New Moon in Gemini, 2019 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology.
Between June 3- July 2, 2019
Thanks for following from the former article: New Moon in Taurus,2019
The inner wheel is made for June 3rd, where we have Mercury and Mars OOB, the outer is the New Moon in Cancer, July 2nd. Both planets will go back to "normal". During this lunar month Mercury moves from 27 Gemini to 3 Leo; Venus from 23 Taurus to 28 Gemini, and the Sun, of course enters Cancer, on June 21st, the day of the summer equinox. Don't forget the eclipse! On July 2nd :Solar eclipse at 10 Cancer, will be seen in South America.
Here is the table of aspects for this month: again, I used only the planets: ( no Moon )
Here is the graph with the Moon, my screen is not big enough to show the whole picture.. you see all the little spots?
Pls read the former articles : New Moon in Gemini 2018 2017, 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; read them... there is a lot of information and history in there!.
Important events for the month:
Important events for the month:
4.06.2019 23:04:28 > Cnc Mercury
9.06.2019 4:36:54 > Gem Venus
21.06.2019 17:35:13 R Neptune 18°43'27"Psc
21.06.2019 18:54:12 > Cnc Sun
27.06.2019 3:19:22 > Leo Mercury
To my new readers: I start a new article every new Moon, and I add to it almost daily. You will find here market analysis, world events, celebs' charts, whatever comes to my mind, to look at.
My services are: *Daily alerts for 15$ per day,
*Natal chart reading: $330,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 590 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $175/ month; or $890 /6 months.
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or click on Products. There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
*Natal chart reading: $330,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 590 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $175/ month; or $890 /6 months.
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or click on Products. There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
You might want to click "interesting, cool" and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind.
the sky today: Look out for gaps!
From time to time look up to the sky... maybe you'll see an UFO! They are very common these days!

July 3, 2019 Wednesday
The eclipse brought chaos and disturbance in Israel. On July 1st, a dad, who went with his children to a playground, spotted 2-3 teenagers, who were arguing, almost fighting. He went over there to see what's happening, showing them his ID, and gun, being a police officer. The kids ran, except one, who got shot and killed. He was 17. He was ethiopian. Black skin, the wrong color! Since yesterday, after the funeral all the ethiopian population got out on the streets, all over the country and caused a complete shutdown on the highways. I read now, only around 1 am, !! after 6-7 hours the roads were open. Bride and groom did not make it to their wedding, guests did not arrive, people lost their flights, pregnant woman was stuck in ambulance, cars were lit and people injured. It is just unbelievable, how this event lost all boundaries! This is war among brothers. It is terrible. We are a strong country against outer threat, but what to do, when this happens? We can only cure it with LOVE. And that doesn't' come easy.
There is always a "first time" when I look at a chart. It is now the first time I see, that the SUn of Israel, made for May 14, 1948; 16:38 is conjunct Kronos! Exactly as yesterday. But now we also have Hades conjunct to the SUn! So this is a historical turning point in Israel's history! Of course, we have Mars entering Leo, that brought the fire, injuries, attack on population by the police, and civilians at the police, many were taken to prison or to hospitals... Horrible!! And what is more unbelievable, Netanyahu is silent. Probably he is happy the media has another topic than him.
Other transit planets add to the aggravation of the situation! Tr.Uranus (revolution) squares natal Moon (people).
Other transit planets add to the aggravation of the situation! Tr.Uranus (revolution) squares natal Moon (people).
Tr.Jupiter and Neptune form a YOD to natal Saturn (govm).
I read now, that similar event takes place in Hong Kong. There is always a mirror effect somewhere in the world!
Ok, here is Israel's chart, a little bit "crowded" because all the Arabic parts, and trans Neptunians, but they are necessary.
You can read more about the immigration of the Ethiopian jews to Israel here.
Today the US markets close early. Let's see how did they perform under the eclipse?
The S&P double topped - looking at the 60 min- with July 1st top.
The DOW, Russell, IXIC, SPY: made a lower high,
And BOVESPA fell most, by 0.95%
What to expect today? The day is ruled by Mercury and Uranus... Gaps and more gaps! The Moon is separating from the SUn, we are after the New Moon! and it's time to turn the page, to "New Moon in Cancer, 2019." It is a CIT day for :KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty, BIG, PSTI,
Local : Robogrp, Mind, Hizdamnut Yahash, Foresight, Bezeq, Partner, Strauss, Bluefenix (Block chain Kria)
I read now, that similar event takes place in Hong Kong. There is always a mirror effect somewhere in the world!
Ok, here is Israel's chart, a little bit "crowded" because all the Arabic parts, and trans Neptunians, but they are necessary.
You can read more about the immigration of the Ethiopian jews to Israel here.
Today the US markets close early. Let's see how did they perform under the eclipse?
The S&P double topped - looking at the 60 min- with July 1st top.
The DOW, Russell, IXIC, SPY: made a lower high,
And BOVESPA fell most, by 0.95%
What to expect today? The day is ruled by Mercury and Uranus... Gaps and more gaps! The Moon is separating from the SUn, we are after the New Moon! and it's time to turn the page, to "New Moon in Cancer, 2019." It is a CIT day for :KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty, BIG, PSTI,
Local : Robogrp, Mind, Hizdamnut Yahash, Foresight, Bezeq, Partner, Strauss, Bluefenix (Block chain Kria)
July 2, 2019 Tuesday
Welcome to the day of the Total Solar eclipse. This eclipse belongs to the 127 series; see when it happened before: and will last till 2127.
It will be seen in South America:
And William LIlly wrote about this eclipse:
Lilly: “it dryes up Rivers and fountains and intends
much incontinency in man and women, and petulance, or ill offices amongst mortal man, viz. one cunningly thrusting another out of his place” |
Days to watch: August 1, 16, 31,Sept 30, Oct 30, Nov 23, 29, Dec 29, Jan 29, Feb 27, March 28, April 27, May 27, Juny 26, 2020. (these days are 30,45,90, etc from the eclipse. )
What can I say?? It'll pass, like everything. People with planets between 5-15 degrees, mainly in angular signs as Cancer, Cap, Aries, Libra, will be affected most.
If we want to look deeper into this day, or any day, the software gives it.. We can notice the "temperament of the planets for the day: today is Phlegmatic, cold and wet. We can see which planet is fast or show, there is also the midpoint tree, which planets is strongest? and the Indian Nakshatras.. I am telling you, astrology is a black hole! Endless.
What can I say?? It'll pass, like everything. People with planets between 5-15 degrees, mainly in angular signs as Cancer, Cap, Aries, Libra, will be affected most.
If we want to look deeper into this day, or any day, the software gives it.. We can notice the "temperament of the planets for the day: today is Phlegmatic, cold and wet. We can see which planet is fast or show, there is also the midpoint tree, which planets is strongest? and the Indian Nakshatras.. I am telling you, astrology is a black hole! Endless.
I sent alerts for the USA markets. Pls. check your apps. Note for new users: Pls. scroll to the bottom of the alerts, see the instructions how to use them!!
Something else is also happening in the sky today: Mars enters Leo! till Aug.17th... I never promised you a rose garden! Here is a dilemma, one f the hundreds there is , daily. How is Mars affecting your index, share, while in Leo? Here is an example for the TA35:
It shows a fall when Mars is between 1-11 Leo. and then a rise. But... remember! we have many many other planets, positions to check, never decide on one!
Venus enters Cancer, on the 3rd, the US closes early- then no trade on the 4th!
Mind you, my calculations sent in the app are based on the planetary positions, math and technical analysis, it is a combination of 3 tools
Food: during summer I cannot eat heavy food, so I make a salad 3-4 tomatoes, 3-4 cucumbers, 1 onion, salad, parsley, 1-2 hard boiled eggs, 1 tuna in oil. - add salt, pepper paprika; vinegar, are that's it-- morning, evening. I drink cold dandelion roots tea./ water, sometimes wine or beer.
Something else is also happening in the sky today: Mars enters Leo! till Aug.17th... I never promised you a rose garden! Here is a dilemma, one f the hundreds there is , daily. How is Mars affecting your index, share, while in Leo? Here is an example for the TA35:
It shows a fall when Mars is between 1-11 Leo. and then a rise. But... remember! we have many many other planets, positions to check, never decide on one!
Venus enters Cancer, on the 3rd, the US closes early- then no trade on the 4th!
Mind you, my calculations sent in the app are based on the planetary positions, math and technical analysis, it is a combination of 3 tools
Food: during summer I cannot eat heavy food, so I make a salad 3-4 tomatoes, 3-4 cucumbers, 1 onion, salad, parsley, 1-2 hard boiled eggs, 1 tuna in oil. - add salt, pepper paprika; vinegar, are that's it-- morning, evening. I drink cold dandelion roots tea./ water, sometimes wine or beer.
July 1, 2019 Monday
We wave goodbye to June, 2019 and welcome July.
Scroll down to June 29th post, see about this week's aspects.
Asia already trades, I sent alerts yesterday, let me see how are they doing? It's 7:20 am here. OK, I checked.. Move your stops to the " Planetary supports/targets, and be long. Don't forget USA independence day is due on July 4th, they would like to show a good and strong stock market.
Against this rally in the East, the cryptos are correcting. I sent alerts for them as well..
Commodities that start with a C gapped up! LOL... Just an observation...:)
Cotton crops destroyed by hail! Target 69.60
Corn: midwest floods destroy... article from April 30th
Alert from the same day: I saw this article right now.. searching if anything else that cotton was destroyed.. Will the world meet famine again?
I'll prepare the alerts for Europe now. Stay tuned.
8:07 am alerts for Europe sent. If you still don't have my app.. download it. Or , order the weekly forecasts to receive a wider perspective.
Cotton crops destroyed by hail! Target 69.60
Corn: midwest floods destroy... article from April 30th
Alert from the same day: I saw this article right now.. searching if anything else that cotton was destroyed.. Will the world meet famine again?
Watch out for the rice!!! If that is gone, China will be desperate. Since 2015 it is consolidating.
History of famine in the world.
The Gold is correcting as well. I'll prepare the alerts for Europe now. Stay tuned.
8:07 am alerts for Europe sent. If you still don't have my app.. download it. Or , order the weekly forecasts to receive a wider perspective.
Market starts, see you later.
Today is a CIT for: Nifty spot and future , maaden, NFLX, BO, CHEVRON,
Local share: Halal tik. Herodiumthe sky today: Look out for gaps!
Usually I do not look at the trans Neptunian planets, like Hades, Zeus Admatos,.. etc.. but today, the Sun conjuncts Hades and more... this is what I see. From all these events, we have to pick the right ones, which will support, or block? How do we calculated that?? I teach it in my Fin. Astrology course.
From time to time look up to the sky... maybe you'll see an UFO! They are very common these days!
9:32: Alarm of rocket attack in the south.again.
June 30, 2019 Sunday.
Good morning,
We wake to a Gemini Moon, approaching the Sun. Our arbitrage is positive, so we will see new highs in TA35 today.
Good morning,
We wake to a Gemini Moon, approaching the Sun. Our arbitrage is positive, so we will see new highs in TA35 today.
I read an interesting post on QUORA: I thought to bring it here... After reading it, I think I was a victim of such a person once, in my life... I am not there anymore, but everything is explained here you should be aware of, and run!
How can I learn to be a manipulative person? How do manipulative people think? Can it be learned? Can it be perfected through exercise? What are the hallmarks of manipulative thinking? What characterizes a manipulator extraordinaire?
Nelson Fenoff, Skilled with the mop.
Updated Feb 26, 2016
Here are 14 Manipulation tactics you can study .
*Flattery - compliment other to "butter them up" and get them in good mood for requests. Hone in on their Insecurities and provide them the reassurance they need for better effect.
*Favor/Gift - give favors and gifts so down the road they owe me for what I have done for them.
False Intimacy - pretend to be interested in everything they are (music, hobbies, people....) Tell Fake secrets to build trust and loyalty and to allow them to in return tell secrets about themselves. Give them hat they want / need (E) , Say what they want to hear , [works best with new friend]
False Expectations - pretend things are a certain way (way I want them) already making decision before other can get to thinking. (Ex. alright then see you @ 8)
Silence treatment - give random and unexpected silent treatment. To throw them off and could even make the empathetic or Emotional feel as if they did something wrong and make up for it with gifts or overt kindness, which indicates you have them wrapped around your finger
Over asking - ask for something major for 1st request knowing it'll get denied . then butter it down with a minor more compatible request (the one you wanted all along)
False Equivalence - False equivalence is when the manipulator uses a logical fallacy to imply that if you do (or don’t do) one specific thing, that it means something else, usually that you have a generally undesirable trait.
*Guilt / Shaming - make victim feel guilty for what he has done, or isn't going to do. [[(Gather intelligence for guilt trips, do request]]) if request turned down, make feel guilty with the intelligence that's gathered
Fake normal - say the thing there doing is so normal everyone is doing it,, or so NOT normal that nobody does it. They'll feel inclined to do the request.
Subject Switch - suddenly bring up Hot gossip or Interesting news, genuine interests, whenever you don't want to talk about something
Reactions / Intention test - create a story to tell others to see how they react to such type of story. Test intentions .
Random / unexpected behavior - keep people on tip of their toes by never revealing the reasons behind your actions. (Nice/Mean randomly with no patterns)
Fill Emotional needs - fill their Insecurities and unhappiness and find the root for them both. Provide them the reassurance they need. Give people what they want and say what they want to hear.
