New Moon in Taurus, 2019 ~ Financial and Mundane Astrology.
Between May 5- June 3, 2019
Welcome, from the former article : New Moon in Aries, 2019
The map above shows the New Moon today, and in the outer wheel the next New Moon in June 3rd, in Gemini. I highlighted Mars OUT of Bound position, to which we can add Mercury and Pallas as well. I think the fight will continue as long as Mars is OOB- June 12 even a few days after.
We can also see, that the Capricorn stellium isn't going anywhere, Saturn, Pluto and the South Node will stay. An important move will be Mars leaving Gemini, and entering Cancer. What all these mean, we will see during the month.
Below is a graph of all the aspects due to be during this Lunar month
Other important events this month: 6.05.2019 21:25:04 > Tau Mercury
15.05.2019 12:45:48 > Tau Venus
16.05.2019 6:09:17 > Cnc Mars
21.05.2019 10:59:05 > Gem Sun
21.05.2019 13:51:42 > Gem Mercury
Taurus' fixed stars: There are fortunate and unfortunate stars in each sign. In Taurus , we have unfortunate stars betweens 1-7*, 10-14*; 24-30*. The worst star is Algol, at 26 Taurus. the Sun will conjunct it on May 17-18!!!! keep in mind, the Eurovision is between 14-18.On May 18, at 1 am Mercury and Jupiter will be at the 22 killer degree. History is full with horror events, when planets aspected this star. Oh dear!!
Fortunate stars are at 7-10*, Almach at 14 *, and Rana at 21*.
Taurus' fixed stars: There are fortunate and unfortunate stars in each sign. In Taurus , we have unfortunate stars betweens 1-7*, 10-14*; 24-30*. The worst star is Algol, at 26 Taurus. the Sun will conjunct it on May 17-18!!!! keep in mind, the Eurovision is between 14-18.On May 18, at 1 am Mercury and Jupiter will be at the 22 killer degree. History is full with horror events, when planets aspected this star. Oh dear!!
Fortunate stars are at 7-10*, Almach at 14 *, and Rana at 21*.
Pls read the former articles : New Moon in Taurus : 2018 2017, 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; read them... there is so much information in there!.
To my new readers: I start a new article every new Moon, and I add to it almost daily. You will find here market analysis, world events, celebs' charts, whatever comes to my mind, to look at.
My services are: *Daily alerts for 15$ per day,
*Natal chart reading: $330,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 590 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $175/ month; or $890 /6 months.
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or click on Products. There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
*Natal chart reading: $330,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 590 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $175/ month; or $890 /6 months.
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or click on Products. There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
You might want to click "interesting, cool" and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind.
June 3, 2019 Monday
It is time to turn the page, and start a new article. We are under the New Moon in Gemini....
June 2, 2019 Sunday
As the name shows it, today we are under the energies of the Sun. It is at 11 Gemini.
The sky today; presenting only the planets... the simplest way I can show: we see a group of planets, or a stellium in Gemini inconjunct or 150* to another stellium in Capricorn. This is a negative position. Then we have a solitary Uranus; Moon and Venus at the end of Taurus, Neptune sextile Saturn, now this is a lasting aspect; Jupiter is too solitary, is I use 1 degree orb.-for trade, I mean.. Tomorrow is New Moon, so the Moon is fading out.
June 1, 2019 Saturday
It's already after 9 am, and I was busy looking up what I wrote in the past about hurricanes. Well, I wrote a lot! You can do a search in the search box above. I wrote mostly between August 25, 2017- October 22, 2018. I worked on hurricanes Villa, Florence, Jose, Maria, Irma,Michael, and Harvey. Here are the sites that I use to follow these natural disasters:
Cyclocane; and Windy;; and the names of the 2019 hurricanes.
The first name is Andrea, and there is actually an asteroid under that name, at 8.53 Scorpio today. Second is Barry, same asteroid is at 14.30 Aqua.then Chantal, at 14.14 Gemini, Dorian... hmmm there is a Doris asteroid at 14.01 Leo; Erin!! at 1.00 Leo; Fernandus at 13.40 Libra, Gabriella at 19.07 Libra, Jerrylewis at 17.07 Aries, etc. etc.. Karen at 25.01 Libra, Lorenz at 13.26 Tau; Nestor at 21.01 Aqua; Olga at 9.26 Aqua; Rebekka at 21.34 Libra, Sebastiana at 13.55 Tau, and Wendy at 21.43 Sco. So when these will be triggered by a planet, might... I say might .. trigger a hurricane.
Ok. let me give you an example: I took the first asteroid, Andrea, and I ran the computer to see, when will it be triggered during the year, by other planets or asteroids? I highlighted Mercury, which brings the winds. this doesn't mean, that other positions cannot trigger it.. See the period in August? Most of the planets will be in Earth signs.
Begin: 1.06.2019 Period: 1 year (GMT+3)
Natal: 1.06.2019 9:32:54 GMT+3
Transit Asp Natal Aspect Exact
Maki 28Gem14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 1.06.2019 6:27
Andrea Doria 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 1.06.2019 17:56
Moira 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.06.2019 9:24
Achilles 28Aqr15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.06.2019 23:35
Mercury 28Gem15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 4.06.2019 0:39
Venus 28Tau14 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.06.2019 17:59
Lachesis 28Gem14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.06.2019 21:47
Demokritos 28Gem14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 11.06.2019 4:31
Carolina 28Aqr14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 11.06.2019 17:41
Klotho 28Ari14 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.06.2019 23:32
Damocles 28Aqr15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 15.06.2019 3:20
Sun 28Gem15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 19.06.2019 22:41
Achilles 28Aqr15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 24.06.2019 22:17
Mercury 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 25.06.2019 1:15
Harvey 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 27.06.2019 10:43
Karma 28Psc15 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.06.2019 15:38
Mars 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 29.06.2019 8:01
Atlantis 28Ari15 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 30.06.2019 7:11
Venus 28Gem14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.07.2019 7:50
Apophis 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 4.07.2019 6:48
Andrea Doria 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 5.07.2019 0:42
Storm 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.07.2019 0:58
Edith 28Sgr14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.07.2019 11:46
Nemesis 28Cnc15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 9.07.2019 8:50
Pandora 28Tau14 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 11.07.2019 16:55
Carolina 28Aqr14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.07.2019 9:08
Oceana 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 14.07.2019 6:15
Sun 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 21.07.2019 9:37
Apophis 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 21.07.2019 20:35
Mercury 28Cnc15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 21.07.2019 23:53
Katharina 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 23.07.2019 10:37
Venus 28Cnc15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 26.07.2019 18:37
Flood 28Ari15 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.07.2019 7:30
Israel 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.08.2019 9:24
Tezcatlipoca 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 6.08.2019 2:17
Mercury 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 10.08.2019 6:18
Maki 28Cnc15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 12.08.2019 1:05
Storm 13Vir15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 14.08.2019 11:14
Moira 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 15.08.2019 4:06
Mars 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 15.08.2019 13:52
Atlantis 28Tau14 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 17.08.2019 22:35
Klotho 28Tau15 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 19.08.2019 11:15
Oceana 13Vir15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 20.08.2019 1:03
Venus 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 20.08.2019 2:00
Lucifer 28Gem14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 21.08.2019 1:18
Sun 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 21.08.2019 17:13
Mercury 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.08.2019 13:31
Carla 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 29.08.2019 6:18
Harvey 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 29.08.2019 22:42
Thetis 28Lib15 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 30.08.2019 4:50
Lachesis 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 31.08.2019 13:41
Venus 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 1.09.2019 4:36
Demokritos 28Cnc15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.09.2019 9:25
Mercury 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 5.09.2019 5:31
Sun 13Vir15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 6.09.2019 5:47
Mars 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 8.09.2019 3:32
Apophis 28Lib15 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 8.09.2019 8:59
Israel 13Vir15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 8.09.2019 23:38
Karma 28Psc15 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 12.09.2019 1:59
Moira 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 17.09.2019 16:45
Torricelli 28Lib15 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 18.09.2019 23:17
Nemesis 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 22.09.2019 22:04
Edith 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 1.10.2019 0:38
Mercury 28Lib15 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.10.2019 5:48
Venus 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.10.2019 10:09
Flood 28Ari14 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 10.10.2019 3:35
Hugo 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.10.2019 6:04
Carla 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.10.2019 18:47
Harvey 28Sgr14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 15.10.2019 15:24
Apophis 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 20.10.2019 8:23
Sun 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 22.10.2019 1:56
Apophis 28Sgr14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.11.2019 5:38
Tezcatlipoca 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.11.2019 8:58
Maki 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.11.2019 10:08
Nemesis 13Vir15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 5.11.2019 10:53
Andrea Doria 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 9.11.2019 17:36
Venus 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 12.11.2019 15:18
Wendy 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.11.2019 3:18
Mars 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 16.11.2019 18:28
Hugo 28Sgr14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 22.11.2019 18:01
Tezcatlipoca 28Sgr14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 23.11.2019 4:35
Venus 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 24.11.2019 17:27
Thetis 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 24.11.2019 20:28
Jupiter 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 24.11.2019 21:38
Apophis 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 26.11.2019 6:04
Oceana 28Lib15 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 3.12.2019 20:45
Storm 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 4.12.2019 16:06
Sun 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 5.12.2019 19:44
Katharina 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.12.2019 16:16
Andrea Doria 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 8.12.2019 23:58
Carolina 28Aqr15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 9.12.2019 22:51
Beaufort 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 14.12.2019 12:09
Harvey 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 17.12.2019 17:13
Apophis 28Aqr14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 17.12.2019 18:42
Mercury 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 18.12.2019 10:38
Venus 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 18.12.2019 23:27
Wendy 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 19.12.2019 18:39
Sun 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 20.12.2019 13:54
Thetis 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 22.12.2019 4:14
Karma 28Psc14 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 22.12.2019 21:51
Tezcatlipoca 28Cap15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.12.2019 1:37
Moira 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.12.2019 4:36
Mercury 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.12.2019 4:51
Torricelli 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 29.12.2019 9:07
Israel 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.01.2020 7:11
Apophis 28Psc14 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.01.2020 6:07
Venus 28Aqr15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 12.01.2020 10:55
Edith 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 12.01.2020 14:57
Lucifer 28Gem15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.01.2020 18:17
Achilles 28Aqr14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.01.2020 23:35
Mercury 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 15.01.2020 20:21
Sun 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 19.01.2020 0:28
Mars 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 23.01.2020 2:18
Flood 28Ari15 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 25.01.2020 22:33
Tezcatlipoca 28Aqr14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 26.01.2020 15:22
Apophis 28Ari15 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 29.01.2020 12:46
Here is the chart of the sky for today. Hurricane season is about to start. I added all the asteroids ZET allows, that show hurricanes, landfalls and death. there are more, but that is the max. I could load. But even so, we have a LOT! IT IS VERY DIFFICULT to analyze so many... So what we should do, is to see when will they form an exact aspect to a major malefic?
Computer is calculating... let's see how long it'll take to get 1 month's data. oh.. it took less then 2 sec. But the list is huge! I should maybe use only major aspects... oh, no, even so.. the list is very long.. see here are the first 2 days of June
Actual aspects
Begin: 1.06.2019 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Poseidon 28Tau26 90 Damocles 28Aqr26 1.06.2019 0:08
Lucifer 0Gem27 180 Hugo 0Sgr27 1.06.2019 1:11
Achilles 28Aqr11 120 Maki 28Gem10 1.06.2019 2:51
Mercury 22Gem50 150 Pluto 22Cap50 1.06.2019 6:14
Jupiter 20Sgr41 90 Karma 20Psc40 1.06.2019 6:31
Klotho 22Ari13 150 Ceto 22Sco13 1.06.2019 10:18
Venus 20Tau39 150 Jupiter 20Sgr39 1.06.2019 12:20
Hades 7Cnc39 90 Atlantis 7Ari38 1.06.2019 13:38
Venus 20Tau48 60 Karma 20Psc47 1.06.2019 15:12
Carolina 26Aqr59 45 Flood 11Ari59 1.06.2019 15:12
Carla 29Cnc15 60 Poseidon 29Tau13 1.06.2019 16:39
Damocles 28Aqr26 120 Maki 28Gem26 1.06.2019 17:10
Uranus 4Tau41 120 Edith 4Cap42 1.06.2019 17:44
Vulkanus 0Leo18 120 Hugo 0Sgr18 1.06.2019 18:30
Admetos 1Gem10 60 Apophis 1Leo09 1.06.2019 18:36
Poseidon 13Sco02 120 Nemesis 13Cnc01 1.06.2019 20:36
Venus 21Tau07 120 Torricelli 21Vir07 1.06.2019 21:29
Mercury 24Gem08 60 Eris 24Ari07 1.06.2019 21:48
Torricelli 21Vir07 45 Israel 6Leo06 1.06.2019 21:48
Mercury 24Gem33 0 Chaos 24Gem33 2.06.2019 2:53
Katharina 29Leo56 90 Poseidon 29Tau55 2.06.2019 6:10
Achilles 28Aqr13 150 Moira 28Cnc13 2.06.2019 8:01
Sun 11Gem26 90 Nessus 11Psc26 2.06.2019 8:47
Mercury 25Gem06 0 Demokritos 25Gem05 2.06.2019 9:35
Sun 11Gem29 150 Wendy 11Sco29 2.06.2019 10:05
Hugo 0Sgr09 180 Poseidon 0Gem08 2.06.2019 10:30
Vulkanus 0Leo18 60 Poseidon 0Gem17 2.06.2019 13:29
Mars 11Cnc10 0 Kronos 11Cnc10 2.06.2019 14:15
Poseidon 13Sco01 90 Oceana 13Leo01 2.06.2019 14:27
Mercury 25Gem37 45 Pandora 10Tau37 2.06.2019 16:02
Pluto 22Cap48 90 Klotho 22Ari48 2.06.2019 16:06
Wendy 11Sco26 120 Nessus 11Psc26 2.06.2019 17:12
Venus 22Tau11 180 Ceto 22Sco11 2.06.2019 18:32
Thetis 26Vir25 45 Wendy 11Sco26 2.06.2019 18:52
Thetis 26Vir26 90 Lachesis 26Gem25 2.06.2019 20:00
Katharina 0Vir03 90 Hugo 0Sgr04 2.06.2019 20:56
Moira 28Cnc25 150 Damocles 28Aqr25 2.06.2019 21:15
Mars 11Cnc24 120 Wendy 11Sco24 2.06.2019 23:01
Admetos 1Gem11 0 Lucifer 1Gem11 2.06.2019 23:37
The work of an astrologer is H A R D ... When I write " I think it will be so and so.. you can see how many things must be checked!!
