New Moon in Virgo , 2024 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology

 Between September 3- to October 2nd, 2024 

 Thanks for following from the former article!     You can read about me here

Please, always read carefully the former articles, nothing stands alone, events are always based on former events.
This New Moon, occurring in the 12th house for GMT+3 at 11° Virgo, resonates with the degree of Aquarius, emphasizing social issues and collective consciousness. With Uranus ruling Aquarius, we can anticipate a month marked by upheaval, unexpected events, and potential societal unrest.
New Moon in Virgo: 
watches the markets fall...
The astrological landscape this month is further complicated by challenging planetary aspects. Mars forms a tense 90° square to Uranus, sitting at the 29th, a critical degree in the 9th house, which governs law and justice. This square is indicative of conflict and sudden disruptions. Additionally, Mars is inconjunct Pluto, creating a 150° angle that represents a discordant and potentially destructive energy.
Moreover, Neptune is in a harmonious 60° sextile with Pluto, but both planets are currently retrograde, signifying that we are in a period of profound transformation that will continue until these planets turn direct.
It’s also significant to note that this New Moon sets the stage for a Lunar Eclipse, culminating in a Solar Eclipse, both of which are potent triggers for change, likely to affect multiple nations. This period calls for heightened awareness and preparation for the shifts ahead.
this table shows the planetary aspects for this New Moon : 
List of aspects for the first 10 days: 
Forecast services:

Alert service for world indices, commodities and Cryptos with stops and targets:
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*Natal chart reading: $430, ( + 5% PP ) for 1 year forecast.
*The yearly forecast report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $365 for a year.
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September 18, 2024 Wednesday. 
The DAY is here ! All the world is waiting, breathlessly for the FED. announcement... well... is it ? LOL... I think anything that Mr. Powel says today is already implemented in the markets.. But' let's see what's happening, ~besides what I already wrote~ today in the sky ? 
ah! but before that, looking at the date is 9.9.8 = 8! what does 8 stand for ? It's the symbol of the infinite, it's the only no. that is closed into itself... It is the no., of the month of August, it's the 8th House in the wheel; the house of Scorpio= money, life and death, other's money... doesn't this fit today's situation ? 
So, the sky: the Moon is Perigee; closest to Earth, therefore very powerful, she is also in Pisces, a lot of emotions are being triggered. She is also conjunct and occults, Neptune ( ruler of Pisces, symbol of martyrdom, manipulations, fake news, etc.. she is 60^ from Uranus, at Uranus/Pluto MP; at 5:44 am (GMT+3) we had the Lunar eclipse, which for Israel fell in the 7th house of partners, and unknow enemies... Having a Virgo Asc- and Mercury exactly on the asc... meaning huge volatility ! The Moon (people) being in opposition the Sun ( Leader, in our case Bibi ) shows the huge manifestation that will take place during the next 2 weeks because he wants to fire Galant (again), minister of defense, at the mid of a war.... with a nobody...well, not exact a nobody, but he has 0 knowledge in warfare or army...but I am going sideways..That Moon -60-Uranus just shows the manifestation that will be 
OK. ... other aspects for today: 
oh.. here is the calendar: NY time: Fed. announcement will be at 2 pm - 
14:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - 1st Yr (Q3)  4.1%
14:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - 2nd Yr (Q3)  3.1%
14:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - 3rd Yr (Q1)  2.9%
14:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - Current (Q3)  5.1%
14:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - Longer (Q3)  2.8%
14:00  USDFOMC Economic Projections     
14:00  USDFOMC Statement     
14:00  USDFed Interest Rate Decision 5.25%5.50%
14:30  USDFOMC Press Conference     
15:00  ARSGDP (YoY) (Q2) -1.4%-5.1%
16:00  USDUS Foreign Buying, T-bonds (Jul)  9.80B
16:00  USDOverall Net Capital Flow (Jul)  107.50B

NY chart at 2 PM - the Moon will be conjunct the NN; and in Aries - very powerful ! so stay out, sit on your hands for 15 min. at least..
For the moment the Futures are green. 
TA35: closed yesterday at 1998- it's a long above this level- can go to 2000-2006-2010-17.
Yesterday a HUGE HUGE event happened at 3:30 pm Beirut; Lebanon; Hezbollah members' beepers blew up simultaneously - so far 3000 injured, about 8 dead; as far as I read...
The event chart shows the followings: Mercury - beeper~ at 13 ^ , in an Aries deg. in the H8 of death. The Sun was at 25 Virgo, also in H8, and also an Aries deg. - Moon- which in this case occulted Saturn, and represents the "known enemies" was in H2 - self respect... and that is what mostly hurt... Mercury is also hands, legs, and that's where they were hurt mostly... the Asc. was at 22 * in CAP - the kill or get killed deg.. always pops up in an event like this.  

