December 31,2023 Sunday !85 days of Iron Swords.
Here is a link to a page that gives you the present barometric pressure: In a conversation about cycles I learned about this site: it shows how many days is a planet in a sign during a year: So for 2024 we see Pisces outweighs all other signs. In 2009, when the markets bottomed Aquarius had the highest days: In the year I was born , 1956 it was a Leo year.. You can go to the site under the link and check your year. 2025 will be also a Pisces majority year, while 2026 Aries ! Cardinal..I will run TS to check when did that happen before?
I am very happy to see how many people read my blog:
TA35: outcome: opened at 1853.73- low = 1850.66- top =1864.10 - Closed 1865.31
Since it is above 1862- this is now stop- long above. Target 1871
Yesterday I wrote: " The Moon will be VOC till 13:53; so a change in trend should be after it, when she enters Virgo, :
today, at 13:51 the index was at 1856.45- after that started to go up- to 1865.
December 30, 2023 Saturday ~84 days of iron Swords
I posted yesterday some countries that have a planet at 28-29 degrees Cap- where Pluto transits now. Here is the astrocarthography of today- to see where the planets cross now in the sky : Uranus(revolution, sudden events is at the MC in Russia and Iran-Saudia; while Jupiter is crossing Israel now. I mention these two, because, as I wrote in previous posts, April 20-30; will be bloody; Jupiter 0 Uranus at 22degrees ! is very bad.. here is the chart for that period: Jupiter+ Uranus run across Iran
a closer look at the Middle East: Jupiter on Beirut and the West Bank, while Uranus crosses Iran, Saudia , etc.
Some disturbing aspects cross France and Prague,In Buraida, Saudia - dessert town there was heavy snow:
where is Greta!!! climate warming lol
Only yesterday I mentioned Serbia; and now this:
Transit Pluto 180^ Mars- ruler of the IC, internal affairs'. Using the old chart for Serbia, it is more disturbing- for the next 2-5 years- Pluto will "iron" back and for the their Jupiter ( freedom, independence, justice) and Uranus squares the SUN, (on the cusp of H9) foreign intrusion.. Transit Mars(war, weapons, fights) send many aspects so it will be really bad in that part of the world. Also Neptune ( religion) 150 to Uranus ( revolution) - is bad. We can look back and see when was Neptune 150 before to Uranus? It was between
1993-98;; Let me check what happened then? oh... history returns..
June 1991 Croatia to declare independence- and the war started Check out Neptune and Pluto crossing the area at the MC!
The war lasted for more than 10 years Date | 31 March 1991 – 12 November 2001 (10 years, 7 months, 1 week and 5 days) |

Total deaths: c. 130,000–140,000+[6][7]
Displaced: c. 4,000,000+[8]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This time, Pluto is not crossing Belgrade, but Uranus is till the end of April 2024- will be 150* to the IC- so that is internal unrest.
Ok.. let me check what can I gain tomorrow in the market? the close of TA35 was at 1853.73
The Arbitrage is negative, so the stop will be 1855- short below. let me adjust that... tomorrow the Moon is at 28Leo 24; so we have a resistance at 1856-59; only a gap up will push it above these levels. To the downside the support is 1849-1835. the former low was 1833; falling below will mean double short; but I don't think it happens the next week, due to year end, companies want to show up with high gains..The Moon will be VOC till 13:53; so a change in trend should be after it, when she enters Virgo,
31.12.1998 14:52:44 18°09'09"Gem Trine Mars - market closes at 4 pm
so these are irrelevant.
31.12.1998 19:19:44 20°52'58"Gem Opposition Mercury
31.12.1998 21:00:17 21°54'36"Gem Square Jupiter
n the Helio chart we will have a Merc- 90*Uranus aspect- that might bring a gap.Put 1840 should reach from 600 to 900. Let's see. If it fails to go above 770 it will be a sign of weakness and a rally up.
December 29, 2023 Friday ~83 days of Iron Swords
Yesterday I watched a Chinese serial ( Boss and me) on TV, till 5:30 am this morning.. I didn't realize the clock/// lol; so now I am late with everything...I posted some files in the Telegram group; some statistics for the Nifty spot; one should be very careful with these statistics..
