New Moon in Virgo, 2023 ~ Financial and Mundane Astrology by Gabriella Mittelman
Between September 15 - October 14, 2023
Thanks for following from the former article! You can read about me here
The New Moon in Virgo falls, for Israel, in the 11th house, of friends and big enterprises, or in Mundane charts, the house of the Knesset. Virgo is a very " criticizing" sign also a C R U E L sign, so we will see this in the coalition and in between parties. Important moves during this Lunar month, is Mercury being just now stationary, before it turns Direct, but it will still remain in its "shadow period till the end of Sept. (see former post). More important is Pluto! turns also Direct on 10/13, and thus, entering Israel's 4th house, so major reset is expected while here...The so called "personal planets": Venus leaves proud fire Leo and enters criticizing Earth Virgo; Mars will leave Libra (where it is in Detriment) and enter Scorpio on 10/12, a sign it rules, the rest move 1-2 degrees only, in retro.
Here is the aspects table:
Begin: 16.09.2023 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Venus 90 Jupiter 17.09.2023 9:10 No trade in Israel due to Rosh Hashana
Sun 150 Eris 18.09.2023 6:45
Sun 30 S.Node 18.09.2023 8:03
Sun 150 Node 18.09.2023 8:03
Sun 180 Neptune 19.09.2023 14:17
Mars 150 Jupiter 20.09.2023 1:48
Venus 165 Saturn 20.09.2023 23:29
Mercury 135 Eris 20.09.2023 23:56
Mercury 45 S.Node 21.09.2023 4:18
Mercury 135 Node 21.09.2023 4:18
Sun 120 Pluto 21.09.2023 8:21
Jupiter 160 S.Node 21.09.2023 10:50
Sun P^ Eris 21.09.2023 15:05
Sept 22: Gann CIT day
Mercury165 Neptune 22.09.2023 10:07 Friday ( no trade here )
Mars 144 Uranus 22.09.2023 13:42
Mars 135 Saturn 22.09.2023 18:23
Sun 135 Jupiter 23.09.2023 9:48 Saturday (no trade)
Venus 120 Chiron 23.09.2023 11:17
Mercury 135 Pluto 24.09.2023 2:16 Yom Kippur eve
Mars 180 Chiron 24.09.2023 23:06 " no trade
Sun P Eris 25.09.2023 5:18
Sun 150 Saturn 25.09.2023 6:10
Mercury 120 Jupiter 25.09.2023 15:10
Mercury P^ Mars 25.09.2023 22:49
Venus 144 Neptune 26.09.2023 2:02
Sun 165 Chiron 26.09.2023 19:31
Mercury 165 Saturn 26.09.2023 23:41
Mercury 150 Chiron 28.09.2023 1:30
Venus 90 Uranus 29.09.2023 20:52 ( Sukkoth Eve )
Mercury 30 Mars 30.09.2023 11:35 Saturday no trade
Sun P Neptune 30.09.2023 12:55
Mercury 120 Uranus 30.09.2023 19:55
Disharmonious Fixed stars in ♎are between 10-15 degrees;
Midpoints I would pay attention to are:
Surely, each index has it's own rhythm.
Important ingresses in the Helio centric sky:
15.09.2023 17:24:28 > Tau Mercury
20.09.2023 18:38:30 > Gem Mercury
23.09.2023 2:49:50 > Ari Earth
25.09.2023 13:04:06 > Cnc Mercury
26.09.2023 1:02:37 > Tau Venus
26.09.2023 23:32:00 > Sco Mars
28.09.2023 4:04 4Ari37 359923.617 perigee Moon
30.09.2023 11:06:17 > Leo Mercury
6.10.2023 0:10:48 > Vir Mercury
12.10.2023 17:24:39 > Lib Mercury
14.10.2023 18:26:11 > Gem Venus
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October 15, 2023 Sunday - the 9th day of Iron Swords
8:00 am : Yesterday, a few minutes before ground troops were supposed to enter Gaza, there was a huge storm, everything got under water. cars, half way... roads.. what not.. so the move was cancelled. Godly interference... seems to me.. It was the Solar eclipse, and the Moon-Mercury occultation..
so thanks God, the weather and everything, this ground operation is postponed for now. I am so lucky to have a dry bed, water to drink and clean place to be in.. Not many..
Today the Moon occults Mars. This points to new escalations, the Sun is shining too, no sign of the mini flood we had yesterday.
what else? the Moon is still in Libra, we are after the New Moon.. oh. this reminds me, I must start a new article... Mars is departing from a trine to Saturn, so the commanders of the army will take situation in their hands, and not the gov.. Will BIBI be moved aside?
Uranus is still at 22*Taurus, in retro.. killing will go on for a long time.
I wrote 2 days ago, that this hatred will spread in the world, and we saw the huge manifestations from all over..against Israel..Europe is not a safe place to be, antisemitism is rising again.
Looking at Israel's chart with the secondary progressions and directed chart.. just look how many planets "click" for such a disaster.. no need to analyze is a crucial time.
Also, I found, that, as per the Hebrew calendar we write 5784; the no. 4 is ruled by the 4th letter, Dalet in Hebrew, and Dalet rules Mars/war.
Israel is also 74 years old.. again the 4 pops up..
Begin: 15.10.2023 Period: 1 day (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Moon 90 Pluto 15.10.2023 10:01
Moon 165 Jupiter 15.10.2023 10:09
Sun P^ Venus 15.10.2023 10:35
Moon P Mars 15.10.2023 14:39
Moon 120 Saturn 15.10.2023 15:41
Moon 144 Neptune 15.10.2023 17:06
Moon P Saturn 15.10.2023 18:05
Moon 0 Mars 15.10.2023 18:35
Moon 165 Chiron 15.10.2023 18:49
Mars 165 Chiron 15.10.2023 22:41
Sun 150 Uranus 15.10.2023 22:44
9:17 heavy rains again...
Please follow me to the new article" New Moon in Libra, 2023
October 14, 2023 Saturday - the 8th day of Iron Swords.
Today, not only we have the Solar eclipse crossing the USA, but also the Moon occults Mercury. You can see in the charts below, in the Geocentric sky all that stellium 150^ to Saturn, which is a disharmonious aspect... The Solar eclipse hits Netanyahu's and Putin's charts... exactly..
The other wheel is the Heliocentric, there we have a Mars 180 Jupiter; showing escalations of fights.
Yesterday the USA markets were mostly negative.. but still didn't break former lows..
These commodities ran up in the last month:
Gold: long was triggered with the outbreak of the war. Should go above 1947 then target is 2100, and reach former tops.. failing = correction.
You should listen to my recording about WWIII
October 13, 2023 Friday - the 7th day of Iron Swords
On this day, in 1914 my father was born. He lived through the holocaust, loosing 17 of his family members in concentration camps.. I remember him sitting in his armchair and saying the same words over and over again..."terrible, horrible". I never saw him shed a tear. and he never told me what he went through...What would he say now? I guess the same.
My father. May he rest in peace.
Today all Europe and the world should watch out for Hamas retaliations!!! manifestations, killings. The strongest planet is Mars, the weakest the Moon(people)
Today all Europe and the world should watch out for Hamas retaliations!!! manifestations, killings. The strongest planet is Mars, the weakest the Moon(people)
Just to show you a few aspects of Venus:
Looking at the astrocarthography for the outbreak of the war: Mars and Jupiter crossed exactly the point where it started !
there are so many fake news, and bots... block them! Follow this channel on Telegram :
October 12, 2023 Thursday - the 6th day of "Iron Swords"
Yesterday Ganz joined the gov, thus forming a coalition. Till now Sara! of all people was blocking this..for 5 days...
USA yesterday rallied:
Asia is mostly green.
What to expect for today? First of all, Mars entered Scorpio... read in former posts what this means.
The Moon in Virgo at 20.25
CIT days for the S&P: Oct 14 is 120 days from 6/16;- falls on a Saturday, so it will be triggered a day before or after.
12.10.2023 12:00:42 22°18'25"Vir Trine Uranus - surprise, gaps!
12.10.2023 18:42:09 25°39'10"Vir Opposition Neptune - valid for the USA tr.hours.
12.10.2023 23:10:14 27°53'33"Vir Trine Pluto - after market...
