New Moon in Scorpio, 2018~ Financial and Mundane Astrology
Between Nov.7- December 7, 2018
Thanks for following me from the former article.
To my new readers: I start a new article every new Moon, and I add to it almost daily. You will find here market analysis, world events, celebs' charts, whatever comes to my mind, to look at.
My services are: Daily alerts for 10$ per day, Natal chart reading/$300, 2018-2019 forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 540 each, with quarterly updates. The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $155/ month; or $840 /6 months. Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or click on Products. There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
You might want to click "interesting, cool" and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind.
Someone posted on FB a picture of the Central park, under heavy snow... I had to check if it is from Nov 2018, or not.. And wow!!!
November 13, 2018 Tuesday
Just looked at Obama's chart, and surprize! His progressed Venus, is on the 2017 Aug. eclipse degree... That is bad news, if his Venus rules his 7th and 12th!! Open enemies, or partners and jail is triggered.. (at least closed places)by transit Uranus... Let's see what will the news bring about him?!
Also the nodes tell us,that at the age 57.- now- trouble is coming..
November 12, 2018 Monday
Yesterday night, at 9:30, when the Moon conjunct Saturn, there was again an "operation" in GAZA, we lost a soldier, another one wounded, 7 Hamas people dead and reaction:17 rockets fired. No teaching in the schools of the area, and a lot of blabbering on TV and radio: " If I was in power, I would have done this and that"...
The Moon is still in Capricorn, next, she will meet with Pluto, what will happen then?
Here are the times for GMT+2:00 my area, sorry...
11.11.2018 17:24:40 5°51'58"Cap Conjunction Saturn
12.11.2018 9:01:24 13°44'25"Cap Sextile Neptune
12.11.2018 19:57:13 19°12'08"Cap Conjunction Pluto
12.11.2018 22:21:04 20°23'43"Cap Sextile Sun
Markets are open, let's see, what can we expect? ( bank holiday in the USA)!
The Moon conjunct PLuto brought more fights, more fire, and destruction, as expected. Hamas launched a rocket on a bus, another soldier heavily injured. Sirens all the time in the south, how can those people live with it?????
November 11,2018 Sunday : 11.11.11
I open ZET, and it welcomes me saying " Today, is the 4th Moon day-BAD DAY- not a nice greeting!! is it?? The Moon will be 45* from the Sun, separating. First conjunction will be with Saturn... no wonder a bad day. Today we also have Pluto sextiling the Sun.
As you can see from the date, we have an extremely rare date today, that adds up to 11.11.11; this happens only once in 9 years. Next time will be 11.11.2027.
Here is the chart I see: Jupiter is on the Fixed star Bungula, its effect is fortunate. It can also be cruel... hmmm.
November 8, 2018 Thursday.
Today we are under the effect of Jupiter and Mars. We saw the markets rally. I'll keep sending alerts, and reports, as usual.
Now about:
Jeff Sessions: Born on December 24, on X-mas eve, on a Tuesday, in 1946. He has a Capricorn stellium, pointing to a slow but sure rise in his life. He arrived to be attorney general, from a small town lawyer, I would say that is pretty much the description for a Capricorn. Key word: AMBITION! The chart below has Libra rising, I got it from someone whom I believe does a good rectification job, but I did not re check it. He has a Venus-Jupiter (the two benefactors) conjunct in Scorpio, so he rather "loses them" as benefactors, in this sign, but they do give him strength, and push him forward and up in the ladder. He has a Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Leo,( these will be triggered by their conjunction in transit in 2019-2020 and will send a 150* ) and a Jupiter 150*Uranus! Also a Solitary Neptune. He also has an OOB Moon, Mars and Pluto that give him special strength and power to go on and on and on, until he doesn't or won't. Or time comes up.
I wrote about him on July 25, 2017, when Trump called him weak, and I pointed out, that their charts together is in disharmony. Now we hear, that he resigned.
When is the resignation happening? When transit Saturn (TIME) arrives to his Capricorn stellium. Also, in his natal chart he has a 150* aspect between Jupiter-Uranus, and in the sky now too! And, as you can see on the chart, the position of Neptune and the NN, point to a major event in his life. How do we get this from? Well... I teach that in my course.
This Jupiter ~150* Uranus is very interesting! Let's see who else has it? California, Jackie weaver, Kate Fitzpatrick, Meryl Streep, Alberto Nisman, Mike Pompeo/// let me run TS, to see the years this aspect was active.
In my former article, I wrote, who will suffer from the last visit of Uranus in Aries. Then, I did not know, neither had Jim Acosta's chart... Now, he was banned from the White House, until further notice, so I know who he is. Interestingly, transit Uranus returned to conjunct his SUN.- and out he is. In 2017 he divorced,(" on July 6, 2017, started divorce proceedings) after 24 years of marriage, then too tr.Uranus was conjunct his SUN, at 28*, direct! Now, that it is retro, this happens! Life for him is a chaos now... I would not be surprised to read more news about him... as coming out gay. In any case, what we can see in his chart, is how Uranus in retro give a blow to a person.
I calculated the days, months and years that transit Uranus triggers now, returning to 26.50 Aries, but the list is so long, that I cannot post it here. If you would like to know if you are affected, send me an e-mail with your date of birth and I'll tell you, if you need to take extra care.
Here is a graph of when were Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune in their own signs?
CYRN: Last alert sent on 5/11: CYRN: Wrote on 4/12: to rally till early May, targeting 3-3.15; Topped at 3.05. Stop is now at 2.7- below that… forget about it." 2.70 was the last low. Since then it rallied to 3.70, now at 3.2 2.70 stop stays.
JPM: Last alert sent was on 8/22: Stop was 116.0 and short below. Now it is at 111.44. Move stop to 110.30-
Salt: Move stop to 5.90
TEVA: stop was 23.7, fell to 19.4! Move stop to 23.1
Today we have a VOC Moon, and just after it enters SAG! We have the FED.Funds rate announcement! SO watch your trades!
There is a LOT going on in this upcoming New Moon, till the end of this year!
The Sun moves, of course 30 degrees, OUT from the Via Combusta, "the Burning Way", that definitely burnt some!!!, and it is moving on to the sign of happy Sagittarius.
The Moon brought the final stroke on Jeff Sessions, just before moving out of the Via Combusta, more about him below...
The Moon will be Void gmt:00:00
8.11.2018 10:42 - 8.11.2018 18:59
11.11.2018 3:35 - 11.11.2018 3:55
13.11.2018 15:13 - 13.11.2018 15:45
16.11.2018 3:58 - 16.11.2018 4:41
18.11.2018 8:04 - 18.11.2018 15:56
20.11.2018 22:46 - 20.11.2018 23:43
22.11.2018 9:59 - 23.11.2018 4:10
25.11.2018 5:31 - 25.11.2018 6:38
27.11.2018 7:22 - 27.11.2018 8:35
29.11.2018 9:46 - 29.11.2018 11:08
Mercury is at 8 Sag.- during the month it will turn
Retro at 13 SAG; and move back to 27 Scorpio,
The Moon will be Void gmt:00:00
8.11.2018 10:42 - 8.11.2018 18:59
11.11.2018 3:35 - 11.11.2018 3:55
13.11.2018 15:13 - 13.11.2018 15:45
16.11.2018 3:58 - 16.11.2018 4:41
18.11.2018 8:04 - 18.11.2018 15:56
20.11.2018 22:46 - 20.11.2018 23:43
22.11.2018 9:59 - 23.11.2018 4:10
25.11.2018 5:31 - 25.11.2018 6:38
27.11.2018 7:22 - 27.11.2018 8:35
29.11.2018 9:46 - 29.11.2018 11:08
Mercury is at 8 Sag.- during the month it will turn
Retro at 13 SAG; and move back to 27 Scorpio,
here is the whole picture, better than words:
and will still be in Via Combusta till X-MAS!! Wow! But with it leaving this area, some calmness should knock on the door.
MARS: moves from Aquarius to Pisces on Nov 16th- January 1, 2019. From air where it is strong, to water.
Jupiter moves out of Scorpio and enters its kingdom, Sagittarius! Does that each 12 years... we will see what are its good and bad sides.. we cannot see the shadow without the light. Right? I heard a good riddle; What is it? Everybody has it, and no one can get rid of it?
