New Moon in Virgo, 2019 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology.
Between Aug 30- Sept 29, 2019
Thanks for following from the former article, New Moon in Leo,2019.
The inner wheel shows the New Moon in Leo, where we start our journey today, the outer is for September 29th, next New Moon, in Libra. We have a Virgo stellium, watch the planets in that group, all will square Jupiter and oppose Neptune. This is the main issue of this month.
Dates to watch:
14.09.2019 10:14:21 > Lib Mercury14.09.2019 16:43:00 > Lib Venus
15.09.2019 13:26:22 >0 S Mercury
17.09.2019 1:06:21 >0 S Venus
18.09.2019 11:45:46 D Saturn 13°54'35"Cap
23.09.2019 10:49:49 >0 S Sun
23.09.2019 10:50:07 > Lib Sun
28.09.2019 0:01:45 max S Saturn
Aspects of the month:
To my new readers: I start a new article every new Moon, and I add to it almost daily. You will find here market analysis, world events, celebs' charts, whatever comes to my mind, to look at.
My services are: *Daily alerts for 15$ per day,
*Natal chart reading: $330,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 590 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $175/ month; or $890 /6 months.
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or click on Products. There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
*Natal chart reading: $330,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 590 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $175/ month; or $890 /6 months.
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you a payment request form from PayPal, or click on Products. There too you will find a link to download my app., where I give mostly intraday alerts. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course".
You might want to click "interesting, cool" and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind Have you clicked "like" at the bottom of the article, yet??.
Begin: 21.09.2019 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Jupiter 90 Neptune 21.09.2019 19:43
Sun 90 Moon 22.09.2019 5:41
Moon 90 Chiron 22.09.2019 14:47
Moon 108 Neptune 22.09.2019 16:47
Moon 60 Uranus 22.09.2019 18:31
Moon 72 Eris 22.09.2019 18:38
Mercury 90 Saturn 22.09.2019 19:19
Moon 90 Venus 23.09.2019 2:30
Mercury 90 S.Node 23.09.2019 2:43
Mercury 90 Node 23.09.2019 2:43
Moon 72 Mars 23.09.2019 3:10
Moon 180 Saturn 23.09.2019 8:39
Sun 144 Uranus 23.09.2019 9:03
Moon 180 S.Node 23.09.2019 9:30
Moon 0 Node 23.09.2019 9:30
Moon 90 Mercury 23.09.2019 10:23
Moon 120 Neptune 23.09.2019 13:56
Moon 150 Jupiter 23.09.2019 14:22
Moon 72 Uranus 23.09.2019 15:36
Sun 72 Moon 23.09.2019 16:07
Moon 180 Pluto 23.09.2019 20:21
Moon 108 Chiron 23.09.2019 22:20
A picture is better than a thousand words: In the app I calculate these positions, and the stops are given based on them.

September 29, 2019 Sunday
I got up with new thoughts about Greta, so scroll down and read if you want...
No trade today, We celebrate the New Year. 5780. We also have the New Moon, so I'll start a new article
What did this month bring us?
What did this month bring us?
Asia: The Nikkei, SSEA and New Zealand made new historical highs, the rest consolidated ( no higher highs than July top ) and KLSE double bottomed with 8/14 low
Europe: DB: new high. CAC higher high than in July 25; FTSE Check: heading to 7/2017 low! OMX and SMI: higher high than July tops ; Turkey double top with 7/25; and the rest consolidated.
USA: Dow: almost! double top with 7/16; TSX Canada new historical high! the others consolidated.
Commodities: the best investment was Palladium, made new historical high. KC: 14% in 18 days. Gold topped on 9/4, since then made a triple bottom. So from 8/30- till now it lost..
BTC/USD: from 9/5 lost 28% and from 6/25: almost corrected 2/3 of the rally from 3/25.
News? Netanyahu is about to return his mandate to the president, Reuven Rivlin, saying he is unable to form a coalition. But we knew that... Now Rivlin will have to give an opportunity to Gantz. Meanwhile the hearings of BN will start, on the 3rd.
The New Moon in Libra will bring a lot of changes. It will not be a month of harmony, as expected. Follow me...
September 28, 2019 Saturday
I made a rectification for Greta Thunberg... I think she was born at 4:24 am
Her time of birth adds up to 9. It is ruled by Mars. Mars gets the highest score in the Dignities table. Mars is on the Ascendant. She gave a thetralical speech, fits a Scorpio rising. Both her parents are actors (dad)/ singers (mom). Fits the Cap-Cancer axis. Jupiter is at 16.41 degrees. showing exactly her age.
Using the transit chart : transit Jupiter arriven into a conjunction her natal Pluto. Extraordinary, huge life event. BUT! Neptune, fraud, lies, fake news is there as well. Therefore I strongly believe she is being used, manipulated, behind the curtains by powerful people. Her Sun and Moon are in Capricorn, therefore under the rulership of Saturn, ( old people; government, restrictions ) ~ disposited ( is the right word) by Saturn~ which is in Gemini, in fall. Saturn also gets a disharmonious aspect from Venus, which is also in Detriment, in Scorpio, and OOB at certain age, when Asperger was diagnosed, and next in May 2020, it will be a time to watch for news about this girl.
Here is a graph of her OOB Venus for the next 30 years. Venus rules her 7th, ( partners, agreements and her 12( hospitals, jail) . It will be hard, when a malefic will trigger natal Venus.
September 27, 2019 Friday
last day of trade of the week and of the month.
We don't have trade today, it's Friday... Sunday we celebrate the New Years, the year of 5780. The year adds up to 20/2 It will be under the Moon and Pluto energies...So we have no trade on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Bank holiday. God, I hate holidays... sorry guys, but that's me. We only eat and eat... I wish I travelled somewhere. I was so busy with the market, that I did not realize we had so many holidays. I will have to get out and go to the beach... LOL... Enjoy myself... The truth is, that I enjoy more researching something. So our market gapped up yesterday to 1630. here is the monthly performance.
It is fantastic how the Fibonacci fans show future price levels! Check out your own index!!
Let's see another index:
HANG SENG: and any other index that bottomed/topped on the same day! DAX!!
But, of course it is not necessary to know astrology to trade, but at least technical analysis. I am sad when I read in different forums " I have a feeling it will go to 100". This is nonsense... one doesn't trade out of a feeling. If you do, you are closer to a heart attack than you think..
TODAY: watch out of the many Fed. announcements. In the sky the Moon is in Virgo, approaching the Sun, on the 29th we will have the New Moon in Libra, I'll start, as usual a new article.
Let's see another index:
HANG SENG: and any other index that bottomed/topped on the same day! DAX!!
But, of course it is not necessary to know astrology to trade, but at least technical analysis. I am sad when I read in different forums " I have a feeling it will go to 100". This is nonsense... one doesn't trade out of a feeling. If you do, you are closer to a heart attack than you think..
TODAY: watch out of the many Fed. announcements. In the sky the Moon is in Virgo, approaching the Sun, on the 29th we will have the New Moon in Libra, I'll start, as usual a new article.
Moon's aspects: GMT:00:00 !
27.09.2019 8:49:33 13°58'35"Vir Trine Saturn
27.09.2019 13:21:01 16°50'38"Vir Opposition Neptune
27.09.2019 14:44:41 17°43'43"Vir Square Jupiter
27.09.2019 19:19:52 20°38'29"Vir Trine Pluto
and for the beginning of next week:
1.10.2019 8:42:42 14°02'55"Sco Sextile Saturn
1.10.2019 13:12:07 16°44'30"Sco Trine Neptune
1.10.2019 19:44:32 20°38'04"Sco Sextile Pluto
2.10.2019 9:46:00 28°51'28"Sco Sextile Mars
2.10.2019 11:44:16 0°00'00"Sgr <<<
27.09.2019 8:49:33 13°58'35"Vir Trine Saturn
27.09.2019 13:21:01 16°50'38"Vir Opposition Neptune
27.09.2019 14:44:41 17°43'43"Vir Square Jupiter
27.09.2019 19:19:52 20°38'29"Vir Trine Pluto
and for the beginning of next week:
1.10.2019 8:42:42 14°02'55"Sco Sextile Saturn
1.10.2019 13:12:07 16°44'30"Sco Trine Neptune
1.10.2019 19:44:32 20°38'04"Sco Sextile Pluto
2.10.2019 9:46:00 28°51'28"Sco Sextile Mars
2.10.2019 11:44:16 0°00'00"Sgr <<<
Politics: I wrote a few days ago, that we have a Mercury-(speech, news) 150^ to Neptune.(fake news, manipulations, lies). So read this... How desperate can Nathaniahu be, do suggest, such an unlawful thing! He knows it, everybody knows it, but he does it anyway, in order to say it is a witch hunt. He also held a meeting to the Likud members, threatening them, not to go behind his back.. Rumors are out and loud, some ministers are thinking differently.. This new year will be a disaster for him. (and SARA! )
Weather: Cold is coming in one part of the USA, and heat in the other.
