New Moon in Gemini, 2024 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology by Gabriella Mittelman

 Between June 8, 2024- July 7, 2024

 Thanks for following from the former article!     You can read about me here

Please, always read carefully the former articles, nothing stands alone, events are always based on former events.
This Lunar month is crucial for world events... see my previous post about the Petro-$ agreement, that just ends now!
The New Moon falls on the 16th degree, which is ruled by Cancer (motherland, childhood) 16 added up is 7- ruled by Neptune, oil. Neptune is on the worst fixed star in the sign of Pisces. Gemini is the first Air and Mutable sign of the wheel, so when the Sun is there, and the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter! volatility increases and affects all markets.
The Moon moves, during this month, from Gemini to Cancer; with a lot of aspects to slow moving planets, I will post them as they happen. 
Mercury moves from Gemini (strong- it rules ) to Cancer- (from May 17- 3 July- will be weak) and ends up in Leo.
Venus moves from Gemini, a sign where it is weak; to Cancer; On the next New Moon it will be at 22*.
Mars moves out from its domicile (Aries) and enters Taurus, where it is in its ("exile") and in Detriment.
Jupiter in Gemini, a sign where it is in it's detriment(weak) moves only 7 degrees.
Saturn is at 18 Pisces, turns Retro on 6/29 till Jan 2, 2025, more about Saturn later...  
Uranus moves from 24TAu 28 to 25Tau56 ( the 24th deg is a Pisces deg!) 
Neptune continues to conjunct the evil Scheat at 29 Pisces; more troubles when it is stationary!!
Pluto is R- moves 0.45 minutes back in Aquarius. 
Ceres and Pallas are R
Vesta moves from Cancer to 7 Leo; 
Chiron still at the 22* - bad ; will move to 23*
Geocentric aspects :

Actual aspects
Begin: 16.06.2024  Period: 1 month  (GMT+3)
Mercury enters Cancer 17.06 till 7/2
Venus enters Cancer till 7/11
Venus 90 Neptune 17.06.2024  6:46
Mercury 90 Neptune 17.06.2024 10:41
Mercury 0 Venus 17.06.2024 15:42
Mercury 150 Pluto 18.06.2024  6:13
Venus 150 Pluto 18.06.2024 17:12
Juno 45 Vesta 19.06.2024  3:47
Neptune120 Vesta 19.06.2024 18:52
Mercury 135 Pallas 20.06.2024 10:00
Sun  90 Neptune 20.06.2024 21:12
Sun enters Cancer 7/21
Vesta60 Sedna 21.06.2024 17:06
Mercury 60 Mars 21.06.2024 19:22
Venus 135 Pallas 22.06.2024  6:38
Mercury 45 Uranus 22.06.2024  8:02
Sun 150 Pluto 22.06.2024 15:01
Mercury 90 Node 23.06.2024  4:13
Pluto 180 Vesta 23.06.2024 14:18
Mercury  45 Sedna 25.06.2024  0:23
Mercury60 Juno  25.06.2024  5:25
Mercury 180 Ceres 25.06.2024 12:12
Venus 45 Uranus 25.06.2024 22:01
Pluto 135 Juno  26.06.2024  9:00
Ceres 120 Juno 26.06.2024 12:40
Sun 135 Pallas 26.06.2024 17:26
Venus 90 Node 26.06.2024 19:07
Mercury 120 Saturn 26.06.2024 21:10
Mercury120 Pallas 27.06.2024  9:23
Moon occultation Saturn
Helio Mercury - Bayer Rule 38- see blog
Mercury 45 Jupiter 28.06.2024 14:05
Mercury90 Chiron28.06.2024 20:58
Venus 60 Mars 29.06.2024  7:49
Bayer Rule 30 (Saturday.. so )
Mars 45 Neptune 29.06.2024 16:38
Ceres 135 Sedna 29.06.2024 20:04
Mercury 90 Eris 30.06.2024  2:21
Venus 180 Ceres 30.06.2024  4:45
Saturn 135 Vesta30.06.2024  4:52
Mercury60 Uranus  30.06.2024  5:19
Venus 45 Sedna 30.06.2024  6:22
Mars 120 Ceres 30.06.2024 16:0
Last week's aspects
Let's see which Fixed stars are there in the sign of Gemini ?
The Sun is now at 17♊; Up to the 28th deg. there are very fortunate Fixed stars...On the 28deg. we have Betelgeuse; which says: Great fortune and fame, especially military success, but associated with calamities, danger, and violence.
Then 00* Cancer: Menkalinan: Ruin, disgrace, violent death, esp. through pleasure-seeking; self-confidence, honours, fond of country life. Danger of earthquakes if associated with solar eclipse.
3* Cancer Propus:" Overconfidence, pride, shamelessness, violence, eminence, manifest intelligence
Then good ones, till 11 Cancer-13; and Finally Sirius, the best fixed star of Cancer at 14 deg.

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July 6, 2024 Saturday 

Please follow me to the next article" New Moon in Cancer 2024.
July 5, 2024 Friday
Market wise it was a boring day, no trade USA; today, as well, it will be dull, many took a break for a long week end.
I see people thinking about the possibility that Michelle Obama will take over; did they lost it completely ?? 
OK... Let's see the sky.. it is much easier than dwelling in people's minds.
Before that, I should put it up here again that chart of TA35: I targeted 2025, then I got some doubts, when the Moon kicked off at 22*; and I closed my weekly positions, and left to meet my family, only to be back in the night, and see, that I was right, 2025 top it was.. But I didn't trade it.. well... that's life. 
I am left with monthly puts for July, which I'm not touching...
I bought NVDA a few days ago, but now I see the CEO is selling.. so even if it's up from 120- it won't go above 140; maybe 128-135
so for today: ZET tells us its "Satan day" - I didn't make that up... check it out : why? it's the last day of the Moon before the New Moon, that reminds me, I should start a new article.. but till then, what else is there?
The Sun is conjunct the best fixed star in Cancer, Sirius, you can see it in the sky: Sirius might be called a rainbow star, as it often flickers with many colors. The flickering colors are especially easy to notice when you spot Sirius low in the sky.
Sirius fixed star at 14 Cancer
China is in the sign of Cancer, therefore we can see, that the Sun there is on the MC; conjunct Sirius
This is the World map- Sirius is under H; but more important is Mars-Uranus conjunction that runs over Iran, and this area; 

if I move the chart forward; July 14-15th they will be conjunct at 25* Taurus and!!!! on ALGOL as well- I have been writing about this terrible conjunction  for more than a month now.. 
so, I kept my puts.. the trouble is, Uranus won't move from Algol till the end of July!!!
On the top of that, Neptune is stationary on Scheat- the worst Fixed star of Pisces... it will not move till the end of September, if I take only 1 degree orb !! Neptune dissolves everything, now, we saw it in action in the UK; Sunak fell, as forecasted in May in this blog, and the far right, there too, as in France won. 
Wrote on May 23: " British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a surprise summer election for July 4, attempting one of the biggest turnarounds in the country’s recent political history.
What an astrological timing !!!! His 10th house of career is ruled by Venus, at 29 Gemini, ( conj. Betelgeuse) it is triggered by tr. Neptune( dissolves rulership) and Pluto for some time; Also, look at Uranus" Venus+ Jupiter+ Karma on the MC- conjunct his Sun, Merc and more. "
Who is Sir Keir Rodney Starmer ?? KCB KC (born 2 September 1962) is a British politician and barrister who has served as Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Labour Party since 2020. He was Member of Parliament (MP) for Holborn and St Pancras from 2015 to 2024, and was previously Director of Public Prosecutions and Head of the Crown Prosecution Service from 2008 to 2013. He ideologically identifies as progressive and as a centrist.
Interesting !!! Born on Sept 2, 1962; he is in his 1st year of new starts ( numerologically) ; he has Sun conj. Pluto (extremely strong and enduring person, my beloved aunt had it) we don't have his time of birth, so here is a Solar chart: // He is almost 62; so age wise he is now on his Asc/MC MP ! at 19 Cancer- very close to Sirius.. hmmm. I should rectify the chart.. but let's see other planets: Moon in Libra, conjunct Algorab ( bad), Fixed star, Lilith in Libra! wow! I just wrote about Lilith in Libra people, now we can add him to that list as well ! He was born under an eclipse; at 22Aqua: I should check what Lilly had to say about that ! 
here you are: " a wonderful change in all affaires, yet notwithstanding, it imports the change better than to continue as formerly, and argues a relaxation from former oppressions”
His Mars is in trine Jupiter and 150^ to Saturn; ( pull-push energy?) ; Jupiter in Pisces.
Let's see the transits, what made him win ? we should look for Saturn 
Yesterday, there was a "Finger of God" aspecting his Moon; also transit Jupiter was in E X A C T square his Sun +Pluto ! and Saturn in transit in trine his age point. 

Isn't astrology marvelous? 

July 4, 2024 Thursday 
Before closing and going to BBQ; the USA made new highs, as I've been writing for the last 2 weeks or so, that the markets will rally till the holiday. 
DOW top was 40077- closed at 39308
Nasdaq: made new ATH at 18188; check out the targets I posted for the future, yesterday! still 2000 points to go. 
S&P top was 5523; closed at 5537; thus also ALH ( all time high).
and the Russell 2000 is also trying it's best// but fell before the close.
The trade will resume on Friday; but for us here, it will be effective only on Sunday, (minor) and on Tuesday.
I bought again NVDA yesterday; 
Let's see the sky for now: it is 7:38 am ( GMT+3)
We can see, that the Sun is at 12* Cancer, gets a minor positive aspect from Jupiter, the Moon is still in ♊; brings in a lot of volatility; Mercury in fire Leo; departing from an opposition to Pluto; Venus at 20*Cancer, is departing from a sextile to Mars, also from a trine to Saturn; Mars is at 18* ♉( Astrologer Nikola Stojanovits R.I.P.; called this the "Satan degree") watch out, Mars will be at the Moon/NN MP from noon... try not to quarrel !! or make jealous scenes! The rest of the planets don't move much/ 
I posted yesterday on FB, that the Lilith ( Black Moon) has moved into Libra, which is the sign or relationships, and it comes to mess up them... so knowing that, we can guard ourselves from extreme behaviors, not to bring to breakups. 
The Lilith was in Libra: 