Also people in the TS group are talking about how efficient transit to natal aspects are, so I ran the Nifty, to see how it worked..
Looking at the "Fast cycle" or the 3 years cycle, the red one, was not bad.. But it missed the last few days, which could have brought a big loss. For today: we are ruled by Venus and Mars; Venus will soon change signs, from ♏(Detriment=weak) to ♐and will be conjunct the fortunate FIXED star, Bungula; but there is no trade.. By the time market opens here, on Sunday, it moves on and it will be on a "Neutral" fixed star... Mercury will be on a good star, but in Retro and in Detriment.. so I don't see a huge up move by this. The Moon, from Leo will trine Mars, this is a reason for a gap up/down at the opening..but will also be 150 to Neptune.. so again.. mixed messages from the sky. Sunday will be under the rulership of Mercury, so even if TA runs up, it might just reverse at the close. Or vice versa. TA35 Trade range : 1855-53-42-39.
On January 1st almost all the world is closed, except here and interest rates should be announced
Taiwan news.. - I wrote about hard times for them till the end of February 2024
Searching my data base, to see which country has a hard Pluto transit, at 28-29 Cap: Belgium Merc at 27 CAP; China :Uranus at 28 Cap; Haiti, Venus 29 Cap; Iraq: Saturn 28*; Kosovo: Venus 29.55*; Saudi: Saturn at 28 Cap; South Africa: Saturn 29.29*; Yemen: Saturn 25*
If you follow this group on Telegram., ( I disregard his anti Israelism); you will find so many news we don't get on TV. problems between North and South Korea, China-Taiwan; Russia-Poland; Yemen-Denmark; Argentina- refusing to join BRICS,
Venezuela-Maduro frightening the world.. and Ukraine, the never ending issue too.
December 28, 2023 Thursday ~ 82 days of Iron Swords
We are after the Full Moon; usually markets should decline. They didn't in the USA, Asia, many rally. I mean only these are in red:
In Europe: there are more in red: In the sky: Mercury conjunct Mars :
I am posting here some recordings I made today: how to make a transit to transit chart in TS - for 15 minutes chart : example TA35 How I use the transit on the New Moon or the Full Moon chart, using Bank Nifty :
Looking for a chart person who has his Sun at 278 -29 Capricorn- recording in Hebrew. Found Kevin Costner.. and surprise !! he is having a loud divorce, after 18 years..
Kevin Costner natal, progressed and transit chart.. has been triggered by multiple planets.
TA Banks: support and resistance levels

Looking for who has his natal Venus at 28 CAP - Justin Trudeau pops up !!! We will definitely see some news about his career soon ! Pluto is conjunct !! Looking for who has Mars at 28 Capricorn -!!! very dangerous !! now Pluto conjunct, and ruler of H4 is triggered by multiple planets King Abdullah II
today Tel Aviv 35 made bottom at 1836 and the top at 1865 the close is at 1853 so 1850 is now the stop for the next week. good luck to all ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I found on TIK TOK an explanation how to dictate the computer something.. and the computer will write it for you. so you have to click the button of the of windows and H and then you can start talking and the computer just writes what you say !!! so very cool.:)
December 27, 2023 Wednesday - 81 days of iron Swords'
I made the Gann wheel for TA35 - from 2080 top- on January 13. 2022 ' important support/resistance levels are on the cross. Today low was 1836.23- top 1850.33 ; The planets support at 1849.50
Today in the sky: Jupiter is stationary; and in trine to the SUN - at 5 degrees; therefore 1835-65 are the big support and targets. Around noon we have a reversal.
The low in TA35 was at 13:40; since then it is up. I used TS and this is what it gave in the morning: 15 min - purple line
December 26, 2023 Tuesday ~ 80th day of Iron Swords
It is now 8:28; I already posted in my Telegram group, about the Nifty.. Not everyone agrees, and that's fine..
Gabriella, [12/26/2023 8:05 AM]
As I explained in my blog , I think 2-3 weeks ago, using the transits on the New Moon chart is very good to find dates of CIT ( change in trend ) see Nifty today :
Gabriella, [12/26/2023 8:08 AM]
For intraday traders: NSEI : is a short below 21471.50 ( last top) and it can correct down, but not lower than the last low = 21240... if it does, then it will be a swing short. You can join my group - pls see the link above.