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Have a nice weekend.
Politics: I wrote a few days ago, that we have a Mercury-(speech, news) 150^ to Neptune.(fake news, manipulations, lies). So read this... How desperate can Nathaniahu be, do suggest, such an unlawful thing! He knows it, everybody knows it, but he does it anyway, in order to say it is a witch hunt. He also held a meeting to the Likud members, threatening them, not to go behind his back.. Rumors are out and loud, some ministers are thinking differently.. This new year will be a disaster for him. (and SARA! )
Weather: Cold is coming in one part of the USA, and heat in the other.
Click like!
Sign up for a forecast :)
Have a nice weekend.
September 26, 2019 Thursday
Have you clicked the "Like "button , ever?? Since you read my blog for 10 years?? Now it's the time!
Pls. read again yesterday's post! I found something extraordinary about Greta Thunberg and others.
Today we have options expiry. Do you know what is a trader's poison?? CONSOLIDATION... We can only lose under no moves. I am out of trade, never wait for the expiry... You can be wiped out.
TA35: moved in the last days between 1602- 1610. "They" didn't let the market move...Who are they? well, at 1610 we had a resistance line of Pluto and at 1602- Venus... You thought I am talking about the robots?? LOL... How do I get these lines, I teach in my course.. In any case, frustrating..
Today we are under the effect of the Moon ( VOC) and Jupiter (still 90^ to Neptune). The Moon enters Virgo today and that Merc-Pluto square should wake up our sleeping ugly.
September 25, 2019 Wednesday
That Mars, I was talking about, made it! Big time. Indices dropped. All we need sometimes is a little push. and no harmonious aspects.
Here are the last tops with dates. All we have to do is count the days for a CIT. Sometimes I send these CITs (change in trend ) days in the app. How to count and what to count... I teach in my Financial astrology course.
SO what's new today? What do the planets teach us? We have the Moon in Leo; leaving a square to Uranus; we saw the fall it caused, when this square was exact? Next, Mercury is in a disharmonious aspect to Neptune. (Both bring a lot of fake news, misunderstandings, mist). Then we still have the Jupiter 90^ Neptune, they add to the previous aspect, enlarge it. Finally, Venus is applying to Saturn with a square. A similar square occurred on Aug.10,18, Oct 7, 2017, Aug 13, 2016; etc... check your index, see what happened around those dates.
Here are today's aspects: GMT+3
Actual aspects
Begin: 25.09.2019 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Mercury 60 Jupiter 25.09.2019 0:01
Moon 45 Mars 25.09.2019 3:36
Moon 144 Neptune 25.09.2019 6:34
Moon 108 Eris 25.09.2019 8:21
Moon 60 Venus 25.09.2019 10:35
Moon 150 Saturn 25.09.2019 11:35
Moon 150 S.Node 25.09.2019 12:15
Moon 30 Node 25.09.2019 12:15
Moon 150 Neptune 25.09.2019 16:25
Sun 45 Moon 25.09.2019 16:55
Moon 120 Jupiter 25.09.2019 17:21
Moon 36 Mars 25.09.2019 19:05
Moon 60 Mercury 25.09.2019 19:14
Moon 135 Chiron 25.09.2019 19:23
Moon 144 Saturn 25.09.2019 21:24
Moon 144 S.Node 25.09.2019 22:01
Moon 36 Node 25.09.2019 22:01
Venus 90 Saturn 25.09.2019 22:20
Moon 150 Pluto 25.09.2019 22:32
Look how we combine fundamentals to the planets:
I was waiting for this dip in the markets. Trading options is not easy. Today is the last day of trade, tomorrow expiry. I want to see my goals reached!
Impeachment of Trump? Greta Thunberg... our government.... Boris in the UK.. not a dull moment.
See you later.
Here is her Solar chart, we'll discuss it later.
Actual aspects
Begin: 25.09.2019 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Mercury 60 Jupiter 25.09.2019 0:01
Moon 45 Mars 25.09.2019 3:36
Moon 144 Neptune 25.09.2019 6:34
Moon 108 Eris 25.09.2019 8:21
Moon 60 Venus 25.09.2019 10:35
Moon 150 Saturn 25.09.2019 11:35
Moon 150 S.Node 25.09.2019 12:15
Moon 30 Node 25.09.2019 12:15
Moon 150 Neptune 25.09.2019 16:25
Sun 45 Moon 25.09.2019 16:55
Moon 120 Jupiter 25.09.2019 17:21
Moon 36 Mars 25.09.2019 19:05
Moon 60 Mercury 25.09.2019 19:14
Moon 135 Chiron 25.09.2019 19:23
Moon 144 Saturn 25.09.2019 21:24
Moon 144 S.Node 25.09.2019 22:01
Moon 36 Node 25.09.2019 22:01
Venus 90 Saturn 25.09.2019 22:20
Moon 150 Pluto 25.09.2019 22:32
Look how we combine fundamentals to the planets:
I was waiting for this dip in the markets. Trading options is not easy. Today is the last day of trade, tomorrow expiry. I want to see my goals reached!
Impeachment of Trump? Greta Thunberg... our government.... Boris in the UK.. not a dull moment.
See you later.
Here is her Solar chart, we'll discuss it later.
So, what do we know about her? She is 16. Both parents artists. When she was 8, she was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. Here are her aspects. ( in the Directed chart, Dir. Moon came to a conjunction to natal Mercury). I am searching, what planetary position could cause this syndrome? " Physical clumsiness and unusual use of language" It is inherited!! it is genetic.. Cure not yet found. All the explanations point to a damaged Mercury.
Her Mercury is "damaged" all right.. Not only in Cap., but stationary and 150^ to Saturn. Then I made a search from my database, and I found a lot of people with Mercury 150^ to Saturn, about whom I don't know that they have this syndrome: Al Gore ( Aries-Sag), G.Clooney's wife: Amal Ramzi (tau-Cap), Golda Meir (Lib-Pisc), King Leopold of Belgium ( Leo-Cap), Lionel Messi (Cap-Gem), Sepharial (Virgo-Aqua), Vettius Valens (Sco-Aries), and Adam Noimann from WEWORK (Cap-Gem)... He has a dyslexia.
Conclusion: In Greta's case Mercury is in Capricorn and Saturn in Gemini and RETRO! . THIS IS CALLED MUTUAL RECEPTION. One is in the sign of the other and "destroy it". Mercury is bad in Cap. and Saturn slows down the flow of mind in Gemini, sign of thoughts and speech.
Only Lionel Messi has the same aspect...and now I am stunned, I searched in google to find, that he too was diagnosed with Aspergers when he was 8!! Wowwww... I am so glad I make these researches!! Now we can find when, based on this aspect, will be more children diagnosed with this syndrome.. Mercury in Capricorn and Saturn in Gemini... Not that they will not be famous!!! Look at these two ! and surely, we must never forget, there must be more underlying aspects that back this! Like the next example:
Next: "
In 2015, Asperger's was estimated to affect 37.2 million people globally. Autism spectrum disorder affects males more often than females, and females are typically diagnosed at a later age. The syndrome is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger, who, in 1944, described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication skills, had limited understanding of others' feelings, and were physically clumsy"
In 2015, Asperger's was estimated to affect 37.2 million people globally. Autism spectrum disorder affects males more often than females, and females are typically diagnosed at a later age. The syndrome is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger, who, in 1944, described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication skills, had limited understanding of others' feelings, and were physically clumsy"
When I read "feelings" I think of the Moon and Venus. Both are in Detriment.= weak.
But, she made it to the UN- giving a speech! Didn't she??I don't know many 16 years old who did. So that Capricorn stellium, pushes her forward achieving her goals. No matter what.
She has an exalted Neptune in Aquarius at 9 degrees, so here are her dreams and hopes, for the community featured. (abroad= 9= House 9).
There is just one thing that bothers me... She has personal planets in Scorpio. She might be "used" by someone in the dark background, I don't presume of a child to have that dark side in her, not yet. No hour of birth... so that's it so far.
Albert Einstein had dyslexia, did not speak till age 3, fluent at age 9... He had Mercury (speech) Conjunct Saturn (blocks, delays) in Aries. (head).
Hans Christian Andersen: Merc 0^ Sun in Aries- 180^ to Saturn
Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden: Merc in Aries 90 ^ to Saturn.
WInston Churchill: Merc in Sco 90^ to Sat.