Here are a few of 1277 charts, that I found Lilith in Libra: Hector Berlioz, Richer Burton ( also conj. his Moon; ) Louis Vuitton also conj Moon ! ; Paul Cezanne; Nikola Tesla, Woodrow Wilson, George V; Benito Mussolini; Coco Chanel; Ingmar Bergman; Leonard Bernstein, Gabriel Garcia Marquez; Pope Ratzinger, Robert Redford, Roger Moore, Bert Reynolds, Ophrah Winfrey; Erdogan, Julian Assange, Justin Trudeau, etc etc. all who were born in these dates: Look for a Chart
Range of search: 1.01.1940 - 1.12.2030
In steps of: 24h 0m 0s
Search for...:
Realization intervals (begin - end):
4.12.1944 19:00 (GMT-5) - 2.08.1945 19:00 (GMT-5)
14.08.1953 19:00 (GMT-5) - 28.09.1953 19:00 (GMT-5)
2.11.1953 19:00 (GMT-5) - 4.07.1954 19:00 (GMT-5)
9.07.1962 19:00 (GMT-5) - 3.03.1963 19:00 (GMT-5)
22.04.1963 19:00 (GMT-5) - 27.05.1963 19:00 (GMT-5)
10.06.1971 19:00 (GMT-5) - 1.02.1972 19:00 (GMT-5)
15.02.1980 19:00 (GMT-5) - 3.03.1980 19:00 (GMT-5)
8.05.1980 19:00 (GMT-5) - 8.01.1981 19:00 (GMT-5)
10.01.1989 19:00 (GMT-5) - 13.12.1989 19:00 (GMT-5)
18.12.1997 19:00 (GMT-5) - 18.08.1998 19:00 (GMT-5)
23.11.2006 19:00 (GMT-5) - 20.07.2007 19:00 (GMT-5)
28.07.2015 19:00 (GMT-5) - 18.06.2016 19:00 (GMT-5)
26.06.2024 19:00 (GMT-5) - 14.02.2025 19:00 (GMT-5)
SURELY, nothing stands alone, we must analyze the whole chart, not only one planet..
Till now, this was just the simple daily chart; but when I add the asteroids (ZET gives a possibility to add 20 only ( there are tens of thousands... ) so I have a list of mother, fertility, or love, of abuse, of death, of pain, of fame, of rape, sex, homosexuality; of happiness, of money and banks...etc etc.. 
So let's see just a few: Jupiter represents law (rules H9), freedom; studies abroad; it is in Detriment, being in Gemini, and gets Pinocchio conjunct... so how can we interpret that? expect lies to all that Jupiter is related to. 
Jupiter also rules the day; and the Sun rules the date. The Sun is conjunct Klotho, Atropos and Apophis; bad bad bad... etc. etc.. so many aspects to take in consideration. So to narrow down and come to a conclusion, I use technical analysis, check where are the planets supporting or blocking, are they strong/weak? and I take my positions.. 
I've been talking about the Moon's volatility: here is an example of TA35: yesterday's move: a fall and recuperation; dual signs tend to do that - both directions..
Here is the calendar for July, NY time (TS calculates it as +5, which is wrong, it is +4) 
TA time GMT+3 no Moon, but all the others.. 
NY time, no Moon
TA35: posted this on FB in the morning: target was 2025; reached, and closed at 2017

July 3, 2024 Wednesday
DOW: is still below the last top; 
IXIC: Nasdaq : made a all time High! it is above the support given yesterday, as expected the USA markets mark a new high till 7/4 holiday.
Today trades close at 8 pm and tomorrow, no trade; so for us here who are dependent on the arbitrage, we are in a void till next Tuesday. Better stay out and rest.. 
The Nasdaq closed at 18028; just one point below Neptune's level; while, the future: NQM24 trade range is between 20160- 20520-20670;CIT: 7/23!! take 1-2 days before/after.
AAPL: double top:
GS: made a new high, stop now = 464
the first runner up for yesterday is TSLA: 
it is at the top of the channel: there are 2 gaps to be closed! t  211. it is up in the premarket, but should go above 235, to be able to go higher.
META: stop = 500;
GOOGL: 120 DAYS almost from the low, a CIT is expected 
AMZN: Stop= 199
News in the sky: the Moon moved into ♊; she might bring a reversal, she is also conjunct Jupiter, which is weak in this sign; the Sun squares the Nodes ! this happens only twice a year, previously it was on Jan.11.2024; check out what happened then to your share.. Next: Venus is 120* from Saturn, (departing) this aspect shows a culmination! at 19*, the auspicious degree. Next: Mercury is 180 to Pluto; another culmination, also Mercury is 60^ the Lilith(Black Moon); 
In the Helio centric sky: Venus just entered Leo; first aspect to make is 180 to Pluto;
TA35: that closed at 1983: trade range for today 1981-88-92-97; 
Happy birthday to Julian Assange ( 1971), and the DOW started to trade today in 1884.

July 2, 2024 Tuesday
Yesterday  in the USA markets: 
DOW: Are we seeing a "deja vu"? back in 2023 after a consolidation it ran up to 2.61% Fibo level. now the same pattern would be a consolidation for 233 days; till Nov.8, 2024; and then a rally to 43950?
The Nasdaq: IXIC: is in it's 3rd and last Elliott wave: target is 18817;
for intraday trade 17875 is THE support.. falling below, it will start a correction from 4/19; 
16:30  USDFed Chair Powell Speaks  

In Europe: 
Marine Le Pen won ( far right, anti immigrants) the first elections; that is a blow for Macron; 
12:00  EURCore CPI (MoM) (Jun)    0.4%
12:00  EURCore CPI (YoY) (Jun)   2.8%2.9%
12:00  EURCPI (MoM) (Jun)    0.2%
12:00  EURCPI (YoY) (Jun)   2.5%2.6%

1 month performance in Europe: 
CAC: WITH MY LAST ALERTS: it was a short since 5/30; now in the 60 min, we see a double bottom; it is still a short, move stop to 7680- only if above it, long.
How much more it will fall? pls. subscribe to the forecast..
DAX: the same, has been falling since 5/15; I see a H&S pattern forming! unless it runs above 4/15 level, it will fall by 1000 points. 
Europe's best performer is Denmark: should go to 3376 ( low was 1061)
News in the sky 
The Moon moved into Taurus, where she is exalted, Mercury is at the last degree of Cancer, today it moves into Leo (not sure if it's for the better); Venus is separating from a sextile to Mars; and is getting closer to a square to Chiron( lot of anxiety and pain). Some asteroids: the Lilith (black Moon moves to Libra.. watch out if you have personal planet there!) Chaos is at 2* Cancer... Chaos moves very very slow! it was in Cancer in 1700- ish years.. nothing much to compare to.) But since Cancer is our mother land, and stomach, nothing good can happen when Chaos is there...Lucifer is at 15^ ♊; Pandora is at 24*; both square Saturn, which is at 19* Pisces.
Ta35: with the planetary supports/ resistances:
1:18 pm: top so far 1977.81- bottom: or opening: 1959.55; right now, the Moon is departing from a conjunction from Uranus.. and probably the rally is over. 
will he be right this time? because he was wrong so many times! 
This is from my trading platform, interactive brokers. I went short yesterday short target is 543- if below, 10 points lower.. 
Some analysts expect to reach 5800 this year.. 
OK.. we'll see. 
Semiconductor shares that rallied: I think the most important to follow is TSM. Also the Magnificent 7; however, July 4th is coming, so I think people will mostly check out and return the next week. 

Ferrari (RACE) as its name.. made a nice race: stop =404
TA35: closed at 1983.25 - tomorrow we will see it at 1988-91-98 

July 1, 2024 Monday
Again we turn the page to a new month, new energy, new positions: 
On this day, Diana was born, and now, that I use so many asteroids, we can see, "Damocles" conjunct here Moon, Lucifer in her 10th house, Mercury ( car accidents.. conj. Atropos) ; ruler of her H7( partner/husband) is Mars, is conjunct Pluto, Pandora, and the NN.
the " accident" happened on Aug. 31, 1997 at around 00:30 am in a tunnel; at that time bother the SN and Saturn were on the 19* destructive degree; Saturn on her AGE point = 36; and Uranus (sudden, unexpected events_ conj, Jupiter, ruler of he H3( transportation).
Today she would turn 63. May she rest in peace. 
Aspects for July ( no Moon) 
List of aspects till the New Moon: 
If I add the Moon it is much more "crowded" ; The Moon might be significant for intraday trades.

Calendar for this week: transits on the Full Moon GMT+3 
The important event that happens today is Saturn turns Retro; It will be seen as if moving backwards, from 19* Pisces - to 12*♓ till Nov 15th; it will take till Feb 23, 2025 to end it's "shadow" period ( returns to 19* Pisc.)  and starts a new move Direct.
I ran the S&P with the planetary positions and Saturn in Retro ( in blue): sometimes it rallied, other fell: since 2019:
and, I added when are the planets stationary, before turning D or R: 

TA35: closed at 1986 - now there is a possibility of a GAP up  to 2003!
USTECH: even if it corrects; above 50% down correction it will still be a long
Shares that build the DOW: did you listen to my you tube recording?

June 30, 2024 Sunday
We start the day with these aspects: the Moon in Aries; but soon moves into Taurus, where she is exalted. 
30.06.2024  7:56:18 25°52'36"Ari Square Mercury
30.06.2024 15:00:05  0°00'00"Tau <<<
30.06.2024 17:23:05  1°23'22"Tau Square Pluto
The BTC trades now, my last alert was to keep 61000 as a stop, and be short below. here is the 5 min chart: 
TA35: for today: we have a minor positive arbitrage, so probably it will try to go up; but not above former tops..

June 29,2024 Saturday

What do analysts think? which groups will rally if Trump wins?  ( and I wrote 2 years ago here, in this blog, that he wins if alive in 2024-25...) 
However... DJT ( Trump media share) fell yesterday... how is that?
Let's see what to expect next week? 
Except for the Moon that stays in a sign for 2.5 days, only Mercury will leave Cancer, where it was weak, into Leo ( fire sign); where it can get a boost. Furthermore, Saturn turns Retro, ( till Nov.15) together with Neptune. 
Here are some thoughts, after I asked AI about Trump and which sectors will possibly rise if he is elected: 
"If Donald Trump were to win the presidency again, several sectors could potentially see a rally based on his previous policy positions and anticipated economic agenda. Here are some sectors that might benefit:

1. **Energy Sector**:
   - **Oil and Gas**: Trump's policies historically favored the oil and gas industry, including deregulation and support for fossil fuel production. Companies like ExxonMobil (XOM) and Chevron (CVX) could benefit from renewed support for traditional energy sources.
   - **Coal**: The coal industry saw support during Trump's previous term through regulatory rollbacks, benefiting companies like Peabody Energy (BTU).

2. **Defense and Aerospace**:
   - Increased defense spending was a hallmark of Trump's administration, which could benefit defense contractors like Lockheed Martin (LMT), Northrop Grumman (NOC), and Raytheon Technologies (RTX)
3. **Financials**:
   - **Banks and Financial Institutions**: Trump's deregulation efforts in the financial sector were aimed at reducing the regulatory burden on banks, which could benefit institutions like JPMorgan Chase (JPM) and Goldman Sachs (GS)
4. **Healthcare**:
   - **Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology**: While healthcare policy can be complex, certain segments like pharmaceuticals might benefit from Trump's previous stance on reducing regulatory hurdles for drug approvals. Companies like Pfizer (PFE) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) might see positive impacts
5. **Industrials and Manufacturing**:
   - Trump's focus on reviving American manufacturing through tariffs and trade policies aimed at reducing imports could benefit domestic manufacturers. Companies like Caterpillar (CAT) and Deere & Co. (DE) might see gains
6. **Construction and Infrastructure**:
   - A renewed emphasis on infrastructure spending, similar to Trump's previous infrastructure plans, could benefit companies involved in construction and materials. Stocks like Vulcan Materials (VMC) and United Rentals (URI) could see a rally
7. **Technology**:
   - Although the tech sector had a mixed relationship with Trump's policies, certain segments like cybersecurity (e.g., Palo Alto Networks (PANW)) might benefit from increased focus on national security and cyber defense.