Also, after the Full Moon we, well, at list I , will watch the transits on it.
Here are the Geo aspects for the next 3 days: I included the Lilith as well : GMT+2
Moon 25Gem42 150 Venus 25Sco42 26.12.2023 9:15
Moon 26Gem04 180 Mercury 26Sgr04 26.12.2023 9:55
Mercury 25Sgr54 30 Venus 25Sco54 26.12.2023 13:18
Moon 29Gem12 150 Pluto 29Cap12 26.12.2023 15:45
Sun 4Cap31 135 Uranus 19Tau31 26.12.2023 15:49- any announcements here?
Venus 0Ari00 P^ Uranus 0Ari00 26.12.2023 22:23
Moon 2Cnc48 120 Saturn 2Psc48 26.12.2023 22:29
Many countries don't have trade today... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Pluto today ( see list above ) is at the Merc/Sat MP: Ebertine wrote" A tendency to toil or grapple with unusual and special problems the inclination to brood over one's own destiny , plans determine a person's destiny".
December 25, 2023 Monday ~ 79th day of Iron Swords
See yesterday's post about the Full Moon. The most who will be affected by it will be people with planets between 1-10 degrees. I added the Solar chart of Yehia Sinwar, we will definitely hear news about him in the next 2 weeks.
People born on this day: Anwar Saadat , Isaac Newton, Carlos Castaneda, Nawaz Sharif, Maxwell Ghislaine, and Ray Merriman ( famous Financial Astrologer). Happy birthday to the living !
The sky today: We have 7 more days to go this year... Now the Moon is in fickle Gemini and Mars is at the 22* killer degree.
I am still looking at the transits of the planets on the last New Moon chart: and today Venus is 120 to NM Neptune.= that means, the 24-25 degrees will be important in trade. Today only the Middle East trades and countries that don't celebrate X-Mas..Oh, I see Taiwan trades.. so let's see their index: Trade range here is 1532- 1555; falling below 1532- will correct down.
TA 35: target is 1855-58 ; failing to go above, will fall back to 1851-45
At 11:02 TA 35 topped at 1858.59- when tr Moon was 180 New Moon(NM) Mars and the Asc 90 to the N.M. at 20.40 Sag.
Now it is 11:21 at 1:31 pm the tr.Asc will be 120^ to the NM. let's see where will the index be then? back t 1858? or 1850? this is now the trade range.
12:28 low and up . top = 1867.
A sentence from a Chinese" serial, that describes PLUTO exactly : "growth comes after a great destruction"
9:PM : I am just back from visiting injured friend of my son, in the war, I was sooo touched, when he called me "my second mom.".. My son and him are best friends since 3 years old, in the kindergarten.
So, what I see in the news, Radhi Mousavi, was eliminated by IDF today.. I am still searching for his date of birth. I asked friends in Iran, to find it for me.
December 24, 2023 Sunday ~ 78th day of iron Swords
With all that work done yesterday, to find today's move in TA35; what happened was: it fell from 1850 to 1839; and as of 12:24 after a bottom, it reversed and ran up to 1850 ; CLOSED 1847
So what can we learn from this ? iron rule: with the tide, markets make a reversal. Many markets don't trade tomorrow. We and the Middle East do. So. some thoughts for tomorrow: it will be a day ruled by the Moon, which enters ♊; from here it causes a zig-zag trade.. so we can add this to the time of the tide... If TA35 closed at 1847.80; the support is at 1845; as long as it is above, it will try to go up; targets will be 1850-54 to 59.
Furthermore I would like to show you the Full Moon chart: Dec 27: 2:30 am Tel Aviv:
As you can see, we have the Moon, Mars OOB, and 6 planets in Retro, Chiron stationary./Direct. Between the Full to New Moon it is good to end things.. The Moon ( people) is in H8- we will have more terrible casualties. What can help? Venus and Jupiter. But Venus is in Scorpio - tunnels, more death and Jupiter Retro in Taurus, in H 6- of health.. so some health issues will escalate. The stock market is under H5 - and Neptune is there, so watch out for manipulations and lies. Looking at Israel's chart with the Full Moon, my heart goes out for the hostages.. so when tr. Jupiter will be exact aspect to Saturn( hostages) it might be an opportunity to release a few.
