New Moon in Aries, 2022 ~ Financial and Mundane Astrology by Gabriella Mittelman

 Between April 1- 30, 2022

Last New Moon we had the Part of Fortune on the Ascendant, now it is in the first house, at 25 Gemini. During this lunar month the Sun moves 30 degrees, Mercury moves from Aries to Gemini, Venus from Aquarius to Pisces, where it is exalted; Mars moves from ♒to ♓!!! (fire in water = steam and lack of energy market wise). Jupiter is in ♓, moves 6 degrees; Saturn to Pluto don't move much, but it is important no note that Pluto will be stationary- extremely strong, as of the 26th of April. 

Important days to watch: Geocentric: 
Actual aspects:
Sun           30 Moon           3.04.2022 21:43
Venus         30 Pluto          4.04.2022  6:16
Venus         90 Sedna          4.04.2022  6:44
Mars          30 Jupiter        4.04.2022 20:47
Mars           0 Saturn         5.04.2022  3:51
Sun           45 Moon           5.04.2022  5:45
Venus ingress in Pisces :  5:04.2022 19:00
Jupiter       30 Saturn         6.04.2022  5:25
Sun           60 Moon           6.04.2022 14:32
Mars          30 Neptune        6.04.2022 23:34
Mercury       60 Saturn         7.04.2022 14:37
Mars          60 Eris           7.04.2022 14:54
Mercury       30 Jupiter        7.04.2022 17:14
Mercury       30 Neptune        8.04.2022  4:33
Mercury        0 Eris           8.04.2022  9:43
Mercury       60 Mars           8.04.2022 20:19
Uranus        90 Vesta          8.04.2022 20:32
Sun           90 Moon           9.04.2022  8:48
Mercury       90 Pluto         10.04.2022 10:45
Mercury ingress in Taurus    11.04.2022; 6:06 
Sun          120 Moon          12.04.2022  1:01
Mars          45 Chiron        12.04.2022 12:13
Jupiter        0 Neptune       12.04.2022 16:42 when we don't know what is real and fake.
Sun           60 Saturn        13.04.2022  2:14
Mars          30 Pluto         13.04.2022  6:30
Mars          90 Sedna         13.04.2022  7:18
Sun           45 Venus         13.04.2022 18:05
Sun           30 Neptune       14.04.2022  1:48
Jupiter       30 Eris          14.04.2022  6:33
Venus         45 Eris          14.04.2022  7:45
Sun            0 Eris          14.04.2022  9:25
Sun           30 Jupiter       14.04.2022 10:14
Sun          150 Moon          14.04.2022 12:58
Mars ingress in Pisces   15:04 2022; 6:06
Mercury       45 Neptune       15.04.2022 17:31
Mercury       45 Jupiter       16.04.2022  1:49
Sun          180 Moon          16.04.2022 20:55
Mercury       60 Venus         18.04.2022  3:09
Venus         45 Pluto         18.04.2022  3:43
Mercury        0 Uranus        18.04.2022  6:51
Venus         60 Uranus        18.04.2022  9:15
Sun           90 Pluto         18.04.2022 17:14
Sun           30 Sedna         18.04.2022 18:31
Venus ingress to Capricorn in Helio sky 18.4.2022 till May 8
Earth ingress to Scorpio 19.4.2022 - till May 21,2022 
Sun          120 Moon          21.04.2022  7:43
Sun           90 Moon          23.04.2022 13:56
Mercury       90 Saturn        24.04.2022 15:50
Mars ingress to Aquarius in Helio 24.4.2022  till June 11,2022
Mercury       60 Neptune       25.04.2022  0:37
Mercury       30 Eris          25.04.2022  1:57
Pluto stationary             27/04 2022
Mercury       60 Jupiter       27.04.2022  7:11
Mars          45 Eris          27.04.2022 18:05
Venus          0 Neptune       27.04.2022 21:11
Mercury      120 Pluto         28.04.2022 14:05
Mercury        0 Sedna         28.04.2022 17:25
Sun           45 Neptune       29.04.2022 23:07
Sun            0 Moon          30.04.2022 22:28
Venus          0 Jupiter       30.04.2022 23:14

Calendar for April 2022 NY time: 

Former articles about New Moon in Aries  202120202019 , 2018, 20172016201520142013 20122011,
It is important to read the former articles! to know what happened in the past. 

My services are: *Daily alerts for 30$ per day, for anything you can think of... So, for example, to receive for 5 trading days alerts every day, for the Gold and S&P, that would cost $300 + 5% (including PayPal fees 5%).=$315
*To sign up to my mailing list on world indices alerts, also commodities and Cryptos, $120/ month+ 5% PayPal fees.($126). You will receive alerts 1-2 times a week with stops and targets.

                            *Natal chart reading: $430, ( + 5% PP )
                         *The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $300/ month; ( + 5% PP= $315). 
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You might want to click "interesting, cool" at the bottom of the article and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind. And don't forget to click "Like" at the bottom of the article!! 
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April 30, 2022 Saturday 
Pls. follow me to the ew article, New Moon in Taurus, 2022

April 29, 2022 Friday
The strongest rally yesterday was on FB(META) we can go long till May 9 with a stop at 204. Target 226-290.
The other share to look at is PayPal: long above 84-86- target 120, only above it will rally.. My last alert was on 11/19/2021; to go short below 212. =62% gain till yesterday.

On April 27, at 10:30; with a stellium in Pisces and the Moon on the worst fixed star, Scheat, we had a reversal in the markets. 
Fibonacci time count start from there now. 
I wrote yesterday about the S&P; it rallied and delivered. However, the Nasdaq and the Dow are still behind. 
Mark May 9 as target for the next turn. 
OK, let's see who or what is in charge today?
The energy is of Jupiter and Mars. Both are in Pisces. It is a good position for Jupiter and a  bad for Mars. Mars just entered the Moon's Decan; so double weakness from it. Only on the 12th it will enter Pluto Decan  from there we will see big moves.(I think to the down side. ) .. The Moon in Aries will back a further rise today, she is also approaching the Sun, which is favorable. 
To trade, I would use the last low in the 30 min charts and be long. And vice -versa in short shares like VIX, SQQQ; 
Good Luck! 
Did you see, that Musk sold a lot of TSLA on 4/26? 
April 30, 2022 Saturday

S&P: I wrote: use the last low of the 30 min chart, for long above or short below. For the S&P this was at 4276; so once this broke; we were short. Or at least closed long positions. 
Nasdaq future: 4/26 low was 12804; breaking it will fall to 10620.
TA35:after the fall yesterday, we have a negative arbitrage, so trade range tomorrow 2001-2010; long only above 2010. 
AMZN: was the leader of the fall : next low till late July- we are short here if you didn't sell.

We are under the Partial Solar eclipse today, at 10 Taurus. Also Venus 0^ Jupiter in Pisces. Both are very strong...visible in South America and se Pacific.


Very sad news, I just read on FB, that Lea Milic, Nikola Stojanovits partner, died of cancer on April 25, in LA ( one year after Nikola ). May they rest in peace.

April 28,2022 Thursday ( Holocaust Memorial day ) 
It is options expiry day today, under an Aries Moon and a day ruled by Jupiter; I would look for extremes...  Of course I am not in a position for this expiry, but I do hold puts for the first week of May. Due to holidays on May 4+5, we don't have trade, so maybe this was a mistake to buy. Only 3 days to trade.. TA35 must make a really hard drop to gain.
In the USA bulls were the majority.... but it's weak. 

S&P : simple way : we are short below 4272; but since that is really far from the price, just adjust the stops I sent you.
If you have children, you heard about the big recalls all over the world of chocolates Salmonella was found as early as February 2022 in the UK, now here too, Strauss factory was closed and suspended for 3  months. Now I read Coli was found in beef in the USA. So what happened in Feb 2022, that could trigger this even? 
Mercury in R was conjunct Pluto; today they are in trine. 
Should we fear every time Mercury conjuncts Pluto? No. In Feb Jupiter was approaching Neptune, ( this backed the outburst ) now they are separating... 

Strauss share: 
Nasdaq: with last alert: 3/15 low broke, now we are only short. 

I wrote on TWITER: 
4/28  twitter : S&P trades now at 4183; On Monday with the Moon at 1♊️; staying above 4185; can go to 4194-98. For a rally it should be above 4240; Falling below 4162; will retest 5/12/2021 low"
I wrote on TWTR and TLG... LOL so many places one must keep it up " 
The Queen: Queen: Oct 25- Nov 6 are vulnerable days..She is 96, you know.. she lives past her Uranus return, now Neptune is 150^ to her Nept... and more aspects point to those dates."

April 27, 2022 Wednesday 
Today we have the Moon in Pisces still, approaching the Sun, at 23*; conjunct Venus, Neptune and later today Jupiter, We have a stellium in ♓; the sign of the martyr, victim, fake news, manipulations, religion, art, the hidden enemies, the endless ether. Mars is also there, since April 15; 
the day is Wednesday, ruled by Mercury, it is now at 27♉ ; leaving Algol, the "Medusa head" ( thus the fall of yesterday); but, approaching the Weeping Sisters, Pleiades at 0♊;on 4/30; so we are still short. Actually the markets topped on 3/29; on the day Venus was conjunct Saturn; in ♒; that conjunction blocked further rally. Today Venus conjuncts Neptune, these "meetings" are important for major CITs.
The other planet in "charge for today is the Sun. It is now at 6♉56; I use 1 degree orb, so it is solitary, makes or receives no aspects. Only on May 3-4-5 it will be conjunct Uranus, but our market will be closed.
In any case, using math: for different indices, May 2-5 are a major important days to watch. On May 2nd we have Venus (ruler of the banks and forex) move into ♈, where it is in its detriment (weak). 
Here are a few charts I uploaded yesterday to my Telegram group: 
It was earnings day for MSFT: you can see the last alert I sent on the graph: since Nov.30; $337: you could gain 20% till yesterday. Now it is back to July 1, 2021 price level and the stop should be 276. still short below it. 
GOOG: last stop was 2742; Now it trades at 2390; target is 2100; 
TXN: has been falling since Oct 21,2021: target is 166-160
TSLA: has been falling since Nov 4,2021m, then it topped at 1243; last stop sent on 4.13.22- 983; now it is at 876; stop is now at 884; short below. May 3 will be 180 days from the top! 
NFLX: is back to 2017 levels; target is now 152. 

