Between August 16- September 15, 2023
Thanks for following from the former article! You can read about me here
The planets this Lunar month show us the following moves:
Sun moves from Leo to Virgo;
Mercury in Virgo turns Retro; on 8/23 till 9/15th; will retreat to 8* Virgo, then it will be in the "shadow" period till 9/30, only then it will start its journey to Libra, etc.
Venus now is in retro, will turn Direct on 9/4th, will be in its "shadow period" till Oct.8th, and then continue its move in Virgo, where it is in its Fall (weak, bad).
Mars, now in Virgo moves into Libra, where it is in its Detriment on Aug 28th.
Jupiter now at 14 Taurus turns |Retro on 9/4 and will retreat till Dec.31 to 5Taur34; then it will turn Direct.
Saturn now in retro at 4 Pisces moves 2 degrees in this month,
Uranus now at 23 Taurus, finally left the killer 22 deg; but also turns retro and will be back to 22* on 8/29! - till January 28,2024..
Neptune now at 27Pisces in retro- moves less than 1 degree; it turns Direct only on the 6th of Dec;
Pluto also now in R; moves 0.30minutes this month.
Chiron also now in Retro= 19Aries 43- moves to 18.Aries49
So, this means we will have a lot of opportunities to mend our ways; that is what retros bring, since between Aug 29- Sept 2nd except for Mars all planets will be in Retro, or stationary before R; these 3 days will be the culmination of opportunities..
Geo aspects for this month (no Moon )
Actual aspects
Begin: 17.08.2023 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Venus 60 Ceres 17.08.2023 3:03
Sun 120 Eris 18.08.2023 12:15
Sun 120 Node 19.08.2023 20:14 ( happened before on Jan 2, 2023)
Sun 60 S.Node 19.08.2023 20:14
Saturn 135 Ceres 20.08.2023 0:04
Mars 150 Eris 20.08.2023 3:19
Sun 150 Neptune 20.08.2023 10:40
Ceres 180 Chiron 20.08.2023 14:40
Sun 150 Pluto 21.08.2023 21:07
Mars 150 Node 22.08.2023 1:46
Pallas 150 Chiron 22.08.2023 3:56
Venus 90 Jupiter 22.08.2023 15:16
Mars 180 Neptune 22.08.2023 23:33
Saturn 150 Juno 23.08.2023 20:02
Mars 120 Pluto 25.08.2023 3:23
Venus 45 Mars 25.08.2023 23:04
Mercury 0 Pallas 26.08.2023 10:23
Sun 180 Saturn 27.08.2023 11:28
Mercury 45 Juno 27.08.2023 18:58
Sun 135 Chiron 28.08.2023 2:26
Mars 135 Jupiter 28.08.2023 10:51
Vesta 60 Eris 28.08.2023 12:38
Uranus 150 Ceres 29.08.2023 10:56
Uranus 120 Pallas 29.08.2023 17:38
Node 60 Vesta 30.08.2023 23:30
S.Node 120 Vesta 30.08.2023 23:30
Mercury 150 Chiron 31.08.2023 2:55
Gann CIT days: 8/23 + Sept 7.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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September 16m 2023 Saturday
Please follow me to the next article :" New Moon in Virgo, 2023"
September 15, 2023 Friday Eve of Rosh ha Hashana. Year 5784 = 6 = Venus; the year starts with the month Tishrei, it's the 7the month...
So in Hebrew numerology it's a year ruled by Venus, and Uranus ( for the month =4 ) ; if I slice it up 57 stands for treason; unfaithfulness, deceit, treachery; betrayal
84 for natural disasters, sickness. ( these we already saw in the many floods, fires, volcano eruptions... ) These numbers work in a person's chart very strongly.. Yesterday in the USA markets: rallied under the Sun-Uranus trine..
S&P: Sept.14 was 90 days from 6/16/23 - CIT; next date to watch : 9/24 = 90 days from 6/26 low; Looking at the 5 min graph for the S&P; topped on 9/1, bottomed on 9/7 (7 days)~ since the low it made only a 50% up correction, so to me this seems weakness... so far. Based on the planets: the spot stop is at 4504.50, target 4512; or for the future, now at 4564, Support is at 4552; target 4565-72.
TA35: closed at 1846; should go below 1843 to have my puts gaining...then we will see 1836 and lower.
Nibiru, which is said to have occupied the passageways of heaven and earth, because everyone above and below asks Nibiru if they cannot find the passage. Nibiru is Marduk's star which the gods in heaven caused to be visible. Nibiru stands as a post at the turning point. The others say of Nibiru the post: "The one who crosses the middle of the sea (Tiamat) without calm, may his name be Nibiru, for he takes up the center of it." The path of the stars of the sky should be kept unchanged.
Böhl calls the text "objectively the most difficult passage, although it has been handed down in its entirety. The Nibiru tablet does not provide any essential help for the clarification."
In the enumerations, Nibiru is mentioned at different astronomical locations in conjunction with the positions of stars and planets, mostly as the "star of Marduk", however, the various stars or planets were not subject to any fixed interpretation. For example, the "star of Ea" was described at various "revelation spots" including Vela, Fomalhaut, and Venus. Similar interpretations were made for the other "stars of the gods", so multiple celestial coordinates must be considered. Nibiru has been associated with the area of Libra. The Nibiru constellation rose in the month of Tišritum, around autumnal equinox. However Nibiru was also a name for the planet Jupiter when observed in the month of Tišritum. In the MUL.APIN, Nibiru is identified as Jupiter:
When the stars of Enlil have been finished, one big star – although its light is dim – divides the sky in half and stands there: that is, the star of Marduk (MUL dAMAR.UD), Nibiru (né-bé-ru), Jupiter (MULSAG.ME.GAR); it keeps changing its position and crosses the sky.
Conversely, Tablets K.6174:9’ and K.12769:6’ refer to it as Mercury: "If Mercury (MULUDU.IDIM.GU4) divides the sky and stands there, [its name] is Nibiru."
September 14, 2023 Thursday
7:40 am : The Moon is just 10 degrees apart to make a conjunction to the Sun, thus signifying the New Moon. she is in Virgo,
Today aspect:
14.09.2023 15:27:21 15°25'00"Vir Trine Jupiter
Tomorrow: it's Friday, New Years eve here, we will not have trade on Sunday..
15.09.2023 4:39:38 21°58'41"Vir Conjunction Sun
15.09.2023 6:37:21 22°57'18"Vir Trine Uranus
15.09.2023 13:29:56 26°22'58"Vir Opposition Neptune
15.09.2023 16:49:20 28°02'32"Vir Trine Pluto
15.09.2023 20:44:20 0°00'00"Lib <<<
Monday the Moon will be already in Scorpio, making 165^to Jupiter ( read about this aspect in 9/13;s post) ; Venus will square Jupiter, Uranus in it's Retro moves back to the 22nd degree! and it will be 150 to the upcoming Solar eclipse, (read in 9/9 post) .
Yesterday the USA:
BTC: is still above 26000- so still long
TA35: expiry today; the close was 1833.83; now the trade range is 1832.35- 1840. If below, then 1822-21 is first support.
DX: 15 min:
DX: 15 min:
I posted this graph on the 5th : daily chart... count the turns of 7 days.. so 9/14,21,28.; also watch the Fibo numbers..
When Mercury turned Retro, it was at 103- let's see if it will go back to 103 till the 17th, when it turns Direct? !
AAPL: came out with a new I phone.15.. but the graph points now to a dangerous level. It is a long only if it goes above 178.