Here is the aspects' table for the next 3 days:
Actual aspects
Begin: 12.10.2023 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Moon/Mars MP 160 Ju/Pl MP 12.10.2023 9:40
Mercury 90 Mars/Ne MP 12.10.2023 9:48
Neptune 165 Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 9:53
Sun 72 Jup/Mars MP 12.10.2023 10:07
Pallas P^ Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 10:14
Moon/Mars MP P Pl/Ur MP 12.10.2023 10:25
Moon/Pl MP 108 Jup/Mars MP 12.10.2023 10:26
Moon/Mars MP P^ Sat/Ura MP 12.10.2023 10:29
Eris 150 Moon/Pl MP 12.10.2023 10:40
Node 150 Moon/Pl MP 12.10.2023 11:10
Jupiter 60 Sat/Ne MP 12.10.2023 11:30
Moon/Pl MP 120 Pl/Ur MP 12.10.2023 12:01
Ceres 30 Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 12:01
Neptune P Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 12:43
Moon/Pl MP 108 Sat/Ne MP 12.10.2023 12:50
Mercury 0 Pallas 12.10.2023 13:03
Moon/Pl MP 144 nept/ Jup MP 12.10.2023 13:32
Moon/Mars MP 180 Sat/Ura MP 12.10.2023 13:33
Moon/Mars MP 135 Nept/Plu 12.10.2023 14:06
Neptune 120 Moon/Pl MP 12.10.2023 14:15
Venus P^ Moon/Pl MP 12.10.2023 14:19
Ju/Plu +sat/Pl/2 144 Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 14:25
Merc/Ura MP P^ Mars/Ne MP 12.10.2023 14:43
Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 108 Merc/Ura MP 12.10.2023 14:49
Mercury 150 Jupiter 12.10.2023 15:32
Mercury 150 Sat/Ne MP 12.10.2023 15:43
Jup/Mars MP 160 Nept/Plu 12.10.2023 16:23
Ju/Plu +sat/Pl/2 P Moon/Pl MP 12.10.2023 16:51
Pluto 150 Juno 12.10.2023 17:15
Moon/Pl MP 135 Sat/Ura MP 12.10.2023 18:06
Juno 45 Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 18:25
Moon/Pl MP 90 Nept/Plu 12.10.2023 18:42
Moon/Mars MP 90 Mars/Ne MP 12.10.2023 18:42
Node P^ Moon/Pl MP 12.10.2023 19:09
Pallas 0 Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 19:37
Jupiter 150 Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 19:45
Moon/Mars MP 150 Sat/Ne MP 12.10.2023 19:52
Vesta 72 Ura/Ne Mp 12.10.2023 20:36
Jupiter 150 Pallas 12.10.2023 21:14
Moon/Pl MP A^ Merc/Ura MP 12.10.2023 21:28
Mercury 0 Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 21:29
Mercury P Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 22:09
Pallas 150 Sat/Ne MP 12.10.2023 22:53
Moon/Mars MP 60 Mars/Pl MP 12.10.2023 23:10
Pluto 60 Moon/Pl MP 12.10.2023 23:10
Sun 150 Ju/Ne + Ne/Pl/2 12.10.2023 23:24
Juno 90 Moon/Pl MP 12.10.2023 23:38
Ju/Ne + Ne/Pl/2 P Moon/Mars MP 12.10.2023 23:47
Moon/Pl MP 45 Mars/Ne MP 12.10.2023 23:50
Sorry for this long list, but if I want to see what happens under which aspect, I must have these to check.
To trade, for you out there.. the markets are rallying.. so use the last previous third low and stay long.
I urged you to make excel files to see future CIT days.
ES1 that stop is Jupiter 72^Saturn line I wrote about this in previous posts..
DX: stop is the Mars-Saturn trine at 105.30
ETH/USD: has been falling for 180 days.. there must be a reversal now.. Price at 1563- stop is 1560- yes, close.. if above, long
This is the chart with the time of the coalition gov.- for the time of the war.
The interesting issue here is, that the Asc. is at 11 Gemini, which is also the sign of Benny Ganz and Eizenkoff, who joined the gov.
October 11, 2023 Wednesday- 5th day of the War called Iron Swords.
7:13 am: It was a quiet night again... here where I live. Not so in the south...Yesterday we heard Biden's speech, which was full with empathy... sending help. Unlike our government.. No one visited the south, no one talked to the families looking for their kidnapped members, no one did anything.. Damn them all. The "negotiations" to let Ganz join the gov. are still ongoing. Bibi is afraid of him. Sara is afraid of him, she is blocking the agreement.
News in the sky: the Moon is in Virgo; approaching the Sun. Market wise, we saw, it was good yesterday.. USA markets went up, I sent alerts with stops and targets to subscribers.
Venus, in Virgo is in opposition Saturn. We know Venus rules Israel, but Saturn rules hostages among other other things as well.. and it is in retro! read my posts below.. Saturn turns Direct only on Nov 4th.. will the hostages stay alive till then ?? I doubt it. I hope I am wrong, but when we deal with ISIS< nothing less.. what can I think ? Meanwhile our air force is bombing Gaza.. don't tell me about casualties there.. They brought it on themselves.
The Moon:
11.10.2023 18:05:41 13°23'22"Vir Trine Jupiter GMT+3
The Sun: is 180^ to Chiron- the wounded can we heal after so many casualties, burnt babies, more than 40 decapitated new born!!
Venus 60^ Chaos.
Mars 165^ Jupiter - read about the 165 degree in my former article the quindecile..
Previously I wrote, that by the New Moon Oct.14, this war should end... so let's see what will the New Moon in Libra bring??? The problem is, the Solar eclipse falls on Saturday ~exactly on that day too ! Asteroid Israel will be conjunct the New Moon, also point of Fatality, and all will be triggered by a malefic Uranus at 22Taurus; Chaos 120^ Saturn
It will be interesting to watch what will this eclipse bring to Netanyahu; whose Moon is at 19 Libra!! but not only, he has a stellium in Libra, like Putin has. Ma/Pl MP will conjunct his Venus, ruler of his chart..
returning to the markets..
10/3 rallied from 8/31- 9/15 (2x7) next corrected down 0.786%; and since 9/2 is trying to go up. Last stop sent was 9/14 stop was 45600- great gain !!! for 13 days.. Now the stop
is 44300; there is still a gap to be closed. (15 min ).
Now it is at 44662; so long was triggered; Target is 45000-45200.
Nifty: 10/3 " Stop is now 19473, might correct up little." Now at 19826; long was triggered as well; Stop is 19760- target 20000;
Nikkei: is correcting the last fall, bottomed on 10/4- stop now 31820; target 32700
Europe: last week's performance
They are correcting the 9/29-10/4 fall; most of them are long, with a stop of the last bottom, targeting 9/29 top- if above, than that price turns into a stop. ( see SMI20, CAC, FTSE, WIG20)
Most futures are green:
Most futures are green:
What happens now, and in the last 5 days: there is NOONE from the gov. who does anything, but the P E O P L E !!!! organized, they donate everything to the soldiers, cook food and send to the soldiers, private psychologists go to the south to talk with families, private people take in their cars soldiers to the war, because busses or trains don't come...thousands of people are in line to donate blood!! so many they were sent home, no need any more.. private people do everything that the gov. should do, but it doesn't!!!! they all disappeared~!!! may they all be damned.
Also, there is a well organized bot machine, that targets everyone who is against BIBI. so before you share anything check if that person is a real one or bot. How to do that? check his FB- he is new on FB, 2-5 friends... no posts, no pictures.. that is a bot.
So far 4500 rockets were fired by Hamas on Israel.
This is the Lionheart people of Israel: at 9 pm the Hiballah announced they will fire rockets on Israel... and this is what we did:
People from all towns on the balconies chant the Tikva, -( the hymn )
well.. you can't hear too much.. but that was what happened.
95 years young... Ezra Yachin, enlists to share his knowledge with the young soldiers
October 10, 2023 Tuesday
The only, but important change in the sky now is Venus entered Virgo. As I explained yesterday, Venus rules Israel.. Using Sco.rising, it is also the ruler of known and hidden enemies. Venus in Virgo is not that strong...In the Helio chart Venus is at 22 Taurus- the killer degree.
In the dial chart we can see Mars and Pluto conjunct- a terrible aspect.. This happens every 2 years.. but now- look at the degrees, they are in aspect with Neptune..
If I use Libra rising for Israel, Venus is still the ruler, because the Sun is in Taurus, a sign Venus rules, but the H7=known enemies open under Aries- so Mars rules it, and that damned aspect between Mars+ Pluto is the source, reason for this terrible massacre and war; I am very much afraid, this war will escalate to levels we never knew before.. Mars enters Scorpio in 2-3 days..Look at the G points, that I added to the charts!! Mars is now in opposition to the worst. Also, so many points triggered by transit planets now!
Shekel since Netanyahu elected
Bank Israel said yesterday, they will interfere to the trade and stop the rise, meanwhile the shekel topped at 3.95! Now the stop is 3.94.
USA yesterday: someone bought the lowsThe S&P has been falling since 7/27; in spite of the rise of the last 2 days, I think 4050 is a target we should consider. For the time being 4300 is stop, and it's a long above.. but just count the days..
Nasdaq: also has been falling since 7/19; I would use 13400 as stop, but, a future fall is behind the corner.
Nasdaq: also has been falling since 7/19; I would use 13400 as stop, but, a future fall is behind the corner.
Gold bottomed and ran up, now, as long as it is above 1825- it's a long. Target, former top.
Many times I see stuff, but I don't post, since I don't know who reads my blog.
Is spite of the events, I am sure, there will be people, who will still vote for Netanyahu, no matter what. Nobody can take away my disdain for him. He should stand trial for treason.
