New Moon in LIbra, 2018~ Financial astrology
between: Oct 9- Nov 7, 2018
thanks for following from the former article
Some thoughts for the weekend... something I published on FB.
I asked: "Who is the happiest in the world?"
I got different answers. Some thought winning the lottery, others, a new born baby. Some mocked me, calling me a Guru who knows what is happiness for others...
Here is my answer.
"To get back to my Rhetorical question I opened above... Norm is right, happiness is subjective. Everyone has his/her void to fill and if successful, it means happiness. I was happy many times in my life, for different reasons.
Now GURU GABY thinks that happiness cannot rely on an outside reason... Something that you are given and if taken away it's gone. You don't control it. It depends on others, fate, luck...
Happiness is something one achieves alone,, it is an "EUREKA" moment, In others' eyes it can be a silly thing. But for you is the whole world. I felt this when I finally understood something when I learned Gann theory, for example.. I was so happy, I could not sit in my chair... Now you, know it all, might smile.. But for me, that was THE happiest moment...
Happiness is not EXPECTING anything from anyone, but "make it on your own: is my bottom line.SOmething no one can take away from you.
THink about it!
You cannot get hurt if you don't expect.
Hurt turns into anger, disappointment, cancer. And they flood you all over and drag you down."
Shabbat Shalom !
October 19, 2018 Friday
The air is full with electricity, again look out for a volatile day! It is Mercury that sends all these aspects! The Moon is still in Aqua...
October 18, 2018 Thursday
I promised you volatility, and we got it! The S&P zig-zagged broke stop given in the app, and later rallied. The other indices followed.
In Europe, the first runner up was WIG20(Poland) here is the alert sent yesterday morning and the outcome:
Looking at the Gann wheel, and taking Jan 25th as the last major top, we get October 17 as cardinal change. There are many ways to use this wheel. I teach it in my Financial Astrology course.
Today the Moon is still in Aquarius. remember what I wrote when in this sign? It make a top or bottom... This time it is a bottom and alerts were sent.
What else is happening in the sky? The Sun is on the Fixed star Arcturus, one of the very fortunate and positive ones, and it is conjunct Aeternitas. Children born today will be remembered! Here is today's chart. Check out the midpoints!!! There are many slow-moving planets- from Jupiter to Pluto, that make important midpoints!!
This is a very important historical day... Let's see how it will enfold.
Well , we have Dir.Neptune on the NN- NN in Virgo,
2) Dir. Sun is in Sag- 150 to natal SUN
3) who is Mary jane?
4) We have Dir.Venus on Saturn in Sco
5) Dir.Jup 150 to natal Jup in Pisc.
So all fields are covered...
His answer:
The parliamentary vote for the legalization had the Moon in Virgo and in harmonious trine to Saturn in Capricorn sign of government control - explaining the reasonable aspects of the decision: defend the country against criminal drug trafficking, getting income through taxes, controlling the production, selling and buying, the decriminalization of the people who do not have criminal energy and splitting pot from other illegal drug business..Plus that the moon in Virgo seems to stand for acceptance of a medicinal plant as what it is. That does not mean all of Canada's drug problems are solved. But imagine the contrast to the negativity in the USA - where the government seeks to make the people opioid addicts.....
October 17, 2018 Wednesday
Volatility is my middle name... that is Wednesday teaching us... And wow! We saw the rally in the S&P... If you have my weekly report, you are now the happy gainer. Here are the targets given last week:
But will it last? I just sent updates... to subscribers.
So what pulled the market up? Except for the planets? It was the Healthcare group..The market got an Acamol.
I am working now on the DOW's forecast till 2100...a dowry to my grandchildren. Maybe.. If they want it...
So what's new for today? The Moon is to move on, into Aquarius. Aspects Gmt 00:00
17.10.2018 7:35:48 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
17.10.2018 9:16:47 0°49'39"Aqr Square Uranus
17.10.2018 23:43:47 7°55'42"Aqr Square Venus
18.10.2018 9:10:05 12°34'16"Aqr Square Mercury
18.10.2018 11:49:54 13°52'59"Aqr Conjunction Mars
19.10.2018 11:45:22 25°43'12"Aqr Square Jupiter
19.10.2018 12:27:20 26°04'05"Aqr Trine Sun
19.10.2018 20:20:18 0°00'00"Psc <<<
19.10.2018 21:47:15 0°43'29"Psc Sextile Uranus
US COFFEE: from time to time I send alerts for this one too... made 26% :). We are long since 9/4- with a stop at 98.
9:55 am Alerts sent for ASIA> 10:08 alerts sent for Europe/// 12:15 USA alerts sent
October 16, 2018 Tuesday
La Luna crossed over, from optimistic Sag. to severe Capricorn. Here she will meet, already met Saturn. Next: gmt 00:00
15.10.2018 2:40:08 3°44'06"Cap Conjunction Saturn
15.10.2018 11:47:27 8°18'58"Cap Sextile Mercury
15.10.2018 13:05:00 8°57'46"Cap Sextile Venus
15.10.2018 23:26:09 14°07'22"Cap Sextile Neptune
16.10.2018 8:53:59 18°48'52"Cap Conjunction Pluto
16.10.2018 18:01:37 23°19'16"Cap Square Sun
16.10.2018 21:49:14 25°11'25"Cap Sextile Jupiter
17.10.2018 7:35:48 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
Positive but weak aspects to Mercury and Venus, tomorrow will be tense, under Pluto's touch. And this is interesting, since Pluto represents money and tomorrow there is a wave of Fed.announcements... so keep your stops tight.
What else? Today we are 262 days from Jan 2018 top.
And it is a CIT day for : IBEX, WIG20, Crude, ETH, BIDU,DIS,GIS,QCOM.
Angela Merkel's Venus, ruler of her MC-career- is at 4Vir59. Add 60 degrees to it, and it will show you, that at the at of 64 she will have a major event, related to her career. She is one of the few people I have their charts, who has a Cancer stellium. To them transit Pluto is in opposition! SInce Pluto moves slowly, the destructive force was on the wall for a long time. Why now? transit Jupiter trines her Sun+Uranus conjunction= culmination and fall. Transit Mercury+Venus trine her Mercury.
I don't know what this elections means in Germany. The next Federal elections are only in Oct 2021. So she might be weak now, but I don't think she is finished. What does anyone else think? Till 2021 Saturn moves on, Pluto will be in exact opposition to her Sun+Uranus and we will see a new, transformed Angela. Her Cancer stellium moves into her 10h house of career. With such a position, I think she stays...
I guess, in a society, that has no children, the elders give the tone, and they stick to the past. same in Japan... The birth rate is very low also. I think the lowest in the world.. But, reading this site, Monaco is the lowest.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I lost myself in these thoughts... LOL< let's see the markets.
Europe: IBEX:
WIG20: Alert sent on 10/8 , I gave target 2200- where is it now? a 2186, after a low at 2140. What a GAIN! Mind you, we are short here since 2282.
Crude oil:
October 14, 2018 Sunday
We are after the New Moon, and she is in SAG; sextiles the Sun. The important aspect for the next few days is Mercury-Venus conjunction in Scorpio. They are both weak in this sign.
Our markets opens with a minor negative arbitrage.
The weekly forecasts for different indices are ready. Order them now to know how to trade.
6:16 pm: true, Saudia's index - tasi- is falling, but it is falling since July!
AND!! Dont worry, be happy! cannabis shares rally.
October 12, 2018 Friday
We have a very rare and intense energetic day today! Numerologically. Astro-wise- we are under Venus' energy. We know, that Venus is retro in Scorpio, and we saw its effect on the markets. But it is not alone! Look what I just payed attention to:
This is the Nasdaq: but valid for any other index.: it made a correction on March, 2018- for 22 days, exactly when Jupiter arrived to 22 Scorpio.
It bottomed on April 4th, when Mars arrived to a conjunction to Saturn, and from then on, we got a rally of 21.8%.
This time Mars is far from Saturn, so they will not help, but on Oct 16th, Venus conjuncts Mercury, that might be a straw, a weak one, but still some help. We will see what happens next.
The DOW: is above MA250 since March 16, 2016, and it made a fabulous rise of 56%. 24874 is the support level.
I am looking up and further into the future, and I see a really, really rare stellium that is coming up: We have now Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of the MC, of the government, of regulations. It is an angular sign, and we see the world moving, politically to the radicals. Jupiter, the bigger benefactor is now in Scorpio, which is a fixed sign, but on Nov.9th will enter the sign it rules, Sag. - till Dec.2, 2019 and will bring a "fight" to Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn. From the sign of freedom, optimism, enthusiasm, dreams and hopes. It will balance Saturn and Capricorn.BUT!
Then Jupiter will "surrender" to them entering Cap. too, where it is in its fall, Jupiter will conjunct Pluto in Cap- on April 3, 2020, just as Saturn moves on, to Aquarius. There will be a Cap.stellium as of Feb.19, 2020- 4/3/2020 ( Mars, SN, Jupiter,Saturn, Pluto in Cap).
This stellium did not happen since 1519...
9:32 am: check out some new alerts, I just sent..
The ECB is using its power of regulation towards Italy today... read this Here are teh alerts I sent for the MIB - Italy- for the last 2 months. Actually, the index rallied from 15000 to 24500 since 2016 low, so now it is correcting. 18610 would be a 0.618% correction.

Hurricane Michael is soon arriving to Florida. I cannot imagine how can people live through Hurricanes every year? Mercury- WInds ~just entered Scorpio and squares Mars- with a large orb. This square will be exact only on Oct.20th! Mercury is also in opposition Uranus, adding to the gravity of the event. Surely Mercury affects us also. It rules the central nervous system,the brain, the Thyroid gland (together with Venus), the intestines, hands, legs, lungs. So in opposition to Uranus can bring some health issues related to these parts. Uranus brings a lot of electricity, and triggers sudden events.
Here is the sky today: Moon, Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus
October 9, 2018 Tuesday
What can we learn from the Sun+Moon position of this New Moon and next's? That this New Moon the luminaries, as they are called ( the Sun the big luminary , the moon the small) are at the degree of the VIA Combusta. The Via Combusta " the Burning Way" is the part in the wheel, between 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio. it is mainly used in the Horary astrology and in the Electional. It is a 30 degree space, which is called to be "burnt", and when the Sun and Moon are in this part of the signs, they are as if VOID, and nothing comes out of anything. This comes from Al Biruni, ancient astrologer, who noted, that the Sun is in fall in LIbra, and the Moon is in Fall (weak) in Scorpio. Saturn, the great malefic, is exalted in Libra and the smaller Malefic, Mars rules Scorpio.
To my new readers: I start a new article every new Moon, and I add to it almost daily. You will find here market analysis, world events, celebs' charts, whatever comes to my mind, to look at.
My services are: Daily alerts for 10$ per day, Natal chart reading/$300, 2018-2019 forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 540 each, with quarterly updates. The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $155/ month; or $840 /6 months. Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or click on Products. There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
You might want to click "interesting, cool" and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind.
Planetary aspects for this lunar month:
Don't get intimidated by all these lines and colors... We will get through them daily. In the chart of the sky, you can see two important moves: Mercury moves forward, while Venus is in retro. Note, that the slow moving planets almost don't move.
November 7, 2018 Wednesday
The Moon is just 5 degrees off to meet the Sun. So I'll start another article soon.