AAPL: came out with a new I phone.15.. but the graph points now to a dangerous level. It is a long only if it goes above 178.
NFLX: it has been a short for a long time.. now I don't know if it's worth while buying, the first target is very close.. only if above, will be able to rise.
In Asia: the Nikkei is correcting the 9/6-11 fall, Now 33237 is stop, short below.
Bank Nifty: with my last alert on 8/16- we have been long here, but now, failing to go above 7/26 top, it'll fall back ; stop (long above) = 46135; target ( if below stop ) 45600
Bank Nifty: with my last alert on 8/16- we have been long here, but now, failing to go above 7/26 top, it'll fall back ; stop (long above) = 46135; target ( if below stop ) 45600
AXJO: last alert 7/5 I wrote, failing to go above 6/20 top short short ! it failed, !!now it trades in a triangle. at 7194; stop is 7202 it's a short below.
9:13 am market is about to start..
9:13 am market is about to start..
September 13, 2023 Wednesday
It's r a i n i n g
7:15 am :Yesterday the USA with last tops and trade ranges for the next few days.
Besides the regular Geocentric chart we must also consider the Midpoint trees. I highlighted the conjunctions, there are many more, but the MP between slow moving planets are very important..

Example: Uranus at Ven/Sat MP.; Ebertine wrote about this mostly about love quarrels, and sudden separations... but if I had to interpret it to the markets, Uranus (unexpected ) Venus (Forex) Saturn (Gov); I would watch the $ and other currencies for a strong move, or a restriction , interference from the gov.
Next we have Vesta at the Ven/Jup MP....we have no input from Ebertine about this MP, but we can figure it out..Vesta today is conjunct the fixed star Betelgeuse (58 Alpha Orionis m 0.50)
Next we have Vesta at the Ven/Jup MP....we have no input from Ebertine about this MP, but we can figure it out..Vesta today is conjunct the fixed star Betelgeuse (58 Alpha Orionis m 0.50)
Orion's Right Shoulder
Keywords: Calamities, danger, violence
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Mars/ Mercury
Today we are under the spell of Mercury, and the Moon. The Moon is now on Regulus, but soon will pass into Virgo, where it signals for a reversal, if markets went up while in Leo.
13.09.2023 8:17:54 0°00'00"Vir <<<
13.09.2023 13:30:28 2°34'23"Vir Opposition Saturn
Mercury rises before the Sun, is at 8 ♍m using a wide orb it is in opposition Saturn;
3 days's aspects: the longest and strongest is Mars 165 Neptune ( quindecile) started on 9/11
The Quindecile, or 165 degree aspect, termed as "the separation aspect" by German astrologer Thomas Ring (1892-1983) denotes disruption and upheaval which divorce the individual from the balance of their life. Noel Tyl re-discovered this aspect while researching the horoscope of Leonardo da Vinci and after extensive research confirmed it as a prominent indicator of obsession/compulsion as a response to upset and trauma in the life. I have this book !! Noel Tyl, R.I.P great astrologer wrote about this aspect: pls open the link
Mars now is at 10♎, so this aspect affects Netanyahu..
Mars now is at 10♎, so this aspect affects Netanyahu..
For the markets: I already wrote on the chart about USA indices. I posted yesterday to watch the SQQQ ! went up to 18,49...I will keep it till it gets to 25-30
The BTC: in 60 days topped- bottomed... now it might try for an up move so 26000 is stop.
DAX: last alert sent 9/5- stop was/is 15470; targets 15600-450 ; CIT 9/19
2:55 pm VIX pay attention ! It's a long above 13.60
September 12, 2023 Tuesday
ES: intraday : we can also use the Fibo channel- to get targets.
Pay attention to SQQQ:
September 11, 2023 Monday
We remember September 11 for that terrible Twin Towers disaster, Assad birthday, and also the Likud Party's...
On 9/8 I posted the favorable aspect between Sun-Jupiter, now this aspect dissolves, as the hours pass..
Now here are the aspects for the next 3 days
Note, that the Moon will be in Leo, where it makes a top/bottom for the S&P. The Sun is 150* to Chiron, where it brings pain...or negativity in the markets. Also we have the Sun parallel Mercury, lies, Mars P Neptune, false moves .or news..
Norway just came out with announcements, all red,
Norway just came out with announcements, all red,
OBX is important, because it was the leading index in Scandinavia; I wrote on 9/7, that the stop is 1185; it has been a short since.
In Europe: in a week best performers : however, none crossed up the 8/29 top! except for UK FTSE, and Turkey titans.
S&P : Stop 4522- long above or short below, target: 4560- to former top.
September 9, 2023 Saturday
I added the Crude oil graph below.. I think now it will be a time for short. But, check your own system... I just post what I would do.
Early wake up today, so I could run some tests, and I came up with EUR/USD: TS picked up the Venus-Neptune cycles to work well for this pair.. This chart shows a fall between Oct 2-11 and a consolidation till then. Sept.11 will be a CIT day..
Sun moves from 17♍to 24; the Moon from Cancer to Libra, we will have the New Moon, and I will start a new article.. Mercury turns Direct on the 16th, Venus moves 4 degrees in Leo, Mars moves 5 degrees in Libra, (where it is still in Detriment), the rest are in Retro and hardly move. The Asteroids change signs: Ceres to Scorpio, Pallas to Libra, Juno stays in Leo and Vesta moves into Cancer. We are approaching the Annular Solar Eclipse
Annular Solar Eclipse at 21 Libra.
Partial Eclipse Begins: 15:03:54 UT
Annular Eclipse Begins: 16:10:08 UT
Greatest Eclipse: 17:59:21 UT
Annular Eclipse Ends: 19:48:52 UT
Partial Eclipse Ends: 20:55:05 UT
Local Circumstances of Greatest Eclipse:
Lat = 11°22'12"N Sun Alt = 67.9°
Long = 83°04'00"W Sun Azm = 28.0°
Saros series number: 134
Series member number: 44
It will mostly effect the highlighted areas..
Moon occultation Mercury : Oct 14 ( occultation is like an eclipse but to a planet and not the Sun.)
Moon occultation Mercury : Oct 14 ( occultation is like an eclipse but to a planet and not the Sun.)
Who will be affected by this eclipse most??? People ( first in line Netanyahu, with his stellium in Libra, second, Putin.. him too has this stellium. ) and all who have planets between 15-25 Libra. Since Bibi has Mercury, ruler of MC, career, Neptune, ruler of H4 (base, roots, family) Moon at 19Libra, ruler of H8.. ohooo... Sun at 27 Libra, ruler of the 9th (law) even Ceres at 23Libra, Hygiea (health too ) all these area will be effected for 5-6 months! Will he finally step down? On Sept. 12th there is an important event (Supreme court decision) here in Israel, this can change a lot...On September 12, 2023, an unprecedented panel of 15 Supreme Court Justices will convene to hear petitions requesting to strike down the recent amendment to the "Basic Law: The Judiciary," stating that the Court cannot review government decisions under the standard of Reasonableness. Basic Laws have quasi-constitutional status in Israel, making this one of the most important cases to be heard in the long history of Israel's Supreme Court, as it addresses eight of the many petitions submitted against the amendment."
What Bibi and his far right party want , is to put the Government and its members, where there are former terrorists' like Ben Gvir and Smotrich ) above the law.
I should really check the planets..
