New Moon in Aquarius, 2020 ~ Financial and mundane astrology.
Between January 24,- February 24, 2020
Thank you for following me from the former article.
The New Moon in Aquarius, for Israel, happens in the 4th house. This house is related to our childhood, the mother, and the memories of those. In a country's chart, this house speaks about its foundations. It not a surprize, that the annexation plan pops up The timing of this plan is disastrous, as Mars (war) approaches the South Node (karma)- see in the next New Moon chart.
Important dates to watch: Geocentric chart:
27.01.2020 2:35:21
> Ari Lilith
31.01.2020 2:58:52
> Aqr Ceres
3.02.2020 6:37:21 > Psc Mercury
7.02.2020 15:02:21 > Ari Venus
8.02.2020 11:24:29 >0 N Venus
16.02.2020 6:32:56
> Cap Mars
16.02.2020 19:53:13
R Mercury 12°53'23"Psc
7°15'05"Cap18.02.2020 23:56:56 > Psc Sun
It is important to read the former article! to know what happened in the past under these New Moons.
The reason I add here former articles is for you to read what has happened in the past under these New Moons.
Jupiter 60 Neptune 20.02.2020 17:55 MOST IMPORTANT AND RARE!
Venus 135 Maki 20.02.2020 17:56
Mars 120 Uranus 21.02.2020 11:10
Mars 90 Chiron 21.02.2020 15:16
Mercury 36 Venus 22.02.2020 7:23
Sun 45 Jupiter 22.02.2020 8:07
Sun 60 Uranus 22.02.2020 16:13
Sun 36 Saturn 22.02.2020 16:23
Sun 30 Chiron 22.02.2020 19:30
Most of us know that in Norse mythology, Thor was the god of thunder and he made lightening with his hammer.
The hammer of Thor was the most destructive weapon in mythology.� Is there a planet that represents it?
It is Sedna.
Sedna is a recently discovered planet.� Astronomers classify Sedna as a dwarf planet and there have been dozens of them discovered in the last few years.�
But Sedna is not like any of the other dwarf planets.� It has the most elliptical orbit of any planet.� It is by far the farthest planet that we know about.� Sedna is so far away that astronomers calculate it takes 12,050 years for it to orbit the Sun.� By comparison, Pluto orbits the Sun every 240 years.�
Right now, Sedna is a bit more than 7 billion miles from the Sun and almost as close to the Sun as it ever gets � that is why we were able to discover it in 2003.� But Sedna will be 90 billion miles from the Sun in 6,000 years.� That is about 35 times further from the Sun than Pluto ever gets.
Because Sedna is so far away and its orbit is so elliptical, the Magi Society believes that Sedna is not from our solar system.� We believe that Sedna was a small planet that used to orbit another star, but it somehow escaped the gravitational force of that star, after which Sedna began wandering in outer space.� We believe that about 6000 years ago, Sedna became captured by the gravitational force of our Sun and became �part� of our solar system.���
So Sedna is really a visitor and not part of our original solar system.� This would explain why it is so far away from our Sun.
This would also explain why astrologically speaking, Sedna does not act like any other planet.�
Below, we will explain why Sedna is astrologically very different from any other planet and how it really works, as well as what Sedna means and represents.
Sedna belongs to the 8 Trans Neptunian planets: I am checking it on the DOW- what they write, I want to check if it can be used or not, or "blame"..the virus on it. So stay tuned..
Here is the outcome of Sedna position: between 1885- 1967 it was in Aries; then it will be in taurus till May, 2024.
To my new readers: I start a new article every new Moon, and I add to it almost daily. You will find here market analysis, world events, celebs' charts, whatever comes to my mind, to look at.
My services are: *Daily alerts for 20$ per day,
*Natal chart reading: $360,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 1970 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $200/ month;
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or see in the left panel under "Services" There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
*Natal chart reading: $360,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 1970 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $200/ month;
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or see in the left panel under "Services" There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
You might want to click "interesting, cool" and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind. And don't forget to click "Like" at the bottom of the article!!
February 24, 2020 Monday
I started a new article, the New Moon in Pisces, 2020, follow me!
February 23, 2020 Sunday
I hope your weekend was, is great! I got a book I ordered long time ago, so reading and grandchildren were my highlight of the days, in the Sun, with my flowers I planted on my balcony..
Nevertheless, one cannot block himself out of the world events... It is getting worse and worse... WHO link with graphs...
So let's see today's planetary positions: We have the New Moon today, oh.. I must start a new article, well, after the gym... New Moon in Pisces, at 4 degrees. 4 degree is a Cancer degree, affects families, home, memories, childhood. THen we have Mercury bad in Pisces and retro- double that bad- and Neptune- rules PIsces- and rules the whole map, since the Sun in Pisces is under Neptune's effect- so the virus breaks borders, and spreads in a way we cannot block it. Neptune also rules hidden things, of house 12, hospitals, prisons, past lives.. So there is more hidden than known about this event then we can imagine. I have a feeling, that someone wanted to stop CHINA being great again...But what do I know?
OK. Next, Venus is still in Aries, at 18 degrees ( bad), squares Jupiter in Capricorn! ( extreme powers to governments).Mars is almost exactly conjunct the SOuth Node ( bad karma, in Capricorn- violent outbreaks to be expected...Mars and SN sextile the SUn, that will put in danger leaders... and of course Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn- all will be met with fierce power.
This is my two pence for today..
Oh.. and here are some good news: Toyota to reopen production in CHina!
Oh.. and here are some good news: Toyota to reopen production in CHina!
February 20, 2020 Thursday
It is a date that will never ever return again! 2-2-2-2-2= a lot of 2! a lot of Moon.. Where is she? Oh, she is at 23 Capricorn, conjunct Saturn, Pluto, and all the other malefic asteroids there... I'll upload in a minute a chart, my computer makes me troubles.. My "Jing" stopped working... so you have to believe me, without a chart.
Gold: what will happen? it double topped, now will it go higher, or corect? Order now the weekly report, Know in advance!
Gold: what will happen? it double topped, now will it go higher, or corect? Order now the weekly report, Know in advance!
I find myself writing more on FB, and "like"s sending more than I post here... I am neglecting you, and you now need all the care there is... The SUN just entered Pisces.
How is the Sun ( fire) feeling in water??? humid, sweating, cannot see a meter ahead.. How is Pisces feeling with this uninvited visitor, who boils up his eggs? bad.. SO it is bad for both. For the markets, well, that depends on the natal chart of each. But now we have also Mercury, the liar there! The Sun meets Neptune on March 8, that will be a culmination of fraud and disinformation... so mark this date.
Have you heard of Theodore White, astrologer? here he posted an excellent analysis on Michael Bloomberg. You can find him on FB.
Mike Bloomberg:
Money Can't Buy You Love (or the White House)
Analysis by Theodore White, Astrolog.sci
“Man is not, by nature, deserving of all that he wants. When we think that we are automatically entitled to something that is when we start walking all over others to get it.” ~ Criss Jami
All the money in the world cannot get you a favorable nativity, transits or secondary progressions – and such is the case for Michael Bloomberg, who is running for president of the United States in the 2020 general election.
Born into the Pluto in Leo generation on February 14, 1942 with a natal Sun in tropical Aquarius and a last quarter Moon also in Aquarius, the Brighton, Massachusetts multi-billionaire and former mayor of New York City recently turned 78 years of age and is way past his prime.
Nonetheless, the head of Bloomberg Incorporated has made it his mission to attack his former friend Donald Trump, who just happens to also be holding the office that Bloomberg says that he wants.
However, examining Bloomberg’s nativity, one can easily see how he does not have the temperament to be president and has confused his three terms as New York’s mayor with his need to control the lives of others.
Bloomberg’s main problem has to do with the squares from his Sun and Moon to his stellium of planets in tropical Taurus, Mars, Saturn and Uranus.
The general tone is governed by Bloomberg’s natal Sun-Uranus fixed square which seeks personal freedom and control at all cost.
There is a desire for one’s own freedom to do what one wants but at the same time expecting others to stick strictly to duty.
The common issue with a natal Sun-Uranus square, particularly when in ‘fixed’ zodiacal signs is that it is headstrong, egotistical and as a result will reject good advice to express one’s on fixed views. The behavior will lean in the direction of inconsistency; being unreliable and erratic.
The discordance of the natal Sun-Uranus fixed square extends into the social and political as well as inconsistent behavior will be especially expressed in social and romantic relationships – often times suddenly, to the point of shattering personal relationships abruptly, which is a function of Uranus in square to the natal Sun.
bloomberg also has a tight Moon-Mars square, which is fixed as well with his natal Moon in square to his natal Saturn in tropical Taurus.