HERTZ was the best performing share in my list ! in the last year: it almost went bankrupt, stop was 0.9 in March 2021; stop now = 8.64

1 year performance: 

Groups performance in a year
The XLK : technology; my last alert was on 4.13.2022; stop was 153; now the target is 134; if below =118
TA35: fell to 2004; this is now stop.- up target 2016-2019.
DX: stop is 102.29 - long above. Short target 102.14; falling below, major short. 
09:00    EUR    GfK German Consumer Climate (May)  -26.5  -16.0  -15.7  
09:45    EUR    French Consumer Confidence (Apr)  88  92  90
In February, when Putin attacked Ukraine, I wrote that the surrounding countries will follow. Now we read this: 

Explosions rocked the small, Russian-aligned breakaway region of Moldova known as Transnistria Tuesday, raising concerns that a new front could open in the war in Ukraine.
Two explosions Tuesday morning took out a pair of powerful radio antennas along the Ukrainian border, Transnistrian police said. The incident follows reports of several explosions on Monday at the break-away region’s Ministry of State.
Transnistria, a Kremlin-friendly strip of land in eastern Moldova, sits along Ukraine’s southwestern border, and hosts some 1,500 Russian troops on a nominal peace-keeping mission.
The breakaway region is within 40 miles from Odessa.
Monday’s attack, in which the Ministry of State was reportedly hit by rocket-propelled grenades, took place during a public holiday for Orthodox Easter, when most workers would have been home."
And we can find Pluto squaring the MC of Moldova.. 

Uglier times are coming...:( 
I copied and translated this news: 
Breaking ⚫️⚫️: Another strong indication of the possibility of Russian action against Moldova / Transnistrian alliance: In the afternoon, the Russians bombed the bridge connecting the Odessa region to southwestern Ukraine, a kind of enclave. At the same time as landing forces
2. To the shores of the detached area, which will try to move north towards the pro-Russian region and join the rest of the forces there. It seems ambitious at the moment, maybe even too ambitious, but it's an option that needs to be considered. NATO planes are circulating in the area and closely following Russian movements.
3. In the attached maps - the location of the bridge that was bombed in the afternoon (surrounded by a red circle) by the Russians and connects the Odessa area to the southwestern enclave of Ukraine. In the second map you can see in a broader view the location of Transnistria (east of the marked red line).
4. In the last minutes, the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army declares that the pro-Russian forces in the Transnistrian region of Moldova have been instructed to move to full combat readiness. Escalation can be expected there in the coming hours.

April 26, 2022 Tuesday 

People who have cancer, good news !!! Hang on !!! Salvation is coming! With Uranus in Gemini, we will see breakthroughs like never before! 

Bargain hunters may want to feast their eyes on a South San Francisco-based biotech focusing on cancer treatments.
Nkarta Inc. (NASDAQ:NKTX) is at least as good as Fate Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ:FATE) at a tenth of the price, according to an April 25 article appearing on the website of pharma consulting group Evaluate.
Oops, make that a sixth. That's because Nkarta jumped nearly 140% Monday to about $19 after the company announced positive results from a phase 1 clinical trial for two experimental chimeric antigen receptor natural killer therapies. NK cells are critical members of the innate immunity lymphocytes and have a critical role in host defense against malignant cells. Adoptive cell therapy using CAR redirects the specificity of the immune cell against a target-specific antigen."
First trade: July 10, 2020 9:30 NY 
MP of H2/8 is 27Sag; was triggered by Jup+Nep in transit. 

April 25, 2022 Monday 

France elections: Macron won; I wrote on 4/10 post; that in the second round Macron is stronger, he is in a good year, tr. Jupiter makes a favorable aspect to his Saturn. No coalition will be needed, he won by 58.8%. 
It is now 7:40 am, I sent alerts for Asia and the Far East. Most of them are red. 
Today we have the Moon in Aquarius.
25.04.2022  2:33:17 23°54'56"Aqr Conjunction Saturn
25.04.2022  3:33:19 24°29'14"Aqr Square Mercury
25.04.2022 13:14:26  0°00'00"Psc <<< USA opens under Pisces! 
25.04.2022 23:08:30  5°35'48"Psc Sextile Sun
China: has been falling since 2/2021! 
I sent updates for Europe too! Good luck. 
9:29 am USA alerts sent. 

April 24, 2022 Sunday 

As of today, here in Israel we don't have to use masks in closed places. 302 days of masked people are over. 25.6.2021- 24.4.2022: the Sun moved 300 degrees; Jupiter was approaching Neptune ( symbolizing  behind the curtains events ) ; now that Jupiter is separating, we can unmask ourselves. 
France elections today; let's see... 
Sunday's muse: 
Every person wants to be loved. Thus, we put the scale into someone else's hands...Once we arrive to a point in our lives, when we love ourselves and  except ourselves as we are, we free us from others' grip. It is the most exalted, elevating, freeing feeling one can accomplish. 

April 23, 2022 Saturday 

Mike Tyson in the news: In Hebrew we have a word " nudnik" meaning a person who won't let you here is the Nudnik,(bothersome person) ( with a  long criminal record) who got a punch from Mike Tyson, for not letting him be... Lit his OOB Mars..  
According to TMZ, Tyson had agreed to take a picture with the passenger at the beginning of the flight. But the man continued to harass Tyson, despite requests from Tyson to "chill".
Reading his life story, many people died around him, in the family, his 4 years old daughter, he was abandoned by his father before being born, Mother died of stomach cancer... In spite of being famous,( under Sun+Jupiter conjunction) and very wealthy, he filed for bankruptcy 
ruler of H8 (death+ money) is Neptune , is in his 4th house of family. 
Tomorrow, with a huge negative arbitrage, TA35 is about to fall. will it stop above 2007? or it will go, in the next week, to 1945- as the "pendulum" suggests? 

April 22.2022 Friday
I am posting these charts from; and what we see is one day up one day down... Market is like a pendulum... 
What can we learn from it? Let's take the Nasdaq: It bottomed on 3/14' went up 14-15 days; till 3/29. Low was 12555 top 14646; = 2091 points. So another 15 days will be 4/29; if the pendulum works; it should hit 3/14th low first, and next, till 5/16 it should reach the other side of the pendulum, at approx. 10455. Here comes astrology: what do we have from now till mid-May, to have a fall of 2000-2100 points? are the planets backing it, or not? Well, first of all we have the eclipse on 4/30; that is a major event. 