Read, what I wrote at the opening of this New Moon article! " so we will see this in the coalition and in between parties. " - now, when we are at war, and we hear sirens all the time 2900 wounded, 900 dead ( published till now- I am sure this number will escalate) and 150 at least kidnapped... Ben Gvir, this terrorist, leader of far right religious party, who was in jail!!! and now he is a minister.. is BLOCKING the possibility to Bibi to form a coalition with the other parties.. Can you imagine ??
can you imagine, Bibi making with this person a coalition ?? He is a terrorist.. never served in the army..
Bibi gave the cat to watch the milk..
Bibi gave the cat to watch the milk..
and next, there is
prisoner in 2005 - minister today- holds Bibi's balls in his hand
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~so this idiot, sent 90% of the army, during Succoth, to guard the religious people dancing the West Bank; thus leaving the south almost without army. It's a surreal image.. There were multiple warnings from Egypt ( denied now by Bibi, but there are recordings... ) that there will be a major attacks from Gaza, not to mention the multiple warnings from our secret service, that were all waived off by these geniuses, and BIBI.. Court martial... is too easy for them
Some good news: about 30 ( about 12 foreign workers from the Philippines ) people were found alive, in of the kibbutzim.. thanks God.. all are fine.
Some good news: about 30 ( about 12 foreign workers from the Philippines ) people were found alive, in of the kibbutzim.. thanks God.. all are fine.
Also, hundreds, thousands of Israelis return from abroad, to join the army. and me? the least I could do.... donated money, thus contributing to buy stuff for soldiers.
3:30 sirens again.
5:35 TA35: stop 1741 for tomorrow.
October 9, 2023 Monday
It was a quiet night, here in the center.. not so in the south.. fights are still going on. The USA sent military help... expecting attack from the north as well. Meanwhile unprecedented dead, kidnapped, injured. So many heartbreaking videos... I am trembling just looking at them.. and honestly? I cannot look at them.. so many families tortured and killed...Also so many brave, heroic people, who stood the attack, helped others, jumped from windows, under heavy fires, saving themselves and others.. No words to comprehend how did they do that..
Don't forget, Israel's Moon is in LEO - LIONHEART !!! Bravery !
Look at Israel's chart: Moon in Leo - on the 7th, the Moon was in the 9th house, in Cancer.. It was a weekend, people at home ( in cancer) Moon rules Cancer..
But fast enough the Moon moved to Leo; and the people took guns and fought back..
On October 8th at 2:28 am the Moon moved into Leo, and still is.. so we hear more and more bravery stories.. this is the time the Moon moved into Leo.- look where the Sun is !! conjunct asteroid Israel... how crazy that can be??!!
On October 8th at 2:28 am the Moon moved into Leo, and still is.. so we hear more and more bravery stories.. this is the time the Moon moved into Leo.- look where the Sun is !! conjunct asteroid Israel... how crazy that can be??!!
I marked 3 important MP of MP with the sign of the SUN, I just couldn't find another symbol for them- they are call the G point... so they shake all the chart.. for everyone..
Below is Israel's chart- with the transit for today:
The tr.Sun is in the 12th house of endings.. showing the extremely difficult times we are going though..5 days ago it was on Neptune, (hidden, secret events..
Asteroid Israel in the natal chart is at 21Leo50 ! the Moon will be conjunct today!
Point of Murder in the natal is in the 12th H - and tr South Node is conjunct--- karmic event..Tr Mars, ruler of war: in the natal is at 28Leo- shows the army; and tr. Mars is at 28 Libra!! in Detriment !! shows the shock and the malfunctioning of the army in the first day.. in exact sextile!! Mars moves into Scorpio- where it rules, so it will be extremely powerful; so counterattacks will be forceful and powerful
Where is Venus?? the benefactor?? it rules Israel's chart (Sun being in Taurus); in the natal chart Venus is at 4 Cancer49; on the cusp of the9th house (abroad ), but Venus also rules known and hidden enemies.. if I use Scorpio rising..which I do.... others use Libra rising, Venus now is at 0 Virgo.. it enters the 11th house of the Knesset..there are talks about Ganz, Liberman and Lapid joining the government, if Bibi kicks out the far right parties, which he didn't so far, and doesn't want to.. always thinks about his chair.. damn him.
Mars also moves sign, as said above..
Jupiter.. the great benefactor.. is the natal chart is at 27 Sag.39; in transit it is in retro, in the 7th.. doesn't help much; it will stay retro till Dec.31.. and "go back " to 5Taurus; then it will square Israel's Moon.. I don't even want to think, that this war goes on till the end of the year !!
Saturn ( natural ruler of the gov) in the natal chart is at 16Leo25; the Moon will be conjunct today. Saturn in transit is in retro, 1 Pisces.will stay retro till Nov. 4th..then it will move forward, and Saturn in Pisces, for me, shows the dissimilation of the government.. it must fall. I will have to look back and see what happened 28, and 56 years ago.. ok later that. Mars moving into Scorpio will trine Saturn in transit.. ( I checked, when was Saturn at 1 Pisces: It was in Feb. 1994; see the events here)
The outer planets, that shocked this chart, Uranus, at the 22 "killer degree" already wrote, is conjunct the SUN... in retro, it will " iron " the Sun till the end of August 2025...!!!!
Neptune, also in retro at 25 Pisces; will stay retro till Dec 24th; it sends aspects to natal Sun+ Uranus+ Mars+ Jupiter; so I don't even know what to think.. Neptune is the religious extremism, the barbaric attack we saw till now..Kill only to kill from religious motives..
Oh, then it is stationary.. Has been at the last degrees of Capricorn; at least since Feb 2022... and entering the 4th house of Israel, will bring a major change..meanwhile it triggers many natal planets , thus shaking the source and basics of the country.. this is holocaust what is going on..
Then we have all the Arabic parts.. that are being triggered.. you can see in the chart.. see the arrows.... when these "G points" will be triggered... by Mars+ Pluto I don't even want to think what can happen..
Some might think how can I write or even look at this, in the given situation.. but this is the only remedy that I can think of , for me, that can calm me and give me some hope.
October 8, 2023 Sunday
I was too shocked yesterday to be able to write.. It was the most difficult day for Israel.
The Hamas attacked at 6:00-6:15; I heard the first siren at 6:34, then 7:30, next at 9:00; it was close.. the bumms, the falls of the rockets.. but that was nothing compared to what happened in the south... hundreds of Hamas terrorists crossed the border, and killed everyone they met, took many hostages, and took them back to Gaza. There are thousands of unanswered questions, and the thought it was an "inside job" gets bigger and bigger as a shadow that blocks the Sun.
I wrote below about the difficult aspect in the sky, but I meant it for the market.. Today, it will open, no doubt it will fall; but it is a signal for a tragedy and drama that this country's is going through..Below is the chart of Israel, with the transit yesterday. Uranus is conjunct the SUN< surprise event... the Moon ~people ~ at 4 Leo, is attacked by Mars in transit, Mars is on the Asc.. Mercury- young people is in opposition Saturn- hostages..
In the chart I see in ZET and use a lot of asteroids, Chaos in Israel's chart is at 26 Pisces, and Neptune is there now.. there are many more aspects..Chaos in the transit is on the MC.
.there are too many terrible aspects, I don't even want to count them... It will take a long time..
Here is another side of the event by Jamie.
Here is another side of the event by Jamie.
TA35: fell with a huge gap to 1692.26; back to Feb 23, 203 low... breaking that, tomorrow.... will be another huge short.
October 6,2023 Friday
I wrote below, that Oct 8th is a major CIT day- see the list of Oct 3rd- it's a Gann turning date.. but not only; in the 45 deg. aspects table that, I wrote above below, we can see Uranus crossing Jupiter line and more. I wrote 8th or 9th, depending on the time zone, that it happens.. or trade days..
next, look at the Midpoints of that day!
next, I listened to a you tube explanation from Marcus Rose,and he said Jup/Sat MP and Neptune/Uranus MP )/MP is important, so a found this point to be 14 Aries55. On Oct 8, 14:06 GMT +3 tr Sun will be in exact opposition. so for me that is the right time to look for a major event. I built this formula in ZET< no idea how to do it on SF..
For NY time it's Oct 8: 6:55 am; it's a Sunday... so probable that's why Marcus insists I am wrong, and it happens on the 9th.. but in the 9th the MP is at 14:52Aries, and the Sun is already at 15:53...His software costs $1000...
IN ANY CASE, MIDDLE DEGREES of all signs are important !
But he might have a point there, linking the MP of the 4 major outer planets...
The best thing we can do, is research, and see what happened on former crashes?
The best thing we can do, is research, and see what happened on former crashes?
Mar 28: Uranus 60* the MP ( at 16 Pisc.)
Aug. 15: no exact aspect..
Looking more back: Feb 19, 2020: I didn't find this MP, but another!!
Aug. 15: no exact aspect..
Looking more back: Feb 19, 2020: I didn't find this MP, but another!!