The influences of this would be toward impatience, emotional instabilities, irritabilities and emotional impulsiveness.
throughout the life there will be quarrels with family, associates, underlings and problems with women with frequent loss of temper over petty annoyances, which is common with a Moon-Mars natal square.
It isn’t favorable for public relationships as the Moon-Mars natal square is exacerbated by the natal Moon’s applying to another fixed square with Saturn in tropical Taurus.
The Moon-Saturn square tend to anxiety, worry and the stimulation of painful subconscious memories which in turn have an adverse effect as the Moon-Saturn square has the native adopting a cold, unsympathetic attitude toward others.
When rejection is felt, the native often fails to realize that it is his/her own attitude that has brought about the negative reaction to the native.
Understand that all people are born into ‘eras’ and as such hold the atmosphere of those eras within themselves, which defines their own inner plane weather.
Bloomberg was born into a very violent fascist era of winter 1942 as World War II escalated.
That Saturday, Feb. 14, 1942 of Bloomberg’s birth was very violent indeed as the Soviet Union began universal labor conscription.
On the same day the Japanese invaded Sumatra at Palembang and also murdered 323 physicians, nurses, and patients at Alexandra Hospital in Singapore.
As the Battle of Pasir Panjang ended in a Japanese victory the Battle of Bilin River began in Burma. The Sarawakian steamship Vyner Brooke was also bombed and sunk by Japanese aircraft while evacuating nurses and wounded servicemen out of Singapore.
Meanwhile, the British auxiliary patrol vessel Li Wo singlehandedly attacked a Japanese convoy north of the Bangka Strait, sinking the lead transport before being herself sunk by the squadron of escorting warships.
Then, the British gunboat HMS Grasshopper was bombed and sunk by Japanese aircraft off Rusuk Island.
On that same day, February 14, 1942, the British Air Ministry issued their Area bombing directive, ordering RAF bombers to attack the German industrial workforce and the morale of the German populace through bombing German cities and their civilian inhabitants. This, as the Nazi German submarines U-178 and U-336 were commissioned.
The American converted troopship SS President Taylor was grounded on the coral reef at Canton Island and could not be salvaged despite extensive efforts.
Bloomberg’s natal Mercury, retrograde in tropical Aquarius, is also square to his natal Mars and Saturn, both posited in tropical Taurus.
It tends to mental irritation and heated arguments along with backbiting sarcasm and expressions of anger directed at others.
Generally, there are difficulties in business and personal communication as well as disagreements over joint monies, insurance, inheritance, alimony and professional activities.
The natal Mercury, retrograde and in square to natal Mars and Saturn in Taurus after sees disagreement over work methodologies, which Bloomberg proved in his time as New York City mayor and also in his financial communications business.
Impulsiveness, along with confusion about the diversity of others easily irritates the native.
As a result, and due to the added discordant Mercury-Saturn square, it proffers a pessimistic mental outlook that is fraught with anxiety and worry.
The natives with this natal square experience a lack of mental inspiration and cannot stand to have others in positions of power over them.
Meanwhile, Bloomberg’s natal Venus, retrograde in Aquarius and posited in his natal 7th House opposes his natal Pluto in tropical Leo which influences a lack of consideration for the feelings of others along with extreme selfishness and lack of social refinement and class.
There is a tendency of those with a Venus-Pluto opposition to use others only for their sexual gratification and makes the individual also easily susceptible to sexual seduction as extramarital love affairs often occur with this aspect.
Sexual jealousies also result as difficulties in handling sexual desires occur.
This aspect, taking place in mid-February 1942 highlighted the many rapes of girls and women during that time of World War Two.
What also happens with a Venus-Pluto opposition, particularly when in fixed signs is that the individual will attempt to remake or reform others in close personal relationships.
Bloomberg’s nativity is ruled by Venus, the Moon, Mars and Saturn – in that order.
His Secondary Progressions show that in 2020 Bloomberg is now living the inner plane life of Sunday, May 3, 1942.
On that day, both transiting Saturn and Uranus met in major world conjunction at the anaretic 29th degree of tropical Taurus and it is this conjunction that pushed Bloomberg to enter the 2020 presidential race.
What happens under a Saturn-Uranus conjunction is that individuals often become involved with professional groups and organization to meet unfed previous desires.
In Bloomberg’s case, his progressed Saturn and Uranus at 29-Taurus has spurred his motivation to realize his own personal goals and objectives.
However, what happens with these malefic bodies at an anaretic degree is that the individual will experience a reversal of fortune in accordance with their past actions and motivations.
What happens is that the consequences come about through unexpected and sudden circumstances of karma.
Bloomberg’s Progressed Moon will enter tropical Capricorn in late July 2020, and by Election Day, November 3, 2020; his Progressed Capricorn Moon will oppose his Progressed Mars in debilitation in tropical Cancer.
This will exacerbate Bloomberg’s already high-strung emotional impulsiveness, irritation and lifelong lack of consideration for the feelings of others.
A very low emotional IQ; selfishness, tendency to violent temper tantrums; a large ego with strong desire to run roughshod over others are among Michael Bloomberg’s major failings - which in my view - will not lead him to win the White House in 2020 - no matter how many hundreds of millions of dollars he is willing to spend to purchase the general election.
A tip from this forecasting astrologer to Michael Bloomberg on something important that I've known all my life.
you see, all the money in the world cannot buy you happiness or love.
That's because the things that bring long-term satisfaction and contentment - like spirituality, true friendships and healthy relationships - simply cannot be bought.
And for your information Mike Bloomberg - that includes the White House too.
Kindness - it doesn't cost a damn thing Mike - so why don't you sprinkle that shit everywhere?
Mike Bloomberg:
Money Can't Buy You Love (or the White House)
Analysis by Theodore White, Astrolog.sci
“Man is not, by nature, deserving of all that he wants. When we think that we are automatically entitled to something that is when we start walking all over others to get it.” ~ Criss Jami
All the money in the world cannot get you a favorable nativity, transits or secondary progressions – and such is the case for Michael Bloomberg, who is running for president of the United States in the 2020 general election.
Born into the Pluto in Leo generation on February 14, 1942 with a natal Sun in tropical Aquarius and a last quarter Moon also in Aquarius, the Brighton, Massachusetts multi-billionaire and former mayor of New York City recently turned 78 years of age and is way past his prime.
Nonetheless, the head of Bloomberg Incorporated has made it his mission to attack his former friend Donald Trump, who just happens to also be holding the office that Bloomberg says that he wants.
However, examining Bloomberg’s nativity, one can easily see how he does not have the temperament to be president and has confused his three terms as New York’s mayor with his need to control the lives of others.
Bloomberg’s main problem has to do with the squares from his Sun and Moon to his stellium of planets in tropical Taurus, Mars, Saturn and Uranus.
The general tone is governed by Bloomberg’s natal Sun-Uranus fixed square which seeks personal freedom and control at all cost.
There is a desire for one’s own freedom to do what one wants but at the same time expecting others to stick strictly to duty.
The common issue with a natal Sun-Uranus square, particularly when in ‘fixed’ zodiacal signs is that it is headstrong, egotistical and as a result will reject good advice to express one’s on fixed views. The behavior will lean in the direction of inconsistency; being unreliable and erratic.
The discordance of the natal Sun-Uranus fixed square extends into the social and political as well as inconsistent behavior will be especially expressed in social and romantic relationships – often times suddenly, to the point of shattering personal relationships abruptly, which is a function of Uranus in square to the natal Sun.
bloomberg also has a tight Moon-Mars square, which is fixed as well with his natal Moon in square to his natal Saturn in tropical Taurus.
The influences of this would be toward impatience, emotional instabilities, irritabilities and emotional impulsiveness.
throughout the life there will be quarrels with family, associates, underlings and problems with women with frequent loss of temper over petty annoyances, which is common with a Moon-Mars natal square.
It isn’t favorable for public relationships as the Moon-Mars natal square is exacerbated by the natal Moon’s applying to another fixed square with Saturn in tropical Taurus.
The Moon-Saturn square tend to anxiety, worry and the stimulation of painful subconscious memories which in turn have an adverse effect as the Moon-Saturn square has the native adopting a cold, unsympathetic attitude toward others.
When rejection is felt, the native often fails to realize that it is his/her own attitude that has brought about the negative reaction to the native.
Understand that all people are born into ‘eras’ and as such hold the atmosphere of those eras within themselves, which defines their own inner plane weather.
Bloomberg was born into a very violent fascist era of winter 1942 as World War II escalated.