Then Mercury turns Retro, Venus moves into Aries, where it is weak, Mars will still be in Pisces, where it has less power, and Jupiter moves into Aries, with is also a major event; happens once in 12 years. But before it moves into Aries, it will conjunct the worst fixed star in Pisces, Scheat; 
So, a lot is going on in the sky which will reflect down here. 
If we look deeper, and take in consideration the DECANS, the planets are now...
Pluto is the one that doesn't move much, it is now at 28 Capricorn, in the last Decan of the sign, in Mercury decan. It has been here ever since 20 Cap; so since June 2019; not much to add here; if we go deeper, each sign is divided to Terms; the explanation is here
"Term Ruler: In Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos, the seminal work on traditional Hellenistic astrology, Babylonian Terms (also referred to as Bounds) are described as essential in horary and electional astrology. Term rulers or term rulership (also referred to as Bounds) are a method of essential GLOSSARY OF ASTROLOGICAL TERMS 43 dignities analysis where each house under each sign in a horoscopic chart is marked into segments, typically four or five per house and sign, which represent the planetary rulership over certain degrees in that house and sign at a given point in time. Term rulerships deepen the interpretation of degrees and angles. The metaphysical theory here is that the Term ruler denotes specific impulses and energies prevalent at a given point in the Universe. Term rulers are important in examining projective experiences and most likely spiritual, karmic, and personal paths of an individual. There are three main approaches to term rulerships: the Terms according to Ptolemy; the terms according to the Egyptians, and the Terms according to the Chaldeans. "
Now here comes the bummer: ZET gives 5 different methods: I use Ptolemy and Lilly- which are the same; so it puts Pluto at 28Cap under Saturn's Term. So Pluto being the symbol of destruction and rebuilding, being under Saturn's Term, until it moves into Aquarius on March 24, 2023, it just aggravates Pluto.
Neptune: is in Pluto Decan (and we saw the Covid19 - a virus that came to destroy - has been there since April 23, 2020. and will be till March 31, 2025!! when Neptune enters Aries. Till 2025 Neptune turns Retro 3 times.. The Term it is in now is Mars's,  till April 9, 2023; then it will move into Saturn's Term; but till April 9, 2023; this Neptune is war-some. Neptune has many faces like illusions, manipulations, fake news, treachery, religion, all in warrior Mars energy. 
Uranus, the revolutionist is in Mercury Decan; so swift moves in the trade, as we saw, one day up the other down, it will be in this Decan till May 28, 2023- because it turns retro; next is Saturn Decan; where it's wings will be chopped off. Term wise it is now in Mercury's Term, this adds to the volatility, and it moves into Jupiter Term on May 9; till July 7, 2023; 
Saturn is now in the sign of Aquarius. This sign is all for friendship and people being equal. But not when Saturn is there! Saturn came and DEVIDED friends, put a boundary in between friends and family.. We couldn't visit our elders due to lockdown, could we??... How many time we heard, a!! you didn't take the vaccine???Don't come near me... Don't come to visit, I ban you, I defriend you (in social media) A... you don't think as I do??? I hate you... etc... This is Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn was in Aquarius between Feb.7.1991 - Jan 29, 1994; OK,,back to today: Saturn is in Venus' Decan being at 23Aqua 44- 9.11.2022; Saturn will be stationary ! so very strong between June 1- 9; when it will turn Retro; and return to Mercury Decan on 9/11/2022; a bad date, as we remember... Term wise: Saturn is now in Jupiter's Term, will enter Mars's on May 19, 2022; If  Saturn blocks an moderates, and Jupiter expands, we have here a controversial energy; like full gas in neutral. this will end when Saturn enters Mars's Term, till June 23, when in its Retro re enters Jupiter's Term,.
Jupiter: made the great conjunction to Neptune, in Pisces, what we didn't have since December 28, 1855 ( Jup in Pisc)   - March 17, 1856 (when they were in exact conjunction as today.).. it's hard to compare it to today's markets... I don't think we have data that far back even the Dow didn't trade... In any case today Jupiter is under Pluto's Decan, (expanding the destruction) and in Saturn's Term; till May 11, 2022, When Jupiter enters Aries and will be under Mars Decan and Jupiter Term.
I can go on and on... but pls. mark these dates in your calendar, and we will see what happens. 
The big picture shows a major shift in energies after April- July 2023!  so, let's keep up the good spirits until then. 
Actual aspects
Begin: 22.04.2022  Period: 1 month  (GMT+3)
                               Aspect Exact
Mercury       90 Saturn        24.04.2022 16:49
Mercury       60 Neptune       25.04.2022  1:37
Mercury       60 Jupiter       27.04.2022  8:11
Mars          45 Eris          27.04.2022 19:05
Venus          0 Neptune       27.04.2022 22:11
Mercury      120 Pluto         28.04.2022 15:05
Mercury       45 Chiron        28.04.2022 21:40
Sun           45 Neptune       30.04.2022  0:07
Mercury enters Gemini, a sign it rules -  30.4. brings volatility.
Pluto stationary -Retro at 29Cap36
Venus          0 Jupiter        1.05.2022  0:14
Venus         60 Pluto          1.05.2022 13:37
Venus enters Aries, where it is in its fall - or weak 
Venus         45 Uranus         2.05.2022 11:15
Mars          45 Pluto          3.05.2022  5:49
Jupiter       60 Pluto          4.05.2022  1:33
Sun           45 Jupiter        4.05.2022  5:29
Mars          60 Uranus         4.05.2022 18:47
Sun            0 Uranus         5.05.2022 10:21
Mercury       60 Venus          6.05.2022  9:01
Saturn        60 Eris           7.05.2022  6:36
Sun           60 Mars           7.05.2022 12:47
Vesta         60 Eris           7.05.2022 13:06
Saturn         0 Vesta          7.05.2022 13:51
Mercury is stationary before Retro 10.5.2022 1:15 am
Jupiter enters Aries 3L15 May 11, 2022 
Venus         45 Saturn        11.05.2022  7:33
Jupiter       45 Uranus        11.05.2022 23:51
Venus         45 Vesta         12.05.2022 16:40
Venus          0 Chiron        15.05.2022 15:13
Sun           90 Saturn        15.05.2022 21:49
Sun           60 Neptune       15.05.2022 22:15
Mercury       45 Venus         18.05.2022  5:31
Mars           0 Neptune       18.05.2022  9:33
Sun          120 Pluto         19.05.2022 15:11
Sun           90 Vesta         19.05.2022 17:00
Mercury       60 Jupiter       20.05.2022  4:33
Sun           45 Chiron        21.05.2022  4:18
Sun            0 Mercury       21.05.2022 22:18

If you thought we are done here.... no, not at all, we still have to check the Helio sky, the declinations, and other 100 of stuff... but hey, who said the work of an astrologer is easy ? 
Among thousands of asteroids, there is one naughty one, called's number is 1930. everyone should check where his/ her Lucifer hides in your chart.!! 
The meaning of Lucifer:   read more here. 
Lucifer in the Chart
Like any other body in the chart, Lucifer has both a dark and a light side. Lucifer in the astrology chart may indicate where you are tempted to go your own way regardless of the rules. He may suggest excessive pride or a chip on your shoulder. The position of Lucifer can show where your ego gets in the way, where pride comes before a fall and where you are wrong when you think you are right. Lucifer shows where you want to be seen in a better light. He may symbolize your own personal horror story.
Yet Lucifer essentially shows you the light through it’s absence. If you can squarely face the dark, then Lucifer will bring you the light. By facing the things you most fear, he illuminates the darkest places in your psyche. Perhaps the biggest gift of Lucifer, is that he shows you the ‘God’ within. The divine force is often described as light and that spark resides within you. Lucifer in essence, reminds us that we are all Gods.
Suggested Keywords and Phrases for Lucifer
Pride comes before a fall, terror, horror, fear and loathing, where things are discordant, self-serving, where you get in your own way, where you are tempted to take short cuts, where you don’t want to follow the rules, where you need forgiveness. The devil on your shoulder, better the devil you know, between the devil and the deep blue sea, where you have things back to front, where you want more than you have, where you may lie to yourself and others to hide your light or dark. The place where you discover your moral compass, challenging authority, questioning what’s right, discovering light through its absence, reconnecting to your own divinity."
Joe Biden : Lucifer is at 25Libra,47; in the Secondary Progressed chart - or the chart for his age 79.42; is at22Sco49- conjunct his natal Mercury- and I don't have to add , in a bad degree. 
Donald Trump: Lucifer is at 17Cancer48- in the Sec.Prog chart or now, at his age 75.86 is is at 13 Leo,- now wait a sec.. when are the USA elections? Nov 2024? it will still be there, in the 12th house, Will Trump return? haha... that is the question. In Nov 2024 Sec.Pr. Venus +Jupiter will trine his Sun ! and transit Venus will be 180 to his Sun... so yes, high possibility he will. wow... he will be 78.40 years old... Don't you have younger candidates? 
Here is Trump's chart with the Secondary Progression ( a day for a year ) 
Ruler of his career is Venus, at 25 Cancer, it will get a square ( a lot of energy) from sec.Pr. Jup + Venus, in 23 Libra; both on very positive fixed stars: Arcturus and Spica) There is one difficultly, however, the October eclipses at 2 and 16 Scorpio, will affect his Sec.Prog. Moon, at 8* Scorpio... Moon rules his 12th, so if he is still alive, he returns. 

Netanyahu: Lucifer is at 5Aries30; in his 4th house, in the Sec.Pr. chart now, he is 72.50 years old, the ruler of his career is Venus, it is trined by Sec.Pr Lucifer, so EGO is high...But there is another asteroid, Pinocchio- right conjunct his natal Venus. Do I have to explain what does it stand for ? 
Naftaly Bennett: Lucifer is at 26 Virgo; in the Sec.Prog. chart, now he is 50.08 years old; it is at 20Virgo in trine Venus ruler of H10; and the badmouthing against him is reaching highs .
Yair Lapid, now foreign minister; due to replace Bennett in rotation next year; many say he will not reach that position; again a lot of negative posts against him... Natal Lucifer is at 14Cap, conjunct his SN, in H1; Sec.Prog. is in H2 at 9 Aqua,; however I have two different times for him, the second 4Tau Asc;06; so in this case Lucifer is in his 9th, still conjunct the SN: and sec.Prog is H10150 to his natal Uranus. The Lunar eclipse on May 16; will not be a dream for him... 

April 21, 2022 Thursday
The big news is behind Netflix: all the talks of subscribers leaving, and sharing passwords, crashed the share:
First trade date L 23 July 2018; we must remember the upcoming eclipses that are already working: 
April 30: Sol. ecl. at 10 Tau
May 16: Lunar ecl. at 25 tau
October 25: Solar ecl. at 2 Sco 
Nov 8: Lunar ecl. at 16 Scorpio 
Lunar eclipses affect us for 6 months, Solar for approx. one year; therefore anyone or anything that has planets in those degrees + - 5 degrees, are affected. 
Netflix has all its planets eclipsed. It will not end with it, many more will join this gap down; since the eclipses occur in the signs of money, 2+8 houses. In this specific share we can add transit Sun 90^ to natal Sun
A reader asked me (see in the comment below) if I remember CVM: well, I don't know if I analyzed it ; here is its chart 

Closer look : monthly : not a share I would want to trade it. 

If you want to ride the devil's wheel - go long above above 3.15.
April 20.2022 : With Mars at 3 Pisces : Russia launched the Son of Satan - RUSSIA has successfully launched its 'Satan' missile, capable of firing up to 12 nuclear warheads at once, Vladimir Putin has claimed. The launch of the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile can give "food for thought for those who try to threaten Russia," the president Putin warned. the missile can fly up to 6000 miles and carry 15 warheads ...
threatening anyone who is against its Ukrainian attack.
What can I tell you ? with the upcoming eclipses future looks bad.

April 20, 2022 Wednesday
Yesterday, with the Earth moving into Scorpio, we got a bust to the upside. 
Today is ruled by Mercury, at 17♉; it is separating from Uranus, and Jupiter, at 25♓, still conjunct Neptune. Saturn still squares the Nodes at 22-23 degrees, so these last 4 planets form a support. All alerts sent for the USA brought gains of 3-400 points, as a rule raise stops by 30-30 etc points. 
The Sun moved into Taurus; Taurus speaks about what we own and our self esteem. We also have 4 planets in Pisces, and the Lilith in Cancer too, so a lot of subjective feelings (water) will dominate not only the trade, but world events as well.  

April 19, 2022 Tuesday
"Chelsea Ritschel
Tue, April 19, 2022, 10:17 AM·3 min readCristiano Ronaldo has announced that his and Georgina Rodriguez’s newborn son has died.(one of the twins) 
Ronaldo and Rodriguez shared the news of their twin son’s passing in a joint statement posted to their social media accounts on Monday 18 April, where the couple said: “It is with our deepest sadness we have to announce our baby boy has passed away. It is the greatest pain that any parents can feel.”
In the statement, the couple, who announced in October that they were expecting twins, continued: “Only the birth of our baby girl gives us the strength to live this moment with some hope and happiness.”
The football star, 37, and Rodriguez, 28, also took the opportunity to express their gratitude to the doctors, nurses and medical staff for “all their expert care and support”.
“We are all devastated at this loss and we kindly ask for privacy at this very difficult time,” the couple said. “Our baby boy, you are our angel. We will always love you.”
Marie Le Pen: someone is very afraid of her, so they launch this news: 
"France: EU fraud agency investigating candidate Le Pen
Paris prosecutors are studying a report by the EU fraud agency accusing French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen of misusing public funds while serving in the European Parliament" 
Elections in France are due in 5 days. 
I wrote Macron wins... is he easier to be manipulated, than Le Pen ? My astrologer colleague, Smiljana wrote she might dissolve the EU. 
Today we are under the influence of Helio Venus in Capricorn! Also the Moon and Mars; they  are in square; so expect a very volatile day! 