Over-playing - When someone asks for something, use something along the lines "oh come on, is that what you REALLY WANT" Over play the request from person and tweak it to your advantage to get out of requests or to persuade
PLAN IN ADVANCE, if there's double shift, and need your kids watched or needing a car ride , or anything. Butter them up for the duration by helping them with favors, flattery ect... So when the time comes you can voice all that you've done for them. And they'll feel inclined to do so.
Bring up topics about work, family, ex's , ... To test reaction and see how they feel about them.
best type to manipulate are people who are: those who can't say no, those who are naive or child like,
extremely trusting people, people who are generous with everything, those who are sensitive to fads, those who are starving for attention (especially someone who needs to follow another person), and sometimes people who have had a hard past.
For a effective manipulation tactic, have insight on what person believes about them selves and what they think about themselves and tweak it to your advantage. Some universal ones that can apply to everyone are Cool , Hot/sexy , smart ... Ones that apply to specific people means you would have to know the person and what beliefs he has, and what they thinks about themselves and study them . some examples might be like: Confident, Persuasive, Hardworking, Funny... Their all more `narrowed down` to the particular (certain people) . Now what I mean when I say "Tweak it to your advantage" if you wanted something out of somebody, you could use these "beliefs" to your advantage if they gave you any shit... Ex "want friend to go to movies and he says " he can't" you could use the belief of Cool and Smart knowing him for a while, you can use this to your advantage in this situation by saying " if your cool you would come along, and tickets are half off so don't be "stupid" and turn down this cheap fun night " and tweak it to however it sounds best .
Study people's:
Beliefs (about themselves)
Reactions (how they get persuaded , reactions to different situations/ circumstances)
*What makes them happy
*Gather Guilt Intelligence / dirt on others
Establish baseline behavior & compare to Circumstances /situations and other people
Emotional Triggers
Discovering Each man's thumbscrew.
1) Pay Attention to Gestures and Unconscious Signals
A) The key is not only what you look for but where and how you look.
B) Train yourself to listen.
C) Start by always seeming interested—the appearance of a sympathetic ear will spur anyone to talk.
D) Share a secret with them. It can be completely made up, or it can be real but of no great importance to you· This will usually elicit a response that reveals a weakness.
E) Train your eye for details
· How someone tips a waiter.
· What delights a person
· Hidden messages in clothes.
F) Find people's idols, the things they worship and will do anything to get—perhaps you can be the supplier of their fantasies.
2) Find the Helpless Child - Most weaknesses begin in childhood, before the self builds up compensatory defenses.
1. Perhaps the child was pampered or indulged in a particular area.· If they reveal a secret taste, a hidden indulgence, indulge it. In either case they will be unable to resist you. The indulgence or the deficiency may be buried but never disappears.
2. Perhaps a certain emotional need went unfulfilled · If your victims or rivals went without something important, such as parental support, when they were children, supply it, or its facsimile
3. Learn about a childhood need; a powerful key to a person's weakness. One sign of this weakness is that when you touch on it the person will often act like a child. Be on the lookout, then, for any behavior that should have been outgrown.
3) Look for Contrasts - An overt trait often conceals its opposite.
1. People who thump their chests are often big cowards; a prudish exterior may hide a lascivious soul
2. The uptight are often screaming for adventure; the shy are dying for attention.
3. Probe beyond appearances, you will often find people's weaknesses in the opposite of the qualities they reveal to you.
4) Find the Weak Link - Sometimes in your search for weaknesses it is not what but who that matters.
1. There is often someone behind the scenes who has a great deal of power, a tremendous influence over the person superficially on top. · These behind-the-scenes powerbrokers are the group's weak link: Win their favor and you indirectly influence the king.
2. Alternatively, even in a group of people acting with the appearance of one will. Find the one person who will bend under pressure.· When a group under attack closes ranks to resist an outsider—there is always a weak link in the chain.
5) Fill the Void - The two main emotional voids to fill are insecurity and un-happiness.
1. The insecure are suckers for any kind of social validation; as for the chronically unhappy, look for the roots of their unhappiness.
2. The insecure and the unhappy are the people least able to disguise their weaknesses. · The ability to fill their emotional voids is a great source of power, and an indefinitely prolonged one.
6) Feed on Uncontrollable Emotions - The uncontrollable emotion can be a paranoid fear.
1. Fear disproportionate to the situation.
2. Or any base motive such as lust, greed, vanity, or hatred. · People in the grip of these emotions often cannot control themselves, and you can do the controlling for them.
1)Scarcity - Tell them how scarce the offer is and that its a one time deal .
2)Being Credible - Show your Credible by providing credibility. Before hand of trying to persuade say how experienced you are at matter, how long you've been studying, how you know what you do. showing credibility.
3)Reciprocity - rule of thumb is that people return favors so for greater return of favor. Be the first to give and ensure what you give is personalized and unexpected.
STEP #1 - 4)Liking - people like others who: 1) Similar 2) Pay Compliments 3) Are Cooperative
(If people like you they'll be more compliant)
When trying to sell/persuade show 1) Similarities
When trying to sell/persuade pay 2) Compliments
When trying to sell/persuade be 3) Cooperative
5) technique - End persuasion with a “…it’s good for you!” or “…it’s fun!” are great ways to reframe the request and remind them that complying with your suggestion is worth it.
6) technique - Has someone been repeatedly avoiding your requests for their? Try “Even one second of your time would be fantastic”. Trying to get people to sponsor your charity fun run? Try “Every little penny helps”.

June 29, 2019 Saturday.
Extreme heat all over the world. We are used to it... but not so the Europeans.. I am on my way to the beach.
Let's see what to expect next week? The eclipse is here! I read so many posts about child trafficking and pedophilia! It is horrible. That Mars- Mercury, conjunction with Mercury slowing down, in opposition the Capricorn stellium, brought out the "secret" lately.
But I am drifting from the subject...
Between Sunday to SUnday July 6th, the Moon moves from Gemini to Virgo. Mercury will be stationary at 4 Leo,(check who has planets at 4 Leo, will be affected most! Venus moves from Gemini to Cancer also 4*, Mars moves as well, from Cancer to Leo- 3* and Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are still retro.
Actual aspects
Begin: 30.06.2019 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Mercury 135 Jupiter 30.06.2019 5:06
Saturn 108 Uranus 30.06.2019 15:04
Mercury 36 Venus 30.06.2019 21:15
Uranus 30 Chiron 1.07.2019 8:30
Mercury 135 Neptune 3.07.2019 14:45
Saturn 0 S.Node 4.07.2019 10:27
Saturn 180 Node 4.07.2019 10:27
Mars 135 Jupiter 4.07.2019 15:32
Venus 30 Mars 5.07.2019 13:32
Mercury 30 Venus 7.07.2019 9:26
Mars 135 Neptune 7.07.2019 20:14
2.07.2019 2:19:19 > Leo Mars
3.07.2019 18:18:02 > Cnc Venus
6.07.2019 17:09:12 max N Venus
8.07.2019 2:14:27 R Mercury 4°27'54"Leo
15.07.2019 6:50:00 min N Mercury
19.07.2019 10:06:12 > Cnc Mercury
23.07.2019 5:50:19 > Leo Sun
28.07.2019 4:53:48 > Leo Venus
30.07.2019 0:01:45 min S Jupiter
Yesterday we had a new rally!
Back later... Have fun Drink water!!
June 28, 2019 Friday,
the political turmoil goes on over here. Yesterday there were elections in the Meretz party, and for the first time in history, a gay person was elected. Nitzan Horowitz. As per his solar chart, he is very clever guy. Good luck to him!
Yesterday I saw a program about Dr.Talia Golan, she found a remedy for pancreatic cancer. If one could live with it a few months only, remember Patrick Swayze? now people can live 5-6 and more years..
Today's aspects:
Venus 0 Uranus 28.06.2019
Moon 45 Uranus 28.06.2019
Moon 150 Neptune 28.06.2019
Moon 90 Pluto 28.06.2019
Moon 180 S.Node 28.06.2019
Moon 0 Node 28.06.2019
Moon 90 Saturn 28.06.2019
remember! we are before the Solar eclipse, which can mix up everything...
Updated forecasts are ready! Pls. order them here.
528 years ago, on this day, Henry the 8th was born. I remember him as the cruellest husband ever... Married for 6 times! All his wives, I think, met the axe. We have his time of birth, Wife is ruled by Neptune, at 25 Sag. receives, in his natal chart, a square from Mars- the axe! Dies at the age of 55 of hepatic dropsy..
Many of his children die after birth... See his Uranus at the killer degree in the 5th house? of children?
Besides all the above said, he has an interesting opposition between Jupiter-Neptune. The Queen Elisabeth also has it! In his case, it is ruler of house 7- partners- in opposition his 4th house ruler. House 4 is for childhood, mother, home. How agry must he have been on his mother, to kill all his wife's?
I 'll have to read more about his mother. She was Elisabeth of York. She had a SUn-Pluto opposition in her chart, she had 4 sons, all died young, only Henry survived. She died when Henry was 13, at the age of 37! after giving birth to a daughter who died a few days later... What a tragedy! She had an 8th house Sun, with all the aspects it gets, points to early death! Her 5th house is ruled by Pluto! disaster...when directed Mars arrived to a squares to Pluto, she died.
So, maybe he was angry on all females, who took away her mother, so early?!
Realization intervals (begin - end):
13.12.1900 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 4.02.1901 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
16.07.1901 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 26.10.1901 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
9.04.1913 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 23.05.1913 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.12.1913 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 3.02.1914 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
18.03.1926 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 12.09.1926 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
29.11.1926 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 29.01.1927 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
9.03.1939 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 28.04.1939 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
22.10.1939 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 7.01.1940 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.06.1951 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 13.09.1951 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
25.02.1952 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 15.04.1952 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
23.05.1964 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 21.07.1964 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
26.10.1964 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 4.04.1965 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.05.1977 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 4.07.1977 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
18.08.1989 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 30.12.1989 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
7.05.1990 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 3.07.1990 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.08.2002 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 18.10.2002 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
8.01.2003 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 6.07.2003 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
22.08.2015 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 16.10.2015 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
21.03.2016 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 10.07.2016 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
2.09.2028 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 25.10.2028 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
Today's aspects:
Venus 0 Uranus 28.06.2019
Moon 45 Uranus 28.06.2019
Moon 150 Neptune 28.06.2019
Moon 90 Pluto 28.06.2019
Moon 180 S.Node 28.06.2019
Moon 0 Node 28.06.2019
Moon 90 Saturn 28.06.2019
remember! we are before the Solar eclipse, which can mix up everything...
Updated forecasts are ready! Pls. order them here.
528 years ago, on this day, Henry the 8th was born. I remember him as the cruellest husband ever... Married for 6 times! All his wives, I think, met the axe. We have his time of birth, Wife is ruled by Neptune, at 25 Sag. receives, in his natal chart, a square from Mars- the axe! Dies at the age of 55 of hepatic dropsy..
Many of his children die after birth... See his Uranus at the killer degree in the 5th house? of children?
Besides all the above said, he has an interesting opposition between Jupiter-Neptune. The Queen Elisabeth also has it! In his case, it is ruler of house 7- partners- in opposition his 4th house ruler. House 4 is for childhood, mother, home. How agry must he have been on his mother, to kill all his wife's?
I 'll have to read more about his mother. She was Elisabeth of York. She had a SUn-Pluto opposition in her chart, she had 4 sons, all died young, only Henry survived. She died when Henry was 13, at the age of 37! after giving birth to a daughter who died a few days later... What a tragedy! She had an 8th house Sun, with all the aspects it gets, points to early death! Her 5th house is ruled by Pluto! disaster...when directed Mars arrived to a squares to Pluto, she died.
So, maybe he was angry on all females, who took away her mother, so early?!
Realization intervals (begin - end):
13.12.1900 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 4.02.1901 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
16.07.1901 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 26.10.1901 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
9.04.1913 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 23.05.1913 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.12.1913 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 3.02.1914 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
18.03.1926 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 12.09.1926 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
29.11.1926 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 29.01.1927 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
9.03.1939 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 28.04.1939 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
22.10.1939 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 7.01.1940 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.06.1951 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 13.09.1951 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
25.02.1952 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 15.04.1952 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
23.05.1964 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 21.07.1964 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
26.10.1964 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 4.04.1965 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.05.1977 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 4.07.1977 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
18.08.1989 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 30.12.1989 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
7.05.1990 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 3.07.1990 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.08.2002 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 18.10.2002 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
8.01.2003 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 6.07.2003 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
22.08.2015 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 16.10.2015 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
21.03.2016 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 10.07.2016 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
2.09.2028 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 25.10.2028 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
So what is so special in this aspect? Let's see what each represent? Jupiter stands for positivity, always sees the half full glass, FREEDOM, seeing the bigger picture and disregarding details. Jupiter rules the 9th house of law, high studies, religion, faith, long distance travels.
Neptune has several layers. It rules art, medicine, religion:, endlessness, no boundaries, drugs, toxications, poisons, it is a quiet killer. When one is in opposition the other can drive the person believe in his own hand made religion, force it on others, remember what Henry did? In order to get a divorce from his extra- religious wife? HE CHANGED the religion of England! Made up one that was convenient for HIM! He burnt down churches and killed monks. Only to be able to divorce. Then he married one woman after the other, was unable to have a hear, a son, he banned Elisabeth, who afer his death succeeded him.
So, if you find a person who has a Jupiter-Neptune opposition in his chart, search for the one thing that drives him/her to reach the goal, and no matter the tools or how he achieves it. He simply believes he and only he is right.