That Saturday, Feb. 14, 1942 of Bloomberg’s birth was very violent indeed as the Soviet Union began universal labor conscription.
On the same day the Japanese invaded Sumatra at Palembang and also murdered 323 physicians, nurses, and patients at Alexandra Hospital in Singapore.
As the Battle of Pasir Panjang ended in a Japanese victory the Battle of Bilin River began in Burma. The Sarawakian steamship Vyner Brooke was also bombed and sunk by Japanese aircraft while evacuating nurses and wounded servicemen out of Singapore.
Meanwhile, the British auxiliary patrol vessel Li Wo singlehandedly attacked a Japanese convoy north of the Bangka Strait, sinking the lead transport before being herself sunk by the squadron of escorting warships.
Then, the British gunboat HMS Grasshopper was bombed and sunk by Japanese aircraft off Rusuk Island.
On that same day, February 14, 1942, the British Air Ministry issued their Area bombing directive, ordering RAF bombers to attack the German industrial workforce and the morale of the German populace through bombing German cities and their civilian inhabitants. This, as the Nazi German submarines U-178 and U-336 were commissioned.
The American converted troopship SS President Taylor was grounded on the coral reef at Canton Island and could not be salvaged despite extensive efforts.
Bloomberg’s natal Mercury, retrograde in tropical Aquarius, is also square to his natal Mars and Saturn, both posited in tropical Taurus.
It tends to mental irritation and heated arguments along with backbiting sarcasm and expressions of anger directed at others.
Generally, there are difficulties in business and personal communication as well as disagreements over joint monies, insurance, inheritance, alimony and professional activities.
The natal Mercury, retrograde and in square to natal Mars and Saturn in Taurus after sees disagreement over work methodologies, which Bloomberg proved in his time as New York City mayor and also in his financial communications business.
Impulsiveness, along with confusion about the diversity of others easily irritates the native.
As a result, and due to the added discordant Mercury-Saturn square, it proffers a pessimistic mental outlook that is fraught with anxiety and worry.
The natives with this natal square experience a lack of mental inspiration and cannot stand to have others in positions of power over them.
Meanwhile, Bloomberg’s natal Venus, retrograde in Aquarius and posited in his natal 7th House opposes his natal Pluto in tropical Leo which influences a lack of consideration for the feelings of others along with extreme selfishness and lack of social refinement and class.
There is a tendency of those with a Venus-Pluto opposition to use others only for their sexual gratification and makes the individual also easily susceptible to sexual seduction as extramarital love affairs often occur with this aspect.
Sexual jealousies also result as difficulties in handling sexual desires occur.
This aspect, taking place in mid-February 1942 highlighted the many rapes of girls and women during that time of World War Two.
What also happens with a Venus-Pluto opposition, particularly when in fixed signs is that the individual will attempt to remake or reform others in close personal relationships.
Bloomberg’s nativity is ruled by Venus, the Moon, Mars and Saturn – in that order.
His Secondary Progressions show that in 2020 Bloomberg is now living the inner plane life of Sunday, May 3, 1942.
On that day, both transiting Saturn and Uranus met in major world conjunction at the anaretic 29th degree of tropical Taurus and it is this conjunction that pushed Bloomberg to enter the 2020 presidential race.
What happens under a Saturn-Uranus conjunction is that individuals often become involved with professional groups and organization to meet unfed previous desires.
In Bloomberg’s case, his progressed Saturn and Uranus at 29-Taurus has spurred his motivation to realize his own personal goals and objectives.
However, what happens with these malefic bodies at an anaretic degree is that the individual will experience a reversal of fortune in accordance with their past actions and motivations.
What happens is that the consequences come about through unexpected and sudden circumstances of karma.
Bloomberg’s Progressed Moon will enter tropical Capricorn in late July 2020, and by Election Day, November 3, 2020; his Progressed Capricorn Moon will oppose his Progressed Mars in debilitation in tropical Cancer.
This will exacerbate Bloomberg’s already high-strung emotional impulsiveness, irritation and lifelong lack of consideration for the feelings of others.
A very low emotional IQ; selfishness, tendency to violent temper tantrums; a large ego with strong desire to run roughshod over others are among Michael Bloomberg’s major failings - which in my view - will not lead him to win the White House in 2020 - no matter how many hundreds of millions of dollars he is willing to spend to purchase the general election.
A tip from this forecasting astrologer to Michael Bloomberg on something important that I've known all my life.
you see, all the money in the world cannot buy you happiness or love.
That's because the things that bring long-term satisfaction and contentment - like spirituality, true friendships and healthy relationships - simply cannot be bought.
And for your information Mike Bloomberg - that includes the White House too.
Kindness - it doesn't cost a damn thing Mike - so why don't you sprinkle that shit everywhere?
He has extremely long articles... who can read it? Anyways, he is very good. and my comment on it was:
oh.. it was deleted.. bummer... nevertheless, here is the natal chart, with November 1st 2020 transit.
I don't watch local TV or politics, sorely not USA politics, so I just look at the charts, and write what I think...
HAve a nice evening.. and weekend. I sent alerts for the Gold, you got them, I hope.
February 19, 2020 Wednesday
We are ruled today by Mercury, which just turned retro and is in Pisces, look out for fraud, lies, mischieves..It is also a day ruled by Neptune, aggravates the former issue. It is also a Gann turning day. Why? because it is 60 days from Winter equinox.
The situation in the world - virus wise - is getting worse, but the markets are all jolly molly, don't read the news.. Planets give a strong support. In the best case we can get a consolidation, but I don't see falls. Such a fraud!...
You and I, probably never heard of Clyde Tombaugh. He discovered Pluto, on this day and many more! He was born and died in the sign of Aquarius. His date adds up to a number that is ruled by Uranus, the revolutioner, the one who thinks outside the box. The discovery was made when transit uranus aspected his natal Uranus... A life worth while to live!
You and I, probably never heard of Clyde Tombaugh. He discovered Pluto, on this day and many more! He was born and died in the sign of Aquarius. His date adds up to a number that is ruled by Uranus, the revolutioner, the one who thinks outside the box. The discovery was made when transit uranus aspected his natal Uranus... A life worth while to live!
Aspects for the next days: GMT +2
Mercury 45 Saturn 20.02.2020 1:31
Pluto 144 Maki 20.02.2020 8:21Jupiter 60 Neptune 20.02.2020 17:55 MOST IMPORTANT AND RARE!
Venus 135 Maki 20.02.2020 17:56
Mars 120 Uranus 21.02.2020 11:10
Mars 90 Chiron 21.02.2020 15:16
Mercury 36 Venus 22.02.2020 7:23
Sun 45 Jupiter 22.02.2020 8:07
Sun 60 Uranus 22.02.2020 16:13
Sun 36 Saturn 22.02.2020 16:23
Sun 30 Chiron 22.02.2020 19:30
February 18, 2020 Tuesday
On Feb 17th at 19:52 pm GMT+2 Mercury turned Retro. at 12Pisces51.Will reach the same degree only on March 30th
So, check where were the indices, or anything you trade, at the time Mercury turned? That level might be important on March 10-11 or the 30th.
Now look here: I took all the planets with the Uranian planets and some asteroids that many astrologers use. I don't , since their cycle is much bigger than that of Pluto, so in my eyes, it is not tradable. But for the benefit of doubt, I included them. I don't know everything.. also I don't believe Gann used them with no computers in 1890-1930- to trade with them.. but today we have the luxury.. so here are the daily aspects:
Venus 45 Damocles 17.02.2020 11:03
Pallas 120 Orcus 2004 DW 17.02.2020 12:15
Mars 150 Admetos 17.02.2020 13:39
Kronos 180 Pallas 17.02.2020 13:46
Venus 150 Orcus 2004 DW 17.02.2020 18:02
Venus 90 Kronos 17.02.2020 18:33
Mercury 72 Mars 17.02.2020 19:11
Venus 72 Sisyphus 17.02.2020 19:38
Venus 90 Pallas 17.02.2020 20:46
Mars 150 Vulkanus 17.02.2020 21:44
Saturn 120 Sedna 18.02.2020 0:28 more or less when Mercury turned!
Node 30 Atlantis 18.02.2020 4:05
Venus 45 Sedna 18.02.2020 4:06
Zeus 0 Juno 18.02.2020 5:00
Sun 90 Hygiea 18.02.2020 15:17
Hygiea 36 Eris 18.02.2020 17:21
Mercury 30 Venus 18.02.2020 19:02
Pallas 135 Sedna 18.02.2020 20:31
Are fundamentals and news backing these aspects? Let's see...
