January 31, 2024 Wednesday
before I write about today, let's see how did the markets do, and updates on some share, indices, I posted before...
S&P cash: from 1/24- 30 = 6 days; ran up from 4860-4931; now if below 2/3=4903, it's a short.

AMD: stop was 176; now it's heading to the next down level on the Gann square =168GOOGL:
C: STOP= 55.36
HSCE: is gaining from the post 1/28: staying above the stop, target is 6050
Nikkei: Double bottomed now it is making a double top, must go above it, in order not to fall back ! Bank Nifty : Stop was 44648; is above, long ... Now at 46194; after a top at 46433; stop is 46000- long above. Nifty Spot: posted on TLG group just before: Jan 31: today the Nifty made a reversal candle; and it's up above 21461 - now the target is 21800- former top. if above, 21940
SSEC: although ran up from the stop 2856, but fell back.. it is not doing well, we are short here from 1/26 top
CAC: targets on the graphAEX: stop was 815; still above it, so its a long. Crude oil: Stop= 77.70Yesterday's earnings
For today: 1839 is stop for TA35; BELOW 1839; down targets are: 1836- 1830; 25-22
Moon 120 SUN; should go to 1840-50-55
12:00 S&P with targets
Big troubles in France:
January 30 , 2024 Tuesday
Seems, that all I wrote yesterday got deleted somehow.. I always have problems with Google. Either it doesn't load, or crashes.. Bummer.
I wrote about Biden orders military action against Iran. Under Mercury 0 Mars ( in CAP= aggression) and both 120^ to Uranus..
Then, I wrote about the rally in the last 2 hours in TA35, which continued in the S&P; under Moon trine Mercury... It was a crazy move, I made a Hebrew video explanation about it. ~~~~~~~~~
S&P: as sent to subscribers yesterday:
Today: with the Moon moving away, no more trines, after such a huge rally a down correction is expected. The Moon now at 29 Virgo, it is 8:56 30.01.2024 10:04:01 0°00'00"Lib <<<
30.01.2024 10:40:57 0°18'08"Lib Trine Pluto
Using also the transits on the Full Moon chart: GMT+2
TA35: above 1852 is a long
There are important earnings today, AMD, for ex: as per the last low, on the Gann wheel:
GOOGL: Soros bought it on June 3,2023 , when it was 123$- now 153.. Stop is 145- target or resistance 159- if above more long
Nifty: stops and targets, as posted on the 29th still valid:
Elon Musk news !!! most important
Elon Musk says Neuralink has implanted first brain chip in a human
Billionaire’s startup will study functionality of interface, which it says lets those with paralysis control devices with their thoughts
ReutersTue 30 Jan 2024 00.05 GMT
Elon Musk, Neuralink’s billionaire founder, said the first human received an implant from the brain-chip startup on Sunday and is recovering well, in a post on Twitter/X on Monday.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had given the company clearance last year to conduct its first trial to test its implant on humans.

Elon Musk’s Neuralink approved to recruit humans for brain-implant trial
Read more
“Initial results show promising neuron spike detection,” Musk added.
Spikes are activity by neurons, which the National Institute of Health describes as cells that use electrical and chemical signals to send information around the brain and to the body.
The startup’s Prime study is a trial for its wireless brain-computer interface to evaluate the safety of the implant and surgical robot.
here is the natal chart of Elon Musk with transits: we can see, that his date adds up to 7=Neptune ( drugs, pharma, dream, etc) is triggered by Pluto- which changes all known basics till now) .Then, his natal Uranus at 9 Libra, is triggered by multiple planets at the time of this above announcement. it is now 12:55; Nifty and Asia closed.. ~~~~~~
I gave targets before market opened.. 1842- was bottom, 1849 top...

January 28, 2024 Sunday:
TA35: went in the other direction, than expected, but it was fine for me, bought calls att eh opening.. for tomorrow: 1837 is a critical level; if above, then must gap up above 39l to reach 49. Merc+Mars conjunction both 120 to Uranus might just do that.. In any case, I sold calls at the close with gain.