Elon Musk : The Blindsight device from Neuralink will enable even those who have lost both eyes and their optic nerve to see. Provided the visual cortex is intact, it will even enable those who have been blind from birth to see for the first time.
HEDGE FUND BILLIONAIRE JOHN PAULSON PLANS TO PULL MONEY IF KAMALA WINS ELECTION Billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson announced that he would withdraw his investments from the market and move into cash and gold if Kamala wins the presidential election. Paulson, whose hedge fund manages an estimated $9 billion across various sectors, voiced concerns about Kamala Harris' proposed economic policies. These include increasing the corporate tax rate, raising the capital gains tax, and introducing a 25% tax on unrealized gains for wealthy individuals. He warned these policies could lead to mass selling and market crashes, predicting a quick recession if enacted.
3:38 pm : fear and greed now:

September 17, 2024 Tuesday
Yesterday the USA: 
we can clearly see in the charts above, that they traded sideways, waiting for tomorrow's announcement. 
The "Fed watch" shows, that more and more people think the Fed will lower the interest rate by 0.50%
The "fear and greed" index rose to Neutral : 
Technically, looking at weekly graphs of shares, many made a higher low on 9/9/ than on 8/5 - as if preparing for a W.
The strongest group yesterday was the "Energy" 
The shares with the biggest market cap are: 
ENB is outstanding!!! 
The 15 biggest runners were mostly in the Biotechnology grp: 
XBI: has been a "sleeping beauty" for 980 days.... breaking above 105- with a large volume, target would be 144
BTC: fell to the support line, now it's trying to correct up - the trade range is between 52-62000~ if if if, it goes above 59780
XAU/USD: in the 15 min: made lower highs, last high was 2589.71; alerts were sent to subscribers... 
The sky today: 
It popped out in my calendar: Moon ( feelings, mother, childhood, stomach) occultation Saturn( government issues, blockage, delays, severe) today!
Also, Venus( Banks, Forex ) is at the 22*! in Libra- watch a reversal in those shares.. Mars still squares the Nodes ! 
Note: in Financial astrology I use 1 deg. orb!! 
Except for Chiron, no planet is in Fire sign..40% in Earth and 40% in Water element... Is it possible, that these position, point to the floods in Europe >?
Satellite view:
Let's look around: Asia: 
In red: 
Europe: is mostly green. 
Trump shooting: someone messaged me from FB, there was no shooting.. so; I don't know..
Some shares worth while looking at: 
INTC Stop = 18.50
ORCL: CEO: 80 years old, still working! AND LOOKS FANTASTIC !

15:30  USDCore Retail Sales (MoM) (Aug)0.1%0.2%0.4%
15:30  USDRetail Control (MoM) (Aug)0.3%0.3%0.4%
15:30  USDRetail Sales (YoY) (Aug)  2.66%
15:30  USDRetail Sales (MoM) (Aug)0.1%-0.2%1.1%
15:30  USDRetail Sales Ex Gas/Autos (MoM) (Aug)0.2%0.3%0.4%


September 16, 2024 Monday 
First thing I see in the news is this: another attempt to kill Trump ? 
Looking at Trump's chart: his Sun at 22* - in his 10th house - tells us a story - kill or get killed in his career. Was it again a lucky day for him ? His 12th H- ruler " hidden enemies" is ruled by the Sun, and that, in transit was at 23Virgo41- in square his natal Sun, and Moon! Shooting, fire arms is ruled by Mars, and Uranus squared that natal mars - and will continue to square it for a few months...Also tr. South Node is conjunct his Neptune- ruler of H7 ( partners./known enemies), His Age Point is at 0-4 Libra, till his next birthday, so, it is unlikely, that " they" will succeed...
Note, that Trump was born under 3 eclipses, and yesterday, at that hour, tr.Mars hit his Par.Sol Ecl at 6 Cancer...
I also read about natural disasters, floods in Europe, typhoon in Shanghai: 

Packing top wind speeds of 151 kph (94 mph) near its eye, Bebinca landed in the city of nearly 25 million around 7:30 a.m. (2330 GMT), state media reported, the strongest storm to strike Shanghai since Typhoon Gloria in 1949.
Shanghai is rarely subject to direct hits from strong typhoons that generally make landfall further south in China. Yagi, a destructive Category 4 storm, roared past southern Hainan province last week.
Hundreds of flights have been cancelled from the city's two airports since Sunday night and Shanghai railway station has suspended some rail services. These disruptions come as China celebrates the three-day mid-Autumn Festival public holiday."
There is no trade today; so volume will be low.


BTC: fell overnight:

In the sky: Mars squares the Nodes today; and the Moon moves on to Pisces (sign of the martyr). Right now, 9:24 am she also squares Uranus.

In the Helio sky: Venus just entered SAG! from there it 60^ Pluto. Also today Earth 60^ Uranus, Mars conj,. Uranus, Saturn 45^ Pluto; Mercury 120^ Neptune; A lot of action!! We should analyze what happened previously, but market opened, so, later.. 

TA35: closed at 2047.86; support is at 2046- short , if below. 

10:20 am trade range 2046-51-55 if above the stop.
In the USA: December futures trade; are slightly red...Only the Russell is green; Support there is 2205-2210; as long as it is above it, long.

SPY: 23 days from the top = CIT; triple top and will correct down: ( 30 min ) 
Premarket movers; must refresh this all the time, it changes !! 
12:25 am - futures are all green now!
3:50 pm - futures mostly red! 
GOOGL: when the support ~EMA 150~ turns into a resistance !! 


