New Moon in Virgo, 2022 ~ Financial and Mundane Astrology. by Gabriella Mittelman

 Between August 27- Sept. 26, 2022

Thanks for following me from the former article

The New Moon in Virgo occurs, for Israel, in the 10th house of the government, at 4^♍; Latest news here, regarding the government is, that Netanyahu, desperate to win the election on Nov 1st, joins the far right parties lead by Itamar Ban Gvir and Smotrich. What a shame !!OK, but that's what it is... As you can see in the chart above, this New Moon brings 5 planets in Retro and 5 asteroids as well, the next new Moon, in Libra, will have Mercury too, so 6 planets R and 6 asteroids including Sedna R. That means, the planets give us a chance to reconsider and mend our steps. Under so many Retros, everyone, in all life issues will be affected. The only planets that will not be in Retro are Mars and Venus, but Mars has its impact later this year being 7 months in ♊, it will also turn R, and Venus will leave Leo and enter Virgo on Sept.5; where it is in its Fall, so bad. 
"Quotes tagged as "life-lessons" Showing 1-30 of 14,510
Haruki Murakami
“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore"

Aspects for this month: 
Actual aspects ( I am posting only the next week's aspects, there are too many.. I will post the rest each week.
Begin: 27.08.2022  Period: 1 month  (GMT+3)
Venus        P^  Saturn        28.08.2022  3:43 Sunday
Venus        180 Saturn        28.08.2022 21:27
Mercury      P   Neptune       28.08.2022 22:56
Sun          165 Saturn        29.08.2022  7:21 Monday
Venus        135 Jupiter       29.08.2022 21:29
Node          30 Chiron        29.08.2022 22:00
Mercury      144 Vesta         30.08.2022  7:09
Mercury      135 Uranus        30.08.2022  8:52
Sun          108 Uranus        30.08.2022  9:59
Sun          150 Jupiter       30.08.2022 13:09
Mercury      160 Eris          31.08.2022 14:25
Venus        150 Neptune       31.08.2022 19:37
Mars          72 Neptune       31.08.2022 22:46
Venus        120 Eris           1.09.2022  3:38
Mercury      135 Saturn         1.09.2022 14:01
Mars          60 Jupiter        1.09.2022 14:51
Sun          165 Neptune        2.09.2022  0:45
Sun          P   Chiron         2.09.2022  4:18
Sun          144 Chiron         2.09.2022  5:23
Venus        150 Pluto          2.09.2022  9:33
Sun          135 Eris           2.09.2022 11:33
Venus        180 Vesta          2.09.2022 21:09
In my former article I mentioned, that the longest aspect in August is a parallel Mars-Pluto - till 8/16, and on that day markets culminated and fell. So, we can learn from that, that these 2 planets are vey important, and show us dates and targets when they are in aspect.
Regarding fortunate /unfortunate fixed stars in the sign of VIRGO: the first decan of Virgo is fortunate, till the 9th degree, where we have Alioth" , then 15 to 24^ is also unfortunate, and at 27Virgo we have Alkaid, also an unfortunate fixed star. 
Days to watch regarding Prime numbers: Aug 27 is the 239th day of the year. Check your calendar for the next 21 prime numbers till Dec. 31. ( 8/30, Sept.9, 15, 21,27,29.)
Of course, there are many other days to watch like Fibo times( count starts from 8/16 top, and July 14 low ( for the S&P , for ex), but each index or share with it's own time table....ingress dates, etc.. 
Former articles on New Moon in Virgo:2021  2020 20192018 20172016; 2015201420132012; 2011& 2010, read these articles, there is so much information in there!!
My services are: *Daily alerts for 30$ per day, for anything you can think of... So, for example, to receive for 5 trading days alerts every day, for the Gold and S&P, that would cost $300 + 5% (including PayPal fees 5%).=$315
*To sign up to my mailing list on world indices alerts, also commodities and Cryptos, $120/ month+ 5% PayPal fees.($126). You will receive alerts 1-2 times a week with stops and targets.
For 5 alerts, anything you chose , $55/month
*Natal chart reading: $430, ( + 5% PP )
*The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $300/ month; ( + 5% PP= $315).
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you my bank details for bank transfer or PayPal.
If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts and you wish to study, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course". ( 10 meetings, $7500 lot of homework! If interested will send syllabus )
Here is a link to my You Tube channel: GMAMA
You might want to click "interesting, cool" at the bottom of the article and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind. And don't forget to click "Like" at the bottom of the article!!
Here is a link to my Telegram group! Join the discussion, and the trades there!
September 27, 2022 Tuesday

We are after the New Moon, so I should start a new article. 
But before I do, I would like to thank all my followers and readers to be here with me since 2009, when I started this blog. 
May this New Year bring you all only joy and happiness. 

September 25, 2022 Sunday 
We celebrate the New year today, Year no 5783; the date adds up to 5, ruled by Mercury. It is a year when we break our borders, wishing for a change. I pray that all the change we will get will be for a better world. 

September 24, 2022 Saturday 
Yesterday the USA markets bottomed at around 3 pm NY time, when Helio Mercury was conjunct Jupiter. We can use that low as stop now. 
Most of the indices broke former major lows, you can use July 14-15 low as stop for short. 
I will sent updates for the next week. 
We don't have trade till Wednesday, which is also an expiry day... so bummer. 

September 23, 2022 Friday 
Today we are under the energies of Venus and the Moon. Venus is at 22♍, in opposition Neptune ( reflecting on the banks and Forex); the Moon is still in Leo, but moves into Virgo later today; so I wrote that the S&P makes a low and top while the Moon in Leo, probably, when she moves into Virgo we will se a change in trend. The other important move today, or THE most important, is that the Sun is now in Libra, for the next month; Mercury in it's retro move is conjunct; brings a time for rectification for people born in Libra ( Putin, Netanyahu both have stellium in ♎) . Mercury will stay in Libra till today noon, and return to Virgo till Oct 4th, when it turns Direct and re enters Libra on Oct 11th. 
USA yesterday
Check out yesterday's post, about the Natural Gas... 
It is now 7:40 am
BTC: 15 min: triple top, move stop to 19458
GOLD: Fell back to April 9, 2020 levels. Now at 1678; Stop = 1672. 

September 22, 2022 Thursday
Today the UK will announce their interest rates, Probably, in the next 2 years it will go ,much higher!!
The ruler of the day is Jupiter at 4♈; it is solitary, wild trades can be made under it. The other planet for today to watch is the Sun, which will enter Libra, and conjunct Mercury it is' retro move. Sun in Libra♎ brings in a whole different energy, than that of Virgo. 
10:30  CHFSNB Interest Rate Decision (Q3)0.50%0.50%-0.25%
10:30  IDRInterest Rate Decision4.25%3.75%
11:00  NOKInterest Rate Decision2.25%2.25%1.75%
11:30  HKDInterest Rate Decision (MoM)3.50% 2.75%
14:00  GBPBoE Interest Rate Decision (Sep)2.25%2.25%1.75%
Graph of the Dollar DX compared to the DJI and Nasdaq 

15:30  USDInitial Jobless Claims213K218K208K
15:30  USDContinuing Jobless Claims1,379K1,400K1,401K
push-up ? after the big fall yesterday 
Effect of the Sun in Libra for the S&P : if July 14 low doesn't break we can look at calls October.
16:00  ZARInterest Rate Decision (Sep)6.25%6.25%5.50%
Future interest rate in S.Africa =
So far there you can get the highest int. rate for long term investment.
17:30  USDNatural Gas Storage103B93B77B
Last alert sent for the gas was 9/8 = stop 7.825; price now = 7.243; move stop to 7.240

September 21, 2022 Wednesday 
Iranian friend wrote me " Most of the cities of Iran are chaos and popular demonstrations against the regime". Time has come to change the regime there... People cannot take it any more. Looking at Iran's chart: 
Date: April 1, 1979; Khomeini returns. At that time the Iranians were fed up with the Shah; and embraced this monster... Today 43.47 years later they realize it was wrong. A whole generation got back stabbed. I think... 
Iran news: 20 Sep 2022
Iranians have taken to the streets of the capital Tehran to protest the death of a young woman who had been detained for violating the country’s conservative dress code.
The semiofficial Fars news agency said students in many Tehran universities gathered in protest on Monday, demanding an investigation into the death of Mahsa Amini and the dismantling of the morality police, who were holding her when she died.
Witnesses said demonstrators poured into Keshavarz Boulevard, a central thoroughfare, chanting “Death to the Dictator”. They also chanted against the police and damaged a police vehicle. The witnesses spoke on condition of anonymity out of security concerns."