April 18, 2022 Monday 
Today we have Mercury conjunct Uranus in ♉; maybe it is not a coincidence, to find this article: Researchers identified over 5,500 new viruses in the ocean, including a missing link in viral evolution" Mercury rules the mind, Uranus scientific breakthroughs;  and they find them in the ocean, when we have this Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. 
Here is the natal chart of Hadi, the PM; he was born with a Jupiter+Neptune conjunction at 1 Libra, they received now an inconjunct, 150* in transit, and the Solar return chart Neptune at 22* !!  (ruler of H7=Known enemy) dissolves Mercury, ruler of the career in the Solar chart. 
Interesting, that Saudia also has a Jupiter -Neptune conjunction !!! also its chart will be triggered, or already is, by the upcoming Lunar eclipse. 
TASI: my last alert was on 3/10- stop was 12550- we went long, now at 13682; Stop is now 13680 
Market wise I expect gaps today.. It is not 7 am, let me check how is ASIA doing? Most of them are red... 
During the weekend I sent alert for the cryptos, Asia and Europe, I shall work now on USA and commodities.. see u later. 
I added some photos to yesterday's post. 

April 17, 2022 Sunday 
We start the week with the Moon at 2♏; we are after the Full Moon, she is now diminishing in light, approaching the Sun. 
BTC: Russia recognizes it : "The Ministry of Finance (MinFin) of Russia finalized a draft bill named “On Digital Currency” and has sent it to the Russian government for approval to be passed as law. The draft of the federal law clarifies regulations related to the trading and mining of cryptocurrencies.
On Apr. 8, Russia’s finance ministry announced the amendment and finalization of an impending crypto bill, which provides regulatory clarity related to the circulation, issuance, trading, mining and other activities within the crypto market.
While unconfirmed reports of Russia legalizing cryptocurrency surfaced early Apr 16, the thriving crypto community on Twitter welcomed the announcement with arms wide open."
Memorable dates: April 8, 2022
One of the most beautiful places in the Middle East, is and Nuweiba.( When the Sinai still belonged to Israel) When I was in the army, 1975-77, I visited these places many times, because I had a boyfriend who served there in the navy. When Saadat came to Jerusalem, November 19, 1977, I was thrilled to tears because of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, but Sinai was given back, and we didn't visit those places for a long time. Today more than 5000 people are in line to cross the border and enjoy these beautiful shores. I don't know if they are so clean as back then, but it is indeed a place to be! Nuweiba is a place where time stopped and rested.
The kids and me 1999; Hilton Nuweiba. I will never forget the hilarious laugh we had when we fell off the banana :) 


Copper: CU ruled by Venus 
In the next few blogs, I am going to explore the fascinating relationship between planets and metals in ancient astrological lore and the effect this correspondence has on us today. Each planet has a metal assigned to it: Sun – gold, Moon – silver, Mercury – mercury, Venus – copper, Mars – iron, Jupiter – tin, Saturn – lead. The metals were considered to have an inherent affinity with their parent planets, and represented a material expression of living cosmic energies. A few of of my favorite books that explore and offer experimental proof of these correspondences are “The Secrets of Metal” by William Pelikan, “The Nature of Substance’ by Rudolph Hauschka, and “The Metal-Planet Relationship: a Study of celestial Influence” by Nick Kollestrom (over $100.00 now!). He, however, has two kindle versions of two of his out of print books – “Metal–Planet Affinities” and “the Secrets of the Seven Metals.”
I think the copper and Venus relationship is one of the most fascinating! Copper runs in the veins of the earth just like it flows through the veins of the human body. The strong Venusian relationship of women to copper is apparent in our blood. Women have approximately 20% more copper in their blood than men, while men have a higher level of iron. The red arteries are related to iron (Mars) and the blue veins to copper (Venus.) Even today the Mars glyph is used as a symbol of the male and Venus glyph as a symbol of the female. As the famous book – “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus!” by John Gray says!
.The amount of copper in a women’s blood corresponds to her menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, copper levels almost double in the mother’s blood to support the placenta and nourish the fetus, while iron levels increase in the fetus as the birth time approaches. A woman taking the Pill blocks her monthly rhythm of serum copper and stays at a level corresponding to the ninth month of pregnancy

Copper is also abundant in the female sex organs and is used up during sexual intercourse, and needs to be replaced through diet. Some foods that contain high levels of copper are lettuce, apricots, apples, tomatoes, nuts, shell fish, grains, peas, beans, corn, garlic, sunflower seeds and walnuts.

There is also a direct connection between copper and the thyroid gland. Hypo-function of the thyroid gland lowers the body’s available copper, as does the excision of the gland. Since nuclear radiation directly affects the thyroid gland, many around Chernobyl had their thyroid glands removed. I wonder if they are testing the copper levels of previous Fukushima residents!!

Copper is essential to good health. We don’t need a lot of copper, but certain healthy amounts are vital and essential to our health and wellbeing. It’s all about balance! 
Copper is required for the formation of about 50 enzymes and it’s needed for our transporters, which shuttle hormones and neurotransmitters all over your body. Copper protects the lining of blood vessels and myelin. It also supports energy production. Too much copper in your blood serum however can produce schizophrenia, manic depression, other mental illnesses, and insomnia especially in women. Rudolph Steiner wrote on this.
The symbol of Venus – a circle over a cross- came originally from the ankh in Egypt. The symbol is called “the mirror of Venus.” Our ancestors used polished copper mirrors because they reflected one’s image in the colors of radiant health. A piece of copper is warm, and friendly unlike the cold, brittle mirrors we use today which are glass coated by silver on the back. The silver grabs our energy, while the beautiful copper reflects back a healthy, positive glowing image. This seems like a metaphor for our current age!
One of the symbols sacred to Venus is the peacock. It reflects all of the beautiful colors of copper, especially the green. Birds that have beautiful blues and greens have an abundance of copper in their feathers. In the alchemical operation, ‘the colors of the peacock’s tail’ appear, during the conjunction or fourth stage.
Manley P. Hall said that the green flag of Islam shows the crescent of Venus, not the moon (because of the green color and the day of the week they have chosen as their Holy Day.) Each of the major religions has a specific day designated as its Holy Day. The Muslim’s Holy Day is Friday which is ruled by Venus (also known as Astarte, Aphrodite, Ishtar, or Freya, depending on your culture.) Likewise, Judaism celebrates its Holy Day on Saturday (Saturn) and Christianity on Sunday (Sun.) The other days of the week (back to the seven stages of consciousness again!) are Monday (the moon), Tuesday, (Mars or Tiu), Wed. (Mercury or Woden) and Thursday (Jupiter or Thor.) If you translate the days into Spanish or French, the planetary relationships are much clearer.
The name for copper comes from “Cuprum” meaning Cyprus and it was one of the main copper mining areas in the ancient world. Venus, in ancient mythology texts, was said to be “churned forth from the frothy seas around Cyprus.” The famous painting, “Birth of Venus” by Botticelli depicts Venus standing on a scallop arriving at the shores of Cyprus. The blue green waves in the painting show copper’s great affinity for water and all copper salts are sea-colored, blue and green. Scallops and other hard-shelled sea creatures breathe by the means of a blood pigment rich in copper (not iron.) Venus has copper colored hair indicating the alchemical relationship between the planet Venus and copper. In ancient times, there was the annual practice of the queen and king copulating in the fields to reseed the land – they were actually re-fertilizing the earth with copper to ensure better crops. Venus is the planet of love!
Botticelli, who was a major occult initiate and a member of the “Prieure de Scion” along with Newton, Da Vinci, Cocteau and many others, purposely painted many alchemical secrets into this painting.
In our environment, copper metal kills germs, fungi and algae! With all of the toxic antibacterial soaps and lotions surrounding us, it is important to look for natural, alternative solutions. Copper surfaces kill 99% of all bacteria including the super-bugs found in hospitals today. This is the reason many hospitals are installing copper doorknobs and doorplates. Copper is also increasingly being installed in commercial and residential heating, ventilation, and air conditioning units to inactivate air-born pathogens.
Thousands of years ago the Egyptians were aware of these antibacterial effects of copper and used it in their plumbing systems. Humanity is finally reclaiming this knowledge and is increasingly installing copper piping in both their homes and businesses. An average home in America today has 469 pounds of copper in it
Researchers at the University of South Hampton found that on a dry copper surface, ecoli bacteria are eliminated within 10 minutes and on a wet copper surface, within 45 minutes. This antimicrobial property is inherent to the metal, and shared with alloys such as brass and bronze. (Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, and bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.) This research shows that using copper based containers to store food and water is very important to protect our health.
Also, using copper pans and utensils to cook our food reduces the risk of germs in our food. Chefs around the world know that copper pans distribute heat evenly, and cook foods faster and more thoroughly than any other material and copper vases keep flowers fresher for longer.
Another ancient practice to safely introduce copper into our bodies is to wear copper bracelets. It is believed that they alleviate the pain of both rheumatism and arthritis and wearing them also strengthens the blood and cleans the arteries. Copper, coming in contact with human skin, forms chelates with the human sweat and this is absorbed into the skin. When our sweat becomes acidic through stress, green appears on the skin because the extra acid dissolves more copper than we can absorb. It is an excellent stress indicator. This practice, long thought a placebo, has been found to have validity by many modern medical doctors and researchers. Time to get out the copper bracelets again!
Our ancestors knew that copper deficiency appears to contribute to premature graying of the hair. It is interesting to note that wheat grown in copper deficient soil also turns grey! Hmm…
Copper has been used as currency around the world and coins were often rubbed on the forehead to reduce headaches, flu and to sterilize wounds and burns. Also, your aquarium can benefit from a couple of copper coins. Remember to use pennies minted before 1982. Our current pennies are made of copper plated zinc!!
Today, we see the copper/Venus – iron/Mars affinity played out in the creation of electricity. Iron creates the magnetic field and copper wires carry the current generated. The pulsating energy created by their interaction creates our alternating energy. Copper is used in a range of technology from computer microchips to solar power cells – even a mobile phone has several grams of copper in it.
In the field of agriculture, Victor Schauberger discovered that using iron or steel tools to work the soil was detrimental. He knew that everything in Nature is in movement, moving towards either growth or decay. If iron is exposed to the weather, it will rust and decay in a relatively short time leaving this toxic residue in the soil. Copper, on the other hand, is much more stable and is not in a process of decay. He also found that through friction, the iron plows heat up, thus destroying the integrity of the soil, while copper tools stay cool as they move through the soil.
Copper is truly a miraculous metal! Our ancestors knew this and we are slowly coming around to acknowledging and utilizing their wisdom.

