: 
CIT: July 2 = 150 days from 2/.2/23 top
CIT : July 3 = 165 days from 1/19 23 low = was a low
CIT: July 5 = 180 days from  Jan 6, 23 low
CIT = July 10 =270 days from Oct 13, 2022 low; short target 4468-79; long target 4501-10.
CIT= July 11 = 120 days from 3/13/23 low
CIT = July 13= 240 days - from Nov 15,22 top
If we check Jan 6, 2023 low on the Gann wheel: low was 3798- so price tragets for 180 degrees are 4487 to 4435; so far , yesterday, made low 4466; take 1-3 days slippage; and let's see.. 
try to do the same with your index. 
Currencies so far : 
Local banks update: 

Dow Banks: for long term trade: 
TA Banks: made low on 5/31 ar 3144- yesterday it closed at 3382- up targets 3387-89-99-3404-3407 max. CIT 7/7-9 
12:40  BTC  : to be or not to be ?? 

The North Node of the Moon arrived to ARIES - it was here in Dec 13, 2004- June 22.2006 !!! The cycle of the Nodes is 18.50 Years. !! Very important change and shift in the energies.. 


The North Node in Aries represents a significant karmic point in an individual's birth chart, highlighting their evolutionary path and soul's purpose.
With the North Node in Aries, individuals are called to embrace courageous and independent action in order to fulfill their life's mission.
This placement indicates a need for self-discovery and self-assertion, encouraging individuals to step outside their comfort zones and take bold initiatives.
The North Node in Aries encourages individuals to overcome fears and insecurities, empowering them to lead and pioneer new endeavors.
Those with this placement are destined to become trailblazers, demonstrating leadership qualities and inspiring others through their pioneering spirit.
The North Node in Aries emphasizes the importance of personal growth, pushing individuals to develop self-confidence and take calculated risks.
Individuals with this placement are likely to experience significant personal transformations as they strive to embody the warrior archetype within themselves.
The North Node in Aries encourages individuals to cultivate a strong sense of individuality and authenticity, enabling them to make a unique impact on the world.
This placement suggests that individuals need to prioritize their own desires and aspirations, balancing their personal needs with the needs of others.
Those with the North Node in Aries are destined to overcome challenges and obstacles, emerging as dynamic and influential figures who leave a lasting legacy.
Hitler would have the NN on his Sun now.. 
TA35: so far - 4:06 pm  USA will open in 24 min. 

July 5, 2023 Wednesday 
Today it's a tricky day, since it is ruled by Mercury, which is at 17*♋ and the Sun, at 13*; Mercury is separating from the Sun; thus gets more power.. 
Moon's aspects for today: 
5.07.2023 12:28:02 10°01'41"Aqr Square Jupiter ( some justice will be done today)
And, as usual, for intrade trades I use this: 
Asia: now (8:30 am ) only these are green : 
Most fed. announcements are red so far. 
Nifty: stop should be 19377 - short below. ( it is now GMT+3 8:41am - for skeptics.. ) if above, target is 19577.
China 50 future: fell below the stop, short was triggered. 
AXJO: bottomed on 6/26- trade range now : 7227-7257-87 ; target is 6/20 top, failing, short short. 
Nikkei: topped on 7/3, stop now is - for the week 33297- if below 33267/237./ 33117
Europe best performers in a month 
Market is about to open, it is now 9:18- we have Jupiter hour..and Mars rising. 
TA35: outcome : as you can see, in the 10 min graph we got a rally in the last hour. Actually, from 2:23 pm; exaclty when the Moon was in opposition Mars. till then it was boring, as you can see below the 1 min chart. 
This is how I prepare my day: adding the rising and setting planets to the graph- to alert me of time of change in trend. CIT's/ 
Call 1770 ran up from 310 to 1000 !! 
The close was 1779.07; means, that tomorrow trade range is between 1777 stop to : 79-83-92;
at the same time, the Shekel broke lows, made a lower low, so now even if it goes up to 3.71; it will fall below 3.6893; target 3.6680- 3.66 by 7/14 