So how do we pick the aspect that will bring a hurricane? That would take a long long research... Going back to historical hurricanes, check where were the planets then? Which ECLIPSE! occurred before and after in a time period of 3 years at least... New moons, Full Moons, etc etc..
Just to give you a clue, IMHO, of course, you are always welcome to say differently, I think that when we have multiple planets in Earth signs, they are more disaster prone than other elements.
12.08.2019 5:26:47 R Uranus 6°36'55"Tau
18.08.2019 8:18:11 > Vir Mars
21.08.2019 12:06:21 > Vir Venus
23.08.2019 13:01:57 > Vir Sun
29.08.2019 10:47:43 > Vir Mercury
18.09.2019 11:45:46 D Saturn 13°54'35"Cap
28.09.2019 0:01:45 max S Saturn
3.10.2019 9:39:12 D Pluto 20°38'01"Cap
18.10.2019 0:01:45 max S Pluto
17.11.2019 0:01:45 max S Neptune
2.12.2019 21:20:13 > Cap Jupiter
22.12.2019 7:19:23 > Cap Sun
29.12.2019 7:54:45 > Cap Mercury
So, as you can see, these are the periods or days, that I would look for a natural disaster. But, again.. there are many factors to it!!
And next, say, we figured out which aspect brings the disaster, we now have to find
So, let's see June is here, what should we look out for in this month?
4.06.2019 23:04:28 > Cnc Mercury
9.06.2019 4:36:54 > Gem Venus
21.06.2019 17:35:13 R Neptune 18°43'27"Psc
21.06.2019 18:54:12 > Cnc Sun
27.06.2019 3:19:22 > Leo Mercury
As you understand, probably, I deleted the minor events... there are always hundreds... and we see, that the most important one is Neptune turning retro.
I will have to work now on my weekly forecasts... see you later.
May 31, 2019 Friday
Today we are under the influence of Venus and Jupiter. Isn't that beautiful? the two benefactors. Let's see where are they?
Cotton: it trades at a critical position... Do you see the Head and shoulders pattern that it is building:?? falling below multiple support at 66, will crash! Interesting that 6 is ruled by Venus... so any transit aspect to natal Venus will trigger here a move.
Natural gas:
May 30, 2019 Thursday
On April 9th we had elections for the 21 Knesset. This is what I wrote then:
Yesterday I recorded 2 videos about the Bitcoin.
Tomorrow the secret Bilderberg meeting will take place. Interesting... this is the first time I hear about this.
So, let's see, the USA traded yesterday and it quickly turned red.
I hope you used the alerts sent..
Today: the Moon moved to Aries, and she is approaching the Sun, we are before the New Moon. She makes a minor apect to Uranus, nevertheless, indices trading now, it's 7 am, should look out for gaps. I already sent alerts for Asia, the far East and tel Aviv. We have expiry today, the arbitrage is -0.64%! So finally we will see, we must see a serious fall, and my short positions will pay. But, nothing is certain here.. I expect to see 1548-49 at least.
I'll send alerts for the cryptos soon. Alerts sent! Check your apps...
Playing with thoughts and perfect symmetry: Litecoin:
May 28, 2019 Tuesday
Today we are under a double effect of Mars. The Moon is at 22 Pisces, separating from Neptune. remember, Neptune dissolves issues. When the Moon is conjunct, it is related to your feelings, big time, or, you are not focused, mentally disturbed, upset, endlessly, feeling there is no comfort. The Moon also square Jupiter, which for us, is now in teh 6th house of hypochondria, worries on health go to extremes, under this bad Jupiter! Mars and the South Node in Cancer, just add more oil to the fire... Luckily, we have Saturn and Pluto Venus and Uranus in earth signs, that can somewhat balance this outburst of feelings, But, what comfort can Pluto from H8 give? ... Note, that Mercury and Mars are still OOB! Our nerves work over time! Also Mars is at Jupiter/Pluto Midpoint. The Moon will be Void- most of the day, and will conjunct the worst fixed star in Pisces, Scheat, as of 20.11 pm- 21:24 pm gmt+3.
There was no trade in the USA yesterday, but the futures are trading, here is what this site thinks we should do:
I will send my alerts for the US markets, they are based on technical analysis and on planetary cycles. 8:30 am alerts for the USA sent. So what you should do now: enter those levels to the box, and you will receive an alert by mail if the level has been triggered.
May 27, 2019 Monday.
Yesterday we had the European Parliament elections. Here is an article by Mr.Armstrong about it.
Today we are under the influence of the Moon and Saturn. Here is the sky for today: Note that Venus is on the fixed star Almaak, a fortunate one. Mercury is separating from the Sun, which gives back its powers, to make a very volatile day.
So let's see how will Europe open today?
Here are the alerts sent:on May 20:
The cryptos trade today. I read, that FB wants to make its own crypto by 2020...
Arab countries also trade today: TASI: Saudia
Do you know the flower Dandelion? It is ruled by Jupiter, and this article says, it kills cancer cells. Have it in your salad! read this article as well!
May 25, 2019 Saturday
We had terrible fires all over the country! Firefighters are working around the clock to put these fires out. Whole houses, forests were burnt down. Very sad...Today the heat is calming down, not 45 Celsius any more, I actually opened the windows and feel some wind coming in. Many people are now homeless, everything gone. Fires were caused not only by the heat and changing wind, but also from arson, and fire balloons set off from the Gaza strip.
Markets took a turn after a fall and turned up. But they did not go above former tops, so the overall short sentiment is still valid.

Today we have an exact Mars- Chiron square in the sky. If Mars represents fights, quarrells, wars, killings, and the sign it is in, Cancer, family, mother, a woman feature in one's life, the wife you want to be as your mother, then Mars brings fights in the family, with women.
June 3, 2019 Monday
It is time to turn the page, and start a new article. We are under the New Moon in Gemini....
June 2, 2019 Sunday
As the name shows it, today we are under the energies of the Sun. It is at 11 Gemini.
The sky today; presenting only the planets... the simplest way I can show: we see a group of planets, or a stellium in Gemini inconjunct or 150* to another stellium in Capricorn. This is a negative position. Then we have a solitary Uranus; Moon and Venus at the end of Taurus, Neptune sextile Saturn, now this is a lasting aspect; Jupiter is too solitary, is I use 1 degree orb.-for trade, I mean.. Tomorrow is New Moon, so the Moon is fading out.
My calculations are based on these positions. Here is the graph for the next two days: see, I deleted the fast moving planets, otherwise it would be again a huge table... the important aspect that starts tomorrow is a sextile between Saturn- Neptune that lasts till July 3rd. They were in a similar sextile only in April 4- 1999, but NOT in the same signs!! Actually, I had to go back to Dec. 20, 1696!!!- till Jan 1697; to find again a similar sextile, when Neptune was at 26 Pisces and Saturn at 26 Capricorn... So it is really an extraordinary period that we live in. I wonder what happened during that time in history?
We have a -0.81% arbitrage. Again, it is TEVA that pushes the market down, but it is not alone. People should stay away from this share, till late October... I wrote it in local trading groups, but they mock me... so here we are..
I am back from the gym, and I found the data of the Virginia Beach shooter on FB. Thanks to Neomi Bennett.
So the 150th!! shooting this year in the USA, was done by DeWayne Craddock. His name, numerologically adds up to 9+8= 17/8 Ruled by Saturn. Saturn is at 9 Virgo, (9 is a no. ruled by Mars.) His Mars is at 17 ! (like his name) 17 Scorpio. Le't look at his astrology chart: He has a stellium in Scorpio, sign of life and death. Mars conjunct Uranus (sudden events) and Mars also conjunct Venus, which is at the killer degree 22!. I made a solar chart, since we don't know his hour of birth, and so we get an ascendant at 21Libra45. his 8th house of life and death is in Taurus, also ruled by Venus, and we see there, at the time of the killing, 4:06 pm, the Vertex- (it shows our dreams and hopes, do you really want to reach that dream?) But it is more terrible to find Mercury in the 8th house !! at 22 Virgo! Multiple deaths. In the same time, transit Mars was at 10 Cancer, Mars rules his 7th house of partners, and he killed people with whom he worked for 15 years.. .We can also find a Moon-180- Pluto in his natal chart, the Moon in Aries.
Now here is a thing that I am studying now... I combined Craddock's natal chart and put it on Virginia Beach. As you can see, the Midpoint of Mercury(mind)-Pluto(destruction) is crossing Virginia Beach. But what is more interesting, that natal Mars and Uranus are conjunct exactly. With this method, we can even rectify a natal chart. I found 6:14 am.
And here is the regular natal chart with the transit: see how many 22 degrees? ( in yellow)!
In green we have Mars degrees, while Mars is exactly on the MC. The killing was at his career house.
June 1, 2019 Saturday
It's already after 9 am, and I was busy looking up what I wrote in the past about hurricanes. Well, I wrote a lot! You can do a search in the search box above. I wrote mostly between August 25, 2017- October 22, 2018. I worked on hurricanes Villa, Florence, Jose, Maria, Irma,Michael, and Harvey. Here are the sites that I use to follow these natural disasters:
Cyclocane; and Windy;; and the names of the 2019 hurricanes.
The first name is Andrea, and there is actually an asteroid under that name, at 8.53 Scorpio today. Second is Barry, same asteroid is at 14.30 Aqua.then Chantal, at 14.14 Gemini, Dorian... hmmm there is a Doris asteroid at 14.01 Leo; Erin!! at 1.00 Leo; Fernandus at 13.40 Libra, Gabriella at 19.07 Libra, Jerrylewis at 17.07 Aries, etc. etc.. Karen at 25.01 Libra, Lorenz at 13.26 Tau; Nestor at 21.01 Aqua; Olga at 9.26 Aqua; Rebekka at 21.34 Libra, Sebastiana at 13.55 Tau, and Wendy at 21.43 Sco. So when these will be triggered by a planet, might... I say might .. trigger a hurricane.
Ok. let me give you an example: I took the first asteroid, Andrea, and I ran the computer to see, when will it be triggered during the year, by other planets or asteroids? I highlighted Mercury, which brings the winds. this doesn't mean, that other positions cannot trigger it.. See the period in August? Most of the planets will be in Earth signs.
Begin: 1.06.2019 Period: 1 year (GMT+3)
Natal: 1.06.2019 9:32:54 GMT+3
Transit Asp Natal Aspect Exact
Maki 28Gem14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 1.06.2019 6:27
Andrea Doria 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 1.06.2019 17:56
Moira 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.06.2019 9:24
Achilles 28Aqr15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.06.2019 23:35
Mercury 28Gem15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 4.06.2019 0:39
Venus 28Tau14 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.06.2019 17:59
Lachesis 28Gem14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.06.2019 21:47
Demokritos 28Gem14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 11.06.2019 4:31
Carolina 28Aqr14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 11.06.2019 17:41
Klotho 28Ari14 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.06.2019 23:32
Damocles 28Aqr15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 15.06.2019 3:20
Sun 28Gem15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 19.06.2019 22:41
Achilles 28Aqr15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 24.06.2019 22:17
Mercury 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 25.06.2019 1:15
Harvey 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 27.06.2019 10:43
Karma 28Psc15 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.06.2019 15:38
Mars 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 29.06.2019 8:01
Atlantis 28Ari15 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 30.06.2019 7:11
Venus 28Gem14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.07.2019 7:50
Apophis 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 4.07.2019 6:48
Andrea Doria 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 5.07.2019 0:42
Storm 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.07.2019 0:58
Edith 28Sgr14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.07.2019 11:46
Nemesis 28Cnc15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 9.07.2019 8:50
Pandora 28Tau14 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 11.07.2019 16:55
Carolina 28Aqr14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.07.2019 9:08
Oceana 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 14.07.2019 6:15
Sun 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 21.07.2019 9:37
Apophis 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 21.07.2019 20:35
Mercury 28Cnc15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 21.07.2019 23:53
Katharina 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 23.07.2019 10:37
Venus 28Cnc15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 26.07.2019 18:37
Flood 28Ari15 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.07.2019 7:30
Israel 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.08.2019 9:24
Tezcatlipoca 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 6.08.2019 2:17
Mercury 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 10.08.2019 6:18
Maki 28Cnc15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 12.08.2019 1:05
Storm 13Vir15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 14.08.2019 11:14
Moira 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 15.08.2019 4:06
Mars 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 15.08.2019 13:52
Atlantis 28Tau14 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 17.08.2019 22:35
Klotho 28Tau15 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 19.08.2019 11:15
Oceana 13Vir15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 20.08.2019 1:03
Venus 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 20.08.2019 2:00
Lucifer 28Gem14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 21.08.2019 1:18
Sun 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 21.08.2019 17:13
Mercury 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.08.2019 13:31
Carla 28Leo14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 29.08.2019 6:18
Harvey 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 29.08.2019 22:42
Thetis 28Lib15 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 30.08.2019 4:50
Lachesis 28Cnc14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 31.08.2019 13:41
Venus 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 1.09.2019 4:36
Demokritos 28Cnc15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.09.2019 9:25
Mercury 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 5.09.2019 5:31
Sun 13Vir15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 6.09.2019 5:47
Mars 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 8.09.2019 3:32
Apophis 28Lib15 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 8.09.2019 8:59
Israel 13Vir15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 8.09.2019 23:38
Karma 28Psc15 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 12.09.2019 1:59
Moira 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 17.09.2019 16:45
Torricelli 28Lib15 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 18.09.2019 23:17
Nemesis 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 22.09.2019 22:04
Edith 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 1.10.2019 0:38
Mercury 28Lib15 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.10.2019 5:48
Venus 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.10.2019 10:09
Flood 28Ari14 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 10.10.2019 3:35
Hugo 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.10.2019 6:04
Carla 13Vir14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.10.2019 18:47
Harvey 28Sgr14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 15.10.2019 15:24
Apophis 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 20.10.2019 8:23
Sun 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 22.10.2019 1:56
Apophis 28Sgr14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.11.2019 5:38
Tezcatlipoca 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.11.2019 8:58
Maki 28Leo15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.11.2019 10:08
Nemesis 13Vir15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 5.11.2019 10:53
Andrea Doria 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 9.11.2019 17:36
Venus 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 12.11.2019 15:18
Wendy 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.11.2019 3:18
Mars 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 16.11.2019 18:28
Hugo 28Sgr14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 22.11.2019 18:01
Tezcatlipoca 28Sgr14 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 23.11.2019 4:35
Venus 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 24.11.2019 17:27
Thetis 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 24.11.2019 20:28
Jupiter 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 24.11.2019 21:38
Apophis 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 26.11.2019 6:04
Oceana 28Lib15 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 3.12.2019 20:45
Storm 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 4.12.2019 16:06
Sun 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 5.12.2019 19:44
Katharina 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.12.2019 16:16
Andrea Doria 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 8.12.2019 23:58
Carolina 28Aqr15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 9.12.2019 22:51
Beaufort 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 14.12.2019 12:09
Harvey 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 17.12.2019 17:13
Apophis 28Aqr14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 17.12.2019 18:42
Mercury 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 18.12.2019 10:38
Venus 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 18.12.2019 23:27
Wendy 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 19.12.2019 18:39
Sun 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 20.12.2019 13:54
Thetis 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 22.12.2019 4:14
Karma 28Psc14 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 22.12.2019 21:51
Tezcatlipoca 28Cap15 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.12.2019 1:37
Moira 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.12.2019 4:36
Mercury 28Sgr15 60 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 28.12.2019 4:51
Torricelli 13Sgr14 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 29.12.2019 9:07
Israel 28Lib14 0 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 2.01.2020 7:11
Apophis 28Psc14 150 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 7.01.2020 6:07
Venus 28Aqr15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 12.01.2020 10:55
Edith 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 12.01.2020 14:57
Lucifer 28Gem15 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.01.2020 18:17
Achilles 28Aqr14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 13.01.2020 23:35
Mercury 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 15.01.2020 20:21
Sun 28Cap14 90 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 19.01.2020 0:28
Mars 13Sgr15 45 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 23.01.2020 2:18
Flood 28Ari15 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 25.01.2020 22:33
Tezcatlipoca 28Aqr14 120 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 26.01.2020 15:22
Apophis 28Ari15 180 Andrea Doria 28Lib14 29.01.2020 12:46
Here is the chart of the sky for today. Hurricane season is about to start. I added all the asteroids ZET allows, that show hurricanes, landfalls and death. there are more, but that is the max. I could load. But even so, we have a LOT! IT IS VERY DIFFICULT to analyze so many... So what we should do, is to see when will they form an exact aspect to a major malefic?