Here is a list of people and shares whose natal charts will be triggered by Uranus returning to Aries:
Sun: Queen Elisabeth, Ryan O' Neal, HD, ROH, HSP
Moon: Prince Charles, Arie Der'i (local politician); Shlomo Filber (local); AYE, JCI, LDG, CNL. HL, AXE, NUS,VNT, WAL,NS,
Mercury: Yehuda His ( local-was the chief pathologist in the Tair Rada murder case) Yuval Steinitz(local) Mark Zuckerberg, K, PKE, ANN, JNY,ALV,VOL,JRC,DNR,LSS,BKE,EQY,FII,NS.
Mars: TER,LYD,DCM,GPW,TRW,ITC,ALJ, The Knesset 20!
Saturn: first shot fired on Sept 1, 19390 start of WWII with Saturn at 0.59 Taurus; Reuben Rivlin (our president) Stephen Harper, Nancy Pelosi ( March 26,1940, she is in her 22 personal year) etc.
Here is her chart. Born on a Tuesday! Wasn't that a happy , lucky day for her?
Uranus: California, Sophia Loren, Brigitte Bardot, Nyse, Abu Mazen(Palestinian leader, born in 3.26.1935)
Neptune: 0
PLuto: California ( Sept 9, 1850).
Today is a CIT day for Nifty, Maaden, nflx (is a short below 320), Chevron(stop =120), NSYS(stop 4.20), etc.
Alerts sent, it's 10:00 am, for cryptos as well.
I am going to the gym, have a good day.
Watch NNDM! Good news! It rallies by 14% here.
We have a measles outbreak here... Mostly due to some parents who did not give vaccinations to their children. It is extremely dangerous!
November 6, 2018 Tuesday.
I see ASIA is rallying! Will send new alerts soon. Alerts sent!
November 5, 2018 Monday
November 4, 2018 Sunday.
When the nanny is sick I am called to take the kids to the preschool. Both parents being doctors must leave early, so I got up at 5:30, after waking each hour in the night... and drove to them. Shower, breakfast, 2 stories, and we are ready to go. Darlingssssssss.
It's 9:20 am now, I am back, soon to go to my pilates lesson. But first, let's see the sky. It was dark when I left, and I saw the Sun rising from their 13th floor! Beautiful!
The Sun is at 11*Sco. 49, that is the second decanate of Scorpio. Does the SUn knows that? We, humans put it there?? It is also conjunct by declination Mars, and will move 7 degrees till next Sunday. The Sun is our Swiss watch... Always there, always on time. THe Moon is at 29 Virgo, just about to move into Libra. She is approaching the Sun, we are before the New Moon. Mercury at 4 Sag and Saturn at 5 Cap. Only Uranus and the Nodes still hold onto the 0 degree, stubbornly. Venus, with the back to us, goes back to Libra, looking to meet Mars by a trine in a day or two. But, Jupiter! The BIG BENEFACTOR is coming to a 150* to Uranus, an aspect that will accompany us the whole week. It is not an easy one. See the times this happened before!:
What does that mean?? Well... you know... in the weekly report.
Our market opens with a positive arbitrage.
After 5 days of rally, from 1555, reached 1616; should go above 1634 for a new upleg. Support is at 1613.
November 2, 2018 Friday
We are under the power of Venus today, and this re-entered Libra in it retro motion. Venus moves back to 25th degree till Nov 16th, then turns Direct again, and enters Scorpio on Dec. 2nd, till Jan.7th. Venus is weak when retro, but rules Libra, that gives it strength.
What else is good in the sky? The Moon just left Leo, and is on the royal star Regulus. ZET shows:" Regulus (32 Alpha Leonis m 1.35)
Lion's Heart
Keywords: The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence
Effect: Fortunate
Character: Mars/ Jupiter/ Uranus"
The Moon is in her last phase before the New Moon, when I start a new article. Mercury entered Sag, Jupiter is on the midpoint of Aug.21.17 and /Feb.15, 2018 solar eclipse degrees.
Maybe it's time to look ahead to 2019 eclipses?! I think I already wrote about them...These are the times and degrees to take in account.
The first thing that jumps out, is the 0* Aquarius, Lunar eclipse, which is now triggered by Uranus and the Nodes!
OK, will dig into this later.
Now, the markets are rallying... I hope you are making some money,
Earlier this morning I sent update for the Eur/$ !!
What a rally in ASIA! WIll send updates soon!
The aspects of the Moon today: GMT:00:00
2.11.2018 10:24:05 2°42'22"Vir Square Mercury
2.11.2018 14:25:34 5°04'07"Vir Trine Saturn
2.11.2018 23:40:22 10°29'39"Vir Sextile Sun
Mercury enters Sag, Uranus squares the Nodes, and there are more and more helicopter, plane crashes. Now I read, that in China a woman missed her stop, slapped the driver, that lost control of the wheel and the bus fell into the river, killing many...!
More accidents on the way, with a fallen Mercury. Watch your steps! Hand, legs, lungs injuries! People with water in the lungs are hospitalised now.. Mostly older people, since Mercury is parallel Saturn.
I sent alerts for ASIA and the Commodities, will send for Europe now, it's 10:15 am.
WHAT a fall in the Dollar/Yuan!!! I missed thaaaat trade ufff.Stop at 6.90- short/long above
In the past I used to trade the $/Yen, but since the government interferes, I dropped it. Technically is is a short below 113.40; But... I am not in there.
November 1, 2018 Thursday
In spite of the cynical, manipulative, and "times before crashes" as some might write, LOVE still is victorious! Have you read the news about Princess Ayako? She just married a commoner, giving up her Royal titles (and incomes)!
So why is this happening? Is it LOVE, or momentary blindness? Born on September 15, on a Saturday, in 1990, her date adds up to 34/7, strongly ruled by Neptune. natal Neptune is at 11 Capricorn, and since PLuto entered this sign, by transit, signaled for a major switch in her life. Her Sun, Mercury, Venus are in Virgo, and they got triggered by transit Neptune in opposition. Neptune now is in retro, and I am afraid, when it'll continue its direct move, she will see life differently.. But, surely I wish her happy dreams, as long as they last.
Are princesses cooking for their husbands? I don't know how is the Japanese lifestyle, Or what is she actually DOING the whole day?? Anyway, it is so wonderful to be in love...Best wishes to the young couple.
The husband is Kei Moriya, born in the sign of Aries...the Suns are 150*...
Today we are in November. Today is called "the day of the dead". Especially in Europe, the dead are remembered on this day.
The markets made a turn. Let's see the sky: The Moon is in Leo, approaching the Sun, we are before the New Moon. Yesterday she was closest to Earth. Mercury rules the sky today, sending several aspects, as you can see, another volatile day! Venus returned to Libra.
I sent several alerts yesterday for the EUR/$, hope you switched to the upside.
I hope you'll be able to see this video! Especially pay attention to CHina! Rising since 1995. ְְְְְְְְְְְְְְְְְְ
October 31, 2018 Wednesday
It is 9 years today, that I started to write this blog. So, happy birthday, BLOG :)
Yesterday we had the elections, and we did have some drama... Tel Aviv voted for the same mayor, for the 5th time! Ron Huldai is mayor for 20 years, now another 5 years to go. Born on August 26, 1944, 74 years old.. He is mayor since 1998. He has a Virgo stellium.
Big surprise is the defeat of the Haifa mayor, Gemini, Yona Yahav, born June 19, 1944 who was in charge since 2003, now he was defeated by a Virgo woman!! Dr. Einat Kalisch Rotem. She too has a Virgo stellium. Born Sept 3, 1970. There are many cities, like Jerusalem, that will have a re-election, a second round, on Nov 15th, like the one I live in. People did not go to vote... Interesting switch this time, that many women got elected...!
OK, let's see what happens today: again, it is a day that brings very high energies, not the best ones. The Moon is approaching the Sun, she is in Leo- conjunct the North Node. Mercury just enters Sag, where it is weak, but better than in Scorpio. Venus moved back to Libra; both are at 0*. This degree is like a baby, with no past... without experience. Note, that the nodes are also at 0*, Venus squares them, Mercury trines the NN. last, but not least, Uranus is at 0 Taurus; just about to retreat to Aries. Mercury, Saturn and Pluto and conjunct by declination!
So you read all this and think. OK OK.. but what does all this mean?? I think the planets are weak, so market wise in the best case we can expect a consolidation, waiting for a powerful event to happen. The only powerful event today is a Perigee Moon.(close to Earth).
I sent update on the EUR/USD earlier this morning.
October 30, 2018 Tuesday
It is elections day here, for the municipality. Holiday. So I'll dress up and go to vote. Tuesday is a good day, since this is the only day, that it is written in the Bible twice " God saw it is GOOD." But, look at the planetary positions! We have a Grand square between Venus-Uranus and the Nodes- I wrote about this below... We also have Sun sextile Saturn, and the Moon in Cancer. All these positions point the "what was will be, and there is nothing new under the Sun. "
We don't have trade, but you do, so market wise, it is a status quo, no break outs.. Any announcements? No, I don't see anything important.
Those who have my app, should use the stops I sent- go long above and short below.
October 29, 2018 Monday
We start the week with the Moon in Cancer. Venus is in opposition Uranus, as I wrote below, watch out for bank shares, bonds and forex. First thing I do when I open the computer, I check how are my open trades doing? Euro/$- is a short below 1.13970- target 1.13860-770. There are some powerful positions in the sky, planets are conjunct not only by longitude but by declination also, students know this... so we have to have eyes in our backs as well.
Today is a CIT for: CAC,COPPER,TA35, CANF.
So what is new in the world? On Sept 17th I wrote, that Jair Bolsonaro will probably win in the second round, and he did.
Their index, the BOVESPA rallies now, but, should go over 89160 for a new rally..
Sad and unexpected end of life of one of the richest persons in the world, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha in a helicopter crash.
It is interesting to see, that he was born with a Sun-Venus conjunction, and died when these two met again. He died in a helicopter crash, exactly when Uranus reached his Sun, Mars in transit triggered different asteroids ( in green), and Jupiter-Mercury conjunction triggered all the other planets.
Another disaster in Indonesia, a plane crashed with 188 people on board. Interesting, the number of flight 610- adds up to 7, ruled by Neptune, and the plane fell into the sea. Details of the event are pouring in. Very interesting!! The pilot, captain Bhavya Suneja, born Sept 4, 1987 in Delhi, India, 31 years old, had a Sun-Venus conjunction as well!!! Looking for who else has this conjunction, I found 144 people in my database, just to mention a few: King Abdullah II of Jordan, our President, Reuven Rivlin, and Yehuda His, the pathologist of the Tair Rada murder- see below... wow!! WIll they reopen the trial and summoned him for investigations? Because he did something terrible wrong..12 years ago.
8;27 am Will send the alerts now, stay tuned... sent...
And now news about Angela Merkel..
October 28, 2018 Sunday
Yesterday, exactly when the Moon arrived on Aldebaran,: " Aldebaran (87 Alpha Tauri m 0.85)
Bull's North Eye
Keywords: A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, integrity, popularity, courage, war mongering, agitation
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Mars" (ZET)
11 people died in a synagogue shooting in Pittsburg. I wrote in the past, that 18 degree is a very difficult degree, now Mars arrived to that position, and Pluto has been there for a while.
May they rest in peace.
TASI: is correcting, Stop is 7777, targeting 8060- should go above it, with a high volume to rally.
Qatar: rallied by 34% in the last 325 days, should stay above 10000 to keep going higher.
The other arab countries are all falling... Interesting about Qatar, no? The crash didn't arrive to their area.
