New Moon in Aquarius, 2022 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology by Gabriella Mittelman

 Between February 1, 2022 - March 2, 2022

                                                                                                      You can read about me here

Thanks for following me from the former article.
The New Moon in Aquarius starts with the Part of Fortune conjunct Jupiter and the Ascendant. We have 4 planets and 2 asteroids in Capricorn, very rare event. I wrote in the former article, that a Cap. stellium brings extreme cold, rains and snow even here in Israel. Next time they will appear again in 2025-26; The New Moon also shows a conjunction between the Luminaries (Sun+ Moon) to Saturn; they stop all declines for the market, bring restrictions in personal charts. 
During this lunar month, the Sun moves from 12 Aqua to 12 Pisces; Mercury turns Direct and moves to 19 Pisces, Venus moves 16 degrees; Mars in Cap. 22 degrees; the other planets will still be in the same sign. 
In the former article I wrote: " Market wise, using the New Moon in the transit, on Israel's chart, with these two 150^; from the New Moon to Pluto ( ruler H2-money) and NM Uranus 150* to Neptune ruler of H5; I can only think of a change in the shekel/dollar and a deeper correction in the stock market. The shekel now = 3.1126 to the Dollar; let's see where will it be till month ends. "
Meanwhile the  outcome is: we are witnessing huge price rises in food, electricity, housing, oil, anything that you can think of,. The Government is trying to persuade manufacturers to stop raising the prices, but they don't listen. The Shekel weakened, as expected, and it is now 3.2065. 
This new Moon with Israel's chart: falls in the 4th house of local issues; in opposition natal Pluto; ruler of H1 ( I use Sco.rising). Pluto rules money, and we can see the population is responding in social media, against the food price risings... the conjunction between Mercury and Pluto in Capricorn kicks people out of their careers, (media Mercury revealing secrets ); Jupiter and Neptune in the 5th will bring a rise in the stock market. Uranus in the 7th , some unexpected things from adversaries (Netanyahu); Mars in opposition Venus ( known and unknown enemies ); can stir up a fight.
For Ukraine the New Moon falls in their 2nd house (of land ) Mars will conjunct their natal Uranus, dangerous times till mid Feb. 
For the USA ( using ♊rising, like Gann did ) the New Moon falls in the 9th house - showing issues abroad.. will the US line up and help Ukraine? hard to believe, but with Saturn there , they might just make Putin hold back. 

Important days to watch: Geocentric: 

Tropical, Ecliptical, Geocentric, 
Actual aspects
Begin: 1.02.2022  Period: 1 month  (GMT+2)
                                         Orb   Begin of Aspect       End of Aspect           Exact Aspect
Mercury          Capricorn          ................   14.02.2022 23:53  
Sun              Aquarius           ................      18.02.2022 18:42  
Sun          P   Saturn        1.0  ................      5.02.2022 13:00               1.02.2022 18:00  
Venus        P   Saturn      1.0  ................ ................                            11.02.2022  6:00  
Venus        120 Uranus    1.0  ................                                              5.02.2022  4:00    
Sun          P^  Uranus      1.0   5.02.2022 22:00 12.02.2022  1:00       9.02.2022  0:58  
Mars         120 Uranus    1.0   7.02.2022  8:00 10.02.2022  2:00         8.02.2022 16:57  
Mercury        0 Pluto       1.0  10.02.2022  2:00 13.02.2022  1:00     11.02.2022 16:04  
Mars         P   Pluto         1.0  10.02.2022 15:00 ...............              . 23.02.2022 11:15  
Venus          0 Mars        1.0  12.02.2022  0:00 ................                16.02.2022 16:29  
Jupiter       60 Uranus     1.0  13.02.2022 11:00 22.02.2022 19:00  18.02.2022  2:13  
Mercury          Aquarius           14.02.2022 23:53 ................  
Sun              Pisces             18.02.2022 18:42 ................  
Jupiter       45 Pluto           0.5  21.02.2022 16:00 26.02.2022  8:00       24.02.2022  0:17  
Mars          60 Neptune      1.0  22.02.2022 12:00 25.02.2022  7:00    23.02.2022 21:11  
Venus         60 Neptune    1.0  23.02.2022  8:00 26.02.2022  3:00    24.02.2022 18:04 
Mercury       90 Uranus    1.0  24.02.2022 10:00 25.02.2022 23:00  25.02.2022  4:21 
Mercury       30 Jupiter     0.5  26.02.2022  4:00 27.02.2022  1:00     26.02.2022 14:16  
Mercury      P   Venus      1.0  26.02.2022 11:00 ................  
Sun           45 Venus         0.8  26.02.2022 16:00 ................  
Sun          P   Jupiter       1.0  27.02.2022  3:00 ................  
Sun           45 Mars          0.8  28.02.2022 22:00 ................  
Maybe it is easier to see it in a picture: 
Helio centric sky: 

Tropical, Ecliptical, Heliocentric, 
Actual aspects
Begin: 1.02.2022  Period: 1 month  (GMT+2)
                                              Begin of Aspect           End of Aspect    Exact Aspect
Mercury          Virgo              ................                                              4.02.2022  4:43  
Venus            Leo                ................                                               3.02.2022 12:45  
Earth            Leo                ................                                              18.02.2022 18:42  
Venus            Virgo                                    3.02.2022 12:45             22.02.2022  0:23  
Mercury          Libra                                   4.02.2022  4:43              12.02.2022 14:00  
Mercury          Scorpio                             12.02.2022 14:00             22.02.2022 15:50  :38  
Earth            Virgo                                   18.02.2022 18:42 ................  
Venus            Libra                                  22.02.2022  0:23 ................  
Mercury          Sagittarius                        22.02.2022 15:50 ................  
Former articles on New Moon in AQUARIUS: 20212020  20192018, 20172016, 2015 201420132012, 

It is important to read the former article! to know what happened in the past under these New Moons.

The reason I add here former articles is for you to read what has happened in the past under these New Moons.
My services are: *Daily alerts for 30$ per day, for anything you can think of... So, for example, to receive for 5 trading days alerts every day, for the Gold and S&P, that would cost $300 + 5% (including PayPal fees 5%).=$315
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                            *Natal chart reading: $430, ( + 5% PP )
                         *The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $300/ month; ( + 5% PP= $315). 
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Here is a link to my You Tube channel: GMAMA 
You might want to click "interesting, cool" at the bottom of the article and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind. And don't forget to click "Like" at the bottom of the article!! 
Here is a link to my Telegram group! Join the discussion, and the trades there! 
March 3, 2022 Thursday 

Pls. follow me to the new article: New Moon in Pisces, 2022

March 2, 2022 Wednesday 
It is a day ruled by Mercury and the Moon. Mercury is at 18♒; the Satan degree; conjunct Saturn; while the Moon is now in Pisces as of midnight; we are almost at the New Moon. 
1.03.2022 22:53:18  0°00'00"Psc <<<
 2.03.2022 18:42:25 11°36'17"Psc Sextile Uranus
 2.03.2022 19:34:40 12°06'38"Psc Conjunction Sun
 2.03.2022 23:23:36 14°19'18"Psc Conjunction Jupiter
 3.03.2022 13:37:12 22°29'41"Psc Conjunction Neptune
 3.03.2022 23:03:08 27°50'52"Psc Sextile Pluto
 3.03.2022 23:15:09 27°57'39"Psc Sextile Venus
 3.03.2022 23:44:47 28°14'22"Psc Sextile Mars
 4.03.2022  2:52:20  0°00'00"Ari <<<
Pisces is the sign of the martyr, of the victim, of those who offer their other cheek..
As the Moon ingressed to Pisces, the rise was over in the USA markets, and it is not mostly red. Indices now correct the small rise from 2/24-3/1 
adjust your stops accordingly. 
I will start a new article today; after the New Moon. 
March aspects: 
Important Actual aspects during trading hours.
Begin: 2.03.2022  Period: this week  (GMT+2)
                               Aspect Exact
Sun          P   Jupiter        2.03.2022 13:54
Moon          45 Eris           2.03.2022 14:04
Moon          45 Vesta          2.03.2022 17:45
Mercury        0 Saturn         2.03.2022 18:33
Moon          60 Uranus         2.03.2022 18:42
Moon          45 Venus          2.03.2022 19:22
Sun            0 Moon           2.03.2022 19:35 NEW MOON
Moon          45 Mars           2.03.2022 20:02
Moon          45 Pluto          2.03.2022 20:48
Moon           0 Jupiter        2.03.2022 23:24
Mars           0 Pluto          3.03.2022 10:43
Sun           45 Pluto          3.03.2022 12:58
Moon           0 Neptune        3.03.2022 13:37
Moon          60 Node           3.03.2022 18:25
Moon         120 S.Node         3.03.2022 18:25
Sun           45 Mars           3.03.2022 19:14
Venus          0 Pluto          3.03.2022 19:56
Moon          45 Uranus         3.03.2022 20:55
Moon          60 Pluto          3.03.2022 23:03
Moon          45 Saturn         4.03.2022 10:20
Moon          60 Ceres          4.03.2022 11:38
Moon         P   Eris           4.03.2022 13:24
Venus        150 Requiem        4.03.2022 14:09
Moon          45 Mercury        4.03.2022 14:46
Mercury      P   Saturn         4.03.2022 15:33
Moon          45 Node           4.03.2022 20:56
Moon           0 Chiron         4.03.2022 22:11
Watch out for Powel's speech at 5 pm 
On October 16, 2020 I wrote about Klaus SCHWAB;  I read about him in an article by Martin Armstrong. Schwab's chart has many very severe aspects: 
I wrote in 2020: "  now looking at his chart, I can see Venus, Jupiter at the 22 killer degree, a Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus!( is described as " the anarchist") He is a very dangerous person. I will have to check who else has this position. Well, I went back 3 Uranus cycles, to 1853, 1770, 1685, I couldn't find anyone who has this conjunction in Taurus.