SO what are the planets teaching us? First of all transit Uranus is in opposition, that lit the uprising. transit Mars in Gemini (sign of the young people, ruler of the 9th house of justice and faith, will be 7 months in Gemini) , is triggering the Sun (the President) so it will be a long story.. Jupiter, ruler of Sag, ruler of freedom and justice is Retro in the H8; of transformation and death; is triggering natal Saturn (government ). Neptune, ruler of the 8th in this chart is retro, therefore it will be there for a long time, is conjunct natal Mars and Mercury; Neptune stands for Ideals, dreams, also fake news and manipulations, is conjunct Mars and Mercury, I don't like this conjunction, because it is as a cloud lends on them.. transit Saturn is in the 19^ chaos degree; for a long time and tr.Uranus is an exact 150^ to natal Pluto - the fundamentals of this government. Uranus is also Retro, so we are seeing the start of a long event... May they succeed!!! Inshallah .
Lebanon is also in turmoil, they don't have electricity... When will they wake up ? they got 2 million refugees from Syria, them, being Christians, don't want these Muslims, are the Syrians were asked to return to their country.. "On Friday, eight banks were held up by depositors who demanded their own money, adding to a spate of holdups this week spurred by frustration over a spiraling financial implosion with no end in sight."
On Sept 19, there was a powerful Earthquake in Mexico; 7.7 on the Richter scale. On that day the Sun was conjunct Alkaid - see below.. 

"Monday’s earthquake struck on the fifth anniversary of a similar event that killed 216 people in Mexico City. The 2017 earthquake measured a magnitude of 7.1 with an epicenter that was 2.8 miles east-northeast of San Juan Raboso and 34.1 miles south-southwest of the city of Puebla. "One the same day in history in 1985, thousands of people were killed when a quake hit a similar area. It is understandable that residents of Mexico are now nervous when this day approaches. "Residents in Mexico City had participated in an earthquake drill earlier in the day to honor the 5-year anniversary of the 2017 event."

So, to Sammy, my reader, who asked if Alkaid is the one that triggers earthquakes in the same place... the answer is yes. Look where Alkaid is, and will be for the next 72 years 

Same event in 1985, Sept 19: 8.1 Richter 


Let's check the markets:
BTC = 19000 and we are short.
EUR/USD: Stop sent yesterday was 0.99640 - short if below
DAX: 9/18 "Stop = 12772 long if above, -  tgt 12960 to close the gap. " now12670 = lower stop to12680.
Nasdaq stop still 11808; long if above.
S&P : stop = 3858
Bank Nifty sent 9/17:New historical high 9/15; closed a 40776; stop = 40698/ 40788/ short if below. " Now trades at 41325; adjust stop to 41328.
Nifty stop now 17808.
News in the sky: The Moon is now in Leo- this can push the S&P to major tops or lows! 

Yesterday, all groups were red, in anticipation to today's announcement 

Fed announcement: today at 2 pm: NY time
21:00  USDFOMC Economic Projections     
21:00  USDFOMC Statement     
21:00  USDFed Interest Rate Decision 3.25%2.50%

It will get worse in the next 2 years: 
TA35: target given this morning 1940; topped at 1941.71 
DAX: 4:50 pm


s&p OUTCOME : 

September 20, 2022 Tuesday 
Yesterday I wrote that we might get a "kick up, trampoline" and we did.... BTC, EUR/USD, Nifty, Nasdaq all rallied. Now adjust stops up to the maximum. If you are a subscriber, you know how, if not, take the last low in the 60 min chart and use it . 
What to expect today? 
the Moon is 60^to the Sun, we are before the New Moon. 
Scroll up and read about the fixed stars! The Sun is conjunct "Alkaid" today. 
"Fixed star Alkaid is like Mars (violent death, ultimate ruin by folly or pride. If afflicting Mercury, deafness.) [5] 
Interesting, that Kronos, yesterday (royal funeral)  and still, is conjunct Sirius, the best fixed star of Cancer...
I watched the funeral yesterday since 10 am till 8 pm I think... I was wow!!! what can I say...this is what I wrote in the telegram group as I watched... 
Gabriella, [9/19/2022 3:30 PM]
"Let me be buried on a sunny day, and not a rainy one... so they can stand for 7-9 hours in vein... under the Sun..will they still love me ? LOL
Gabriella, [9/19/2022 3:35 PM]
I guess every nation has its own burial ceremony rules. In Israel we burry our dead in the same day, if died on a weekend, then on the next working day... If someone dies on a Friday night , or Saturday, it  is a saint... lol... anyways, as per the Jewish religion, the soul must be freed on the same day, and the body buried. In the UK, it is very very different... Poor Philip, waited for a YEAR ?? to be buried? his soul cannot pass on.. Neither of the Queens'
Gabriella, [9/19/2022 3:44 PM]
I admire those who stand there in line for hours..
Gabriella, [9/19/2022 5:18 PM]
I think many world leaders can be and are jealous of the love of the British to their queen.
Gabriella, [9/19/2022 5:20 PM]
It s really fascinating!! I am watching since 10, 8 hours!! People actually stand there! . What a ceremony!!!"
As you can can see my sarcasm faded out with time... and I was really moved.
So.... a new day for the living... markets are green. For us, TA35; will go to ( targets given yesterday to a fellow trader) : the close was 1943.27
1943-47-53-54-65 tomorrow at 5:32 pm .Let's see if I was right. I have calls... I hope I am lol.
I have now some unexpected expenses, so I must really step on it and take it from the trade.
Let's check the time tunnel: for TA35 today is 13 days from 9/7 low.
Moon aspects today: GMT+3 
20.09.2022  0:42:59 18°38'20"Cnc Sextile Uranus
20.09.2022 11:24:46 23°56'01"Cnc Trine Neptune
20.09.2022 15:58:21 26°11'44"Cnc Opposition Pluto
20.09.2022 18:56:45 27°40'21"Cnc Sextile Sun
20.09.2022 23:37:30  0°00'00"Leo <<<
It is now 4:15 the top was 1955; I sold the calls, and now I am expecting the puts to pay USA opens in 15 min. 

September 19, 2022 Monday 
An interesting article was printed in the media a few days ago, who knows, when it did it really happen? but China : China has discovered a crystal from the Moon made of a previously unknown mineral, while also confirming that the lunar surface contains a key ingredient for nuclear fusion, a potential form of effectively limitless power that harnesses the same forces that fuel the Sun and other stars. " Changesite—(Y) is the sixth new mineral to be identified in Moon samples, and the first to be discovered by China. Before China, only the U.S. and Russia could claim to have discovered a new Moon mineral. It is a transparent crystal that formed in a region of the northern lunar near-face that was volcanically active about 1.2 billion years ago.
Can you imagine now, the rush to the Moon ? will they blow it up?? that would be the end of humanity...
The ocean tides mirror life itself. Their ebb and flow pay homage to the cyclic nature of the cosmos along even the most secluded seashores. But is life itself also ultimately a fluke of the tides?
If so, life may ultimately owe its origins to our serendipitously large moon. The sun and wind also drive the ocean's oscillations, but it is the moon's gravitational tug that is responsible for the lion's share of this predictable tidal flux.

Our current Earth–moon system, according to the prevailing theory of lunar formation, reflects our solar system's early game of planetary billiards, when colliding planetary embryos created entirely new versions of themselves—in the case of our own planet, a disproportionately large natural satellite in close orbit.

