New Moon in Pisces, 2022 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology by Gabriella Mittelman

  Between March 2, 2022 - April 1, 2022

                                                                                                      You can read about me here

The New Moon in Pisces starts with the Part of Fortune conjunct the Ascendant. We have 5 planets in Pisces. We still have the trio: Venus+ Mars+ Pluto, Vesta; Mars/ Plu MP conjunct in Cap;
During this lunar month, the Sun moves from 12 Pisces to 11.30 Aries; Mercury moves from 19 Aqua to 9 Aries; Venus moves 27 Cap - 25♒ ;  Mars moves from 27♑to 19 ♒; Jupiter in Pisces moves 7 degrees; Saturn will be at the 22 killer degree on the next new moon; the others don't move. 

Market wise, the markets bottomed on Feb 23-24; Fibonacci count starts from there; taking in consideration former tops as well. 
Degrees to remember are the eclipse degrees, I wrote about in the former article.

Important days to watch: Geocentric: 
Tropical, Ecliptical, Geocentric, 
Actual aspects
Begin: 3.03.2022  Period: 1 month  (GMT+2)
                               Aspect Exact- no Moon 

Mars           0 Pluto          3.03.2022 10:43
Sun           45 Pluto          3.03.2022 12:58
Sun           45 Mars           3.03.2022 19:14
Venus          0 Pluto          3.03.2022 19:56
Sun            0 Jupiter        5.03.2022 16:06
Mercury       60 Eris           6.03.2022  4:14
Venus          0 Mars           6.03.2022  9:13
Pluto          0 Vesta          6.03.2022 12:57
Mercury       90 Node           6.03.2022 19:15
Mercury       90 S.Node         6.03.2022 19:15
Sun            0 Neptune       13.03.2022 13:43 at 22* !!!
Mars          45 Neptune       17.03.2022  1:04
Mercury       60 Uranus        17.03.2022 14:13
S.Node       150 Eris          17.03.2022 19:28
Sun           45 Uranus        17.03.2022 22:13
Mercury       45 Pluto         18.03.2022  3:47
Venus         60 Chiron        18.03.2022 18:24
Sun           60 Pluto         18.03.2022 21:37
Venus         90 Uranus        19.03.2022 13:16
Mercury        0 Jupiter       21.03.2022  8:06
Mars          60 Chiron        21.03.2022 23:00
Mercury       45 Vesta         22.03.2022  6:09
Mars          90 Uranus        22.03.2022 22:44
Mercury      P   Jupiter       22.03.2022 23:27
Mercury        0 Neptune       23.03.2022 19:44 at 22* !! 
Mercury      120 S.Node        24.03.2022  1:08
Mercury       60 Node          24.03.2022  1:08
Mercury       45 Uranus        26.03.2022  3:25
Mercury       60 Pluto         26.03.2022 12:35
Sun           45 Saturn        27.03.2022  9:11
Mercury enters Aries       27.032022 11:00
Mercury       45 Mars          28.03.2022  2:05
Neptune       45 Vesta         28.03.2022 21:27
Venus          0 Saturn        28.03.2022 21:27
Neptune      120 S.Node        29.03.2022  4:14
Neptune       60 Node          29.03.2022  4:14
Sun           45 Node          29.03.2022  6:09
Sun           60 Vesta         29.03.2022 13:26
Requiem      120 Eris          30.03.2022  6:04
Venus         90 S.Node        30.03.2022  9:36
Venus         90 Node          30.03.2022  9:36
Mercury       45 Saturn        30.03.2022 22:51
Venus         60 Eris          31.03.2022  5:37
Mercury       45 Node          31.03.2022 13:40
Saturn at 22* !!!!!!!!!!        1.04
Mercury       60 Vesta          1.04.2022 12:30
Mercury       45 Venus          1.04.2022 23:48
Sun            0 Chiron         2.04.2022  4:57
Mercury        0 Chiron         2.04.2022 15:42
Sun            0 Mercury        3.04.2022  1:11
Jupiter at 22* !!!!               4.04 !!

Calendar for March 2022
Former articles in Pisces New Moon: 
It is important to read the former articles! to know what happened in the past under these New Moons in Pisces.
My services are: *Daily alerts for 30$ per day, for anything you can think of... So, for example, to receive for 5 trading days alerts every day, for the Gold and S&P, that would cost $300 + 5% (including PayPal fees 5%).=$315
*To sign up to my mailing list on world indices alerts, also commodities and Cryptos, $120/ month+ 5% PayPal fees.($126). You will receive alerts 1-2 times a week with stops and targets.

                            *Natal chart reading: $430, ( + 5% PP )
                         *The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $300/ month; ( + 5% PP= $315). 
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you my bank details for bank transfer or PayPal. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
Here is a link to my You Tube channel: GMAMA 
You might want to click "interesting, cool" at the bottom of the article and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind. And don't forget to click "Like" at the bottom of the article!! 
Here is a link to my Telegram group! Join the discussion, and the trades there! 
April 2, 2022 Saturday

I started a New article: New Moon in Aries, 2022

April 1, 2022 Friday 
Sometimes I am looking at the statistics, that TS can produce. Let's see how it turned out? 
Day of YEAR: Mar,28  57.6% DOWN    (14 UP/ 19  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 28  57.5% UP    (241 UP/ 178  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: MO    50.3% UP    (1228 UP/ 1215  DOWN)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= yes it was an up day- 
Day of YEAR: Mar,29  61.8% UP    (21 UP/ 13  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 29  55.3% UP    (220 UP/ 178  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TU    50.2% UP    (1323 UP/ 1313  DOWN)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= yes an up day, we got a top at 14647
Day of YEAR: Mar,30  55.6% UP    (20 UP/ 16  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 30  55.9% UP    (219 UP/ 173  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: WD    58.4% UP    (1542 UP/ 1099  DOWN)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= no, it was a DOWN day 
Day of YEAR: Mar,31  65.7% UP    (23 UP/ 12  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 31  61.5% UP    (152 UP/ 95  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TH    58.0% UP    (1503 UP/ 1088  DOWN)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Negative day
Day of YEAR: Apr,1  66.7% UP    (22 UP/ 11  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 1  59.8% UP    (234 UP/ 157  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: FR    58.1% UP    (1498 UP/ 1079  DOWN)
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++= outcome: fell by 250 points !!
Statistics for March : 

But, it you traded by this, you would have lost 10% till the 13th; when it bottomed, and started to go up and hardly reached Feb 10th top! on the 29th. 
The month of April usually brings a strong rally; but previously there was no war and increasing inflation!! 
I showed you how not to rely on statistics only. .. 
Another search or statistics shows that the Nasdaq went up when the Sun was between Aries 16-Tau.7 deg. (April 6 - 28 ) but again, there are thousands of other positions to consider. 
Today we have the New Moon in Aries, I will start a new article later. It is now 8:15 am Asia is mostly green : 
Moon : GMT+3
1.04.2022  5:34:21  9°24'52"Ari Conjunction Mercury
1.04.2022  9:24:17 11°30'32"Ari Conjunction Sun
The BTC: is correcting the rise between 3/13-28; 
Interesting, how people fluctuate when searching my blog : 
Today is a new moon, major important, however, till 11:40 am Gmt + 3, 37 people wanted to read it. 

