New Moon in Cancer, 2023 ~ Financial and Mundane Astrology by Gabriella Mittelman
Between July 19- August 16, 2023
Observing the slower-moving outer planets, ranging from Saturn to Pluto, reveals their relatively stable trajectories without significant changes in direction. On the other hand, Venus has recently entered its Retro motion and will remain in the Leo zodiac sign until early October.
In retrospect, the past month has been characterized by numerous transformations, culminating in a substantial market rally, not only within our index but also on a global scale.
As of yesterday, a significant market peak was attained in the USA, while both Gold and BTC failed to demonstrate substantial gains. Analyzing yesterday's market peaks, a prudent approach would lean towards short positions rather than long ones. However, it is essential to acknowledge that each index and share operates under its unique rhythm and conditions. Diligent evaluation is necessary to navigate these dynamic market variations successfully.
Monthly July Geo major aspects: no Moon.
Important changes in the sky till the end of the month GMT +3
23.07.2023 3:32:59 R Venus 28°36'12"Leo
23.07.2023 3:50:19 > Leo Sun
23.07.2023 7:54:02 > Lib Moon
23.07.2023 17:29:38 >0 S Moon
Gann day: CIT
25.07.2023 14:40:53 min N Node
25.07.2023 16:54:11 D Node 29°02'57"Ari
25.07.2023 18:55:11 > Sco Moon
25.07.2023 21:53:26 max N Node
26.07.2023 0:11:49 R Node 29°02'57"Ari
28.07.2023 2:23:49 > Sgr Moon
28.07.2023 23:31:04 > Vir Mercury
30.07.2023 5:44:01 > Cap Moon
30.07.2023 6:06:38 max S Moon
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August 17, 2023 Thursday
I started a new article, New Moon in Leo, 2023, pls. follow me there !
August 16, 2023 Wednesday
Yesterday in the USA markets:
commodities best performers in a Month
Warren Buffett new purchases and changes in his portfolio as he announced: I don't know when he bought all these, in any case, nice gain.
Also yesterday it was on Twitter, that he bought TSLA:
It is now 8:39, we are a few hours before the New Moon, I will start a new article tomorrow. Till then, let's see how did India return after their independence day celebrations ?
Topped on 8/9, and fell till 8/14, then it went up, as I wrote, it will - for the sake of the holiday, not that it made a CIT, but it was an opportunity to sell higher; Stop was 19300- now it is 19380; When the average move a day is 160 points, the stop should be very if opening price was 19340, then that is stop and target 19500 ;
The overall sentiment in Asia is negative, all indices are red.
Hang Seng future ; fell back to 7/7/ low! 19000 is the stop, and short below.
Hang Seng future ; fell back to 7/7/ low! 19000 is the stop, and short below.
MSCI Singapore also is approaching 7/7/ low; breaking that, double short !
Nifty Bank is close to 6/26 low ! Mind you, it is 55 days = CIT from 6/20 ! So, if above 43920; it can go up and correct the fall from 7/20; below 43920 more short.
Nifty Bank is close to 6/26 low ! Mind you, it is 55 days = CIT from 6/20 ! So, if above 43920; it can go up and correct the fall from 7/20; below 43920 more short.
For TA35: TRADE RANGE 1844-34 OR IF ABOVE 1844 then 49-53
11:50" low so far 1847.20 - NOW 1843
NVDA: 8.23 earnings: this is the last graph I posted ; since 7/23 it makes lower highs=falls; stop broke, short was triggered, fell to 400; now it should go above 460 to rally.
If you hold notes. here is an interesting table : in the red in the last 3 years !
August 15, 2023 Tuesday
Today we are under the energies of Mars and Jupiter×¥ we are also before the New Moon, with the Mon in Leo; so more ups..
August 14, 2023 Monday
Looking at the shekel : it triple topped at 3.74, it should go above in order to reach next level:3.78
Procyon (10 Alpha Canis Minoris m 0.38)
Keywords: Violence, sudden success then disaster, occult, politics, dissipation
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Mars/ Mercury
Looking at Asia and the Far East: only these are green:
Today I have a riddle: which one will be stronger: Venus in the heart of the Sun, which I showed you brought a rally in the past ( in some indices for 3-5 days) or the Square between Sun-Uranus?
well, I just checked, this square too pushed the Nifty, that I just checked, up...will check a few more.
well, I just checked, this square too pushed the Nifty, that I just checked, up...will check a few more.
South Korea, and Pakistan both celebrate their independence day with India, tomorrow//
this is a comparison chart between FTSE S.Korea and the Nifty:
I mention S.Korea, also because I read analysts compare it to the DOW..
List of AI shares:
9:27 market opens in 30 min : under Mars Hour, a VOC moon, from 10:46- 13:36; also 120 to Neptune, +180 Pluto and 90 to the Nodes.
TA35 closed at 1868.84; trade range for today: 1863-82
TA Banks: 10:30 low so far 1866.66 - now the Moon is VOC; ha... let's see what will be her effect?
Low : 1854.32- high 82.67 - closed 1856.45
Shekel : break out
Low : 1854.32- high 82.67 - closed 1856.45
Shekel : break out
August 13, 2023 Sunday
As I opened ZET, immediately jumps the note, that the Moon is conjunct SIRIUS, now, at 14 Cancer, one of the most fortunate fixed stars we have.
Sirius (9 Alpha Canis Majoris m -1.46)
the Dog Star, the Sun of the Sun, the central Sun of our Galaxy
Keywords: Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity
Effect: Fortunate
Character: Jupiter/ Mars
Hugo Chaves, Shinzo Abe, Mark Pompeo, Aaron Spelling, are just a few who pop up from by data base, who were born with such a Moon.
August 12, 2023 Saturday
That Venus in the heart of the Sun brought extreme heat; we will have 40-45-50 degrees in the next 3-4 days. It is forbidden to light fires, but I am sure some idiots will disregard this order and many fires will break out..