September 8, 2023 Friday
I am watching my daughter's Labrador, so I had to take a walk veeerrryyy early this morning.. He came to my bed and licked my hand.. Isn't he adorable ? He is not yet one years old, but he is big as a pony... lol... If he sees a cat in the street, I have to hold him really hard, in order not to fly in the air.. lol
So now it's already 7:30.. let me see what's happening..
Yesterday the USA markets fell at the beginning, but under a minor positive Moon-Uranus aspect it recuperated a bit.
For today: the Moon just moves into Cancer, a sign she rules.. and is approaching the Sun. On her way, she will make positive aspects till she meets Saturn, that should be a culmination and a reversal. or a bottom and a reversal.. depending on the index.. Ex. Nifty is up, all the others are red.. Then during USA hours the Sun trines Jupiter, at 15 degrees. we should look up what 15 stands for.. well, first it's the middle of each sign, after that, power declines.. more so for Jupiter, which is in retro.
Mercury 30 Juno 8.09.2023 8:36
Moon 45 Jupiter 8.09.2023 9:05
Venus 45 Pallas 8.09.2023 12:07
Moon 120 Saturn 8.09.2023 13:43
Sun 120 Jupiter 8.09.2023 14:13
Mars P Neptune 8.09.2023 14:54
Mercury 165 Neptune 8.09.2023 18:48
Looking at the Crude oil: It topped yesterday, under this Sun-Jupiter trine.. Formerly it bottomed under Venus 90*Jupiter, which will happen again between Sept 9-23.. The trade range now is very tight, 86-88; breaking one end, we will follow.
60 min chart
September 7, 2023 Thursday
Yesterday I wrote: Moon - Mars aspect can bring a gap... and we got it, at the opening
Today we still have the Moon in ♊, so nervousness continues.. the arbitrage is minus 0.45%, trade range for TA35 will be between 1832-22- can open with a gap down and try to close it during the next 3-4 days.
To that we can add a disharmonious aspect between Retro Mercury to Pluto !! + Venus to the Galactic Center. Venus has finally turned Direct.. and it is a Morning star, rises before the Sun.
Asia now: 8:45 am GMT+3
Asia now: 8:45 am GMT+3
Only these are green:
Gold: adjust the stop down too = 1945.50 short targets 1944-42-36-33; note, the last low was 8/25.. falling below, double short. Long if above the stop. then it will correct up the fall between 9/1-6.
It is now 9:12
Europe only these are green:
EUR/USD: also gained in shorts, stop was 1.077- low = 1.0703
Read again the post about Nibiru at 12♌, today, Mercury 30* and Venus 0* to it.
Aspects for today:
Read again the post about Nibiru at 12♌, today, Mercury 30* and Venus 0* to it.
Aspects for today:
Actual aspects
Begin: 7.09.2023 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Pluto 150 Vesta 7.09.2023 10:48
Moon 60 Chiron 7.09.2023 10:56
Neptune135 Juno 7.09.2023 15:41
Moon 144 Pluto 7.09.2023 16:47
Ceres P^ Pallas 7.09.2023 17:01
Moon 30 Uranus 7.09.2023 18:30
Mercury 30 Venus 7.09.2023 19:17
Moon 60 Eris 7.09.2023 22:25
Moon 60 Node 7.09.2023 23:46
Moon 120 S.Node 7.09.2023 23:46
Moon 90 Pallas 8.09.2023 2:54
Moon 45 Venus 8.09.2023 3:08
Moon 150 Pluto 8.09.2023 4:22
Moon 0 Vesta 8.09.2023 4:49
Mercury 45 Ceres 8.09.2023 7:07
Mercury 30 Juno 8.09.2023 8:36
Moon 45 Jupiter 8.09.2023 9:05
Venus 45 Pallas 8.09.2023 12:07
Moon 120 Saturn 8.09.2023 13:43
Sun 120 Jupiter 8.09.2023 14:13
Mars P Neptune 8.09.2023 14:54
Mercury 165 Neptune 8.09.2023 18:48
9:35 markets starts.. let's see.10:34
TA35: low so far 1822.35
September 6, 2023 Wednesday
Yesterday in the USA:
The Nasdaq didn't fall, due to Technology group, and mainly based on this small devil: VERB
So, what do we have today in the sky, that is new? The Moon moved into Gemini, we are after the Full Moon, and she is fading out, approaching the Sun.
In the Helio centric chart we have a disharmonious~150~ aspect between Mars-Uranus; and aspect that happens twice a year.
6.09.2023 4:49:40 3°06'16"Gem Square Saturn - already happened, during Asia trading hour
6.09.2023 10:44:25 6°17'24"Gem Trine Mars - oh... this can bring a gap..
6.09.2023 22:06:08 12°20'58"Gem Sextile Venus ... USA is closed.
6.09.2023 23:45:40 13°13'39"Gem Square Mercury
What else? Mercury will be "Cazimi" or in the heart of the Sun, very powerful today from 11 am till the close here...about 5:30pm, any announcements during these hours?
And more at 5 pm and 9 pm.. Beige book..TA35: closed at 1846; should go below 1843 to have my puts gaining...then we will see 1836 and lower.
Gold now trades at 1952; our stop was 1964;
UK FTSE: has been a short since Sept... now double short.
UK FTSE: has been a short since Sept... now double short.
AAPL: some news from China, so let's raise the stop to 189
AAPL: some news from China, so let's raise the stop to 189
September 5, 2023 Tuesday
while I was sleeping, the Shekel/USD fell; this means, market, well TA35, will go up.
When the Moon trined the Sun yesterday, we got an exact top at 3.819, as soon as she left this aspect, and joined Jupiter, the fall started. In the Helio chart Venus 0* Neptune. I should have checked that !! Target now: 3.7250
EUR/USD: is 49 days (7x7) from 7/17 top; so a CIT is expected there. Stop is 1.077;
Nifty and Bank Nifty are up..
Futures now are all red
Nifty and Bank Nifty are up..
Futures now are all red
today we are under Mars' energy... day and date wise too. Mars is a 5♎34; solitary... But, we have a Mercury 120*Jupiter! Mercury moves fast, so even if it will kick the market to any direction, it will not last.. Mercury, in its Retro motion will conjunct the Sun tomorrow at 14:42; look out for some announcements..
DX: up if above mid channel
Oslo OBX: not only it has a CIT, but it almost reached former top at 1190, so now the stop is 1175, target 1182; failing to go above 1190, it will mean a major short
Moon 150 Mars/Sat MP 5.09.2023 3:45
Node 180 Ceres 5.09.2023 4:10
Moon 135 Mars 5.09.2023 5:53
Moon 0 Uranus 5.09.2023 10:28 - GAP!!
Moon 150 Ceres 5.09.2023 15:41
Moon 120 Pallas 5.09.2023 16:17
Moon 60 Neptune 5.09.2023 16:59
Moon 120 Pluto 5.09.2023 19:46
~~~~On 8/30th I posted the Bonds!! check them out now..
September 4, 2023 Monday
It is now 8:26 am.. I woke up at 4:30, but didn't get up.. there was some noise on the street.. finally at 5:30 I did and I am reading news, checking charts (Asia trades); etc.. Terrible what is happening in Burning man!! 70000 people are stuck there..Floods and fires in the world.. but the most unbelievable is what Bill Gates does.. man-made disasters.. it is insane.. why do Americans let it happen? well, look it up.. I don't want to make my blog dirty with him. We have our local insane people.. we have enough.. Some friends, on FB ask me, what's happening in Israel.. well, I don't know where should I start?