Boris Johnson has this aspect on Taurus/Sco axis
Fidel Castro had it, Alistair Crawley, Winston CHurchill, Harvey Weinstein, Stanley Kubrick, Sergei Skripal, Robin WIlliams, Rex Tillerson, Queen Elizabeth, Marilyn Monroe, Louis Armstrong , Mohammed Morsi, and !! Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) and many more...
Here is her chart: . Born on Oct 13, 1989; date adds up to 14/5= Mercury. It i s at 2 Virgo, rising before the Sun, she is very clever. Mercury also rules her career, so she is in the spotlight right now. BUT, Mercury turns retro and will weaken her, bad news will come out about her. She has Aeternitas linked to the South NOde! in the 9th House, of fame/ or disgrace. the ruler of her chart, (Sun in Libra) Venus rules, is OOB! together with Uranus! Will push her to extremes, and to her fall. This will come in less than one year. (Feb-March 2020).
Neptune has several layers. It rules art, medicine, religion:, endlessness, no boundaries, drugs, toxications, poisons, it is a quiet killer. When one is in opposition the other can drive the person believe in his own hand made religion, force it on others, remember what Henry did? In order to get a divorce from his extra- religious wife? HE CHANGED the religion of England! Made up one that was convenient for HIM! He burnt down churches and killed monks. Only to be able to divorce. Then he married one woman after the other, was unable to have a hear, a son, he banned Elisabeth, who afer his death succeeded him.
So, if you find a person who has a Jupiter-Neptune opposition in his chart, search for the one thing that drives him/her to reach the goal, and no matter the tools or how he achieves it. He simply believes he and only he is right.
Boris Johnson has this aspect on Taurus/Sco axis
Fidel Castro had it, Alistair Crawley, Winston CHurchill, Harvey Weinstein, Stanley Kubrick, Sergei Skripal, Robin WIlliams, Rex Tillerson, Queen Elizabeth, Marilyn Monroe, Louis Armstrong , Mohammed Morsi, and !! Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) and many more...
Here is her chart: . Born on Oct 13, 1989; date adds up to 14/5= Mercury. It i s at 2 Virgo, rising before the Sun, she is very clever. Mercury also rules her career, so she is in the spotlight right now. BUT, Mercury turns retro and will weaken her, bad news will come out about her. She has Aeternitas linked to the South NOde! in the 9th House, of fame/ or disgrace. the ruler of her chart, (Sun in Libra) Venus rules, is OOB! together with Uranus! Will push her to extremes, and to her fall. This will come in less than one year. (Feb-March 2020).
June 27, 2019 Thursday
Thanks God, I sold my puts yesterday... because today I was not here to see that they would have been wiped out. In the morning I had a hearing check-up, in Tel Aviv... Well... NEVER drive to Tel Aviv, you won't find a parking place! Better get a taxi. But I did drive, and make rounds and rounds for 90 minutes, finally I parked in a forbidden area, and prayed to find my car when I return. The test was short, It confirmed what I already knew, having Satun on my asc, makes me slowly death at my left ear, but I couldn't tell her this, could I? LOL... So I am home now, fresh and after shower, wowo! 40 degrees out there!
So, let's see what is happening in the world? Better look at the sky first.
We have the Moon at the end of Aries, Soon it will enter Taurus, where she is exalted, and I think markets will top and fall. Then Moon 0* Uranus! Mercury just entered Leo, here it is better than in Gemini, brings some air into a fire sign, so any move to the up or down will be strong. Vnus at 22 and Pluto at 22- what does that tell you? You should already know.
Yesterday I sent alert for the BTC.. I think right on time!
June 26, 2019 Wednesday
If you think it is hot... read this article! See how Earth will heat up till 3000... Well, till then, for Today: the Moon is in Aries, fire sign approaching the Sun. All the other positions are still there.
I read about the deaths of the whales! SIlva, a friend from a group suggested to check if there is any planet around 20 Sag, Ras AlHague fixed star, which is poisonous. Well, Jupiter is at 17-18^, and I found, that asteroid Vipera! (another poison is at 20Sag. right now.. So there was some kind of poison in the sea, that caused hundreds of whales and other sea mammals die.
Unfortunately this will not end soon, because Jupiter is retro, and will return to 20 Sag!
Raikoke Volcano eruption photo from space!
Let's see which fixed stars are triggered by the planets now?
Mercury is at 29 Cancer, we have ALUDRA there; means" dangerous passions, danger or fear from darkness and night, possible dog bites. Mercury enters Leo. This sign's unfortunate fixed stars are between: 1st decan of Leo, then 8th deg. and 20-27th.
Venus is "safe" till the 28th degree in Gemini.
12:00 pm a stupid tweet made the markets reverse. As if there was some good USA-Chinese talks... and the S&P rallied! wiping out all stops and shorts. But we are under a slowing down Mercury! it is as if already in retro. FALSE FALSE FALSE.!
Now I receive a mail, the the " incorrect announcement of the Steven Mnuchin... makes markets jump" ...
One needs strong nerves! Particularly, when we are on the last day before options expiry over here, at least!
Drama and more drama...
Ehud Barak announces re-arrival to politics. He is forming a new party, and will run against Bibi. Today at 18:00. Ascendant is SAG, Sun at 4 Cancer, Moon at 18 Aries.
Now the real worries start, for Netanyahu. Barak is the only person he fears of.
Unfortunately this will not end soon, because Jupiter is retro, and will return to 20 Sag!
Raikoke Volcano eruption photo from space!
Let's see which fixed stars are triggered by the planets now?
Mercury is at 29 Cancer, we have ALUDRA there; means" dangerous passions, danger or fear from darkness and night, possible dog bites. Mercury enters Leo. This sign's unfortunate fixed stars are between: 1st decan of Leo, then 8th deg. and 20-27th.
Venus is "safe" till the 28th degree in Gemini.
12:00 pm a stupid tweet made the markets reverse. As if there was some good USA-Chinese talks... and the S&P rallied! wiping out all stops and shorts. But we are under a slowing down Mercury! it is as if already in retro. FALSE FALSE FALSE.!
Now I receive a mail, the the " incorrect announcement of the Steven Mnuchin... makes markets jump" ...
One needs strong nerves! Particularly, when we are on the last day before options expiry over here, at least!
Drama and more drama...
Ehud Barak announces re-arrival to politics. He is forming a new party, and will run against Bibi. Today at 18:00. Ascendant is SAG, Sun at 4 Cancer, Moon at 18 Aries.
Now the real worries start, for Netanyahu. Barak is the only person he fears of.
June 25, 2019 Tuesday
I wanted to surprize you yesterday, and I worked on the alerts for today, but then the lights went out exactly at 11 pm, and there was darkness . I have a whatsapp group of the town, to know what's going on... and they wrote it will be out till 2:30 I went to sleep. I should buy some candles...LOL.. Not that it would help work on the computer.
So, I'll redo it now.
It's 8 am... I should be ready by the time Europe opens.
The sky today: We have the Moon in Aries; will bring powerful moves! She will also square the stelliums today and tomorrow. Neptune is still at Ven/Jup MP; see explanation below, and of course the stelliums are still there.
Alerts for Asia and the far east sent.
9:15 am alerts for Europe, USA and commodities sent.. pls. check your apps.
Watch out for Fed. speech at 8 pm!!
9:15 am alerts for Europe, USA and commodities sent.. pls. check your apps.
Watch out for Fed. speech at 8 pm!!
June 24, 2019 Monday
I woke up at 5:15... so plenty of time to look at the sky and the world. Once I could sleep till 12 noon! What a waste of time!
So I see that the BTC topped at 11368ish levels. If you listen to this will know how I think. Now, transit Sun trined natal Venus, and we got a top. We have two more planets to aspect natal Venus, on June 27th and July 2nd! (eclipse day) so I think there will be a double top. In any case, you have the stops for the cryptos in the app!
Good news are coming in from Turkey! Erdogan lost the elections AGAIN! in Istanbul, this time WITH HIGHER RATES THAN BEFORE. What trick will he pull now?
I analysed his chart many times... He has a Pisces Sun with Leo Asc. Ruler of career is Venus, it is at 14 Pisces, exalted, has no limits, together with Mercury at 13 Pisces; he seeks extreme powers, life time rulership. But had happens now? Transit Neptune, the ruler of his stellium! is dissolving his dreams, being in Retro! and conjunct his stellium. It will bring to his fall. I always write that Saturn must be present when someone is crowned or falls, in this case, Dir.Saturn is at 14Cap.36, aspects his Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Vertex, Ceres, Fortuna, and the MC! together with transit Saturn in retro, at 18 Cap23, bring to his fall.
I am not aware what this means politically, in Turkey.. but as I saw dancing people on the streets of Istanbul, I guess he is done. I wrote about this in the past..
I read there is extreme heat in Europe, and will be the whole week..It was more than 50 in India... In Indonesia there was a 7.3 earthquake. Unrest... Venus is in opposition Jupiter! Both are weak, Venus by sign, Jupiter in retro!
I FORGOT TO MENTION, that Mercury turns Retro on July 7th. From now till that day, it is slowing down in its move. So if you feel that things are slow and go to another direction that you intended, it is Mercury to blame. Not only it is in Cancer, where it is weak, but also slow..
Good news are coming in from Turkey! Erdogan lost the elections AGAIN! in Istanbul, this time WITH HIGHER RATES THAN BEFORE. What trick will he pull now?
I analysed his chart many times... He has a Pisces Sun with Leo Asc. Ruler of career is Venus, it is at 14 Pisces, exalted, has no limits, together with Mercury at 13 Pisces; he seeks extreme powers, life time rulership. But had happens now? Transit Neptune, the ruler of his stellium! is dissolving his dreams, being in Retro! and conjunct his stellium. It will bring to his fall. I always write that Saturn must be present when someone is crowned or falls, in this case, Dir.Saturn is at 14Cap.36, aspects his Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Vertex, Ceres, Fortuna, and the MC! together with transit Saturn in retro, at 18 Cap23, bring to his fall.
I am not aware what this means politically, in Turkey.. but as I saw dancing people on the streets of Istanbul, I guess he is done. I wrote about this in the past..
I read there is extreme heat in Europe, and will be the whole week..It was more than 50 in India... In Indonesia there was a 7.3 earthquake. Unrest... Venus is in opposition Jupiter! Both are weak, Venus by sign, Jupiter in retro!
I FORGOT TO MENTION, that Mercury turns Retro on July 7th. From now till that day, it is slowing down in its move. So if you feel that things are slow and go to another direction that you intended, it is Mercury to blame. Not only it is in Cancer, where it is weak, but also slow..
To balance it, we have Mars accelerating till mid April 2020
June 23, 2019 Sunday
It's 7.30 am and I just posted new updates for the cryptos!
The sky today: The Moon moved to Pisces, here on personal level is very vulnerable. SHe trines the Sun. Both Venus and Jupiter square Neptune, they are in opposition, so Neptune is at their midpoint. Let's see what did good old Ebertin think about this position? " Negligence, a lack of correct behaviour,falsehood, hopelessness a disharmonious or shattering relationship.". This aspect will last a few days..
TA35: Our market will open with a minor negative arbitrage. -0.21%. On June 20 we got a double top with May 22 top at 1583, here the index got blocked by Pluto, and fell. Now we have an open gap to close till 1567.
12:35 pm...
I am back from the gym, just to find out index like a dead man's monitor... consolidating.. now it is at 1574.49; it should fal; tp 1556!!
All the world saw Mrs. Merkel shake and tremble.. Poor she! her? what is the right word? In any case, transit Neptune( ruler of her date) made and will keep making a 150* to her natal Mercury... She has no Parkinson? I doubt.. I wonder what happened to her when she was 49-50 years old? then this issue started. Let me check..
OMG! She was elected in 2005!!
Every time Neptune will aspect her by transit, secondary progression, or Directed chart, she will "feel"it , and it will affect her deeply.
The computer finished calculating :Directed planets )1 deg=1 year; in aspect to natal planets
Our market closed at the same level as it opened; Besides going to the gym it was a wasted day... market wise.. Tomorrow, my time:9:30, the market will open with the Moon at 20 Pisces, conjunct Neptune. Look out for some fake news.With the Sun in Cancer, let me see where are the "dark degrees", with fixed stars and bad stuff to watch out from them?!
Cancer 11 deg - 14th, ( July 3-7) then 18* to 25.55 ( July 10-18).
12:35 pm...
I am back from the gym, just to find out index like a dead man's monitor... consolidating.. now it is at 1574.49; it should fal; tp 1556!!
All the world saw Mrs. Merkel shake and tremble.. Poor she! her? what is the right word? In any case, transit Neptune( ruler of her date) made and will keep making a 150* to her natal Mercury... She has no Parkinson? I doubt.. I wonder what happened to her when she was 49-50 years old? then this issue started. Let me check..
OMG! She was elected in 2005!!