July 4, 2023 Tuesday 
Yesterday in the USA: 
TSLA: is pushing the markets up 

In Europe: New historical highs were reached in the MIB, DAX, TR20 and CAC
I woke up early, time for research.. Here is the Gann Wheel for time for TA35: past tops and lows with future CITs.
How to use the Gann wheel for time and price, I teach that in my course. 
No trade in the USA
meanwhile some red announcements : 
For today: we still have the Moon in Capricorn, now at 22*=150 to Venus at 22* Leo
4.07.2023  7:29:38 21°50'18"Cap Trine Uranus - good for Asia; 
 4.07.2023 16:48:31 27°41'00"Cap Sextile Neptune - just an hour before our close... probably negative. 
 4.07.2023 19:45:17 29°32'02"Cap Conjunction Pluto
 4.07.2023 20:29:49  0°00'00"Aqr <<< till the 6th- so USA will try for another top. if above stops!!!
 5.07.2023 12:28:02 10°01'41"Aqr Square Jupiter
CIT days for the S&P: 
CIT: July 2 = 150 days from 2/.2/23 top
CIT : July 3 = 165 days from 1/19 23 low = was a low
CIT: July 5 = 180 days from  Jan 6, 23 low
CIT = July 10 =270 days from Oct 13, 2022 low; short target 4468-79; long target 4501-10.
CIT= July 11 = 120 days from 3/13/23 low
CIT = July 13= 240 days - from Nov 15,22 top
TA35 so far: 1 min chart: we had a gap up  - now tripl letop and reversal.. I sold calls at the top
12:27: bought calls 1760 at 720 -770 - sold at 920-990- waiting for 1040 
12:55 Sold at 1040 :) 
Mercury arrived to the MC: change of energy 
Future times to watch in intraday : 
end of the day : we closed above 1766- tomorrow will continue to go higher. 

July 3, 2023 Monday 
The US stock market trades until 1 PM today. It is a day ruled by the Moon (we have a Full Moon today) and Saturn. Miraculously (or not), the Moon sextiles Saturn today and trines Jupiter. Saturn is at a 165-degree angle to Venus (the planet of banks). Mercury is at its maximum declination and is also conjunct the best fixed star of Cancer, Sirius. All of these astrological factors point to a top and reversal today.
TA35: I wrote yesterday: "  the stop now for tomorrow is 1761- target 66-67-69;"
th elow of the day , till now was 1757.33, and the top 1765.92 ~ as I wrote on FB: sold calls 1770 at 770/700; now I am call -less. lol 
Gold: sent 2023-24 forecast to subscribers... 
Are you not one yet?? well... 
S&P sent updates, also on BTC, etc.. 
Sign up now, to know in advance, what and when to trade. !

July 2 , 2023 Sunday 

Ta35 I wrote (see below ) 
Sunday: we have trade; arbitrage is positive, TA35: will trade between 1760 -69-79-83
Mercury           45 Pallas             2.07.2023  8:15
Venus            144 Neptune            2.07.2023 14:09
Mars             120 Eris               2.07.2023 17:21- TA markets close beore this asp. 
Venus             90 Uranus             2.07.2023 17:34
Mercury          165 Center of Galaxy   2.07.2023 17:37
Moon aspects from Sag: 
2.07.2023  6:21:14 21°29'17"Sgr Trine Venus
 2.07.2023 12:18:33 25°05'57"Sgr Trine Mars
 2.07.2023 16:33:10 27°41'11"Sgr Square Neptune
It is now 1:54 pm 
CALL 1770 : WROTE : 
Further thoughts: I have weekly call 1770- closed at 420 ; if above 520 target will be 660- 820-880 1000?! that would be nice.. 
Outcome: I went to pilates, so I entered sell orders at 880 
TA35 : closed at 1763.36; this means, the stop now for tomorrow is 1761- target 66-67-69;

July 1, 2023 Saturday 
June 2023 left us with a new historical high in the USA markets, which was expected, since 4th of July is coming.. 
DOW daily: so far it is below 6/16 top!
Nasdaq future: reached 6/16 top
S&P spot: also reached 6/16 top; those are the stops now for longs.

Best performers in the USA for a month : 
What can we expect next?