Range of search: 1.01.1940 - 1.12.2030
In steps of: 24h 0m 0s
Search for...:
Realization intervals (begin - end):
16.12.1942 21:00 (GMT-3) - 21.12.1942 21:00 (GMT-3)
20.12.1943 21:00 (GMT-3) - 8.01.1944 21:00 (GMT-3)
31.01.1944 21:00 (GMT-3) - 7.02.1944 21:00 (GMT-3)
10.01.1973 21:00 (GMT-3) - 16.01.1973 21:00 (GMT-3)
12.01.1974 21:00 (GMT-3) - 15.01.1974 21:00 (GMT-3)
19.12.2001 21:00 (GMT-3) - 24.12.2001 21:00 (GMT-3)
22.12.2002 21:00 (GMT-3) - 12.01.2003 21:00 (GMT-3)
2.02.2003 21:00 (GMT-3) - 9.02.2003 21:00 (GMT-3)
After Feb.2003 till 2030 there are no such aspects. This doesn't mean, that other aspects cannot contribute to a similar diagnosis. Planets in Aries (head) triggered by disharmonic aspects by malefics can do that...
September 24, 2019 Tuesday
Today we are under the energies of Mars! Double Mars day! Wow.. Let me see where is it? It is at 23 Virgo. This map doesn't show, but it is square to Pandora, and 150^ to Damocles and Eris. The Moon moves to Leo later today; till 12:19, she will be void, no aspects, events are reversible.
As I write, I am listening to Chopin Sonata 9- so beautiful!! once geniuses lived, who wrote masterpieces like these!!
September 23, 2019 Monday
It is a day ruled by the Moon, which is in Cancer, a sign it rules, strong. It is also ruled by Saturn. Saturn is at 13.56 Cap, conjunct the South Node and squared by Mercury. the Sun is at 29 virgo, shows extremes, so we might get a high now in indices that trade now.
Early morning alerts were sent for Asia, Far East and Europe.
German PMI is about to be announced! It's negative! You have the stop!!
updates for the commodities sent. 11:00 am
12:03 we wave goodbye to Sun in Virgo, and welcome the Sun in Libra- sign of justice, of decency, of agreements.
It is interesting, that our president, Rubi Rivlin will have to decide now, under this Libra Sun to whom to give the first try to form a government. They need 61 seats to make a coalition, and neither side has it. Since Israel's Sun is in Taurus, deeply affected by transit Uranus being in Taurus; and we see the turmoil that is going on here...A transit Libra Sun is 150^ to the natal Sun, so in a disharmonious aspect, unfavorable to form any agreement. Furthermore, transit Uranus squares the Moon(people) = agitation, unrest; unprecedented unexpected events..) and Saturn, that should be favorable to help make a government is 150* to natal Saturn and Pluto!
Just look at the S&P made a banji under this Sun ingress to Libra.! Bumm
Thomas Cook collapsed... The avalanche begins. It will drag others with it.
Let's see how is this ingress affects Mr. Trump?
Transit Sun at 0 Libra, conjuncts his Neptune, ruler of H8- other's money- it will be exact in 5 days. Transit Neptune, from H7 of partners or known enemies ( XI-discussions are now on? ) squares his Uranus and is squared by tr. Jupiter- so the outcome will be huge. Will it last? no. because Neptune is in retro.
Next: tr. Cap stellium is in opposition natal Venus and Saturn. from the 5th house of gambling. They will be exact as of Jan 14th. So what started in these last days, will not end till Jan-Feb. 2020.
updates for the commodities sent. 11:00 am
12:03 we wave goodbye to Sun in Virgo, and welcome the Sun in Libra- sign of justice, of decency, of agreements.
It is interesting, that our president, Rubi Rivlin will have to decide now, under this Libra Sun to whom to give the first try to form a government. They need 61 seats to make a coalition, and neither side has it. Since Israel's Sun is in Taurus, deeply affected by transit Uranus being in Taurus; and we see the turmoil that is going on here...A transit Libra Sun is 150^ to the natal Sun, so in a disharmonious aspect, unfavorable to form any agreement. Furthermore, transit Uranus squares the Moon(people) = agitation, unrest; unprecedented unexpected events..) and Saturn, that should be favorable to help make a government is 150* to natal Saturn and Pluto!
Picture from the meeting: Took a very long time. They sweared not to give any clues what was it about...
Thomas Cook collapsed... The avalanche begins. It will drag others with it.
Let's see how is this ingress affects Mr. Trump?
Transit Sun at 0 Libra, conjuncts his Neptune, ruler of H8- other's money- it will be exact in 5 days. Transit Neptune, from H7 of partners or known enemies ( XI-discussions are now on? ) squares his Uranus and is squared by tr. Jupiter- so the outcome will be huge. Will it last? no. because Neptune is in retro.
Next: tr. Cap stellium is in opposition natal Venus and Saturn. from the 5th house of gambling. They will be exact as of Jan 14th. So what started in these last days, will not end till Jan-Feb. 2020.
The Nifty jumped today... See the alert sent in the app on the 15th. If you had it, you gained.
September 22, 2019 Sunday
Here is a calendar for GMT+3 for the last days of September. Note, that on the 27th the Moon will be closest to Earth, Perigee, very strong and in Virgo.
See what happened in the S&P for example. when the Moon was Perigee:
Here are the aspects for the next 3 days: GMT+3
Actual aspectsBegin: 21.09.2019 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Jupiter 90 Neptune 21.09.2019 19:43
Sun 90 Moon 22.09.2019 5:41
Moon 90 Chiron 22.09.2019 14:47
Moon 108 Neptune 22.09.2019 16:47
Moon 60 Uranus 22.09.2019 18:31
Moon 72 Eris 22.09.2019 18:38
Mercury 90 Saturn 22.09.2019 19:19
Moon 90 Venus 23.09.2019 2:30
Mercury 90 S.Node 23.09.2019 2:43
Mercury 90 Node 23.09.2019 2:43
Moon 72 Mars 23.09.2019 3:10
Moon 180 Saturn 23.09.2019 8:39
Sun 144 Uranus 23.09.2019 9:03
Moon 180 S.Node 23.09.2019 9:30
Moon 0 Node 23.09.2019 9:30
Moon 90 Mercury 23.09.2019 10:23
Moon 120 Neptune 23.09.2019 13:56
Moon 150 Jupiter 23.09.2019 14:22
Moon 72 Uranus 23.09.2019 15:36
Sun 72 Moon 23.09.2019 16:07
Moon 180 Pluto 23.09.2019 20:21
Moon 108 Chiron 23.09.2019 22:20
TA35 trades today; we have a huge negative arbitrage. We still don't have a glimpse of hope even for a government, both will push the index down with a negative gap.
September 21, 2019 Saturday
I wrote yesterday, to watch the banks and the grains. So let's see what happened?
BAC: Triple top and fall:
Citigroup: the same:
Deutsche Bank: We are short since August 22, 2018: fell to 6.40 Now at 7.99: Now it might turn up.. that would be a miracle.. Target 9.45- and above it long.
Corn: see graph with my last alert.
Soybean oil: gain of 6.8%
So, all these alert you received in the app.
I am writing my weekly forecasts now, bye for now.
You might want to subscribe?!
September 20, 2019 Friday
It's 8 am now. I am wake for 2 hours, and I sent alerts in the app. for the USA and Europe. It takes a lot of work.... So good luck! We don't have trade today; probably I'll go to the beach. Haven't been for a long time, it was so hot.
Here is the sky of today:
Sun and Mars in Virgo trine the Cap. stellium. Mercury and Venus in Libra, square it. They are also 150 to Uranus. Till now Uranus was solitary, like a lose wild horse. Now, it is "grounded" but by weaker planets and by a bad aspect. I think Uranus affects them and not vice-versa. In this case, look out for an abrupt move in the banks and grains. Jupiter is still squaring Neptune, and la LUna is in Gemini; brings a lot of volatility. So use the stops I sent.. even if they are too close. The stops are based on planetary lines. I count them daily. It is a system I teach in my course, my students use it and make big gains.
I wouldn't have published this chart, was it not for the Lilith to be on the fixed star Achernar, at 15 deg. Pisces. Just yesterday I was reading about this fixed star in Diana Rosenberg's book, why? because I wrote about Algorab in Libra- see Sept 17 post; and I thought , it would be interesting to check the slow moving planets like Neptune- Pluto, which fixed stars they trigger? We use 1.5-2.5 degree orb max. for these aspects; so Neptune is in retro, at 17 Pisces, getting into a conjunction with Achernar, and the Lilith, or the bad spirit, is right conjunct. at 15.32.
She has 9 pages on this star, with examples.. of course many other astrologers wrote about it, you can google it.
elections: the almost final outcome is here: Sept 2019
Compared to April 2019 : When Bibi got more votes, but was unable to form a coalition.
Now, he has less 37165 votes, but he offers Benny Gantz, a rotation! 2 years him- 2 years Gantz- well, that's a trap. Gantz will never agree. Neither will the more than one million people who voted for him, also.