March 31, 2022 Thursday
I didn't realize what time it is, was busy answering questions and went to my Pilates lesson. So let's see: Today we are under the energies of Jupiter ( 21♓) and Uranus ( 12.51♉.) There is no aspect between them, so we must look further and search for the needle in a haystack to find what moves the markets. The Moon!!! is at 29 ♓= on the worst fixed star in this sign; Scheat. But soon, under the New Moon, she enters Aries, where she brings new energies.
Moon aspects GMT+3
31.03.2022  0:54:27 23°31'39"Psc Conjunction Neptune
31.03.2022  9:36:33 28°23'23"Psc Sextile Pluto
31.03.2022 12:30:14  0°00'00"Ari <<<
Fundamental world events: GMT+3
15:30  USDContinuing Jobless Claims 1,350K1,350K
15:30  USDCore PCE Price Index (YoY) (Feb) 5.5%5.2%
15:30  USDCore PCE Price Index (MoM) (Feb) 0.4%0.5%
15:30  USDInitial Jobless Claims 197K187K
15:30  USDJobless Claims 4-Week Avg.  211.75K
15:30  USDPCE Price index (YoY) (Feb)  6.1
15:30  USDPCE price index (MoM) (Feb)  0.6%
15:30  USDPersonal Income (MoM) (Feb) 0.5%0.0%
15:30  USDPersonal Spending (MoM) (Feb) 0.5%2.1%
15:30  USDReal Personal Consumption (MoM) (Feb)  1.5%
15:30  CADGDP (YoY)  3.26%
15:30  CADGDP (MoM) (Jan) 0.2%0.0%
15:30  BRLNet Debt-to-GDP ratio (Feb)  56.6%
15:30  BRLBudget Balance (Feb)  84.100B
15:30  BRLBudget Surplus (Feb) -9.635B101.800B
15:30  BRLGross Debt-to-GDP ratio (MoM) (Feb)  79.6%
16:00  USDFOMC Member Williams Speaks     
16:00  RUBCentral Bank reserves (USD)  643.2B
16:45  USDChicago PMI (Mar) 57.056.3
Look at the jobless claims, previous was 187K, forecast is 197K, so this will move the US markets; before the opening. 
Can we learn anything from the Nifty? They always "know" better.. 
My last alert was : 3/27 same here, target 2/10 top; 
closed at 17153; stop = 17150 
should stay above this level, 
failing, will fall back to 3/8 low. "
Now it is at 17491; as a rule, we always raise stops by 30-30 etc points, so stop is now at 17480.
Let's see the GOLD: 
3/24 : stop was 1920;now at 1943;  move stop to 1942. tgt - 48-52-59-62-72"
Reached almost all, reached 1962; reversed, so we went short below; fall to 1889; stop is now at 1942.
EUR/USD: Stop is still 1.108. (Now at 1.1102 ).
CRUDE OIL stop = 101.2
News about Bruce Willis: steps away from acting due to health reasons. 
His chart just shows it: Progressed: Uranus has been in opposition his SUn in the last 2 years, I think it started then: 

Speech is ruled be Mercury, and his is in the mute sign of Pisces. - It was karma to be born with it. 
Transits: Tr.Mars is at his Merc/Chiron MP. 

March 30, 2022 Wednesday
Since Mercury entered Aries 2 days ago, we had 2 violent and deadly terror attacks. Mercury will stay in Aries till the 12th... so probably more to come. 
Sad sad; 
Today the Moon is in ♓ ( sign of the victim or the martyr) ; the trade range for TA is 2030-38; but I am really not in the mood for more now. 

March 29, 2022 Tuesday
We have the Moon in Pisces now. For the last 2 days, when in Aqua; we got a rally in the USA markets. Our market is hopeless... Opens high, then consolidates all day till US opens, that leaves 1 hour to trade. 
At 8 pm terrorist attack not far from my home, 5 killed randomly on the street, including the policeman who came to stop the shooting.
Another Israeli was found dead on Herzl street, perpendicular to HaShnaim Street. Yaakov Shalom, a Bnei Brak resident and father of five, and rabbi Avishai Yehezkeli, a yeshiva teacher and father of two, were identified as two of the five Israelis killed in the attack.
The shooter was later shot dead by a police officer who arrived at the scene on a motorcycle. The officer, 32-year-old Arab Christian Amir Khouri, was evacuated to Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Campus in critical condition and died from his wounds soon after, making him the fifth victim.
The shooter was identified as Dia Hamarsha, 27, from the village of Ya'bad in the northern West Bank near Jenin. He was jailed for six months in 2015 for dealing in illegal firearms and affiliation with a terrorist group, and had worked illegally at a Bnei Brak construction site.
Another person was arrested at the scene and investigated on suspicion of assisting the shooter, and a third person was arrested later on Tuesday night further east on Jabotinsky Street."
I am still searching for the birth data of the hero policeman, who killed the attacker. 
Natal chart of the policeman, who got shot in the head, and died later: Has a very difficult chart: a stellium in Leo, and in Capricorn; in a disharmonious aspect to one another; both are triggered by Tr. Uranus, ( surprise event) exactly at the age he is now: 32.57 ; 
Amir Huri: R.i.P. : Bullitt in the head: tr, Uranus 90^ Mars

March 28, 2022 Monday 
Before I write about today and the spectacular rise of the BTC yesterday, I must write about Mercury entering Aries, at 11 am yesterday, the bloody killing that occurred at night by two Palestinians, who shot randomly people in the streets of Hedera. They were killed by soldiers who were by chance in a nearby restaurant. May the dead rest in peace. 
About the BTC: after 3-4 days of consolidation, is just ran above the stop, and made new highs; I sent new alerts to subscribers. All my graphs show a deep correction, so I am still waiting for that. 
There are people who expect the BTC to reach 200K; but didn't mention in which year.
Here are some messages I posted in my Telegram group : 
 G, [3/28/2022 8:42 AM]
Mercury in Aries fooled us, and pushed the BTC out of its 3 days consolidation to a new high.

G, [3/28/2022 8:47 AM]
Stop is now 47158; I am still waiting for a long down correction.

G, [3/28/2022 9:34 AM]
NQc1 - Nasdaq 100 future stop is now = 14692; long if above.

