New Moon in Pisces, 2020 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology.
Between February 23- March 24, 2020
Thank You, for following me from the former article!
The New Moon in Pisces occurs, for Israel, in the 11th house . In Mundane astrology this house represents the Senate, or for us, the Knesset. We will have elections on March 2nd, so it points to a turmoil, unclear things during the whole month. Who will win? who will shout: I was cheated?! Blame others... Besides the new Moon we have the huge,and rare stellium in Capricorn. Look at Mars's position, it is on the last eclipse degree, that occured on Dec, 26, 2019. On February 19th we got a top in the markets, on that day, besides all the planetary positions I mentioned on that day, the Moon occults Jupiter. That too was a rare event... What is an occultation? it is an eclipse, but instead to the Sun, to another planet.
What else do we see in the chart above? Mercury turns Direct this Lunar month, still to remain in Pisces; the virus isn't going anywhere.. and Venus moves out from Aries, where it is in Detriment, or weak, to Taurus, the sign it rules.
The most important move of the month is: SATURN ENTERS AQUARIUS on March 22, two days after the spring equinox.
The most important move of the month is: SATURN ENTERS AQUARIUS on March 22, two days after the spring equinox.
Important days to watch:
20.02.2020 13:03:59 max S Mars4.03.2020 13:07:29 > Aqr Mercury
5.03.2020 5:07:08 > Tau Venus
10.03.2020 5:48:29 D Mercury 28°12'42"Aqr
15.03.2020 22:27:01 max S Mercury
16.03.2020 9:42:26 > Psc Mercury
20.03.2020 5:49:36 >0 N Sun
20.03.2020 5:49:33 > Ari Sun
22.03.2020 5:58:24 > Aqr Saturn
Former articles in Pisces New Moon: 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.
It is important to read the former articles! to know what happened in the past under these New Moons in Pisces.
It is important to read the former articles! to know what happened in the past under these New Moons in Pisces.
To my new readers: I start a new article every new Moon, and I add to it almost daily. You will find here market analysis, world events, celebs' charts, whatever comes to my mind, to look at.
My services are: *Daily alerts for 20$ per day,
Narrowing it down to 1900-2100 period: Saturn was in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus during the rise of the Nazi party, and WWII
Today is much worse!!! We have a cluster of planets in Capricorn, and Neptune- that rules panic too, in Pisces till Feb 2026!
There was an earthquake in Croatia today morning.. I don't think they often have an earthquake. Not too big, only 4.5 and 5.4, nevertheless, one person dead and a lot of damage. See all the planetary lines crossing that area!
Sun 29Psc25 60 Vesta 29Tau24 19.03.2020 15:48
Sun 0Ari00 P Juno 0Ari00 19.03.2020 18:19
Poseidon 14Sco13 90 Fortuna 14Aqr13 19.03.2020 18:26
Uranus 4Tau32 120 S.Node 4Cap32 19.03.2020 23:43
Uranus 4Tau32 60 Node 4Cnc32 19.03.2020 23:43
19.03.2020 3:15:59 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
19.03.2020 12:03:52 4°30'47"Aqr Square Uranus!!
Listen to this: David Icke.
Aspects for today- with and and culmination dates. ( orb 0.5-1) GMT+2
Juno 120 Atlantis 1.0 18.03.2020 1:00 21.03.2020 12:00 19.03.2020 18:55
Sun 60 Vesta 1.0 18.03.2020 3:00 21.03.2020 5:00 19.03.2020 15:48
Admetos 30 Sisyphus 0.5 18.03.2020 4:00 21.03.2020 6:00 19.03.2020 17:15
Saturn 180 Vulkanus 1.0 18.03.2020 4:00 20.04.2020 9:00 31.03.2020 6:54
Mars 36 Damocles 0.5 18.03.2020 6:00 19.03.2020 18:00 18.03.2020 23:41
Pallas 36 Damocles 0.5 18.03.2020 10:00 22.03.2020 16:00 20.03.2020 12:46
Mercury 144 Astraea 0.5 18.03.2020 15:00 20.03.2020 6:00 19.03.2020 11:18
Node 120 Apollon 1.0 18.03.2020 17:00 6.04.2020 2:00 24.03.2020 23:43
Kronos 36 Hygiea 0.5 18.03.2020 18:00 22.03.2020 22:00 20.03.2020 20:29
Sun 135 Poseidon 0.8 18.03.2020 18:00 20.03.2020 5:00 19.03.2020 11:02
Mars 0 Jupiter 1.0 18.03.2020 18:00 22.03.2020 9:00 20.03.2020 13:35
Vesta 36 Eris 0.5 18.03.2020 19:00 21.03.2020 15:00 20.03.2020 5:01
Mercury 135 Juno 0.5 18.03.2020 21:00 19.03.2020 20:00 19.03.2020 8:44
And here is an aspect you will find nowhere else! Today the Moon occults Mars.
Happened before on Feb 18.2020
Today's aspects: Aspect Exact GMT+2
Sun 27Psc04 60 Sedna 27Tau04 17.03.2020 6:58= extremely rare! I'll check when did this happen before! OK! on July 20, 2019...
Mercury 0Psc41 150 Vulkanus 0Leo41 17.03.2020 13:39
Sun 0Ari00 P^ Psyche 0Ari00 17.03.2020 14:15= anxiety culminating
Venus 13Tau17 90 Fortuna 13Aqr16 17.03.2020 15:33
Zeus 21Lib04 144 Sedna 27Tau04 17.03.2020 16:20
Mercury 0Psc49 90 Admetos 0Gem49 17.03.2020 18:20
Sun 27Psc40 30 Damocles 27Aqr40 17.03.2020 21:29
S.Node 4Cap38 150 Hygiea 4Gem38 17.03.2020 23:03
Node 4Cnc38 30 Hygiea 4Gem38 17.03.2020 23:03
Zeus 21Lib04 90 Pallas 21Cap04 17.03.2020 23:13
Sun-60 Sedna occurred on 7/20, 2019. Isn't that interesting, that it was a low??!!
In the S&P 2969- and we got a rise till the 30th. Will this repeat? With some calculations. I get to 2427 as a support and 2457 resistance. ..So let's see...
Looking at the fundamental ann. today... there are a lot!
Close your eyes and listen to this! It reminds me of "rain and tears", isn't it?
Top 10 shares that fell 20-40% in a day. They will try to close the gaps, but they will be the best to short. I still can't understand why don't they close the markets?
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
In steps of: 24h 0m 0s
Search for...:
Realization intervals (begin - end):
18.10.1976 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 20.10.1976 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
11.10.1978 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 13.10.1978 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
2.10.1980 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 4.10.1980 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
Since Uranus was before in Scorpio 84 years ago, I found only Aug.3, 1809 to have such a conjunction! William Barret Travis, US lawyer and soldier... for ex. This is getting interesting, need more time to research, in any case, our health minister has an extremely rare planetary position!
I looked at the charts of both... These two don't go well together.
Trumps' Sun at 22 Gemini, Modi's at 23 Virgo- they are in square.
Trump's Moon in Sag., Modi's Moon in Sag. - both can talk and talk, to convince the other of their philosophy.
Trump's Mercury in Cancer, Modi's Uranus is conjunct.
Modi's Mercury is at 23 Virgo, square Trump's Sun. - arguments and more arguments...
We have now a retro Mercury, who wants to sign any bill in a retro motion?
At first, they said, Trump's visit is for 5 days, suddenly it was for 2 days.. hmmm.
No deal.
A friend sent me this joke:
Trump, Putin and Xi were arguing on Who’s in charge of the world?... US, Russia or China?
Without any conclusion, they turned to Modi and asked him "Who’s in charge of the world?..."
Modi's replied, " All I know is ... " :
1. Google CEO is an Indian
2. Microsoft CEO is an Indian
3. Citigroup CEO was an Indian
4. SoftBank Vision Fund CEO is an Indian
5. Adobe CEO is an Indian
6. NetApp CEO is an Indian
7. PepsiCo CEO was an Indian
8. Nokia CEO is an Indian
9. MasterCard CEO is an Indian
10. DBS CEO is an Indian
11. Cognizant CEO was an Indian
12. Novartis CEO is an Indian
13. Conduent CEO was an Indian
14. Diageo CEO is an Indian
15. SanDisk CEO was an Indian
16. Motorola CEO was an Indian
17. Harman CEO is an Indian
18. Micron CEO is an Indian
19. Palo Alto Networks CEO is an Indian
20. Reckitt Benckiser CEO is an Indian
21. Now IBM CEO is also an Indian origin guy👌🏻
So, who's running the world?..."
the Nifty graph:
Here, politically, the dirt hits the ceilings.. I don't even want to watch the TV. I watch films.