Bank Nifty:
Posted 1/23- stop was 45450, now lower it to 44648; short below/ long if aboveNifty spot stop was 21258; now raise it to 21348 SSEC: stop = 2856
CAC: STOP is critical ! 7626 - short if below, will close gaps.DAX: was: 1/23 Stop 16746 Jup 60 Sat till Feb 20; now raise stop to 16926; target 17000
AEX: STOP = 815
Big trouble is waking up in Texas.. I was trying to find a "birth date" ; so here is Dallas TX: with Pluto transit .. not a sweet and nice position. !! Feb 2, 1856: we see in the inner wheel the Sun in the 9th, in Aquarius; so the transit Pluto will stir up legal issues. The people, Moon, being at 23 SAG- is already under a bad aspect= 150^ to the Moon.,, Mars(wars) in the natal is at 19 Libra, and the Nodes in all 4 charts are conjunct, also tr Mars in Cap- is in square.. I wrote in the past, that the break-up of the United states, will start in Texas..
January 27, 2024 Saturday
Two days ago we had a Full Moon at 5 Leo; the S&P double topped.The Crude oil ( see post 1/25) reached target, and even went to the next one, 78.21
Now, besides all the other aspects, we will watch the Moon's aspects to the Full Moon chart: GMT+2
till the next New Moon:
Yesterday close in the USA:S&P performance so far in January:
For TA35: we have a negative arbitrage for tomorrow, so if the close was 1827.29; the price will fall to 1822- stop is 1825-26; short below; the Moon will be 150^ to the Sun, that's negative, then Sun squares Jupiter, happens 2 a year; their support level is at 1807 and resistance at 1837; then we will have Merc 0 Mars, in Cap; ( more cold and rains ) but their support level is at 1817; they both trine Uranus. so bottom line for tomorrow, short below 37- targets 1819-17-1807.TA35 performance in January so far: 5% - minus.
January 26, 2024 Friday
That Leo Moon didn't let us down, as written below, when in Leo, the S&P makes a top /bottom- so this time it's going to be a top.. Besides that, Mercury as conjunct a very favorable fixed star, VEGA, at 15 CAP; together with MARS.. so I guess the Bayer rule saying that we have a bottom when Mars at 16.33 in CAP will not apply this time.
Map of 2 months' transits; from SF:
I was asked about the Mars-Uranus upcoming trine and since I worked on NVDA, for a client, here are former trines:the Q-box shows, that the Sun in Aqua is the best : and to trade : 606 is stop - 620- target, if above = long
buying 5 puts, you can lose $25 - or gain $150 - at least. if put at 50 ..
January 25, 2024 Thursday
It is now 8:21 am; the Moon is at the last and so called exalted degree of Cancer; before entering Leo.
Important and lasting MP for now: the MP of the SUN are important, but they fade out in a day. Then we have Mars at VE/PL MP: Ebertin wrote " a strongly sensual nature, the desire for vast or prolific progeny ( assault or rape) a brutal or coarse expression of feeling."
Next: Neptune at Uranus/Pl.MP: " a sympathetic understanding of other people, the knowledge of human nature. Deep study of a subject. of special interest the inclination to delve into the Supernatural realms Insecurity and uncertainty, unfulfilled wishes the stage of getting tired, nervous diseases. etc"
This is how long that Nep at UR/PL MP lasts with only 1 degree orb: Wood Dragon:
TA35: expiry at 1832;Crude oil: stop= 73.7 - long above - target 77.8January 24, 2024 Wednesday
It is a day ruled by Mercury and Venus. Venus enters Capricorn, now we have 3 personal planets in this sign. Pls. read yesterday's post to understand what this means..
Yesterday in the USA markets: Russell 2000 was weak, fell from support line, Dow was weak too, byt the S&P and Nasdaq rallied. Isn't it strange, that under the same sky one goes up, the other down? Are they for runners of the trend ?
All fell after the RUT2000 started a downtrend. ~~~~~~
News in the sky: we have and will continue to have ~ even using 1 deg orb- the sextile between Jup-Saturn, as posted in the table yesterday
In the Helio chart: we have Mercury 180* Uranus - this is a grasshopper .. lol.. so watch out for gaps On Jan 26: we have Bayer rule no.6 - Mars on 16 CAP: ~~~~~~ It is now 9:25, market is about to start.
I write yesterday: TA 35: top = 1839.97 - low 1826.44 closed 1832.4 . Tomorrow support is 1832- 1836- if above, long. " So far top =1854- target now 59 ; stop 49
January 23, 2024 Tuesday
It is a day ruled by Mars and Mercury; Mars is conjunct the Fixed star Ascella at 14 Cap; and it is solitary ( using 00 deg orb; ) or, with 3 deg.orb, it is separating from a conjunction with Mercury. I point this out only because it happens once in 2 years..