It all started some 4.5 billion years ago when, as theory has it, our nascent Earth was blindsided by a Mars-size planetary embryo, believed to have spun Earth into its initial fast rotation of roughly 12 hours per day. The molten mantle thrown into orbit after the catastrophic lunar-forming impact quickly coalesced into our moon. Within a few thousand years, Earth cooled to an object with a molten surface and a steam atmosphere. Life emerged some 700 million years later, or about 3.8 billion years ago.But four billion years ago a cooling Earth already had an ocean, but remained barren. The moon was perhaps half as distant as it is now, and as a result, the ocean tides were much more extreme.
At an average distance of 235,000 miles (380,000 kilometers), the moon is currently receding from Earth at a rate of 1.5 inches (3.8 centimeters) per year. As it does, Earth's own spin rate is slowing. And, in the process, roughly 1020 joules of gravitational energy is shed into the oceans annually.*

Over the eons, all that energy has had an evolutionary impact." 
It is now early morning; Asia already trades, and as expected we are short there; adjust stops down as explained in the mail... 
The BTC is close to 7/9 low, falling from there next stop 6/18 low.. 
Stop = 18558 - long if above.  
USD/CNH Chinese yuan : now 
All Day HolidayJapan - Respect for the Aged Day
All Day HolidayUnited Kingdom - Bank Holiday
Tentative  CNYFDI (Aug)16.40%17.30%
Nifty: after a top on 9/15 +6 days, it made a bold up move today, it is still early, but the trend is up now. Here is what I sent to subscribers: 
9/17 After making a new historical high, as the leading index in the world, the Nifty too is now correcting. Closed at 17530; made a higher low than 9/7; planet's support at 17298 and its adjusted level 17508 ; short if below, to 8/29 low and lower. 
Now it trades at 17646; 
The sky today tells is, that Mercury is 180 to Jupiter; that can the the "trampoline" that kicks the markets up, for a short while; the Moon is in the sign she rules, Cancer;  I sold my puts yesterday at the close and bought calls... let's see... Out market closed at 1920 after a low at 1916; the top on 8/25 was 2079.50= 163 points fall, now isn't that interesting ? a Fibonacci number!!! in 24 days; 16 trading days. Planets blocked on 8/25 ( Helio Merc. 90 Neptune ). For today, staying above 1916; we might see 1946... 
How and why I make these calculations? I teach that in my course. 
Many write about the Shemita cycle, ( 7 years ) and expect a big crush in the markets. I made a weekly chart for the S&P; 2007, was not a Shemita year( 2008 was ) ( just count back from 2022 -7-7-7-7- years ) and here are my thoughts. There was a double top in 2000-2007; when the fall started, and the index fell back to 0.382% Fibonacci correction from 1974 low price was $61. If we will have a similar fall; it will go to 2250. 
Looking at the Helio chart for Oct 1, 2007; Mars was 120 to Vesta, 60^ to Uranus and 90 to Neptune. 
Next time Mars will be 120 to Vesta : July 1 2023!!! also 120^ to Uranus and more aspects, which makes me mark July in my calendar. 
So, this is why I trade the day, and not the monthly charts... 
market starts, see you later... 
It is now 8:58; the BTC is about to fall below 9/6 low stop = 18558
9:10 Asia : 
EUR/USD 30 min
TA35 close1943.27

September 18, 2022 Sunday
The Moon is VOC in ♊ right now, it is 6 :30 am here, I woke up early today, it was still dark outside. Checking the BTC it is still below 9/15 top; shows some weakness. 
The Sun is in the last decanate of Virgo, and here are all the other aspects. 
TAIWAN / JAPAN - Devastating M7.2 earthquake strikes Taiwan, Japan issues tsunami advisory
Multiple strong earthquakes destroyed Hualien County in Taiwan on Sunday. The most devastating one measured 6.9-magnitude.
[***Other sources magnitude 7.0 and 7.2***]
Tsunami alerts have been issued in Japan's Miyakojima and Yaeyama regions.
The epicentre of the quake was situated in the Yujing District, at the depth of 10 kilometres (6.2 miles). There were no immediate reports of casualties.
[***But there will be casualties, seeing the extensive damage in the photos and videos***]
Japanese authorities declared a tsunami warning for the island of Miyakojima in Okinawa prefecture after a powerful 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit the eastern part of Taiwan on Sunday.

TA 35: Alert sent :
stop = 1938; tgt 1914
I also sent alerts for the whole world, indices, commodities, cryptos. Sign up now !! 

September 17, 2022 Saturday 
USA yesterday: a minor try to correct up after 2 pm
OK, let's see next week: I wrote about the last Saturn-Uranus square , and as you can see, it lasts the whole month. 

Mars         15Gem00  60 Chiron       15Ari00  18.09.2022  6:54
Sun          25Vir33 144 Saturn       19Aqr33  18.09.2022 14:53

Mercury       4Lib45 180 Jupiter       4Ari45  19.09.2022  1:34
Sun          26Vir12 120 Pluto        26Cap12  19.09.2022  6:58
Mercury       4Lib31 135 Saturn       19Aqr31  19.09.2022  7:19
Time tunnel: Sept 19 = 7 days from 9/12 high
Mercury       3Lib38 135 Uranus       18Tau38  20.09.2022  5:02
Venus        18Vir38 120 Uranus       18Tau38  20.09.2022  7:44
Venus        18Vir44 144 Eris         24Ari44  20.09.2022  9:39
Venus        19Vir26 150 Saturn       19Aqr26  20.09.2022 23:11
Time tunnel: Sept 20 = 13 days from 9/7low
Venus        19Vir29 165 Jupiter       4Ari29  21.09.2022  0:13
Jupiter       4Ari24  45 Saturn       19Aqr24  21.09.2022 16:09
Sun          29Vir23  45 S.Node       14Sco23  22.09.2022 12:54
Sun          29Vir23 135 Node         14Tau23  22.09.2022 12:54
Sun          29Vir48 165 Chiron       14Ari48  22.09.2022 23:19
Time tunnel: Sept 22 = 210 says from 2/24/2022 low+ actually 9/23 these days have multiple triggers. 
Sun enters Libra 23/9/2022
Mercury enters Virgo 23/9/2022
Sun           0Lib14   0 Mercury       0Lib16  23.09.2022  9:50
Mercury      29Vir46 165 Chiron       14Ari46  23.09.2022 20:15
Gann day.
On 9/14 I wrote: S&P: "
Stop for today 3952/3922; After a big fall there is always a try to correct.. Up target 3982 ;"
When 3952 broke down on the 15th, short was triggered, 
Now I will prepare the alerts for the next week; based on Saturn -Uranus 90.
About Charles again"After the birth of Charles in November 1948, the Queen wrote a letter to her former music teacher, outlining the fact her newborn had an "interesting pair of hands for a baby".
The letter read: "The baby is very sweet and we are enormously proud of him. He has an interesting pair of hands for a baby.
"They are rather large, but with fine long fingers quite unlike mine and certainly unlike his father's. It will be interesting to see what they become. I still find it hard to believe I have a baby of my own.''
And the Queen wasn't the only royal to comment on the the King's hands - Charles himself has even jokingly referred to his hands in the past."
So this is not an arthritis of old age.. give me a break !!! 

September 16, 2022 Friday 
It is a day ruled by Venus and Uranus. Venus squares Mars at 14♊; and will trine the NN. While Uranus at 18♉squares Saturn both being Retro. this is a very powerful aspect it happened before: 
So you can see that all the major crashes occurred while these 2 were in square. 
Note: Feb 12,2020 top: Helio Saturn 0 Pluto .
During the early hours, the Moon entered ♊and today she will sextile 60^ Jupiter at 5♈, Jupiter is also R; so this is a "Deja vu". Before, it happened on Sept 7th, the famous low we had. So, use that low as stop. Short below. 

September 15, 2022 Thursday 
USA markets yesterday, unlike the Nifty and Nifty Bank, they were rather weak in their try to go up. The Nasdaq made higher lows, but didn't go over 9/14 top.