Today, the trade in TA35 was awesome! Finally we got some action! it rallied from 1644 to 1689! whaaaaat a fantastic day it was.. The close was at 1678.02 though. Tomorrow we have expiry. I never stay.
My services are: *Daily alerts for 20$ per day,
*Natal chart reading: $360,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 1970 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $200/ month;
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or see in the left panel under "Services" There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 1970 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $200/ month;
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or see in the left panel under "Services" There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
You might want to click "interesting, cool" and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind. And don't forget to click "Like" at the bottom of the article!!
March 23, 2020 Tuesday
Out of 230 readers yesterday, I thank to THOSE T W O people, who care, and sent me condolences...All the others are here to get free information only.
I don't have anything else to tell you now. Move on.
March 23, 2020 Monday
The only good thing I can tell you is, that the Sun is shining out there! India stopped trades for 45 minutes, I don't know about other indices in Asia, but all are red..
Bank Nifty reached Dec. 2016 lows. It trades now below 50% correction of 2009-2020 rally.
AXJO: is back to 2012 levels
SSEA: falls O N L Y to Feb 2019 lows! Already wrote on March 18, how incredible is that!
KLSE: falls to 8/2009 levels
New Zealand is hanging in at Aug 2019 levels
SOuth Africa gapped down to 2013 levels
Nikkei: in the monthly chart: 32% back to 2106 levels.
Europe is still closed, it is now 8:30 am. There are a lot of announcements today, so better stay out.
So let's see the sky, what are the planets telling us?
This is the "good morning" I get from ZET: " Satan day"...
The Sun is at 3 Aries, soon to conjunct Chiron-the wounded healer. In 2 days, I hope after moving on some news about vaccines will pop up.. They already are, but didn't spread. Volunteers are used to check them out.. I wouldn't, that's for sure...
The Moon is approaching the Sun- that is why it say "Satan day"She is at 20 Pisces, Now I added a lot of "death" asteroids with Koronis, Wuhan, China. Interesting, that Koronis as at 15^ Pises, Neptune was there, when all this broke out. Another interesting one is asteroid Achilles, also in Pisces..I hope you know the mythological story of it! If not, google it..
What else? The one that is spreading the virus is Mercury, I wrote many times, that as long as Mercury is in Pisces, no end to it. It will only culminate as it reaches Neptune. Neptune, among many other things is in charge of panic and anxiety, so that too, wears one down, and it doesn't help a bit! Remember, all this is going to pass, so by panicking you don't help yourselves. Mercury conjunct Neptune on April 3-4 at 19 Pisces, that is a self destructive degree too-Till it leaves PIsces, it will conjunct all those ugly asteroids in Pisces. On April 11 finally leaves Pisces, April 14 conjuncts Chiron! and on May 12 enters Gemini. Now that will be again a bummer... Mercury rules news, also lungs. It is strong in Gemini, a sign it rules. So in May we will get news about the virus, but also it might come back in a different form. What can we do? Lemon juice, sun and hope. May 26 Mercury enters Cancer; it is weak here. Between June 18 - July 12 turns RETRO in Cancer. All who have planets in Cancer, will be affected, if they don't have a Retro Mercury at birth.
Venus: now is in Taurus a sign it rules, it rises after the Sun, so it is weaker than if it would be before the Sun. Retro between May 13-June 25! in Gemini.
Mars: the worst position possible today. It is conjunct Jupiter, Pluto, WUHAN! This too will pass, although slower, but everything has an end! Next difficult conjunction will be with Saturn in Aquarius.
Jupiter, the greater benefactor is in Detriment in Capricorn, therefore Pluto and Mars overcome it, remains powerless. Retro between May 14-Sept.14!
Saturn: right now squares the upcoming eclipse point. (0 Cancer on June 21). Retro between May 12- Sept 30! returns to 25Cap20! Has some unfinished business there...
Uranus: now at 4Tau42: Retro between Aug 15-Jan.15.2021
Neptune: now at 18Pisc 57. moves to 19^ on the 25th. Let's hope, that being a self destructive degree, it will bomb the virus.Retro between June 2-4 Nov 29.2020.
Pluto: now at 24Cap43. That is a Pisces degree, so double virus threat. Retro between pril 25-Oct. 4.2020
The Nodes: are now at Cancer/Cap axis.
Those who follow me, know that in November I flew urgently to visit my aunt, in hospital in Italy. She died this night. I just got a message. When I was there she said, she is waiting for the spring. .. Well, she was asleep for the last few days, and died on the first day of the spring. I am very very sad. I can't stop crying. May she rest in peace.
All the planets click.
March 22, 2020 Sunday
Our market opens under a negative arbitrage of 1.23%. That means, if the close was at 1230.31, 1215 levels will be reached again. Today we are under the Moon's energy, she is at 9 Pisces, separating from Mercury but approaching Neptune! at 18 Pisces. Moon and Mercury approaching Neptune mark a culmination in virus spreading, fake news, manipulations, mischieves.
More difficult aspect is the conjunction of Mars-Pluto; (war, army,weapons,- to The destructive Pluto ). Saturn enters just now Aquarius. I am running TS from 1100- till now to see when was Saturn in this sign and what happened during those years. Possible gap today!
TA35: Looking at the Gann wheel, using Feb 20 top:
Only between 1513-1516 we had the planets in the same signs as today! Narrowing it down to 1900-2100 period: Saturn was in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus during the rise of the Nazi party, and WWII
Today is much worse!!! We have a cluster of planets in Capricorn, and Neptune- that rules panic too, in Pisces till Feb 2026!
There was an earthquake in Croatia today morning.. I don't think they often have an earthquake. Not too big, only 4.5 and 5.4, nevertheless, one person dead and a lot of damage. See all the planetary lines crossing that area!
March 21, 2020 Saturday
I am writing my weekly forecasts. Don't you want to know what is coming? I am surprised.. Anyways, Saturn enters Aquarius. This reminds me of my BA chart posted in the last 6 years, it is under a Saturn return.. From 450$ in 2019 now it is at 95!
Other shares in the same group:
Note, that Saturn moves from a Cardinal to a Fixed sign. In 1998 lows, Saturn was a 0^ Taurus.
March 20, 2020 Friday
Halleluyah! Spring is here!!! Exactly now, as I write this post, the Sun is at 0 Aries.
Aspects for today:
Sun 0Ari08 45 Moon 15Aqr08 20.03.2020 8:57
Moon 0Ari00 P^ Venus 0Ari00 20.03.2020 10:25
Moon 16Aqr10 90 Venus 16Tau10 20.03.2020 11:00
Mars 22Cap49 0 Jupiter 22Cap49 20.03.2020 13:35
Moon 18Aqr51 30 Neptune 18Psc51 20.03.2020 16:20
there are many others, but these are important for the markets.
Markets turned yesterday... or on the 18th. If you take a top and count multiples of 7 or 9, you will see why. Is that the last low we will see for the month? Well, that I write about in the weekly-yearly forecasts..
WHO: situation of today: see, where are 1-2 cases only.. Is that because they don't check? Or true?
In Israel, for the next 7 days, people can go out strictly to work, buy food, medicine, care for elders, to funerals, weddings, prayers and sports activity up to 5 people together. What will families do, with 8-10 children in 2 rooms?
Now, listen to this! Some religious people chose to gt married in the cemetery, to drive the virus away..
"According to an ancient virtue listed in some scriptures, having a "black wedding" ceremony in the cemetery is a virtue of stopping a serious crisis. Participants believed that the wedding at this time could help stop the spread of the corona virus.
The ceremony was attended by Rabbi Mordechai Gross, the father of the yeshiva's alumni who serves as the rabbi of several neighborhoods and communities in Bnei Brak and in Modi'in Illit. After the ceremony, the band played instead of all the joy of the participants."
In the modern world, people got married" on line" 20 participants, and all the others watching and cheering on their mobiles.
