New Moon in Leo, 2019 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology.
Between August 1- August 30, 2019
The inner wheel is August 1st- the outer August 30th- the next New Moon in Virgo.
During this Lunar month watch the following dates:
1.08.2019 6:57:03 D Mercury 23°56'51"Cnc
11.08.2019 16:36:51 D Jupiter 14°30'18"Sgr
11.08.2019 22:45:32 > Leo Mercury
12.08.2019 5:26:47 R Uranus 6°36'55"Tau
18.08.2019 8:18:11 > Vir Mars
21.08.2019 12:06:21 > Vir Venus
23.08.2019 13:01:57 > Vir Sun
29.08.2019 10:47:43 > Vir Mercury
The Moon and the transneptunians are not included.
To my new readers: I start a new article every new Moon, and I add to it almost daily. You will find here market analysis, world events, celebs' charts, whatever comes to my mind, to look at.
My services are: *Daily alerts for 15$ per day,
*Natal chart reading: $330,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 590 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $175/ month; or $890 /6 months.
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or click on Products. There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
*Natal chart reading: $330,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 590 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $175/ month; or $890 /6 months.
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or click on Products. There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
You might want to click "interesting, cool" and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind.
August 30, 2019 Friday
I wrote expect surprises... and that we got yesterday in TA35; under the options expiry. Market opened with a gap-up
The oscillators are 50/50 up/down. There is an open gap to 1580. Now we are alone till Tuesday, since on Sept 2nd, Labor day in the USA, no trade,no arbitrage...Anything can happen when we are alone.. The pirates appear and they "kidnap" the index... LOL..
The US also rallied yesterday. I don't have time now for alerts, but you should raise your stops to the last low. Example: In the IXIC: the stop was 7840, we gained almost 2% there, raise it to 7960.
It is New Moon today, pls. follow me to the new article: New Moon in Virgo, 2019.
August 29, 2019 Thursday
Had a great day yesterday in trade... I hope you too! Soon this month is over and we will have again a New Moon, in Virgo. people born in Virgo are very symmetric , therefore beautiful. Our eyes measure symmetry, and our brain is programmed to like it. Just look or remember Greta Garbo, Sean Connery, JFK, Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, Robert Redford, Julio Iglesias,Steve Martin, Patrick Swayze,etc etc.. all have one or more personal planets in Virgo. This doesn't mean other signs don't produce beauty..But different..
In searching these people, I found, that The Great fire of London occurred on Sept 2, 1666, with the Sun at 9 Virgo, a Mars degree- of fire, WIlliam Lilly predicted the fire, and after it happened he was persecuted, that he might have caused it, to prove his theory..
More about Virgo in the next article.
So, what is happening today??? We have the Moon at 17 Leo, approaching the Sun; We have Sun-Mars conjunction at 5-6^ in Virgo; they both trine Uranus, which should bring a sudden event.Mercury is on Regulus, at the end of Leo, 29^; soon to enter Virgo, a sign it rules. Mercury too will trine Uranus; the other planets hardly move.
Ta35: Should move above 1544 to be able to go higher..we have a minor positive arbitrage, but it's a Thursday and options expiry.. so expect surprises!!
Watch the announcements in Europe!
One of the many alerts sent in the app: CAC:
Alerts for CAC, ES and the DAX sent!
Is Hong Kong a part of China?
Sovereignty over the territory was transferred to China in 1997. As a special administrative region, Hong Kong maintains governing and economic systems that are separate from those of mainland China. ... Hong Kong is classified as an alpha+ world city, indicating its influence throughout the world.
I wrote about the Hang Seng on August 6; in my previous article. Why is the world silent? Beats me~~ We move a car in Gaza, the world is shouting from east to west..
I wrote about the Hang Seng on August 6; in my previous article. Why is the world silent? Beats me~~ We move a car in Gaza, the world is shouting from east to west..
August 28, 2019 Wednesday
Today we are ruled by Mercury and JUpiter (Thanks to a reader, I corrected it) Mercury is at 27 Leo, trines the Galactic Center, and Mars is at 6 Virgo, trines Uranus. A positive day! While Jupiter is in an approaching aspect to Saturn, by 30^.
But... Let's pay attention to the Moon! She entered Leo; and that will bring a CIT for many indices. ( For new readers: CIT means Change in Trend).
TA35: Is building the same pattern as last year: Tomorrow we have options expiry. We are short here. Now it depends very much if one trades the daily or the intra day chart... For the 5,15, 30 min. chart one needs to be a robot, nerveless.
August 27,2019 Tuesday
Started this morning by sending alerts for the commodities. It's 7 am now, so check your apps!
Today we have the Moon in Cancer, a sign it rules. She is also waning crescent, before the New Moon, in Virgo. Some might think, that when the Moon is in the last phase, she brings a rally. Well, I would be careful with that!! Here is TA35 index. You can see when was the Moon waning crescent AND in Cancer!! It gives us no clues, whatsoever. The short lines show when it was in her last phaze like today, the long lines show when in CANCER. Once the index bottomed, once topped.. so what will happen today?? We cannot know only basing ourselves on the Moon. we always must look at all the planets, in the Geocentric chart, and in the Heliocentric chart. Even so, there are hundreds of aspects, so after so many years, I think only the planetary calculations and cycles can guide us. That is what I give you in the app.
So, what happened yesterday? I watched Trump and Macron in a press conference. I salute Trump for GIVING a press conference at all! We cannot see Netanyahu on TV!! He is good abroad... Here he is not facing the press. Anyway... Trump gave a reason for a small rally in the US indices. Will they continue today? We didn't hear XI answering.. Actually I have not checked the news yet.. Trump also said, if circumstances allow, he might meet with the Iranian leaders. I think Macron ambushed him by inviting the Iranian foreign minister, Zarif, to G7.
So did the meeting "matter" for the SSEA? Our stop, in the app was 3001, then 3030, now it is at 3050, should go above 3200- to be safe..
The Hang Seng builds a very dangerous H&S pattern!! falling from Oct 2018 low, will retreat to 18000- ish levels and more! They should sit down and talk! Tear gas will not solve the problem..
TA35: will open with a positive +0.27% arbitrage.Teva shows a rise, but I would not touch it! Not till the end of September..
Here, we have every day a killing, I am tired of even writing about it... just very sad, that situation is going nowhere, on the contrary, war is in preparation behind the curtains.
Until now we thought, that the Amazonas are the "lungs" of the world... Now, I saw on TV yesterday, and I see a lot of articles declining it! True? False? We cannot know anything for sure nowadays... Here is the article. They say, the OCEANS produce oxigen, not the trees.
So since cattle is related to that fire I looked at the monthly graph of the cattle: in the graph we can see a rise of 30 years from 50 $ to 171; and now it would take another 30 years or so, so fall back to 50... Is it worth while, investing in cattle? Sure... short wise. What goes up, must come down... Cycles! What was , will be, and there in nothing new under the Sun...
Maybe, and for sure!! There is something new ABOVE the Sun... in different worlds, but not below.
So did the meeting "matter" for the SSEA? Our stop, in the app was 3001, then 3030, now it is at 3050, should go above 3200- to be safe..
The Hang Seng builds a very dangerous H&S pattern!! falling from Oct 2018 low, will retreat to 18000- ish levels and more! They should sit down and talk! Tear gas will not solve the problem..
TA35: will open with a positive +0.27% arbitrage.Teva shows a rise, but I would not touch it! Not till the end of September..
Here, we have every day a killing, I am tired of even writing about it... just very sad, that situation is going nowhere, on the contrary, war is in preparation behind the curtains.
Until now we thought, that the Amazonas are the "lungs" of the world... Now, I saw on TV yesterday, and I see a lot of articles declining it! True? False? We cannot know anything for sure nowadays... Here is the article. They say, the OCEANS produce oxigen, not the trees.
So since cattle is related to that fire I looked at the monthly graph of the cattle: in the graph we can see a rise of 30 years from 50 $ to 171; and now it would take another 30 years or so, so fall back to 50... Is it worth while, investing in cattle? Sure... short wise. What goes up, must come down... Cycles! What was , will be, and there in nothing new under the Sun...
Maybe, and for sure!! There is something new ABOVE the Sun... in different worlds, but not below.
August 26, 2019 Monday
In the Jewish kabbalah,precisely in the ZOHAR. is written that on Monday the liver was created ( ruled by Jupiter ), while on Wednesday the spleen ( ruled by Lilith). These two days are less favorable to start things. I remember , my father in law used to say, Sunday is a bad day to start anything, since here in Israel it is a work-day. I guess he didn't know the ZOHAR. LOL... It is said, that on Sunday dictators are born. I have a whole list of people and events born or happening on Sundays. Sunday is ruled by the Sun, therefore this attribute to it. But today is a Monday, so let's see what's happening?
Oh, the Sun is at 2^ in Virgo,... so bye bye Leo, we had our fall here... big time. The Moon is approaching the Sun we are before the New Moon, which will happen in Virgo. Now, for 2 days the Moon is in Cancer.- a sign she rules. Mercury is at 23 Leo, rising before the Sun, Venus and Mars are conjunct in Virgo, a sign where Venu sis in its fall *weak)~ bad for banks and forex... Jupiter and Saturn are 30^ appart, Uranus receives a trine from Venus and Mars, at 6^ Taurus, while Neptune and PLuto didn't move much. both are retro. All these point to very volatile day, ups and downs in trade!!
Yesterday I sent alerts for Asia and the Far East, now I shall send for the rest of the world.