Computer is calculating... let's see how long it'll take to get 1 month's data. oh.. it took less then 2 sec. But the list is huge! I should maybe use only major aspects... oh, no, even so.. the list is very long.. see here are the first 2 days of June
Actual aspects
Begin: 1.06.2019 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Poseidon 28Tau26 90 Damocles 28Aqr26 1.06.2019 0:08
Lucifer 0Gem27 180 Hugo 0Sgr27 1.06.2019 1:11
Achilles 28Aqr11 120 Maki 28Gem10 1.06.2019 2:51
Mercury 22Gem50 150 Pluto 22Cap50 1.06.2019 6:14
Jupiter 20Sgr41 90 Karma 20Psc40 1.06.2019 6:31
Klotho 22Ari13 150 Ceto 22Sco13 1.06.2019 10:18
Venus 20Tau39 150 Jupiter 20Sgr39 1.06.2019 12:20
Hades 7Cnc39 90 Atlantis 7Ari38 1.06.2019 13:38
Venus 20Tau48 60 Karma 20Psc47 1.06.2019 15:12
Carolina 26Aqr59 45 Flood 11Ari59 1.06.2019 15:12
Carla 29Cnc15 60 Poseidon 29Tau13 1.06.2019 16:39
Damocles 28Aqr26 120 Maki 28Gem26 1.06.2019 17:10
Uranus 4Tau41 120 Edith 4Cap42 1.06.2019 17:44
Vulkanus 0Leo18 120 Hugo 0Sgr18 1.06.2019 18:30
Admetos 1Gem10 60 Apophis 1Leo09 1.06.2019 18:36
Poseidon 13Sco02 120 Nemesis 13Cnc01 1.06.2019 20:36
Venus 21Tau07 120 Torricelli 21Vir07 1.06.2019 21:29
Mercury 24Gem08 60 Eris 24Ari07 1.06.2019 21:48
Torricelli 21Vir07 45 Israel 6Leo06 1.06.2019 21:48
Mercury 24Gem33 0 Chaos 24Gem33 2.06.2019 2:53
Katharina 29Leo56 90 Poseidon 29Tau55 2.06.2019 6:10
Achilles 28Aqr13 150 Moira 28Cnc13 2.06.2019 8:01
Sun 11Gem26 90 Nessus 11Psc26 2.06.2019 8:47
Mercury 25Gem06 0 Demokritos 25Gem05 2.06.2019 9:35
Sun 11Gem29 150 Wendy 11Sco29 2.06.2019 10:05
Hugo 0Sgr09 180 Poseidon 0Gem08 2.06.2019 10:30
Vulkanus 0Leo18 60 Poseidon 0Gem17 2.06.2019 13:29
Mars 11Cnc10 0 Kronos 11Cnc10 2.06.2019 14:15
Poseidon 13Sco01 90 Oceana 13Leo01 2.06.2019 14:27
Mercury 25Gem37 45 Pandora 10Tau37 2.06.2019 16:02
Pluto 22Cap48 90 Klotho 22Ari48 2.06.2019 16:06
Wendy 11Sco26 120 Nessus 11Psc26 2.06.2019 17:12
Venus 22Tau11 180 Ceto 22Sco11 2.06.2019 18:32
Thetis 26Vir25 45 Wendy 11Sco26 2.06.2019 18:52
Thetis 26Vir26 90 Lachesis 26Gem25 2.06.2019 20:00
Katharina 0Vir03 90 Hugo 0Sgr04 2.06.2019 20:56
Moira 28Cnc25 150 Damocles 28Aqr25 2.06.2019 21:15
Mars 11Cnc24 120 Wendy 11Sco24 2.06.2019 23:01
Admetos 1Gem11 0 Lucifer 1Gem11 2.06.2019 23:37
The work of an astrologer is H A R D ... When I write " I think it will be so and so.. you can see how many things must be checked!!
So how do we pick the aspect that will bring a hurricane? That would take a long long research... Going back to historical hurricanes, check where were the planets then? Which ECLIPSE! occurred before and after in a time period of 3 years at least... New moons, Full Moons, etc etc..
Just to give you a clue, IMHO, of course, you are always welcome to say differently, I think that when we have multiple planets in Earth signs, they are more disaster prone than other elements.
12.08.2019 5:26:47 R Uranus 6°36'55"Tau
18.08.2019 8:18:11 > Vir Mars
21.08.2019 12:06:21 > Vir Venus
23.08.2019 13:01:57 > Vir Sun
29.08.2019 10:47:43 > Vir Mercury
18.09.2019 11:45:46 D Saturn 13°54'35"Cap
28.09.2019 0:01:45 max S Saturn
3.10.2019 9:39:12 D Pluto 20°38'01"Cap
18.10.2019 0:01:45 max S Pluto
17.11.2019 0:01:45 max S Neptune
2.12.2019 21:20:13 > Cap Jupiter
22.12.2019 7:19:23 > Cap Sun
29.12.2019 7:54:45 > Cap Mercury
So, as you can see, these are the periods or days, that I would look for a natural disaster. But, again.. there are many factors to it!!
And next, say, we figured out which aspect brings the disaster, we now have to find
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So, let's see June is here, what should we look out for in this month?
4.06.2019 23:04:28 > Cnc Mercury
9.06.2019 4:36:54 > Gem Venus
21.06.2019 17:35:13 R Neptune 18°43'27"Psc
21.06.2019 18:54:12 > Cnc Sun
27.06.2019 3:19:22 > Leo Mercury
As you understand, probably, I deleted the minor events... there are always hundreds... and we see, that the most important one is Neptune turning retro.
I will have to work now on my weekly forecasts... see you later.
May 31, 2019 Friday
Today we are under the influence of Venus and Jupiter. Isn't that beautiful? the two benefactors. Let's see where are they?
Look how beautiful the picture of the sky is! Venus just triggered all the planets.
Besides that, we have the Moon in Taurus, will soon conjunct Uranus. And Venus is inconjunct Jupiter. So what do they tell us? First, expect the unexpected today. (Moon-Ura); then shares, commodities ruled by Venus will be triggered, we should be short in them. But we should also make some calculations, because that Venus-Sat trine should stop falls!
How to do that calculation? Well' I teach that in my Financial astrology course.
Today is a CIT day for: STI, Euro, CYRN Yansab, Verifon, JPM, RACE, SALT, TEVA, AT&T, PyPL.
So let's see where are the commodities?Cotton: it trades at a critical position... Do you see the Head and shoulders pattern that it is building:?? falling below multiple support at 66, will crash! Interesting that 6 is ruled by Venus... so any transit aspect to natal Venus will trigger here a move.
Cattle: it isn't going anywhere until it trades in the channel...
Palladium is the winner!!! Look here! 700% in a few years...
Platinum, Gold,Silver and Natural Gas are a waste of time. Coffee was good for short!
GOLD weekly graph: Natural gas:
May 30, 2019 Thursday
On April 9th we had elections for the 21 Knesset. This is what I wrote then:
APRIL 9, 2018 Tuesday
Elections in Israel 2019 (writing this article at 8 am)
The natal Sun represents the PM, Netanyahu. The Sun is at 23 Taurus.
Transit Jupiter is 150 to it, exact aspect today, transit Saturn, Pluto and the South Node is 120 to it ( showing a culmination and fall); transit Mercury, ruler of H8 is in square.
Transit Sun is at the exalted degree for the Sun in Aries. (19 Aries).
The Moon represents the people. At 10 pm, when the elections close, the Moon is exactly at 11 Gemini, in the 8th house, conjunct Mercury, in the 8th. A Gemini position for the Moon, shows, that the people is divided...
Transit Venus and Neptune send a disharmonic aspect to natal Saturn and Pluto. Venus represents the other big party, Mr.Gantz, ("Blue and white"). Venus sends a 150 deg. A 150 degree aspect to the government, Saturn, and Pluto- major change. (ruler of H1).
It is also interesting to see, that transit Jupiter is exactly conjunct to natal Jupiter, representing the high court, law and justice.
4 years ago we had 72.4% votes. Let's see how many we will have today? Many returned from abroad to vote!
We are 240 days from Aug 11, 2018 Solar eclipse on 18 Leo.
We are 240 days from Aug 11, 2018 Solar eclipse on 18 Leo.
And, finally, we are 270 days from the Solar eclipse day in Cancer, at 20 degrees. Note, that the NNode is at 22 Cancer,in the 9th house. Saturn is exact opposition to that degree.
Saturn also represents the president, Mr Rivlin, who will have to decide in the end to which party grant the possibility to build a coalition. THAT! WILL BE A HARD NUT TO CRACK.
Yesterday, at midnight this Knesset was dissolved, because Netanyahu could not form a government. Let's look at the two charts. April 9, 7:00 am the Sun is in the 12 house, at 19 degree, and Uranus is on the Ascendant. Uranus always brings surprize events. Although Bibi got MORE mandetes than in the former election, 4 years ago, he was incapable to form a govt. In the chart of 4/9th the open enemy, or the partners is under Pluto, and it turned retro! in the 9th house of laws, and we know he has 4 cases open against him in court.
Now, before forecasting what will happen in September, we should remember, that the upcoming eclipses in July, at 6 and 16th Cancer, will trigger most of BN.'s natal chart. So we will see more dramatic and unforeseen events.
Today we had options' expiry and I was very busy in the morning.. so, I hope you are well, and are gaining in your positions as well.
May 29, 2019 Wednesday~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yesterday, at midnight this Knesset was dissolved, because Netanyahu could not form a government. Let's look at the two charts. April 9, 7:00 am the Sun is in the 12 house, at 19 degree, and Uranus is on the Ascendant. Uranus always brings surprize events. Although Bibi got MORE mandetes than in the former election, 4 years ago, he was incapable to form a govt. In the chart of 4/9th the open enemy, or the partners is under Pluto, and it turned retro! in the 9th house of laws, and we know he has 4 cases open against him in court.
Now, before forecasting what will happen in September, we should remember, that the upcoming eclipses in July, at 6 and 16th Cancer, will trigger most of BN.'s natal chart. So we will see more dramatic and unforeseen events.
Today we had options' expiry and I was very busy in the morning.. so, I hope you are well, and are gaining in your positions as well.
Yesterday I recorded 2 videos about the Bitcoin.
Tomorrow the secret Bilderberg meeting will take place. Interesting... this is the first time I hear about this.
So, let's see, the USA traded yesterday and it quickly turned red.
I hope you used the alerts sent..
Today: the Moon moved to Aries, and she is approaching the Sun, we are before the New Moon. She makes a minor apect to Uranus, nevertheless, indices trading now, it's 7 am, should look out for gaps. I already sent alerts for Asia, the far East and tel Aviv. We have expiry today, the arbitrage is -0.64%! So finally we will see, we must see a serious fall, and my short positions will pay. But, nothing is certain here.. I expect to see 1548-49 at least.
I'll send alerts for the cryptos soon. Alerts sent! Check your apps...
Playing with thoughts and perfect symmetry: Litecoin:
May 28, 2019 Tuesday
Today we are under a double effect of Mars. The Moon is at 22 Pisces, separating from Neptune. remember, Neptune dissolves issues. When the Moon is conjunct, it is related to your feelings, big time, or, you are not focused, mentally disturbed, upset, endlessly, feeling there is no comfort. The Moon also square Jupiter, which for us, is now in teh 6th house of hypochondria, worries on health go to extremes, under this bad Jupiter! Mars and the South Node in Cancer, just add more oil to the fire... Luckily, we have Saturn and Pluto Venus and Uranus in earth signs, that can somewhat balance this outburst of feelings, But, what comfort can Pluto from H8 give? ... Note, that Mercury and Mars are still OOB! Our nerves work over time! Also Mars is at Jupiter/Pluto Midpoint. The Moon will be Void- most of the day, and will conjunct the worst fixed star in Pisces, Scheat, as of 20.11 pm- 21:24 pm gmt+3.
Moon's aspects gmt:00:00
28.05.2019 4:20:50 22°53'32"Psc Sextile Pluto
28.05.2019 18:31:37 0°00'00"Ari <<<
29.05.2019 9:51:27 7°45'38"Ari Sextile Sun
29.05.2019 11:30:15 8°35'58"Ari Square Mars
30.05.2019 8:02:35 19°09'45"Ari Sextile Mercury
30.05.2019 9:16:04 19°47'56"Ari Square Saturn
30.05.2019 11:21:08 20°52'59"Ari Trine Jupiter
30.05.2019 15:07:56 22°51'17"Ari Square Pluto
31.05.2019 4:42:54 0°00'00"Tau <<<
31.05.2019 13:26:11 4°38'23"Tau Conjunction Uranus
31.05.2019 23:48:42 10°12'47"Tau Sextile Mars
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~There was no trade in the USA yesterday, but the futures are trading, here is what this site thinks we should do:
I will send my alerts for the US markets, they are based on technical analysis and on planetary cycles. 8:30 am alerts for the USA sent. So what you should do now: enter those levels to the box, and you will receive an alert by mail if the level has been triggered.