The shekel closed with a DOJI: 1.5% weakening in 2 days. Expecting 3.74 ( Aug 15: reached 3.7580)
Tomorrow, Aug.13, it will be a day ruled by the Sun and Mars. The Sun at 20 ♌; gets Venus in its heart...(watch out for heart attacks ); both are squared by Uranus- doubles the sudden event. Next, we will open under a Moon hour, so weak, also with a negative the open can be at 1882 and will try to go up again..up target: 1889-93-95-2006; We also will have, the whole week a Merc-Mars conjunction in Virgo
Actual aspects
Begin: 13.08.2023 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Mercury 120 Pinocchio 13.08.2023 10:30
Moon 180 Pinocchio 13.08.2023 12:17
Moon 60 Mercury 13.08.2023 12:25
Sun 0 Venus 13.08.2023 14:16
Moon 90 Chiron 13.08.2023 17:06
Moon 135 Saturn 13.08.2023 17:16
Moon 30 Venus 13.08.2023 18:17
Sun 30 Moon 13.08.2023 18:51
Moon 60 Mars 13.08.2023 19:56
Moon 60 Uranus 13.08.2023 23:30
Monday: GMT+3 ( new readers, pls. scroll down to 7/27 post- calendars are there )Mars 144 Node 14.08.2023 3:46
Moon 72 Jupiter 14.08.2023 7:15
Moon 120 Neptune 14.08.2023 7:57
Sun 144 Neptune 14.08.2023 8:16
Moon 90 S.Node 14.08.2023 8:18
Moon 90 Node 14.08.2023 8:18
Moon 180 Pluto 14.08.2023 10:46
Moon 144 Saturn 14.08.2023 11:12
Venus 165 Saturn 14.08.2023 16:34
Venus 120 Chiron 14.08.2023 17:55
Moon 165 Pinocchio 14.08.2023 18:00
Moon 45 Mercury 14.08.2023 20:30
Moon 150 Saturn 14.08.2023 23:12
Moon 72 Uranus 14.08.2023 23:39
as a joke, I added Pinocchio - has no financial meaning.. but still, can bring lies... I posted before Netanyahu's chart, it is conjunct his ASC>
Posted in the past USD/Rub: seems that the sky is no limit there! The Rubel weakened in 58 weeks by 100%; how are the people still tolerating Putin?
Devastating disaster in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii; wildfires kill many and actually an island is completely destroyed.. At first, when I saw these videos, I thought it was attacked by laser..
I was lucky to visit Hawaii, tons of years ago; when I worked in the tourist business.. For me, it was unimaginable to be there, you see, I spent my childhood, till age 17 in line for food; so from that line, to be in Sheraton Maui; it was unthinkable... but it happened, bringing out that memory it still brings tears to my eyes.. I should find those photos...
August 11, 2023 Friday
Thanks to FB friends, I found out what was the reason of that crazy rally yesterday..// Our pathetic liar came out with an announcement, that there is normalization with Saudi... the players took it to the extremes, by the way, an hour later it was denied by the USA; so some could buy verrrry cheap puts. Looking back, it all happened when the Moon was conjunct the "Pleiades", at 0 Gemini...
Ok.. so yesterday I had to go to look after the sweet grandchildren, so I was away; by the time I got back market closed; and I ended up with a loss.
USA came to my help there, so I will be fine on Sunday..
Let's see what is it to be done today? I don't trade abroad; but I hold SQQQ; which, closed a dangerous gap yesterday and want up, so the target is still 22-25.
The S&P for example: topped on 7/27+ 14 days was yesterday's top; Closed at 4468; stop for today is 4465. but, the Moon is still in ♊; so again a nervous day.
Is someone "picking "on you today?? that's because of Merc-conj. Mars in Virgo; the most judging sign that there is. Nothing passes their eyes and critical mind..Kids born today will be more so, since the Moon is ruled by Mercury, which is strongest today, of all planets, this doubles the effect.
Venus is Combust the Sun (within 8.30* of Sun)- makes it weak. On August 13, between 10:17 - 18:07 it will be Cazimi- in the heart of the Sun, strong; so let's see how will that effect the banks and forex? This happened before only in Oct. 22, 2022; then at 0 Scorpio. Check out your index, what happened? The S&P sure rallied for 5-6 days.. the DAX too... hmmm
DX fell by 4 % under this aspect.
Venus is Combust the Sun (within 8.30* of Sun)- makes it weak. On August 13, between 10:17 - 18:07 it will be Cazimi- in the heart of the Sun, strong; so let's see how will that effect the banks and forex? This happened before only in Oct. 22, 2022; then at 0 Scorpio. Check out your index, what happened? The S&P sure rallied for 5-6 days.. the DAX too... hmmm
DX fell by 4 % under this aspect.
August 10, 2023 Thursday
Just yesterday was Thursday.. no? time flies, incredibly fast.. I woke up at 4 am, came out to the cool balcony. but from 5 I am sitting here trying to figure out, what made our creepy index rally yesterday in the last 2 hours, caught me asleep on guard.. The whole day it traded 6 points, and then suddenly, no announcements or anything, jumped- it was a long squeeze. I could hardly catch up and correct my positions, the screen froze too. what not.. It was a bad day. Thanks God, I woke up today to a new day...:)
Oh, it will be again a crazy nervous day, with that Moon in Gemini !!! approaching sextile to the Sun; Venus 90 Uranus at 22* 👺 + Mercury 120 Jupiter, we have a Grand Cross between Pluto-Nodes and Juno; so it's a trampoline. or how should I call it? a zig zag day.
Calendar for today: GMT:00 ( posted 7/27); as per this, at 4 pm today we must get a fall based on that Mercury at 15 Virgo.
Calendar for today: GMT:00 ( posted 7/27); as per this, at 4 pm today we must get a fall based on that Mercury at 15 Virgo.
I will be off today... take care.
August 9, 2023 Wednesday
I added some analysis to BRK.B in yesterday's post... It is always a miracle almost, to see, how planets positions effect a share.
It is now 6:30, let's see what is going on..
A.. I read yesterday, that TSLA CEO resigned...By the way, I don't like that black X that Elon Must put as a symbol for Twitter... I find it very unfriendly...
Somehow, when markets start to weaken, Biotechnology raises it's head.. so here are the highest volumes.
The bummer is, as they rocket, so they crash... so you really need to read and study what they do, and how is the graph.. if it has gap up, forget about it.. IMHO always.