April 16,2022 Saturday
Statistics for the Nasdaq as per Timing Solution

Day of YEAR: Apr,18 58.8% UP (20 UP/ 14 DOWN)= 1.34% UP
Day of MONTH: 18 54.1% UP (230 UP/ 195 DOWN)
Day of WEEK: MO 50.3% UP (1230 UP/ 1216 DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,19 55.6% DOWN (16 UP/ 20 DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 19 54.1% DOWN (195 UP/ 230 DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TU 49.8% DOWN (1324 UP/ 1314 DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,20 51.4% DOWN (17 UP/ 18 DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 20 50.4% DOWN (211 UP/ 214 DOWN)
Day of WEEK: WD 41.7% DOWN (1542 UP/ 1101 DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,21 57.1% UP (20 UP/ 15 DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 21 51.1% DOWN (208 UP/ 217 DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TH 42.0% DOWN (1504 UP/ 1089 DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,22 68.6% UP (24 UP/ 11 DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 22 57.1% UP (245 UP/ 184 DOWN)
Day of WEEK: FR 58.1% UP (1498 UP/ 1081 DOWN)
Nifty statistics as per Timing Solution: 
Day of YEAR: Apr,18  53.8% DOWN    (6 UP/ 7  DOWN)= 1.10% DOWN
Day of MONTH: 18  51.9% DOWN    (89 UP/ 96  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: MO    47.0% DOWN    (590 UP/ 524  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,19  64.3% UP    (9 UP/ 5  DOWN) = 1.25% DOWN
Day of MONTH: 19  50.3% DOWN    (91 UP/ 92  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TU    48.7% DOWN    (571 UP/ 542  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,20  53.3% UP    (8 UP/ 7  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 20  52.2% DOWN    (89 UP/ 97  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: WD    50.5% DOWN    (552 UP/ 564  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,21  (7 UP/ 7  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 21  55.7% DOWN    (82 UP/ 103  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TH    48.0% DOWN    (579 UP/ 535  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,22  66.7% UP    (10 UP/ 5  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 22  53.5% UP    (100 UP/ 87  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: FR    51.3% UP    (564 UP/ 535  DOWN)
TEl Aviv 35 index : 
Day of YEAR: Apr,17  64.3% DOWN    (5 UP/ 9  DOWN)= 0.34% up
Day of MONTH: 17  53.2% DOWN    (95 UP/ 108  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: SU    47.5% DOWN    (648 UP/ 587  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,18  64.3% UP    (9 UP/ 5  DOWN)= 015% UP
Day of MONTH: 18  50.5% UP    (102 UP/ 100  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: MO    49.2% UP    (612 UP/ 633  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,19  76.9% UP 10 UP/ 3  DOWN)= 0.12% down top 2061.
Day of MONTH: 19  50.2% UP    (102 UP/ 101  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TU    48.9% UP    (599 UP/ 627  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,20  53.8% UP    (7 UP/ 6  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 20  53.3% DOWN    (92 UP/ 105  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: WD    49.7% DOWN    (621 UP/ 613  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,21  53.3% UP    (8 UP/ 7  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 21  52.5% UP    (106 UP/ 96  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TH    50.6% UP    (626 UP/ 610  DOWN)
But, remember, this is only statistics!!!! What we have in the sky now, we didn't have couple of hundreds of years. 

April 15, 2022 Friday 
In many countries there is no trade today, due to Good Friday. I checked my cryptos list and I noticed, that most made a higher low than March 12-13th... so they might correct up. Here is a comparison chart between BTC (candles) and a few others - Ripple, Matic, Eth, Solana. 
TWTR: After Elon Musk's offer to buy it, it gapped up and fell, the share got downgraded. Seems there is a fight between the Saudis and Musk who will take over? I wonder who will use it, if the Saudis do buy it?! In any case, technically it is in a downtrend, should close a gap to $39; and it is a very nervous share, only for people with strong nerves.... 
There was a big hack of cryptos by North Korea; is there a way to punish hackers? It is sooo devastating... my account was once hacked, I lost about $7500; went to the cyber police, they recorded it and that's it.. 
Google: huge sales by insiders... what do they know? Sergey Brin director has been selling!
Let's mark a few important dates: 
March 23,2022: 
Moscow wants unfriendly countries to pay in Ruble for its gas; this weakens the $, pushes the Gold up;

the sky: on 3/23; Stellium in Pisces, ruler of gas.

Natural Gas chart with my last alert posted in Jan.2022 : but at 2.35 ; target 8.40
Russian Rubles are backed by Gold: My lowest alert for the Gold was to go long on 3/17 with a stop at 1928; since then I sent 5 adjustments, now the Gold is at 1972; stop should be at 1965. 
Weekly chart: heading towards 0.8 ? 

DX: by Feb.2024 it should reach 103.85. 
Ta35: with the negative arbitrage will find itself trading between 2013- 23; weekly Put 2020 should reach 770-800 

April 14, 2022 Thursday 
Today, the two important planets are Jupiter and Venus, the two benefactors. Jupiter is at 18Pisces,in the Helio sky(Nikola S. called it, the Satan degree) and at 24♓20 in the Geocentric sky. Jupiter is conjunct AND parallel Neptune, so both very powerful; also both rise before the Sun, as if they are the shield, the protectors of the Sun, Venus is at 9♓ conjunct the fixed star SKAT: (by the way, my natal Venus is here)
kat (76 Delta Aquarii  m 3.27)
Keywords: Good fortune, personal charm, lasting happiness, psychic interests, sensitivity, occult interests, many friends
Effect: Fortunate
Character: Saturn/ Jupiter" 
Other aspect and lasting one is ♄ 90^the Nodes; probably this stopped the fall in the markets. The Nodes will be Direct till the 19th, so look for a reversal then. Let me check the time tunnel:
4/19, 22,24,29 are all CIT days.. 
Tomorrow we have a major event: Mars enters Pisces, till May 25! 
For the DOW and S&P: TS shows that this cycle doesn't work

I got now the exact time of the New York shooting, also the shooter was captured today. 
April 12,2022 at 8:26 am Subway attack : Sun and the Nodes at the 22 killer degree. 

The shooter: Frank James, born Aug 8, 1959 in Bronx ;Solar chart: he has Sun+Uranus conjunction in Leo- one day he will explode... he has Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, and Jup at 22*!! Since Jupiter rules the 9th house, which also stands for fame- in his case, the fame came in a negative way, since Jupiter is at 22 degrees.! 
Explanation on the chart. Something to add: Sun at 15 Leo stands for "assassination's degree" 
Surely we cannot make a generalization of this rule; about 22 Sco.- will produce killers, We must look at the whole chart. I searched who else has this position : 
Andre Gil, Albert Victor, Prince of Wales, Mata Hari ( Sun also at 15^) , Roy Rogers, Abu Mazen, Julie Andrews, David Bowie, etc.
Putin threatened Finland  and Sweden, they shouldn't join the NATO. 
Checking Finland / Russia military's strength, Finland is way back... They wouldn't stand an attack. Future looks gloomy. 
I found Madgalena Andersson Sweden PM , natal chart, for some reason they posted it with the Moon on the Asc, But I made a solar chart, that shows: end pf June very difficult period. 
Sweden's chart doesn't look good at all, in June 2022 
14:45  EURECB Monetary Policy Statement     
14:45  EURECB Interest Rate Decision (Apr) 0.00%0.00%

BITCOIN statistics: Average trading rate per day since April 23, 2018 is 1189$//////// Since Oct 1,2020 = 2490$; this is how much one can gain/lose  in 1 day. 
Why humans live 80 years? "SOLVED" by scientists  ( Astrology teaches us, that at age 84-85 we have an Uranus return, which is hard to conquer. )
Elon Musk offers to buy TWTR for $54.2 per share total 41 Billion. The share rises in Premarket.

" Guy Faulconbridge
Thu, April 14, 2022, 11:29 AM·3 min read

Vladimir Putin
President of Russia

Dmitry Medvedev
Former President and Prime Minister of Russia

By Guy Faulconbridge
LONDON (Reuters) - One of Russian President Vladimir Putin's closest allies warned NATO on Thursday that if Sweden and Finland joined the U.S.-led military alliance then Russia would have to bolster its defences in the region, including by deploying nuclear weapons.
Finland, which shares a 1,300-km (810-mile) border with Russia, and Sweden are considering joining the NATO alliance. Finland will make a decision in the next few weeks, Prime Minister Sanna Marin said on Wednesday.
Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said that should Sweden and Finland join NATO then Russia would have to strengthen its land, naval and air forces in the Baltic Sea.
Medvedev also explicitly raised the nuclear threat by saying that there could be no more talk of a "nuclear free" Baltic - where Russia has its Kaliningrad exclave sandwiched between Poland and Lithuania."
ECB: rate unchanged !!! 00% 
Let me check how will Sunday open ? The Moon will be in the sign of the money, Sco. Mercury conjunct Uranus in Tau, and 60* to Venus, Sun will square Pluto, Jupiter will still be conjunct Neptune )=(  unrestrainable religious madness ); so for Tel Aviv 35, the trade range will be 2033-35-37-38. It should break one end to rally, A consolidation will be a disaster. 