May 27, 2019 Monday.
Yesterday we had the European Parliament elections. Here is an article by Mr.Armstrong about it.
Today we are under the influence of the Moon and Saturn. Here is the sky for today: Note that Venus is on the fixed star Almaak, a fortunate one. Mercury is separating from the Sun, which gives back its powers, to make a very volatile day.
So let's see how will Europe open today?
Here are the alerts sent:on May 20:
updates to May 17 alerts.
Looking at the 1 h.FUTURES graphs
AEX: Stop was 556. targeting 559; Failing to reach it and go over, use it as stop for short. .
CAC: Stop was 5360, Now at 5362. Target is 5387. Failing to reach it, use it as stop for short.
DAX: Stop was 12200, Now at 12201. Falling below 12298, next: 12000.
FTSE UK: Stop was 7320, now 7357. Raise stop to 7340.
IBEX: stop WAS 9230- now at 9227. We are short, target 9225- 9200. .
MIB: stop was 20700 Now at 207370 we are long.
OMX Sweden: stop was 1600, now at 1601. Should go over 1620 for a rally! Falling below 1600= short.
SMI: stop was 9600, now at 9625. Target 8645, failing to go over, short! Target 9500
WIG20: Stop is at 2175. Short below.. Should go above 2192 for a rally!
I will send now new alerts. Download my app now! 8:00 am alerts sent! Pls. check the alerts for Asia now as well. it's 9:18 am..
See you later.
Marine Le Pen : victory over Macron, in EU vote!
let's look at her chart: born on Aug.5, 1968 at 11:20 gives her a Libra rising, with the SOuth Node on it! Actually the SN is in the 12th, and the NN in the 6th. So her karma (H12) pushes her to change a certain balance (Libra). Her Sun is at 13 Leo, this is a double fire position, because 13th degree is an Aries degree. The Moon is in powerful Capricorn, she will not be ashamed of stepping on others' neck in order to succeed. The Moon also represents her career, the MC, at 19Cancer41 with equal houses, or
Her age point is at 28-29 Gemini. this point is triggered E X A C T L Y by Directed Jupiter, from 29.50 Libra. This point is also triggered by multiple planets in the Sec.Prog. chart.
TImes to watch for further events: Secondary progressions on natal chart:
Natal: 5.08.1968 11:20:00 GMT+1
Progress. Asp Natal Aspect Exact
Moon 60 Jupiter 27.05.2019 1:37
Moon 90 Mercury 9.07.2019 23:55
Moon 150 Node 26.07.2019 13:06
Moon 30 S.Node 26.07.2019 13:06
Moon 45 Uranus 4.08.2019 23:37
Moon 90 Sun 5.09.2019 9:31
Uranus 60 Mars 8.12.2019 4:30
Moon 45 Moon 15.12.2019 16:36
Moon 144 Node 25.12.2019 4:01
Moon 36 S.Node 25.12.2019 4:01
Moon 108 Mars 4.01.2020 2:46
Moon 72 Jupiter 25.03.2020 8:05
Moon 60 Pluto 30.03.2020 23:42
and: Zodiacal Direction (1 degree = 1 year)
Begin: 1.04.2019 Period: 1 year (GMT+2)
Natal: 5.08.1968 11:20:00 GMT+1
Direct Asp Natal Aspect Exact
Chiron 180 Neptune 16.05.2019 19:12
Jupiter 90 Mars 19.05.2019 9:36
Mercury 36 Venus 17.07.2019 21:36
Eris 108 Pluto 9.08.2019 9:36
Uranus 108 Mars 13.08.2019 7:12
Neptune 108 Uranus 19.08.2019 12:00
Mercury 90 Moon 15.11.2019 21:36
Mars 0 Pluto 13.01.2020 0:00
Any planet between 27-8 degrees in future charts trigger her Moon. (ruler of her career).
Here are the Directed planets aspecting her natal planets: One of the most important date is Jupiter enters Scorpio on July 27th. It will bring a change for her. See you later.
Marine Le Pen : victory over Macron, in EU vote!
let's look at her chart: born on Aug.5, 1968 at 11:20 gives her a Libra rising, with the SOuth Node on it! Actually the SN is in the 12th, and the NN in the 6th. So her karma (H12) pushes her to change a certain balance (Libra). Her Sun is at 13 Leo, this is a double fire position, because 13th degree is an Aries degree. The Moon is in powerful Capricorn, she will not be ashamed of stepping on others' neck in order to succeed. The Moon also represents her career, the MC, at 19Cancer41 with equal houses, or
Her age point is at 28-29 Gemini. this point is triggered E X A C T L Y by Directed Jupiter, from 29.50 Libra. This point is also triggered by multiple planets in the Sec.Prog. chart.
TImes to watch for further events: Secondary progressions on natal chart:
Natal: 5.08.1968 11:20:00 GMT+1
Progress. Asp Natal Aspect Exact
Moon 60 Jupiter 27.05.2019 1:37
Moon 90 Mercury 9.07.2019 23:55
Moon 150 Node 26.07.2019 13:06
Moon 30 S.Node 26.07.2019 13:06
Moon 45 Uranus 4.08.2019 23:37
Moon 90 Sun 5.09.2019 9:31
Uranus 60 Mars 8.12.2019 4:30
Moon 45 Moon 15.12.2019 16:36
Moon 144 Node 25.12.2019 4:01
Moon 36 S.Node 25.12.2019 4:01
Moon 108 Mars 4.01.2020 2:46
Moon 72 Jupiter 25.03.2020 8:05
Moon 60 Pluto 30.03.2020 23:42
and: Zodiacal Direction (1 degree = 1 year)
Begin: 1.04.2019 Period: 1 year (GMT+2)
Natal: 5.08.1968 11:20:00 GMT+1
Direct Asp Natal Aspect Exact
Chiron 180 Neptune 16.05.2019 19:12
Jupiter 90 Mars 19.05.2019 9:36
Mercury 36 Venus 17.07.2019 21:36
Eris 108 Pluto 9.08.2019 9:36
Uranus 108 Mars 13.08.2019 7:12
Neptune 108 Uranus 19.08.2019 12:00
Mercury 90 Moon 15.11.2019 21:36
Mars 0 Pluto 13.01.2020 0:00
Any planet between 27-8 degrees in future charts trigger her Moon. (ruler of her career).
On the other hand, Emmanuel Macron: age wise hits his Saturn, signaling hardships, setbacks. Venus rules his career, and Mars attacks it, with a square. This aspect will be there till mid September.
May 26, 2019 Sunday
Yesterday evening a huge manifestation took place in Tel Aviv. It is the first out of 8 planned. If the Moon represents the people, in a mundane chart, see how many planets trigger it! all in yellow!. Mars, the one the brings uprisings, is at 6 deg.Cancer, in transit, and at exact 4 in Sec. progressed chart. The leader, the PM, is represented by the Sun, at 23Taurus, and it is triggered with a 150* by Jupiter, in retro, in Sag! This effect will last, since Jupiter-law-freedom, our philosophical thinking, will turn direct. Tr.Jupiter is also conjunct Sec.Prog.Jupiter.... And in the background we see Pluto, at 22 Cap- destroying the establishment as we know it now, in 150* to Sec.prog. Saturn! (government). These manifestation will turn bigger and bigger, culminate when Mars arrives to the Moon, early July... then I think we will see new elections announced.
taken from above , by drone. Tel Aviv, May 25.
The media reports " a few thousand", while there were one hundred thousand...and not only in Tel Aviv!
The fires are gone. 13 firefighters injured, more than 50 homes destroyed. No one died. THanks God.. The temperature dropped by 10-12 degrees to 23 Degrees Celsius now. .
Our market TA35 will open under a -0.51% arbitrage. The close was 1563.97, So the open will be at 1555.83. There is no trade tomorrow in the US, so next arbitrage will be only on Wednesday. TIll then, they can play as they wish. Don't they always!!??...The cryptos trade today. I read, that FB wants to make its own crypto by 2020...
Arab countries also trade today: TASI: Saudia
Do you know the flower Dandelion? It is ruled by Jupiter, and this article says, it kills cancer cells. Have it in your salad! read this article as well!
May 25, 2019 Saturday
We had terrible fires all over the country! Firefighters are working around the clock to put these fires out. Whole houses, forests were burnt down. Very sad...Today the heat is calming down, not 45 Celsius any more, I actually opened the windows and feel some wind coming in. Many people are now homeless, everything gone. Fires were caused not only by the heat and changing wind, but also from arson, and fire balloons set off from the Gaza strip.
Markets took a turn after a fall and turned up. But they did not go above former tops, so the overall short sentiment is still valid.

BTC: bottomed at 7476 and topped at 8158,trades now below 8100.; so it is again a short.
The only index that made a higher high in the 1 hour graph is JKSE! and the SMI in Europe.
What can we expect next week? Not much. Only the Moon moves from Aquarius to Taurus and there will be some minor aspects.
On May 27 there is no trade in the USA and the UK, due to Memorial day. So we, will be on our own, till Wednesday, when the arbitrage will appear.
Begin: 26.05.2019 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Sun 60 Chiron 26.05.2019 19:38
Mercury 150 S.Node 30.05.2019 2:06
Mercury 90 Neptune 30.05.2019 4:22
Venus 120 S.Node 30.05.2019 14:51
Venus 60 Node 30.05.2019 14:51
Mercury 45 Uranus 30.05.2019 16:00
Mercury 150 Saturn 30.05.2019 18:19
Venus 60 Neptune 30.05.2019 19:50
Sun 45 Eris 30.05.2019 22:36
Mercury 180 Jupiter 31.05.2019 6:11
Venus 120 Saturn 31.05.2019 18:26
FIXED Stars wise:
The Sun moves from 3-12 Gemini. These degrees are paved with unfortunate fixed stars.Mercury moves from 8-26 Gemini. As of 12*-21* and 22-28* we have fortunate fixed stars. Venus moves from 11 Taurus-to 21*. As I wrote above, Taurus is full of unfortunate stars, except for 14th and 21st degree. Mars moves from 5-11 Cancer,- will touch fortunate ones. Here we get a mixed information, so we will go step by step.
Bottom line, I don't see a reason to look at long positions. Strong markets might consolidate, trade sideways, weak ones will continue to fall and make lower lows. Manipulated markets are unforecastable. ( Ex. our market... Thursday fell by 12 points, but the puts almost didn't move.) Below is the 30 minutes graph of the index, that fell, with the 1550 Put, which ... you can see.
Forecast are ready for the next week, you are welcome to sign up.
Have a nice weekend!
Huge manifestation in Tel Aviv at 8 pm: in favor of democracy. You will see people with red turbans, signifying that we don't want another Erdogan here!
May 24, 2019 FridayHave a nice weekend!
Huge manifestation in Tel Aviv at 8 pm: in favor of democracy. You will see people with red turbans, signifying that we don't want another Erdogan here!
Today we have an exact Mars- Chiron square in the sky. If Mars represents fights, quarrells, wars, killings, and the sign it is in, Cancer, family, mother, a woman feature in one's life, the wife you want to be as your mother, then Mars brings fights in the family, with women.
Chiron represents the wounded healer.... so getting a square from Mars, will open up old , painful events, Seeking for an answer or remedy. Mars also sextiles Uranus, which is in Taurus, so the fights will be on property, money, self esteem, honor of family. In Israel, unfortunately we have many killings in the family. Parents, brothers, husbands kill their daughter, sister, wife, because of "Honor". She can look at another man and get killed, or God forbid, go to work, and suppose... she did this or that. Which planet can help? The Sun and Mercury entered Gemini, from there they just pile up the discussion, and heat. no help from there. Venus could, from Taurus, a sign it rules, but it shares the sign with Uranus, and there is no quietness where Uranus is, so no,no help from there. And Jupiter, the "great benefactor" is retro, weak.. In contrary, will open up old disputes. So, be careful what you say, count till 20... Go for a walk, drink cold water, when you feel tension is rising. Words spread in the air cannot be taken back. They will linger there till end of times.
And now I see this in the news: Man in Arizona buries his mother in the courtyard, to receive her social welfare. ( Uranus in Taurus: money,property )
Theresa May resins. Just now... 12:00 noon.
" Theresa May's voice breaks as she ends her resignation speech. She says: “I will shortly leave the job that it has been the honour of my life to hold. The second female prime minister, but certainly not the last.”
" Theresa May's voice breaks as she ends her resignation speech. She says: “I will shortly leave the job that it has been the honour of my life to hold. The second female prime minister, but certainly not the last.”
With Chiron exactly in opposition to her Sun, and transit Moon 180 to Uranus, under Mars-90-Chiron, perfect timing for resignation. In tears... Mars in Cancer... feelings.
Who will wear her shoes? Here is a list of 14!! who wish to run.
May 23, 2019 Thursday
Today we are under the Uranian energies, and Jupiters' . Mars is in a separating sextile to Uranus, at 4 degrees, and Jupiter is at 21Sag, in retro. But today we also have a Mercury, that rises after the Sun, makes it an evening star, and we are 300 days from July 27,2018 Lunar eclipse at 4 Aquarius.
So let's see what is happening in themarkets?
In the US markets May 22 was the last top, so we must count from there to search for a reversal.what happened on that day? Sun and Mercury entered Gemini, if you look at the list I posted at the top of this article.
In Asia Nifty is still rallying.- see the alerts sent yesterday, and tighten stops!
The oil made lower highs, now it is at 60.88. we are short since 5/20. Check out the app.
the Gold has no intentions to turn up.
So more or less, the whole world is red, except where? Here! In our little pond, since everything is SO rosy, we don't know what to do with ourselves, but make a rally. Today is options expiry, so they lifted the market... unbelievable..
Today's aspects: gmt+3
4Gem13 30 Uranus 4Tau13
23.05.2019 12:05
4Gem52 30 Mars 4Cnc52 23.05.2019 19:04
5Gem03 60 Chiron 5Ari03
23.05.2019 21:04
Mercury 5Gem04
135 Saturn 20Cap04 23.05.2019 21:22
And this is also happening this weekend:
The European Union was formally established when the Maastricht Treaty—whose main architects were Helmut Kohl and François Mitterrand—came into force on 1 November 1993. It is interesting to see, that in the natal chart, there is a Mars-uranus sextile, that we have today as well. Uranus represents the partners, and this Uranus is now conjunct the MC, the government.. There will be interesting and unforeseen outcomes after this weekend. The EU is 25.56 years old, soon ( Jan.2023) it will celebrate its Saturn return, then probably more obstacles will pop up.