S&P ( or anything else) has been falling since 7/27 + 13 days ; it's today! so stop is 4525; if above , might correct up. DJI: topped on Aug 1 + 8 d = today; so long is above 35400
DX: stop now 102; target stays/
DX: stop now 102; target stays/
Gold: 8/9 15 min: made higher lows, if above 1966.50- next up targets 1972-78-85; there is a H&S pattern forming in the 15 min chart, so it MUST go above 1985-86 in order to cancel it.!
Anything that bottomed on 3/13/2023 + 150 days is 8/10!!! so look for a CIT.
here are the planets on 3/13 and tomorrow: we can see, that Jupiter made exact 30 deg; Ura+Venus are at the killer 22 deg. and Mars will be 150 to 3/13 Mercury..
Anything that bottomed on 3/13/2023 + 150 days is 8/10!!! so look for a CIT.
here are the planets on 3/13 and tomorrow: we can see, that Jupiter made exact 30 deg; Ura+Venus are at the killer 22 deg. and Mars will be 150 to 3/13 Mercury..
Nifty spot: Stop = 19489; only above it long
Wrote in the TG group:
Gabriella, [8/9/2023 8:51 AM]
One share that I followed in 2020-21 is TLRY; On 2/12/2021 it topped at 47 and I wrote this : in Nov 2021:
Gabriella, [8/9/2023 8:53 AM]
the last low was 1.50; on 7/26; 895 days from the top. Yesterday it went up by 36%!! so now it trades at 3.02- it might start a rally- stop is 1.50 not much to lose but a lot to gain..
Gabriella, [8/9/2023 8:53 AM]
It's max high was 300 !!
Gabriella, [8/9/2023 8:55 AM]
let us not be greedy... it has to go above 4 to be ready to rally.
Gabriella, [8/9/2023 8:57 AM]
TILRAY, INC. (TLRY) First Trade Date 07/19/2018
Nothing describes a cannabis share better, than a Jupiter-Neptune aspect! Yesterday tr.Jupiter and Merc. made exact aspects to the natal Jup... but.. since Mercury is involved, I would be careful, on the short run! something that goes up 36% in a day, might just drop back. I would wait a day or two..before buying
Adding this on 8/10: as I thought, it fell yesterday!
Nifty gained - topped 19644! Stop moves to 19639Yearly performance comparison between Hungary and Israel Why Hungary?? media says Orban Vikror is a dictator. my friends in Hungary say the opposite...
I wrote on Aug 4: Crude Oil: bottomed on 3/20, like the SMI, + 90 days from 5/4 low... ! although it rallied yesterday, but it must go above 83.53, in order to go higher. Major support level is at 77; I think it will rally again between Sept- Dec. " now it trades at 83.77! so 83.53 is stop. Target 85.
17:30 | USD | Crude Oil Inventories | 5.851M | 0.567M | -17.049M | ||
17:30 | USD | EIA Refinery Crude Runs (WoW) | 0.062M | 0.039M | |||
17:30 | USD | Crude Oil Imports | 2.937M | 2.173M | -0.391M | ||
17:30 | USD | Cushing Crude Oil Inventories | 0.159M | -1.783M | -1.2 |
August 8, 2023 Tuesday
BRK.B came out with an excellent earnings report, and it pulled up the whole market. So I had to check what is this share?
First date on the graph is May 9, 1996, so I ran TS to see the future; using T-spectrum, Bartels T2 and the yearly cycle (in blue): shows a top on Oct 12, but let's sey in the sirt week of October..
Technically it double topped with 3/29/22; Stop now is 352- planets' wise. Up targets: 366-73-82-397;
Natal chart BRK.B: shows a square between Mars-Uranus, Jup-Node + Merc 120 Neptune
The last rally started on march 23, 2020; exactly when Tr Uranus arrived to natal Mars!
Here is a detailed astro explanation :
Here is a detailed astro explanation :
expectations for today: We have the energy of Mars, at 17 Virgo- squares Vesta- read below what this means ! then we have Mercury to mess up everything, at 12 Virgo; note, that in the calendar posted on 7/27th is shows, that when Mercury is at 14 Virgo, it meant a downtrend;
TA35: expiry of weekly options at 1860.45- very low..(the close was 1871)
09:00 | EUR | German CPI (YoY) (Jul) | 6.2% | 6.2% | 6.4% | ||
09:00 | EUR | German CPI (MoM) (Jul) | 0.3% | 0.3% | 0.3% | ||
09:00 | EUR | German HICP (MoM) (Jul) | 0.5% | 0.5% | 0.4% | ||
09:00 | EUR | German HICP (YoY) (Jul) | 6.5% | 6.5% | 6.8% |
MIB: weekly graph and stop for now: Italy fell by 71.67% between 2007-2012; but since 2012! till today !!! 11 years for God's sake/.. it only corrected a little more than 50%
15:55 | USD | Redbook (YoY) | 0.3% | 0.1% | |||
17:00 | USD | IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism | 40.3 | 43.0 | 41.3 | ||
17:00 | USD | Wholesale Inventories (MoM) (Jun) | -0.5% | -0.3% | -0.3% | ||
17:00 | USD | Wholesale Trade Sales (MoM) (Jun) | -0.7% | 0.3% | -0.5% |
TA35: Low = 1857.20 top = 1876.24 closed = 1860.55
August 7, 2023 Monday
So many mails to read, it is already 8:32; and I still didn't have a chance to look at now the Moon is in the last deg.of Aries, and will be VOC till 9:24; just a few minutes before market starts. For Asia, which already trades; it can mean a reversal..
Watching the DX: bottomed 7/18 - made 2 Elliott's- Stop IMHO 101.50- Target 104.
August 6, 2023 Sunday
TA35: Opened at 1850.short targets: 46-44-40-35; long only if above 52- then 54-57. off to Pilates
12:00 I am back /// TA35 ran up to 1860; next target 1863
Tomorrow: the Moon moves into Taurus, there she is exalted, lazy.. we will have an exact aspect Sun-Jupiter at 14.32;
Moon aspects: Gmt+3
7.08.2023 7:12:27 28°45'04"Ari Square Pluto
7.08.2023 9:24:19 0°00'00"Tau <<<
7.08.2023 18:45:41 5°16'37"Tau Sextile Saturn
check out the c a l e n d a r !!!!