You see, I have no answer to everything, how come the world is correcting, and reaching 2017 levels, and they are immune?
October 27, 2018 Saturday
Since last night we have a heavy rocket attack from Hamas on our southern towns... I don't know how they live there! Surely we answered with a heavier counter attack. Sirens are shrieking and people are in shelters. This war-like situation is on ging since March-April this year.. Why now the 30 rockets? Watch transit Mars in opposition Saturn, Pluto, Mars. It will last till Mars leaves Aquarius.
Also, Mercury conjunct Jupiter (exaggeration)- arrived to an opposition the Sun- so they back Mars(war); Furthermore, Sun+Venus(R) (bad in Sco) in opposition the Moon (people are suffering)
Sent alerts for the cryptos.
preparing now the weekly reports.... Sign up now if you want to know what's coming. Only $155 for a month.
October 26, 2018 Friday
There was a 6.8 earthquake in Greece, last night, and since than several aftershocks. It is interesting, to see, that it happened under Venus-Sun conjunction, and 130-135* to Neptune. Neptune is always a factor in earthquake maps.
Yesterday I wrote, that look out for an up correction in the markets. In Asia South Africa, the Nikkei, and JKSE turned up, all the others fell below stops given yesterday.
Those who read my blog long enough, know, that I analysed the sad story of Tair Rada, a 13 year old girl who was murdered in the school in 2006. The police caught then a foreign worker, who spoke no Hebrew, Roman Zadorov, born 25.April 1978, and put him in jail for 12 years. In 2015, I wrote, that looking at the charts, he is not the murderer. The murderer is another girl, same age... Now! After Jupiter made a whole cycle, 12 years later, the present lawyer found evidence, that he is innocent.
Tair Rada: Sun shows the age when she will be killed. Her date adds up to 9- Mars, this is in opposition her Cap.stellium. The Stellium is formed by the Sun, Uranus (unexpected and fated event) and Neptune ( mystery, dissolving proves and foundings), in opposition Mars- the murder was not deciphered or was "covered up" until 12 years later.
Roman Zadorov: the victim (Neptune) in the story, who was sentenced to lifetime jail, and sit 12 years: a foreign worker who understood no Hebrew, was framed by the police and the prosecution. His Asc.on Scheat, the worst fixed star in Pisces, the ruler is Neptune, in the 9th house of"foreign countries and law". The murder took place under his Saturn return, Moon on Jupiter (which is supposed to be good, exalted in Cancer, and 3 planets conjunct his Moon, that convicted him. Now, 12 years later, Jupiter arrived and transit Neptune is squaring natal Neptune, the truth surfaced. (The new lawyer demanded some DNA tests, and someone else's hair was found )
The chart of the dead girl speaks for herself- the fingers from the underworld are working: Transit Jupiter is at her Sun-Jupiter midpoint, Pluto arrived to her stellium, Mars, that could not decipher the murder, now on Saturn and the Moon on Algol, the fixed star that speaks about "heads are falling". For sure people will be fired for this disgrace.
October 25, 2018 Thursday Sun in Scorpio.
I just had a power shortage, and everything I wrote is gone..
OK. So That Thor's Hammer brought out an interesting issue yesterday in the US! It reminds me of the trick Netanyahu used in the last elections on March 17, 2015. Since people were not getting out to vote, he said " the Arabs are flocking on busses to vote for the other party! " This made its effect, people went out to vote at the last minute, and he got elected again, with a very small margin. I put the time at 8 pm, but it is not important, On that day, Mercury was conjunct Neptune in Pisces- fraud, manipulations tricks...
October 24, 2018 Wednesday
It is written in the Zohar,(kabbalah) that, who is born on a Wednesday, will be very clever, open minded, all will seek his wisdom, and knowledge. Why? because on this day the luminaries (Sun and Moon) were created.
Exactly today, there is a "catch". Better give birth till 10:53- before the full Moon. It is written, that people born between the New Moon till the Full Moon will achieve targets in life and will rise easier than those born after the Full Moon.
My students know, that every hour is ruled by another planet. It is important to know which one rules what hour, in order to do the right things at the right time. So it is very lucky- for today, not only to be born, but under Jupiter Hour..
So, as you understood, we have a Full Moon today. After 19:45- gmt+3 ( my time), the Moon will be moving towards the Sun, till the next New Moon. The Moon will be in exact opposition at 19:45; and we will have a rare pattern in the sky: a Grand cross and a "Thor's Hammer"
OK... I am sending now some updates in the app!
Back later.
October 23, 2018 Tuesday
Yesterday I got an unexpected excitement...About a month ago, I cut my very long hair, which I grew for 2 years, and donated it to the children who have cancer. Of course... Yesterday I got from them a Diploma...with a very long and moving letter. I really, really didn't expect that!! A few years ago I did the same, but than it was the hairdresser who took care of it. This time he didn't want to bother, so I sent it. I must say, that he cut my hair for free! So he deserves a thumbs up as well...
So I am writing this, maybe YOU out there would like to do the same..donate something. It feels good.:)
How old is he today? 33. He might be "released" from his duties by the King and replaced, re" Khashoggi killing...
But, let's look at the markets. Asia is trading already, and China~SSEA~ is rallying! Bottomed at 2560, and now it shows some action. However, should go above the blue line- for a real break out!
LET'S look up to the sky and see where are the planets? The Moon is VOC and at the last degree of Pisces, on the worst fixed star, Scheat. Soon she will enter Aries, changing the trend. We are before the Full Moon. Venus sextiles Saturn, and the main aspect today is a 135*~bad position~ between the Sun and Neptune.Also, although it is not exact, but we do have an opposition between the SUN-Uranus. So look for some unexpected event, related to the houses they occupy in your chart.
here are some midpoints, that are quite threatening those 5000 people who march from Honduras to the US borders.. Mars at the MP of Moon(people) Saturn(government), and Nep/Pl... Also Saturn at the MP of Mercury/Damocles... and many more... shows the trouble that is coming over there. But why am I talking about the US? we have our border problems as well! For month now! If you clicked the link I posted above...
OK, so I was saying, that I trade the EU/$: it is a short below 1.15175; target: 1.1498. Falling below I will double short. Above 1.15175- long position was triggered.
Europe markets will open soon, so now I'll go to the app and send some updates.
See u later.
Alerts sent.. it's 9:40 am
I am reading now, that there was a 6.8 earthquake in Canada!? that's rare, isn't it?
And another disaster is coming right on the path of the marching people... Is this true, or fake news- under Mercury-Neptune position?
October 21,2018 Sunday
Market stars, was busy catching up with mails and posts... People post some interesting stuff in different groups... Example: At first glance I thought Meryl Streep won some Australian elections... LOL. Isn't she, Kerryn Phelps, a copy of her?
Ok.... the bells are ringing, let me see how is our market doing.
TA35: We are opening with a negative arbitrage, better stay above 1610! Below that more shorts will come.

The sky today: Moon conjuncts Neptune, she is 150^ to the Sun, Mercury squares Mars, and Venus sextiles Saturn. In one word, we are off , again, to a volatile day.
There is a very rare aspect in the sky now, it happened only in the 70': Neptune is 45^ to Uranus. This semi square brings unforeseen, "never ever" events...
Here is the closed look for 2017-2019- with 2 degrees orb.
How is this position effecting us? That depends on each personal charts.
here is a part of a conversation I had with astrologer Peter Novak on FB " he wrote:
Uranus was within a one degree orb of semisquaring Neptune from May through August 2018, and the Semisquare was exact in June.
In May, a school shooting in Santa Fe killed eight kids and two teachers, Harvey Weinstein was charged with rape, Roseanne’s show got cancelled over a tweet, New York's attorney general Eric Scheidermann and Missouri Governor Eric Greitens both resigned over allegations of assault and sexual offenses, Trump put harsh steel tariffs on the EU, Mexico, and Canada, and the US withdrew from the Iran Agreement.
In June, Trump met with NK leader Kim, a shooting in Trenton New Jersey left one dead and seventeen injured, Harley Davidson moved its production overseas, the Supreme Court upheld Trump’s travel ban, Supreme Court Justice Kennedy announced his retirement, five people were killed in a mass shooting in Maryland, and hundreds of thousands of people protested against Trump in all 50 states.
In July, Trump met with Putin in Russia, and the whole nation went batsh*t crazy. Trump also visited the UK, and sparked mass protests in London. Facebook stock dropped 20%, the biggest stock drop in corporate history.
In August, wildfires in California became the largest in the state’s history, Trump re-imposed sanctions on Iran, an airplane was stolen from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, prompting F15 fighter jets to scramble and intercept, and then the plane crashed, killing the pilot. There was also a mass shooting in August during a Madden NFL tournament that resulted in several fatalities."
I can add from Israeli events, the incendiary balloons from Gaza "The prevailing wind blowing in from the Mediterranean Sea, propels the balloons inland from Gaza into Israel. As of 10 July 2018, incendiary kites and balloons started 678 fires in Israel, burning 910 hectares (2,260 acres) of woodland, 610 hectares (1,500 acres) of agricultural crops, as well as open fields."
In Russia:
"The Fourth inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the President of Russia took place on Monday, 7 May 2018, in the Hall of the Order of St. Andrew of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow. The inauguration marked the commencement of the new six-year term of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia. The presidential oath of office was administered to Putin by Chairman of the Constitutional Court Valery Zorkin. In addition, in the Presidium of the ceremony, according to tradition, was the leaders of the legislature: Chairwoman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin"
October 20, 2018 Saturday
November 7, 2018 Wednesday
I am watching CNN and FOX news. I see that the Republicans won the Senate and the Democrats the house. Count is not finished yet. There are more women who won, that were before, there is a muslim woman too in the winners.
I wrote that feminine element is very high, yesterday, and we can see those women winning.
I also wrote that hard times are in, for Trump, because how can he do anything, when his hands and legs are "cut"? One thing is sure! I am happy I am not in his place....
So let's see what's new today?
We have a Scorpio stellium, Venus squares Mars, and that trine between Uranus and the Nodes is accompanying us, now from Cancer-Capricorn angular signs. Uranus retreats to 28.50 Aries, then it will turn and re-enter Taurus, leaving Aries for the next 84 years. The Moon is just 5 degrees off to meet the Sun. So I'll start another article soon.
Here is a list of people and shares whose natal charts will be triggered by Uranus returning to Aries:
Sun: Queen Elisabeth, Ryan O' Neal, HD, ROH, HSP
Moon: Prince Charles, Arie Der'i (local politician); Shlomo Filber (local); AYE, JCI, LDG, CNL. HL, AXE, NUS,VNT, WAL,NS,
Mercury: Yehuda His ( local-was the chief pathologist in the Tair Rada murder case) Yuval Steinitz(local) Mark Zuckerberg, K, PKE, ANN, JNY,ALV,VOL,JRC,DNR,LSS,BKE,EQY,FII,NS.
Mars: TER,LYD,DCM,GPW,TRW,ITC,ALJ, The Knesset 20!
Saturn: first shot fired on Sept 1, 19390 start of WWII with Saturn at 0.59 Taurus; Reuben Rivlin (our president) Stephen Harper, Nancy Pelosi ( March 26,1940, she is in her 22 personal year) etc.
Here is her chart. Born on a Tuesday! Wasn't that a happy , lucky day for her?
Uranus: California, Sophia Loren, Brigitte Bardot, Nyse, Abu Mazen(Palestinian leader, born in 3.26.1935)
Neptune: 0
PLuto: California ( Sept 9, 1850).