The man in the news in Nigel Farage: born on April 3, 1964, he is 55 years old. He is under a "milk-shake attacks",opponents are throwing at him. He wants to overthrow MRS. May; who is expected to resign today! ? hmmm. must look at her chart. In any case, here is Mr.Farage's natal chart with Directed and transit futures: Mercury rules hIs career, it is at 2 Taurus/ transit Uranus brings the upheaval, but from the 8th house?? of trines his natal Uranus, which rules his 6th house of workers, who revolt against him. Directed Saturn is 4 years apart from bringing him victory, to become a PM. Dir.Uranus trines his Saturn, so we will see some unforeseen events happening this year.
As for Theresa May, Mercury will trine her Sun during the weekend, so it will bring some news. Verrrry hectic and curious days ahead!
47 Celsius in the shadow... Lots of fires. Due to Hamas fire ballons, and campfires that were not put out properly yesterday.. Many people were evacuated. Horrible... Luckily, firefighters do not strike!
As for Theresa May, Mercury will trine her Sun during the weekend, so it will bring some news. Verrrry hectic and curious days ahead!
47 Celsius in the shadow... Lots of fires. Due to Hamas fire ballons, and campfires that were not put out properly yesterday.. Many people were evacuated. Horrible... Luckily, firefighters do not strike!
May 22, 2019 Wednesday
Yesterday we got a triple top in the Nifty at 11895. Now I would use 11800 as stop and go short below.
The Nikkei also shows some weakness, there the stop is 21400 and short below.
SSEA double bottomed, if it goes above 3080, it will be a nice up correction ! Stop here is 3035.
It's 7:55 am, I sent updates for Asia and the Far East in the app.
Mazal tov to Alina Kabaeva, and Putinka, for the birth of twins... Rumors say ..
It's 7:55 am, I sent updates for Asia and the Far East in the app.
Mazal tov to Alina Kabaeva, and Putinka, for the birth of twins... Rumors say ..
9:25: Pls. check out the alerts for the USA>
May 21, 2019 Tuesday
Today we are under the effect of Mars, it is in Cancer and weak, at 3Can17. Mars sextiles Uranus, and later Venus. The Moon also affects us today. She is at 28 Sag, 150* to the Sun, which is at 29 Taurus, on the Pleiades (Weeping Sisters).
Actually we have a "busy" day today...GMT:+3:00
Venus 6Tau58
135 Jupiter 21Sgr58 21.05.2019
Moon 29Sgr41
150 Mercury 29Tau41 21.05.2019 10:20
Sun 30Tau00
150 Moon 29Sgr59 21.05.2019 10:56
0Gem02 36 Eris 24Ari02 21.05.2019 11:42
0Gem02 36 Eris 24Ari02 21.05.2019 14:11
0Gem12 0 Mercury 0Gem12
21.05.2019 16:07
Moon 3Cap32
180 Mars 3Cnc32 21.05.2019 17:35
Moon 4Cap08
120 Uranus 4Tau08 21.05.2019 18:43
0Gem28 72 Neptune 18Psc28
21.05.2019 18:58
4Cap58 90 Chiron 4Ari58
21.05.2019 20:18
Moon 6Cap02
108 Eris 24Ari02 21.05.2019 22:19
0Gem28 72 Neptune 18Psc28
21.05.2019 22:40
6Cap28 72 Neptune 18Psc28
21.05.2019 23:08
Sun 0Gem29
144 Moon 6Cap29 21.05.2019 23:11
The Sun and Mercury change signs! VOLATILITY is their middle name! It is the merry-go-round, that will burn your stops... so, careful!
It is a CIT day for: Nifty spot and future , Maaden, NFLX, BO, CHEVRON, NSYS
Local share: Halal tik. Herodium, Delek, etc.
People in the news:
Shelly Yachimovits, Tony Blair, Erdogan, Queen Elisabeth, Prince William and Charles, Kadaffi, Szydlo, Obama, etc
There are some rumors about prince William and Kate divorcing??!! I hope not..
OK.. let's look around , what are the news? We will have extreme heat , 40 Celsius till this weekend.Let's see why? No planets are in air element- yet...6 planets in Earth element. The Moon will join soon too. Jupiter is in fire Sag. And only Mars and Neptune are in water, but they produce humidity.
Under these planetary positions not only the air is hot, but the political situation between USA and Iran is also getting hotter. I hope someone will come up with a ladder, to pull them down from the trees they climbed to.
I sent alerts for the cryptos the other day, I hope you are in tune there... I'll make a video about the BTC today, if time permits, if not, during the week. Are you trading the cryptos?
Our market will start in an hour, with a minor negative arbitrage. TEVA continues to fall, Tower as well, actually there aren't many shares to invest in now..
The real estate shares made the most this year, so far:
Among the cryptos it is the LITECOIN that gained most this year, since 1.1.19: 200%,
In Asia it is the ASX 200: gained 16.85%
In Europe is it the SMI: with 15.19% so far.
In the USA: Nasdaq gained 17.43%
Commodities: Crude oil made most: 39,95%
Grains: Corn gained most: 5.23%
Currencies: USD/ARS 20%, next USD/TRY! 14%
Middle east countries: Kuwait is the first runner up with 14%
Cannabis shares: Vivus: 80.27%
here are the ones I have, maybe there are more I don't know..
Stock market announces, that they are on strike, and market will not open as usual... they'll let us know... LOL... they can manipulate us as they want...
Market will open at 12:30. Incredible!!
no one punished. The whole country is on hold because of 3 people.
Among the cryptos it is the LITECOIN that gained most this year, since 1.1.19: 200%,
In Asia it is the ASX 200: gained 16.85%
In Europe is it the SMI: with 15.19% so far.
In the USA: Nasdaq gained 17.43%
Commodities: Crude oil made most: 39,95%
Grains: Corn gained most: 5.23%
Currencies: USD/ARS 20%, next USD/TRY! 14%
Middle east countries: Kuwait is the first runner up with 14%
Cannabis shares: Vivus: 80.27%
here are the ones I have, maybe there are more I don't know..
Stock market announces, that they are on strike, and market will not open as usual... they'll let us know... LOL... they can manipulate us as they want...
Market will open at 12:30. Incredible!!
no one punished. The whole country is on hold because of 3 people.
May 20, 2019 Monday
Europe starts the week under a Sag. Moon. It is a day ruled by the Moon and the Sun. It is a CIT day for: S&P and AXJO, DOW, Dax fut, Nasdaq, Nyse, Gold fut, Corn, Ripple, BCH, AMZN, 10 YEAR BONDS, CSCO,LNKD, PSTI,
Local shares: Razio, Afrika nechasim, Evugene, Elbit Maarachot, Teva, Bank Bein Leumi, DiPharm, Gvaot , machon leheker iNternet, Mankind, Maayan, Medivi, Rami Levi, Silicom, Tadir Gan, etc
People in the news:
Ali Khamenai, Hassan Nasrallah, Imad Murnia, Goebbels, King Felipe Spain, Orban Viktor, Tony Abbott etc.
Our market topped yesterday at 1571-72, ( see graph below); waiting to see how will the Dax and the US perform.
Japan came out with a positive GDP;
In Australia the Scott Morrison, the leader of the Liberal party won, and the AXJO opened with a huge gap up! Now put your stops tight! All gaps must close!!! and that will be a painful fall!
Scott Morrison solar chart with Directed and transits for Saturday night. He is under his Solar return! Birthday just a few days before the elections. He is in his 3rd year, ruled by Jupiter, and transit Jupiter brought him the success!- trine to natal Jupiter.
9 am. Alerts sent for Asia and the Far East.
10"25 am: Alerts for Europe sent!
Good luck :)
It's been a while since we looked back in history... Thanks to Wikipedia, any information is handy, one doesn't have to go to the library and search for days. We discover cruelties over cruelties again and again.
On this day, in 794 King Ethelbert II of East Anglia visits the royal court Mercian at Sutton Walls, poor soul wants to marry princess Aelfthryth, but instead, he is beheaded...
In 1498 Vasco de Gama arrives to Calicut, India, discovering a route to India...
IN 1570 cartographer Abraham Ortelius issues the first modern atlas!
In 1609 Shakespeare's sonnets are first published.
In 1631 the city of Magdeburg in Germany is seized by the forces of the Holy Roman Empire, most of its inhabitants massacred,!!
In 1656 Yangzhou massacre! 800000 citizens die.
In 1802 Napoleon reinstates slavery in the French colonies.. did you know that?
1873 Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive US patent for blue jeans!
ect ect..
read more in Wiki!
On this date, in 1946 Cher was born. Birth name Cherilyn Sarkisian.
Someone posted a channeling on Israeli political future. I translated it..
Yeah... It's about local elections. She forecasts by channeling. It says, that
" Four of them will run, the castle of cards will fall due to public and legal struggle. In July new elections will be announced, to be held in Sept-October 2019. The stolen government will go to the other side (people will vote for the opposition). in Feb 2020, the inciter is voted out, his party will break up. Four will stand trial and go to jail. He, who controlled the country as if his private business and organised crime, gathering info on everyone, thus ruled them, his trial will last 3 years, but will not go to jail, claiming health issues. He will blame HER, terrible secrets revealed. She will fled to money abroad. He will get sick and will not leave.Their reputation muddied for 25 years, and no sign of them will remain. This is a blessed chaos,that will last till 2023, when justice will return.The Knesset will go through a major purification constitutional and organizational makeover. "
I am flowing with this channeling, so I searched for a date in July. I found 7.7.2019:
Good luck :)
It's been a while since we looked back in history... Thanks to Wikipedia, any information is handy, one doesn't have to go to the library and search for days. We discover cruelties over cruelties again and again.
On this day, in 794 King Ethelbert II of East Anglia visits the royal court Mercian at Sutton Walls, poor soul wants to marry princess Aelfthryth, but instead, he is beheaded...
In 1498 Vasco de Gama arrives to Calicut, India, discovering a route to India...
IN 1570 cartographer Abraham Ortelius issues the first modern atlas!
In 1609 Shakespeare's sonnets are first published.
In 1631 the city of Magdeburg in Germany is seized by the forces of the Holy Roman Empire, most of its inhabitants massacred,!!
In 1656 Yangzhou massacre! 800000 citizens die.
In 1802 Napoleon reinstates slavery in the French colonies.. did you know that?
1873 Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive US patent for blue jeans!
ect ect..
read more in Wiki!
On this date, in 1946 Cher was born. Birth name Cherilyn Sarkisian.
Someone posted a channeling on Israeli political future. I translated it..
Yeah... It's about local elections. She forecasts by channeling. It says, that
" Four of them will run, the castle of cards will fall due to public and legal struggle. In July new elections will be announced, to be held in Sept-October 2019. The stolen government will go to the other side (people will vote for the opposition). in Feb 2020, the inciter is voted out, his party will break up. Four will stand trial and go to jail. He, who controlled the country as if his private business and organised crime, gathering info on everyone, thus ruled them, his trial will last 3 years, but will not go to jail, claiming health issues. He will blame HER, terrible secrets revealed. She will fled to money abroad. He will get sick and will not leave.Their reputation muddied for 25 years, and no sign of them will remain. This is a blessed chaos,that will last till 2023, when justice will return.The Knesset will go through a major purification constitutional and organizational makeover. "
I am flowing with this channeling, so I searched for a date in July. I found 7.7.2019:
Israel's chart , then Directed and transit to July 7. Pluto in both charts trigger the Sun, (PM). Together with Mercury and Mars, on the MC. As I said, It will be a hot summer.
2:50 pm Ok, now this is NOT channeling, this is in the news! Bibi is considering to announce new elections, seems he cannot form a party. See how transit Mercury(news) is conjunct the natal Sun (PM), A destructive Jupiter from 22*! is 150 to the Sun, and transit Moon, Venus and Uranus "attack" natal Moon. Transit Mars (ruler of H6, the people, workers) conjunct natal Venus.
Dates to watch: news again! July 21, (tr.Merc R,Conj the Sun, in H9- law issues! Tr.mars 0 Saturn,
Oct 24-30 Jupiter again at 22*! +Transit Uranus in Retro at 4 taurus, squares the Moon-people-. And tr. Ven+Merc 180 to natal Sun..
I'll mark these dates in the calendar.. let's see.
We remember today, Socrates, born today... he was executed, forced to take poison. One of the great minds of history! Too much ahead of his time!
May 19, 2019 Sunday
THANKS GOD IT'S SUNDAY AND ALL WENT WELL! Holland won, Kobi arrived to the 23rd place, Madonna sang two songs, I did not stayed up to watch her. I went to sleep after Kobi performed and burst into tears at the end. He has Moon conjunct Mercury... This morning I read she, Madonna, was off key, had the Israeli and the Palestinian flag on stage. So, I don't think I missed anything. It was a hilarious event, all funded by Tel Aviv, and NOT by the government! Can you imagine? Because Bibi wants to close channel 11, because he cannot control them! that featured the event, he forbid to fund the event.. Shame shame shame. But Sara was there.Also shame! Miri Regev, the minister of Culture and Sport was NOT INVITED. Because of the same reasons.
In any case, politics apart, it was a grandiose, well prepared, and organised event. Chapeau to Tel Aviv! and all the hundreds of people who worked so hard for this.
Kobi Merimi's chart: He has a Libra stellium, just like Bibi. Also Venus conjunct Jupiter in Virgo and Uranus conjunct Neptune in Capricorn. At the first glance a strong natal chart. But, the transit planets were not in favour... Transit Venus and Uranus square his natal Uranus and Neptune. He is over sensitive. Burst into tears after performing.. See Moon-Mercury conjunction in Libra? This is a Solar chart, but even so..
Then, here is the natal chart with transit of Duncan Laurence, the Dutch singer and winner.. CONGRATULATIONS!!
So let's see where are the planets now? We have a stellium in Taurus and in Capricorn. They are in trine by sign. Mars is bad in Cancer, Jupiter is at 22*! and the Moon at 2 Sag. We are after the Full Moon, which always points to a culmination. During the week she moves till Pisces. We will have the Sun and Mercury also change signs. They will move to Gemini. What will that mean for the different indices? Have we seen the last tops? Is the proverb " Sell in May and go away" valid now??