Today it's a day ruled by the Moon, which is exalted(lazy) in Taurus. Venus and Jupiter are still stationary. the other 5 planets are Retro and 6 in Earth signs. Scroll down and read the article from the beginning, to see what this means. Only Mars is in Air sign, Libra, but it is in it's Detriment (weak ) there..
Middle East indices year to date
September 3, 2023 Sunday
This is a very important day, because Venus is stationary, at 12♌; before turning Direct; and Jupiter is also stationary, at 15♉; before turning retro. They are in square. Venus and Jupiter are considered as the two benefactors... But, there is more to it.
In the Babylonian astrology, NIBIRU, (or planet X) is supposed to be at 12 Leo.. and searching for its meaning here it is"
Nibiru is [Marduk's] star, which he made appear in the heavens... [130-131] The stars of heaven, let him [Nibiru] set their course; let him shepherd all the gods like sheep.Nibiru, which is said to have occupied the passageways of heaven and earth, because everyone above and below asks Nibiru if they cannot find the passage. Nibiru is Marduk's star which the gods in heaven caused to be visible. Nibiru stands as a post at the turning point. The others say of Nibiru the post: "The one who crosses the middle of the sea (Tiamat) without calm, may his name be Nibiru, for he takes up the center of it." The path of the stars of the sky should be kept unchanged.
Böhl calls the text "objectively the most difficult passage, although it has been handed down in its entirety. The Nibiru tablet does not provide any essential help for the clarification."
In the enumerations, Nibiru is mentioned at different astronomical locations in conjunction with the positions of stars and planets, mostly as the "star of Marduk", however, the various stars or planets were not subject to any fixed interpretation. For example, the "star of Ea" was described at various "revelation spots" including Vela, Fomalhaut, and Venus. Similar interpretations were made for the other "stars of the gods", so multiple celestial coordinates must be considered. Nibiru has been associated with the area of Libra. The Nibiru constellation rose in the month of Tišritum, around autumnal equinox. However Nibiru was also a name for the planet Jupiter when observed in the month of Tišritum. In the MUL.APIN, Nibiru is identified as Jupiter:
When the stars of Enlil have been finished, one big star – although its light is dim – divides the sky in half and stands there: that is, the star of Marduk (MUL dAMAR.UD), Nibiru (né-bé-ru), Jupiter (MULSAG.ME.GAR); it keeps changing its position and crosses the sky.
Conversely, Tablets K.6174:9’ and K.12769:6’ refer to it as Mercury: "If Mercury (MULUDU.IDIM.GU4) divides the sky and stands there, [its name] is Nibiru."
Simply put, it's a major turning point.. Since Venus is conjunct it now, and it brings in all the meanings of Libra and what Venus stands for, it has to do with Justice, beauty, clothes, (Venus) Forex.. Me thinks.. so let's see where the big turn will come.
Zet doesn't feature NIBIRU, but this chart does: I don't know how to change the time to +3, but it's not important, just wanted to show you where Nibiru is... conjunct Venus.
Perhaps I should investigate when happened when other planets aspects 12 Leo (NIBIRU)...
Transit planets in aspect Nibiru ( 12 Leo)
So, that said; and with an arbitrage of + 0.05%; I don't see any rally for today, for TA35. It closed at 1846, up target 1853-58; market opens under Moon hour, which is in Aries, so there is still power..
There are aspects, that in the Western, Geocentric chart is not shown; but we see them on the dial: for example: Mars is at the midpoint of Jupiter/Uranus and Sun/Pluto..
3.09.2023 14:56:37 28°12'33"Ari Square Pluto
3.09.2023 17:59:34 0°00'00"Tau <<< = after the close ! (4 pm on Sundays )
3.09.2023 23:35:37 3°16'09"Tau Sextile Saturn
It is now 9:00 am, still another 45 min till the opening.
I am back from my Pilates, TA35: low so far 1844.06- top 1853.25 ( so first target posted before 9 was accomplished ~ ); the close was 1847.71
Outcome: topped at 1954.26
There were violent manifestations during the weekend in Tel Aviv. Thanks to my colleague, here is what happened:
"Yesterday the reality exceeded all imagination, Eritrean refugees demonstrated against Israel in protest of Israel's agreement to hold a party for the president of Eritrea, some African dictator who enslaves his people...
It really has nothing to do with us, most of us don't even know the name of the dictator in Eritrea and what he looks like (I checked, his name is
Isaias Afwerki Born: February 2, 1946 (age 77 years), Asmara, Eritrea
Office: President of Eritrea since 1993
Party: Eritrean People's Liberation Front..)
Isaias Afwerki Born: February 2, 1946 (age 77 years), Asmara, Eritrea
Office: President of Eritrea since 1993
Party: Eritrean People's Liberation Front..)
And yet most of the countries of the world understood the danger and forbade Eritrean missions around the world to hold celebrations for Afwerki. In Israel, the Ministry of Internal Security decided to challenge the "limit of force" and walk with our heads against the wall as if we were a country that was a criminal organization, and maybe it really was, in any case, in the face of the limit of force, there were no winners."
I find it extremely interesting, that right now, when I wrote about Nibiru, and Venus being stationary at 12 Leo, this person pops up... with his Venus at 12 Aquarius !! in opposition of Nibiru !!
I must add that our government is insane... so this is what is happening..
History: After one year of careful work, negotiations, diplomacy and what not? after one phone call from his son, Yair, B.N. reversed his decision.. You see, he is very flexible.. I searched "Netanyahu reversed his decision " on Google, and I got 29000 links..
The origin of the name is in the book of Ezekiel, as the place where the exiles to Babylon dwelt near the river Kabar, apparently in the Nippur region: "And he came to the exile, Tel Aviv, who dwelt by the river Kabar, and he dwelt, and they dwelt there" (Ezekiel 3:15). The origin of the biblical name is from Akkadian - Tel Abubi - the mound of the flood - which was destroyed by a flood, a meaning opposite to the symbolic meaning given to the Hebrew name.The city is 114 years old, the age point is on Mars ( fights, war),and Sec. progressed Mars is in opposition Jupiter.. ( law, exaggeration)
September 2, 2023 Saturday
I read about "Saola" hitting Hong Kong.. terrible..
" “The increasing gale or storm signal Number 9 was issued at 6:20pm [10:20 GMT] on Friday. This means that winds are expected to increase significantly,” it said.
Saola’s wind speeds topped 220km/h (135 mph).
The weather would “deteriorate rapidly” throughout the day, the observatory said, warning of the possibility of serious flooding in low-lying coastal areas. Members of the public were also warned to stay away from the shoreline.
Dangerous storm surges of between one and three meters (3-10 feet) were expected, according to Al Jazeera weather presenter Jeff Harrington.
“This storm is teetering in on Category 5 hurricane status. It’s going to graze Hong Kong and Guangdong for sure but Macao is really going to be hit hard,” he said."
Saola’s wind speeds topped 220km/h (135 mph).
The weather would “deteriorate rapidly” throughout the day, the observatory said, warning of the possibility of serious flooding in low-lying coastal areas. Members of the public were also warned to stay away from the shoreline.
Dangerous storm surges of between one and three meters (3-10 feet) were expected, according to Al Jazeera weather presenter Jeff Harrington.
“This storm is teetering in on Category 5 hurricane status. It’s going to graze Hong Kong and Guangdong for sure but Macao is really going to be hit hard,” he said."
I hope there will be no casualties !!!
Yesterday USA markets:
showed weakness... Let's see how will the Aries Moon effect the trend?!