G, [3/28/2022 9:36 AM]
TS statistics for the Nasdaq for the last 25 years: Day of YEAR: Mar,28  57.6% DOWN    (14 UP/ 19  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 28  57.5% UP    (241 UP/ 178  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: MO    50.3% UP    (1228 UP/ 1214  DOWN)

G, [3/28/2022 2:01 PM]
S&p: TS statistics : Day of YEAR: Mar,28  50.9% DOWN    (26 UP/ 27  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 28  55.2% UP    (370 UP/ 300  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: MO    49.7% UP    (1950 UP/ 1975  DOWN)

G, [3/28/2022 2:01 PM]
Day of YEAR: Mar,29  55.6% UP    (30 UP/ 24  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 29  53.3% UP    (340 UP/ 298  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TU    51.8% UP    (2143 UP/ 1991  DOWN)

G, [3/28/2022 2:01 PM]
Day of YEAR: Mar,30  60.0% DOWN    (22 UP/ 33  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 30  53.1% UP    (319 UP/ 282  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: WD    55.7% UP    (2312 UP/ 1842  DOWN)

G, [3/28/2022 2:02 PM]
Day of YEAR: Mar,31  61.1% DOWN    (21 UP/ 33  DOWN)
Day of MONTH: 31  57.5% UP    (225 UP/ 166  DOWN)
Day of WEEK: TH    53.9% UP    (2201 UP/ 1884  DOWN)

G, [3/28/2022 2:09 PM]
April for the S&P was 50 times up and 31 times down ; since 1941. - how will this help you in your trade? beats me.. Just stick to the alerts I am sending you.. 

March 26, 2022 Saturday
Yesterday I sent alerts for Europe, the target for Italy was exact; now raise stops to the given targets, of by 30-30 etc. points.
For TA35, that will open with a positive arbitrage, I think we will see 2046-68 tomorrow, with the Moon in ♒, but there is also a switch, because Mercury enters Aries, where it can mix up everything. Its affect will be felt on 3/29 onwards, also when the Moon will be in Pisces and Venus-Saturn at an exact conjunction.  
Aspects for the next 3 days : 3/28: 

Actual aspects
Begin: 28.03.2022  Period: 3 days 
Moon           0 Mars          28.03.2022  7:08
Moon          45 Mercury       28.03.2022  7:38
Moon           0 Venus         28.03.2022 15:48
Moon           0 Saturn        28.03.2022 16:11
Sun           45 Moon          28.03.2022 18:20
Moon          60 Eris          28.03.2022 20:24
Venus          0 Saturn        28.03.2022 21:27
Neptune       45 Vesta         28.03.2022 21:27
Moon         P^  Uranus        29.03.2022 10:51
Moon         P   Saturn        29.03.2022 11:43
Sun           60 Vesta         29.03.2022 13:27
Moon         P   Venus         29.03.2022 21:41
Sun          P^  Neptune       29.03.2022 22:31
Moon          45 Eris          29.03.2022 22:32
Moon          60 Uranus        30.03.2022  4:54
Moon          45 Pluto         30.03.2022  5:55
Mercury      P^  Eris          30.03.2022 12:23
Moon         P^  Sedna         30.03.2022 17:14
Moon           0 Jupiter       30.03.2022 19:24
Mercury       45 Saturn        30.03.2022 22:51
Moon           0 Neptune       30.03.2022 23:54
Moon         P^  Chiron        30.03.2022 23:57
Some thoughts about statistics: In TS there is a feature called Q-Box: running it , with Min 70% possibility, looking for the strongest cycles;

the first to pop up is the Venus cycle; is says the index goes down between Venus at 18.47 Aqua to 23.21 Aqua; that is between 26.3-30.March 2022- OK, now I ran the Venus in Aqua. Cycle; it shows a rally from March 6 to 25; If I would traded this, I would be in a huge loss  
SO, I don't trade statistics... better use the stops I give you in the alerts. 
maybe for other stuff this works... not for TA35

March 25, 2022 Friday
We switched to summer daylight saving time; so we are now in GMT+3;
US markets made new highs yesterday, leading groups were 
Today we are under the energies of Venus and Neptune; Venus is approaching Saturn, they are 3 degrees apart, so it is almost an exact conjunction. The strongest planet is Saturn today; Saturn is restriction, rules the 10th house of gov; The Moon moved into Cap and is squaring the Sun; so based on all that, I sent alerts for Europe. 
Important announcement today is the pending home sales: forecast is 1%; if it is higher, market goes up, Lumber goes up, unemployment goes down. 
Best US sectors in a month: 
Best Cannabis shares: 

March 24, 2022 Thursday
It is rather difficult to trade these days.. One day up second down.. If you went long on 3/15; then you are still long. 

The statistics show for today a negative day, but the aspects we have now in the sky are pushing up, so... I will send update the alerts, better sell and buy again, then loose what you gained since the 8th or the 15th. 
Soon, the name of Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin (left), an adviser to Vladimir Putin, could be heard more often.
Should the war in Ukraine* spread beyond the borders to Moldova, Finland or even Sweden, Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin could become of greater importance, as reported by the History News Network from the USA*.
The former philosophy professor at Moscow State University is an advisor to high-ranking members of Vladimir Putin's United Russia* party.
Understanding Putin's motivations, current actions and future plans depends on a thorough understanding of the dangerous ideas put forward by an ideologue like Dugin, the History News Network has reported.
Dugin is guided by the principle that "the nation is everything, the individual is nothing" in the Eurasian order.
Born in Moscow in 1962, Dugin :Solar chart with Sec.Progression, and transits: He was born on a Sunday, day of the dictators; has a huge stellium in Capricorn, and now, tr.Uranus is in opposition natal Neptune(ideals) thus the crazy revolutionary ideas to bring back the big motherland of Russia.  

Russia territory since 1300- 1945:

Something small and happy: William Assange got married yesterday

Directed Moon 60^ to natal Venus 
By now you should know my sympathy for South Korea.. Now I read that 10 Million people were affected by the Covid 19. Population is 51 Million.. if 10 million is true, that is a disaster. 
It must be "global warming"... to have snow in the middle of March - actually today, not far from Tel Aviv 

Today, on the Golan heights, never so cold in the last 100 years. 
Polina Kovalieva: Lavrov's step-daughter, living in London, got all her assets confiscated by the UK; see tr. Saturn (gov) in aspect to Venus(Assets) 
Albright Madeline: dies under an Uranus return, a common time of parting.