Our market opens with a +0.12% arbitrage. The close was 1569, the trade range is between 1564-75.
here are the aspects for today, during trade hours: GMT:3:00
3Sgr40 45 S.Node 18Cap40
19.05.2019 10:51
Moon 3Sgr40
135 Node 18Cnc40 19.05.2019 10:51
Moon 4Sgr01
150 Uranus 4Tau01 19.05.2019 11:28
Moon 4Sgr52
150 Venus 4Tau52 19.05.2019 13:00
Moon 4Sgr53
120 Chiron 4Ari53 19.05.2019 13:01
4Tau53 30 Chiron 4Ari53
19.05.2019 13:09
5Sgr13 45 Saturn 20Cap13
19.05.2019 13:37
May 17, 2019 Friday
Yesterday was the second and last semi finalist competition. I fell asleep. I woke up towards the end, to see some songs that forgot what melody was. If this is the musical level that Europe can produce, then it is very very sad. But, the celebrations in the city were at their tops. Many parties, all over the town. The police closed the main streets, calling people to arrive by foot or bus, because it is not possible to drive or to find a parking lot anywhere. Tel Aviv became, since a long time, a place one should not drive to, because you will spend an hour at least, finding a parking place. Yesterday we also had the famous "White night" when people dress up in white clothes, everything is open, there are all kind of performances at each corner, it's a huge party. The order and security is fabulous. Good food... It warms my heart to see all this, I am so proud.
The markets took a fabulous ride upwards. Now, looking at the Dow and S&P, I see a Head and shoulders pattern forming. As I wrote yesterday I don't think we saw the last lows for May.
If you read the opening of this article, you see my concern about the Sun reaching Algol. I found a very good article to share with you. Darkstar astrology.. you should follow it!
Algol position in Local Space chart. So, although I was and still am, very anxious about this weekend, Algol is not crossing Israel. But it doesn't mean we can now lie back and have a drink! The Sun, will conjunct it as of 10:27 am today!
Chart showing times when transit planets aspect by 0,60,90,120,150,180,210, aspect to Algol
A closer look:
One of the most remembered events that happened while the Sun crossed Algol, was the Tiananmen square events. Yesterday I saw a documentary film. It in, they showed this picture to some Chinese youngsters. They could not decipher what they see....
History, their history, succeeded to wipe out the events. But, the general memory remembers.
As we can see, Algol did not move since 1989 till today. These fixed stars move 1 degree in 72 years.
If we look at the chart of Communist China: ( from Nicholas Champion's book) Sept.21,1949 at 12 noon in Pekin; we can see, that Venus rules Algol, it is at 7 Scorpio in the 11th house of Aquarius(natural houses), but in China's case in Scorpio. When Directed Sun and Sec.Directed Sun too! conjuncted Venus, the Tiananmen square events burst out- More interesting points to look at: Jupiter, the ruler of Ascendant is at 22 Cap.- killer degree, and Directed Venus arrived to 22 Sag- fight of the masses (Venus rules H6, the workers) for freedom (Sag). But, the Government, Jupiter is strong and cruel in Cap, so many thousands were killed, Also Saturn was approaching the 22 deg, in Libra, and was there till the end of the revolution, June 5, 1989. Now, see that Uranus! planet of revolution, is OOB in the natal chart, and was too, when the revolution burst out, together with Venus! So, when all fits, like a Hungarian cube, we have a terrible event.
Today: Sec.Progressed Sun and Directed Sun moved to the Ascendant! They will be exact in a year and a few months. Uranus and Venus are still OOB! But what we see today, is the trade war.How? Mercury rules both the 7th house (known enemies, or partners) and the MC, the Govt... In the natal chart Saturn is at 11 Virgo, and Sec. prog Mercury squares it. Meaning, that the known enemy, it is USA- as we read the news, sanctioning China, and vice versa.( but it can be any other country, Japan, or Russia). Also Directed Mars(3rd wheel) will conjunct Mercury in a few months, bringing more fire and pressure. To Mars we can add Directed Jupiter in black- just entered Aries! (sign of wars). So, I am afraid, since we cannot stop the planets, no tweet, or handshake or agreement will help. On the long run, surely the planets will pass...
So you might ask, am I a fatalist? We read in many places, that once WE lift ourselves to awareness, we can change our life, or we can minimize the planets' effects. OK, But not when Neptune is in Pisces, and it gives the stage to religious fundamentalists. We can see the deepening religious control all over the world. Here, the religious parties pressure BIBI for more strict demands on obeying the Shabbat.etc etc. their touch is everywhere. In the USA, we can see that the south brought anti-abortion laws lately, in the muslim countries... I don't have to say what is going on there... I just saw on TV, that in Iraq their forbid men using short trousers...They have no other problems now, but the trousers people wear in this heat! So no. not while Neptune is in Pisces. The religious fanatics will reign. Neptune also rules medicine and vaccines. You know that people are anti-vaccines, so, long forgotten dark-age epidemics are coming back...
We WILL SEE a new world when Neptune enters AQUARIUS!!! THAT'S FOR SURE.
I wrote about events triggered by Algol: On Oct 23,1918, 5/27/18, 5/25/18, 5/17, 4/20,etc
But, if you want to really know what is ALGOL about, BUY the " Secrets of the Ancient Skies" by Diana Rosenberg 195-212- all about Algol... It is an incredible 2 volumes treasure.... After writing this encyclopedia, she is forever famous~incredible work!!!!!!
Just to give you a clue, here are 4 pages out of 20:
So another subject: Chris Brennan, a very famous astrologer tweeted that Mercury is the planet of the astrologers. If you want to know about yourself, check your Mercury. I found this beautiful picture: by Nigel Jackson: Mercury, the Messenger of Gods.
I also read in another place, that Pallas' placement shows if you are a good and talented astrologer.
So look it up :)
May 16,2019 Thursday
Probably there was some update during the night, because I found my computer with all sites closed.. That's a bummer, because I had it calculate something to be ready in the morning, in Timing Solutions, and now I have to start again. It's 7:45, it will not be ready till the opening.
Yesterday evening around 8 pm, I was sitting here at the computer desk, when suddenly someone was moving my chair.... I immediately looked at the chandelier, saying, Earthquake!! It was a 4.4 one, in the Mediterranean sea. I read, that it was most felt in Jerusalem.. On the Mars line.
Local space lines:
Yesterday we saw Venus coming home, to Taurus. Almost all European indices, except Italy, Turkey and us, bottomed and turned up, trying to correct upwards. I don't think we saw the last lows! But it is an opportunity to correct your positions.
Today Mars moves into Cancer.!! Fire to water. What is the outcome? It's like sitting in a sauna, not able to see through the window. hot, humidity. By the way it's hamsin over here..
So fundamentally, the US put Huawei on blacklist, and probably other companies will follow. Maybe BABA? Trump is in no rush to ease the conflict with China.
Huawei chart: how far can it fall!?? This is funny... Was he looking for a share that is so close to 0 on purpose?
Or what is it that I don't understand?
So fundamentally, the US put Huawei on blacklist, and probably other companies will follow. Maybe BABA? Trump is in no rush to ease the conflict with China.
Huawei chart: how far can it fall!?? This is funny... Was he looking for a share that is so close to 0 on purpose?
Or what is it that I don't understand?
May 15,2019 Wednesday
I stayed up late to watch the first half, the first 17 countries competition yesterday. What can I tell you? I am old... LOL... I could hardly find 2-3 songs that I would vote for. I liked Australia! Greece, San MARINO... I had to look it up, to know something about this country... I knew it is near Italy and that they speak Italian, but I did not know that their population is... Do you know how many?? 33788 people. Yes, 33 thousand! And they make a country... Anyways, their song was melodic, which other countries forgot what is it. LOL... But the most I liked the staging and the decorations. That was awesome... So after I listened to 17 songs, our representative, Kobi Merimi, has nothing to be ashamed of..
Another news I am reading now is, that a picture of Claude Monet, born Nov 14, 1840, sold for 110000$. Immediately I had to check his chart. Why? Because if you read this blog long enough, you KNOW, that one's natal chart continues to be active AFTER we are dead too.
Claude Monet:
How was his chart revived? He has a natal Sun at 22* Scorpio, transit Sun arrived in opposition to 22-23 Taurus. Also tr.Sun squares the Nodes! We don't have his time of birth, so it is a solar chart, but transit Jupiter(fame) ruler of natural 9th house, came to an exact conjunction to Saturn, Venus, Mercury. So if they were in his 2nd house of money, than Jupiter brought expansion, gain, money wise.
So let's see, it is almost 8.30, and we have another hour till market opens. The US markets ran up yesterday, trying to correct the fall of the US-China check-mate.... but, I think the lows are not yet in. Just looking at the DOW, it shows a Head and Shoulders pattern. Only running above 25680, with a huge volume, this pattern will be cancelled.
Our market, TA35 will open with a negative arbitrage, mainly due to TEVA. I posted this graph in mid 2015 and in 2016. People mocked me in local trading groups... The graph shows the Sun's support rays. At every "ladder-point" it was a sign to go short. As it fell from one ray to the other. Not so long ago, in Aug 2015 it topped at 26278.
Looking closer: We have 292 days up and 292 days down, that points to mid June, then next date to watch will be July 16-18; Aug 16, Sept 27 etc.. it's all math.
It is interesting, that During the 2017 low and 2018 top Saturn trined Uranus! This aspect will not occur again, so we have to look for other clues in the sky for a reversal.
This is the graph the traders see:
Today it is a CIT day for : DAX, Gold, LTC, AEX, BTC, Soya, GPRO, JNJ, NNDM, GM, MCD, CAT, wmt.
Today Venus enters Taurus!!
Look at the list at the top of this article.
Venus rules Taurus, it is a good position, it is "coming Home". Funny, that our Eurovision song is also called so... Coincidence?? No such thing! We just don't grasp meaning beforehand.. I would never think of it, till now, you see? Things add up.. Then we can create a calendar, to see, when will Venus aspect another transit planet or Fixed star?
This is good for research, but don't forget, there are 10 other planets to watch...SO we NEVER decide anything based on 1 planet only.
8:pm: Earthquake.4.4. all OOK
May 14, 2019 Tuesday
Today Venus enters Taurus!!
Look at the list at the top of this article.
Venus rules Taurus, it is a good position, it is "coming Home". Funny, that our Eurovision song is also called so... Coincidence?? No such thing! We just don't grasp meaning beforehand.. I would never think of it, till now, you see? Things add up.. Then we can create a calendar, to see, when will Venus aspect another transit planet or Fixed star?
This is good for research, but don't forget, there are 10 other planets to watch...SO we NEVER decide anything based on 1 planet only.
8:pm: Earthquake.4.4. all OOK
May 14, 2019 Tuesday
The day is ruled by Mars and Uranus. Mars is on the malefic fixed star, Betelgeuse, at 28 Gemini still OOB and Uranus at 3 Taurus.44 Soon Venus will conjunct it. Venus is now still at 28 Aries. Jupiter is at 22Sag, the killer degree and the Sun at 23 Taurus. Yesterday, both were at 22, and we saw the huge falls in some indices! Not in all! AXJO, for example rallied..Every index moves with its own energies,a s given at the first trade day.
Wow!!! It was a great day in trade for me!! I had puts, that tripled themselves. I sold them yesterday, waiting for an upcorrection, which, I see now we will have, because the S&P bottomed at 2800 and turned up, closing at 2821.But, When I sold I did not know how will the S&P react in the night hours! I looked at the planets, made my calculations, and that's it.. All that, I teach in my financial Astrology course. Fundamental traders go by the USA-China trade war.. now how convenient was that, to happen under the planetary threatening planetary positions that we have now?
So let's see some indices:
AXJO: made a perfect pattern: from top to top = 240 days or degrees from low to low: 227 days, which are Fibonacci days.
In the alerts sent yesterday at 6 am, my time, Stop 6303, target 6263, and more.. all reached. Bottom so far: 6203. I shall update it today.
It is 7:49 am here, I sent new updates to all Asia and Far East indices!
Good luck!!
let's see how was Europe affected till now? The leading index is DAX: this index moves like a swiss watch... by the rules. It made 5 Elliotts, and a lower high, time to turn and correct.
The alert I sent yesterday said to move the stop to 12030- short below, and long above. Targeting 12145. Failing to reach it, short.. It didn't even try to go higher, it broke down to 11821; We can move the stop to 11825; only basing itself above it, with high volume it will be a try to correct upwards, but remember, each up move will be a chance to but cheaper puts. The DAX is now in downtrend. Only above 12450 it will be a long.- You can order the weekly report... to see where it is going!
In the commodities groups it was the Platinum that rallied most! The alert sent yesterday was to move teh stop to 855, targeting 866. Well, it's almost there..
I send alerts for the Oil, copper, gold, coffee, cotton, Nat. gas, Platinum and SIlver.
The BTC!!! wow!! what a rally... Our stop was 7000, now at 7977! Not badddd... OK, will send updates for the cryptos now.
It is a CIT day for:KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty, BIG, PSTI,
It is 7:49 am here, I sent new updates to all Asia and Far East indices!
Good luck!!
let's see how was Europe affected till now? The leading index is DAX: this index moves like a swiss watch... by the rules. It made 5 Elliotts, and a lower high, time to turn and correct.
The alert I sent yesterday said to move the stop to 12030- short below, and long above. Targeting 12145. Failing to reach it, short.. It didn't even try to go higher, it broke down to 11821; We can move the stop to 11825; only basing itself above it, with high volume it will be a try to correct upwards, but remember, each up move will be a chance to but cheaper puts. The DAX is now in downtrend. Only above 12450 it will be a long.- You can order the weekly report... to see where it is going!
In the commodities groups it was the Platinum that rallied most! The alert sent yesterday was to move teh stop to 855, targeting 866. Well, it's almost there..
I send alerts for the Oil, copper, gold, coffee, cotton, Nat. gas, Platinum and SIlver.
The BTC!!! wow!! what a rally... Our stop was 7000, now at 7977! Not badddd... OK, will send updates for the cryptos now.
It is a CIT day for:KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty, BIG, PSTI,
Local : Robogrp, Mind, Hizdamnut Yahash, Foresight, Bezeq, Partner, Srauss Bluefenix (Block chain Kria),,
Let me look around, what is happening in the world?it seems, that Iran attacked some oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. It is here:
Then, I am watching with stress, really, I am very anxious of what might happen during the next few days...Under all those bad planetary positions. I pray that I will be mistaken.. Not only we have the Sun on Algol, but also a full Moon, and the Arab Nakba day These days will mean some kind of culmination.
Then, I looked at Kobi Merimi's chart, our representative, and he has some very dangerous transits.In this Solar chart(I don't have his time of birth, wouldn't that help now???!!!