"Spontaneously one of the participants decided to broadcast the entire event live, and hundreds - even those who were not invited to the wedding at first - joined in for the joy of the distance. "A lot of people came out of the balconies to make us happy. They sang to us on the street - and all with complete spontaneity. Most of these people we do not know - only as neighbors from the neighborhood."
Mazel Tov to all the happy couples.!! In 9 months we will have the "corona-generation".
Here are some interesting articles " Earth magnetic North Pole drifting.
Water in venice canals goes crystal clear. Dolphins, and swans return!
5G antennas in Italy! - any relation to the high number of Corona victims?
10:15 working on the alerts.. Stay tuned. Alerts sent! Good luck .
March 19, 2020 Thursday
Yesterday was another bottom in the markets. I already sent updates for the app, this morning with stops and targets.
Yesterday I listened to a you tube recording by Rabbi Asherov. He is a scientific person, so for those who understand Hebrew, it is a must. Bottom line in what he said was, that the human body has thousands if not millions of viruses. We need them to survive. Without them we would not exist. Now "they" picked up this virus, which is not mortal. Only if a person has a bad health background it might make things worse. What is to be done? First, diet! Food is not good for the body. You can eat fruit and vegetables, but not heavy food. The most important is to clean the body. we do that by drinking warm water with lemon, and we eat the minimum . The body refreshes itself in 2-3-4 days. Panic and anxiety weaken the body enormously. So try to take it easy... It doesn't help if you get hysterical... and that is what "they" want. On a higher, philosophical level, this blessing came to us, to stop the workaholism, and the detachment.( The religious people teach, that everything that happens is a blessing. We might not know or understand today, why, but in the future, looking back, we will.) Young people don't know how to make a conversation! They use emojis!... we have thousands of "friends" on FB, but who to contact if you are out of bread?? It threw us in the other corner- being at home, alone, thinking, checking what is really important in life. This brought people together! instead of the hatred that conquered all levels in the society.
China reports 38 new cases. in some other info I got, no new cases.. . SSEA: stop should be at 2830-
In the NIkkey: 15990.
Ta35: closed at 1181.97- now we have a positive arbitrage of 0.94%; opens at 1193.45= at least that is the target, then we will see.
Main aspects for today: GMT+2
Hygiea 5Gem00 60 Chiron 5Ari00 19.03.2020 13:21Sun 29Psc25 60 Vesta 29Tau24 19.03.2020 15:48
Sun 0Ari00 P Juno 0Ari00 19.03.2020 18:19
Poseidon 14Sco13 90 Fortuna 14Aqr13 19.03.2020 18:26
Uranus 4Tau32 120 S.Node 4Cap32 19.03.2020 23:43
Uranus 4Tau32 60 Node 4Cnc32 19.03.2020 23:43
19.03.2020 3:15:59 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
19.03.2020 12:03:52 4°30'47"Aqr Square Uranus!!
Listen to this: David Icke.
Agenda 21!
Agenda 21 – and the recent ones Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 – is a plan to depopulate 95% of the world population by 2030, according to
It is an action plan devised by the U.N. and signed by 178 governments at the UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity because “we are too many”. It is promoted by the elites as a way to “save the planet” and implemented by governments worldwide. Bill Gates even shared his view about how to achieve this goal by vaccinations and other means in a TedX lecture:
“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” ( ).
Agenda 21 – and the recent ones Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 – is a plan to depopulate 95% of the world population by 2030, according to
It is an action plan devised by the U.N. and signed by 178 governments at the UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity because “we are too many”. It is promoted by the elites as a way to “save the planet” and implemented by governments worldwide. Bill Gates even shared his view about how to achieve this goal by vaccinations and other means in a TedX lecture:
“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” ( ).
March 18, 2020 Wednesday
I woke up with this thought... A lady is hugging the Earth, But people on Earth produced so much damage and pollution, that the Lady started suffocating. So she said," I'll teach you a lesson". I'll let you see how it feels to be suffocated... And the virus spread like hell. Children are innocent, so they are not sick. Who are more vulnerable to the virus? The old... They should have taught the middle generation to behave.
I am getting so many info about the virus, medical ones, Biblical ones. They say, all is written in the Bible, Nostradamus said it but there are only a handful of people who can really understand his writings.
With Mercury entering Pisces it is getting worse. If till now, some leaders like Boris Johnson and Trump were in denial, they are now fully part of the closure of all work places, etc. Here, I wrote you that there is a big fight between Bibi and Moshe Bar Siman-Tov, head of the health ministry. MBST yesterday took things in his hands, appeared on TV and made a speech. I doubt it was OKey by Bibi. As from today, we are in full house closure. People used former free day to go to the beach, parks, festival was on.. Not any more. If one goes out, not to work or buy food, will be fined with 3000 shekels.= 800$; Bibi alone!!!! allowed secret service to follow and photograph people who were supposed to be in quarantine for 2 weeks. The thing is, they don't check if people are at all contaminated! Bibi said it is for 1 or 2 months only, and it will not be used for criminal proves, just the "sick"( who were not tested) will be followed. But who believes him? When he was supposed to stand trial, he closed the law courts. When Gantz received the mandate to form a gov. and rushed and closed the Knesset.
The sky today: Mars conjuncts Jupiter! Yesterday a person who was in hospital with the virus, in JORDAN, sneaked out and ran. The King ordered the army and tanks! on the streets to find him. Mars- weapons- army- Jupiter- freedom...Same incident happened in Italy, a person ran away and somehow, arrived to Romania! Now they are hunting him.
Aspects for today- with and and culmination dates. ( orb 0.5-1) GMT+2
Juno 120 Atlantis 1.0 18.03.2020 1:00 21.03.2020 12:00 19.03.2020 18:55
Sun 60 Vesta 1.0 18.03.2020 3:00 21.03.2020 5:00 19.03.2020 15:48
Admetos 30 Sisyphus 0.5 18.03.2020 4:00 21.03.2020 6:00 19.03.2020 17:15
Saturn 180 Vulkanus 1.0 18.03.2020 4:00 20.04.2020 9:00 31.03.2020 6:54
Mars 36 Damocles 0.5 18.03.2020 6:00 19.03.2020 18:00 18.03.2020 23:41
Pallas 36 Damocles 0.5 18.03.2020 10:00 22.03.2020 16:00 20.03.2020 12:46
Mercury 144 Astraea 0.5 18.03.2020 15:00 20.03.2020 6:00 19.03.2020 11:18
Node 120 Apollon 1.0 18.03.2020 17:00 6.04.2020 2:00 24.03.2020 23:43
Kronos 36 Hygiea 0.5 18.03.2020 18:00 22.03.2020 22:00 20.03.2020 20:29
Sun 135 Poseidon 0.8 18.03.2020 18:00 20.03.2020 5:00 19.03.2020 11:02
Mars 0 Jupiter 1.0 18.03.2020 18:00 22.03.2020 9:00 20.03.2020 13:35
Vesta 36 Eris 0.5 18.03.2020 19:00 21.03.2020 15:00 20.03.2020 5:01
Mercury 135 Juno 0.5 18.03.2020 21:00 19.03.2020 20:00 19.03.2020 8:44
And here is an aspect you will find nowhere else! Today the Moon occults Mars.
Happened before on Feb 18.2020
Let's see the markets: weekly graphs:
FTSE S.Africa, HK 50, HSCE, Nifty,JKSE, Nikkei fell back to 2016-17 lows. KLSE: to 2010 low!
CHINA: SSEA to 2019 low only..This is very weird!!! How come the country that suffered the most form the Corona, didn't crash, as the rest of the world?
STI: Singapore to 2009 lows.
In Europe: AEX to 2016 lows
IBEX made historical low! at 5751
F40 France to 2013 lows
Czeck : now historical lows
HUngary : minor fall! only to Oct 2019 levels!
MIB Italuy to 2012 lows.
OMX Stockholm to 2016
Wig 20 Poland to 2009
SMI Swiss: to 2016
TA35: to 2013
TR20: 2016
UK 100: tp 2012
Nasdaq to 5/2019 low
DOW to 2017
S&P to 2018 Dec. low.
tracking the count as per WHO:
March 17, 2020 Tuesday
Again, I started the day with sending updates in the app. I hope to catch Asian traders in time. Sent out at 6:30 , one hour ago.
