New Moon in Scorpio , 2024 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology by Gabriella Mittelman

 Between November 1, - December 1, 2024

 Thanks for following me from  The New Moon in Libra, 2024   You can read about me here

Please, always read carefully the former articles, nothing stands alone, events are always based on former events.

The New Moon in Scorpio falls on Halloween; and in the 8th House, for GMT+2; this has triple meaning... I am not sure how many know what Halloween represents; check it out.. but to have it in the 8th house of death, just underlines the events that are to happen. (Sadly). The New Moon is at 9*, which is a SAG. degree, representing the law and foreign affairs; also high education, foreign trips. The Sun and Moon in Scorpio are ruled by Pluto and Mars and they are now in opposition. Pluto is at 0 Aqua. while Mars is just about to enter Leo; fire in fire element, it will be strong and destructive. Mind you, Pluto was in Aquarius only between Dec 2, 1778 - Jan 2, 1799. We must check what happened in the world during those 21 years.
Mercury, during this Lunar month, will move from 28Sco to 20 Sag, and it will be already in R. More about this period when time comes.
Venus moves from 17 Sag. to 23 Cap;
Mars , as notes above, moves to Leo.
Jupiter, Saturn to Pluto are all in R, and don't move much.
Better see this Geocentric table, that shows when are planets entering a new sign and their aspects: 
I also made a NY calendar with TS: adding a lot of parameters that ZET cannot show simultaneously, like Helio transits, declinations, etc. you can see how "busy" is the sky on the 5th
When Mercury is in aspect to Neptune, fraud, fake news, espionage, false news, elevate. And that's where they are right now:
Calendar: N.Y. time 

Forecast services:

Alert service for world indices, commodities and Cryptos with stops and targets:
For 2 indices you choose $60/per month+ 5% PayPal fees. ( minimum 3 months subscription you will receive 1-2 alerts per week)
For 3 : $75/m " "
For 4 : $100/month. " "
*Natal chart reading: $430, ( + 5% PP ) for 1 year forecast.
*The yearly forecast report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $365 for a year.

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If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts and you wish to study, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".(10 meetings, $7500 lot of homework! If interested will send syllabus )
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You might want to click "interesting, cool" at the top of the article and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind. 

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December 2, 2024 Monday, 
Pls. follow me to the new article: New Moon in SAG 2024
December 1, 2024 Sunday 
The sky is blue, it will be a warm day today; so it gives high spirits... Surely, my friends who enjoy the white snow abroad are enjoying that too! I remember, how happy we were when it snowed... What a nice smell in the air.. But, where I live now, we seldom have snow; but not far from here, 1 hour drive, in Jerusalem there is snow sometimes.. well. more often. The Hermon mountains are already under heavy snow, but it's closed to visitors, due to the war. Not only Israel-Hezbollah war ( by the way, they say, there is a cease fire..) but now a new war is escalating in Syria.. Thanks God, we are not a part of it. By the way, Assad has been in Moscow for some months now... so funny how he can supervise, on Zoom ? lol.... the war. 
So, we wave good bye to November 2024; and welcome December. 
Cryptos that rallied most in the last 7 days ( some with no market cap ~ lol ) Never heard of them, don't trade them either.. 
Asia best performers were: 
Europe best performers ( incl. Israel) 
USA: best performers: 
Today we have the New Moon, so as usual, I will start a new article: New Moon in SAG., 2024~ with the Moon conjunct Antares fixed star, at 9 SAG. 
Antares (21 Alpha Scorpii  m 0.96)
Heart of the Scorpion
Keywords: A Royal Star. The Archangel Oriel, the Watcher of the West. Spirit of adventure, obstinacy, injuries to eyes, honours, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages
Effect: Fortunate
Character: Mars/Jupiter/ Mercury
November 30, 2024 Saturday 
It's 9:25 am, the sky is blue, I will be going to the beach later... but before that, let's look at December.. Everybody expects a rally, at least in the last week of Dec. X-mas rally... here is the Geocentric calendar for December. 
the two longest aspect ( and I use 1 deg. orb !! only) is a minor one between Sun-Venus; and an important and strong square between Jupiter-Saturn. So immediately I had to run TS, to see what happened before? when these 2 were in square... well it happened only in 2016 and then the S&P consolidated. 
Former Jupiter 90^ Saturn was in August, then the index rallied up by 500points. 
so, a closer look can give a better perspective. 
Aspects till Dec 5: 
Begin: 1.12.2024  Period: 1 month  (GMT+2)
                               Aspect Exact
Moon   120 Mars           1.12.2024  1:23
Moon    45 Venus          1.12.2024  5:08
Sun     135 Eris           1.12.2024  8:08
Moon   135 Eris           1.12.2024  8:20
Sun   0 Moon  1.12.2024  8:21 New Moon in SAG
Moon   90 Saturn         1.12.2024 14:49
Moon   45 Pluto          1.12.2024 19:15
Moon   60 Vesta          1.12.2024 21:26
Moon  180 Jupiter        1.12.2024 22:45
Moon 120 Chiron         2.12.2024  3:05
Moon    0 Mercury        2.12.2024  3:28
Moon  135 Mars           2.12.2024  6:14
Mercury 120 Chiron         2.12.2024  8:16
Moon  120 Eris           2.12.2024 12:52
Moon  150 Uranus         2.12.2024 13:02
Venus  90 Eris           2.12.2024 15:09
Venus 120 Uranus         2.12.2024 16:43
Moon   90 Neptune        2.12.2024 17:47
Dec 3rd: Mars stationary = strong ! at 6 Leo
Jupiter 120 Vesta          3.12.2024  2:14
Moon   90 S.Node         3.12.2024  6:44
Moon   90 Node           3.12.2024  6:44
Moon 150 Mars           3.12.2024 10:30
Moon  135 Uranus         3.12.2024 16:57
Moon   60 Saturn         3.12.2024 23:16
Mercury 60 Vesta          4.12.2024  0:58
Moon  150 Jupiter        4.12.2024  6:13
Moon   90 Vesta          4.12.2024  7:30
Moon   90 Chiron         4.12.2024 10:52
Mercury  180 Jupiter        4.12.2024 12:16
Sun   90 Saturn         4.12.2024 18:18
Moon   90 Eris           4.12.2024 20:24
Moon  120 Uranus         4.12.2024 20:24
Venus   60 Neptune        4.12.2024 20:52
Moon    60 Neptune        5.12.2024  1:09
Moon     0 Venus          5.12.2024  1:34
Moon   45 Saturn         5.12.2024  2:46
Sun   45 Moon           5.12.2024  3:27
Moon  0 Pluto          5.12.2024  6:56
Moon  45 Mercury        5.12.2024  7:31
Moon 135 Jupiter        5.12.2024  9:15
Moon  120 S.Node         5.12.2024 13:00
Moon    60 Node           5.12.2024 13:00
Mercury 45 Pluto          5.12.2024 13:02
Venus  45 Saturn         5.12.2024 15:40
Moon  180 Mars           5.12.2024 17:28
Dec. 11: Mars Retro !!
Below is the heliocentric aspect for the month:
Actual aspects
Begin: 1.12.2024  Period: 1 month  (GMT+2)
                               Aspect Exact
Mercury  45 Neptune        1.12.2024  5:31
Earth   45 Eris           1.12.2024 18:06
Node     45 Eris           1.12.2024 21:05
Mercury  45 Venus          1.12.2024 23:12
Mercury       60 Saturn         2.12.2024  0:58
Mercury       45 Mars           2.12.2024  5:58
Mercury        0 Uranus         3.12.2024  3:04
Mercury      120 Vesta          3.12.2024  7:08
Venus         90 Mars           3.12.2024  9:13
Mercury       60 Neptune        3.12.2024 16:51
Mercury      120 Pluto          4.12.2024  2:40
Mercury       45 Chiron         4.12.2024 22:49
Mercury       60 Venus          5.12.2024  5:48
Mercury       45 Eris           5.12.2024 11:08
Mercury        0 Node           6.12.2024  3:37
Earth          0 Mercury        6.12.2024  4:12
Venus         45 Uranus         6.12.2024 10:17
Mercury        0 Jupiter        6.12.2024 10:34
Mercury      135 Pluto          6.12.2024 12:02
Mercury       90 Saturn         6.12.2024 21:20
As for the astrocarthography: Uranus is still crossing Iran - 
Another look at the S&P with the Helio ephemeris: 
Getting to the point !!! if the S&P closed at 6032 the support now is at 6029/ 5999. If above, then up target is the upper channel line or 6038-45-55-59.
Let's see when was, previously Mars in Leo and in R: 
closer look: 10% fall

so, keep the stop I gave you above... the purple line is 20 MA.

November 28, 2025 Thursday
I fell like time is accelerating is a a subjective feeling ? Only yesterday was Monday, and we are already closing the week..
Yesterday in the USA: some weakness, but looking at the larger picture, they are consolidating... I mean no highs or lows broke
Planetary positions for the next 3 days :
Actual aspects
Begin: 28.11.2024 Period: 3 days (GMT+2)
Aspect Exact : Thanks giving
Moon 75 Venus 28.11.2024 11:47
Moon 150 Node 28.11.2024 12:12
Moon 30 S.Node 28.11.2024 12:12
Moon 90 Mars 28.11.2024 13:49
Sun 30 Moon 28.11.2024 16:05
Moon 45 Mercury 28.11.2024 16:42
early close in the USA
Moon 135 Neptune 29.11.2024 2:43
Moon 120 Saturn 29.11.2024 4:06
Moon P^ Uranus 29.11.2024 4:15
Venus 165 Mars 29.11.2024 10:20
Moon 150 Jupiter 29.11.2024 13:07
Moon 135 Node 29.11.2024 17:47
Moon 45 S.Node 29.11.2024 17:47
Moon P^ Mars 29.11.2024 18:26
Moon 60 Venus 29.11.2024 20:51
Sun P Moon 29.11.2024 20:57
Moon 30 Mercury 29.11.2024 21:13
Mercury 30 Venus 29.11.2024 23:26

November 27, 2025 Wednesday
Only yesterday I posted on FB why it is a bad day to make agreements or sign anything ( forgot to post it here ) and today we read, that the cease fire with Lebanon starts as of 4 am today... So here is the chart of the moment : explanations are on the chart. 
I know, I should be celebrating, but seeing all the planetary positions, I only can think about a " postponement" of the events... War will start again when the a/m planets turn Direct. IMHO. Not that I wish for it.. 
I know... I have  too many asteroids featured in the chart... but they give a second and third layer to see what is really going on... Like asteroid Pinocchio ( which is on B.N. 's Asc.. is in H10, conjunct Pandora and Karma... and Look at IXION ( wrote about it several days ago, it's the " lawless, or someone above the law" is in H2 ( mind you, in B.N.'s chart is right on his Libra stellium) so this shows, he does as he pleases, when and how... 
Anyway.. let' s look at the markets.
DJI: made all time high ( ATH). Gaps are still open. New up target is 45790
IXIC: stop was at 19020 - topped at 19170; it should go above it today to make a new ATH ( last top was 19366.
S&P: stop was 5978- made a new ATH  at 6021. Target is 6084.
XAU/USD ( wrote in Telegram grp yesterday, stop was 2610- target 2630) - now at 2647- so move stop to 2642. , target 2653-70 
Sign up for the forecasts now!! see how long this rally lasts! 
Biggest volume was
IDAI: Break out, is a long above 0.277; 
MSTZ: too risky
ELAB: I wouldn't touch it.. 
NVDA: fell ( so far) from 150 to 135; last low was 132.12- stop is 135 now- as long as it is above, it might correct up to 140-142
SMCI: fell, but it is just correcting the rise between Nov 20-25; on the long run, as long as it keeps the 27 - it's a long. 
MARA: same, correcting 11/19-25 rally.
RIVN: That magnet is pulling it down.. lol 
It is now 9:30am, market starts 
Now: 3:pm : topped at 2312 and is falling since.. 


November 26, 2024 Tuesday
Yesterday in the USA: 
DJI: There are 2 gaps to be closed : 15 min 
IXIC : Closed a gap from Nov.22; stop now = 19020
S&P: 15 min : it broke the Gann support, posted yesterday, but in the 15 min chart it is still in an inclining channel , after it closed the Nov 22 gap. so, if above 5978, it might go higher. Last top was 6020 ! 
After hours fall: 
ZM:  made a 2.5% up rally and fell hard yesterday... Zoom is communication, it fell when Mercury is stationary, before R. 