I am just playing around with the DX monthly chart.. and this graph shows, that by 2029 - in 88-89 months from the top it might be at 55!
I am just playing around with the DX monthly chart.. and this graph shows, that by 2029 - in 88-89 months from the top it might be at 55!
Kate, one of my students, posted on twitter about the Jupiter at Saturn / Pluto MP.. it happens now.. I looked it up, in Ebertin's book for the meaning: "Plainness and simplicity, excessive modesty, the inclination to sacrifice oneself for others, religious and social fanaticism, difficulties caused thought illness"
Now, looking at the DOW: when did this aspect happened before? Note, that TS didn't find today's aspect!! I sent mail to Sergey.( this MP appears on the dial chart only, so no wonder, it doesn't exist in the sky bad )
Unfortunately, this aspect ( Western Geo ) was present during both WW, and also
1965 June 25 – A U.S. Air Force Boeing C-135 Stratolifter bound for Okinawa crashes just after takeoff at MCAS El Toro in Orange County, California, killing all 85 on board.
1981 :September 27–29 – Iran–Iraq War: Iranian forces break the Siege of Abadan in Operation Samen-ol-A'emeh.
Etc etc
And the madness is ongoing over here:
Report: Sara Netanyahu’s gripe with Yad Vashem director behind effort to oust him...According to the report, which is unsourced, Sara Netanyahu was angered that Dayan invited singer Keren Peles to perform at the official ceremony marking Holocaust Remembrance Day in April. Netanyahu reportedly was upset with Peles for appearing in a “Handmaid’s Tale” outfit — which has become ubiquitous at demonstrations against the government’s judicial overhaul — during a concert in Tel Aviv."
Report: Sara Netanyahu’s gripe with Yad Vashem director behind effort to oust him...According to the report, which is unsourced, Sara Netanyahu was angered that Dayan invited singer Keren Peles to perform at the official ceremony marking Holocaust Remembrance Day in April. Netanyahu reportedly was upset with Peles for appearing in a “Handmaid’s Tale” outfit — which has become ubiquitous at demonstrations against the government’s judicial overhaul — during a concert in Tel Aviv."
Till when?? till when ?? will we put up with this??
September 1, 2023 Friday
We wave goodbye to August 2023; it brought a rally !!
August 31st performance :
Please check out what I wrote on the 30th... the last up leg was due to the Moon in Aqua, and as soon as she entered Pisces, we got a fall. But, the Moon will go into Aries soon, so an up correction will be possible. There are many indices that will reverse on the 3-4th.. but again, they should go above the last top, and better 8/14th top in order to go higher.
September 1: on this day in history WWII broke out..
September 1: on this day in history WWII broke out..
Here is the chart for 9/1/1939 and today; we can see, that Uranus returned to the same place, in Taurus, while Neptune is in opposition:
Interesting person: Narcissa Whitman- read about her, she was one of the first settlers in the wild west; killed by the natives, only at age 39.
I made her Solar chart, with the day of her death and added the asteroid narcissus too Look, she has the Saturn at 22* on the killer deg... many more aspects, but in lack of exact times, it would be just guessing. there was a trial too.. details here.
Looking at the astrocarthography with her Solar chart, she went from NY, to Waiilatpu mission, near Walla Walla, Washington, where her natal Mercury desc. line, ruler of H4- of endings is.. Aspects for the next 3 days
Aspect Exact during trading hours: GMT+3
No trade today in Hong Kong, due to hurricane.
Moon 90 Vesta 1.09.2023 10:35
Moon 0 Neptune 1.09.2023 11:13
Moon 135 Venus 1.09.2023 12:09
Mercury 90 Mars/Sat MP 1.09.2023 12:52
Moon 60 Pluto 1.09.2023 13:35
Moon 60 Sedna 1.09.2023 17:18
Moon 45 Jupiter 1.09.2023 17:19
Moon 180 Mars 1.09.2023 21:49
Sunday: 9/3
Moon 150 Pallas 3.09.2023 9:53
Sun 135 Moon 3.09.2023 10:27
Moon 0 Node 3.09.2023 10:44
Moon 60 Vesta 3.09.2023 12:53
Ceres 180 Eris 3.09.2023 13:33
Sun 135 Node 3.09.2023 14:30
Moon 90 Pluto 3.09.2023 14:57
Moon 135 Mercury 3.09.2023 20:09
Moon 60 Saturn 3.09.2023 23:36
Monday : 9/4 - no trade in the USA: inflation announcement in Israel. Now it's 4.75%
Sept 4-7:
Aspect Exact
Moon 135 Mars/Sat MP 4.09.2023 0:51
Moon 150 Mars 4.09.2023 2:10
Venus 45 Vesta 4.09.2023 5:27
Moon 90 Juno 4.09.2023 11:18
Node 150 Pallas 4.09.2023 12:30
Moon 135 Pallas 4.09.2023 12:33
Mercury 120 Jupiter 4.09.2023 13:29
Sun 120 Moon 4.09.2023 14:12
Moon 45 Neptune 4.09.2023 14:13
Moon 90 Venus 4.09.2023 15:08
Moon 45 Vesta 4.09.2023 15:21
Chiron 120 Mars/Sat MP 4.09.2023 17:41
Moon 120 Mercury 4.09.2023 20:35
Moon 0 Jupiter 4.09.2023 21:06
Moon 150 Mars/Sat MP 5.09.2023 3:45
Node 180 Ceres 5.09.2023 4:10
Moon 135 Mars 5.09.2023 5:53
Moon 0 Uranus 5.09.2023 10:28
Moon 150 Ceres 5.09.2023 15:41
Moon 120 Pallas 5.09.2023 16:17
Moon 60 Neptune 5.09.2023 16:59
Moon 120 Pluto 5.09.2023 19:46
Moon 0 Sedna 6.09.2023 0:07
Sun 135 Pluto 6.09.2023 3:10
Moon 90 Saturn 6.09.2023 4:50
Moon 45 Chiron 6.09.2023 6:45
Moon 120 Mars 6.09.2023 10:44
Neptune 180 Pallas 6.09.2023 11:24
Sun 0 Mercury 6.09.2023 14:09
Moon 45 Eris 6.09.2023 17:50
Moon 45 Node 6.09.2023 19:08
Moon 60 Juno 6.09.2023 19:55
Moon 135 Ceres 6.09.2023 20:21
Moon 60 Venus 6.09.2023 22:06
Moon 135 Pluto 6.09.2023 23:38
Moon 90 Mercury 6.09.2023 23:46
Using the Moon it makes "crowded" but for intra day trade it's important.. Between Sept 1- 30; no planet changes sign.. Mercury (15th) and Venus (4th) will turn Direct.
There are many more aspects and turns, but we will discuss it in due time.
Finding turns in trend: we must remember former tops and lows: these days are prompt for a reversal. Surely, if they fall on a weekend, it will happen 1-2 days before or after.
S&P: Sept: 2,3,5,9,10,17,25,30
next we have to see when are the upcoming holidays:
In Israel: New Years on the 17th.. no trade; and Yom Kippur on the 24th.
Back later..
August 31,2023 Thursday
Yesterday, as expected, with the Moon leaving Aquarius and entering Pisces, we got peaks and lower levels later..
For today in the sky:
31.08.2023 4:35:28 7°25'14"Psc Opposition Sun
31.08.2023 17:24:34 15°33'20"Psc Sextile Jupiter - during USA trading hours = good.