Following the 2005 federal election, Merkel was appointed Germany's first female chancellor at the head of a grand coalition consisting of the CDU, its Bavarian sister party the Christian Social Union (CSU), and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). In the 2009 federal election the CDU obtained the largest share of the vote, and Merkel was able to form a coalition government with the Free Democratic Party (FDP).[17] At the 2013 federal election, Merkel's CDU won a landslide victory with 41.5% of the vote and formed a second grand coalition with the SPD, after the FDP lost all of its representation in the Bundestag.[18] After the 2017 federal election the CDU was again the largest party, and she was reelected to her fourth term on 14 March 2018.[19]
In 2007, Merkel was President of the European Council and played a central role in the negotiation of the Treaty of Lisbon and the Berlin Declaration. One of Merkel's consistent priorities has been to strengthen transatlantic economic relations. Merkel played a crucial role in managing the financial crisis at the European and international level, and she has been referred to as "the decider." In domestic policy, health care reform, problems concerning future energy development and more recently her government's approach to the ongoing migrant crisis have been major issues during her Chancellorship.[20] On 26 March 2014, Merkel became the longest-serving incumbent head of government in the European Union and she is currently the senior G7 leader. In October 2018, Merkel announced that she would not seek reelection as leader of the CDU at the party convention in December 2018 and as Chancellor in 2021.[21]
The chart below is for the elections, Sept 18, 2005. Her MC, career is ruled by Venus, it is at 9 Libra. On the day of the elections. Dir. Jupiter helped her, was at 9 Virgo, in the 8th house of money but!! and this is a big but! with Uranus in opposition. at 9 Pisces (Neptune rules it). (Scorpio/ Money degree). Her 6th house of health, is under the Moon, that is at 7 Aries. On the day of the winning, in the sky Venus squares Saturn, and both "helped" her win, aspecting the Moon (in purple). But, at the same time, Mars was 150 to her Mercury, and tr. Neptune conjunct Mars! When this Neptune arrived to exact opposition to her Mercury- ruler of health in general, the stress was too much and she got sick. Parkinson? or other terrible disease?? I am not a doctor..but dehydration?? Seriously?? I don't buy it. Every time Neptune will aspect her by transit, secondary progression, or Directed chart, she will "feel"it , and it will affect her deeply.
The computer finished calculating :Directed planets )1 deg=1 year; in aspect to natal planets
Our market closed at the same level as it opened; Besides going to the gym it was a wasted day... market wise.. Tomorrow, my time:9:30, the market will open with the Moon at 20 Pisces, conjunct Neptune. Look out for some fake news.With the Sun in Cancer, let me see where are the "dark degrees", with fixed stars and bad stuff to watch out from them?!
Cancer 11 deg - 14th, ( July 3-7) then 18* to 25.55 ( July 10-18).
June 22, 2019 Saturday
I sent alerts for the cryptos! They are the only thing trading during the weekend. Seems that people born in the sign of LIBRA, protested against using their sign name for FaceBook's crypto! So, not yet born, already causing a turmoil..
Today we are 330 days from July 27, 2018 Lunar eclipse at 4 Aquarius. I guess it has no more power, lunar eclipses affect us 5-6 months, but keeping up the count till one year.
I read that in many places in the USA it snows! Incredible... Here we have very nice weather... come over!
there are still some tremors, not small ones in New Zealand! 6.2 yesterday..
What do we know about the next week?
The Sun is in Cancer- moves 8 degrees during the week. The Moon is approaching the Sun, moves from Aqua. to Gemini. Mercury moves into Leo! Brining some fire and energy, here is the bummer! Mercury turns retro on July 8th, at 4 Leo, and Direct on Aug. 1- retreats till 23 Cancer57; so you people. born in this sign, it gives you a second chance to mend things!! Remember, Mercury in Cancer is bad, so try your utmost, the planet is against you. On August 11th enters Leo till Aug 29th.
Neptune turns Retro! till Nov 27,2019. retreats till 15Pisc56.
21.06.2019 17:35:13 R Neptune 18°43'27"Psc
17.11.2019 0:01:45 max S Neptune
27.11.2019 15:32:31 D Neptune 15°55'34"Psc
So, what do you do with this info:? Look at your chart, see where is Mercury and Neptune, what house, sign, aspect, and in what field will it affect you?
For the markets, in general, I think we saw a top with the Sun entering Cancer.. so be very careful now. Look at shorts, see if they are growing in volume!
Download my app! receive market alerts for Asia, the Far East, commodities, Europe, the USA... grains even.
Now I start to write my weekly forecast... Sign up to know how will Sun in Cancer, Mercury in Leo-Cancer-Leo, etc etc affect your index!
Where is SSEA heading?
How about the Nikkei??
Hang Sang??
Download my app! receive market alerts for Asia, the Far East, commodities, Europe, the USA... grains even.
Now I start to write my weekly forecast... Sign up to know how will Sun in Cancer, Mercury in Leo-Cancer-Leo, etc etc affect your index!
Where is SSEA heading?
How about the Nikkei??
Hang Sang??
June 21, 2019 Friday
GOLD: is getting there for the third time!! If you have my app, you are happy LONG since April 30th! Now at 1407; it should cross over, as per my "three fathers pattern"... as I call it, or a simple triple top, for those who know technical analysis. Only that, the Sun enters Cancer today...
SIlver also rallies, but should go above 15.66 to be able to reach former tops.
Natural GAS is the one that gave the best short since Jan 2019, ( 56%, 219 days )now it also broke a long term support line from 2016! Next target is at 1.90
South Africa makes new highs! Raise stop there! KLSE, SSEA too, all the others topped and turned! So use the tops as stop for short.
In Europe: OMX Sweden makes new highs, CAC, AEX, MIB too, all the others topped and turned. Watch today announcements!!
In the USA and Canada: we see new highs as well!
8:50 am
Updates for the USA are in the app!!!
OK, let's see, the Dec. 2019 eclipse at 4 Capricorn: how will it affect him?
We get highest values in March 20-25 2020...Let's see what happens then? We see transit Mars in opposition natal Saturn! exact opposition, together with Jupiter at 22Cap, Pluto at 24 and Saturn at 29.57! in opposition his Venus-Saturn conjunction. Hm... this is NOT rosy! Saturn is time lord, points to age 73 81 age, April 4, 2020!!!! He has to be careful with his heart and blood pressure, also dementia, stroke, alzheimer.... On 4/4/2020 Mercury is conjunct Neptune, triggering many of his natal planets.
Here is a graph of all the transit planets triggering his natal planets.
here is a bigger picture:
Saturn will be in exact conjunction at 22 Capricorn (BIG TROUBLE) with Pluto! on Jan.7,2020.
Here are the same calculations for Netanyahu- The elections were on 4/9, he was unable to form a government. The July eclipse forms a peak on Sept 1-5, and Dec. 1-5; elections are due on the 17th of Sept, so probably he will again fail, and leave!!! resign, disappear in December. (This is wishful thinking, not really an analysis..)
Ruler of the Asc, Venus on Aeternitas..
I worked on this table.( emitted the Moons' aspects) .. shows the dates when transit planets will aspect the eclipse degree. The effect will be based on the sign, house and aspect it makes to your natal chart.
Here is the table of the transit planets triggering the Dec.2019 eclipse point.
I would use the outer planets (Sat-Pl), they have along lasting effect.
Natural GAS is the one that gave the best short since Jan 2019, ( 56%, 219 days )now it also broke a long term support line from 2016! Next target is at 1.90
South Africa makes new highs! Raise stop there! KLSE, SSEA too, all the others topped and turned! So use the tops as stop for short.
In Europe: OMX Sweden makes new highs, CAC, AEX, MIB too, all the others topped and turned. Watch today announcements!!
In the USA and Canada: we see new highs as well!
8:50 am

Yesterday I wrote about the effect of the upcoming eclipse on the USA and Israel. This eclipse lasts for 4 minutes 33 sec!
Let's look at Trumps' chart:
Born on June 14, 1946, at 10:54 am in Jamaica,NY, USA.
He has a Sun at 22.67 Gemini, conjunct Uranus in the 10th house of government. they also conjunct the North Node! He was destined to become a president. Both are in Gemini, of course. (Others having Sun-Uranus conjunctions are: Nechama Rivlin, R.I.P. in Gemini- see what I wrote about her below), Meryl Streep,Elizabeth Warren at 0 Cancer, Angela Merkel at 24 Cancer, something strange is going on with her, with those tremblings!! Salvador Sobral Eurovision winner, had a heart transplant 2 years ago, Moshe Yaalon (local politician), at 2 Cancer, Assad , at 18 Virgo; etc
Trump was born during a Full Moon, the Moon being at 21*Sag.12 conj. the South Node, in the 4th house. I have not heard him speak of his mother! Was she away, far, distant? He will infinitely search for love and affection! But he always speaks highly about his father! OK. Besides this Sun-Uranus conjunction, he also has a Venus-Saturn conjunction in Cancer. (very rich, but never enough(Saturn). Venus rules his MC(got rich from houses, real estate ); but now, transit Saturn+Pluto+SN are in opposition! in Capricorn. So they might bring some worries about his career and money. He also has Jupiter in the 2nd house of money..How much wealth has he?? I stopped counting.. :) BUT! transit Neptune is 150* to his Jupiter.. All the outer planets will be there for a while, quite a long while.. (When outer planets are on stage, the "while" is in years, or at least months).
But, what I wanted to check is what will this eclipse and the Dec. eclipse trigger in his chart? The higher the lines, more planets trigger natal planets. OK, let's see, the Dec. 2019 eclipse at 4 Capricorn: how will it affect him?
We get highest values in March 20-25 2020...Let's see what happens then? We see transit Mars in opposition natal Saturn! exact opposition, together with Jupiter at 22Cap, Pluto at 24 and Saturn at 29.57! in opposition his Venus-Saturn conjunction. Hm... this is NOT rosy! Saturn is time lord, points to age 73 81 age, April 4, 2020!!!! He has to be careful with his heart and blood pressure, also dementia, stroke, alzheimer.... On 4/4/2020 Mercury is conjunct Neptune, triggering many of his natal planets.
Here is a graph of all the transit planets triggering his natal planets.
here is a bigger picture:
Saturn will be in exact conjunction at 22 Capricorn (BIG TROUBLE) with Pluto! on Jan.7,2020.
Here are the same calculations for Netanyahu- The elections were on 4/9, he was unable to form a government. The July eclipse forms a peak on Sept 1-5, and Dec. 1-5; elections are due on the 17th of Sept, so probably he will again fail, and leave!!! resign, disappear in December. (This is wishful thinking, not really an analysis..)
Let's look at something nicer... Remember, I wrote in the past, that maps of people "work" even after their death? Yesterday I heard, that a previously unreleased version of "Time waits for nobody" song by Freddie Mercury was found... Ruler of the Asc, Venus on Aeternitas..
I worked on this table.( emitted the Moons' aspects) .. shows the dates when transit planets will aspect the eclipse degree. The effect will be based on the sign, house and aspect it makes to your natal chart.
Here is the table of the transit planets triggering the Dec.2019 eclipse point.
I would use the outer planets (Sat-Pl), they have along lasting effect.
June 20, 2019 Thursday
I woke up really early today, before 5... You won't believe what was my first thought... LOL...I was thinking what life did Morsi have!! That I have to re check his chart. We know, that he studied in Cairo university, then received a scholarship that enabled him to continue his studies in the USA, he received his PhD in material science ( see his stellium in Virgo!!) and was a professor! So he was an intelligent, modern, practical man. Until he quit all, when Dir. Uranus arrived to his Sun! returned to Egypt in 1985 and was a lecturer in the university till 2010;
enters politics, backed by Obama, is announced as winner of the elections on June 24, 2012.( See Dir. Uranus? conjunct his Mercury! We might be able to use this important event of his life and make Mercury the ruler of his MC, career.. In any case, this winning happened with a weak Jupiter, signaling for a short term success!
Here is his natal chart with Mercury on the MC! That puts his SUn+Pluto in the 9th house of law, and didn't he die in court?
On June 30, 2013 millions of people march on the streets of Egypt, demanding him to resign! See the Moon? people- conjunct Uranus(revolution) sending aspects to his Mercury and of course Uranus! which is present at all his important life events..
He was overthrown by the army, led by Sisi, on July 3rd 2013- he was on trial several times, given the death penalty, then life imprisonment.He died when Uranus was exactly in opposition to his Moon.
So, it is interesting to see, how all his life Uranus ruled. In his natal chart Uranus is in Detriment and 2 other planets and the Moon in fall. But, he also had a strong Sun and Pluto, which pushed him to heights, not for long though...
It's 7 am now... let's look at the sky and to markets.
The Sun is on a bad fixed star, Betelgeuze, Mars still conjuncts Mercury, but now it is at 22*, the Moon just entered Aquarius, and is coming to a square to Uranus.
The Sun is on a bad fixed star, Betelgeuze, Mars still conjuncts Mercury, but now it is at 22*, the Moon just entered Aquarius, and is coming to a square to Uranus.
20.06.2019 2:00:30 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
20.06.2019 12:56:07 5°31'49"Aqr Square Uranus
21.06.2019 7:41:43 14°56'33"Aqr Trine Venus
21.06.2019 14:01:53 18°06'07"Aqr Sextile Jupiter
22.06.2019 14:01:19 0°00'00"Psc <<<
TA35: will open with a positive arbitrage. We closed at 1565 - this is stop, probably it'll run up to 1578, nothing to block it before.
Seems to me, that "they" will kill all shorts, till 4th of July! But we have to watch the Sun entering Cancer tomorrow! It's the Summer solstice.That is a major sign for a CIT. Oh! and don't' forget the eclipse on July 2nd at 10 Cancer! It belongs to the Saros 127 cycle..... WOW, lot of events.are coming up.
Follow up on BTC: made a nice rally in 84 days of 143%; The stop here is 9330. I would wait and see if it
ll go above 9500! otherwise it'll fall back to the support lines. A strong adversary is being born, named LIBRA! Facebook's' currency...
ETH: same thing.... I would wait and see if it goes above 280! or at least 272. Failing will fall back to 252.
The S&P: we got a fall between May 1- June 3rd by 7.79%= 230 points 33 days.
and a rise since June 3rd; now we will have to see, will it go above 2960? July 4th is coming! Will we see it at 3000? and even higher?