November 25, 2024 Monday 
Today we are on the 36th days before year ends. 
Today, Monday, is ruled by the Moon, which is now at 27*♍; in the chart below we can see, that Venus is the strongest planet today, while the Moon the weakest. Also in the tables, you see that Mercury, Venus and Ceres are OOB.
The other planet that "rules today is Saturn, and that is at 12 Pisces.
This is the aspect grid, maybe easier to use it... Mars trines the Nodes; is the most important aspect now. 
Looking at the Helio centric chart, Mars just entered Cancer ! fire in water... that can't be good for a rally.. so be careful! 
Here is the S&P with Helio Mars in Cancer: 
However, TS finds, that this cycle doesn't work for the S&P
Looking at the Gann Wheel for TA35: from the low of 2024 ( Jan 17 = 1800 ) I marked the support and resistance levels = 2280-88 : also, mark the upcoming CIT days; will be important wo watch. 
The same for the S&P: 

November 24, 2024 Sunday
6 days left from this month. The moon is now at 15^♍, trines Venus at 14.49♑, can these two bring cold weather and heavy rains, as meteorologists forecast for this week ? There are only 2 planets in water, Saturn and Neptune, but they were there for a long time, and there was no rain.. so I don't see it... It is now 8 am, temperature is 20C; so it might be cooler, because of Moon+ Venus, but no rain. Mercury ( winds) at 22 SAG- can bring in some winds and clouds... but Sag is in fire SAG.

Sun (2° Sagittarius)Sagittarius, a fire sign, typically correlates with warm, dry, and sometimes windy conditions. This could suggest an overall trend of rising temperatures or drier weather in areas prone to heat.
This placement could enhance wildfire risks in dry regions.
Moon (15° Virgo)Virgo is an earth sign ruled by Mercury, often associated with steady, cool, and moderate conditions. This Moon position supports calm weather trends with slight fluctuations. However, Virgo can bring precision to weather patterns, indicating sudden localized shifts, such as rain or fog, particularly in areas with agricultural activity.
Mercury (22° Sagittarius)Mercury in Sagittarius aligns with erratic atmospheric changes, such as strong winds and temperature swings. This placement may amplify fire risk when combined with the Sun's influence.
Venus (14° Capricorn)Capricorn is an earth sign, typically suggesting cooler and more stable weather patterns. Venus in this sign often correlates with balanced atmospheric conditions, though it can also point to frosty mornings or light snow in colder regions.
Mars (5° Leo)Mars in Leo, a fire sign, enhances heat and dryness, potentially contributing to warm weather in regions experiencing prolonged sunny conditions. It may also intensify wind activity in affected areas.
Jupiter (18° Gemini)Jupiter in Gemini (an air sign) often increases air movement, leading to windy conditions or stormy weather. As Gemini rules duality, expect variability in temperatures, with sharp rises and falls.
Saturn (12° Pisces)Saturn in Pisces typically correlates with wet and damp weather. This placement might signify prolonged rainfall or water-related concerns, such as flooding in coastal or low-lying areas.
Uranus (24° Taurus)Uranus in Taurus suggests sudden and unpredictable weather events. Earthquakes, storms, or abrupt temperature drops might be possible, particularly in regions influenced by this earth sign.
Neptune (27° Pisces)Neptune in Pisces intensifies water-related phenomena. This placement supports the likelihood of heavy rainfall, mist, or flooding in regions near water bodies. Coastal areas could see significant maritime weather activity.
Pluto (0° Aquarius)Pluto in Aquarius brings transformative and unusual weather patterns. As Aquarius is an air sign, this could manifest as storms, strong winds, or shifts in atmospheric pressure.
BTC: my previous targets were reached, now if above 98770- we will get a new up leg. 
TA35: will open in 1 hour. We have a big, positive arbitrage; the close was at 2260; so, the trade range is between 2260-80; former top was 2272; and if above 2280- then we will see higher levels... Let's see how it goes.
9:06 it's raining... can you believe that ??? incredible.. well, for 5 minutes. My flowers are happy. 
TA35: closed at 2283.22. after a top at 2284.83 my targets reached. 
November 23, 2024 Saturday
the DJI is close to the ATH = 44484.94
the ones in green made new highs..
the biggest rally was in these shares: 
Highest volume in these: 
November 22, 2024 Friday
Yesterday, again, the markets rallied. Now we see bulls = bears.
Today the Sun moved into Sag.- a change of energy. Fire in fire. We also have, still , Mercury in SAG (weak); the NN in Aries, with Eris, Fortuna and Hygiea; and Mars in file Leo with Pandora, Karma and the Moon. We need energy for a further rally, that's why I am looking at planets in fire signs. 
What else is important for today? time... Nov. 22 is 233 days from 4/3/2024; today is a day ruled by Mercury, which will be at 22* Sag!!! today; and Venus, which is at 12 Cap. in sextile with Saturn. 
On this day in history, JFK was assassinated; below is the chart of the event.
He was killed at the age 46; the "Point of Death", at 28 Taurus in the natal chart, is exactly on his "Age point". R.I.P.
Look at his Lunar return chart ( gives a forecast for 1 month) P.o.Murder is in exact opposition his Moon ! 
S&P future: check it out ! it should go above and inside the inclining channel, for a "Thanksgiving" rally; to go to 6200 at least, failing, a correction is possible. 
MSTR: sent to subscribers: keep tight stop, at 521 ! Top was 548; yesterday it fell to 397.
Now, I would lower the stop of short to 430- and be short below; or to 409 - if you think it will reverse. Seeing this news: BTC is due to go higher... because Mr. Saylor, all he does, is buys BTC. 
and, as I write, BTC broke out and up: seems, that the BTC already started it's "Thanksgiving rally:.
Next CIT for MSTR: Nov 22. 26.
November 21, 2024 Thursday: 
BTC break out and rally: as long as it is in the channel it's a long. Targets on the graph.
MSTR: STOP ON 10/23 WAS 232 - Topped so far at 504! 
Yesterday in the USA: rally, but no new ATH: 
In the news: Ellen deGeneres leaves the USA for the UK , for good, because of Trump. I had to make her chart, she is 68, (age adds up to 5, Mercury , an urge for a change) and it's a first time, that I see a Pentagram in a chart! 
Meaning of the Pentagram: 
This is a simpler chart, no asteroids, that I use, we can see the natal Pluto is in her H9! abroad and both in transit and in Lunar return chart they are now aspecting it.. while tr.Mercury is conjunct her Mars+ Saturn in H1. time to move... will she be happy in the UK? with radical Islam rising there? (being a lesbian) because of that Pluto, I doubt it a lot... But wishing her good luck. Her career is ruled by Mercury, at 13 CAP, and in the Lunar return Mercury is in H12; in SAG ( in fall) so, this move will affect her career a lot. 
News in the sky: Sun at 29*♏28; interesting to see the asteroids conjunct to it: Fanale, Ceto, sextile Pluto today; for the next 3-4 days..
The Moon is at 9 Leo, conjunct Mars, Pandora, Pinocchio, Karma and reaching out to the Vertex at 17.59
Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are in the last decanate of their signs...which also points to some weariness, till new energies will come in when they pass into new signs. 
TA35: we have a minor positive arbitrage; but it's weekly expiry today... so market will be nervous.
Fed announcements :
5:30  USDContinuing Jobless Claims  1,873K
15:30  USDInitial Jobless Claims 220K217K
15:30  USDJobless Claims 4-Week Avg.  221.00K
15:30  USDPhiladelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (Nov) 6.310.3

17:00  USDExisting Home Sales (Oct) 3.94M3.84M
17:00  USDUS Leading Index (MoM) (Oct) -0.3%-0.5%

23:30  USDReserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks  3.192T
MSTU : WITH gaps like that, I would be very careful !!!
OKLO: ! 
NIFTY: Fell below, short
15:30  USDContinuing Jobless Claims1,908K1,870K1,872K
15:30  USDInitial Jobless Claims213K220K219K
15:30  USDJobless Claims 4-Week Avg.217.75K 221.50K
15:30  USDPhiladelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (Nov)-5.57.410.3

17:00  USDExisting Home Sales (MoM) (Oct)3.4%-1.3%
17:00  USDExisting Home Sales (Oct)3.96M3.95M3.83M
17:00  USDUS Leading Index (MoM) (Oct)-0.4%-0.3%-0.3%
17:00  EURConsumer Confidence (Nov)  -13.7-13.0-12.5

November 20, 2024 Wednesday
I usually wake up around 6:-6:30; and I reach out to my mobile, to read the news or events that happened during the night. So I found a very interesting post on Twitter, about Marylin vos Savant, who has IQ of 228 ! Higher than Einstein, Hawkins or Musk. So I jumped out of the bed, and while making my coffee, I searched for her data, read her bio, and found this article, about the 12 people with the highest IQ in the world... I will have to make their charts, to see what made them so clever...
Here is her chart, Solar, since no time of birth, what pops out are the stellium in Leo and Libra, and none of the planets in water... I know, that chart is full of asteroids that I use, but still do you see what I mean ? 
This is not enough, her chart must be compared to the others... OK.. later.. 
USA markets: 
Made a run yesterday, but still closed below the ATH: 
DJI: Long only if above 43430; 
IXIC: stop= 18940
S&P: there are lower gaps to be closed : 
BTC: overnight up and out of consolidation: 
MSTR: Michael Saylor CEO, bought again a huge amount of BTC; the reason for the rally. 
MSTR: first trade date: June 11, 1998; the date shows Sun+ Merc conj. in Gemini! and tr. Jupiter will conjunct them in late April 2025... will the BTC rocket till then ? 
MSTR: made a split on 8/7/24; topped at 449, stop is 432; long if above. 
Michael Saylor born Feb 4, 1965 ( no time) has a Jupiter180 Neptune in his chart, and a strong, calculating mind ( stellium in Virgo); but ! tr. Pluto is conjunct Venus-Merc- let's see to what extremes will it push him ? He wants to be a BTC banker....rumors say; 
It is now 8:18; let's see the sky: the Moon is still in Cancer, watch the time she moves to LEO ( when in this sign, the S&P tops or bottoms) 
Moon aspects GMT+2
20.11.2024  6:55:38 25°06'46"Cnc Sextile Uranus
20.11.2024 10:45:23 27°13'08"Cnc Trine Neptune
20.11.2024 13:19:48 28°37'41"Cnc Trine Sun
20.11.2024 15:50:42  0°00'00"Leo <<<
20.11.2024 15:52:09  0°00'48"Leo Opposition Pluto
Begin: 20.11.2024  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
                               Aspect Exact
Venus        135 Uranus        20.11.2024  8:37
Sun           60 Pluto         21.11.2024 22:49
Sun          144 Eris          22.11.2024 12:19
Venus         60 Saturn        22.11.2024 13:55
Mars         120 Node          23.11.2024  8:35
Mars          60 S.Node        23.11.2024  8:35
NY calendar for the rest of the week 
TA35: Bottomed yesterday at 4 pm, when Helio Mercury was conjunct Venus; rallied, and closed at 2259.59