Saturn: is and stays in Capricorn, it is in its own kingdom, as well!
Uranus moves back to 28Aries58.
Neptune: stays in Pisces, in direct motion, this one too is in its own sign! Very very powerful positions!!! and controversial!!
Pluto, last but not least, moves 0.46 minutes, the whole lunar month.
The Nodes, as I already wrote in the last article moved to the Cancer/Capricorn axis
The asteroids also move, of course, the most important is Vesta- being conjunct Pluto.
Chiron: is Retro- in Pisces.
And the next new Moon will be on 15Sag, with the Ascendant at 25 Capricorn.
So this is the "material" we have to work with, and mind our steps.
I say this, because this is the first level... but below this, there are many more. Not going to bore you.
Here is the table of the monthly aspects. I see many people download everything I upload. I hope it serves you well.
Here are links to former " Scorpio New Moon" articles: 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010; you will find tons of information in those articles...!!! Enjoy.
Here are links to former " Scorpio New Moon" articles: 2017; 2016; 2015; 2014; 2013; 2012; 2011; 2010; you will find tons of information in those articles...!!! Enjoy.
December 7, 2018 Friday
We end the week with Mercury coming out of the retro, and watching the markets having been stopped in their fall. The question now is, how high will they correct?
It is again a new Moon, so I shall start a new article, and continue our journey in the quest.
Follow me to the New Moon in SAGITTARIUS2018.
December 6, 2018 Thursday
With Venus entering Scorpio, where it joins Mercury, we are having huge storms since last night. It's good to have a roof above my head ! Mars and Neptune in Pisces, all back water to fall. With it, markets are negative, breaking former lows. Asia, I see is all red. Some fell with a gap down, but only a few broke Nov 26-28 lows..
All the markets are red! So time for great shorts...
See what I wrote about Moshe Edri? on Nov 30th? Yesterday, under a stationary Mercury, trining his Venus, he withdrew his candidacy to be named head of the Police. And that's the end of it.
December 5, 2018 Wednesday
Yesterday we got a mirror to Nov.28th rally. And, looking at the S&P, a higher low. So, the question now is, will it break former low, or it will trick out all the bears again, and send them back to the bushes?
I do hope the alerts sent yesterday were useful!
December 4, 2018 Tuesday
Why should we have a quiet week, when Mars conjuncts Neptune? A new military event has started around 5 am today, this time in the north, against Hezbollah , to destroy tunnels discovered lately. The event already has a name: Operation North Shield. Probably it was prepared for a long time. There is one good thing in this timing. We are before the New Moon. And it should end by the time the Moon conjuncts the Sun. The bummer is, that Mercury is in retro, and this shows, that there will be a twist in the plans.
Today we are under the double effect of Mars! A day for wars, accidents, injuries, weapons, fights. Mars is conjunct Neptune,- an event kept secret for a long time, probably since Venus turned Direct. Venus, in the map above rules the 7th house of "known enemies". The SUn is on the Fixed star RASTABAN- You should have Diana Rosenberg' s book "Secrets of the Ancient skies" to read about this fixed star! it is the Dragon's eye. See page 323-339. volume II.;
Today a big strike was supposed to happen, Women strike because of all the killings and misbehaviour towards us. Now, they are "old news" the TV speaks only about this military event.
Breaking News... Macron broke, and accepted the terms of the people. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe plans to announce a suspension of planned increases on fuel taxes to end the "Yellow Vests" protests
Breaking News... Macron broke, and accepted the terms of the people. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe plans to announce a suspension of planned increases on fuel taxes to end the "Yellow Vests" protests
December 3, 2018 Monday
The French Revolution started on May 5, 1789- as per Wikipedia, but the date that we remember from history lessons is the attack on the Bastille on July 14, 1789. In either chart we can see, that SATURN was 150* to Neptune. Neptune stands for dreams and illusions, also as ruler of the 12th house, something hidden that bursts out, and Saturn, as always, is the ruler of the government, at that time Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
Today Saturn is again aspecting Neptune, this time they are in a sextile and we hear about the "Yellow vest" uprising, that set Paris on fire, and it is crossing already borders to Holland and Belgium.
LOUIS XVI: Born on August 23, 1754. It is an interesting chart. Hour from Has his Sun at 29 Leo56. Conjunct Jupiter! no doubt this shows royalty. Only, that when Directed Sun, Mercury( body) and Jupiter(soul) met, at the age of 38.42, he was guillotined, under the Moon conjunct the Pleiades (the weeping sisters).And surely Mars must be present at such a death... Directed Mars at 29 Libra, and transit Mars at 28 Aquarius(sign of the people).
It is interesting to see, that Emmanuel Macron was born on Dec. 21, 1977 with a Sun+Mercury conjunction in SAG.- at 29 degrees. The last degree always points to some extremes. Crossing one's borders. I am not suggesting he will be sent to the guillotine, but his fame has sank deeper than any other former french president. Transit Mars is at 10 Pisces, conjunct Neptune, and it is 150* to natal Mars. Are we seeing here a deja vu? Will he resign? As I read he is in a lose=lose situation. I read, that he was threatened. Using a special kind of future analysis, Between Dec 1-5 he is in a "Gemini period" His Mercury is in the 12th house, perfectly fits a life threat. Between Dec 14-18 he will be under Virgo period, again ruled by Mercury, but during this time, it rules his 8th house of death. Very dangerous period indeed!
The CAC: RALLIED from June 23-2016 to May 18, 2018 by 43%- in 693 days. Since May it is falling by more than a third. Last bottom was 4900- today- as I wrote yesterday! It will open with a gap -up- it did- and now it trades at 5075. Nice, but only above 5172 will be out of the correction phase and maybe rally. To know what is coming, you are welcome to sign up to the weekly report, or to the yearly 2019 report..
Last year I took a mundane astrology course, where
I learned a special kind of forecasting. It is called the Zodiacal Release.
Here is a time table for Benjamin Netanyahu You probably hear on the news, that the 4th investigation has been presented by the police. Here is how we see it in this forecasting.
will he lose his fame as Macron?
December 2, 2018 Sunday
December is here, and the Sun is shining over here. I wonder what will shoe shop owners do with all those boots they have in their shops. Friday I walked in the center, which is 5 meters from me, and what can I say?? The shops are empty. no customers. Friday is supposed to be a busy day... How can they survive? Are we in for a dry winter? Besides Mars and Neptune in Pisces, no planets in water.
Maybe Venus will come to their rescue, when it moves to Scorpio?!
Our market is about to open. We have a minor negative arbitrage.
We opened with a gap-up! Mercury 150* Uranus..! It will still be there tomorrow! So watch it.
We opened with a gap-up! Mercury 150* Uranus..! It will still be there tomorrow! So watch it.
A lot of things will happen in the next week or so, that we will not know the truth about it.Mars ( killing) is approaching Neptune (illusions, dis information), with Mercury in Scorpio and Venus too. One of the events now, I read about is the mysterious suicide of Scott Andrew Stearney, born Oct 21, 1960- "found dead" in Bahrain on Dec. 1..2018. Born with a Moon-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio, -the Solar chart shows his work- in Pisces, so he did make it to be the commander of the 5th Fleet in Bahrain! But that Scorpio Moon would not let him commit suicide. IMHO.
Here is his natal - solar chart with Directions and transits... what do you think? We do see a sudden event at the age of 58- as he is now, by transit Uranus in opposition his Sun. and tr. Mars+Neptune conjunct his South Node. .. I wonder what happened in May 2-12, 2018,that was a trigger now??
A lot of things will happen in the next week or so, that we will not know the truth about it.Mars ( killing) is approaching Neptune (illusions, dis information), with Mercury in Scorpio and Venus too. One of the events now, I read about is the mysterious suicide of Scott Andrew Stearney, born Oct 21, 1960- "found dead" in Bahrain on Dec. 1..2018. Born with a Moon-Neptune conjunction in Scorpio, -the Solar chart shows his work- in Pisces, so he did make it to be the commander of the 5th Fleet in Bahrain! But that Scorpio Moon would not let him commit suicide. IMHO.
Here is his natal - solar chart with Directions and transits... what do you think? We do see a sudden event at the age of 58- as he is now, by transit Uranus in opposition his Sun. and tr. Mars+Neptune conjunct his South Node. .. I wonder what happened in May 2-12, 2018,that was a trigger now??
