Between October 14 - November 13, 2023

The New Moon in the sign of Libra aligns closely with former Prime Minister Netanyahu's stellium, with additional celestial bodies like Mercury, the South Node, and the Sun also occupying the same astrological sign due to the recent Solar eclipse. It is noteworthy that this configuration heralds a period of significant shifts and transitions during the course of this lunar month.
Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the Solar eclipse took place within the United States, leaving its influential imprint upon us for an extended period of approximately 8 to 9 months.
Throughout this Lunar month, Mercury is set to transition into Sagittarius, a position where it is considered to be in its "Fall." Additionally, Venus will shift from a position of relative astrological weakness in Virgo to a more favorable position in Libra, a sign it rules. These planetary movements serve as important markers for potential critical trend reversals or Changes In Trend (CIT) events.
Mars, currently positioned in Scorpio, a sign associated with profound themes like life, death, transformation, and vengeance, adds an intriguing dynamic to the celestial landscape. Jupiter, on the other hand, remains in retrograde motion within the sign of Taurus, while Saturn is poised to resume direct motion, as discussed in a previous article.
The celestial backdrop further features Uranus finally departing from the intense and potentially disruptive 22-degree position. Neptune and Pluto are expected to exhibit minimal movement, with Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta predominantly remaining in their current astrological signs. Vesta, however, is set to shift into retrograde motion, which warrants careful observation.
Notably, the upcoming Lunar eclipse scheduled for October 28 is anticipated to bring about a challenging and potentially tumultuous period.
Here is the monthly Geo aspect table:
There are too many aspects.. I will add them as time passes.
Important Midpoints :
There are no malefic fixed stars between 15♎-15♏~~!!
Important date to watch! 15.10.2023 13:03:56 > Sco Moon
17.10.2023 21:36:14 > Sgr Moon
18.10.2023 14:48:11 max N Node
18.10.2023 14:53:49 R Node 24°52'48"Ari
20.10.2023 3:54:34 > Cap Moon
20.10.2023 6:10:07 max S Moon
22.10.2023 5:12:45 min N Node
22.10.2023 5:18:56 D Node 24°52'27"Ari
22.10.2023 8:05:59 > Aqr Moon
22.10.2023 8:48:38 > Sco Mercury
23.10.2023 18:20:43 > Sco Sun
24.10.2023 10:32:43 > Psc Moon
26.10.2023 12:01:24 > Ari Moon
26.10.2023 19:06:29 >0 N Moon
Lunar eclipse Oct 28 at 5♉
28.10.2023 0:01:45 max S Saturn
28.10.2023 5:13:19 max N Node
28.10.2023 5:16:41 R Node 24°54'50"Ari
28.10.2023 13:44:03 > Tau Moon
30.10.2023 17:07:34 > Gem Moon
1.11.2023 23:30:09 > Cnc Moon
2.11.2023 1:11:12 max N Moon
4.11.2023 9:03:20 D Saturn 0°30'49"Psc
4.11.2023 9:20:49 > Leo Moon
5.11.2023 10:01:53 min N Node
5.11.2023 10:47:26 D Node 24°44'41"Ari
6.11.2023 21:38:54 > Vir Moon
8.11.2023 11:30:20 > Lib Venus
Gann CIT day: Nov.8
9.11.2023 10:07:43 > Lib Moon
9.11.2023 18:37:03 >0 S Moon
10.11.2023 8:24:50 > Sgr Mercury
11.11.2023 7:20:46 >0 S Venus
11.11.2023 10:02:26 max N Node
11.11.2023 10:50:49 R Node 24°51'25"Ari
11.11.2023 20:39:02 > Sco Moon
14.11.2023 4:22:42 > Sgr Moon
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Here is a link to my You Tube channel: GMAMA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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November 13, 2023 Monday ~38th day of Iron Swords
In a few hours we will have the New Moon in Scorpio, so as always, I will start a new article.
This is the last chart for this month: it shows Mars at the 22* "kill or get killed" degree, in Scorpio, (tunnels); one good point is, that Uranus moved on from the 22nd Taurus, and thus from an opposition to Mars.
Mercury, which will be in ♐till Jan 14th, 2024; in Detriment (pls scroll down see my post about it); will aspect Venus, Jupiter, Vesta, Juno later this week. The strongest planet today is Venus, being the ruler of♎; while the weakest is the Moon in Sco .(people)
The astrocarthography shows, that the USA falls in the sign of Sagittarius, therefore transit Mercury (news, accidents) will affect it most, while Uranus ( unforeseen events) is on the MC of Iran, and Jupiter ( expansion) on the MC of Beirut . A closer look: Pluto +Saturn and Uranus meet above Teheran. They will stay there till month's end. Yesterday, when Mars was still in opposition Uranus, the Hezbollah targeted our northern towns..There were many casualties, dead, wounded on both sides.. They target civilians. USA soldiers were ambushed and killed by Hamas in tunnels.. (Mars in Sco).
It is now 7:15: Asia trades: list by highest volume:Nifty: I wouldn't look for longs now.. I think it will close that gap : HK50: has been falling since 1/29/2023' since Oct.20, made higher lows, sign of up correction, however, I would be long only above 17550 ; stop is 17240 China 50: made a 50% correction of the rally between 10/23-11/6; Stop now is 11990- long if above.
USA Nov 13: S&P spot: rising with a falling volume IXIC: made high high; stop = 13700 DOW DJI: higher highs on lower volume; stop = 34300 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TA35: 30 Min: 2 gaps closed since the double top on 11/6, now one remained to 1628. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
November 12, 2023 Sunday ~ 37th day of Iron Swords
We start the day with the Moon in Scorpio, at 5*; she makes so many aspects..Some will disappear till markets opens, another 2 hours.. So I am looking only at the lasting aspects. I always start from Pluto- Neptune, etc. But first, to clear the jungle of too many aspects, I check which planet is dominant today? It is the Sun and Mars. Venus is 45^SUn, Mars is 180^ Uranus.. Scroll down to read what this means, and when did it happen before. So judging by these two aspects only, out of hundreds, we will have an active day, no consolidation.
Helio sky: Mercury ingress in Capricorn, and Jupiter(expansion) 45^ Neptune ( fake news, disinformation) is the most lasting aspect.
I ran TS with transit to transit planets in Geo: 4 deg. orb.. this is a very general outcome, not for a specific index or commodity, just shows the energy in the sky. Check out below the Geo monthly aspects : what you see in black are the MP to planets. They don't move much, because they are calculated on Jup-Pluto positions.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
12:36pm Hezbollah fires a rocket at civilians in the north, when the Moon at 8 Scorpio ( death degree) conjunct asteroid Israel. One of the injured is an 84 year old farmer, who went back to his farm to feed the chicken. The others are electricity workers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
JERUSALEM (VINnews) — Three months ago, the EU’s special envoy to Gaza, Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff elected to celebrate his retirement from the region by conducting what he said was the first-ever paraglide over the Gaza Strip last month.
“Once you have a free Palestine, a free Gaza, you can do exactly the same thing, and that’s the reason why I did this — to show you the way forward if you work for it,” said Kühn von Burgsdorff, who formally concluded three decades as a European diplomat on Tuesday.
His stunt struck a nerve in Israel, though, whose Foreign Ministry branded it a provocative action. “The European diplomat forgot a long time ago that he represents the EU and its member states,” said a Foreign Ministry spokesperson. “He continues to represent the Palestinian narrative and to serve as a propaganda tool for terror organizations controlling Gaza.”
I don't have his time of birth or place, only where he studied... but what he did, brought a great disaster to Israel. What caught my eye is his Jupiter (extremes, flying object,) is at 22 Killer degree, in exact trine to Israel's Chiron ( the wound) and those paragliders caused a terrible disaster to Israel.