To look back into the future, meaning, we learn from past events! The Sun moved to Leo on July 23, just check your shares, indices, what happened around that day!~ till today? I see Citigroup fell by 17%! GS by 15%; BAC too. JPM by 12.67%; MS by 15.42%; so there was no US bank that was not affected by the Sun!! Remember this, might be useful in the future.
Banks in Israel: Leumi started to fall as of 8/1, by 7.37%; Poalim Bank 8/12 by 8.84% returned to June 13th low. BEINLEUMI: started to correct on 8/20, fell by 3.5%; looks stronger than the others.! Discount Bank as of 8/12 , by 9% fall. and finally Mizrachi Bank as of 8/12 fall of 10.70%.
So you might ask, why don't they all turn at the same time, if the Sun in Leo brings a correction? Well, that depends on each first trade date!
US 30 years bond rallied as of June 7, 2015 till Nov 8, 2018; 854 days, 238% up, and since then, from 3.095 is falling , now at 1.3280, by 57% returned to Nov.8, 2018 level. Great short! I know it is a disaster for some, but I think " trade wise".
So was the Sun in Leo good for anything? Look below at the 1 month performance..
9:10:am Alerts for Europe and Tel Aviv sent!
To look back into the future, meaning, we learn from past events! The Sun moved to Leo on July 23, just check your shares, indices, what happened around that day!~ till today? I see Citigroup fell by 17%! GS by 15%; BAC too. JPM by 12.67%; MS by 15.42%; so there was no US bank that was not affected by the Sun!! Remember this, might be useful in the future.
Banks in Israel: Leumi started to fall as of 8/1, by 7.37%; Poalim Bank 8/12 by 8.84% returned to June 13th low. BEINLEUMI: started to correct on 8/20, fell by 3.5%; looks stronger than the others.! Discount Bank as of 8/12 , by 9% fall. and finally Mizrachi Bank as of 8/12 fall of 10.70%.
So you might ask, why don't they all turn at the same time, if the Sun in Leo brings a correction? Well, that depends on each first trade date!
US 30 years bond rallied as of June 7, 2015 till Nov 8, 2018; 854 days, 238% up, and since then, from 3.095 is falling , now at 1.3280, by 57% returned to Nov.8, 2018 level. Great short! I know it is a disaster for some, but I think " trade wise".
So was the Sun in Leo good for anything? Look below at the 1 month performance..
Today is a CIT for: S&P and AXJO DOW, Dax fut, Nasdaq, Nyse, Gold fut, Corn, Ripple, BCH, AMZN, 10 YEAR BONDS, CSCO,LNKD, PSTI,
Local shares: Razio, Afrika nechasim, Evugene, Elbit Maarachot, Teva, Bank Beinleumi, DiPharm, Gvaot , machon leheker iNternet, mankind, Maayan, Medivi, Rami Levi, Silicom, Tadir Gan, etc
9:10:am Alerts for Europe and Tel Aviv sent!
August 25, 2019 Sunday
My mobile, refrigerator and computer broke down. Taking care of these issues now... Talk later
It's 9 pm, and thanks God, and the technicians, everything works...
It was a great day, trading here, short wise..
I'll send some alerts for Asia now, so they'll know what to do...
OK. I sent alerts for tomorrow for Asia and the Far east.. Pls.check your apps.
It's 9 pm, and thanks God, and the technicians, everything works...
It was a great day, trading here, short wise..
I'll send some alerts for Asia now, so they'll know what to do...
OK. I sent alerts for tomorrow for Asia and the Far east.. Pls.check your apps.
August 24.2019 Saturday
Yesterday I sent alerts about the Gold: Stop was 1511 . long above. Target 1514-17-21-= Reached! Raise stop to 1517- next up 26 etc. Reached 1540!
here is the monthly graph: target is 1600, failing to reach it, will fall back !
Yesterday I also sent alert for the VIX: there we got a huge move up( to 20.58), obviously huge move down in the indices.. What a day !!
Writing my forecasts now, if you want to know what's coming, sign up ...
Have a nice weekend!
We are living an irrevocable tragedy for the HUMAN kind!! The Amazonas is on fire...Uranus is there.!!!
When the two superpowers are playing dice...
Trumps' Sun at 22 Gem 56, XI's Sun at 23.35Gemini!
Who are they fooling ??? Seriously!! ??!! two children ... driving crazy the world!
SF. tells us that Trump is "hot and dry" strongest Planet is JUpiter, (at birth it was stationary=strong).
While XI's strongest planet is Venus, at 8 Taurus. (a sign it rules, at a Scorpio degree)/
It is the clash of the Titans.
August 23,2019 Friday
Sometimes I receive these articles.... rarely I read them... In any case, as long as Jupiter is in SAG, the big picture is positive. I promised you an analysis on copper the other day. Why is copper important? Because it is used in industry, in almost every branch. If the request is high, price goes up, and the economy is good, if the price is low, economy is weakening..So what do we see in the monthly graph ? S&P RALLIES while the Copper falls since Sep.2011!
August 22, 2019 Thursday
Zet, my software tells us, that today is a Good day... It is the 21st day of the Moon, the symbol is a Chariot. The Moon is in taurus, just passed a conjunction to Uranus. I guess it had an effect on Asia, will check in a minute...Venus is conjunct the royal star Regulus, and at 0 Virgo. This will bring a change in trend! Venus loves to be in Leo, but less in Virgo. Imagine a young girl, instead of going to parties and be flattered, has to deal with health and cleanliness...She will also turn hypochondriac, and picky...More so, as it conjuncts MARS! We are witnessing now the formation of a stellium in the Earth sign of Virgo. It is the second sign, after Taurus. The Sun joins the party as of the 23rd, and Mercury on the 30th. So we will have four planets in Virgo, AND a new Moon there as well, as the Moon arrives to a conjunction to the Sun on the 30th. The New Moon , for ISrael will occur in the 9th house of justice and foreign affairs...To remind you, on Sept. 17th we have the elections... I don't think Bibi will be able to form a government.. But, let's see what's happening in the markets?
At the right you can see a table with the aspects for the rest of the days in August.
Looking at Asia: Hang Seng is the biggest loser, of course, manifestations are still going on there... Next the Nifty, and the best performer is S.Africa. let me check when did I send alerts for your there, guys..
I'll send updates now.. 8:00 am, sent.for Asia and the Far East.
let me see now how did the alerts for Europe do?
8:15 am alerts for Europe sent!
8:30 am alerts for the commodities sent!
I'll send updates now.. 8:00 am, sent.for Asia and the Far East.
let me see now how did the alerts for Europe do?
8:15 am alerts for Europe sent!
8:30 am alerts for the commodities sent!
OK, now I hope you have ll the tools to trade safely and make some extra income.
Today is a CIT day for:
Moon 120 Saturn 22.08.2019 11:57
Moon 108 Mars 22.08.2019 12:16
Moon 150 Jupiter 22.08.2019 12:20
Mercury 150 S.Node 22.08.2019 15:14
Mercury 30 Node 22.08.2019 15:14
Sun 144 Chiron 22.08.2019 15:21
Moon 60 Node 22.08.2019 16:12
Moon 120 S.Node 22.08.2019 16:12
Moon 90 Mercury 22.08.2019 16:22
Moon 60 Neptune 22.08.2019 18:23
Venus 45 Node 22.08.2019 20:35
Venus 135 S.Node 22.08.2019 20:35
Moon 45 Chiron 22.08.2019 22:48
Sun 135 Saturn 22.08.2019 23:43
Today is a CIT day for:
Local Shares: Delek Kvitza, Aeronautics, Dipharm, Fox, IceSecure, KiTov, Analog, Bionvax, Bonus Bio,KolPlanet, ETC.
Comey, Muller, Pauline Hanson, Rahul Gandhi, Nawaz Sharif, Mario Draghi, Gene Wilder, Akihito, (emperor of Japan). Jerome Powell
Today's aspects including the Moon: gmt+3Moon 120 Saturn 22.08.2019 11:57
Moon 108 Mars 22.08.2019 12:16
Moon 150 Jupiter 22.08.2019 12:20
Mercury 150 S.Node 22.08.2019 15:14
Mercury 30 Node 22.08.2019 15:14
Sun 144 Chiron 22.08.2019 15:21
Moon 60 Node 22.08.2019 16:12
Moon 120 S.Node 22.08.2019 16:12
Moon 90 Mercury 22.08.2019 16:22
Moon 60 Neptune 22.08.2019 18:23
Venus 45 Node 22.08.2019 20:35
Venus 135 S.Node 22.08.2019 20:35
Moon 45 Chiron 22.08.2019 22:48
Sun 135 Saturn 22.08.2019 23:43
August 21, 2019 Wednesday
There is a proverb in Hungarian, that says: "man plans, God ends". We planned to spend a few days in Prague, but the trip was postponed, or cancelled in the last minute, due to some medical issues to my companion. Thanks God, it happened while on land, and not on the plane or abroad!! So here we go again:
Today: the strongest planet in the sky is the Sun, we are under the double energies of Mercury. It is at 14 Leo; it is a Taurus degree. The Moon is at 29 Aries, trines the Sun.
Yesterday I wrote to have tight stops, and I see the S&P slided down to 2898, bul closed above 2900! The slide is not over yet.
I wrote that the KLSE will turn, it topped and turned. The Nikkey and the Nifty as well;
In the DAX short was triggered, I see Europe is red, except for Poland; there we got a breakout!
8:23 am Alerts for Europe sent.
9:00 am Alerts for the USA sent.
8:23 am Alerts for Europe sent.
9:00 am Alerts for the USA sent.