August 5, 2023 Saturday
Yesterday at 1 pm all topped and fell in the USA:
What happened? If you look at the calendars I posted a few days below, the Sun at 12♌ has been negative + we can add this pattern: the Thor's Hammer" = 90* between 2 planets and 135* to a third.
So, now, what can we expect for TA35, for tomorrow? we have now the outcome of the arbitrage,+024%; that is a minor effect; so based on the price targets given yesterday, I doubt we will go above 1859.
It is interesting to see, that for the S&P, and anything that bottomed on the 13th of March- after 136 days, it had to be under a 135* aspect to make it fall!
Expectations for the next week: GMT:00- so add your time zone difference; or scroll down to 7/27, when I posted calendars for the USA and India time
Searching more aspects with the asteroids, I found, that Mars will square Vesta till the 13th, which brought a fall in the past in the S&P
Neptune 165 Pallas 6.08.2023 9:23
Moon 150 Mars 6.08.2023 10:03
Moon 144 Mercury 6.08.2023 10:17
Moon 36 Uranus 6.08.2023 10:36
Moon 60 Vesta 6.08.2023 11:53
Moon 144 Pallas 6.08.2023 13:16
Mercury 108 Uranus 6.08.2023 14:27
Sun 165 Pluto 6.08.2023 14:29
Moon 0 Chiron 6.08.2023 15:47
August 4, 2023 Friday
Let's look back, to see what happened yesterday:
AAPL: stop was $193, fell to $191; yesterday was also a CIT day, from 3/13+144 d. Trade range is 190-193; if below, more short.
AMZN: stop was 125.5- closed at 128.91; there is an open gap to 131; but, like many other shares, this one too bottomed on 3/13; so it also had a CIT; so... watch it carefully, in spite of the good earnings, it might revert
SMI: short was triggered below the stop given yesterday; From 3/20 bottom +135 days = 8/3= CIT !!
Trump: pleaded " not guilty", what next??
- What's next: The next hearing in the election subversion case is set for August 28 at 10 a.m. ET. The proceeding will happen before Judge Chutkan who intends to set the trial date. The Trump team requested this day which was the latest of the three options offered by the magistrate judge.
He has a pile of trials coming up..
FAANG: stop was 5180; closed at 5158... short was triggered.
Crude Oil: bottomed on 3/20, like the SMI, + 90 days from 5/4 low... ! although it rallied yesterday, but it must go above 83.53, in order to go higher. Major support level is at 77; I think it will rally again between Sept- Dec.
for today: we have Venus (R) and the Sun's energy. Venus is approaching the Lilith, and the Sun is 135* to the GC; the Moon , from Pisces squares Vesta and is in opposition Mars. So, we have more negative than positive positions.
Some thoughts for Sunday: it is still early, we don't know what the arbitrage will be; there are some announcement today at 15:30 under Venus conj the Lilith, so I don't think they will turn out so good.
Sunday the Moon will be at mid Aries, trade opens under a Moon hour, the Moon 150^Mars- so we might get a gap. Also Sun 90 Jupiter, and Venus 120 Eris, the close was at 1851; Gann targets: 1857-63-70-77; planets wise trade range is between 1852-59-63-65-69-72-75-77 = to the upside; if below 1850 - then all the above minus 30 points.
August 3, 2023 THursday
Looking back what happened on the first of August, that affected so much the USA markets:
Fitch downgraded the USA: see the article here
It happened under an opposition between Mercury ( news from abroad H9) -Saturn ( authority ), that influenced under that Pluto-Nodes Tsquare, with the NN in H5= stockmarket. Also we can see the YOD or Finger of God between Venus(banks) and Neptune-Pluto; from all the hundreds of asteroids I watch, I left only Damocles, conjunct Saturn.. (you know the story of Damocles, right?).
and here is the outcome:
Now, let's see if this will last? I think, since Mercury moved on already, it won't. BUt, it has an "aftershock" effect on the rest of the world.
For us here (expiry day today) we have a big negative arbitrage: ( It is now 4:30 in the morning, I woke up an hour ago.. )
For us here (expiry day today) we have a big negative arbitrage: ( It is now 4:30 in the morning, I woke up an hour ago.. )
The close was 1862.35, with this negative arbitrage we should hit 1854- 52-44; but not at the opening... The Moon just moved into "martyr,victim" PIsces, and will conjunct Saturn. The YOD is still there! Also that Jupiter 120Mars, I wrote about below.
The shekel ran up from 3.63 3.676, target is at least 3.70
Oil: should go above 85-86 to dismiss the H&S pattern
SQQQ: I have been holding for a while, rallied finally ; target now, till the end of the month is 20-22
Teva had a good announcement, it went up by 13%, but looking at the long term... it is still below rally possibility ! If till Aug 9-10 it will not go above 3660; it will fall below and I wouldn't hold it. ( not that I have it now). In the USA Teva will be a buy only above $14
Teva had a good announcement, it went up by 13%, but looking at the long term... it is still below rally possibility ! If till Aug 9-10 it will not go above 3660; it will fall below and I wouldn't hold it. ( not that I have it now). In the USA Teva will be a buy only above $14
FAANG refers to the five major U.S. technology companies – Facebook (FB), Amazon (AMZN), Apple (AAPL), Netflix (NFLX), and Google (GOOGL).
14:00 | GBP | BoE Interest Rate Decision (Aug) | 5.25% | 5.00% |
14:00 | GBP | BoE Interest Rate Decision (Aug) | 5.25% | 5.25% | 5.00% |
12:10 : TA35 so far goes nowhere:
12:00 | EUR | PPI (YoY) (Jun) | -3.4% | -3.1% | -1.6% | ||
12:00 | EUR | PPI (MoM) (Jun) | -0.4% | -0.2% | -1.9% |
boring day TA35
“Trump will be arraigned at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 3. The case of the United States of America v. Donald J. Trump has been randomly assigned to Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, appointed by President Obama in 2014 and confirmed 95–0 in the Senate. Chutkan has presided over dozens of cases concerning the defendants who participated in the events of January 6, 2021, and has been vocal during sentencing about the stakes of that event. In December 2021 she said: “It has to be made clear that trying to stop the peaceful transition of power, assaulting law enforcement, is going to be met with certain punishment.”’