He has Mars+ Uranus conjunct in Taurus; which is described by ancient astrologers as "the anarchist" . This conjunction will be triggered by a conjunction from the upcoming partial Solar eclipse on 4/30/2022; If this is not enough, transit Neptune is at his Jupiter/Venus midpoint. And we can also add the terrible Mars+ Pluto +Venus conjunction now in opposition his natal Pluto. He will turn 84 in March; not only he has a Pluto opposition but also an Uranus return and a Neptune 180 to Neptune.. 
Read about him... 

March 1, 2022 Tuesday 
The slogan for the sign of Aquarius is "Live and let live:" this slogan is down in the mud now and we should look for another explanation, how is this war happening, with all those planets in Aquarius ? We have the Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Juno, Sisyphus, Mercury Helio South Node, Sun/Mars MP; Mars/Sat MP, Ven/Sat MP, Jup/Plu MP all in ♒!!!
I guess the answer is in Capricorn, Ven+ Mars+ Pluto conjunct in this aggressive sign, and all sextile the SN; to that we can add Neptune at the 22 Kill or get killed degree. 

Except for what I could upload in one chart, there is an asteroid at 23♒ called: 
Nyctimene is a particularly painful asteroid. Nyctimene was the daughter of a prominent man, who is seduced by her father. She hides away in the forest out of shame, and is turned into an owl by Athena (note, that of course, owls are a nocturnal bird).
Nyctimene in a birth chart closely aspecting the Sun, Moon, Venus, or strongly placed in the 5th or 8th Houses has on several occasions indicated issues of incest, rape, and abuse by the father or father figure.
The markets are mostly green; however early this morning I rushed updates for ASIA and the Far East, where I saw some reversals. 
I will send now for Europe. 8:40 am, updates sent. 
There is a rumor on FB, that Putin fled to a bunker in Altai Republic. He was not seen in Moscow since his one hour speech. 
IMOEX is not trading since 2/25 last quote was 2470; now the quote it 2261; but I don't see trades. 

February 28, 2022 Monday 
Early this morning I sent new alerts for the USA and commodities (Gold, Silver, Oil). 
It is now 11:25 am ; China, and the countries that are already close are green. Futures, almost all are also green. Does market sentiment trusts that something good will come out from the Russia-Ukraine talks in Belarus? 
In any case, those that topped on 1/4-5 have a CIT (change in trend) today; and another count starts from Feb 24th low. 
Europe, that is closer to the war, is mostly red; 
USD/RUB: ran up to 109 
The oil topped at $100; historical top was 106; so I sent alerts this morning.. 
Moscow Stock Exchange won't open as scheduled, no trading until at least 3 p.m. - RIA
I receive controversial mess. about Pentagon run biolabs in Ukraine; that were destroyed- most of them by Russia. the USA denies having any such labs there.. 
Continuing the 2022 eclipses= see yesterday's post: 
so, lets memorize the degrees the eclipses fall on: 
10 Taurus Solar ecl.: William Lilly wrote" “it shews innumerable difficulties, and many discommodities to Travellers, and to such as bear Children many abortions, and births not naturall, or Monsters are produced”
25 Taurus Lunar ecl on May 16: " “it implies a plague amongst creeping noxious Creatures; as also amongst Rats and Mice, and such vermin as though must devour the Country-mans grain or Corn”
2 Scorpio Sol. ecl: on Oct 25 “it moves and raises warlick tumults, murthers, dissentions, captivities, and cherishes underhand practices, or plots of Treasons"
16 Scorpio Lunar ecl on Nov 8: “hot and sharp Feavers afflict man, siccity destroyes the Olives and infects the ayr"
Any event, country or person who have natal planets in 5 degrees orb from these degrees, will feel the eclipses affect. 
How W. Lilly described 10 degrees Taurus- "monsters are produced..." gives me the chills. I had to look up who has a 10 degree Sun in Tau: King Henry VII; Steven harper, The church of Satan formed in April 30, 1966. 
According to Nikola Stojanovits the 10th degree is a Capricorn degree, (it is the 10th sign).

February 27, 2022 Sunday 
Besides what I wrote about the sky yesterday, we can add a "Perigee Moon " ( closest thus strongest , to EARTH ) for today. 
Here are the dates for the year. 
the sky today: Moon+ Venus+ Mars+ Pluto+ South Node all run through Ukraine. 

The first upcoming eclipse is a partial Solar eclipse on April 30, 2022

Here are the dates of the eclipses for 2022; I will write about their meanings and who will be affected later. 
Ezekiel 18:20 ESV / 29 helpful votes

The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.

Deuteronomy 24:16 ESV / 29 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin."
Many are not aware of the fascistic side of about the massacre of Baby Yar - in 1941
" The first and best documented of the massacres took place on 29–30 September 1941, killing approximately 33,771 Jews. The decision to kill all the Jews in Kyiv was made by the military governor Generalmajor Kurt Eberhard, the Police Commander for Army Group South, SS-Obergruppenführer Friedrich Jeckeln, and the Einsatzgruppe C Commander Otto Rasch. Sonderkommando 4a as the sub-unit of Einsatzgruppe C, along with the aid of the SD and Order Police battalions with the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police backed by the Wehrmacht, carried out the orders.[1][2][3] Sonderkommando 4a and the 45th Battalion of the German Order Police conducted the shootings. Servicemen of the 303rd Battalion of the German Order Police at this time guarded the outer perimeter of the execution site."
Here is the chart for Sept 29, 1941: when more than 30000 Jews were shot to death in the outskirts of Kyev
The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.

Deuteronomy 24:16 ESV / 29 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

“Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin."
Many are not aware of the fascistic side of about the massacre of Baby Yar - in 1941
" The first and best documented of the massacres took place on 29–30 September 1941, killing approximately 33,771 Jews. The decision to kill all the Jews in Kyiv was made by the military governor Generalmajor Kurt Eberhard, the Police Commander for Army Group South, SS-Obergruppenführer Friedrich Jeckeln, and the Einsatzgruppe C Commander Otto Rasch. Sonderkommando 4a as the sub-unit of Einsatzgruppe C, along with the aid of the SD and Order Police battalions with the Ukrainian Auxiliary Police backed by the Wehrmacht, carried out the orders.[1][2][3] Sonderkommando 4a and the 45th Battalion of the German Order Police conducted the shootings. Servicemen of the 303rd Battalion of the German Order Police at this time guarded the outer perimeter of the execution site."
Here is the chart for Sept 29, 1941: when more than 30000 Jews were shot to death in the outskirts of Kyev
In any case, Ukraine has changed a great deal, since that massacre to have a Jewish President today. !
One can say, what could they do ???
Well in the same time, in Bulgaria: the King ordered to ALL population to wear the Yellow star. Boris the III; born in the sign of Aquarius- what else?? born on the Tuesday, ruled by Mars, and assassinated by the Nazis at the age Mars the time he died- apparently from heart failure ( disease of Aquarius/Leo) tr Moon and Lilith were in opposition his Sun+Merc. Both in 60^ natal Neptune (poison),.