March 23, 2022 Wednesday 
Yesterday's aspects brought a sharp rise after 4 pm, in the local market, after a whole day consolidation. My target given in the morning was 2022; reached. 
Today we have the Moon in Sag; usually Wednesdays are more down than up; we have a minor positive arbitrage, so 2022 is stop; if it falls below, 2011-2008 are supports. today we are under the influence of Mercury; which is conjunct Neptune at 22 degrees; this conjunction adds to the negativity of the day. 
Local market is so boring, I went to the gym... Now let's see some shares/ currencies with last and present stops : 
5Y Bond: 
10 y Bond:


USD/INR: Rupee
eur/usd" STOP NOW = 1.1015 

oil: monthly

Something personal : the first Korean serial that I watched. was the Squid Game. (not everyone can watch it) I think, in the last 4-5 months I saw dozens of South Korean serials.  One is better than the other... They move me in a very strange and peculiar way. All these serials are about love; I learned and read so much about S.Korean attitudes, way of behavior, way  of life; customs, food, drinks, marriage statues, suicide rate, child birth rate... a lot. :lately I watched " Goblin"- whoever wrote that script, must know one thing or more about astrology. It moves in a Saturn cycle... Then I watched "Coffee Prince" and I couldn't help smiling during all episodes. It just made me feel good. These serials just awoke in me long forgotten feelings and desires. But well, I am a romantic person, living in the world of numbers.... LOL, what a disharmony! I checked my chart, and many planets run though Bhushan, so probably in a past life I was there.

March 22, 2022 Tuesday
Today we are under the energies of Mars and Uranus; they are in square in the sky; this is a very powerful aspect, happens twice a year; previously it happened between 9-12/1/2022. Check your shares or what ever you trade, see what happened during those day. But nothing is similar in the sky, today we must add the Moon at 22♏ 120^ to Neptune; also Mercury+Jupiter conjunction in Pisces; these aspects brought a rise in the past, TS shows; so let's see how are Asia and Europe doing?
322- is a number of the "Skull Bones" as my friend mentioned in the comments below; 
Asia now: 9 am ; look at the volume! 
Europe just started to trade, and the USA futures are slightly red. In the Crypto world, EOS rallies, my alert was sent on 3/19: " 
3/19 Mar 7-14 double bottom, at 1.88- Stop was 2, Now at 2.14; it is trying to go up, 2 is still the stop; it is weak, I would stay out. " I am adding now, that it should go above 3.30 to be interesting.. 
OK, market soon will start; the Moon' s aspects for today: for intraday trades only: 
22.03.2022  9:25:34 23°12'25"Sco Trine Neptune
22.03.2022 18:00:32 28°15'08"Sco Sextile Pluto
22.03.2022 20:58:49  0°00'00"Sgr <<<
23.03.2022  0:52:06  2°17'18"Sgr Trine Sun
March 21, 2022 Monday Spring equinox

We greet with a lot of hope the astrological beginning of the year, today, when the Sun is at 0 Aries. But, also with some fear, since Aries is the sign ruled by Mars, the warrior. 
The Moon is in fall, in ♏, and approaching the Sun, therefore fading in light. ZET tells up, that today is a "bad day"(because of the Moon). As you can see in the list above, Mercury is conjunct Jupiter, in ♓; it is good for Jupiter, bad for Mercury; Venus - Mars are still in ♒; 3 degrees apart; both in sextile Chiron in Aries. 
The Moon's aspects "GMT+3
20.03.2022 18:44:25  0°00'00"Sco <<<
21.03.2022 14:16:25 11°23'30"Sco Square Mars
21.03.2022 15:57:36 12°22'42"Sco Opposition Uranus
21.03.2022 19:33:24 14°29'02"Sco Square Venus
Fed speeches today, Madame Lagarde, and Powell, later, no trade in Japan and South Africa, due to holidays. I sent alerts for Asia on Saturday, now you must be gaining.. yes, I checked my alerts, and all were good.
9:56 am alerts for USA and comm. sent. 
Good luck. 
Ramzan Kadyrov is the blood thirst Chechen leader, who is Putin's puppet, and is fighting against Ukraine. He has a strong stellium in Libra, just like Putin and Netanyahu. He is 45 years old, so age wise at 30* Taurus. in less then a year, his age point will conjunct Jupiter, which, in the Solar chart rules his 6th house of health. 

BA:: Boeing 131 people died in a crash today in south China... the share will drop heavily ! If you kept the stop at 201- you will gain in shorts.
Brazil index: IBX50:   Brazil for my readers from Brazil : as long as it trades above 19514- we are long, below it, short.

March 20, 2022 Sunday
There isn't much to add market wise, to my former posts, just an event we are having now in Israel: once upon a time the Rabbi Kanievsky was born in Poland; on January 8, 1928. on a Sunday (day of the dictators) ; He was born  under a Solar eclipse at 1 Cap; with a Jupiter+ Uranus conjunction in Aries, a Sun+ Mercury conjunction in Cap~ that shows a very powerful personality; and Mars+ Saturn+ N.Node+ Venus in Sag ( that shows a very religious person, probably with a religious former life). Also with Neptune at 28.49 Leo; - His family immigrated to Israel in 1934( in those time called Palestine); He died on March 18, 2022; at the age 94.19; when Secondary Progressed Moon is conjunct his Solar Eclipse point. Why am I bringing this up now ? Because, the center area, of Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Bnei Brak  is closed for the funeral; everything is closed. Schools, kindergartens, busses, transportation, to let one million !!!!!!!!! people attend the funeral; and another 4 million to suffer.~ not being able to go to work, send children to schools, etc. etc. This is the madness we have today. I am sure people will die, pushing forward to get close to his body... (In Israel there is no coffin).

The above is a Solar chart, however, I think he must have had a Leo Moon; being a top leader in the religious world. 
Another interesting and place to worry about now is an escalating quarrel between Spain- Algiria.
Here is the text of the Algerian government’s press release: “Very surprised by the declarations of the highest Spanish authorities relating to the Western Sahara file, the Algerian authorities, surprised by this sudden reversal of position of the former administering power of Western Sahara, have decided to recall their ambassador to Madrid for consultations with immediate effect,” the statement said." 
No need to add, that it is about oil and gas. 
Today we have the Sun at the worst fixed star, Scheat at 29♓;
I worked on the following data quite long: here are the countries in danger with their independence dates, as it is quoted in Nick Champion's book. 
I am sure one day we will have to use these dates to see what will happen to these countries.
October 2022: Pluto is still there, actually Pluto leaves Ukraine only in the end of April 2029

March 19, 2022 Saturday 
Aspects for the next 3 days:

Moon         120 Chaos         20.03.2022 13:24
Moon          90 Pluto         20.03.2022 14:40
Sun enters Aries - Spring solstice - 20:03:2022 17:39- major move in the markets. 
Moon          90 Mars          21.03.2022 13:16
Moon         180 Uranus        21.03.2022 14:58
Moon         P   Venus         21.03.2022 15:23
Moon         P^  Uranus        21.03.2022 17:39
Moon         P   Saturn        21.03.2022 18:21
Moon          90 Venus         21.03.2022 18:33
Moon         120 Neptune       22.03.2022  9:26
Moon          60 Pluto         22.03.2022 18:01
Mars          90 Uranus        22.03.2022 22:44
Since the 15th of March we got a crazy rally; first it was backed by the Moon in Leo, next, by other aspects, and some hope from the fundamental world; however, even if March 2nd top was reached, there are still former tops to go over, and now we are watching 2/10; 
the first country that starts trading in Australia, so on Monday, the Moon will be in Scorpio; Merc0^ Jupiter, Venus 90 Uranus, and Pluto 60^ the South Node. 
I will send alerts for Asia and the Far east now. For the cryptos already sent. 