We are at a dead end, since no one is capable to glue 61 seats together, a majority needed to form a government. There will be a third election.
September 19, 2019 Thursday
The Moon is still in Taurus. By the time market opens, in another hour, she will be at 22^- the killer degree. It is weekly options expiry day. The monthly, that I have expire next week.
The Moon trines the Sun, that's positive; She also trines Mars; She is leaving a sextile from Neptune, and she also trines Pluto. Wow... this can point to a culmination and a fall. It will be drastic for those who are short, I think. The index closed at 1616.59. The arbitrage is 0. That won't help... Let's see the other planets: the index:TA35 is supported at 1616- exactly- above it next up target is at 1626, a top we reached yesterday... Many shorts were wiped out. Below 1616 the support is at 1610- 1607-06-03...Some of my friends are going to lose today. Sad...
Elections: Still no news. They are counting the votes.
Netanyahu made a brilliant move yesterday. We cannot argue, that he is extremely clever. He summoned up all the religious parties and the right wing parties and made them sign that they will back only him. With them together, he has still only 55 mandates, needs 61.. What will he do?? Who will be bribed to leave the left and join him? Read what I wrote on the 17th, Venus is the one BN should watch out of. The ruler of his 11th house, of dreams and hopes is Pluto. Pluto in the natal chart is at 17 Leo, and Venus, is exactly in opposition to it now. ( in the sec.Progressed chart). In the transit chart: Tr.Neptune is at 17 Pisces- blurring away his dreams. or manipulating... And tr.Jupiter is at 16 Sag- trines Pluto- meaning a top and fall. from the 12th house. He cancelled his trip to the USA and his speech to the UN, he gives yearly....We can see that under transit Mercury conjunct natal Merc- ruler of his 9th house of long trips and Hades squaring it. The dates between 27-30 October will be important to watch ! (ZRLBSag); It's interesting, that, that day is a New Moon, which will occur in his 10th house of career! But, transit Venus will also sextile Jupiter (ruler of the 12th) and square Mars,(ruler of the 4th) that will bring out some dirty familiar business.. Who needs Netflix?? the best drama is playing right here.
October 28 transits
You know who is the biggest winner of Sept 2019 elections? The leader of the Arab Party , Ayman Odeh. He got 13 mandates... Now listen to this absurdity!! If he gets into a coalition, he will be present at national security meetings and receive bodyguards. If he will be the leader of the opposition, he will still be present at every security meeting, and still will have the secret service guard him. And who is his best friend? The Hamas... LOL... Do you get this twist of the middle East? I'll post his chart later. Now the market starts ..
Ok. I couldn't resist it... He was born on Jan 1, 1975 in Haifa. He is married, has 3 children.
Sun at 10 Cap- this degree is a very strong degree, a dictators' degree. a Cap deg. His Moon is at 22- Leo- that is not sure, since this is a Solar chart, so I will not say, that it is at the killer degree. His Mercury is at 17 Cap, rising after the Sun, Direct, got a push from a strong Saturn in the transit chart. His Venus, that rules his date, is at 23 Cap, got a strong push from tr. Pluto. Should I continue? His natal Saturn is in Detriment and retro, very weak, in opposition the Sun, but tr. Saturn helped him gain his place, no doubt about that.. His natal Mars, is at 15 Sag- high hopes and powerful friends ( if Mars rules the 11th too) and hot a huge push from tr. Jupiter.
to be continued..
OMG.. Market is on................brrrrrrrrrrr
we have 97% of the votes counted: 67% voted.
Yesterday the Fed tried to buy the market...Usually when governments interfere, it lasts 24 hours, and the markets continue their own path. I learned that when I traded the yen.
This is what my friend, William Stickevers posted on FB:
At precisely 10:10 am EDT, the Fed concluded its first repo operation since September 2008, which while not topping out at the $75 billion max, was nonetheless a significant $53.15 billion, split as follows:
$40.85BN with TSYs as collateral at a 2.1% stop-out rate
$0.6BN with Agencies as collateral at a 3.0% stop-out rate
$11.7BN with Mortgage-backed securities as collateral at a 2.1% stop-out rate.
$0.6BN with Agencies as collateral at a 3.0% stop-out rate
$11.7BN with Mortgage-backed securities as collateral at a 2.1% stop-out rate.
However, Repo rates kept rising despite the Fed's operation.
Note: It was the first such operation since September 2008.
So, when did this happen? the Moon sextiled Neptune(fraud) in the sky. and was 150^ to Jupiter. No wonder it ran up by 30 points, in no time!!
How long did it last? look at the 5 min. graph. it triple topped , and when the Moon was exactly 120 to Mars, the fall back started.
Sometimes I give you the Moon's aspects. You should be aware that they mean something.
How long did it last? look at the 5 min. graph. it triple topped , and when the Moon was exactly 120 to Mars, the fall back started.
Sometimes I give you the Moon's aspects. You should be aware that they mean something.
here they are for NY time :18.09.2019 22:19:27 20°19'03"Tau Trine Mars
18.09.2019 23:01:54 20°40'58"Tau Trine Pluto
19.09.2019 9:56:36 26°20'20"Tau Trine Sun
19.09.2019 16:57:35 0°00'00"Gem <<<
20.09.2019 6:50:19 7°18'09"Gem Trine Venus
20.09.2019 13:23:39 10°46'58"Gem Trine Mercury
21.09.2019 0:53:49 16°56'31"Gem Opposition Jupiter
21.09.2019 1:01:38 17°00'44"Gem Square Neptune
21.09.2019 10:04:50 21°54'42"Gem Square Mars
21.09.2019 22:40:51 28°48'42"Gem Square Sun
22.09.2019 0:49:56 0°00'00"Cnc <<<
22.09.2019 11:30:54 5°56'43"Cnc Sextile Uranus
22.09.2019 19:30:17 10°26'36"Cnc Square Venus
23.09.2019 1:38:31 13°55'45"Cnc Opposition Saturn
23.09.2019 3:22:46 14°55'16"Cnc Square Mercury
23.09.2019 6:55:30 16°57'08"Cnc Trine Neptune
23.09.2019 13:21:00 20°39'23"Cnc Opposition Pluto
23.09.2019 18:05:14 23°24'27"Cnc Sextile Mars
24.09.2019 5:19:18 0°00'00"Leo <<<
24.09.2019 7:12:30 1°07'00"Leo Sextile Sun
24.09.2019 15:12:17 5°52'43"Leo Square Uranus
18.09.2019 23:01:54 20°40'58"Tau Trine Pluto
19.09.2019 9:56:36 26°20'20"Tau Trine Sun
19.09.2019 16:57:35 0°00'00"Gem <<<
20.09.2019 6:50:19 7°18'09"Gem Trine Venus
20.09.2019 13:23:39 10°46'58"Gem Trine Mercury
21.09.2019 0:53:49 16°56'31"Gem Opposition Jupiter
21.09.2019 1:01:38 17°00'44"Gem Square Neptune
21.09.2019 10:04:50 21°54'42"Gem Square Mars
21.09.2019 22:40:51 28°48'42"Gem Square Sun
22.09.2019 0:49:56 0°00'00"Cnc <<<
22.09.2019 11:30:54 5°56'43"Cnc Sextile Uranus
22.09.2019 19:30:17 10°26'36"Cnc Square Venus
23.09.2019 1:38:31 13°55'45"Cnc Opposition Saturn
23.09.2019 3:22:46 14°55'16"Cnc Square Mercury
23.09.2019 6:55:30 16°57'08"Cnc Trine Neptune
23.09.2019 13:21:00 20°39'23"Cnc Opposition Pluto
23.09.2019 18:05:14 23°24'27"Cnc Sextile Mars
24.09.2019 5:19:18 0°00'00"Leo <<<
24.09.2019 7:12:30 1°07'00"Leo Sextile Sun
24.09.2019 15:12:17 5°52'43"Leo Square Uranus
The mirror effect must come!
The final count is in. Benny Gantz won with 2 mandates more than BIBI. Now Bibi has the hutzpah, to ask him to make a coalition. He lost!! HE MUST GO!
The final count is in. Benny Gantz won with 2 mandates more than BIBI. Now Bibi has the hutzpah, to ask him to make a coalition. He lost!! HE MUST GO!
September 18, 2019 Wednesday
The votes are still counted. Till now 90 % of the votes were counted, and Benny Gantz has 1 mandate more than Bibi. Tomorrow the soldiers' votes will be counted, so nothing is clear so far.
September 17, 2019 Tuesday
We have holiday today, because of the elections. How crazy is that? For 5 minutes to go to vote, people get a whole day off. So what do they do? go shopping, to the beach, and then, if they feel like it, 30 minutes before the close, they will go and stand in line to vote. Many many took the week off and are flying now to Greece or somewhere else...We are so fed up with these dirty politicians... really... We have a void Moon today, so turbulence and miscounting and fake, fraud will be dominant. I wrote in the past, that I don't think Netanyahu will be able to form a coalition, and hell will turn loose. He almost dragged us into war the other day.