August 20, 2019 Tuesday
Good morning, how are you doing? This is my last post today, till the 25th, I am taking a few days off for Prague. SO let's see what is happening? I sent yesterday alerts for most of the world indices. I'll send the commodities today.
Today we are under the effect of Uranus and Mars.They are in trine (120^). This pos. will be exact on the 28th, 1:45pm gmt +3. Now they 'll be in Earth signs, this aspect a trine, I mean happened only in 11.3.2018, but then in fire signs... Besides that, we have still the Venus-Sun conjunction, Venus on the royal star Regulus and the Moon in Aries, brought some optimism, backed by Jupiter in Sag. So we got a rally to 2932 yesterday. But now, with the Moon approaching lazy Taurus, where she is exalted, I would mind my steps!
It is surprising that the indices rallied at all after all that negativity that Bloomberg TV was pumping for two hours to listeners!! I think they used more that 15 times the word recession, and alike words. Finally I turned off the TV. Obviously someone up there is loaded with Puts. Now they blame Germany... there is always someone to turn the finger at... isn't it... So let's look at the DAX:
15 min.graph: I sent alert yesterday to raise stop to 11710. Fell below, so we were stopped out, but closed at 11716. Stop stays.
Today is a CIT: for KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty, BIG, PSTI,
Local : Robogrp, Mind, Hizdamnut Yahash, Foresight, Bezeq, Partner, Srauss Bluefenix (Block chain Kria).
August 21 is a CIT for :
CAC, Solgrin, Ken Fight, COPPER FUTURES,
Local shares: Ta35, Enerian, Tower, Sapiens, Proktogania, Pluristem, Medigum, ken Fight, El al, Canbit, Bazan,etc.
I'll analyse the Copper in a min. Now I shall send the alerts
7:20 alerts sent.
7:20 alerts sent.
August 18, 2019 Sunday
These sayings are hilarious !!!
These glorious insults are from an era before the English language became boiled down to 4-letter words:
WHen Insults had class!!
· A member of Parliament to Disraeli: "Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease."
· "That depends, Sir," said Disraeli, "whether I embrace your policies or your mistress."
· "He had delusions of adequacy."
- Walter Kerr
· "He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."
- Winston Churchill
· "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure."
Clarence Darrow
· "He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary." - William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway).
· "Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it."
- Moses Hadas
· "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it."
- Mark Twain
· "He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.."
- Oscar Wilde
· "I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend, if you have one.”
- George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill
· "Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second ... if there is one."
- Winston Churchill, in response.
· "I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here."
- Stephen Bishop
· "He is a self-made man and worships his creator."
- John Bright
· "I've just learned about his illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial."
- Irvin S. Cobb
· "He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others."
- Samuel Johnson
· "He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up."
- Paul Keating
· "In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily."
- Charles, Count Talleyrand
· "He loves nature in spite of what it did to him."
- Forrest Tucker
· "Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?"
- Mark Twain
· "His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork."
Mae West
· "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."
- Oscar Wilde
· "He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for support rather than illumination." - Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
· "He has Van Gogh's ear for music."
- Billy Wilder
· "I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it."
- Groucho Marx
We start this week with the Sun in the last Decan of Leo. It is at 24Leo 56. If you check different astrology schools, you will find a discrepancy as to what planet rule the decans. I have ZET. So if you open DATA/ Systems under the rulers of Decans you will find a window showing different scholars about this. The Chaldean, that Sepharial used says the decans of Leo are ruled by Saturn/ Jupiter/Mars; Manillius said the planets are: Mars/Sun/Jupiter; the Hindu: Sun/Jupiter /Mars. I use Mars/Sun/Jupiter. Why? Because they are the fire signs rulers. So, the Sun, being at 24 Leo, is ruled (if the SUn can be ruled) by Jupiter. Jupiter is at 14 Sag, Direct and at home, so it is very strong. Both Mars and Venus are under Jupiter rulership.
The Moon is in Pisces, separating from Neptune, also under Jupiter rulership. When we have Jupiter around it should be a good and optimistic day! So, smile :)
Mars is on the royal star, Regulus, it can stir up fights and accidents!
Uranus(surprize) is at Mars (war)/Saturn (govm)midpoint; so... I guess, where these plane lines cross, will be a hectic place.
Here is a so called "stress chart"
I had to look at Israel's chart, under this midpoint, and what do we see? We have a Mars return! tr.Mars on natal Mars, and Uranus is triggering some turbulence... Already 5 dead at the Gaza border..
Now I am searching who has a Mars at 28 Leo, that will be affected by this Uranus midpoint today and maybe tomorrow...? I see trump and Netanyahu share the same Mars! at 26 Leo! Isn't that incredible? Greece has a Mars on 27Leo... so news about Greece must come in these days. Also Mohammad Bin Salman!! 29 Leo!!
Many celebrities were born on this day! Patrick Swayze (R.I.P.) Robert Redford, Roman Polanski, etc.
We start this week with the Sun in the last Decan of Leo. It is at 24Leo 56. If you check different astrology schools, you will find a discrepancy as to what planet rule the decans. I have ZET. So if you open DATA/ Systems under the rulers of Decans you will find a window showing different scholars about this. The Chaldean, that Sepharial used says the decans of Leo are ruled by Saturn/ Jupiter/Mars; Manillius said the planets are: Mars/Sun/Jupiter; the Hindu: Sun/Jupiter /Mars. I use Mars/Sun/Jupiter. Why? Because they are the fire signs rulers. So, the Sun, being at 24 Leo, is ruled (if the SUn can be ruled) by Jupiter. Jupiter is at 14 Sag, Direct and at home, so it is very strong. Both Mars and Venus are under Jupiter rulership.
The Moon is in Pisces, separating from Neptune, also under Jupiter rulership. When we have Jupiter around it should be a good and optimistic day! So, smile :)
Mars is on the royal star, Regulus, it can stir up fights and accidents!
Uranus(surprize) is at Mars (war)/Saturn (govm)midpoint; so... I guess, where these plane lines cross, will be a hectic place.
Here is a so called "stress chart"
I had to look at Israel's chart, under this midpoint, and what do we see? We have a Mars return! tr.Mars on natal Mars, and Uranus is triggering some turbulence... Already 5 dead at the Gaza border..
Now I am searching who has a Mars at 28 Leo, that will be affected by this Uranus midpoint today and maybe tomorrow...? I see trump and Netanyahu share the same Mars! at 26 Leo! Isn't that incredible? Greece has a Mars on 27Leo... so news about Greece must come in these days. Also Mohammad Bin Salman!! 29 Leo!!
Many celebrities were born on this day! Patrick Swayze (R.I.P.) Robert Redford, Roman Polanski, etc.
August 17, 2019 Saturday
Yesterday we had a hesitating up move in the Dow, of 339.5 points. 4.16 points in the SPY, 43.12 points in the S&P. Closed at 2891, so the alert worked! I sent to go long above 2841. Yes 41... It is an important level! Now two things can happen: either they build an M pattern, or a W. LOL... Which one will it be? Thanks God we have the weekend and we can rest from this turbulent market!
I can already say about TA35, our market, which close at 1553.21; that we have a positive arbitrage of 0.44%, so probably it will reach 1560, at the first place. This will be interesting to see, what will happen under Mars entering Virgo!
During the last years I analysed several indices to see how will this move affect them. Well, some came up with a fall, some with a rise from mid Virgo... so each index with its own data, you know.
August 16, 2019 Friday
Yesterday I sent an alert, to go long on the S&P. I hope you made a few bucks on that! With it, the other indices also turned. The Moon was in Aquarius, and we got a major low during these last days. Now she is in Pisces, so let's see if the Fundamental news will let her be, or turbulence will return?
Today we are under the energies of Venus and Mars.
Here are the aspects in the Geocentric chart for today.
And the Heliocentric: the most important is a trine between Venus-Jupiter!
On these and many more are my calculations based, for the alerts.
What is happening next week?
Mars is in Virgo! That is a major event.
Geo main aspects:
Actual aspects
Begin: 18.08.2019 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Venus 108 Jupiter 18.08.2019 17:47
Venus 144 Pluto 19.08.2019 3:47
Jupiter 30 Saturn 19.08.2019 17:48
Mercury 144 Neptune 20.08.2019 0:11
Sun 108 Jupiter 20.08.2019 0:34
Mercury 108 Eris 20.08.2019 5:10
Sun 144 Pluto 20.08.2019 12:02
Venus 144 Chiron 20.08.2019 20:24
Mars 45 Node 21.08.2019 2:50
Mars 135 S.Node 21.08.2019 2:50
Venus 135 Saturn 21.08.2019 3:14
Mercury 150 Saturn 21.08.2019 11:26
Mercury 120 Jupiter 21.08.2019 13:05
Mercury 30 Node 22.08.2019 15:14
Mercury 150 S.Node 22.08.2019 15:14
Sun 144 Chiron 22.08.2019 15:21
Venus 45 Node 22.08.2019 20:35
Venus 135 S.Node 22.08.2019 20:35
Sun 135 Saturn 22.08.2019 23:43
Mercury 150 Neptune 23.08.2019 5:26
Mercury 135 Chiron 24.08.2019 9:47
Mercury 144 Saturn 24.08.2019 13:56
Venus 0 Mars 24.08.2019 20:05
Mercury 150 Pluto 24.08.2019 21:14
Sun 45 Node 25.08.2019 7:00
Sun 135 S.Node 25.08.2019 7:00
Venus 150 Chiron 25.08.2019 13:33
Mercury 144 S.Node 25.08.2019 18:09
Mercury 36 Node 25.08.2019 18:09
18.08.2019 8:18:11 > Vir Mars
18.08.2019 19:32:37 > Ari Moon
19.08.2019 19:40:51 >0 N Moon
21.08.2019 7:36:56 > Tau Moon
21.08.2019 12:06:21 > Vir Venus
23.08.2019 13:01:57 > Vir Sun
23.08.2019 17:33:51 > Gem Moon
We can understand from this that a Virgo stellium will form. How will this affect the trade?