It's important to note that market reactions can be influenced by a wide range of factors, including global economic conditions and investor sentiment. However, these sectors are likely to be closely watched if Trump were to return to office.
We know, there is DJT - Trump MEDIA - that I analyzed yesterday, also bought.... so I asked AI if there is any share that can Show Biden's rally, ( while I knew, there isn't .). and here is its answer : 
"There isn't a specific stock directly tied to President Joe Biden's popularity in the same way that Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT) is tied to Donald Trump's popularity. However, there are sectors and companies that may benefit from policies and initiatives championed by Biden's administration, which can indirectly reflect his popularity and policy impact:

1. **Green Energy Stocks**: Biden's administration has emphasized renewable energy and green technology. Companies in this sector, such as Tesla (TSLA), NextEra Energy (NEE), and First Solar (FSLR), have seen growth aligned with the administration's push for clean energy initiatives.

2. **Infrastructure Stocks**: Biden's infrastructure plan has boosted companies involved in construction, materials, and infrastructure projects. Stocks like Caterpillar (CAT), Vulcan Materials (VMC), and United Rentals (URI) have benefitted from expected increases in infrastructure spending.

3. **Healthcare Stocks**: Biden's focus on expanding healthcare access can impact companies in the healthcare sector, such as UnitedHealth Group (UNH) and CVS Health (CVS), especially those involved in managed care and health insurance.

4. **Technology Stocks**: Policies favoring technology and innovation, as well as regulatory approaches to tech giants, can influence stocks like Apple (AAPL), Microsoft (MSFT), and Alphabet (GOOGL).

While no single stock directly represents Biden's popularity, these sectors and companies can serve as indicators of market sentiment towards his administration's policies and priorities. Tracking these stocks can provide insight into how Biden's policy initiatives are perceived and their impact on the market."
On 4/22/2022 I posted this chart of Trump: and wrote, he will be reelected in 2024: 
By the way, you are welcome to sign up for the analysis of those shares, mentioned above.. 
I made a list sorted by volume, shares that might rally if T.wins.
Don't forget to click like at the top of the article! 
First time I learn about Newsom and his second wife Jennifer.. (+4 kids). It is important to see always the pushing power behind a man, the wife..( cherchez la famme )  so I am surprised to read this about her: 
Never mind George Clooney, but her political views vary... then the rape by Weinstein?? it must have been a very traumatic event. life shaking.. lets' look at her and his charts: 
Gavin Newsom: Born Oct 10, 1967: I got his time of birth from a site saying" excellent" so he has a Virgo Asc. and Mercury rules his Asc together with his MC=career. Mercury is a fickle planet; and in his natal chart is at 11* Sco- Look what else is there, in Libra, where his Sun is!!  Libra gives his the good looks.. Asteroid Hillary!! Psyche, Karma as well. peculiar, I would say, at least.. 
Saturn crowns kings.. let's see where is his Saturn in the natal, and future charts: 
Not only Saturn will be 150^ to his Mercury, ruler of MC, it will still be in Pisces.. bad to win. 
Let's see his wife, Jennifer: won several prizes in the film industry, both have 4 kids together. Chapeau!! 
Born June 19, 1974: Married to Newsom in 2008; (if the time is correct,) then Venus is her strongest planet in the chart, while Mars the weakest. but, this hour puts her husband, Gavin in the sign of Pisces, no chance to be president. IMHO.. 
but, she has 4 children, so I don't think her time of birth is correct. 5th house in CAP? it is a barren sign.... maybe the ruler, Saturn in Cancer, eliminates that.. hmmmm, still I don't think her time is correct. 
Gavin Newsom and first wife Guilfoyle : dated for 7 years ??? who has so much patience?? wow!!! finally married, but divorced after 5 years. Now she is engaged to Trump's son...Second wife was also a Republican.. how the wheels turn... interesting.. 
TA35 : for tomorrow: closed at 1976.73; stop is 1975- long above to 79-81-88

June 28 2024: the sky: 
Analyzing June 28 the sky: 
My thoughts about the Presidential debate : 
Analyzing DJT : Trump media

June 27, 2024 Thursday
The market was waiting yesterday for MU's earnings, which came out fine, with a slight glitch, so it fell at the announcement, but rebound later. 
NVDA: I was stopped out... :( bummer, it went up later.) 
OZEM: I was also stopped out here: 

SOFI: and here too
USA markets: 
NAS100 USTECH NOW should stay above 19650 
TSLA: made a nice rally yesterday: 
RIVN: I have a buy order waiting at 13... If it catches fine, if not, also fine.. not going to buy anything that gapped up by 50%.
News in the sky: The Moon is still in Pisces ( weakness); she will occult Saturn today.... ( Occultations are like eclipses) it has a blocking affect. Mercury is conjunct a malefic fixed star, Castor: 
Castor (66 Alpha Geminorum  m 1.59)
Keywords: Sudden fame or loss, distinction, keen mind, violence, mischief
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Saturn/ Mars/ Venus
and the rest aren't strong either.. Mercury + Venus+ Ceres+ Pallas are all OOB. We also have a Bayer rule 38 today: 
TA35: closed at 1990.78; making higher highs since 6/25; now the support is at 1986-87; it corrected 2/3 from the fall between 6/18-25. 
the time of the debate in Georgia: 6 pm : Ascendant in Sag; Jupiter get's a conjunction from Pinocchio Jupiter is weak, it is weakened by this conjunction; we also have Merc+ Ven OOB; which can push them both to unrestrained words, or difficulty explaining issues. The Moon just moved on from the exact conj. with Saturn, but she still has a hard time.. Also, I marked some difficult aspect to midpoints.. 

June 26, 2024 Wednesday
Yesterday the USA markets: 
We got a one day rebound, with NVDA rally... Previously, when it fell, and now: 
The aspects " in charge" for the rally in NVDA: Mars and the Moon transits on natal planets:

With NVDA the Technology group went up..XLK
17:00  USDCB Consumer Confidence (Jun)100.4100.0101.3

Will the market continue to go up, in the USA? let's see today's planetary events: 
Today's aspects: from the list above: GMT+3
Pluto 135 Juno  26.06.2024  9:00
Ceres 120 Juno 26.06.2024 12:40
Sun 135 Pallas 26.06.2024 17:26
Venus 90 Node 26.06.2024 19:07
Mercury 120 Saturn 26.06.2024 21:10 ! Any announcements at this hour? they have a blocking effect
Asia is mostly green: 
Nifty: my last alert was on 6/16: still valid, still waiting to reach target: 
6/16  it is a long above 23400/23490- it is now 23465- we can use in the 5 min/10 min  = 23460 as stop. once above this level, it can go to 23940 and more.."
Bank Nifty is a long above 52730, target 53830
Nikkei : made a higher high than 5/20; that is now stop.. Target: 40000
Yesterday, the Emperor of Japan made a historical visit to the UK.. 
Europe: is mixed.. 
OMX Copenhagen is in a rally, making new historical highs.. but, it's alone in the whole Europe.. 
I made a video during the week end, not many people watch it, about the 30 shares that form the DOW: here is now the outcome: these are green; example: AMGM stop given 302, now at 319; or DIS: stop given 97, now 102.20; INTC stop was 32, fell.. so listen to the video..if you have shares that trade in the DOW>
BTC: failing to go above the last top, in spite of the reversal yesterday, it can turn down and meet the former trendline!!! during July-AUG at 48800! so careful here.. 

do you want to break away from everyday troubles? like me?? watch this Korean serial, about how our brain works !!! 
in the last 2 years I watch only Korean serials.. they are a darling, educative, funny. brain washing from all the catastrophes that I cannot watch any more. So when market closes, I go from one computer to another, and I watch only these Korean/Japanese/Chinese serials.. Another world, another everything.. food stile, speech stile, eating stile, behavior stile, wow.. so much different from I know.. But they definitely help me get away of our trash here. 


Thoughts about today\s planetary positions.

S&P thoughts and playing with the "bars pattern"

June 25, 2024 Tuesday
Yesterday the USA markets: 
These rallied the most in the energy grp; all reversed and are close to lows, which are now the stops: 
I bought XLE on 6/18 at 89.62; target is 93.5-94.75. Other calculation gives us these support and target levels: 
Using the Gann wheel from 4/12 top to June 17 low we can see that
 the same targets are in opposition the low. other targets( on the cross 
are also possible) 
Today we are under the energies of Mars and Jupiter's. It is the day George Orwell ( wrote 1984 ) was born, with Jupiter in Pisces - futuristic imagination and seeing the future) 

Also Gadaffi. It is also marked as " The international Beatles" day.. I didn't know they had a day.. 
Shall I remind you what did Gadaffi say? and is happening right now, in Europe ? 20 years later... there are much more, that 50 m. Muslims in Europe...
  • " We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. 
  • Speech (10 April 2006), quoted in New York Sun (6 September 2009) "Terrorists Promise More Attacks Like 9/11" by Steven Stalinsky" 

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~
Bother Mars and Jupiter are in Detriment= weak.. We are also before the New Moon, usually a correction time. She is still in Aquarius. 
NVDA: some charts, also posted on TLG.
During waning Moons: 
Former corrections was 22% same will push it to 110-108
Insiders selling:
Stats before:
NVDA : is up in premarket, at 122 now 
TA35 : Yesterday's low was 1950; if below, it will go to 48-45-43-39. If above 1950, then up targets: 61-75; 

In the news today: "In the news today: Israel’s top court orders the government to draft ultra-Orthodox men; "
 I think Bibi's gov. will soon fall.

June 24 2024 Monday
We start the day with the Moon in Aquarius, approaching the Sun, we are after the Full Moon, she is waning: and this is what happened previously, when the Moon was in her 5-6-7-8th phase: (from the Full Moon to the New Moon:)
Next 3 days' aspects: 
Actual aspects
Begin: 24.06.2024  Period: 3 days  (GMT+3)
Moon 1Aqr31   0 Pluto 1Aqr31  24.06.2024  8:50
Sun 3Cnc21 150 Moon 3Aqr20  24.06.2024 11:56
Moon 4Aqr24  45 Saturn 19Psc24  24.06.2024 13:45
Mercury 14Cnc55 105 Neptune 29Psc55  24.06.2024 14:15
Moon 6Aqr49 120 Jupiter 6Gem49  24.06.2024 17:52
Moon 7Aqr25 108 Uranus 25Tau25  24.06.2024 18:53
Moon 8Aqr06  75 Chiron 23Ari06  24.06.2024 20:02
Moon 9Aqr15 150 Venus 9Cnc15  24.06.2024 21:59
Sun 3Cnc47 144 Moon 9Aqr46  24.06.2024 22:53
8:46 am 
Asia now: these are green:
Pls. sign up for the forecasts !!! to be first to see ahead... 
NY time calendar till the end of the month: 
DOW: June 27 CIT !!
PLTR: posted on tlg. grp
NVDA: SHORT below 127.