April 13, 2022 Wednesday
USA markets were red again: 
I wrote targets on the above pic; these are based on Fibo corrections; 
Today we are under Mercury's effect. Mercury is at 12Gemini,(Helio) and 4♉in the Geocentric sky. It is rising after the Sun, and departing from the Sun, so it is getting stronger. The Moon is already in Virgo " Moon in Virgo interpretation: 
  THE MOON IN VIRGO increases the mental qualities if she is well-aspected; she gives a retentive memory, a love of study along scientific or occult lines and an ambition to excel. Chemistry is the favorite of these people among the sciences and they excel as dietitians. They are rather reserved and of quiet demeanor, disliking flattery or ostentation. Unless they devote themselves to dietetics they are more successful as the servants or employees of others than in business for themselves."
And135^to the Sun, so bad; by sign and aspect. " Sesqui-quadrate Sun - Moon   (134.7°)
You are sometimes torn between a desire to progress and be all that you can be versus a tendency to dwell in the past, resting on your laurels. Your inner, more domestic side struggles against authority. You could feel caught in the middle."
But, the important positions are at the slow moving, therefore long lasting aspects of planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and the Nodes, are all at 22-24 degrees. Check out the charts that I posted on the Telegram group ! as always, the calculations are based on the planetary positions. 

DX : 3rd Fibonacci extension from Sept .2.2021 to Oct 21,2021 is at 100.14 ; top so far was 100.445 ///// From Jan 14.2022 - to Jan 28,22 = 2 Fibo ex = 100.22; Technically this is stop, planets support at 100.35- so if above, long. 

EUR/USD : Stop 1.084

Commodities : 

April 12, 2022 Tuesday 
Mexico vote outcome : 90% positive.. People voted and backed Obrador, as expected by his chart posted yesterday. 
So far, we can see, that Venus in Pisces has a negative effect on the markets. We can add to it, Mercury entering Taurus. 
Today we are under the energies of Uranus (at 13♉, the only aspect it makes is a contraparralell to Saturn) and Mars ( at 27♒48; is conjunct Juno - watch out for your kids!!! they can get hurt under this conjunction; also 45^ to Chiron !!) 

Moon:    11th Moon Day
Waxing First Quarter Moon
If you were born during the First Quarter Moon phase, you are action oriented, have leadership qualities and the ability to get results. You are inclined to push too hard to achieve your ideals.
In general, the First Quarter Moon signals a period of accelerated growth. Life is full of activity, organization, enthusiasm and drive; it is the time when Will can be put into action. Here is the energy and empowerment to build the foundation for one's dreams. Of course decisions have to be made and fears dealt with, but now is the time to move ahead.
If you are a farmer or gardener, this is the time to plant annuals that produce their yield above the ground, particularly leafy plants that produce their seed on the outside of the fruit. Examples are asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cress, endive, kohlrabi, lettuce, parsley, spinach, etc. Cucumbers do better in this quarter than the second, even though their seeds are inside the fruit; they are therefore an exception to this rule. This is also the time to plant cereals and grains."
Moon aspects GMT+3
12.04.2022  2:00:37 22°02'00"Leo Trine Sun
12.04.2022  3:49:56 22°59'12"Leo Opposition Saturn
12.04.2022 13:16:25 27°57'31"Leo Opposition Mars
12.04.2022 17:07:16  0°00'00"Vir <<<
12.04.2022 23:54:35  3°37'24"Vir Trine Mercury
15:30  USDCore CPI (MoM) (Mar) 0.5%0.5%
15:30  USDCore CPI (YoY) (Mar) 6.6%6.4%
15:30  USDCore CPI Index (Mar)  287.88
15:30  USDCPI (YoY) (Mar) 8.4%7.9%
15:30  USDCPI (MoM) (Mar) 1.2%0.8%

3:34 PM OUTCOME : As I put in my Video last year... Inflation will rocket. - This is nothing yet.. 
15:30  USDCore CPI (MoM) (Mar)0.3%0.5%0.5%
15:30  USDCore CPI (YoY) (Mar)6.5%6.6%6.4%
15:30  USDCore CPI Index (Mar)288.81 287.88
15:30  USDCPI (YoY) (Mar)8.5%8.4%7.9%
15:30  USDCPI (MoM) (Mar)1.2%1.2%0.8%
15:30  USDCPI Index, n.s.a. (Mar)287.50287.41283.72

Nasdaq statistics for the month of April : didn't work - so far: 
Just a few days ago I posted about Sri Lanka; now this : " #BREAKING Sri Lanka announces defaulting on all its external debt"

Some thoughts about the BTC: will we see major turns at each 65 degrees of the Earth, from previous tops/lows ?


April 11, 2022 Monday
Today we have a new energy coming in, under Mercury in Taurus ( check the list above). From my research in TS, it showed, that Mercury cycle is not working for the DOW, but the S&P rallied in the past. 
Oil with the last alert: 
South Korea index: is back to Jan 2018 top; Stop = 1535- Cit 5.5
I see visitors from the UK: here is the FTSE with the last alert; rule: always adjust stop by 30-30 points.
For visitors from Swiss: 

Sign up for the alerts!! for only $70/month, you will know how to trade. Click like, share at the bottom of the article! 

Hang Seng index for the readers:
DAX Spot: 3/7 low - 3/29 top; correcting this rise. Now at 14283; move stop to 14273; long if above. CIT: 4/4-5, 14-15, 22, 27.
Nifty spot: stop = 17653" should stay above this level. "Now at 17784; = this is stop; if above, long.
Turkey: hello dear readers!!! watch out now 
USD/CNH:30 min
USD/INR: stop = 75.83- short below

Keep an eye on VCNX: they might come up with some good news. 

Mexico President Obrador Calls For First-of-its-kind Recall Referendum On April 10: Report
In what is being termed as an unusual development, Mexico will be holding a first-of-its-kind presidential recall referendum on Sunday, April 10.
His Solar Return chart shows, that he is strong and backed by Jupiter. 
His age point is at 2-3 Virgo, where the natal Point of Fatality, Fate and tragedy is. However, other natal planets are not triggered. Except for Neptune 120^Mercury; and tr. Saturn at 22*, 90^ Natal Merc; thus the request for this vote... 
This reminds me of this : Do you love me? 

Pakistan news: Shebahaz Sharif born Sept. 23, 1951; on a Sunday ( day of the dictators) was elected today. I don't have his time of birth. with a little help from Jupiter, his Sol. return chart below: 

April 10,2022 Sunday 
On March 22, I uploaded Imran Khan's (Pakistan PM ) natal chart, and wrote, that his PM position is in danger ( there was a square between Mars-Uranus in the sky, that triggered his Saturn) Now I read, that he was ousted from power, after a non-confidence vote.
So now, we have turmoil in Pakistan, in Sri-Lanka, probably Nepal will follow. Who is gaining from an unrest in that part of the world? China? Russia?? 
The markets were weak again on Friday, the DOW, S&P, Nasdaq are all trading below Jan 22 top.
It is now 8 am; yesterday I sent alerts for all the markets, commodities and cryptos. Our market will open in 2 hours, under a Leo Moon; except for the Moon, Venus and Uranus, that are at the beginning of a sign, all the other planets are at high or last degrees. Those who took my Financial Astrology course, know how to calculate the stops and targets just looking at this picture: 
Elections in France today; Emmanuel Macron born Dec 21, 1977; age 44.30; against Marie Le Pen
Here is Macron's chart, with Directed future for today- (1 deg /year, same as Solar Arc.) His "open enemy" is under the Moon, which is being triggered by Dir. Sun+ Mars, Jupiter, Saturn; also Dir. Uranus is conjunct his Sun, that can bring a huge surprise; Pluto in square his Saturn, also Neptune 150* to Sat; I think he will lose to Marie Le Pen. In the transit chart for today, Pluto is on his Ascendant; which also shows a major change in life; also Saturn is at 22* together with the Nodes.
They are now very close to 50/50; if none wins, another round will take place on the 24th. The Directed chart will not change. In transit: Uranus will be 180 to Macron's natal Uranus,, that's an earthquake.. also Tr.Uranus 0*Moon, however, Macron is in a favorable Numerology year, so Jupiter at 26Pisces in transit squaring his Sun and Mercury, might help. 
As per Robert Hand Firdaria: " * Saturn-Mars
The native will be in an evil state; grave troubles will happen for him; perhaps he will fall from the top of his house or from a beast; because of this he will have grief, fear, and quarrels with his wife, or with other women; they will wish him evil, and men will overcome him and his enemies will trample him under foot; his wife will become ill with a severe illness, or she will die."
Let's see her chart? Marion Le Pen born August 5, 1968; is in her 1st numerological year, showing new starts, but in her 5th month, which is ruled by Mercury, so fickle. Can start good but end up bad. Her Moon rules her career, which is at 2 Cap; and the Dir. Jupiter is in a good aspect to her; however, her Saturn, that must be there for a "coronation" at 25 Aries, receives a 150^, bad from Mars, which represents Macron.. Maybe they will have to make a coalition..
Her Firdaria, by Robert Hand as of April 22,2021- Jan 9, 2023:  
* Jupiter-Mars
The native will be sad; he will serve the king in matters concerning which men will be afraid, however, because of this there will happen to the native great troubles or fear, and labor for his wealth; he will go on long journeys; he will have anxiety because of women; he will have affairs with bad women; and perhaps a child will be born to him." ~ nothing relevant to the elections...
CAC: with past alerts: 
Amidst the mountains of Shomron (Samaria) is a four-thousand year old city named 
Shechem. Very few biblical locales have as rich a history as this storied city. In fact, when the first Jew arrived in the Holy Land, Shechem was his first stop. In this city, also known as Nablus, lie the remains of Joseph, viceroy of Egypt. In recent times, modern-day Jewish heroes have struggled to maintain a Jewish presence in Shechem and Joseph's Tomb.