I shall be away between 21-26 of August...
Meanwhile, have a nice weekend.
SInce I started to write this blog in Oct. 2009 see how many people read it..

Mars is in Virgo! That is a major event.
Geo main aspects:
Actual aspects
Begin: 18.08.2019 Period: 1 month (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Venus 108 Jupiter 18.08.2019 17:47
Venus 144 Pluto 19.08.2019 3:47
Jupiter 30 Saturn 19.08.2019 17:48
Mercury 144 Neptune 20.08.2019 0:11
Sun 108 Jupiter 20.08.2019 0:34
Mercury 108 Eris 20.08.2019 5:10
Sun 144 Pluto 20.08.2019 12:02
Venus 144 Chiron 20.08.2019 20:24
Mars 45 Node 21.08.2019 2:50
Mars 135 S.Node 21.08.2019 2:50
Venus 135 Saturn 21.08.2019 3:14
Mercury 150 Saturn 21.08.2019 11:26
Mercury 120 Jupiter 21.08.2019 13:05
Mercury 30 Node 22.08.2019 15:14
Mercury 150 S.Node 22.08.2019 15:14
Sun 144 Chiron 22.08.2019 15:21
Venus 45 Node 22.08.2019 20:35
Venus 135 S.Node 22.08.2019 20:35
Sun 135 Saturn 22.08.2019 23:43
Mercury 150 Neptune 23.08.2019 5:26
Mercury 135 Chiron 24.08.2019 9:47
Mercury 144 Saturn 24.08.2019 13:56
Venus 0 Mars 24.08.2019 20:05
Mercury 150 Pluto 24.08.2019 21:14
Sun 45 Node 25.08.2019 7:00
Sun 135 S.Node 25.08.2019 7:00
Venus 150 Chiron 25.08.2019 13:33
Mercury 144 S.Node 25.08.2019 18:09
Mercury 36 Node 25.08.2019 18:09
18.08.2019 8:18:11 > Vir Mars
18.08.2019 19:32:37 > Ari Moon
19.08.2019 19:40:51 >0 N Moon
21.08.2019 7:36:56 > Tau Moon
21.08.2019 12:06:21 > Vir Venus
23.08.2019 13:01:57 > Vir Sun
23.08.2019 17:33:51 > Gem Moon
We can understand from this that a Virgo stellium will form. How will this affect the trade?
I shall be away between 21-26 of August...
Meanwhile, have a nice weekend.
SInce I started to write this blog in Oct. 2009 see how many people read it..
August 15, 2019 Thursday
What goes up, must come down... says the proverb. But so MUCH?? Anyways, it is a fantastic way to make a lot of money easy. One just has to be in the right direction. Or! wake up and switch fast, real fast.
Alerts sent on the 10th:
Nikkei: Stop was / is 20730; Now at 20684, should go above 20790 to climb to 21200- 21500 and close the open gap.
Topped at 20697 and fell back. Therefore we used 20790 as stop for short. Fell to 20173. NIce short.
AXJO: Stop was 6493, Positive close at 6584! Now raise stop to 6555- target 6667-6700. Failing to reach any of these use them as stop for short!
Nifty Bank: Stop was 28660 Fell to 27611. Move stop to 28150 and long above target 28670-29000.
Topped at 28146, short was triggered below the stop! Fell to 27952- so far.
In Asia most of the indices made the last top between July 26-31.
In Europe: Biggest loser of one day was Tel Aviv 35. Now DAX future is correcting.
MIB: Stop was 20620 Fell to 20005 .Now 20612. Move stop to 20550- . Target 20850 and higher. Failing, use is as stop for short.
target was not reached, we used 20850 as stop for short. Now at 20024.
Seems that my last alert for the FTSE UK was on July 22, and noone missed it! So maybe I should skip it...
FTSE UK: Top on 7/4 ,16,17,19 here too lower highs Stop was at 7455 Now at 7475- we are long. Move stop to 7465
3:30:: FTSE UK : RAISE STOP TO 7510-16; Target 21-27.
Since 7/22 it made 470 points in short!
DAX alert from yesterday was :DAX: stop was 11780- short below. Fell to 11530! And turned up yesterday, with a gap! Now at 11780. Move stop to 11720, target 11850- 11960. Failing to go over with a high volume, use is as stop for short!
Short was triggered below 11720, fell to 11400.
I posted a chart of the Dow yesterday. Alerts for the US markets were sent on the 12th. I think they served you well.
Fut: stop was
26240 Now at 26124 Lower stop to 26080. Breaking 25440 will probably go 100-200 points lower. Even to 24800.
All we need is a tweet from Trump to see another squeeze. LOL...
Or, we need the Sun to move from that 150* to Pluto... Which one will happen first?
Today we are ruled by Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter is stationary, turns Direct. Both are at 14 degrees, 30 ^ apart. Jupiter is approaching Saturn. Anything that approaches Saturn receives the traits of this planet. It is still rather far... just sayin...
I thought, that if markets slide down, it will make the BTC rally. Well, I was wrong. It is falling since 8/6!
I see there is no trade in France and Italy today. And as of 3:30 a lot of US announcements!
TA35: Has a negative arbitrage, so probably it will open gapping down. Target 1556. Since AUG 1 the index lost 4.6%. Falling below 1554, 7/21 low, will fall further down.
I thought, that if markets slide down, it will make the BTC rally. Well, I was wrong. It is falling since 8/6!
I see there is no trade in France and Italy today. And as of 3:30 a lot of US announcements!
TA35: Has a negative arbitrage, so probably it will open gapping down. Target 1556. Since AUG 1 the index lost 4.6%. Falling below 1554, 7/21 low, will fall further down.
August 14, 2019 Wednesday
In my report to subscribers, on Aug 3rd letter I wrote:
The Sun: trines Jupiter on 8/6- they form a support at 2923. We can use this level as stop for short/ long. On 8/7-9 a 150 * aspect to Saturn. That is a blocking aspect.
The Moon is at 14 Libra, departing from the Sun. She too will meet Jupiter and Saturn during the week, with 60 and 90 * aspects
Mercury is at 24 Can58 Direct. It is solitary. (no aspects)
Venus is at 10Leo; on 8/8 120* to Jupiter- at 2924/2894~price wise.
Mars is at 21Leo57– 150* to Pluto. This is the main weekly aspect.
Jupiter is retro at 14Sag34. Jupiter enters a long lasting square with Neptune. They form a support at 3004 and a resistance at 3034. Jupiter turned Retro on 4/10, and then the index was at 2888. This is our short target.
Obviously, above 2888 long was triggered! This fell together with some easy by Trump towards the Chinese, and voila!! We got a hysterical rally to 2943 , 55 points gain!
Sign up N O W for the weekly forecasts!!! KNow these stuff in advance.
For those who have the app, I sent alert on the 12th, early morning, to lower stop to 2905. So you gained all the was down to 2871, and if you knew how to adjust the stop, all the way up too, or 38 points above the stop, which not bad either!
Actually yesterday was a joker. :) LOL...
So what is happening today? Are we keeping up the trend, or was it a short squeeze?
La LUna is in Aquarius. Uranus is solitary, until Mercury will not reach 6 degrees.( 8/17). This means more surprises, and a twist on the 17th. But I see that is a Saturday, so not effective for the trade. But, prepare then for Friday.
In the fundamental world we have: Europe to look at today... Will send new updates!
Today is a CIT for:
Spy, DAX, Gold, LTC, AEX, BTC, Soya, GPRO, JNJ, NNDM, GM, MCD, CAT, wmt
Local shares: Bicom, Biomedics, Blufenix, Foresight, Insuline, Karden NV, Medipower, Melanox, Poalim IBI, Redvision, etc
9:00 am alerts for Europe and the commodities sent! Good luck
4:20 pm
Crazy crazy day!
Today is a CIT for:
Spy, DAX, Gold, LTC, AEX, BTC, Soya, GPRO, JNJ, NNDM, GM, MCD, CAT, wmt
Local shares: Bicom, Biomedics, Blufenix, Foresight, Insuline, Karden NV, Medipower, Melanox, Poalim IBI, Redvision, etc
9:00 am alerts for Europe and the commodities sent! Good luck
4:20 pm
Crazy crazy day!
August 13,2019 Tuesday
I told you the S&P will break 2900? well, for those who have my app! And it crossed down below, to 2872! The important price level now is 2880. We are short below and long above. But, being long we are against the trend, so I would watch it.
I told you the S&P will break 2900? well, for those who have my app! And it crossed down below, to 2872! The important price level now is 2880. We are short below and long above. But, being long we are against the trend, so I would watch it.
With Uranus turning retro the demonstrations in Hong Kong intensified. Also troubles in Argentina, the stock market and the Peso fell by 30% due to a loss of President Mauricio Macri finishes a distant second to leftist opponent in primary election
Here is his natal chart, with a C rating, meaning time of birth is unknown, but we can see how many planets get an exact hit! Most important of course is Uranus in opposition Neptune
The Peso rocketed, but it is weird to see, that it reached only and exactly the expected trendline from 2017!!!
It's 7:35, I just sent alerts for the currencies!
So, let's see what can we expect for today?