September 15, 2024 Sunday
It's already noon. I was very busy till now. So, let's see what's happening.. TA35: if 2046 holds, it can correct up. 
Moon from Aquarius makes these aspects: 
15.09.2024 21:04:57 20°26'02"Aqr Trine Jupiter - not relevant, already market is closed.
15.09.2024 22:08:59 21°05'07"Aqr Trine Venus.
So let's look at tomorrow: 
16.09.2024  8:03:46 27°10'05"Aqr Square Uranus
16.09.2024 12:38:46  0°00'00"Psc <<<- hmmm.... this is red light for longs... so better sit on your hands when USA opens...wait 15-30 min, check out hos the market moves.. 
Next 3 days' aspects: See Mars 90 NN? 
This week is a very important one... not only we have the interest rate announcement, but also the Lunar eclipse!! on the same day !! ( Also Moon is Perigee ! ) 

As per William Lilly: the Lunar eclipse at 25Pisces means

 " “robberies equally committed both at Sea, and on dry Land”
If I look at USA chart with SAG asc: Moon is the ruler of H*8- other's money, the eclipse happens already on the 17th - 22:38 or 10:38 PM; and the Moon will conjunct Neptune.. it foreshadows a very blur Fed announcement... a lot of strings are being pulled, or manipulated till the last moment of the announcement.. At the same time Mars will conjunct natal Jupiter, but this happens every 2 years.. will it be 0.25% or 0.50%? In either case, after the Full Moon IMHO, a correction down will occur. 
Happy birthday 40th ! to prince Harry: Here is his natal chart, with progressed and transits for today; His Age point is at 1 Leo- falls in H7 - relationships, partners, "known enemies. " The house open in Cancer - so Megan is in that criteria... Note, that in his natal chart his Moon is in disharmony with his career- Venus, but now, in the progressed chart ( 1 deg = 1 year) the Moon arrived to a harmonious aspect to his natal Venus... On the other hand, he has Saturn - older brother ~ William~ in his 3rd- sending a disharmonious aspect to his career. His health is ruled by Mercury, and that is bad in H8... I would send him to a check up... Also directed Mercury shows William's wife ~ Kate~ and that too is bad news.. being in the 8th.. 
Note, that his Sun is at 22 Virgo, and in 2 years Progress. Jupiter will square it...Jupiter rules H12, and from H6 is not the best position. 

September 14, 2024 Saturday
The USA yesterday, again up, but no new highs ! 
DJI: top was 41585
S&P top was 5651.37
IXIC top was 18671 in July;
so, until these levels are not reached; we are still adjusting stops given previously and waiting. 
The world awaits the USA interest rate announcement on the 18th. 
Here is what I wrote in August, 24th:
 " The interest rate will be announced on 9/18; under an Aries Moon, so yes, it might be an aggressive one, because of the Moon, but at 10 am NY time Mercury is in exact opposition Saturn, a position that can block this aggressiveness. But also on a good fixed star, Achernar, ( positive for it ). At the same time, Venus (banks, forex, is in opposition Chiron at 22*) that is bad news for some banks on the other hand it will conjunct a positive fixed star, Arcturus...

Here are the aspects for Sept 18-21: Sun 120^ Uranus - sudden event +Moon 90 Mars too."


Then, in August, the people thought the Fed will lower by 25% 
Today it is almost equal between 25- to 50% 
This is now the forecast: 
21:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - 1st Yr (Q3)  4.1%
21:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - 2nd Yr (Q3)  3.1%
21:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - 3rd Yr (Q1)  2.9%
21:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - Current (Q3)  5.1%
21:00  USDInterest Rate Projection - Longer (Q3)  2.8%
21:00  USDFOMC Economic Projections     
21:00  USDFOMC Statement     
21:00  USDFed Interest Rate Decision 5.25%5.50%

Don't forget, we are in September, and it is always a weak month... 
What can we expect for the next very important week ?
pls.sign up for the forecast...👀👀👀👀

September 13, 2024 Friday
The USA yesterday: went up, but still below the last top! 
Fear and greed: still shows opportunity to buy..
The sky today: 
The Moon will trine the Sun from CAP. We have 5 planets in Earth signs - stability. Moon 60^Saturn; Mercury 150% NN ohoo!! that's bad... Sun squares Jupiter = top and reversal ! Mercury will conjunct Vesta today ! 
13.09.2024  9:52:59 15°38'16"Cap Sextile Saturn
13.09.2024 14:30:14 18°15'15"Cap Square Venus
13.09.2024 20:00:26 21°23'33"Cap Trine Sun
ORCL: is the rising star now... Yearly target is set to 167; but in premarket it's already 172.
Sometimes I wonder if a share is "shooting blanks" or it's real... So, what we should do, if you have any shares in your portfolio, is to check, the fundamentals... I have to say, that I never bothers with this, because I was only looking at the graphs and astrology influences; but if you ask AI; which is so handy nowadays, that you can get a grasp of the share you hold. 
So, for example: I asked AI: 
where can I find a table of different shares how much they worth and how high is their debt?
ChatGPT said:

You can find tables showing the value of different shares and their debt levels from several sources, including:

  1. Yahoo Finance:

    • Search for the specific stock symbol.
    • Under the "Statistics" tab, you can find debt-related data, including total debt, debt-to-equity ratio, and market capitalization.
  2. MarketWatch:

    • Provides financial summaries for individual stocks, including their current value and debt.
  3. Morningstar:

    • Offers detailed reports with balance sheet information (including debt) and stock prices. Some data might require a subscription.
  4. TradingView:

    • You can find share price charts and access financials, including debt levels, under the "Financials" section.
  5. Google Finance:

    • Offers a summary of stock values, but for detailed debt information, you might need to explore the company’s financials.
  6. Company Annual Reports:

    • Publicly traded companies often include their debt levels in annual or quarterly reports, available on their websites.