December 1, 2018 Saturday
So many mails to read, and news to follow.. It is already noon and I am nowhere with the reports.. Before I sink in, we wave good bye to November. It definitely, delivered! We got a new rally in most of the US markets, some in Europe and in Asia as well. No strong rally in the Gold, and the cryptos continued to crash.
The month ended with a 7* Richter earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska, and with the death of G.W.Bush- at 94.47 age, may he rest in peace.
Now we enter the last month of the year. X-mas rally is supposed to knock on the door... Will it?
Here are the monthly aspects:
Important days to watch:
1.12.2018 13:11:56 > Sco Mercury
2.12.2018 19:01:38 > Sco Venus
6.12.2018 23:21:32 D Mercury 27°16'14"Sco
9.12.2018 9:52:44 D Chiron 27°53'53"Psc
20.12.2018 5:32:35 max S Sun
22.12.2018 0:22:42 > Cap Sun
1.01.2019 4:19:52 > Ari Mars
1.12.2018 14:34 - 1.12.2018 14:49
3.12.2018 18:16 - 3.12.2018 19:55
5.12.2018 21:53 - 6.12.2018 2:49
8.12.2018 10:00 - 8.12.2018 12:01
10.12.2018 21:27 - 10.12.2018 23:39
13.12.2018 10:20 - 13.12.2018 12:40
15.12.2018 11:49 - 16.12.2018 0:44
18.12.2018 7:21 - 18.12.2018 9:37
20.12.2018 0:42 - 20.12.2018 14:34
22.12.2018 14:21 - 22.12.2018 16:28
24.12.2018 14:50 - 24.12.2018 16:58
26.12.2018 15:37 - 26.12.2018 17:50
28.12.2018 16:27 - 28.12.2018 20:23
30.12.2018 22:53 - 31.12.2018 1:23
I'll post December calendar as soon as it is ready. gmt.
Here is a real cool link. Click on any point in the globe to listen to the local radio.
Here is a real cool link. Click on any point in the globe to listen to the local radio.
November 30, 2018 Friday
We had quite a drama yesterday here. The head of the police ended his term, and the new one, Moshe Edri, who was chosen from 5-6 police officers, was supposed to take his place. Only that, the planets had another destiny for him. In lack of time of birth, I put Neptune on his ascendant, since his data adds up to 7. ( and it turned out that he had a lot of secrets). But, with the outcome, Venus is dominant in his chart.
Born on Oct 10, 1967, Venus at 4 Virgo. He was nominated on Nov 2nd, when transit Venus was at 28 Libra, and REJECTED yesterday night, when Venus, after turning Direct re arrived to 28 Libra. So either Taurus or Libra must be his MC.
The 4th wheel is for Dec.6, when Mercury turns Direct. Expecting more news! Remember, I wrote, that Venus will be in Via Combusta till X-mas? In his case, Venus "burnt" his career.
Meanwhile, in the world, the G20 is meeting in Argentina. Socializing..
The Dollar is consolidating between 96-97.50
Gold: fell below stop!
The cryptos aren't going anywhere... As I said: they are a dowry for your grandchildren...Meanwhile, we can forget about them.
The markets topped yesterday, and the rally was calmed down, so to say, when the Moon enters Virgo.
The next celestial event is Mercury returning to Scorpio till Dec.13th.
The Dollar is consolidating between 96-97.50
Gold: fell below stop!
The cryptos aren't going anywhere... As I said: they are a dowry for your grandchildren...Meanwhile, we can forget about them.
The markets topped yesterday, and the rally was calmed down, so to say, when the Moon enters Virgo.
The next celestial event is Mercury returning to Scorpio till Dec.13th.
November 29,2018 Thursday
That Leo Moon did all the job! We got a huge rally in the US markets, which will push other markets up as well. The EUR/$ also rallied. Sent alert just a few minutes earlier.
When I sit down to the computer, I first send updates to subscribers and send alerts..Then I read the news, then I answer mails, and next I start to write here..
IN EUROPE: IBEX, WIG20, TR20 are close to former tops, let's see if they make it, as long as the Moon is in Leo.
In ASIA: NIFTY, JKSE, and STI are the best performing... all reached targets given in the app.
Gold: Last alert was sent on 11/22- Stop was 1229- to go short. We gained all the way down to 1218/ yesterday, with all that enthusiasm, it also rallied, and now it trades above the stop.
When everything rallies, all the rules brake.. LOL... so you really have to be glued to the computer, and try NOT to be in too many shares at once.
So what's happening today?
The Moon will touch Regulus, on her was out of Leo, and enter Virgo- earth sign, enthusiasm is over. Any Fed announcements today? Speeches?? check it out! Mainly around the time when the Moon moves.
Mr.Draghi's speech got cancelled, I see... And watch the FTSE! now- 11:30 = 7060 is stop!
I sent alerts for the US markets- check the app!
Oh! I see more mortgages/// Interest rates will go up, people will not be able to repay, and thousands will be on the streets! THIS IS NO time to get a loan, or mortgage! This is your coffin now..
In ASIA: NIFTY, JKSE, and STI are the best performing... all reached targets given in the app.
Gold: Last alert was sent on 11/22- Stop was 1229- to go short. We gained all the way down to 1218/ yesterday, with all that enthusiasm, it also rallied, and now it trades above the stop.
When everything rallies, all the rules brake.. LOL... so you really have to be glued to the computer, and try NOT to be in too many shares at once.
So what's happening today?
The Moon will touch Regulus, on her was out of Leo, and enter Virgo- earth sign, enthusiasm is over. Any Fed announcements today? Speeches?? check it out! Mainly around the time when the Moon moves.
Mr.Draghi's speech got cancelled, I see... And watch the FTSE! now- 11:30 = 7060 is stop!
I sent alerts for the US markets- check the app!
Oh! I see more mortgages/// Interest rates will go up, people will not be able to repay, and thousands will be on the streets! THIS IS NO time to get a loan, or mortgage! This is your coffin now..
November 28, 2018 Wednesday
We have a double volatile day today, under Mercury's pressure. We have several Fed. announcements as well, and Crude oil inventories. Those who have my app, are smiling now, with all that gain in shorts since 72$. My last alert, sent on the 26th, was to move stop to $50- so now we are gaining on the upside.
let's see what's new in the sky?
We still have the Sun-Merc. Jup. conjunctions, but, the Sun is departing from the stellium, and approaches a square to Mars. The Moon is still in Leo, approaching the Sun, we are before the New Moon. We still have the Grand Square between Venus-Nodes and Uranus, and finally, Mars sextiles, 60* Saturn.
The US markets are rallying, well, correcting the fall. It is not yet a rally, it is a "amnesty" for those who lost money in the last falls.
I just sent updates to subscribers to the weekly reports.
There are many shares that pay dividends here is a link you can check them. How much they pay? is it worth while entering and waiting for a pay?
For example: on Nov 30th GNE, SIRI, SBUX pays. SBUX will pay 1.44$. Now it trades at 66.08, they announced the pay on 11/14, then the share was at 68.16, and fell to 65.70- =2.46$ more than the Dividend..this almost always happens.. so I think, when you know when is the announcement day, take it as a top, and sell if you are a day trader, if not, then it doesn't' matter.
The EUR/$: is zig-zagging between 1.1300- 1.12785. Breaking one end, we shall join.
The Gold: brought nice gain, being short, now it trades at 1219$
In Asia: the Hang Seng crossed above Nov 2nd top- that is now stop, targeting 27630.
The Nikkei is also positive.. see alerts
Taiwan is the worst performing, lost 12% since Oct 1.
In Europe: looking at the best performance in the last month it is Poland, the first runner up
The DAX: the leading index looks really weak!
Sign up now for the weekly forecast, or the yearly, to see where is it heading?!!
There is a big mystery around the death of a 42 year old woman, happily married and with 3 sons, who worked for Lev Leviev. "King of the Diamonds", who fled to Russia and now he is wanted on a huge theft, involving diamonds, money ,etc.. But our story is about a woman who worked as an accountant. The police interrogated her, as all the other employees. Only that she, after the interrogation, was on her way home, got a call, returned to the building she was working in, on the 9th floor. She took the elevator to the 10th floor, and jumped- the police says- from the WC, 40 cm small window, down. 10 floors...This is the window the police says she jumped from... S e r i o u s l y ??