Also, look at the F.M. Moon at 4 Cancer! exact conjunct on Venus ( Known and unknown enemies) . And tr Mars 120 to natal- will bring a great victory...( Jan 1-7.24) anyone with planets between 1-10 degrees will be more affected by this Full Moon. One of the biggest enemies of Israel is Yehia Sinwar; all his chart is triggered by this Full Moon.
For New York: with the Sun in the H5; in Capricorn, we can see some the markets, but some unforeseen events ( Uranus in H10) in the government.
Full Moon forecast is valid till the New Moon.
~~~~~~~~~December 23, 2023 Saturday ~77th day of Iron Swords.
Thoughts for tomorrow : TA35: closed at 1850.89; this is a strong support price level, to be exact, 1849; so as long as we are above it, we might see. 1855-59-62. Top was 2079.5; Important CIT 12/26
December 22. 2023 Friday ~ 76th day of iron Swords
yesterday the USA markets made a new rally- now the Dow is higher than Jan 22 top. Here is the Monthly chart as well
DOW: monthly chart
Counting from March 6, 2009 low the stop for the Dow is at 37781- long if above or short if below - Target 38171.
S&P monthly is still below Jan 2022 top Calculating from March 6, 2009 these are the supports and targets for the 666 low :
Stop now is 4753 - as per the planets. if above, long
Nasdaq monthly : higher high than Jan 22 .All bottomed in 2009 - ran up till Jan 2022- fell till Oct 2022; and since then they rallied. A rally of 13 years.. A Jupiter cycle is 12 years.. so it was longer that that..
We will have a Gann CIT day on Jan 5th, it will be seen which direction the market goes after it. Looking back to March 6, 2009 - the only stable planetary position was Pluto in Capricorn. It was there 268 years ago, so nothing to compare with.. Same with Neptune ( was in Aqua , previously 168 years ago ); Uranus on March 6, 2009 was at 22* Pisces! the killer degree; It was at 22* Taurus between Sept 22- Oct 21 ; when the correction in the markets occurred. It will be again at 22* between mid April- mid May- so probably will cause a new correction then. In the same time Pluto will be 30 degrees from March 6, 2009 position, in Aquarius, this time..In opposition Israel's Moon ...Neptune will be on the worst Fixed star, Scheat of 29* Pisces .So, I think, even if market goes up in the first 2-3 months of the year, it will correct down during April -May. Now, looking at this chart, we can see, that Jupiter was at 13 Aqua in 2009 ( together with Mercury, Mars, Neptune, Chiron, N.Node; so they stopped the fall; and market reversed up; till July 27; 2023 when Jupiter was exactly at 13 deg. Taurus..
Markets till 27 Oct, , then Jupiter was at 11 Taurus, Retro- didn't work or cannot be used for the rally we had since. Jupiter ends its Retro on Dec 31 ( no trade) and it will be again at 13 Tau on March 10-April 4,2024- that could be a time for a rally before the mid April crash. Then Jupiter at 13 Gemini ( in it's Detriment ) between July 25- 30. hmmm only 5 days.. as if it was in a hurry to leave.. Below : Jupiter position/Speed
Stuff for thoughts.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you have TS, you can run the Phenomena and get this :
Gabriella, [12/22/2023 11:43 AM]- from my Telegram group:
TS has a so called statistics in the natural cycles module... but how can it work, when we didn't have similar planetary positions since 268 years back ??
Gabriella, [12/22/2023 11:45 AM]
the oldest index is the DOW - from 1885; then Pluto was in Gemini.. so the stock market didn't exist as we know it today then; Pluto was in Capricorn as of Dec 15,1515- Dec 12.1532. Pls listen to my You tube video posted in 2019
Video 1 Planetary positions 1200-2030 Video 4" Pluto in Aquarius" will we face WWIII more videos in the link above "GMAMA"
Thanks to a member in my Telegram group- we now know, that the Stock market in Amsterdam was formed in 1602 ; then Pluto was in Aries, so the oldest stock exchange as well didn't "feel " Capricorn Pluto's touch.