Big crashes in history:
Here is the video, I find it a little twisted.( 7th harmonics!! how did he think about that ??) . and there is no way to find (for me) a future crash point based on this..... He speaks about the crash in 1983, Oct 19, but the crash started on Oct 6th.. so..
Here is the video, I find it a little twisted.( 7th harmonics!! how did he think about that ??) . and there is no way to find (for me) a future crash point based on this..... He speaks about the crash in 1983, Oct 19, but the crash started on Oct 6th.. so..
Let's se..
Oct 9 = 45 days from Aug 25 + 90 days from 7/10 +210 days from 3/13 low
Trade range : 4233-58-84-4310
Just back from my Pilates...
new thought.. Sept 3, 1929 was a top and a crash of 1040 days followed. tr. Sun was 120^ to that certain G point..
Check out the posts in my telegram group.
October 5, 2023 Thursday
Yesterday in the USA :
For today: the Moon is still in Gemini...
5.10.2023 6:32:20 25°16'33"Gem Trine Mars - good for Asia
5.10.2023 7:36:55 25°50'39"Gem Square Neptune - less
5.10.2023 9:34:11 26°52'27"Gem Sextile Venus - good
Moon is VOC between 9:34- 15:32 GMT+3
5.10.2023 15:31:37 0°00'00"Cnc <<<
5.10.2023 17:32:47 1°03'18"Cnc Square Mercury - USA trades.
5.10.2023 17:54:26 1°14'36"Cnc Trine Saturn
6.10.2023 16:47:33 13°02'57"Cnc Square Sun
6.10.2023 18:29:21 13°54'52"Cnc Sextile Jupiter
Using yesterday's last low we can try a long position. But Moon squares Neptune.. and when Neptune is around, watch your bets!
TA35: closed yesterday at 1839,74; should go above 1841 to be able to go higher, then 44-52-55-57 is possible.
Watch these announcements...
15:30 | USD | Continuing Jobless Claims | 1,675K | 1,670K | |||
15:30 | USD | Exports | 251.66B | ||||
15:30 | USD | Imports | 316.70B | ||||
15:30 | USD | Initial Jobless Claims | 210K | 204K |
October 4, 2023 Wednesday
Yesterday the USA markets fell. It has major importance when a share falls below SMA200!!
Led by consumer cyclical group
The Banks are the ones that carry the markets, and the "Financial" fell by 3% in a week. The Dow bottomed on May 25 + 89 tr days = Oct 3; topped on Aug 1+ 62 Fibo days = Oct 3; the question now is, is there any aspect or planetary position in the sky, that can stop a further fall? Otherwise it will go to May 25 low.. Today is an interesting day: it is 45 days from the top; exact symmetry with the 45 days up (5/25-8/1) ; If I take the last top:9/14;+ 13 trading days = Oct 3; +21 Cal days =Oct 4;
Stop is 33500- short below.
Nasdaq IXIC: topped on 7/19 +55 tr.days+ Oct 4; Stop = 13320 - short below.
Nasdaq IXIC: topped on 7/19 +55 tr.days+ Oct 4; Stop = 13320 - short below.
S&P topped on 7/27- there are no major turning points around.. Stop is 4260- long above to 4310 -4335- if above double long.
Today's aspects from yesterday's table:
Today's aspects from yesterday's table:
Venus 150 Neptune 4.10.2023 3:21
Sun 165 Neptune 4.10.2023 11:37
Mars 180 Eris 4.10.2023 14:54
Mercury 135 Jupiter 4.10.2023 15:06
Mars 180 Node 4.10.2023 19:07
Mars 0 S.Node 4.10.2023 19:07
Mercury 165 Saturn 4.10.2023 8:33
Mercury 144 Neptune 4.10.2023 9:59
Mercury 90 Uranus 4.10.2023 11:06
Mercury 72 Mars 4.10.2023 15:14
The Moon is approaching the Sun, still in Gemini; it will be a zig zag day! She is also at her max declination !!! so expect extremes... the day is being ruled by Mercury ;; The other ruler of the day is Mars, and it is conjunct the SN !!
TA35: opens in 3 minutes, with a huge negative arbitrage... so it will gap down to 1850-45- even 1830
TA35: o far bottomed at 1831.14
VIX: I posted this in the past :
Drama in the USA: first time in history house speaker was removed. Kevin McCarthy has a Gemini rising, thus not believed by either party.. there are hundreds of aspects to show this.. but just look at his age point= 29 Scheat; and tr. Sat. conj. natal Sat- he was under a long surveillance, when finally got kicked out.
Natal - elected - fired..
Just to remind you: on Jan.7 I uploaded this chart, and it's written: false promises and hopes..2:35 TA35: bottomed at 1831.14 and closed at 1839.74 - so my target from the morning reached.
Shekel/USD: is on it's way to 4
The proverb says, "don't wash your dirty clothes outside, for all to see."
But what is going on in Israel is completely unforgivable!!!
This person, leads the spitting, yes spitting on Christian tourists in the Via Dolorosa, in Jerusalem . He is the brother of Simcha Rotman, Knesset member, not surprised.. and he is a rabbi.! Damn him a thousand times..
Ben Gvir, minister of national security (former terrorist) said. oh.. well. it's an old custom...because of the holocaust.. but what the hell did Indian , Asian tourists do in the holocaust, against' Jews?? nothing!! and even is anyone did anything.. the grandchildren of that generation can be blamed ?? we do buy cars from Germany, for god's sake !!!
This is all because of Bibi, who let this happen. Anyone believing him, is a complete fool also. Dark time landed on Israel.. if you thought coming here, postpone it by 2 years..
The amount of money the religious parties stole from the budget is uncountable.. They take from everywhere and give it to these leaches.
Thanks God, the majority of the people are like him :
Thanks God, the majority of the people are like him :
we live terrible times!!! unforeseen times...
After yesterday's disgrace, the police arrested today 5 people... don't worry, tomorrow they will be released.
After yesterday's disgrace, the police arrested today 5 people... don't worry, tomorrow they will be released.
October 3, 2023 Tuesday
Here is the Geocentric table of aspects for this month :
Begin: 3.10.2023 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Sun 165 Eris 3.10.2023 10:51
Sun 108 Pluto 3.10.2023 12:12
Sun 165 Node 3.10.2023 12:51
Mercury P^ Neptune 3.10.2023 14:30
Mars 160 Jupiter 3.10.2023 16:17
Mercury 120 Pluto 3.10.2023 22:20
Mercury 160 Chiron 3.10.2023 23:51
Venus 150 Neptune 4.10.2023 3:21
Sun 165 Neptune 4.10.2023 11:37
Mars 180 Eris 4.10.2023 14:54
Mercury 135 Jupiter 4.10.2023 15:06
Mars 180 Node 4.10.2023 19:07
Mars 0 S.Node 4.10.2023 19:07
Mercury 150 Saturn 5.10.2023 20:03
Sun 45 Venus 5.10.2023 23:58
Mars P S.Node 6.10.2023 0:02 Friday
Mars P^ Node 6.10.2023 0:02
Mars 150 Neptune 6.10.2023 2:09
Mercury P^ Eris 6.10.2023 12:20
Venus 150 Pluto 6.10.2023 15:49
Mercury 165 Chiron 6.10.2023 18:29
Venus P^ Mars 7.10.2023 9:31 Saturday only cryptos trade
Sun 150 Jupiter 7.10.2023 12:04
Mercury 160 Eris 7.10.2023 20:28
Mercury 36 Venus 7.10.2023 22:26
Mercury 160 Node 7.10.2023 22:37
Gann CIT day ! October 8 !!
Mercury P Eris 8.10.2023 12:49 TA35 trades
Mercury 144 Saturn 9.10.2023 3:21
Mars 90 Pluto 9.10.2023 4:05
Mercury 135 Uranus 9.10.2023 7:38
Sun 160 Neptune 9.10.2023 10:11
Mercury 144 Jupiter 9.10.2023 10:47
Venus P Node 9.10.2023 12:42
Venus P^ S.Node 9.10.2023 12:42
Sun 135 Saturn 9.10.2023 18:08
As you can see, it is a very rare event..
Here is the Helio centric aspect table:
Aspect Exact for this week
Mercury 165 Pluto 3.10.2023 7:38
Venus 45 Neptune 3.10.2023 10:21
Mercury 120 Chiron 3.10.2023 21:33
Mercury 165 Saturn 4.10.2023 8:33
Mercury 144 Neptune 4.10.2023 9:59
Mercury 90 Uranus 4.10.2023 11:06
Mercury 72 Mars 4.10.2023 15:14
Mercury 120 Eris 5.10.2023 5:58
Mercury 150 Neptune 5.10.2023 13:49
Earth 135 Mercury 5.10.2023 17:13
Mercury 135 Node 5.10.2023 17:26
Mercury 150 Pluto 6.10.2023 4:41
Mercury 135 Chiron 6.10.2023 20:00
It is now 8:45, Asia is mostly red..except for these few: it's a short below 47060
NSEI: last alert was 9/24: short below 19722- to 19473; now it trades at 19489 ; after a low at 19480; Stop is now 19473, might correct up little ( add 125 point to up levels) ..(Actually we are short since 20000.; if you followed the blog, you know.