Would you like help with a specific stock or more detailed guidance on using any of these platforms?

You said: ORCL ?

As of September 12, 2024, Oracle Corporation (ORCL) is trading at $161.38 per share, with a market cap of approximately $435.54 billion. Oracle has seen significant growth over the past year, rising nearly 49% in that period.

Oracle’s debt metrics show a **Debt-to-Equity ratio of 7.50**, indicating that the company holds a considerable amount of debt relative to its equity. This is a decrease from previous years when its ratio was higher, signaling some improvement. The company’s **Debt/EBITDA ratio is 3.67**, implying that Oracle’s earnings are about 3.67 times its debt
For more details, including the company's financials and stock trends, you can explore Oracle's performance on financial websites like Yahoo Finance and TradingView.


On the other hand, if I ask about FORD??!!! 

As of September 2024, Ford's stock (F) is trading at approximately $10.32 per share. The company's debt situation includes a debt-to-equity ratio of 2.1, indicating a moderate leverage level. Ford's total debt was around $140 billion, with much of this debt managed through its Ford Credit division. The company's upcoming debt payments for 2024-2025 are significant, totaling around $58 billion. Despite these obligations, Ford has maintained a strong liquidity position with over $29 billion in cash reserves, indicating a manageable financial situation.

FORD: what will happen to all those employees??? 

GM: IF they don't come up with an AI, they are doomed !
General Motors (GM) currently has a debt level of around $80 billion when including both secured and unsecured debt, with net debt (after cash holdings) sitting at approximately $35 billion. GM has a significant amount of liquidity, with over $90 billion available as of the third quarter of 2023, which is sufficient to cover all its debt obligations through 2026.

In terms of stock performance, GM's share price is influenced by factors such as its restructuring efforts, including job cuts, and its ongoing developments in electric vehicles (EVs)


Toyota's stock price is around $176.18 as of recent data. The company has a significant debt burden, with total debt reported at approximately $241.84 billion as of June 2024. This makes it one of the most indebted companies globally, with net debt reaching about $186 billion

TM: from 1972 till 2024: 

Stop now 166- target 234.

SO, how can we use this info? check if the debt of a company is higher than the income, if it is, it's going to bankruptcy... and forget about it.. ( Thanks to Micha, who drew my attention to this)./ 

September 12, 2024 Thursday

Yesterday it took 2 hours, till 11 am NY time, to "digest" the CPI outcome...or did they wait for the Moon to move off the killer 22 deg. ?
Yesterday we had a Venus 150^ Saturn - made a W, and up; however, it should go to 5576, to be able to go higher! 
Yesterday was also 337 trading days from former low; interesting, 337 always pops up in a reversal day! ( 334 days is the Heliocentric cycle of Venus/Mars).
SO what's new today? till the PPI is announced ? The Moon moved to Capricorn, she will cool down yesterday's enthusiasm, imho..Sun 90^ Jupiter, that can mark a culmination and reversal; Mercury 60^ Mars; 
TA35: it's 120 days from 5/15/24; the close was 2033; trade range will be 2038-41-48-67.
PLTR: it's 89 weeks from the low ! be careful there!
SPY : should go to 559 and higher, otherwise, it will make a triple top and fall. 
QQQ: 9/10 STOP WAS 452; NOW 468 ! TARGET 473, FAILING,== SHORT ! 
After hours: 
AVGO: we went long above 140- target 164- failing....= short 
I made

this video for a Telegram member, who went long on GBPCAD: so I had to look at it ! 
15:15  EURDeposit Facility Rate (Sep)3.50%3.50%3.75%
15:15  EURECB Marginal Lending Facility3.90%4.50%
15:15  EURECB Monetary Policy Statement     
15:15  EURECB Interest Rate Decision (Sep)3.65%3.65%4.25%


15:30  USDPPI ex. Food/Energy/Transport (MoM) (Aug)0.3%0.2%0.3%
15:30  USDPPI ex. Food/Energy/Transport (YoY) (Aug)3.3% 3.2%
15:30  USDContinuing Jobless Claims1,850K1,850K1,845K
15:30  USDCore PPI (MoM) (Aug)0.3%0.2%-0.2%
15:30  USDCore PPI (YoY) (Aug)2.4%2.5%2.4%
15:30  USDInitial Jobless Claims230K227K228K
15:30  USDJobless Claims 4-Week Avg.230.75K 230.25K
15:30  USDPPI (YoY) (Aug)1.7%1.8%2.1%
15:30  USDPPI (MoM) (Aug)0.2%0.1%0.1%

September 11, 2024 Wednesday
Today is a sad historical day, the Twin Towers; remember?? 
Meanwhile we have: 
09:00  GBPU.K. Construction Output (YoY) (Jul)-1.6%-1.0%-1.7%
09:00  GBPConstruction Output (MoM) (Jul)-0.4%0.4%0.5%
09:00  GBPGDP (MoM) (Jul)0.0%0.2%0.0%
09:00  GBPGDP (YoY) (Jul)1.2%1.4%0.7%
09:00  GBPIndex of Services0.6%0.6%0.8%
09:00  GBPIndustrial Production (YoY) (Jul)-1.2%-0.2%-1.4%
09:00  GBPIndustrial Production (MoM) (Jul)-0.8%0.3%0.8%

and, waiting for the CPI
15:30  USDCore CPI (MoM) (Aug) 0.2%0.2%
15:30  USDCore CPI (YoY) (Aug) 3.2%3.2%
15:30  USDCore CPI Index (Aug)  318.87
15:30  USDCPI (MoM) (Aug) 0.2%0.2%
15:30  USDCPI (YoY) (Aug) 2.5%2.9%