Director of Wuchang Hospital in virus epicenter passed away due to COVID19
When markets correct, Gold/SIlver BTC should rise..
TIME to sign up for the weekly or daily forecasts!! You don't want to miss the coming moves!!!
February 17, 2020 Monday
Asia opened and SSEA, closed the gap, I was talking about in the last week. Feb 19th will be a CIT day, failing to reach 3182, and higher, that will be a stop for short.
With all that money pumped into the Chinese markets, the Fed. announcements are red, wait for JANUARY announcements, they will be bleeding red. Cannot be other, with 770 million people in quarantine~~!!.
JKSE: once it was the first runner up in Asia, now it is falling since 2018; we are short there.
All indices that topped on Jan 20th have a CIT tomorrow.
TA35: opened and closed at the same level.. The guys put it on automat, and went to the beach... Otherwise I cannot explain how can this happen. Stop is the same as I sent yesterday.
China: destroys cash!
China: destroys cash!
February 16, 2020 Sunday
Yesterday was a beach-day... ah ah.. finally, we got some really nice weather, after, for ME. a cold winter. I was born in January, in minus 20 Celsius, ice-skating till age 17, but now, I am no longer used to cold... I love the summer!
Now it's 7 am, reading the news. I sent yesterday my forecasts, but still have a lot of work to do, so let's take a quick look what to expect today here. Our index closed at 1730.11, we have a negative arbitrage of -.0.67%. that will push the opening to 1718.40, and probably will glide further down. Tomorrow there is no trade in the USA, so till Wednesday when the new arbitrage will come in, we are alone.
Here is a comparison graph between the Nifty-TA35 in red, S&P in black, DAX in green, you can notice, we are more synchronized with the Nifty, than with the S&P.
Technically TA35: topped on Feb.12, at 1750, made an a-b, now time for c pattern. I have puts, expecting them to double during these days. We'll see. Sign up for the weekly forecasts to plan ahead your moves!
February 14,2020 Friday
More and more casualties in China, and here or there 1-2 in the USA, UK... governments are preparing for close downs... I would pack up food and water for 2 months at least. Till we still can go out. I am writing this, because with the SUN entering Pisces on Feb 19th joining Mercury (the messenger of disinformation, and transporter of viruses) and Neptune of course already in Pisces since Feb.4, 2012- it will be a culmination till the first week of March.
I found an article about Sedna... I will paste it here,
The hammer of Thor was the most destructive weapon in mythology.� Is there a planet that represents it?
It is Sedna.
Sedna is a recently discovered planet.� Astronomers classify Sedna as a dwarf planet and there have been dozens of them discovered in the last few years.�
But Sedna is not like any of the other dwarf planets.� It has the most elliptical orbit of any planet.� It is by far the farthest planet that we know about.� Sedna is so far away that astronomers calculate it takes 12,050 years for it to orbit the Sun.� By comparison, Pluto orbits the Sun every 240 years.�
Right now, Sedna is a bit more than 7 billion miles from the Sun and almost as close to the Sun as it ever gets � that is why we were able to discover it in 2003.� But Sedna will be 90 billion miles from the Sun in 6,000 years.� That is about 35 times further from the Sun than Pluto ever gets.
Because Sedna is so far away and its orbit is so elliptical, the Magi Society believes that Sedna is not from our solar system.� We believe that Sedna was a small planet that used to orbit another star, but it somehow escaped the gravitational force of that star, after which Sedna began wandering in outer space.� We believe that about 6000 years ago, Sedna became captured by the gravitational force of our Sun and became �part� of our solar system.���
So Sedna is really a visitor and not part of our original solar system.� This would explain why it is so far away from our Sun.
This would also explain why astrologically speaking, Sedna does not act like any other planet.�
Below, we will explain why Sedna is astrologically very different from any other planet and how it really works, as well as what Sedna means and represents. I am checking it on the DOW- what they write, I want to check if it can be used or not, or "blame"..the virus on it. So stay tuned..
Looking closer: when it is in Taurus, we saw the last rallies! the dow rallied from 760- till now! where is it now? 29461 after a top at 29541
Looking more closer, from 2009 low:
here is what TS shows: under searching Sedna cycle: so, we cannot base our trades on it.
If I want to check, still, what aspects Sedna made to planets between 2007-2009 fall: the top was in when Mars 45^ to Sedna- and ended when Mars 90^Sedna in the Geocentric chart; and in the Heliocentric Mars-Venus and Sedna were conjunt. The rally - not the bottom! started on April 9th 2009- Mars moved from 24 Tau to 28 Aqua- 270 degrees, and arrived to a waning square to Sedna.
WOW.. this is a long long research.. I;ll continue later. meanwhile TS is calculating.
OK: here it is: DOW under Helio Mars-Sedna aspects since 2007:
If you read that article of Magi astrology thoroughly, you know, that they found, and that is an exceptional work, that when Sedna was in square in the GEocentric chart, with Ceres-Venus-Neptune the Dow bottomed in 2008
I am searching the Heliocentric chart and here it is:
a closer look for 2020:
Maybe I should check China's chart as well... Their economy will crash if they, or someone will not find a vaccine soon.
Of was I was afraid, is happening! In SSEA the gap did not close, on the contrary, in the daily chart we got a "Dark Cloud cover Japanese candles pattern, which points to a crash.
The Nikkey triple topped, that too points to a correction. to 22800 will close several gaps. If they will not forbid shorts, these indices will be shorted and very profitable, as cynical as it may sound. Or they should close trades until this wave is over. ..
So, to trade, I would not necessarily look at planets that are so so far away.. There are plenty of closer planets and tools that can guide us. February 17th no trade, also fundamental reasons to cash out, or put a strong stop. The problem is, that is markets suddenly fall those stops don't work. SOmebody wrote: " The NY Fed reduces its buying tomorrow and on Tuesday" - well, if no trade, why buy? obvious.. so close longs and be safe.
February 13. 2020 Thursday
I got a very nice mail today from Tim Bost, one of the most famous financial astrologers in the USA..:
" Interesting topic, Gaby!
Your comment inspired me to do a little research - have put together a detailed report on all these alignments between the years 500 and 2500.
In the light of the configurations this year, 1202 is particularly significant.
You 'll find some comments and a link to download the free report at:
All the best,
Isn't this a good start for the day?
In my Jan 19, 2020 S^P future forecast sent to subscribers, I wrote:
" Planetary calculations: it is now at 3323.62- the
support is very close, at 3322.65- so we can use this as stop and then :
up targets: 3333.60-3336.70-3338-3340.55-3346-3352-45-58-3362-68-3370-83
and I could go on till 4000… LOL ~ as I wrote in the blog, I don’t see shorts
around the corner. Correction yes, but only falling below 3286 we will consider
short position. Till then it can correct, 1/3’ 0.5 Fibonacci, but that’s it.
Yesterday we got a top at 3382.38 in the future, and 3381/70 in the spot.. I don't know why I stopped counting exactly at 3383!
Energies for today: It is a day ruled by Jupiter and the Sun. They are not in aspect. What happens today is a trine from the Moon to the Sun and note that Chiron is 30^ to Uranus. Market wise I don't think it has a message, but Virus wise does... and it is getting worse. Poor poor people! The you tube videos I saw are horrible... I don't want to ruin your day with them..
The Moon's aspects GMT: +2
13.02.2020 16:20:17 23°48'25"Lib Square Pluto- negative
13.02.2020 17:16:34 24°22'28"Lib Trine Sun - positive
13.02.2020 20:46:03 26°28'56"Lib Square Saturn- neg.
13.02.2020 23:40:07 28°13'42"Lib Sextile Mars - after market closes, not relevant.
14.02.2020 2:37:17 0°00'00"Sco <<< shift in energy.
14.02.2020 7:53:35 3°09'00"Sco Opposition Uranus- gap? in Asia trade hours.
14.02.2020 23:42:45 12°29'45"Sco Trine Mercury - after close..
Let's check out where were the tops in other indices so far?
BTC: trades now at 10413. Reached Sept 12, 2019 top.
DAX: arrived to 2018 top 13540 is support and up from there.
F40: french index: reached May 1, 2007 top!
Gold: reached 2013 July 1 top.
Nifty future: the sky is the limit.
MIBL Italy broke up and out of the consolidation since 2008!
DOW: at 29403- trade range here is between 29200-29550-
Nasdaq 100 Future: trade range between 9360-9720,
etc. etc. Sign up for the forecasts to get the future insights..
13.02.2020 16:20:17 23°48'25"Lib Square Pluto- negative
13.02.2020 17:16:34 24°22'28"Lib Trine Sun - positive
13.02.2020 20:46:03 26°28'56"Lib Square Saturn- neg.