Transit chart for today: remember we have the "FInger of God" in the sky- between Venus(ruler of Trumps' MC) and Neptune-Pluto ( rulers of H 4+8 ) Next, his Sun is at 22Gemini (the kill or get killed deg) and it gets a 30^ from an approaching Uranus, also at 22*in the 10th house of career.then, we have the Pluto-Nodes T-square; all these aspects are long lasting... Finally, Venus in tr , in R - conjunct his Mars, ruler of the 9th house of law- so this conjunction too will last till end of Sept. Jupiter on his MC is in favor; the judges are represented by Mars, - it is in Virgo, so they will be verrrry thorough and go down to the smallest details; also cruel..
Secondary Prog. 1 day for a year: this is a chart that shows events for a year ahead. The only almost aspect is a sextile from Jupiter to Mars; however, it will take a few months till Jupiter will be exact.. For the last 3 years the SN was n his Moon, he lost a lot of money, I guess. I am not aware with the details, but with that Saturn in H12, it will be difficult to run for Presidency. In 2 years Saturn will be exact 60* to Neptune, in the H2( more money will be lost and dreams)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I see some readers from Switzerland: here is the SMI spot: Stop = 11220
15:30 | USD | Continuing Jobless Claims | 1,700K | 1,700K | 1,679K | ||
15:30 | USD | Initial Jobless Claims | 227K | 227K | 221K | ||
15:30 | USD | Jobless Claims 4-Week Avg. | 228.25K | 235.63K | 233.75K | ||
15:30 | USD | Nonfarm Productivity (QoQ) (Q2) | 3.7% | 2.0% | -1.2% | ||
15:30 | USD | Unit Labor Costs (QoQ) (Q2) | 1.6% | 2.6% | 3.3% |
AAPL: must go above 193 to rally ! Earnings after hours !
August 1, 2023 Tuesday
Yesterday in the USA: markets were weak till the last moment, but closed with a huge marabuzu..
Mars 135 Node 1.08.2023 11:53
Mars 45 S.Node 1.08.2023 11:53
Moon 108 Uranus 1.08.2023 14:27
Moon 150 Mercury 1.08.2023 14:37
Mercury 144 Pluto 1.08.2023 15:02
Moon 30 Saturn 1.08.2023 15:54
Mercury 135 Chiron 1.08.2023 15:54
Moon 160 Venus 1.08.2023 17:40
Moon 144 Mars 1.08.2023 19:00
Moon 72 Chiron 1.08.2023 19:26
Sun 180 Moon 1.08.2023 21:32
Mars 120 Jupiter 1.08.2023 23:45
The sky today: Moon in Aqua! usually, the S&P tops/bottoms when here. raise stops given in the last alert.
For TA35: we can get 1882-88-19035:35 pm Outcome: top 1878- closed 1861.67
vix: ONLY ABOVE 15 WILL BE A LONG - cit 8/22
vix: ONLY ABOVE 15 WILL BE A LONG - cit 8/22
The bummer when using the Turbo cycles ( black curve) is, that when I add data, it changes drastically, so not reliable, on the long run. The Best is the TSpectum Tarassov 2 - the pink curve
3:44pm: terror attack in Maale Edomim, 5 injured 1 terrorist dead.
3:44pm: terror attack in Maale Edomim, 5 injured 1 terrorist dead.
15:55 | USD | Redbook (YoY) | 0.1% | -0.4% |
July 31, 2023 Monday
Begin: 31.07.2023
Aspect Exact
Moon 135 Venus 31.07.2023 2:53 - during Asia trading hours
Moon 120 Mars 31.07.2023 3:18
Moon 120 Jupiter 31.07.2023 4:51
Moon 135 Mercury 31.07.2023 12:38 - during Europe trading hours
Jupiter 165 S.Node 31.07.2023 14:00
Moon 90 Chiron 31.07.2023 15:01 - ouch! any announcements?
Moon 45 Saturn 31.07.2023 16:18 - watch out for calls !
Moon 144 Venus 31.07.2023 16:59
Moon 120 Uranus 31.07.2023 19:29 - watch out for a sudden move
Sun 165 Moon 31.07.2023 20:18
Moon 90 Eris 31.07.2023 23:27 - markets are asleep.
Besides the Moon aspects; we can see that the Mars 120-Jupiter lasts during the 3 days!
Exept for these, all the other Asian indices, got a positive up move from the Moon:
For more information on your index, pls. sign up for the alerts !!
For TA35: TRADE RANGE 1863-72 ; more to the downside..
16:45 | USD | Chicago PMI (Jul) | 43.0 | 41.5 |
16:45 | USD | Chicago PMI (Jul) | 42.8 | 43.0 | 41.5 |
July 30, 2023 Sunday
We start the week with a Cap. Moon, we are before the Full Moon; as you can see, by the curser, there are so many, that they don't fit in one page.. I added the asteroids and the Moon.
Actual aspects
Begin: 30.07.2023 (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Saturn 144 Ceres 30.07.2023 9:50
Moon 120 Mercury 30.07.2023 9:55
Moon 90 Klotho 30.07.2023 11:08
Moon 135 Atropos 30.07.2023 13:07
Moon 90 Pandora 30.07.2023 13:46
Jupiter 72 Damocles 30.07.2023 14:26
Moon 60 Saturn 30.07.2023 16:15
these, the above are for intraday trade/
The main planets show 2 YODs and a trine (in blue) Mars-120-Jupiter (occurs 2 a year.) These positions will be there tomorrow as well.
But, don't forget the Helo centric aspects and the Declinations! that's the 3rd dimention :) Check it, if anything happened on these dates..
For TA35: we have a positive arbitrage, so we might get to see 1863-88.
TA BANKS: if above 3587= rally/Probably at the last moment of trade we will see some powerful move.
TA BANKS: if above 3587= rally/Probably at the last moment of trade we will see some powerful move.
It i snow : 8:23 am;
I will be away from 12 noon.
10:30: top = 1889.56; I sold the calls and went to Pilates.
Now 11:55: i must leave.. Price now at 1875.83; support is at 1872.