Both are in the sign of Capricorn, that brings increasing wind and it's wet. So look out for rains, snow. Venus is at the last degree of SAG; which is a warm and dry sign; however, when entering into CAP. it will add to the winds and rains. Venus will be in CAP. till Feb, 14th. so winter will be just starting now.. Mars stays in CAP till Feb 13th..take out your boots, umbrellas, have food and water at home; We can add to these "personal planets Neptune, which is in Pisces, which brings rain as well; Saturn there as well ... Saturn is cold, brings storms too. Tomorrow it will be a day ruled by Mercury and Venus..
Market wise, as posted yesterday, we are at a turning point. Use the last top for shorts or the last low for long ( Gold, Silver) .
The Moon is Water Cancer adds to the above. Mars ends today its OOB position...
Cold areas:
Geo aspects between Jan 23-Feb 23,2024 The most important is a sextile between Jupiter-Saturn from 1/24-2/20 ( using only 0 deg orb)
They are at 5-6 degrees in Tau/Pisces; once a share is below their level, it will be hard to go above; unless there is a gap up.
Geo Aspects till month ends:
Actual aspects
Begin: 23.01.2024 Period: 1 month (GMT+2)
Aspect Exact
Ceres 120 Eris 22.01.2024 23:47
Neptune 120 Pallas 23.01.2024 3:32
Jupiter 135 Juno 23.01.2024 7:20
Mars 90 Chiron 25.01.2024 19:15
Mercury 90 Chiron 26.01.2024 16:49
Sun 135 Juno 26.01.2024 18:05
Venus 135 Uranus 26.01.2024 18:32
Neptune 90 Ceres 26.01.2024 18:50
Sun 90 Jupiter 27.01.2024 9:18
Mercury 0 Mars 27.01.2024 16:59
Sun 135 Vesta 27.01.2024 19:24
Mercury 90 Node 28.01.2024 6:24
Venus 60 Saturn 28.01.2024 8:03
Mars 90 Node 28.01.2024 16:19
Mercury 120 Uranus 28.01.2024 23:07
Venus 120 Jupiter 29.01.2024 3:02
Jupiter 45 Vesta 30.01.2024 1:32
Mars 120 Uranus 30.01.2024 1:41
Mercury 120 Juno 30.01.2024 3:30
Mercury 45 Saturn 30.01.2024 10:59
Mercury 150 Vesta 30.01.2024 23:30
Sun 45 Neptune 31.01.2024 5:48
Mars 120 Juno 31.01.2024 23:51
Example: XAU/USD - stop = 2016;
SPY stop = 486 only above it long
Nifty spot = stop = 21540 - short below
NDX: stop = 17370 short below
Russell 2000 futures: Stop 1986 - if above long, below short.
VIX low was in 2017= 9.30; now the stop is
DAX future: Stop = 16746 - short below
SIlver: stop = 20 - long above
Helio centric aspects till month ends
Actual aspects
Begin: 23.01.2024 Period: 1 month (GMT+2)
Aspect Exact
Mercury 180 Jupiter 23.01.2024 3:34
Venus 135 Neptune 23.01.2024 4:44
Mercury 150 Chiron 23.01.2024 10:31
Mercury 180 Uranus 24.01.2024 12:57
Earth 90 Pallas 24.01.2024 16:20
Mercury 135 Vesta 24.01.2024 17:06
Node 90 Pallas 24.01.2024 20:23
Mercury 150 Eris 25.01.2024 13:12
Mars 135 Jupiter 26.01.2024 6:10
Mercury 120 Neptune 26.01.2024 8:35
Venus 180 Jupiter 27.01.2024 0:55
Venus 150 Chiron 27.01.2024 8:56
Venus 45 Mars 27.01.2024 9:52
Mercury 60 Pluto 27.01.2024 9:54
Mercury 135 Chiron 28.01.2024 17:45
Earth 150 Saturn 29.01.2024 7:46
Venus 180 Uranus 29.01.2024 9:09
Saturn 150 Node 29.01.2024 10:52
Mercury 90 Juno 29.01.2024 14:34
Mars 60 Pallas 29.01.2024 22:10
Venus 135 Vesta 30.01.2024 11:42
Mercury 150 Vesta 30.01.2024 12:53
Mercury 90 Saturn 30.01.2024 14:04
Mercury 135 Eris 30.01.2024 22:09
Venus 150 Eris 31.01.2024 3:53
Saturn 120 Vesta 31.01.2024 5:15
Mercury 120 Node 31.01.2024 5:30
Earth 120 Mercury 31.01.2024 7:13
3:47 pm Waiting for the Red Book : meanwhile DX :
BTC: TA 35: top = 1839.97 - low 1826.44 closed 1832.4 . Tomorrow support is 1832- 1836- if above, long.