Order the weekly forecasts to find out!
Reading about intensive rains in the USA!
I had to check what will the eclipse do to USA? and WOWOWOWOWO!!! big time..
The Eclipse will occur at 10 Cancer.38- on July 2nd at 15:16 Washington time. It will be in EXACT conjunction to the USA Sun! which is at 12:44 Cancer! So it will affect the President. Mind you, the eclipse will be in affect at least a year! The Moon, (the people) is at 18 Aquarius, it gets an aspect from Saturn and Neptune too, so both regulations and fake news will be strong. Using the time Gann used: 2:13 it gives Uranus on the Asc, at 8.53 Gemini. tr. Uranus is 30 * away. If I want to look at the elections coming up in November, that it will be under this eclipse, than using this time, 2:13 am, the ruler of the MC is Neptune- it is at 22 Virgo, and transit Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, in the 8th house of money.. so money makes the world go round?? Trump stays, and markets will rally.
If, by this chart Jupiter is the "known enemy", then we will see a surprize attack. ( eclipse Uranus 60 to Jupiter).
PS: Thanks to Erik! The elections will take place in 2020! So after the effect of this eclipse evaporsizes; however, I checked the Dec.2019 eclipse at 4 Capricorn; that also backs what I wrote. Trump stays.
Looking at Israel's chart with the eclipse, it will occur in the 9th house of law, pointing to the open cases B.Netanyahu has, and has to face trial. The 10th degree is a cruel one, the consequences will be as well. It will affect his marriage,(3rd wife, Sara is H11, Mercury. Eclipse Uranus, in the 7th, will bring a divorce?! Very likely... someone will leave the nest. The eclipse square Israel's Neptune, ruler of the 5th, (stock market). and eclipse Jupiter will trine Saturn ( govmt) also pointing to law and order issues. Eclipse Venus ( know enemies and partners) is on Betelgeuze, sextile Mars, ruler of the army. So we are heading towards a hot summer, probably with a military event. Furthermore, this bad Venus tells us, that even if he will be re elected, he will not be able to form a government, because of the bad position Venus has during the eclipse.
Here are some dates, when tr. planets will be in an angle to the eclipse degree.
You can do the same. Check when will a planet be at 10 degree in any sign, see how it will affect YOU! ?
20.06.2019 12:56:07 5°31'49"Aqr Square Uranus
21.06.2019 7:41:43 14°56'33"Aqr Trine Venus
21.06.2019 14:01:53 18°06'07"Aqr Sextile Jupiter
22.06.2019 14:01:19 0°00'00"Psc <<<
TA35: will open with a positive arbitrage. We closed at 1565 - this is stop, probably it'll run up to 1578, nothing to block it before.
Seems to me, that "they" will kill all shorts, till 4th of July! But we have to watch the Sun entering Cancer tomorrow! It's the Summer solstice.That is a major sign for a CIT. Oh! and don't' forget the eclipse on July 2nd at 10 Cancer! It belongs to the Saros 127 cycle..... WOW, lot of events.are coming up.
Follow up on BTC: made a nice rally in 84 days of 143%; The stop here is 9330. I would wait and see if it
ll go above 9500! otherwise it'll fall back to the support lines. A strong adversary is being born, named LIBRA! Facebook's' currency...
ETH: same thing.... I would wait and see if it goes above 280! or at least 272. Failing will fall back to 252.
The S&P: we got a fall between May 1- June 3rd by 7.79%= 230 points 33 days.
and a rise since June 3rd; now we will have to see, will it go above 2960? July 4th is coming! Will we see it at 3000? and even higher?
Order the weekly forecasts to find out!
Reading about intensive rains in the USA!
I had to check what will the eclipse do to USA? and WOWOWOWOWO!!! big time..
The Eclipse will occur at 10 Cancer.38- on July 2nd at 15:16 Washington time. It will be in EXACT conjunction to the USA Sun! which is at 12:44 Cancer! So it will affect the President. Mind you, the eclipse will be in affect at least a year! The Moon, (the people) is at 18 Aquarius, it gets an aspect from Saturn and Neptune too, so both regulations and fake news will be strong. Using the time Gann used: 2:13 it gives Uranus on the Asc, at 8.53 Gemini. tr. Uranus is 30 * away. If I want to look at the elections coming up in November, that it will be under this eclipse, than using this time, 2:13 am, the ruler of the MC is Neptune- it is at 22 Virgo, and transit Pluto is at 22 Capricorn, in the 8th house of money.. so money makes the world go round?? Trump stays, and markets will rally.
If, by this chart Jupiter is the "known enemy", then we will see a surprize attack. ( eclipse Uranus 60 to Jupiter).
PS: Thanks to Erik! The elections will take place in 2020! So after the effect of this eclipse evaporsizes; however, I checked the Dec.2019 eclipse at 4 Capricorn; that also backs what I wrote. Trump stays.
Looking at Israel's chart with the eclipse, it will occur in the 9th house of law, pointing to the open cases B.Netanyahu has, and has to face trial. The 10th degree is a cruel one, the consequences will be as well. It will affect his marriage,(3rd wife, Sara is H11, Mercury. Eclipse Uranus, in the 7th, will bring a divorce?! Very likely... someone will leave the nest. The eclipse square Israel's Neptune, ruler of the 5th, (stock market). and eclipse Jupiter will trine Saturn ( govmt) also pointing to law and order issues. Eclipse Venus ( know enemies and partners) is on Betelgeuze, sextile Mars, ruler of the army. So we are heading towards a hot summer, probably with a military event. Furthermore, this bad Venus tells us, that even if he will be re elected, he will not be able to form a government, because of the bad position Venus has during the eclipse.
Here are some dates, when tr. planets will be in an angle to the eclipse degree.
You can do the same. Check when will a planet be at 10 degree in any sign, see how it will affect YOU! ?
June 19, 2019 Wednesday
What a bear wipeout!! Yesterday...So what happened?? In my weekly reports I wrote, that Mercury in Cancer is positive for the S&P, for example. But I was not aware that Draghi will mess up SO MUCH the shorts... In any case. EXACTLY when Mercury conjuncts Mars we had a burst out, so to say, and markets went crazy. I sent alerts to subscribers, of course. I always update people, when I am at my desk...
SO what can we expect today? In my weekly forecasts I wrote that June 19 will be a day to remember.. Why? Because Mercury will not only conjunct Mars, but will oppose Pluto at 22*
Today is a CIT day for : S&P and AXJO DOW, Dax fut, Nasdaq,
Nyse, Gold fut, Corn, Ripple, BCH, AMZN, 10 YEAR BONDS, CSCO,LNKD, PSTI,
Local shares: Razio, Afrika nechasim, Evugene,
Elbit Maarachot, Teva, Bank Beinleumi, DiPharm, Gvaot , machon leheker
iNternet, mankind, Maayan, Medivi, Rami Levi, Silicom, Tadir Gan, etc
2:30 pm
Draghi did it, and Draghi will undo it? He is attacked.. See this
When something rallies suddenly, it can just fall back as it was.. Mercury also moved on... Watch today Crude oil inventories!!
Is he stepping down? transit Saturn is 150 to natal Saturn. Ha!!! Yes.. in October...
Draghi did it, and Draghi will undo it? He is attacked.. See this
When something rallies suddenly, it can just fall back as it was.. Mercury also moved on... Watch today Crude oil inventories!!
Is he stepping down? transit Saturn is 150 to natal Saturn. Ha!!! Yes.. in October...
June 18, 2019 Tuesday
The news of today is about Mohammed Morsi, who, seems that collapsed in court and died of a heart attack. I tend to believe it.. looking at his chart: His Mars is at 23 Cancer, and transit Mercury and Mars are exactly conjunct; furthermore Pluto in opposition is at 22Cap- in H6, of health. Then Jupiter in retro, is at 18 Sag aspects natal Venus and Neptune, also Tr.Neptune is at 18 Pisces. This 18 degree is not less powerful than the 22 degree. Neptune is also in his 8th house of death, in opposition Venus. This is a Solar chart, so we don't have the time of birth, Note also that his natal Uranus is just a few minutes away of being out of Bound OOB, and tr. Mercury is conjunct by declination!(sudden effect) He could have been poisoned, thou... with that Neptune aspecting Venus, he is 67 only.. but without the exact time of birth it is difficult to tell. Morsi, who doesn't know, what the Muslim Brothers' Egypt. He ruled in Egypt for 13 months.
Let's see how is the Earth doing quake wise? New Zealand is still having some after shocks, but I haven't seen any casualties.
So far so good...
In the markets: US made a try for new highs... Healthcare leading.
I'll send some alerts for the US soon..
let's see the sky? what can we expect?
It is the 18th of the month. We are under double Mars effect today! MARS is at 21 Cancer, Mercury conjuncts it.Both are separating from the Nodes, which is good. we are after the Full Moon, she is in Capricorn. I wouldn't expect much of a Cap. Moon!- rally wise. What else??? Venus is in Gemini, not a favorable place for it. And, what is more important, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune share the same degree, in different signs! 18!! With some calculations they show a resistance level.
June 17, 2019 Monday
Here is another asteroid and explanation about it! Very interesting!!! The Number of it is 225088, lately it was called "Gong Gong". It orbit Neptune, it is bigger than Ceres, it takes 549.16 years to orbit the Sun. Read the article by Zane! it is just fabulous..
Today: We still have the two stelliums in opposition, also Jupiter 90*Neptune. The only change is, the Moon moved to Sag, already separating from Jupiter, so if we saw a positive move in Australia and the far East, this energy, brought by the Moon will evaporate by the time US opens.
But, again, each index with its own chart.. As two people are not alike, so the indices and shares.
Note, that Mercury conjuncts Mars in Cancer! and we have the Full Moon- time to end things.From tomorrow the Moon will diminish in light, also enter Capricorn and join the stellium. Time for short? Time will tell. Of course not for everything, the BTC is reaching new highs.
Let's see what is Asia doing? OK.. will send updates now to 6/14 alerts.
9:00 am, alerts for Asia and the far East sent!
9:24 am Alerts for Europe and TA35 sent.
10:00 Commodities alerts sent!
Today: We still have the two stelliums in opposition, also Jupiter 90*Neptune. The only change is, the Moon moved to Sag, already separating from Jupiter, so if we saw a positive move in Australia and the far East, this energy, brought by the Moon will evaporate by the time US opens.
But, again, each index with its own chart.. As two people are not alike, so the indices and shares.
Note, that Mercury conjuncts Mars in Cancer! and we have the Full Moon- time to end things.From tomorrow the Moon will diminish in light, also enter Capricorn and join the stellium. Time for short? Time will tell. Of course not for everything, the BTC is reaching new highs.
Let's see what is Asia doing? OK.. will send updates now to 6/14 alerts.
9:00 am, alerts for Asia and the far East sent!
9:24 am Alerts for Europe and TA35 sent.
10:00 Commodities alerts sent!
June 16, 2019 Sunday
There was a 7.2 earthquake on the coast of New Zealand; now they are waiting for aftershocks and a tsunami. I hope there will be no casualties!
Note: Mercury conjunct Mars, both in opposition the Capricorn stellium, and both trine Neptune! Neptune is always a part of a quake..
June 15, 2019 Saturday
I bumped into an interesting debate about Orcus. I found this on the net about Orcus:
Did you know that our Solar system has recently grown by 8 new planets? In front of our eyes, our solar system is expanding along with our consciousness, especially around Pluto in the Kuiper Belt where we are discovering a whole new species of dwarf planets – Haumea, Makemake, Quaoar and beyond that to Sedna and Eris and encountering
the tuning forks of the Galactic Centre, the Great Attractor along with Centaurs, Black Holes, pulsars and masers. Pluto is not alone! Meet his Kuiper Belt tribe, every one as powerful and as special as he is.
Orcus is a Kuiper belt object with a large moon called Vanth. It was discovered on February 17, 2004 by Michael Brown of Caltech, Chad Trujillo of the Gemini Observatory and David Rabinowitz of Yale University.Orcus orbits the Sun at a distance of 30.27 AU (4.53 billion km) at perihelion and 48.07 AU (7.19 billion km) at aphelion. Its
orbit is the same 248-year period as Pluto’s orbit and it’s just a little smaller than Pluto.
Orcus has an orbit that goes around the Sun twice for every three times that Neptune orbits around the Sun. As a result, the IAU approved the permanent name “Orcus” for this object, which comes a Roman god of the dead and is another name for the Greek deity of the dead Hades. The Orcus discovery team has pointed out that the object’s elongated orbit points in a nearly opposite direction from Pluto with precisely the same orbital period and both
always keep to opposite phases of their orbits, as if Orcus was an “anti-Pluto”
Orcus Astrology
The Discovery of Dwarf Planets has changed the classic delineation between Inner and Outer planets to:Inner Planets Mercury Mars Venus
Threshold Planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune plus the Asteroids and Centaurs
Deep Space Planets Pluto and the Dwarf Planets
Keywords for Orcus: integrity, authenticity, implacability, ruthlessness, loneliness, isolation, dark night of the soul, alienation, meditation and prayer, spiritual depth, determination, diehard, unbreakable, detached, merciless, inhumane, cruel.
Orcus is the guardian of the soul’s vows and promises.“This means that the Orcus path of action -from its south to north node- motivates us to apply the efforts of our daily activity while in the world of human affairs toward our soul’s greater galactic truth, purpose or mission on Earth; and in support of and in tune with Earth’s greater evolutionary time-cycle. This axis supports us to move from a punctual / personality consciousness to the
durative awareness of the soul’s greater evolutionary galactic sojourn; to apply ourselves and our daily lives for a far more embracing, long-lasting ideal.” Nick Anthony Fiorenza.