November 11, 2023 Saturday ~ 36th day of iron Swords
Yesterday the USA markets rallied and made new highs..
Let's see what to expect for the next 3 days... Mind you on the 13th we have a New Moon, when I start a new article.
Begin: 12.11.2023 Period: 3 days (GMT+2)
Aspect Exact
Sun 9Sco46 144 Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 13Ari46 12.11.2023 12:33
Sun 0Ari00 P^ Uranus 0Ari00 12.11.2023 16:49
Venus 5Lib21 150 Ju/Plu +Sat/Pl/2 5Psc21 13.11.2023 8:19
Venus 0Ari00 P Eris 0Ari00 13.11.2023 12:15
Mars 22Sco17 144 Chiron 16Ari17 13.11.2023 14:11
Sun 21Sco04 180 Uranus 21Tau04 13.11.2023 19:21
Mercury 5Sgr21 90 Ju/Plu +Sat/Pl/2 5Psc21 13.11.2023 21:52
Venus 6Lib03 135 Uranus 21Tau03 13.11.2023 23:33
TA35: for tomorrow: the close was 1704, I expect to see 1720-13-19. there is an open GAP to 1825 too.One of the shares that is bound to rally is ARAL,(which I bought, locally, but trades in the Nasdaq as well, some time ago at 143, target is 188, if above, then 200-300) .
November 10, 2023 Friday ~ 35th day of Iron Swords
USA markets marked a top and reversal yesterday:
Astrological positions: Moon 150 Saturn; Moon 0 Venus, Venus 45 Sun, Mars 150 Saturn, 1 day after Gann CIT day.
Helio: Venus 60 Jupiter, mars 180 Uranus, Jupiter 45 Neptune.
See the S&P chart below, 4390 was the stop, when it didn't go above it, short was triggered.
Fibo time: from Oct 26-27 = 13 days..
So many reasons in all levels. a... also scroll up, see the midpoints relevant for today.
Today: there are some news from Reuters, that the Jihad will release 2 hostages..well.. good news, let's see if true.
In the sky today: Mercury just enters Sag.♐!! It will stay in Sag- Detriment till Jan 14, 2024; this is bad news...since it turns retro in this sign. Being R +in D; means double negativity, whatever this planet represents... Accidents, in the sky (SAG) , ruled by Jupiter, aircrafts...breaking limbs, legs, hips mostly. Merc 90 Saturn;(bones) ; then news wise, news will break out, not necessarily good ones. In the same time with Venus in Libra, a sign that rules Israel, and known + unknown enemies, also Netanyahu's and Putin's stellium in Libra; all will be affected by this Mercury. We have a Merc 90 Saturn today, so news about hostages are coming out.. see Reuter news..On the other hand, Mars is still in Scorpio, so fights in tunnels, underground places will go on. Mars opposition Uranus.. surprise attacks.. and we had one drone attack yesterday in Eilat..
Market wise we are in a correction period. let's see if Nov 6 low will break..
Mercury, rules the 6H of health, with it entering SAG: Healthcare fell the most.
November 9, 2023 Thursday~34rd day of Iron Swords
Yesterday in the USA:
S&P: must go above 4390 in order to avoid a fall and fill the gaps in red.The Crude oil, see post below: For today: first of all there are a lot of speakers from all countries.. so those hours will be hectic, depending on what they say. The Moon: GMT+2
9.11.2023 0:20:14 25°05'55"Vir Opposition Neptune - it is now 8 am, so not relevant.
9.11.2023 6:20:06 28°05'53"Vir Trine Pluto
9.11.2023 6:55:01 28°23'22"Vir Sextile Mercury
9.11.2023 10:07:42 0°00'00"Lib <<<
9.11.2023 12:22:44 1°07'50"Lib Conjunction Venus
Today the Moon occults Venus.- more forex news, and banks too.
More Geo aspects:
Venus is the strongest planet today ( just moved to Libra) while the Moon ( Silver) is the weakest.
Thursday is the day of Jupiter, so I marked the MP from it:
Geo: Jupiter at Ura/Pl Mp: as per Ebertin "
Social aspirations,(striving for social improvements_ the pursuit of religious or philosophical objectives including one's personal outlook on life; the attainment of immense success" I wish the events ongoing down here would listen to the stars..
TA35: short targets: 1683-66-24
November 8, 2023 Wednesday ~33rd. of iron Swords
It is now 7:18 am... I posted some thoughts in my telegram group, for people who trade in Asia..
The Moon is at 16♍, approaching sextile to the Sun. Important event for today (scroll down to 10/30 post) is Venus entering ♎; from Virgo, where it is in its fall, to a sign it rules, so I expect some strength in forex.
I checked several indices, and found that there is a correction time between Nov, tighten stops..We have several disharmonious aspects today:
Geocentric: Venus 150-Saturn, and 45* Sun, Neptune 45* Jupiter and 150 SN
The Sun is conjunct a malefic fixed star, even if for one day, it matters..
Zuben Elgenubi (9 Alpha 2 Librae m 2.75)
Zuben Algenubi
Keywords: Loss, theft, betrayal, abuse, venereal disease, poisoning, drowning, anguish, revenge, criminality
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Saturn/ Mars
In the Helio centric sky Mars is in opposition Uranus, this is a BIG,AND MAJOR aspect.. it happens only once a year.. not to mention, Uranus in Taurus which happens only once in 84 years..
Here is a list when Uranus was in Taurus and Mars 180 to it.. the terrible years of WWII
Search for...:
Mars.180.Uranus ( in Taurus )
Realization intervals (begin - end):
9.05.1935 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 12.05.1935 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
11.04.1937 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 14.04.1937 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
14.03.1939 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 18.03.1939 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
14.02.1941 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 17.02.1941 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
2.01.2020 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 5.01.2020 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
5.12.2021 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 8.12.2021 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
8.11.2023 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 11.11.2023 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
10.10.2025 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 13.10.2025 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
10.10.2025 0:00 (GMT+2) - 13.10.2025 0:00 (GMT+2)
then no such aspect till 2100 !!! so hang in there, there is hope in the horizon.
Yesterday in the USA markets: the weakest group was the Energy grp
XLE: it is now short below 85.80; target 82.30- 81; CIT:12/7,22
DOW Real estate index: trade range is between 280-320 -337
Here is my list of
"Defense and guns" maybe there are more, this is what I found.. I guess, during the war they should rally .... check them out.
The Oil: has been hammered down since 9/27 +42 days - today.. ( watch the multiples of 7 ); so today, should be a CIT, or latest, on Nov 11th.. -weekend, then after it.. trade range : 75.50-78.55; long if above. TS shows a low ~based on the Sun cycle and fast cycles, till the first week of Dec.
Life goes on, first new born calf..
Biggest falls in Asia:
For my readers from
SingaporeNovember 7, 2023 Tuesday ~32 day of Iron Swords
Yesterday in the USA:
more bears... due to the real estate group: Yesterday was 55 day till year ends, I wrote it below, it will be a CIT day..
it is now 6:52, let's see what is the sky telling us?
With the Moon entering Virgo, we lost the momentum for a rally. Today the Moon, actually now, trines the Lunar eclipse point.. remember the eclipse degrees!!! 5♉and 21♎!!!! Actually we have several planets aspecting the Sol.,ecl. degree, Mercury, Neptune, Uranus, Nodes, Venus Pluto even..oh... and today we have an exact trine Merc-Neptune. Neptune rules today together with Mars; so it's again a CIT day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I posted the November calendar in my FB group: here it is again:
TA35: closed at 1702.56 - there is an open gap to 1677; so we or I am short below 1710- targets: 1701-1697-85-80-79 TA BANKS: there is an open gap (green circle), but now, with the negative arbitrage we are short, targeting 3200.Shekel/USD: fell from 4.09 to 3.8735; it will correct that fall to 3.98 at least, I have Nov. Calls 3900, so I expect them to reach from 440 (buy) to 1000. USA futures now:
S&P failed to go over oct 17 top so it is a short below it..