Bulgaria's opposition came to a head at this last official meeting between Hitler and Boris. Reports of the meeting indicate that Hitler was furious with the Tsar for refusing either to join the war against the USSR or to deport the Jews within his kingdom.[16] At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that "the Bulgarian Jews were not to be deported, for Tsar Boris had insisted that the Jews were needed for various laboring tasks including road maintenance."[citation needed]


Wood-carving made by inhabitants of the village of Osoi, Debar district, with the inscription: To its Tsar Liberator Boris III, from grateful Macedonia.

Shortly after returning to Sofia from a meeting with Hitler, Boris died of apparent heart failure on 28 August 1943, at approximately 16:22.[17] According to the diary of the German attache in Sofia at the time, Colonel von Schoenebeck, the two German doctors who attended the King – Sajitz and Hans Eppinger – both believed that he had died from the same poison that Dr. Eppinger had allegedly found two years earlier in the postmortem examination of the Greek Prime Minister, Ioannis Metaxas, a slow poison which takes weeks to do its work and which causes the appearance of blotches on the skin of its victim before death.[18][better source needed]

Rumors of the death of Boris III indicate that the Tsar was poisoned by an order of Hitler, who was greatly irritated after his last meeting with the Bulgarian ruler because of his refusal to hand over the Bulgarian Jews and send troops against the USSR.[19] According to the Prime Minister, Prof. Bogdan Filov, however, in their last meeting, Hitler and Boris III discussed only the sending of additional Bulgarian troops to the Western Balkans, but not against the USSR.[20]

His son Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha did not deny this version, but pointed out as probable the hypothesis that the USSR was also interested in the Tsar's death, in which case the NKVD intervened.[21][22] Princess Marie Louise of Bulgaria stated in an interview that there was no definite version of what had happened, but that she was convinced that her father had not been poisoned by the Nazis or the British, but by the East.[23]

In his personal diary, Joseph Goebbels expressed doubts that the Italian government, in the person of Prime Minister Pietro Badoglio, was responsible for Boris III's death. According to Goebbels, Hitler was convinced that the Italian royal court was the organizer of the poisoning of Boris III, as Princess Mafalda of Savoy, sister of Joan of Bulgaria, was visiting Bulgaria four weeks before the monarch's death and her visit coincided with the events of July 25, 1943,[24][25] the overthrow of the Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, supported by King Victor Emmanuel III.

Boris was succeeded by his six-year-old son Simeon II, under a Regency Council headed by Boris's brother Prince Kiril of Bulgaria.

The grave of Tsar Boris III in the Rila Monastery

Following a large, impressive state funeral at the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Sofia, where the streets were lined with weeping crowds, the coffin of Tsar Boris III was taken by train to the mountains and buried in Bulgaria's largest and most important monastery, the Rila Monastery. After taking power in September 1944, the Communist-dominated government had his body exhumed and secretly buried in the courtyard of Vrana Palace, near Sofia. At a later time, the Communist authorities moved the zinc coffin from Vrana to a secret location, which remains unknown to this day. After the fall of communism, an excavation was made at Vrana Palace. Only Boris's heart was found, as it had been put in a glass cylinder outside the coffin. The heart was taken by his widow in 1994 to Rila Monastery, where it was reinterred.[citation needed]

A wood carving is placed on the left side of his grave in Rila Monastery, made on 10 October 1943 by inhabitants of the village of Osoj, Debar district. The carving bears the following inscription:

To its Tsar Liberator Boris III, from grateful Macedonia.

Michele Adler, one of the best astrologers in the USA, writes on FB : 
Significant degrees
Russia invaded Ukraine with transiting Neptune at 22 Pisces. Hitler invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939, an act that was the prelude to World War II. At the time, transiting Neptune was at 22 Virgo. Hitler also had a secondary progressed Midheaven at 22 Virgo at the time of the invasion. If one examines the degree symbols of Charubel, Sepharial and Kozminsky, they all seem to be connected to war or an attack.
One thing that must be taken into consideration is that any planet at 22 degrees of a Mutable sign will have 8 degrees of a Cardinal sign as its antiscion. (For example, 22 Virgo has 8 Aries as its antiscion.) The 8th degree of any cardinal sign--especially Aries--is associated with confrontation and it's found frequently in the charts of people in law enforcement and lawyers, who must confront on a professional level. At its worst, it is associated with assassination: Four US presidents who have been assassinated had 8 Aries or 8 Cardinal in one way or another associated with the murders. The attempted assassinations of other US presidents have also had 8 Cardinal active either in the president's chart or the would-be assassin's. (I have an article on my web site that has the details.)
Putin's natal Nodal axis is 18 Aquarius/18 Leo. Transiting Saturn is at 18 Aquarius 31, and Putin's secondary progressed Mars is at 18 Aquarius 15.
On another note, and something I may have posted before, Putin is said to long for the days of glory of the Soviet Union. He Has Pluto at 22 Leo, conjunct the asteroid Nostalgia."
I have been writing for years about the 22 degree, called the "Kill or get killed degree - as per the late Nikola Stojanovits teachings.
Ta35 forecast Feb 26: TA35 tomorrow to 1958- and the trade can reach even 1976; 
outcome: low= 1949.75- top 1989.70; close 1956.10
My Put 1950 went from 1400 to 2610
Tomorrow: Feb 28 we open with a ♒Moon, approaching the Sun; 
27.02.2022 20:35:28  0°00'00"Aqr <<< usually the S&P tops or bottoms here. 
28.02.2022 15:49:50 11°31'55"Aqr Square Uranus- gap gap gap. Fed announcements, and PMI later.. 
TA35: Stop = 1961.50; if below, short. 
Time tunnel: Feb 28 is a multiple CIT; 
The S&P spot in the 5 min. chart made an inverted H&S pattern targeting 200 points higher. Closed at 4386; stop should be at 4388 and up from there should go above 4407 in order to fulfill the H&S pattern.  
February 26, 2022 Saturday
The USA markets rallied yesterday and we have a +1.55% arbitrage; so this will pump up TA35 tomorrow to 1958- and the trade can reach even 1976; 
The sky tomorrow: the Moon is approaching the Sun and is in Capricorn conjunct Venus+ Mars+ Pluto and Vesta. All trine the North Node; 

Actual aspects
Begin: 27.02.2022  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
                                                    Aspect Exact
Sun           8Psc36  90 Pandora        8Sgr36  27.02.2022  7:46
Sun           8Psc42  45 Moon          23Cap42  27.02.2022 10:06
Moon         23Cap53  90 Eris          23Ari53  27.02.2022 10:24
Moon         24Cap18   0 Venus         24Cap18  27.02.2022 11:06
Moon         24Cap26   0 Vesta         24Cap26  27.02.2022 11:19
Moon         24Cap54   0 Mars          24Cap54  27.02.2022 12:05
Moon         25Cap59  60 S.Node        25Sco59  27.02.2022 13:55
Moon         25Cap59 120 Node          25Tau59  27.02.2022 13:55
Sun           8Psc53  45 Eris          23Ari53  27.02.2022 14:28
Moon         27Cap28 150 Chaos         27Gem28  27.02.2022 16:23- market closed at 16:00
Moon          3Aqr48 120 Ceres          3Gem48  28.02.2022  2:56
Jupiter       0Ari00 P^  Psyche         0Ari00  28.02.2022  3:22
Pandora       8Sgr45   0 Lucifer        8Sgr45  28.02.2022  3:39
Moon          5Aqr02  60 Pallas         5Ari02  28.02.2022  5:00
Mars          0Ari00 P^  Ceres          0Ari00  28.02.2022  6:55
Moon          7Aqr22  45 Neptune       22Psc23  28.02.2022  8:53
Moon         11Aqr32  90 Uranus        11Tau32  28.02.2022 15:50
Moon          0Ari00 P^  Ceres          0Ari00  28.02.2022 16:30
Moon          0Ari00 P   Mars           0Ari00  28.02.2022 17:03
Mars         25Cap49  60 S.Node        25Sco49  28.02.2022 17:34
Mars         25Cap49 120 Node          25Tau49  28.02.2022 17:34
Sun          10Psc06  45 Vesta         25Cap06  28.02.2022 19:20
In the Heliocentric sky: 
Actual aspects
Begin: 27.02.2022  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
                                Aspect Exact
Mercury      120 Chiron         27.02.2022  0:06
Mercury      120 Pallas         27.02.2022 17:20
Mercury      150 Uranus         27.02.2022 17:47
Mercury       90 Jupiter        27.02.2022 21:16
Mercury       60 Saturn         28.02.2022 16:45
Venus        180 Chiron          1.03.2022 11:21
Mars          60 Damocles        1.03.2022 14:05
I will send now updates to all markets.. 
February 25, 2022 Friday 
A picture is better than a 1000 words; Michel Kichka cartoonist, on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 
Military facts: Ukraine has no power whatsoever against Russia. 
Here is a link that  compares the military forces between the 2. 
In answer to the invasion, the MOEX crashes; a gain of 50% in shorts; if anyone traded it
the Russian Rubel : ran up to 89.94 ! 15.8% gain in a few hours. 
from my Telegram group