Here is the apects table for July: no Moon, it is already too "busy" 
List of aspect for the next week: there are too many, GMT+3
Sunday: we have trade; arbitrage is positive, TA35: will trade between 1760 -69-79-83
Mercury           45 Pallas             2.07.2023  8:15
Venus            144 Neptune            2.07.2023 14:09
Mars             120 Eris               2.07.2023 17:21- TA markets close beore this asp. 
Venus             90 Uranus             2.07.2023 17:34
Mercury          165 Center of Galaxy   2.07.2023 17:37
Moon aspects from Sag: 
2.07.2023  6:21:14 21°29'17"Sgr Trine Venus
 2.07.2023 12:18:33 25°05'57"Sgr Trine Mars
 2.07.2023 16:33:10 27°41'11"Sgr Square Neptune
Monday: Moon in Cap (negative)
3.07.2023  7:43:02  7°00'54"Cap Sextile Saturn ( Asia trades)- blocking effect
 3.07.2023 12:01:55  9°41'24"Cap Trine Jupiter - Good!
 3.07.2023 14:38:32 11°18'44"Cap Opposition Sun - Full Moon
 3.07.2023 19:49:38 14°32'30"Cap Opposition Mercury 
Venus            165 Saturn             3.07.2023  3:28 ( Far East trades )
Mercury          165 Pluto              3.07.2023 19:59 ( USA already closed, negative effect)
Tuesday USA markets closed
Moon : 
4.07.2023  7:29:38 21°50'18"Cap Trine Uranus = watch out from gaps..
4.07.2023 16:48:31 27°41'00"Cap Sextile Neptune 
4.07.2023 19:45:17 29°32'02"Cap Conjunction Pluto !!! TA closed, USA closed, cryptos?! 
4.07.2023 20:29:49  0°00'00"Aqr <<<
Center of Galaxy 120 Pallas             4.07.2023  5:05 - any army news in the far east? China? 
Sun              165 Center of Galaxy   4.07.2023 12:35
Uranus            45 Juno               4.07.2023 15:07
Sun               45 Pallas             4.07.2023 19:23
Saturn           120 Juno               4.07.2023 20:22
Sun              P^  Pluto              4.07.2023 22:21 = negative
Venus            P   Mars               4.07.2023 23:26
Wednesday : Moon in Aquarius aspects: 
5.07.2023 12:28:02 10°01'41"Aqr Square Jupiter
Venus            P   Jupiter            5.07.2023  2:06 = good
Mars             P   Jupiter            5.07.2023  3:11 = powerful 
Neptune          150 Pallas             5.07.2023  7:28  = risky!
TA35 weekly options last day to trade.
Mars             120 Center of Galaxy   5.07.2023 23:11 - twice a year event! Mars in Leo- wars!!
Thursday: Moon aspects: 
6.07.2023  7:29:50 21°55'15"Aqr Square Uranus = watch the gaps.
 6.07.2023 10:37:20 23°51'47"Aqr Opposition Venus
Weekly options expiry - will the index be above 1763? 93?? that would be hillarious !
 6.07.2023 16:41:34 27°37'30"Aqr Opposition Mars
 6.07.2023 20:32:18  0°00'00"Psc <<<the martyr...
Mercury           45 Vesta              6.07.2023 17:27
Mars             150 Neptune            6.07.2023 18:47
Sun              165 Pluto              6.07.2023 22:34
Friday: Moon in Pisces aspects: 
 7.07.2023  7:46:57  6°54'11"Psc Conjunction Saturn 
 7.07.2023 13:27:34 10°21'45"Psc Sextile Jupiter - positive
 7.07.2023 21:47:43 15°24'31"Psc Trine Sun - positive. 
Mercury          135 Saturn             7.07.2023  7:14
Mercury           60 Uranus             7.07.2023  7:54 - watch for gaps. 
Jupiter          144 Ceres              7.07.2023 13:33
Checking the Statistics TS gives here are the outcome : 
As per this, only Sunday will be an up day, the rest, till expiry short short.. can this be trusted? 
We will see on teh 6th. LOL 
I don't trade by this! only by the planetry positions and count that I use and teach too. 
Further thoughts: I have weekly call 1770- closed at 420 ; if above 520 target will be 660- 820-880 1000?! that would be nice.. 
I also have W C 1800: ( I went to the extremes, because of 7/4) closed at 74, target 270...LOL.. 
Let's see. 
If the statistics will be right, and TA will fall; then Put 1740 (closed at 1000 ) should reach1180- 1300 
S&P statistics with outcome : 

June 30, 2023 Friday: 
We have a Mercury 45* Uranus today; now it is 8:45 am, it caused in some markets a gap up, in the others, a gap down. I always mentioned Mercury in my posts since 2009; so no surprise now ..
Here are some examples that I posted in the TG group: 
 Nifty spot: 
Nikkei: gap down
Hang Seng: 
Dow South Korea 
Dax future: 
BTC: hike
Gold: wipe out of the stops: 
I even asked AI what causes a gap up? the answer was unsatisfactory. 
So let's think.. 
the Sun is conjunct Mercury in Cancer. Mercury is weak there; they also square Saturn; so there is a gap up- and a fall later.. imho.. If your index gapped up, use the last low in the 15 min. chart, and put the stop there.. as it went up, so it can just collapse down. If you are a long term trader, never mind.. 
Tthe other major aspect today is Sun 120 Saturn: example for the Nifty 

June 29, 2023 Thursday 
It is weekly options expiry day, extremely hectic... Close in TA35 was 1750; here is the 30 min graph  again : 
In many muslim countries there is no trade, so less volume today.. 
Bank Nifty: triple top !!
Nifty Future: 

Europe performane in a month 
TEVA share in the Nasdaq: 
DO you want to buy it? I don't// Maybe if above $8
TEVA: monthly in Israel: 
Teva daily: 

June 28, 2023 Wednesday 
Yesterday, the only change in the sky was Mercury entering the mute sign of Cancer. Markets jumped.
Definition of Mute SignsCancer, Scorpio and Pisces; so named by the Arabians because symbolized by dumb creatures that emit no sounds. Arabian astrologers deemed that Mercury afflicted in these signs was liable to indicate dumbness, especially when afflicted by Saturn. v. Signs.