13.02.2020 23:40:07 28°13'42"Lib Sextile Mars - after market closes, not relevant.
14.02.2020 2:37:17 0°00'00"Sco <<< shift in energy.
14.02.2020 7:53:35 3°09'00"Sco Opposition Uranus- gap? in Asia trade hours.
14.02.2020 23:42:45 12°29'45"Sco Trine Mercury - after close..
Let's check out where were the tops in other indices so far?
BTC: trades now at 10413. Reached Sept 12, 2019 top.
DAX: arrived to 2018 top 13540 is support and up from there.
F40: french index: reached May 1, 2007 top!
Gold: reached 2013 July 1 top.
Nifty future: the sky is the limit.
MIBL Italy broke up and out of the consolidation since 2008!
DOW: at 29403- trade range here is between 29200-29550-
Nasdaq 100 Future: trade range between 9360-9720,
etc. etc. Sign up for the forecasts to get the future insights..
February 12, 2020 Wednesday
You won't believe it, but my "Windy" chart was on TV yesterday. They did not go into details thou.. So here is today's picture: I found in some places more that 1000 SO2! Which is horrible..and shows major air pollution. Now is that because of hundreds of corpses being burnt, that never reach statistics? Obviously the numbers the Chinese gov. releases to the press is nonsense..
World Health organisation CEO said yesterday, that this virus doesn't survive in warm temperature, so the spring should put an end to it. well... Asia rallies by the way, no sign of shorts or fear there..Those that topped on Jan 17th have a CIT on 2/18 targeting that top. As in the past, New Zealand is the best investment. makes new highs...targets 185-200 ish levels.. SSEA trades now at 3060- there is still an open gap to close till 3098.
In Europe : Dax new historical high, the DB, is reaching out to all time high: 27.30.. when everybody was expecting it'll crash... LOL..
Some people look at this graph: double top with Nove 2018 high.
AEX: Holland makes new highs as well...623 now- top in 2000 was 682.
OMX Sweden: is much higher than 2000 top! was at 1547, now at 1884.
SMI: Swiss also at 10993- 2007 top was at 9558;
TA35: double topped with 2015 top at 1728 ( stop) , now at 1732
Turkey Titan also double topped with all time high at 1227
and the UK100 is struggling to reach 7885.
What a rally! all over the world..
February 11, 2020 Tuesday
No matter how much money the Chinese gov. pours into the market, the graph shouts for a short! I added a LOT OF TECHNICAL OSCILLATORS,
January 14th was the last top, today we are 28 days after. Obviously, all oscillators point to a weakness and a fall in the future. It is just one small push... Today there are a low of UK announcements, and speakers, in the afternoon. It is a day ruled by Saturn, so it fits to all those governmental people to talk. It is also a day of Mars, which is OOB.
That reminds me to check how did the DOW behave when Mars was OOB? Why the Dow? because it has the longest data.
First, here is the 2020 declination chart: we can see the Mars is OOB now : it is in its negative declination. Later this year, end of Mars- April- May Venus and Mercury will be in their positive OOB decl.
Next here is the chart of the DOW when Mars was in its max.negative decl.
How good/bad was that in history for the dow? I checked 50 =red and 25 = green years back. the bold curve is their average. It shows "risky" trades, non profitable until all 3 point up! and that is after March 10.
Conclusion? OOB Mars maybe shows a certain behaviour for people, but we cannot short or long based on it the markets. So we are back to the calculations that are solid and firm. See the updates from time to time in the app/mail/
I am thinking, how can markets still rally, when a major part of global productivity is based on cheap chinese workers? When hundreds of millions of that working energy is closed in their homes, who provides goods, food, everyday necessities? And I can only look at Neptune, the BIG FRAUD...
News: a blast in the sea, in the gas platform causes a halt in gas supply in Israel. Wasn't I just thinking of Neptune? Neptune rules gas...
OK. market started.. let's see
Posted on FB:
I think we should remember Dr. Li Wenliang, the chinese whistleblower, who died at the age of 33. much too early, of the Coronavirus.
Solar chart attached; natal position of Neptune points to a catastrophic event at this age... exactly when Uranus trined it.
may he rest in peace.
here is a very good observation from a fb friend...Mark Weizmann
"He has these natal planetary pictures : Neptune = Mars/Saturn that was activated by transit Sun and Sun= Mars/Neptune activated by Solar arc Jupiter.
Quotes from Ebertin's COSI:
Neptune = Mars/Saturn - Weak vitality, an insufficient power to tackle resistance or any obstacles in one's path-way of life. Self torment, the undermining of the vitality through poison, gas or an epidemic. A mysterious death, a grievous and grave loss.
Sun= Mars/Neptune - A weak physique. The danger of infection. The undermining of health...
The Neptune = Mars/Saturn picture was also activated as Solar arc Neptune formed an exact square with natal Pluto, turning this into "The intervening of Higher Power, bodily injury or harm, Murder, The death of great many people".
Asia is red, except for Hong Kong, and SSEA; as expected from yesterday's post... as China injects again billions of yuans, in the market. For that amount of money, a rise of 0.17% is ridiculous... and a major fall is due in SSEA, technically.
Our market closed at 1703; also "delivered"; and commodities gold, Pa, etc. rising... to balance.
These Fed. announcements are more ridiculous... with hundreds of millions of people quarantined, how can economic sentiment be so positive? If not now, new month it will be dark red.. ![](
9:38 am Europe opens in red. ..
February 9, 2020 Sunday
Situation is getting worse in China. Now, not only sick are quarantined, but suspected people are dragged out by force from their homes and jailed, for not reporting that they might have visited infected areas...
Anna-Cristal de Lyon, on FB posted that the SO2 level in Wuhan is far more than allowed. She concludes, that thousands of bodies cremated and not counted, is the reason.
What is SO2? how much is not dangerous- you can read here... it is one of the air pollution elements. see the brown areas?
However, I found that in Kazakhstan it is same or higher, than in Wuhan, and here is for Brookville, USA.
There are many "brown" spots on Earth, but noone burns corpses over there, as far as I know, so I think this is a little exaggerated. You can check for yourselves, Open Windy, at the right click on more- air pollution- type in SO2, and you'll get these charts..
OK. Let's see what is happening in the markets, and what can we expect for tomorrow?
Our market is correcting, as expected. TA35: low so far was 1711- I am waiting for 1700- and lower.
During the weekend the cryptos rallied, BTC reached 10000$; ETH, LTC too rallied, I'll send updates later. CIT 2/11. 316/
Commodities: first runner up for the last month is the Palladium.
PA: Stop is 2280 short below.
GOLD: stop =1566
For tomorrow: time Asia opening.
Sun at 20 Aqua, Moon 0 Virgo, loosing in light; Mercury 8 Pisces, in detriment, weak, bad, Venus at 2 Aries, in Detriment, weak, bad
Mars at 25 Sag, OOB, Jupiter 15 Cap- in Fall, Saturn 26 Cap, Uranus 3 taurus, Neptune in Pisces 17^ and Pluto at 23Cap 42, The nodes are at 7Cancer40
Begin: 10.02.2020 Period: 1 month (GMT+2)
Aspect Exact
Venus 30 Uranus 10.02.2020 12:23
Mars 30 Saturn 10.02.2020 23:30
Sun 135 Node 11.02.2020 20:11
Sun 45 S.Node 11.02.2020 20:11
Mercury 45 Saturn 12.02.2020 21:33
Sun 30 Pluto 13.02.2020 3:25
Venus 90 Node 14.02.2020 3:13
Venus 90 S.Node 14.02.2020 3:13
So, these planetary positions show, that the supports are weak. Look for FED announcements, and other news. I think I read somewhere that China forbid to short?! Well... if that is true it will be a disaster for many.
And my dears, mini ICE age is coming... So sorry for my grandchildren, who will have to live under these circumstances... SOlar minimum cycles:
Here is a closer look of Solar minimums.. 2019, 2009, 1997, etc... I don't remember being cold or feeling cold.
Maybe by that time, 2030- 2040, people will build huge iglos and keep warm...
February 8, 2020 Saturday
Just scroll down and check what I wrote on the 6th! And now this!!
On August 6th, 2019, I wrote
The Hang Seng: the support is at 24410. Falling below, will fall to 22700 at least! or even to 20780.
The uprising started on June 9, 2019. The index topped on 7/19 and since then it lost 12% in 18 days. They protest against the face recognizing cameras:
"Since early June, an estimated 1 million people have taken to the streets of Hong Kong to protest a bill that would allow extraditions to China.