The USA is not sending any help; but they: 
By Associated Press

U.S. President Joe Biden hit Russia with some of the broadest and toughest financial penalties that the world's biggest economy can muster on Thursday, hours after President Vladimir Putin launched his military's invasion of Ukraine.

The U.S. sanctions and penalties announced so far appear to spare Putin himself from sanctions. They also forgo an option long-cited as one of the toughest possible, by holding off from banning Russia from the SWIFT financial system that moves money around the world. Biden cited concerns by European allies.

But the steps the United States took Thursday are powerful ones regardless, aimed at crippling Russia's financial system, its elites and any hopes Russia has of economic growth. Here's a look at the retaliatory financial steps the U.S. announced for Russia's biggest state-owned banks and businesses, its industry, its economy and some of its most powerful people, as well as key measures that the U.S. is still holding off on." etc 

In answer, Russia accepts BITCOIN as currency; after this the BTC rockets. 

My last alert for the BTC: was 37856; if broke, we lower the stop all the time, so the last stop was 36356; mind you, it didn't fall below the last low, which was 32950! so we are now again long here, trying to reach former tops.
Many people use 9:30 am time of birth for Putin, when this hour has a DD rating, meaning, time  unknown. I use 10:05 am, rectified by an astrologer; both give Scorpio rising. Only the Moon changes from 2:50 to 3:14 Gemini. The time unknown, can affect future forecasts; In any case, whatever the time is, his Age point is now at 26 Libra, conjunct his Libra stellium; and in opposition asteroid Requiem. So, what I do is, I look for transits to 26-27 Libra. and there are a lot, that trigger his move now. In transit as well as in future charts. 
Some of the most important ones are: Directed NN is at 29 Aries; so it is a fated time, and a past life memory, that he is fulfilling now; Dir. Saturn squares his age point, thus the aggression and extreme cruel power to conquer. Dir. Jupiter also squares his age point from 29 Cancer! 29 degree is an extreme degree; all these will last for a year ! In a year Dir Moon will sextile his Sun.. better, but how many people will die till then ? I read a Russian division surrendered , the soldiers refused to kill Ukrainians... is it fake news or not? Who knows? Disinformation is rocketing during war. Russians who demonstrate against Putin are charged with treason. 
In the Secondary Progressed chart : SP.Saturn is at 25 Libra; also shows the aggression, Chaos is on the worst and most cruel fixed star: Scheat. 
In his Solar return chart, Venus, ruler of his sign is at 29Scorpio- again an extreme degree. Pluto is stationary at 24 Cap! that means, squaring his Age point,  so he is not reversing his actions... and he has 5 planets in retro.. Jupiter at 22^ the killer degree in opposition his natal Pluto at 22 Leo.. 
So wherever I look it is bad bad bad.. Putin is not going back. 
Yesterday I posted Ukraine + Russia's chart; and I wrote that Putin is after Europe.. even after the USA. 

Meanwhile, China is watching and I will not be surprised if they open an attack on Taiwan, and neighboring countries. Planetary line now in Taiwan and China; later about this.. 

This event must be ended swiftly and promptly if we don't want to see WWIII; as I recorded a video last year, saying, we are facing that. 
SO market wise, we might see an up correction on anything that fell and a down correction in anything that rallied, but this will be only for a short time, and they will fall/ or rise again. 
Yuval Harari : the future that awaits us : 
Is Latvia the next target in Putin's expansion strategy and sick mind? Latvia natal chart has a stellium in Leo and in Capricorn: both are triggered by surprise Uranus!! at 11 Taurus. 

Latvia is 30.52 years old from its independence from Russia; that puts the Age point (Huber point) at 23 Pisces, exactly where the "point of fatality" is; the hidden enemy is under Mercury, which is at 28.44 Leo; in exact opposition the P.o Fatality" When Mars will be at 28 Cap- March 1-5; we will see what happens.. 
Romania: Ceausescu fell on December 22,1989; the current state was proclaimed on Dec 27, 1989; 
In this chart: Dec 22: the open enemy is under Libra ( Putin) and the hidden under Pisces..The chart of the event shows a Capricorn stellium; having the Moon voc, in Libra. the Solar return chart has the SN conjunct Mars; but I don't see other bad aspects for this year. Why would Romania be so strong? they switched places as per their convenience during WWII! here is the answer: 
  • "Romania joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) on March 29, 2004 following the decision taken at the Prague Summit, in November 2002. For Romania, this has represented a major evolution, with decisive influence on the foreign and domestic policy of the country."
  • So let's look at NATO's chart as I found it in Nick Campion's book : 

  • NATO: is 72.84 years old, that puts the age point at almost 1 Leo; so I will check transits and progressions to this point. I can use 5 degrees orb - or any aspect from 26-5 will apply. 
  • tr.Pluto is in opposition- a destructive aspect. The nodes are in square- show fated times. CHAOS is in sextile; 
  • Solar return chart: Jupiter in 150^- bas aspect; Pluto at 26 Cap - 180^; 
    The natal chart of the ANTO has a Taurus stellium, so now, with tr, Uranus there, this stellium has been triggered; like never before. 
In the progressed chart: Pr Jupiter is at 29 Cap- in opposition the Age point; expanding events; and asteroid Chaos is at 27Pisces, 2 degrees from bad Scheat. 
So; no matter where I look, the situation is only starting and escalating. 
Let's look at the other side of the world, he is watching with eyes wide open: ( a mirror effect must take place) 
XI Jinping: is 68.70 years old, that puts the Age point conjunct his prenatal Solar eclipse; around 16-18 Cancer.; right on natal Uranus and Mercury. His Mars is in Fall at 0 Cancer; 

Solar return Uranus in in sextile Age point from Taurus, while Saturn is in 150^
Directed Venus is right conjunct, at 16 Cancer, and VENUS rules h10; AND 4; and Dir Mars 90^ Dir Jupiter; 
Let's see Taiwan's chart.. situation there is like walking on egg-shells: 
The chart shows a stellium in Leo; so in March 19, 2022 when there will be a stellium in opposition in Aquarius, problems could break out. 

February 24, 2022 Thursday 
Mars conjunct Vesta, and war broke out in Ukraine. I thought it will open on April 2-3; and didn't take in consideration this conjunction. (besides all the others I have been writing about in the last week. 
So I had to check, which took an hour, to see where and when was this conjunction before? 
The image attached can be a little blur, I tried to increase it, but it won't. So, the important dates are during WWII : 
April 24,1932
April 1,1936
March 8, 1940
Oct 8, 1943
Dec 14 1943
Jan 8 1944

Larry Williams mentions the 55 days rule, when back in history, if you count 55 days from the top, markets crashed. Well, not always... but during 1929 and 1987;. So I think we can hardly rely on 2 occurrences out of hundreds but, it is good to monitor CIT's at this important Fibonacci number. 
Now, since was had a rally for 13 years, it is obvious, that that rally must correct to the downside, the question was WHEN? SO today or yesterday night, 
Here is the Mars-Vesta cycle for the DOW: 
It shows major falls when they are in sextile: below we can see when were they conjunct and sextile; last time it didn't fall. So, statistics are good to know, but still we have to take in consideration 2 million other things happening in the sky, and also, the day counts!! I always urged you, make an excel file and follow the numbers. 