Nasdaq future: watch Nov 15 = 34 days from 10/12 top also Nov 16 = 120 d from 7/19 top.
Asia: I always check where is the biggest volume!!!
JKSE: made lower highs, stop is 6880- short below. Anything that rallies? New Zealand..
In Europe: UK FTSE has the biggest volume, 7210 is stop there.. but it is also declining since 2/16/2023..Only above 7477 it would be a long, but then it was a resistance level at 7660..
I posted yesterday about WIG20, reached the given targets !!
Highest volumes in the Commodities:
GLD: lower highs since March..gained 10% since the last low; for long term traders stop is 177- for intraday 180
November 6, 2023 Monday ~ 31st day of Iron Words
It is now 6:50 am. The Sun is shining, it has been so hot so far, I had to switch on the air-condition..
News in the sky: the Moon is at 22*Leo, Mercury 120^ out for some fake news.. any announcements today? I see only 1 or 2 starred announcements... mainly in Europe.
Monthly best performers in Europe, lead by Poland Wig20

However, it reached a level it could break for 4 times! Now, it should go above 2177, then targets are 2181-83-85-87-88; yes, a dense resistance levels.. only a gap-up will help here. looking at the cryptos, that started to move: best monthly performer NEO: looking at the bigger picture, it's a buy, stop $6;CIT 12/25 TA35 for today: targets: 1727-31-34-37-38-41.
Low today: 1716.71-- now it is a long only if above 1720! Top of today is 1737.87 ( wrote yesterday the target is 1735 ! reached) ~~~~~~~
There is an interesting twist in XI Jin Ping chart: the time table :
If he was born at 7:48, June 15, 1953, based on his POF, at 11 Virgo, tomorrow he is crossing over to Cancer level 3, mind you, Cancer is on the cusp of his 12 H. While Dec 21, we can see an LB period on Cap.. H6 . so let's follow the news,
Natal chart with Sec.Prog... too many bad aspects to the Sun.
November 5, 2023 Sunday ~30th day of Iron Swords
It is almost 8 am. We start the day with the |Moon in Leo approaching the Sun and in square..Should mark a top in the markets that trade today, and if still in Leo tomorrow, then in the rest too.
Geocentric table for the next 3 days:
Actual aspects
Begin: 5.11.2023 Period: 3 days (GMT+2)
Moon 11Leo37 45 Venus 26Vir37 5.11.2023 8:32
Sun 12Sco40 90 Moon 12Leo39 5.11.2023 10:37
Moon 12Leo43 144 Ju/Ne + Ne/Pl/2 18Psc43 5.11.2023 10:44
Mars 16Sco35 150 Chiron 16Ari35 5.11.2023 10:44- CIT by Larry Pesavento
Moon 13Leo03 165 Pluto 28Cap03 5.11.2023 11:23
Moon 13Leo59 120 Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 13Ari59 5.11.2023 13:16
Moon 15Leo31 165 Saturn 0Psc31 5.11.2023 16:21
Moon 16Leo34 120 Chiron 16Ari34 5.11.2023 18:29
Moon 6Leo50 90 Mars 16Sco50 5.11.2023 19:00
Moon 23Leo58 90 Mercury 23Sco58 6.11.2023 9:25
Moon 24Leo31 120 Eris 24Ari31 6.11.2023 10:32
Moon 24Leo45 60 S.Node 24Lib45 6.11.2023 11:01
Moon 24Leo45 120 Node 24Ari45 6.11.2023 11:01
Moon 25Leo08 150 Neptune 25Psc08 6.11.2023 11:48
Moon 0Ari00 P^ Mars 0Ari00 6.11.2023 13:54
Venus 28Vir04 120 Pluto 28Cap04 6.11.2023 16:38
Sun 13Sco57 150 Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 13Ari57 6.11.2023 17:18
Moon 28Leo04 150 Pluto 28Cap04 6.11.2023 17:43
Moon 28Leo07 30 Venus 28Vir07 6.11.2023 17:50
Mercury 24Sco31 150 Eris 24Ari31 6.11.2023 18:00
Moon 28Leo56 135 Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 13Ari56 6.11.2023 19:30
Mercury 24Sco46 150 Node 24Ari46 6.11.2023 21:51
Mercury 24Sco46 30 S.Node 24Lib46 6.11.2023 21:51
Moon 0Vir31 180 Saturn 0Psc31 6.11.2023 22:42
S&P: daily: should go above oct 17 top for a rally
I can't stop crying, with these news: now Yuval Zilber, May 3, 1998 ; although I didn't know him, but, he was born in my town, went to the same school as my kids.. He was in Thailand, madly in love with his girl friend, but came back to Israel to fight.. He was a paramedic, died 2 weeks after he came back.. I have no words, to tell you how sad I am.. for all who die in this war.
LTC: I bought more yesterday: target 80-85

TA35: top" 1728.95 close 1724.26 Tomorrow should reach 1735
November 4, 2023 Saturday ~ 29th day of Iron Swords
Yesterday USA markets: rallied, but still below Oct 17th top
Tomorrow TA35 opens with a huge positive arbitrage.. so if the close was 1686.36, target now is 1703-10-14-24-35, which is 50% of the Oct 2-26 fall
Today only the cryptos trade,
BTC: support 34300- target 36300 Today there is an important event in the sky: Saturn turns Direct. Our index, TA35 opens tomorrow, probably with a gap up.. the Moon will be at 12 Leo, Mars at 16 Scorpio (CIT)
November 3, 2023 Friday ~ 28th day of Iron Swords
USA yesterday rallied:
DJI: is correcting the fall between Oct 17-27; now the target is 34147-34315. S&P: same here... next target is Oct 17 top. I would use 4300 as stop..
It is now 8:20 am here, America is still sleeping 2:20 am in USA; futures are getting red.
For today: we are under the energies of Venus and Jupiter. Venus is in opposition Neptune and Jupiter 180 the Sun; I would look more into shorts, or at least tighten stops!! Also because we have a Bayer Rule coming up today :
Big changes on market are when Mercury passes over |
19 degrees 36 minutes of Scorpio and Sagittarius, |
also over 24 degrees 14 minutes of Capricorn. |
November 2, 2023 Thursday ~ 27th day of Iron Swords
USA yesterday:
S&P future is back to May 25th top, now next target is May 24 top- 4290 Today, the earth is conjunct Jupiter, in the Helio sky..
Mercury 90 Saturn, and Venus 150 Pluto
In the Geocentric sky the Moon moved to Cancer, that's a twist in energy..and Jupiter is 45^ from Neptune, separating.. that is also an energetic aspect..
Let' see the time factor, do we have any CIT?
For the S&P: counting just from 3/13/2023 low; CIT days: Nov 5,7-8 also a Gann Cit day,13,20,22-25,30 ; besides these, we have the astrological effects and more.. But these are the ones, if you don't know astrology... Asia: is mostly green;
Nifty: "strong sell"
However, here is what I posted on 10/30: 10/30June 26 +120 d = Oct 24 +122 d = Oct 26 = the last low 18800 in the daily, that low is the stop
Planetary support 18900- targets 18911-22-27- 18941-57 -87-19003-19007 add 30+30 points if above"
Today is at 19127; after a gap up at the the stop should be 19097..Target 19160.
DX: double topped at 107- we are short below 106.60 ; target 105.70 105.1
Grains: posted yesterday, all are gaining..
Btc: so, what should I do today for
TA35?? closed at1654; opening above 1655-1660 will push it up to 1667-71-75-78-80-89..; I have mostly puts. opening with a gap up like the Nifty, it will be too late to buy calls, and the puts will fall.
The day is ruled by Jupiter and the Moon; the Moon trines one of the G points...