December 21, 2023 Thursday ~75 days of Iron Swords
Yesterday the USA markets fell -
If you followed the alerts and the moves in the sky, you could only gain. Also if you made that Excel file, with turning dates from lows/highs; it was a time for a CIT. ~~~~~~~~~~~
As you can see in the list above, today we have several important events in the sky :
Dec 21: Earth to Cancer
Sun 30 Pluto 21.12.2023 6:39
Venus 180 Uranus 21.12.2023 9:04
Mercury 60 Saturn 21.12.2023 14:33
Mars 150 Uranus 21.12.2023 16:44
It is also a Gann CIT day.
Today we are under the energies of Jupiter and Uranus. Anything that bottomed on Oct 27 +55 days = today is another CIT. For the S&P, for long term traders 4650 is a support level, below it 4600; but not everyone can afford such a deep stop, the correction yesterday was with a lower volume then 2 previous days, so people might wait for another chance to get higher highs.. but X-mas is coming, so not many days left to trade this year.
I was born in a communist era, ( 1956 Romania - Ceausescu) when one could not express his thought, ideas before disappearing " I started my blog, to feel free and say what ever comes to my mind, thinking, I am in a free world... I don't think so any more... I will die in the same area... when I can't say what I think.
Hadas Klein testified that she prepared envelopes with cash for the Netanyahu couple
Mimran claims that he transferred money to Binyamin.
Pardo revealed that the family had money in banks in Panama.
The USA informed the State of Israel that the Netanyahu couple had accounts in the USA.
The Memari Institute claims that Qatar transferred NIS 50 million to Benjamin.
Benjamin never filed a capital declaration.
Makes sense.
TA35 trade range today : 1865/78-1845.26
December 19, 2023 Tuesday ~ 73rd day of Iron Swords
yesterday in the USA:
All bottomed on Oct 27th, there is still time to make higher highs till Dec 21st. = 55 days from the low. I post here again ~ for this week the transits of the Moon on the New Moon chart for NY. As you can see, the S&P topped and turned at 2:20 pm, when the Moon was 45^ to natal Pluto. At that time exactly, Mercury trined Jupiter at 5 degrees. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nasdaq Future: NQZ3 I know it's tight, but the stop is 16925; only above it can go higher. Also it is 15 days from the low..
For today: It's a Tuesday, ruled by Mars and the Moon. The Moon is now ( in NY) conjunct Neptune
For GMT+2 her aspects are:
19.12.2023 9:07:14 24°56'17"Psc Conjunction Neptune
19.12.2023 13:39:03 27°35'25"Psc Square Sun
19.12.2023 16:03:14 28°59'41"Psc Sextile Pluto
19.12.2023 17:46:31 0°00'00"Ari <<<
The Aspect table for the next 3 days:
Moon 22Psc36 30 Node 22Ari36 19.12.2023 12:08
Moon 22Psc36 150 S.Node 22Lib36 19.12.2023 12:08
Moon 0Ari00 P^ Ju/Sat+Ura/Nep/2 0Ari00 19.12.2023 12:24
Moon 0Ari00 P Ju/Ne + Ne/Pl/2 0Ari00 19.12.2023 14:32
Moon 24Psc12 30 Eris 24Ari12 19.12.2023 14:52
Moon 24Psc56 0 Neptune 24Psc56 19.12.2023 16:07
Mercury 4Cap42 135 Uranus 19Tau42 19.12.2023 18:06 !!!!
Moon 0Ari00 P Neptune 0Ari00 19.12.2023 19:51
Sun 27Sgr35 90 Moon 27Psc35 19.12.2023 20:39
Mars 18Sgr20 90 Ju/Ne + Ne/Pl/2 18Psc20 19.12.2023 21:24
Moon 29Psc00 60 Pluto 29Cap00 19.12.2023 23:03
It is now 8:33 am; these indices are greenThe Nikkei is correcting the 11/19-12/8 fall - stop is 33235; long if above. CIT : 12/21 Nifty spot: topped yesterday, stop now is = 21437
AXJO: made a higher high then 7/27; stop now 7478 target 7510
JKSE: stop = 7127- only above it long Europe: the green ones
FTSE Hungary: I posted the quote on Aug 8; target was 4940; now it's 5012... Stop = 5012- it is crucial that it stays above it.. then next up targets 5037-44-49.