This is a huge task so Orcus themed people –anyone with several aspects to Orcus or Orcus on the angles – tend to deal with the inner pressure by creating structures, boundaries, rules and order in a way quite resonant with Saturn. It can become a numbing defence against imminent chaos and feelings of powerlessness. Orcus is a Hadean
archetype, and, alongside Ixion and Pluto, completes a trinity of mostly unconscious, often challenging drives and compulsions, which, gradually help to bring us to self-awareness. “Where Pluto is intense and personal and represents the compulsion to attempt control of situations and people in our lives, Orcus is detached and impersonal and attempts to manage challenging circumstances, not with Pluto’s habitual power struggle but rather
through cold, inhuman disinterest. In archetypal terms, Pluto is the Mafia boss pulling everyone’s strings and Orcus is his henchman with a heart of stone. Pluto is impassioned, Orcus passionless. Orcus rules extreme human qualities: the determination to survive in pitiless conditions, as well as the drive to overcome all odds. Orcus has a strong correlation with oaths, and, when negative, rules swindlers and liars, while when positive, persons
of integrity” Jeremy Allan Neal.
The psycho spiritual task of wherever the Orcus archetype lives in your birth chart and psyche is to convert separation and isolation into genuine and congruent integrity. That means knowing your highest level core values and then living them out in daily life – prioritising your life around them. In other words, walk your talk. Be impeccable with your word. Under promise and over deliver.
People with a Prominent Orcus
Richard Nixon; Princess Diana; Kim Il Sung; Kim Jong-Un; Joseph McCarthy; Bashar al Assad; Vladimir Putin; Lenin; Leon Trotsky; Joseph Stalin; Muhammed Ali; Mike Tyson."
I researched this further, and found that today Orcus is at 9 Virgo14.It entered Virgo on Aug 1, 2009.
A picture is better than a thousand words...
Tropical, Ecliptical, Geocentric,
Actual aspects
Begin: 1.01.1900 Period: 120 years (GMT+2)
Orb Begin of Aspect End of Aspect Exact Aspect
Orcus 2004 DW Pisces ................ 22.05.1904 3:28
Orcus 2004 DW Aries 22.05.1904 3:28 19.08.1904 3:19
Orcus 2004 DW Pisces 19.08.1904 3:19 13.03.1905 15:41
Orcus 2004 DW Aries 13.03.1905 15:41 24.05.1917 11:39
Orcus 2004 DW Taurus 24.05.1917 11:39 20.10.1917 11:25
Orcus 2004 DW Aries 20.10.1917 11:25 25.03.1918 18:44
Orcus 2004 DW Taurus 25.03.1918 18:44 31.07.1932 4:04
Orcus 2004 DW Gemini 31.07.1932 4:04 5.10.1932 0:20
Orcus 2004 DW Taurus 5.10.1932 0:20 27.05.1933 2:05
Orcus 2004 DW Gemini 27.05.1933 2:05 23.12.1933 12:05
Orcus 2004 DW Taurus 23.12.1933 12:05 30.03.1934 9:07
Orcus 2004 DW Gemini 30.03.1934 9:07 16.07.1953 17:54
Orcus 2004 DW Cancer 16.07.1953 17:54 21.12.1953 13:48
Orcus 2004 DW Gemini 21.12.1953 13:48 30.05.1954 5:30
Orcus 2004 DW Cancer 30.05.1954 5:30 7.10.1978 15:30
Orcus 2004 DW Leo 7.10.1978 15:30 23.11.1978 3:01
Orcus 2004 DW Cancer 23.11.1978 3:01 8.08.1979 21:08
Orcus 2004 DW Leo 8.08.1979 21:08 28.01.1980 3:02
Orcus 2004 DW Cancer 28.01.1980 3:02 25.06.1980 1:59
Orcus 2004 DW Leo 25.06.1980 1:59 21.11.2007 7:56
Orcus 2004 DW Virgo 21.11.2007 7:56 8.12.2007 1:53
Orcus 2004 DW Leo 8.12.2007 1:53 12.09.2008 8:11
Orcus 2004 DW Virgo 12.09.2008 8:11 19.02.2009 17:05
Orcus 2004 DW Leo 19.02.2009 17:05 1.08.2009 1:18
Orcus 2004 DW Virgo 1.08.2009 1:18 7.05.2010 23:06
Orcus 2004 DW Leo 7.05.2010 23:06 21.05.2010 4:30
Orcus 2004 DW Virgo 21.05.2010 4:30 ................
Orcus 2004 DW Virgo 21.05.2010 4:30 18.10.2037 18:05
Orcus 2004 DW Libra 18.10.2037 18:05 15.03.2038 10:03
Orcus 2004 DW Virgo 15.03.2038 10:03 5.09.2038 14:32
Orcus 2004 DW Libra 5.09.2038 14:32 21.05.2039 22:50
Orcus 2004 DW Virgo 21.05.2039 22:50 7.07.2039 0:30
Orcus 2004 DW Libra 7.07.2039 0:30 12.11.2064 21:31
Orcus 2004 DW Scorpio 12.11.2064 21:31 21.04.2065 6:53
Orcus 2004 DW Libra 21.04.2065 6:53 28.09.2065 22:34
Orcus 2004 DW Scorpio 28.09.2065 22:34 ....
Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old) have their Orcus in Cancer retrograding to Gemini;
Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old) will find their Orcus in Cancer and Leo
Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old) : Orcus in Leo, no retrograde!
Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old) Leo and Virgo.
Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old) have their Orcus in Cancer retrograding to Gemini;
Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old) will find their Orcus in Cancer and Leo
Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old) : Orcus in Leo, no retrograde!
Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old) Leo and Virgo.
So we can see, that Orcus will be in Virgo till 7.7.2039- with retros to Leo...
From what I read, Orcus is extremely cruel when conjuncts or makes other hard aspect to Mars, Saturn, Uranus and interestingly,to the Black Moon too!
SO I open ZET, and whom do I find, that was born today? XI JinPing, China's leader! and he has an Orcus, Mars, Vulcanus conjunction in Gemini! He is 66 today. Interesting that Trump and him were born 1 day (and some years apart).
Mark Conditt, the Austin,TX bomber born June 15, 1994, has birthday today, he is 25, Orcus 90 Mars.
And how could I forget to say happy birthday to Donald Trump?" and wow!! Look at the stellium in Gemini! With Orcus right there!.
So while Sun in Gemini makes one "light"and dual, also outspoken, Orcus, brings some severeness and Saturn-like features, making him a poker face and someone who stands behind his words, unlike a common Gemini. Orcus brings punishment to those who don't keep their words.
In transit, Orcus is conjunct his "point of commerce" and it is interesting that they have the trade-war with China.. Orcus also sextiles natal Mercury, so there you are!! trade talks..
Looking at Hillary's chart, I am surprised or not? to find her Orcus at 22 Gemini. conjunct Vulcanus at 22* too... Sorry, but the stuff I read on FB, how people just "disappear" or commit suicide around her, is piling up.
We also have a candidate here with a strong Orcus. Ayelet Shaked, former Justice minister.
Looking at Hillary's chart, I am surprised or not? to find her Orcus at 22 Gemini. conjunct Vulcanus at 22* too... Sorry, but the stuff I read on FB, how people just "disappear" or commit suicide around her, is piling up.
We also have a candidate here with a strong Orcus. Ayelet Shaked, former Justice minister.
June 14, 2019 Friday
I worked all morning and sent all the alerts for all the markets. there were some excellent gains since June 4-8th! I hope you were gaining money..
June 13, 2019 Thursday
It's not getting easier! The Moon moved to Scorpio.. She will be there for 2.5 days. We still have the two stelliums in opposition; a bad Venus in Gemini is 30* to Uranus( watch the banks and forex for an abrupt move! And the Cancer stellium is inconjunct, or 150* ~bad~ to Jupiter, which is retro in Sag.
In Europe only Switzerland, the SMI is rallying, for 169 days. From 8073 the target is 9941. Let's see if its breath will last. This is interesting, because all the other indices "got tired" after 126 days, and around May 1-2-3 topped and fell. Curious to see what is different in the SMI map that made it special? Anybody has the first date trade.. I could make a research.In In Australia the rally started on Dec 24th for 170 days! so far...
In India, the NIfty rallies from Oct 26- June 4= 224 days! That gave 21.60% gain in longs.Not bad!!!
The Hang Seng: Jan 3- Apr 15= 22% gain. There are big troubles in Hong Kong... and their index is falling. I am afraid that will be a short now.
About the oil: No one knows what is going on... only astrology can give the answer!
I'll update some alerts later today.
market starts.
CIT day today for:KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty, BIG, PSTI,
Local : Robogrp, Mind, Hizdamnut Yahash, Foresight, Bezeq, Partner, Srauss Bluefenix (Block chain Kria),,
Noon aspects gmt 00:00
13.06.2019 4:02:24 0°00'00"Sco <<<
13.06.2019 13:10:40 5°14'31"Sco Opposition Uranus
14.06.2019 7:32:32 15°41'33"Sco Trine Mercury
14.06.2019 12:53:08 18°42'37"Sco Trine Neptune
14.06.2019 13:12:57 18°53'48"Sco Trine Mars
14.06.2019 13:21:04 18°58'22"Sco Sextile Saturn
14.06.2019 19:45:40 22°34'40"Sco Sextile Pluto
With the Moon in Scorpio, we get a sabotage attack from Iran to two oil tankers, that pumps the oil price to 52.650 now.
In India, the NIfty rallies from Oct 26- June 4= 224 days! That gave 21.60% gain in longs.Not bad!!!
The Hang Seng: Jan 3- Apr 15= 22% gain. There are big troubles in Hong Kong... and their index is falling. I am afraid that will be a short now.
About the oil: No one knows what is going on... only astrology can give the answer!
I'll update some alerts later today.
market starts.
CIT day today for:KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty, BIG, PSTI,
Local : Robogrp, Mind, Hizdamnut Yahash, Foresight, Bezeq, Partner, Srauss Bluefenix (Block chain Kria),,
Noon aspects gmt 00:00
13.06.2019 4:02:24 0°00'00"Sco <<<
13.06.2019 13:10:40 5°14'31"Sco Opposition Uranus
14.06.2019 7:32:32 15°41'33"Sco Trine Mercury
14.06.2019 12:53:08 18°42'37"Sco Trine Neptune
14.06.2019 13:12:57 18°53'48"Sco Trine Mars
14.06.2019 13:21:04 18°58'22"Sco Sextile Saturn
14.06.2019 19:45:40 22°34'40"Sco Sextile Pluto
With the Moon in Scorpio, we get a sabotage attack from Iran to two oil tankers, that pumps the oil price to 52.650 now.
June 12, 2019 Wednesday
Yesterday, I think was a top in the S&P, that we will not see again for a while. The Nasdaq Didn't make anew high, like the S&P; This opposition in the sky causes a lot of troubles all over the world. Be it fundamental, monetary events, homicides, natural disasters.. Any page I look at, writes about some catastrophic event. Hard times..
Our market, TA35 closed at 1553.85, the arbitrage is -0.25%. We are short.
The UK is voting again, will Boris Johnson win this time?
Born on June 19, 1964 in New York, at 2 pm.. Interesting, he is under his Solar return! Sun at 28 Gemini conjunct Venus, on a bad fixed star, Betelgeuse. Moon at 0 Scorpio- in fall; Mercury at 19 Gemini; Mars at 1 Gemini.- using 2 pm, all his Gemini planets are in the 9th house of fame, pointing to "make it" big time, abroad- not at the birth place. So far rather good. Next: Jupiter at 15 Taurus,in opposition Neptune, at 15 Scorpio. Now that is a nasty placement. Saturn is at 5 Pisces, retro. He is 54.98- will turn 55 in a week!
Let's see the transits and other future charts: The Moon rules his MC, and Dir. Saturn is in opposition, Saturn is also 180 to Dir. Uranus. while tr.Uranus is 180 to Dir. Pluto.
His prenatal eclipses occurred at 23 Cap and 19 Gemini! (conjunct natal Mercury! ruler of his stellium) while the eclipses that occurred after birth were at 3 Cap, 17 Cancer, 11 Sag and 27 Gem.
We can see, that tr.Sun is on the prenatal eclipse etc etc.. I don't want to bore you with all the details. Bottom line, it seems he will be elected. It is the right time. Will it be a smooth year? NO. Neptune is turning retro, Uranus will too , soon.. they will bring their "presents". Boris Johnson is just another person with a mutable stellium, that finds himself on the world's stage.
Born on June 19, 1964 in New York, at 2 pm.. Interesting, he is under his Solar return! Sun at 28 Gemini conjunct Venus, on a bad fixed star, Betelgeuse. Moon at 0 Scorpio- in fall; Mercury at 19 Gemini; Mars at 1 Gemini.- using 2 pm, all his Gemini planets are in the 9th house of fame, pointing to "make it" big time, abroad- not at the birth place. So far rather good. Next: Jupiter at 15 Taurus,in opposition Neptune, at 15 Scorpio. Now that is a nasty placement. Saturn is at 5 Pisces, retro. He is 54.98- will turn 55 in a week!
Let's see the transits and other future charts: The Moon rules his MC, and Dir. Saturn is in opposition, Saturn is also 180 to Dir. Uranus. while tr.Uranus is 180 to Dir. Pluto.
His prenatal eclipses occurred at 23 Cap and 19 Gemini! (conjunct natal Mercury! ruler of his stellium) while the eclipses that occurred after birth were at 3 Cap, 17 Cancer, 11 Sag and 27 Gem.