January 22, 2024 Monday
First news I read is Ron De Santis drops out of presidential race - and backs Trump.
I wrote about De Santis in August 2022.. Born on Sept 14, 1978; 45 years old; Age wise ( Age point or Huber Point is at 2 Leo; on his Vertex... Ruler of his MC is Mercury, and this gets exact hits from tr. Jupiter and Mercury; although trines, but they show a culmination and fall or let it go.. for now.
Now it's 8:46; Moon aspects tr to tr. GMT+2 22.01.2024 15:21:32 25°30'38"Gem Square Neptune
22.01.2024 22:39:43 29°22'33"Gem Opposition Venus
22.01.2024 23:50:38 0°00'00"Cnc <<<
Futures are mostly green
Cryptos are correcting down
All shares that bottomed on Oct 26-27- will have a top and cit. tomorrow !! 89 DAYs
NVDA: Jan 3- till now from 470 to 594!AMD: from 92 to 174 ;Stop now 170
TA35: bottom 1835.58 - close 1842.38 January 21, 2024 Sunday
Since Pluto enters Aquarius for the next 20 years, I thought to show your the area that happens on the globe: From Chicago east.There, Sun +pluto are conjunct the MC:
Then, Sun+Pluto lines "meet" in Tanzania-
And here is the World map with thier lines Ascending, culminating and conjunct.
Since the outer planets are quite long lasting in one place, we must add Neptune in Pisces, that runs though the UK, Spain, West Algeria, Mauritania. Next is Uranus at 20 Taurus, it stirs up politics on the MC of Russia, Iran, Saudia.Thanks to Karen James (FB) I was reminded to look at the declination chart; and here we can see 6 planets around 22-25 degrees ; I added important dates to watch: Adding some Arabic pats: Sun+Pluto are also conjunct the "Point of Murder" and to make it more jolly molly - asteroid Vipera. People, events, countries, shares "born" in the sign of Aquarius ( as your undersigned) , Leo, Taurus and Scorpio, will be most affected by this Pluto entering ♒; for the next 20 years.
So, it is now 9:09- market will start in 30 min. I already wrote during the week-end what I think will move the index here.
Edgar Allan Poe :Born Jan 19, 1809 American writer known for his poetry and short stories, most famous for his macabre and mysterious works. His first publication was in 1827 and all of his works, including poetry and short-stories were widely translated. Poe was inducted into the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1920.
The second of three kids, Poe's dad disappeared when he was two and his mom died when he was four. His brother Henry drank himself to an early death and his sister Rosalie died homeless and destitute. He himself lived a life of grinding poverty and a series of calamities.
He had periods of insanity from alcohol, heroin and opium dementia. Poe married his 13-year-old first cousin Virginia in 1836, they delayed intimacy for at least two years, and was widowed in 1847.
He died 7 October 1849 Baltimore, MD., allegedly from alcoholism though one historian relates that it could have been from rabies. He had twice made serious suicide attempts and had period of psychotic episodes.(annotation mik): time of death 05:00 a.m.
TA35: outcome:
January 20, 2024 Saturday
looking ahead:
I write today, before Pluto enters Aquarius.. it is now at 29.59 Cap.. The Moon now is in Taurus, exalted, from now till the end of the week she will move to Leo.- on Jan 26th, note, that when there the S&P tops or bottoms... Mercury moves in this week from 7 Cap -16; no big deal, but it's not a favorable place for the markets. Venus moves from 26 SAG to 4 CAP = now this is a major bad move,Before moving on, Ven 90 Nept ! tomorrow. Venus rules Banks, Forex, Neptune is fake news.. watch for any announcements.. when Ven. on 29th. Mars in Cap, moves from 11-17; Mars is Exalted in this sign; the rest don't move.- a.. except for Pluto, which is a LIFE CHANGER
January 19, 2024 Friday
I was watching a serial from Shanghai, so I checked their index.. SSEC: shows a buy from early Feb
SSEC: Yesterday I posted our index, TA35: watch this crazy rally: at 3 pm the Moon 60^ the Asc; and as of that moment, getting a push from a trine from Mercury, and conjunct Jupiter, it ran up
This was a correction to the fall between Jan 11-17; Let's see how will the USA close today, we will get a clearer picture for Sunday opening.
The USA indices also corrected up the fall from Jan 12-17; The question is, will it stay just a correction, or we will see higher highs. The January statistics, that I have been posting, show a decline as of mid January; well, so for that didn't work.