For today: trade range is between 2251-65-68-88. If below 2251, then 2248-38-34
Pluto in Aquarius : 
TA35: closed at 2251.81- there is a support at 2250- if below, target is 2230
November 19, 2024 Tuesday
On this day, 47 years ago 19–21 November 1977
On 19–21 November 1977, President of Egypt Anwar Sadat visited Jerusalem. The purpose of the visit was to address the Knesset, the legislative body in Israel, to try to advance the Israeli-Arab peace process. Sadat met with senior Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Menachem Begin. He paid with his life later, ( shot on Oct 6, 1981 during a parade) for this action. May he rest in peace! 
I am surprised, how it doesn't appear in Wikipedia... It was a historical day, not only for Saadat, but for the whole Middle East ! Lucky, I have it saved in my data in ZET, and it popped up. In later years I was a welcome guest in the Egyptian embassy, I could go in whenever I needed something, you see, I worked in the tourist business, so I met a whole lot of high ranked and important people during my career. It was thrilling. 
It is also interesting, that today is the birth day  Abdel Fattah el-Sisi 70 years today.. 
When I read " on this day in history" so many events pop up... do you know who invented the first wireless telegraph? which we take so much for granted? 
Marconi, Guglielmo read his bio, very interesting... here is his natal chart with the death in transit. (he was only 63) Sun- Neptune conj, = inventor; Mercury in Aries; bright ideas; but look at the exact aspect in transit- Mercury; also Sun+Plu conj. that brought to his death. It is interesting that he had Saturn in H7- which shows an older wife, and 1 marriage, he was married 3 times, and to half his age women...
News in the sky: the Moon is still in Cancer, we saw some weakness under this position : 
but today she is also conjunct Kronos and Hades; 2 Uranian planets. As per Bill Meridian, their conjunction is one of the worst... and it's a long lasting one. 
then we still have Mercury 180 Jupiter in mutual reception; and the Sun in sextile to Pluto and trine to Neptune.
ASIA is in a rally except these : 
Futures are all green, EXCEPT THESE: 

BTC: Stop = 91900
NIFTY: Bottomed on Nov 17 ; now if it can hold above 23727- it might try for a rally. perfect timing for a reversal!!! 34 bars ( from the top, 
Unlike Marconi ( posted above) she was too, born on April 25th, and has her Mercury in Aries. But instead of a genius spark, it brought her a stupid saying, which, I am not sure if it will not cost her career. NO TIME of birth, I just put Mercury on the MC... 
Lunar return Neptune ( dissolves) status ( Saturn) ; let' s see what happens when L.R. Mercury will be at 28 SAG - opposing her Moon. 
November 18, 2024 Monday
Well, the death of Khamenei ~ so far~ was not published in Iran... They did, however publish the election of the successor, his second son. So, we'll see. I don't understand how was Twitter flooded with that news.. 
OK. let's see what is going on today in the sky? We open the day with the Moon at 28^Gemini; on Betelgeuse; so in the next 2 days she will be in Cancer, a sign she rules. Also approaching the Sun, fading out of light and effect.- Right now she is in exact trine to the Sun, which means a top and reversal later, Mercury is at 18^SAG; a deg. Nikola called the "Satan degree"- in opposition Jupiter; they are in mutual reception (being in each other's sign) an din Fall. Also Merc 135^ Mars, (bad); Mercury is OOB with Venus; which is in CAP. 135^ from Mars and approaching a 60^ to Saturn, which is stationary right now ~ very strong~. 
So, how can we use all this info in trade? We have mostly negative aspects, but Saturn blocks heavy falls. IMHO. 
BTC: consolidation between 890000-92000; 
It is now 8:44 am: Futures are mostly green
CL: triple  bottomed with Oct 1, + Oct 28 low; breaking that, short, and peace will land on Earth... When CL goes up, sign for war.. so $66.50 is stop
In the Helio sky, planets signal for a gap ! 
Actual aspects
Begin: 18.11.2024  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
Mercury   45 Eris          18.11.2024 12:21
Mercury    0 Venus         19.11.2024  7:03
Mercury  72 Uranus        19.11.2024  7:18
Venus    72 Uranus        19.11.2024  7:42
Mercury  105 Mars          19.11.2024 10:15
Earth    36 Chiron        19.11.2024 12:37
Mars     90 Neptune       19.11.2024 14:33
Mercury  90 Jupiter       19.11.2024 15:08
Venus  105 Mars          19.11.2024 18:04
Earth   72 Mercury       19.11.2024 22:44
November 18 is the 322nd day of the year (323rd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 43 days remain until the end of the year.
Long forgotten events : 
What makes us human? if not our memories ? 
On this day..... born and died 

“Tesla's "magic numbers" and Spirituality's “magic numbers" are exactly the same thing.”

Intuition 111 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
Alignment 222 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
Support 333 = 3 + 3 + 3 = 9
Protection 444 = 4 + 4 + 4 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3
Change 555 = 5 + 5 + 5 = 15, 1 + 5 = 6
Reflect 666 = 6 +  6 + 6 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9
Luck 777 = 7 + 7 + 7 = 21, 2 + 1 = 3
Abundance 888 = 8 + 8 + 8 = 24, 2 + 4 = 6
Release 999 = 9 + 9 + 9 = 27, 2 + 7 = 9
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9 then you would have a key to the universe.”
-Nikola Tesla
These profound graphics explain the significance of numbers and numerology, especially Tesla’s 3•6•9.
Join and share my channel immediately:
November 17, 2024 Sunday
The day has come, when news about Khamenei(85) fell into coma and died yesterday. Besides being under Uranus return, here are the aspects in his chart: tr.Pluto in opp. natal Pluto; Chiron conjunct his Aries stellium. He has been sick for a long time with cancer, so good riddance. Natal Uranus is at 16.40 Taurus and in transit, is has been there since June 2022.
His second son, Mojtaba, born Sept 8, 1969 was elected as a successor, this is less good news. His Mars is at 22*.. something to follow.. 
Looking at Iran's chart Feb1, 1969 (return of Khomeini from France ) Saturn arrived in opposition; melting down this monstrous regime.  
### **Transits for November 17, 2024**
1. **Pluto (29° Capricorn) Square Natal Pluto (19° Libra)**
- Pluto in Capricorn at the critical 29th degree highlights endings and transformations, especially regarding structural systems.
- The square to natal Pluto (Libra) emphasizes power struggles, upheavals in relationships or alliances, and challenges to justice or balance. This transit reflects significant social and political crises.

Saturn (12° Pisces) Opposite Natal Saturn (12° Virgo)This exact opposition is a pivotal transit, often referred to as a "Saturn half-return." It represents a critical moment of karmic reckoning, revisiting the structural decisions and responsibilities initiated during the revolution.
Saturn in Pisces dissolves rigid structures, questioning the practicality of past frameworks, while natal Saturn in Virgo reflects meticulous, detail-oriented systems. The clash indicates struggles between maintaining control and adapting to fluid, uncertain circumstances.
Saturn (12° Pisces) Opposite Natal Jupiter (3° Leo) (Wide Orb)While this is not an exact aspect, the lingering opposition still creates tension between restriction (Saturn) and expansion, freedom (Jupiter). Leadership (Jupiter in Leo) may feel constrained by structural or ideological limitations.
Uranus (25° Taurus) Opposite Natal Uranus (20° Scorpio)**
- Uranus opposite natal Uranus reflects generational turmoil and challenges to revolutionary ideals. Uranus in Taurus focuses on stability and material resources, while natal Uranus in Scorpio is tied to transformation, shared power, and deep psychological shifts.
- This transit suggests disruptions in resource management, economic stability, and potential conflicts with external forces.
Neptune (25° Pisces) Square Natal Neptune (19° Sagittarius)**
- This Neptune square brings confusion, ideological disillusionment, and challenges to the vision or ideals of 1979. Neptune in Pisces dissolves boundaries, while natal Neptune in Sagittarius represents expansive revolutionary ideals. The clash may lead to questions about the spiritual or ideological legacy of the revolution.
Jupiter (13° Taurus) Square Natal Mars (9° Aquarius)**
- Jupiter square Mars suggests heightened tension and possible impulsive actions. This could manifest as a surge in ideological fervor, conflicts, or military-related activities. Mars in Aquarius represents revolutionary energy, while Jupiter in Taurus focuses on stability and resources, creating friction.
North Node (24° Aries) Trine Natal Uranus (20° Scorpio)**
- The North Node trine Uranus highlights a fateful opportunity for transformation or redirection tied to the revolutionary energy of Uranus in Scorpio. While trines are easier aspects, the changes will likely arise suddenly and unpredictably.

The transits for November 17, 2024, indicate a period of **significant transformation and reckoning** for the revolutionary ideals and systems established on February 1, 1979. With Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune forming challenging aspects, there is a mix of **power struggles, ideological disillusionment, and economic tensions.** However, the trine between the North Node and natal Uranus suggests a potential opportunity for renewal and redirection amid the challenges.

I hope Iranian people take their lives in their hands now.. more news on X.
Anyone else has natal Saturn at 10-15 Virgo ? Time is up ! It will melt down the issues natal Saturn stands for. 
BTC: is struggling to stay above 89000
DX: Is gaining above the stop : but it made lower highs! signals for a reversal down.
Moon aspects for today: 
17.11.2024  5:51:57 12°41'42"Gem Square Saturn
17.11.2024 14:41:04 18°01'28"Gem Opposition Mercury
17.11.2024 16:06:52 18°53'02"Gem Conjunction Jupiter
18.11.2024  6:08:37 27°14'30"Gem Square Neptune
18.11.2024 10:49:40  0°00'00"Cnc <<<
I wrote yesterday: TA35: the index might open at 2245 and will try to go up later. There is an open gap from 2252- to 34, "
Actually it opened at 2239.53, and went up all day, now it's at2268.54, 10 min. to close. 
November 16, 2024 Saturday
Yesterday in the USA: all traded lower, but still the bulls were a majority! ? 
Which group made that happen ? 
By volume: these lead 
Highest volume in all the market: 
First runner up: from Biotechnology.. CERO; these shares rise on the news and fall later.. Market cap is 42M; I would skip it.. 
SPPL: the second runner up; has 21% to reach the trendline.. market cap 20M...Stop = 1.20 if you must trade it. 
PLTR: Market cap 150B !! I posted before, CEO Alex Karp sold at $45 on Oct 31; too bad! now it's $65; the only bummer here is, that it's Beta is 2.98/y- which means its volatility is higher by 2.98 % higher /lower than the S&P or the Nasdaq..
S&P: showed this upcoming fall, on Nov 8, Nov 13, and yesterday... when we had a Full Moon, Saturn turned D; and it made a classic triple top and fall! Remember, the 3 fathers in the Bible? Abraham, Itzhak and Jacob!! symbolize the triple top/ bottom and reversals. 
So adding all these up. the Beta of PLTR and the fall with the gap to be closed, I would put my stop for PLTR at 65.50, which is a planetary support. 
In Europe:DE40: started it's correction early! Oct 21 top, Nov. 13 low- moves in the other direction than the S&P. Now it closed above the mid channel; so as long as it is above, it, might be a long. Stop = 19115. Target: 19500; failing to reach it, short again. 
CAC: started it's fall even before the DE40; from 3/20- 

CAC: also lower triple top as from March 20; and now the trade range on the graph
UK FTSE: different : Nov.2023- May 2024 rally, from may has been falling. but it only made 1/3 correction... so check out the trade range now. 
Which did well YTD: ?
Next week in the sky: 
Important events: 
The Sun leaves Sco. ♏; in favor of SAG.♐; The Moon moves from ♊TO ♍; Mercury will be at 22* :( ; Pluto moves into Aquarius till Jan.2045...this is historical, because it was in Aqua only 268 years ago..Pluto was in Cap, since Jan 26, 2008;  
Here’s a list of significant world events that occurred during Pluto’s transit through **Capricorn** (2008–2024), reflecting its themes of restructuring power, authority, and institutions:

### **2008**
- **Global Financial Crisis**: The collapse of major financial institutions, such as Lehman Brothers, and the subsequent economic recession marked a profound shift in the global economy.
- **Barack Obama Elected**: First African-American president of the U.S., reflecting shifting societal structures.
- **Bitcoin Introduced**: The creation of Bitcoin laid the foundation for a decentralized financial revolution.
### **2009**
- **Eurozone Debt Crisis Begins**: Economic instability in countries like Greece, Spain, and Italy challenged the structure of the European Union.
- **Climate Change Agreement**: The Copenhagen Summit (COP15) failed to deliver binding agreements but marked rising awareness of global environmental issues.
### **2010**
- **Arab Spring Begins**: Protests across the Middle East and North Africa led to the fall of longstanding regimes (e.g., Tunisia, Egypt), reflecting Pluto's transformative power over governments.
- **WikiLeaks Revelations**: Exposed government secrets, sparking debates on transparency and authority.
### **2011**
- **Fukushima Nuclear Disaster**: Japan faced structural scrutiny over energy and disaster preparedness.
- **Death of Osama bin Laden**: The U.S. killed the leader of al-Qaeda, symbolizing shifts in global security structures.
### **2012**
- **European Austerity Measures**: Countries introduced structural economic reforms, deeply impacting citizens.
- **Mayan "End of the World" Prophecy**: Symbolic of humanity's obsession with cycles and transformations.
### **2014**
- **Annexation of Crimea**: Russia’s takeover of Crimea challenged global power dynamics and sovereignty.
- **Rise of ISIS**: A reorganization of power in the Middle East emerged with the rise of the Islamic State.
- **Ebola Outbreak**: Highlighted weaknesses in global health infrastructure.
### **2016**
- **Brexit Referendum**: The UK voted to leave the EU, shaking the foundations of a major political and economic union.
- **Donald Trump Elected**: Marked a shift in U.S. political structures and norms.
### **2019**
- **Hong Kong Protests**: Demonstrations challenged China's authority over the region.
- **Notre Dame Cathedral Fire**: Symbolically destroyed a long-standing structure tied to history and culture.
### **2020**
- **COVID-19 Pandemic**: Reshaped global health systems, economies, and societal structures. Governments implemented unprecedented lockdowns.
- **Black Lives Matter Movement**: Sparked worldwide protests against systemic racism.
- **U.S. Elections**: A highly contested election culminated in Joe Biden's victory.
### **2022**
- **Russia Invades Ukraine**: Highlighted tensions over borders, authority, and power structures in Eastern Europe.
- **Queen Elizabeth II Dies**: Marked the end of an era for the British monarchy.
- **COP27 Climate Conference**: Renewed focus on sustainability as global climate change worsened.
### **2023**
- **AI Boom**: Generative AI technologies (e.g., ChatGPT) began reshaping industries and societal norms.
- **Protests in France**: Strikes against pension reforms reflected dissatisfaction with established systems.
### **2024**
- **Israel-Hamas War**: Intensified geopolitical tensions in the Middle East. (Oct 7, 2023 - ongoing)
- **Global Economic Concerns**: Continued challenges from inflation, debt crises, and energy transitions.
### Themes of Pluto in Capricorn:
1. **Power Shifts**: Revolutions, economic upheavals, and shifts in global dominance.
2. **Institutional Decay and Renewal**: Restructuring governments, economies, and cultural systems.
3. **Climate and Sustainability**: Growing awareness and action on long-term structural issues.
4. **Technological Advancements**: Bitcoin, AI, and renewable energy reshaped global structures.
Besides, Mercury and Venus will be OOB this week. So seems the horses got loose. Venus squares the Nodes, which sometimes pushed the markets up, other down. 

Venus cycle works pretty good for TAa35; 
Thoughts about TA35: for tomorrow
Looking at the big picture: bottomed on Oct 23, 2023- topped Nov.13, 24 at 2312- closed at 2267; stop is 2276- short below, targets: 2261-46-31-16-2201; below that' more short. Looking at the 15 min: last low was 11/4; at 2189; that can be the immediate target; since the arbitrage is high: - 0.97%: the index might open at 2245 and will try to go up later. There is an open gap from 2252- to 34, since Nov. 7th..And Saturn's level is 2262- 32... these are the targets. I expect a low till Nov 20-21; then minor up till the 25th, fall till the 29th, and a year end rally after it, till X-mas.
CIT: Nov 16 = 55 days from 9/22 low; next 11/2,25,30 
Looking at the Call 2250 - unbelievable move since Oct.10 - from 160 to 3650
Now, it might shrink back to 500 to be again a buy; but better look at December options.. just thinking out loud.. not a trading advice ! 

November 14, 2024 Thursday
Yesterday again we saw lower highs, but somehow the Bulls were in majority.. why ? 
NIO will be interesting to watch, tomorrow is 45 days from the top; a reversal should come, but I would be happier with a price at 4.80 at least, to start n up move ( holding). 
Real Estate shares ... but better watch the index..
XLRE: posted : " 8/12 trade range 41.80- 45 " - now , 3 months' later it's at the same position, so I wouldn't waste my money on it for now. 
On the other hand, communication fell most, many topped here, time for a correction? Each must be analyzed !!! 
This was my last post on GOOGL: for ex: with update for now: time is ripe for a down correction, if below 175.( in the daily, or 179 in intraday) .
News in the sky: 
Sun at the "kill or get killed deg" conjunct : Unukalhai (24 Alpha Serpentis  m 2.65)
Keywords: Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Saturn/ Mars
Moon at 29Aries31- before the Full Moon, 
Mercury at 14Sag39 just left a square with Saturn, now they don't block anymore.... to the slide opened. 
Venus at 2Cap is 150 to Mars ( bad)
Mars is in fire ! war mongering.. 
Jupiter, at 19^ karmatic deg ( in numerology) also weak in Gem.
Saturn is stationary before turning D
The rest didn't move since yesterday 
Oh.. POF is on ALGOL waj wajjjj - hope it'll move on, otherwise bad event on the news. 
USD/ILS: during the night is consolidating.
XAU/USD: Stop 2550 - if reverses, long. Pls. sign up for the forecasts.. to know if it will or not?

On this day in history: 
News since yesterday: 

Tulsi Gabbard April 12, 1981 , was chosen as director of intelligence, (no time of birth, unfortunatly)
Matt Gaetz to attorney general. Born May 7,1982; no time. Good luck to America !! 
In India: 
08:30  INRWPI Food (YoY) (Oct)13.54% 11.53%
08:30  INRWPI Fuel (YoY) (Oct)-5.79% -4.05%
08:30  INRWPI Inflation (YoY) (Oct)2.36%2.20%1.84%

later in the USA: 
15:30  USDPPI ex. Food/Energy/Transport (MoM) (Oct)  0.1%
15:30  USDPPI ex. Food/Energy/Transport (YoY) (Oct)  3.2%
15:30  USDContinuing Jobless Claims 1,880K1,892K
15:30  USDCore PPI (YoY) (Oct) 3.0%2.8%
15:30  USDCore PPI (MoM) (Oct) 0.3%0.2%
15:30  USDInitial Jobless Claims 224K221K
15:30  USDJobless Claims 4-Week Avg.  227.25K
15:30  USDPPI (MoM) (Oct) 0.2%0.0%
15:30  USDPPI (YoY) (Oct) 2.3%1.8%

China : very disturbing news for Israel ! 

Iran-Israel war: Chinese laser energy weapon systems spotted in Iran, can disable or destroy…
Not that we can complain, weapon wise... but still this marks a higher step on the ladder of destruction. 
Riots in Europe continue.... Shouldn't police have guns ?? hmmm!! pathetic!
And finally, the reason I am here for: TA35 for today: 

After reaching Pluto line 2310 yesterday, we are short below. for intraday stop is 2305- short below, target: 2299-94-86-82 
12:00 so far low was 2289.69- went up to 2308.33 ( Neptune line) and now it is below it.
15:30  USDContinuing Jobless Claims1,873K1,880K1,884K
15:30  USDCore PPI (YoY) (Oct)3.1%3.0%2.9%
15:30  USDCore PPI (MoM) (Oct)0.3%0.3%0.2%
15:30  USDInitial Jobless Claims217K224K221K
15:30  USDJobless Claims 4-Week Avg.221.00K 227.25K
15:30  USDPPI (MoM) (Oct)0.2%0.2%0.1%
15:30  USDPPI (YoY) (Oct)2.4%2.3%1.9%

November 13, 2024 Wednesday
The computer remembers, and the date popped up, that on this day, in 2017, I bought my first BTC. it was then $9300... If only I kept it till now !! 
USA yesterday: all made lower highs...we are getting close to the Full Moon! 
AMZN: Bezos is selling big time !
AAPL: 15 min: is building a H&S ! below 221, will fall to 215; Stop was 225.60
META :Stop was 589.72, now = 584,82 ! Topped on 11/12 
SMCI: what a crash ! From 123 to $21!  now there is gap to be closed to $16 from 5/2023
SPY: Stop was 598 ! it is below it, short was triggered. 
DIA: Stop was 440; same here.. 
QQQ: Stop was 514 "     " 
All bottomed on 11/4- topped 11/11 = 7 days, now reversal. 
DX:STOP= 105.9
Any news in the sky? except for rockets that keep falling in the north, not much. 
Fundamental news? 
13:00  ILSExports (USD) (Oct)  5,132.9M
13:00  ILSImports (USD) (Oct)  7,896.3M
13:00  ILSTrade Balance (Oct)  -2,763.4M

15:30  USDCore CPI (MoM) (Oct) 0.3%0.3%
15:30  USDCore CPI (YoY) (Oct) 3.3%3.3%
15:30  USDCore CPI Index (Oct)  320.77
15:30  USDCPI (MoM) (Oct) 0.2%0.2%
15:30  USDCPI (YoY) (Oct) 2.6%2.4%
15:30  USDCPI Index, n.s.a. (Oct) 315.59315.30
15:30  USDCPI Index, s.a (Oct)  314.69
15:30  USDCPI, n.s.a (MoM) (Oct)  0.16%
15:30  USDFOMC Member Kashkari Speaks     
15:30  USDReal Earnings (MoM) (Oct)  -0.1%
15:55  USDRedbook (YoY)  6.0%

TA35: for today: after a close at 2297.86; the resistance is at 2305-2310- while the short targets are 2292-86-82 
Earnings today: before market opens with yesterday's performance - by the volume = mostly red
Earnings :after the close, except for CSCO, mostly red ! 
On this day in history : killing, killing and more killing :( 
  • 1946 - Artificial snow is produced from a natural cloud for the first time in MA.

  • USD/ILS Posted on FB
  • After the announcements : rally .. all is pinky pink

    USA mortgage: houses will go up

BTC: CROSSED 90000 : 

November 12, 2024 Tuesday
Yesterday in the USA: I added the last tops; which now, are the targets.
It is now 8:16 am, the Moon is about to move to Aries.. Right now she's conjunct Scheat, at 29 Pisces; in ASIA only these are green, all the rest are correcting down 
Today we have an important ingress: Venus to Cap!. till Dec. 7th. 
Also, Saturn is stationary. .before turning D. It is also at Ve/Ura MP. ( not the best position for couples, depending on their natal chart, of course.) 
This is the table of the other planets in Retro. 
1 week performance of the MAG's 7: I would tighten stops, due to the a/m planetary positions.
TSLA: STOP= 356.80- LONG above
NFLX: Stop= 805
NVDA : Stop was 148!!
TA35: REACHED 2300 
top= 89933 when the Moon entered Aries. and squared Venus

November 11, 2024 Monday
For my followers from Saudia and other Middle east countries: 
and also, you should listen to Zachary : 
Today we are ruled by the Moon, which is still in Pisces; that brought a crazy rally yesterday here. Today, we will get a correction on that rise. 
We also have Sun 150 Jupiter.. so.. 
BTC: STOP = 87800 after a top at 89410
DIA: Stop was 417, now 440
the Financials are strong! a reversal will be due. Tomorrow the Moon moves to Aries
November 10, 2024 Sunday 
We start the week with the Sun at 18♏~150~to Jupiter;
The Moon is now in Pisces, departing from the Sun, thus gaining in light,
her aspects till in Aries: 
10.11.2024  2:23:13 27°54'32"Aqr Sextile Venus
10.11.2024  5:59:43  0°00'00"Psc <<<
11.11.2024  0:19:41 10°44'26"Psc Square Mercury
11.11.2024  3:39:21 12°42'39"Psc Conjunction Saturn
11.11.2024 15:07:03 19°32'44"Psc Square Jupiter
11.11.2024 15:16:53 19°38'38"Psc Trine Sun
12.11.2024  0:55:59 25°27'22"Psc Sextile Uranus
12.11.2024  4:00:26 27°19'03"Psc Conjunction Neptune
12.11.2024  8:13:06 29°52'30"Psc Sextile Pluto
12.11.2024  8:25:25  0°00'00"Ari <<<
Mercury is conjunct the Fortunate fixed star, Antares: at 9 ♐
Antares (21 Alpha Scorpii  m 0.96)
Heart of the Scorpion
Keywords: A Royal Star. The Archangel Oriel, the Watcher of the West. Spirit of adventure, obstinacy, injuries to eyes, honours, sudden loss, stubborn, suspicious, violent, several marriages
Effect: Fortunate
Character: Mars/Jupiter/ Mercury

Actual aspects
Begin: 10.11.2024  Period: 3 days  (GMT+2)
Mercury      165 Uranus        10.11.2024 19:47
Sun   150 Jupiter       11.11.2024 13:08
Venus  30 Pluto         11.11.2024 17:44
Mercury  90 Saturn        12.11.2024 15:22
Sun  45 S.Node        12.11.2024 19:38
Sun 135 Node          12.11.2024 19:38
Venus 144 Uranus        13.11.2024  0:54
BTC: TOPPED so far at 79780
See the stop? adjust it often by + 30 + 30 points !!
TA35 UP from 2251.50 to 2288.06 = 2.60%
Tomorrow: stop = 2282 - target 2299 

November 9, 2024 Saturday
DOW: Since Nov 5: 5,72%; stop in the daily  = 43325; but mind the gap !
60 min chart: see the gap ? worm...?
Many indices, shares, gapped up on the 5th, so be careful with that... 
IXIC: 19100-450 is the trade range. as long as it trades above 19100 it's a long. 
S&P: the very last low was on Oct.13; 2022: counting the Fibonacci sequences up= 5992.68 is target.
Using the Oct 13, 2022 low on the Gann wheel: 

When I searched, how many days are there from Aug.16,2022 top till now, this is what I found, it's a first time for me, never heard of it before.. but aren't we an open book? 