7:pm : bottomed at 1858, and as I thought , it went up in the last hour; close: 1868.56
July 29, 2023 Saturday
I wrote yesterday, Moon in Sag. will bring a "small correction up" well, it was more than small.
July 28, 2023 Friday
Here is a comparison chart of DJI, S&P and NDX:
For today: the Moon moved into Sag; and will trine the Sun; so we might get a small up correction.
For today: the Moon moved into Sag; and will trine the Sun; so we might get a small up correction.
July 27, 2023 Thursday
No doubt the ECB will raise it too , today.
Those who got my alerts, could make some easy gains below and above the stops. Are you still not a subscriber??!! well.
Today we have no trade here due to Tisha b'Av; the mourning of the destruction of the Temple.Previously, in history, it was destroyed by enemies outside, now it is being destroyed by inside.( Netanyahu and his gov). It's a given, in his name, that adds up in Gematria to 683= meaning "the destruction of the house" but, I was writing about this since 2 years now...
What can we expect today in trade?
Here is the calendar NY time for the rest of the month: the arrows show TS statistics for preveious events:
On Aug 12-13 we see that Venus is closest to Earth. Read more about this here.
Anything that bottomed/topped on 6/29 will have a CIT today!
Moon aspects for
27.07.2023 14:10:16 22°38'13"Sco Opposition Uranus
27.07.2023 22:55:39 27°29'44"Sco Trine Neptune
July 26, 2023 Wednesday
Yesterday the USA markets:
Under a Moon 90 Sun yesterday the markets topped and closed lower. After the close they fell even more.
For today:
The Moon moved into Scorpio; sign of money and the 8th house;
26.07.2023 1:06:38 2°43'00"Sco Square Sun
26.07.2023 7:27:16 6°03'33"Sco Trine Saturn
26.07.2023 14:30:53 9°48'36"Sco Sextile Mars - any announcements? oh yes!!
26.07.2023 20:38:17 13°05'25"Sco Opposition Jupiter
~~~~~~~~~~~The forecast from the FED and ECB tomorrow are both higher! The Fed raised, so ECB will too.
15:15 | EUR | ECB Interest Rate Decision (Jul) | 4.25% | 4.00% |
21:00 | USD | Fed Interest Rate Decision | 5.50% | 5.50% | 5.25% | ||
21:05 | KWD | Interest Rate Decision | 4.25% | 4.00% | |||
21:10 | AED | Interest Rate Decision | 5.40% | 5.15% |
15:00 | USD | Building Permits (MoM) | -3.7% | -3.7% | 5.6% | ||
15:00 | USD | Building Permits | 1.441M | 1.440M | 1.496M | ||
17:00 | USD | New Home Sales (MoM) (Jun) | -2.5% | -0.7% | 6.6% | ||
17:00 | USD | New Home Sales (Jun) | 697K | 725K | 715K | ||
17:30 | USD | Crude Oil Inventories | -0.600M | -2.348M | -0.708M |
I will send now some updates to subscribers... markets are too volatile.. one should guard the screen to know what to do.
It is now 8:44; so time to arrange positions.
TA35: CIT today: expiry= 1848 ! close was 1806 ' now there is a gap to be closed !
Shekel 1 min: 11:25 am
July 25, 2023 Tuesday
It is a unique date today , the date adds up to 7-7-7; 3 times Neptune and the South Node, while adding it up = 3 is ruled by Jupiter. They are in 45^, or in a semisquare. Jupiter is parallel Mercury, so we migh get some gaps!!
For today here are the aspects for intraday thoughts:
Actual aspects
Begin: 25.07.2023 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Moon 45 Mars 25.07.2023 8:25
Moon P^ Mars 25.07.2023 9:10
Moon P Karma 25.07.2023 9:19
Moon 60 Mercury 25.07.2023 9:39
Moon P^ Chiron 25.07.2023 9:50
Moon 180 Eris 25.07.2023 10:47
Juno P Lachesis 25.07.2023 11:13
Pluto 90 S.Node 25.07.2023 12:16
Pluto 90 Node 25.07.2023 12:33
Moon 150 Neptune 25.07.2023 15:10
Mercury P Lachesis 25.07.2023 15:13
Moon 180 Lachesis 25.07.2023 15:30
Klotho 45 Atropos 25.07.2023 15:35
Venus P Pallas 25.07.2023 15:37
Juno 90 Lucifer 25.07.2023 15:38
Moon 165 Jupiter 25.07.2023 15:59
Sun 120 Klotho 25.07.2023 16:05
Mercury P Juno 25.07.2023 16:13
Moon 135 Vesta 25.07.2023 16:28
Moon P Saturn 25.07.2023 16:55
Moon 60 Venus 25.07.2023 17:00
Moon 135 Karma 25.07.2023 17:46
Mercury 45 Ceres 25.07.2023 18:02
Moon 90 Pluto 25.07.2023 18:05
Moon P^ Node 25.07.2023 18:06
Moon P S.Node 25.07.2023 18:06
Moon 180 Node 25.07.2023 18:06
Moon 0 S.Node 25.07.2023 18:06
Mercury 72 Vesta 25.07.2023 18:28
Mercury 120 Eris 25.07.2023 18:54
Ceres 165 Eris 25.07.2023 21:50
Israel 144 Eris 25.07.2023 23:08
Moon 120 Damocles 25.07.2023 23:21
I used the 3 death asteroids: Klotho, Lachesis and Atropos; I wrote about these 3 in the past Why I added them again? they aspect the planets in Leo..
USA yesterday and thoughts for today" SIGN UP FOR THE ALERTS!!!!
17:00 | USD | CB Consumer Confidence (Jul) | 111.8 | 109.7 |
Nifty spot: Short targets below : 19680-525-370 time to watch 7/26 2 pm India time
Outcome: no change
JKSE has the largest volume so far: CIT: 7/27
10:20 | IDR | Loans (YoY) | 9.39% | ||||
10:30 | IDR | Interest Rate Decision | 5.75% | 5.75% | |||
10:30 | IDR | Deposit Facility Rate (Jul) | 5.00% | 5.00% | |||
10:30 | IDR | Lending Facility Rate (Jul) | 6.50% | 6.50% |
10:20 | IDR | Loans (YoY) (Jun) | 7.76% | 9.39% | |||
10:30 | IDR | Interest Rate Decision | 5.75% | 5.75% | 5.75% |
Interest rates in Hungary are to be announced today:
Watch the earnings today!