9/8 alert for the Gold was 1720; short was triggered below, target now is 7/21 low. =1678
Let's see what is ahead for today?
The Moon in♉ in exact trine to the Sun IN ♍ at 22*, the killer deg. the day is ruled by Jupiter and is makes a 45^ aspect to Saturn. That is an - expansion- restriction aspect; so the outcome is full gas in neutral. The Sun will be 180 to Neptune in 2 days but it's already in affect. And Mercury will oppose Jupiter too . 
A... we are today on the 257th day of the year, which is a prime no. so a CIT can happen. 
Watch the Nifty and Nifty Bank, them, being the mot powerful indices can give the tone for the rest of the world. Announcements? 
01:45  NZDGDP (QoQ) (Q2)1.7%1.0%-0.2%
Long time forecast , since 2020: and update for now: 
04:30  AUDEmployment Change (Aug)33.5K35.0K-41.0K
AXJO: stop now should be at 6864. 
07:00  IDRExport Growth (YoY) (Aug)30.15%19.19%32.03%
07:00  IDRImport Growth (YoY) (Aug)32.81%30.60%39.86%
07:00  IDRTrade Balance (Aug)5.76B4.09B4.22B

But the Nifty is weak today, after yesterday's rally. 
If you go here: you can get a clue what to do: 
Example: it says that it is a strong buy for the CAC: my last alert 9./10 was" 
 "8/17-9/5 correction closed 6241; stop = 6236"
as always, these stops are based on planetary positions... If planets block, the share cannot go up, unless it gaps up.
Moon aspects GMT+3 
15.09.2022  1:33:52 18°44'00"Tau Conjunction Uranus
15.09.2022  3:29:30 19°44'41"Tau Square Saturn
15.09.2022  8:30:52 22°22'12"Tau Trine Sun
15.09.2022 11:47:01 24°04'16"Tau Sextile Neptune
15.09.2022 15:58:33 26°14'38"Tau Trine Pluto
15.09.2022 23:15:57  0°00'00"Gem <<<
If you scroll down, I wrote about Harry, how his, and not Williams' chart is in harmony with the QUEEN's (RIP). 
That Sun-Neptune opposition  + Mercury 180*Jupiter : will never let us know, if this is true:
Russian President Vladimir Putin has suffered another assassination attempt, according to Kremlin insiders. His limousine was attacked with a bomb, claimed General SVR which has links to the Kremlin insiders. Putin's car was hit by a loud bang on its left front wheel that was followed by heavy smoke."

Were these news "fabricated" to escalate a new attack on Ukraine?
Although his natal Mercury is at 22*, kill or get killed; that can point to a death by accident, driving, riding, flying... and transit Sun+ Moon at 22* back it... but there is a problem with Russian charts... they accepted the Gregorian calendar later than the world... 
Partial Russian text of the decree adopting the Gregorian calendar in Russia as published in Pravda on 25 January 1918 (Julian) or 7 February 1918 (Gregorian). It instructed citizens to count the day after January 31 as 14th February.
In Russia, the Gregorian calendar was accepted after the October Revolution. On 24 January 1918 the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree that Wednesday, 31 January 1918, was to be followed by Thursday, 14 February 1918, thus dropping 13 days from the calendar. With the change, the October Revolution itself, once converted, took place on 7 November. Articles about the October Revolution which mention this date difference tend to do a full conversion to the dates from Julian to the Gregorian calendar. For example, in the article "The October (November) Revolution" the Encyclopædia Britannica uses the format of "25 October (7 November, New Style)" to describe the date of the start of the revolution.

So the new format puts his date of birth at Oct 20...

He was also head of the KGB; is anything posted on him to be true?
I I always used Oct 7,1952 date, so let's see: 
WOW there are so many aspects, that show a possible death, but the timing was off. I don't want to give any clues...
Oh, my !!! 
I just found asteroids "Vladimir " and Russia; here is Putin's chart. 

Ukraine's  leader, Volodimir - is the same name as Vladimir...Zelensky's Pluto is conjunct Putin's stellium is Libra. means, the first will destroy the second. 

12:00  EURTrade Balance (Jul)-34.0B-20.0B-25.4B

September 14, 2022 Wednesday 
On 9/8 I posted a graph showing what I think the S&P will do... and it did.. 
The forecast worked... We got a top in Moon in Aries. and in spite of the good Fed ann. the markets fell. 
Further thoughts: 

If we look at the 1 hour chart, a similar fall happened between 8/26-28 when the Moon was in 19Leo-21 Virgo.  Then, in 26 Aug it was around a new Moon. Next time the Moon will be in 19 Leo 21 Virgo in 22 Sept-24' ( UK interest rate !! ) but this time she will be in sextile, approaching the Sun, and that's a positive aspect; so it might be a mirror move up between those days. Of course there are hundreds of other aspects that we always have to take in consideration... Stop for today 3952/3922; After a big fall there is always a try to correct.. Up target 3982 ; Good luck . I hope you made money !!
The first fall happened when these announcements came out: 
he second was at 9 pm my time: 
21:00  USDFederal Budget Balance (Aug)-220.0B-213.5B-211.0B
However, in spite of this, the index didn't fall below 9/7 low!  = 3883; 
So, let's see what is the sky showing us today? 
It is a day ruled by Mercury and the Moon . In the Helio sky Mercury is 0^ Saturn; important aspect for a day or two. Then Venus 150^ Pluto; 
In the Geo sky: 
14.09.2022 11:41:14 11°23'03"Tau Trine Venus
09:00  GBPCPI (MoM) (Aug) 0.6%0.6%
09:00  GBPCPI (YoY) (Aug) 10.2%10.1%
09:00  GBPCPI, n.s.a (Aug)  122.50
09:00  GBPPPI Input (YoY) (Aug) 22.4%22.6%
09:00  GBPPPI Input (MoM) (Aug) 0.3%0.1%

FTSE stop = 7342; long if above. 
5 years Bond: 
10 years Bond 
9/14 :DX: Stop = 1.0977 only above it long.
EUR/USD 9/13 fell to 0.99551;  Move stop to 0.99990 - long if above to 1.0037
Asia is in an "aftershock" of what happened in the USA markets... Once Sept 7 is broken, prepare for a more deeper fall. The first to break it is Hang Seng Hk50 ; target there is 3/15 low.
India Nifty: the strongest index so far, made a triple lower high, that means it is in short below the last top. 
Bank Nifty tried to reach Oct 2021 top = 41820; but failed, so far... 
JKSE: is the only one that made a higher high in 2022 !! on 9/13; that too is short below that top. 
In Europe all are very weak... the only one that rallied is Turkey Titan20 
Nifty completely recovered yesterday's fall, and made a new high! 

Armenia, Azerbaijan fighting breaks out overnight
Tue, September 13, 2022 at 10:41 PM

Azerbaijani forces shelled Armenia's territory in a large-scale attack that has killed at least 49 Armenian soldiers, officials said Tuesday. Azerbaijan said its forces lost 50 troops in the fighting. (Sept. 13)
Azerbaijan Sun is in opposition transit Uranus- surprise attack on their neighbor- in the chart Venus is the adversary, ruler H7, and this is being triggered by Mercury in R, and Venus. Also their Sun is in a "chaos degree" triggered by transit Saturn. 


Positive but weak : 
15:30  USDCore PPI (MoM) (Aug)0.4%0.3%0.3%
15:30  USDCore PPI (YoY) (Aug)7.3%7.1%7.7%
15:30  USDPPI (MoM) (Aug)-0.1%-0.1%-0.4%

September 13,2022 Tuesday 

USA yesterday: first day of the week,, usually is green: 
Scroll down to Sept/8 post, I posted a forecast for the S&P: so far it worked. 
Let's see what are the planets whispering today?  
First, we must check which planet is in charge? it is Mars, ruler of Tuesday and the Sun , ruler of the date. The Sun is at 20 Virgo, departing from a trine to Uranus, and a disharmonious aspect to Saturn; It is approaching an opposition to Neptune, in 4 days and a trine to Pluto , in 6 days. (Using 0 deg.orb). 
Mars is in R ♊at 12degrees, makes no aspects. 
Moon: GMT+3
13.09.2022  7:52:52 26°16'12"Ari Square Pluto
13.09.2022 14:39:05  0°00'00"Tau <<<
Aspects for the next 3 days: 
Actual aspects
Begin: 13.09.2022  Period: 3 days  (GMT+3)
                                                    Aspect Exact
Moon         26Ari16  90 Pluto        26Cap16  13.09.2022  7:53
Sun          20Vir24 144 Moon         26Ari24  13.09.2022  8:08
Moon          0Ari00 P   Venus         0Ari00  13.09.2022  9:37
Sun          20Vir28 165 Jupiter       5Ari28  13.09.2022  9:37
Moon         27Ari47  45 Mars         12Gem47  13.09.2022 10:38
Helio sky: calculations based on these: 

It is now 7:15 am let's see what does all the above mean for the markets? 
Asia: all are correcting the fall between 8/16-17 -- Sept 1-7; as long as they are below 8/16 top it is just a correction and should adjust the stops sent on 9/10; the targets, of course are the tops of 8/16. Nifty future is above 8/16, so that level is now the stop. JKSE target is 4/11 top= 7355. These two are the strongest indices in Asia and the far east. The weakest is KLSE Malaysia... it is in short. 
EUROPE: All are below 8/16 top, use 9/12, yesterday's tops for stop! 
Cryptos: BTC: topped 22480 
ETH: Stop sent was 1718 !!
USA: I am looking at the 15min charts, last top was 8/26- this is now target; alert sent on 9/4+ 9/8- should be adjusted up as advised in the mail. 
Ex: DJI: stop is 32397; only above it long. 
Note:! the Moon will be VOC today. Any announcements?> 