Biblical Meaning of Angel Number 816
In the Bible, number 8 symbolizes new beginnings, while number 1 represents unity and leadership. The combination of numbers 8 and 1 signifies the beginning of a new spiritual journey with divine guidance. Number 6 represents unconditional love and harmony, reminding us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Negative Meaning of Angel Number 816Angel Number 816 does not have a negative meaning. However, if you are ignoring the messages of this number, you may feel stuck in your spiritual growth, relationships, and finances. So, pay attention to the signs and take action towards your soul's purpose.
Summary of Angel Number 816Angel Number 816 is a powerful combination of numbers that signify spiritual growth, balance, and manifestation of your dreams. Keep a positive mindset, trust in your angels and the divine timing, and work towards your goals with passion and dedication. Your angels are with you, guiding and supporting you every step of the way.
Next days, that are 816 days from former tops./lows in the S&P and DOW are : mark these in the calendar for a CIT. 
0-Let's see where is TA35 heading tomorrow ? 
The close was  2229.99 - what a nice no... no ? and the arbitrage is +0.53% high! so it will go probable to 2249.
If I take the top on Jul 23, 2023 = 1927 to the low at Oct 26, 2023 at 1593 = 95 days; Fibo target is 2261.58- which is also Saturn's level; so the sky is open.. up scale is : 2229 - 30-32-39-40-45-47-48-49, if above, add 30 points to these. so : 2270-77-79.
Adding 95 days to 7/23/23 - we arrive to Nov. 9, 2024- lol , next Feb 12, 2025.- mark it in your calendar. 
Oct.25,23 + 377 Fib. no days + Nov 6.24
Other dates to watch will be : Nov. 13,16,22,30 - each from different tops/lows.
On the Gann wheel the targets are 2230-43-56-64-75-80. for the time being. 
Every index has it's own rhythm.. 
November 8, 2024 Friday
Just got news from a friend in the USA, that first time in history, a woman, Susie Wiles, was chosen by Trump as chief of staff. 
Well, I don't have her time of birth, but we can see again and again, how Saturn crowns kings.. 
Saturn rules the 10th house of the career, and when in an exact aspect to natal Saturn, a culmination, or reaching the goal, happens. 
Secondary progressed chart 
Who said, Trump is a woman hater?? lol 
USA yesterday:
Interest rate, as expected, was lowered by 0.25%
2 Years Bonds: rallied 1042 days topped and fell, now the correction is to 3.28 - at least. Stop = 4.12; SHORT IF BELOW. 
Last night, Israeli Maccabi fans were attacked by Arab mob in Amsterdam... only 2 days before the pogrom in Germany in Nov 9-10, 1938. 
many were injured, one thrown into the river, several passports and mobiles were taken from them, and many beaten up. Now, all Israeli airlines are bringing home thousands of people from Amsterdam. 
November 7, 2024 Thursday
Yesterday in the USA: all rallied
best sector: Financials:
In the Financials biggest volumes: 
TSLL, MARA, KRE, RIOT : ALL  gapped up ! so careful there.
it is now 7:44 am; ASIA indices are mixed.
Fed. announcements: 

3:35:pm GOLD
SEDG: ALL managers should be fired !!! look at the market cap ! 

November 6, 2024 Wednesday
The best picture, that shows the mood is the Put/Call ratio index: 
While the people in the USA celebrate Trump's win ( which I forecasted in 2022) here the unbelievable happened yesterday.. 
Bibi fired our Defense Minister, Yoav Galant. Posted this on FB earlier: 
"It is not a surprise, that he, whose name in Hebrew Gematria, adds up to 683= also meaning "the destruction of the house", fires the Defense Minister, in the midst of an ongoing war, Yoav Galant...just 3 days before Galant's birthday (66).
Below we can see Galant's Solar Natal chart, and below that, a time I got from another astrologer... so here we go:
Solar chart:
Time received from Zohar. E. : MC in Aries ( reasonable, since he is the Defense Minister, career in war); transit Saturn trines natal Mars, ( ending the career) and Uranus conj Mars. We will see new developments when tr. Saturn turns D, on Nov 15th, 2024.

BTC: rallied, top so far: 75397
Best ETF's as presented by Barchart" 
insiders: RDDT + PLTR : SALES.. 
November 5, 2024 Tuesday
The DAY has come... When will we know the outcome ?? it might take a few days..

Election Day in the United States is now often considered Election Week, as each state follows its own rules and practices for counting ballots — not to mention the legal challenges — that can delay the results. But the truth is, nobody knows how long it will take for the winner to be announced this time.
In 2020, The Associated Press declared President Joe Biden the winner on Saturday afternoon — four days after polls closed. Even then, The AP called North Carolina for Donald Trump 10 days after Election Day and Georgia for Biden 16 days later after hand recounts.

Four years earlier, the 2016 election was decided just hours after most polls closed. The AP declared Trump the winner on election night at 2:29 a.m. (it was technically Wednesday morning on the East Coast).
This time, both campaigns believe the race is extremely close across the seven swing states that are expected to decide the election, barring a major surprise: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The size of the map and the tightness of the race make it hard to predict when a winner could be declared.
Born on this day: Sara Netanyahu, in 1958 and Yair Lapid, in 1963; also ZET reminds me, that the first Covid sick person was found today in 2019l in Wuhan, China. 
Severe tornados in Oklahoma... wow!
SMCI: Classic pattern: triple top and fall 
Comparing BTC/MSTR for the last year.. by the way, the stop in MSTR was 232 on 10/28
TA35: For today: the close was 2007.83; support or stop is at 2203- if below ( we have weekly expiry today) then down targets are 2196-93-90-.... 80. If above, then add 30 points to these levels... up to 2219. Former top was 2221.55... so we'll see.
Moon aspects GMT+2
5.11.2024  1:50:23 21°53'52"Sgr Conjunction Venus
 5.11.2024 12:23:14 27°25'17"Sgr Square Neptune
 5.11.2024 17:17:06  0°00'00"Cap <<< before the close.. 
EYES on the USA: below is the calendar NY time 
Don't forget: Nov.7th Powell- int. rates...!! 
Ebertine wrote about the Ura/Plu. MP- with Neptune: "Uncertainty, insecurity, unfulfilled wishes...the stage of getting tired... etc " 
PLTR: Stop was 45, when CEO sold.. 
Watch what the insiders do ! 
BA: Strike ends... long above 156
OMX: Sweden was one of the most powerful indices in Europe.. but now!! attention 
BAC: made a double top, failing to go above 42.50- it'll be a big short.  
Look at Mars in Leo, and how did the share "behave" : 
The chart you've provided shows Bank of America (BAC) price action along with highlighted periods where **Mars was in Leo** in recent years and future projections. Here’s some insight into what Mars in Leo generally represents and how it might impact financial markets, particularly with stocks like BAC:

### Mars in Leo: Symbolism and Market Impact
- **Energy and Confidence**: Mars, the planet of action, drive, and aggression, when positioned in Leo—a bold, creative, and confident sign—can bring forth heightened risk-taking and assertive behaviors in the markets. This alignment often correlates with strong market activity as investors may become more optimistic or driven, potentially leading to bullish trends.
- **Leadership Influence**: Leo is associated with leadership and the spotlight, which could mean that companies or sectors represented by strong "leadership" qualities might perform well or attract attention during this period. This might favor high-profile corporations like Bank of America.
### Historical Market Reactions (Using Mars in Leo)
Looking at the periods marked in blue, these times might have been when Mars was transiting Leo, possibly indicating heightened activity or volatility in the BAC stock. Historically, Mars in Leo may encourage bold market moves, but it can also lead to sudden reversals if overconfidence becomes rampant.
### Forecast Implications for BAC
- The next period when Mars enters Leo might coincide with another round of increased market activity or volatility, especially if this aligns with other significant transits involving financial planets like Jupiter or Saturn.
- Investors should be aware that Mars in Leo could bring short-term spikes or heightened trading volumes, yet the effects might not be long-lasting, depending on surrounding astrological factors.
Mars will typically remain in a single sign for about **1.5 months**, except during retrograde phases when it may stay longer. This can provide short-term trading opportunities rather than long-term trends for stocks like BAC.
Yesterday in the USA: as the bell rang, the markets reversed.
BTC: fell to 67140; 
XAU/USD: fell from 2790 to 2734; it' a short. Stop is 2740; long if above. 
CL: Bottomed on 11/1; since then it's up... we are long here. 
DIA, SPY,QQQ; pls. sign up for the forecasts..
TABANK: Fell below the stop
12:50 am GMT +2
Buffett dumps AAPL shares! 

Berkshire Hathaway is dumping Apple stock and building its cash stockpile to record highs because Warren Buffett believes the government will raise capital gains taxes soon

VKTX: If you hold this share, 62 is stop- just run i f  below.. 
Index CPCI: 
November 4, 2024 Monday
Today we have a "Star of David" in the sky: means: 
* Star of David -
A configuration of aspects formed when two Grand Trines are present in a horoscope, connected with each other by sextiles. In the ideal case they form a hexagon. As this configuration is very seldom formed, a number of astrologists consider that a Star of David occurs even with two unconnected Grand Trines.
P.Globa states that the Star of David shows a native protected in all he does, but one who does not avoid internal reorganizations; he or she will change in form to adapt, but the inner essence remains constant: "as he was in the cradle, such will be and in the grave". If Lilith does not enter the Hexagon, and Selena enters it, the given configuration will be all-mighty.
M.March and J. McEvers remark that the Hexagon configuration offers natives exclusive opportunities, and a brilliant ability to communicate with other people. The danger of a Star of David consists in expenditure of energy, because of the increased many-sided, various interests and the numerous opportunities. Intense (hard) aspects can help with this difficulty."
And many Kite"s
* Kite -
The configuration of aspects formed when three points of a horoscope form a Grand Trine, and two of them are in sextile to a fourth point (Grand Trine with Bisextile).
M.Kozyritskaja and M.Levin state that a Kite gives internal stability, flexibility, and successful realization of abilities. To these are added the aspiration to transform surroundings, early accomplishment, activity, and aggressiveness. The Kite is a big driving force: it combines the abilities and stability of the Grand Trine with the skill inherent in the Bisextile to reap results. At the point of opposition of the "spine" - the tips of the two Kite-making triangles - the native receives additional stability in moving thru life. Possibly there could be constant external problems which require attention, or simply inner discontent.
M.March and J.McEvers reckon that the biggest problem of the Kite is that the configuration comprises three different aspects, and can lead to excessive concentration on part of a horoscope and, correspondingly, to adverse utilization of other opportunities which are contained within the horoscope.
Also many Grand Trines: 
* Grand Trine -
A configuration of aspects formed by three trines, whose planet pairs connect together three points of a horoscope.
It is a harmonious and very stable configuration. To the person with a  Grand Trine as the fundamental configuration in the radix chart (and if  the required abilities are in evidence), the vicissitudes of life are frequently not terrible, and external conditions help him to move ahead in life more successfully and faster than others, and moreover, with ease. However, as M.Kozyritskaja and M.Levin observe, this is true only in the first phase of life; during the period from 24 to 30 years old there are inner pressures connected with the necessity for development and the embodiment of initial abilities and opportunities. The negative side of this configuration is that it is so stable that the person seldom ventures beyond the habitual. The stability of the Grand Trine turns on its static character - the unwillingness to develop. A native is able to harmonize with external situations, or even find them easy, not having considered or resolved the problems involved. In charts of great people the Grand Trine is extremely seldom a leading configuration. But, as F.Sakoian and L.Acker remark, if a Grand Trine has Mars and Saturn, the problem connected to inertia and absence of motives for dynamic action does not enter. These researchers underline that to harness the potential of a Grand Trine it is necessary to be guided and to use it in creative self-expression and efforts directed on spiritual self-improvement, otherwise it will stay idle. When analyzing a Grand Trine in a specific horoscope it is necessary to pay special attention to what signs contain the given configuration (usually they are signs of one element) - this will indicate the likely manifestation of the Grand Trine.
If one of the three points of a Grand Trine is in opposition to a planet, it gives the Grand Trine an opportunity to manifest more brightly. In such configurations the most important point of the Grand Trine is the point which has the opposition aspect; and the point opposing it reveals unrealized aspirations, the fateful area of a horoscope. See also the Kite.
These formations appear when I use regular natal chart reading aspects... If I use the 1 deg.orb, that I usually use for trade, they disappear... So one must dig in in order to be aware.
It is now 7:37 
ASIA: is partly green
Best performers in a week were : 
None of them made a new historical high... 
EUROPE: ( I included Israel here, but everything that happens here is surrealistic, so don' t count it ) 
7:57 am 
Mars entered LEO - This happens every 2 years, the bummer this time is, that it will aspect Pluto.. 
Dates to mark in the calendar..
Nifty !! 
Nov.7: forecast
20:00  USDFed Interest Rate Decision 4.75%5.00%