To avoid identification, many of the Hong Kong protesters cover their faces. But according to a new Washington Post story, some have also been shining high-powered lasers directly at surveillance cameras — a high-tech protest strategy intended to confuse facial recognition systems."
Will they succeed, against the "big brother?" I posted in my FB group, that exactly 70 years ago, when Jupiter was in Aquarius- sign of utopia- Orwell published his book 1984.
Now, after 70 years, this is happening, word by word, exactly as he wrote there! People are being recognized by these cameras, marked as cows, and categorized by their behavior. If they did well, in the eye of the Big brother, they can get a job and travel, if they didn't, then.... well, who knows what is the punishment? Will they be sent to gulags? or to re education camps?
The sad thing is, that now, Jupiter is still in Sag. and people have hope that they can change something, but soon, on December 3rd, it will enter Capricorn and join Saturn and Pluto ! Then the big troubles will arise. Light at the end of the tunnel will come under Jupiter in Aquarius, on Dec. 20th 2020. Oh dear!! SO much sorrow and pain till then.
So much talks about the YUAN... If you know technical analysis it was long ago written on the wall !!! It has a H&S pattern, pointing to 7.17-7.29 level at least.. We are long here since April 17, 2019!!
Feb.8 graph of the Hang Seng
President XI: born on June 15, 1953, - date ruled by Jupiter; at 8 Gemini.
Ruler of MC is Mars- natally at 0^ Cancer- he was elected for president on march 14, 2013- when Mars was at 0 Virgo; NOW transit Mars just enters 0^ Capricorn; it receives a 180^ from the Cap stellium; makes him more and more powerful.Dates to watch : 31.March, May 12.
Ruler of MC is Mars- natally at 0^ Cancer- he was elected for president on march 14, 2013- when Mars was at 0 Virgo; NOW transit Mars just enters 0^ Capricorn; it receives a 180^ from the Cap stellium; makes him more and more powerful.Dates to watch : 31.March, May 12.
His Mercury and Mars in Cancer are OOB; also Pluto almost...
What might weaken him? natal Mercury-Uranus in Cancer, !! any aspect to them will be critical. IMHO.
February 7, 2020 Friday
I keep thinking of this virus. I checked on Wikipedia, when were there big epidemics in the world.. I guess this is a research for a book! After I checked every date I gave yesterday in that graph, that covers Jup 60^ Neptune, NONE of the epidemics happened during those years. So what can I assume from that? Epidemics must be triggered by something else, or a wider combination of planets. If we look at this one, the first date I found was Nov 25, 2019 - we had the Sun in SAG. Moon conjunct Mercury in Scorpio (bad for both ), Venus conjunct Jupiter! in SAG... excellent for both... Mars in Scorpio, good, well, that Saturn-Pluto conjunction is ongoing for a long time, Neptune at 15 Pisces- rules the sign but shows its negative face... and Uranus at 3 Tau.-Retro; So this chart cannot be the true one. It must go back to a former date... If anyone can come up with the first time Corona virus was detected, we will be cleverer. Mercury must be prominent in that chart, because Mercury carries viruses.
OHO!!! Look what I found... as early as 2012, there was a similar respiratory virus... The Middle East respiratory Corona virus... started with the camels...So if I make a chart for 2012, I would look for a bad placement for Mercury, and that is exactly when Neptune entered Pisces, on Feb 25,2012 and trined Saturn!...Mercury in Pisces- is in Detriment. So now I can make a new search, with these parameters, see what comes up.
the chart above is a Solar chart, and Jeddah, is just a town in Saudi Arabia, I don't know where it was found
Now I'll run TS, see what I come up with.
So, it's 10 am 3 hours later.. I got TS outcome for Saturn aspects Neptune with Mercury in Pisces. They are not satisfactory..
here is a list of epidemics between 2011-2019:
And here is the graph of the research.
we can see that several epidemics occurred during times that Saturn did not make any aspect to Neptune!
SO, further research should be made.
Meanwhile... Feb.7 is today, a day ruled by Venus and Uranus. Do I see some reddish colors in the graphs?? These are the indices I send alerts for..
let's check the red ones... what is happening?
Our starting point is the last top. For the Nifty it was on Jan 21-after 13 Fibonacci days topped and corrects now.
AXJO: corrects with 26 points, watch 2/11 for a CIT.
etc.. will send now updates.
Some personal stuff.
Yesterday I was invited to my cousin's 75 birthday. She looks like me, I'll post a picture when I;ll get it... She has 3 children, 7 grandchildren. May they be blessed and prosper. Some of them asked me what do I do.. I said.. you know, the usual.. astrology and stock market.. oh. yes. and they turned to the other person to talk with. I wish.. I wish I wish if only ONE person of my family would read my blog. Is that too much to ask? the only one was my dear mom, although she didn't understand a bit, she was always curious, asked thousands of questions... so so so clever. But now I am alone on the stars.
Also, there is a HUGE secret I am carrying for 27 years. the person involved is not alive today. Would you share this with his family today? Or should I take it to my grave? Gee , I am so emotional today with that Moon in Cancer. Moon = feelings, Cancer= family..
It is 7pm now and I think I owe you an explanation about TESLA>, I started to write about it on Feb.5th , and did not finish.
The first trade date was June 29, 200- on a Tuesday, at 9:30 NY. Ascendant in Leo, Sun+Mercury+ SN. conjunct in Cancer,- these will play a role in the future! Jupiter conjunct Uranus in 0-2 Aries, opposing Saturn.the CIT day for TSLA is days adding up to 2.
Here is the monthly graph: a simple Fibo count shows a target at 950,
the historical low rate was 14.98 on 7/7/2010! Some calculations bring me to the following math targets: 952.98 is stop- up targets:
952.98 |
968.48 |
973.65 |
On Feb 4th it topped at 968.78 and fell by 30%- putting a big smile on shortists face. I don't know the background I can only check the sky... why did I think there is still space to go up, and why did it fall?
Like all other shares, indices, this one too bottomed on Oct 3rd 2019. On that day the Moon was in Sag, approaching Jupiter, Mars at 29 Virgo- conjunct natal Saturn, Mercury just entered Scorpio and trined the Cancer stellium. the Sun was at 9 Libra, squaring the Cancer stellium exactly. the price was at 177~ some calculations point to a target between 954-978. Everything that bottomed on June 3rd, has a CIT date on Feb, 28; this was my first mistake! Not everything is math!
For TSLA, every transit aspect to natal Mercury (rules H2), Venus ( H10 )and Neptune (H8) is important. On Feb 4th when the big short started, transit Moon sextiled natal Venus, and transit Neptune made 150^ to natal Venus.
there is a huge storm so I rush it.. not to have to work on it again . electricity will probably drop any minute now..
from Oct 3 low to Feb. 4 top we have 4 months of rally- Mercury travelled from 0 Sco to 2 Aqua...
Would I base my trade decisions on Mercury? with all due respect? NO. So in this case I was wrong. The time calculations still gave time for a rally till month end. Saudi price sells too early ! Who is his astrologer?? LOL...
Should one trade it:? Maybe the options, if it has any... I don't know. but not now..
Good night! Whaaat a storm.
February 6, 2020 Thursday
I was so busy yesterday, I did not have time to look into TSLA or calculate it... I seems that it did fall yesterday, and it trades now at 735. Next time I should finish my thoughts before publishing anything...Sorry about that..
So, yesterday we had again a rally, backed by positive Fed. announcements...
Today we have weekly options expiry, we are under double Jupiter's energies! TA35 closed at 1710.38; we have a monir positive arbitrage, The stop is now at 1707 and we are long above it. Like most of the indices, ours too, made a V pattern; returned to Jan.27-29th top; When we already thought.. oh... here are the deep corrections, no, it reversed and fooled all bears. In spite of the Wuhan virus, good Fed. news overcome it.
Graph of the groups that made it possible:
I am looking further up into the sky, and I see that we will have a Jupiter in Capricorn 60^ Neptune in Pisces. I am running TS to see when did this happen before? It will take a long time, since I am searching from year 1000- 2030.
Here is the big picture with dates: explanation on the graph.
I added the asteroids found by Alex Miller: Wuhan, Koronis, China; all of them are in Capricorn, conjunct Jupiter. This shows us, that it will get bigger and bigger, this issue, and it will not go away quickly.
There is an excellent explanation for what it means:
I'll add my own interpretation, when TS will end the calculation.
Neptune in Pisces: Neptune rules Pisces. I call Neptune the silent killer. It acts slowly and thoroughly, as a drop of water can, on your forehead every minute, it was a killing system during indian times... By the time you observe it, it is far too late! Pisces rules the 12th house of hidden issues, hospitals, death, closed places, endings. Neptune also rules medicine, drugs, pharmacy, illusions, just take Munkasey book and you will find more than 10-15 pages about what Neptune is ruling or signifying..