This happened around 3-3:20 pm on the 20th on November. It took some time till I found her date of birth, and from looking at her solar chart and numerology, I am sure she was murdered by someone from her work. It will be very difficult to prove it, since she was already buried, and the police insist that the committed suicide. But that is impossible.
This happened around 3-3:20 pm on the 20th on November. It took some time till I found her date of birth, and from looking at her solar chart and numerology, I am sure she was murdered by someone from her work. It will be very difficult to prove it, since she was already buried, and the police insist that the committed suicide. But that is impossible.
Look at the chart:
Although it is a solar chart, we see, that she had Sun-Venus conjunct in Cancer. Showing, that family was everything to her.( She was happily married with 3 boys, the oldest 17.y.o.)
Her Moon in Virgo and Mars at 27 Leo, on Regulus. Ruler of her 4th house is Mercury, and her name adds up to 5, Mercury. Her name also points to a critical age at 42, when she is now, when she died. Pluto in Libra, H4, and her 6th house of work is ruled by Jupiter, at the killer 22 degree. Her 7th house of partners, known enemies is in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, which is at 3 Leo.
Now- look at the second wheel- it is the directed chart- for her age now. Dir. Sun arrived to 22*, squares her Jupiter-ruler of her work- point to a drama happening at her work. so far, not dangerous,for her, till we see Dir Mars conjunction Pluto! That is a killer position. Ruthless. And it all happened suddenly, because as the 3rd wheel shows, the Moon (she, her body) was conjunct Uranus, in Aries. Neptune rules her 10th House of career, and this is in opposition Saturn ( her husband). so he is in a total darkness, the police doesn't tell him anything, but keep saying that she committed suicide.
Who is the killer? Well, if I look at the rulers of the 4,8,12 houses, I can see the death. It is Mercury and Saturn. Maybe Uranus too. transit Saturn is 150 to natal Saturn, in Capricorn, and Dir. Mercury sends multiple aspects to her natal Moon, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto.
Will we know who and why?
I doubt. Her Mercury is at 25 degrees, Gemini- adds up to 7- Neptune. Mystery.
May she rest in peace.
November 27, 2018 Tuesday
Today we have a rare position in the sky. The Sun, and Mercury conjunct Jupiter. Now to be the three of them in Sag, happens every 12 years only. Previously, the Sun and Merc. conjunction, only, occurred on Sept.20th.( S&P topped). Check out where was your index/share then, and what happened on the same week?
Besides this conjunction here are all the daily aspects:
Yes, a lot... because I added the Moon. She is not relevant, only for day trades. But, today she moves from Cancer to Leo, and in this sign she brings changes... so watch it, in the next hour, 10:30 am ~my time~ what's happening, and go with the trend.
The US markets rallied yesterday, subscribers knew this in advance, since last week...
What else is happening? We have a Grand Square in the sky
Now we have a Saturn in CAP.- that blocks rallies. So I would check shares that have their Sun, Merc, Ven, Mars in Cancer- in opposition to this Saturn. The most important from a lost of more than 1300 shares, GS Goldman Sachs pops out.
GS lost 20% in 15 days! under this opposition.
On the other hand, we could make a research, which shares have their personal planets in the first decanate of SAG, and will be pushed up by Jupiter?
Watch JNJ: it might turn up! Stop 138- long above it.
GS lost 20% in 15 days! under this opposition.
GS inauguration chart.
Another share, that has a Saturn opposition is BAC:
Stop is at 27.50, ABOVE IT, MIGHT TRY TO CORRECT..
On the other hand, we could make a research, which shares have their personal planets in the first decanate of SAG, and will be pushed up by Jupiter?
Watch JNJ: it might turn up! Stop 138- long above it.
November 26, 2018 Monday
Pls. pay attention to the rollovers!:
I just sent alerts for them, also, earlier this morning for the currencies.
I just read this article, and I am outraged... I know, that HARD times are coming in 2019, due to a n extremely severe CAPRICORN stellium, but read this... and you will understand what will this bring.. And it is just the beginning!! Don't think this will stay within the borders of CHINA!
Jupiter will square Neptune, = freedom is a waning memory.
Today is a CIT day for :
1. STI, Euro, CYRN Yansab,, Local shares Poalim, Leumi Verifon Migdal. Mizrachi tfachot, Clal). JPM, RACE, SALT, TEVA, AT&T,EXT/ PEG, BAC, MS etc.
Yona Metzger, Sara Netanyahu, Emanuel Rozen, Castro, Snowden, Hillary, Barak Obama, Macron, Hollande, Kim Jong Un, XI,
So I was working on this Sun-Jupiter conjunction, when both are in Sag.
I searched for people who have this conjunction. For personal charts we can use 5-8 degrees orb to the SUN. For trade 0.5- 1^. The charts I found was of SAUDIA, they have their SUN and Jupiter in CAP. I wonder what will happen with the Royal family, and the people, when the Cap. Stellium, on JAN.13, 2019 will conjunct their SUN(King) and Jupiter, law, freedom, ideals.
The other person I found is our ex Prime minister, Mr.Ehud Olmert, who, shamefully did jail time. So this pair wasn't much help. He has them in Libra.
The next is Sara Netanyahu and she is under police investigation... let's see if they have more tricks to save her.. so far so good.. Not that it's good.. but that's the situation.
I ran a search with 5* orb, and now I can add: Woody Allen, has a Sun-Jup.conj. in SAG.;the 1990 crash happened under such a conjunction (top and fall); Putin assumed power on May 7, 2012, when these two were in Taurus... hmmm... let's see what will Uranus in Taurus bring?
A SUN-JUPITER conjunction and in SAG! IS AN EXTREMELY lucky position to be born with. But as I see it... It is as if you are born on the highest position of a mountain. The only way is down from there. These people believe that nothing can touch them, and they are above the law, they ARE the law. And when luck ends, it always ends... they are the most surprised. They don't have an escape formula..
November 25, 2018 Sunday
We arrived to the most critical week of the year. if you don't have the weekly report now, I don't know when will it be more necessary... it's now or never !!
We are at the last week of November, soon I'll check how did indices do during December in general. The bummer is, that for many decades we didn't have such a planetary position like now! And there is not much we can compare it to!
Here is the sky's image now: it is not only the grouping of planets in the same elements, or the Moon triggering all of them with a trine to Mars and Neptune, an opposition to Saturn, Pluto and the SN, and a 150^ to the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury, it is not only Mercury going retro, it is Venus's opposition to Uranus! and both are triggered by Vesta (26.57 CAP-it is not featured in this chart) at the MP.
Find me another time that this happened , together at once!
Market opens in 15 min, and then I go to my pilates lesson, but when I'm back I'll post some more..
November 24,2018 Saturday.
Aspects now are crystallizing. Venus in opposition Uranus, and it will be there till Dec.5th!
This means, depending what house Venus rules, unexpected events till the first week of December.
So, since Venus rules Banks and FOREX, they should not fall below former lows. Make sure you have a sell order below them! It will be a crucial 2 weeks now.
Since banks hold the whole market. If they fall,market falls. But Under a SAG. SUN?? Jupiter In SAG? well, that has to be researched, and that is what I am doing now.. so see you later.
Nice and warm outside.. Sky is blue. how is it at your place?
The cryptos as they look today...
The cryptos as they look today...
The only one that didn't break last low is the Ripple..
Here is a good saying from Ray Merriman:"
Lose your ego, but hold on to your mind
November 23, 2019 Friday
The most important move of the month is just happening! The Sun entered SAGITTARIUS, sign of optimism, positivity, and all the superlatives you can imagine.
Now we have a stellium in FIRE-SAG, backed by revolutionary, unexpected Uranus, and a stellium in Earth-Capricorn- balancing this fire. For the markets it means a consolidation. Earth put out the fire. To that we can add Mars (weak) and Neptune strong in water Pisces, and the Moon, which will zig-zag you out of stops all the day.
So, trade wise, I think is time for time out. Enjoy your turkey and family..