Some of the indices bottomed on March 13, some on March 16th. (europe and the USA~ with the markets opening dived to 2018-2017 lows.) The VIX rocketed to 82, higher than 2008 top! I am surprised they don't close the markets... They pour more and more money to the bottomless craters.. Well, even those have somewhere a bottom.. But when will it hit?
Let's see the sky: Oh, by the way.. the Vatican closed, Mecca pilgrims are forbidden, don't people ask where is God?
Anyways... let's see the sky, something I understand a little bit about:
Remember, we have the Capricorn stellium! Today the Moon entered and is joining the party. Meaning, more restrictions and hardships are laid on the people. I shared a list of CEO's, more than 100 companies, who left the sinking ships and resigned in the last month. People are left alone, to figure out what's next.
One thing always keep in mind! No matter how difficult the planetary positions are, they move on! Everything ends once.. Bad things too. So what we have now in the sky, is difficult! Kronos, Hades and the North Node oppose the Capricorn stellium. Cancer/ Cap axis. The Sun, giver of life is at 27 Pisces. In 2 days it will be on Scheat, the worse fixed star of Pisces, but in 3 days, it will move on to Aries, signaling the Spring equinox and in a week it will conjunct Chiron. So it is going to be more difficult. At least it left Neptune behind!
We can we do? Drink lemon squeezed in a glass of warm water. Have onions or garlic in your daily menu. Parsley takes away the smell! You can chew parsley- it is full of iron. I read Kiwi is good , or broccoli, turcmenicus, dandelion tea.. etc.. so these are easy and handy.
Monthly planetary positions:Today's aspects: Aspect Exact GMT+2
Sun 27Psc04 60 Sedna 27Tau04 17.03.2020 6:58= extremely rare! I'll check when did this happen before! OK! on July 20, 2019...
Mercury 0Psc41 150 Vulkanus 0Leo41 17.03.2020 13:39
Sun 0Ari00 P^ Psyche 0Ari00 17.03.2020 14:15= anxiety culminating
Venus 13Tau17 90 Fortuna 13Aqr16 17.03.2020 15:33
Zeus 21Lib04 144 Sedna 27Tau04 17.03.2020 16:20
Mercury 0Psc49 90 Admetos 0Gem49 17.03.2020 18:20
Sun 27Psc40 30 Damocles 27Aqr40 17.03.2020 21:29
S.Node 4Cap38 150 Hygiea 4Gem38 17.03.2020 23:03
Node 4Cnc38 30 Hygiea 4Gem38 17.03.2020 23:03
Zeus 21Lib04 90 Pallas 21Cap04 17.03.2020 23:13
Sun-60 Sedna occurred on 7/20, 2019. Isn't that interesting, that it was a low??!!
In the S&P 2969- and we got a rise till the 30th. Will this repeat? With some calculations. I get to 2427 as a support and 2457 resistance. ..So let's see...

Looking at the fundamental ann. today... there are a lot!
Close your eyes and listen to this! It reminds me of "rain and tears", isn't it?
Top 10 shares that fell 20-40% in a day. They will try to close the gaps, but they will be the best to short. I still can't understand why don't they close the markets?
March 16, 2020 Monday
I was again wrong yesterday. I thought our index will linger at 1277-ish levels, instead, they took it to 1308 even 1312. great day for longs, but there is still space up to close March 11th Gap, to 1360 ish levels. Looking at the world, all are red in Asia, so I doubt it happens today. It is 7:24 am now, I already sent updates for subscribers, in the app. Android works fine, if you have Iphone, pls. mail me, it's 70$, one time fee, and I shall include you in the mail I am sending to people. Alerts are based on planetary positions, technical and other considerations. Mostly it can be used for intraday trades. For longer time frame, you have to subscribe to the weekly forecast, or the yearly..
In the fundamental world, bad fed ann. are surfacing, but that was expected..
Let's see the sky: First thing that pops up is Jupiter at 22^ Cap! Bad.. Then Mercury is just about to return to Pisces; second bad pos. Uranus trines the NN, that is tricky...and we are under the Moon and Mercury's energies today, so all these point to an extremely volatile and zig-zag day
News: Yesterday evening, our President, Mr. Rivlin, gave the mandate to Benny Gantz, to try to form a government. We live apocalyptic times! Gantz' s party is formed by 3 former Chief of staff and Yair Lapid. They are now backed by all the Arab parties...
Isaiah 11
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
Now I wonder who is the little child? It is Gantz, a Gemini, who is as a little child in politics?
But, now is only 8:11, the meeting is at noon... oho!!! a lot of time to have a dramatic switch.
Stay tuned.
I am running the DOW now, meanwhile scroll down and read again March 12 post.
TA35: Fell at the opening to 1227.28. During the day to 1196!!
Now I wonder who is the little child? It is Gantz, a Gemini, who is as a little child in politics?
But, now is only 8:11, the meeting is at noon... oho!!! a lot of time to have a dramatic switch.
Stay tuned.
I am running the DOW now, meanwhile scroll down and read again March 12 post.
TA35: Fell at the opening to 1227.28. During the day to 1196!!
March 15, 2020 Sunday
Situation in Israel: Now only 10 people are allowed to gather. Schools, preschools, cinemas, theaters, malls, all closed. No help whatsoever is offered to people who must stay home to guard their children. No other help either... It is pathetic. Of course the hearing now will be postponed... Just as I thought it will. But, don't worry, with Mercury leaving Pisces all these fraud steps will be naked and discovered. Yesterday Bibi had again a primetime show on TV, at 8:30 or 9 pm. After long meeting with all the ministers, journalists reported that he had loud argument with Moshe Bar SIman-Tov, director of health . Well, they mirror each other, as I posted yesterday... MBST wanted a complete shutdown of the country. Bibi declined. For the time being... People rushed to the stores, stood in line for hours to buy food, stuff. They are driving the country crazy. 180-190 people are infected, no deaths, but a lot in quarantine, WITHOUT being checked if they have it or not... All, who came back from abroad, should stay 2 weeks at home. Why don't they check them?? It is convenient now to gear panic. Never before, in any of the many wars, we were in similar situation...Oh!! and the punchline is, that from now on, people will be followed and face recognition will be used, for those who are sick... I am sure for everyone... Just like in China, and Singapour. Democracy fell yesterday at 9 pm. The chart below is stunning, with the exact transits on Israel's natal chart...
In the chart below I added as many asteroids as the software let me to, here too, we can see the many bad aspects from different asteroids to the Moon (people); see comments on the graph; and the most disturbing is Mercury still in Pisces, we must guard our words... Big brother is watching, listening. There are also the eclipses and fixed stars to take in consideration, but all point to the same... First it will get worse before getting better.
I can't believe I am living again, as if... in communist Romania. Read the purpose of this blog
Oh, and here is something more..
And now the news: Netanyahu's, trial postponed by two months... LOL... How expected than that it can be? HE IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO SURVIVES DUE TO THE CORONA.
OK. market starts in 2.30 hours. It is 7:30 now, the Sun is shining outside, all is calm. The gym is closed, I cannot go to my pilates lesson.
TA35: closed at 1251.56; Under a more than 2% positive arbitrage, it will open at 1277- and it will linger there the whole day, IMHO, waiting for tomorrow action in the USA. Every up move is a possibility to buy cheaper puts, that sky rocketed in the last 3 weeks.
March 14, 2020 Saturday
5-11% gain in one day for those who bought the yearly forecast! and even 50-80% in Calls on the SPY, for example.
So, why did we have an up correction on Friday, under the darkening Corona cloud? I sent alerts now to subscribers, for the next week. Pls. check your mails/ apps.
Meet our Health minister, Moshe Bar SIman Tov, born October 21, 1976. He is the first non medical doctor, serving as Health Minister.. He was born 27 years after Bibi... exactly on Oct 21.
I was curious to see his chart, because of his "teflon" behaviour. He reminded me of BIBI. And, there you are! Inner wheel is him, outer Bibi, and the transit SLOW planets suddenly, medically put them on extreme powers. Nothing is a coincidence...
He has a Mars-Uranus conjunction in Scorpio... that is an extremely powerful aspect! More about that later..