Today is a CIT day for Nifty, Maaden, nflx (is a short below 320), Chevron(stop =120), NSYS(stop 4.20), etc.
Alerts sent, it's 10:00 am, for cryptos as well.
I am going to the gym, have a good day.
Watch NNDM! Good news! It rallies by 14% here.
We have a measles outbreak here... Mostly due to some parents who did not give vaccinations to their children. It is extremely dangerous!
November 6, 2018 Tuesday.
This day is double blessed in the Bible. Numerologically the date adds up to 1, so the day is ruled by the Sun, and Mars.It is elections day in the USA, midterm. I don't know why do they have this election? Every 4 years is not enough? In any case, let's see how are the planets favorable or not, for Trump?
Scorpio is a feminine sign, being the 8th sign in the wheel. Today we have the Sun, Jupiter and the Part of Fortune in Scorpio. Next, we have Saturn and Pluto in Cap- also feminine sign, Neptune in Pisces, Uranus at 0.01 Taurus, all feminine.( a high percentage of feminine votes?) In masculine signs we have right now the Moon and Venus,(in Libra) Mercury in Sag. is in fall, (weak), Mars in Aquarius-Let me move forward the wheel to 4 pm my time, and morning for America, we get a very interesting picture! The Moon will be at 0 Scorpio in exact opposition Uranus, that points to a surprise coming from the people! They form a Fixed trine with the Nodes!
Moving forward the wheel, by 12 hours, the Moon will be at 6 Scorpio, but what is colossal and fated is that the Nodes move from Leo/Aqua axis to Cancer/Cap axis. From fixed signs to cardinal signs. And the Nodes will be there till May 4, 2020! Every 18.50 years the Nodes are in Cancer/Capricorn. So look back to 2001-1982-1963-1944!!!!(Churchill was PM in the UK and brought extremely difficult decisions. One of his quotes :"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
- 1925 to compare and check what happened in the world then.
If Cancer is the need of a secure home~ by building fences and walls?~, Capricorn mirrors the government. Capricorn , being the highest Earth sign in the wheel, is the hardest, the strongest, the one that steps on corpses in order to achieve its goal. Can be ruthless, and non compromising. Capricorn as per Munkasey is "Republican"; see page 199; more psychological qualities from that book: accomplishment, ambition, bossiness, command of situation, determination, dignity, diligence, learned experience, persistence, public recognition,strictness, etc.etc...
Let's see Trump's chart: Born June 14, 1946, with the Sun at 22 Gemini Moon 21 Sag ( born on a Full Moon and under a Solar eclipse) Ruler of his career is Venus, at 25* Cancer, conjunct Saturn, conjunct the asteroid Karma. Transit Saturn is in opposition natal Mercury (ruler of his Sun)- a blocking effect; transit Mars, at 24* Aquarius is in 150* to his N.Venus, transit Jupiter, is at 29* Scorpio- (means going to extremes, breaking boundaries, is trine Natal Venus and Saturn. Jupiter in the sky is also in a YOD with the Point of Spirit and Uranus!
Also, look!!! at 8:12 pm Washington time the Ascendant will be on his natal Solar eclipse point. Now how more fated can this get? Let's see the upcoming eclipses, do they affect his chart? We have a Sol. ecl on Jan 5 on 15* Cap ( will square his Jupiter, ruler of 5th house of children, actors, celebs and affairs), and on July 2, at 10* Cancer,( will conjunct his Mercury, ruler of his 2nd and 11th, this is bad news...) And the last eclipse of 2019 will be on Dec 26,19, at 4 Cap- right where Saturn is now).
A lunar eclipse on Jan 20 at 0 Aqua and July 16 at 24*Cancer, right on his natal Venus! (ruler of his MC- bringing difficult decisions).
We are living very fated times. I think, that Jupiter at 29* will grant him victory, but oh boy! Difficult times ahead.
Numerologically, Trump is is his 22 personal year, and 33 personal month, very highly resonating numbers, the so called MASTER NUMBERS! He is here to make a change, ruled by Uranus, Now it is at 0 Taurus, in another 4 years will move on to 17* Taurus... will continue to follow up.
Wow!!Just look at Winston Churchill!! He has the Moon on Regulus!
Here are the natal charts of Churchill and Trump!! A lot of similarities!
Here is the chart of the DOW with the North Node in Cancer:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I see ASIA is rallying! Will send new alerts soon. Alerts sent!
November 5, 2018 Monday
Nanny still sick. I went to sleep with the chicken ( it's an old Hungarian saying) yesterday, to wake up in time. Again, I looked at the clock each hour, then slept, dreamt crazy dreams, MOM!!! rest in peace!!..I will have to put a notebook by my bed and write down my dreams. Finally, at 4:48 I gave up and got up. It was such a thunderstorm during the night, that too, with the open windows, woke me, closed the windows turned to the right, to the left, finally I got up and made a black coffee. I drink one black coffee in a day, no more milk or diary food for the last year, I think. Maybe one of the reasons I lost 4 kg. Left when it was still dark, arrived at 6 am, and my granddaughter woke up first, so we watched the Sun rise, read two stories, then my grandson joined us, next breakfast, shower, more games, while dressing up, and at 8 they were in the preschool. Now I am back, it's 9:30, having my breakfast and looking around what's happening. There is no sign of the night rain, only the good, fresh smell is still in the air. The Moon moved on, and makes 30*, approaching the Sun, from Libra. with Venus at their midpoint.
Here is this week's calendar. My students and astrologers will understand what they see. Others are welcome to sign up to my course!
Facebook shows how would I look with different hair color.
Someone posted on FB, that people who share the same Ascendant sign, look alike.! I hope NOT!!!!!!!! Sara Netanyahu, who is born today, and is a Scorpio, no hour of birth, so we don't know, but I have a Scorpio rising, and I hope very much I don't look or worse! behave like her. She was born today. She is 60.
OK. Let's see what is really interesting today? We are under Martian influence today, together with the Moon. CIT day for: WIG20, MIB, ETH, OIL, BIDU, DIS, GIS,QCOM.
wig20: (POLAND)
ETH: last alert was sent on 10/27:
EUROPE: the week starts as below:
EUR/$ is consolidating...
Facebook shows how would I look with different hair color.
Someone posted on FB, that people who share the same Ascendant sign, look alike.! I hope NOT!!!!!!!! Sara Netanyahu, who is born today, and is a Scorpio, no hour of birth, so we don't know, but I have a Scorpio rising, and I hope very much I don't look or worse! behave like her. She was born today. She is 60.
OK. Let's see what is really interesting today? We are under Martian influence today, together with the Moon. CIT day for: WIG20, MIB, ETH, OIL, BIDU, DIS, GIS,QCOM.
wig20: (POLAND)
ETH: last alert was sent on 10/27:
EUROPE: the week starts as below:
EUR/$ is consolidating...
When the nanny is sick I am called to take the kids to the preschool. Both parents being doctors must leave early, so I got up at 5:30, after waking each hour in the night... and drove to them. Shower, breakfast, 2 stories, and we are ready to go. Darlingssssssss.
It's 9:20 am now, I am back, soon to go to my pilates lesson. But first, let's see the sky. It was dark when I left, and I saw the Sun rising from their 13th floor! Beautiful!
The Sun is at 11*Sco. 49, that is the second decanate of Scorpio. Does the SUn knows that? We, humans put it there?? It is also conjunct by declination Mars, and will move 7 degrees till next Sunday. The Sun is our Swiss watch... Always there, always on time. THe Moon is at 29 Virgo, just about to move into Libra. She is approaching the Sun, we are before the New Moon. Mercury at 4 Sag and Saturn at 5 Cap. Only Uranus and the Nodes still hold onto the 0 degree, stubbornly. Venus, with the back to us, goes back to Libra, looking to meet Mars by a trine in a day or two. But, Jupiter! The BIG BENEFACTOR is coming to a 150* to Uranus, an aspect that will accompany us the whole week. It is not an easy one. See the times this happened before!:
What does that mean?? Well... you know... in the weekly report.
Our market opens with a positive arbitrage.
After 5 days of rally, from 1555, reached 1616; should go above 1634 for a new upleg. Support is at 1613.
2:40 pm. I rested and now we can continue. Meanwhile the computer is calculating the future forecast for the AUD/USD, if anyone interested to sign up for it, will be ready soon.
So what does it mean to be in the second decanate of a sign? As you know, every sign is 30 degrees, and dividing it by 3, we get 3 decanates of 10 degrees. Those born in the first, still have the "aftershocks" of the former sign, but those who are born between Nov. 2-12. are born in the "essence" of that sign. They carry the deepest and most concrete attributes of the sign. They make good detectives, spies, psychologists, criminals, falling on the other side of the horse, and this is when I take Munkasey's book : Astrological Thesaurus" Book 1 in my hand to tell you more, about Scorpio occupations: the devil... lol, this is his first word! then disciplinarian, distiller, diver, donor, embalmer (actually every occupation that has to do with the dead, with money, inheritance, insurance, sex,(he has harlot, guard, grouch, then hypnotists, madam (of brothel) medium, molester, nihilist, pagan, persecutor, rapist, reformer, satan, sheriff, surgeon, oh! finally some positivity!... undertaker, vampire... and he goes on and on... This is really a very good book to have! He tells you what body parts, illnesses, house parts, animals, are ruled by Scorpio/PLuto.
The most important thing to remember about Scorpios, is, that they are survivors. Example. Look at Hillary. Not that I am fond of her, but I admire such strength and drive to reach her goals by all means ( and more means). They don't forget and don't forgive. They wait quietly for the right moment to lash out at you. You want to be friends with a Scorpio, never an enemy.
In the Tarot cards it is the two cups, see the two snakes? that is the lower Scorpio, until they gather strength, and rise as a Phoenix.
The other day I posted a question in an Israeli astrologers group, trying to find the hour of birth for Ayelet Shaked, a political figure here. Instead, what did I get? someone telling me, I should learn astrology. Looking at his chart, he has a Scorpio stellium... So I answered. Ok be well. I'm not going to get into a dispute not with a Scorpio, and with no one, actually, I hate fights. Anyways, it is just interesting that this popped up, now, when the Sun moves to 11-12 Scorpio. Mind you, it is still in the Via Combusta!! Soon the Moon to check in, and Venus will return after the 3rd of December. Venom all around us.
Still the sign of Scorpio has many fortunate fixed stars, only when we get to Zuben Algenubi, at 15 Sco- till the 19.31 (Serpentis) we fall into the dark ditch. Then another one at 22.Sco12, Alpha Serpentis, is the last bad point for this sign. My late friend, Diana Rosenberg wrote an incredibly fabulous book, about the Fixed stars, titled"Secret of the ancient skies", and there you can learn more than you can ever remember!... She has 25 pages just about these 10 degrees, the 2nd decanate.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~November 2, 2018 Friday
We are under the power of Venus today, and this re-entered Libra in it retro motion. Venus moves back to 25th degree till Nov 16th, then turns Direct again, and enters Scorpio on Dec. 2nd, till Jan.7th. Venus is weak when retro, but rules Libra, that gives it strength.
What else is good in the sky? The Moon just left Leo, and is on the royal star Regulus. ZET shows:" Regulus (32 Alpha Leonis m 1.35)
Lion's Heart
Keywords: The most Royal Star. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence
Effect: Fortunate
Character: Mars/ Jupiter/ Uranus"
The Moon is in her last phase before the New Moon, when I start a new article. Mercury entered Sag, Jupiter is on the midpoint of Aug.21.17 and /Feb.15, 2018 solar eclipse degrees.