Were earnings leaked ?? these 4 are falling
Here is one interesting chart: Louis Vuitton : June 26, 1984: Has Sun+Merc+Venus in cancer in opp., Jupiter, and Mars+sat conjunct! Today in the sky mars 180 Saturn, that aspect can block a good earning.. let' s see . Price is at 190- after a top at 200; it will be a short below 189-186! I was wrong about the earnings:
Oh, but I was right about the stop an dhow to trade !!! it fell below 189, it's a short now
July 24, 2023 Monday
Remember that Neptune in Netanyahu's chart? posted yesterday?! Now it turns out, that he has been suffering FOR YEARS! with his heart. ( I can imagine... living with that family he has, and the political life didn't spare him either. He was not released from hospital yesterday, and today we have that damned vote of the new law system.... Millions are on strike, and manifesting against it.
The TA35 index yesterday was again "hijacked" it rallied with a low volume; to 1902- 1907; since July 10 it went up 11 % ! and you can see the falling volume below:
There is strike today in many private enterprizes, not sure yet if the banks too. I hope not. Target now can be 2000- which was the Nov 13.2022 top. or at least 1960. Yesterday's Gann day did it.
The arbitrage is -0.53%; so it can open low, at 1877 and turn up again; only below 1860 it will be a full short to 1814
Asia: new highs in KLSE, JKSE, Nifty Bank, KSI.
USD/INR: long only if above 82
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ are you still thinking about signing up for the alerts??? ~~~~~
EUROPE: New highs: IBEX, MIB; CAC, STOXX50- stalling below a 5th top! Scandinavia is green too.
8:35 am Bibi is released from hospital. banks will open as usual.
13:35 the death of a democratic Israel;
TA Banks:
Ta35 outcome: rose with a falling volume, yesterday fell with a high volume! which was expected, no army marches on empty belly!!
Juy 23, 2023 Sunday
7:30 am
The drama continues here in Israel... Million people marched to Jerusalem yesterday, to attend the dictator's new law system vote today. But, what happened just 5-6 hours before? A pacemaker was installed ( or this is what Bibi said) in his heart... He spoke at 1:15 am today morning, and at 3:50 it was announced that he is well, and he will be back in the Knesset this afternoon... Can a man work and be back to normal after such an operation? I don't know.. but the chart shows Neptune is there in the chart, so everything, again, is fishy...
The inner chart is Bibi's natal; Venus rules his health, at the time he spoke Venus was stationary. The Sun squared the Nodes, and Pluto and was in opposition tr. Sun; they formed a Grand Cross. But, look, where is Neptune!!! it is also in the pattern.. so what is "behind" all this?? we will soon know. Also the Asc.was in exact conjunction Uranus at the 22nd deg, in the 6th house of health. In any case, both Pluto and Venus are in retro, Venus will be in Leo till early October, so his heart issues will continue. Does he want to plead "not guilty" and leave under " his health issues?? hah! that will the a show.
This week: It will be a week to remember: Thursday is Tisha Be Av, , the historical day when the is an annual fast day in Judaism, on which a number of disasters in Jewish history occurred, primarily the destruction of both Solomon's Temple by the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the Second Temple by the Roman Empire in Jerusalem.
How incredible it can be, that exactly on this week Bibi brings (today is the vote) to the downfall of the Democracy in Israel?
For traders: it will be a short week of trade; not only are hundreds of thousands of people marching and manifesting against the gov; but there are not many days to trade. The Moon will be in LIbra, (the sign of Netanyahu; LIlith in his 9t house of law, and the Sun just entered Leo
July 22, 2023 Saturday
Yesterday in the USA markets: all were weak and broke down at 2 pm; exactly
under this Grand cross also Mars 180 Saturn and the Moon backed with a trine to Jupiter .All these aspects were posted below.
for tomorrow: TA35: closed at 1884.31; we will start the day with the Moon in Libra, 60^to the Sun and in the hour of the Moon; we saw that most indices in Asia fell with a gap on Friday; we might get the same, but not so strong.
Stop is 1892; targets: 89-79-76-62
Stop is 1892; targets: 89-79-76-62
The Shekel made a double bottom in 33 days; last low was 3.5681; stop is now 3.61, target 3.65
Silver 7/20: pls. scroll down.. ran up to 25.26; stop stays
XRP: longs were closed, once it fell below the stop 0.8
TEVA: USA: Stop stays at 8.30; it is weakening!
NFLX: fell with a huge gap! I hope you had time to close longs.
NVDA: fell too
Monday for the rest of the world: Opens under a Sun in Leo; it will add to the extreme heat we had till now! Mercury square Uranus at 22* !! look out for a gap!
Here are the aspects for the next 3 days: Geo,
Monday for the rest of the world: Opens under a Sun in Leo; it will add to the extreme heat we had till now! Mercury square Uranus at 22* !! look out for a gap!
Here are the aspects for the next 3 days: Geo,
Actual aspects during trade hours:
Begin: 23.07.2023 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Sun 60 Moon 23.07.2023 9:15
Moon P^ Neptune 23.07.2023 9:27
Moon P^ Eris 23.07.2023 16:14
~~~~~~~~~~Mercury 90 Uranus 24.07.2023 0:39
Moon P Neptune 24.07.2023 3:30
Moon 0 Ceres 24.07.2023 4:12
Moon P^ Ceres 24.07.2023 7:38
Moon 120 Vesta 24.07.2023 10:15
Moon 150 Jupiter 24.07.2023 10:24
Mercury P Jupiter 24.07.2023 17:08
Mars P Chiron 24.07.2023 17:47
Moon 90 Juno 24.07.2023 20:56
Sign up for the forecasts. you will know more :)
July 21, 2023 Friday
USA yesterday: The Russell was the first to break down; I sent updates to subscribers early morning, so by the time USA opened, they knew how to trade.
Yesterday , with the Moon entering Virgo ( 1:12pm NY time ), the decline accelerated.