During the night, April 9-10/2022 about 100 Palestinians put it on fire.. and vandalized the tomb. What a dumb thing to do... In any case, this will light fights between the extremists in both sides. 

April 8, 2022 Friday
The Moon moved into Cancer, separating from the Sun, gaining in light. Yesterday, the markets corrected up, but still there were more bears than bulls. 
Under Venus at 2 Pisces, and Mars at 24Aqua46 conjunct Saturn - are still holding the markets. However, for a rally, they should go over the last top in the 60 min. 

April 7, 2022 Thursday 
Today we are under the pressure of Jupiter at 22Pisc45 and Saturn at 22Aqua35; Mercury and the Nodes are also at 22 degree; as Nikola Stojanovic called it: (may he rest in peace, he died, before his time one year ago) "to Kill or get Killed degree".  If you look around, you can see a lot of turmoil everywhere. 
Asia & Europe: all topped on April 4; now is in a correction mode. I would use the last top, daily or 30 min, and be short below; depending what time frame you trade, and how much stop you can afford. 
I have a guest from abroad as of today, so I'll be less by the computer. 
Today we have Saturn to rely on, it might stop a hard fall. so good trading!! DOn't forget, the Moon is still in fickle Gemini, GMT+3: 

7.04.2022  6:14:33 23°57'32"Gem Trine Mars
 7.04.2022 18:30:06  0°00'00"Cnc <<< check for announcements ! 
 7.04.2022 23:19:24  2°22'30"Cnc Trine Venus
 8.04.2022 21:27:52 13°17'49"Cnc Sextile Uranus
 9.04.2022  9:47:31 19°24'22"Cnc Square Sun
 9.04.2022 17:36:16 23°17'42"Cnc Trine Jupiter
 9.04.2022 18:46:15 23°52'38"Cnc Trine Neptune
10.04.2022  2:25:17 27°42'15"Cnc Square Mercury
10.04.2022  4:01:02 28°30'18"Cnc Opposition Pluto
10.04.2022  6:59:32  0°00'00"Leo <<<
Note,  the Ramadan started in the Arab countries on April 2-May 1; their stock market closes early, at 1:30 pm, so less volume in their countries. 

What is the Ramadan ? You can read here: 
In Israel, usually we have violent events during this holiday. 
I read, that the Russian army withdrew from Kiev.... Is that a good thing, or are they preparing for another more lethal attack? With Jupiter (expansion, exageration) -Neptune (gas) conjunction and Mars (war) -Saturn ( gov)  conjunction, squaring the Nodes, and under all those 22 degrees, it can happen. 
Jupiter conjunct Neptune : 
Range of search: 1.01.1900 - 1.01.2025
In steps of: 24h 0m 0s
 Realization intervals (begin - end):
17.05.1907  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 28.05.1907  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
18.09.1919  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 30.09.1919  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
25.02.1920  0:00 (GMT+2:21) -  8.05.1920  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
14.09.1932  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 24.09.1932  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
17.09.1945  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 28.09.1945  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
19.09.1958  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 30.09.1958  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
25.01.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 10.02.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
13.05.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21) -  1.06.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
 8.09.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 24.09.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.01.1984  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 25.01.1984  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
 5.01.1997  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 14.01.1997  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.05.2009  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 24.07.2009  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
16.12.2009  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 27.12.2009  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
 8.04.2022  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 17.04.2022  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
Very sad news !!! Yesterday evening an Arab Terrorist attacked random people on Dizengoff - the main street of Tel Aviv heart; killed 2 , wounded 4; he was later killed by the police in Yaffa. Mercury = young people = at the 22* hit. 

April 6, 2022 Wednesday
USA markets turned red yesterday, with Venus entering Pisces. 

Today we are under the energies of Mercury and Neptune !! You already know, that both mean fake news, manipulations, lies. 
Asia is mostly red, correcting the last rise. 
China 50: as posted on 3/18 with targets. 

Maks Levin, Ukrainian photographer's body was found after two weeks disappearance, shot in the head and heart- as his chart shows. 

He is one of the thousands civilians, who were shot by the Russia soldiers. May he rest in peace. 
With one of the government members ( with a fickle Gemini Moon ) who left the gov. and joined Netanyahu, the gov, that was formed on June 13, 2021; at 9 pm - with a VOC Moon; lost the majority and probably will fall. Edith Selman: it is not the first time she is switching parties. Also her husband was granted a job by Bibi. 
Shame on her!! I hope karma will hit back. 

April 5, 2022 Tuesday
The outcome for the Nasdaq was as the statistics showed (posted on the 3rd). 
Today we are under the energies of Mars and Venus. Mars is still conj. Saturn at 22*; while Venus is at the last degree of ♒.
Thanks to my friend in India, he is keeping me up to date with events in that part of the world, we learn about the violent uprising in Sri Lanka. 
In Pakistan the chair of PM Imran Khan is shaking.. In Nepal, and in many places in the world elections will be held- here is the list. 
Adding the upcoming eclipse, we can understand more these changes in this part of the world

So, what I wanted to point out is, that major changes are taking place now and in the following months all over the world. 
Twitter:  first trade date Nov 7, 2013 9:30 NY: has its Sun at 15.21 ♏; yesterday the Sun was at 15 ♈; this is just a curiosity, not that I could have known, based on this, Elon Musk's move. Chart posted yesterday.
The share has been falling for a year, since Feb 2021- Bottomed on 2/24/2022 at $31.26; yesterday it gapped up, might go to 52-58; and fall back to close the gap to 40. So careful !

The Central Bank of Russia officially announced that, as of March 28, 2022, the Russian Ruble currency is BOUND to Gold. The rate is 5,000 Rubles per gram of gold bullion.
Russia just wiped out about 30% of the value of the US Dollar, worldwide, when it comes to Gold Bullion.
Because Russia will only sell its oil and gas in Rubles, now fixed at 5,000 Rubles per gram, anyone wishing to buy Oil or Gas will need to either pay in Rubles or pay in Gold, and they won’t get the US Dollar value for the gold they tender as payment!
People around the world will be literally THROWING their money at the Ruble and DUMPING Dollars and EUROS to do it.
*What Russia just did is the financial equivalent of detonating a nuclear bomb.*
USDollar is going into the toilet because Russia looked at the sanctions, LOL'd, and announced it will only accept rubles or gold for energy sales.
Game over petrodollar, you blew it all up.
Dollar hegemony seems to have just ended as of this week very abruptly. Dollar hegemony was when America’s war in Vietnam and the military spending of the 1960s and 70s drove the United States off gold. The entire US balance of payments deficit was military spending, and it began to run down the gold supply. So, in 1971, President Nixon took the dollar off gold. Well, everybody thought America has been controlling the world economy since World War I by having most of the gold and by being the creditor to the world. And they thought what is going to happen now that the United States is running a deficit, instead of being a creditor.
Well, what happened was that, as I’ve described in Super Imperialism, when the United States went off gold, foreign central banks didn’t have anything to buy with their dollars that were flowing into their countries – again, mainly from the US military deficit but also from the investment takeovers. And they found that these dollars came in, the only thing they could do would be to recycle them to the United States. And what do central banks hold? They don’t buy property, usually, back then they didn’t. They buy Treasury bonds. And so, the United States would be spending dollars abroad and foreign central banks didn’t really have anything to do but send it right back to buy treasury bonds to finance not only the balance of payments deficit, but also the budget deficit that was largely military in character. So, dollar hegemony was the system where foreign central banks keep their monetary and international savings reserves in dollars and the dollars are used to finance the military bases around the world, almost eight hundred military bases surrounding them. So, basically central banks have to keep their savings by weaponizing them, by militarizing them, by lending them to the United States, to keep spending abroad." continue reading in the link .. 
Brazil’s Central Bank Quadruples its Yuan Reserves
Turmoil in many countries, as expected under Mars-Saturn conjunction. 
Let's see if we can see that in Kuwait's chart? 
Feb 18, 1787 Sunday; 7:32 

April 4, 2022 Monday 
It is now almost 8 am, and I see Asia is green. My post yesterday about the Mars-Saturn conjunction got a lot of answers from different known astrologers, so I am glad, we "cleared" this issue.. Simply put, this conjunction is like "Full gas in neutral" push- pull. 
I added to my yesterday's post people from my database, who have this conjunction. Let's see what will have read in the news in the next weeks, since its effect is a lasting one. 
What makes it more dramatic for this year, not only they are conjunct, but also square the Nodes, at 22*.
The Queen has her natal Jupiter and Neptune at 22*; she will feel hard this Ma-Sat conjunction. The midpoint of her 4/8 house is at 22 Cancer too, all these points are now triggered. She will be 96 on April 21; she is passed her Uranus return (at age 84-85) and now she is under tr.Neptune 150* to natal Neptune... also tr.Sat. squares her natal Saturn. 
These are all hard aspects, also Uranus squares her Moon. I will not be surprised to hear about her in the news. 
Prince Charles: Sun at 22*Sco - gets a square from this Ma-Sat.conjunction; They are also conjunct his Part of fortune.. 
Bond 5 y:
Bond 10





Sad news: 
He is considered one of the greatest film stars in France and led an exciting life. But at the age of 86, Alain Delon longs for death. The actor wants to decide for himself how he dies.
His wife died of cancer
He himself had to watch how this was denied to his wife. Nathalie Delon died of pancreatic cancer in January 2021. She too had wanted to end her life beforehand, but was unable to take advantage of euthanasia due to the legal situation in France. Alain Delon never got over that.
In addition, his own health is increasingly affecting him. In 2019, he suffered multiple strokes and a cerebral hemorrhage. Since then, the 86-year-old is said to have been severely restricted physically."
Orban Viktor PM wins again in Hungary... I cannot help but wonder how genuine and true the outcome is? 
With a lot of help from Saturn ! 