And we had the Wuhan virus.
Now Jupiter rules the 9th house of fame, high studies, abroad. Jupiter exaggerates everything , enlarges for good or worse. Jupiter also rules the sign of Sagittarius, which tells us that this virus will spread- which we already hear on the news.
Add the two together, we get an exaggerated virus. Is it man- made, a virus that "escaped" "sick" people laboratories? and turned against themselves?? well. that will will know for sure later I guess. For the time being, it looks bad. Even if, compared to China's population, it is ridiculous to count 500 people, but each and every one has a family, a son, a daughter, a parent they cry for...
Now during this virus outbreak, it is easier to do whatever the gov. want to do! People are busy with staying home, buying food, survive.. Meanwhile gov. can start wars, put the cameras you didn't want to have near your home... and whatever...Jupiter in Capricorn gives extreme power to the gov.! martial law!! did you think of that?? Mars soon enters Capricorn that will back it too.
And we had the Wuhan virus.
Now Jupiter rules the 9th house of fame, high studies, abroad. Jupiter exaggerates everything , enlarges for good or worse. Jupiter also rules the sign of Sagittarius, which tells us that this virus will spread- which we already hear on the news.
Add the two together, we get an exaggerated virus. Is it man- made, a virus that "escaped" "sick" people laboratories? and turned against themselves?? well. that will will know for sure later I guess. For the time being, it looks bad. Even if, compared to China's population, it is ridiculous to count 500 people, but each and every one has a family, a son, a daughter, a parent they cry for...
Now during this virus outbreak, it is easier to do whatever the gov. want to do! People are busy with staying home, buying food, survive.. Meanwhile gov. can start wars, put the cameras you didn't want to have near your home... and whatever...Jupiter in Capricorn gives extreme power to the gov.! martial law!! did you think of that?? Mars soon enters Capricorn that will back it too.
February 5,2020 Wednesday
We had again a huge rally yesterday. All over the world. Today we are under the affect of Mercury and the Moon, so again, huge volatility is expected. Watch out when Ms.LaGarde speaks, and other announcements.. in the fundamental world, up there we have a Mercury-uranus aspect, which backs this volatility.
Time wise today is a CIT day from 2/2; 1/23
There is a lot of talk about TESLA on the net and in different groups I am in.. People are eager to short it... I don't understand why... We short when we get a trigger. I don't see any. Will look at it later. Tesla. Here is its chart.
market starts, will be back on this..
February 4, 2020 Tuesday
" A great trading day today" I wrote yesterday... and our index rallied from 1621 low on Feb 2nd to 1663.17 yesterday's close...One must be a rubber doll to keep up with these moves...But once we are in the right direction the road is full of roses...Other indices corrected up a well, and now I see that even SSEA is green..
What can we expect today?
The Moon is still in Gemini at 10^, conjunct the fixed star Aldebaran; ZET shows us the meaning:
Aldebaran (87 Alpha Tauri m 0.85)
Bull's North Eye
Keywords: A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, integrity, popularity, courage, war mongering, agitation
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Mars
The energy of the day is that of the Sun, which brings a lot of CIT's today.. so again, tighten stops and be ready to close long positions.
SSEA: has a long long way to go to close this gap!
Yesterday I wrote, with a chart too, that the Corona Virus is a bioweapon... Here is now a You tube explaining it..
I just saw the huge rally in TSLA! a rally from June 3, 2019 at 179 now at 787! Stop must be tight!! at 760$ It topped exactly on time! Target is 874, failing to reach it.. watch out.
I found this statue on FB; I thought to share it with you... it has a huge effect!
This astrologer, ALEX MILLER is incredible! How he finds all those asteroids, beats me! Now he found asteroid Wuhan, Koronis and China.. right where they should be... Here is his article. I am amazed!
February 3, 2020 Monday
It is only 6.30 am, so I "caught" the Moon still in Taurus- actually she is conjunct Algol the malefic fixed star in Taurus. But, by the time Europe opens and us, she will already be in Gemini. So volatility, zig- zag trading is ahead, adding to that the powers of Mars too for today. oh... and the Moon squares Mars, so wake up.. a great trading day ahead.
I was waiting for SSEA opening and see how it behaves... well... it gapped down by 8%!
The Nikkei: also topped on Jan 17th, now we have 3 targets on the graph:
INdia: also gapped down, This one topped on Jan 20th, now it should closed the gaps upwards:
Now I'll send the alerts, stay tuned :) ALERTS SENT! 7:35 am.
Look here at TA35 graph! What a fantastic short it was yesterday...Even if it'll correct up today, there is still a gap to close!!
TA Banks: there is a huge gap to close- weakness is shown!
The question now is, will the gap of 8% of SSEA be contagious in the rest of the world? Meanwhile it isn't...
This is the day of the probable first infection. I am adding this on Feb 3rd, 2020. Then they thought it takes 5 days till the virus breaks out, now we know it takes 2 weeks. They celebrated the Metal Rat year...well, I read now that they are not family related... I always thought bats are like flying mice, but no... read here... Why are bats important to learn about them? Apparently the virus came from them. We will go with this thought, until we will read that it was a man-made madness....
The chart shows, that this is a health weapon-Mars 150 Chiron and 180^ Uranus, Neptune on the Ascendant, at 15 Pisces, in retro, sextiled by Saturn(government) and 150^ to Moon and Mercury.
Transit chart for today: I think news about end of virus or vaccine found... hmmm I am afraid what might they inject in anxious people... will surface when Mercury approaches Neptune. But unfortunately, it turns retro before exact contact with Neptune, on Feb 17th, on the same day Mars enters Capricorn, joining Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, so things might get violent.
I will check how did mars in Capricorn affect the markets..
See you later.
12:00 pm the computer calculated till now how did the DOW behave under Mars in Cap. Well, the outcome is pure... the blue strips are when it didn't show the direction correctly.
Here are some biotech companies that jumped with a gap up! awaiting for some vaccine.
Here is a special tea that I drink daily 1-2 cups.. I highly recommend it! Dandelion tea
Then, for the influenza, coughs, throat:
Also, I have an onion cut in 4 in every room in my house. It absorbs bacteria from the air.. What can u loose? Try it. Put it on the cupboard and forget about it for a month.
12:00 pm the computer calculated till now how did the DOW behave under Mars in Cap. Well, the outcome is pure... the blue strips are when it didn't show the direction correctly.
Here are some biotech companies that jumped with a gap up! awaiting for some vaccine.
Here is a special tea that I drink daily 1-2 cups.. I highly recommend it! Dandelion tea
Then, for the influenza, coughs, throat:
Also, I have an onion cut in 4 in every room in my house. It absorbs bacteria from the air.. What can u loose? Try it. Put it on the cupboard and forget about it for a month.
Here is a list of the European indices how they performe today
and in a month:
February 2,2020 Sunday
So many 2s today... They bring an exaggerated energy of the Moon. She is in square with the Sun... Don't quarrell today. Count till 10 before saying something. Venus sextiles Pluto, the 23rd degree is important.
Most of the indices that I follow Jan 6 ( Mars 150^ Uranus) was a low and 17 ( Venus 60^ Uranus) a top. So the price level of Jan 6 is now a major stop. Falling below, we can double shorts. It will be interesting to check March 7, when Venus will conjunct Uranus and the Sun 0^ Neptune. But till then we have hundreds of other aspects and trades to care about..
Depending what time frame one trades you can adjust your stops. In the app. I look at the 60 min. charts. Will send some updates now.
The Dow: a simple trendline shows that from Jan 24th is a short.
The DAX: here too the second top is lower high, signal for short on Jan 24th.
CAC: Triple top, one lower than the former, broke trendline- 3 signals for short.
BA: multiple signals for short since Feb 2019!
SDS: was/is a buy :
GOLD: the trade range is between 1565- 1615 Failing to go over with a large volume, will fall back !
TA35: The trade range is between 1702- 1666 the number of the beast.. Isn't that interesting?
4:10 PM
TA35 fell from 1742 top to 1624 today... Crazy ... The long awaited shorts it trades at 1647, I am waiting for another drop.
China opens tomorrow and they are going to pour a lot of money into the market... Instead of money one tiny news about a positive cure would do the job..
So far the SSEA corrected 50%, now let's see if Dec. low will break?!