June 23, 2024 Sunday
TA 35 expired at 1969 - it was one of the levels posted yesterday. Till now it bottomed at 1950
This is the 5 min. chart of TA35: we can see, that 1960 is a support while the resistance is 2000; Planets' wise : the stop is at 1960; up targets 1969-73-75-79-82; The Moon will be at 18*Cap. in 60^ with Saturn; - meaning they can block further fall. But, the trade starts under a Moon hour, so if below 1960-  down targets will be 1957-52; (Sun-150 Pluto) and then up from there. June 6 low was 1947; so if below that too, then double short! 
Chapeau to CHINA !!! I sent this to our minister.. lol we will never be on their level! 
TA35: Opened at 1969- fell to 1950, closed at 1964.47; 
For tomorrow, target is 1969 -75; 

June 22, 2024 Saturday:
Yesterday in the USA:

After historical highs in the S&P and the Nasdaq, the Summer solstice (Sun in Cancer) brought some correction..
The Technology group was the biggest short, but will it continue? are we on the cusp of a much deeper correction?
In the USA here are the biggest losers in 1 day: 
Looking at the graphs, I see the Nasdaq made low on 6/7; so unless it falls below it, it is just correcting, and not a major short. 
RUTNU: low was 6/13;
S&P 6/14; DJBanks; too; so just look at the last low, i the daily level, and use it as stop. 
SOXX: broke below 6/14.. so next support is at 6/11- 6/4 level. I doubt it will go to 6/4th level, not till the USA independence day.. 
SEDG: is back to 2018 level !!! DIA: will be a short below 385; XLI: short below 121; (I sent myself alert). Note that the VIX rose with a gap, which should close, so meanwhile only if above 15, will go to 19-ish, but not yet. 
After all that Hu ha in the USA, the arbitrage is green, pointing to a rise for tomorrow. 
This is the 5 min. chart of TA35: we can see, that 1960 is a support while the resistance is 2000; Planets' wise : the stop is at 1960; up targets 1969-73-75-79-82; The Moon will be at 18*Cap. in 60^ with Saturn; - meaning they can block further fall. But, the trade starts under a Moon hour, so if below 1960-  down targets will be 1957-52; (Sun-150 Pluto) and then up from there. June 6 low was 1947; so if below that too, then double short! 
Some outrageous laws came out now in Israel : as of July 1st; one cannot invest more then it's 50% in his portfolio in any gov. run funds, like pension or insurance files... )  in the Nasdaq, because it is "exotic an dangerous" as they say.. No, we should invest in the falling TA125: look! I made some comparison charts since 2020: the purple line is TA125 compared to the IXIC
here is TA125: is has been falling since 3/28: 
Compared to the IXIC: 
While TA125: fell back to April 19th level, on that day, the Nasdaq started an 18% rally! But hey!! you are not allowed to invest 100 % in NVDA or GOOGL or APPL or any Nasdaq shares.. because they are exotic and dangerous...Can you grasp this idiotism ? 
Thanks God, I took out all my money long time ago of any gov. run stuff.
So... regulation.. a!! and look when was that published?! Under Sun 90 Neptune (classic fraud) and Saturn(gov) at 19 Pisces..(Karmic-bad deg; also Pisces is for manipulation, fraud, lies, dissolves everything). As the proverb says" the fish stinks from it's head".
I posted in the past when planets are conjunct the Medusa head, 
or ALGOL... Here is a most most most disturbing and extremely rare Mars conj. Uranus, both in Taurus and both on Algol July 14 !! happened before only on March 2, 1942

So, what can we assume of this position? trade wise? (because if you read what happened in history those were not rosy days...but trade wise, I think after USA independence day, there will be a correction in all markets. I don't want to rise panic, just look at your portfolio, see where were the last tops in the daily charts, and if stays below, just use those stops for short; or close longs. or follow the VIX or any other short index to balance the longs. 
I just found out, that in Feb 2024 AMZN, AAPL and MSFT were added into the DOW! How come they are also in the DOW and in the Nasdaq as well? Beats me.. 
Also in the S&P: 
there is a silly contest who is first in the market cap.. well, I really don't care.. I care where can I make the most gain in the least time.. 
MSFT: it's a long: 
AAPL: I posted that 220 was stop, now at 207, so short was triggered-  move stop to 209- still short
NVDA: large insiders selling; stop stays at 130-long above. 
GOOGL: MOVE STOP TO 179- from 174.25 ( in blue, former stop) 
AMZN: move stop from 1820 to 187: 
DX: STOP 105; 

June 21, 2024 Friday
Yesterday, under the Sun moving into Cancer, we saw the markets change direction.
In the sky: we have the Sun at 0 Cancer- new energy... brings a lot of moist weather.. it is fire in water.. what to we get? a wet sauna.. 
The Moon now in Sag; usually an optimistic sign, but the markets went down with her.. Next she moves to Cap; which should block further falls. The Moon, right now is 90^ to Saturn, during next week she will be 60^ to Saturn. Stability?? maybe.. let's look at the other planets. Mercury now at 8 Cancer + Venus at 4*;both aren't "comfortable " in this sign.. not weak.. bit not in full potential.. Mars, the energizer, is in Detriment in Tau; Mercury is in 60^ from it, departing, soon they will be  in square! sign for arguments...Jupiter, the "Great Benefactor" is at 6*Gemini, in it's Detriment, no help from there! maybe railroad accidents, plane crashes, God forbid... and the rest don' t move much.. 
In the Helio centric sky we have Earth 150 Jupiter (negative) Merc 120 Mars (+), but moves on fast. Venus is coming into an exact trine with Saturn (+); 
Everybody loves NVDA!! here are some graphs I posted now on TLG grp: 
About NVDA: in my software, we have explanation what each candle means... so in the daily:
while in the 60 min: when the text is above the candles means we are short, also you can see it says if it's high probability or low..
Gabriella, [6/21/2024 7:08 AM]
and I marked the prices, where I will buy more.

Gabriella, [6/21/2024 7:09 AM]
not a trading adv... you just do as you feel!
Statistics: based on former years... but! NVDA didn't have the chip back then!! so careful with these kind of statistics!

June 20, 2024 Thursday

News in the sky today: we are just before the Full Moon! The Moon is at 8SAG; makes 150^ to Merc +Ven +Pluto ( with a wide orb) more important is the Sun 90 Neptune; and 90 the Lilith. 
June 21 we have the summer solstice, with the Sun moving into 0 Cancer.. 
MP: Jup. at Mar/Ven MP !! a boost!

Some thoughts on the SLV: ( holding )
It has been consolidating for a year, and finally it broke up the channel. now first target is 28.82- above is 33.76. Stop, as per the planets = 25

10:30  CHFSNB Interest Rate Decision (Q2)1.25%1.50%1.50%
10:30  IDRInterest Rate Decision6.25%6.25%6.25%
11:00  NOKInterest Rate Decision4.50%4.50%4.50%
the Moon right now: 1:47 is conjunct 9Sag- on Antares fortunate fixed star
14:00  GBPBoE Interest Rate Decision (Jun)5.25%5.25%5.25%

June 19, 2024 Wednesday
Yesterday in the USA; they brought out the bears again.. 
XLE: bought yesterday : stop= 88.
I also bought again NVDA, and added more ORCL;
there is no trade today in the USA, but the rest of the world trades. so, let's see... 
Is the VIX on the road ?
VIX future: gap up !! 
now saying to buy it yet! that gap must close!!
It is now 7:16
not much change... Merc+Ven still 150^ to Pluto.. 
Looking at the first best: Denmark, it is still below the last top! I checked them all, not one made a new high... higher than 6/10-11... so they are far behind USA indices. 
Commodities: best monthly performers: 
I had BITF: I sold a part of it yesterday... 
COCOA: I wrote about it in previous posts.. did you know, that cocoa is ruled by Pluto ? 
Coffee by Saturn? 
Look at that !!! Cocoa: 
the sky when it started to run up: under Mars 180 Saturn, Saturn 90 Uranus, +Pluto 120 to Merc+Ven!! mind you, now we have 150^!!
Is it a buy now? TS shows, no.. 
I am running NN, let's see, what is the outcome. Same outcome NN shows a fall till 8/8; so, stay out for a while.. 
TA35G: closed at 2001.07; It can be a long only if above 2005! then it might go to 2009-2010-11-15-17; Below 2005- short targets are 1999-92-87-85-83-81. 
It's a Wednesday, ruled by tricky Mercury!! 
TABANKS index looking back fell between 17-22%; now the same fall would be to 3049 - from 3914 top. The close was 3780; it will be a short below 3785; 
Putin arrives to North KOREA. .. historical visit.

June 18, 2024 Tuesday
Yesterday in the USA: the Bulls were out again! The 
FUTURES: S&P and Nasdaq at all time highs.
Yesterday I mentioned, that Uranus supported the S&P, now is is above 5515; next Uranus target is 5545!! exactly the close level!
Here is the Gann wheel with 4122 at the starting point, in the middle, which was Oct 27, 2023 low: you can see, that 5545 is almost the 12 o'clock...
I guess it is too small to see it, but at 9 o'clock we have 5585 and down at 6 o'clock = 5623 which is also in opposition 5545.;
But, I can give you number to one million... the question is, will the planets agree? 
So, let's see the sky today: what's new? what can we learn form it?
7:20 am: the Moon is in Scorpio(sign of the 8th house, money) ; she is 165^ to Uranus, mind the gap! Merc+ Venus together entered Cancer; and together are 150^ to Pluto; which again is very rare, the 150^ happens only twice a year, but now they are also in Cancer together, so that is even more rare. They were together in Cancer on July 20, 2019, but didn't form a 150 to Pluto.. so.. very rare. Like all the other planetary positions, I keep saying, that we have now in the sky!!! Mars and Jupiter continue to be 30^ apart, both weak; Saturn at 19♓; and the rest are the same. 
Any news in the In the Helio sky: Mars 60^ Jupiter; Jupiter 120^ to Pluto and Earth 90^ Neptune; ( before on Oct 18, 2023 - it was a top in the S&P, after that it fell till the 27th by 6%) 
the 27th degree is recurring in both charts, 
Not that I am looking for falls... but it doesn't hurt to be conscious and prepared. 
So, bottom line: 
S&P : stop 5545-47; if above, than 5551-57-61-64-76-79. If it would correct, as it did under the same Earth-Neptune square in the past, it will be at 5235; still above the last low! 
Time tunnel or CIT days: 6/19 (but no trade) 6/25, 7/1/, 7/9.
Mercury and Venus 150^ to Pluto 4 deg. orb

I bought yesterday and also closed pos. in NVDA (just a 1 day kick) , TSLA (still holding) I was stopped out in XLK (too early) and GME; not too early.. lol.. I also bought ORCL, VFS, oh.. and I am holding BITF, since ages... which really did well. 
7:58 am, let's look around
A lot of buys in BRKA -A and B ! OXY, LMND, it is tempting... Beta 1.89; but, what's this fall?
Target is barely 15-16, so I will keep watching for the time being
The magnificent 7 are rising after hours... 
ASIA: is mostly green; 
EWT: is a long above $50
we just have to go with the winds of semiconductors!! and look more to the East.
India's INDI also reversed, Stop $150- and up from there. on the long run.. 
OXY : insiders buy!: 
but I had a bad experience with KITT, insiders bought, me too. but it fell 
Check out SOFI.. made a reversal candle ! 
Kansas sues Pfizer, saying it misled the public over COVID-19 vaccine
Published: June 18, 2024 at 5:14 a.m. ET
 If an analyst prints nonsense, does he resigns if he's at fault ?? or the paper bears everything... 
where is the Russell compared to the S&P and IXIC??? seriously... IWM has lower highs the perfect scenario for a fall. 