Maybe it's time to look ahead to 2019 eclipses?! I think I already wrote about them...These are the times and degrees to take in account.
The first thing that jumps out, is the 0* Aquarius, Lunar eclipse, which is now triggered by Uranus and the Nodes!
OK, will dig into this later.
Now, the markets are rallying... I hope you are making some money,
Earlier this morning I sent update for the Eur/$ !!
What a rally in ASIA! WIll send updates soon!
The aspects of the Moon today: GMT:00:00
2.11.2018 10:24:05 2°42'22"Vir Square Mercury
2.11.2018 14:25:34 5°04'07"Vir Trine Saturn
2.11.2018 23:40:22 10°29'39"Vir Sextile Sun
Mercury enters Sag, Uranus squares the Nodes, and there are more and more helicopter, plane crashes. Now I read, that in China a woman missed her stop, slapped the driver, that lost control of the wheel and the bus fell into the river, killing many...!
More accidents on the way, with a fallen Mercury. Watch your steps! Hand, legs, lungs injuries! People with water in the lungs are hospitalised now.. Mostly older people, since Mercury is parallel Saturn.
I sent alerts for ASIA and the Commodities, will send for Europe now, it's 10:15 am.
WHAT a fall in the Dollar/Yuan!!! I missed thaaaat trade ufff.Stop at 6.90- short/long above
In the past I used to trade the $/Yen, but since the government interferes, I dropped it. Technically is is a short below 113.40; But... I am not in there.
November 1, 2018 Thursday
In spite of the cynical, manipulative, and "times before crashes" as some might write, LOVE still is victorious! Have you read the news about Princess Ayako? She just married a commoner, giving up her Royal titles (and incomes)!
So why is this happening? Is it LOVE, or momentary blindness? Born on September 15, on a Saturday, in 1990, her date adds up to 34/7, strongly ruled by Neptune. natal Neptune is at 11 Capricorn, and since PLuto entered this sign, by transit, signaled for a major switch in her life. Her Sun, Mercury, Venus are in Virgo, and they got triggered by transit Neptune in opposition. Neptune now is in retro, and I am afraid, when it'll continue its direct move, she will see life differently.. But, surely I wish her happy dreams, as long as they last.
Are princesses cooking for their husbands? I don't know how is the Japanese lifestyle, Or what is she actually DOING the whole day?? Anyway, it is so wonderful to be in love...Best wishes to the young couple.
The husband is Kei Moriya, born in the sign of Aries...the Suns are 150*...
Today we are in November. Today is called "the day of the dead". Especially in Europe, the dead are remembered on this day.
The markets made a turn. Let's see the sky: The Moon is in Leo, approaching the Sun, we are before the New Moon. Yesterday she was closest to Earth. Mercury rules the sky today, sending several aspects, as you can see, another volatile day! Venus returned to Libra.
I sent several alerts yesterday for the EUR/$, hope you switched to the upside.
I hope you'll be able to see this video! Especially pay attention to CHina! Rising since 1995. ְְְְְְְְְְְְְְְְְְ
October 31, 2018 Wednesday
It is 9 years today, that I started to write this blog. So, happy birthday, BLOG :)
Yesterday we had the elections, and we did have some drama... Tel Aviv voted for the same mayor, for the 5th time! Ron Huldai is mayor for 20 years, now another 5 years to go. Born on August 26, 1944, 74 years old.. He is mayor since 1998. He has a Virgo stellium.
Big surprise is the defeat of the Haifa mayor, Gemini, Yona Yahav, born June 19, 1944 who was in charge since 2003, now he was defeated by a Virgo woman!! Dr. Einat Kalisch Rotem. She too has a Virgo stellium. Born Sept 3, 1970. There are many cities, like Jerusalem, that will have a re-election, a second round, on Nov 15th, like the one I live in. People did not go to vote... Interesting switch this time, that many women got elected...!
OK, let's see what happens today: again, it is a day that brings very high energies, not the best ones. The Moon is approaching the Sun, she is in Leo- conjunct the North Node. Mercury just enters Sag, where it is weak, but better than in Scorpio. Venus moved back to Libra; both are at 0*. This degree is like a baby, with no past... without experience. Note, that the nodes are also at 0*, Venus squares them, Mercury trines the NN. last, but not least, Uranus is at 0 Taurus; just about to retreat to Aries. Mercury, Saturn and Pluto and conjunct by declination!
So you read all this and think. OK OK.. but what does all this mean?? I think the planets are weak, so market wise in the best case we can expect a consolidation, waiting for a powerful event to happen. The only powerful event today is a Perigee Moon.(close to Earth).
I sent update on the EUR/USD earlier this morning.
October 30, 2018 Tuesday
It is elections day here, for the municipality. Holiday. So I'll dress up and go to vote. Tuesday is a good day, since this is the only day, that it is written in the Bible twice " God saw it is GOOD." But, look at the planetary positions! We have a Grand square between Venus-Uranus and the Nodes- I wrote about this below... We also have Sun sextile Saturn, and the Moon in Cancer. All these positions point the "what was will be, and there is nothing new under the Sun. "
We don't have trade, but you do, so market wise, it is a status quo, no break outs.. Any announcements? No, I don't see anything important.
Those who have my app, should use the stops I sent- go long above and short below.
October 29, 2018 Monday
We start the week with the Moon in Cancer. Venus is in opposition Uranus, as I wrote below, watch out for bank shares, bonds and forex. First thing I do when I open the computer, I check how are my open trades doing? Euro/$- is a short below 1.13970- target 1.13860-770. There are some powerful positions in the sky, planets are conjunct not only by longitude but by declination also, students know this... so we have to have eyes in our backs as well.
Today is a CIT for: CAC,COPPER,TA35, CANF.
So what is new in the world? On Sept 17th I wrote, that Jair Bolsonaro will probably win in the second round, and he did.
Their index, the BOVESPA rallies now, but, should go over 89160 for a new rally..
Sad and unexpected end of life of one of the richest persons in the world, Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha in a helicopter crash.
It is interesting to see, that he was born with a Sun-Venus conjunction, and died when these two met again. He died in a helicopter crash, exactly when Uranus reached his Sun, Mars in transit triggered different asteroids ( in green), and Jupiter-Mercury conjunction triggered all the other planets.
Another disaster in Indonesia, a plane crashed with 188 people on board. Interesting, the number of flight 610- adds up to 7, ruled by Neptune, and the plane fell into the sea. Details of the event are pouring in. Very interesting!! The pilot, captain Bhavya Suneja, born Sept 4, 1987 in Delhi, India, 31 years old, had a Sun-Venus conjunction as well!!! Looking for who else has this conjunction, I found 144 people in my database, just to mention a few: King Abdullah II of Jordan, our President, Reuven Rivlin, and Yehuda His, the pathologist of the Tair Rada murder- see below... wow!! WIll they reopen the trial and summoned him for investigations? Because he did something terrible wrong..12 years ago.
8;27 am Will send the alerts now, stay tuned... sent...
And now news about Angela Merkel..
October 28, 2018 Sunday
Yesterday, exactly when the Moon arrived on Aldebaran,: " Aldebaran (87 Alpha Tauri m 0.85)
Bull's North Eye
Keywords: A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, integrity, popularity, courage, war mongering, agitation
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Mars" (ZET)
11 people died in a synagogue shooting in Pittsburg. I wrote in the past, that 18 degree is a very difficult degree, now Mars arrived to that position, and Pluto has been there for a while.
May they rest in peace.
Today, we are under the energies of the Sun and Uranus. They are in opposition. A loaded position. I hope we will not hear of more violence. The Moon is VOC till tomorrow at 1:27 am; meaning events are reversible. So if our market or any other that trades today rallies, it will fall tomorrow and vice versa. The Moon is also in Gemini, bringing nervous trade. Mercury is still conjunct Jupiter is Sco.; and Venus is at 2*Sco, retro, soon will re-visit Libra, the sign it rules. Venus will turn Direct on Nov.16, at 25 Libra. Before that, on the 14th, it will be stationary AND in opposition Uranus! (bank shares crash?) till the 5th of December!!! Mark this period in your calendar... Due to Uranus retro, it lasts longer than ever. At the same time Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces...As of the 26th of October Venus is rising before the Sun, it is a so called Morning star, a "fighter" position" - so try to block your tongue and sit on your hands, concerning relationships in the family , neighbors and strangers.
TA35: will open under a 0.59% minus !!! arbitrage, looking at the daily chart, the MA200 is at 1534- so it might go down there... The close was 1568.It should go above 1569 to find a support and only above that, might go up...TASI: is correcting, Stop is 7777, targeting 8060- should go above it, with a high volume to rally.
Qatar: rallied by 34% in the last 325 days, should stay above 10000 to keep going higher.
The other arab countries are all falling... Interesting about Qatar, no? The crash didn't arrive to their area.
You see, I have no answer to everything, how come the world is correcting, and reaching 2017 levels, and they are immune?
October 27, 2018 Saturday
Since last night we have a heavy rocket attack from Hamas on our southern towns... I don't know how they live there! Surely we answered with a heavier counter attack. Sirens are shrieking and people are in shelters. This war-like situation is on ging since March-April this year.. Why now the 30 rockets? Watch transit Mars in opposition Saturn, Pluto, Mars. It will last till Mars leaves Aquarius.
Also, Mercury conjunct Jupiter (exaggeration)- arrived to an opposition the Sun- so they back Mars(war); Furthermore, Sun+Venus(R) (bad in Sco) in opposition the Moon (people are suffering)
Sent alerts for the cryptos.
preparing now the weekly reports.... Sign up now if you want to know what's coming. Only $155 for a month.
October 26, 2018 Friday
There was a 6.8 earthquake in Greece, last night, and since than several aftershocks. It is interesting, to see, that it happened under Venus-Sun conjunction, and 130-135* to Neptune. Neptune is always a factor in earthquake maps.
Yesterday I wrote, that look out for an up correction in the markets. In Asia South Africa, the Nikkei, and JKSE turned up, all the others fell below stops given yesterday.
Those who read my blog long enough, know, that I analysed the sad story of Tair Rada, a 13 year old girl who was murdered in the school in 2006. The police caught then a foreign worker, who spoke no Hebrew, Roman Zadorov, born 25.April 1978, and put him in jail for 12 years. In 2015, I wrote, that looking at the charts, he is not the murderer. The murderer is another girl, same age... Now! After Jupiter made a whole cycle, 12 years later, the present lawyer found evidence, that he is innocent.
Tair Rada: Sun shows the age when she will be killed. Her date adds up to 9- Mars, this is in opposition her Cap.stellium. The Stellium is formed by the Sun, Uranus (unexpected and fated event) and Neptune ( mystery, dissolving proves and foundings), in opposition Mars- the murder was not deciphered or was "covered up" until 12 years later.
Roman Zadorov: the victim (Neptune) in the story, who was sentenced to lifetime jail, and sit 12 years: a foreign worker who understood no Hebrew, was framed by the police and the prosecution. His Asc.on Scheat, the worst fixed star in Pisces, the ruler is Neptune, in the 9th house of"foreign countries and law". The murder took place under his Saturn return, Moon on Jupiter (which is supposed to be good, exalted in Cancer, and 3 planets conjunct his Moon, that convicted him. Now, 12 years later, Jupiter arrived and transit Neptune is squaring natal Neptune, the truth surfaced. (The new lawyer demanded some DNA tests, and someone else's hair was found )
The chart of the dead girl speaks for herself- the fingers from the underworld are working: Transit Jupiter is at her Sun-Jupiter midpoint, Pluto arrived to her stellium, Mars, that could not decipher the murder, now on Saturn and the Moon on Algol, the fixed star that speaks about "heads are falling". For sure people will be fired for this disgrace.