The only thing that works, are the planetary levels; and checking if we have or not, power from them.
For TA35 tomorrow: support/stop is at 1841: up targets: 1849-52-54-55-58-60. ( if below 41- less 30 points from the uptargets)
The Moon will be in Taurus, where she is exalted, lazy and will conjunct Uranus and trine the Sun later.
19.01.2024 5:25:41 10°52'46"Tau Trine Mars - before the opening.
19.01.2024 20:11:17 19°06'47"Tau Conjunction Uranus -after the close...so not relevant
20.01.2024 7:40:07 25°27'10"Tau Sextile Neptune
20.01.2024 15:56:09 29°59'07"Tau Trine Pluto- before USA opens...any announcements?
20.01.2024 15:56:59 29°59'34"Tau Trine Sun
20.01.2024 15:57:46 0°00'00"Gem <<<
9:20; off to pilates. bye
January 18, 2024 Thursday
Yesterday I posted about Iran attacking Pakistan, out of the blue.. now Pakistan is "answering" Just look up at the list of the Midpoints, we have Pluto at Venus/Saturn MP; so I thought, who has a similar aspect or a conjunction, to be " bothered" now, by that Pluto.. which by the way will be long lasting? And you won't believe, it's Pakistan natal chart ! and the transit chart: Pluto entering Aquarius will bring hard times, being in opposition for 5 planets!!! it will trigger most of the life levels in Pakistan.
The secondary progressed chart is even worse: SP Mars+Pluto are conjunct that Leo stellium !
I'm afraid India has a similar natal chart; 14.8.1947; and the Clintons..
some updates: EUR/USD
Sunday, Jan the 21st, when market opens here; it will be a MOST DRAMATIC DAY, under SUN conjunct PLuto at 0 Aquarius !!
January 17, 2024 Wednesday
In the Helio chart Mercury enters ♏and joins there Venus ( it is in Detriment) ; Mercury rules the Earth sign of Virgo and Air Gemini, has nothing to do with water.. it is "suffocating" in that dump.. so it's no good news for the trade.
For NY time mercury ingressed at 3:am on 1/17;
Therefore, use the last top 60, 30 min. chart as stop for short. ~~~~~~~~~
We can add another region of "possible war" to the rest:
Until the world will wake up and do something about IRAN; not the people, but it's leaders..
Video: TA35: follow up and update for today:
TA35: bottomed on the Mars line.. from there it might try to correct up to 1820; bu it is only an intraday correction.. so we are still short below 1820 Would you like to know how to trade for your index?? Well, pls. sign up for the forecast.
About the USA elections I searched when did I write about Trump: and I found this : New Moon In Aries 2022: on 4/22:
Donald Trump: Lucifer is at 17Cancer48- in the Sec.Prog chart or now, at his age 75.86 is is at 13 Leo,- now wait a sec.. when are the USA elections? Nov 2024? it will still be there, in the 12th house, Will Trump return? haha... that is the question. In Nov 2024 Sec.Pr. Venus +Jupiter will trine his Sun ! and transit Venus will be 180 to his Sun... so yes, high possibility he will. wow... he will be 78.40 years old... Don't you have younger candidates?
Here is Trump's chart with the Secondary Progression ( a day for a year )
Ruler of his career is Venus, at 25 Cancer, it will get a square ( a lot of energy) from sec.Pr. Jup + Venus, in 23 Libra; both on very positive fixed stars: Arcturus and Spica) There is one difficultly, however, the October eclipses at 2 and 16 Scorpio, will affect his Sec.Prog. Moon, at 8* Scorpio... Moon rules his 12th, so if he is still alive, he returns. Don't forget the planets at the killer degree ! 22
I had fever for a few days, so I was weak and had no power to sit here and write. Now I feel better, so let's see; what's happening in the sky: Moon at 0 Aries.. a.. nice.. I got sick when she was conjunct Pluto in Cap. then she was conjunct my Sun at 4 Aqua, and lingered in Pisces.. Now she entered Aries, brings in new energy. Mercury in Capricorn.. it's a sign it dislikes.. In the Helio chart, we can see Mercury 60* to Mars and 150 !!! to Neptune!