The sky today: 
9:26: The Moon and Sun are at 19* and in square!! that's a sign for fight, quarrels, what now? Picking on silly details, and discovering lies... 
at the time of the announcement: Venus ( money, Banks, forex) will be in exact inconjunct to Saturn ( bad) and the Moon at 22^
Till I record a video about the RUT2000; here are some thoughts: 
RUT2000 daily with previous CPI: 
Making life easier, with GPT: I asked for the first 20 biggest market cap shares in the Russell:
The largest companies by market capitalization in the Russell 2000 are considered small-cap, typically under $2 billion in value. As of recent data, some of the top companies by market cap in the Russell 2000 include:

1. **Super Micro Computer, Inc. (SMCI)** - A tech company known for its advanced server technology and has been a significant player in the Russell 2000.
2. **ShockWave Medical (SWAV)** - A leader in medical devices, focusing on cardiovascular care, contributing to its rising market cap.
3. **Roku Inc. (ROKU)** - Though known primarily for its media streaming devices, it is one of the largest stocks in this index.
4. **Crocs, Inc. (CROX)** - A global leader in innovative casual footwear, which has gained substantial market cap.
5. **Novavax Inc. (NVAX)** - A biotech company, especially known during the pandemic for its COVID-19 vaccine efforts.

These companies represent some of the higher market capitalizations in the Russell 2000, but their positions can fluctuate with regular rebalancing and market movements
Here are some of the largest companies by market capitalization in the Russell 2000 for 2024:

1. **Sarepta Therapeutics (SRPT)** – Biotechnology.
2. **Deckers Outdoor Corporation (DECK)** – Apparel and accessories.
3. **Bio-Techne Corporation (TECH)** – Biotechnology and life sciences.
4. **Novavax, Inc. (NVAX)** – Biotechnology focused on vaccines.
5. **New York Mortgage Trust (NYMT)** – Real estate investment trust.
6. **Exact Sciences Corporation (EXAS)** – Cancer screening and diagnostic tests.
7. **Axis Capital Holdings (AXS)** – Insurance.
8. **Lantheus Holdings (LNTH)** – Medical imaging products.
9. **Valvoline Inc. (VVV)** – Automotive services and lubricants.
10. **Chemed Corporation (CHE)** – Health care services.
11. **Reata Pharmaceuticals (RETA)** – Pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.
12. **AMC Entertainment Holdings (AMC)** – Entertainment.
13. **RH (Restoration Hardware)** – Home furnishings.
14. **Cognex Corporation (CGNX)** – Machine vision systems.
15. **PBF Energy Inc. (PBF)** – Petroleum refining.

These stocks reflect sectors like biotechnology, energy, and real estate, emphasizing the diversity within the Russell 2000 index
2) I put them in a table ..not all the above was found in 
their monthly performance.... 
Next, I ran TS with various tools; only to get different outcome; the major low of the Russell was on 10.10.2002 at 324.90; calculating with excel future targets: I got:  2085 support, target 2118. 
For a more detailed analysis, pls. order it on PP - for 3 months $95. thanks. 

 - Russell analysis for the CPI today : 
15:30  USDCore CPI (MoM) (Aug)0.3%0.2%0.2%
15:30  USDCore CPI (YoY) (Aug)3.2%3.2%3.2%
15:30  USDCore CPI Index (Aug)319.77318.87
15:30  USDCPI (MoM) (Aug)0.2%0.2%0.2%
15:30  USDCPI (YoY) (Aug)2.5%2.5%2.9%

Crude oil : historical and hysterical support at 62.-63 !! 

September 10, 2024 Tuesday
USA yesterday: brought the bulls out - in expectation the reducing the interest rates on the 18th...
MAGS 7 biggest volume = NVDA
Technology group reversal
NVDA: 3RD in market cap
Fear and greed was 39, now 43

TA35: must stay above 2030 in order to go to 2037; otherwise, short!
Apple launches iPhone 16 with Apple Intelligence
Top = 232, low 216- now that is support for long; however, it is still below July top! and made lower highs... so I don't see any extra enthusiasm there... 

In 11 days fell by 22.7% - stop now 101 - but I don't see it going above 116!
AVGO: in 18 days fell by 21.76% - there is a huge gap to be closed, Stop is 140 - long above. 
Insiders selling : CAVA, PLTR etc 
ORCL: stop is $140- long if above
Natural Gas thoughts: 60 min chart- it's a long if above 2.20- but the target is 2.35- so not much food there! 
UNG: one that trades the GAS... fell from 137 to 13??!!! 
IWM compared to the BTC: all these chart are discussed on my Telegram group.. 
 QQQ: STOP= 452
ORCL: WILL open with a gap up, that's something I would never buy, unless, you guys are lucky and are already holding, so 150 is stop. 
$150 - holds , target 168 