The Moon is in Capricorn, separating from the Cap. stellium, she will be VOC, till late afternoon. Meaning, she will make no aspects.Here are the aspects for the week: GMT:00
13.08.2019 15:35:24 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
13.08.2019 20:32:39 2°29'19"Aqr Opposition Mercury
14.08.2019 4:46:34 6°36'48"Aqr Square Uranus
14.08.2019 20:37:23 14°31'18"Aqr Sextile Jupiter
15.08.2019 12:29:12 22°24'15"Aqr Opposition Sun
15.08.2019 13:16:19 22°47'37"Aqr Opposition Venus
16.08.2019 1:01:34 28°37'00"Aqr Opposition Mars
16.08.2019 3:49:20 0°00'00"Psc <<<
16.08.2019 17:11:11 6°36'23"Psc Sextile Uranus
Today we are under the energy of Venus and Mars. Both are in Leo, with the Sun. The Sun is at 20 Leo, just entered the last and third decan. It is a decan ruled by Mars. Martial energies everywhere! We have some difficult midpoints in the sky today, so watch out when you drive, and at all, be attentive to your surrounding...
August 12, 2019 Monday
The alerts I sent Friday for today's opening were good, I hope you used them!
Today we have a completely new scenario in the sky! It is a day ruled by the Moon and Mercury. The Moon joined the party in Capricorn. Mercury just re entered Leo, after turning Direct; while Mars, in the Heliocentric chart just entered Virgo. Jupiter turned Direct and Uranus is slowing down before turning Retro. Wow.. A lot of action!
In the fundamental world, today at 9 pm- my time, USA fed. budget... the forecast is 120 billion MINUS! Japan is on holiday today, no trade, and Europe is just about to open... it's 9:02. That is not looking very rosy, is it? Mars entering Virgo will bring a change, no doubt about that.
Moon aspects today: GMT:00
12.08.2019 9:53:08 14°57'39"Cap Conjunction Saturn
12.08.2019 15:58:02 18°03'30"Cap Sextile Neptune
12.08.2019 22:11:21 21°13'01"Cap Conjunction Pluto
Moon aspects today: GMT:00
12.08.2019 9:53:08 14°57'39"Cap Conjunction Saturn
12.08.2019 15:58:02 18°03'30"Cap Sextile Neptune
12.08.2019 22:11:21 21°13'01"Cap Conjunction Pluto
August 11, 2019 Sunday
On July 8th I posted Jeffrey Epstein's natal and future charts. Then I asked, if he will buy himself out of jail again, as in the past.
" Epstein's lawyers urged the court to allow Epstein to post bail, offering to post up to a $600 million bond (including $100 million from Epstein’s brother, Mark) so he could leave the Manhattan correctional center and submit to house arrest at his New York mansion with guards watching over him that he would pay for.
Judge Richard Berman denied the request on July 18, 2019 stating in his ruling that Epstein posed a danger to the public and was a serious flight risk to avoid prosecution." This is from a very long article by Theodore White USA astrologer on FB. He rectified his chart to 2:57 am.
In the charts I uploaded on 7/8, I pointed out the many 22 degrees - "kill or get gilled" degree that popped up on that day. The news about his suicide did not surprize me. That is nonsense... He was murdered before standing trial! There are too many people who must grow eyes in their backs now, with his death. He had no chance. It is interesting to see, that he died on the eve of Tisha B'AV, the mourning day of the two Temples' destruction
Here is his natal chart with the rectification Theo made. We can see asteroid Nemesis conjunct his South Node:
The asteroid Nemesis shows an enemy. If a person’s Nemesis touches your chart in synastry, I would watch out. The charts will play out. I have never seen a chart not play out. I think it is hubris for a man to think he can overcome the chart. Only God can, as I, often, say.
Keywords: carries the energy of karma, the downfall of something/someone, encountering one owns weakness, the enemy, disappointment in receiving 'what was due', responsibility and acceptance of shadow self
Positive: judge of moral virtues, retribution, vengeance , praise, credit where credit is due, action against crimes, balancing highs with lows, ripping rug out from underneath boastful, accepting ones flaws, guard against arrogance,
Negative: resentment personified, energy influences that tear you down and apart, key to personal resentment, what do you envy in others, how do you dish out blame? catalyst for feelings of unfairness/being cut to size that cause one to look at their flaws
Neutral: that of which is blamed for everything that goes wrong, punishment of
excessive pride, evil deeds and undeserved happiness, noting weaknesses and
embracing them, need to stay humble, the force behind karma, where we are our
own worst enemy, consequences for persisting bad habits, drawing out the
negative debts of what she touches
Also, his strongest planet in the natal chart is Jupiter, and when he died, Jupiter was stationary, with Moon conjunct. The chart below shows SOME of the asteroids that show death.There are a lot of aspects, as you can imagine... Will he rest in peace? I doubt. Too many lives were destroyed. Is his killing solving anything? No.
Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
Here is another article by Armstrong...Very interesting, with a personal twist.
Anyone interested in Theodore White's article I can mail it to you.
After one hour that I am writing this, conspiracy articles pop up...he might be very much alive!!
OK. Maybe I should mind my own business...
Venus is hiding behind the Sun.... I already wrote about this. But, there are more, interesting position to talk about. Another very good astrologer, Smiljana Gavrancic came up with this definition for Mercury's position: Jupiter turns direct on 11 August 2019 (GMT 14:38), Sunday, at 14 Sagittarius 30', with Mercury crossing over the very end of the sign of Cancer, 29 Cancer (which is the place of Jupiter chakra, our 3rd eye, because that is the transition point from Cancer into the sign of Leo, where two lights, our two eyes (the Moon as the ruler of Cancer, and the Sun as the ruler of Leo) 'meet'. So, in the other word, in the moment when Jupiter turns direct, the Universe will ask from us to change our believes, in order we get totally other outcome."
This is her own explanation of the 29th degree in Cancer, but I found it interesting, and thought to share it with you. Tomorrow this momentum will evaporate, and remember, that Mercury is at this degree every 22 days.
The other more powerful event in the sky is Jupiter turning Direct and Uranus retro, this week! the Moon just joined the stellium in Capricorn.
We don't have trade today, due to 9 in Av.
Going to the gym, take care!!
We don't have trade today, due to 9 in Av.
Going to the gym, take care!!
August 9, 2019 Friday
Today we are ruled by Venus and the Moon. Venus is in trine Jupiter- Will mark a top, IMHO! and the Moon just moved to Sag. Uranus is solitary!! So expect the unexpected!
Here is the list of the Middle East countries. I am surprised to see the Palestinian territory as the first runner up!!
it's 8:22 am, I sent a long list of alerts for all the markets.
Market will soon start in Europe, note that it might start positive, but later it will calm down and reverse!
For my readers from Hungary: The stop is 3750, below it, might crash!
August 8, 2019 Thursday
it's 7 am. I write the times I send alerts, so you can see them BEFORE anything happens.
Yesterday, in the US markets we got a remarkable V pattern correction! From 2776.62 low it ran up by 120 points! We did need quick fingers to trade it! I sent alert, first thing in the morning.
For the Dow I sent this alert on Aug 5: DOW Fut: . –“ Last bottom was 27042, breaking it, will go 2-300 points lower” .Bottomed so far at 26130! Now at 26194. Stop was 27450; Lower stop to 26350 Target 26000-25600" It bottomed at 25440; Target reached!
Etc etc...
What to expect today?
Today we are ruled by Jupiter and the SUN. They are still in trine (120); and we can add Venus conjunction to the Sun as well. The Moon is still in Scorpio. She will square Mars today- see the aspects that I uploaded below.
What else? Today we have a CIT day for: S&P and AXJO DOW, Dax fut, Nasdaq, Nyse,
Gold fut, Corn, Ripple, BCH, AMZN, 10 YEAR BONDS, CSCO,LNKD, PSTI,
Local shares: Razio, Afrika nechasim, Evugene,
Elbit Maarachot, Teva, Bank Beinleumi, DiPharm, Gvaot , machon leheker
iNternet, mankind, Maayan, Medivi, Rami Levi, Silicom, Tadir Gan, etc.
So, even we we'll have some more up moves, expect a correction!
Then, today Venus is behind the Sun. It will be exact on Aug.14th. Only around 17-18th it will come out of this "hiding" place.
It is interesting what I have found! This hide and seek position happened before between Dec.31.2017-Jan 25.2018; then the S&P rallied by 7.30%. Of course, the other planets were not at the same positions as today! So we cannot assume, based on this one aspect that we will have now a rally of 3 weeks! But, it's a curiosity, that we can add to the basket.
Here are some of the alerts I sent for the Gold:
Geocentic sky:
Actual aspects
Begin: 8.08.2019 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Sun 150 Saturn 8.08.2019 3:24
Venus 108 Ceres 8.08.2019 10:34
Mars 60 Pallas 8.08.2019 14:59
Sun P Pallas 8.08.2019 22:40
Venus 120 Jupiter 8.08.2019 23:27
Mercury 150 Center of Galaxy 9.08.2019 0:16
Venus 150 Saturn 9.08.2019 11:24
Center of Galaxy 144 Vesta 9.08.2019 11:46
Neptune 144 Pallas 9.08.2019 13:19
Mars 108 Uranus 9.08.2019 20:40
Pluto 120 Vesta 10.08.2019 2:09
Next 3 days' aspects: in the Heliocentric sky:
Actual aspects
Begin: 8.08.2019 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Venus 144 Neptune 8.08.2019 3:57- watch out of fraud!