31.08.2023 22:28:22 18°45'19"Psc Opposition Mercury
~~~~~~~~TA35: closed at 1845.76, now there is a minor positive arbitrage, so it might go to 1852; today is options expiry, also last day of trade in the week, market will be hectic and I will be away, watching the grandkids.. I have September puts, so I am not worried an din times like these I am not buying anything. (Full Moon in Pisces )...
Sunday, Sept.3rd, when our market opens, depending on the arbitrage also, and an Aries Moon, also 55 days from former low; I think it will bring lower lows.
DAX with the last alert, still valid : trade range 15520-680; maybe I would raise now the stop to 15850; with the Dax one can lose a lot or gain a lot..
16:00 | ILS | Interest Rate Decision (Sep) | 4.75% |
August 30, 2023 Wednesday
Yesterday the USA markets, Gold and BTC rallied. why? can I base that to the Moon in Aquarius? yes, usually, we get a rally. Some say, it's due to Merc-mars helio aspect.. well, if that is so, then the rally should continue. I don't think so.. I think by the time the Moon moves into Pisces, we will get a reversal.. the Gold reached 3 of my given targets yesterday..Now, we will see, if 1966 holds.
Today the Moon is Perigee; extremely strong; we are also before the Full Moon in Pisces! so a reversal will come.
30.08.2023 6:04:03 23°04'30"Aqr Square Uranus
30.08.2023 16:56:18 0°00'00"Psc <<<
30.08.2023 22:32:47 3°34'23"Psc Conjunction Saturn
Watch the building permits, later... if negative, then market will reverse down.
10 year bond: raise stop to 4.1, 34% gain since the low!
August 29,2023 Tuesday
News in the sky:
The Moon is now in Aquarius! 150^ from the Sun; We have now 9 planets in Retro(including the Lilith, Chiron and Eris); Uranus is stationary..Mars entered ♎; where it is in its Detriment (weak). it is a day of Mars and Saturn, they are 150^ apart..
all these, show weakness and more shorts, for indices, but a rally or at least higher levels for the Gold.
I posted on 8/23 in my TG group ALAR:
1939.89 = stop now
Nifty: made - so far a lower high than yesterday (19366, my target was 340-380) now they are stops for short.NNDM: is on the move: stop = 2.75 target 3.40- if above, will run ! Today is 262 days from 12/9/22 low!
AAPL: my last alert was on 8/3 "short below 193, fell to 171.69 on 8/18 - many shares bottomed on 8/18 + 13 days 8/31 will be a CIT ! watch out.. I would use 177-178 as stop for longs.. must or should go above 185- to rally higher.
Is the QQQ forming on H&S pattern? in the 15 min !
August 28, 2023 Monday
We have the Moon in Capricorn, in trine with Uranus, Sun 180^ Saturn; Mars 135^Jupiter, Saturn still conjunct Fomalhaut ( the Royal star) "watcher of the south"'s the day of the Moon and Neptune!! a CIT (change in trend ) must come..
So, in general... if you are a long term trader, use the top of the 3rd former days' top = Aug.25 top, and be short below, or long if above. If you are an intraday trader, then the same in the 60 min, or 15 min. graph, depending which you trade.
Nikkei: stop that I would use is 32200- note, that the Fibonacci days the software gives are trading days, and we should mainly watch the calendar days, since the planets are not aware of weekends or holidays. they move, no matter what..
Nifty: stop is 19270 target 19340-380
AEX: the stop should be 723= daily or 734 (intraday) if above it's a long ; target 753
GER30 : stop= 15724 target 15754
12"40 " the Nikkei closed below the stop!
China 50: on 8/21 - scroll down - I wrote about it, now it trades at 12644 ! so if you trade it, you are gaining. Stop now 12530.
August 27, 2023 Sunday
On this day my 4th grandchild was born. welcome to this world, little one! Hope to make it better by the time you grow up!
August 26, 2023 Saturday
Yesterday in the USA markets: after the fall on Friday, it tried to correct up;
Dow bottomed on: 8/25; so far, ( 34 trading. d or 47 calendar d. from former low)
Nasdaq bottomed on 8/22 ( 59/69 days from former low ) and the S&P bottomed on 8/17;
( 38/53 d from former low.) So, each index has it's own rhythm..
What happens next week? It's the last week of the month... but it brings a lot of changes: as I wrote at the opening of this article, except for Mars, all planets will be in Retro motion.
No trade in the UK tomorrow..
For TA35: we have a minor negative arbitrage, so if the close was 1839.66 ( lower lows in the 5 min graph); and with the Moon moving into Capricorn, I think the trade range will be between 1833-58 ; if below 1833- then 1823- 1804 even..
Shekel/USD: reached again 3.80 up target 3.83-84; my August calls should pay!
Shekel/USD: reached again 3.80 up target 3.83-84; my August calls should pay!
Time wise: I expect a CIT on 8/30-31 next Sept 6-7 + 13-14. etc.
Monday, when the world opens, the Moon will still be in Cap! in exact trine Mercury and Uranus at 21degrees.
For the S&P , for ex. this means, 4401 is stop. Target is 4463; failing to reach it, it will be a sign of weakness and fall back.
On Aug 28 Mars moves into ♎, where it is in its Detriment, the market "pumper" gets weak..till Oct. 12th!
Mars aspects:
August 25, 2023 Friday
Yesterday in the USA markets: called the bears out
All started at the top and fell till the close. I mentioned in the opening of this article, that Aug.23rd is a Gann CIT day! Next Gann days will be on Sept.7, mark these in the calendar. Besides these day we have more CIT days, but you should already know that! I have been urging you to build an excel file with tops and bottoms and add the Fibonacci days.
August 24, 2023 Thursday
Yesterday, under a stationary Mercury we had 2 important events in the world:
India landed a rover on the Moon: Chandrayaan 3 at 21:03 Mumbai time ; here is the chart:
Congratulations to India !!
Also, the leader of the Wagner group, Prighozin died in an "accidental "plane crash; which was totally expected..
Personal year 1+6+2023= 14/5 = ruled by Mercury = ruler of travel, accidents, was stationary yesterday
Personal month 5+8= 13 card of death = 4 ruled by Uranus =in the natal chart at 22 deg. = the killer deg.
personal day = 4+ 5 = 9 Mars; in the natal chart at 13 Leo conjunct the Lilith- and retro tr.Venus
Astrology: Saturn rules the 8th and symbolizes the gov (Putin), was conj tr Pluto (rules Putin's Asc.)
Tr Sun 0 SN; which is bad, but again, shows the authority... also his 3rd and 9th houses open at 27 deg.both stand for accidents..
Markets: USA rallied again yesterday:
Bad News under Mercury retro: "The BRICS economic group which includes many large countries such as China and India, is seeking to expand into the Middle East by inviting the UAE, Egypt, Iran, and Saudi Arabia to join. This is a major outcome of the recent BRICS meeting in South Africa where the current members; Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa met.
BRICS is important because it’s a non-western economic grouping. In a world where Russia and China are increasingly at odds with the West, any meetings where Russia and China are present with a series of other countries has potential to undermine the West and the US-led world order which was established at the end of the Cold War.
Many countries such as Iran have been seeking to play a larger role in work with Russia and China in recent years; and also in outreach to India. Iran, for instance, seeks to play a role in the SCO and CICA, other groups of countries that include China or Central Asian states. Iran joined the SCO this year."
August 23, 2023 Wednesday
Yesterday the USA markets made lower highs. signaling for a reversal!