Elon Musk buys 9.1% of TWTR: target 51-53.

April 3, 2022 Sunday

My long time reader, Vick asked me a question ( see comments below each article ) about Venus in♓, being in exaltation, will it bring a rally. This must be researched... Not all shared respond similarly to a position. He never forgets to add that he is from the desert in Arizona, so here is gift to you Vick: 
The picture is from a group I am in, on FB. But Vick, you should go out and send us your blooming in your desert !! You know how much I love flowers. 
Since 2013 I posted several times the Venus cycle: for the Dow & Nasdaq it gave 50/50%- so not reliable cycle; For the BTC & S&P Helio Venus cycle is the best cycle to trade. For TA35; Geo Venus is the best. 
It is now 9 am: TA35 will open in 45 min. under a ♉Moon; and Sun conjunct Chiron in ♈; trade range will be between 2017-38; for the week. 
I made a new calendar for GMT+00: adjust it to your time zone: to trade, use only the ones that happen during trading hours. 

I will send now updates today for all markets; so you can prepare your trades tomorrow. 
I read in many pages," careful about Mars -Saturn conjunction".. OK!!! Before spreading fears and anxiety, why not check, what happened, if happened at all anything under this conjunction in the past? I am sick and tired of all those shallow posts everywhere on the net. 
On the personal level each should check, if they have any aspect between natal Mars-Saturn , only then, this conjunction will be affective.
People with Mars-Saturn conjunction in their natal chart:
Nostradamus, Helena Blavatsky, N.R.A> national Rifle ass.; United nations organization Gaby Gazit (local news); Mati Caspi (local singer) Sebastian Piniera, Mansur Abbas (local politician) Itamar Ben Gvir, and Ayelet Shaked (local pol). Duterte Sara,, Brad Pete's twins, etc.
On the mundane level - most basics is : Mars=war./Saturn = gov; so which country has been triggered ? That's another research.
I did my homework so here are the countries that have a hard aspect between Mars-Saturn: 
Thailand, Haiti, Cyprus, Catalunya, Afghanistan. 
To say, ( by a very well known astrologer) that it will affect the BTC??!! how can that be possible, when we must have at least 3 Saturn cycles to check that !!!???
22.06.1980 0:00 (GMT) - 26.06.1980 0:00 (GMT)
5.07.1982 0:00 (GMT) - 9.07.1982 0:00 (GMT)
13.02.1984 0:00 (GMT) - 17.02.1984 0:00 (GMT)
16.02.1986 0:00 (GMT) - 19.02.1986 0:00 (GMT)
22.02.1988 0:00 (GMT) - 25.02.1988 0:00 (GMT)
28.02.1990 0:00 (GMT) - 2.03.1990 0:00 (GMT)
6.03.1992 0:00 (GMT) - 8.03.1992 0:00 (GMT)
13.03.1994 0:00 (GMT) - 15.03.1994 0:00 (GMT)
21.03.1996 0:00 (GMT) - 23.03.1996 0:00 (GMT)
1.04.1998 0:00 (GMT) - 3.04.1998 0:00 (GMT)
15.04.2000 0:00 (GMT) - 17.04.2000 0:00 (GMT)
3.05.2002 0:00 (GMT) - 6.05.2002 0:00 (GMT)
24.05.2004 0:00 (GMT) - 27.05.2004 0:00 (GMT)
17.06.2006 0:00 (GMT) - 20.06.2006 0:00 (GMT)
9.07.2008 0:00 (GMT) - 12.07.2008 0:00 (GMT)
30.07.2010 0:00 (GMT) - 2.08.2010 0:00 (GMT)
14.08.2012 0:00 (GMT) - 17.08.2012 0:00 (GMT)
25.08.2014 0:00 (GMT) - 27.08.2014 0:00 (GMT)
23.08.2016 0:00 (GMT) - 26.08.2016 0:00 (GMT)
1.04.2018 0:00 (GMT) - 4.04.2018 0:00 (GMT)
31.03.2020 0:00 (GMT) - 2.04.2020 0:00 (GMT)
4.04.2022 0:00 (GMT) - 6.04.2022 0:00 (GMT)
10.04.2024 0:00 (GMT) - 12.04.2024 0:00 (GMT)
19.04.2026 0:00 (GMT) - 21.04.2026 0:00 (GMT)
30.04.2028 0:00 (GMT) - 2.05.2028 0:00 (GMT)
15.05.2030 0:00 (GMT) - 18.05.2030 0:00 (GMT)
3.06.2032 0:00 (GMT) - 5.06.2032 0:00 (GMT)
26.06.2034 0:00 (GMT) - 28.06.2034 0:00 (GMT)
19.07.2036 0:00 (GMT) - 22.07.2036 0:00 (GMT)
11.08.2038 0:00 (GMT) - 14.08.2038 0:00 (GMT)
30.08.2040 0:00 (GMT) - 1.09.2040 0:00 (GMT)

DO your research, before frightening people. !!
Some statistics that I posted on my telegram group: it i sonly statistics, so don't rely on it too much . Planetary positions that we have in these years are not a match to the past! 
G, [4/2/2022 9:11 AM]
Nasdaq statistics for Monday :
Day of YEAR: Apr,4  54.3% DOWN    (16 UP/ 19  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 4  55.7% UP    (219 UP/ 174  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: MO    50.3% UP    (1229 UP/ 1215  DOWN)

G, [4/2/2022 9:11 AM]
Day of YEAR: Apr,5  68.6% UP    (24 UP/ 11  DOWN) outcome - fell
Day of MONTH: 5  59.8% UP    (250 UP/ 168  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TU    50.2% UP    (1324 UP/ 1313  DOWN)

G, [4/2/2022 9:11 AM]
Day of YEAR: Apr,6  60.0% UP    (21 UP/ 14  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 6  57.8% UP    (247 UP/ 180  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: WD    58.4% UP    (1542 UP/ 1100  DOWN)

G, [4/2/2022 9:12 AM]
Day of YEAR: Apr,7  55.6% DOWN    (16 UP/ 20  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 7  50.8% UP    (219 UP/ 212  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TH    58.0% UP    (1503 UP/ 1089  DOWN)

G, [4/2/2022 9:12 AM]
Day of YEAR: Apr,8  62.9% UP    (22 UP/ 13  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 8  55.5% UP    (243 UP/ 195  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: FR    58.1% UP    (1498 UP/ 1079  DOWN)

G, [4/2/2022 9:33 AM]
Note, that on March 8 the Moon was conjunct Algol and we got a low; next time: April 4, 26.

G, [4/2/2022 9:41 AM]
Nifty statistics : 
Day of YEAR: Apr,4  53.3% DOWN    (7 UP/ 8  DOWN) Made a top
Day of MONTH: 4  54.3% UP    (102 UP/ 86  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: MO    53.0% UP    (589 UP/ 523  DOWN)

G, [4/2/2022 9:41 AM]
Day of YEAR: Apr,5  57.1% UP    (8 UP/ 6  DOWN)= Lower high
Day of MONTH: 5  52.4% UP    (97 UP/ 88  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TU    51.4% UP    (571 UP/ 540  DOWN)

G, [4/2/2022 9:42 AM]
Day of YEAR: Apr,6  53.8% DOWN    (6 UP/ 7  DOWN)= Fell with a gap
Day of MONTH: 6  52.2% UP    (95 UP/ 87  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: WD    49.6% UP    (552 UP/ 562  DOWN)

G, [4/2/2022 9:42 AM]
Day of YEAR: Apr,7  69.2% DOWN    (4 UP/ 9  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 7  55.1% DOWN    (83 UP/ 102  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TH    48.0% DOWN    (579 UP/ 534  DOWN)

G, [4/2/2022 9:42 AM]
Day of YEAR: Apr,8  53.3% DOWN    (7 UP/ 8  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 8  (93 UP/ 93  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: FR    (563 UP/ 535  DOWN)

G, [4/2/2022 9:42 AM]
Day of YEAR: Apr,9  66.7% UP    (10 UP/ 5  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 9  54.1% UP    (99 UP/ 84  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: SA    55.6% UP    (10 UP/ 8  DOWN)

BTC: statistics: 
Day of YEAR: Apr,3  57.1% UP    (4 UP/ 3  DOWN)= lower high than 3/28
Day of MONTH: 3  55.6% UP    (50 UP/ 40  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: SU    51.2% UP    (200 UP/ 191  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,4  57.1% DOWN    (3 UP/ 4  DOWN)= DOWN
Day of MONTH: 4  53.4% UP    (47 UP/ 41  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: MO    55.1% UP    (216 UP/ 176  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,5  57.1% UP    (4 UP/ 3  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 5  60.9% UP    (53 UP/ 34  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TU    53.7% UP    (210 UP/ 181  DOWN

Day of YEAR: Apr,6  57.1% DOWN    (3 UP/ 4  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 6  64.0% UP    (57 UP/ 32  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: WD    52.3% UP    (205 UP/ 187  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,7  71.4% DOWN    (2 UP/ 5  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 7  57.3% UP    (51 UP/ 38  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TH    51.9% UP    (204 UP/ 189  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,8  71.4% UP    (5 UP/ 2  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 8  57.3% UP    (51 UP/ 38  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: FR    57.0% UP    (223 UP/ 168  DOWN)

Day of YEAR: Apr,9  85.7% DOWN    (1 UP/ 6  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 9  51.1% DOWN    (43 UP/ 45  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: SA    43.1% DOWN    (214 UP/ 162  DOWN)
So this is only a curiosity, will it be on the up side or on the down, this year? 


  1. Good Morning G
    vick from Desert ; finally winter cold is getting over here in desert, it was a long winter though
    you writing in your new article is that Venus is exalted that means stock market should rocket up now when venus is exalted, am i right in my thinking? or
    still there is some correction in markets left over
    as always your opinion counts more than what my thinking is
    with many many thanks,

  2. remember CVM? some activity after many months of being naked shorted. The entire float was short.


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