Bank Nifty: rallied from 8/31- 9/15 (2x7) next corrected down 0.786%; and since 9/2 is trying to go up. Last stop sent was 9/14 stop was 45600- great gain !!! for 13 days.. Now the stop is 44300; there is still a gap to be closed. (15 min )
Turkey Titans20 : rallied enormously.. Now at 7571- Stop is 7575 target 8100- tomorrow is a CIT. I wrote this a while back:
11/27/22 It is in a crazy rally since 9/21/2021 from 1075- to 4275 ! target 4400.
OBX Norway is another strong index. On 9/18 we went short below 1215.. Now at 1184.; today is CIT! Stop is 1197; short below. DAX: used to be the leading index in Europe.. It is falling since 7/31! Last alert was 9/5; short below 15740; now at 15247.. move stop to 15142; .. target=former top in 60 min, CIT 10./6
9:15 market is about to start...there is a huge minus arbitrage, so TA35 will fall today. Trade range 1874(close) 1862 and lower..
Here is the Dual wheel Geo and helio- since it's a day ruled by Mars. I am looking first where it is? in the Geo, it's conjunct the SN - bad- shorts ! and 150 to Uranus - even gaps ! and in the Helio Mars in Sco is in trine Saturn in Pisces. It is also approaching a 150 to Jupiter.. so short here too.
October 2, 2023 Monday
I read a lot about Robert Kennedy JR, about his running to presidency. We don't have a time of birth, so I tried, with the help of a friend(great astrologer and kabbalist) to find it.
This is what I just came up with
His mother, Ethel was born on April 11, 1928 in Chicago at 3:30 am. Robert is her 3rd child out of 11.Third child is ruled by the 11th house... thus Saturn. Mother's Saturn is at 18 Sag.59; while RK Jr. Jupiter is at 17Gem.exactly in opposition.
He was born, based on many events in his life at 2:05 am
when his father was shot, tr.Mars was 150 to natal Mars, and Moon+Ura_Plu all trined his Sun (father)
Reading his biography.. he was a junky and arrested in Aug 7, 1970; his 12th house of jail is under libra, Part of Imprisonment is at 13 Leo, and tr. Sun +Mars was exactly conjunct. Also Tr.Saturn was in opposition his Mars, so he was under gov. surveillance for a long time..
He is a womanizer... Look at his biography.. married 3 times, has 6 children... divorced first wife and married 2 weeks later !!! no doubt he was cheating all the time
The story says, that his 2nd wife killed herself after reading his diary having affairs with 37 women.. Well too bad for her.. and their 4 children.. it is his abnormal problem.. Neptune is endless, and requires multiple relationships.. also pushes a person to drugs.. So let's see what happens at the age of 70? Jan 17, 2024? he will have another 8 months to run/ elections are on Nov 5, 2024.
and the transit for Nov 5, 2024: apparently is a good chart.. he might win. If Venus will not bring some scandal... Age wise he will be at 18 Libra., which is in exact opposition the H4/H8 MP... very dangerous.. Point of Fatality is at 26 Leo... and both tr. Uranus +Neptune and Pluto aspect it.. Note that he was born under 2 eclipses..The October 14th Sol ecl will sextile his Pluto- which is good, and square his Sun...less.
this will be continued.
The name Robert adds up to 78= 15/6 = Venus = :cherchez la famme" ! lol =womanizers'...
The name Robert adds up to 78= 15/6 = Venus = :cherchez la famme" ! lol =womanizers'...
Note that another Robert Fico won the elections in Slovenia yesterday- he is President since 2004.
The name Robert is an ancient Germanic given name, from Proto-Germanic *Hrōþi- "fame" and *berhta- "bright" (Hrōþiberhtaz).[1] Compare Old Dutch Robrecht and Old High German Hrodebert (a compound of Hruod (Old Norse: Hróðr) "fame, glory, honour, praise, renown" and berht "bright, light, shining"). It is the second most frequently used given name of ancient Germanic origin.[2][3] It is also in use as a surname. Another commonly used form of the name is Rupert.
After becoming widely used in Continental Europe, the name entered England in its Old French form Robert, where an Old English cognate form (Hrēodbēorht, Hrodberht, Hrēodbēorð, Hrœdbœrð, Hrœdberð, Hrōðberχtŕ) had existed before the Norman Conquest. The feminine version is Roberta. The Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form is Roberto.
Robert is also a common name in many Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Scots, Danish, and Icelandic. It can be used as a French, Polish, Irish, Finnish, Romanian, and Estonian name as well.
October 1, 2023 Sunday
We opened the trade under a Mon in Taurus, where she is exalted. I am long.
TA35: trade range is between 1852-57.
More later.
A... during the weekend I came up with a major CIT: Oct 8! watch that day
TA35 ran up like crazy.. closed at 1871.91 !! NICE GAIN with calls.
September 29, 2023 Friday
It was my day to be with the kids, so I was away... I couldn't event check what was happening.. so let's see now:
Yesterday the Moon was perigee, and conjunct Neptune in Pisces, soooo many people had troubles and anxiety..all the skeletons fell out of the cupboard.
Today, it is a day ruled by Venus and Mars.. Venus is at the "killer" 22*Leo, in exact square to Uranus, also at 22*in Taurus. This aspect occurs twice a year. previously on Jan 14-16th, so check what happened then...
Mars is in Detriment(weak) in Libra, showing it's ugly face..or stirring up anxiety. Libra represents balance and harmony, but not when Mars is there.
The Moon moved into Aries, here she brings in new energy.. and today we will have the Full Moon- it's a CIT..
September 28, 2023 Thursday
I was totally wrong about the Nifty yesterday.. it reversed...
So did our index too.. and I wrote" TA35: if above 1835, then it might try for an up move to 1844" the close was 1844.14.. Although I wrote it in the morning, by the time I closed puts and bought calls, it was far too late.. the spreads were huge, and now, looking ahead, there is nothing to trade, due to high option prices and huge spreads.. I mean instead of 20-30 shekels, 80-to 2000 .. Today it's options monthly expiry, licking my wounds... next week we have Succoth holiday, so again no trade..
The USA: double topped
The Gold, on the other hand, reached my target posted yesterday, it even fell to the next one..and alert was sent to subscribers.. Now we are short, targeting 1860.
What's going on today? Any news?
I marked in my calendar, that the Moon occults Neptune today... I explained what an occultation means.. ( it's like an eclipse, but not to the Sun but to another planet) In any case, Neptune pops up again.. so it will be a "fishy" day..
This is Solar Fire: I couldn't figure out how to feature in the dual map the Helio aspects as well.
While in the Helio chart, we can see a grand square between Pluto-Mars- and Venus.
Looking at the Dial charts, and being under Jupiter's energy today, I am looking at its midpoints.. and it is at Pluto/Saturn MP!! Ebertine wrote about this: " Plainness and simplicity, excessive modesty, the inclination to sacrifice oneself for others, religious and social fanaticism, difficulties caused by illness"
What is going on in Israel these months is exactly this fanaticism...
There are hundreds of other midpoints.. but, hey.. market is about to start. I gave you a hint, you can go on and research.. I counted, 21 MP in the Geo chart only..
September 27, 2023 Wednesday
If you scroll down on yesterday's post, you will find the Nifty.. It made a H&S pattern, which broke, and now the new target is at least 19550, which is also 9/6 low. Below that, we have 8/31 low.. but later about that..
For China 50: we can lower stop to 12545; targeting 12425. or, of course long if above.
Today we are under the energies of Mercury, which is at 17Virgo and makes/receives all these aspects:
In the Geocentric chart we see the Moon in Pisces (sign of the martyr) but it is also a dual sign, so expect both colors, or zig zag trade. In the Helio, Mars moved into Scorpio, very powerful.. so prepare for a reversal in the coming days.
Anything that toped/bottomed on 7/27 will have a CIT today.
Anything that toped/bottomed on 7/27 will have a CIT today.
Gold: stop = 1919 - target 1902
TA35: reached 1835 target given yesterday, now new targets are 32-22; if above 1835, then it might try for an up move to 1844
DX: Stop now is at 105.50, targeting 107.70
pay attention to the ETH ! rallied 160 days, fell + - 160 days, corrected 2/3 from the rally. Stop now is 1582- long above.
Meanwhile I ran TS to see how did the markets "behave" when Mars in Helio was in Sco: well, there were more crashes than rallies !! But we must not forget, that the planetary positions, that we have now in the sky, were not the same since 1500~ listen to my you tubes from 2021...
pay attention to the ETH ! rallied 160 days, fell + - 160 days, corrected 2/3 from the rally. Stop now is 1582- long above.