USA futures are all red, after a long weekend:
S&P: after 55 bars, shows some correction: DAX: like a swiss clock: 38 bars top, 55 bars, lower highs; short below last top,
January 13, 2024 Saturday
Here are some thought for TA35 for tomorrow:
In Oct 1st Mars was 150 to Uranus;
Helio centric ephemeris H12:
Geocentric ephemeris tr to natal
Geocentric ephemeris : tr to tr and tr to natal H12; a closer lookand TA Banks:
January 12, 2024 Friday
it is now almost 9 o'clock; the Moon moved to Aquarius; here, the S&P makes ( usually) a top/ or a low; it trades now at 4780- stop is 4775; and long above. note the previous top- that is now target... but it took too long time to reach it.. Jan 15-16 I think will be a CIT>
January 11, 2024 Thursday
Here are some graphs, posted in my Telegram group - for the record, for this month:
You can join my Telegram group, see link in the beginning of the article. Today we are under Jupiter and the Moon's effect.
In my previous posts, Iexplained how I use the New Moon, later the Full Moon's date with transits of the inner planets, to check for planetary events:
Here it is, for GMT:00
The below chart shows the move of the planets till the Full Moon.
Calendar for NY timeCalendar for India time:
Note: these are only the inner planets' moves, no fixed stars or other events.. there are hundreds.. so, I spare you. Then there are also the transits on NATAL charts...and the Heliocentric sky too; too many to follow; that's why, I narrow down my alerts to the most important ones. SIgn up now for the alerts!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Although the Moon is now conjunct the very good Fixed star, VEGA, at 16 CAP; the world is in turmoil... there is an ongoing war hereת for more than 3 months, then the Houthis/ on the Red Sea, USA bases are being targeted in Iraq, and in all this area, high possibility there will be an escalation with Lebanon and the Hezbollah/Iran till June ; then Ecuador fights drug cartels; New Papua troubles too, looking at Asia: North and South Korea big troubles, and the possibility that China invades Taiwan too. Not to forget Ukraine /Russia conflict.
Israel is attacked by the supreme court in Haag, by people, who have no clue of what is going on here. I "bless" them ( South Africa ( Iran's puppet), Brazil, whoever backs this), to undergo the same, what we had since october 7th.
In Holland Geert Wilders wins elections :
Stop now 775- long if above~~~~~~~~~~~
MGOL: nice gain in no time
Best performing shares from my database: Comparison chart to AAPL: ( Meta, NVDA, FB)FAANG shares: 200 is an important stop, even if it goes above, next resistance is at 205 and 210.. Not enough, to destroy it... whoever does this, should try harder.
4:00 pm 20 rockets fired on Kiryat Shmona town in the north
About HAAG : I just listened to an explanation, and now I understand, that South Africa is in deep friendship with Iran, therefore their attack on Israel.. It has nothing to do with justice, or stuff.. They just want to look good in the Ayatollahs' eyes. Here is a chart I uploaded on FB? with explanation:
Israel under attack in HAAG; by the supreme court : NATAL CHART WITH TRANSITS:
below is the natal chart for Israel ( I use Sco.rising ) - ruler of H9 is the Moon; right now, see the transits : " attacked" by Jupiter (law), saturn(restrictions, gov) an dMArs(war); also Venus, ruler of the natal chart, is under attack. It starts at
the New Moon, so it will be a lasting issue.
January 10, 2024 ~ Wednesday
Looking at the chart of Israel with the New Moon
I am looking at the map of Israel, the age point is at 19* Scorpio, and Uranus is opposite! In house 7 - (known, current rivals) this angle will be there all year. The solar eclipse in April will also be on the 19th of Aries (in the 6th house of the wheel, house of health... so it is not exciting at all what is happening in the sky.
As for the war, I still don't see an end, on the contrary, an intensification, with Mars(wars) in Cap. (in the north) and 150^ to the Moon ( PEOPLE) more casualties, wounded, unfortunately.. enough already, I have no tears.. every day to see our best soldiers fall..
What can help? Venus? Jupiter? Venus in Sagittarius is weak, Jupiter just wants to expand, more conquered lands. So no light yet at the end of the tunnel.
Shekel USD: correcting the fall; target 3.84- CIT Jan 14.
Pls. click LIKE at the top of the article ! Or sign up for the forecasts..

ReplyDeletegood morning from desert here
i was reading your post and you mentioned about DOW MAY reach 45000
and was looking at the DOW graph
do you think whether it was the Helio venus or HELIO mercury is responsible or both
with that said stay healthy eating that Garlic and onions with the salads please
and again thanks for sharing your vast knowledge of Astrology to us
Yes, Vick, I think Helio Venus' aspects are important doe the DJI; I posted stop; so as long as it is above it will be a long, or below, a short.