The Shekel/$ fell below 4!! so now the puts I have will pay. target is 3.93-91 I have this share: Gilat Selcum: here are the stop and targets:
TA35: also gapped up as the Nifty! Topped so far 1674.44; now at 1669.86- it is 10:53..
OBX: I gave targets on 10/30- - all were reached so far. November 1, 2023 Wednesday ~ 26th day of Iron Swords
October is gone, it was the bloodiest month ever in Israel's history.. 3934 weeks, add up that number, we get 19.. a karmic and bad number.
Like Ashkelon , Sderot, Kibbutz all add up in Hebrew to 19.
Yesterday in the USA :
Now we should see if the last top will be reached..
We are 61 days from year end..Nov.6 will be 55 days !!! CIT November 1 is the "day of the dead" I wonder, if they knew, the Sun is at 8 degrees Scorpio, (8th house, of life and death), when they called it so.
The ruler of the day is Mercury and the Sun. Both, together with Venus (in Fall) and Mars(Ruler) in Scorpio. The Moon right now is at 22♊04; OOB
Geocentric aspects:
In the Helio Mercury moved to ♐, where it is in Detriment or weak.- watch out for fake news..I should look at the grains..Mercury rules them..
SOYA: stop 1250 CORN futures now 479- stop 464
Sign up for the forecast!!! if you want o know when to sell or buy.. ~~~~~~~~~~
Market starts..good luck !
TA35: top so far 1650; and is falling since.. I had the opportunity to sell my calls 1650 at the top and buy monthly puts at the lows.
Yemen declared war against Israel.. Watch Uranus on their MC on Nov 5-10 !!
Yemen unification date with transits for today: Uranus 60^Sun, etc..
January 21, 2024 tr.Pluto will trine Yemen's Sun.. it will be interesting to see what will happen with Yemen's gov.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Moon declination for now: crosses Pluto !
Israel chart for today: 3 planets in Scorpio now, but the most difficult day will be when Mars will 90^ Uranus
~~~~~~~~~China is about to attack Taiwan.. Below is the natal chart of Taiwan, with the Directed and transit chart for today. Check out the multiple aspects rulers of H7 ( known enemies) and H12 (unknown enemies) get..
4:00 pm sirens again.. yesterday 3 times.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It is heartbreaking to watch TV with all the horrible stories and the burials ...
TA35: topped at 1662.92- bottomed 1638.60
October 31, 2023 Tuesday ~ 25th day of Iron Swords
yesterday the IDF published, that on Oct 29th ( Lunar ecl) they found and saved a soldier, who was one of the hostages of Hamas. we don't have details, but thanks God.. Saturn was slowing down, before turning D on Nov 4th, we will hear more hostages released.. alive..
Ori Magidish, born Jan 4, 2004; may she have a long and happy life....can she?? After the trauma of 3 weeks ???
It is now 9:23, market is about to open.. the Moon is at 9 Gemini,
watch out for a gap, under that Venus-Uranus aspect..
October 30, 2023 Monday ~24th day of Iron Swords
Today we are 62 days from the year end.
Yesterday a terrible event took place in Russia..Dagestan airport was taken over by the mob, I don't have another name for these people, looking for Jews, or Israelis who were supposed to land in an El AL flight. Around that time, as you can see, Neptune(religion) was on the MC of that part of the world, the Moon (people) conjunct Uranus, in Taurus ( revenge, hate, in the 12th house) Mars(war) conjunct Mercury (news, poisonous news, in Scorpio) and the media is, was full of it.. but not only in Russia, in all Europe Muslims parade and destroy London, Paris, towns in Germany, all over.. in the USA, and I don't see the police move a finger.. ( Saturn - governments are that weak ?? This will change dramatically when Saturn turns Direct on Nov 4th, and these riots will end.
Thanks God, there were no casualties, and the airport will be closed till Nov 6th.
Ukraine war: day 614.. since it started all European countries opened their doors to take in civilians. But, then there is a war in GAZA, not one of the 22 Arab countries, and 70 Muslim countries in the world, opened their doors, to not even one! person. On the contrary.. Egypt strengthened their fences, Jordan shot down their borders..Qatar!! the one who finances the Hamas, never took in oven one person.. All the Hamas leaders live in 5 star hotels a luxury life, hide in bunkers for 20-30 years, but send the people to be a human shield.. these are facts.
The sky today: we have the Moon, NN, Venus, Uranus, Neptune Pluto, in the last decanate of a sign..meaning, they are soon to move on to a new sigh, which will bring a change..
30.10.2023 17:07:34 > Gem Moon
1.11.2023 23:30:09 > Cnc Moon
4.11.2023 9:03:20 D Saturn 0°30'49"Psc
4.11.2023 9:20:49 > Leo Moon= marks a top/bottom for the S&P
6.11.2023 21:38:54 > Vir Moon
8.11.2023 11:30:20 > Lib Venus = ruler, strong
9.11.2023 10:07:43 > Lib Moon
10.11.2023 8:24:50 > Sgr Mercury = weak, in Detriment; USA markets rallied??!!
11.11.2023 20:39:02 > Sco Moon
14.11.2023 4:22:42 > Sgr Moon
16.11.2023 9:41:19 > Cap Moon
18.11.2023 13:27:21 > Aqr Moon
20.11.2023 16:28:53 > Psc Moon
22.11.2023 16:02:32 > Sgr Sun
22.11.2023 19:19:20 > Ari Moon
24.11.2023 12:14:49 > Sgr Mars
24.11.2023 22:28:26 > Tau Moon
27.11.2023 0:01:45 max S Neptune
27.11.2023 2:39:47 > Gem Moon
28.11.2023 12:42:38 max S Mercury
29.11.2023 8:53:28 > Cnc Moon
29.11.2023 14:27:14 max N Moon
the outer planets will take more time..
It is now 7:55 Asia trades:
These are green:
It's interesting to see, that when China50 falls, the Nifty rallies:
China50: with my last alert: should reach 12154 today, max tomorrow, and next turn down
On the other hand, at the same time, Nifty should turn too.
DAX: March 20,2023 low was 14458- now it is still above that level, so if that holds, it might correct up. Next CIT: Nov 8
BTC: 60 min : consolidating.. for 6 days.. failing to run above the last top- 35138 = it will fall back ! Long above 34300 !
I am looking at
FAZ: Jul 24 -Oct 30 = 97 days; this is not a Fibo no.. however, failing to go above 23.76,-23.82 it will be a sign for a correction.
USA futures are all green
ESU future: it trades above 5/24 low, no now if above 4162- it will correct up a few days.IMHO
TA35: closed at 1626- target for today 1647. 12"50 target reached ! Top so far 1649 !
Topped at 1653.07;
Tomorrow should go above 1655 then 1672..hmmm but the Moon moves to Gemini, so it will be a zig-zag day.
October 29, 2023 Sunday ~ 23rd day of Iron Swords
I woke up around 6 am.. with the thought, how privileged I am, that I can sleep in my comfortable home, in silence. I can go and wash up, and work, as I do always... Many can't... in both sides. War is horrible and it is just the beginning. So many people are in the army now, leaving agricultural fields abandoned and livestock, like milking cows, neglected. However, amidst this turmoil, a multitude of dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to provide support on various fronts, from cooking for soldiers to tending to traumatized individuals and caring for abandoned animals, exemplifying unwavering commitment.
The main villain is tweeting, after midnight, that he knew nothing.. how low.. is he preparing to flee, or put all the blame to the army? They already took it..Despicable. But, I am not surprised.. I wrote about him many times..
As we find ourselves in the midst of this catastrophe for more than three weeks, it is disheartening, shocking and unbelievable, that he never visited the families of the dead, families who have endured the unspeakable trauma of rape, murder, and arson. He had not made hospital visits to extend his support to the wounded. In fact, it was only yesterday that he met with a small group of eight individuals, the relatives of the hostages .So far 230 people have been abducted.