Under a Taurus Moon: 
15:30  USDCore CPI (MoM) (Aug) 0.3%0.3%
15:30  USDCore CPI (YoY) (Aug) 6.1%5.9%
15:30  USDCore CPI Index (Aug)  295.28
15:30  USDCPI (YoY) (Aug) 8.1%8.5%
15:30  USDCPI (MoM) (Aug) -0.1%0.0%

I remind you, about the 2 upcoming eclipses: 2 Sco and 16 Tau.
The Solar eclipse occurs at 2* ♏ and Lilly wrote" 
it moves and raises warlick tumults, murthers, dissentions, captivities, and cherishes underhand practices, or plots of Treasons”
For Israel it falls in the 9th house of law; on the 25th Oct; and on Nov 1st we have elections.
The eclipse will conjunct Venus in Scorpio, where it is in its Detriment. Venus plays a huge role in the natal chart of Israel and Netanyahu ( ruler of MC).. 
This eclipse belongs to Saros 124 and 6 South,. I will search the book of Brady to see explanation. 
The first to pop up with a Sun at 2 Sco is Hillary Clinton, and AXJO first trade date. 
Mercury rules the natural house 6th, of health, this SOl.ecl. will trigger it also ecl Mars will conjunct natal Uranus. Although I don't have her time of birth, no one has, I think, these aspects don't change. 
NYSE: Merc is at 1 Sco - ruler of 8th 
Princess Ann: Mars eclipsed.
Kamala: Mercury at 1 Sco
Britney Spears Jupiter 1 Sco etc, etc... endless research... LOL
The Lunar Eclipse at 16 Taurus on Nov 8" Lilly wrote:
“it points out the death of some Queen, as also a death of such seeds as are usually sown, it signifies barrenness of the earth to continue during the time the effects of the Eclipses
Wasn't he formidable? 
2023 eclipses: 
Solar Hybrid : April 20, 2023 29Aries50♈ Saros 129 ; 7 North
Lilly : 
“its the forerunner of lamentation, woes and mourning, onto 
mortal men or most sorts of man, and the death of some Noble woman; unto these I may add that it designs destruction
onto the lesser Cattle, as Sheep, Conies, Goats, Hares, &c.”

Appulse Lunar eclipse May 5, 2023 5:33 14♏ Sco58 Saros 141; 
Lilly: ““hot and sharp Feavers afflict man, siccity destroys the Olives and infects the ayr”

Solar annular: Oct. 14, AT 5:54 21♎07 Saros 134 - 7 south 
Lilly “it premonishes of high Controversies amongst the Nobility, and great Detriment in their estates, much prodigality amongst them, and the extirpation of some one family”

Partial Lunar Oct 28 at 8:23 at 5Tau09♉ Saros 146 
Lilly:"  “household Cattle are tormented with several unusual diseases, i.e. the oxen and horses of the Plowman fall sick and dye, and the general disease reigns amongst Cattell”
If I only take 2 degrees orb, anyone, who has planets 0,90,180 aspect to these degrees, will be affected. 
Interesting, that when markets topped, the Moon was in occultation Uranus.
Looking back into history, on this day Dane Rudhyar died in 1985: he was a famous astrologer.
Astrological writings
Most of Rudhyar's more than forty books and hundreds of articles concern astrology and spirituality. The book that established his reputation in the astrological field was his first on the subject, The Astrology of Personality (1936). Arguing that astrology is not essentially predictive but rather productive of intuitive insights, The Astrology of Personality was one of the most influential tracts of "free-will" astrology, despite being written in the dense, circuitous style that characterizes much of Rudhyar's writing.
Rudhyar's astrological works were influential in the New Age movement of the 1960s and 1970s, especially among the hippies of San Francisco, where he lived and gave frequent lectures. Rudhyar regarded the 'true early hippies' as potential harbingers of a New Age. In 1967 the scene reached its peak in the…Summer of Love in San Francisco." Most notably, Dane Rudhyar predicted in 1972 that the Age of Aquarius would begin in 2062."

September 12, 2022 Monday 
the day is ruled by the Moon, which is now at 12♈; approaching the Sun, we are after the Full Moon; aspect  for today: 
12.09.2022  0:52:12  8°45'43"Ari Opposition Mercury
12.09.2022  6:56:05 12°14'25"Ari Sextile Mars
12.09.2022 20:24:57 19°52'41"Ari Sextile Saturn
Sun 120^ Uranus + 150^SAturn at 19*(crisis, chaos degree);
Asia: is green except for China 
It is before 8 am, so Europe is still closed; 
and the futures: 
Bank Nifty is the strongest, I think, so it is running up: with my last alert: now the stop = 40699.

I learned now, that ALBION was the former name for the UK. Looking at the Queens' natal chart, her Sun was in exact trine to Albion; but in Charles' chart, it is in his 6th house of health, at 27 Capricorn ; (which is a pedophile degree) and makes no aspect to his Sun. 
291.13 yr (106,334 days)
Albion in Prince William's chart is at 15 Pisces, no aspects, or 105 to his Sun; but what is interesting, his Sun = 0* Gemini, is in sextile- harmony with the Queens' 

September 11, 2022, Sunday: 
I posted this in my telegram grp" 

G, [9/11/2022 1:47 PM]
I see so many posts about the Queen and Charles.. Some claim, they "knew" the  Queen will be dead in 2022, well, I have not read those posts. but looking at Charles, who finally , got a job at the age of 73, after being unemployed" for sooooo long...

G, [9/11/2022 2:09 PM]
Charles ... age wise he is very close to natal Pluto - we know, what transits already affect 5-8 degrees before . I try not  to be subjective, but I dislike him. There is nothing in his chart, that points to be a king after all... OK OK, I know he was nominated the minute the Queen died, but the coronation will take place only next year.,.. ahaaaa so much water will flow in the Danube till then. as an old saying has it...
Below is Charles chart with the 2 upcoming eclipses... Saturn is not backing his coronation.
Here is Charles declination chart. Venus rules his MC: I doubt, by this chart too that he will be coronated next year.

Here is Putin's chart: with the upcoming Sol and Lunar eclipses. How long can he last? with those aspects? After his birthday he enters his 6th years of health... I will not be surprised if he has stomach cancer. 
BUT " 

Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared uneasy during a visit to the Russian far-east province of Kamchatka — with his legs shaking amid speculation about his possible declining health.
The Russian president fidgeted his way through the National Environmental Youth Forum in Kamchatka Monday, and was seen shifting in his seat while addressing Russian students.
Some saw this as yet further evidence of Putin’s supposed health woes, one of several examples of odd behavior that Kremlinologists and Western intelligence agencies alike have said bolster reports that the Russian strongman is fading fast, most likely from cancer.
The speculation abounds, despite statements to the contrary from both CIA Director William Burns and Britain’s MI6 chief Richard Moore.
Burns, speaking at the Aspen Security Forum in July, said that the KGB-man turned president was “entirely too healthy.”
He has a Libra stellium and Chiron is 180 to his Sun . 

September 10,2022 Saturday 
Let's see what will the next week bring? 
Sunday, as you must know by now, we have trade. The Moon will be at 0 Aries- brings new energy. the question is, to the up or down side? We will be after the Full Moon, the Sun at 18 Virgo (Satan deg. by Nikola); MERCURY !!! is stationary before turning R. and joining the other 5 planets in R. Venus , in its Fall, solitary; 
The arbitrage is positive; 0.59%; that can push the market TA35 up to 1988-89-96-2006. 
Sun 120^ Uranus- tomorrow, major aspect, happens 2 a year. 
I sent updates for the cryptos. trade wisely! 
I am working now on the rest of the world indices.. If you wish to receive these, pls. sign up; for $126/month. 
10:35 am sent updates for ASIA and the Far East. 
September 9, 2022 Friday 
Two days after the Queen Elisabeth met Elisabeth (Truss); the Queen died. Rumors were running since noon, the royal announcement was made at 3:30 pm. 