So let's see the sky:
Do you see, that the Sun is the weakest today? The SUn represents the PM.
Here is the natal chart with transits for now:
First, the most important is to know, that he was born under a Partial Solar eclipse, that put him on the world stage, no doubt about it." Johndro" A person born under a Solar eclipse , this will grant him an extraordinary drive all his life". just check out, where is the Moon right now? (Moon represents the people) : in opposition, at the end of Aries. Till 10 pm, she moves to 4 Taurus; a sign the Moon is exalted, and lazy. That could show a low vote percentage. The Moon at 10 pm will also be conjunct Uranus, and sextile natal Uranus, that is a big gap- if it was for the market, or a shock if in personal chart.
What else? There are so many aspects... I highlighted the most important ones in colours. The planet that shields, or helps is Mercury- in green. Natal Mercury is at 9 Libra, in the 9th house of law, and foreign affairs. We know that he is very much appreciated and loved even, abroad. But today, Mercury, that planet that should help, gets a square from Hades and Kronos, (Father time) signaling an end. Mercury also gets a conjunction from Venus and Mercury by transit, signaling a cycle end.- They are at 3 and 4 degrees, not yet conjunct... It would have been better for him if they were after his Mercury- at 1-15 degrees Libra, that would have signaled an opening, a new beginning.
the planet that rules his MC, career is Venus. Venus is also his Auriga, or the one he should watch out of. It is the one that has a knife in his back, so to say. Natal Venus is at 12 SAG. Transit Saturn is 30 degrees to it, what would be good, if Saturn wasn't in retro! So this Saturn position shows that nothing will be decided today, probably a new count or even a new election will be announced. He will say he was cheated, robbed, cry for help. Furthermore, Venus is also triggered by Kronos, signaling that time is up. the South node at 14 Cancer shows the same.
I often wrote that Saturn crowns kings... Well, in his case, natal Saturn is at 15 Virgo and is trined by transit Saturn, again, in retro. Would it not be retrograde, he would have a chance. Like this, we will have to wait till Saturn turns Direct and be at 13.55 Cap. as today, to understand what was this day about. This will happen on Sept.23. So.. we will know soon.
Besides these transits, his natal planets are conjunct some very nasty fixed stars.
Just to show you a few:
Just look at the stellium in Libra: Mercury at 9.43' Neptune at 15.23, Moon at 20.16 and Sun at 27.38
In the "Secrets of the Ancient skies" by Diana Rosenberg,(R.I.P) someone I was privileged to meet and correspond, while she was alive, a book all astrologers must have, she wrote in Vol.II, page 78: about ALGORAB AT 13 LiBRA 27; MERGA at 15.27Lib.
there are 10 pages more... but you get the idea..
Let's see the chart of Benny Ganz; the adversary: I rectified his chart to He was born in Tuesday, a day ruled by Mars, ruler of the army, and he was chief of staff. His Mars is at 4 Leo, and his 6th house of service or people in uniforms is in Capricorn. His Moon is at 18 Cancer (the Satan degree- as per Nikola Stojanovic) and his career, or MC is in Aries- again army. His Sun is at 17 Gemini. He was not born under an eclipse, so less fortunate, but good enough to win, under Jupiter in opposition, in SAG; His natal Saturn is at 4 Cap and tr. Saturn PASSED IT, so it is conjunct and favorable, opening a new cycle for him. He has an OOB Mercury, so he should look out of his friends... They might let him down and play him.
transit Mars squares the Sun, gives him a great push during these days. And, last but not least, transit Moon-Uranus at 10 pm will be on his MC- If Uranus was nt retro I would be more calm.
So as I said, today nothing will be final.
Going to vote see you later.
I am back, voted and going to pilates. But before, I want to continue my thoughts on those fixed stars in Libra. Don't forget, Putinka, with his Libra stellium! I am running now my database, searching for ~Sun any aspect ~ to 13 Libra. out of 10000 maps that I have, I found 3271! Johannes Kepler had his Sun at 15 Cap,- that is a square to Algorab. So let me narrow down the search, for only Sun conjunct Libra 13^. I get 43 charts. One of them is Heinrich Himmler, Iran, Putin, France, Simon Cowell, Yom Kippur war, etc.
Moon conjunct Algorab: Nikola Tesla, Natalie Cole, Moshe Yaalon, Yitzhak Herzog, (local politician) and Bibi.
Mercury conjunct 13 Libra: California, Andre Rieu, France,
Venus conjunct 13 Libra: The Great Fire of London, James A.Garfield, Warren Harding, Joseph McCarthy, Billie Jean King, Hassan Rouhani, Spain, etc

Mars conjunct 13 Libra: Elvis Presley. " Mars conjunct Algorab: This position causes an imbalance in the right kidney. It affects the muscle action in that there would be an expansion of the kidney without a contraction at times. This causes an increased blood flow in the muscle that bursts some of the small veins in the kidney. There is blood in the urine at times and the individual would believe that there is an infection; however, it would not necessarily be a kidney infection but just a physical ache through the area. The body ultimately compensates for this, but these persons do not urinate often. When they do, it takes quite a few minutes in order to fully relieve themselves. They would be the ones who would read while in the bathroom, Relief of this condition can come through peppermint and chamomile tea, mixed together and taken twice a day. The kidney can therefore be cooled and balanced at the same time. It does not cure the problem, but it does eliminate the ache that is being experienced. [4] Elvis Presley 0°16′"
Saturn conjunct Algorab: Hermann Goering, Jimmy Durante, Elisabeth Joley, Amir Peretz, Harvey Weinstein..
This is an endless research, as you can see. Next time planets will aspect this fixed star will be :
September 16, 2019 Monday
Today we are ruled by the Moon, which is at 14^ Aries, we are after the Full Moon, and she is approaching the Sun. It is a hot and wet day. The stellium is Virgo is smaller now, actually it is no longer called a stellium, only 2 planets, they trine Saturn, SN, and Pluto; and Mercury Venus square them. Uranus is still solitary. I think Uranus rules drones; the modern weapon that is used now in many places, and they attacked oil refineries in Saudia.
The attack occurred at 3:31 am in Abqaiq Saudia: We can see Pluto line crossing..
This brought to the jump in the oil prices!
Our stop in the app was 55; if you caught this jump, oh boy!! .Topped at 63.55; now at 59.48. remember, that all gaps must close! This is the WTI chart. Here is a link to the different contracts; I feature the WTI one.
So either Uranus , which is still solitary and unpredictable, or Pluto, that produces destruction and chaos.. are the ones to blame... Before we look at the Houthis in Yemen or at Iran. We are all pawns under the planetary effect. Not that I want to give them an alibi..
ASPECTS OF SEPT 16: URANUS 135 to the Sun, 180 to Pallas, 45^ to Pandora, 150^ to the point of fatality.
I always look which planets can help? Venus is conjunct Mercury, not much help from there, Jupiter is 90^ to Mars, 150 to NN, 135 to Vulkanus, - no help from there either.- so short is our middle name.
What else is new ?? Boris Johnson is still making headlines. Now it is from David Cameron, who breaks silence, as his book is published..
I sent alerts for Asia yesterday, I see they work out very well, especially JKSE; that gapped down! you should cash in... or at least lower stop!
Today it is a CIT day for: S&P and AXJO DOW, Dax fut, Nasdaq, Nyse, Gold fut, Corn, Ripple, BCH, AMZN, 10 YEAR BONDS, CSCO,LNKD, PSTI,
Local shares: Razio, Afrika nechasim, Evugene, Elbit Maarachot, Teva, Bank Beinleumi, DiPharm, Gvaot , machon leheker iNternet, mankind, Maayan, Medivi, Rami Levi, Silicom, Tadir Gan, etc
It's 8:25 now, I'll send more alerts for Europe and later for the USA.
trade wisely!
Interesting news from NASA!
B.B.KIng was born today. I am listening to his music... What a genius! Here is a list of more celebs born today.
Interesting news from NASA!
B.B.KIng was born today. I am listening to his music... What a genius! Here is a list of more celebs born today.
September 15, 2019 Sunday
Sept 13 was a top. I said, watch your steps! we got 3023 4 points lower than the historical high, 3027 on July 26th. almost 49 days from top to top. So what are the planets teaching us here? Inner wheel July 26, outer Sept.13 : Mercury and Venus moved 60 degrees and Mars 30. We must watch the planets move... see, the outer planets, from Jupiter to Pluto hardly moved, due to their retro motion.
In the Heliocentric chart we get a cleaner picture. There are no retros in the Helio! So Mercury moved 120^ from top to top. How could we know it will be a top and not a low? Well... that I teach in my course.