Times when Mars was conjunct Uranus from 1900 till today:
Range of search: 1.01.1900 - 1.12.2020In steps of: 24h 0m 0s
Search for...:
Realization intervals (begin - end):
18.10.1976 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 20.10.1976 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
11.10.1978 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 13.10.1978 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
2.10.1980 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 4.10.1980 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
Since Uranus was before in Scorpio 84 years ago, I found only Aug.3, 1809 to have such a conjunction! William Barret Travis, US lawyer and soldier... for ex. This is getting interesting, need more time to research, in any case, our health minister has an extremely rare planetary position!
March 13, 2020 Friday
Thanks to facebook I get more info than from the news.. I wonder when will they close the internet? So this is the last news, an answer to my "wondering" yesterday...
The virus is slowly going to fade out, as I wrote in January...Here are the last numbers by WHO.
I wondered why has Italy so badly hit... Again, I got the answer from vigilant FB members,,,:
"Many Italians in Northern Italy sold their leather goods and textiles companies to China. Italy then allowed 100,000 Chinese from Wuhan/Wenzhou to move to Italy to work in these factories, with direct Wuhan flights.
Result: Northern Italy is Europe’s hotspot for Wuhan Coronavirus."
China sent respiratory aids to Italy, while the EU turned their backs...
Spain: "Also Chinese in Spain pay no taxes as there’s a trade deal between Spain and China so would this be the reason why there’s a large amount of issues in Spain regarding this virus ?" from Twitter..
What is happening in Iran, is also devastating... why there? What business have the Chinese in Iran? Seems the military connections and trade agreements, opened the borders and the sky to the virus.
I received a letter from Canada suggesting, by a DR. from Singapore, to 1) wash hands with soap regularly, 2) snip water often,~ every 15 min~ that will wash down any virus from your throat to the stomach where the enzymes kill it, before it gets or settles in your lungs, and 3) hold your breath for at least 10 seconds. If you can do that, without having a suffocating feeling, your lungs are OK. I can add here the lemon juice every morning! It will keep you fresh and healthy.
So let's see the markets. I thought I can send you updates yesterday, but I had to close the computer because of a great storm, so I'll do it now. It's 7:19 am. Plenty of time before market starts..
Alerts sent. Check your mails, mobiles.
What can you expect today?
The Moon will trine the Sun today, from Scorpio, sign of money. the Moon occulted Mars
On Feb 18 and will do again on March 18.
Alerts sent. Check your mails, mobiles.
What can you expect today?
The Moon will trine the Sun today, from Scorpio, sign of money. the Moon occulted Mars
On Feb 18 and will do again on March 18.
March 12, 2020 Thursday
With the panic reaching the USA, all the world is red. You, who read this blog, drink every morning a glass of water, with half of lemon drops in it. It will strengthen your immune system. What can I say about the markets? Short short short. I am surprised they don't close it. Now we have to look back to 2014-2015 lows in order to make calculations for next lows. I'll send updates today after the gym.
Let's see what are the planets showing?
The Moon is still in Libra, squares the Cap. stellium. Mercury, the one in charge of the virus spread is now in Aquarius, but soon enters Pisces and it will spread more. Also a lot of fake news, as if we didn't have them till now... Venus is on Taurus, strong, but conjunct Uranus, so we see banks and Forex move. Mars, in Capricorn, at 17 Cap is approaching JUpiter, they will be conjunct on March 20, at 22 degree, the killer degree! On the same day the Sun is at 0 Aries, things might get aggressive, army, police and weapons will be on stage- for the month. On March 22 the Moon is in Pisces, people will get more and more affected, Martial law or emergency steps will follow. March 23: Sun squares the nodes! and Saturn is in Aquarius...
Saturn in Aquarius: Feb 7, 1991- 1992 , 1993- Jan 29, 1994. Read what happened during those years!
I will have to run the Dow to see how did it behave when Saturn was in Aquarius. Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius, but it is different in these signs. While in Capricorn it comes to strengthen the gov., Aquarius is a revolutionary sign, it might bring a new world order, massive changes in ruler ships. We know now, that Xi, Putin and Erdogan can rule endlessly, Abe of Japan is heading there as well, Mrs.Merkel, well, she is there too, and democratic countries will declare emergency-radical steps to keep the current leader on throne. Aquarius doesn't like these steps, so revolutions will break out.
Then Pluto enters Aquarius! On 21 January 2024...
Anybody interested in the yearly forecast on anything, pls. let me know. It's better to prepare now for the next 9 months :)
Let's see what are the planets showing?
The Moon is still in Libra, squares the Cap. stellium. Mercury, the one in charge of the virus spread is now in Aquarius, but soon enters Pisces and it will spread more. Also a lot of fake news, as if we didn't have them till now... Venus is on Taurus, strong, but conjunct Uranus, so we see banks and Forex move. Mars, in Capricorn, at 17 Cap is approaching JUpiter, they will be conjunct on March 20, at 22 degree, the killer degree! On the same day the Sun is at 0 Aries, things might get aggressive, army, police and weapons will be on stage- for the month. On March 22 the Moon is in Pisces, people will get more and more affected, Martial law or emergency steps will follow. March 23: Sun squares the nodes! and Saturn is in Aquarius...
Saturn in Aquarius: Feb 7, 1991- 1992 , 1993- Jan 29, 1994. Read what happened during those years!
I will have to run the Dow to see how did it behave when Saturn was in Aquarius. Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius, but it is different in these signs. While in Capricorn it comes to strengthen the gov., Aquarius is a revolutionary sign, it might bring a new world order, massive changes in ruler ships. We know now, that Xi, Putin and Erdogan can rule endlessly, Abe of Japan is heading there as well, Mrs.Merkel, well, she is there too, and democratic countries will declare emergency-radical steps to keep the current leader on throne. Aquarius doesn't like these steps, so revolutions will break out.
Then Pluto enters Aquarius! On 21 January 2024...
Anybody interested in the yearly forecast on anything, pls. let me know. It's better to prepare now for the next 9 months :)
Oh no.... I ran TS all day, to see Saturn in Aqua. Now it just crashed... I have to start again. Ufffff.; I could save this one before it closed down: but I wanted to enlarge it, and do some more work... well. meanwhile ... I will have to close all other windows for TS to work.
March 11. 2020 Wednesday
Today we are under Mercury's effect and this is still stationary at the moment. It's 7:50 am. It is at 28.16 Aquarius. Makes 135^ aspect to the Moon, which is in Libra. The other planet we should look at is Mars, and that is at 16Cap24, slowly to conjunct Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. Mars is exalted~ very strong in Capricorn, the sign represents the government. I think two years ago I said that it will bring martial law, strict restrictions.. Then I did not imagine the world would be in such a situation as we are now.. Mars will be in Cap till the end of the month. So we will have this situation till then. What else?
CIT for the following indices, shares. and people in the news:
Ibex, , WIG20( Poland); Ethereum, MIB, Crude oil, BIDU, DIS,GIS, QCOM,
Local shares: MicroMedic, Biokensel, Cinema Yahash, Clal, Biotex, Kesem Long Pi3 ,Mazor,Terapics Bio,Together,
Anna Bligh, Netanyahu, Hassan Rouhani, Jimmy
Carter, Jaroslav Kaczynski, Khaled Meshaal, Pippa Middleton, Stalin, Al Thani (
Qatar), Rex Tillerson. Fernando Haddad (Brazil);
TA35: opens with a positive arbitrage of 0.54%.The close was 1366.53 ; should go above 1410.50 for a rally. I doubt it happens.Helio Mercury just entered Scorpio..... No good news in the markets, Netanyahu is to stand trial on the 17th, if nothing happens till then, but with him, no one knows..
Today is the ay of the FTSE: so many announcements!! And also at 8 pm, my time, USA!
Today is the ay of the FTSE: so many announcements!! And also at 8 pm, my time, USA!
March 10, 2020 Tuesday
It is Purim holiday today, no trade..But the rest of the world does, so let's see, what can we learn from the stars?
Here is yesterday's chart, with the opening, more or less. Trade was halted, because US markets fell by 7%... later to recuperate, so if you trade with no feelings, you went long. There were multiple events at the same time! Sun-Neptune conjunct, Venus- Uranus too, Full Moon, and a lot of midpoints from Mars, to which I would look for an exaggeration like that. Oh... and the little devil, Mercury was stationary, strong, before turning Direct.