Amid these trying times, I am deeply moved by the outpouring of support and concern from numerous individuals who, though unknown to me personally, have taken the time to inquire about my well-being and offer words of encouragement. It is, indeed, heartwarming. Conversely, there are also those individuals whom I had considered friends, who have chosen to remain conspicuously silent, prompting me to reflect upon my own discernment of character.
We are 63 days from the end of the year... Watch Oct 30-31- it will be 62 - 61 days, which is a Fibonacci sequence.. will something important happen?
Today we are after the Lunar eclipse and the Full Moon... the Moon is at 10♉
29.10.2023 8:36:23 11°10'38"Tau Conjunction Jupiter
29.10.2023 9:00:13 11°24'39"Tau Opposition Mercury
29.10.2023 9:30:02 11°42'09"Tau Opposition Mars
29.10.2023 23:32:37 19°53'54"Tau Trine Venus
this is a calendar forecast from ZET: is shows negative(red) aspects that culminate in these days
Let's see some forex graphs:
EUR/USD: 60 min chart; it will be a long only above 1.062 CIT: 11/2 DX: my last stop was 106.25; forget about the point, and deduct 30-60-90 points, we get 105.35- and went long above, now add 30-60-90 -up to 360 points to get further up levels.
GBP/USD: long above 1.2035
USD/INR: targets up on the graph
Sad news: Matthew Perry, (Friends) died, drowned, in his home pool, in his jacuzzi ??!!! !! at age 54. How is that an innocent death? we have his time of birth: and the time a call was made to 4:07pm ( time of transit below).. it is very peculiar! transit Mars and Mercury are right on his Moon, he was born under 2 eclipses, dies under the Lunar eclipse, transit Venus at 18 degree, the so called "Satan degree" Venus rules his 4th.( in Placidus house system). house of ending.. was he strangled in the water ( Venus=throat?) (Mars in Scorpio) + Neptune 60 to Pluto.. did he have any enemies? died 63 days before the year end..did he get a heart attack in the water?? Jupiter 150 to Mars.. and 165 to Neptune; Uranus 165 his Moon..+Neptune 120*Neptune (water) .
In any case, I don't buy it, that he just drowned... there must be more to it.
Looking at this directed chart(degree per year) too many exact aspects...
Market starts soon, it's 9 am now.
9:27: Netanyahu deleted his tweet..after vast criticism.
Oct 28 B.N. meets the hostages families in a bulletproof jacket. pathetic... and why is Sara there?
October 28, 2023 Saturday ~ 22nd day of Iron Swords
I wrote yesterday:
" Check out the NY calendar in yesterday's post, Sun at 4 Sco. at 11:34 shows a down move.. so be alert at that time! "
the outcome: double bottomed with May 2023 low...
The Sun is still at 4 Scorpio, you might ask, why did it reverse at 3:40 pm... well, a small detail.. looking at NY time, the Ascendant moved to Aries..It is a minor straw to stick to.. the question is, will it go up next week, or the Lunar eclipse will bring more down moves?
I wrote about this Lunar eclipse on Sept 9, 2023.
" Followed by the partial Lunar eclipse on Oct 28 at 5 Taurus. 

Lunar eclipse details
Penumbral eclipse begins at 18:01 UTC (2:01 p.m. EDT) on October 28. Earth’s lighter penumbral shadow will begin crossing the moon’s face. You probably won’t notice it at first. But, as the eclipse progresses, you should see a subtle shading on the moon.
Partial eclipse begins at 19:34 UTC (3:34 p.m. EDT) on October 28. Now it’ll appear as if a tiny, but dark, bite is taken from one edge of the moon.
Greatest eclipse at 20:14 UTC (4:14 p.m. EDT) on October 28. Only a small portion of the moon – about 6% – will be eclipsed by Earth’s dark shadow.
Partial eclipse ends at 20:52 UTC on October 28 (4:52 p.m. EDT).
Penumbral eclipse ends at 22:26 UTC on October 28 (6:26 p.m. EDT).
Note: A bright “star” will appear near the eclipsed moon. It’s really a planet, the biggest one in our solar system and the 2nd-brightest planet visible from Earth, Jupiter.
Visit to get an exact timing of the eclipse from your location.
How long will it last?
From start to finish, the eclipse will last 285 minutes. And the moon will be in Earth’s dark shadow – for the partial eclipse – for only 78 minutes. 285 minutes, equals the time of the effect of this eclipse = 7.5 months ~~~~~~~~~~
Who will be affected by this eclipse most??? People ( first in line Netanyahu, with his stellium in Libra, second, Putin.. him too has this stellium. ) and all who have planets between 15-25 Libra. Since Bibi has Mercury, ruler of MC, career, Neptune, ruler of H4 (base, roots, family) Moon at 19Libra, ruler of H8.. ohooo... Sun at 27 Libra, ruler of the 9th (law) even Ceres at 23Libra, Hygiea (health too ) all these area will be effected for 5-6 months! Will he finally step down? On Sept. 12th there is an important event (
Supreme court decision) here in Israel, this can change a lot..."
People who have their natal Moon at 5 Taurus + - 3 degrees : Pr. Biden, Kamala Harris, Michael J.Fox, Arie Der'i (local religious party leader) etc
People who have their Sun at 5 Taurus: Shirly McLain, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Ryan O'Neal, Ann-Margaret,, Barbara Streisand, Syria, Jay Leno, etc.
let's follow the news, about them.
Of course, we can also search eclipse moon 90, 120 or 180 to natal planets.. so the list is endless.
Here is the list of transit to transit for a month: from Solar Fire
and from ZET for the next 3 days: Actual aspects
Begin: 29.10.2023 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Sun 120 Ju/Plu +sat/Pl/2 29.10.2023 8:22
Moon 0 Jupiter 29.10.2023 9:36
Moon 180 Mercury 29.10.2023 10:00
Moon 180 Mars 29.10.2023 10:30
Moon 72 Saturn 29.10.2023 11:56
Moon 30 Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 29.10.2023 14:46
Moon P Uranus 29.10.2023 15:15 = gap
Moon 160 S.Node 29.10.2023 15:58
Mercury 0 Mars 29.10.2023 17:22
Oct 30: Zet still shows +3, but it's already +2
Moon 60 Neptune 30.10.2023 9:50
Sun 165 Uranus 30.10.2023 11:27 !!
Moon 165 Mars 30.10.2023 13:43
Venus 165 Ju/Plu +sat/Pl/2 30.10.2023 14:33
Moon 120 Pluto 30.10.2023 14:35
Sun P^ Jupiter 30.10.2023 15:00
Moon 165 Mercury 30.10.2023 15:14
Moon 45 Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 30.10.2023 16:40 - US TRADES
Moon P^ Pluto 30.10.2023 18:56
Moon 90 Saturn 30.10.2023 19:04
Moon 45 Chiron 30.10.2023 21:19
For TA35 closed at 1605.20: that opens tomorrow, the trade range will be 1590-1627. Falling below 1590 next 1550. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
October 27, 2023 Friday ~ 21st day of Iron Swords
Someone sent me this:
"I'm sure you all have friends who ask questions, you can send them this:
1- Before the modern state of Israel, there was a British nationality, not a Palestinian state. (1948 - 1920)
2- Before British rule, there was an Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state. (1921-1516)
3- Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Mamluk Islamic monarchy of Egypt, not a Palestinian state (1517-1291).
4- Before the Mamluk rule of Egypt, there was the Ayyubid dynasty, not a Palestinian state. Godfrey Bouillon conquered it in 1099.
5- Before the Ayyubid dynasty, there was a Christian kingdom of Jerusalem.
Not a Palestinian state.