Our market, TA35: closed at 1615. Now we have a negative arbitrage, of 0.45%- that will push it below 1607. But, we have elections on the 17th, "they"must keep up the positivity, and also we will have no trade, so trades will fasten up, due to only 8 days left till September options will expire. Of course, an Aries Moon will back this.
Today we are ruled by Mars and the Sun. Mars is at 17 Virgo, exact opposition Neptune and squares Jupiter. While the Sun is at 22 Virgo. bad degree.
So we are ready for the fight... going to eat something. Never trade on empty belly!
Our market, TA35: closed at 1615. Now we have a negative arbitrage, of 0.45%- that will push it below 1607. But, we have elections on the 17th, "they"must keep up the positivity, and also we will have no trade, so trades will fasten up, due to only 8 days left till September options will expire. Of course, an Aries Moon will back this.
Today we are ruled by Mars and the Sun. Mars is at 17 Virgo, exact opposition Neptune and squares Jupiter. While the Sun is at 22 Virgo. bad degree.
So we are ready for the fight... going to eat something. Never trade on empty belly!
12:20: I am back from Pilates. I hope you do some sport also! I do it 3 times a week.
I just sent alerts for the cryptos. Next is Asia and the far east so you will know how to trade tomorrow.
I just sent alerts for the cryptos. Next is Asia and the far east so you will know how to trade tomorrow.
September 13, 2019 Friday
Today is the 13th and Friday. Americans are very superstitious of this date when it falls on a Friday.. So let's see what will it bring? The Moon is in Pisces, at 9 degrees. She is a good transporter of energies. Actually, when I opened ZET in the morning it says it is a Good day... It is the 14th Moon day, so we have the Full Moon today. TIme to end things as of today till the New Moon. Then a new cycle will start. We live in cycles, you see? we have the shortest cycle of the Moon 28- 29 days, and the longest- as we know so far, of Pluto- 248 years.
So today we are under the energy of Venus and Neptune. Oh... this is a rare combo...Watch your steps when Neptune is around..
Venus is conjunct Mercury in the last degrees of Virgo, during Saturday both will leave this sign and enter LIbra. On Monday when market will start the Moon will be in Aries, all these matter for forecasting. What will happen now, in the last 3 months of the year?? Sign up for the weekly forecasts... get a clue.
Here is a comparison chart of the FAANG + Msft shares. you can see which color is which share in the left. They, more or less keep the markets up. So I see that except AAPL, that made higher highs, none are so rozy... this is, technically, a red flag..
Very strong storm hits Spain, flooding and 2 killed so far..
Mercury and Venus in Virgo are crossing the area.
September 12, 2019 Thursday
Here is a comparison chart of the FAANG + Msft shares. you can see which color is which share in the left. They, more or less keep the markets up. So I see that except AAPL, that made higher highs, none are so rozy... this is, technically, a red flag..
Very strong storm hits Spain, flooding and 2 killed so far..
Mercury and Venus in Virgo are crossing the area.
Saturn and Pluto are crossing Australia... for a long time. and Uranus Indonesia.
In my weekly report on the S&P I wrote last weeks:
Planetary calculations: the close was at 2983;
Up targets are: Planetary support is at 2984- staying above it, next up steps are at 2985-26-2987.50-2991-97- 3006-3009-3014-3017-3020-3027.
Down targets: falling from 2984 next short targets are: 2979-2976-2967-2960-2957-54-46.
In the weekly report I give technical analysis, astrology and math. 3 parts, you can choose what to trade.
2984 was a crucial level to go above I wrote in the "investing" page also, I was laughed at.
OK. so let's see what's happening today? Once, an Indian astrologer told me, that I came from the star "Ascella". Well, Saturn is there now. Note, that Saturn is conjunct by declination Jupiter, Pluto, the SN, and Ceres. Also Mars, the one in charge for this rally is in opposition Neptune(fake rally?) and squares Jupiter- extremes! Mercury and Venus are conjunct in the last degrees of Virgo, prepare for a change in the atmosphere soon! and La LUna! the lady who backs this move is at 27 Aqua... will enter Pisces soon.
Moon's aspects: gmt:00:00
12.09.2019 9:51:31 0°00'00"Psc <<<
12.09.2019 22:26:40 6°12'45"Psc Sextile Uranus
13.09.2019 14:04:15 13°55'42"Psc Sextile Saturn
13.09.2019 18:34:38 16°09'18"Psc Square Jupiter
13.09.2019 20:12:00 16°57'25"Psc Opposition Mars
13.09.2019 20:43:00 17°12'45"Psc Conjunction Neptune
Here are the times to watch till month end:gmt +3
14.09.2019 10:14:21 > Lib Mercury
14.09.2019 16:43:00 > Lib Venus
15.09.2019 13:26:22 >0 S Mercury
17.09.2019 1:06:21 >0 S Venus
18.09.2019 11:45:46 D Saturn 13°54'35"Cap
22.09.2019 5:09:56 max N Node
22.09.2019 5:09:56 max N S.Node
22.09.2019 5:42:34 D Node 14°24'46"Cnc
22.09.2019 5:42:34 D S.Node 14°24'46"Cap
23.09.2019 7:34:30 min N S.Node
23.09.2019 7:34:30 min N Node
23.09.2019 9:36:34 R Node 14°24'56"Cnc
23.09.2019 9:36:34 R S.Node 14°24'56"Cap
23.09.2019 10:49:49 >0 S Sun
23.09.2019 10:50:07 > Lib Sun
28.09.2019 0:01:45 max S Saturn
it's almost 8 am, will send updates. Usually I don't send so many updates, but after such a rally I must warn you.
Alerts for the USA are in the app.
Cheat sheet: If your index bottomed around end of December 2018, just count the days..
Cheat sheet: If your index bottomed around end of December 2018, just count the days..
September 11, 2019 Wednesday
it's 7:12am, I just sent a list of alerts for the currencies! Check your apps.
Let's see what happened yesterday to what I wrote?
TA35: Topped at 1584.88
DAX: we gained 93 points.
Bank Nifty: Now at 27761. Stop given yesterday was 27500- long was triggered.
Today: The Moon is at mid.Aquarius, no other moves. Uranus is still solitary, brought yesterday to the firing of John Bolton. He was against Trump meeting with the Taliban or Rouhani. What is happening to Trump? What is the secret motive behind these meetings? or they are all fake..
John Bolton's solar chart with Apr.9, 2018 assignment . He served exactly 520 days. His strongest planet is Venus and the weakest is the Moon. On the day he was assigned, Neptune trined the Moon, it was a kind of reaching to top of the ladder; but with the help of Neptune? it all faded away when tr. Saturn arrived in opposition his Moon, yesterday.
Sept 10 transits: tr. Sat. 180 Moonl Uranus conj .SN' Sun 60 Moon etc
Sky today:
Anyways, expect more unexpected.. under this Uranus.
So today we remember the disaster of the Twin Towers and it's Assad's birthday as well.
Assad: is 54 today. I have a rectified time by Starkman, he is famous for rectifying many charts. He got 16:45 as time of birth. But, what is interesting to see in his chart, that his Sun is at 18 Virgo36; a degree described by Nikola Stojanovic as the Satan degree. Do I have to add more? He also has the Lilith on his Ascendant.(the evil spirit); but' let's say we don't know his exact hour... he has the Sun/Pluto/Uranus conjunct! in Virgo. Very cruel and unexpected personality. For this year, except for tr.Neptune trine natal Neptune and tr. Saturn/SN/Pluto trine his Virgo stellium, no other urgent events.. But I think they are enough. Neptune is for gas, a weapon he used many times, and Sat+Pluto just strengthen him for the time being.
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
If I wrote about surprises: NewsBreak: Hong Kong Stock Exchange Make Surprise Bid to Buy London Stock Exchange
Netanyahu is in panic. He feels he is going to lose.. so he tries all kind of tricks to stay in power, otherwise Sara will kill him. Read here... Yesterday he had a " dramatic" message. gathered all the world, to say, that he needs 61 mandates to annex part of the West Bank.
Two days ago, he wanted to make a law, to put cameras in all the voting rooms, because the "Arabs will steel the elections". It turned out, that in the April election, it was the Likud party what forged votes.. for their benefit of course... Noone was put on trial.
Let's see what happened yesterday to what I wrote?
TA35: Topped at 1584.88
DAX: we gained 93 points.
Bank Nifty: Now at 27761. Stop given yesterday was 27500- long was triggered.
Today: The Moon is at mid.Aquarius, no other moves. Uranus is still solitary, brought yesterday to the firing of John Bolton. He was against Trump meeting with the Taliban or Rouhani. What is happening to Trump? What is the secret motive behind these meetings? or they are all fake..