We can see, that tr.Sun is on the prenatal eclipse etc etc.. I don't want to bore you with all the details. Bottom line, it seems he will be elected. It is the right time. Will it be a smooth year? NO. Neptune is turning retro, Uranus will too , soon.. they will bring their "presents". Boris Johnson is just another person with a mutable stellium, that finds himself on the world's stage.
June 11, 2019 Tuesday
We have a powerful planetary position today in the sky! The cancer stellium- formed by Mercury, Mars and the NN- is in opposition the powerful Saturn, SN, PLuto stellium! Jupiter in opposition the Sun, and squaring Neptune, also the Moon moved into Libra, and sends a trine to Venus and an inconjunct to Uranus.
Plenty of reasons for earthquakes, tornados, or any other natural disasters..Go to June 6th post, see what I posted there!
Earthquakes are happening, but nothing disastrous so far.
A tornado forms when changes in wind speed and direction create a horizontal spinning effect within a storm cell. This effect is then tipped vertical by rising air moving up through the thunderclouds.
Groups that rallied the last day, week, month:
It's 9 am, will send some alerts in the app now.
8:30 pm:
I read there was a huge volcanic erruption in Indonesia, Mount Sinabung:
A tornado forms when changes in wind speed and direction create a horizontal spinning effect within a storm cell. This effect is then tipped vertical by rising air moving up through the thunderclouds.
Groups that rallied the last day, week, month:
It's 9 am, will send some alerts in the app now.
8:30 pm:
I read there was a huge volcanic erruption in Indonesia, Mount Sinabung:
June 9, 2019 Sunday
My cousin found an old picture of my father and I, a picture that was taken at the airport on the day we landed in Israel. May, 1973. I was 17 and 4m.
What can I tell you? The dreams I had in the night... I am more tired now than when I went to sleep. All those memories of 46 years ago came back, fell on me, like it was yesterday. Mars in Cancer... you see? this planetary position as well, point to family (Cancer). Mind you, People who have planets in this sign have a very good memory. They don't forget. Other signs also have good memory, but not like Cancer. Scorpio, doesn't forget and ALSO doesn't forgive!
Water signs in general have a very vivid memory. They can drag you back to the exact moment things happened, and describe it to the smallest detail. They remember pictures, these pictures are carved on their minds' walls... and they can "upload " them every time they wish. People who have personal planets in Cancer will make good photographers.
I don't have anything in Cancer. I guess fate gave me a way out, a gift!!! it is a huge gift!! the possibility to forget things, so they will not "eat me" from the inside. Memories sometimes can be cruel. But my father, may he rest in peace, was a photographer. He had 4 planets in Cancer. My son also has a Cancer Moon, as my mom had, he studied cinema and art in the university, and made a lot of short films. Until this day he is the one who makes the films for his friends for their marriage.( It's a custom in Israel, to make a film about the couple before they met, how they met, the friends say a few funny words about them)...And my mom, never forgot anything. Her mind was sharp as a razor till her last day.
Who would have thought, on that hot day, when we landed, that many years after, I will be writing about this, as an astrologer? Ha! life is so funny.
Today is Sunday, and we still have holiday, Shavuot, or Pentecost in English. No trade. Yesterday was rather cool outside. Now, it's 7 am, still grey, but it'll warm up today. Not that it was cold yesterday... lol... but I am used to 25-28 degrees minimum, and when it is less, I am under the blankets..that is crazy too! I remember ice-skating when I was 13-17 years old in 20 minus!!! We didn't care... we have hot chestnuts in our pockets and went to the lake skating. We met there all our friends, fell in and out of love, secretly, each winter. LOL..
But, let's get back to the markets. Sorry ... I guess that's why you are here, not my blubbering.
The US markets made new highs, under Trump's announcement to waive the tax tariffs off Mexico.
This pushed the EUR/USD up. The question now is, will it cross the trendline?
Let's look at the sky: I deleted everything but the planets..
The planets show a Sun at 18 Gemini, inconjunct to Saturn-~ disharmonic aspects.It will form also 150* to the South Node and Pluto during the week! The SUn is on RIGEL positive fixed star.
Next Mars is in opposition Saturn-SN,Pluto! Venus enters Gemini at this moment, and forms a minor -45- aspect to Mars; Venus is on the Pleiades! (weeping sisters). Mercury is sextile to Uranus, and Jupiter squares Neptune.
All in all, they point to some dramatic event- mainly Mars' position! Let's hope I am wrong.:Looking at the astrocartography: See where Mars-Saturn-Pluto lines cross?
and the other side of the world:
I am reading Peter Novak on FB, and he posted a list of people who suddenly died in the last 2-3 days. Some deaths are very suspicious to me... but in lack of data, I cannot look into it.
Here is one, though... the little brother of Hillary Clinton, Tony Rodham. Born Aug 8, 1954.
From P.Novak's page: The list so far. This started a few days sooner than I was expecting.
6/4/19 AK Senator Linda Smith -GSW- Suicide/d
6/5/19 OK Senator, Jonathan Nichols - Shot dead at home
6/5/19 NYPD Deputy Chief Steven Silks -GSW- Suicide/d
6/5/19 Ex-NJ Mayor Brian Brady - Missing/Suicide Note Left
6/6/19 NYPD Detective Joe Calabrese -GSW- Suicide/d
6/6/19 News Anchor Todd Tongen -GSW- Suicide/d
6/7/19 PA Police Deputy Dante Austin-GSW-Suicide/d
6/7/19 TX Chief of Police Chris Reed - MISSING
6/7/19 TONY Rodham (Killary's brother) - Death Unknown
6/8/19 NASA/WorldBank Lola Gulamova & Jason Rieff- Murder/Suicide
(with thanks to Mary Vukovic for the list)
Curious what would the first chart reveal, I read about Senator Linda Smith, that she was fighting against child sex traffic, now my suspicion pushes me to check her natal chart. No time of birth, so this is a Solar chart. No way she committed suicide!!!

Looking at OK Senator, Jonathan Nichols' chart, this is getting more and more interesting! Although he was in office only in 2001-13, could he been connected to child abuse, sex trafficking, pedophilia, in some way?? Look!! He has 3 planets and the Moon OOB! Also, the second wheel, the directed chart, shows a dramatic event at the age that he is/ was now! 53.56. SHot dead at home.. by whom?? We will know in 2-3 weeks! Before the next new Moon. If I had his time of birth, I would know.
NYPD Deputy Chief Steven Silks- could not find data- he shot himself in the car... 38 years of police service. I guess he knew some secrets..
I could not find birth data for the rest as well...
I am back from the beach, and I find this article: Farmers and residents across the Midwest are currently "living climate change," according to experts and scientists who are observing catastrophic flooding from one of the rainiest springs on record.
I am back from the beach, and I find this article: Farmers and residents across the Midwest are currently "living climate change," according to experts and scientists who are observing catastrophic flooding from one of the rainiest springs on record.
Since March, heavy rains in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, and other states have led the Mississippi River and other waterways to overflow, with the Mississippi cresting at more than 21 feet in one Iowa city on Sunday—the second highest level since historic flooding in 1993 decimated farms, homes, and whole towns.
I zoom in in the USA chart: this is the Midwest:
June 8, 2019 Saturday
You see what I meant, when I wrote: "a day ruled by Neptune, never ends as it started?" Whaaaat a rally! But , is it a true rally, or false one, under a Neptunian move? Money is being printed... In any case... we trade the graph that we see, and don't look sideways. The trend is long- in the 4-10 minutes charts. The daily charts are a different music.
Sign up for the weekly forecasts!!! Nothing last forever. Don't you want to look into the future?
I am looking,,, and what do I find? Soon, we will have a Virgo stellium. Here is what happened for the S&P when we had former stelliums in Virgo! The higher the lines, the more planets are in Virgo. We can see, that 23 August 1968 was the highest. What happened then?
OK... I'll send alerts for the cryptos now.
See you later...
I urge you to scroll down and re read past days' posts. Sometimes something comes to my mind and I add in the evenings to the posts that I wrote in the mornings.
I sent alert for the cryptos, grains and commodities. Sign up for the weekly forecasts, to have a bigger picture on what is happening..
I sent alert for the cryptos, grains and commodities. Sign up for the weekly forecasts, to have a bigger picture on what is happening..
June 7, 2019 Friday
Although I rarely check my own chart, I had to look at it, to see why do I feel so weak? And what do I see? Of course!! It is always "of course"!! transit Moon AND Mercury were on my Moon, at 28 Gemini. Mars contributed to that as well. Last week I thought... hm... it has been 3 years, that I made a medical check up. I should go and see a doctor... So this month I am loaded with all kinds of tests.. I hope all will be just fine. Looking at my chart, Neptune will be in Retro, and will return to my Venus, transit Uranus aspects my Sun, and if I look at the Secondary progressed (P2) chart, I have 2 planets at the 22*. So it's good that I do those checkups.. You should think of yourselves also! Why? Because Mars (fight, injuries, inflammation, disputes, high blood pressure) is in Cancer (family, body, lungs). Also, yesterday I bought dandelion to make tea. SO I'll be drinking cold dandelion tea daily. It cleans the liver and its overall good. I wrote about the dandelion. It is interesting, that FB is full now with all kinds of posts of flowers and vegetables, that kill cancer cells.. It is a new trend, I guess.
So, this Mars in Cancer is really bad... It brings accidents, sicknesses... Believe me, I am so tired of writing about dramatic things... I wish I could write only nice, calming and comfortable things!!!.
Oh!! I think I see something good: The Gold rallied! LOL.. We gained 5.30%.
Today: watch the announcements..The Moon moved to Leo during the night. It is separating from the Sun; she trines Chiron in Aries ( wounds, accidents to children): She sextiles Mercury, (car accidents); and again, Mars.. Mars.. and its aspects; will conjunct the NNode ( that can bring accidents by drowning or fire)- and is coming into an opposition to Pluto..So, keep your eyes wide open.
Market wise it is a day ruled by Venus and Neptune! Neptune ruled days never end as they started.
It is a CIT day for: DAX, Gold, LTC, AEX, BTC, Soya, GPRO, JNJ, NNDM, GM, MCD, CAT, wmt/
Today we are celebrating Shavuot. It has double significance. It marks the wheat harvest in Israel, and it remembers the anniversary when God gave the Torah to Israel on Mount SInai. The custom is to have family gatherings, eat dairy food, and dress in white.
"Dairy foods[edit]
Market wise it is a day ruled by Venus and Neptune! Neptune ruled days never end as they started.
It is a CIT day for: DAX, Gold, LTC, AEX, BTC, Soya, GPRO, JNJ, NNDM, GM, MCD, CAT, wmt/
Today we are celebrating Shavuot. It has double significance. It marks the wheat harvest in Israel, and it remembers the anniversary when God gave the Torah to Israel on Mount SInai. The custom is to have family gatherings, eat dairy food, and dress in white.
"Dairy foods[edit]
Dairy foods such as cheesecake, cheese blintzes,[19] and cheese kreplach among Ashkenazi Jews;[20] cheese sambusak,[21] kelsonnes (cheese ravioli),[22] and atayef (a cheese-filled pancake)[23] among Syrian Jews; kahee (a dough that is buttered and sugared) among Iraqi Jews;[23] and a seven-layer cake called siete cielos (seven heavens) among Tunisian and Moroccan Jews[23][24] are traditionally consumed on the Shavuot holiday. Yemenite Jews do not eat dairy foods on Shavuot.[23]
In keeping with the observance of other Jewish holidays, there is both a night meal and a day meal on Shavuot. Meat is usually served at night and dairy is served either for the day meal[20] or for a morning kiddush.[25]
Among the explanations given in rabbinic literature for the consumption of dairy foods on this holiday are:[26][27]
- Before they received the Torah, the Israelites were not obligated to follow its laws, which include shechita (ritual slaughter of animals) and kashrut. Since all their meat pots and dishes now had to be made kosher before use, they opted to eat dairy foods.
- The Torah is compared to milk by King Solomon, who wrote: "Like honey and milk, it lies under your tongue" (Song of Songs 4:11).
- The gematria of the Hebrew word chalav (חלב, milk) is 40, corresponding to the 40 days and 40 nights that Moses spent on Mount Sinai before bringing down the Torah.
- According to the Zohar, each day of the year correlates to one of the Torah's 365 negative commandments. Shavuot corresponds to the commandment "Bring the first fruits of your land to the house of God your Lord; do not cook a kid in its mother's milk" (Exodus 34:26). Since the first day to bring Bikkurim (the first fruits) is Shavuot, the second half of the verse refers to the custom to eat two separate meals – one milk, one meat – on Shavuot.
- The Psalms call Mount Sinai Har Gavnunim (הר גבננים, mountain of majestic peaks, Psalm 68:16–17/15–16 ), which is etymologically similar to gevinah (גבינה, cheese)."
Earthquakes!!!!! This is earth- jupiter affect!!
June 6, 2019 Thursday
Our market reached 1553 yesterday and fell. I sold my calls and bought some puts. In Asia the first runner up is JKSE, now at 6209; I would raise the stop to 6198- that is the midpoint of the last fall. AXJO reached the target given on 6/4... here too you should raise the stop.
In the US: the S&P fell to 2800, but rose back to 2826. Here the support is at 2824.
The Russell 2000 gave a show! rally of 4.46% in a few days! Our stop was 1470.
The Russell 2000 gave a show! rally of 4.46% in a few days! Our stop was 1470.
DAX: since 6/4 we gained almost 3%!!