Pluto 30 Ceres 8.08.2019 6:52
Venus 135 Center of Galaxy 8.08.2019 18:59
Mercury 108 Ceres 8.08.2019 19:55
Mercury 144 Pallas 8.08.2019 20:33
Mercury 135 Juno 9.08.2019 0:14
Mercury 108 Jupiter 9.08.2019 5:58
Earth 90 Pallas 9.08.2019 8:17
Mercury 120 Venus 9.08.2019 10:08
Mercury 135 Mars 9.08.2019 15:13
Mercury 108 Center of Galaxy 9.08.2019 19:17
Center of Galaxy 120 Vesta 9.08.2019 23:37
Mercury 150 Pallas 10.08.2019 1:41
Earth 30 Neptune 10.08.2019 3:11
Mercury 30 Neptune 10.08.2019 4:25
Earth 60 Mercury 10.08.2019 4:42
Mercury 90 Saturn 10.08.2019 9:11
Venus 108 Vesta 10.08.2019 18:05
6.08.2019 18:24:31 > Ari Mercury= RALLY!!
11.08.2019 8:58:01 > Vir MarsGeocentic sky:
Actual aspects
Begin: 8.08.2019 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Sun 150 Saturn 8.08.2019 3:24
Venus 108 Ceres 8.08.2019 10:34
Mars 60 Pallas 8.08.2019 14:59
Sun P Pallas 8.08.2019 22:40
Venus 120 Jupiter 8.08.2019 23:27
Mercury 150 Center of Galaxy 9.08.2019 0:16
Venus 150 Saturn 9.08.2019 11:24
Center of Galaxy 144 Vesta 9.08.2019 11:46
Neptune 144 Pallas 9.08.2019 13:19
Mars 108 Uranus 9.08.2019 20:40
Pluto 120 Vesta 10.08.2019 2:09
9.08.2019 0:01:45 max N Uranus
11.08.2019 12:48:51 max N Mercury
11.08.2019 16:36:51 D Jupiter 14°30'18"Sgr
11.08.2019 22:45:32 > Leo Mercury
Here is a bigger list, but far from complete!
Actual aspects
Begin: 8.08.2019 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Venus 144 Neptune 8.08.2019 3:57
Pluto 30 Ceres 8.08.2019 6:52
Mercury 144 Poseidon 8.08.2019 7:06
Earth 45 Cupido 8.08.2019 8:23
S.Node 45 Cupido 8.08.2019 10:01
Mercury 90 Hades 8.08.2019 11:33
Venus 108 Eris 8.08.2019 13:05
Venus 30 Kronos 8.08.2019 13:18
Mercury 150 Broca 8.08.2019 17:05
Mercury 30 Nessus 8.08.2019 17:57
Venus 135 Center of Galaxy 8.08.2019 18:59
Mercury 108 Ceres 8.08.2019 19:55
Mercury 144 Pallas 8.08.2019 20:33
Mercury 45 Damocles 8.08.2019 21:52
Mercury 150 Orcus 2004 DW 8.08.2019 22:18
Mercury 135 Juno 9.08.2019 0:14
Mercury 90 Kronos 9.08.2019 3:33
Mercury 108 Jupiter 9.08.2019 5:58
Mercury 45 Sedna 9.08.2019 6:07
Venus 135 Ixion 9.08.2019 6:35
Earth 90 Pallas 9.08.2019 8:17
Mercury 108 Vulkanus 9.08.2019 9:19
Mercury 120 Venus 9.08.2019 10:08
Venus 72 Admetos 9.08.2019 10:12
S.Node 90 Pallas 9.08.2019 10:28
Earth 45 Pholus 9.08.2019 11:02
Mercury 150 Poseidon 9.08.2019 11:30
S.Node 45 Pholus 9.08.2019 12:44
Lilith 0 Lilith(T) 9.08.2019 13:00
Venus 90 Poseidon 9.08.2019 14:28
Mercury 135 Mars 9.08.2019 15:13
Mars 36 MakeMake 9.08.2019 15:31
Mercury 108 Varuna 9.08.2019 16:01
Nessus 120 Broca 9.08.2019 16:24
Mercury 30 Karma 9.08.2019 19:06
Mercury 108 Center of Galaxy 9.08.2019 19:17
Pallas 45 Pholus 9.08.2019 20:48
Mercury 36 Nessus 9.08.2019 22:00
Mercury 108 Ixion 9.08.2019 22:54
Center of Galaxy 120 Vesta 9.08.2019 23:37
LOL... Now you see what it means to give an alert?
Again a terrible killing! a 19 year old boy was stabbed to death, just a week before his birthday! Horrible horrible.. He was a good , a naive guy, 3 planets in Aquarius! But he also had a Sun-Uranus opposition, and when Uranus was triggered, he was killed last night. Certainly a terror attack, by arabs. May he rest in peace!!
The next few days will be very dangerous ones for Israel, because transit Mars returns to a conjunction to natal Mars! Also Uranus aspects natal Moon ( the people)- so unforeseen events, surprize events might happen.
I guess everyone who has Mars in the last 10 degrees of Leo, should watch it!!!
Nyse, Harrison Ford, Trump, Bibi, Stefan Loften, Michael J. Fox, Jodie Foster, Eli Yishai, BAC, FAA,MOhammed Bin Salman, Shaul Elovitz, Shlomo Filber, Raul Castro, Zvika Pick, Kamala Harris, etc..
11.08.2019 12:48:51 max N Mercury
11.08.2019 16:36:51 D Jupiter 14°30'18"Sgr
11.08.2019 22:45:32 > Leo Mercury
Here is a bigger list, but far from complete!
Actual aspects
Begin: 8.08.2019 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Venus 144 Neptune 8.08.2019 3:57
Pluto 30 Ceres 8.08.2019 6:52
Mercury 144 Poseidon 8.08.2019 7:06
Earth 45 Cupido 8.08.2019 8:23
S.Node 45 Cupido 8.08.2019 10:01
Mercury 90 Hades 8.08.2019 11:33
Venus 108 Eris 8.08.2019 13:05
Venus 30 Kronos 8.08.2019 13:18
Mercury 150 Broca 8.08.2019 17:05
Mercury 30 Nessus 8.08.2019 17:57
Venus 135 Center of Galaxy 8.08.2019 18:59
Mercury 108 Ceres 8.08.2019 19:55
Mercury 144 Pallas 8.08.2019 20:33
Mercury 45 Damocles 8.08.2019 21:52
Mercury 150 Orcus 2004 DW 8.08.2019 22:18
Mercury 135 Juno 9.08.2019 0:14
Mercury 90 Kronos 9.08.2019 3:33
Mercury 108 Jupiter 9.08.2019 5:58
Mercury 45 Sedna 9.08.2019 6:07
Venus 135 Ixion 9.08.2019 6:35
Earth 90 Pallas 9.08.2019 8:17
Mercury 108 Vulkanus 9.08.2019 9:19
Mercury 120 Venus 9.08.2019 10:08
Venus 72 Admetos 9.08.2019 10:12
S.Node 90 Pallas 9.08.2019 10:28
Earth 45 Pholus 9.08.2019 11:02
Mercury 150 Poseidon 9.08.2019 11:30
S.Node 45 Pholus 9.08.2019 12:44
Lilith 0 Lilith(T) 9.08.2019 13:00
Venus 90 Poseidon 9.08.2019 14:28
Mercury 135 Mars 9.08.2019 15:13
Mars 36 MakeMake 9.08.2019 15:31
Mercury 108 Varuna 9.08.2019 16:01
Nessus 120 Broca 9.08.2019 16:24
Mercury 30 Karma 9.08.2019 19:06
Mercury 108 Center of Galaxy 9.08.2019 19:17
Pallas 45 Pholus 9.08.2019 20:48
Mercury 36 Nessus 9.08.2019 22:00
Mercury 108 Ixion 9.08.2019 22:54
Center of Galaxy 120 Vesta 9.08.2019 23:37
LOL... Now you see what it means to give an alert?
Again a terrible killing! a 19 year old boy was stabbed to death, just a week before his birthday! Horrible horrible.. He was a good , a naive guy, 3 planets in Aquarius! But he also had a Sun-Uranus opposition, and when Uranus was triggered, he was killed last night. Certainly a terror attack, by arabs. May he rest in peace!!
The next few days will be very dangerous ones for Israel, because transit Mars returns to a conjunction to natal Mars! Also Uranus aspects natal Moon ( the people)- so unforeseen events, surprize events might happen.
I guess everyone who has Mars in the last 10 degrees of Leo, should watch it!!!
Nyse, Harrison Ford, Trump, Bibi, Stefan Loften, Michael J. Fox, Jodie Foster, Eli Yishai, BAC, FAA,MOhammed Bin Salman, Shaul Elovitz, Shlomo Filber, Raul Castro, Zvika Pick, Kamala Harris, etc..
August 7, 2019 Wednesday
I woke up at 3:30 in the morning. Checked the market on my mobile, saw that Asia continues to fall, and went back to sleep. Now it is 7:30 having my coffee, and I see that some indices in Asia corrected, like the Nifty! So let's see what happened yesterday and this night? I sent many alerts for the S&P, I guess most of you trade it.
Today: we have a day ruled by Mercury, still in Cancer, solitary, dangerous. It is conjunct the unfortunate fixed star: Procyon.
Procyon (10 Alpha Canis Minoris m 0.38)
Keywords: Violence, sudden success then disaster, occult, politics, dissipation
Effect: Unfortunate
Character: Mars/ Mercury
The other ruling planet is Mars, is is still on the 22nd degree! The day is hot and dry.
Today, scroll down, see the aspects, the Moon squares the Sun, brings quarrels.
So, this is the big picture... what can we assume of it? quite negative..