(Nicholas deVore - Encyclopedia of Astrology)
Yesterday when the USA markets reversed Mercury made these aspects : 
the question is, what made the markets reverse? 
Checking with TS, it was not those aspects, because as per TS the Mercury Ceres, Pallas, Vesta aspects don't work for the S&P. 

June 27,2023 Tuesday
Yesterday USA markets: if you are a subscriber, you knew this and gained a lot ! 
Check out my forecast for TA35, our index that I trade, would you like to receive such alerts?? pls subscribe to anything you trade.. !
Today's aspects: 
Mercury 150 Pluto 27.06.2023 0:07
27.06.2023    2:23:35 > Cnc Mercury 👇
S.Node 150 Vesta 27.06.2023 8:35
Venus P Vesta 27.06.2023 13:16
Mercury 60 Node 27.06.2023 23:56
Mercury 120 S.Node 27.06.2023 23:56
Today we are ruled by Mars and Uranus. Miraculously they are in exact square 21*; I've been writing about this very difficult planetary position for a while now... scroll down and read. The Moon today is at mid ♎l she will: 
27.06.2023 13:56:16 18°24'33"Lib Sextile Venus
27.06.2023 21:25:28 22°19'20"Lib Sextile Mars
Trouble in CHina... XI is selling dollars to stop the Yuan from weakening... I posted in the Telegram group in May 24, :
On 5/24 I  uploaded the chart of USD/CNH : Chinese Yuan... " USD/CNH: target can be 7.02, but in the future it can  go to 7.25-7.27 - so count the days!!" yesterday it topped at 7.2495 !! Exactly 162 days from the low !!! now the stop should be 7.20
Next CIT days: 7.15,25, Aug 12,20.
I posted the chart of the Rupee: USD.INR too: Now at 81.96; support is at 81.53;  falling below, double short.
 Next CIT: 6/29;  7/7
June 26, 2023 Monday 
It is a day ruled by the Moon and Jupiter ; the Moon just moved into ♎and she is inconjunct = 150^ to Jupiter which is in sextile to Saturn. surely the Jup- Sat sextile is stronger than the Moon, so if TA35 closed at 1758; then up targets are 1761-65-67; down targets 1759-51
Moon aspects today: 
26.06.2023  1:56:59  0°00'00"Lib <<<
26.06.2023 10:49:34  4°29'14"Lib Square Sun
27.06.2023 13:56:16 18°24'33"Lib Sextile Venus
27.06.2023 21:25:28 22°19'20"Lib Sextile Mars
Sign up for the alerts to know if to but calls or puts on any index ! 
TA35: see the forecast and the outcome, alst forecast for June 27th 

June 25,2023 Sunday 
It is a day ruled by the Sun, at 3 Cancer 24; In 4 days it will make an exact trine to Saturn ( restriction); but Saturn is in Pisces,(manouvers, lies, fraud, fake news, past lives, religion, priests, to fade out, to dissolve, to lose) so I am not sure how the Gov, ruled by Saturn in Pisces can hold on, or rule... all over the world, not just here... oh, I found the word!!! to desintegrate...that is what Saturn in Pisces does. IMHO. 
I had the graph of the Gold open, so here it is :Saturn in Pisces: was in 1993-96 and now will be till Feb,14 2026
Just looked it up, since when is BIBI PM ?? well June 18, 1996- Saturn was at 6Aries37; he will have a Saturn return on April 7, 2026 !! only.
Let'sget back to watch today's sky... So, we have a dissolving Saturn in Pisces; check out which house your Pisces rules... and watch those events closely..Now ♄ is at 7*; it's a Libra deg; so still tryinng to balance everything... on July 4th ( of all days! ) it will return to the 6th deg' which is a Virgo, Earth, cruel deg)
The Moon today is at 20Virgo55; brings lows usually..
Aspects for intraday: 
25.06.2023  8:52:47 21°26'40"Vir Trine Uranus - before market
25.06.2023 20:25:02 27°13'03"Vir Square Mercury - after the close.- but in the world, some news ...
25.06.2023 21:20:18 27°40'48"Vir Opposition Neptune - more fakes and manipulations.. 
The most important aspect for the week! is Lilith+Mars+Pallas in Leo square Uranus in Taurus; this happened 2 years ago(if I look at Mars; and 84 years ago if I look at Uranus) For shares and trade it is valid only for those that existed 3x84=252 years ago.. to be able to use Uranus.. So very little I guess. 
The other important aspect is a square between Mercury and Neptune (= a LOT OF FAKE NEWS)
News about Yevgeny Prigozhin: I heard on TV< that he backed off.... after his troops were heavily bombarded by Putin...
Just a thought, how a name, in Hebrewת evaluates itself in life...
Yariv in Hebrew means "rival, opponent, adversary, antagonist, disputant, competitor " or in my words: he will fight, argue make a scandal" ... so the person whom Bibi put to lead this horrible dictatorship is called Yariv Levin. What parents give such a name to a child ??
thanks to this... we can check where in the Bible it appeared this name: so: 
The name Yariv comes to us from the Bible, where it is mentioned both as the name of a biblical character - the son of Shimon and the grandson of Jacob our father, and as a word in the book of Psalms that means enemy or competitor. The literal interpretation of the name is an opponent, an opponent in a competition.
Kabbalistic interpretation
Since the literal interpretation of the name refers to the act of doing justice in the future, parents who choose this name for their son want to give him qualities of ambition, charisma and the pursuit of justice and truth." (he is far right party.. so whose truth? )