The S&P fell back to Feb 2019's levels, and others too returned to dates long forgotten. Now we are basing our counts and supports to those dates.
I sent alerts, as long as I was next to the computer, but I am not sitting here all the time. This morning I sent again updates to subscribers... SO if you are not one.. too bad.
So what can we expect today?
It is a Tuesday... we are under the effect of Mars and Saturn. Both are in Cap. But the interesting aspect, a rare one is Pluto 120^ Vesta.Will markets find a support on them? Also Mercury is still stationary, later it will start moving. Next we have a Venus 60^ NNode, Jupiter still sextiles the Sun, and the Moon entered Libra. So planets are whispering some harmony , trying to find a balance.
What about the fundamental world?
Japan came out with a good announcement, however, they are preparing to emergency
They have 400-700 cases. 15 dead.... Here is a link to world situation.
In Europe also Dec 2018 lows were reached, except for the FTSE, IBEX and Poland! fell back to 2016
I am skeptical about this rally now... I think it will fall back again, or at least consolidate, until the US will chirp some positivity. New Jersey, Ohio and other states declared emergency.
and in the DOW:
We can add Feb 27, 2020= in one day =1744 points.
China says they are handling the cases... A quick look at their SO2 in the air, shows, it is still very high! around Wuhan..
Compared to the USA:
compared to Europe: highest is in Romania?! what the hec?
March 9, 2020 Monday
The map showing the sky below is for today's opening, at 2 am. Let's see what made the OIL drop with a 15%?! overnight?? It has reached 2016 lows! we see Sun-Neptune conjunct in Pisces, Venus-Uranus conjunct in Taurus, the Moon trines the NNode, Mercury is 30^ from Saturn, and Saturn trines Sedna. The oil is ruled by Saturn, that is at 28^Cap. In 17 days the oil lost 50%
Is anyone trying to ruin Saudia? Stop is 29.
One might think if markets are down, buy Gold... but is it profitable? Gold rallied in 9 days, from Feb 28 by 9 % only.. Topped at 1704 and now it is at 1663. fell... overnight. So that is not shining as well. In any case, if you have my app, or have the weekly forecasts, you are gaining.
Today we are under the effect of the Moon, She is in Virgo, and approaching an opposition to the Sun, it will mark the Full Moon; at 19 Pisces/Virgo axis. The 19th degree is an extremely difficult degree, in any sign. ( a self-destructing degree). especially in Taurus, it is a violence degree..Now the Moon will conjunct the fixed star, Denebola:
Denebola (94 Beta Leonis m 2.14)
Keywords: Criticism, perseverance, control, lack of imagination, honours, undesirable associates, mental illness, happiness turns to despair, disease, natural disasters, catastrophes
Effect: Neutral
Character: Saturn/ Venus
The next Solar eclipse will occur at 0 Cancer21, on June 21,2020, at 6:40, under the Summer equinox. At that time Saturn will already be at 0.Aquarius 40! Something to look forward to. However, an eclipse in Cancer, water sign, brings a lot of vulnerability! I'll check who or which country has planets at 0 Cancer. Also on June 21 we will have 6 planets in retro! This year will be a harsh one. I think a few months ago, I wrote, to buy food, water, medicine, just in case... and now we live it.
Here is a list of people who's Sun is 5 degrees orb from the eclipse Sun, therefore will be highly affected, or brought under spotlight:
Trump: Sun at 3 Cancer ( 5 degrees orb is used).George Bush, Sabah emir Kuwait, Silver, Ran Cohen, Paul McCartney, Poland,World Bank, Kaczynski Jaroslaw, Meryl Streep, Elisabeth Warren, Moshe Yaalon, Xi Jinping, Klaus Johannis, Paula Abdul, Boris Johnson, Prince William, Russia (June.12.1990) , Mohamed Salah, Bank of India, Isis, and a lot of shares...
Besides the Sun's position we should check the other planets as well, but I just want to show who to look at in the next few months.
Now this is really weird!!!
By Manlio DinucciPublished in the Italian web newspaper, Il Manifesto, March 3. Translation by John Catalinotto.
The United States has raised the coronavirus (COVID-19) alert for Italy to level 3 (“avoid nonessential travel”), bringing it to 4 (“do not travel”) for [the northern regions of] Lombardy and Veneto — the same as for China. American Airlines and Delta Air Lines suspended all flights between New York and Milan. U.S. citizens going to Germany, Poland and other European countries, at alert level 2, must “take increased precautions.”
However, one category of U.S. citizens is exempted from these rules: the 20,000 soldiers beginning to arrive from the United States in European ports and airports for the Defender Europe 20 exercise, the largest U.S. troop deployment in Europe in the last 25 years. Including those already present, about 30,000 U.S. troops will participate in April and May, flanked by 7,000 troops from 17 NATO member and partner countries, including Italy.
Are they NUTS???
Russia surprisingly torpedoed an attempt by big oil producers to cut crude output and stabilize the market, sending the price of oil sharply down on Friday.
Saudi Arabia and other big oil exporters that make up OPEC had agreed on Thursday to further cut their oil output by 1.5 million barrels a day, a desperate attempt to shore up the price of oil as the new coronavirus wreaks havoc on the global economy. But that agreement was conditional on the support of Russia—which ultimately balked, ending the two-day OPEC meeting in Vienna with no new agreement and sending crude prices into freefall.
US Banks are about to collapse.. says this article.
US Banks are about to collapse.. says this article.
A colleague of mine, a very good astrologer uses for the USA July 2 chart.. I looked at it, and found a very disturbing upcoming aspect! The house of health is ruled by Venus, that being at 0 cancer, will get an exact hit by the Solar eclipse on June 21! Furthermore, Directed Mercury, (teh virus carrier) hits US Moon, the people, and the transit Cap. stellium will be conjunct that Moon too! So, knowing this, nithout panic, just buy food, supplies, take out as much money as you can from the banks, and stay calm.
Fear and panic killed more people than any virus!
March 8, 2020 Sunday
It's the International women day today. Interesting, that exactly now, Venus(women) is conjunct Uranus(revolution) in Taurus. The date also adds up to 6, so even the date is ruled by Venus!. Venus rules Taurus and Libra, so it is strong. Market wise it will affect banks, forex, but there is no trade in the world today, except here... so it's effect will be felt tomorrow.
TA35: fell from June 3rd low, as the CAC. I sent alerts this morning. Back in 2018 we had a 17% fall. A similar move will push the index down to 1468 at least. We have a red opening, 4.11%! They will stop the trade...
March 7, 2020 Saturday
Yesterday I wanted to bring my car next to my house, from where it is parked, but it did not move... DAMN. Somehow a door was left half open, and the light was on, so battery died.I cannot tell you what a frustration! When she came, my car broke down 8 kilometers from the airport... Now that I have to take her home, the car won't move.... Today morning we were supposed to go to the airport, my guest to leave, so again, I had to ask my ex, to come at 7 am and take us to the airport. Now I am already at home, all went smoothly, planes to Romania go , no problem there...So now I am home, and back to the routine.
Let's see what's happening..
S&P: I always teach my students, that except the Fibo dates, there are the 7 days' cycles, that we must take in consideration...
We had 7 days from low to low.
Now that is not enough... we have to see if there is any planetary support? or it'll be another 7 days till the reversal?
Big moves are coming in March, that you don't want to miss! So hurry up and sign up NOW for the weekly forecasts, or the daily! DOn't miss it.
March 6, 2020 Friday.
It was a wonderful day , yesterday at the Dead Sea! New promenades, coffee shops, restaurants, malls were built since I visited last time. On the way back we went up to Masada.. That is a unique site, one needs to be there couple of hours, not on 30 minutes, but we did not want to drive in the darkness. Had dinner in a restaurant, 443, its name in Modiin, excellent food! if you ever come here..and at 8 pm, I think I was already fast asleep. It was 31 Celsius yesterday, today we got up to rain and storm.
Markets are falling, I see... Reaching long time lows, 2018- 2019's. What can stop the fall? Will it be Saturn only , entering Aquarius? Or maybe father time.. In any case, March 16-17 is a major CIT date, from different calculations, so we have still time for shorts.
March 5, 2020 Thursday
I wished for at least 3 days' up correction, we got 5. Stop was at 3045- ran up to 3128! Under a Mercury-Venus sextile. Stop is now at 3085.