New Zealand lowered its interest rate, the index falls almost 10 points. Preparing now the alerts for Asia! Stay tuned.
8:40 am Alerts for Asia and Europe sent! Check your apps.
9:25: Alerts for the commodities are in the app, and due to the currency war I added a line of alerts for several currencies! check it out. YOu don't have my app? It is here!
8:40 am Alerts for Asia and Europe sent! Check your apps.
9:25: Alerts for the commodities are in the app, and due to the currency war I added a line of alerts for several currencies! check it out. YOu don't have my app? It is here!
August 6, 2019 Tuesday
We had a top on July 26, which was exactly 210 days from the December 2018 low. Now in 6 trading days and 10 calendar days, we got an 8.45% fall of 256 points. Rather exaggerated fall.. but we are flowing with the events, and the TREND not criticizing.
Between Dec.3-26, 2018 we got a fall of 17.69% 500 points in 23 days. Obviously, the support is at June 3rd low: 2725. Now, during the night the S&P fell to 2773 and it is correcting upwards now, under a Sun-Jupiter trine.
We have Mars and the Moon at 22 degrees, it is again a dangerous day.
Thanks to a reader who drove my attention to the shadow position of Mercury! We are making mistakes during this position.
I sent an update for the S&P at 5:45 am this morning, so you can correct your positions.
I'll send more soon.
The Dow: triple topped since July 16 and finally fell on 7/31 from 27258 to 25035 this morning. Here too the support is at June 3rd low, at 24610. Target 26000.
I don't think the corrections are over, so if you go long, you do it against the trend!
I sent an update for the S&P at 5:45 am this morning, so you can correct your positions.
I'll send more soon.
The Dow: triple topped since July 16 and finally fell on 7/31 from 27258 to 25035 this morning. Here too the support is at June 3rd low, at 24610. Target 26000.
I don't think the corrections are over, so if you go long, you do it against the trend!
The Dow previously, in December 2018 fell with 17% in 23 days. Then we got a rally for 203 days- 145 bars, of 27.56%
In Asia: It is not a surprize, that the Hang Seng lost most in a week! 8.81%! next the Nikkei; and all are red.
The Hang Seng: the support is at 24410. Falling below, will fall to 22700 at least! or even to 20780.
In Asia: It is not a surprize, that the Hang Seng lost most in a week! 8.81%! next the Nikkei; and all are red.
The Hang Seng: the support is at 24410. Falling below, will fall to 22700 at least! or even to 20780.
The uprising started on June 9, 2019. The index topped on 7/19 and since then it lost 12% in 18 days. They protest against the face recognizing cameras:
"Since early June, an estimated 1 million people have taken to the streets of Hong Kong to protest a bill that would allow extraditions to China.
To avoid identification, many of the Hong Kong protesters cover their faces. But according to a new Washington Post story, some have also been shining high-powered lasers directly at surveillance cameras — a high-tech protest strategy intended to confuse facial recognition systems."
Will they succeed, against the "big brother?" I posted in my FB group, that exactly 70 years ago, when Jupiter was in Aquarius- sign of utopia- Orwell published his book 1984.
Now, after 70 years, this is happening, word by word, exactly as he wrote there! People are being recognized by these cameras, marked as cows, and categorized by their behaviour. If they did well, in the eye of the Big brother, they can get a job and travel, if they didn't then.... well, who knows what is the punishment? Will they be sent to gulags? or to re education camps?
The sad thing is, that now, Jupiter is still in Sag. and people have hope that they can change something, but soon, on December 3rd, it will enter Capricorn and join Saturn and Pluto ! Then the big troubles will arise. Light at the end of the tunnel will come under Jupiter in Aquarius, on Dec. 20th 2020. Oh dear!! SO much sorrow and pain till then.
So much talks about the YUAN... If you know technical analysis it was long ago written on the wall !!! It has a H&S pattern, pointing to 7.17-7.29 level at least.. We are long here since April 17, 2019!!
Dollar/ JPY: I published its chart a few days ago... The support is at 104.45 Now it it trying to correct the fall from Aug 1. Our stop is at 106.30. target 107.40, but the fall is not over yet!
Even the most boring currency like the Swiss franc triple bottomed and now it is on the edge of the cliff! Will it fall below. 0.97? That is a historical support !! Our stop here is 0. 9740- will be a short again below it.
the 30 YEARS BOND:
1) Rally of 39% in 924 days
2) fall of 22.8% in 850 days
3) rally of 270 days - rise 18.75% to 161.64 so as long at it trades above the midpoint of 153- it is still a long..
In Europe the first loser , or the best for short, depends how we look at it: was AEX Holland. Next FTSE; the DAX is still the leading index.
The DAX: bottomed on Dec.27th , rallied till July 5th= gain 190 days. 130 bars. The major support is at 11460 Falling below it, will go to 11000 even lower. Order the weekly reports, see what's coming!
The best investment for the week was the BTC: no doubt about that! 21.8% rally. From 7/28- till now 32% ; reached 12000!
WHo tipped off Jeff Bezos, to sell 2.8 billion worth shares of AMZN? last week? ! After a rally of 57% in 199 days, a gain of 740 points, He sells at the top and the buyer is eating his head off, after a loss of 14%! in just 20 days.
"Since early June, an estimated 1 million people have taken to the streets of Hong Kong to protest a bill that would allow extraditions to China.
To avoid identification, many of the Hong Kong protesters cover their faces. But according to a new Washington Post story, some have also been shining high-powered lasers directly at surveillance cameras — a high-tech protest strategy intended to confuse facial recognition systems."
Will they succeed, against the "big brother?" I posted in my FB group, that exactly 70 years ago, when Jupiter was in Aquarius- sign of utopia- Orwell published his book 1984.
Now, after 70 years, this is happening, word by word, exactly as he wrote there! People are being recognized by these cameras, marked as cows, and categorized by their behaviour. If they did well, in the eye of the Big brother, they can get a job and travel, if they didn't then.... well, who knows what is the punishment? Will they be sent to gulags? or to re education camps?
The sad thing is, that now, Jupiter is still in Sag. and people have hope that they can change something, but soon, on December 3rd, it will enter Capricorn and join Saturn and Pluto ! Then the big troubles will arise. Light at the end of the tunnel will come under Jupiter in Aquarius, on Dec. 20th 2020. Oh dear!! SO much sorrow and pain till then.
So much talks about the YUAN... If you know technical analysis it was long ago written on the wall !!! It has a H&S pattern, pointing to 7.17-7.29 level at least.. We are long here since April 17, 2019!!
Dollar/ JPY: I published its chart a few days ago... The support is at 104.45 Now it it trying to correct the fall from Aug 1. Our stop is at 106.30. target 107.40, but the fall is not over yet!
Even the most boring currency like the Swiss franc triple bottomed and now it is on the edge of the cliff! Will it fall below. 0.97? That is a historical support !! Our stop here is 0. 9740- will be a short again below it.
the 30 YEARS BOND:
1) Rally of 39% in 924 days
2) fall of 22.8% in 850 days
3) rally of 270 days - rise 18.75% to 161.64 so as long at it trades above the midpoint of 153- it is still a long..
In Europe the first loser , or the best for short, depends how we look at it: was AEX Holland. Next FTSE; the DAX is still the leading index.
The DAX: bottomed on Dec.27th , rallied till July 5th= gain 190 days. 130 bars. The major support is at 11460 Falling below it, will go to 11000 even lower. Order the weekly reports, see what's coming!
The best investment for the week was the BTC: no doubt about that! 21.8% rally. From 7/28- till now 32% ; reached 12000!
WHo tipped off Jeff Bezos, to sell 2.8 billion worth shares of AMZN? last week? ! After a rally of 57% in 199 days, a gain of 740 points, He sells at the top and the buyer is eating his head off, after a loss of 14%! in just 20 days.
Transit Jupiter 120 natal Saturn: top and fall. See the other exact oppositions as well!
Here are the Moon's aspects for the week: GMT: 00:00
6.08.2019 0:50:44 21°21'51"Lib Square Pluto
6.08.2019 2:26:01 22°18'20"Lib Sextile Mars
6.08.2019 7:35:36 25°21'10"Lib Square Mercury
6.08.2019 15:31:21 0°00'00"Sco <<<
7.08.2019 2:55:15 6°36'19"Sco Opposition Uranus
7.08.2019 14:01:10 12°57'03"Sco Square Venus
7.08.2019 17:30:53 14°55'55"Sco Square Sun
7.08.2019 18:01:44 15°13'22"Sco Sextile Saturn
7.08.2019 23:14:57 18°09'52"Sco Trine Neptune
8.08.2019 4:52:43 21°19'00"Sco Sextile Pluto
8.08.2019 9:15:33 23°45'20"Sco Square Mars
8.08.2019 14:57:37 26°54'40"Sco Trine Mercury
8.08.2019 20:34:34 0°00'00"Sgr <<<
9.08.2019 23:24:43 14°30'32"Sgr Conjunction Jupiter
10.08.2019 2:18:31 16°03'07"Sgr Trine Venus
10.08.2019 4:38:41 17°17'36"Sgr Trine Sun
10.08.2019 6:11:28 18°06'49"Sgr Square Neptune
10.08.2019 19:50:20 25°18'18"Sgr Trine Mars
August 5, 2019 Monday
I added some explanations and charts to yesterday's post.
Today: it's a Monday, ruled by the Moon, which moved into Libra and later today will sextile the Sun. I am posting here the simplest chart possible... but as you know, there are many many other points to look at. Example: Mercury conjuncts asteroid "Grieve" today; squares Eris and is 45* to Orcus. And a LOT MORE aspects, which all point to a fall or a correction in the markets, and in political/shooting events, that, I think are not over.