March 18, 2022 Friday
I read this news on my friend's page on FB; I find it peculiar, let's see how will this info develop ? 
She goes on and writes:
Note: Swan Lake symbolism:
About the significance of “Swan Lake” in Russian political history:
Soviet state TV aired the ballet on a loop after the death of Premier Leonid Brezhnev while a new party leader was being selected.
It did the same following the deaths of Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko.

Then, in 1991, Soviet TV aired the ballet during the attempt to overthrow President Mikhail Gorbachev ― a failed coup that helped precipitate the collapse of the Soviet Union."
Let's see what is happening today? First of all , we are under the Full Moon; at 27 Pisces/Virgo axis. For Israel it is in the 5th house of gambling, but it is a Friday, we don't have trade. But we do have on Sunday; when the Moon will be in Libra. For the world, that does trade today, except for INDIA, they have a holiday; I would watch that trine between Moon-Pluto! The good news is, that Neptune moved on, from the 22 to 23 degree! With the slow moving planets everything is a major move! so 22 is the killer degree, and now it went to an Aquarius degree. SO, maybe good news on the way.
In the astrocarthography chart Neptune line is crossing India- Varanassi, and Mexico City.
Neptune is always connected to earthquakes, especially when the Nodes are triggered; and now there is a Neptune 60^ NN; in the sky. We can add to that the Full Moon.
Check this out! Japan is known as a land of Earthquakes... God knows how do they live with it. On March 16th, there was a 7.2 earthquake, west to Neptune's line 

Today except for Eris and Chiron, there are no planets in Fire element. This will affect a further rally.
It is now 8:52 am, Asia already trades; let's see how are they doing? except for Pakistan and the KLSE, most are green. No trade in India today. 
China is rocketing, after reaching my short tgt... see 3/14 post. You must also be gaining on the Hang Seng.. 
For Europe, I would use yesterday's close for a stop. 
Some observations about the Full Moon; GMT+2 ( Israel, Ukraine ) 
For Moscow is occurs in the house of the senate; which opens in Pisces, so it is ruled be Neptune, at 23♓. Neptune aspects the Nodes, and I already wrote, that is a trigger for earthquakes; but not only.. Neptune rules poison, gas, biological threat and now, also in the next coming days, when it aspects the Nodes, it can trigger disastrous effect in the war. I don't even want to say it out loud. Mars squaring Uranus makes it even worse. This square will be exact on March 22, 2022; adds up to 13/4 which is the card of death. We have many times a date that adds up to 13, but not under such a terrible aspect. ( Previous chemical attack occurred on April 7, 2018- by Syria; then Neptune was in sextile Mars). 
Previous chemical attack occurred when Mars was conjunct Neptune in Cap; 16 March 1988; against the Kurds, in Halabja north Kurdistan(Iraq). 
On April 7 Mars will be 30^ to Neptune. 
So, mark all these days in the calendar; let's see what happens, and pray that nothing. 
For Beijing China: the Full Moon falls in their 2/8th house axis of money; same for NY; 
For countries in GMT+2 the Full Moon falls in their 5/10th house; 
In any case, the Moon is 150^ to Pluto, so expect a correction. 

March 17, 2022 Thursday
Due to Purim holiday, we don't have trade today, so next time is Sunday, the 20th. 
On Sunday the Moon will be at 25♎; approaching the Sun, after the Full Moon. The Sun will be at 29 Pisces, conjunct its worse fixed star, Scheat; There will be a conjunction between Merc- Jupiter in Pisces, and Venus is still 3 degrees away only from Mars; 
Since the Moon entered Leo, the Nasdaq rose by 6%, and continued to rise, reached 3/6 level; now the target is March 3rd top, when the Moon was at 20 Pisces; on Sunday she will be 150^ to that position. 
For TA35, we will have to see how will the USA close on Friday, so it is still early to forecast; in any case, it should make a new low to fill a gap to 1928, in the next week. 
Markets are all green, jolly molly... as if there weren't thousands of people dyeing in Ukraine and Russia. 
In my e-mail sent to subscribers, I advised to raise stops by 30-30 etc. points as the indices go up; so for ex. the stop for the DAX now should be 14478. 
The BTC: is still below the 4th top! see yesterday's post. 
Gold: see my alert from 3/.9; we are short since 2066 ~ now at 1932; Move stop to 1928; 
So, I am going to watch my grand children, they have no school or kindergarten today; 
Good luck in your trades. 

March 16, 2022 Wednesday
The Moon did it again! we got a rally in the last 2 days in the markets. Now the Moon is already in Virgo, out of her VOC position. Today the ruler is Mars and Neptune, look out for a major correction! Tighten stops. 
SPX500 stop should be at 4297.55 
BTC: shows signs of weakness; made 4 lower highs, since 33 days..! 

March 15, 2022 Tuesday 
Yesterday the USA markets ran up but, at 11 am NY time, when there was a cyber attack on Israel by Iran, all markets fell back.
Sign up to the alerts, for just $70/month, to receive them!! 
The cyber attack went on for 75 minutes, on gov. sites, however no info was retrieved. 
The Dow made a higher low than 3/10 by 7 points, which is nothing... for the DOW. 
Today the Moon is VOC: meaning, trades will reverse after it ends. The Moon will move into Virgo, here are her aspects: 
15.03.2022 12:55:44 20°23'48"Leo Opposition Saturn- any announcements today ??? 
12:00  EURGerman ZEW Current Conditions (Mar) -22.5-8.1
12:00  EURGerman ZEW Economic Sentiment (Mar) 10.054.3
12:00  EURIndustrial Production (YoY) (Jan) -0.5%1.6%
12:00  EURIndustrial Production (MoM) (Jan) 0.1%1.2%
12:00  EURZEW Economic Sentiment (Mar) 10.348.6
12:30  EURGerman 2-Year Schatz Auction  -0.500%
13:00  USDOPEC Monthly Report  

and PPI in the USA under a VOC Moon. 
14:30  USDCore PPI (MoM) (Feb)0.2%0.6%1.0%
14:30  USDCore PPI (YoY) (Feb)8.4%8.7%8.5%
14:30  USDNY Empire State Manufacturing Index (Mar)-11.807.003.10
14:30  USDPPI (YoY) (Feb)10.0%10.0%10.0%
14:30  USDPPI (MoM) (Feb)0.8%0.9%1.2%