June 24, 2023 Saturday
After yesterday's close in the USA; we now have a minus 0:28% arbitrage for tomorrow; market will start in the hour of the Moon; which is at 21Virgo, therefore short targets will be 1778-77-71-69-67-61-51;
Moon~Uranus trine can cause a gap down , and up from there. Mercury ( is strong in ♊) is 3 degrees away from an exact 150^; which is bad..Mars squares Uranus; ( they bring uprisings, wars fights ) 
Sadly, this Mars-Uranus square and Moon conjunct Mars in Leo (2 days ago) brought an unprecedented fight and bloody manifestation between the Druze nation living on the Golan heiths and the police sent by this right wing leader, the idiotic messenger of Netanyahu, who is destroying every good and positive side in Israel now. 
" Druze Protesters Clash With Police in Golan Heights Over Wind Turbine Construction

Three protesters and three police officers suffered mild injuries from the clashes, which erupted in response to work that began Tuesday morning to build wind turbines near the Druze towns of Majdal Shams and Masadeh, on the Israel-Syria border
Protests started on June 20th, after the New Moon, therefore it will last... also the Moon (people) was at 22 (the killer deg) in Cancer (land) the Druze are protecting their land, and settlements; they claim, that those wind turbines are built to take over their lands..
June 21: Moon conjunct natal Moon of Israel; this happens once in 28 days, but what is more dangerous and happens once in 2 years is the Mars return - it will be exact on 7-8 July... I can add more!! Saturn (restriction) will be in disharmonious aspect to the Moon(people), Uranus at 22♉ (kill or get killed deg) will conjunct the Sun (B.N),Uranus will be here for the first time since Israel exists ! Neptune squares exactly natal Jupiter(ruler of H2= assetts) loosing, disapperearing ones' belongings, money, house, land.. Tr. Venus will conj, the Lilith at 24*(Pisces deg) and both will square the Sun (B.N.) Venus rules known (H7) and hidden enemies (H12); so politically it looks bad, financially - hard short. 

I posted updates in the TG group for FOREX; 
one of them is USD/TRY: 
USD/TRY: I don't know if we can call this money any more.. I post regularly in my blog about it.. in March 31 the stop was 19.10- now it trades at 25.23.. after a top at 25.73 ! Maybe Erdogan will devaluate the currency as we did in the 1980', because this looks like Argentina now..  Stop is 25...
Russian Coup? Putin's friend, Yevgeny Prigozhin, seems had enough and turns against him. does he have a chance? Not really.. 