BTC: all directions...not! a trading advice.. surely.. the only sure thing is the man not knowing a thing.. 

November 3, 2024, Sunday 
when the Moon was conjunct Mercury, the TA35, reversed and rose 
3.11.2024  2:19:38 27°27'50"Sco Trine Neptune
3.11.2024  6:39:19 29°39'43"Sco Trine Mars
3.11.2024  6:50:53 29°45'36"Sco Sextile Pluto
3.11.2024  7:19:13  0°00'00"Sgr <<<
3.11.2024  8:36:25  0°39'17"Sgr Conjunction Mercury
 4.11.2024  8:19:00 12°48'18"Sgr Square Saturn
 4.11.2024 22:32:11 20°10'33"Sgr Opposition Jupiter
 5.11.2024  1:50:23 21°53'52"Sgr Conjunction Venus
 5.11.2024 12:23:14 27°25'17"Sgr Square Neptune
 5.11.2024 17:17:06  0°00'00"Cap <<<
In the heliocentric (Sun-centered) model, the length of time a planet spends in each sign is quite different from the geocentric (Earth-centered) perspective. Since heliocentric astrology places the Sun at the center, retrograde motion does not occur, making planetary time in each sign more consistent based on the planet’s orbital speed alone. Here’s an overview:

### Inner (Personal) Planets in the Heliocentric Model
1. **Mercury**: ~30 days per sign
   - Mercury completes an orbit around the Sun in about 88 days, so it spends around one month in each sign in the heliocentric view.

2. **Venus**: ~30-35 days per sign
   - Venus takes approximately 225 days to orbit the Sun, staying in each sign for roughly one month, slightly longer than Mercury.

3. **Earth (Viewed as the Sun in Geocentric)**: ~1 month per sign
   - In heliocentric astrology, the Earth’s position relative to the Sun is viewed as one month per sign, corresponding to the Sun's apparent movement in geocentric terms.

4. **Mars**: ~2 months per sign
   - Mars, with a 687-day orbit, remains in each sign for about 2 months heliocentrically.

### Social Planets
5. **Jupiter**: ~1 year per sign
   - Jupiter’s orbit of approximately 12 years means it spends about one year in each sign, similar to the geocentric perspective.

6. **Saturn**: ~2.5 years per sign
   - With an orbit of around 29.5 years, Saturn’s heliocentric duration per sign is about 2.5 years, just like in the geocentric system.

### Outer (Transpersonal) Planets
7. **Uranus**: ~7 years per sign
   - Uranus’ orbit of 84 years around the Sun translates to about seven years per sign heliocentrically.

8. **Neptune**: ~13-14 years per sign
   - Neptune spends roughly 13-14 years in each sign in heliocentric astrology, reflecting its 165-year orbit.

9. **Pluto**: ~21 years per sign (on average)
   - Pluto’s orbit is elliptical, so while it averages about 21 years per sign in the heliocentric system, the duration varies from about 12 years to over 30 years in certain signs.

The heliocentric model simplifies planetary transits without retrograde variations, so these durations per sign remain quite stable.

November 2, 2024 Saturday
Yesterday in the USA: 
best performing group was the Consumer cyclical.
The 10 biggest shares in this group, by market cap:
The best, that rallied... MBLY ! biggest volume. 
MBLY: after 28 days' consolidation breakout, target on the graph... 17.13.. If fails to reach it till Nov 6th, it might fall back . Stop= 14.5; looking back, when Mercury was Retro in Sag, as it will be again soon, this share fell from 45 to 25.. $ 
NVDA joins the DOW as of Nov.8th, instead of INTC; also VST replacing AES; and SHW to replace DOW.
INTC: compared to S&P: 

Earnings this week: 
AFRM: WILL BE A LONG ONLY IF ABOVE 47.50.... in the last 3 months went up by 52.77%
pls. order the forecast, to know how to trade in the next 3 months ! for only $95$ for 3 months..
LUMN: Will be a long only if above $7.This share as well, during Merc. R in Sag fell. Just sayin... by the way, in the last 3 months it rallied by 122%
so, be extra careful during Mercury Retro in SAG! Why? Because Mercury is in Detriment in SAG; and it will affect transportation, aviation, short travels, communications, grains. Mercury will be in SAG between 11/2/24- 1/7/2025.

PLTR: already wrote about it in the former article.. 
Let's see TA35: closed at 2203.97; falling below 2202.70 it will go to 1993-90-89-85-79-72.
calendar for the next week GMT+2 - trading hours in the blue 
If you know these time intervals, you can even make a calculation in your head.. 
The length of time a planet spends in a zodiac sign varies widely depending on the planet's speed and orbit. Here's a breakdown of approximate durations each planet spends in a single sign:

### Inner (Personal) Planets
1. **Moon**: ~2.5 days per sign
   - The Moon completes the entire zodiac in about 27.5 days, spending roughly 2.5 days in each sign.
2. **Mercury**: ~14-30 days per sign
   - Mercury typically spends about 2 to 4 weeks in each sign, depending on retrograde cycles, which can extend its stay in a sign for up to two months in certain cases.
3. **Venus**: ~18-30 days per sign
   - Venus generally spends around a month in each sign, but its retrograde motion every 18 months can extend its stay in a sign to about 2-3 months.

4. **Mars**: ~1.5-2 months per sign
   - Mars takes approximately 1.5 to 2 months in each sign, but its retrograde every two years can lead it to spend up to six months in a single sign.

### Social Planets
5. **Jupiter**: ~1 year per sign
   - Jupiter, with a 12-year orbit, spends about one year in each sign, moving through the entire zodiac in a full 12-year cycle.
6. **Saturn**: ~2.5 years per sign
   - Saturn spends roughly 2.5 years in each sign, taking about 29.5 years to complete a full orbit around the zodiac.

### Outer (Transpersonal) Planets
7. **Uranus**: ~7 years per sign
   - With an 84-year orbit, Uranus spends approximately seven years in each sign.

8. **Neptune**: ~13-14 years per sign
   - Neptune spends about 13-14 years in each sign, completing a full cycle of the zodiac in around 165 years.

9. **Pluto**: ~12-31 years per sign
   - Pluto’s orbit is highly elliptical, so its time in each sign varies significantly—from about 12 years in some signs (e.g., Scorpio) to over 30 years in others (e.g., Taurus). Its full orbit around the zodiac takes approximately 248 years. 

These durations are approximate and vary slightly due to the planets' retrograde periods and elliptical orbits.
During my Pilates lesson, a woman complained about aches in her foot. She is a Cap. so I wanted to calculate in my head, where was Neptune at her birth, without knowing her date of birth.. she only said she is 41 years years old.. 
so, a quick calculation, it's 1983.. so if Neptune ( rules feet) now is at 27 Pisces, in 1983 it was on the cusp of Capricorn ( bones)... thus her troubles in her feet. 
I like better the Heliocentric cycles, where there are no retros, so here is the table that TS gives : 

November 1, 2024 Friday ( continuing from the former article)
Similar planetary positions as in 1777-1800 and now
What can we learn from these positions ? It shows planetary returns... 

The period between 1770 and 1800 

was marked by profound social, political, and economic upheavals. Here are some key themes from those years that resonate with current times:

1. **Revolution and Social Change**  
   The late 18th century was the era of the American and French Revolutions, both transformative events that reshaped societies. The American Revolution (1775–1783) marked a shift toward self-governance, independence, and democratic ideals. The French Revolution (1789) sought to establish a more egalitarian society, challenging monarchies and aristocratic rule. Today, similar currents are seen globally, with movements calling for more transparency, equality, and accountability from governments.

2. **Economic Turmoil and Class Struggles**  
   Economic disparity and class struggles were significant during this period. For instance, the French Revolution was fueled by widespread poverty and the extreme wealth of the nobility. Today, economic inequality remains a central issue, as technological advances and globalization create both tremendous wealth and significant economic divides. 

3. **Global Realignments and Colonialism**  
   The 1770s-1800s also saw colonial powers like Britain expanding their influence, with shifts in power that eventually led to both the independence movements and colonial disputes worldwide. Modern parallels are seen in the complex geopolitical shifts, where countries seek more influence or challenge existing powers, particularly in resource-rich areas.

4. **Scientific and Philosophical Enlightenment**  
   The Enlightenment reached its height in this era, influencing politics, science, and philosophy. This period celebrated reason, questioning traditional authority, and valuing individual rights—ideals shaping modern democracy. In the current day, we see similar shifts in consciousness with movements advocating for fact-based governance, scientific innovation, and human rights.

5. **Technological and Industrial Beginnings**  
   The dawn of the Industrial Revolution started around the late 1700s, radically transforming economies from agrarian to industrial. With it came new opportunities and challenges, particularly around labor and the environment. Today, we face a comparable digital and green revolution that aims to address environmental issues and redefine industries and labor.

6. **Artistic and Cultural Flourishing**  
   Culturally, this period sparked some of the Romantic movement’s early influences, with a push for art and literature that celebrated nature, individualism, and emotion over reason. Today, many cultural movements focus on authenticity, diversity, and emotional expression in response to complex global issues.

These parallels suggest that periods of intense planetary alignments can bring about revolutionary transformations, deep questioning of authority, and a reordering of societal values—a trend reflected in our own era’s challenges and transformations. 

Uranus in Gemini

The period from 1855 to 1865, when Uranus was in Gemini, was transformative globally, with significant social, technological, and political shifts. Uranus, symbolizing innovation, change, and upheaval, in the communicative and dual sign of Gemini, spurred new ideas, increased mobility, and challenged traditional structures. Here are some key themes and events of that time that still resonate today:

### 1. **Conflict and National Identity**  
   - **American Civil War (1861–1865):** In the United States, Uranus in Gemini coincided with the Civil War, a defining conflict over issues of slavery, states' rights, and national identity. The war fundamentally changed the American political landscape, abolished slavery, and led to constitutional amendments for equal rights. Similarly, today’s issues around civil rights, social justice, and national unity mirror the themes of division and struggle for equality.
   - **European Conflicts and Unifications:** In Europe, the Crimean War (1853–1856) reshaped power dynamics, weakening Russia and leading to a realignment of alliances. Meanwhile, movements for unification and independence emerged, notably in Italy and Germany, reflecting a desire for new national identities. Current geopolitical shifts, alliances, and national movements have echoes in these 19th-century transformations.