John Bolton's solar chart with Apr.9, 2018 assignment . He served exactly 520 days. His strongest planet is Venus and the weakest is the Moon. On the day he was assigned, Neptune trined the Moon, it was a kind of reaching to top of the ladder; but with the help of Neptune? it all faded away when tr. Saturn arrived in opposition his Moon, yesterday.
Sept 10 transits: tr. Sat. 180 Moonl Uranus conj .SN' Sun 60 Moon etc
Sky today:
Anyways, expect more unexpected.. under this Uranus.
So today we remember the disaster of the Twin Towers and it's Assad's birthday as well.
Assad: is 54 today. I have a rectified time by Starkman, he is famous for rectifying many charts. He got 16:45 as time of birth. But, what is interesting to see in his chart, that his Sun is at 18 Virgo36; a degree described by Nikola Stojanovic as the Satan degree. Do I have to add more? He also has the Lilith on his Ascendant.(the evil spirit); but' let's say we don't know his exact hour... he has the Sun/Pluto/Uranus conjunct! in Virgo. Very cruel and unexpected personality. For this year, except for tr.Neptune trine natal Neptune and tr. Saturn/SN/Pluto trine his Virgo stellium, no other urgent events.. But I think they are enough. Neptune is for gas, a weapon he used many times, and Sat+Pluto just strengthen him for the time being.
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
If I wrote about surprises: NewsBreak: Hong Kong Stock Exchange Make Surprise Bid to Buy London Stock Exchange
Netanyahu is in panic. He feels he is going to lose.. so he tries all kind of tricks to stay in power, otherwise Sara will kill him. Read here... Yesterday he had a " dramatic" message. gathered all the world, to say, that he needs 61 mandates to annex part of the West Bank.
Two days ago, he wanted to make a law, to put cameras in all the voting rooms, because the "Arabs will steel the elections". It turned out, that in the April election, it was the Likud party what forged votes.. for their benefit of course... Noone was put on trial.
September 10, 2019 Tuesday
Today we are under Mars and Uranus' effect. Mars is in Virgo, at 14 degrees, it is a Gemini degree- meaning volatility. It is also coming into an exact opposition to Neptune, which is already felt. So aggressive fake news are all around. Don't believe anything you hear or read on the net! Unless you see it with your eyes. Uranus is solitary, it is most dangerous and unpredictable. The Sun is in exact opposition to Neptune, adding to the Mars' effect. Mercury is at 22- bad deg- Virgo, and the Moon just entered Aquarius.
All these aspects affect people or events born in mutable signs.( Vir; Pisc, Gem, Sag).
So, what happened yesterday? Australia came out with a negative announcement AXJO fell from our stop, after we gained in the longs since Aug 26, 4%- 256 points, now we are short!
The Bank Nifty Rallies since 9/5; gained 752 points. We can raise stop to 27500.
I'll send alerts for the commodities soon.
Where is Dorian? Seems that it is over. Left behind a huge disaster. It was Uranus, that crossed that place, just like in 1935( 84 years cycle). Poor poor people....
European announcements today; also later from the USA.- yellow labels, so not that important.
The S&P topped yesterday at 2991; a target given to subscribers. Now it trades below stop, we are short.
If you still don't have my app, you have no idea what I am talking about!
8:40: I sent alerts for the commodities, grains, DAX>
See u later. with the currencies..
8:40: I sent alerts for the commodities, grains, DAX>
See u later. with the currencies..
TA35: closed at 1576.20; after a top at 1577. Now we have a so called "Hanging man". The arbitrage is +0.13.- it will open at 1578.24; up target 1581-82-84. Failing to go over, it'll fall back.
September 9, 2019 Monday
It's 7 am, and I sent alerts for Asia and the Far East, so you know what to do.
Opening Facebook, the first thing I saw is a post that Clint eastwood died. I rush to check his chart, then to Wikipedia bit nothing there... So I asked Google, did he? and NO it is fake news!! I wrote in the past, as long as we have Mercury in Virgo, in opposition Neptune in Pisces, DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING! But now I know more about Eastwood I knew before... He is 89, his father died of a heart attack quite young, that made him be a health freak; he doesn't drink, or smoke, meditates, works out he is very well fit. I did not know he has 7-8 children from 6 different women! Well, I wish him all the best a long and productive life. And damn those who make these fake news, deep fake, manipulations!
Alerts for Europe and TA35 in the app!
GERMANY came out with a positive sentiment!
DAX target 12300.
Market will go to its extremes today, we are under Jupiter energy!
Alerts for Europe and TA35 in the app!
GERMANY came out with a positive sentiment!
DAX target 12300.
Market will go to its extremes today, we are under Jupiter energy!
September 8, 2019 Sunday
We start the week with the Sn at mid Virgo, together with Mars, Mercury and Venus there. Virgo, as we know, is an Earth sign. We also have the Moon, Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn, another earth sign. So we have 5 planets and the luminaries in Earth element. Oh,... let us not forget Uranus at 6 Taurus! that makes 6+2! We have Neptune in Pisces, water, and Jupiter in Sag. -fire.
It is very rare to have so many planets in Earth element. When planets are in earth, they receive the traits of the sing, namely Virgo, Cap and Tau. What they mean, we learned in the course...
Today we are under the effect of the Sun and the Moon. The Moon trines the Sun in the evening.
Moon's aspects gmt+3
8.09.2019 15:53:01 13°34'13"Cap Trine Mars
8.09.2019 16:42:03 13°59'15"Cap Conjunction Saturn- after market closes.
8.09.2019 20:11:10 15°45'52"Cap Trine Sun
8.09.2019 23:18:16 17°21'02"Cap Sextile Neptune
9.09.2019 6:02:25 20°45'55"Cap Trine Mercury
9.09.2019 6:03:24 20°46'24"Cap Conjunction Pluto
9.09.2019 11:30:11 23°31'25"Cap Trine Venus
We have important midpoints too, that will stay for a day or two: I am looking to the slow moving planets:
Pluto at the Mars/Vesta MP; Neptune at Ven/MArs MP; Saturn at Ven/Ura MP; Jup at Mars/Nept MP; Mars at Ura/Pl MP, and more... so all the calculations I send in the app are based on these as well.
TA35: closed at 1562.28, now we have a positive arbitrage , will open at 1571.80; might run up to 1574-80.
8:50 am : Updates for the cryptos in the app.
September 6, 2019 Friday
Something is wrong with my computer.... I keep getting blue screens. called the technician I doubt he'll come till Sunday.
I see Dorian is moving slowly on, and fading out. Started on Sept 1, it is its 6th day. Tomorrow should be over...7 days. Wikipedia listed the start of Dorian at Aug 24, so we might have to use the multiples of 7 for an end. Again, we get Sept 7.
Markets are rising again. The last top in the S&P was 3030... will it get there again?
Today is a day ruled by Mars, end of a cycle. so raise your stops... No matter how rozy things look, cash in your gains. You can always open new positions!
September 5, 2019 Thursday
It is our last trading day this month. Weekly options expiry too. Oh.. market is about to start, I'll be back later.. Lot to tell you! I was busy with local news.. will tell you later...
Dorian now :
Dorian now :
September 4, 2019 Wednesday
Today we have a "cold and wet day". The strongest planet in the sky is Mercury, and the day is also under its energy.Numerologically it is Neptune that rules the day. and in the sky we have Mercury coming into an opposition to Neptune. Isn't this nice? how the planets fit the numbers? Besides that, we have a Sun/Mercury conjunction, this is called "Cazimi".( within 0.17 minutes of the Sun); in the heart of the Sun.on the Sun's lap... so to say. previously this happened on July 21. That was a low for TA35! at 1554. Now we are at 1546. It will be interesting to see, if we will close today at 1554! Check your own index/share!
The US: S&P opened yesterday and fell to 2891; but now, under Asia trading hours, it is correcting. What happened? We will have some announcements in Europe later today, let's see if they keep it up?
I read about Boris Johnson failure ..
" Tory rebels and opposition MPs have defeated the government in the first stage of their attempt to pass a law designed to prevent a no-deal Brexit.
The Commons voted 328 to 301 to take control of the agenda, meaning they can bring forward a bill seeking to delay the UK's exit date.
In response, Boris Johnson said he would bring forward a motion for an early general election.
Jeremy Corbyn said the bill should be passed before an election was held.
In total, 21 Tory MPs, including a number of ex-cabinet ministers, joined opposition parties to defeat the government.
After the vote, Downing Street said those Tory MPs who rebelled would have the whip removed, effectively expelling them from the parliamentary party.
No 10 had hoped the threat of expulsion - and an election - would bring would-be rebels into line."
Here is his natal chart with Directed future and transits for yesterday.
His career is ruled by the Moon, she is at 0Sco36. She is triggered by a very slow Saturn in the directed chart, showing a blockage that will last a long time..