1) Sun in H8= 180 to Venus Ruler MC+H4
2) Moon 150 Moon
3) Tr.Merc at 8* (Sco deg) 180 Merc, 90^ Pluto
4) Venus at 4 Vir in H8 150 to Merc
5) Mars at 10 Gem: 60^ to the Moon & Venus
6) SaturnR at 20 Aqua conj tr Moon both conj. natal Mars+Jup.
7) Uranus 18 tau R 90 to Natal MA+Jup
8) Neptune R at 24 (Pisc deg) 120^ Natal Saturn
9) tr Pluto R on the Asc. 60^ to Uranus+ Sat.
Age wise the age point was conjunct the Pleiades. 140 days after her birthday, or 225 days before her next birthday ( 225 = 9= endings ). She was in her 4th year , 4th month and 3rd day. (Numerologically). 
Already in May this year the nodes squared them at the midpoint... so the decline started then... 
In the natal chart she had Jupiter 180 Neptune at 22 degrees, (kill or get killed deg) 
In the Directed chart (1 deg/year) Pluto just reached the 19th degree in Libra, (Crisis).
2) Dir. Satrun 60^ natal Sun exactly!!
3) Dir.Mars+ Jup conjunct in Tau; on the cusp of her 4th house of endings, in opposition natal Saturn. 
many more aspects in any chart that I check. 
May she rest in peace. 70 years of reign... longest ever I think.. no? 
Will Charles last long in the long awaited post?? Will check later. 
After we finished looking at the planets and how they bring death, we can take out the magnifying glass and check the Asteroids of death... there are 3 important ones: Klotho, the Spinner, wove together the disparate strands of destiny into a unified thread;  Lachesis, the Allotter, determined how long the thread was to be, and Atropos, the Cutter, severed the thread of life at death.
You MUST listen to this !!! I knew Zachary will come up with something extraordinary!!
When I checked WIKI who else was born in 1926?? there are very few alive today! 

David Attenborough, Mel Brooks, Tony Bennett Alan Greenspan James Lipton, Jiang Zemin,Betty Lynn,~~~Norman Jewison(Film director, Film producer, Actor, Peter Marshall (Entertainer)
Irene PapasPaul Berg Carl ErskineEugene, Iglesias Konstantinos Stephanopoulos" may they live a long and happy life. 
The Moon just moved to Pisces, we are before the Full Moon. The markets rallied yesterday, correcting the fall from 8./16; 
Now with the Moon in Pisces, let's see if they will have more power to go up? 
Today we are 251 days from Jan 1st, which is a Prime no. add that to Moon in♓ we get a reversal. Any announcements today? 
It is now 12:52 my time, India is about to close... Let's see how are they doing? 
They are pretty green... so using 9/7 low, we can trade all the time up, for 5-13 days.. 

September 8, 2022 Thursday 
On 9/3rd I posted the list of events for this week. The 7th was a Gann turning day, and indeed, the S&P made a low at 3886 and today is at 3979. Some math shows us, that from 6/17 low to 8/16 top it made a 0.61% correction. 
I want to show you something cool : you can see, that each time the Moon was n Aquarius the index went up. the tops were when the Moon was on the Aries/Libra axis. So, if former top was when the Moon at 25 Aries, next time it will be on 9/13, we should expect a rise till then to 4160; and a fall again from there. The stop sent on the 3rd was 3920; so as per rule we adjusted it up to 3980.
Next ♒🌜 Oct 4-6. 
News in the sky for today: Moon in Aqua.

Sun          150 Chiron         8.09.2022  4:39
Sun          160 Vesta          8.09.2022 14:25
Venus        160 Neptune        8.09.2022 17:40
Sun          160 Jupiter        8.09.2022 19:52
Jupiter      P^  Eris           8.09.2022 22:30
Fed announcements : a lot !!! Interest rates will continue to jump. 
15:15  EURDeposit Facility Rate (Sep) 0.50%0.00%
15:15  EURECB Marginal Lending Facility  0.75%
15:15  EURECB Monetary Policy Statement     
15:15  EURECB Supervisory Board Member Fernandez-Bollo Speaks     
15:15  EURECB Interest Rate Decision (Sep) 1.25%0.50%
15:30  USDContinuing Jobless Claims 1,435K1,438K
15:30  USDInitial Jobless Claims 240K232K
15:30  USDJobless Claims 4-Week Avg.  241.50K
15:45  EURECB Press Conference     
16:00  RUBCentral Bank reserves (USD)  566.8B
16:10  USDFed Chair Powell Speaks     
17:15  EURECB President Lagarde Speaks     
17:30  USDNatural Gas Storage 54B61B
18:00  USDCrude Oil Inventories -0.250M-3.326M

Natural Gas:  posted many times the graph and stop, low was 1.44; top 9.987;  stop now 7.825
On this day, 73 years ago Richard Strauss died at 89. His life story is very interesting. Child prodigy at the age of 6, and during Nazi Germany he fought to save his Jewish daughter in law and family. 
Link to his "Best of Strauss" enjoy !! 
Achhhh where are composers like him now a day ?? How come we so shallow and hollow? 

September 7. 2022 Wednesday
Yesterday I posted the graph of the GBP/USD, today, when I widened the picture, I realized, that it is back to 1984 lows!! This is why we must always start our analysis with the monthly chart ! 1.0772 was the lowest ever... 
First trade dates for Forex: here 
So the GBP/USD first trade chart with the Nov 2007 top: 
I am running now TS to see which pair of planets aspects are the most important. 
Meanwhile the Moon just entered ♒; that means a major low or high for the S&P. 
When I look at the Fixed stars, that move 1 degree in 72 years, I am looking at the slow moving g planets, like Saturn- Pluto . Pluto is at 26Cap21- so conjunct Terebellum fixed star, which means : " 
Fixed Star Terebellum Astrology  big thanks to Jamie, for his research! 
Fixed star Terebellum gives fortune but with regret and disgrace, cunning, a mercenary nature and repulsiveness. It is of the nature of Venus and Saturn (cunning, bad morals, mercenary, repulsive habits, perverted tastes, unfortunate love affairs, seduction.) [1]

Terebellum rules three inches below the right knee in the human body. [2]"
Neptune is at 24♓, conjunct Markab : "
Fixed Star Markab Astrology

Fixed star Markab gives honor, riches, fortune, danger from fevers, cuts, blows, stabs and fire and a violent death. Markab is of the nature of Mars and Mercury (high enterprise, combative, destructive.) [1]
Markab portends danger from cuts or stabs and fire, but can also indicate riches and honor. [2]
Markab in the Saddle of Pegasus has a Mercury-Mars nature. Tradition has it that, in conjunction with Mars, Uranus or Saturn, this will bring dangers from fire, weapons or explosions. Tied up with propitious stellar bodies, Markeb is said to influence above all the spiritual and mental nature, to give a good head for figures, intellectual alertness, mental powers in general and the ability to further propaganda activity, if at the same time relevant aspects are also present."
Uranus is at 18♉ between Menkar : 

Menkar Star Astrology

Fixed star Menkar is of the nature of Saturn (disgrace, ruin, calamity.) It causes disease, disgrace, ruin, injury from beasts, sickness, and loss of fortune. [1]

Menkar is typical of stars with a Saturnian nature. It portends danger from beasts, disgrace, ill fortune, and illness to all those born under its influence. [2]

Menkar is also called Menkub, Arabic mischir, in the Neck of the Whale. This star has a Saturnine character, corresponding to impediments of many kinds, worries, and tests of endurance; in some, this hardens and toughens the individual." 