### 2. **Technological Innovation and Communication Advances**  
   - **Telegraph Expansion:** Gemini’s association with communication was reflected in the telegraph’s spread, revolutionizing information exchange. The first transatlantic telegraph cable was completed in 1858, enabling instant communication between continents, a game-changer for global trade and diplomacy. This innovation set the stage for the digital communication age, much like today’s internet and telecommunications advances that redefine global connectivity and commerce.
   - **Transportation Advances:** Railroads expanded rapidly during this period, transforming economies and societies by linking previously remote areas. This improved transportation mirrored Gemini’s focus on movement and connection, fostering commerce, migration, and urbanization. Today’s expansion of high-speed rail, electric vehicles, and space travel mirrors this 19th-century growth in transformative transportation.

### 3. **Social and Cultural Shifts**  
   - **Abolition and Social Reforms:** The Uranus in Gemini period saw rising calls for the abolition of slavery and social reforms worldwide. In the U.S., abolitionist movements intensified, culminating in the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Britain also continued its own abolitionist movements, having banned slavery in the colonies in 1833. The social justice movements today, from racial equality to gender rights, have a parallel in these 19th-century reform movements that sought to reshape social structures.
   - **Women’s Rights Movements:** The early women’s rights movement gained traction, with prominent figures like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony beginning their activism. The first significant Women’s Rights Convention took place in 1848, but the movement gained momentum throughout the 1850s and 60s. This mirrors contemporary gender equality and rights movements, as society reevaluates women’s roles and rights across spheres.

### 4. **Scientific Breakthroughs and Intellectual Movements**  
   - **Darwin’s Theory of Evolution:** In 1859, Charles Darwin published *On the Origin of Species*, challenging established beliefs about humanity’s origins and sparking widespread debate. Gemini’s influence brought curiosity, exploration, and rethinking of fundamental assumptions. Today, science and technology continue to challenge traditional beliefs, from genetics to artificial intelligence.
   - **Transcendentalist and Human Rights Philosophies:** Thinkers like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were active in this period, promoting individualism, connection with nature, and civil rights. Thoreau’s essay on civil disobedience, for instance, became a foundation for future civil rights movements. Similarly, modern philosophy and environmental activism echo these themes, with a strong focus on sustainability, personal freedom, and collective responsibility.

### 5. **Global Expansion and Imperialism**  
   - **Colonial Expansion and Cultural Exchanges:** European powers continued their expansion into Asia and Africa, spreading Western influence and establishing colonies. This brought both economic opportunities and cultural conflict, much like today’s global interconnectedness creates both shared benefits and tensions over cultural identity and autonomy.
   - **Migration and Diaspora:** Uranus in Gemini also spurred significant migration movements, as economic and political conditions in Europe led many to seek new lives in the Americas and other parts of the world. The period saw a notable wave of Irish, German, and Italian immigrants to the United States. Today’s migration patterns due to economic, political, and environmental factors show similar displacement and opportunities for cultural blending and integration.

### 6. **Education and Knowledge Expansion**  
   - **Public Education Initiatives:** With Gemini’s association with learning, there was a push to improve literacy and education. Public education expanded in places like the U.S., which began to establish public schools on a wider scale. Today, similar efforts are seen worldwide, with technology allowing for unprecedented access to information, education, and self-improvement.
   - **Intellectual Societies and Knowledge Exchange:** Universities and intellectual societies flourished, facilitating the exchange of new ideas. This echoes today’s explosion of digital knowledge-sharing platforms, online learning, and global intellectual collaboration.

### Summary  
Uranus in Gemini from 1855-1865 marked a time of profound change, especially in areas of communication, national identity, social justice, and technology. The echoes of that period can be seen in the current transformations happening worldwide, where issues around communication, civil rights, technological advancement, and political realignments remain central. Much like in the 19th century, these changes often bring both conflict and opportunity, prompting societies to reassess and redefine their values and structures for a new age.
which planetary positions are similar now with the attack on Pearl Harbor?
The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, took place under a significant planetary alignment that involved themes of conflict, surprise, and long-term consequences. To find resonances today, we can examine some of the key planetary alignments that were present at that time and their parallels to current positions. Here are the main configurations:

### 1. **Saturn-Uranus Tensions (Square Aspect)**
   - **In 1941:** Saturn was in Taurus, square Uranus in Gemini, a configuration associated with sudden disruptions (Uranus) to established structures (Saturn). The square represents tension, challenges, and conflict, often leading to dramatic change and a clash of tradition versus innovation.
   - **In 2023-2024:** We have seen Saturn square Uranus again in recent years (2021–2022, with lingering influence into 2023), though now in fixed signs (Aquarius-Taurus). This alignment brought economic, social, and political upheaval globally. While exact aspects are no longer active, Saturn and Uranus are still exerting influence through major shifts, technological impacts, and restructuring in global dynamics, echoing the destabilizing yet transformative energy of 1941.

### 2. **Mars-Pluto Aspect (Associated with Conflict and Power Struggles)**
   - **In 1941:** Mars was transiting Scorpio, its traditional ruling sign, amplifying themes of aggression, secrets, and intensity. Mars formed aspects to Pluto, the planet of transformation, power, and conflict, representing a high-stakes, often covert struggle.
   - **Currently:** Mars-Pluto aspects in transit continue to bring tension periodically, especially around times when Mars transits intense or fixed signs (such as Scorpio or Aquarius) or comes into aspect with Pluto. For example, Mars will be in Scorpio again later in 2024, potentially triggering themes of heightened aggression, especially in global relations and power dynamics, which are significant reminders of the type of energy present in 1941.

### 3. **Neptune in Pisces (Illusion, Deception, and Idealism)**
   - **In 1941:** Neptune was transiting Virgo, creating a desire for clarity amidst deception and obscurity. Neptune can symbolize foggy or unclear motives, secret plans, and idealistic motivations behind conflicts.
   - **Currently:** Neptune has been in Pisces since 2012 and remains there until 2025. This position heightens the sense of idealism and possible illusion on a global scale, often leading to misunderstandings and ideological conflicts. In Pisces, Neptune encourages an escape from reality or confrontation with hidden truths, mirroring the unclear intentions and alliances that characterized the early 1940s.

### 4. **Jupiter and Pluto Conjunctions (Expansion of Power and Influence)**
   - **In 1941:** Jupiter and Pluto were conjunct in Leo in early 1942, amplifying themes of power, ambition, and expansive influence, especially in wartime and geopolitical arenas. The conjunction suggested the emergence of large-scale, transformative events with global repercussions.
   - **Recently:** A similar conjunction occurred in 2020, when Jupiter and Pluto aligned in Capricorn, emphasizing massive shifts in global power structures, economic changes, and societal transformations. The ripple effects are still unfolding as institutions, governments, and power dynamics continue to adjust in response to new global realities.

### 5. **South Node in Sagittarius (Foreign Relations and Ideologies)**
   - **In 1941:** The South Node was in Sagittarius, indicating themes related to international relations, ideology, and conflicts around belief systems. The South Node in Sagittarius can signify unresolved issues around expansionism, ideologies, and conflicts tied to foreign affairs.
   - **Recently:** The South Node was in Sagittarius from May 2020 to January 2022, highlighting similar themes of ideological conflict, global realignment, and foreign relations issues. This period saw renewed focus on global alliances and ideological divides, echoing the foreign policy and military tensions of the early 1940s.

### Summary of Similar Themes
While not all planetary alignments are identical, several themes resonate:
- **Structural Challenges and Upheavals:** Like Saturn square Uranus in 1941, recent Saturn-Uranus squares challenged traditional structures, creating economic and political shocks.
- **Aggression and Covert Struggles:** Mars-Pluto themes, though not as exact now, bring similar tensions when activated by transit, echoing the underlying power struggles.
- **Deception and Idealism:** Neptune in Pisces today parallels Neptune's influence in 1941, suggesting that current conflicts may involve misunderstandings or ideological illusions.
- **Expansion of Influence and Transformation:** The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in 2020 paralleled the 1942 conjunction, highlighting shifts in global power and influence.

These resonances between past and present planetary configurations underscore a climate where themes of conflict, ideology, transformation, and power struggles are prominent.
Which planetary positions are now the same as on Hiroshima and Nagasaki attack?

The atomic bombings of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945) took place under intense planetary configurations that echoed the destructive energy, sudden shock, and irreversible transformation of the event. Some current planetary alignments and energies mirror those active in August 1945. Here’s a look at the most relevant planetary parallels:

### 1. **Pluto in a Powerful Position (Transformative, Destructive Force)**
   - **In 1945:** Pluto, representing transformation, death, and rebirth, was in Leo. Pluto in Leo emphasizes power struggles, dominance, and the potential for profound, often violent change, particularly on a global scale. The atomic bomb, a symbol of ultimate power and destruction, reflects this energy.
   - **Currently:** Pluto is now in late Capricorn (as of 2024), approaching Aquarius, which is also significant since Pluto has been transforming structures (Capricorn themes) for years and will soon shift focus to collective dynamics and technology (Aquarius themes). As Pluto transitions into Aquarius in 2024-2025, the themes of power, control, and transformative energy will again influence global structures, particularly with regard to technological advancements and collective governance.

### 2. **Mars-Uranus Energy (Sudden, Violent Events)**
   - **In 1945:** Mars in Gemini was approaching a conjunction with Uranus, the planet of sudden events, disruption, and unexpected breakthroughs. This combination is known for sudden, often violent action and innovation, especially in technology and weaponry.
   - **Recently:** Mars and Uranus have had conjunctions, squares, and oppositions over recent years in fixed signs, particularly in Taurus (Uranus in Taurus from 2018 to 2026). The Mars-Uranus energy in Taurus has manifested in significant shocks to economic systems, supply chains, and earth-related matters, mirroring the destabilizing and sometimes destructive influence seen in 1945. 

### 3. **Saturn Square Uranus (Tension Between Old Structures and Innovation)**
   - **In 1945:** Saturn was in Cancer, and while not in a square aspect with Uranus, there was tension in planetary placements that signified structural change and challenges. Saturn in Cancer often relates to concerns about national security and defense.
   - **Recently:** A Saturn-Uranus square was active from 2021 into early 2023, creating ongoing tension between the traditional structures of Saturn and the disruptive, future-oriented energy of Uranus. This aspect has led to challenges in the economy, social structures, and technological innovation, reflecting the upheaval and sudden shifts of 1945.

### 4. **Neptune in a Water Sign (Ambiguity, Illusion, and Humanitarianism)**
   - **In 1945:** Neptune was in Libra, signifying the desire for peace yet underlying deception, idealism, and the challenge of achieving harmony amidst conflict. Neptune's influence here can signify a moment of idealism and peace goals following massive destruction.
   - **Currently:** Neptune in Pisces (since 2012 and lasting until 2025) echoes a similar dynamic of confusion, hope for peace, and underlying ambiguity. Neptune in Pisces is an especially sensitive position, often associated with idealistic or humanitarian motivations but also with potential for misunderstanding, illusion, or hidden agendas. This period emphasizes a search for peace but also the potential for obscured realities, echoing the end-of-war sentiments in 1945.

### 5. **Jupiter-Pluto and Power Expansions**
   - **In 1945:** While Jupiter and Pluto were not conjunct, Jupiter was in direct aspect to Pluto through mutual reception, intensifying themes of power, expansion, and global influence. This magnified Pluto’s transformative energy, contributing to the global scale of the war and the rapid, irreversible change marked by the atomic bomb.
   - **Recently:** In 2020, a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn underscored themes of profound transformation and power realignment, especially in government, authority, and societal structures. The ramifications of this conjunction are still felt, as it prompted significant societal shifts and brought issues of control and power to the forefront, much like the power shifts of 1945.

### Summary of Themes and Parallels  
The planetary positions during the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 resonate with several current configurations:
- **Pluto’s Transformative Energy:** Pluto’s shift into Aquarius echoes the radical transformation themes of Pluto in Leo in 1945.
- **Mars-Uranus Disruptive Influence:** Mars-Uranus aspects in recent years, especially in fixed signs, reflect similar potential for sudden, impactful events.
- **Saturn-Uranus Tension:** The recent Saturn-Uranus square parallels the structural challenges and reformative energy seen in 1945.
- **Neptune in Pisces and the Search for Peace:** Neptune’s influence in a water sign suggests both humanitarian ideals and the potential for obscured truths, similar to the post-war atmosphere.