September 9, 2024 Monday
Today trade starts in the world. The futures, now at 8 am- are green; they can change as hours pass. It is a day ruled by Saturn and the Moon; and she is in the sign of money, Scorpio. Saturn is R; moved back to 15* degree. 
Asia now: these are green, but still below the last top...
For the S&P: it's a CIT day from 7/16; 
For the BTC: yesterday was CIT; next to watch : 9/12/19/22/29.
As posted below: BTC made reversals on the dates I said : 

TA35: trade range today - up from 2040 to 46-55.
12:35 so far ran up to 2046 and fell: 

September 8, 2024 Sunday 
It is a day ruled by Neptune! For TA35: it is 55 days from 7/15/24 and 144 days from 4/17/24. So we have more than enough signals for a CIT day. As I pointed out yesterday, we will see a gap down, not only due to the arbitrage, but also to bad planetary positions..
Mercury is " in charge" today, sending several bad aspects to slow, outer planets... That's bad news... Mercury is also at 28Leo- so during these 2-3 days it will conjunct Trump's Asc- and Regulus... let's watch the news !
meanwhile I am running the DX; so far I found, that when Saturn is in Mutable signs, like now, in Pisces, the DX falls. 

Saturn’s presence in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) has historically coincided with significant shifts in the US dollar’s strength. Here are key periods when Saturn was in these signs:

  • Pisces: May 1993 - April 1996, March 2023 - March 2026 (current)
  • Sagittarius: November 2014 - December 2017
  • Virgo: September 2007 - October 2009
  • Gemini: June 2001 - June 2003

During these times, the US dollar showed vulnerability, often aligning with economic shifts or instability.

I am searching which cycle works the best for it, besides this.. 
DX: from 142 cycles 8 are working - try these to see where is the USD going ? 
Mars and Venus Helio H18 work the best! 
NVDA:  stop was 127; next it closed the gap at 113- and you still didn't sell longs, look into the mirror and slap yourself..I post these graphs and thoughts for free!!! why why ??? you cry now ?
TSLA: I wrote: for intraday stop was 233.28- we closed longs; for swing traders, the stop was 228 - it fell to 210- if you didn't sell, look in the mirror, and ask yourself why why ?
AVGO: SENT TO subscribers: stop = 167- if you didn't sell, next stop was 157- now you are crying ?

Fear and greed index : 9/724
TA35: I wrote on Friday it will go to 2046; and it did...the low was 2037.41

September 7, 2024 Saturday: 
USA Yesterday: 
S&P: check out Sept.5th post- I wrote 2 gaps must close... yesterday one was closed
1 week performance: 
Biggest market cap shares: 

The sky for the next week: 
We open on Sunday with the Moon is Scorpio; gaining in light, getting bigger as she departs from the Sun; Mercury at 28*Leo, ~150~ to Neptune... watch out for some fake news. Venus at 11Libra, rules the sign, so it's strong, but has the Lilith in conjunction - watch out for Forex, banking news...Venus is on it's way to trine Jupiter on the 15th. Before the 15th, Moon will be in Aquarius, so I expect a major low between 13-16/9
Here are the Moon's aspects for the coming week:
 8.09.2024 16:37:09 15°59'55"Sco Trine Saturn
 8.09.2024 17:28:46 16°25'40"Sco Sextile Sun
 9.09.2024 14:58:10 27°13'50"Sco Opposition Uranus
 9.09.2024 18:07:00 28°49'38"Sco Trine Neptune
 9.09.2024 20:11:16 29°52'49"Sco Sextile Pluto
 9.09.2024 20:25:23  0°00'00"Sgr <<<
 9.09.2024 21:49:33  0°42'52"Sgr Square Mercury
11.09.2024  1:47:47 15°09'49"Sgr Sextile Venus
11.09.2024  3:01:57 15°48'43"Sgr Square Saturn
11.09.2024  9:05:28 19°00'14"Sgr Square Sun
11.09.2024 11:06:50 20°04'29"Sgr Opposition Jupiter
12.09.2024  3:20:22 28°45'46"Sgr Square Neptune
12.09.2024  5:37:22  0°00'00"Cap <<<
12.09.2024 13:56:21  4°32'19"Cap Opposition Mars
12.09.2024 14:35:40  4°53'54"Cap Trine Mercury
13.09.2024  9:52:59 15°38'16"Cap Sextile Saturn
13.09.2024 14:30:14 18°15'15"Cap Square Venus
13.09.2024 20:00:26 21°23'33"Cap Trine Sun
14.09.2024  6:03:54 27°11'29"Cap Trine Uranus
14.09.2024  8:39:43 28°42'07"Cap Sextile Neptune
14.09.2024 10:34:37 29°49'10"Cap Conjunction Pluto
14.09.2024 10:53:10  0°00'00"Aqr <<<
15.09.2024 21:04:57 20°26'02"Aqr Trine Jupiter
15.09.2024 22:08:59 21°05'07"Aqr Trine Venus
16.09.2024  8:03:46 27°10'05"Aqr Square Uranus
16.09.2024 12:38:46  0°00'00"Psc <<<
TA35: for tomorrow: the arbitrage is - 1.18%; if it closed at 2071; it will open with a gap down to 2046; former low was 2036... breaking that level, double short. 
USD/ILS: I have Call 3.725; should go to 300- 375- 440; ( closed at 123).
Changes in the S&P: shares that are kicked out, and that are added: PLTR + DELL
DELL: Beta = 2.13  means moves. this faster that the S&P - for good or worse 
IMHO. it's a short below 108. 
PLTR: ran up from 6 to 33; Stop = 30

September 6, 2024 Friday
USA yesterday; again, started high and declined during the day:
Futures now: 8:19 am mostly red
Look out for the FED announcements: before market opens!! 
Insiders' sales: UPST< DOCU<PLTR..
Yesterday's earnings
AVGO: lower highs since June 17; ready now for a deeper correction, stop= 157- short below. 
NIO: posted yesterday; now raise stop to 4.8
TSLA is in XLY: other shares are: 
The **XLY** is the ticker symbol for the **Consumer Discretionary Select Sector SPDR Fund**, an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that tracks the performance of the **consumer discretionary sector** of the S&P 500. This sector includes companies that produce goods and services considered non-essential but desirable by consumers, such as retailers, auto manufacturers, entertainment, and leisure companies.