Most of them bottomed on 8/18 + 5 days = today is CIT; so as long as they stay above 8.18 low, they can still try for an up move, but below it, it's a short! so I would concentrate more on shorts now, due to the Sun moving into Virgo too, and Mercury Retro.
Note, that former top was on 7/27, then too, the Moon was in Scorpio!
Note, that former top was on 7/27, then too, the Moon was in Scorpio!
Right now, 8:14, as I wrote this, the Sun is on regulus, trump's star, (what's happening with him ??) but soon the Sun moves into Virgo. So let's see how did the SPY behave under a Scorpio Moon in the past ? it says: Risky, and more down than up
Next, checking the Sun cycle in Virgo it fell till 11♍ and the Sun cycle, ~ for me~ is not reliable! we get 2 X and 2 V- so it's like tossing a coin..
Moon aspects
23.07.2023 9:15:10 0°10'32"Lib Sextile Sun
25.07.2023 9:39:09 24°40'18"Lib Sextile Mercury
25.07.2023 17:00:02 28°28'45"Lib Sextile Venus
25.07.2023 18:05:07 29°02'37"Lib Square Pluto
25.07.2023 19:55:11 0°00'00"Sco <<<
1:45 pm Asia, mostly closed in redAugust 22, 2023 Tuesday
Some graphs I posted earlier this morning in my TG group:
Update after the close:
Someone asked me about RBT; I thought there is nothing interesting there, however, it went up yesterday..Yesterday in the USA markets:
The Dow and Russel closed with lower highs, while the Nasdaq and S&P higher highs.
Rally lead by the Technology group, NVDA with the highest volume
The Dow and Russel closed with lower highs, while the Nasdaq and S&P higher highs.
Rally lead by the Technology group, NVDA with the highest volume
NVDA: after 38 days from previous top- double topped at 481, and fell. 454 is a planetary support = STOP, falling from there, it will correct down .
Anything new in the sky? yes. the Moon moved into Scorpio
22.08.2023 2:22:02 0°00'00"Sco <<<
22.08.2023 10:32:30 4°12'56"Sco Trine Saturn
BIDU: Follow up on BIDU: it gapped up yesterday, stop stays at 124; IMHO, I use " Holders\ sentiment in the graphs, it didn't rise.. so. that gap will soon close! I get a lot of shares with a CIT on 9/11 !!
August 21, 2023 Monday
It is now 8 am,the Moon is at 20♎
5th Moon Day
Waxing Crescent Moon ZET tells us:
"If you were born during the Waxing Crescent Moon phase, you are assertive and always eager to leave the past behind you and get on with the future. You are inclined to be confident about your ability to deal with challenges in your life.
If you are a farmer or gardener, this is the time to plant annuals that produce their yield above the ground, particularly leafy plants that produce their seed on the outside of the fruit. Examples are asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cress, endive, kohlrabi, lettuce, parsley, spinach, etc. Cucumbers do better in this quarter than the second, even though their seeds are inside the fruit; they are therefore an exception to this rule. This is also the time to plant cereals and grains."
The day is ruled by the Moon and Mars. Mars is at 25♍
ZET: " MARS IN VIRGO when well- aspected gives an ambitious nature and a quick intellect, able to grasp an idea and elaborate upon it. It strengthens the mental qualities and gives a scientific turn to the mind with an ability to apply this faculty either in research work or in business. The people with this position are therefore energetic and enterprising in many of the world's industrial affairs. There their shrewdness and quick-wittedness brings them success and preferment. This is a good position for people who are engaged in any of the industries connected with the sick, such as nurses, doctors, chemists, the science of sanitation and hygiene, preparation of health-foods and kindred occupations. If people with Mars in Virgo are themselves overtaken by disease this position gives them the ability to recuperate quickly and makes them less liable to become chronic invalids as so many other Virgo people do.
When Mars is afflicted in Virgo it subjects the mind to worry and irritability, with a tendency to brood over troubles in life which are mostly illusory. No matter how or where such people are employed they are always critical toward their fellow-employees and the employer and dissatisfied with everything connected with their work. They are also of a dishonest nature and cannot be trusted in a position of responsibility. This position also makes people over-indulgent of their appetites and subject to intestinal disorders.
Today Mars is 150 to the NNode, which is negative.
Here are the aspects including the Moon for the next 3 days: this shows the aspects that last during the next 3 days..
Most important is the opposition between Mars ( logic )-Neptune ( religion, dreams ). I mark these in green (the bad - or disharmonious aspects). Let us not forget that Saturn is still on Fomalhaut; scroll down to see what it stands for.
Markets: Asia trades
These are green:
These are green:
For China 50- one of them, stop is 12447- it is a long if above. It also topped on 7/28 +21-23 days = bottomed, so now it's a long. Next CIT day: 8/31; target is 12735; former top, failing to go over, will fall back
For the Nifty it's another story: topped on 7/28; bottomed 28 days later (so far) now it is trying to reverse. Stop there is 19320; target 19400-490; but, time is running out.. 6 more days for the next CIT.
In Europe: best performers in a month:
August 19, 2023 Saturday
Yesterday the USA markets reversed, and closed high. Some thoughts about the next weeks:
here is the DJI chart: as the other indices, it bottomed on 3/13 and it has been rising since. It made 3 Elliott waves, (as I see it); now it entered the a-b-c phase; where a was yesterday's low, the index kept above the up trendline, so now, it can correct to 34900 and fall to 33200 and even lower. September is known as a weak month in the markets, so every up move will be an opportunity to buy more shorts. However, I would wait for the CIT days, to buy shorts: 8/25,30,9/5 etc... Would you like to receive the yearly forecast? pls sign up for it..
ok.. Let's see what to expect next week?
15.08 - 28.8 : Saturn is conjunct the fortunate fixed star Fomalhaut ( children born here)
Fomalhaut (24 Alpha Piscis Austrini m 1.16)
Keywords: A Royal Star. Archangel Gabriel, the Watcher of the South. Congenital birth defects, magic, fame, occult, faith, "Star of Alchemy", addiction, undesirable associates
Effect: Fortunate
Character: Venus/ Mercury/ Neptune
" Fomalhaut is said to be very fortunate and powerful and yet to cause malevolence of sublime scope and character, and change from a material to a spiritual form of expression. Cardan stated that together with the stars rising with 12 Gemini, it gives an immortal name." ( between 8.24 23:00- 8.25:1:24 am GMT+3)
" Fomalhaut is said to be very fortunate and powerful and yet to cause malevolence of sublime scope and character, and change from a material to a spiritual form of expression. Cardan stated that together with the stars rising with 12 Gemini, it gives an immortal name." ( between 8.24 23:00- 8.25:1:24 am GMT+3)
21.08.2023 5:26:43 >0 S Mercury
21.08.2023 17:07:08 min N Node
21.08.2023 18:21:56 D Node 26°25'07"Ari
22.08.2023 1:22:02 > Sco Moon
23.08.2023 : Gann day CIT
Sun conjunct Regulus
23.08.2023 11:01:10 > Vir Sun
23.08.2023 21:58:52 R Mercury 21°51'07"Vir
24.08.2023 9:55:41 max N Node
24.08.2023 10:07:14 > Sgr Moon
24.08.2023 11:50:26 R Node 26°26'46"Ari
25.08.2023 3:47:52 max S Mercury
26.08.2023 15:05:06 > Cap Moon
26.08.2023 19:22:40 max S Moon
27.08.2023 15:19:49 > Lib Mars in Detriment (weak)
28.08.2023 16:31:30 > Aqr Moon
29.08.2023 0:00:53 max N Jupiter
29.08.2023 4:38:37 R Uranus 23°04'31"Tau
30.08.2023 0:08:16 >0 S Mars
30.08.2023 15:56:18 > Psc Moon
30.08.2023 20:49:47 >0 N Mercury
Netanyahu hurried to deliver this news:
Updated 7:17 PM GMT+3, August 17, 2023Share
Updated 7:17 PM GMT+3, August 17, 2023Share
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s Defense Ministry said Thursday it has secured its largest-ever defense deal selling a sophisticated missile defense system to Germany for $3.5 billion after the United States approved the deal.