Just to balance all that sweetness that is pouring out of all over about this position, here the story of a young man, called John Allen Chau, born December 18, 1991 in Vancouver WA. I don't have his time of birth. He was 173 cm tall, so not very tall, therefore I made his chart like this:
He was a Christianity preacher, a missionary, something that he believed in deeply. Jupiter (faith, religion) in Virgo(Earth, dogmatic) in his 9th house. So there he went to the North Sentinel Islands, no man's land... to preach Christianity... Fishermen told him, not to go, there are tribes living there who are not interested to be disturbed, and they don't ask questions... But, having a SAG . stellium, that made him ARROGANT-ha!! THAT IS THE WORST thing with SAG!. They believe" this can not happen to me, and also believe in what they preach, they even make up their own religion or faith and will persuade you till one side drops dead. Well, in his case, how interesting!! He was ARCHED DOWN as soon as he stepped on the shores of the island. Sagittarius , the bestial archer, just didn't want to listen.
the chart I made has his H4 and H8 ruled by Neptune and the Moon, and transit Neptune(religion) is just at their midpoint. Also Mars, at 3 degrees, (a Gemini degree) and his date adds up to 5- so he is a Gemini, and if you read about him he travelled all over the world to preach... So Mars in Pisces, the killer for religion acted, not to mention transit Moon conjunct tr. Uranus, a sudden event.
He now joins the 28 CLUB; people who died during Saturn return.
Pity... a nice young man.
May he rest in peace.
Today is a CIT day for:
Ibex, , WIG20( Poland); Ethereum, MIB, Crude oil, BIDU, ESLT, DE, DIS,GIS, QCOM
Anna Bligh, Netanyahu, Hassan Rouhani, Jimmy Carter, Jaroslav Kaczynski, Khaled Mishaal, Pippa Middleton, Stalin, Al Thani ( Qatar), Rex Tillerson. Fernando Haddad (Brazil);
I decided to upgrade my computer, which will work 5 times as fast.. Now each share that I analyze take minimum 5 hours.. And guess what? My daughter offered to pay for it..
Isn't Jupiter making miracles?
Isn't Jupiter making miracles?
November 22,2018 Thursday
I always advise clients to END things till the Full Moon. And today my computer- misery ended... An old acquaintance of the family, a technician arrived, at 8 o'clock, and fixed it... Now I open the soft wares, listening to Beethoven, Moonlight Sonata, and I see it is Full Moon.
Today we have a Karmic day- the no. 22. We are under the effect of Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn is at 6 Cap.24, and Jupiter is at 3 Sag. - sextiles my Sun...brought me happiness. You can't imagine how I felt the whole week! Angry and impotent... It is terrible when you are in the hands of someone else! I waited 5-6 hours for the guy to turn up and fix it, and he didn't come... Good that this other one came today. Why I didn't contacted him at the first place, in an enigma.
So.... from what I could see yesterday, from my mobile, the market in the US gave a glitter of hope, and tried to correct upwards.
Do you know this site?? Planetwatcher... It is good because it shows upcoming events.
Today we have a Karmic day- the no. 22. We are under the effect of Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn is at 6 Cap.24, and Jupiter is at 3 Sag. - sextiles my Sun...brought me happiness. You can't imagine how I felt the whole week! Angry and impotent... It is terrible when you are in the hands of someone else! I waited 5-6 hours for the guy to turn up and fix it, and he didn't come... Good that this other one came today. Why I didn't contacted him at the first place, in an enigma.
So.... from what I could see yesterday, from my mobile, the market in the US gave a glitter of hope, and tried to correct upwards.
Now our trade is easy. Whatever you trade, should go above former top and should stay above former low..
it is A CIT day for FTSE. Let's see what's happening there?
DO YOU HAVE THE APP?? I send there alerts for all indices!
A client asked me to check GILD... I find that it was "born " on 22/1/1992, today is a 22... Isn't that a nice coincidence?
What would you advise him?
Markets are open till 1 pm only.. Have a wonderful evening! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Do you know this site?? Planetwatcher... It is good because it shows upcoming events.
Bad news for Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Nisan today.... Todd, have you seen my answer below to your question? Pity we don't have his time of birth...
Bad news for Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Nisan today.... Todd, have you seen my answer below to your question? Pity we don't have his time of birth...
November 21, 2018 Wednesday
My computer decided to drive me crazy... Now I am getting blue screens all the time, and my days pass with waiting again and again for the technician... I decided not to get angry any more... Maybe I am sitting here too much, and this is a signal I should get out, and look around.. There is a whole world out there.. I have so many questions to answer, so pls. wait..
The sky is busy... Markets are correcting. Yesterday I sent 44 alerts for many shares... I hope you used them..
Interesting, that since I have this computer problem, the Sun has been around my Ascendant... Now at 28 Scorpio, soon to move to SAG. See the Moon? crossed over to Taurus, here she is strong, and sends many aspects to different planets. and we still have the Grand Square in the sky.
Today is a CIT day for DAX, AEX, GOLD, LTC, BTC,SOYA, GPRO,JNJ,NNDM, GM, MCD,etc.
TA35: opens with a negative arbitrage. Closed at 1610, the support is 1609, below that, will revisit 1555 -ish levels.
The balloon of the cryptos blew up.. BTC is closer to 4000 than to 5000... There are some, on FB, who see this as a buying opportunity. I myself was thinking, but no.. not under a Mercury retro.and that Grand Cross! I told you, forex and Banks under a bad Venus will be affected... no bank crashed yet? We will wait and see.
November 20, 2018 Tuesday
Today we are under the effect of Mars and Venus. Venus squares Vesta, it is at the Nodes MP, at 25Libra32.
Mars is separating from a square to the Sun,is still squares Jupiter. So let's make some order: we have Mars, Jupiter, saturn at early degrees in signs, Mercury-Neptune at 12-13, and all the others are at the end of signs... These positions allow huge gaps in the trade, therefore tight stops must be used.
I posted yesterday all the indices.. maybe today' I'll look at some shares. Still waiting for the technician, I see 1000 cubes in a screen, instead of a picture. So, it is hard to work like this..
What else what else??? Venus is coming to an opposition Uranus, and both square the Nodes...This is called "the grand cross"/ Now that is a nasty one...depending where it falls in YOUR charts. For trade this means a flip-flop for the banks and forex. So watch it!. I can't say enough "watch it" in the last days...
ta35: opens with a 0.22-% negative arbitrage. Yesterday the close was 1435- exactly our stop... So below it we are short. You have to sign up to the weekly forecasts, to be ready for things like this!!
AORD: must stay above 5785, otherwise will slide down another 100 points, and more even..
NOV 22: is a major turn for all markets, so let's hang in there... the Sun moves to Sag. for SOME indices it'll be good, for others not. we can see that only with a long research with big historical data. Nowadays we have such planetary positions, that were not there for ages! So sometimes it is difficult to see what they mean... Like Jupiter, saturn and Neptune in their own signs! Did I post that image?? I ran it I know..
A!! and another thing, look at the calendar I posted below, the Moon will be on 23 Aries.Check out the time it happens.. Put your stops.. "Rien va plus."
NVDA: WHAT HAPPENED?? that is fell by 51% since Oct 2???
"Born" on Jan 22,1999 on a Friday(Venus).date adds up to 6(Venus)In the chart Venus is at 22-the killer degree- conjunct the South Node- GOT SQUARED !!! by transit Jupiter at 22!!!Scorpio, on Oct 2nd. and voila..
take my Financial Astrology course, to learn how to look at shares :)
November 19, 2018 Monday
Today we are under the Moon's and Mercury's effect. The Moon is on a destructive degree right now, at 13 Aries, but moves on quickly. She also squares Saturn. On Nov. 5th before. Mercury is retro, weak, and in Sag, is weak, so very weak :) AND it squares Neptune. By the time trade opens in the USA, the Moon moves on, but Mars will be exactly 90^ to Jupiter.
So, now, I'll work on the alerts...
My screen card was changed, but it is not good. I'll have to summon the technician again!
8:50 am alerts for ASIA and the FAR EAST sent!! Check your apps.
8:50 am alerts for ASIA and the FAR EAST sent!! Check your apps.
EUROPE alerts sent as well. - you must close and reopen the app in order to see new updates.
On Nov.14th I wrote that the government will fall... right? today, in another 4 minutes , I am waiting for an announcement from Naftali Bennett- education minister, and Ayelet Shaked, justice minister to resign as well. If this happens, and it will, we are in front of new elections.