16.03.2022  6:58:32  0°00'00"Vir <<<
17.03.2022  4:07:54 11°28'40"Vir Opposition Mercury
17.03.2022  5:24:42 12°10'47"Vir Trine Uranus
17.03.2022 15:43:39 17°52'02"Vir Opposition Jupiter
18.03.2022  1:01:59 23°02'34"Vir Opposition Neptune
18.03.2022  9:17:27 27°40'11"Vir Opposition Sun
18.03.2022 10:10:59 28°10'17"Vir Trine Pluto
18.03.2022 13:25:46  0°00'00"Lib <<<
EUR/USD: We are long above 1.092
GOLD: We are short since 3/5- 1978; so if you followed the alerts, you should be gaining now. Price - 1934.
TA35: will open in 45 minutes with a negative arbitrage, so stop is 1902; Jan 25 low was 1885; falling below will slide another 30 points. 
UK FTSE: In spite of good Fed. announcements, the index is in short. See my alert on 3/12 

March 14, 2022 Monday

I need to mention Sedna, a planet so far out, that I don't look at it often, But now, I see more planets are "drawn" to it, and thus Sedna adds to their destructive trait. 
Sedna - She is the first body to bear the mythology of the arctic's Inuit culture. Orbital Period: 11,013.05 yr. It is now at 28 Taurus; 
Positive - a forgiving disposition, discernment, clarity of perception, 
recognition of free will and choice, responsible, conscious of consequence, far 
thinking, dharma-oriented, does the homework of life
Negative - victimization, abuse, being deceived, history of betrayal, 
bitterness, “gold digging” attitude in relationship, transfers blame to others, 
numbs out, goes unconscious
Mundane - blubber, products made from sea mammals, whaling, diving bells that 
go into the dark of the sea, emotional healing, forgiveness, sorrow, 
engagement, masks, flight of the birds
Ceremonial - cleansing in the sea, propitiation to the sea, sea creatures, use 
of sea creature talismans (walrus tusk carvings, scrimshaw), ceremony with 
masks of sea creatures, ceremonial masks in general
Sedna denotes creation through dissection, extreme evil. 
The first WW broke out with the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. "Archduke of Austria-Este, Austro-Hungarian and Royal Prince of Hungary and of Bohemia, who, from 1896 until his death, was heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne.
He married Sophie Chotek (born 1 March 1868) on 28 June 1900. They were assassinated together on their 14th wedding anniversary, about 11:00 AM MET, in Sarajevo, precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia. This caused the Central Powers (including Germany and Austria-Hungary) and Serbia's allies to declare war on each other, starting World War I."
By the way, Ferdinand natal chart shows the final fate, having Uranus at 22, the killer degree in the 7th house of known enemies. But that is a different story, what I want to outline here are the bad aspects we have now in the sky. 
Sedna was at 12 Aries20. - since then, it moved to 28.17 Taurus. So , as you can see it moves very very slow. 
However, we must not forget, that the last degrees of Taurus are full with bad fixed stars, and now, Pluto is in trine from 28 Cap; and Neptune is 150^ from 22 Pisces. Also the Sun will sextile Sedna in 5-6 days. 
Let's see how are the markets doing? It is now 8:37 am, Asia is already trading, mostly in red. We have in insignificant +0.05% arbitrage, so let's see what rules today? They are the Moon and Mercury. The Moon is in Leo, soo we will have the full Moon; She is in opposition Mars and Venus; Mercury is 90^ to Ceres, so again check out the grains. But the most important aspect even if for one or two days is the sextile between the Sun-Neptune; and Sun-North Node. I would not believe any news or rumors under this aspect. 
We should look at China: it is declining, and it will have a CIT on 3/15: 

The Nifty is still in a downtrend, here is the chart with next CIT and last alert: as you must know by now, the alerts are based on planetary positions. 

08:30  INRWPI Food (YoY) (Feb)8.19% 9.55%
08:30  INRWPI Fuel (YoY) (Feb)31.50% 32.27%
08:30  INRWPI Inflation (YoY) (Feb)13.11%12.10%12.96%
08:30  INRWPI Manufacturing Inflation (YoY) (Feb)9.84% 9.42%
09:00  EURGerman WPI (MoM) (Feb)1.7%0.9%2.3%
09:00  EURGerman WPI (YoY) (Feb)16.6% 16.2%

Fundamentals: Inflation is growing in India, but that is not new. I posted a video recording last year about this.. Check out my link to You tube above. 
Let's look at Germany, the DAX: next important day to watch will be 3/23; technically, but astrologically we have reversals before... I will update in the alerts. 
All indices that topped on 1/4 made low 62 days later, on 3/7; and now we are 7 days from the low. 
Sweden Titan: one of the strongest indices in Europe; stop = 1657; only above it long. 
The futures in the USA: 

Nasdaq 100 Future: It will be a long only above 13378
Market starts in 15 min. so good luck with your trades!
I checked Taiwan's chart, Jan 1, 1912; it has already been triggered by transit Pluto; not only conjunct Uranus, but in aspect to natal Venus, Next is Neptune and Saturn :
Future charts are not better either. 
And just a reminder.. tomorrow is the Ides of March, when Julius Caesar was murdered.  Will it bring another political killing ? 
Taiwan resort : 
The last two charts I have on Poland, who embraces 2 million refugees so far, shows an abrupt event in the coming week: 
And the date when the Russian soldiers left Poland: the SN conj Pluto; Pluto in trine the Sun, tr.Sun will be in opposition natal Sun, in just 3 days, backed by Neptune in Pisces, which is a really bad situation, poison, gas, bio weapons wise. 
The Golden Dragon China: target Aug 2012 lows !! THis is bad . 

Moderna with last alert; long was triggered, but it is still in a downtrend. 