June 23, 2023 Friday
Sad news about the titanic submarine; it seems, it blew up shortly after it started its adventure.. At least they didn't die suffocating for 5 days...terrible, and stupid, unnecessary death. 
I looked up "drowning" degrees : Sepharial wrote
Saturn thus afflicting denotes falls, fractures, bruises, blows from falling objects, etc. In earthy signs by falls, earthquakes, explosions of mines, etc.; in watery signs ( like now, Saturn is in Pisces ) drowning; in airy signs, by falls from a height; in fiery signs, by explosive missiles, etc.
28°15' 31°8'N (2) Scheat, Beta Pegasi. (Mars Mercury) Extreme misfortune; suicide, drowning,perhaps murder."
May they rest in peace. 
And I found this saying: " “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.” —Thus spake the son of David
Yesterday in the USA: the communication industry pushed up the markets. 
What can we expect today in the markets?? 
The Sun trine the NN; the Moon is at 27Leo;(remember, that Moon in Leo brings a top or low in the S&P ? ) soon she moves to Virgo! that will bring an end to this upside! Mercury in minor positive aspect to Uranus; which also will fade away by the time USA opens.Mars on a Karmic degree (19)trines Chiron; We still have the sextile between Jupiter-Saturn; note, that June, Vesta and Ceres all changed signs !! Sedna conjunct the Pleiades 0 Gemini !(the weeping sisters) 
Example: for the Nasdaq NQU3: we went short on 6/21 we still are. 
It is now 9:53 am
Asia is mostly red; In Europe, I see some are trying to go higher, than 6/22 low! use the 30 min graph, last low and you can mae a few bucks, but not for long. I don't think it's worth while. 
Among the commodities : Lumber shows some highs- now it should reach former ; then in will reverse down 
GOLD: it was all over the media, that SOROS buys gold on 6/13 : see where is it now ! As per my alerts, we went short at 1985; targeting 1915
Here are the Moon's aspects for today: add 7 hours for the USA: 
23.06.2023 13:34:54  0°00'00"Vir <<<
23.06.2023 17:24:17  1°53'12"Vir Sextile Sun

June 22, 2023 Thursday 
Shekel/Dollar since B.Netanyahu is PM ( Nov 29,2022 ) 
Shekel weakens by 23.55% 
USA yesterday: reversed under the Gann day and summer solstice : 
Falling groups: 
I bought SQQQ: stop is $18
Today: we are ruled by Jupiter and Saturn... They are at 7*; in an exact sextile. I sent updates to subscribers... 
The Moon is in ♌; departing from the Sun,there is a Leo stellium in the sky... Venus, Mars, Lilith are there as well- all are coming into a squre with Uranus.. that will be a blast.. 
Moon aspects GMT+3 
22.06.2023  6:07:53 14°27'43"Leo Conjunction Venus - it is now 9:25- we are after it.
22.06.2023 15:41:14 19°11'25"Leo Conjunction Mars - USA market opens! 
22.06.2023 18:50:54 20°45'09"Leo Sextile Mercury
22.06.2023 20:00:31 21°19'32"Leo Square Uranus - watch out here !
It is a day of Jupiter, market opens under a Venus hour: and these to follow 
22.06.2023  9:25:24 Rising   Mars
22.06.2023  9:55:58 Upper    Uranus
22.06.2023 10:51:42 Setting  Saturn
22.06.2023 11:57:01 Upper    Mercury
22.06.2023 12:27:57 Setting  Neptune
22.06.2023 12:42:55 Upper    Sun
22.06.2023 14:49:35 Lower    Pluto
22.06.2023 15:09:58 Setting  Node
22.06.2023 15:35:36 Setting  Jupiter
22.06.2023 15:49:50 Upper    Venus
22.06.2023 16:07:15 Upper    Mars
22.06.2023 16:13:00 Upper    Moon- market will fall 
22.06.2023 16:41:18 Setting  Uranus
22.06.2023 17:16:56 Lower    Saturn
TA35: closed at 1790; today it is expiry day, so very high volatility!! up targets 1791-97-82-87- down target
14:34: TA35 low so far: 1772.75; top 1792.67- meaning, it is negative or short if below MP =1782; 
5 min chart: 
last low was on 6/1 at 1728.79; last top was on 6/14 at 1835.04; on the daily level, we are long above 1781.90; short target: 1751-41; 
Some Forex graphs from TG group: 
HUGE rally since my last update here :GBP/ JPY


June 21, 2023 Wednesday
A lot of events in the sky today !!! 

Mercury 45 Node 21.06.2023 2:15
Sun 150 Pluto 21.06.2023 13:20
21.06.2023   16:57:40 > Cnc Sun
Gann CIT day
Mercury 60 Mars 21.06.2023 18:23
Mercury P^ Pluto 21.06.2023 23:45
Also the day is ruled by Mercury and Neptune !! bring always a CIT, fake news and manipulations.. 
TA35: trade range 1802-1807;; let's see market starts now. 
Early morning I sent updates to subscribers.. You are not one of them ?? Too bad :( 
NVDA: raise stop to 437 !! 
Premarket movers: 
I worte that after the attack in Jenin 6/19, we will have all kinds of fights, due to a strong Mars, and the fact that it all started after the New Moon; Yesterday, after the bloody terror attack in Eli ( 4 dead 4 injured + 2 dead terrorists) , today settlers set fire on Palestinaian homes and cars
Abu Mazen : is under the 9th personnal year, 6th month, it is critical.. a week ago it was on the news, that his health is worsening; two days later he was in China.. XI received his as king.. etc.. but oh, well...not much time left. 
TA35: closed at 1790 :) 