Here are some of the top holdings in the **XLY ETF**:

1. ** Inc. (AMZN)** – E-commerce and cloud computing giant.
2. **Tesla Inc. (TSLA)** – Electric vehicle manufacturer.
3. **Home Depot Inc. (HD)** – Home improvement retail company.
4. **McDonald's Corp. (MCD)** – Fast food restaurant chain.
5. **Nike Inc. (NKE)** – Athletic footwear and apparel company.
6. **Lowe's Companies Inc. (LOW)** – Home improvement retailer.
7. **Starbucks Corp. (SBUX)** – Coffeehouse chain.
8. **Booking Holdings Inc. (BKNG)** – Online travel services provider.
9. **TJX Companies Inc. (TJX)** – Retailer of off-price apparel and home goods.
10. **Target Corporation (TGT)** – Discount retail chain.

These are the top holdings, but the **XLY** ETF includes around 60 companies from the consumer discretionary sector, with a focus on industries such as retail, automotive, leisure, and services.
XLY: should go above the mid channel to go higher
MBLY: Last time I posted about it was in 7/25- we went short below 23.6- now it's at 12.63- target 7-2.50
Already 9:30... let me check the sky: oh... Moon in Libra! market can go either sides...the Fed ann. is at 8:30 NY time- let me see; it will be under Merc. ( ruler of H6 - workers)~90^~Ura. surprise !! unexpected events, very fluctuating.... next Merc 45^ Lilith- bad news. Sun 135^ Pluto = bad, Sun 180 Saturn...Neptune at Ura/Pl MP !! wawa !! 
many sites tell you, that they invest using AI... well, I asked this, and these are the answers, but after checking each and every one in the list, I wouldn't put 1$ in them!!
Here are five stocks that are undervalued and have experienced a high volume surge over the last three days:

1. **Golden Entertainment Inc. (GDEN)** - Consumer discretionary sector, showing strong volume growth and a low P/E ratio of 3.31【15†source】.
2. **Seneca Foods Corp. (SENEB)** - In the consumer staples sector, it has seen significant volume gains with a P/E ratio of 7.96【15†source】.
3. **Banco Macro S.A. (BMA)** - A financial stock from Argentina, currently undervalued and experiencing high recent volume【15†source】.
4. **CRESUD (CRESY)** - A materials stock, with a strong rally on high volume in the past few days【15†source】【16†source】.
5. **Diversified Energy Company (DEC)** - An energy stock with a very low P/E ratio, performing well recently with increased volume【15†source】.

These companies have all demonstrated high trading volumes recently, suggesting growing interest.
I watched till 4 am the "Little women":- where the "Blue Orchid" comes up.. read about it !! it's fascinating.. and the serial is a must see 
I wonder, which instrument brings a tear in your eyes ??? I am an Aquarius, so this site tells me, the Saxophone.. 

September 5, 2024 Thursday 
USA yesterday, there was an upside try to correct the last falls, but it didn't last; But even so, the Bull were 60%/ bears 40%.
Best performer was the XLU: 
last time I posted XLU was in March and May, I wrote it's a buy above 61.50 Yesterday it reached 1.786% = 77.20; we can move the stop to 76.
XLE: Energy was the worst; only above 90.30 it'll be a long. 
The sky today: the most important move is that of Mars to Cancer... I already wrote yesterday in a FB group, that Mars is in it's Fall in Cancer, there is no fire (energy) but smoke, fog, dizziness; what ever happens when fire enters water... like in a if Mars is the "pump" of a rally, not when it's in water sign. Cancer represents our mother, childhood, stomach, home, rules the IC in the chart, so, when Mars is there, it brings a lot of vulnerability, fights, quarrels.
This is what ZET tells Mars in Cancer
  MARS IN CANCER and well-aspected gives a bold, independent and fearless nature with a tendency to rebel against restraint, a home-loving disposition, very industrious and ambitious to gather and protect all things which make for comfort and luxury, so that he is a good provider for the home in every respect. But at the same time people with this aspect aim to exercise unrestricted authority over everything and everybody within the home. They tolerate no other authority there. This position makes the temper rather uncertain and gives a tendency and a desire for change of occupation, so that the person never really settles down to one line of endeavor but takes up a number of vocations and drops them suddenly. If Mars is afflicted in Cancer it brings domestic troubles, frequent and violent scenes and quarrels in the home with a tendency to move frequently from one place to another; inflammatory diseases of the stomach, and digestive ailments, also accidents by fire in the home through recklessness or carelessness."
The first planet Mars aspects is Pluto- with a 150^ = bad...
The Moon in Virgo is conjunct the SN = bad;
Venus 90^ Ceres - check out the grains ! 
Let's look around, what's happening in the world? 8:19 now, Asia is trading: 
These are green: 
JKSE: makes a new ATH; I mentioned the indices with ATH; in my former article!! Also, you can sign up for the next 3 months' forecast for $95 to know when and when trade.. 
Indian Rupee: Indian central bank likely selling dollars to prevent rupee from dipping past 84, traders say.