10:40: alerts for commodities sent!
They DID NOT resign... there is a twist in the story! That Mercury-Neptune square brings a smoke-disinformation situation...Anything that happens now has a hidden purpose. It is not possible, that one of the main newspapers print X at 5 am, and at 11 am, everything turns around... This is Mercury. So whatever will be achieved, said, done in this retro, will be reversible when Mercury turns Direct.
On Nov.14th I wrote that the government will fall... right? today, in another 4 minutes , I am waiting for an announcement from Naftali Bennett- education minister, and Ayelet Shaked, justice minister to resign as well. If this happens, and it will, we are in front of new elections.
10:40: alerts for commodities sent!
They DID NOT resign... there is a twist in the story! That Mercury-Neptune square brings a smoke-disinformation situation...Anything that happens now has a hidden purpose. It is not possible, that one of the main newspapers print X at 5 am, and at 11 am, everything turns around... This is Mercury. So whatever will be achieved, said, done in this retro, will be reversible when Mercury turns Direct.
November 18, 2018 Sunday
we start the week with the Sun at the last decanate in Scorpio, at 25 degrees. It left the Via Combusta, ~the Burning way~and it left behind a horrible fire in California, more than 1000 people missing/dead?, many houses destroyed... a horrible event... I enlarged the picture, so you can see the Sun, and its' path till the end of the sign. will conjunct those stars.
I found this quote from Marina Darkstar astrology "
November 17/18
Scorpio 25º 02’ ~ Beta Lupus in Lupus the Wolf 2.8
Scorpio 25º 56’ ~ Mu Serpens in Serpens the Serpent 3.6
Scorpio 28º 40’ ~ Delta Lupus in Lupus the Wolf 2.8
This whole section seems to be about the sacred wisdom of fawn and fauna. Wolves (Lupus) “Despite their often negative image as mad, wicked, evil, bloodthirsty animals, have variously been credited, in mythology, fiction and reality, with adopting, nursing, and raising human feral children, the most famous examples being Romulus and Remus and Mowgli of The Jungle Book” Sacred wisdom in hallucinogenics is also referenced in Serpens. “This snake, Serpens… likely to be the kundalini snake; because it is a single snake, and because kundalini represents the life-force; the balanced flow of this energy is critical to health and harmony…. The cultivation and management of this life-force has been the aim of the physician-priests, witch-doctors, and shamans who used drumming, trance, chanting, hallucinogenics etc. to facilitate intuitive diagnostics and cure illnesses.”
But, besides the Sun we have many other moves in the sky...Venus turned Direct, while Mercury turned retro, Neptune slows down before going Direct, and the Sun will move to SAG on the 22nd... which is not only a MASTER numerology number, but also a cluster of many sky events.. NOTE! It is Thanksgiving, BANK HOLIDAY in the USA!
How do we interpret the markets under these positions? Well, first we look at the financial events: try to stay on the fence when you see a red flag event...Then, our eyes are on the political events like Brexit, or some speeches from ECB, Mr. Dhragi, who always "messes up" the trend. In our case, I always look at the arbitrage...
And we have a positive 0.64%... wawawa.. what happened?? LOL...
TA35: closed at 1634; now, the pre market is at 1645..Stop is at 1633; target 1649.
November 17, 2018 Saturday.
two days ago, I wrote, that I expect the EUR/$ to rise to 1.1390... well I think you saw what happened!!?? Went to 1.14200!!
The ESZ18: 15 min graph:
DOW; 15 min graph
Gold: 15 min. graph:
Nifty: It is very interesting to see what happened with this index! It fell back to the lows on Mars, 6 months time... Venus was in conjunction Uranus in March, and travelled 180* degrees, that made it be 180 to Uranus, and the index fell to where it was!
So, we can wonder, why did this index got triggered by Venus and Uranus? Then we have to look at the incorporation chart, and there!!!! We see the answer. It has Venus-Uranus conjunction. (Among other aspects to watch too)...
OK. I have now TS working, I can go on and write the weekly forecast... Sun is shining outside, no sign of storm... Have a nice weekend. and sign up for the weekly reports...
I'll post the next week's calendar when I'll build it... See you later.
Here it is:
"At Central Park, 6.4 inches of snow were recorded — the biggest one-day November snowfall in 136 years. If the city had known how bad the storm would be, officials could have encouraged people to stay home, Mr. de Blasio said."
It is interesting, that the snowing started, on Nov.15th, the no.15 is the card of the Devil.
I found an ancient and interesting explanation about this card...
Enjoy... I must work..
I have to say, that the Sun is shining here... Isn't that great?
November 16, 2018 Friday.
Yesterday I brought back the computer, the technician said, all is OK, there was NO problem in it... It works fine in his lab. But here, at home it is not working.... Both screens have "no signal". Maybe a cable is bad... I don't know... Now I'll have to wait for his mercy to come up, his lab is in the ground floor, he just has to press the 5 on the elevator to come up and look at it... Will he come? If not, I don't know what to do.
I'll have to transfer all my important files to this small laptop, so I can work as usual, if the PC is OOO. Ufff...
Today the Moon moved to Pisces. Pisces is the sign of sacrifice, of victims. It is the last water sign, so brings a lot of feelings. She is also conjunct Mars, so those feelings will be full with pepper and paprika... Mars just entered Pisces... as I started this article, scroll up and read.... a lot of changes this week!
12:55 pm
I called someone, the first technician that popped up on the net, and he came! surprize!! Not everyone works on a Friday over here! Seems, that my screen card is kaput. He will bring a new one Sunday, so meanwhile, at least I am back, and I can see all my files, charts and graphs, but on one screen only.. Well. OK' I'll manage. meanwhile family is coming over for Friday night dinner, so I am cooking too... HAHAHA running from the computer to the kitchen... Outside it is again a pouring rain... Moon in Pisces- water- lots of rain! .
So, now I see my files again, and I can add here, that we have a CIT day for:
Nifty, Maaden, NFLX, BO, CHEVRON, NSYS
I see EUROPE is all red... Should stay above Oct 24-26 lows.. otherwise, we are in a real crash!.
November 15, 2018 Thursday
I am still with the laptop only. So there is not much I can do here. I hope today i'll get back the PC, and will continue the updates and everything.
Meanwhile, I can just tell you how scared I got yesterday! There was a huge storm, and I had to go down to the store. So down I go with the elevator, and when I want to open the door, something is resisting... so I try harder, and suddenly a lot of water from the street pours in! Wow! that was scary! Quickly I closed the door and pressed the button and hoped that the elevator will take me up and there will still be electricity !! I popped out without my mobile, so if anything happens there I am trapped. Luckily I got back home and I watched a line of cars half way in water stuck in the street!.... Poor people...
Now the sun shines again, and no sign of water... Funny, how nature plays with us.
We have Mercury and Jupiter in Sag.; they bring lightening and thunderstorms. (Mercury rules Gemini, and air sign, air in fire(sag= lightening). Mars and the Moon in Aqua (air)adds to it.
The news in politics is that it seems~ there is an understanding, an agreement in BREXIT,... pity they do it under a slowing down Mercury, before turning Retro. Again... all my charts are in the PC< will be able to look at Theresa May's chart only when I get it back...
Over here, another minister is threatening with leaving the government if he will not receive the Defense Minister title.and position.. which he will not, because Bibi took it... now he is foreign AND defence minister as well...You see how the fundamental world plays out just as the planets show ? OK.
Today we are ruled by Jupiter and the Sun. a CIT day for major indices! Just like on Nov.6- go back to former article to see which ones. I don't have the list... again it is in the PC. Bummer!
The Sun just passed into the third decanate of Scorpio, and it is at 22 - the killer `degree! If you have a clean sky, look up, you will see a half moon!! She is squaring the Sun. A perfect day for fights and quarrels. So watch your tongue and hands..Venus is stationary before turning Direct, on a fortunate fixed star, but Mercury turns... so they change places...
EUR/$: is correcting the fall between Nov 7-12; I am expecting a level at 1.1390. Now I would use the stop at 1.1330
November 14, 2018 Wednesday
My computer crashed. Mercury is slowing down, before turning retro.... So computers crash. There were no signs that anything is wrong... THe technician who usually takes care of it, starts his day of work at 11, and now it's 7 am. I don't have all the maps and stuff I need here.... Uffffff....