October 25, 2018 Thursday Sun in Scorpio.
I just had a power shortage, and everything I wrote is gone..
OK. So That Thor's Hammer brought out an interesting issue yesterday in the US! It reminds me of the trick Netanyahu used in the last elections on March 17, 2015. Since people were not getting out to vote, he said " the Arabs are flocking on busses to vote for the other party! " This made its effect, people went out to vote at the last minute, and he got elected again, with a very small margin. I put the time at 8 pm, but it is not important, On that day, Mercury was conjunct Neptune in Pisces- fraud, manipulations tricks...
What happens now? I heard CNN talking about the Blue wave.. that is weakening... Well... Never a better time to manipulate the masses, but on a Full Moon, and with 4 planets in Scorpio, in 120^ trine by sign" position to Neptune.
Happy birthday Hillary! Too... She is 71 tomorrow. So what is her chart showing? Nobody has her time of birth, but the planets are talking, nevertheless.
Her Sun is at 2* Scorpio- transit Sun yesterday was conjunct, as it is always, during a birthday. But this time the Full Moon was exactly in opposition her Sun- putting all the projectors on her. And she did a comeback- didn't she? As a Scorpio does! Never giving up. And how did she do that? Transit Mars- fight, war, explosives, exactly in opposition her natal Mars. I wonder if it will not backfire on her... You see, transit Saturn is NOT THERE to help.
Every sign is divided into 3 decans. the first Decan from 1-10 degrees of Scorpio is ruled by Mars. Where is Mars? In Aquarius, the sign of the "genius spark".
This is my interpretation of the events. If you think otherwise, I'd like to hear it.
People born between Oct 24- Nov 2nd have their Sun in the first Decanate of Scorpio. Ex: Johann Strauss, Roosevelt, Bill Gates, Ahmadinejad, Julia Roberts,etc.
Marina from Darkstar astrology writes about this decanate:"
The Agony & The Ecstasy
The typical Scorpio animal magnetism comes from its ruler, sexy Mars and Bootes the herdsman being a swarthy fellow, working close to the earth and driving those beasts forward. These folk are certainly very driven, but they glide to the top quite silently. Nobody notices them until suddenly, bam, they are there, right at the top. This gives them an advantage over their rivals because they are often underestimated at first.
Scorpio decan 1 are the perfect invisible man, they make a great classic Scorpio spy because of their amazing ability to construct a psychic cloaking device. So even though some of them really do have ‘fatal’ written all over them, they seem to be able to convince otherwise. Spin-doctors and propagandists do well here too.
Scorpio decan 1 are made of true grit, they often risk life and limb for a cause they believe in. They also make excellent interrogators, relentlessly probing until they get an answer. If they do happen to fall on the wrong side, they can withstand a great deal of torture before they open their mouths. These folk really can take being stretched to the limit. Somehow their deep faith in whatever they believe in gets them through the most horrendous suffering….
This decan is associated with the tarot card the 5 of cups: Its divinatory meaning “brings sorrow, loss, grief and suffering. Its very presence indicates that you have suffered a crushing blow on an emotional level… We must all learn to accept loss as part of life yet we flail and rail against it. We must trust that once we are prepared to let go, the Universe will replace our loss with something of worth and real value.” ~
Towns and cities under Scorpio: note: Washington
The Markets yesterday mirrored the Jan 25th fall. Then the DOW fell by 12%? in 2 weeks, now by 9 % in 3 weeks. Are we in for a major crash? well... you know where is the answer.. In the weekly reports.
Towns and cities under Scorpio: note: Washington
The Markets yesterday mirrored the Jan 25th fall. Then the DOW fell by 12%? in 2 weeks, now by 9 % in 3 weeks. Are we in for a major crash? well... you know where is the answer.. In the weekly reports.
So today it is Thursday. A day ruled by the Sun and Jupiter.It is a CIT day for many indices! Look out for a bull correction. We are 90 days from the July 27, 2018 Lunar eclipse, at 4 Aqua.
Now I'll send some alerts in the app. Stay tuned.
SInce I trade the EURO/$ this is what Timing Solution shows me when I check how does the pair behave under a Scorpio Sun: I took the last 20 and 10 years and the average. This graph shows, a small up correction, only to fall again later.
But is is not all that simple! NOW we have transit Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio! This happened only in November 2006. THen, till July 2008 it rallied by 1.60.
October 24, 2018 Wednesday
It is written in the Zohar,(kabbalah) that, who is born on a Wednesday, will be very clever, open minded, all will seek his wisdom, and knowledge. Why? because on this day the luminaries (Sun and Moon) were created.
Exactly today, there is a "catch". Better give birth till 10:53- before the full Moon. It is written, that people born between the New Moon till the Full Moon will achieve targets in life and will rise easier than those born after the Full Moon.
My students know, that every hour is ruled by another planet. It is important to know which one rules what hour, in order to do the right things at the right time. So it is very lucky- for today, not only to be born, but under Jupiter Hour..
So, as you understood, we have a Full Moon today. After 19:45- gmt+3 ( my time), the Moon will be moving towards the Sun, till the next New Moon. The Moon will be in exact opposition at 19:45; and we will have a rare pattern in the sky: a Grand cross and a "Thor's Hammer"
And we don't only have a regular grand Cross! It is formed in teh Fixed signs, and the South Node is on Tarazed, a fortunate fixed star.".Tarazed (50 Gamma Aquilae m 2.72)
Keywords: Spoil and plunder, imagination, strong passions, will, clairvoyance, fame, powerful mind
Effect: Fortunate
Character: Mars/ Jupiter."
This pattern shows a need to break out of a suffocating situation.
Since the Sun, Moon and the Nodes are in signs that represent money and security, the breakout will be in that field.
The markets: watch the announcements! And the Beige book at 9 pm
Today is a CIT day for IBEX, WIG20, ETH, CRUDE OIL, BIDU,DIS,GIS,QCOM; etc
IBEX: Our stop was 9000- and shorted below, now we can move the stop to 8700 and try for a long, but not too high up! There is a blocking trendline as you can see.
CRUDE OIL: see former stops! gaining in short! Now move stop to 66. It will try for an up correction. Target 69. failing to go over, will revert!!
OK... I am sending now some updates in the app!
Back later.
October 23, 2018 Tuesday
Yesterday I got an unexpected excitement...About a month ago, I cut my very long hair, which I grew for 2 years, and donated it to the children who have cancer. Of course... Yesterday I got from them a Diploma...with a very long and moving letter. I really, really didn't expect that!! A few years ago I did the same, but than it was the hairdresser who took care of it. This time he didn't want to bother, so I sent it. I must say, that he cut my hair for free! So he deserves a thumbs up as well...
So I am writing this, maybe YOU out there would like to do the same..donate something. It feels good.:)
By the way. charity is ruled by Jupiter, Neptune & H12.
The sky today: The Moon moved to Aries, brings new energy - not sure if positive or negative- to the markets... She is 150 to the SUn, so it will be negative. On the other hand, It is a day ruled by Mars and Saturn, so Saturn might block a strong fall... But, every market with its own graph...
Markets are red. All stops broke- I hope you are out, or short.
The Peace treaty with Jordan was signed 2 Jupiter cycles ago.Oct 26, 1994, or 24 years ago. In the inner chart we can see a Neptune -Uranus conjunction in Capricorn, while NOW we have a 45* position between the two. (See my post from Oct.21). Is Neptune dissolving treaties now? Surely it is an unexpected event, under Uranus, for Jordan to demand back territories. But I read now, that THAT is in the agreement! SO what's the fuss?
"In October 2018, Jordan notified Israel of its intention not to renew lands leased under Annex I of the agreement. The annex granted Jordan the right not to renew the lease of Naharayim (Baqoura) and Tzofar (Ghumar) after 25 years, given that a notice is given a year prior."
Looking back to history, on this day, a terrible massacre occurred in a Moscow theater, when 40-50 chechen terrorists, invaded a theatre, taking more than 800 people hostages. It is interesting to note, that the Moon was on ALGOL- wicked fixed star, and Saturn on Betelgeuze, another unfortunate fixed star, representing the government. The army invaded the theatre, after using poisonous gas- see Neptune in H*8? and at the end more than 130 people were dead. Next, they had to explain, why did they use this gas. As for the rebels, who wanted Russia out, it was a loss written on the wall, since they did it under a VOC Moon
On June 23, 2017 I wrote about Mohammed Bin Salman, after analyzing his natal chart: " Mind you, he is the 13th child of King Salman, the youngest. The first most difficult year for him will be age 32-33, next 35-36."The Peace treaty with Jordan was signed 2 Jupiter cycles ago.Oct 26, 1994, or 24 years ago. In the inner chart we can see a Neptune -Uranus conjunction in Capricorn, while NOW we have a 45* position between the two. (See my post from Oct.21). Is Neptune dissolving treaties now? Surely it is an unexpected event, under Uranus, for Jordan to demand back territories. But I read now, that THAT is in the agreement! SO what's the fuss?
"In October 2018, Jordan notified Israel of its intention not to renew lands leased under Annex I of the agreement. The annex granted Jordan the right not to renew the lease of Naharayim (Baqoura) and Tzofar (Ghumar) after 25 years, given that a notice is given a year prior."
Looking back to history, on this day, a terrible massacre occurred in a Moscow theater, when 40-50 chechen terrorists, invaded a theatre, taking more than 800 people hostages. It is interesting to note, that the Moon was on ALGOL- wicked fixed star, and Saturn on Betelgeuze, another unfortunate fixed star, representing the government. The army invaded the theatre, after using poisonous gas- see Neptune in H*8? and at the end more than 130 people were dead. Next, they had to explain, why did they use this gas. As for the rebels, who wanted Russia out, it was a loss written on the wall, since they did it under a VOC Moon
Note, that Mars was at 5 Libra. the 5th degree is a Leo degree- so the killing happened in a theatre. Then too, Venus was in retro, in Scorpio like today.
I just hope I did not paint the devil on the wall, and nothing like this happens today!
October 22, 2018 Monday
How old is he today? 33. He might be "released" from his duties by the King and replaced, re" Khashoggi killing...
But, let's look at the markets. Asia is trading already, and China~SSEA~ is rallying! Bottomed at 2560, and now it shows some action. However, should go above the blue line- for a real break out!
LET'S look up to the sky and see where are the planets? The Moon is VOC and at the last degree of Pisces, on the worst fixed star, Scheat. Soon she will enter Aries, changing the trend. We are before the Full Moon. Venus sextiles Saturn, and the main aspect today is a 135*~bad position~ between the Sun and Neptune.Also, although it is not exact, but we do have an opposition between the SUN-Uranus. So look for some unexpected event, related to the houses they occupy in your chart.
here are some midpoints, that are quite threatening those 5000 people who march from Honduras to the US borders.. Mars at the MP of Moon(people) Saturn(government), and Nep/Pl... Also Saturn at the MP of Mercury/Damocles... and many more... shows the trouble that is coming over there. But why am I talking about the US? we have our border problems as well! For month now! If you clicked the link I posted above...