March 12, 2022, Saturday 
As I wrote yesterday, close your gains, because the fall is not over yet, 
markets started up, but closed negative, bringing out again the bears. 
For TA35: I wrote, that the arbitrage will change, and yes, from +0.69% to - 0.37% ! So for tomorrow, 1926- 1912 will be the trade range. 
I am working on the alerts for the next week.. 
Have a nice weekend. 
I sent alerts for the Cryptos, Asia and Europe. :) 

March 11, 2022 Friday
We are now 3 days after the last low, March 8; so far a minor correction up; however, I wouldn't just plunge into deep longs, the fall is not over; so just raise your stops to the last low, in the 60 min. graph and close your gains. 
For today: The Moon entered Cancer; gaining in light; and 150^ ~ bad aspect to Venus + Mars in Aqua; in the Helio sky Mars entered Cap.♑; bringing more aggression in the war. 
For Sunday: so far we have a positive arbitrage, which I think will lessen till market ends today in the USA. 
I see a terrible chart in the Helio centric sky on Sunday+ Monday, when the Earth will be in opposition Neptune and both triggered by Mercury at 22^, the killer degree. Uranus will sextile Jupiter; and Venus will be at 1* Scorpio; 

March 10, 2022 Thursday
Today again we have a CIT day: 45 days from 1/24; 
USA markets rallied yesterday. Gold, Oil and other commodities corrected; 
Let's see the sky: ZET tells us that it is a bad day- because Moon 90^ Sun; Moon till in ♊, so volatility is high; Mercury entered Pisces, where it " suffocates" - Mercury rules the grains, so probably they will correct to the downside. But Mercury moves fast, so will the correction. 
Venus still conjunct Mars, at 3 Aqua; they are also on a ♊degree; Volatility for banks is high. 
A... let's look at the VIX: 

Norway came out with good announcements, OBX: stop should be at 1072; Target 1078-80-91
09:00  NOKCore CPI YTD (Feb)2.1%1.6%1.3%
09:00  NOKCore Inflation (MoM) (Feb)1.2%0.8%-0.3%
09:00  NOKCPI (YoY) (Feb)3.7%3.2%3.2%
09:00  NOKCPI (MoM) (Feb)1.1%0.6%-0.9%
09:00  NOKPPI (YoY) (Feb)53.2%58.2%
09:00  TRYUnemployment Rate (MoM) (Jan)11.4% 11.2%

good morning salad : Tuna, hard boiled egg, sprouts, and all vegies. 
This is the new elected president of South Korea: Born Dec. 18, 1960 ; age 61.23; transit Saturn helped in the elections.

SUn on MC: 

On November 30, 2021, Yoon said he would abolish the 52-hour workweek and the minimum wage if he became president.[74]

So I was curious how many hours people work in the world ? 
" On November 7, 2021, Yoon stated that if elected president he would pardon former presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye, both of whom were serving lengthy prison sentences for corruption (Park Geun-hye was later pardoned by President Moon Jae-in on December 24 of that same year)
On November 12, 2021, Yoon indicated that he would be open to more US THAAD missile deployments in South Korea.
On November 30, 2021, Yoon said he would abolish the 52-hour workweek and the minimum wage if he became president.
On January 7, 2022, he wrote on his Facebook page, "Abolish the Ministry of Women and Family". The post received a good response from Adeana, while feminist organizations criticized it as "hate politics". He has been labelled as an avowed "anti-feminist" and said that South Korean women do not suffer systemic discrimination.
However, statistics show differently: 
Female to male earnings ratio South Korea 2010-2020
Published by L. Yoon, Jan 24, 2022
In 2020, the earnings ratio for female workers to male workers was about 67.7 percent. Although this rate has increased in recent years, the gender pay gap is still clearly evident in South Korean society today. Furthermore, several aspects make it difficult for a South Korean woman to advance in her career, including the fact that it is not easy to return to work after a long career break, such as maternity leave.

Why lie? it is clearly out there.. Is it because, like every SAG. he wants to believe in his own views ??
He was born on a Sunday, day of dictators. He has Jupiter in Fall in Cap- end of liberty or empathy. IMHO . But that goes for everyone born between March 1960- March 16, 1961. Many more aspects must be checked for an analysis, and the most important,!! the time of birth, which is missing here.
Aramco: last alert sent on April 13, 2021; was to stay long above 35.80; so far it topped at 45; Stop now is 38.65
PLE: rallied like the Nasdaq ; stop = 610

As I wrote 2 days ago, with the Lilith in Gemini, peace talks failed. 

March 9, 2022 Tuesday
Many markets bottomed on January 24-25; adding to it the biblical no. 40- we get March 8-9; so many of them bottomed and reversed. You see, there are other no. to watch and keep the count, besides Fibonacci. 
Today we will have an extremely volatile day again, due to the Moon in Gemini. 
USA markets all made higher lows: so use the last low for stop. 

OIL: made lower highs, stop there is 122.50; 
Gold support or stop : 2057; target 2066;
The BTC: is one that had a 40 days' CIT; but I wouldn't get my hopes too high... until it is not above 46000.
EUR/USD: will have a major CIT on 3/12; it will be 720 days from 3/19/2020 low 
WHEAT: the biggest buyers in the world are Egypt and Turkey. The biggest producers of wheat of the world are Ukraine and Russia. 
On Feb 9, 2022 I wrote:" February 9, 2022 Wednesday Today we are under the energies of  and ; they are not in aspect. But Mercury is conjunct Pluto; so watch out for bad mothing. 

Another thing... Ceres moved into Gemini. Ceres is important for the grains! So if you trade those contracts, make sure you stick your stop to the last top; and only above it go long. 

I am running now the Wheat, let's see where is it heading? Stop there is 780. 

Corn: made a 50% up correction of the 5/21- 9/13/21 fall; Stop is 625

Order now the yearly forecast for anything you trade !!! "

My last alert was: Target for the year can be above 2200$.
With this war, I expect to be shortage in wheat ( or grains in general); prices will rally, and this will draw the countries dependent on Ukraine and Russia production, to famine and internal turmoil. 
CORN with former and present stop: 
So, if you followed those alerts; you gained a lot ! 

I always pray, when seeing something negative, that I am wrong...
Historical meeting today in Ankara between Turkey and Israel; after many ups and downs in the relationships in the last 20 years.!! 
Good luck to all :) 

March 8, 2022 Tuesday
Most indices topped on Jan 4, 2022; adding 62 days (Fibo. no) we get March 7; I also wrote yesterday, that it was a CIT day from Nov. 8; using some math, that I teach in my course, we got exactly yesterday's lows.. So, let's see what is new today in the sky
The Moon is still in ♉Taurus, conjunct the North Node; she is approaching the Pleiades (Weeping sisters); Saturn and Uranus are contraparralell, as if in opposition; and the Lilith is in Gemini; if talks are under this trickster, I wonder how will they fold out.. 
USA Markets: Bears came out... 

March 7, 2022 Monday 
In the Helio centric sky we have a bad and strong aspect- Sun is 150^ to Saturn. This happens twice a year. Also, Jupiter sextile Uranus, is although taught as a positive aspect, in financial astrology is can also be a culmination and a sudden, unforeseen fall.
In the Geocentric sky Pluto in Cap is conjunct Vesta.
So tighten your stops ; and trade to the downside. Also better to have cash in hand than having it in ANY share! Wait for the market to fall, and rebuy at much much much lower price. 