So in this chart we see that the Sun and Mercury are in his 8th house, on Algol, 26, Tau. It will be a Full moon in Scorpio,*ruler of the 8th), Venus and Uranus are conjunct in Taurus... Someone told me, he might win.. I definitely don't think so.he's a LIbra, and the ruler , Venus conjunct Uranus, shows some kind of a surprize... that is correct. No time of birth, we will not know what is the surprize fate has for him. In his natal chart he has 2 very good Fixed stars conjunct his Moon and Mars.I wish him good luck! and to all the other singers.
OK.. It's almost 9, market will start soon, I have to plan my steps here. see u later!
Check out the alerts in the app!
THe US markets opened with a rally... I will show you the S&P: Failing to run above 2875, it was a bull trap! SO watch out!!
You should see me work!! LOL
THe TV is on, I read with one eye the news, earphones in my ears, I listen to a Russian guy I really really like! His Name is Peter Nalitch. He has some great songs.. He must have written a new song, because I received a message from You tube. He is a Taurus... he must be! They are great singers.He is a hippy, always dressed like a homeless, but who cares? He is one of my favorits. I don't have his time of birth, but was can see, that he has a Taurus stellium, givind him a full well built body, the good voice, he sings opera as well, and THe Moon in Pisces gives him the gift. I just sent him a message on You tube... Maybe he'll answer. I asked from many politicians, before the elections, none answered.
Meanwhile I am waiting for the opening of the Eurovision.
Let me look around, what is happening in the world?it seems, that Iran attacked some oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. It is here:
Then, I am watching with stress, really, I am very anxious of what might happen during the next few days...Under all those bad planetary positions. I pray that I will be mistaken.. Not only we have the Sun on Algol, but also a full Moon, and the Arab Nakba day These days will mean some kind of culmination.
Then, I looked at Kobi Merimi's chart, our representative, and he has some very dangerous transits.In this Solar chart(I don't have his time of birth, wouldn't that help now???!!!
So in this chart we see that the Sun and Mercury are in his 8th house, on Algol, 26, Tau. It will be a Full moon in Scorpio,*ruler of the 8th), Venus and Uranus are conjunct in Taurus... Someone told me, he might win.. I definitely don't think so.he's a LIbra, and the ruler , Venus conjunct Uranus, shows some kind of a surprize... that is correct. No time of birth, we will not know what is the surprize fate has for him. In his natal chart he has 2 very good Fixed stars conjunct his Moon and Mars.I wish him good luck! and to all the other singers.
OK.. It's almost 9, market will start soon, I have to plan my steps here. see u later!
Check out the alerts in the app!
THe US markets opened with a rally... I will show you the S&P: Failing to run above 2875, it was a bull trap! SO watch out!!
You should see me work!! LOL
THe TV is on, I read with one eye the news, earphones in my ears, I listen to a Russian guy I really really like! His Name is Peter Nalitch. He has some great songs.. He must have written a new song, because I received a message from You tube. He is a Taurus... he must be! They are great singers.He is a hippy, always dressed like a homeless, but who cares? He is one of my favorits. I don't have his time of birth, but was can see, that he has a Taurus stellium, givind him a full well built body, the good voice, he sings opera as well, and THe Moon in Pisces gives him the gift. I just sent him a message on You tube... Maybe he'll answer. I asked from many politicians, before the elections, none answered.
Meanwhile I am waiting for the opening of the Eurovision.
May 13, 2019 Monday
Good morning, May we have a good week :)
Early this morning I already send alerts for Asia , the Far East and the Cryptos. I paid attention to an interesting pattern that the Bitcoin made! from top to top there are 209 days, the middle fell on Jan 21st. so I had to check what happened on that day, that made the BTC turn? and all the other cryptos? Well, Venus conjunct Jupiter and Mercury conjunct Pluto, was the event.
Yesterday I worked on the DAX forecast, if you are interested, pls. order it. Or any other index, share, commodity!
May 12, 2019 Sunday
Today is a Master Number day, It is 7:30, 2 more hours for the trade to start. The Sun is shining outside, it will be hot and dry today and the 2-3 days to come. Why? We have only Neptune in Water element, in Pisces.
Yesterday I was at the beach, it was great! But what I saw there, the huge, absolutely huge preparations for the Eurovision! They are building on the shore huge screens, and there will be food - village, for really cheap, for all the people who could not get a ticket to the competition. It warmed my heart to see that! They even planted trees and made new gardens with lots of flowers around.. So it seems, that it will be a great few days. I hope the threat I saw in the charts for the 17th and 18th will pass unobserved.
During the week: The Sun moves from 21- 29 degrees, will hit all the bad Fixed stars. The most terrible is Algol, at 26 Tau.(5/17-18).
The Moon moves from a square to the Sun to Full Moon, at 22 Scorpio!
Mercury moves from 10-23 Taurus!. On the 19th it will conjunct Algol!
Venus moves from Aries, where it is in Detriment, weak, to Taurus, a sign it rules- will be strong.! It rises before the Sun, therefore a fighter one. On June 5-6 will conjunct Algol.
Mars leaves Gemini and enters Cancer! This is a major move.Will be in Cancer till July 2nd.The best index to make analysis and see what happened when Mars was in Cancer, is the DOW, because we have a long long data! Will post the outcome... Between end of Gemini to 5 degrees in Cancer the path is full of malefic Fixed stars!.
So here is the DOW with Mars in Cancer.
Then we have Jupiter in Retro- from 22Sag to 16- during the week. In Sag we have malefic fixed stars at 2,3,5,9,12,18, 20, 24,25 Sagittarius.
Saturn in Retro, from 20Cap to 17 Cap. Capricorn is full of BENEFIC fixed stars, between 15-26 degrees! The best is Dheneb, at 19 56. Very fortunate... Will have to read about it.
Uranus at 3 Taurus moves to the 5Tau 56; In early Taurus we have Sharatan, and Caph- ( a troublemaker for Islam) Unfortunate fixed stars. I don't even want to imagine, when Uranus hits ALGOL! on July 8, 2024- for a month!!! and it makes RETRO on it!! OH. my.. on Oct- Nov. 2024. And returns on April 26,2025- till May 13, 2025. This happened before 84 years ago... will find the dates to check what happened in history. OH dear... It was in May 15, 1941- June 1, 1941. WWII. On 7.2.1942 Uranus was stationary on ALGOL! Then conjunct Direct till March 16, 1942, Then entered Gemini 0 deg- with the Pleiades, the Weeping sisters... Mind you, Gemini, except for degree 2, is all bad fixed stars till the 11th degree.
84 years back, Uranus again was on Algol in 1858 March 17- April 10., one cycle before it was on April 10-29, 1774! - a date that sound familiar.. We have to see where were the other planets as well..
Here is a chart of the Dow, when planets from Saturn to Chiron were on Algol:
Neptune at 18Pisc17- turns Retro on the 19th of June. Pisces is loaded with fortunate fixed stars, except for the 23rd Markab and 29th degree Scheat..
Pluto in Retro at 23 Cap- moves to 22.29 during the week. I already mentioned Capricorn~regarding fixed stars~ under Saturn...
So, this is our perspective... in 5 years the hell will turn loose. Can we, based on former experience reverse the events that are painted on the wall? Or we are just the same stupid humans, that were always.. Who will save us from ourselves? In 1774 Uranus, Neptune, Pluto were all in Earth signs, In 1858 Neptune was in Pisces, only Uranus and Pluto in Earth signs. In 1941-42 Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in Earth, Pluto in Leo. In 2025 Saturn in Pisces (religious war); Uranus in Tau, Neptune moves out of Pisces to Aries! On March 31, 2025!! Not before dwelling on the worst fixed star in Pisces, Scheat! Neptune was in Aries between March 1 1862-April 8, 1875. And Pluto is in was here before between April 12, 1777-April 12, 1797..So, now we have a different sky than back in history...
However, this was not THE GREATEST FALL in the DOW! iN
Hope hope hope keeps the world go round..
On Friday UBER started to trade: May 10, 2019 at 11:50, at 42$, closed at 41.55. Thanks to )someone on FB for the time)!
Our market is about to start to trade. We have a positive 0.13% arbitrage, but our leading share, TEVA will fall, probably will drag the whole market with it.
Will post now some alerts for the cryptos, and go tot the gym..
See you later.
May 10, 2019 Friday
We don't have trade today, and for you it is the last day of the trading days for this week. The VIX topped at 20.48, did not go over Jan 23rd top, and fell back. The support is at 18.10- In the same time, the S&P fell to 2836, and tried for an up correction but it did not reach former top (60 min graph). Gold is at 1286, no rally here, and the oil around 61-62. There are some words thrown into the space about Iran, and attacks and preparations... Are those just teasing words ( Mars=war in Gemini = words), or they will manifest in some way?
Well, we see the Capricorn stellium, it is there, and will stay. It is a hard grouping...
Mars is just about to enter Cancer. Cancer rules the home. Mars brings wars. Mars in Cancer is bad, loses from its fire. (fire in water = a lot of humidity...) Venus trines Jupiter today,, both in fire signs, they can form a bottom and push the markets to a correction...
Here are the Moon's aspects GMT:00:00- for intra day traders.
10.05.2019 1:19:44 23°05'43"Cnc Opposition Pluto
10.05.2019 2:05:56 23°32'28"Cnc Square Venus
10.05.2019 13:13:45 0°00'00"Leo <<<
10.05.2019 19:18:51 3°32'34"Leo Square Uranus
Mind you, when the Moon is in Leo/Aquarius axis, the S&P makes a top or bottom! When the Moon enters Leo it will be 90* to Uranus! Look out for a gap... Any announcements today? Sure... everything is in harmony..
It is a CIT day today for:
Ibex, , WIG20( Poland); Ethereum, MIB, Crude oil, BIDU, DIS,GIS, QCOM,
People in the news: Anna Bligh, Netanyahu, Hassan Rouhani, Jimmy Carter, Jaroslav Kaczynski, Khaled Meshaal, Pippa Middleton, Stalin, Al Thani ( Qatar), Rex Tillerson. Fernando Haddad (Brazil);
Let's see for Ex: MIB: we got a triple top and fall, now a double bottom. we can use the bottom level as stop for long. But, knowing that the Moon moves a sign, and will trine Uranus, we will have a short order ready below the bottom. So you don't have to baby-sit the screen.
Will send updates to the commodities..
When we are looking at a chart, we can see everything in there... depending if we comprehend what the planets of that time tell us. When I searched for the Independence chart of Palestine, " know your enemy" I did not know in what I am getting into..
Probably some of you will remember that Yasser Arafat pronounced the proclamation of the state of Palestine on Nov. 15, 1988. He was then in exile in Algir, but it happened during an UN assembly.
In the above chart, we can see, first of all that it happened under a VOC Moon! Showing that nothing will come out of it.. It is a trick, on paper. Arafat held a dramatic speech , during which he pronounced the Palestine state. During the month this event took off, and in Geneva, Dec. 13, 1988, he stated, that they were freedom fighters, they are fighting their "independence war" against Israel, The chart is a very problematic one: to start with, the Sun is solitary and Venus, ruler of the voters, of the 9th house, is too. The Sun at 22 Scorpio, at the most difficult killer degree, makes no aspects at all. The Sun represents the leader, and it is together with Mercury and Pluto, in that sign, showing the manipulation behind it. (Thanks for Esther Netzer article published in 1993)/ So this Sun, although, Arafat received the votes of many Arab states, they did not came to help him or the population AT ALL! Till today, when Qatar is pouring money into the area, which, unfortunately, isn't going to food and schools but to digging tunnels and weapons. The population today grew 10 times more than in 1988, I did not check, but the poverty there is terrible.
Mars, the warrior is at 1 Aries, as if someone guided Arafat, to use this hour.. only they forgot the VOC Moon...
So, now I am learning this Astro Locality course, and look what we can see:
Drawn from Algir, Saturn line runs through Israel, also Uranus (sudden events), Neptune (religion), Chiron (wound); and they also reach out to the Arab countries that send money to Gaza.
But the most astonishing thing is, and the reason why I started this whole subject, to show you how They and Us are just mirror to each other. Sun in opposition the Sun, Moon to Moon. And the 2 Marses are inconjunct, 150- fight position...
So, what happens to us, happens to them, and vice versa. I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, with these charts.. DO YOU?
The chart below shows the enemy: Iran! for Israel. It's interesting , that it is Jupiter that points to Iran, and you could say, Hey!! that is a benefactor.. But, Jupiter as per Kabbalistic astrology represents the other nations, while Saturn signifies the Jews.
Ibex, , WIG20( Poland); Ethereum, MIB, Crude oil, BIDU, DIS,GIS, QCOM,
People in the news: Anna Bligh, Netanyahu, Hassan Rouhani, Jimmy Carter, Jaroslav Kaczynski, Khaled Meshaal, Pippa Middleton, Stalin, Al Thani ( Qatar), Rex Tillerson. Fernando Haddad (Brazil);
Let's see for Ex: MIB: we got a triple top and fall, now a double bottom. we can use the bottom level as stop for long. But, knowing that the Moon moves a sign, and will trine Uranus, we will have a short order ready below the bottom. So you don't have to baby-sit the screen.
Will send updates to the commodities..
When we are looking at a chart, we can see everything in there... depending if we comprehend what the planets of that time tell us. When I searched for the Independence chart of Palestine, " know your enemy" I did not know in what I am getting into..
Probably some of you will remember that Yasser Arafat pronounced the proclamation of the state of Palestine on Nov. 15, 1988. He was then in exile in Algir, but it happened during an UN assembly.
In the above chart, we can see, first of all that it happened under a VOC Moon! Showing that nothing will come out of it.. It is a trick, on paper. Arafat held a dramatic speech , during which he pronounced the Palestine state. During the month this event took off, and in Geneva, Dec. 13, 1988, he stated, that they were freedom fighters, they are fighting their "independence war" against Israel, The chart is a very problematic one: to start with, the Sun is solitary and Venus, ruler of the voters, of the 9th house, is too. The Sun at 22 Scorpio, at the most difficult killer degree, makes no aspects at all. The Sun represents the leader, and it is together with Mercury and Pluto, in that sign, showing the manipulation behind it. (Thanks for Esther Netzer article published in 1993)/ So this Sun, although, Arafat received the votes of many Arab states, they did not came to help him or the population AT ALL! Till today, when Qatar is pouring money into the area, which, unfortunately, isn't going to food and schools but to digging tunnels and weapons. The population today grew 10 times more than in 1988, I did not check, but the poverty there is terrible.
Mars, the warrior is at 1 Aries, as if someone guided Arafat, to use this hour.. only they forgot the VOC Moon...