Meanwhile I ran TS to see how did the markets "behave" when Mars in Helio was in Sco: well, there were more crashes than rallies !! But we must not forget, that the planetary positions, that we have now in the sky, were not the same since 1500~ listen to my you tubes from 2021...
Click on GMAMA above, you have all my videos on my You tube channel there.
September 26, 2023 Tuesday
the sky for today: this is the 90* dial chart - for Geo and Helio skies...Since the day is ruled by Mars,( from the word" Mardie" in French, I chose to show the MP from it. In the Geo: we have mars at Mercury/Uranus MP; Ebertine wrote about this position" determination, courage, sudden advancement in life; aslo assaults', nervousness.
With the wheels we can see, that Mercury, in Geo is in Virgo- strong, while in Helio in Cancer- weak...I rely more on the Helio chart, since there is no Retro there.. Also look at the Moon! in the Geo she is in Aquarius, where she brings a top/bottom; while in the Helio (Earth and Moon are the same, Earth is in Aries- brings in a lot of energy...the question is in which direction? lol
Nifty: stop= 19760; long if above, short if below.
DAX: broke a double bottom: now: support is at 15280; note, how the CIT 34 worked well!
CAC future: Falling below 7060 will be a major short! meanwhile it is hanging in the channel... but we are short since long..
15:00 | USD | Building Permits (MoM) | 6.8% | 6.9% | 0.1% | ||
15:00 | USD | Building Permits | 1.541M | 1.543M | 1.443M |
15:55 | USD | Redbook (YoY) | 3.8% | 3.6% |
17:00 | USD | CB Consumer Confidence (Sep) | 103.0 | 105.5 | 108.7 | ||
17:00 | USD | New Home Sales (MoM) (Aug) | -8.7% | 8.0% | |||
17:00 | USD | New Home Sales (Aug) | 675K | 700K | 739K |
September 25, 2023 Monday
It's Yom Kippur, so we don't have trade.. Yesterday I watched a fascinating documentary " Golda's diaries that was published, now, after 50 years of that terrible war.
Some background:
The Yom Kippur War, also known as the Ramadan War ( I never heard of this name... ) , the October War,the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, or the Fourth Arab–Israeli War, was an armed conflict fought from October 6 to 25, 1973, between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria. The majority of combat between the two sides took place in the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights—both of which were occupied by Israel in 1967—with some fighting in African Egypt and northern Israel. Egypt's initial objective in the war was to seize a foothold on the eastern bank of the Suez Canal and subsequently leverage these gains to negotiate the return of the rest of the Israeli-occupied Sinai Peninsula.
The war began on October 6, 1973, when the Arab coalition jointly launched a surprise attack against Israel on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, which had occurred during the 10th of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan in that year. Following the outbreak of hostilities, both the United States and the Soviet Union initiated massive resupply efforts to their respective allies during the war, which led to a confrontation between the two nuclear-armed superpowers.
This is the time I use for Israel: Sco. rising.. some use Libra..
In both cases the ruler of Israel (the Sun - is in Taurus, therefore ruled by Venus. The 7th (open enemies/partners ) and the 12H ( hidden enemies ) is also ruled by Venus; and Venus also represents the Arab world, the Islam.. The PM, then Gold Meir, ( I have 2 different dates for her, 3 May and 14th May, ..1898- died Dec. 8, 1978) ;
Golda Meir's chart: note that the strongest planet is Mercury, while the weakest, the Sun (she died of Leukemia (blood (sun) cancer. (She was a heavy chain- smoker and coffee drinker, and did not exercise often, which may have contributed to her recurring heart problems; in the film it is also mentioned that she received chemo therapy, which she stopped when the war broke out..)
but for Israel, she is represented by the Sun; in Taurus. The people is represented by the Moon, and she is, in Israel's chart at 4 * the proud Leo.. The 9th house of foreigners is also ruled by the Moon.
So look at the break out of the war ! Oct 6, 1973, 2 pm: (second wheel) Saturn ( aggression) in the 9th H, 90^ to tr. Pluto - destruction and manipulations behind the curtains just watch the documentary, you will be amazed why the war broke out at first place!! Their pride was hurt, because of the defeat in 6 days' war ( 1967) !!! pride is ruled by Venus..
Tr,Saturn was also 30 deg. to natal Moon ( a lot ~ for Israel~ of casualties) and 150^ to the Moon. War (10/6/73) Mars was in retro, ( most of Israel's wars broke out while Mars in Retro, I wrote about this in my article "The wars of Israel"). Mind you, Egypt and Syria never published their casualties !!
It is hard not to notice Uranus at the "killer"22* in Libra- 150^ to natal Sun; and also trine to natal Uranus.. so it was a "surprise" attack, in spite of the fact that :
."" Despite refusing to participate, King Hussein of Jordan "had met with Sadat and Assad in Alexandria two weeks before. Given the mutual suspicions prevailing among the Arab leaders, it was unlikely that he had been told any specific war plans. But it was probable that Sadat and Assad had raised the prospect of war against Israel in more general terms to feel out the likelihood of Jordan joining in."
On the night of September 25, King Hussein secretly flew to Tel Aviv to warn Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir of an impending Syrian attack. "Are they going to war without the Egyptians, asked Mrs. Meir. The king said he didn't think so. 'I think they [Egypt] would cooperate.'" This warning was ignored, and Israeli intelligence indicated that the king had not told anything that was not already known. Throughout September, Israel received eleven warnings of war from well-placed sources. However, Mossad Director-General Zvi Zamir continued to insist that war was not an Arab option, even after Hussein's warning Zamir would later remark that "We simply didn't feel them capable [of war]."
It was not enough, that His majesty came to Tel Aviv, to warn us, our local proud leaders thought they knew better, and waved it off. (Zamir and Dayan); many other warnings poured in..but all were waived off..
The first few days were terrible, but the army woke up and finally a huge victory was achieved..
Note Oct 26,1973 Uranus in Pisces ( sacrifice, Pisces deg).
I am amazed to read, that Zvi Zamir is still alive and kicking.. 98.57 years old.. born on March 3, 1925; no time of birth. Maybe he will comment of the documentary??!! But he is not someone to repent or accept his mistake.
The legendary Moshe Dayan: also, as Zamir has a stellium in Pisces.. Strongest planet is Jupiter (exalted in Pisc)the weakest is the Sun.. He had a very strong Moon in Capricorn. At one point, the film says, he proposed to use nuclear weapon , out of despair.. which was stopped by Golda.
Fast forward 50 years: Uranus is again at the "killer" degree, now in Taurus.. and the threat now is inside the country, the division in the people, the hatred, the vicious posts against one another... that is the most horrible thing that can happen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Back to the markets: Bayer rules that apply
September 23, 2023 Sunday
Today the Sun moved into Libra, signaling the Autumn equinox. The most important aspect is the inconjunct, or 150* aspect to Saturn, which means delays, restrictions..
Note: Zet already features the upcoming Solar eclipse, about what I wrote in my previous post. The eclipse will occur at 21 Libra; so whenever a transiting planet will make an aspect to it, it will be important..
Here is clearer chart: Geo and Helio together.. It is always important to look at both.
In the Helio sky we can see a Grand cross, but it includes the Asc and the MC, so it will disappear in a few minutes.. what is more important, are the hard aspects between the planets, that give a "push" to events in general and in the markets in particular. During the weekend I had no internet, so I re read Ebertine's fascinating book " transits , using the 45 degrees" It is not available any more on Amazon... but if you can find it, it's a new, higher level of forecasting..So I ran TS, to find these aspects..
Back to Ebertine: he talks about using the 45* Ephemeris: so here it is for the next 4 months :GEO: ( I posted this in my Telegram group yesterday.. )
He writes, that the 45 and 135* are important; they stir up events.. of course, depending on each and everyone\s natal chart.. so, watch those aspects in the above calendars...
This is the yearly chart: planets that "go down" are in Direct motion, while the ones up are in Retro- so you can see Saturn, for ex. turning up in June till late Oct, and then down.
The BTC bottomed on Sept 11; when in the Helio sky Mercury 0 Venus ; 10 days later, 9/20 topped when Earth was 150* to Mars; now it trades below 27000- that is stop ; for short.
AstraZeneca: isn't this funny?? Last alert for it was on 11/15 = 3042- since then it was a long.. it bottomed in May, so taking that low and double the price gives up 493 price = days; when it topped so far.. Stop now = 4587; long if above.
AstraZeneca: isn't this funny?? Last alert for it was on 11/15 = 3042- since then it was a long.. it bottomed in May, so taking that low and double the price gives up 493 price = days; when it topped so far.. Stop now = 4587; long if above.
Geo and Helio asp. for the week NY time
Some thoughts about Midpoints: you see, Aug 18 was a low: Saturn blocked further fall- since it was at Jup/Mars MP on the dial chart..
Sept 15 was a top: when Jupiter arrived to Saturn/Pluto MP
This position will return on 9/26, since Jup is in Retro... next important day will be Jan 16, 2024, then Jup will be at Mars/Saturn MP
I can go on and on.. there are hundreds of thousands of important positions.. lol
This position will return on 9/26, since Jup is in Retro... next important day will be Jan 16, 2024, then Jup will be at Mars/Saturn MP
I can go on and on.. there are hundreds of thousands of important positions.. lol
OK off to Pilates.