These planetary positions suggest that, like in 1945, we are in a period of profound global transformation, with potential for both groundbreaking advancements and significant challenges.

will there be a nuclear war soon?

The question of a nuclear conflict is complex, especially given the significant geopolitical tensions and technological advancements of today. Although astrology can highlight themes and potential risks in collective energies, it does not predict specific events with certainty. However, we can examine the current planetary alignments and historical patterns to identify trends that may shape global dynamics and increase or decrease the likelihood of significant conflicts, including the potential use of nuclear technology.

### Current Astrological Indicators
1. **Pluto in Transition from Capricorn to Aquarius (2024-2025)**
   - Pluto is associated with power, transformation, and rebirth, and its shift from Capricorn (governments, structures) to Aquarius (collective welfare, technology) often signifies major global change. In the past, Pluto’s move through Aquarius has been linked with profound societal shifts, technological revolutions, and power realignments. This shift can indicate both opportunities for collaborative advancements and heightened tensions around technology and power structures.
   - Historically, Pluto’s transitions into new signs have sometimes coincided with conflict, but they can also lead to transformations that reduce longstanding risks.

2. **Uranus in Taurus (2018-2026)**
   - Uranus, the planet of unexpected change and revolution, in Taurus (a sign tied to resources and stability) has been linked to sudden shifts in financial and resource-based security. This period has already brought economic disruptions and innovations, but it also reflects tensions over resource control, which can be a root cause of conflicts.
   - Uranus in Taurus may signal ongoing disruptions in international relations and could amplify conflicts around land, security, and resources. However, this placement also emphasizes breakthroughs in sustainability and resource management, which could mitigate some risks.

3. **Mars and Pluto Dynamics**
   - Mars’ aspects to Pluto are often associated with power struggles, military confrontations, and intensity. Significant Mars-Pluto transits can lead to moments of heightened tension, though they do not necessarily predict large-scale conflicts like nuclear war. Observing these aspects as they occur can provide insight into times of potential escalation in international relations.
   - For example, Mars will be in Scorpio (its own sign, bringing intensified energy) from October to December 2024, potentially creating periods of heightened military and geopolitical tension.

### Collective and Political Trends
Astrologically, we are moving through a period that mirrors the turbulent energies seen in prior historical eras of major global realignment, such as the Cold War era when there were similar Saturn-Uranus tensions and Pluto in transformative aspects. However, these periods often involve intensified diplomacy and mutual recognition of the consequences of large-scale conflict.

### Factors Mitigating the Risk of Nuclear War
1. **Global Awareness and Deterrence:** Nuclear weapons remain under strict deterrent strategies by major powers, with mutual deterrence (e.g., MAD – mutually assured destruction) being a core component of preventing escalation.
2. **International Diplomacy:** Despite tensions, diplomatic efforts and international alliances often serve as stabilizing forces. Current alliances and treaties are actively maintained to reduce the likelihood of uncontrolled escalation.
3. **Technological and Environmental Awareness:** Many leaders are increasingly aware of the irreversible impact of nuclear conflict, both on human populations and the environment, which deters action on this scale.

### Summary
Astrology suggests we are in a period of rapid transformation, with potential for both conflict and substantial breakthroughs. While the planetary patterns of this era may echo past periods marked by power struggles, global awareness, deterrent strategies, and diplomatic channels remain powerful stabilizing forces. These elements collectively reduce the likelihood of a full-scale nuclear conflict, although heightened global tensions may continue.
till when will the global tension last?
The current period of global tension is shaped by significant astrological cycles, with specific configurations likely to continue intensifying tensions, at least intermittently, over the next several years. These configurations reflect both economic, political, and technological changes, as well as power dynamics shifting across nations. Here are some key cycles that influence the timeline of global tension:

### 1. **Pluto Transitioning from Capricorn to Aquarius (2024-2044)**
   - Pluto’s move into Aquarius (2024-2025) represents one of the most significant shifts, bringing changes to collective structures, technology, governance, and social reform. While this transition is likely to bring tension around power redistribution and technological advancements, it also opens pathways for new systems and social innovations that can stabilize in the long term.
   - The first few years of Pluto in Aquarius (2024-2028) may bring particularly intense global recalibrations, as power dynamics adjust to new frameworks. By the late 2020s, the transformative groundwork may be in place, possibly easing some tensions.

### 2. **Uranus in Taurus (2018-2026)**
   - Uranus in Taurus has already brought sudden changes to financial systems, supply chains, and resources, a trend expected to continue through 2026. These disruptions can lead to economic insecurity and social instability, factors that often amplify global tension.
   - As Uranus completes its journey through Taurus in 2026, we may see increased stability, with innovations in resource management and financial systems. The transition of Uranus into Gemini will likely shift the focus to communication, technology, and information, potentially relieving some of the pressure on resource-based conflicts.

### 3. **Saturn in Pisces (2023-2025) and Moving into Aries (2025-2028)**
   - Saturn in Pisces (2023-2025) emphasizes boundary issues, ideological conflicts, and the need for practical solutions to humanitarian crises. This period is one of heightened sensitivity, particularly around social justice and global issues such as migration, climate change, and health.
   - When Saturn enters Aries in 2025, it will bring a more assertive energy to global leadership and decision-making. This can initially create tension as leaders adopt new, sometimes aggressive approaches, but it can also foster decisive actions to address long-standing issues by the late 2020s.

### 4. **Jupiter and Key Alignments**
   - Jupiter’s cycle, especially as it conjuncts and squares other outer planets, can influence global optimism or pessimism. In 2024, Jupiter’s presence in Taurus (conjunct Uranus) might intensify financial instability or innovation. As it moves through Taurus and Gemini, Jupiter will focus on expansion in economic and technological realms, influencing policies and global connections.

### 5. **Neptune in Pisces (2012-2025)**
   - Neptune’s final years in Pisces are associated with disillusionment, idealism, and re-evaluation of global ideologies. As Neptune enters Aries in 2025, the focus will shift from philosophical and ideological differences to direct action, which may reduce some of the ambiguity but increase assertive stances on the world stage.
### Summary of the Timeline
- **2024-2025:** Expect continued tension due to Pluto’s shift into Aquarius, the end of Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn’s transition through Pisces. These shifts suggest a dynamic period of restructuring, with potential for intermittent crises but also new foundations for the future.
- **2026-2028:** As Uranus exits Taurus and Pluto settles into Aquarius, and as Saturn becomes established in Aries, the pressure may begin to ease, with shifts towards stabilization and innovation.
- **Late 2020s:** By this period, the planetary cycles suggest that some of the underlying issues creating global tension will be resolved or restructured, potentially leading to a more balanced period in the 2030s.

This timeframe indicates that global tensions are likely to remain high until at least 2026, with significant progress in restructuring and potentially more stability emerging in the late 2020s.
let's check, who, in history, had Mercury trine Neptune ? and turned it into a positive/productive life? 
Oscar Wilde:
Michael Fox" = which gave him the terrible, incurable  Parkinson disease as well.
CHAT GPT thinks otherwise ! : 
The Mercury-Neptune trine in astrology is generally associated with heightened intuition, creativity, and imagination, rather than direct links to neurological conditions like Parkinson's disease. This aspect typically supports abstract thinking, enhanced empathy, and artistic talents, which may manifest as a strong imagination, insight into subtle nuances, or a talent for arts and music. 

However, Parkinson's disease is a complex neurological disorder with roots primarily in genetic and environmental factors, not astrological placements. Research into its causes often focuses on genetics, aging, and exposure to certain environmental toxins. No medical or psychological research has established an astrological aspect like Mercury trine Neptune as a factor in developing Parkinson's."

which planetary position can cause Parkinson ? I asked:
In astrology, there are no planetary positions proven to directly indicate medical conditions like Parkinson’s disease. However, astrologers sometimes associate specific planetary influences with general nervous system health or stress, factors that might contribute to conditions affecting the brain and muscles indirectly. Here’s a general overview of astrological factors some astrologers consider when exploring predispositions toward neurological issues:

### 1. **Mercury and Saturn Influences**
   - **Mercury** is often linked to the nervous system and cognitive function, and **Saturn** relates to rigidity, aging, and structure. When these planets are in a tense aspect, such as a square or opposition, astrologers may view it as indicative of challenges in nervous system functioning or the potential for conditions that could affect coordination and motor skills. 
   - **Mercury in harsh aspects with Saturn or Pluto** (square or opposition) might suggest a higher likelihood of experiencing mental or physical rigidity, which could theoretically relate to neurological conditions, although this remains speculative.

### 2. **Neptune Aspects to Mercury or Saturn**
   - Neptune’s influence is associated with fogginess, confusion, or dissolution. When in tense aspect (e.g., square or opposition) with **Mercury** (ruling the nervous system) or **Saturn** (structure and bones), astrologers sometimes interpret this as a potential for issues involving cognitive processing or muscular control.
   - However, this interpretation does not directly link Neptune to neurological degeneration, as Neptune more often signifies psychological or perceptual effects rather than specific physical ailments.

### 3. **Mutable Signs and Health**
   - Astrologers also look at **mutable signs** (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) in relation to health, as they are thought to represent changeability and adaptability. If planets associated with health, such as the Sun, Mercury, or the Ascendant ruler, are prominent in mutable signs, some astrologers consider this could signify a fluctuating health profile, though it doesn’t indicate a specific condition.

### 4. **Role of Uranus**
   - **Uranus** governs sudden changes and shocks to the system, and in traditional medical astrology, some have speculated that a prominent or afflicted Uranus could correlate with disorders affecting nerves or involuntary movements. For example, Uranus in difficult aspects to Mercury or Saturn could suggest an influence on the nervous system, though this is more likely to reflect general sensitivity to neurological issues rather than a specific disease.

### Limitations
While these aspects might be examined in a natal chart in the context of health tendencies, they don’t predict specific conditions like Parkinson’s. Astrology is better suited to offering insights into personality and life tendencies rather than concrete medical diagnoses, which require thorough scientific and medical evaluation.
CHAT GPT has a lot to learn...yet. 
Pamela Anderson: 
Today in history: Pr. Harry Truman survived a shooting attempt: 
On November 1, 1950, Puerto Rican pro-independence activists Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola attempted to assassinate President Harry S. Truman at the Blair House during the renovation of the White House.[1][2] Both men were stopped before gaining entry to the house. Torresola mortally wounded White House Police officer Leslie Coffelt, who killed him in return fire. Secret Service agents wounded Collazo. Truman was upstairs in the house and not harmed.[3]
Two days before the assassination attempt, Puerto Rican nationalists had attempted to overthrow the government of Puerto Rico. Uprisings occurred in many towns, including Jayuya where the two would-be assassins were born, and where their families still lived. In response, the U.S. Air Force bombed and strafed Jayuya, destroying it, and they bombed the neighboring town of Utuado.[4] In acknowledgement of the issues related to Puerto Rico's status, Truman supported a 1952 plebiscite in Puerto Rico. 81.9% of votes were in favor of Puerto Rico continuing as a Free Associated State of the US.[5] Collazo was convicted in federal court and sentenced to death, which Truman commuted to life in prison. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter commuted the sentence to the time served and Collazo was released.[6]
Truman was sworn in as President on 12 April 1945, age 60, upon Roosevelt's death. During his presidency, Truman, after much deliberation, ordered the atomic bomb dropped on Japan on 6 August 1945, 09:15 AM, Tokyo. As a result of the bombing, Emperor Hirohito of Japan gave an address surrendering the war on August 15, 1945.
Truman established the Atomic Energy Commission and placed it under the control of civilians and not the military commanders who considered it their domain. While in office, he set up the CIA. In November 1948, he captured re-election in the face of polls predicting defeat and was again inaugurated on 20 January 1949. When the Korean War began in June 1950, he established the Office of Defense Mobilization.
On 11 April 1951, Truman signed the Treaty of Peace with Japan. Truman natal chart, with the order to bomb with nuclear weapon Japan...
 I am looking at these positions, to check if we are in a similar scenario ?? God? ET? something/// help us..