OK, so I was saying, that I trade the EU/$: it is a short below 1.15175; target: 1.1498. Falling below I will double short. Above 1.15175- long position was triggered.
Europe markets will open soon, so now I'll go to the app and send some updates.
See u later.
Alerts sent.. it's 9:40 am
I am reading now, that there was a 6.8 earthquake in Canada!? that's rare, isn't it?
And another disaster is coming right on the path of the marching people... Is this true, or fake news- under Mercury-Neptune position?
October 21,2018 Sunday

Ok.... the bells are ringing, let me see how is our market doing.
TA35: We are opening with a negative arbitrage, better stay above 1610! Below that more shorts will come.

The sky today: Moon conjuncts Neptune, she is 150^ to the Sun, Mercury squares Mars, and Venus sextiles Saturn. In one word, we are off , again, to a volatile day.
There is a very rare aspect in the sky now, it happened only in the 70': Neptune is 45^ to Uranus. This semi square brings unforeseen, "never ever" events...
Here is the closed look for 2017-2019- with 2 degrees orb.
How is this position effecting us? That depends on each personal charts.
here is a part of a conversation I had with astrologer Peter Novak on FB " he wrote:
Uranus was within a one degree orb of semisquaring Neptune from May through August 2018, and the Semisquare was exact in June.
In May, a school shooting in Santa Fe killed eight kids and two teachers, Harvey Weinstein was charged with rape, Roseanne’s show got cancelled over a tweet, New York's attorney general Eric Scheidermann and Missouri Governor Eric Greitens both resigned over allegations of assault and sexual offenses, Trump put harsh steel tariffs on the EU, Mexico, and Canada, and the US withdrew from the Iran Agreement.
In June, Trump met with NK leader Kim, a shooting in Trenton New Jersey left one dead and seventeen injured, Harley Davidson moved its production overseas, the Supreme Court upheld Trump’s travel ban, Supreme Court Justice Kennedy announced his retirement, five people were killed in a mass shooting in Maryland, and hundreds of thousands of people protested against Trump in all 50 states.
In July, Trump met with Putin in Russia, and the whole nation went batsh*t crazy. Trump also visited the UK, and sparked mass protests in London. Facebook stock dropped 20%, the biggest stock drop in corporate history.
In August, wildfires in California became the largest in the state’s history, Trump re-imposed sanctions on Iran, an airplane was stolen from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, prompting F15 fighter jets to scramble and intercept, and then the plane crashed, killing the pilot. There was also a mass shooting in August during a Madden NFL tournament that resulted in several fatalities."
I can add from Israeli events, the incendiary balloons from Gaza "The prevailing wind blowing in from the Mediterranean Sea, propels the balloons inland from Gaza into Israel. As of 10 July 2018, incendiary kites and balloons started 678 fires in Israel, burning 910 hectares (2,260 acres) of woodland, 610 hectares (1,500 acres) of agricultural crops, as well as open fields."
In Russia:
"The Fourth inauguration of Vladimir Putin as the President of Russia took place on Monday, 7 May 2018, in the Hall of the Order of St. Andrew of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow. The inauguration marked the commencement of the new six-year term of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia. The presidential oath of office was administered to Putin by Chairman of the Constitutional Court Valery Zorkin. In addition, in the Presidium of the ceremony, according to tradition, was the leaders of the legislature: Chairwoman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko and Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin"
October 20, 2018 Saturday
Some thoughts for the weekend... something I published on FB.
I asked: "Who is the happiest in the world?"
I got different answers. Some thought winning the lottery, others, a new born baby. Some mocked me, calling me a Guru who knows what is happiness for others...
Here is my answer.
"To get back to my Rhetorical question I opened above... Norm is right, happiness is subjective. Everyone has his/her void to fill and if successful, it means happiness. I was happy many times in my life, for different reasons.
Now GURU GABY thinks that happiness cannot rely on an outside reason... Something that you are given and if taken away it's gone. You don't control it. It depends on others, fate, luck...
Happiness is something one achieves alone,, it is an "EUREKA" moment, In others' eyes it can be a silly thing. But for you is the whole world. I felt this when I finally understood something when I learned Gann theory, for example.. I was so happy, I could not sit in my chair... Now you, know it all, might smile.. But for me, that was THE happiest moment...
Happiness is not EXPECTING anything from anyone, but "make it on your own: is my bottom line.SOmething no one can take away from you.
THink about it!
You cannot get hurt if you don't expect.
Hurt turns into anger, disappointment, cancer. And they flood you all over and drag you down."
Shabbat Shalom !
October 19, 2018 Friday
The air is full with electricity, again look out for a volatile day! It is Mercury that sends all these aspects! The Moon is still in Aqua...
I am trading for a while now the EURO/Dollar; here are my thoughts: Today we are 25 days from the top, at 1.18. the Last low was 1.1433- staying above it, it will save the pair to break down and accomplish a head and shoulders pattern. I put intraday targets in the graph.
Gold: see the new stop!
Did I tell you the story of a relative of mine who came to Israel in 1936? He was selling eggs from door to door. He had nothing... With the years he got to be one of the richest men in the country, expertised himself in diamonds and had several offices, a whole floor in the diamond center. Years passed and he turned over his kingdom to his children, they succeeded to lose it all, and at the end of his days, I think he lived more than 80 years, he again had nothing, lived with someone who took care of him, not his children... and died penniless. This is a life tragedy... He saw it all. His wife was lucky enough to die before this crash, she did not see how their life work diminishes.
I say, if you live too long, you will see this curve, you will get back to where you started. And this is what is happening to Henry Kissinger now... He is 95 years old! He lived after his Uranus return(82-85), after after the Neptune opposition, and after Pluto opposition! Only to live through the disgrace yesterday in NY.
Henry Kissinger was born in Germany in May 27, 1923; his date adds up to 11, a master number, and indeed, he achieved something in his life... But, when destructive Mercury in Scorpio ( issues from the past) arrived to Jupiter, (fame) ; his name and reputation is destroyed. His career, H10 is ruled by Neptune and transit Neptune is there, in H9, fame, reputation, high education... sends 150* angle to natal Neptune. There are more aspects, but I think these are enough to see the disgrace. - at this age! His age point is on Saturn, at 15.59 Libra, and Directed Pluto is right on that spot!
Same happened to one of our Local figures, Dan Margalit, who reached 80, just to get now a sexual harassment issue, from 30 years ago.
I promised you volatility, and we got it! The S&P zig-zagged broke stop given in the app, and later rallied. The other indices followed.
In Europe, the first runner up was WIG20(Poland) here is the alert sent yesterday morning and the outcome:
Looking at the Gann wheel, and taking Jan 25th as the last major top, we get October 17 as cardinal change. There are many ways to use this wheel. I teach it in my Financial Astrology course.
Today the Moon is still in Aquarius. remember what I wrote when in this sign? It make a top or bottom... This time it is a bottom and alerts were sent.
What else is happening in the sky? The Sun is on the Fixed star Arcturus, one of the very fortunate and positive ones, and it is conjunct Aeternitas. Children born today will be remembered! Here is today's chart. Check out the midpoints!!! There are many slow-moving planets- from Jupiter to Pluto, that make important midpoints!!
This is a very important historical day... Let's see how it will enfold.
Yesterday Canada legalized marijuana... People were standing in line, happy. Finally they can get stoned "legally". For one who never smoked, I looked at them critically... Maybe I should try it too... to understand why, before criticizing them... In any case, I looked at Canada's chart, as per the date provided by Bill Meridian, and we see a Cancer stellium-Sun-Moon-Uranus in Cancer- a cardinal sign, squaring Neptune- ruler of drugs.- at 14* Aries. Mercury rules H9 of laws, and it got an opposition from Directed Mars- at 6* Aquarius- sign of the "people" . Directed Mercury arrived to an opposition to the stellium in Capricorn(government) and voila.. we have a change from above.
here is my friend from FB, Georg Stockhorst' comment on this chart:
That's interesting - thank you Gabriela!!. There are several rulers of drugs - i think it should helpful to distinguish:.According to my studies: Herbal medicine is Virgo and in the healing effects Sagittarius related - i think some aspects of mary jane will be here. Scorpio is the ruler over chemical drugs and also the criminal energy in the drug business and contamination. Neptune and Pisces relate to anaesthetization, dependence,addiction, consume orientation, hiding, dreaming, , endorphins, fear and insecurity but also some aspects of sensitivity and self-reflection and reconnection with the spiritual plane.
My answer: Well , we have Dir.Neptune on the NN- NN in Virgo,
2) Dir. Sun is in Sag- 150 to natal SUN
3) who is Mary jane?
4) We have Dir.Venus on Saturn in Sco
5) Dir.Jup 150 to natal Jup in Pisc.
So all fields are covered...
His answer:
The parliamentary vote for the legalization had the Moon in Virgo and in harmonious trine to Saturn in Capricorn sign of government control - explaining the reasonable aspects of the decision: defend the country against criminal drug trafficking, getting income through taxes, controlling the production, selling and buying, the decriminalization of the people who do not have criminal energy and splitting pot from other illegal drug business..Plus that the moon in Virgo seems to stand for acceptance of a medicinal plant as what it is. That does not mean all of Canada's drug problems are solved. But imagine the contrast to the negativity in the USA - where the government seeks to make the people opioid addicts.....
October 17, 2018 Wednesday
Volatility is my middle name... that is Wednesday teaching us... And wow! We saw the rally in the S&P... If you have my weekly report, you are now the happy gainer. Here are the targets given last week:
But will it last? I just sent updates... to subscribers.
So what pulled the market up? Except for the planets? It was the Healthcare group..The market got an Acamol.
I am working now on the DOW's forecast till 2100...a dowry to my grandchildren. Maybe.. If they want it...
So what's new for today? The Moon is to move on, into Aquarius. Aspects Gmt 00:00
17.10.2018 7:35:48 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
17.10.2018 9:16:47 0°49'39"Aqr Square Uranus
17.10.2018 23:43:47 7°55'42"Aqr Square Venus
18.10.2018 9:10:05 12°34'16"Aqr Square Mercury
18.10.2018 11:49:54 13°52'59"Aqr Conjunction Mars
19.10.2018 11:45:22 25°43'12"Aqr Square Jupiter
19.10.2018 12:27:20 26°04'05"Aqr Trine Sun
19.10.2018 20:20:18 0°00'00"Psc <<<
19.10.2018 21:47:15 0°43'29"Psc Sextile Uranus
US COFFEE: from time to time I send alerts for this one too... made 26% :). We are long since 9/4- with a stop at 98.
9:55 am Alerts sent for ASIA> 10:08 alerts sent for Europe/// 12:15 USA alerts sent
October 16, 2018 Tuesday
searched my blog, and I wrote on March 10, that " yesterday or the day
before it was announced that Trump will meet Kim". On that day Mercury was
conjunct Venus in Aries. The S&P was at 2739. it is at 2732 now. Mercury
will not conjunct Venus till Oct 15th. let's see what happens then. "
On October 11th Mercury conjunct Venus again, in Scorpio this time, and the index was at 2731.50
Just sayin...
Today we still don't have any planet in fire element. We have a difficult day. the 16th..Mercury is still in conjunction Venus, the Sun is at 22 degrees and the Moon conjuncts Pluto. I just learned, that Mr. Weinroth, Netanyahu family lawyer passed away... that will be a bummer for them, big time. I don't have his time of birth. may he rest in peace.
Today we have a lot of motion in the markets.
USD/YEN: Finds support:
Sign up now for the forecasts...
off to the gym.