We had yesterday the second round of municipal elections, and in my town, my candidate won. There were many surprise winnings in different towns, but, of course... since I could not find their date of birth, it was impossible to make a forecast.
About the war that was here for one day, now we have a cease fire, which I doubt will last. At 11 am today our defense minister, Avigdor Liberman, will hold a speech, a press conference, I think he is going to resign. Although I don't have his time of birth, all the transits point to a shake and twist in his chart.
After the government falls, we will see an old-new face emerging, and taking over the leadership, Gideon Saar. Will write about him as soon as I get his time of birth. But, till then, with a good SUN and Venus in Sag. he is backed by transit Jupiter to succeed.
13:02 Avigdor Liberman resigned.
Based on the time that he said the words "I resign" I found the time of birth. Look how it fits what happened.... PLuto on the Ascendant! MC in Gemini, transit Mars squares it, Directed Mars conjuncts it, Tr. Mercury slows down before retro... WHen it will turn Direct we will see him again return to politics. Besides that, we see transit Moon, in the 6th house of work in opposition Uranus- sudden decision. " I cannot do it any more". By the way, these words the very words that Begin said before stepping down. He cannot go on any more, because Netanyahu overruled him in what ever decision he took... And we have the South node in opposition his Directed Mercury. And of course, transit Uranus, that causes all the casualties I have been writing about for the last week, triggers all his planets at 29 degrees.
November 13, 2018 Tuesday
We are under Saturn's pressure today, backed by Mars.The fight is still going in the south, there is no teaching in the schools and people are in shelter. One person died, when a rocket landed in his living room. Many evacuated, wounded or in trauma. Yesterday we bombed the Hamas TV building, but first we called them and told them to get out of the building... Now who does that? Show me another country, that is rocketed for 8 months and is being torched, by fire kites, all the fields around Gaza, in the kibbutzim, but in spite of that, we call them and tell them get out, because in 5 minutes we are going to destroy the building.. I have Hamas incorporation chart, some years ago someone posted in an astrology political group: Born on December 8, 1987, date adds up to 9- ruled by Mars- wars, attacks, terror group. Now it is interesting to see, that on that day, there was a SAG stellium in the sky, Sun, Mercury, Saturn and the Vertex in Sag. Should they be peace seeking group? Under the big benefactor? And we know they aren't. Jupiter, from Aries trines this stellium, bringing excessive fire and fights, also Mars+pluto conjunct in Scorpio bring more and more destruction and death. The people in Gaza are hopeless, because this group rules over them, they killed the economy, there is no trade, nothing under their reign. And they are scared to talk. So they are in "nothing to lose situation. The Egyptians came to help, but they too gave up.
Is there going to be some normalisation? Not in the near future! Jupiter just entered SAG, will light more fires, and Mercury turns retro, it will bring more mistakes and casualties.
Israel's chart is a wow!!! How much action is going on here!!!! Transit Mars in opposition natal Mars. This happens each 2 years. Do we have a war every time this happens? No. But now, transit Sun is in opposition the Sun,(read my post about Netanyahu yesterday... waiting for news in a few days, till the end of the month.... transit Venus trines Uranus, adds to the event, and Mercury, the little devil turns retro in opposition Israel's Mercury.. SO, what can I tell you?? The situation doesn't look good..
OK, let's see what interests you!?! The markets.. that is why you are here..
ASIA: some are already closed, you can see the red clock at the right. But, if you have the app, you got your stops..
Sign up for the weekly forecast!!!
EUROPE: is bleeding
These are the indices that I send alerts for in the app..
Off to the gym! Drink water!!
I just found out what is the best way to go shopping!! Forgetting my purse at home !!LOLOL
I just found out what is the best way to go shopping!! Forgetting my purse at home !!LOLOL
Just looked at Obama's chart, and surprize! His progressed Venus, is on the 2017 Aug. eclipse degree... That is bad news, if his Venus rules his 7th and 12th!! Open enemies, or partners and jail is triggered.. (at least closed places)by transit Uranus... Let's see what will the news bring about him?!
Also the nodes tell us,that at the age 57.- now- trouble is coming..
November 12, 2018 Monday
Yesterday night, at 9:30, when the Moon conjunct Saturn, there was again an "operation" in GAZA, we lost a soldier, another one wounded, 7 Hamas people dead and reaction:17 rockets fired. No teaching in the schools of the area, and a lot of blabbering on TV and radio: " If I was in power, I would have done this and that"...
The Moon is still in Capricorn, next, she will meet with Pluto, what will happen then?
Here are the times for GMT+2:00 my area, sorry...
11.11.2018 17:24:40 5°51'58"Cap Conjunction Saturn
12.11.2018 9:01:24 13°44'25"Cap Sextile Neptune
12.11.2018 19:57:13 19°12'08"Cap Conjunction Pluto
12.11.2018 22:21:04 20°23'43"Cap Sextile Sun
Markets are open, let's see, what can we expect? ( bank holiday in the USA)!
Jupiter in Sag. that is the Archer, who throws rockets... Isn't it? every planet has its good and bad traits, don't forget that! And Jupiter trines Uranus, and that squares the Nodes..Venus is a Morning star, a fighter, Mercury weak in Sag, and Mars... well Mars must be in the ground to have a fight and fire! Sextiles Uranus, and is 150* to the NN. Mercury is approaching Mars and will form a square, that too will add to the picture, so bottom line we are in for a hot autumn.
Will send some alerts now... back later.
Today we are under Neptunian effect! CIT day for the DAX,GOLD, AEX,LTC,BTC,SOYA,GPRO,JNJ,NNDM,GM,MCD,etc.
Sent all alerts for the cryptos, and currencies..
12:00 noon
Now there are some rumors here... I am working on some charts.. Seems to me, that Uranus will end Netanyahu's reign. transit Venus, in retro conjunct his Sun, Ceres, Moon with Uranus in opposition... Soon we shall hear it on the news. See how Uranus opposes his LIbra stellium? By the way, not only his, but everyone who has planets at the last degrees of LIbra. Then transit Saturn, is in opposition natal Uranus, and Mercury, a bad one, since it is in Sag! conjuncts his Venus, ruler of career. So some really bad news will force him step down.
Here is his secondary progressed Declination chart, with important events in his life.
See you later.
8:45 pm.The Moon conjunct PLuto brought more fights, more fire, and destruction, as expected. Hamas launched a rocket on a bus, another soldier heavily injured. Sirens all the time in the south, how can those people live with it?????
I open ZET, and it welcomes me saying " Today, is the 4th Moon day-BAD DAY- not a nice greeting!! is it?? The Moon will be 45* from the Sun, separating. First conjunction will be with Saturn... no wonder a bad day. Today we also have Pluto sextiling the Sun.
As you can see from the date, we have an extremely rare date today, that adds up to 11.11.11; this happens only once in 9 years. Next time will be 11.11.2027.
Here is the chart I see: Jupiter is on the Fixed star Bungula, its effect is fortunate. It can also be cruel... hmmm.
Today is a CIT day for Ta35 and many other indices and shares, but there is no trade... The people about whom we should hear in the news are: Comey, Muller, Pauline Hanson, Mario Draghi, Gene Wilder, Jerome Powell, etc... I wrote about all if them in the past.
And, HAPPY Birthday today to Leonardo Dicaprio, and the legendary Dostoevsky. I just read his life story on WIKI... read it, it's fascinating!
One of his quotes: "
“But how could you live and have no story to tell?”
So what's new? I read about the horrible fire in Malibu... Mark Holmes, the expert in asteroids that represent fire, just sent a mail... I'll build the chart and upload it here later.
This week we will have, in 55 towns, settlements new elections for the municipalities, that came out 50-50, 2 weeks ago. In my town as well... There is a lot of fraud, miscount, ugliness. When will it be? on the 13th, when Mercury from 12* Sag squares Neptune at 13* Pisces, MORE FRAUD, LIES and mist about what's going on...
Someone (thanks to Martha Lang-Wescott ) sent Malibu's incorporation chart: March 28, 1991- I made it for noon. It has a Mars(fire) at 27 Gemini, and transit Mars, on Friday was at 26 Aqua- in trine. Tr.Pluto trines the Moon- so more than 200 thousand people were evacuated, and many homes lost. tr.Jupiter trines natal Jupiter! Malibu is 27 years old,adds up to 9- a no. ruled by Mars.Natal Mars and ZEUS are at 27 degrees! Pointing to a disaster at this age.