June 20, 2023 Tuesday 
Yesterday we had an extremly rare event in the sky: Sedna moved into

90377 Sedna

Listen to this article
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
90377 Sedna
Sedna seen through Hubble
Sedna only spans a single pixel in this image from the Hubble Space Telescope[1]
Discovered byMichael Brown
Chad Trujillo
David Rabinowitz
Discovery date14 November 2003
(90377) Sedna
Named after
Sedna (Inuit goddess of sea and marine animals)
2003 VB12
TNO[3] · detached
sednoid[4] dwarf planet
Symbol⯲ (mostly astrological)
Orbital characteristics[3]
Epoch 31 May 2020 (JD 2458900.5)
Uncertainty parameter 2
Observation arc30 years
Earliest precovery date25 September 1990
Aphelion937 AU (140.2 Tm)[6][a]
Perihelion76.19 AU (11.398 Tm)[6][7]
506 AU (75.7 Tm)[6]
11390 yr (barycentric)[a]
11,408 Gregorian years
Average orbital speed
1.04 km/s
0° 0m 0.289s / day
≈ 18 July 2076[8][7]
Physical characteristics
Dimensions995±80 km
(thermophysical model)
1060±100 km
(std. thermal model)[9]
> 1025±135 km
(occultation chord)[10]
10.273±0.002 h
(~18 h less likely)[11]
Temperature≈ 12 K (see note)
20.8 (opposition)[13]
20.5 (perihelic)[14]

Sedna (minor-planet designation 90377 Sedna) is a dwarf planet in the outermost reaches of the Solar System discovered in 2003. Spectroscopy has revealed that Sedna's surface composition is largely a mixture of water, methane, and nitrogen ices with tholins, similar to those of some other trans-Neptunian objects. Its surface is one of the reddest among Solar System objects. Sedna, within estimated uncertainties, is tied with Ceres as the largest planetoid not known to have a moon. It has a diameter of approximately 1,000 km (most likely between the sizes of the asteroid Ceres and Saturn's moon Tethys), with an unknown mass.

Sedna's orbit is one of the largest in the Solar System other than those of long-period comets, with its aphelion (farthest distance from the Sun) estimated at 937 astronomical units (AU).[6] This is 31 times Neptune's distance from the Sun, and well beyond the closest portion of the heliopause, which defines the outer boundary of interplanetary space. As of 2022, Sedna is near perihelion, its closest approach to the Sun, at a distance of 84 AU (12.6 Tm), almost three times farther than Neptune. The dwarf planets Eris and Gonggong are presently further from the Sun than Sedna. An exploratory fly-by mission to Sedna at perihelion could be completed in 24.5 years using a Jupiter gravity assist.

Sedna has an exceptionally elongated orbit, and takes approximately 11,400 years to return to its closest approach to the Sun at a distant 76 AU. The IAU initially considered Sedna a member of the scattered disc, a group of objects sent into highly elongated orbits by the gravitational influence of Neptune. However, several astronomers contested this classification, because its perihelion is too large for it to have been scattered by any of the known planets. This has led some astronomers to informally refer to it as the first known member of the inner Oort cloud. It is the prototype of a new orbital class of object, the sednoids, which include 2012 VP113 and Leleākūhonua.

Astronomer Michael E. Brown, co-discoverer of Sedna, believes that understanding Sedna's unusual orbit could yield information about the origin and early evolution of the Solar System.[15][16] It might have been perturbed into its orbit by a one or more stars within the Sun's birth cluster, or possibly it was captured from the planetary system of another star. The clustering of the orbits of Sedna and similar objects is speculated to be evidence for a planet beyond the orbit of Neptune.[17][18][19] 
The orbit of Sedna : 11390 years: when it is close to our planet, it takes 50 years in a sign, but when it is far, can take more than 10000 years !! It will be in Gemini till April 14, 2067! So think about it !! our generation, from June 3, 1967 - till yesterday, Sedna was in Taurus; now, children born till 2067 will have Sedna in Gemini.. 
You should read the story of Sedna!! and what it represents , here.

Sedna’s myth is quite horrifying.  Her father, a widow is desperate to marry off his eligible daughter, but she refuses all his choices. At his wit’s end and in order to punish her, Sedna’s father forces his errant daughter to marry the pet dog! Unfortunately, the animal actually mates with Sedna, so she ends up giving birth to little doggy babies.

Her father is so ashamed and horrified that he throws her out onto the streets. Feeling poor, abandoned and lonely, Sedna then thinks marriage may be a good idea after all if only to have a comfy bed! So in haste, Sedna hooks up with the first charming and apparently well-dressed man that comes along.