You should raise stops in anything you trade to the last low.
I shall be away today, back in the evening only, from the Dead Sea.
March 4, 2020 Wednesday
Today we are under Mercury's effect, that is about to re-enter Aquarius in its retro motion. the Moon enters Cancer, the sign she rules, so I don't see a big support from her part. On the contrary! When she conjuncts the South Node, that will be a time to watch.
4.03.2020 6:25:05 0°00'00"Cnc <<<
4.03.2020 6:44:07 0°10'21"Cnc Trine Mercury
4.03.2020 13:25:31 3°49'51"Cnc Sextile Uranus
5.03.2020 4:24:30 12°09'07"Cnc Opposition Mars
5.03.2020 9:49:14 15°12'12"Cnc Trine Sun
5.03.2020 15:14:18 18°16'57"Cnc Trine Neptune
5.03.2020 18:55:44 20°23'41"Cnc Opposition Jupiter
Other aspects for the next two days:
Moon 60 Uranus 4.03.2020 13:26
Moon 90 Chiron 4.03.2020 13:59
Pluto 120 Vesta 4.03.2020 14:22
Moon 72 Eris 4.03.2020 16:24
Moon 0 Node 4.03.2020 16:59
Mercury 60 Venus 4.03.2020 23:24
Moon 45 Vesta 4.03.2020 23:37
Moon 180 Mars 5.03.2020 4:25
Sun 45 Venus 5.03.2020 6:57
Moon 135 Mercury 5.03.2020 8:37
Sun 120 Moon 5.03.2020 9:49
Moon 120 Neptune 5.03.2020 15:14
Moon 90 Juno 5.03.2020 17:26
Moon 180 Jupiter 5.03.2020 18:56
Politics: as forecasted in September, noone has enough mandates to form a government. 92% of the votes are counted so far.
March 3, 2020 Tuesday
I fell asleep yesterday before the outcome of the elections. Now I see Bibi, or the Likud party has 37 mandates, Benny Ganz 34, etc. Count is still on, the votes of the soldiers, marine and living abroad... but it might not change anything. Mercury is still in Retro ( miscounting, fraud, lies and cheating is topping), on March 10th we will see maybe the situation clearing up.
Now we will need all the love there is, after such a hatred and split in the people, that Bibi caused.
Markets are correcting up- as expected. I shall be away this week from the computer, but I have my position and stop, so I am fine. I hope you are too.
Let's see what excuse have the planets for this farce going on?
Moon 90^to Neptune top of fraud and lies.
Vesta 120^ Pluto.- also shows a culmination of the moment. Will have to see where is Vesta in BB's chart?
Mercury is returning to Aquarius in its retro mode,
Venus in exact square to Saturn.
Looking at the natal chart of BIBI- rectified- I am not sure if the minute is right, but he has either an end of SAG, or beginning of Cap. as Asc.In any case, the aspects his natal Sun- Venus, ruler of career and Saturn make or receive, do not change.
So for yesterday March 2, 10 pm, when the votes closed the planets were in the "right " place for him to win again, as he did 2 previous times in the last year, only that he could not form a government. I wrote the fog will go on for at least a year, with him leading, the Arab and religious parties will succeed. And so it happened.
All indices that topped on Feb 28th- bottomed 7 bars (trading days) later, it is a Fibonacci cycle of course, and the 7 day cycle. Now we will have to cross fingers to have at least 5 days up, which I doubt, so maybe 3 days. I sent you alerts yesterday, you are already gaining!
March 2, 2020 Monday.
I am very busy with relative visiting from abroad. Yesterday we went to Tel Aviv and Old Jaffa, today it's Jerusalem, then Kinnereth, the Dead sea. She is here for a week. Meanwhile she has a great time. I hope weather will improve, yesterday was windy with very stormy sea...Today it's elections day, no trade, so we will react to whatever happens in the US markets today. Meanwhile I see they are green, which I expected to be, reports were sent out on Friday...
The sky shows us, that the Moon has travelled to Gemini, squaring the Sun, that will bring a lot of volatility in the markets and lies in the elections. People will be divided, if they are not yet, already... The Sun is approaching Neptune, that will add to the fraud. Mercury is departing from the SUn, now at 1 Aquarius, that too will back it. Venus, the little benefactor, that could help out here, but is weak, being still in Aries, Soon it'll enter Taurus its domicile, but then it will conjunct Uranus, that could bring to clashes, sudden events, gaps- for the markets.
Mars is separating from the South Node, which started the fall on Feb 20th, but soon will conjunct Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, so no quiet from that side either.
Today's aspects:
Moon 30 Node 2.03.2020 8:37
Venus 30 Sedna 2.03.2020 11:17
Moon 45 Eris 2.03.2020 13:47
Moon 135 Pluto 2.03.2020 15:25
Moon 150 Mars 2.03.2020 17:39
Moon 45 Venus 2.03.2020 21:28
Sun 90 Moon 2.03.2020 21:57
Moon 135 Saturn 2.03.2020 23:11
Today's aspects:
Moon 30 Node 2.03.2020 8:37
Venus 30 Sedna 2.03.2020 11:17
Moon 45 Eris 2.03.2020 13:47
Moon 135 Pluto 2.03.2020 15:25
Moon 150 Mars 2.03.2020 17:39
Moon 45 Venus 2.03.2020 21:28
Sun 90 Moon 2.03.2020 21:57
Moon 135 Saturn 2.03.2020 23:11
February 27, 2020 Thursday
A few days ago, I wrote, it is boring all those new tops... Now we wonder, when will the sell of stop?
If you still think, they are not the robots that trade, than read this! thanks to my Friend Rob.
The world is red. Except for CHINA! How ironic that is? Stop here is 3120- if anyone trades it.
What can we expect today? The Moon is in Aries, and moves away from the Sun. In Aries she brought a big, energetic move. GMT 00:00
25.02.2020 8:57:20 24°08'14"Psc Sextile Pluto
25.02.2020 16:11:46 27°43'38"Psc Sextile Saturn
25.02.2020 20:47:06 0°00'00"Ari <<<
26.02.2020 10:32:20 6°48'08"Ari Square Mars
27.02.2020 11:21:35 19°03'32"Ari Square Jupiter
27.02.2020 19:05:18 22°52'34"Ari Conjunction Venus
27.02.2020 21:46:27 24°12'12"Ari Square Pluto
28.02.2020 5:25:01 27°58'56"Ari Square Saturn
28.02.2020 9:29:36 0°00'00"Tau <<<
28.02.2020 16:49:44 3°38'08"Tau Conjunction Uranus
28.02.2020 17:51:01 4°08'33"Tau Sextile Mercury
29.02.2020 2:55:46 8°39'15"Tau Trine Mars
29.02.2020 5:39:42 10°00'53"Tau Sextile Sun
29.02.2020 21:50:10 18°06'13"Tau Sextile Neptune
S&P: under the Moon's move: Alert sent was to go long/short with 3100. As the Moon entered Aries, brought in a new energy, we got a small up correction, but a quick reversal too. Now 3100 is very important, It is close to Dec. 3, 2019 low! breaking that one... it will be a huge short. Sign up for the weekly forecast, to receive next targets and times of change in trend!
If everything is falling, including Gold and BTC, is anything out there that is not? Technology... AAPL and MSFT and BIOTECHNOLOGY !!!
I am not advising here buying these shares, a thorough analysis must be made for that, I just show you facts of yesterday.
So what else happens in the sky?