Saturn, the natural ruler of the career is at 5 Pisces, and it is triggered by a transit Uranus in retro, that too will last long.
The known enemies are under Mars, it is at 1 Gem.37, that too is triggered by Saturn, they want the status quo.
The unknown enemies are under Mercury, and that is on a difficult degree, at 19 Gemini, and it is triggered by Venus, which is also in the 12th house of plots and secrets.. So he has a fall-back, so to say. Since his rise happened under Uranus (in the Directed future chart Uranus conjunct his Moon, ruler of career); seems to me, that it will not last long!
How is this affecting the FTSE: 7060 is the major support level.
The pound returned, as forecasted:
For my Russian readers:
Here is the monthly graph of the USD/Rubal. As long as it trades above 44.20 is a long.
In the daily chart we can narrow down the stop to 65.55- short below and long above.
The indian Rupee to the Dollar since 1973 monthly chart:
Looking at the daily chart: the stop is at 72.10- short below or long above.
TA35 Closed at 1558.45
The US: S&P opened yesterday and fell to 2891; but now, under Asia trading hours, it is correcting. What happened? We will have some announcements in Europe later today, let's see if they keep it up?
I read about Boris Johnson failure ..
" Tory rebels and opposition MPs have defeated the government in the first stage of their attempt to pass a law designed to prevent a no-deal Brexit.
The Commons voted 328 to 301 to take control of the agenda, meaning they can bring forward a bill seeking to delay the UK's exit date.
In response, Boris Johnson said he would bring forward a motion for an early general election.
Jeremy Corbyn said the bill should be passed before an election was held.
In total, 21 Tory MPs, including a number of ex-cabinet ministers, joined opposition parties to defeat the government.
After the vote, Downing Street said those Tory MPs who rebelled would have the whip removed, effectively expelling them from the parliamentary party.
No 10 had hoped the threat of expulsion - and an election - would bring would-be rebels into line."
Here is his natal chart with Directed future and transits for yesterday.
His career is ruled by the Moon, she is at 0Sco36. She is triggered by a very slow Saturn in the directed chart, showing a blockage that will last a long time..
Saturn, the natural ruler of the career is at 5 Pisces, and it is triggered by a transit Uranus in retro, that too will last long.
The known enemies are under Mars, it is at 1 Gem.37, that too is triggered by Saturn, they want the status quo.
The unknown enemies are under Mercury, and that is on a difficult degree, at 19 Gemini, and it is triggered by Venus, which is also in the 12th house of plots and secrets.. So he has a fall-back, so to say. Since his rise happened under Uranus (in the Directed future chart Uranus conjunct his Moon, ruler of career); seems to me, that it will not last long!
The pound returned, as forecasted:
GBP/JPY monthly chart
In the 1 hours chart we are short below 130.
9:30 market starts, see you later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For my Russian readers:
Here is the monthly graph of the USD/Rubal. As long as it trades above 44.20 is a long.
In the daily chart we can narrow down the stop to 65.55- short below and long above.
The indian Rupee to the Dollar since 1973 monthly chart:
Looking at the daily chart: the stop is at 72.10- short below or long above.
TA35 Closed at 1558.45
September 3, 2019 Tuesday
This stellium in Virgo is causing many illnesses, health complications. Remember, that Virgo represents the health in the chart, and when we have so many planets there, with MARS! it gets worse... Today we have Sun/Mars conjunction, tomorrow and the day after as well, so it is a culmination, getting worse before getting better... So be careful of what you eat, drink more water, and take long baths! Virgo is an Earth sign, and water can ease its "presents". My leg is getting better, but I'll be skipping pilates today.
Dorian is still there, threatening people's lives, huge destruction! I think it was downgraded to category 4 storm. can a hurricane BE category 6? Here is the answer..
The average difference between the current categories equals nearly 20 mph, so a category 6 label would likely be applied to hurricanes with sustained winds over (280 kph) 175 mph. The speed and destruction of hypothetical "category 6" storms is speculative, despite the hurricanes with winds at that level."
So it is far from getting a 6! I wonder if it'll take 7 days till it fades out.. Because the name added up to 7.- see below.
We have extreme water in one place in the world, and extreme fire a " few blocks away" the Amazonas is still burning... And who cancelled his participation to a conference on the issue? Bolsonaro... As you can see, Saturn and Pluto, in Capricorn are crossing both places.
enlarged with aspects and Uranian planets:
So it is far from getting a 6! I wonder if it'll take 7 days till it fades out.. Because the name added up to 7.- see below.
We have extreme water in one place in the world, and extreme fire a " few blocks away" the Amazonas is still burning... And who cancelled his participation to a conference on the issue? Bolsonaro... As you can see, Saturn and Pluto, in Capricorn are crossing both places.
enlarged with aspects and Uranian planets:
Our problems here are under the Uranus aspects as well. See Uranus line crossing Syria, Jordan, Lebanon,? Israel's' Sun is at 23 Taurus, when Uranus will arrive into a conjunction, hell will turn loose. Uranus now is at 6 Taurus, it was here between 1936-38; I found Pope Francis to have now an Uranus return.. hmmm... watch for news about him. Robert Redford and Jack Nicholson share an Uranus at 9 Taurus..Uranus is now retro till Jan 9th, will reach 2.Tau 39, be stationary , and reach 9th deg .on June 13, 2020. Wishing them all the best; two of my favorites!!
The protests in Hong Kong are still ongoing...
Market starts.;. see you later.
Benjamin Netanyahu: I made a small correction to his birth time, based on his behaviour. He doesn't mind on who or what he steps on, only to stay on the throne... So the Ascendant is now in Capricorn.
The inner chart is his natal. The Asc. is at 2Cap16, Sun at 27Lib38 and the Moon at 20Lib15. Him like PUtinka, both have a Libra stellium. Ruler of his career is Venus, and that is at 12Sag28.- the Antiscia of Venus is in Pisces, and as we know, transit Neptune is there. Sometimes the Antiscia shows us more than the planets! LOL... So his rulership is under Neptunian energy, that is why he couldn't and will not be able to form a government, no matter what tricks he uses. What elso? Saturn is the natural ruler of career. His Saturn is at 15 Virgo24. I moved the outer, future chart to March 28th 2020, when Directed Uranus will be exact! But giving a month or two before and after March, Uranus is already in action... it will be Uranus that will push him out of the chair. In the same time, Dir. Venus is at 22 Aqua- "the killer"degree, and Venus rules his 10th house- as per his birthdate. There are more aspects that show, that his career will slowly be over, he will face the law, no matter what he tries to do.. On the other hand, I don't see any stable government to be formed till mid 2020. ( We have elections on Sept 17,2019).
September 2, 2019 Monday
Yesterday evening, on my way home, I twisted my left leg. I don't know how I got home. It is very painful. I had my leg all the night in a pile of cold water. Now it's better and not so swollen, but it is still difficult to walk, or step on it at all. Thanks God nothing broke. SO imagine me, sitting at my desk, with one leg in water, drinking coffee and watching cnn to see what's happening with Dorian. today it's my daughter's birthday. I wanted to invite her out somewhere, but that has to wait now...
So let's see, what's happening today....
It's 11:35. I sent alerts for Asia and the Far East.
Someone asked me about the speed of planets. Here is what ZET gives. By the way there is a free download possibility of the software!! Check it out! It is the best software for astrology that I know.
Here is the chart of the speeds for this Lunar month.V% = speed of average
It's 11:35. I sent alerts for Asia and the Far East.
Someone asked me about the speed of planets. Here is what ZET gives. By the way there is a free download possibility of the software!! Check it out! It is the best software for astrology that I know.
Here is the chart of the speeds for this Lunar month.V% = speed of average
September 1, 2019 Sunday
Market will start soon. We have the Moon at 3^ Libra and a 0.01% minus arbitrage. As the Moon, so the market... indecisive. Tomorrow there is no trade in the USA, Labour day, so we are alone till Wednesday, when the arbitrage will come in. Till then, the "pirates" rule. These are the robots, that know everything...
Our eyes is on the hurricane Dorian. A name adds up to 7, Neptune. Neptune in the sky is at 17 Pisces 34; It trines the North Node; but it doesn't make any aggressive aspects. What does cause this hurricane is the Mercury-Mars conjunction in Virgo. Both conjunct the Sun.. Mercury makes many bad aspects to several asteroids that represent hurricanes.. My heart is with the people who will have to go through this.... as every year over and over again.
Sept 2; 2"40-45 am should be the landfall.
The bummer is, that Mars is speeding up till April 10, 2020- till then it will reach Aquarius.
On the other hand, Mercury is slowing down..till October, when it turns retro. .
August 30, 2019 Friday
I read now, that Obama plans to run again for President... I also read:" Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once."
Here we have a bluffing, I think, under Sun opposition Neptune. We will have plenty in the next 29 days!
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