TA35: GAP DOWN expected. 
TA 35 fell to 1906! Now it trades at 1940; which is below 1.24 low.. there is a huge gap to yesterday's close, at1986!! I gained both ways.
But what is more important now, with the war in Ukraine, here is the map, with what I think Putin will want to achieve.: 1) block Ukraine from the sea, 2) go for other European countries, who don't stand a chance, now that Biden is completely impotent, and will not move a finger, and the NATO wish for diplomatic agreement; which is pathetic. The only astrological positive thing is, that the war started after the Full Moon, and it should end till the New Moon; but with  Putin around, I think he is more powerful than the Moon now. Also, Mars-Pluto; Jupiter-Neptune upcoming aspects, point to a long and painful war. ( I thought it will break out in April ).

 I got the time from FB: 5:49 am 

February 23, 2022 Wednesday

USA markets were 48% bulls/ 52% bears; the Consumer cyclical group leading in red

the sky today: the Moon is still in Scorpio; approaching the Sun, we are before the New Moon; On her way she will conjunct the SN = bad; and Pandora at 7 SAG; and will be 150^ to Chaos.. 
Actual aspects
Begin: 23.02.2022  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
                                Aspect Exact
Moon           0 S.Node        23.02.2022  8:54
Moon         180 Node         23.02.2022  8:54
Moon         150 Chaos       23.02.2022 11:11
Mars         P   Pluto            23.02.2022 11:16
Moon          60 Pluto          23.02.2022 11:24
Moon         150 Prometheus     23.02.2022 11:31
Moon          90 Damocles       23.02.2022 12:49
Moon           0 Atropos        23.02.2022 13:09
Sun          150 Varuna         23.02.2022 13:13
Pallas       P^  Fortuna        23.02.2022 16:02
Moon         P   Vesta          23.02.2022 16:27
Moon          90 Requiem        23.02.2022 16:43
Moon         180 Ceres          23.02.2022 20:18
Mars          60 Neptune        23.02.2022 21:12
Moon         120 Pallas         23.02.2022 21:23
Moon          90 Fortuna        23.02.2022 21:25
Moon         P^  Ceres          23.02.2022 21:30
Pallas       150 Fortuna        23.02.2022 22:14
Usually I don't use these asteroids, but now with all the Ukraine events, we should monitor them as well. 
What else is in the sky? Mars+Venus are still conjunct ; 
Feb.23-26 aspects: 
Actual aspects NO MOON: 
Begin: 23.02.2022  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
                                                    Aspect Exact1
Mars         22Cap13  60 Neptune       22Psc13  23.02.2022 21:12
Jupiter      12Psc38  45 Pluto         27Cap38  24.02.2022  0:17
Sun           5Psc17  90 Moon           5Sgr17  24.02.2022  0:32
Mercury      10Aqr17  60 Chiron        10Ari17  24.02.2022  7:06
Venus        22Cap14  60 Neptune       22Psc14  24.02.2022 18:04
Mercury      11Aqr25  90 Uranus        11Tau25  25.02.2022  4:21
Mars         23Cap32   0 Vesta         23Cap32  25.02.2022 15:46= MAJOR TURN! 
The SN is still conjunct ALGOL !! VERY BAD
Mars is conjunct by declination Pluto; we can add that to the  negativity that is reflected on Earth. 

All Day HolidayJapan - Emperor's Birthday
All Day HolidayRussia - Defender of the Fatherland Day
HEHE ; right on time... no? 
There are a lot of ECB speakers today... 
It seems that we have a reversal in the cryptos; so use last low in the 60 min graph to go long. 
As per alert sent yesterday for the Crude Oil CL1: short was triggered. 
TA35: has a 0.61%- minus arbitrage, so target should be 1961; but there is a strong support at 1971-72; so we'll see 

February 22, 2022 Tuesday 
We have 6 times 2 in today's date... a date never before, and never till 2222; when it will be 7 2's; no 2 is ruled by the Moon, and she is now in Scorpio where she is in her Fall (weak). If I add up the date, we get = 12/3- a number that is ruled by Jupiter, and that is in sextile with Uranus; Tuesday is under Mars's energy; so we have a combo of Moon-Mars-Jupiter today 

based on the above, again we will have a very hectic day. 

February 21, 2022 Monday
It is Presidents' day in the USA, so no trade. I sent early morning new updates for Asia and Europe; the cryptos are all green; that have a reversal. Use the stops sent on 2/20; and be long above them. 
Today: it is a day ruled by the Moon. She is about to move into Scorpio. 
Actual aspects
Begin: 21.02.2022  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
                               Aspect Exact
Sun          P   Moon          21.02.2022 15:44
Sun          120 Moon          21.02.2022 16:28
Mercury       45 Neptune       21.02.2022 17:13
Moon         160 Node          21.02.2022 22:11
Moon         135 Neptune       21.02.2022 23:51
On this day in history: 

  • 1915 Russian 20th Army corps surrenders to the German 10th Army after being surrounded
  • 1916 World War I: Battle of Verdun begins with a German offensive, leads to an estimated 1 million casualties and becomes the longest battle of the entire war (9 months)

  • Tomorrow is a unique date; wrote about it on 2/2/2022:

February 20,2022 Sunday 

A friend of my son surprised us, he took a picture ( directed by ASSY Dayan- the son of Moshe Dayan ) on TV, of a film once I played in, in 1980.. LOL... 42 years ago... I was surprised how did he recognize me, he and my son were born in 1986. 
By the way, all my life I had long long hair, last Friday I cut it to donate, no one remembers me with such a short hair, in the last 40 years.. LOL 
So this is me now..
Our market TA35: wrote yesterday: " Our market will open with a gap down, probably we will see 1950-1930 as well. 
Bottom so far 1933.22 :) 
It is now 1:30 pm- 3 more hours till the close. 
I wrote several times, that in the last few months I watch South Korean serials. After each, I check the main actors' charts and read about them on Wiki. One interesting thing that caught my attention is, that many are in their 30-40's but not married. So I checked Wiki, and found out, that the marriage rate is extremely low, and declining, and new children born in S.Korea is more devastating... they abort female pregnancies, and let more boys alive than girls..

The old generation is growing, no one to take care of many, less and less people join the army, so their defense is also lessening with the years. The reason for less child birth is the extremely high university fees and their society is very competitive... Seoul is in the first 8 most expensive cities in the world.. I wonder where is Tel Aviv.( probably no 1).. LOL.. reading this saddened me... Here families have at least 3 children...the religious families 10; which is absurd in my eyes.. It must be very hard to live in such a country. Work like mad, and grow old alone. And they have very high suicide %.

February 19, 2022 Saturday 
Thanks to my FB friend and astrologer Anna -Cristal de Lyon: " 
UKRAINE - DONBASS - LUHANSK - An explosion has rocked the city of Lugansk in eastern Ukraine late on Friday. Local media have also confirmed that a pipeline in the area has been affected, resulting in a major fire.
Local sources confirm that the Druzhba gas pipeline has exploded.
This is one of several lines that provides gas to all of Europe.
Druzhba Pipeline is one of the worlds longest pipelines, also known as the Friendship Pipeline
Reportedly the Explosion in the Druzhba pipeline has interrupted the gas delivery to Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Germany.
Ukraine accuses Russian special agents for the explosion.
This is a huge deal and can easily be used as a pretext for war.
Source: compiled from several tweets"
In my post on Jan 25 I wrote: February 8 will be a dangerous day, when Mars and Uranus will join forces. It will be a day with too many 2: 2.8.2022 = 16, the card of the TOWER. Mars will conjunct Venus, and both trine Uranus, now Venus being Direct. this day will also mark a CIT.
Today: that area is between Neptune (oil) and North Node line- that was blown up. 
We can see, that Uranus already moved on when this escalation starts... Each part blaming the other. 
Looking again at Ukraine's chart, the Mars/Saturn midpoint is at 28 Sco; and the SN is conjunct, and has been conjunct for the last month. transit Mars and the Moon are at 18^, the Satan degree; and Jupiter in Pisces is in sextile Uranus in the sky, sign of sudden events and expansion. Saturn, however, can calm down the situation, as long as it is in opposition Ukraine's Leo stellium. 
Looking at Putin's chart: Open and hidden enemy is under Venus, which is "attacked" by Uranus in opposition and Jupiter in a trine; what is another interesting thing, IXION is conjunct his Mars, ruler of his health:
Ixion: Father of the Centaurs, and not a particularly nice fellow. Orbital
Period: 246.78 yr.
Positive - understands karmic wheel, gives and uses a second chance, discerning
Negative - murder; lustful, inconsiderate, inclined to repeat errors, learns
nothing from experience
Neutral: second efforts/chances, reset buttons, study of weather, watching
clouds, lust/coveting another mate ; inventiveness; ingenuity; lust for life; the hubris that may come with ability; to incur guilt, a bad record or negative karma.
But, Saturn is coming to an exact opposition his SN and Pluto; so it might help stop the madness. Oh, but that will happen only in April, and I wrote, that war will break out when Jupiter conjunct Neptune... +++ more aspects.. so it looks really bad now. 
As per the alerts sent for the USA markets and commodities; you must be in great gains! 
Our market will open with a gap down, probably we will see 1950-1930 as well. 