6- Before the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was a Fatimid Caliphate, not a Palestinian state. (Total from paragraphs 4 to 6 from 1099 to 1291 AD)
7- Before the Fatimid caliphate, there was the Byzantine Empire, not the Palestinian state. (634 - 1099)
8- Before the Byzantine Empire, the Roman Empire
There was, not a Palestinian state.
9- Before the Roman Empire, there was a Hamonite dynasty, not a Palestinian state.
10- Before the Hamonian dynasty, there was the Seleucid Empire and Alexander III of Macedonia, not a Palestinian state. (Total from paragraphs 8 to 10 from the second century to 634 AD)
11- Before the Seleucid Empire and Alexander III of Macedonia, there was an Iranian Empire, not a Palestinian state.
12- Before the Iranian Empire, there was a Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state. (Paragraphs 11 and 12 from 539 BC to the second century AD)
13- Before the Babylonian Empire, the Kingdom of Israel and
Judea existed, not a Palestinian state. (1200 - 550 BC)
14- Before the kingdom of Israel, there was a religious government of 12 tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.
15- Before the theocracy of the 12 tribes of Israel, there was a single state of Canaan, not a state of Palestine. (2000-1000 BC)
In fact, there was everything in this corner of the earth except a Palestinian state!"
USA: around 1:30 pm all made a reversal candle: using that level we can try for an up move. and more so, if above the declining black line
For today: It is a day ruled by Venus~ is in Fall in Virgo, also approaching a trine to Uranus! check out the Banks !!! ~ and Saturn R at 0* Pisces is slowing down, towards a turn to Direct on Nov 4th .
The Moon is still in Aries, GMT+3
26.10.2023 13:01:24 0°00'00"Ari <<<
28.10.2023 11:19:33 27°57'55"Ari Square Pluto
28.10.2023 14:44:03 0°00'00"Tau <<<
28.10.2023 15:39:42 0°33'11"Tau Sextile Saturn
28.10.2023 23:23:52 5°09'04"Tau Opposition Sun
29.10.2023 9:36:23 11°10'38"Tau Conjunction Jupiter - winter time GMT+2 Israel trades
29.10.2023 10:00:13 11°24'39"Tau Opposition Mercury
29.10.2023 10:30:02 11°42'09"Tau Opposition Mars
What else, to watch out for? Today we have 61 days left till the end of the year.. that is a Fibonacci sequence number..
Check out the NY calendar in yesterday's post, Sun at 4 Sco. at 11:34 shows a down move.. so be alert at that time!
Also, don't forget the Lunar eclipse, due tomorrow; another Shabbat... the war broke out on Shabbat; it will be 21 days.
October 26, 2023 Thursday ~20th day
Today we have monthly options expiry. It is a day ruled by Jupiter and Neptune... oh.. Neptune is here, so watch for a CIT...
Calendar till the end of the month: NY time
Yesterday in the USA:Any share/index that topped on 9/15 will have a CIT on 10/27 and Nov 3 Today's sky: shows the Moon in Aries: in NY> brings in new energy... right now the futures are red. Let's see if May lows will hold?!
Yesterday Rania, queen of Jordan said on TV, that there is no proof of the beheading, killing, it's staged... well, looking at her chart, she has awful transits from Pluto.. so I wonder how long she will stay in position.. I read the USA wanted to evacuated the royal family, when the war broke out. They don't enjoy a lot of sympathy in their own country.. Pity, I like the king.. he is an Aquarius like me.. but he is in an extremely difficult situation now. Meanwhile Israel sent her films and pictures, that were presented to foreign journalists, who couldn't watch it, ran out of the room and cried.
Yesterday, Oct 25, 2023 - 67 days left till Dec.31; it freaking, that the shooter in Maine is Robert Card, and his name adds up to 67.
"At least 22 people are dead and dozens are injured following two shootings Wednesday night at a bowling alley and a restaurant in Lewiston, Maine, authorities say. An intensive manhunt is underway for a person of interest in the shootings, according to officials.
Robert Card, 40, of Bowdoin, is a person of interest and should be considered armed and dangerous, Maine Department of Public Safety Commissioner Mike Sauschuck said.
Law enforcement officials in Maine tell CNN that Card is a certified firearms instructor and a member of the US Army Reserve. Card had recently made threats to carry out a shooting at a National Guard facility in Saco, Maine, and also reported mental health issues, including hearing voices, the officials said.
During a news conference Wednesday night, Sauschuck declined to provide further information about Card. “We’re not prepared to go into (Card’s) background,” he said.
My condolences...
TA35: low so far 1597. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
He has so many planets in harmony with Israel.. I don't have his hour of birth, but since Pluto is conjunct his natal Mercury, I turned around the natal chart, so that Mercury falls on his age point...
Here is his natal chart with Israel's chart. As per Wikipedia, he is anti abortion, and anti LGBT rights..hmmmm, this is strange, since he has Jupiter in Sag!! but Saturn on" the weeping sisters".. He was born under 2 eclipses.
Annular Solar at 25Cap24 ( Pluto has been there and still is)
and Total Lunar eclipse at 9 Leo,.transit Mars squares it right now.
October 25, 2023 Wednesday ~ 19th day"
The day is ruled by Mercury and Venus. It is now 8:11 am... Mercury makes only 17 aspects, so I will not tire you with that.. the important thing is, that it entered the sign of Scorpio, sign of transformation, life/death, bad language, and revenge...
The Moon is at 12Pisces,
25.10.2023 1:57:33 8°42'25"Psc Trine Mars - Good for Asia-
25.10.2023 6:56:31 11°43'34"Psc Sextile Jupiter
25.10.2023 12:51:36 15°18'58"Psc Opposition Venus
25.10.2023 23:34:36 21°49'35"Psc Sextile Uranus - after markets close...
Asia: is green except for these:
Time: Tokyo will close in 2-3 hours:
Nikkei:10/25 Stop = 30900 long above ; target 31790. CIT:11/14
China 50: fell for 31 days 9/22-10/23; targets given reached, now it's a long above 11706; target 12155
With Mercury (news ) entering Scorpio (money) "A war on credit:
S&P downgrades Israel's rating forecast as Gaza war rages on.
Since the war erupted, Israel has been placed under surveillance by two rating agencies, and now S&P has declared a change in the rating forecast from "stable" to "negative". However, the credit rating itself remains at AA-"
TA35: ran up from 1603 to 1632; yesterday, as I thought it would, see Gann wheel below... and closed at 1621- this is a strong support/resistance. We have a positive arbitrage, so it might go to 1626-28-31-41; but I don't think it will go higher..
TA35: topped 1628 and closed 1617.
October 24, 2023 Tuesday ~ 18th day
Yesterday in the USA:
With the Sun in Scorpio, I expect a reversal... Although trading tools show "strong sell". As per my calculations the following levels are supports/resistances. Once above these levels, an up move is possible:
DOW: 32940; Nasdaq: 13140, S&P: 4200; Russell2000: 162.
Today in the sky: the strongest planet is Mars, the weakest is Mercury.
Also note: today it is a day ruled by Mars, and Mercury, so here are the Dial charts with those MP: Mars is at the SN/Uranus MP- a very bad position... while in the Helio dial Mercury is conj. Jupiter... The next fundamental issue is the ECB interest rate, which is fore casted to 4.50%- on 10/26.
The BTC: made a crazy rally while I was sleeping.. So now, the support is at 34200- if above, then next up : 34560- 34740 -34920 - etc. up to 42000, still don't forget to count the days for a reversal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Futures that trade now are green:
TA35: closed yesterday at 1614.96 after a low at 1603!! thinking out loud: I took the top of July 23, and marked the down targets on the wheel. We got 1603- a corner price level.. now, if it will correct up, will we see 1703-1710 till the next CIT, on Nov 22?