Unfortunately, once safely married, the smooth-talker reveals himself to be a lousy crow man. It turns out he has no wealth to his name and just a stinky old nest. Sedna is beside herself with disappointment, but instead of telling scrawny features where to stick his tatty feathers, she wails loudly and helplessly for hours on end until her guilt-stricken father comes to rescue her.

Mr Crow returns from scavenging to find his prize catch is missing, furious he sets off to find Sedna and her father escaping on a boat. His rage whips up a fierce storm and in the panic, Sedna’s father decides to save his own skin by throwing Sedna off the sinking boat.

Sedna though, tenacious and stubborn as she is, will not accept her fate. She clings to the side of the boat for dear life, until her exasperated father hacks off her fingers one by one. Sedna has no choice but to surrender herself to the icy depths. Stripped of everything and left with pitiful stumps for hands, Sedna literally hits rock bottom.

At the bottom of the Ocean, Sedna realizes her fingers are transforming into seals and her palms into whales and dolphins. Sedna becomes the Queen of the sea creatures, finds her life purpose and ultimately her serenity. However, when her mass of unruly hair gets tangled she becomes enraged again and the threatens to withhold her bounty from the sea. All good shamen of the sea know that in order to ensure an abundant supply of fish, they need to soothe and comfort Sedna by brushing her hair.

As you can see the story ends well; Like the Persephone myth, it is about a rite of passage and eventual resurrection. However this time it is the child who is too clinging and possessive of her parent, rather than the other way round with Ceres in the Persephone myth.

The lesson here is about not accepting being the victim. One must learn to take responsibility for one’s life, turn the situation around and transmute an extreme negative into an extreme positive.

I wrote about it before, here are the stuff I posted in 2021-22: 
So it is quite fascinating, that the Sub marine, that searches the Titanic goes missing in the deep sea,exactly on the day when Sedna enters Gemini !! The mistery of the ocean... more thrilling is the fact, who was on the submarine!! UK billionaire Hamish Harding !! Born June 24, 1964- goes missing 5 days before birthday; under a Satrun return and tr Pluto squaring Sedna
With that Part of Fortune conjunct natal POF- help find them in time? They have oxigen for 96 hours.. 

Let's see what's new on Earth? After looking up to the sky, and down into the ocean... Most futures are red: so, in this case, use 60 min chart, last top and have it as stop for short. 
the day is ruled by Mars, at 17♌~ it is solitary~ so its energies are lost. The other planet is Venus that rules, it is at 12♌; it is 45 From the Sun and Parallel Uranus - so watch out for a sudden move in the Forex and banks. Add to that, the 60^ Moon-Uranus! SO, bottom line, I would be in short, overall the markets..or refrain entering longs for a while. The one that shows some up move is the BTC: stop there was 25520; so once above it long was triggered- for intraday 
SIgn up now for the forecasts !!! 
Moon          90 Eris          20.06.2023 15:26
Neptune       60 Mars/Sat MP   20.06.2023 20:22
Moon         120 Neptune       20.06.2023 20:24
Moon          60 Mars/Sat MP   20.06.2023 20:24
Moon          60 Vesta         20.06.2023 23:26

Earnings today: most important is FDX: 
TA35 closed yesterday at 1810- today expectations: 1802-1807--12-18; 
11:42: top so far 1817.10
Nifty spot: sent in the  TLG grp

June 19, 2023 Monday
TA35: Low so far 1786.12- top 1808.12 - since 11:30 is is consolidating. 
ADBE: Pposted the graph on 6/12 I wrote trade range 400-630: topped at 520 so far. 

AEX: last post was on 5/22 - stop was 769; it double topped at 776; now it should correct down.
AMZN: I can't believe I didn's post anything on it since December !!! Then, the stop was 890 now it trades at 124
BA: Stop 210
META: Stop = 277
MSFT: Stop = 349- only above it long
NFLX: stop = 427 - only above it long; target 430-32-39
CANF: started to move.. should go above 6- to rally 

June 18, 2023 Sunday
So, as I wrote, in my previous article; today was a good day for me; let's see what will tomorrow bring? the Moon will be in ♋; the sign she rules; so strong.. departing from the Sun, being after the New Moon; it is a day ruled by the Moon, so gets double importance, the other planet is Mercury, at 13 Gemini; solitary.. and, there is a new holiday in the USA; no trade. 
TA35: closed at 1801; there is a support at 1797; but below that,can slide to 1772.
China 50: on the "safe side" now:
JKSE: too:
Nikkei: made lower highs, only above 33750 long
KLSE: long above 1380
NSEI: double topped:
AXJO: long if above 7230
DAX: stop June 14 top: 


  1. Thanks Gaby. Your blog and course helps traders be much “better than average”.

    1. Thank you !!! My aim is to open "windows" of thoughts, and make my students reserach; in order to make an extra income.


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