Interesting article by a friend of mine: Micha Welner : 

Truth and lies, reality, virtual reality in the mirror of the 12 zodiac signs.
In this age where the perception of reality is controversial, different people look at reality and understand it differently,
Various conspiracy theories are prevalent in the public as a matter of day, the media reflect a different reality, each channel according to its point of view, it is interesting to examine the issue from the point of view of the 12 zodiac signs
(It does not refer specifically to the birth luck, but to the basic understanding of any luck in the matter)
In the division according to the elements:
Fire element signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
Fire signs strive to create reality or change it.
Of course, it is better to understand the reality in which we operate (the contribution of the air signs to the issue), but on the level of principle, the fire signs are not so concerned with clarifying the real reality, but are more focused on the desire to influence reality
Initiative tele-action, with the confidence of having the ability to move things
Leo - presence, charisma, self-expression of the skills
Rainbow - perfecting reality to include a vision that will create a new reality.
The fire signs have the inner conviction about their ability to change and are not open in principle to a conversation about the essence of reality. For them, such a conversation delays you
the experience of doing.
The air element signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
The zodiac signs whose main concern corresponds with facts through intellectual vision
Gemini - communication knowledge and ideas.
It can be thought that this luck represented reality as a fact that cannot be debated
But in our time, fake information created by bots can easily be planted in the spaces of knowledge, which makes the task of a Gemini who wants to be exposed to information as it is more complex
Libra - can be considered more of an objective reality as it deals with the issue of thesis and antithesis.
This does not guarantee reaching the truth, but at least there is a confrontation with the issue out of the desire to understand both sides of the coin
Aquarius - from the ability to observe reality without emotional involvement, this sign strives for objective evidence from which there will be a perfecting of intelligent data for life
The zodiac signs of the earth - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
The practical earth signs - can be thought to represent realistic evidence because there is a basic desire to avoid paying a price when the perception of reality is wrong.
But the element of the earth may enslave reality to its needs and thus distort the perception of reality
Taurus - a simple perception of reality, everything goes through the basic senses
Simplicity can also be simplistic and then there is a miss of deeper layers in reality
Virgo - apparently Virgo corresponds well with reality as it is
This fortune examines knowledge and ideas and adapts them to reality.
Is something working or not working?
For example, is the traffic light system in a certain place working efficiently?
This is something that can be checked and come to a clear conclusion about it
Therefore, it can be said that this sign has elements of truth research on a practical level, if only if this sign remains within the scope of the examination of what can be proven practically
Capricorn - This sign gains life experience from the persistence and consistency with which it goes
Apparently the conclusions of this fortune are well founded because what is repeated consistently is a clear proof of right or wrong
At the same time, unlike Libra which is open to both sides of the coin, Capricorn's consistency and commitment to one way can create blindness regarding parts of reality that are ignored
Water element signs - Cancer Scorpio and Pisces
For these zodiac signs, reality as an uninterpretable fact is an almost impossible challenge because the element of water represents emotion and emotion is by definition subjective
Cancer - the emotional bubble that provides security - this in itself is contrary to the definition of objective reality that may threaten the experience of security
Scorpio - here there is more ambition to explore in depth, but this is done from the experiential point of view where digging in depth in one context does not necessarily lead to an overall understanding of reality and in fact rather prevents it
Pisces - who prefers the hidden channels of information from the eye can surely feel alienated from the simple facts of reality that are not discernible to his perception of what is hidden and concealed.
In conclusion:
It seems that the air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius have the basic desire to understand reality as an objective value at one level of success or another
Together with Virgo which tests ideas practically, these are the four signs which typologically correspond with objective reality
Best regards
Micah Welner-astrologer
June 17, 2024, Monday 
It is 7:15 am now. The Moon is at 28LIbra, Mercury and Venus at the last minutes of Gemini.... during the day they will ingress Cancer. Mars is 30^ to Jupiter both are Detriment(weak) Saturn at 19 (Karmic deg.) of Pisces, Uranus at 25* Taurus, Neptune at 29Pisces, conjunct Scheat.. and Pluto R at 1Aqua39.
I just checked the S&P future; and Uranus was the one, that supported previously its correction. Now, the index should be above 5515 to be again supported. 
So, let's check out the futures.. 
S&P= 5501; one step lower the next support from Uranus is 5495. ( 30 - 30 points lower.).
Asia trades now, let's see them:
Nikkei is way below my stop posted yesterday! so, if you used that, stop = 38968 and went short, you are gaining now.. 
HSI: same, stop was 18220; now 17965.
No trade in India and a lot of other countries today..
Someone in China will not be happy with this outcome!
04:30  CNYHouse Prices (YoY) (May)-3.9% -3.1%
05:00  CNYFixed Asset Investment (YoY) (May)4.0%4.2%4.2%
05:00  CNYIndustrial Production (YoY) (May)5.6%6.2%6.7%
05:00  CNYChinese Industrial Production YTD (YoY) (May)6.2% 6.3%
05:00  CNYRetail Sales (YoY) (May)3.7%3.0%2.3%
05:00  CNYChinese Retail Sales YTD (YoY) (May)4.05% 4.13%
05:00  CNYChinese Unemployment Rate (May)5.0%5.0%5.
5% unemployment in China means 71.25 million people are unemployed, which is 8 times more then Israel's whole population, or Taiwan's ( which has 71 million people in 2024.). 
just saying... everything is relative. 
We will wait for Europe to open ... 
Meanwhile the futures are green:
All commodities are red.. 
Earnings this week: June 19 no trade! celebrating the end of slavery. 

TA35: 15 min: ALL SHORTs were killed
I uploaded an analysis this morning to FB: daily statistics for TA35: ) in Hebrew, but if you look at the tables, you can understand too ) 
and intraday: 
Today we have a rare planetary position: Both Merc and Ven are at the end of Gemini(mind) and square Neptune! that brings a confusion... 
see what AI has to say about this: 
In astrology, a square aspect between Mercury and Venus to Neptune signifies a challenging and dynamic interplay between the planets involved. Each square aspect (90-degree angle) generally represents tension, conflict, and a need for resolution, pushing individuals towards growth and development.

### Mercury Square Neptune
Mercury represents communication, intellect, and reasoning, while Neptune symbolizes dreams, illusions, and the subconscious. When these planets are in a square aspect, it often leads to confusion, misunderstandings, and miscommunications. Key points include:
- **Mental Fog**: Difficulty in thinking clearly, leading to mistakes and misunderstandings.
- **Deception**: Potential for deceit, either self-deception or being deceived by others.
- **Creative Imagination**: Heightened creativity and imagination, though it may be challenging to distinguish fantasy from reality.
- **Spiritual Insights**: Opportunities for deep spiritual or metaphysical insights, though these may be hard to articulate clearly.

### Venus Square Neptune
Venus governs love, beauty, and personal values, while Neptune influences dreams, ideals, and the spiritual realm. This square aspect can create confusion and idealization in relationships and personal desires. Key points include:
- **Romantic Idealization**: Tendency to idealize partners or situations, leading to potential disillusionment.
- **Escapism**: Desire to escape from harsh realities through fantasy, art, or substances.
- **Financial Confusion**: Possible financial challenges due to unrealistic expectations or lack of clarity.
- **Artistic Inspiration**: Increased artistic and creative inspiration, though it may be hard to manifest concretely.

### Combined Interpretation
When both Mercury and Venus are square to Neptune, the individual may experience amplified challenges and opportunities in the areas of communication, relationships, and personal values. Specific themes might include:
- **Idealized Communication**: Struggles to communicate clearly in relationships due to idealized or unrealistic perceptions.
- **Creative Potential**: High creative and artistic potential, though it may be hard to stay grounded and practical.
- **Emotional Sensitivity**: Heightened emotional sensitivity and empathy, but also vulnerability to deception and misunderstandings.
- **Need for Discernment**: Strong need to develop discernment and grounding practices to navigate the nebulous energies of Neptune.

Overall, this astrological configuration suggests a need for balance between idealism and realism, encouraging individuals to harness their creative and spiritual potential while staying aware of the practicalities and realities of their situations."

June 16, 2024 Sunday
We start this day with the Moon at 18 Libra...she will be 150^ from the Sun, and before the Full Moon. Right now, 8:27 am; we have 3 planets Sun+ Merc., Venus at the last degrees of Gemini, and Venus is conj. Betelgeuse~ see it's meaning at the opening of this article.. Mercury and Venus are OOB! 
Trade here will start in another 75 min; the Arab countries celebrate holidays; so only us and the cryptos trade.. Let's see how is the BTC doing? It's been 92 days from the top.. and it trades above the midchannel, so it is still a long above 65000-ish. 
XRP: IS DYING, only above 0.65 is a long 
LTC: Below 78, it will just crash... 
so, as you can see, they aren't' doing so well... 
GLD: 210 is not just a number!!! all stops and targets I post are based on planetary positions !
SLV: was also consolidating for a long time, broke up and fell back !! so careful now.. 
I am running TS to see the forecast.. Searching in Calendar: for July+ AUG- here is the outcome: in the last 30 years it went up 20% and down 5%.
SOFI: HUGE sell and minor buy in the share.. stay out!
When I upload a graph for a share or index, I try to look back and follow up, to check what happened, not for the money, you know, I started, or re- started to trade in the uSA a month ago or so, but to check if my way of thinking was right.. so here is for example the VIX: All the world is waiting for a correction, that refuses to come.. ! LOL 
Here is the VIX as I posted on 6/2 = it was a short below 17.5- target 12.20

the last low was 11.52, now it trades at 12.65; so , we can lower the stop from 17.50- to 12.95 and stay short..I think "they" will lift the markets till July 4 USA independence day.. in spite of all; 
10y Bond if falls, sign for the market to go up
5 y Bond :
2 y Bond
For tomorrow: 
Nikkei: daily.... better sign up for the forecasts!! 
LIKED? click on it - at the top of the page.
forex: PRICES in blue are the stops/ long above or short below. 