2 hostages, over 80 years old, were released yesterday... In Hebrew Gematria: Yocheved Lipchitz equals 12/3 - Jupiter. And Nurit Kofer equals 8- Saturn. October 23, 2023 Monday ~ 17th day of Iron Swords
Today the Sun moves to Scorpio, and we have a Gann turning day.. so I expect some big moves...
October 22. 2023 Sunday~ 16th day of Iron Swords
the sky now:
we have Sun 90^Pluto- more destruction, Moon 90 Sun- more people will get hurt, Mercury 120^Saturn (Gov. shuts down internet around hospitals) Mercury 60 Lilith- (more poisonous news in the social media); Venus 120*Jupiter - should show a culmination in forex and reversal....Mars 165*Uranus... read about this aspect in my previous article.. It is the day of the Sun, which is the weakest today in the sky.
TA35: closed at 1669; after Moody's announcement " reviewing to downgrade "us, and the negative arbitrage, we will see July 2021 low.. 1613..
For intraday trade: the last low was 1652; opening below that, will go to 1647-42-38-26-22.
Moon aspects GMT+3 22.10.2023 6:29:16 28°28'18"Cap Square Sun
22.10.2023 9:00:16 29°56'39"Cap Square Mercury
22.10.2023 9:05:58 0°00'00"Aqr <<< CIT
22.10.2023 21:21:09 7°12'19"Aqr Square Mars
Tomorrow: for the USA add 7 hours...
23.10.2023 5:26:49 11°59'45"Aqr Square Jupiter
23.10.2023 22:04:08 21°54'17"Aqr Square Uranus
Geo aspect table for the next 3 days:
Actual aspects
Begin: 22.10.2023 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Moon 90 Mercury 22.10.2023 9:00
Sun/Moon MP 120 Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 22.10.2023 9:35
Moon 30 Saturn 22.10.2023 10:13
Mercury 45 Sun/Moon MP 22.10.2023 11:48
Uranus P^ Sun/Moon MP 22.10.2023 12:07
Mars 165 Uranus 22.10.2023 12:39
Sun P Mercury 22.10.2023 12:45
Moon 45 Ju/Ne + Ne/Pl/2 22.10.2023 15:57
For tomorrow:
Moon 45 Neptune 23.10.2023 2:46 Asia trades
Venus 135 Pluto 23.10.2023 3:21
Sun 165 Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 23.10.2023 5:14
Moon 90 Jupiter 23.10.2023 5:27
Mercury 144 Neptune 23.10.2023 6:12
Moon 150 Venus 23.10.2023 7:17
Uranus 150 Sun/Moon MP 23.10.2023 9:16 Europe trade
Moon 60 Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 23.10.2023 9:31
Mars 45 Sun/Moon MP 23.10.2023 11:25
Moon 60 Chiron 23.10.2023 14:05
Mercury 165 Chiron 23.10.2023 16:37
Moon 30 Ju/Ne + Ne/Pl/2 23.10.2023 17:13
Eris 120 Sun/Moon MP 23.10.2023 17:49
S.Node 60 Sun/Moon MP 23.10.2023 18:32
Node 120 Sun/Moon MP 23.10.2023 18:32
Neptune 90 Sun/Moon MP 23.10.2023 20:09
Moon 90 Uranus 23.10.2023 22:04
AXJO: for my readers: CAC: we are short since 7300! DAX: we are short since 15580.My last alert: 10/16 staying above 15120- there is still a chance to revert upward. Falling below, double short" Now at 14798...
Shekel/usd long above 4.05 I am back from my Pilates... I didn't turn on the TV... I can't stand their blabbering...No one knows anything, except "know it all" who don't shut up for a moment. Also I cannot bring myself looking at the H O R R I B L E execution's of people, babies, not yet born..
I am following this link WWEINFO Events happening now since Oct 7th ,are horrible..
Netanyahu meets PM of Italy .. 25 C" but he wears - obviously - under his coat a bulletproof vest.. the paranoia is high. Isn't it easier to aim to his head?? what a/// I don' t want to say.
Natal Venus at 12 SAG, in fall (Pisces degree-exageration, drugs, illusions, nigh mares)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3:38 TA35: low so far 1629.87 !
October 21, 2023 Saturday ~ 15th day of Iron Swords
Inner wheel today, outer next week: the best thing that happens, is Uranus leaving the 22* "kill or get killed" aspect in its retro motion. It will be back between April 23- May 11th. On April 23-29th it's Pesach (Passover).I don't want to give ideas to anyone, but that's not a good period.
Yesterday at 11:21pm Judith and Natalie Raanan ~first 2 hostages~ were released by Hamas. I don't have their birth data, so here are the aspects when this photo was taken:
Moon 120^Venus; Mercury 0 Sun + Merc 90^ Pluto. May the other 203 hostages to be freed soon! I hope as Mercury leaves the Sun, we will get more and more good news. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In the USA markets:
SQQQ: almost reached target given below: ES1:
DIA: Stop=331.3 - short below! Nikkei future: I posted on trading view:
October 20, 2023 Friday ~ 14th day of Iron Swords
Better check out the transits on Israel's chart. Natal, Oct 7 and today. Venus= "ruler of 7th and 12th house = known and unknown enemy = conjunct Mars....exactly....Today Venus is in the 11th house ( Hamas gets a lot of foreign support... in Europe, in the USA)soon to be over, when Venus enters the 12th... house of endings.
As you can see, Saturn was at 1 Pisces in retro, on Dec.2nd it will reach 1.10Pisces again, and from then on we should see some settlement in fights.. But even before, on Nov 4th when it turns Direct.
This is a prognostic Helio calendar for October: Oct. 20 looks bad..
The Prognostic Graph displays summary influence of astrological factors to a native during some period of time.November: Helio: more good aspects, that bad.
I wrote yesterday that the Moon squares Neptune, around that time USA indices topped and fell. ESU S&P future: target is 10/3rd low.
20.10.2023 4:54:33 0°00'00"Cap <<<
20.10.2023 6:10:00 0°42'34"Cap Sextile Saturn
20.10.2023 14:54:04 5°39'16"Cap Sextile Mars
20.10.2023 23:58:56 10°49'49"Cap Trine Venus
off to Pilates, take care..
October 19, 2023 Thursday ~ 13th day of Iron Swords
After president Biden left Israel the sirens started shrieking again. If you want to follow what's happening, better follow the official site of IDF Do not be swayed by bots or different propaganda and fake sites..
USA markets dropped yesterday, except for the "Energy" group, all were red.
SQQQ: that I have, should double top. News in the sky? Pluto is now Direct and powerful... Anything that wasn't destroyed during its Retro motion, will now gain power and last for a long long time.
Aspects for today:
Just to name the lasting ones: Neptune150* Sun and Mercury= fake fake news!!! watch out for more manipulative news. Uranus 45 Vesta - surprise moves or gaps !!
I wrote about Jupiter 72^Saturn in my previous article!!still lasts..
Now Jupiter is 135^ to the Galactic center.. this happens twice a year, its a bad position.
Mercury is conjunct the SUN - where it is "burnt" its effect not felt...
Sun is conjunct the South Node- a karmic position..
also trine ~120~ one of the G points.. Jup/Pl +Sat/Pl MP No good news from this side of the sky..
But, there are also excellent position too, the Sun and now Mercury as well, are conjunct the very fortunate fixed star, Arcturus (wrote about it below)
More fake news to pop up under Mercury 90 Pinocchio ( 24 Cap)
So, bottom line... think twice, twenty times before you believe anything you read.. Also look out for false moves in the markets. jump and dump...
The Moon's aspects for today: GMT+3
19.10.2023 20:52:26 25°29'01"Sgr Square Neptune
19.10.2023 21:24:36 25°47'03"Sgr Sextile Mercury
19.10.2023 22:01:59 26°08'01"Sgr Sextile Sun
USA: watch these announcements under Moon-Sun 60^
Let me see how is Asia doing? market wise..