Here are the aspects in a picture, for the rest of the week:
and in words: GMT 00:00
Moon 90 Jupiter 27.02.2020 9:22
Moon 45 Mercury 27.02.2020 12:01
Moon 180 Juno 27.02.2020 12:20
Moon 36 Sedna 27.02.2020 13:12
Sun 45 Eris 27.02.2020 13:32
Moon 30 Vesta 27.02.2020 16:23
Moon 0 Venus 27.02.2020 17:05
Moon 0 Eris 27.02.2020 18:11
Sun 45 Moon 27.02.2020 18:37
Moon 36 Neptune 27.02.2020 19:25
Moon 72 Node 27.02.2020 19:28
Moon 90 Pluto 27.02.2020 19:46
Moon 30 Sedna 28.02.2020 1:21
Moon 90 Saturn 28.02.2020 3:25
Venus 0 Eris 28.02.2020 4:48
Moon 135 Mony 28.02.2020 6:51
Sun 45 Pluto 28.02.2020 8:36
Moon 30 Admetos 28.02.2020 8:56
Mercury 45 Jupiter 28.02.2020 12:50
Moon 45 Neptune 28.02.2020 13:40
Moon 108 Pallas 28.02.2020 14:13
Moon 0 Uranus 28.02.2020 14:50
Moon 30 Chiron 28.02.2020 15:18
Moon 60 Mercury 28.02.2020 15:51
Venus 72 Node 28.02.2020 15:52
Mercury 36 Saturn 28.02.2020 18:09
Venus 36 Neptune 28.02.2020 18:33
Moon 60 Node 28.02.2020 19:26
Mercury 30 Chiron 28.02.2020 21:50
Venus 90 Pluto 28.02.2020 22:08
Moon 108 Jupiter 28.02.2020 22:18
Time wise: Today we are on a CIT day counting from Oct.3 low. So, it is tricky... Watch the news, watch who is pumping money where? See if any tops are coming in? Any bottoms break?
February 26, 2020 Wednesday
It's 8 pm
It's 8 pm
Someone asks me on Fb, if I am a muslim or not...I told him, if you are not a trader we have nothing in common. People...
Today I sent updates early this morning, in the app. Usually I don't do that, but since today is 7 days from Feb 19 top, I thought it is a must to alert people.. I find it incredible, that people don't buy the app for 70$, when they can make 7000$ of those alerts.... but wait for free advices... Well, my dears, not from me..
Trump visited India, and it didn't turn our right. Modi did now bow to him.., Surely, if Trump would have asked an astrologer, all could have said, that when Mercury is retro, it is a bad time to make deals.. I looked at the charts of both... These two don't go well together.
Trumps' Sun at 22 Gemini, Modi's at 23 Virgo- they are in square.
Trump's Moon in Sag., Modi's Moon in Sag. - both can talk and talk, to convince the other of their philosophy.
Trump's Mercury in Cancer, Modi's Uranus is conjunct.
Modi's Mercury is at 23 Virgo, square Trump's Sun. - arguments and more arguments...
We have now a retro Mercury, who wants to sign any bill in a retro motion?
At first, they said, Trump's visit is for 5 days, suddenly it was for 2 days.. hmmm.
No deal.
A friend sent me this joke:
Trump, Putin and Xi were arguing on Who’s in charge of the world?... US, Russia or China?
Without any conclusion, they turned to Modi and asked him "Who’s in charge of the world?..."
Modi's replied, " All I know is ... " :
1. Google CEO is an Indian
2. Microsoft CEO is an Indian
3. Citigroup CEO was an Indian
4. SoftBank Vision Fund CEO is an Indian
5. Adobe CEO is an Indian
6. NetApp CEO is an Indian
7. PepsiCo CEO was an Indian
8. Nokia CEO is an Indian
9. MasterCard CEO is an Indian
10. DBS CEO is an Indian
11. Cognizant CEO was an Indian
12. Novartis CEO is an Indian
13. Conduent CEO was an Indian
14. Diageo CEO is an Indian
15. SanDisk CEO was an Indian
16. Motorola CEO was an Indian
17. Harman CEO is an Indian
18. Micron CEO is an Indian
19. Palo Alto Networks CEO is an Indian
20. Reckitt Benckiser CEO is an Indian
21. Now IBM CEO is also an Indian origin guy👌🏻
So, who's running the world?..."
the Nifty graph:
Here, politically, the dirt hits the ceilings.. I don't even want to watch the TV. I watch films.
Today, the trade in TA35 was awesome! Finally we got some action! it rallied from 1644 to 1689! whaaaaat a fantastic day it was.. The close was at 1678.02 though. Tomorrow we have expiry. I never stay.
February 25, 2020 Tuesday
Yesterday I started to write, but then so hectic trades, phone calls, mails, etc, I forgot all about it.. But, I hope you got the alerts I sent before USA markets started, and those could help you in deciding what to do...
Today it's Tuesday, the only day that got a double " and it was good" in the BIble. So it should be a good day. Let's check the planets if they agree :)
I highlighted the last SOlar eclipse degree, 4 Cap; where Mars was the last days! Today we have a Mars-SNode conjunction, which is bad, a Mercury-Sun conjunction, in Pisces, also, Venus still in Taurus, and the Moon at 23 Pisces. Besides these aspects, we have the ones below:
Today's aspects:
Mars 72 Neptune 25.02.2020 4:02
Sun 60 Mars 25.02.2020 4:05
Pallas 30 Mony 25.02.2020 6:22
Sun 120 Node 25.02.2020 16:40
Mars 180 Node 25.02.2020 21:08
Venus 180 Juno 25.02.2020 21:14
and I didn't mention the so many asteroids, and other " blessings".
Let's see how are we doing time wise?
here is the DOW: when we look at the time sequences from low to low, and they get smaller and smaller, it signals us that a turn in trend is coming..!
The Dow topped on the 13th; If we measure the fall from Oct 3, 2018 to Dec. 25, 2018, we get a target at 29536, the actual top was 29541.
So why did the DOW top and fall on the 13th, and not on the 19 or the 20th, like the rest? Looking at the Dow first trade chart, from Bill Meridian's book, July 3, 1884 at 10 am NY, we can see that transit Sun was 150^ to natal Uranus. Why am I looking at uranus, of all planets? because it is the most important one for the index. Why? A!! That I teach in my course. The other important planet is, of course, the SUN, and transit Mercury trined it. Next we look at Venus, at 24 Cancer, and it receives a bomb from transit Pluto in opposition, with Saturn!, next we look at Mars, at 16 Virgo, andit gets an opposition from Neptune!
Some calculations, that I teach in my course, point to Feb 14 MAJOR CIT.
Some calculations, that I teach in my course, point to Feb 14 MAJOR CIT.
We have to check each and every index's chart to see what pulls the trigger..
I got this very interesting article, which is a must read! It might come true, under the Capricorn stellium we have now. Remember, Saturn rules governments, Pluto- distruction to rebuild, Jupiter enlarges everything... Neptune in Pisces brings viruses, pandemics, God help us.. The light at the end of the tunnel is Saturn moving into Aquarius, though, not far from today! Are we to worry for our children, grandchildren? Yes, definitely.. Although they are "cyber geniuses", I don't know how prepared they are when there will be no food, no water, no supplies.. I can live on Bread and onions, but how many can? I am not worried for the older generation. I am for the youngsters.. Take away their mobiles, they hit the wall.. And it is our task, to teach them life is not a rosegarden. All that spoiling and buying stuff, is terrible.
Market starts soon, will be back later.
If you wish to know what to do, how to trade, order NOW THE WEEKLY FORECASTS, OR THE DAILY ALERTS!
I got this very interesting article, which is a must read! It might come true, under the Capricorn stellium we have now. Remember, Saturn rules governments, Pluto- distruction to rebuild, Jupiter enlarges everything... Neptune in Pisces brings viruses, pandemics, God help us.. The light at the end of the tunnel is Saturn moving into Aquarius, though, not far from today! Are we to worry for our children, grandchildren? Yes, definitely.. Although they are "cyber geniuses", I don't know how prepared they are when there will be no food, no water, no supplies.. I can live on Bread and onions, but how many can? I am not worried for the older generation. I am for the youngsters.. Take away their mobiles, they hit the wall.. And it is our task, to teach them life is not a rosegarden. All that spoiling and buying stuff, is terrible.
Market starts soon, will be back later.
If you wish to know what to do, how to trade, order NOW THE WEEKLY FORECASTS, OR THE DAILY ALERTS!
Now you see the i Foam!
ReplyDeleteThank You, Daniel.
ReplyDeleteit's all over. global bk soon! no icu for patients in usa(see italy)
ReplyDeleteI don't think so... Cool it. We will soon find vaccine, and it will go away as it came. Cheers .
ReplyDeletei am sorry to hear about your AUNT
She knew in her heart she was waiting for Spring ; GOD BLESS HER SOUL !!!
my Prayers are with you
Have A blessed day !!!
Thank you Vick.. Yes, probably her soul new. I am so happy I flew to see her!