TA35: Topped at 1999.67 and fell all day to 1974.57; 
this is what I wrote on Saturday: 
.. and for the TA35: which closed at 1987; stop there is 1980. if you want it tight, then 1985; up targets 2005-2010; Below 1985 it will correct down to 1975-45."
the statistics didn't work today.. 
so..... for tomorrow the trade range will be 1974- 68; if by chance above 74, then 78-85 

June 15, 2024 Saturday
Shares with the biggest market cap in the communication group are:

the biggest volume had SIRI: worth while following ! However!!! ARM is replacing it in Nasdaq 100; thus SIRI looses...

ARM moves "by the book" up 55 Fibonacci days !! now what??
I cannot even run TS, so see a forecast, since it is very new: first trade: Sept 14, 2023; it belongs to the Electronic Tech/Semicond... so watch those indices.. 
MU: earnings on 6/26!! but insider sold, I think I saw in June. and fell after market..I don't have it, but if you do, stop is 140.  

Let me check the bigger picture... Fear and greed index: fell from 46 to 38! and we are in all time highs..

I think there is a mistake in the site above, because look what we see in another: 
Is is 78% greed !!
Another site shows the S&P together with the Fear and greed 
And another site shows this: 
I don't use any of them, ONLY the planetary positions... let's see what to expect next week? 
Sun +Merc.+ Venus: move from Gemini to Cancer. The days they move will be a CIT.
Mars is in Detriment=weak in Taurus, and Vesta moves from Cancer to Leo; 
When we have 4 planets and Pallas in water signs, together, with a weak energizer(Mars) we can only expect a correction. Also, Merc + Venus will be OOB!! Also!!! scroll up: planets on the fixed stars !!!
Actual aspects
Begin: 16.06.2024  Period: 1 month  (GMT+3)
Mercury enters Cancer 17.06 till 7/2
Venus enters Cancer till 7/11
Venus 90 Neptune 17.06.2024  6:46
Mercury 90 Neptune 17.06.2024 10:41
Mercury 0 Venus 17.06.2024 15:42
Mercury 150 Pluto 18.06.2024  6:13
Venus 150 Pluto 18.06.2024 17:12
Juno 45 Vesta 19.06.2024  3:47
Neptune120 Vesta 19.06.2024 18:52
Mercury 135 Pallas 20.06.2024 10:00
Sun  90 Neptune 20.06.2024 21:12
Sun enters Cancer 7/21
Vesta60 Sedna 21.06.2024 17:06
Mercury 60 Mars 21.06.2024 19:22
Venus 135 Pallas 22.06.2024  6:38
Mercury 45 Uranus 22.06.2024  8:02
Sun 150 Pluto 22.06.2024 15:01
Mercury 90 Node 23.06.2024  4:13
Pluto 180 Vesta 23.06.2024 14:18
Mercury  45 Sedna 25.06.2024  0:23
Mercury60 Juno  25.06.2024  5:25
Mercury 180 Ceres 25.06.2024 12:12
Venus 45 Uranus 25.06.2024 22:01
Pluto 135 Juno  26.06.2024  9:00
Ceres 120 Juno 26.06.2024 12:40
Sun 135 Pallas 26.06.2024 17:26
Venus 90 Node 26.06.2024 19:07
Mercury 120 Saturn 26.06.2024 21:10
Mercury120 Pallas 27.06.2024  9:23
Mercury 45 Jupiter 28.06.2024 14:05
Mercury90 Chiron28.06.2024 20:58
Venus 60 Mars 29.06.2024  7:49
Mars 45 Neptune 29.06.2024 16:38
Ceres 135 Sedna 29.06.2024 20:04
Mercury 90 Eris 30.06.2024  2:21
Venus 180 Ceres 30.06.2024  4:45
Saturn 135 Vesta30.06.2024  4:52
Mercury60 Uranus  30.06.2024  5:19
Venus 45 Sedna 30.06.2024  6:22
Mars 120 Ceres 30.06.2024 16:0
This means for the DOW: stop is 38520: long if above or short below
17640 stop for the IXIC: 
and stop= 5400 for the S&P.
oh... and for the TA35: which closed at 1987; stop there is 1980. if you want it tight, then 1985; up targets 2005-2010; Below 1985 it will correct down to 1975-45.
TSLA: stop = 174 - not holding.
GME stop = 24 holding
OZEM holding.. trades sideways since 6/6; stop 26
KITT: holding ( in and out of trades.. should go up till 6/21 as per TS.
XLK holding
SLV holding
When I bought NVDA before the split, and I got 10 for1 share... I wrote, I am waiting for 132; so I sold the 10 shares at 132 yesterday. too early?? we will see. 
I am thinking about buying ADBE; but it gapped up from 493 to 525... too expensive. maybe buy calls? it should continue rising, if above 520... and then I remembered that I bought XLK.... so, I won't bother...

June 14, 2024 Friday

As I mentioned below, 6/13 was a CIT day from 2-3 former dates... Looking at the S&P it topped ( the future) at 5518.25
and now: 
Watch the VIX! it double bottomed..
Energy all long if above the arrows
So far it was the worst month for the energy group: 
look, who's selling!! IOT, MNST, FLEX, PLTR, ( now at 23- I put in a buy at 20);DELL,MU;NVDA!!! and not many buying... You can check these under Insider.
Splits you can see in investing, under Tools. 
The "rising star yesterday was AVGO( Broadcom) - I am running now TS to see how it will enfold.. AVGO belongs to the Semiconductors' group.. You can also follow SOXX; I uploaded its chart on 5./29; stop then was 239' also on 5/27 stop was 200- target 290; check out former tops/bottoms : from 10/31 low +150 = June 5. The bummer in these platforms is, that they count bars and not days... so Oct 30+ 227 days is not.. What is 227 days?? Well. 224 days is the Heliocentric Venus cycle!! so it bottomed at Venus 24Gemini - and topped of 6/11 -when it re arrived to the same degree. 
Counting from 4/19 ( Helio Venus was at 0 Aries(weak!) + 224 days + Nov 29, 2024. 

SOXX: stop = 227.50; the last low.
This is valid for everything that bottomed at the end of Oct 2023! So it is a major CIT. 
meanwhile TS found, that the best cycle is Mars's./ the cycle shows only direction and never the price !
If I run the Mars cycle only I get 3 V and 1 X; and it shows a fall: 
As per my calculations, the stop is at 1481; if below: 1419-1356; if above 1552- 1688 and CIT 6/18 .
I am not holding...Good luck if you have it.. 
oh.. one more thing I checked: When Helio Venus in Cancer ( like now) more down then up !
It is now 9:37.. wow!! it takes such a long time to get TS outcome...
ASIA: Nikkei: interesting!! ran up 144 days = Fibo no. !! it broke the intraday stop! Now, if below 38200, it will fall further down.
Nifty Bank : 10/26+224 d = June 6; stop now 49700
Nifty: stop was 23400- now at 23438; if you want to be extremely tight; then move stop to 23432
JKSE: it is interesting how this index behaves... bottomed on Nov 1 2023- topped 3/14/24; since then= 92 d, it is falling, now the supp. is at 6720; if above 6774 it can reverse.!!! if below, still short. 
KLSE: is supported by EMA50; in the in day it's still a short. Oct 5+224 d = top! + a glitch +5) 
Europe trades.. let's see.. mostly green except for these: 
ohooo!! MIB: gains nicely with short= stop was 35000 now 33567
CAC: huge short!! stop was 7900 now 7676
STOXX50: short short !! stop was 5040now 4934.. Move stop to 4965- short 
EUR/USD: 4/19 LOW !!
On this day in history: On this day in history: 

June 13, 2024 Thursday
We got a new historical high in the Nasdaq and S&P; 
15:30  USDCore CPI (YoY) (May)3.4%3.5%3.6%
15:30  USDCore CPI (MoM) (May)0.2%0.3%0.3%
15:30  USDCore CPI Index (May)318.14318.50317.62
15:30  USDCPI (MoM) (May)0.0%0.1%0.3%
15:30  USDCPI (YoY) (May)3.3%3.4%3.4%

Today we will have, before the open: 
15:30  USDContinuing Jobless Claims 1,800K1,792K
15:30  USDCore PPI (MoM) (May) 0.3%0.5%
15:30  USDCore PPI (YoY) (May) 2.4%2.4%
15:30  USDInitial Jobless Claims 225K229K
15:30  USDJobless Claims 4-Week Avg.  222.25K
15:30  USDPPI (MoM) (May) 0.1%0.5%
15:30  USDPPI (YoY) (May) 2.5%2.2%

AAPL: is now no 1 - in the USA market cap; ran up with large volume; topped at 220 and closed at 213.07; Stop is now at 211-212; yes, close, but that's where it is. It triple topped and up..
MSFT: same happened here: after the triple top it ran up by 26%
Same scenario in NVDA: long term target - 210; short term: 135 ; Stop = 115 
TSLA: is today in the focus: stop = 144- let's see the verdict...
rises in the premarket !! 

Yesterday I bought ZG: because insiders bought.. 
Triple TOPS in many Semiconductors shares !! pay attention 
13:00  ILSExports (USD) (May)4,886.7M 4,560.6M
13:00  ILSImports (USD) (May)7,320.2M 6,672.8M
13:00  ILSTrade Balance (May)-2,433.5M -2,112.2M
13:00  ILSThomson Reuters IPSOS PCSI (MoM) (Jun)43.94 48.73

TA35: closed at 1987.86 

June 12, 2024 Wednesday
With the rally in AAPL :it is now at the 2nd place after MSFT, in the USA

But, NVDA traded with a bigger volume. 
USA yesterday: under Mars 90^Pluto aspect, it rallied. The Nasdaq made new high, while the  S&P double topped.
XLK:( technology grp) now trades between 217-233. CIT: 6/13
7:35 now, let's see how is Asia doing? 
Nifty Bank: is heading towards the top of 6/4; if above, more up.. 
Nifty: target 23400 = reached ( now this is stop) , topped so far at 23418; 
TWDOW: Stop = 535; target : 542 - 575
KR DOW ( South Korea ) I saw it many time compared to the S&P... I posted on 2/23 stop was 562, now it's at 661! If you trade it, move stop to 659.
KLSE: LONG IF ABOVE `1614.50; it shows some weakness, with lower highs since 5/21
NIKKEI: Last post on 6/6; stop was 38720; ran up to 39345; but, still lower than 5/19 top.. stop stays. (for intraday the stop = 38880)
I read very disturbing news about Europe...nuclear weapons now in Belarus? threatening the whole Europe! Also Russia sent nuclear submarines to Cuba... What the hell?
26 min  EURGerman CPI (MoM) (May) 0.1%0.5%
26 min  EURGerman CPI (YoY) (May) 2.4%2.2%

The German Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the changes in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers.