AND ZAURAK at 23 Tau, Uranus will reach this position on Aug 16. 2023 till april 2025 I F I take only 1 degree orb !!! 
Fixed Star Zaurak Astrology

Fixed Star Zaurak has a Saturnian character (disgrace, ruin, calamity.) Anyone who has this star connected with a planet in his chart should endeavor not to take life too seriously and put too much weight on everything people say. This person should struggle to overcome melancholy. Otherwise, this star could trigger off fear of death and suicidal tendencies. Elsbeth Ebertin noted several cases in which the Sun connected with Zaurak brought long, drawn-out illnesses and difficult times in life. Vehlow described the last degrees on Taurus and first degrees of Gemini as “an unfortunate corner”. [1]

Zaurak, γ Eridani is named from Al Na’ir al Zaurak, the Bright one on the Boat, Ptolemy seems not to have bothered with it but Joseph Rigor gives it a bad name for melancholia and feelings of great loneliness, as though one is all alone on that long river. It is indeed close to the markedly difficult Capulus (M34 Persei), and is only a short way down the river from the start of the journey. So, yes, there can be that feel of ‘it’s a long way to go’. Yet, if the aspects be right, there can also be that forward-looking faith that one is not really alone, that He truly is there at Achernar, and even Rigor has had to note that this star features with many fine writers and poets of great inspiration. So if Ptolemy had classified it, he would probably have made it a Saturn-Mercury. [2]"
SATURN now at 20♒13 is conjunct the fixed star CASTRA: " 
Fixed Star Castra Astrology

Fixed star Castra is “a small star in the Goat’s Belly. Of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter (dignified, pious, conservative, acquisitive, retentive). It gives malevolence, destructiveness, an uncontrollable temper.” [1]

The star Castra is of beneficial influence, although some modern astrologers such as Robson mistake this star as being in the belly (of the goat) and thereby gave it a malevolent nature. [2]

The name for ε Capricorni, Castra, means a military camp or a Fortress. (The British towns with caster or chester in their name were once Roman fortresses). [3]

Constellation Capricornus
Ptolemy’s observations are as follows “The stars in the horns of Capricorn have efficacy similar to that of Venus, and partly to that of Mars. The stars in the mouth are like Saturn, and partly like Venus: those in the feet and in the belly act in the same manner as Mars and Mercury: those in the tail are like Saturn and Jupiter.” By the Kabalists this constellation is associated with the Hebrew letter Yod and the 10th Tarot Trump “The Wheel of Fortune.” [1]
Capricorn has a great influence over human affairs portending major changes in such areas as climate and political customs. Along with the sign, the constellation is also noted as the “Mansion of Kings”. Unfavorably situated with regards to lunar eclipses, it indicated major storms, especially at sea. [2]"

ISN'T VERY BRIGHT. Trade range 42-38/// 42-54 

September 6, 2022 Tuesday
Thanks to a post on "" I found the rectified chart by Starkman ( astrologer he rectified thousands of charts). of Elisabeth T
russ. I made it to 2 Sco, he , for 10Sco. Asc. Here is her chart, with some asteroids. Interesting, tat "Aeternitas"is conjunct her Sun, in the 9th. 

We know nothing about her husband, Hugh O'Leary, I mean no dates or times... Only that they met in 1997, on their first date they went ice-skating, where he injured his ankle. They married in 2000 and have 2 daughters. Truss seldom mentions him... and why do they have different names?
The important thing in her chart is that Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Cancer... Then, if I add the Uranian planets, her SN is on Hades, in the 7th... not the best position in the sky! Uranus in the 12th is conj, Cupidon ( she had an affair for almost 2 years in 2004-2006) and Uranus is 150 to her SN. 
Her 5th H(romance) is under Neptune, which is in square her Venus. & 60^ to Pluto. etc etc.
E.Truss has her Moon in Pisces. 
Here some other world leaders who share the same pos:

Markets opened in the world, here is only 7 am, I am up since 5..I had a strange dream.. anyways let's see what is ASIA/ Far East up to?  Upcoming... 
13 min  AUDRBA Interest Rate Decision (Sep) 2.35%1.85%
Most are green, only the Nifty is red, but the day is young.. 
The USA indices are green, while Europe is red... Let's check the sky: The Moon is in Cap; soon will conjunct Pluto, Saturn is the strongest planet; Mercury has 2 aspects to Mars 120 and Jupiter 180; but it moves fast, so not very important . Chiron is15Aries 150 to the SN, which is bad. 
so, even if we see some up correction today, markets are unstable. Use the stops I sent, and adjust them as explained before. 
Australia came out with the inflation rate:  2.35%; my alert for the AXJO on 9/.3 was 6832; adjust it to 6862; tgt 6892; failing, short. 
GBP/USD: it is close to March 2020 low !! Eyes on E.Truss. 

September 5, 2022 Monday. 
there is no trade today in the USA, so we can concentrate on Forex, Cryptos and the rest of the world. Scroll down to yesterday's post, to see the aspects for today and this week. I can add to that, the Moon, she just enters Cap. 
EUR/USD Weekly: 
USD/ CHF: with the last alert: 

Freddy Mercury was born today, what a singer!!! RIP/ 
The UK is voting today for a new PM. Seems that Elisabeth Truss is leading. Born July 26, 1975, married in 2000 + 2 d. and had an affair !! 4 years later in 2004-2005.
I don't have a time of birth, so until a time will pop up, I put her Sun on the MC, and the transit of 2005 shows Mars conj Mars- for affairs.. Let's see if her Asc. is really Sco.  She is in her 3rd year, 9th month. Stronger than Sunak. 

Personal life

In 2000, Truss married Hugh O'Leary, a fellow accountant;[13] the couple have two daughters.[197] From 2004 until mid-2005, she had an extra-marital affair with the married MP Mark Field,[198] whom the Conservative Party had appointed as her political mentor. However, her marriage with O'Leary survived the affair.[197]

Rishi Sunak : tr,Saturn is 150 his natal Sat. - the one that crowns kings.. in a disharmonious aspect. He is in his 5th year, 5th month, 
UK elections outcome: Elisabeth Truss, won the elections 81326 votes/ against SUNAL 60399; on the 42nd day after her birthday. Here is her Solar return chart: SR Mars conj. natal, brought her a big push. Once we have her hour of birth, we will see clearer. 
If I compare her natal chart with that of the UK ( Jan 1, 1801 ) hers is quite in disharmony with the UK... what do you think? 

Venus Geo cycle for the EUR/USD is not working as per TS
I find this true and accurate: 

Germany taxes: " 
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany's government will use income from windfall taxes to lower end-consumer prices for gas, oil and coal, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Sunday, announcing measures to mitigate the impact of rising energy prices on its population.
Scholz said the government plans to tie certain social benefits to the current or expected inflation rate in the future and will earmark 1.5 billion euros ($1.49 billion) for a discounted public transportation offer
A reader asked me what will happen on Nov 8, 2022 in the USA, elections
Here is my answer:
If I am looking at the USA chart, I want to see if there will a change on Nov 8, 2022 
Tr.Saturn 120 natal Saturn, strength to the present party. 
It will not go smoothly, because Mars is 0 Mars. 
Also a lot of behind the curtains stuff- under a Sco. stellium. 
Tr.Neptune at 22^ ! 150 to natal Neptune more conspiracy, fake news..
the Solar return chart: The Solar return chart shows the same. The people - Moon is in the grip of the gov. (SAt) 
SR MArs is at 0 Taurus - very strong and stubborn. maybe military/militia will be involved too 

IMHO of course. 

September 4, 2022 Sunday
My students know how to read/trade this !!
I sent alerts for the USA markets ad commodities, if you are still not a subscriber, your bad. 
Looking back in history 
On this day, 1781 LA. was founded 
Sept 4, 973 Al- Biruni was born : " Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni /ælbɪˈrni/ (973 – after 1050)[6] commonly known as al-Biruni, was a Khwarazmian Iranian[7][8][9][10] scholar and polymath during the Islamic Golden Age. He has been called variously the "founder of Indology", "Father of Comparative Religion",[11][9][12][13] "Father of modern geodesy", and the first anthropologist.[14][15]

Al-Biruni was well versed in physics, mathematics, astronomy, and natural sciences, and also distinguished himself as a historian, chronologist, and linguist.[9] He studied almost all the sciences of his day and was rewarded abundantly for his tireless research in many fields of knowledge.[16] Royalty and other powerful elements in society funded Al-Biruni's research and sought him out with specific projects in mind. Influential in his own right, Al-Biruni was himself influenced by the scholars of other nations, such as the Greeks, from whom he took inspiration when he turned to the study of philosophy.[17] A gifted linguist, he was conversant in KhwarezmianPersian, Arabic, Sanskrit, and also knew GreekHebrew, and Syriac. He spent much of his life in Ghazni, then capital of the Ghaznavids, in modern-day central-eastern Afghanistan. In 1017 he travelled to the Indian subcontinent and wrote a treatise on Indian culture entitled Tārīkh al-Hind (History of India), after exploring the Hindu faith practiced in India.[a] He was, for his time, an admirably impartial writer on the customs and creeds of various nations, his scholarly objectivity earning him the title al-Ustadh ("The Master") in recognition of his remarkable description of early 11th-century India.[9]

Al Biruni - and more!