Have a good day.
I just read an article about who is having a high IQ. The highest in the list with a 160 score was Matt Damon. I had to look at his chart to see why. And look! This is the first chart I see, that has 3 planets at 22 degrees. Usually it is a "killer"degree, as per Nikola Stoyanovits theory, but in his case, wow... the planets form a kite, he has Mars + Pluto in Virgo and Mercury, at 1 Libra, so I can say it is a stellium. HIs is a genius- with that Sun-Uranus conjunction and Mercury at Mars-Uranus MP.
October 15, 2018 MondaySign up now for the forecasts...
off to the gym.
Have a good day.
I just read an article about who is having a high IQ. The highest in the list with a 160 score was Matt Damon. I had to look at his chart to see why. And look! This is the first chart I see, that has 3 planets at 22 degrees. Usually it is a "killer"degree, as per Nikola Stoyanovits theory, but in his case, wow... the planets form a kite, he has Mars + Pluto in Virgo and Mercury, at 1 Libra, so I can say it is a stellium. HIs is a genius- with that Sun-Uranus conjunction and Mercury at Mars-Uranus MP.
La Luna crossed over, from optimistic Sag. to severe Capricorn. Here she will meet, already met Saturn. Next: gmt 00:00
15.10.2018 2:40:08 3°44'06"Cap Conjunction Saturn
15.10.2018 11:47:27 8°18'58"Cap Sextile Mercury
15.10.2018 13:05:00 8°57'46"Cap Sextile Venus
15.10.2018 23:26:09 14°07'22"Cap Sextile Neptune
16.10.2018 8:53:59 18°48'52"Cap Conjunction Pluto
16.10.2018 18:01:37 23°19'16"Cap Square Sun
16.10.2018 21:49:14 25°11'25"Cap Sextile Jupiter
17.10.2018 7:35:48 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
Positive but weak aspects to Mercury and Venus, tomorrow will be tense, under Pluto's touch. And this is interesting, since Pluto represents money and tomorrow there is a wave of Fed.announcements... so keep your stops tight.
What else? Today we are 262 days from Jan 2018 top.
And it is a CIT day for : IBEX, WIG20, Crude, ETH, BIDU,DIS,GIS,QCOM.
Angela Merkel's Venus, ruler of her MC-career- is at 4Vir59. Add 60 degrees to it, and it will show you, that at the at of 64 she will have a major event, related to her career. She is one of the few people I have their charts, who has a Cancer stellium. To them transit Pluto is in opposition! SInce Pluto moves slowly, the destructive force was on the wall for a long time. Why now? transit Jupiter trines her Sun+Uranus conjunction= culmination and fall. Transit Mercury+Venus trine her Mercury.
I don't know what this elections means in Germany. The next Federal elections are only in Oct 2021. So she might be weak now, but I don't think she is finished. What does anyone else think? Till 2021 Saturn moves on, Pluto will be in exact opposition to her Sun+Uranus and we will see a new, transformed Angela. Her Cancer stellium moves into her 10h house of career. With such a position, I think she stays...
I guess, in a society, that has no children, the elders give the tone, and they stick to the past. same in Japan... The birth rate is very low also. I think the lowest in the world.. But, reading this site, Monaco is the lowest.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I lost myself in these thoughts... LOL< let's see the markets.
Europe: IBEX:
WIG20: Alert sent on 10/8 , I gave target 2200- where is it now? a 2186, after a low at 2140. What a GAIN! Mind you, we are short here since 2282.
Crude oil:
BITCOIN!!!! Alert sent on Oct 12:
You still don't have my app?
October 14, 2018 Sunday
We are after the New Moon, and she is in SAG; sextiles the Sun. The important aspect for the next few days is Mercury-Venus conjunction in Scorpio. They are both weak in this sign.
Our markets opens with a minor negative arbitrage.
The weekly forecasts for different indices are ready. Order them now to know how to trade.
6:16 pm: true, Saudia's index - tasi- is falling, but it is falling since July!
AND!! Dont worry, be happy! cannabis shares rally.
October 12, 2018 Friday
We have a very rare and intense energetic day today! Numerologically. Astro-wise- we are under Venus' energy. We know, that Venus is retro in Scorpio, and we saw its effect on the markets. But it is not alone! Look what I just payed attention to:
This is the Nasdaq: but valid for any other index.: it made a correction on March, 2018- for 22 days, exactly when Jupiter arrived to 22 Scorpio.
It bottomed on April 4th, when Mars arrived to a conjunction to Saturn, and from then on, we got a rally of 21.8%.
This time Mars is far from Saturn, so they will not help, but on Oct 16th, Venus conjuncts Mercury, that might be a straw, a weak one, but still some help. We will see what happens next.
The DOW: is above MA250 since March 16, 2016, and it made a fabulous rise of 56%. 24874 is the support level.
I am looking up and further into the future, and I see a really, really rare stellium that is coming up: We have now Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of the MC, of the government, of regulations. It is an angular sign, and we see the world moving, politically to the radicals. Jupiter, the bigger benefactor is now in Scorpio, which is a fixed sign, but on Nov.9th will enter the sign it rules, Sag. - till Dec.2, 2019 and will bring a "fight" to Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn. From the sign of freedom, optimism, enthusiasm, dreams and hopes. It will balance Saturn and Capricorn.BUT!
Then Jupiter will "surrender" to them entering Cap. too, where it is in its fall, Jupiter will conjunct Pluto in Cap- on April 3, 2020, just as Saturn moves on, to Aquarius. There will be a Cap.stellium as of Feb.19, 2020- 4/3/2020 ( Mars, SN, Jupiter,Saturn, Pluto in Cap).
This stellium did not happen since 1519...
9:32 am: check out some new alerts, I just sent..
The ECB is using its power of regulation towards Italy today... read this Here are teh alerts I sent for the MIB - Italy- for the last 2 months. Actually, the index rallied from 15000 to 24500 since 2016 low, so now it is correcting. 18610 would be a 0.618% correction.
October 11, 2018 Thursday
On October 2nd our stop for the S&P was 2928- Where is it now? 2764.

On Sept.16th I opened the blog with this image: The picture was on the wall! On the 21st- Autumn equinox, we got a first top, then a second and third, and bummm. fall.
DOW: On Sept 21 I wrote in the app: Perfect target would be 26943. Our stop was 26775.
Alerts sent for the DAX: It fell back to Feb 2017 low! Hang Seng fell to July 2017 low; SSEA-China fell to 2014 low! South Africa to 2016 low... The others are still keeping above 2018 lows. -
In Europe: Spain is falling since May 2017; Holland will soon break Feb 2018 low. ITALY ALSO will break Apr 2017 low.
But, with all this fall, do we see a rally in GOLD? NO.
Can we run to the Bitcoin? NO! It is at dangerous point... too.
Coffee rallied by 22%- sent alerts for it too. OIL bottomed on 8/15, in 48 days it gained 20%, since 10/1 is correcting..
ORDER NOW the weekly reports!!! Be ahead of the markets!
Sirens and war in our southern towns... Hurricane in Florida. The hell is loose.
Jamal Khashoggi- the reporter who disappeared in Istanbul.... Should have been born one day later, and avoid the Sun at 19 degrees. HIs date adds up to 19, just as his Sun's degree. double bummer. Then, he has a Libra stellium, with Mercury at 24 degrees. As per N.S. degree theory, this is a Pisces degree, so if I knew his time of birth, Mercury should have been prominent, because he disappeared, vanished in the mist of Pisces... Then he has a South Node at 22 Aries, a VERY Karmic position, which is/was , on Oct 2nd, triggered by transit Jupiter at 22*. He was/is under his Solar return, another bad timing... and he is 60.
October 10, 2018 Wednesday
I must add here, about the Via Combusta, that not everything is bad in this section of the wheel! Actually we have here some extremely positive and fortunate fixed stars,already at 15 Libra: Merga,Seginus, Mufrid, Foramen and SPICA at 23* and Arcturus, at 24 Libra. Then from 3-15 Scorpio we have other fortunate even so called occult stars. So not everything is lost.. I know some people would get very anxious of what I write...
SO let's see what's new? I read Nikki Haley resigned yesterday. I just found this picture of her, look at her palm! Isn't that not ordinary? Numerologically she is a Master, no 22 rules. And we see a very strong and successful natal chart, even with out the time of birth. Sun trines Saturn at 29 degrees, pushes her to very high achievements. Moon sextiles the Sun- reached high levels in her life. mars opposition Uranus, well I don't know which houses they rule, but this is a very strong opposition brining sudden decisions, and she's a fighter. lately transit Pluto square them both, so she made up her mind for some time now. Only when transit Mercury arrived to 29 Libra and squared her Sun, the news were made public. She is in her 5th year of changes too. We will see her in some other role, don't you worry.
Hurricane Michael is soon arriving to Florida. I cannot imagine how can people live through Hurricanes every year? Mercury- WInds ~just entered Scorpio and squares Mars- with a large orb. This square will be exact only on Oct.20th! Mercury is also in opposition Uranus, adding to the gravity of the event. Surely Mercury affects us also. It rules the central nervous system,the brain, the Thyroid gland (together with Venus), the intestines, hands, legs, lungs. So in opposition to Uranus can bring some health issues related to these parts. Uranus brings a lot of electricity, and triggers sudden events.
Here is the sky today: Moon, Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus
October 9, 2018 Tuesday
What can we learn from the Sun+Moon position of this New Moon and next's? That this New Moon the luminaries, as they are called ( the Sun the big luminary , the moon the small) are at the degree of the VIA Combusta. The Via Combusta " the Burning Way" is the part in the wheel, between 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio. it is mainly used in the Horary astrology and in the Electional. It is a 30 degree space, which is called to be "burnt", and when the Sun and Moon are in this part of the signs, they are as if VOID, and nothing comes out of anything. This comes from Al Biruni, ancient astrologer, who noted, that the Sun is in fall in LIbra, and the Moon is in Fall (weak) in Scorpio. Saturn, the great malefic, is exalted in Libra and the smaller Malefic, Mars rules Scorpio.
Great article and helpful and I have seen same Blog at NIFTY Traders please tell me which one of best for Stock market??
ReplyDeleteWhich blog is best? I don't understand the question.
DeleteI don't see any fed announcements for Oct 16th as you mentioned? Or for the whole week ,maybe you are not speaking of USA?
ReplyDeleteI posted now the list of WORLD events... Pls. see in the blog. Yes, not only for the USA, but other counties matter too,
Deletelooking again i see the Fed Minutes for the USA on Oct 17th maybe this is what you meant?
ReplyDeleteI like the way of your presentation. Really wonderful. Thanks for sharing. Husband Wife Problem Solution
ReplyDeleteThank you!!
Deleteciao gabry, volevo dirti, come vedi il ftsemib italy nel breve periodo, la congiunzione mercurio giove, puo' dare un rialzo al mercato?
ReplyDeleteoppure, bisogna aspettare che giove entri in sagittario , quindi pianeta di fuoco per andare su ?grazie
First of all, I don't have the first trade date for MIB.
DeleteSecond, download my app! The last alerts given for MIB was on OCt 25th,:Move stop to 18470- target 19500- failing to go above, short again.
Google translation:
Prima di tutto, non ho la prima data di scambio per il MIB.
Secondo, scarica la mia app! Gli ultimi allarmi forniti per MIB erano il 25 ottobre: Move stop a 18470- target 19500- non riuscendo ad andare sopra, di nuovo breve.