FTSE UK: last alert was 11/7 UK FTSE has the biggest volume, 7210 is stop there.. but it is also declining since 2/16/2023..Only above 7477 it would be a long, but then it was a resistance level at 7660.." Low was on 10/30 + 45 days topped at 7758; now it is at 7648; stop is 7647 to tight? use 7635.
DAX: trade range 16667 - 16920
CAC: stop = 7550
OMX: 2395 top - stop now = 2387
OMX Sweden : 2 more days left to make a new high
TA35: for today: After a top yesterday at 1842.77- low 1826.14; closed at 1829; stop = 1828-25; up targets 1832- 35-47-49-55-57
December 16, 2023 Saturday ~ Day 70 of Iron Swords
Yesterday in the USA:
A while ago, I wrote, that I started to follow the Moon's aspects on the last new Moon chart; I posted this in my FB group too :
Outcome: ES topped at 10:50 at 4778 The close was 4770; just one point below Saturn support line.
Meanwhile the Moon moved into Aquarius, and if you want to make more research, pls. scroll down to 12/13 post.
Tomorrow: market here opens under a Moon at 22 Aqua; exactly at the close price;= 1822; but we have a negative arbitrage, so I guess my calls will fail tomorrow.
we will have a Merc-Neptune aspect in the Helio sky, 60^- so gaps might happen.
Sun + Mars energies for tomorrow and they are 165*( in Helio).
December 14, 2023 Thursday ~ Day 68 of Iron Swords
Yesterday the FED. announced the already known interest rate, there were no surprises, they didn't raise:
No surprise, then why did the markets rally? There was a bad Sun 135* Jupiter aspect in the Geo sky, Moon 60 Saturn, minor positive aspect and that's it//In the Helio: Earth 30*Uranus ( minor good) and Venus 180* Saturn; It was the day of Mercury..So, frankly, I don't see any reason for that rally. For today: We have a trine : Helio: Merc 120-Venus ( good ) at 7 degrees; + Merc 60* Saturn; to add to yesterday's aspects...While in the Geocentric sky: it is now 8 am, the Moon in Cap is conjunct mercury, which turned Retro and rises after the Sun; while Venus rises before the Sun in Scorpio.
So taking all these in consideration, let's see some indices:
Asia: sorted by volume:
AXJO: Stop is 7365; long if above The Nifty doesn't stop: this is the monthly chart: see in 20 years, it rallied by 2367%! Trade range now , in the daily chart: 21100-21180 -21300 The Nikkei: Since Nov .20 is correcting down; I posted the chart on 12/9; stop was 33330; now raise it to 33400, CIT :12/15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Europe by Volume:
FTSE: UK: Since Feb 2023- makes lower highs..
Still valid: resistance at 7660
CAC: topped at 7582; now stop is 7520- falling below will be a short.
DAX: last alert was : "12/9 DAX: last alert sent on 11/21; stop was 15868; now it is at 16759; ran above 7/31 top, in 34 tr. days from Oct 23; Stop for next week 16520- long above. up targets : 17000-17250-490." Still valid.
MIB: Raise stop to 30645; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You might want to check what happened during previous Mercury Retros..
Aug 22-Sept.15 and Apr.21 - May 15.
probably they will not raise either:
Crude oil : 12/14 ; 12:00 pm for follow up
Interest rates in Norway ! December 13:2023 ~ Terrible war is still ongoing. Day 67
transit planets aspect on the New moon chart for December :
Moon aspects only; on New Moon planets
Looking at Israel's natal chart with the New Moon : Very hard chart.. as long as tr. Mars has an aspect to Chiron, we will have more casualties... Uranus is still conjunct the SUN( BIBI) so his position is very fragile. tr.Neptune squares natal Uranus, and 60* the SUN, more troubles to come, also from the sea. And all this under a bad Retro Mercury, it will return to 22Sag ( the kill or get killed deg), and in it's reversal it aspect almost all planets. So very turbulent times, still ahead.
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