For today: Moon aspects: GMT+3
21.07.2023 9:02:23 6°19'26"Vir Opposition Saturn
21.07.2023 9:35:51 6°35'56"Vir Conjunction Mars
21.07.2023 21:30:16 12°28'09"Vir Trine Jupiter
There is a rare pattern in the sky: A grand cross: Sun -Pluto-Nodes
So a correction started yesterday; use the last top for short.
SQQQ: finally found a bottom, now long
Ben Gurion : Born 63 years before Netanyahu; is the one who built Israel; in the middle chart is the chart of Israel, with Libra rising. ( I use Sco. rising ) however, many local astrologers use Libra, saying that Ben Gurion and Bibi are in "harmony " with the chart... the outer chart is that of who destroys now Israel, in 6 months, what has been built in 75 years...
true, Netanyahu was elected democratically, and announced his gov (based of far right torrorist parties ) on Dec 29, 2022
But all turned upside down when Yariv Levin, one of the extremists, announced in his speech the reform in the juridistical levels.. on Jan 4, 2023- since then, 2/3 now (even those, who voted for BIBI, are manifesting and marching against the gov. and BIBI>
Minister of Justice (2022–present)
After Israel's right-wing bloc emerged victorious at the 2022 Israeli legislative elections, Levin was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice in the incoming thirty-seventh government of Israel.
"in January 2023, Levin unveiled a governmental plan for a legislative overhaul of the country's judicial system. The plan seeks to weaken the Supreme Court of Israel by granting the government effective control over the Judicial Selection Committee, prohibiting the court from ruling on the constitutionality of certain laws and regulations, and granting the Knesset the power to override any court ruling by a simple majority.[11][12]
Levin's proposed changes to the judicial system sparked intense controversy, with some opposition leaders arguing that the plan amounts to an attempt at regime change and anti-government protests commencing shortly after the plan's unveiling.[13][14][15] Levin fiercely defended the plan, frequently arguing that the supreme court's power to strike down legislation is un-democratic, having stated that "time after time, people who we didn't elect decide for us".[11]
In March 2023, a controversy arose when Levin was seen attending a Purim party at the home of Raffi Chaim-Kedoshim, a known criminal.[16] Chaim-Kedoshim had been convicted of various crimes, including kidnapping and extortion, and had served prison time. It was later revealed that other senior Likud members, including Israel Katz, Miri Regev and Dudi Amsalem, were also present at the event.[16]"
the chart below shows: Benjamin Zeev Herzl, the one who dream about uniting all Jews and build a homeland ( he was Hungarian ) it is just the farse of fate, how our ministers "learn " from Orban Victor, the dictator of Hungary, how to turn the vountry upside down ) - the chart in the middle is B,Netanyahu's; while the outer is the chart of Levin's speech, that started the 7 months manifestations, which will end ungly. ( IMHO)
In these 3 charts, we see a Neptune return,( completion of a dream) and Saturn too at 22 "kill or get killed degree"
Note, the speech Uranus on BIBI'S SUN.. ( he had heart problems lately ) .
Also speech Mars in Gemini (dividing the population) in trine BIBI's Merc. ruler of MC.
true, Netanyahu was elected democratically, and announced his gov (based of far right torrorist parties ) on Dec 29, 2022
But all turned upside down when Yariv Levin, one of the extremists, announced in his speech the reform in the juridistical levels.. on Jan 4, 2023- since then, 2/3 now (even those, who voted for BIBI, are manifesting and marching against the gov. and BIBI>
Minister of Justice (2022–present)
After Israel's right-wing bloc emerged victorious at the 2022 Israeli legislative elections, Levin was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice in the incoming thirty-seventh government of Israel.
"in January 2023, Levin unveiled a governmental plan for a legislative overhaul of the country's judicial system. The plan seeks to weaken the Supreme Court of Israel by granting the government effective control over the Judicial Selection Committee, prohibiting the court from ruling on the constitutionality of certain laws and regulations, and granting the Knesset the power to override any court ruling by a simple majority.[11][12]
Levin's proposed changes to the judicial system sparked intense controversy, with some opposition leaders arguing that the plan amounts to an attempt at regime change and anti-government protests commencing shortly after the plan's unveiling.[13][14][15] Levin fiercely defended the plan, frequently arguing that the supreme court's power to strike down legislation is un-democratic, having stated that "time after time, people who we didn't elect decide for us".[11]
In March 2023, a controversy arose when Levin was seen attending a Purim party at the home of Raffi Chaim-Kedoshim, a known criminal.[16] Chaim-Kedoshim had been convicted of various crimes, including kidnapping and extortion, and had served prison time. It was later revealed that other senior Likud members, including Israel Katz, Miri Regev and Dudi Amsalem, were also present at the event.[16]"
the chart below shows: Benjamin Zeev Herzl, the one who dream about uniting all Jews and build a homeland ( he was Hungarian ) it is just the farse of fate, how our ministers "learn " from Orban Victor, the dictator of Hungary, how to turn the vountry upside down ) - the chart in the middle is B,Netanyahu's; while the outer is the chart of Levin's speech, that started the 7 months manifestations, which will end ungly. ( IMHO)
In these 3 charts, we see a Neptune return,( completion of a dream) and Saturn too at 22 "kill or get killed degree"
Note, the speech Uranus on BIBI'S SUN.. ( he had heart problems lately ) .
Also speech Mars in Gemini (dividing the population) in trine BIBI's Merc. ruler of MC.
July 20, 2023 Thursday
We start the day with the Moon still in Leo, so up corrections - in the S&P - is possible.
The Nasdaq fell the most, but the arbitrage is not relevant, only 0.08%...
We start the day with the Moon still in Leo, so up corrections - in the S&P - is possible.
The Nasdaq fell the most, but the arbitrage is not relevant, only 0.08%...
Actual aspects
Begin: 20.07.2023 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Sun 120 Neptune 20.07.2023 16:06 - announcements !! ??oh, yes...
Venus P Chiron 20.07.2023 16:51
Mars 180 Saturn 20.07.2023 23:39
TA35: closed at 1901.29; Target: 1906-1910-12-22-27
CIT: today; (it would be tomorrow but we don't have trade. )
Top was 1908- since then it has been correcting. Sunday will be red. IMHO
NVDA: Last stop was 6/21 = 437- now raise it to 467 - targt 471-476 - failing to reach them short.
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