We cannot do anything against madmen, but in trade, we can go short and benefit of these corrections. Now don't start crying for these falls! Remember, the markets rallied from March 6, 2009!
I sent alerts for Asia and the far East yesterday, so they would be prepared while I sleep over here, time difference, you know.
I'll send alerts now for the rest of the markets. Buy the app- One time fee, and you are covered.. Or, sign up to the weekly forecast or to the daily to receive a major/minor perspective.
I sent alerts for Asia and the far East yesterday, so they would be prepared while I sleep over here, time difference, you know.
I'll send alerts now for the rest of the markets. Buy the app- One time fee, and you are covered.. Or, sign up to the weekly forecast or to the daily to receive a major/minor perspective.
August 4, 2019 Sunday
It is sad to open the week with this mass shooting in El Paso, by Patrick Crucius, who is sorry he didn't kill more! His date of birth : July 27, 1998; already points to a killer, if his energies are not taken to learn medicine, which I think was not up to, or being a butcher... of animals, not of people. Horrible creature.
I had a mistake in his date of birth, which is corrected in the chart below. his numbers point to murder out of idealistic reasons, or under heavy drugs. 9/7/9=7. Turns out his father is a psychotherapist, whose clinic was shot down by the authorities a year ago. The chart below is the natal chart, solar, no time of birth and the Directed chart, we can see that Mars arrived to a conjunction to his Sun, that pushed him to make such a horrible thing! Furthermore, Ceres, the one what shows family links, is conjunct the "weeping sisters" the Pleiades, the South Node just left the 8th house of death, at 22 degrees; he was planning for some time this shooting. and his Chiron at birth is at 12* Scorpio- the sick revenge, for not being nurtured in childhood
I had a mistake in his date of birth, which is corrected in the chart below. his numbers point to murder out of idealistic reasons, or under heavy drugs. 9/7/9=7. Turns out his father is a psychotherapist, whose clinic was shot down by the authorities a year ago. The chart below is the natal chart, solar, no time of birth and the Directed chart, we can see that Mars arrived to a conjunction to his Sun, that pushed him to make such a horrible thing! Furthermore, Ceres, the one what shows family links, is conjunct the "weeping sisters" the Pleiades, the South Node just left the 8th house of death, at 22 degrees; he was planning for some time this shooting. and his Chiron at birth is at 12* Scorpio- the sick revenge, for not being nurtured in childhood
Just back from my weekly pilates lesson, to find another shooting, in a club in Dayton Ohio. What is wrong in the USA??? this is getting more and more terrible!!! Note that both happened in recreation- fun places, due to the Sun in Leo and Mars there too, aspecting Nemesis, asteroid of revenge, cruelty. But, the main aspect is a 150* between Mars and Pluto, so we can expect more grieve this week.
I received his date of birth: Connor Betts Bellbrook: Oct 28, 1994= 7 Ruled by Neptune. was he on drugs? From his chart we can see a Scorpio stellium, this alone would not push someone to become a mass murderer... but he also has a Moon-Mars conjunction in Leo, and Directed Neptune arrived in opposition a little bit more than a year ago.. so he might have been planning this for a while. In the shooting he killed his own sister as well.
TRANSIT CHART: First we see that his Uranus at birth is at 22 degrees- that is a sign that something terrible will happen to him or he will do in his life. When transit Uranus arrived to opposition his Sun, it was time to act! That happened several weeks ago; the trigger was the Sun arriving to a conjunction to his natal Moon-Mars-Ceres in Leo.
Now look at this miracle! With the same birthday numbers as the mass murderer, but DIFFERENT NAME! Frank Zapata flies on a flyboard 34 km! Born 27.9.1987: 9.9.7=7
August 2, 2019 Friday
Happy days are back! I am a happy grandmother, my daughter gave birth to a handsome little one this night. May they be healthy and happy! I was praying for this to happen after the first of August! for obvious~ for me ~ astrological reasons... sometimes is better not knowing... or seeing a chart.
So I take a deep breath, and continue our journey with the markets. They broke down yesterday, which was expected..
Today we are under Venus' effect, and Uranus. Mercury is Direct.
S&P 15 min. chart: triple top and fall.
S&P 15 min. chart: triple top and fall.
August 1st, 2019 Thursday.
The sky today: it is a blessed day.
The Moon is conjunct the Sun, departing. The aspects for today and tomorrow are:
1.08.2019 12:53:00 14°39'40"Leo Trine Jupiter
1.08.2019 20:47:55 19°37'05"Leo Conjunction Mars
2.08.2019 13:20:19 0°00'00"Vir <<<
2.08.2019 23:49:36 6°34'53"Vir Trine Uranus
Yesterday we had an extremely powerful move, under the FED announcement, to pull down the interest rate to 2.25%, which made many people angry... but we had a bad Mercury in opposition Pluto! So it was so much on the wall it was shouting.. Now what we should watch, how will the market act when this Mercury turns Direct and will again be at 23.58 Cancer? And the Moon was exactly at 0 Leo. ( 10:30 am NY time) that was the top for the oil, and 13:55 for the S&P; The Moon was 135 to Neptune. Now looking ahead, Mercury will not return to this exact position soon, but there is another thing that happens from now till Aug.2nd- 4:10 am NY time! Mercury is stationary! have you checked, if you have any stationary planet in your birth chart??? That is extremely strong! Underlining the traits it represents. I should really check how did the market behave when Mercury was stationary...but let's see what will happen today, under this position?
Ok, a last little detail... Let's keep our fingers crossed till 6 pm NY time, when Mercury leaves a bad fixed star, Pollux. (Local time 8/2 1 am).
Ok, a last little detail... Let's keep our fingers crossed till 6 pm NY time, when Mercury leaves a bad fixed star, Pollux. (Local time 8/2 1 am).
TA35: made a new high and reached a Gann price ~1628~ level forecasted.. Now we have weekly options expiry and last day of trade for this week. I don't think we will hit new highs.
We live in times when a 79 year old woman is sent to jail in the USA, for feeding street cats! I think this is outrageous.
In my last article I wondered where was Erdogan? Well, after 10-14 days of disappearance, he showed up, and now he is meeting with Maduro..
But the circus that is going on here.... is far beyond any imagination! Just search for news .. I try to omit hearing or reading these news. They make me sick.
Anyway, let's see the markets.
The President who will be elected in 2024 will be faced with very serious problems. He/she cannot be a celeb! or a puppet... Or maybe that IS the higher plan... hidden behind a Cap. Pluto and a Pisces Neptune?
I wrote many times, that when Pluto returns to Capricorn, it will bring to the breakup of the United States. It is because the USA was formed under a Pluto in Cap. position, and now the cycle slowly ends. And today, I bump into this article, thanks to ROB, and I see this graph... Well, if this is true, because nowadays we never know.. that God Help America!
We live in times when a 79 year old woman is sent to jail in the USA, for feeding street cats! I think this is outrageous.
In my last article I wondered where was Erdogan? Well, after 10-14 days of disappearance, he showed up, and now he is meeting with Maduro..
But the circus that is going on here.... is far beyond any imagination! Just search for news .. I try to omit hearing or reading these news. They make me sick.
Anyway, let's see the markets.
The President who will be elected in 2024 will be faced with very serious problems. He/she cannot be a celeb! or a puppet... Or maybe that IS the higher plan... hidden behind a Cap. Pluto and a Pisces Neptune?

I wrote many times, that when Pluto returns to Capricorn, it will bring to the breakup of the United States. It is because the USA was formed under a Pluto in Cap. position, and now the cycle slowly ends. And today, I bump into this article, thanks to ROB, and I see this graph... Well, if this is true, because nowadays we never know.. that God Help America!
aug 22-27 have potential for terrorist attacks
ReplyDeleteThank you Anonymous! for your thoughts. I would be delighted to know who you are!
DeletePlease post your updates on Nifty too
ReplyDeleteI did!! ENjoy :)
DeleteMam one more doubt, after reading ur posts here i checked my natal chart where for my shock i see Pluto at 22° in 6H scorpio. 22° is degree To be killed or To kill.. But as it is slow moving planet most people born in 1992 have this degree.. How it will affect..
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, relax! Nothing shocking in a natal chart. Every chart has its positive and negative traits. We are here to correct and learn. We can NEVER MAKE an analysis based on one aspect or planetary position! To get killed one needs to have at the same moments at least 7-8 exact aspects... To understand what this Pluto signifies for you, one needs to see the whole chart. I don't do Vedic astrology, so you might want to consult a local astrologer. I wonder is anyone died in your family before you were born... thou.
DeleteThank you mam.. How is vedic astrology is different from western. At the end both should give same results right.? Im an Aries and Bharani Nakshatra 1st pada.. And coming solar return both Jupiter and Pluto are exact conjuct.
ReplyDeleteYou see? I have no idea what that means... that is why I said, you should ask a Vedic astrologer.
DeleteFor Nifty, U considering 12th June 2000 chart. Is market fluctuating for this chart or some say it is vibrating to 26th Jan 1950 chart?
ReplyDeleteWhen I make a long term analysis, I use Jan 26, 1950 date, but, usually, I calculate the targets and supports based on the transits of the day.
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ReplyDelete28-8-2019 is Wednesday so mercury ruled day.
ReplyDeleteMercury is at 27° so this makes it also mars ruled day or numerologically 2+8 is 1 makes Sun if added all gives 3 makes jupiter?? Reason for Mars ruled day plz?
The date added up gives a 3, it is Jupiter, my mistake. Thanks!! Will correct it.