Most of the indices topped between 8/30-9/2 - and are below those levels; so we are short there.
In - under News/Breaking news, you can read a lot...
NVDA: some people thought it reached bottom, and trying their luck, only to be hammered down again : 
NFLX: insiders sell at 680 ! 
You can check who is selling under "
There is a Moon occultation Venus today...
Ta35: closed at 2047; USA futures are light red, support levels are at 2040-39- 23. To the upside: can go to 2053- 58 and close the gap.
SPY: how is it a "Buy" when it's below all MA's? with 2 gaps to be closed!! 
NIO: BUY above 4.1

September 4, 2024 Wednesday
Still thinking about the New Moon position.... This time, here is the Mundane astrocarthography chart, to show you, where the planets run ? 
It is most important the MC- and you can see, that Uranus is still running across Iran. Pluto across East Canada; Mars runs across East India and Calcutta; Neptune across Portugal, Spain, Algeria. So, they show the most vulnerable places...
Traveling to those places, you might need to take these position in account.... of course, depending on your natal chart.. where are your planets running? which places are better to avoid. 
So, yesterday, the New Moon brought a harsh down correction in all markets. Usually the New Moon marks or brings a top for a few days. but not in Virgo.... Virgo checks everything with a magnifying glass, is very criticizing, nothing escapes it's "eyes".... goes down to the smallest detail, it's really a pain... What we have to do now, market wise, will the indices, shares fall below the last low ?
If you kept the stops as posted in the previous article, on 8/31; you gained big time!
Let's look at the DIA: which made ATH: previous lows were 8/28; 22, 12 ,07, 05. these are now the targets, Breaking one, will fall to the next. 
Astrologically, remember, that Mercury turned R on 8/5; at 4*♍; it will be back at the same degree on 9/13. will the indices retreat to 8/5 ~ ish levels ?? 
Meanwhile we will have MARS entering Cancer. Today and yesterday MARS was conjunct Betelgeuse: means" Great fortune and fame, especially military success, but associated with calamities, danger, and violence"
The train in the Time Tunnel was shrieking yesterday, and will today too- if you built the Excel table I am talking about for years, you know... 
The biggest loser yesterday was the Technology group: 
Nasdaq: First trade date: Feb 8, 1971; running TS to see what's happening. the first thing I see, natal Sun is at 19 Aqua, and tr. Jupiter too- 19 Gemini... that's a trine that shows a culmination and fall. Next: natal Saturn at 16* Tau gets a sextile from tr. Saturn at 16 Pisc. R !! no need to look further. 
Mark Zuckerberg is selling every day a few millions... is he afraid, he'll go  to jail or what ? FB is spying on us all
market caps: the 10 biggest: 
TA35: that gap will not bel closed to fast.. 
GOLD: when to buy, / sell - time is right for a subscription, for only $95 for 3 months ! 

NVDA: ran up from 98 to 131- last stop published in my blog was 127- close longs, and go short, If you can; if not stay out and wait. $113 was the midpoint of that rally' last chance to cash out.. now at 108- target is 100- maybe the fall will stop there, and will be again a buy. Below 98- double short.

SOXX: WE closed longs at 260 ! Now we are short below 210-217- ~!~

Mars in Cancer is in it's Fall- expect to affect in a bad way - like pipe lines , water trouble at your home, quarrels and fights at home. Try to avoid them, it will harm your stomach..

September 3, 2024 Tuesday
For Israel, this New Moon falls in the 11th house, which emphasizes more, what I wrote above- social issues, since it is the house of Aquarius.. from transit Mars to Pluto, all trigger a planet or, more, in the natal chart, so turmoil is upbuilding.. The Sun ( Netanyahu) got tr. Uranus conjunct for more than 18 months' now...if I take only 3-4 degrees orb... Uranus will make him uncomfortable ( the less I can say) till June 2026.. The Moon ~ people ( 4 Leo ) and Venus ( banks, at 4 Cancer; will be triggered in 2025-26, when those slow planets will ingress to new signs; Mars (army, police, firefighters) at 28^ Leo- gets also all the aspects from the transits.. Saturn, that can block events is in exact inconjunct (bad) to natal Saturn and in R! But, in Pisces, which dissolves the gov... so there is some hope at the end of the tunnel. 
The futures now: after long week end in the USA: are red
Top cryptos: open the month at these levels:

TA35: is bouncing between 2086-89. Once it broke 2086- target now is 2070-67-63. 
I am checking now how did TA35 "behave" under a Virgo New Moon? I got a 50-50% answer, so we cannot rely on that... Also Mars in Cancer cycle doesn't work, not for the TA35, or S&P or Dow..
Shekel: fell for 133 days and ran up for 180- target now is 3.733-3.82 3700 should go to at least 440-500- the low was 92. 
TA35: FELL TO 2058 AND CLOSED AT 2061.. Stop for tomorrow 2059 , targets: 56-49-46-40
You are missing a lot of graphs and conversations if you are still not in the group on Telegram ~