Be good not only on Yom Kippur, but all the year. !!
For the Nifty NSEI, opens tomorrow: we are short below 19722- target 19473- 437.
September 22.,2023 Friday
I posted yesterday, targets for the S&P, all were reached.. So far low is 4366l Now the stop should be 4394; and next short targets? 4360-42-26.
Yesterday I was not here, a few countries announced their interest rates..
00:30 | BRL | Interest Rate Decision | 12.75% | 12.75% | 13.25% |
03:15 | AED | Interest Rate Decision | 5.40% | 5.40% | |||
04:00 | HKD | Interest Rate Decision | 5.75% | 5.75% |
10:00 | PHP | Interest Rate Decision | 6.25% | 6.25% | 6.25% |
10:20 | IDR | Interest Rate Decision | 5.75% | 5.75% | 5.75% |
10:30 | SEK | Interest Rate Decision | 4.00% | 4.00% | 3.75% |
10:30 | CHF | SNB Interest Rate Decision (Q3) | 1.75% | 2.00% | 1.75% |
11:00 | NOK | Interest Rate Decision | 4.25% | 4.25% | 4.00% | ||
11:20 | TWD | Interest Rate (Q3) | 1.875% | 1.875% | 1.875% |
14:00 | GBP | BoE Interest Rate Decision (Sep) | 5.25% | 5.50% | 5.25% |
16:00 | ZAR | Interest Rate Decision (Sep) | 8.25% | 8.25% | 8.25% |
21:20 | EGP | Interest Rate Decision | 19.25% | 19.25% |
05:52 | JPY | BoJ Interest Rate Decision | -0.10% | -0.10% | -0.10% |
UK FTSE: made low on 8/18; + 27 days topped, then triple topped and fell. Now at 7721; it will be a short if below 7700; Next CIT: 10/2
All shares/indices that bottomed on 8/18 will have a CIT on 9/26!!
Bovespa Brazil: it is on the brink to break a support !! see the graph.. counting from the top 7/25- today is 49 days!! so watch your steps, tighten stops..
Let's see where are the planets? and if there are any announcements?
Let's see where are the planets? and if there are any announcements?
Sun still trines Pluto, Mercury still 165*Neptune, Mars 135* Saturn, all disharmonious..
22.09.2023 16:37:00 26°11'10"Sgr Square Neptune
22.09.2023 22:31:38 29°32'22"Sgr Square Sun
22.09.2023 23:20:11 0°00'00"Cap <<< after the close in the USA
23.09.2023 2:43:57 1°56'20"Cap Sextile Saturn - no trade
25.09.2023 2:29:19 0°00'00"Aqr <<< Monday - no trade here due to Yom Kippur
25.09.2023 5:26:07 1°46'42"Aqr Trine Sun
26.09.2023 2:48:50 14°49'15"Aqr Square Jupiter
26.09.2023 10:12:25 19°22'53"Aqr Trine Mars
26.09.2023 11:46:59 20°21'24"Aqr Opposition Venus
26.09.2023 15:38:23 22°44'47"Aqr Square Uranus
By the time our pond opens, the Moon will be at 19Aqua! Dont' forget, when in Aqua, S&P makes a top/bottom!
The Sun will be at 2 Libra.. the sigh of balance, justice and harmony...but, there will be a lot of difficult aspects and conjunctions with Fixed stars.. to show you just a few..Pls.sign up to my course, if you want to understand what I am talking about..
For the Nifty, that many followers trade, the stop for intra day is 19730 and long above ; up targets: 19800-870..
In the Helio chart Venus moves into Taurus, a sign it rules..I'm running now TS to see how this position effected the markets... will be back after Pilates.. see you
In the Helio chart Venus moves into Taurus, a sign it rules..I'm running now TS to see how this position effected the markets... will be back after Pilates.. see you
Outcome for the Dow: 4 X = doesn't work
September 21, 2023 Thursday
Yesterday, the FED froze the interest rates, but the markets fell.
so, now we have a low (in the S&P ) on 8/18 and a top on 9/15; note the fall started under a Moon in Sag.! Now it is at 4434, short targets ? 4394-75.
Today is Gann turning day too!
Important aspects in the sky : Moon 165*Uranus ( look out for gaps), Mercury 165* Uranus, Venus 165* Saturn, Mars 150* Jupiter, and Sun 180* Neptune. all disharmonious aspects..
It's already 8:30 and I will be away today , so take the previous 3rd top candle in the 60 min, and be short
September 20, 2023 Wednesday
It is a day ruled by Mercury and Mars. Mercury is 135* to the NN. Mars is 150* to Jupiter ( happens twice a year.. But, what is more important, the Moon will be OOB for the next 3-4 days, and the Fed is about to announce the interest rate, which I think it will be raised.
previously, this year, the int. rates were raised on a day when one of the planets was OOB.
TSLA: corrected a bit the fall, but, the gap is still there, so I would be still short below 268 
Russia calls for halt to fighting between Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh
US and France also condemn Azerbaijan’s military operation against separatists in Armenian-controlled Nagorno-Karabakh.
20 Sep 2023
Russia has called for an immediate halt to the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh, where Azerbaijan has launched a military operation against separatist forces after months of rising tensions.
Dozens have been reported killed and more than 200 wounded in the fighting which broke out on Tuesday when Azerbaijan sent troops backed by artillery against separatists in the Armenian-controlled Nagorno-Karabakh region in the South Caucasus.
Asia: except for Pakistan, all indices are in red. The Nifty and Bank India fell with a gap today..After a 15 days' rally, high time for a correction. If the correction is only 50% or 38.2% from the last rally, it's only a small correction... a bigger one would be to 0,786%..but, we are now short below 9/15 tops- in the daily, or of you trade the intraday.. the stop is tighter.. Please sign up for the forecasts... to know how to trade the last 3 months..
MIB Italy is a short below 28930
My target for the Oil was 93- it topped a few cents lower, and fell yesterday; now it is correcting the rise from 9/7
OK.. It is 8:33 already, so let me see what's going on for TA35: closed at 1839, it has been consolidating since 8/17; between 1820-62; now we have a minor negative arbitrage, and looking at the planets, the trade range is between 1845 - 1839- 1832- if below, then 1828-26-22. Today, or right now, we have a trine between Sun-Pluto +Sun squares the GC; and is in opposition Neptune.the volume is ridiculous !! divide that by 3.80 to the dollar, and see what a small index it is, and how it is possible to maneuver it with no money.. The average volume in 2023 is 250Million USD
This looks bad !! Fights in Azerbaijan... read more here:
Russia calls for halt to fighting between Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh
US and France also condemn Azerbaijan’s military operation against separatists in Armenian-controlled Nagorno-Karabakh.
20 Sep 2023
Russia has called for an immediate halt to the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh, where Azerbaijan has launched a military operation against separatist forces after months of rising tensions.
Dozens have been reported killed and more than 200 wounded in the fighting which broke out on Tuesday when Azerbaijan sent troops backed by artillery against separatists in the Armenian-controlled Nagorno-Karabakh region in the South Caucasus.
September 19,2023 Tuesday
Update for TSLA, after Netanyahu's visit: who cannot stop talking about AI AI aiaiai...
I sent a tweet to Elon Musk, asking, if his time of birth is correct, trying to make a synastry with BiBi... but, no answer came. The birth time, 7:30 am, that is surfacing now is rated B on well, .. that gives Elon a Cancer rising ( which gives him a round- Moon face) , and Mercury on the Asc. conjunct the fortunate fixed star Sirius.. His date 28.6.1971 adds up to 7; ruled by Neptune, which is at 0 Sag. in R.. this gives him a boundless imagination.. Neptune conjunct Jupiter too! He has 10 children, from 3 wives, I think.. so that's under Jupiter in H5...When asked by Erdogan, he said he lives separately from his wife now.. HIs 7th house of partnership is under Saturn and this is in Gemini, showing multiple relationships..They say he is unpredictable and eccentric, well, that' s Uranus at 9* Libra..He was born under a partial solar eclipse, which is triggered now by tr. Pluto in opposition. Known and unknown enemies is under H7 ( Capricorn/ Saturn = government, and we know that a black cat walked between him and Biden. also H12, ruled by Mercury... hmmm...he should watch out from people with a prominent Mercury..
Rumor says he intends to open an EV car factory in Saudia..Mohammed Bin Salman born August 1, 1985 said : He said his “war” was restoring the Middle East to its past glory. “I believe the new Europe is the Middle East,” Prince Mohammed said. “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in five years will be completely different.”
The crown prince is driving Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan for economic and social reforms. “If we succeed in the coming five years, other countries will join us,” he said. “Even Qatar, despite our differences with it, has a strong economy and it will be completely different in five years.” And looking at his chart, with Jupiter in Aquarius, he can do it too. Pity I don't have his hour of birth... but in 5 years Sec.Prog. Jupiter will be already direct, conjunct natal Jupiter!!