January 31, 2020 Friday
The Sun is shining outside, and my flowers are making a party...We don't have trade today, so I have more time then in the last couple of days... Very hectic trades, options expiry, family, gym... so all OK. Let's look around and up: the Corona virus panic is spreading, out of proportions, I think. I also think that soon a remedy will be found or at least it will quiet down all this mess. the Chinese closed their stock market till Feb 3rd, so till then we can look more at longs then shorts. After that day, we shall check again.
The Brexit will be over in 90 minutes; a new start for the UK. congratulations..
It is a very powerful day today, Saturn rules! Saturn is the significator of the government, and Boris Johnson succeeded; note also, that the SUn is at 11 Aquarius. Number 11 is a master number, and of course we have the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the 10th house in London... so all fit.
So today we have a day that is ruled by Mars and Venus. They are in square. That is a powerful aspect for a rally. The Moon is still in Aries. That too adds to it.
Sunday, when our market opens the Moon will be at 15 Taurus, where it is exalted. We have an open gap to 1703 which should close. On Sunday Moon squares the Sun, and Venus sextiles Pluto, so yes, this gap can be closed.
So many events happened on this day... Read here
How about the planets? Let's take a look at February:
and without the MOON!~
Just the first week's aspects:
Actual aspects
Begin: 2.02.2020 Period: 1 month (GMT+2)
Aspect Exact
Venus 30 Eris 2.02.2020 5:14
Venus 60 Pluto 2.02.2020 9:07
Mercury 45 Jupiter 2.02.2020 23:42
Sun 144 Node 3.02.2020 7:01
Sun 30 Jupiter 3.02.2020 17:00
Venus 60 Saturn 4.02.2020 0:01
Mercury 30 Chiron 5.02.2020 8:05
Mercury 60 Uranus 5.02.2020 11:43
Mercury 180 Maki 6.02.2020 2:21
Sun 30 Neptune 6.02.2020 16:39
Mars 120 Eris 6.02.2020 18:36
How will these affect the trades? that you will read in the weekly forecasts...
January 29, 2020 Wednesday
WOW! What a day it was yesterday.... Fantastic trades... I hope you had the same.
Today we are under the effect of Neptune, is signals for a major turn... so be careful. It is also a day of Mercury, so double that!
The Moon is now at 27 Pisces, on 29^ we have the malefic Scheat fixed star, and then she enters Aries- that will be a powerful move again...
There were several earthquakes all around the world in the last 2-3 days, tsunamis and wildfires again in Australia.. the Earth is not quiet...
The news here: we had the Jordan Valley annexation bill; with Netanyahu smiling... This person is incredible... He soon must stand trial but he behaves as if it happens to someone else and not to him...
Here is the chart of the event- Approximately Trump started to speak at 7 pm our time.
See the red aspects? from and to Mars? That signals for trouble, and the song that plays in my ears is "Dreams dreams dreams... See the Moon, Venus and Neptune in Pisces?? that's dreams. How long will this dream last? well, officially Trump gave them / us 4 years to figure it out... Remember that GOD created the world in 6 days? what can happen in 4 years??!!
OK- I am not going into politics, let's see how can we earn our bread...
Yesterday, fundamentally very good Fed announcements gave the US markets a push up.
Groups that rallied:
In the sky we had a Venus-Neptune conjunction. today Venus moved on..
Yesterday, fundamentally very good Fed announcements gave the US markets a push up.
Groups that rallied:
In the sky we had a Venus-Neptune conjunction. today Venus moved on..
The German consumer climate came out positive. However, still below the stop!
More loans!!! more troubles!
More loans!!! more troubles!
January 28, 2020 Tuesday
Extremely hectic day!
January 27, 2020 Monday
It's almost 8 am and I sent alerts! Pls. check your apps or mails.
The Sun is shining outside, it will be a nice day.
Let's see the sky: we have two conjunctions in the sky, Saturn-Pluto, a long lasting one, and Venus-Neptune, that lasts for 1-2 days. The Moon moved into Pisces; this is bad for the epidemics... Pisces represents something that has no borders.. I read some crazy posts on FB, on how the deep state "punished" China for signing a trade contract with Trump, and spread on purpose the virus to kill people..
I don't know what to think a about that.. I can only look at the markets and flow with it. I also read that Hillary announces today that she is running for presidency... well... OK. I wrote many time, last year two years ago, that Trump wins again, so we shall see.
The Metal Rat year, it occurred before in 1960. I find this very worrying, that between 1959-1961 there was a Great Chinese Famine! Between 15-45 million people died then! Cannibalism was widely spread in those years.. It is horrible even to read this and I am not going to link it to my blog!
The chart below is for Spring equinox in 1959- till 2 years later. In 1959 Pluto entered Virgo,sign of peas, corn, wheat... Neptune was at Pluto-Saturn midpoint.. By the spring of 1961 Jupiter reached and passed saturn and the disaster ended.. It was during Mao's time...for all those who dream about communism..
January 26, 2020 Sunday
We wake to a sunny day. It is nice but cold outside. Today we are under the effect of Uranus and the Sun. The Sun is departing from a square to Uranus. We are also after the New Moon, that fell exactly on my Sun, and now she is leaving it, it is at 21^Aqua. She is VOC till Jan 27th 1:44, that means, whatever happens, nothing comes out of it. Tomorrow, when the world markets open she will be in Pisces, very vulnerable. There is no trade in China, so we will have less volume. They celebrate the Metal Rat New Year. I wrote about that in the last article.
So only TA35 trades and the Bitcoin... We closed at 1735.88.
BTC: if you have patience, 7600 is the stop in the weekly chart.
January 25, 2020 Saturday
I am writing my weekly forecasts, but read this article meanwhile.. This might help some
ReplyDeleteGood morning from Desert southwest
hope you are warm there as TelAviv is little cooler nowa days !!!
Hello Vick,
DeleteYes, it is warm and nice, for a change, over here. For us 10 Celsius is cold! Although I was born in minus 25C I am no longer fan of the winter...
Well, about BA, if SAMVA wrote that, maybe they know something I don't.
Do you owe the share?
DeleteNO, i do not but i have been following since you had posted
boeing's chart in April of 2019
when the problems started for Boeing and i always follow what you say
though i read Astrology everywhere just for knowledge
Happy birthday madam 💐 🎉
ReplyDeleteThank you , very kind of you :) All the best to you too!
ReplyDeleteGood morning from Desert Arizona, cold here, you are right sometime family members NEVER appreciates what you do !!!
with that said, i always read your work because it is worth the knowledge you provide
with that said , if you have time will you finish TESLA chart and what is happening there, it has been up like a fire while ALL other car companies are in rut
and also you must have seen BA chart it is NOW at 342 and what i know, this 737 MAX planne has been systemically flawed in design and if it ever gets flying again i am sure, i hope not though, it will again come down from sky with killing people ; i hope i am wrong wrong in my thinking and i hope they correct the mistakes if they can
have a Great Friday !!!
Hello Vick,
DeleteCold here as well... Thanks God we have heating :).
I finished Tesla thoughts, with charts and graphs, I hope I was clear.
I posted BA's chart on Feb.2; Now it is a clear short below 344.
Keep warm!
Have a nice weekend.
ReplyDeletethanks for the updates
hope the huge storms passed by without much damage
Have A great weekend and please Do Not forget to enjoy those Grand children!!!
Thanks Vick,
Deleteno damages of the storm... the Sea of Galilee is almost full, what a fantastic year it is for water! It wasn't so full for the last 20 years! and yes, I am enjoying my grandchildren and children too :) Same to you.
THE UNITED STATES STOCK MARKET IS INCREDIBLE: The greatest(bubble) in history!
ReplyDeleteand NOBODY CALLED IT( since december 6 2019)!
Good morning Anonymous,
DeleteI would prefer a name to address to...
If you were a subscriber, you would have received the report on January 19th 2020, and you would know exactly where the market is going..
Never too late!
Are u saying it because Mercury is in Retrograde motion or? As it is referred as Messenger of gods?
ReplyDeleteYes, and also because Mercury is bad and weak in Pisces.
ReplyDeletehow are you?? hope you had Good Friday and ready to enjoy children and those 3 little ones over the weekend
i was writing about Apple stock , as you know it is about finish its most Auspicious Dasha Jupiter- Rahu Dasha and
start Saturn Dasha soon sometime in this Spring if you believe in these Dashas as indians say !!!
Do you think Good days for Apple are getting over ; or i do not need to worry about it and Be happy in my old days
and never worry about Dashas atall
as always i look forward to read your wisdom and writings
Hello Vick,
DeleteAre you aware, that AAPL's price once was 0.20? Now this low, points to $315 target, below that, it will correct down, to 305- 266. In my opinion, of course.