Bank Nifty: is heading toward 4/2021 low... even can go lower. 
today is a major CIT day: 120 days from Nov 8; 
We should always eye how is CHINA doing? Unlike the USA, it is falling since 2021! 
EUR/USD: more short below 1.086
OIL can go to $180- USA and Europe turn now to Iran of all countries, to buy their oil.. Will Putin attack Iran now ? 
5:30 pm our market closed after an extremely volatile day ! First fell to 1902- and next, at 1:30 pm- rose to 1947... 
S&P: broke last low- probably is heading to make an M pattern. 
I stayed with my short position for tomorrow. 
Be good 

March 6, 2022 Sunday 
I wrote yesterday: " 9:00 am Tomorrow our market, TA35 will open with a 0.1% minus arbitrage, so probably the trade range will be between 1935-47-77 . "
Low of the day was 1932.93- high so far- it is 11:45 1938.31; I expect a rally till the close . Let's see... 
The Moon entered Taurus, here she is Exalted= strong

March 5, 2022 Saturday 
Good even excellent Fed announcements yesterday made the markets end with a green candle. So using the low of the last candle we can go up now .
9:00 am Tomorrow our market, TA35 will open with a 0.1% minus arbitrage, so probably the trade range will be between 1935-47-77 . 
Tomorrow Venus+ Mars enter Aquarius; Venus will be there for a month, April 5th, while Mars till April 15th. Since we are in a year ruled by Venus, all its aspects are important. 
The good thing is, that they separate from destructive Pluto, and in ♒ peace talks and cease fire should culminate. Important dates for these two to watch will be March 22; both square Uranus, March 28: Ven 0^ Saturn; March 30: Ven 90^ SN; April 4: Mars 0^Sat+ 0^ SN; 
But, watch all the dates at the beginning of this article. 
The GOLD:  double topped with 2/24 ; 
The palladium doubled its  price in 56 trading days- and also double topped with May 3, 2021; also made 3 Elliott's, so it will probably reverse before going higher. 
I will send updates now, for the USA, that I think we will have 3-4 up days. 
The cryptos are taking some time till they will rally again. Sent alerts as well. 

March 4, 2022 Friday 
The Nasdaq made lower lows, the Dow and S&P double bottoms. 
It is now 7:30 am; Asia and the Far East are red; except for New Zealand.
I wrote in the previous article that the only positive thing that can stop the war is the New Moon; well, we had it, but the war is intensifying, so it will be a long lasting war, a year? 2-3? 
I saw posts about the start dates of the first , second and third WW; all add up to 68/14/5- but what I want to see more is the end dates of these 2 previous wars, to have a clue how long the world must suffer now? still working on it. 
So, next, I will send updates to my previous alerts. 
The sky today: 
The Moon moved into Aries, bringing in new energy, a negative one this time, after a sextile to the ♑trio; Mars is at Ve/ Pl MP; Ve/ Vesta MP; all bad and negative positions. 
The daily chart for the Gold:  short below 1970- tgt 1800; or long above . 

For intraday trades 1946 is stop. 
The BTC trades lower today; and in general we should be on the short side of the trade. 

March 3, 2022; Thursday: 

This new Moon with Israel's chart: falls in the 5th house of trade; In my former article I wrote: " Pluto rules money, and we can see the population who is responding in social media, against the food price risings." what happened since the last New Moon is, the big companies postponed their price rise till April.." Jupiter and Neptune in the 5th will bring a rise in the stock market." outcome: TA35 rose from 1910 to 2001.89;  I also wrote that some unexpected conflict will burst out, and we saw the opening of the WWIII on Feb 24, 2022; 
For Israel transits on natal Venus can trigger a war; and we don't have that yet; however, transit Neptune sextiling natal Sun- can be trouble for the PM. 
For Ukraine the New Moon falls in the 3rd house of communication, which is a weak house, the main aspect is New Moon NM Neptune 30^ from the Moon (People) and NM Saturn+ Mercury conjunct the natal Moon (people); this means further restrictions, hardships and fake news for the people, martyrdom. The trio in ♑are in a disharmonious aspect to Ukraine's Sun, he is very much in danger. 
Next is Georgia; they applied to join the Nato- so probably Putin will strike there as well; Birth chart in Nicholas Champion's book: April 9, 1991; their chart is ruled by Venus at 25 Taurus; and the upcoming Lunar eclipse runs just there! NM Uranus squares their Moon; bad bad bad.. and more in the chart: 
Map of Georgia with today's transits: 

I can only add, that the new PM in Georgia has a ♎stellium as Putin. But I am sure P. knows that. 

OK- let's concentrate on the trade. 


  1. Putin to conquer all pass USSR nation states.

    USA will do little as it is aligned with Russia today, which is also against all Muslin nation states.

    The USA suggesting outright the 'Biden plan to leave the 'middle east' 'project just a year ago, was the signal.

    The USA and Russia 'today' are on the same page.

    Have a great day today.

  2. Thanks for your input, but as rule I don't upload comments from anonymous..

  3. why does oil go up? people work at home now. no support for that price!

    1. In times of war oil rockets; it is an indicator of war/peace. Oil topped at 130; now there are some talks, so it is correcting; see my alerts, sent on March 5- stop was 117- ; now it should be 121- based on planetary positions.
      Good luck in your trades.

  4. WHEAT: the biggest buyers in the world are Egypt and Turkey. The biggest producers of wheat of the world are Ukraine and Russia.

    USSR (Russia today) is ending world trade globalization.

    What is economic globalization and global trade?

    Economic globalization refers to the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services, flow of international capital and wide and rapid spread of technologies.

    How does value of currency increase?

    Increasing terms of trade shows' greater demand for the country's exports. This, in turn, results in rising revenues from exports, which provides increased demand for the country's currency (and an increase in the currency's value).

    United States dollar

    Template: Most traded currencies
    Rank Currency Proportion of daily volume, April 2019
    1 United States dollar 88.3%
    2 Euro 32.3%
    3 Japanese yen 16.8% ending world globalization will increase Japans export’s.

    This is why we are seeing such a long term trading range, and massive buying of yen over this trading range, globalization has ended.


    It should remember that the current abundant demand for dollar assets depends heavily on the vast trade and financial system.

    Great change is taking place and much downside in asset markets are in gear.

    The Black Swan is in 'government's' though the world.

    Thanks, Stan

    Have a great day Gabby!

  5. Mars squaring Uranus makes it even worse. This square will be exact on March 22, 2022;


    Age of Reason

    Notice the date of erection of the monument: March 22nd [322] Yale Skull & Bones Society Number.

    Thanks Gabby have a great weekend. Stan

    1. I am aware of 322, from Zachary k. Hubbard Numerological you tube videos. DO you know him ??
      quite fascinating how he proves his point..


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