February 18,2022 Friday 
Yesterday I wrote major turns expected and we got it... 
the leading group to the downside was Technology 
Let's see what will happen today? 
The energies that are on stage is that of Venus and Saturn; They are conjunct by declination. 
this is important event, they forma kind of support, I will send updates with stops and targets.
More important is watching the SUN move into Pisces today, the sign of sacrifice, fake news, the silent killer, as I call call this sign...throughout the years I came up with many new names for ♓
The sky today: has many faults: Neptune on 22^- kill or get killed; conjunct the point of danger, the North Node is conjunct Algol, the most vicious fixed star in Taurus, and Mars on "the Satan degree"; 18 Cap. 

11:59 on Telegram grp: 
Dow usually falls till Feb 28.. when Sun at 6-7 pisc
2:07 : 
Let's think about that when BTC reached 37000


February 17,2022 Thursday 
It is a day ruled by Jupiter and Neptune!! Major turn in the markets expected. 
  • 1600 Philosopher Giordano Bruno is burned alive at Campo de' Fiori in Rome, charged with heresy by the Roman Inquisition
  • Giordano Bruno (in Italian : Iordanus Brunus Nolanus ; b. January 1548 , Nola , Campania , Italy - d.February 17, 1600,  Rome , Papal States ), born Filippo Bruno , was an Italian theologian and humanist philosopher of the Renaissance . Condemned and burned at the stake by the Inquisition for his pantheistic conception and for his belief in the infinity of the universe, ideas considered heretical , his name became synonymous with that of a victim of obscurantism  .
      there is no exact time of birth, only January ... so yes he was way out of his time. Why those who condemned him to be burnt alive weren't??? 

    Assassination Attempt
    1880 Alexander II of Russia survives an assassination attempt;  Uranus conj. Moon; but Jupiter 90^ to Uranus; saved him.

February 16.2022 Wednesday
Yesterday our index made a rare up move of 59 points, Formerly we had such a huge move on Feb27,2020 and March 18, 2020; The average move in a day since 2017 is 37 points.
In the DAX the average move is 154; yesterday it made 350; on March 10, 2020 : 608; 
In the Nasdaq IXIC: the average move since 3/2017 is 130 points; on 1/24/22 made 782! 
So if you follow these statistics you can get a hint if the index/share moves above the average and it is strong or not. 
What to expect today? 
The Moon is still in Leo, 
16.02.2022 18:56:24 27°59'30"Leo Opposition Sun= Full Moon 
16.02.2022 22:42:23  0°00'00"Vir <<<
17.02.2022 19:26:01 11°08'59"Vir Opposition Jupiter
17.02.2022 19:32:42 11°12'36"Vir Trine Uranus
18.02.2022  7:46:41 17°51'55"Vir Trine Venus
18.02.2022  8:13:12 18°06'24"Vir Trine Mars
18.02.2022 15:22:00 22°01'12"Vir Opposition Neptune
19.02.2022  1:19:25 27°30'00"Vir Trine Pluto
19.02.2022  5:50:49  0°00'00"Lib <

February 15, 2022 Tuesday 
People always ask me how much success I have in forecasting. I always answer, that I don't keep track of them, and you should read the blog, follow me on the Telegram group (free); or sign up and actually pay for the forecasts... 
Yesterday for example, at 3:51pm my time, that is one hour before USA opens, I posted a chart of the Nasdaq future, and wrote that target is 14435.
G, [2/14/2022 3:51 PM]
tgt: 14435
At 12:30 NY time, the NQ1 topped at 14395; even higher, then the forecast, and fell. So if you went long when I posted the graph, you could gain 2.36% in 5 hours30 min. 
At that time Mars+Venus which are conjunct trined Sun-Moon midpoint. also the rally was stopped by planetary positions. 
Today was have again a hectic day. It is Tuesday, ruled by Mars, which is at 15 Cap; the other ruler is Mercury, which just entered Aquarius. It feels good there, so together with the Moon in Leo, we should see more moves to the upside. The bummer is, that I think.... markets will wait till 3:30 pm (my time) or 8:30 NY time, for Fed announcements. 
In Asia: the NIfty reversed : should fill the gap now... 
In Europe: the weekly best performers were: TR20; TA35 and Oslo index; Russia is also rallying... 

TR20: I sent alert on 1/24 to have the stop at 1813; Ran up to 1873; now the stop is at 1840
MOEX Russia: since 1/24 ran up by 15.81% ; stop there is 3510 l target is 3610.
For today, intraday CIT: 9:55 to start with.. GMT+2.
Since Jan 2022 we never had 60 point rally in a day!!! 
I discovered this singer/ musician, by chance, searching the you tube to listen to something.. 
Stromae: 1.91 m very tall,  too thin, born in Brussels, Belgium. Even if you don't understand French, watch this video; he is extremely talented!

There is no time of birth, so I rectified it, more or less... based on his father was killed in the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda , where he was on a business trip, when he was 9, he got an anxiety attack in 1994, cut his tour, returned to perform a few years later, married in secret, and has a son born Sept 23, 2018. Also, someone with green eyes, must have one of the luminaries in water signs... He is very tall and thin, look how he moves, so the Asc. should be end of Gemini. 

February 14, 2022 Monday 
It is now 8:22, Asia is already trading, and most of it is red. Today we are under the rulership of the Moon, she is at 29 ♋; a sign she rules; GMT:+2; 
14.02.2022  8:06:45 27°21'42"Cnc Opposition Pluto
14.02.2022 12:26:39 29°34'14"Cnc Opposition Mercury
14.02.2022 13:17:04  0°00'00"Leo <<<
15.02.2022 10:55:40 11°09'08"Leo Square Uranus
15.02.2022 22:38:08 17°15'46"Leo Opposition Saturn
16.02.2022 18:56:24 27°59'30"Leo Opposition Sun
16.02.2022 22:42:23  0°00'00"Vir <<<
at 18:15 Madame Lagarde speaks... that will be under USA trading hours... so watch that time. 
I sent alerts yesterday for the USA markets and commodities, I hope you are gaining! 
The important aspect in the sky, and lasting ones are: 
Jupiter 60^ Uranus
Venus 0 Mars in Cap. 
Our market can open at 1930 and try to go up after yesterday's huge fall; the volatility will be extremely high, up target 1935;41;47; but I think it will trade more to the downside after a positive opening. Support below 1929 is 1917; 
S&P future: Stop 4410; the statistics for today: 

Tomorrow looks better: 

but, this is only statistics so careful with it. 
Nasdaq Future stop = 14235
The Nifty spot fell so far today, but it made a higher low than 1.27; so it will correct up from here. 
Nifty spot stop after the close 16845
5 year Bond: 
10 year bond: 

Subscribe now for $70/month, to get these alerts !!! 