A higher than expected reading should be taken as positive/bullish for the EUR, while a lower than expected reading should be taken as negative/bearish for the EUR.

EUR/USD: Stop was 1.09; move it to 1.0750
09:00  EURGerman CPI (MoM) (May)0.1%0.1%0.5%
09:00  EURGerman CPI (YoY) (May)2.4%2.4%2.2%

USA: Before the opening: important CPI: 
read more here
NEWS: .. Elon Musk drops..
Hunter Biden: guilty of all charges !! 
his chart really sucks... look! he is 54.35 years old, meaning, the Age point is in Virgo; his Mercury is at 19 deg. and it is sextile by Saturn in the transit; Jupiter, that rules the law, freedom, is weak in Gemini, in opposition his Neptune (H4); the SUN !!! at 22* the kill or get killed deg.. with Merc +Ven. in Gem are in trine his Sun Venus. 
Looking at the Solar return chart, that gives a forecast 1 years ahead, we can see, that Jupiter has been for 2 years in opposition his natal Jupiter, and Saturn for more than a year.. 

We will see if he gets 25 years ????!!!! in jail.. I doubt.. but that Moon in the 12th is a bad omen.
Only him stays smiling, while 4 soldiers were killed in heavy fight... after passing a law, that no religious, precious man will be recruited; so he keeps his damned gov. 
Mothers of soldiers call their sons to stop fighting and return home.. let those who don't want to do anything for the country, take care of themselves.
June 11,2024 Tuesday

Yesterday USA markets: Although went up, with a large volume, but did not make new highs. 

DOW: top was 40077 on 5/22; trade range 39500-37950
S&P top was 5375 on 6/7; trade range now 5300-5550 
Nasdaq top was at 17229 also on 6/7; trade range 16670-18080
Futures now all trade below yesterday's close! But it is still early, only Asia trades. 7:26 am

Time tunnel: from the last low 4/19 + 55 days ( Fibonacci) = June 13 is a CIT !
or from 5/31 +13 d = June 13 
Breaking the range given above, they will correct the rise from 4/19 + 5/31.
TA35: is closed today; we reopen on Thursday; which is also an expiry day.. On the 13th the Sun will be at 22* Gemini; conjunct  the good fixed star Capella; conjunct Mercury ( on a negative fixed star (Bellatrix), ( Mercury is also Combust - weak); the Moon will be weak (150 to the NN), more minor aspects... here is the table for the 13th:
In the Helio centric chart Jupiter is in ♊since 6/6/24! 19:45 GMT +3 !! That was a major shift in energy... 
Based on the above; for TA35 trade range on Thursday will be: 1972- 80-98.
Let's see how did TSLA, NVDA, GME did yesterday?
NVDA: stop stays at 117: target, IMHO - till the end of June 132-133; do you notice, that it topped on 6/6, when Helio Jupiter entered Gemini? 
TSLA: closed at 173.79; while the stop given yesterday was 174! People are waiting for the verdict..
GME: continued to fall; bottom at 23.06:
"In exchange for the release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was held captive by Hamas for over five years, Israel released 1,027 Palestinian prisoners. This exchange took place in October 2011, following intense negotiations between Israel and Hamas. The deal was brokered with the help of Egyptian mediators and was conducted in two phases."
So, back then the Hamas settled the scale... 1 = 1027; so why are they crying for 270?? it should have been, by their count - 4108! 
How about counting the hostages?? 120 ~ as we know today X 1027 = 123240 Hamasniks 
I cannot even look at the pictures of the soldiers who died, with out crying again and again.. Not to mention the Bibas family..We have no news about them at all. 
It is now 1:50 pm; Asia already closed. 
Nifty: 60 min  = lower highs. 
AAPL: new update: i UPLOADED the Magnificent 7 in April, March... check it out.
AMZN: STILL in the channel

NVDA ( holding) stop 117

June 10, 2024 Monday
When I run TS, there is a "Zig-Zag" table, where I can run some statistics as per days, month, planetary positions etc.
Here is the one for TA35:

As per this table, we might assume, that today we get a top, Mondays are 13up 12 down, at around 11 am, June is 4/3 up; Sun in Gemini is 6/5 up; Moon in Leo is 8/10 -so down... etc.. so now I am confused.. will we go up or down ? LOL.
OK... let's look around : TA35: closed yesterday at 1973.35; The top (expiry day) was 1983.85; from a low 1947.31 and closed at 1973.35; that means, ( based on the planetary positions for today; it can go up to 1974-79-82; but if it fails, then the supports are 1969- 64- 53-44.
Shekel USD: made a 50% up correction from the 4/19-6/4 fall: It is still a long above 3.745.
No trade today, due to holiday in China, Taiwan, Colombia; so less volume; No important USA announcement today; only on the 12th (when due to Shavuot ~Pentecost~ we don't have trade on the 11th +12th) - FED. interest rate announcement.( unlike the ECB). So far it seems they will not lower it. 
21:00  USDFederal Budget Balance (May) -268.0B210.0B
21:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - 1st Yr (Q2)  3.9%
21:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - 2nd Yr (Q2)  3.1%
21:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - 3rd Yr  2.9%
21:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - Current (Q2)  4.6%
21:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - Longer (Q2)  2.6%
21:00  USDFOMC Economic Projections     
21:00  USDFOMC Statement     
21:00  USDFed Interest Rate Decision 5.50%5.50%
21:30  USDFOMC Press Conference     

Some shares had reverse stock splits : meaning for 25 you got 1 - see ICU,
and NVDA: split: for 1 you got 10.
Futures so far 8:31 am now
NSEI: my target was 23400- topped so far at 23409- and fell; Stop is 23400; only above it long again. 
On Apr 22 I analyzed longly Elon Musk's chart and TSLA's// This is what I wrote: 

"Today there are many important announcements, but most of them after hours. Many people I know are waiting for TSLA... it is doing bad since 

Since the top of July 19, 2023; it has been falling 

I don't know how to hide all those yellow and green dots... 

Let's look at the TSLA: first trade date to understand why this fall is happening? 

there are some interesting things in the first trade chart: Helio centric: 

First trade date June 29, 2020 NY: -Last top July 19, 2023 (remember the no.19 ? ) 

On the day of the last top, Helio Uranus made a60^ to natal Jupiter, and Saturn 150 to Saturn

switching to the Geocentric chart; we can see, that TSLA was "born" under 2 eclipses; guess where? at 19* Cancer!!! ( Total Sol ecl) and we just had a similar eclipse at 19 ARIES, squaring that eclipse.. Also we can see in the Geocentric chart of TSLA, that it has Jupiter +Uranus conjunct in ARIES; and they are now conjunct in Taurus... isn't that interesting ? So their conjunction, or aspect to the natal Jup. +Ura. position can trigger a CIT; 

The money houses rulers are Mercury (H2) and Neptune, (H8),  Mercury also rules the 11th house the money of the management.. so when natal Mercury is in Cancer; any aspect to it can also bring a CIT. Natal Neptune is at 28 AQUA in Retro, and tr. Neptune is now 30^ to it. Natal Mars, ( the energizer) is at 12 Virgo; 

I made the chart for 10:30 PM - I guess the announcement will be out by then; we see Neptune in conjunction with natal Jup+ Ura= bad, uncertainty.. We will have to wait for Mars, to reach 0-5 ARIES at least, to see a change. That happens just in one more week. meanwhile, the share can fall to 140-120.


I just wanted to check why is Elon Musk the "hated" Billionaire"/// and I and surprised to find how his natal chart is in harmony with TSLA! 

Here is the natal chart of Elon Musk with today's transits: we can see Saturn (government-so called "higher ups) in opposition his Moon ( ruler of his chart, since he was born in the sign of Cancer) ; also natal Jupiter -Neptune (wealth in Scorpio on the MC, got for a long time now an opposition from tr. Jup. + Ura. in Taurus ( he was denied dividend money ) 

Today: news: 
Tesla shareholders to vote whether Elon Musk deserves billions judge struck down
On Thursday, the court must decide if he gets the payment or not. Let's see his chart for that day : there are several problems under Thursday's transit... First, Elon's date of birth adds up to 7= ruled by Neptune ( Neptune can dissolve, or bring fake- look where it is on Thursday ! in the house of law H9; further more, if the H11 is money from the management= dividend, then Venus +Merc+ Sun will be in the 12 house.. bad.. So the outlook for  a positive judgement is weak.
The verdict is due just a few days before this 53th birthday... 5+3 =8 = ruled by Saturn, which is in R in the 8th house of money.. so weak weak expectations..
TSLA: Stop = 174 !!! failing to go above 182... it will fall much more below 174.
EUR/USD: subscribe to the forecast!! so you get these alerts in time 
Euro getting punished after France's Macron decided to dissolve French parliament after his party's stunning political defeat

Belgian PM De Croo announces resignation after heavy election loss.null
Closing the day: TA35: bottomed ay 1966 and closed , again reversal at noon: at 1980.84

June 9 2024 Sunday
Heroic rescue yesterday under the Cancer Moon (home - bring them home) position, and Mars in the exalted 29* in Aries !
The assault, the rescue and the announcement: "The diamonds are in our hands" minute by minute in "Operation Arnon". ( named after the 1 soldier, father of 2, who fell)

The movement secretly and in daylight to the buildings where the four abductees were kept. The fall of the IDF soldier Arnon Zamora in fighting to rescue three of them. The influx of hundreds of armed terrorists to the area. And the unusual permission given to the assault helicopters to land deep in the Gaza Strip. This is how the operation was conducted in which Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Shlomi Ziv and Andrey Kozlov were rescued

Thursday, 6:30 p.m.: After careful planning, exercises and models, and advanced intelligence surveillance that lasted for many weeks, the political echelon approves the operation initially called "Summer Seeds". The approval was done in a classified discussion, under heavy compartmentalization and waiting for the right moment.

Saturday, 10:00 a.m.: Two central commando teams leap from several directions, in a panic, towards the Nusirat refugee camp near the coast. The forces move in broad daylight secretly to the two buildings where the abductees were kept, with thousands of Palestinians and hundreds of terrorists from the local Hamas battalion among them - who are not noticed. According to the Palestinians, the forces entered using a humanitarian aid truck - and Al Jazeera even published documentation of it with IDF vehicles, apparently from the moments after the operation. The IDF denied this, and also denied that they later used the American pier.

10:45 Special ground observations and technological surveillance means from Air Force aircraft detect that the area is clean and there is no suspicious movement in the two buildings, 3-4 stories. Noa Argamani was held in one of them and in the other the three other abductees, with Gazan families and armed guards.