Here is the chart with the asteroids that represent fires, as adv. by Mark Holmes.
Our market,TA35 opens in 30 minutes, with a negative arbitrage. The close was at 1654. Now look here is the weekly chart: we see a double top.
In the 60 min we have a triple top: and support is only at 1600... technically.. I'll send some alerts soon. we can narrow down the stops with the planetary lines.
In the 60 min we have a triple top: and support is only at 1600... technically.. I'll send some alerts soon. we can narrow down the stops with the planetary lines.
It's 1 pm: I got back from the gym, and drank my 5th glass of water. How much did you drink? I don't mean coffee, tea , cola, or other garbage. W A T E R !! I have another 9 glasses to drink. hmmm...let's see how it goes.
Yesterday I saw acting Meryl Streep, playing Margaret Thatcher. She is fantastic!!! And MT. was a phenomenon!! Before I upload a chart, or I add a friend request on FB, I always read about the person. has 9 am- for her, from "memory" I don't think it is the right time. Born on Oct.13th 1925, her time of birth adds up to 13/4, ruled by Uranus, and wasn't she a revolutionary? She was the first woman prime minister! "The Iron Lady" they called her. So, 9 am gives her Asc at 15 Scorpio. As per Nikola Stoyanovits theory, this is an accident/assassination degree, and neither happened to her.- this is also a Gemini degree, and she was has from being flexible in her ways. She was stubborn, and reaching for her goals, no matter what!
" I’ve got a woman’s ability to stick to a job and get on with it when everyone else walks off and leaves it.”
So I would move her Asc. to 14* -Scorpio- Fixed sign degree. I can't play with the moves too much, because her Moon is on Regulus! (Just like Trumps!). She has a Moon at 26Leo, and nd Neptune at 24-in the 9th house- of ideals, and beliefs. She has a Libra stellium ( Sun-Merc,Mars) and the asteroid Aeternitas in the 11th house.
On Oct 8th, 1959 she joined the Conservative party, when tr. Mars and Mercury were conjunct her Sun, and Mercury, .
On May 4, 1979 she was elected Prime minister, when tr.Saturn 60* natal Saturn,and in H10 and tr.Pluto conj. her Sun.
Her ruler of career is Mercury, also rules her H8.- at 23Libra47.
Victory in Falkland war against Argentina on June 11, 1987, again tr. Mars and Merc. conj. Natal Pluto, and Jupiter at 22 Aries.180 to her Libra stellium.
November 22, 1990 she resigned, with tr. Pluto on natal Saturn, and tr. Saturn squaring her Sun. (a culmination and fall).
She died at the age of 87.49 see all planets triggered by transits
A remarkable figure in history.. She was the only PM, except Churchill, that the Queen attended her funeral.
Must go to take my grandchildren from preschool.... so see you later alligator.
November 10, 2018 Saturday
Good morning, I am very busy writing my weekly forecasts... If you are still not signed up, it's time! a lot is going on in the sky, which will affect the trade and what not?
Meanwhile, DRINK 8-14 glasses of water daily, and read this!
November 9, 2018 Friday
Did you pay attention, to the Fed rates? They were not changed, under the SAG Moon, just like before. This is interesting!
The EUR/$ double bottoms now, as I write at 1.13410~ we might see on up correction, if this level holds.
The DAX: Bottomed on Oct 26, now it should go above 11700 for a rally. Failing to do so, use it as stop for short.
The CAC:Also bottomed on Oct 26, should stay above 5120 to rally higher. Below it, short.
About Emmanuel Macron, I am not aware what news are circulating in the net, dear reader, in any case, around the New Moon in January 5,2019 we will hear some news about him, since his natal Mars will be triggered. Macron has a Sag. stellium in his natal chart, and that stellium will be activated the whole 2019 year, with Jupiter entering SAG. Transit Neptune trines Uranus, that points to a culmination and fall in his values, or some law issues will come clear. And, Uranus, in its retro motion trines his Sun, so we can add Macron to the people who will suffer from this last encounter. It is also interesting, how Venus, ruler of his 8th house is triggered by Pluto and tr.Venus, so I will not be surprised if a woman issue will surface! Or a woman will bring to his fall? He is in a year of endings. Pls. see my post about Uranus returning to Aries, in yesterday's post and last report.
Today is a CIT day for KLSE, NIKKEI, NIFTY, BIG, PSTI, and some local shares, but we don't have trade today...
November 8, 2018 Thursday.
Today we are under the effect of Jupiter and Mars. We saw the markets rally. I'll keep sending alerts, and reports, as usual.
Now about:
Jeff Sessions: Born on December 24, on X-mas eve, on a Tuesday, in 1946. He has a Capricorn stellium, pointing to a slow but sure rise in his life. He arrived to be attorney general, from a small town lawyer, I would say that is pretty much the description for a Capricorn. Key word: AMBITION! The chart below has Libra rising, I got it from someone whom I believe does a good rectification job, but I did not re check it. He has a Venus-Jupiter (the two benefactors) conjunct in Scorpio, so he rather "loses them" as benefactors, in this sign, but they do give him strength, and push him forward and up in the ladder. He has a Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Leo,( these will be triggered by their conjunction in transit in 2019-2020 and will send a 150* ) and a Jupiter 150*Uranus! Also a Solitary Neptune. He also has an OOB Moon, Mars and Pluto that give him special strength and power to go on and on and on, until he doesn't or won't. Or time comes up.
I wrote about him on July 25, 2017, when Trump called him weak, and I pointed out, that their charts together is in disharmony. Now we hear, that he resigned.
When is the resignation happening? When transit Saturn (TIME) arrives to his Capricorn stellium. Also, in his natal chart he has a 150* aspect between Jupiter-Uranus, and in the sky now too! And, as you can see on the chart, the position of Neptune and the NN, point to a major event in his life. How do we get this from? Well... I teach that in my course.
This Jupiter ~150* Uranus is very interesting! Let's see who else has it? California, Jackie weaver, Kate Fitzpatrick, Meryl Streep, Alberto Nisman, Mike Pompeo/// let me run TS, to see the years this aspect was active.
In my former article, I wrote, who will suffer from the last visit of Uranus in Aries. Then, I did not know, neither had Jim Acosta's chart... Now, he was banned from the White House, until further notice, so I know who he is. Interestingly, transit Uranus returned to conjunct his SUN.- and out he is. In 2017 he divorced,(" on July 6, 2017, started divorce proceedings) after 24 years of marriage, then too tr.Uranus was conjunct his SUN, at 28*, direct! Now, that it is retro, this happens! Life for him is a chaos now... I would not be surprised to read more news about him... as coming out gay. In any case, what we can see in his chart, is how Uranus in retro give a blow to a person.
I calculated the days, months and years that transit Uranus triggers now, returning to 26.50 Aries, but the list is so long, that I cannot post it here. If you would like to know if you are affected, send me an e-mail with your date of birth and I'll tell you, if you need to take extra care.
Here is a graph of when were Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune in their own signs?
CYRN: Last alert sent on 5/11: CYRN: Wrote on 4/12: to rally till early May, targeting 3-3.15; Topped at 3.05. Stop is now at 2.7- below that… forget about it." 2.70 was the last low. Since then it rallied to 3.70, now at 3.2 2.70 stop stays.
Salt: Move stop to 5.90
TEVA: stop was 23.7, fell to 19.4! Move stop to 23.1
Today we have a VOC Moon, and just after it enters SAG! We have the FED.Funds rate announcement! SO watch your trades!
Gaby - Any analysis on Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn Born Mar 9 1954 Porto Velho Lat 08 46 00S and Long 063 54 000 W - Don't have the time of birth - thanks Todd
ReplyDeleteHello Todd, What kind of news are you looking for? Was there anything crucial in his life 1.5 years ago? I see Neptune is "ironing" his Sun... Is he in jail , or hospital? Doesn't look good until Neptune goes away, and that will take a long time. Saturn 60*Saturn- that shows a culmination and fall in career. It all started when tr.Uranus was at his Sun--Moon MP. Jupiter will come to his rescue at the end of Jan. 2019.
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