All are red - correcting the 10/3-4 - 10/12-13 rise.. In general, I would use that midpoint and be short is below.
Nifty: posted on 10/16 that the stop is 19760, once below, short was triggered; see the next short targets on the graph.
Bank Nifty stop = 43700- short below ; next target is 6/26-19 low..
JKSE: short below 6880 Europe: is still closed.. and only these were green The Middle east in the last month: AI shares in one year- they are "in fashion" now.. October 18 ,2023 Wednesday ~ 12th day of iron Swords.
In my worst scenario I wouldn't and couldn't imagine what will that Mercury150^ Uranus aspect bring !!! At 7 pm, or around that time, the Jihad misfired a rocket and fell on the Baptist hospital, killing 200-500 civilians, Al Jazeera says.. Also we say, after checking what happened. For 12 days the Hamas, and the rest, are firing 7-8000 rockets on Israel 400-500 fell on their own territory.
USA markets: ran up till that disharmonious aspect: 7 PM here is 12 noon in NY:
The trade range for the Gold was 1820-43; ran up to 1854; next up targets are 1850-68-72 .
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today: the Moon moved into SAG. receives aspects from:
17.10.2023 22:36:14 0°00'00"Sgr <<<
18.10.2023 0:01:39 0°46'16"Sgr Square Saturn
18.10.2023 14:14:54 8°31'06"Sgr Square Venus
The Sun is still on Arcturus- the very fortunate fixed star..
it is now 8:30 am;
The Nikkei is still below my target given on 10/11
BTC: on 10.16 ran up to 30000; that is now again the target.
President Biden lands in Israel : First time a president comes to Israel during war... October 18, 10:57 am...
there are
74 days till the end of the year... Just check out what Zachary Hubbard teaches about this number : Israel is 74 years old; the words "Jewish, occult, energy, Gematria, English, Lucifer, Jesus, Cross, messiah, Gospel, killing, independence day, holiday - all add up ~
in English Numerology ~ to 74 .
Please note, English Numerology is
DIFFERENT from Hebrew kabala calculations.. but still... it's interesting.
Face of Evil: ruler of Qatar: Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani-
Khaled Mashal: hides in Qatar, lives a good life in 5 star hotels, but asks people not to leave Gaza, and protect Hamas..... has the worst aspect in his natal chart: Mars 90 Saturn
And finally this news is pouring in from everywhere: for the record!! New York Times, BBC and all the others..
October 17, 2023 Tuesday ~ 11th day of Iron Swords
Here are the aspects for the next 3 days:
Actual aspects
Begin: 17.10.2023 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Mercury 150 Uranus 17.10.2023 17:48 - watch out for gaps!
Mercury P^ Venus 18.10.2023 0:36
Sun P Ju/Plu +sat/Pl/2 18.10.2023 0:52
Mars 135 Ju/Ne + Ne/Pl/2 18.10.2023 8:56
Sun 180 Eris 18.10.2023 11:27
Mercury 45 Venus 18.10.2023 12:11
Mercury P^ Chiron 18.10.2023 12:56
Venus 144 Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 18.10.2023 15:31
Sun P^ Node 18.10.2023 15:45
Sun P S.Node 18.10.2023 15:45
Sun 180 Node 18.10.2023 15:45
Sun 0 S.Node 18.10.2023 15:45
Sun 144 Ju/Ne + Ne/Pl/2 18.10.2023 21:18
Mars P Saturn 18.10.2023 23:26
Mercury 180 Eris 19.10.2023 5:57
Sun 150 Neptune 19.10.2023 6:40
Mercury 0 S.Node 19.10.2023 8:34
Mercury 180 Node 9.10.2023 8:34
Mercury150 Neptune 19.10.2023 17:11
Venus 135 Eris 19.10.2023 19:38
Venus 45 S.Node 20.10.2023 0:22
Venus 135 Node 20.10.2023 0:22
Today the strongest planet in the Geocentric sky is Mars, it also rules the day.
Mars is conjunct the fortunate fixed star:
Princeps (49 Delta Bootis m 3.47)
Keywords: Ability to research keen, studious and profound mind, business, government, law, science, arts, lies
Effect: Fortunate
Character: Mercury/ Saturn
The weakest is the Sun, being in Fall in ♎
The Sun is conjunct the very fortunate fixed star" Arcturus"
Arcturus (16 Alpha Bootis m -0.04)
Keywords: Inspiration, fame, honor, benefits through travel, success through work
Effect: Very Fortunate
Character: Jupiter/ Mars
And there are more positive positions today...
The markets went up yesterday; but we should see if any of the indices, commodities runs above the last top, to be sure about longs.. till then, it's just a correction.
17.10.2023 8:00:54 22°08'38"Sco Opposition Uranus
17.10.2023 14:20:00 25°32'10"Sco Trine Neptune
17.10.2023 18:43:27 27°54'10"Sco Sextile Pluto
17.10.2023 22:36:14 0°00'00"Sgr <<< CIT
Pls check out the stops I gave for the S&P and Nasdaq below... Longs were triggered:
Now S&P 10 min chart: stop is 4380: if above, targets: 4415-4424-33-60
The Nasdaq Future: trade range is between 15240-270-300.
DX: long only if above 106.25 There are 75 days left this year..
TA35: 15 min: we saw a small up correction, but a fall after the Moon trined Neptune.
Closed at 1689, for tomorrow we have a support at 1687-83-81;
October 16, 2023 Monday ~ 10th day of Iron Swords
Several very interesting people were born on this day:
David ben Gurion in 1886 ... Ester Hayut in1953 ( Esther Hayut is the President of the Supreme Court of Israel. ) and Ron Arad was captured in 1986; probably not interesting or known by you, dear readers.. they are local, historical figures.. After 37 years, we have a MASSIVE issue with kidnapped people from all over the world!!!
In the sky today we see the Moon at 10 Scorpio, separating from the Sun. We will see a try for an up move.
16.10.2023 14:30:50 12°49'38"Sco Opposition Jupiter; should mark a culmination and reversal.
The Sun is 150* to Uranus- unexpected events...
Mars 165* Chiron - bad aspect and sorrow
Venus is 180 to one of the G points, I explained in my previous article.
Mercury is 150* to another G point..
and many more aspects... bottom line, a lot of disinformation and more fights..
The Shekel/USD: reached 3.98
Europe trades already: these are green DAX: staying above 15120- there is still a chance to revert upward. Falling below, double short From7/31 + 55 tr. days = 10/16! AEX: Stop is 720 - targets 732-43-48.
9:07 sirens in the south... how on earth they still have rockets??
There is a 5 hours cease fire - so that is shown by the Moon 180* Jupiter- till then markets will correct up. opportunity to buy more puts.
Nifty now:There is a cease fire till 2 pm, but who cares? rockets are fired
3:38 pm ; till now since 6 am 16-17 times the sirens sound.. where do they have so many rockets, that they can still fire them on us, after such a heavy bombardment ?
Egypt didn't open the Raffia border..
Sirens again... Damn them .. and all those demonstrators in Europe F O R can that happen?? but you are doomed as well.
TA 35: on that small window of "cease fire" that never happened, the index tried to correct up.
There is still a chance to reach 1702-1710 ; but that will only be an opportunity to buy cheap puts.
October 15, 2023 Sunday - continuing from the former article..
TA35: daily graph: target 1610/Nasdaq future for tomorrow: I must show you something extraordinary! Today is year 5784 , Lamed (30)_Tishrei, this week the chapter of the week is that of NOACH...check this out!! unfortunately in English you will never understand what the Bible writes. HAMAS is translated to "violence". In English Gematria HAMAS = while in Hebrew = 9 = Mars.. and we are back to square 1. Mars/war
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