The crown prince is driving Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan for economic and social reforms. “If we succeed in the coming five years, other countries will join us,” he said. “Even Qatar, despite our differences with it, has a strong economy and it will be completely different in five years.” And looking at his chart, with Jupiter in Aquarius, he can do it too. Pity I don't have his hour of birth... but in 5 years Sec.Prog. Jupiter will be already direct, conjunct natal Jupiter!!
Bin Salman solar chart with Secondary progression for 2030
It's already 9 am, this is in the news:
More than 100 Chinese warplanes and nine navy ships spotted around Taiwan
Taiwan told China on Monday to stop its "destructive unilateral actions" after more than 100 Chinese warplanes and nine navy ships were detected in areas around the self-ruled island.
Issued on: 18/09/2023 - 06:53Modified: 18/09/2023 - 08:12
More than 100 Chinese warplanes and nine navy ships spotted around Taiwan
Taiwan told China on Monday to stop its "destructive unilateral actions" after more than 100 Chinese warplanes and nine navy ships were detected in areas around the self-ruled island.
Issued on: 18/09/2023 - 06:53Modified: 18/09/2023 - 08:12
In my previous article I wrote about the 165^ or the Quindecile... now we have it between Venus/Saturn!! it's a negative aspect.. but read about it again in 9/13 post!!
Nifty now:
Nifty now:
I wrote in my Hebrew astrology group, that the reason to meet Elon Musk was to ask for gifts, to find a new sugar daddy... .. now it turned out, they asked for 4 cars!! nothing less... What a shame !!
Crude oil: stop = 91 - target 93
Crude oil: stop = 91 - target 93
September 18, 2023 Monday
It is now 8:10 am, Asia already trades..China50 and the Nikkei are green , the rest are red.
Here are the aspects' table for the next 3 days, without the Moon:
Actual aspects
Begin: 18.09.2023 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Sun 24Vir59 150 Eris 24Ari59 18.09.2023 6:45
Sun 25Vir02 150 Node 25Ari02 18.09.2023 8:03
Sun 26Vir16 180 Neptune 26Psc16 19.09.2023 14:17
Mars 15Lib11 150 Jupiter 15Tau11 20.09.2023 1:48
Venus 17Leo04 165 Saturn 2Psc04 20.09.2023 23:29
Mercury 9Vir58 135 Eris 24Ari58 20.09.2023 23:56
on Sept.20th the Sun ( at 26-27 Virgo) will conjunct the disharmonious fixed star Alkaid.. so, I think , that will bring more moves to the downside.
SMI20: the trade range is in this triangle: long only if above 11220
OBX25 Norway: is the best index in the Scandinavian countries.. see my former article.. Now it trades at 1211: we are short below 1215; targeting 1208 and lower.
Main aspect of the day is the square between Venus-Jupiter, calculations are based on them.
TSLA: I just looked at it, because of Bibi meets Musk today.. not relevant to the price, but I found this :
TSLA: I just looked at it, because of Bibi meets Musk today.. not relevant to the price, but I found this :
September 17,2023 Sunday
I read about the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike, that started on Sept 15th.. I looked at a few charts, here are my thoughts..
Inner date is when the American Fed. of labor chartered officially the UAW. (thanks to Sherri for posting this, in a group ). Time unknown, so I put noon.
The outer chart is when the strike started, and it is unbelievable how the planets just "clicked " for this event.. Pluto, now in Sept 2023 is in Retro in Cap. will go back and forth at these last degrees till Oct. 2025, only then it will be in Aquarius and will net return to Capricorn... Pluto brings destruction and rebuilds later.. I am not saying this strike will last till 2025!! so let's go on, UAW natal has Jupiter conjunct Mars in Scorpio and now, the strike Jupiter is exactly in opposition and in Retro.. so THIS! can point to a long dispute... Furthermore, tr. Saturn(gov) is in opposition natal Sun - the leaders of UAW, Saturn too is in Retro, turns Direct only on Nov 5, it went retro on 7 Pisces, so till Feb 5th 2024 it will be bin it's "shadow" period... Oh my.. will the strike be that long?? Let me see if Venus can help? In the natal chart is in R at 21 Virgo, and gets a trine from tr. Uranus at the killer degree 22 Taurus..Uranus turns Direct on Jan 21, 2024 only.. so not much help from it either.. Ruler of the chart is Mercury, and tr Venus will be conjunct on Oct. 27th.. that might bring some light.. Mercury, that brings agreements, will conjunct natal Mercury on Sept. 27th .. so these are the closest dates I can come up with to end the strike.
Ford: hasn't been doing well since 1999 !! !
GM: HAS BEEN FALLING SINCE 6/2022; now, stop - 35 target is $20; falling out of the triangle.
Looking for more info: I found this on X ( Twitter) by the way I hate the new symbol ~black X~
Looking for more info: I found this on X ( Twitter) by the way I hate the new symbol ~black X~
Can anyone compete with China? They manufacture now in Algeria.. cheap and fast..
Electric cars.. I wouldn't buy... the battery dies fast and what if you don't find where to fill it? Maybe I'm wrong.. I don't know.. in any case, Lithium should rise, if more and more EV cars are made.
Electric cars.. I wouldn't buy... the battery dies fast and what if you don't find where to fill it? Maybe I'm wrong.. I don't know.. in any case, Lithium should rise, if more and more EV cars are made.
in 1 day:
I started with the strike and I wondered out to this..
Only BTC: trades now, and there is a lot of nervousness... our stop was 26000; now it should go to 27470. ~~~~~~~~
we have no trade today, so I had time to clean up after yesterday's dinner, and do all kind of chores, I usually don't.. on Sundays..
Monday .. a.. I already wrote about what happen Monday.
So have a nice weekend..
September 16, 2023 Saturday
As you could see from the dates and aspects posted above, for us, there aren't many days to trade left in September..
Yesterday, on the day the Moon occulted Mars, ( see former article) the USA markets fell. I sent alerts to subscribers, so they could cash out or turn short.
Now, TS shows, (looking back 26 years) that the S&P fell 20 times and rose 6) between 9/19-26) ... of course we don't trade statistics, but it sits in the back of my mind..if I am tempted to go long.. I would double check again. If 8/18 low breaks = double short.
The dominant cycle is the opposition between Sun-Neptune.
For TA35: opening on Monday: under a -0.18% arbitrage, and Moon in Scorpio, if the close was 1844.66, we are short below 1845, target: 1838-35.
Please click |Like|" and share..
Stay Safe!
ReplyDeleteputins birthday?
ReplyDeleteyes... it's fishy//
DeleteWatch these attacks begin in the US next as Crooked Biden immediately halted Trump's border wall when he took office and opened up the flood gates of illegals pouring into the US. We've already received 12-15M illegals over the past 30 months since - how many are crazy terrorists? Most have been fighting aged males. Instead of locking the border - like every other intelligence country on the earth, Biden is paying these illegals with cash, hotel rooms & cell phones with money we borrow from the Chinese Communist Party. Meanwhile his admin has targeted US citizens for "domestic terrorism" as these moms and dads do not want gay and transsexual stuff hoisted upon their kids. EVIL is really flaunting itself now. You can see Lucifer in his death throws blatantly here. Instead of focusing on REAL terrorists or DOD has become WOKE and focused only on what the global leaders - Klause Schwab (WEF) etc - want them to - which is destruction of our country. DIVIDE and CONCUR has always worked for them and they are doing it again now globally. Trudeau in Canada is a ful on Schwab disciple and Nazi.
ReplyDeleteAzov Battalion in Ukraine is being destroyed so they will be lashing out everywhere. Nazi United Nations has just condemned Israel for FIGHTING BACK - DEFENDING themselves in Gaza!! What does this tell you? We have representatives here - in M ICHIGAN - like RashidaTlaib (democrat) - who REFUSE to condemn these barbaric attacks in Israel! All getting exposed and will be dealt with over the coming few years. Pray for justice. Pray for peace. I pray for you and Israel.
Tom in Michigan
I was shocked to see the opening of your borders !!! why? how?? who let it happen?? so many unanswered questions...Unbelievable is not a strong enough word for what is going on. Not here, not in the USA, not in Europe.. phhhh. what can I say ? Let us stay alive.
DeleteDear Tom, Thanks for your concern for me and all of us. We are fine. - No doubt B.N. is the one to blame, and his gov. but they will not resign, or take any blame.. Yesterday a coalition gov. was formed, now they have someone to blame for any future mistakes.. because his majesty is never wrong.. always others are..
ReplyDeleteAs for the USA, it is hard for me to comprehend what is really really going on there..
In Israel, we learned that we can rely only on our fabulous people.. They organize by thousands, to send food, water, supplies, weapons!! transportation to the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who lined up to save us from the out and in enemies.. It will take a long time.. But we will win. And let no one criticize us for what we do.!!