Although Israel has long had close economic and military links with western European countries, the deal with Germany could draw the attention of Russia. Israel has maintained working relations with Russia throughout the war in Ukraine and has repeatedly rebuffed requests to sell arms to Kyiv for fear of antagonizing Moscow.
Germany will buy the advanced defense system, coined Arrow 3, which is designed to intercept long-range ballistic missiles. Israel sought approval for the deal from the U.S. State Department because the system was jointly developed by the two countries. Israeli defense officials said the system would extend Germany’s defense capability while strengthening the defense relationship between Israel and the United States.
The sale still requires additional procedural steps by both Israel and Germany, including approval by both parliaments, according to the director of the Israeli Missile Defense Organization, Moshe Patel. Patel told reporters Thursday that the components of the missile system will be fully delivered to Germany by 2025, with the system reaching full capability by 2030.
Germany launched the European Sky Shield Initiative last year with 17 other nations, including the United Kingdom and Sweden, which is a joint European air defense system after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius welcomed the U.S. approval allowing the deal to move forward.
“This procurement plan is essential for us in order to be able to protect Germany from ballistic missile attacks in the future,” he said in a statement posted by his ministry on the social platform X, formerly known as Twitter. He added that “the project also constitutes a signal of our special German-Israeli relations.”
Uzi Rubin, the former director of Israel’s missile defense program, said Arrow 3 could be moved to act as a long-range ballistic missile shield for other European countries. He said it was the best defense available against the threat of ballistic missiles but does not protect against cruise missiles or others flying at lower altitudes.
While Israel has turned down requests to provide Ukraine with weapons, it has sent humanitarian aid.
Israel has a delicate relationship with Russia, with which it coordinates on security issues in neighboring Syria. Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes against Iranian military positions in recent years in Syria. Russia is also home to a large Jewish community.
By moving ahead on Arrow 3 with Germany, Israel appears to be counting on the fact that the deal, as well as a sale of a different missile defense system to NATO member Finland, involves only defensive weapons — and will not fundamentally disrupt cordial relations with Russia.
“Relations are a bit strained,” said Rubin, who is also an expert at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, a think tank. “But still, we are not supplying Ukraine with any weapons. We do that because we want to keep relations with Russia at an acceptable level.”
Reading the article, it will take another 2-8 years till it will operate, and who know when will they pay? so, this cannot be a trigger for a rally. not now.. Maybe in 2025-26
“Solitude is fine but you need someone to tell that solitude is fine.”
“The more one judges, the less one loves.”
August 18, 2023 Friday
I hope all those who read my blog, enjoy it, learn from it, and gain with it...
The shekel made new highs yesterday, (while I was away, but I entered sell orders for my calls, really high and they were reached...)
This is the 15 min graph: it trades between 3.79- to 3.827 target ; only on March 17, 2020 it was at 3.88!! so that is the next target..
Before I move on with the markets, happy birthday to Robert Redford (1936), he is one of my favorite stars.. Today he is 87... Other historical personalities born on this day: Franz Joseph (1830), a local celeb: Moni Moshonov (1951), outstanding actor., Roman Polansky (1933). and many others... see in the link
Watching so many Korean serials, while escaping local TV and poisonous news, this person should be remembered, of the Korean history: Kim-Yo-Sin : Kim Yu-sin (595 – 18 August 673) was a Korean military general and politician in 7th-century Silla. He led the unification of the Korean Peninsula by Silla under the reign of King Muyeol and King Munmu. He is said to have been the great-grandchild of King Guhae of Geumgwan Gaya, the last ruler of the Geumgwan Gaya state. This would have given him a very high position in the Silla bone rank system, which governed the political and military status that a person could attain.
Also, we should remember those who died on each day.. today in 1850 Honore de Balzac; I loved som eof his sayings:
“I am not deep, but I am very wide.”
― Balzac
Who would say such a thing? He has Sun+ Mercury (mind) in Taurus +Mars in cancer( is in Fall), not that deep? hmmm, but Jupiter ( in Detriment) in Gemini-but still ...wide..
Also, we should remember those who died on each day.. today in 1850 Honore de Balzac; I loved som eof his sayings:
“I am not deep, but I am very wide.”
― Balzac
Who would say such a thing? He has Sun+ Mercury (mind) in Taurus +Mars in cancer( is in Fall), not that deep? hmmm, but Jupiter ( in Detriment) in Gemini-but still ...wide..
“Solitude is fine but you need someone to tell that solitude is fine.”
“The more one judges, the less one loves.”
11:20 :Let's see what to expect on Sunday, for TA35: the close was 1828.67; on Sunday, the Moon will be departing from the Sun, gaining in light , at 9 Libra, market opens under a Moon hour, 1827 is a support from the Sun and Neptune, so if above, then 1828.35-34-45; we will see, how will the USA~ Nasdaq~ close today~ it affects our market.. Former low was 1791; breaking that, my far far puts will gain.
August 17, 2023 Thursday
A few more thoughts regarding Israel and PM under this New Moon:
Looking at the New Moon in Leo, in the sky, it occurs in the 10th house for Israel, signaling a new start for the gov... Will the present one fall this month?
Using Israel's natal chart, it is impossible, that nothing will happen to Netanyahu- the New Moon squares Israel's Sun, Uranus is conjunct and Mars is in trine.
A few more thoughts regarding Israel and PM under this New Moon:
Looking at the New Moon in Leo, in the sky, it occurs in the 10th house for Israel, signaling a new start for the gov... Will the present one fall this month?
Using Israel's natal chart, it is impossible, that nothing will happen to Netanyahu- the New Moon squares Israel's Sun, Uranus is conjunct and Mars is in trine.
Looking at Netanyahu's natal chart with the new Moon in Leo, it falls in the house of Law(H9), Mercury, ruler of his career, will be in Retro; and Jupiter, ruler of his Asc; will get a trine from NM Mars and Uranus, signaling a culmination and fall. Will his "home" coalition turn their back to him? with that Neptune ( the religious parties) in opposition New Moon ( NM) Mercury!?? everything is possible.. they squeezed so much out of him, not that I am sorry for him, suit him well.. now they are having second thoughts, because the majority of the modern population turned against them..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yesterday in the USA markets:
Yesterday at 7:15 pm NY time, the Moon left Leo, and with her the falls started - in Virgo..
For TA35: (closed at 1847) there is a big negative arbitrage, -0.41%; that can drop the index to 1840; so the stop is 1845 target 1834.
For TA35: (closed at 1847) there is a big negative arbitrage, -0.41%; that can drop the index to 1840; so the stop is 1845 target 1834.
For the USA indices, that bottomed on 6/.26; none of those lows were yet broken, so, those lows are targets now, below them I would double shorts..
DX: China is selling USD! See my graph from 8/7
Great work!!
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