So, now I am learning this Astro Locality course, and look what we can see:
Drawn from Algir, Saturn line runs through Israel, also Uranus (sudden events), Neptune (religion), Chiron (wound); and they also reach out to the Arab countries that send money to Gaza.
But the most astonishing thing is, and the reason why I started this whole subject, to show you how They and Us are just mirror to each other. Sun in opposition the Sun, Moon to Moon. And the 2 Marses are inconjunct, 150- fight position...
So, what happens to us, happens to them, and vice versa. I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, with these charts.. DO YOU?
The chart below shows the enemy: Iran! for Israel. It's interesting , that it is Jupiter that points to Iran, and you could say, Hey!! that is a benefactor.. But, Jupiter as per Kabbalistic astrology represents the other nations, while Saturn signifies the Jews.
May 9, 2019 Thursday
We don't have trade today. Independence day. This always bothered me since I live in Israel... You hardly dry up your tears from remembering the dead, and you switch to a happy face, and celebrate Independence.. Israel has an explanation to this..." with their death, they gave us our lives.".
Here are some pictures takes from above- Israel
Here are some pictures takes from above- Israel
So, holiday today, no trade, then tomorrow is Friday, and next, Saturday, so another 2 days without trade. But, you have and most of the world is red. Shorts were triggered. Not much to say about this... I wrote in the past days, that time was ripe for a turn.
Today is a CIT day for FTSE, BABA, CAT, CM DD, GILD, IP, Ofko, NNDM, MMM, SODA, SPWR, SBUX, TNK.
Today is a CIT day for FTSE, BABA, CAT, CM DD, GILD, IP, Ofko, NNDM, MMM, SODA, SPWR, SBUX, TNK.
We got the name of Harry's son, Archie Harrison Mountbatten. The name adds up to 9 ( in Chaldean numerology, ruled by Mars. Mars is in opposition Jupiter. He has a stellium in the 12th house, ruled by this Mars, so this little guy has a whole "history" that will play out in this life. Archie, seems to be a very popular name in the UK. Mechan's first name is Rachel, so take A,R,C,H, (harry) A,R,Y = Archie. :)
May 8, 2019 Wednesday
We remember the 23741 soldiers and people who died in all Israel's wars today. Memorial day. I watched the TV yesterday... Very very sad but also heroic stories of people...May they rest in peace.
No trade.
It is a day ruled by Mercury and Neptune.Neptune is at 18 Pisces, a bad degree. Mercury is at 2 Taurus. The Moon is at 28 Gemini, on Betelgeuse fixed star..So far we saw, that with the Moon in gemini we got a fall in the markets. Ours was still keeping its face, but I think we will join the others on Sunday when markets open here.
Mercury is conjunct Uranus, today, watch our for jumps and gaps!
Wow!!! in the last few days I am watching a you tube kabbalistic astrology presentation... It is very very interesting... I don't think it is available in English. But so much info there, that my brain was boiling.. I had to rest, take notes, absorb first to be able to go on.. he speaks in codes. So I was stopping, going back and forth, till I got it.. There is endless knowledge in this universe... We know NOTHING! lol...
So let's see, all Asia and Far East are correcting.
It is a CIT day for DAX, Gold, LTC, AEX, BTC, Soya, GPRO, JNJ, NNDM, GM, MCD, CAT, wmt.
DAX: the long term support is at 12050, falling below it, will correct the whole rally from December.
Gold: I sent alert in the 6th, saying that it must go above 1287-93 for a rally.. Although it gained from the low as 1267 till now, but it is still in a correction phase.
It is a CIT day for DAX, Gold, LTC, AEX, BTC, Soya, GPRO, JNJ, NNDM, GM, MCD, CAT, wmt.
DAX: the long term support is at 12050, falling below it, will correct the whole rally from December.
Gold: I sent alert in the 6th, saying that it must go above 1287-93 for a rally.. Although it gained from the low as 1267 till now, but it is still in a correction phase.
May 7, 2019 Tuesday
It is a day ruled by Venus and Mars. They are in sextile. Venus is in Detriment (weak in Aries) and Mars is in Gemini, bringing volatility. The Moon is still in Gemini, departing from the Sun, thus gaining in light. Backs Mars' volatility. Mercury just entered Taurus, it is on the fixed star MIRACH, a fortunate one. Mars is still in opposition Jupiter, and inconjunct or 150* to Pluto, SNode and Saturn.
So, this is the sky we have to work with today.
The USA indices yesterday tried to make an up correction, but none went above former tops, and I am looking at the 1 hour charts. Oh... I am wrong! The Russell 2000 did make a new top! The alert sent yesterday was to go short below 1590, or , obviously, long above it. It topped at 1620 and closed at 1607.30 ; from Dec.26 till now, in 132 days rallied by 29.78%, but it still didn't reach Sept.4, 2018 top... I would move stop to 1607- as per technical analysis, or 1606.50 using astro-calculation.
I am looking at the best performing commodity, in the last week was the Silver.. in 7 days it went up by 0.19%, the worst is Live cattle, fell by 9.15% in a week, so commodities are not what we want to trade, unless you are short.
BTC: rallied by 11.6% in a week, now, that's good, still has to reach my target given in the app!.
Looking at the currencies I am following, the Turkish Lira was the best to trade! In a week ran up by 2.43%. On Aug.14, 2018 I wrote in this blog, that the target is 6.2. It is almost there now. I read, that Erdogan lost the elections in Istanbul, so he called for a new one... He should just crown himself sultan and go on ruling.. why the democratic games??
From the shares I follow Bridgeline Digital made 3714% in a week... Well, I don't trade in the USA. Once I was trading 20 hours a day and went like a zombie. I stopped that and I trade only local shares... they can be quite profitable as well. But for your sake, I am following about 100 shares..
The second runner up is TNK: 34% in 29 days.
Groups that pushed market down yesterday : The most important is the Financial sector, since the Banks keep the markets rullong... Venus rules banks, Venus is weak, and voila..
Elon Musk bought back his own shares, so maybe Tesla will be interesting to follow...
Our market, TA35: after a low at 1564 closed at 1574. Now we have a positive arbitrage, but we will not have trade till Sunday the 12th, so I guess people will cash in.
Yesterday a new royalty was born, son to Meghan and Prince Harry. Usually I don't analyze babies charts, not till 6 month old.. But this little one has a very challenging chart, with an OOB Mars, and Mars 180 Jupiter,Neptune at the SUN/Saturn midpoint, Moon on Alcyone, a very fortunate fixed star in the Pleiades cluster. So meantime I wish all the best to the parents and a happy and healthy life to the little one.
ANother royalty event was the 4th marriage of the Thailand king, Maha Vajiralongkorn, reins since 2016, born on July 28, 1952; even the time is written in Wiki!! wow!! 17:45
First marriage lasted 14 years, second 2, third 13 years, and now he married his bodyguard, Suthida Tidjai, born on June 3, 1978, former flight attendant in the thai Airways. She is 26 years younger than him. 41 years old....This reminds me of Bibi, his 3 rd wife, Sara was a stewardess.
So I wish the new bride and groom a long and happy life together.
market started... I should go to the gym too.. so see you later.
From the shares I follow Bridgeline Digital made 3714% in a week... Well, I don't trade in the USA. Once I was trading 20 hours a day and went like a zombie. I stopped that and I trade only local shares... they can be quite profitable as well. But for your sake, I am following about 100 shares..
The second runner up is TNK: 34% in 29 days.
Groups that pushed market down yesterday : The most important is the Financial sector, since the Banks keep the markets rullong... Venus rules banks, Venus is weak, and voila..
Elon Musk bought back his own shares, so maybe Tesla will be interesting to follow...
Our market, TA35: after a low at 1564 closed at 1574. Now we have a positive arbitrage, but we will not have trade till Sunday the 12th, so I guess people will cash in.
Yesterday a new royalty was born, son to Meghan and Prince Harry. Usually I don't analyze babies charts, not till 6 month old.. But this little one has a very challenging chart, with an OOB Mars, and Mars 180 Jupiter,Neptune at the SUN/Saturn midpoint, Moon on Alcyone, a very fortunate fixed star in the Pleiades cluster. So meantime I wish all the best to the parents and a happy and healthy life to the little one.
ANother royalty event was the 4th marriage of the Thailand king, Maha Vajiralongkorn, reins since 2016, born on July 28, 1952; even the time is written in Wiki!! wow!! 17:45
First marriage lasted 14 years, second 2, third 13 years, and now he married his bodyguard, Suthida Tidjai, born on June 3, 1978, former flight attendant in the thai Airways. She is 26 years younger than him. 41 years old....This reminds me of Bibi, his 3 rd wife, Sara was a stewardess.
So I wish the new bride and groom a long and happy life together.
market started... I should go to the gym too.. so see you later.
May 6, 2019 Monday
We wake to a cease fire as of 4:30 am today. We still don' t know the deal behind it. More than 700 rockets, 4 dead on our side and many injured. There are incredible stories behind these dead people. I am trying to find their date of birth, to understand why did they have to go , killed by a rocket? What a fate!
In the chart below we can see, that the Moon is still in the 7th house of "open enemies", squares Mars, and is 150 to Jupiter. The Sun, representing Netanyahu, is at 15 degrees, a Mercury degree, talks and agreements degree. Both sides are silent, we don't know on what they agreed.
Now, the HAMAS and the Islamic Jihad are buddies.
Ramadan starts today.
Asia opened with negativity. Time was up for a turn in trend. Japan and UK banks are closed today, no trade over there.
I'll send alerts now...
11:38 am Alerts for ASIA, Europe, Cryptos and commodities sent.
The reasons for the fall- as per the fundamentals. We know better... It was TIME!
Asia opened with negativity. Time was up for a turn in trend. Japan and UK banks are closed today, no trade over there.
I'll send alerts now...
11:38 am Alerts for ASIA, Europe, Cryptos and commodities sent.
The reasons for the fall- as per the fundamentals. We know better... It was TIME!
May 5, 2019 Sunday
Today we are under the influence of the Sun and Mercury. Mercury trines the center of Galaxy. It will bring volatility. the New Moon for us, here in Israel fell in the 4th house, using Scorpio ascendant. so, this house's issues are triggered.
Here is Israel's chart with the Secondary Progressed chart for today. We can see, that the Moon, (people) is triggered by Mars (war, injuries, accidents, fights ). And more severe is the aspect from Uranus to Mars. The Sec.Prog.Moon too brings her "gifts", this time negative ones, because it is in a 150- disharmonic aspect to the natal Moon=people. So every time the Sec.Progressed Moon is in Pisces, stirs up negative events. The computer is calculating now, I'll show you later...
Here is the outcome of the calculations: When was the Secondary progressed Moon in 150^ ~ disharmonic aspect to Israel's Moon , or people?
During those years we had all kind of political events, wars and fights, I am not going into it.. Probably you are bored to death with our problems.. It just shows, that we are again in a bad period.
of course, people born with the Sun or other personal planets in Taurus, will feel it more than others.
Example: Melania Trump: Born: Apr 25. 1970: She has a big Taurus stellium. Taurus and Virgo women are the most beautiful..
The best example is Israel. SUn in Taurus. Uranus entered Taurus. The whole situation will change, under this Uranus position, but it will take 7 years.
Something else... I read yesterday, that the border between Russia and Mongolia was closed, do to a possibility that the Bubonic plague is back. Seems, that a person, who ate a marmot, raw, which is absolutely forbidden by the authorities. He died in 24 hours, not before giving it to his pregnant wife as well, who died too, leaving 3 orphants.
Now, why is this interesting? The Bubonic plague killed more than 200 million people between the years 1343-53, Half of Europe was wiped out. What happened in the sky then? Uranus - Neptune aspect. like today!!
When Neptune is in Pisces, it is obvious,( rules health, medicine, unlimited expansion). that some kind of epidemic will rise. Let's just hope, we are more sophisticated in the 21st century, than in the 14th!
I am back from the gym, so let's look at this new Moon, what will it trigger?
First of all taurus rules cattle (not surprising) and cotton. Ruler of Taurus is Venus. Venus rules besides those two: copper, sugar, wheat, tobacco banks and diamonds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am back from the gym, so let's look at this new Moon, what will it trigger?
So, watch these, if you wish to trade them.
Cattle monthly chart:
Cotton monthly graph:
Sugar: is cheap: once it was 44!
Countries that are under the sign of Taurus : Persian, (Iran of today); Azerbaijan, Georgia, Cyprus, Poland, Holland, White Russia, Ireland, Rhodes, Dublin, Leipzig, Palermo, .etc.. so this new Moon will bring some news from those countries. of course, people born with the Sun or other personal planets in Taurus, will feel it more than others.
Example: Melania Trump: Born: Apr 25. 1970: She has a big Taurus stellium. Taurus and Virgo women are the most beautiful..
The best example is Israel. SUn in Taurus. Uranus entered Taurus. The whole situation will change, under this Uranus position, but it will take 7 years.
It is 8 pm, We had already more than 600 rockets fired on us. We have dead people and casualties.
You were right about .cvm . It did top at $8.50
ReplyDeletehowever ,the price collapsed
If someone would like to receive a forecast for a certain share, you are welcome to order it... :)
ReplyDeletehow are you??? i guess, busy
with many many thanks for tireless work and keeping us informaed
Hello Vick,
DeleteYes, always busy... I answered you longly in teh blog. Have a nice week end.. And Don't worry! be Happy.
Goodmorning Gabriella, how is it possible to combine to get the right conclusions which such a long list of calculations. Now I understand why astrologers not always right about their conclusions because of miscalculations. The fact that you are almost always right makes your method very unique but on the other hand it it is very under estimated because people dont take it serious. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHello erik, Nice to hear from you again.. First, thanks ! I am trying my best.. How is it possible to combine all these aspects and celestial events? Well... years of study, lots of research. I am mostly in Financial Astrology which doesn't depend on feelings of ONE person, but mostly ON THE COLLECTIVE PSYCHOLOGY on math, much more forecastable, than any other kind of astrology. In a natal reading, I can tell someone, do this or that, he won't , will be afraid to change or to jump, so fate will catch up with him...It is more a choice people take or don't take.
ReplyDeletethanks for your reply, at my age sometimes it is hard to remember all this
and if it is possible , how do i find out about your response then from blog
will you please !!!
and i always happy atleast try to be now there is NO need to worry !!!!!!!
sure, not at my Age ??!!! but they say it is your thinking that you are old so i leave that with that thought
so if you find time to let me know how i can find out about comments please let me know
Have A great, wonderful Blessed Day
All my today's post was an answer to you! About hurricanes. Be well. :)