February 13, 2022 Sunday
I am reposting February calendar: besides the aspects in the beginning of the article, there are more here: 
Sent new alerts for the cryptos. 
It's noon.. I am after my Pilates; I must move and not sit at my desk so much... I am getting news about Putin announcing that he will attack Wednesday. Is he bluffing? I posted in January 25-26; Ukraine, Putin's charts and the astrocarthograpgy... The culmination showed Feb 7-8; so if the news are true, then on Feb 16th he will attack. This day is the day of the Full Moon; and looking again at Ukraine's chart: the Moon is in opposition U's Moon, people will get hurt, Jupiter(expansion) is 60^ natal Uranus (ruler H2); and Mars+Venus conjunct in the sky are in U's H1; but anything that starts on a Full Moon, is short ; so let's hope it won't start all together, and if he does...then it will end till the New Moon. But I still don't think he will attack. 
There is a more troubling aspect: Jupiter conjunction Neptune in Pisces; in April. I am running ZET to see when were they again conjunct? 
SInce 1900- 2025 14 times: 
Range of search: 1.01.1900 - 1.01.2025
In steps of: 24h 0m 0s
Search for...:
Realization intervals (begin - end):
17.05.1907  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 28.05.1907  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
18.09.1919  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 30.09.1919  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
25.02.1920  0:00 (GMT+2:21) -  8.05.1920  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
14.09.1932  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 24.09.1932  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
17.09.1945  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 28.09.1945  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
19.09.1958  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 30.09.1958  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
25.01.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 10.02.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
13.05.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21) -  1.06.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
 8.09.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 24.09.1971  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.01.1984  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 25.01.1984  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
 5.01.1997  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 14.01.1997  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.05.2009  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 24.07.2009  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
16.12.2009  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 27.12.2009  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
Neptune enters Pisces Feb 4,2012 - 27/1/2026
Before that, only in 1847- 4/14/1861
 8.04.2022  0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 17.04.2022  0:00 (GMT+2:21)
Between those years, when Neptune was in Pisces, and Jupiter was conjunct, history remembers a lot of wars, revolutions and uprisings.. 
As I posted in my video : dark times are ahead.
my colleague: Maurice Fernandez has an interesting view about what is going on : 

Another perspective on the escalating tension between Russia, the Ukraine, and NATO forces. As Putin wishes to fend off Nato from getting ever closer to Russia's border, and trying to prevent the Ukraine from joining, we see in this chart a very personal interplay between the NATO chart and Putin's chart - exact opposites SUNS@ 13 Libra/Aries - with MARS/NEPTUNE to boot!
We may ask, but where is MARS today? 13 Capricorn?

Astrologers have talked about the military nature of MARS moving into Capricorn, and along with VENUS, trotting toward PLUTO by the end of the month. (See related chart on March full Moon posted)." 

I wrote Friday: TA35: will trade below 1979- down to 1930;... bottom so far 1921.50; now at 1930.86 ; it is 2:47pm, another hour to trade today; let's see if it will go beyond the low ? That would be great!! Put 1900 will reach 1600-1700 

February 11, 2022 Friday 
As expected, the inflation is rising its head, there is no argument about it... as I forecasted it last year in my You tube channel, you can listen to all the recordings under the link posted above. 
The USA markets fell, reversed, and fell again, now we can use the last top on the 60 min chart and be short below. The Moon today is still in ♊ and Mercury is still conjunct Pluto, so volatility will remain high. 
11.02.2022  8:43:14 21°45'57"Gem Square Neptune
11.02.2022 10:22:29 22°34'44"Gem Trine Sun
12.02.2022  1:26:32  0°00'00"Cnc <<<
Sunday, the 13th, when our market opens, I think we will have a big negative arbitrage, so TA35: will trade below 1979- down to 1930;... 
The Moon will be in the middle of ♋, in a disharmonious aspect to the Sun; we might even get a gap down at the opening... 
Mercury 120^ the NN
Venus 0^ Mars in Capricorn
In the Helio centric chart Earth will trine Eris; this happened on June 14, 2021; the Nasdaq & S&P, for ex. made a minor top there.. check your index what happened, there?
I will send now updates to subscribers... 
If you are still not in the list, you might want to be.. 

February 10,2022 Thursday 
The options expiry was 1997; so no big surprise there, as I thought yesterday. The market trades on the downside, waiting for the next important event of the day, the inflation in the USA; 
As you can see in the list above, there is a conjunction between Mercury and Pluto; and Pluto trines the Nodes; this is an important aspect, happens twice a year. The Sun makes a minor ~30~ degrees aspect to Neptune; not so important in trade. I guess, children born today will be artistic and inspired. 
On this day in history the Mongol invasion started, Baghdad fell, bringing the Islamic Golden Age to an end... how everything ends once... for some other era to rise.. Note Uranus at 0 Aries. THe Mongol era lasted 200 years. 
Against the Alans and the Cumans (Kipchaks), the Mongols used divide-and-conquer tactics by first warning the Cumans to end their support of the Alans, whom they then defeated, before rounding on the Cumans. Alans were recruited into the Mongol forces with one unit called "Right Alan Guard" which was combined with "recently surrendered" soldiers. Mongols and Chinese soldiers stationed in the area of the former Kingdom of Qocho and in Besh Balikh established a Chinese military colony led by Chinese general Qi Kongzhi (Ch'i Kung-chih).
it is possible that between 20 and 57 million people were killed between 1206 and 1405 during the various campaigns of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, and Timur.

Isn't that tactic used today, in every level ? 
Pegasus spyware: installed in many CEOs, and important people over here, mainly those who were testifying in the Netanyahu's' trial; makes now the headlines over here. Ordered by Bibi, during his time, to follow "Covid sick persons... but the aim and target was completely different.. 

Avner Netanyahu and his girlfriend for the last 3 years, cancelled their wedding that was supposed to happen in June. Looking at her natal solar chart, it is no wonder: transit Uranus in opposition her Sco. stellium; and tr. Merc+Pluto conj. her natal Uranus+ Neptune; they have no other choice, but depart from each other. Maybe for the best for her... but I sympathize with Avner, the only decent member of this family. 

February 9, 2022 Wednesday 
Markets rallied yesterday. For us, this means, that today tA35 will reach 1959-62-70 even. But, the Moon moves into ♊; so volatility will be high. 
9.02.2022  3:48:19 25°43'38"Tau Trine Mercury GMT+2
 9.02.2022  6:47:42 27°12'29"Tau Trine Pluto
 9.02.2022 12:26:34  0°00'00"Gem <<<
Today we are under the energies of  ☿ and ♄; they are not in aspect. But Mercury is conjunct Pluto; so watch out for bad mothing. 
Another thing... Ceres moved into Gemini. Ceres is important for the grains! So if you trade those contracts, make sure you stick your stop to the last top; and only above it go long. 
I am running now the Wheat, let's see where is it heading? Stop there is 780. 
Corn: made a 50% up correction of the 5/21- 9/13/21 fall; Stop is 625
Order now the yearly forecast for anything you trade !!! 

February 8, 2022 Tuesday 
Same sky, yet, different outcome: Yesterday, under Moon 0 Uranus the markets turned. 
Today: GMT+2 ( for NY - 7 hours ) 
8.02.2022  9:00:44 16°21'33"Tau Square Saturn
 8.02.2022 15:50:00 19°46'21"Tau Square Sun = 4 pm for NY
 8.02.2022 19:39:34 21°40'49"Tau Sextile Neptune
 9.02.2022  3:48:19 25°43'38"Tau Trine Mercury

Actual aspects
Begin: 8.02.2022  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
                               Aspect Exact
Moon          90 Saturn         8.02.2022  9:01
Moon         P^  Venus          8.02.2022 13:16
Moon         P^  Saturn         8.02.2022 14:26
Sun           90 Moon           8.02.2022 15:50
Mars         120 Uranus         8.02.2022 16:57
Moon          72 Jupiter        8.02.2022 18:18
Moon          60 Neptune        8.02.2022 19:40
Moon          30 Eris           8.02.2022 23:51

February 7, 2022 Monday
It is a day ruled by the Moon and Venus. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, separating from the Sun, the first aspect to make is a conjunction to Uranus and a trine to Mars- so it will be a day with a strong move. Mars trines Uranus; I hope we will not read any war-related news. 
Mercury is still close to Pluto, so their destructive energy is still in the air. 
In Asia, except for the Nifty, almost all indices are green. 
February 6, 2022 Sunday
TA35: gapped up and topped at 1940.55; since 10 am it is correcting this gap-up- now at 1932- should not fall below 1930. 