10:50: The information and live documentation of the hundreds of meters long alleys that separate the two targets are transferred to the screens of the two security forces that commanded the operation from them: of the Shin Bet in the center of the country in the presence of the head of the service Ronan Bar and Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, and of the Southern Command in Be'er Sheva, From where the commanding general directed the envelopment and rescue forces.


11:00: The two teams on the ground receive the order to "act" which was personally approved in real time by the head of the Shin Bet and the Chief of Staff. They attack the buildings simultaneously and in full coordination, at the same second, to prevent the terrorists in the second target from discovering this - which would endanger the abductees.
11:10: While the elimination of the terrorists who guarded Argamni and the rescue goes relatively smoothly, the operation in the second building is much more complicated. Zamora's commander's team reports that he was injured in the exchange of fire. The fighters who eliminated the terrorists at that target take care of their commander and try to save him on the way out of the building, under increasing fire.
11:15: The announcement that everyone was waiting for is reported. "The diamonds are in our hands" - meaning, the stolen ones are with us.
11:20 a.m.: Under the cover of the delay, dozens of terrorists gather around the building where the three hostages were held, and hundreds more armed men approach from all sides with RPGs, PK machine guns and Kalashnikov rifles. They run through the crowded alleys and the nearby market, crowded with thousands of Gazans.
11:22: The troops try to escape in the rescue vehicle, but it is hit by heavy fire and begins to falter. Major General of the Southern Command Yaron Finkelman then activates the rescue plan that was prepared in advance.
11:25: Air Force fighter jets and helicopters launch dozens of weapons at the terrorists in order to isolate the arena. Hundreds of fighters from the 7th Brigades, the Paratroopers, Givati, and Kafir who were stationed as reinforcements are jumped on foot as well as in tanks and anti-aircraft guns into the refugee camp, and navy ships are covering from the west.
11:30: The reinforcement forces and the air force manage to isolate the main battle scene, thus providing a safe escape route for the main force with the three hostages. The Southern Command exceptionally authorizes Air Force attack helicopters to land for rescue deep in the Gaza Strip, covered by the fire of fighter jets. The fire from the air hits the terrorists, tens of meters from the soldiers.
11:50 The last fighters from the special forces get on the helicopters that take off to the hospitals in Israel. Attempts to revive Pekad Zamora also continue in the air, but at the hospital they are forced to declare his death. The reinforcements from the IDF brigades continue to engage the terrorists in the shell of the operation - and eliminate dozens more of them, until the end of the operation.
13:33: The IDF, the Shin Bet and the police officially announce the rescue of the four hostages, and spontaneous celebrations begin - both in Israel and among Israelis abroad.
Israel without censorship on Telegram
There are still 200 more hostages, about whom we don't know a thing; a very sad event occurred yesterday as well, with the fall of  the commander Arnon, father of 2 who sacrificed himself in the battle, and another, when the police came with the good news, of the release of Almog Meir, his son, they found his father dead at home, alone..
On this day in history... many interesting events!
Overnight, I saw that I already have 10 NVDA shares instead of 1, at $120.78.
Intel, which I bought a few days ago, is also trying to push itself in the headlines. 
Daily chart; stop = 30
TA35: targets now: 10:20 am 1983-93 - stop= 74
11:50 top so far 1983
I found the birth date of Noa Argamani ( Oct.12, 1997 Solar chart - no time of birth) but it is incredible to see what happened to her! She was kidnapped 5 days before her birthday, her name NOA - in Hebrew it is written נועה- adds up to 5; her last name adds up to 16; together the name equals 12= 3, which is ruled by Jupiter. Her natal Jupiter is at 12 Aquarius, nothing less! Jupiter is freedom.. she was kidnapped on Oct 7, when the tr Moon was at 20 Cancer, and released when tr Moon was ~ yesterday~ at 11 Cancer- in the 9th house (ruled by Jupiter).. Furthermore, her date adds up to 12/3 as well ! 
Mars (attack) on the day of the kidnap was at 26 Libra, and made exactly 180 degrees to 29 Aries, till the day she got rescued. 245 days !!
She learned Arabic while in "prison", did not see much sunlight, but she stayed healthy and positive. May she have a happy life !! She payed for all her sins from previous lives with this event..

June 8, 2024 Saturday
New York times article June 9 1974

WASHINGTON, June 8—The United States and Saudi Arabia 
today signed a wide‐ranging military and economic agreement
 that both said “heralded an era of increasingly close cooperation.”

American officials, commenting on the first such arrangement
 between the United States and an Arab country, said that
 they hoped the new accord would provide Saudi Arabia 
with incentives to increase her oil production and would 
serve as a model for economic cooperation between Washington and other Arab nations.

Secretary of State Kissinger and Prince Fand Ibn Abdel Aziz,
 Second Deputy Premier of Saudi Arabia 
and a half‐brother of King Faisal, signed the 
six‐page agreement at Blair House across the street from the White House this morning.
Acclaimed by Kissinger
Mr. Kissinger, who will accompany 
President Nixon on a tour of the Middle East
 next week, including a stop in Saudi Arabia, said, 
“We consider this a milestone in our relations 
with Saudi Arabia and with the Arab countries in general.”

I couldn't find the exact time when the agreement was signed between Nixon and the King of Saudia Feisal; so I made a noon chart; very impressive !
in 1974 Mars was at 29^ Cancer, now it is as 29^ Aries, just about on the cusp of the sign of Taurus ( and the constellation "Pleiades" the weeping sisters), entering the 9th house (abroad-war)so tr.Mars is in square natal Mars; furthermore, if Venus (money) rules the 7th house of  agreements, in 1974 it was in the 9th house, in good aspects to Saturn (in favor of the gov) now it is in Gemini, at 19 deg.(bad) and rises after the Sun, so= weak); Next: Saturn in 1974 was in Cancer; now it is conjunct the agreement Jupiter- so blocking. Saturn is also in Pisces sign that rules OIL; Finally, Neptune ruler of the Oil is conjunct the worst fixed star, Scheat, in Pisc. 

If Mohammed Bin Salman will discontinue this agreement, will the USA attack Saudia, just as they did when Saddam Hussein rejected, or tried to, the USDollar? Is Saudia a friend or a Foe? 
I found this interesting line up of USA events :line up of USA events:
" 1971… After several nations begin redeeming their paper U.S. dollars for the safety of gold, President Richard M. Nixon closes the gold window. In this year, the world enters the first completely fiat monetary system.
1972-1973… Without gold backing, Washington is concerned that global demand for the U.S. "paper" dollar could subside.
1973-1974… To maintain global dollar demand, Washington creates the petrodollar system. The first to enter this arrangement is Saudi Arabia. The Saudis agree to price all of their oil in U.S. dollars and even to invest some of their profits into U.S. Treasury securities. In exchange, the U.S. provides weapons to the Saudis, along with U.S. military bases to "protect" the Saudi oil fields.
Late 1970's… Washington makes similar deals with almost all OPEC nations. Those oil-producing nations who agree to denominate their oil in dollars and then invest their profits into U.S. Treasurys get weapons and "protection." The petrodollar system, created in the Nixon-Kissinger era, was likely one of the most brilliant economic moves in recent political memory. However, the system began breaking down around a decade ago.
2000… On September 24, Iraq's Saddam Hussein declares that his country will no longer price oil in U.S. dollars, but in euros instead.
2003… Iraq is invaded by the U.S. Iraq's oil supplies are removed from a "petro-euro" system back to a petrodollar system.
2005 to present… Iran, Venezuela, Syria, and North Korea (also known as the "Axis of Evil") threaten to move away from dollar-based oil transactions.
2011… Russia begins selling its oil to China in rubles. In tomorrow's article, I will give my final observations and commentary on the rise and fall of the U.S. Dollar.

and it says, on Sept 24, 2000 Saddam Hussein declared he will dump the USD and use Euros... it is interesting to see, that Jupiter was in Gemini too and it will be exact on July 14
It took 3 more years, for the USA to attack... on March 20, 2003.- May 1, 2003. 
3 more years now, means 2027... so if nothing happens now, it will, then.. but I talked about WWIII in my 2-3 videos.. 
March 20; 2003 USA invasion Iraq: under Uranus in 0 Pisces + Sun +Merc in Pisc = oil - Jupiter aggressive in Leo, and Saturn at 22* 
I am just looking for similarities, or major aspects to then and now. Uranus will be on 0 Gemini on July 7, 2025 - squaring the Iraqi invasion event... 
But I am drifting away... let's see how did the markets close yesterday and what can we expect under those planetary positions for this Lunar month ? 
GLD: 5 min chart: New Moon move: a gap down 

SPX: will be a short below 5343
NYFANG is an index that includes six major technology and internet companies, often referred to as the "FAANG" stocks, plus a few other prominent tech giants. As of the most recent composition, the NYFANG index includes the following shares:

1. **Meta Platforms Inc. (META)** - formerly Facebook
2. **Apple Inc. (AAPL)**
3. ** Inc. (AMZN)**
4. **Netflix Inc. (NFLX)**
5. **Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL)** - the parent company of Google
6. **Microsoft Corporation (MSFT)**
7. **Tesla Inc. (TSLA)**
8. **NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA)**

The index is designed to represent the performance of these influential and highly capitalized tech companies.
NYFANG: 5 minutes chart; just looking at the last rally: 5/31-6/6: closed at 10616- it will be still a long if above 10240 .
I looked up how much was the uSD in 1974 much was the USD in 1974


OIL prices looking back 70 years: will it mirror itself to 1974 jump ? True, we have electric cars now as well, but then we need more electricity and coal 

Thanks to Chat GPT: 
Energy Sources for Electricity Generation:
Electricity generation relies on various energy sources to drive the processes mentioned above: Fossil Fuels: Coal, natural gas, and oil are burned to produce steam that drives turbines connected to generators.
Nuclear Energy: Nuclear reactions (fission) produce heat to generate steam, which drives turbines and generators.
Renewable Energy:Hydropower: Flowing water spins turbines connected to generators.
Wind Energy: Wind turbines convert kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy, which is then converted to electricity.
Geothermal Energy: Heat from the Earth's interior produces steam to drive turbines.
Biomass: Organic materials are burned or converted into biofuels to generate electricity."
So, will Nat.GAS and Uranium shares rocket?? we will have to research that.. 
I had this one, but got stopped out:
Shares in the news: NVDA, of course.. and GME: a farce.. 
NVDA: closed at 1208.88- interesting, the price adds up to 9 - with is an end. Monday it splits, falling to 120.88- the question is, how long will it take to see it back to 1208? 
GME: topped at 120 in 2021, yesterday it fell on its nose to 28.

someone posted this on TWTRL 
For tomorrow TA35: closed at 1965.87 we got negative arbitrage from the Nasdaq; so looking at the planetary positions, as long as it is below 1969- it is a short, targets: 1953-1950; usually Sunday is a positive day, let's see how tomorrow will enfold. if above 1969- then can go to 1970-74-79.
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