Raise your stops!!
Let's see what happens today?
It is a day ruled by Jupiter and Venus. Venus is on ALGOL!! at 26 Taurus, Jupiter at 20^ Sag
they are inconjunct.~disharmonic aspect.
The Moon: GMT+3
6.06.2019 10:00:25 22°44'32"Cnc Opposition Pluto
6.06.2019 17:10:13 26°58'57"Cnc Sextile Venus
6.06.2019 22:15:39 0°00'00"Leo <<<
Mercury and Mars are still OOB.
I just found out this:
hurakan, signifying evil spirits and weather gods, to describe the storms that battered their ships in the Caribbean. Today, "hurricane" is one of three names for giant, spiraling tropical storms with winds of at least 74 miles (119 kilometers) an hour"
The famous William D.Gann was born today. The man who combined astrology to the stock market. He has a stellium in Taurus, Venus in taurus, Moon+Uranus and the asteroid Aeternitas in House 2, shows his money-minded path, with Jupiter in Aquarius,in H8, also a money house, he brought a breakthrough, an innovation, to astrology and to trade.
On this day, in 1967 the 6 day war started.
On this day, in 1968: Robert Kennedy was shot.
On this day, in 1975 the Suez Canal reopened, since 1967 war....
On this day in 1981 the AIDS was named and found.
etc etc read the history!!! it is the best book after the Bible. to learn from it.
Nechama Rivlin; R.I.P, our president's wife was born today in 1945, and died yesterday, after a lung transplant and many diseases, that her body could not take any more. She was a loved and cherished woman.... May she rest in peace.
Ta35: will open with a minor negative arbitrage. we closed at 1545.47; after a top at 1553.
There are some very hard aspects in the sky! Chiron 90* Mercury! If you feel fatigue, tired.. they are the reason. Also the Moon conjuncts Mars, it is an accident prone aspect! Watch the children!!!
Today around 11 am it was raining!!! HERE!?! June 6th!! The first thought was " God is crying".
The famous William D.Gann was born today. The man who combined astrology to the stock market. He has a stellium in Taurus, Venus in taurus, Moon+Uranus and the asteroid Aeternitas in House 2, shows his money-minded path, with Jupiter in Aquarius,in H8, also a money house, he brought a breakthrough, an innovation, to astrology and to trade.
On this day, in 1967 the 6 day war started.
On this day, in 1968: Robert Kennedy was shot.
On this day, in 1975 the Suez Canal reopened, since 1967 war....
On this day in 1981 the AIDS was named and found.
etc etc read the history!!! it is the best book after the Bible. to learn from it.
Nechama Rivlin; R.I.P, our president's wife was born today in 1945, and died yesterday, after a lung transplant and many diseases, that her body could not take any more. She was a loved and cherished woman.... May she rest in peace.
Ta35: will open with a minor negative arbitrage. we closed at 1545.47; after a top at 1553.
There are some very hard aspects in the sky! Chiron 90* Mercury! If you feel fatigue, tired.. they are the reason. Also the Moon conjuncts Mars, it is an accident prone aspect! Watch the children!!!
Today around 11 am it was raining!!! HERE!?! June 6th!! The first thought was " God is crying".
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio doctor was charged with murder Wednesday in the deaths of 25 hospital patients who, authorities say, were killed with deliberate overdoses of painkillers, many of them administered by other medical workers on his orders. Searching for the birth data of WIlliam Husel..
On June 10th the Earth will be between Jupiter and the Sun. Jupiter will be very close to Earth.
This happened :
Earth.0.Jupiter & Jupiter.Sagittarius
27.05.1900 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 29.05.1900 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
1.06.1912 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 2.06.1912 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
5.06.1924 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 7.06.1924 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
10.06.1936 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 11.06.1936 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.06.1948 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 16.06.1948 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
20.06.1960 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 21.06.1960 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
23.05.1971 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 24.05.1971 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
27.05.1983 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 29.05.1983 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
1.06.1995 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 2.06.1995 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
5.06.2007 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 7.06.2007 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
10.06.2019 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 11.06.2019 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
Now we can check each date and see what happened in history?
This is how the S&P behaved when Heliocentric Jupiter was in Sag. and conjunct the Earth :
This can trigger natural disasters, earthquakes, etc etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Meanwhile I read of another monster.Niels Hugel,. German nurse kills between 100-300 sick, or elderly..Born on Dec.30, 1976.He has a lot of aspects and positions that point to a serial killer...
On June 10th the Earth will be between Jupiter and the Sun. Jupiter will be very close to Earth.
This happened :
Earth.0.Jupiter & Jupiter.Sagittarius
27.05.1900 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 29.05.1900 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
1.06.1912 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 2.06.1912 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
5.06.1924 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 7.06.1924 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
10.06.1936 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 11.06.1936 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
15.06.1948 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 16.06.1948 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
20.06.1960 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 21.06.1960 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
23.05.1971 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 24.05.1971 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
27.05.1983 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 29.05.1983 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
1.06.1995 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 2.06.1995 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
5.06.2007 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 7.06.2007 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
10.06.2019 0:00 (GMT+2:21) - 11.06.2019 0:00 (GMT+2:21)
Now we can check each date and see what happened in history?
This is how the S&P behaved when Heliocentric Jupiter was in Sag. and conjunct the Earth :
This can trigger natural disasters, earthquakes, etc etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Meanwhile I read of another monster.Niels Hugel,. German nurse kills between 100-300 sick, or elderly..Born on Dec.30, 1976.He has a lot of aspects and positions that point to a serial killer...
June 5, 2019 Wednesday
I sent alerts for the cryptos and the grains. There were splendid gains in the grains... if you were following the alerts in the app! Almost all the sector turned up on May 13th, when I sent the last alert, and you could gain more than 15 % !!
We saw a reversal yesterday in the markets. I hope you caught the rise! Very nice move.. Now you should update your stops. If you wish to see what will follow in June, pls. order the weekly forecasts!!!!
Pls. note, that I am deleting all posts that are not market or astrology related. I will not allow advertisements of some sites here.
We have the Moon in Cancer. If you felt you had white night, insomnia the other day, it was because of a lot of electromagnetic energy in the air. I read on Nasa, that there were volcanic eruptions on the Moon. But we don't have to go so far.. enough that we see the Moon and Mercury in Gemini~ they were conjunct the last 2-3 days... They agitate the nervous system, the brain works extra hours. Then we had Betelgeuze, an unfavorable fixed star at 28 Gemini too, both were 0* to it.. Today the Moon moved on, and Mercury too, enters Cancer. Here is the sky for today: The Moon is "at home" in Cancer, but Mercury left its home and entered the water Cancer, where it feels weak... Note, that Venus will soon conjunct Algol and the Pleiades! and the rally will end with that.
Ta35: rallied from 1519 to 1543; now we have a positive arbitrage of +0.38, that will make a gap-up opening to 1549; should go above 1552!! to be able to go higher.
10:12 am market opened with a gap- up, as I expected- to 1550.
Watch out for the Beige Book in the evening! How did they know to have it when Venus hits Algol?
I don't have to tell you, that we have some nasty planetary positions in the sky:
Pluto at 22 Capricorn, will trigger people with planets at this degree, or at 20-22 Cancer: example: George Soros, Sean Connery, Len Evans, Anna Hardy, Raul Castro, and the Crash of 1929!
Neptune at 18 Pisces: triggers charts that have Neptune at 18 Virgo: Destin Hoffman, Bob Gregory, Pope Francis, Vanessa Redgrave.
Uranus at 4 Taurus: We'll hear news about Julie Andrews, Margaret Reid.
Uranus in opposition: Tamar Zandberg, Ayelet Shaked, Inbal Or ( all local figures)
Saturn at 18 Cap:Sheli Yechimovits,David Bitan,James Foley, Christchurch attack,
Saturn 18 Cancer: Hiroshima atom bomb; Syria,Leonardo Di Caprio, ETC
Pls. note, that I am deleting all posts that are not market or astrology related. I will not allow advertisements of some sites here.
We have the Moon in Cancer. If you felt you had white night, insomnia the other day, it was because of a lot of electromagnetic energy in the air. I read on Nasa, that there were volcanic eruptions on the Moon. But we don't have to go so far.. enough that we see the Moon and Mercury in Gemini~ they were conjunct the last 2-3 days... They agitate the nervous system, the brain works extra hours. Then we had Betelgeuze, an unfavorable fixed star at 28 Gemini too, both were 0* to it.. Today the Moon moved on, and Mercury too, enters Cancer. Here is the sky for today: The Moon is "at home" in Cancer, but Mercury left its home and entered the water Cancer, where it feels weak... Note, that Venus will soon conjunct Algol and the Pleiades! and the rally will end with that.
Ta35: rallied from 1519 to 1543; now we have a positive arbitrage of +0.38, that will make a gap-up opening to 1549; should go above 1552!! to be able to go higher.
10:12 am market opened with a gap- up, as I expected- to 1550.
Watch out for the Beige Book in the evening! How did they know to have it when Venus hits Algol?
I don't have to tell you, that we have some nasty planetary positions in the sky:
Pluto at 22 Capricorn, will trigger people with planets at this degree, or at 20-22 Cancer: example: George Soros, Sean Connery, Len Evans, Anna Hardy, Raul Castro, and the Crash of 1929!
Neptune at 18 Pisces: triggers charts that have Neptune at 18 Virgo: Destin Hoffman, Bob Gregory, Pope Francis, Vanessa Redgrave.
Uranus at 4 Taurus: We'll hear news about Julie Andrews, Margaret Reid.
Uranus in opposition: Tamar Zandberg, Ayelet Shaked, Inbal Or ( all local figures)
Saturn at 18 Cap:Sheli Yechimovits,David Bitan,James Foley, Christchurch attack,
Saturn 18 Cancer: Hiroshima atom bomb; Syria,Leonardo Di Caprio, ETC
June 4, 2019 Tuesday
the sky today: The Moon-opposition to Jupiter and 150* disharmonic aspect ~to Pluto will give the tone today. IMHO.
Furthermore, the Sun is approaching a square to Neptune, which will be exact in 5 days. During these 5 days, the Moon will continue her move to Cancer and Leo, where, generally the S&P makes a top or a low.
The S&P bottomed yesterday at 2729 and trades now at 2753. Staying above 2750, we will have a chance to get an up correction during these 5 days, to 2782, even higher. Will send alerts.
The VIX should go above 20.50 (now at 18.18) in order to have a fall in the S&P.. SO as long as it is below 18.22, we are short in the VIX and long in the S&P.
It is a CIT day today for :KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty, BIG, PSTI,
Local : Robogrp, Mind, Hizdamnut Yahash, Foresight, Bezeq, Partner, Strauss Bluefenix (Block chain Kria), etc.
Alerts sent...
Market starts.
It is a CIT day today for :KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty, BIG, PSTI,
Local : Robogrp, Mind, Hizdamnut Yahash, Foresight, Bezeq, Partner, Strauss Bluefenix (Block chain Kria), etc.
Alerts sent...
Market starts.
June 3,2019 Monday
We start the week with the Moon in Gemini. Soon we will have the Moon, Mercury and Mars in Cancer, and all in opposition Saturn, Pluto and the South Node. That would mean some kind of balancing... We will see.
Yesterday I wrote about our market, we had a -0.81% arbitrage, and the index, TA35 fell to 1520. A target I was waiting for...The question now is, are we done with the correction? We are back to March 25th low.
Meanwhile the gold corrected upwards: See my post on May 31st, when I uploaded the weekly graph of the Gold. Also, if you have my app, you are gaining now 42 points! or 3.36%...
We start the week with the Moon in Gemini. Soon we will have the Moon, Mercury and Mars in Cancer, and all in opposition Saturn, Pluto and the South Node. That would mean some kind of balancing... We will see.
Yesterday I wrote about our market, we had a -0.81% arbitrage, and the index, TA35 fell to 1520. A target I was waiting for...The question now is, are we done with the correction? We are back to March 25th low.
Meanwhile the gold corrected upwards: See my post on May 31st, when I uploaded the weekly graph of the Gold. Also, if you have my app, you are gaining now 42 points! or 3.36%...
motive for usa shooting? You should regress the birth chart 2-3 years to when he bought his gun(s)
ReplyDeletealso, he smoked weed(Neptune doesn't help you!)
Hello Anonymous... You know, that I don't like corresponding with "Anonymous"...!!!
ReplyDeleteMotive for the shooting? the man was fired after 15 years work at the municipality. Yes, he bought a gun, actually several, as far as I know. He was an ordinary man, till he snapped... IS that the word? As we saw in his natal chart, he had all the seeds in him to do such a terrible thing, until he was triggered. "He smoked weed". I think I am the last person on earth that never tried it. Many smoke but don't turn into mass murderers. He had Mars-Uranus conjunction in Scorpio= revenge. Venus at 22* was triggered by a transit Mercury, also at 22. and by tr.Pluto also at 22*. and hell turned loose.
Goodmorning Gabriella, on 12 june you wrote, "Yesterday, I think was a top in the S&P, that we will not see again for a while." Today, one week later the S&P future is above that top. For a while sounds like a few weeks.
ReplyDeletetrue. see the alert I sent to day in the app!
ReplyDeleteGoodmorning Gabriella, today you wrote about the American elections. It will be 3rd november 2020.
ReplyDeleteTrue, I jumped ahead.. Looking at the Dec. 26th , 2019 Annular Sol. ecl, which will occur at 4 Cap- in opposition USA venus and Jupiter, backs what I think . This government will get stronger, due to a trine from Pluto to Neptune.