February 5, 2022 Saturday 
It is cloudy and cold outside. I am cooking cholent; the smell is fantastic... I think the food will be delicious, but it takes  a long cooking, so it will take a while. It is only 11:50; started to cook at 9; so in 30-60 min it should be done. I have guests, of course, no one can eat so much alone. 
So, meanwhile, I see markets - the cryptos are rocketing. I sent updates yesterday, so you must be gaining now.
I posted a LOT of graphs in my Telegram group, so log in and check them them out. 
The markets turned yesterday, under Mercury turning DIRECT ! Now it is in its' shadow position, till 2/25; when it turned Retro. 
Next week's aspects: 
Mercury      180 Chiron         7.02.2022  7:00
Mercury      150 Jupiter        7.02.2022 12:01
Mercury      150 Uranus         7.02.2022 20:07
Mars          60 Saturn         7.02.2022 23:42
Mercury      120 Saturn         8.02.2022 11:00
Mercury       60 Mars           8.02.2022 12:57
Earth         60 Mercury        9.02.2022 21:03
Mercury      150 Neptune       10.02.2022  8:55
Venus        150 Chiron        10.02.2022 20:16
Mercury      180 Eris          10.02.2022 20:25
Venus        180 Jupiter       11.02.2022 12:25
Mercury       90 Pluto         11.02.2022 12:50
Earth        150 Neptune       11.02.2022 13:09
Venus        120 Uranus        12.02.2022  1:51
Mercury       45 Venus         12.02.2022  9:37
TA35: the arbitrage is 0.03+ %; that means, it will open at the close: 1929.55; Stop is 1929. yes, close.. I would not be surprised to get a gap up; to 1939-and run up to 1947; 
Alerts sent for the crypts with targets, reached, now the targets are stops. 
I will send new alerts for Asia for Monday opening. 
Mark Zuckerberg : Born May 14, 1984; 14:39 White Plains, NY: Asc 21Virgo; Moon 18Sco44; H2-8 Midpoint = 21♋; Transit Pluto is in opposition for quite a long time, and he is loosing money BIG TIME. 

February 4, 2022 Friday 
Yesterday and today we had 2 important moves in the Heliocentric sky. Venus entered Virgo, where it is in its Fall, ( weak) and Mercury entered Libra; so they are in mutual reception, each in the other's sign. 
In spite of the positive Fed announcements, the markets were weak. 

This is one of the charts I check: 
We can see, that the strongest planet in the sky is Saturn, and the weakest the Sun. ( Heliocentric sky, so it is the Earth) 
I check many other things... so now I'll send some alerts.
See you later. 
Today birthdays: Clyde Tombaugh - "Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh (born on 4 February 1906, on a farm near Streator, Illinois). The official announcement of the planet's discovery was made on 12 March 1930 in the evening." It is interesting, that Pluto conjuncts his Moon !!! 

Biden Hunter : Feb.4,1970; still trying to find what did he do for mankind. 
GEO Aspects for the next 3 days mostly for the cryptos. 
Alerts sent to subscribers. 

February 3, 2022 Thursday 
We have weekly options expiry today. The Moon moved to Pisces GMT+2
 2.02.2022 12:59:23  0°00'00"Psc <<<GM

 3.02.2022  0:32:51  6°50'52"Psc Sextile Mars
 3.02.2022  1:57:08  7°40'26"Psc Conjunction Jupiter
 3.02.2022  7:30:17 10°55'29"Psc Sextile Uranus
 3.02.2022  8:34:39 11°33'01"Psc Sextile Venus
 4.02.2022  1:53:40 21°31'31"Psc Conjunction Neptune
 4.02.2022  6:55:12 24°22'35"Psc Sextile Mercury
 4.02.2022 11:40:46 27°03'29"Psc Sextile Pluto
 4.02.2022 16:56:18  0°00'00"Ari <<<
For the USA it was at 6 am yesterday. The Nasdaq topped at 7 am and fell. 
The ES1 : S&P future topped at 1 pm; when Mars-Jupiter sextile was exact, reached Mars line and fell; now at 4535.
Today the Sun conjuncts Saturn, they should block extreme falls and we have the ECB announcement at 14:45.. so markets will wait for that. Also a lot of announcement in Europe. China is still celebrating the New Year, so no trade there. Should I say.. a quiet morning? 
Here is the February calendar for different time zones: GMR+2

GMT: -5 New York


Mendelson Bartholdy Felix was born today, in 1809 Hamburg, Germany. He died at the age 38,75;; of a stroke, like several members in his family.. 


Mendelssohn suffered from poor health in the final years of his life, probably aggravated by nervous problems and overwork. A final tour of England left him exhausted and ill, and the death of his sister, Fanny, on 14 May 1847, caused him further distress. Less than six months later, on 4 November, aged 38, Mendelssohn died in Leipzig after a series of strokes. His grandfather Moses, Fanny, and both his parents had all died from similar apoplexies. Although he had been generally meticulous in the management of his affairs, he died intestate.

Mendelssohn played and composed for organ from the age of 11 until his death. His primary organ works are the Three Preludes and Fugues, Op. 37 (1837), and the Six Sonatas, Op. 65 (1845), of which Eric Werner wrote "next to Bach's works, Mendelssohn's Organ Sonatas belong to the required repertory of all organists".


Mendelssohn wrote some Singspiele for family performance in his youth. His opera  (The Two Nephews) was rehearsed for him on his 15th birthday. 1829 saw Die Heimkehr aus der Fremde (Son and Stranger or Return of the Roamer), a comedy of mistaken identity written in honour of his parents' silver anniversary and unpublished during his lifetime. In 1825 he wrote a more sophisticated work, Die Hochzeit des Camacho (Camacho's Wedding), based on an episode in Don Quixote, for public consumption. It was produced in Berlin in 1827, but coolly received. Mendelssohn left the theatre before the conclusion of the first performance, and subsequent performances were cancelled.

Although he never abandoned the idea of composing a full opera, and considered many subjects – including that of the Nibelung saga later adapted by Wagner, about which he corresponded with his sister Fanny– he never wrote more than a few pages of sketches for any project. In Mendelssohn's last years the opera manager Benjamin Lumley tried to contract him to write an opera from Shakespeare's The Tempest on a libretto by Eugène Scribe, and even announced it as forthcoming in 1847, the year of Mendelssohn's death. The libretto was eventually set by Fromental Halévy. At his death Mendelssohn left some sketches for an opera on the story of the Lorelei.
Bank of England raised the interest rate to 0.50% 
ECB: no change in interest rate... 0%

February 2, 2022 Wednesday
It is a day ruled by Mercury and the Sun, it is also a unique day, having so many 2's. We will have one more on 2.22.2022. 
Most indices and shares bottomed between Jan 24-26; add 5-7, 8, 9 -13 days for a reversal. 
I will send updates later. 
The Moon is still in Aquarius, and I wrote in my former article, that the S&P makes a top or bottom when in this sign. This time it also occurred under a New Moon, and we see new highs. Look out for the hour when she enters Pisces! 
On this day, one year ago I opened my Telegram group :) l under a stellium in ♒.
On this day in 1901 Jascha Heifetz, violinist was born, also Ayn Rand, in 1905;
On this day New York was incorporated, in 1653, first name was New Amsterdam; 
Mike Brant, Israeli singer was also born in the night between Feb 1-2, 1947; Yesterday, the whole day, I listened to his music... He was beautiful, talented, world famous, and depressed. jumped from a friend's apartment balcony, on the 6th floor in Paris, to his death at the age of 28. on April 25, 1974 at 11 pm. 
The attached video is in French. You see, I learned in Alliance high school in Israel, so I was once fluent in French. Even today, with no practice I understand fully this video. I knew once 6 languages.. Hungarian in my mother tongue, next Romanian, was a must to speak in Romania, then we all learned Latin, English, French and later I studied alone German, because I worked in the tourist business, so I had to understand them, and Itanian and Spanish is much like Romanian, so I know all these languages. I still know.. a... and now Hebrew as well. How come? I have a Gemini Moon- so it is easy for me to pick up languages. Now, LOL, watching Korean serials, I am trying to catch up their music and words... very different from anything I know. 
Today the Chinese New year starts: here are some info about it : Happy New Year to those who celebrate is. 

February 1, 2022 Tuesday

We start the month with a VOC moon. This means, that anything that happens till 2/2/2022 1:00 pm - will be reversible. ( 2/3 ECB interest rates ! ) 
For TA35: the arbitrage is positive, so we might get a wipeout of the puts, and calls go up, 1927-48 can be the trade range.
For S&P future: target will be 4535-48.- up to 4700.
Nasdaq 100: stop 14936; target 15600-ish 
There is no trade in China, due to Water Tiger New Year... You can read what it meant in the past in my former article; on Jan.22

Click "like" at the bottom of the article :)  


  1. it's obvious that the usa poland and romania will attack. what say you? This goes back to ww2.
    putin has no allies!


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