He wrote 146 books !!! can you imagine that??
Born under 2 eclipses, no wonder history remembers him! 
September 3, 2022 Saturday
Yesterday the bears came out again, people probable didn't want to stay in positions for the long weekend.. I will check now what next week will bring? 
Actual aspects
Begin: 4.09.2022  Period: 1 month  (GMT+3)
                               Aspect Exact
Sun          165 Vesta          4.09.2022  8:34
Mars         108 Saturn         4.09.2022 14:33
Venus enters Virgo ~ negative ~ 5.09.2022  7:05 am till Sept 29 10:05 am
Venus        144 Jupiter        5.09.2022 14:43
Venus        135 Chiron         5.09.2022 16:48
Pluto         30 Vesta          5.09.2022 20:16
Sun          P^  Mercury        6.09.2022  3:01
Mercury      108 Pluto          6.09.2022 20:12
Gann CIT day : 07.09.2022
120 days from 2/9/2022 top
Venus        144 Pluto          7.09.2022  4:40
Mercury       36 Venus          7.09.2022  7:31
Mars          45 Eris           7.09.2022  9:52
Sun          150 Chiron         8.09.2022  4:39
Sun          160 Vesta          8.09.2022 14:25
Venus        160 Neptune        8.09.2022 17:40
Sun          160 Jupiter        8.09.2022 19:52
Jupiter      P^  Eris           8.09.2022 22:30
Mercury stationary 09.09.2022 1:34 am at 8:51♎
Venus        165 Saturn         9.09.2022  9:47
Venus        150 Jupiter       10.09.2022  1:06
Mars         135 Pluto         10.09.2022  8:41
Venus        108 Uranus        10.09.2022 18:57
Sun          120 Uranus        11.09.2022 16:09
Sun          144 Eris          11.09.2022 16:34
Mercury Retro Sept 11!!! 10:34 - till Oct 1, 18:34pm at 24Virgo15
Mercury stationary till Oct 3, 2022 4:34 - will be in its shadow position
Mercury Direct Oct 4.; from 24Virgo- re arrives to 8Libra51- and ends its shadow position. 
Many times the S&P returns when Merc D, to the price level it was when Merc. went R. 
In the Heliocentric sky, Mercury moves from 16 Cap. to 0 Gemini during this month, till Oct. 4
Sept 16th will be important to watch, since 3 planets change signs...
I will send new updates, to subscribers, have a nice weekend. 

September 2, 2022 Friday 
yesterday at 11 am NY time, exactly when Mars 60^ Jupiter, the markets turned up. As per stops given longs were triggered. 
Today we are under the energies of Venus and Saturn. Venus is 150^ to Pluto, while Saturn and Uranus, are both R, Saturn moves faster, they are in square. The Sun is conjunct the last fortunate fixed star in the first decan of Virgo, and the Moon is Scorpio, at 12* will soon conjunct the SN, so I doubt the rise will follow strongly. Monday there is no trade due to "labor day", so for us, who are dependent on the arbitrage of the Nasdaq, we will be on our own till Wednesday, so anything can happen in an index that can be manipulated with 50K$ .
BTC: triple bottom and up: 

OIL: long was triggered, above the stop given yesterday 
Gold: Stop sent on 8/25 was 1777; now the stop is 1700 
15:30  USDAverage Hourly Earnings (YoY) (YoY) (Aug)5.2%5.3%5.2%
15:30  USDAverage Weekly Hours (Aug)34.534.634.6
15:30  USDGovernment Payrolls (Aug)7.0K 49.0K
15:30  USDManufacturing Payrolls (Aug)22K20K36K
15:30  USDNonfarm Payrolls (Aug)315K300K526K
15:30  USDParticipation Rate (Aug)62.4% 62.1%
15:30  USDPrivate Nonfarm Payrolls (Aug)308K300K477K
15:30  USDU6 Unemployment Rate (Aug)7.0% 6.7%
15:30  USDUnemployment Rate (Aug)3.7%3.5%3.5%

at 12 pm, NY time, when the Moon 60^Pluto, the markets reversed and fell, many below the stops. Bears are out again. 
September 1, 2022 Thursday
We waive good bye to August for ever...
September arrived with a big drop down. Today the USA MARKET s have a CIT. There are multiple tops/ bottoms that are triggered. Check it out.
The strongest planet today is Saturn, calculations are based on it. 

I sent some charts in my telegram group.. if you are still not a member.. what can I do? 



NQ1 Nasdaq E mini fut : stop  adjusted to 12135

In January blog I wrote: about Boris Johnson " He was born under 3 eclipses!!! wow!! no wonder he made it in this life. One of the eclipses was at 15 Cancer, conjunct the most fortunate fixed star, Sirius ( in 1964 at 13 ♋), and age wise he is "stepping on it. " Mark Sept. 2022 for a major turn in his life. "
Let's see what news September will bring?
CL1 =Oil - stop 87.67 long if above. -
Follow me in the Telegram grp. link above.

August 31, 2022 Wednesday 
It is the last day to trade weekly options, and we have a big negative arbitrage; so falling below 2000 we can expect 1965 till end of Sept. 
USA yesterday: the bears got dizzy, one day in the other out.. 
In general we are short since 8/16 top.
Mikhail Gorbachev died yesterday at 91.50 years old.. May he rest in peace. He was a hero! Born with Uranus NN conjunction in Aries he was ahead of his time, liberated USSR from the dark ages opened its gates to the west... also died with the same conj. in Taurus, after a long illness... I guess we can see that in his natal chart: natal Venus is conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. Venus rules his Asc, Saturn his H4; long suffering.. 

On this day Caligula was born, associated at age 29, history remembers his as " There are few surviving sources about the reign of Caligula, though he is described as a noble and moderate emperor during the first six months of his rule. After this, the sources focus upon his cruelty, sadism, extravagance, and sexual perversion, presenting him as an insane tyrant."
Richard Gere was also born today, he is 73, in the same year as Netanyahu!! what a difference in character ! May he ( Gere) live long and be happy. 

August 30, 2022 Tuesday 
It is a turning day again, being the 241st day of the year, which is a Prime no. and we saw that happens...It is also a day ruled by Mars and Saturn; in the Helio sky they are in a sextile. 
Yesterday, the USA markets tried to rally, but fell back around 2 pm, at that exact time Hel Venus was 120 to Jupiter.. and Geo Moon was exact 120 to Mars; also conjunct Merc. and the Sun was 150 to Jupiter. 
This aspect Sun-Jupiter is still there today. We have a lot of Fed. announcements today.. so watch those times.. 
We have extreme heat here, only 9:25 already 35C. A very hot summer is an indicator for a very cold winter... 
On Feb 3, 1947 in Yukon, Canada, they measured -47C; I won't be surprised if similar colds will be measured this year., I mean in the coming winter.. 
However, we don't have the same or any similarity on Feb 3, 2023: 
OK. market starts.. see u later. 
1:55 pm

History of where I was born: Transylvania .

August 29, 2022 Monday
Today we are under the energies of the Moon and Neptune. When Neptune is around we have a major turn. In the sky the square between Sun-Mars is exact today, Also Mercury is 120^ to Mars, and Mars is 60^ to Jupiter. Then, we have aspects in the high degrees: Venus 180 Saturn and 150 to Neptune and Pluto. 
The world is red... so adjust the stops sent on 8/22-23. Most of the indices topped on 8/16- so targets now will be former lows. The last major low was mid July, so falling from there, will mean double short. 

August 28, 2022 Sunday 

After more than 3% fall in the USA markets on Friday, we will look into shorts today. I already posted before that fall, what I think will happen today, so let's see... 
For TA35 today it a CIT: 90 Days from 5/26, when the close was 1880; that price gives me a target at 2024 this week... the last close was 2060. 
I was always fond of history, so I check what happened on this day, who was born , who died.. I find many interesting life stories, events... Example - Goethe was born today. 
In 1837 , Aug 28, Francis, Duke of Teck was born, who was the great grand father of Queen Elisabeth. So her Highness has an Austrian ancestry. 
Many other interesting people were born, also... it is an endless reading. I am stalking, as you see, waiting for the market to open.. another 16 min.. I am curious what will they do.. 

August 27, 2022 Saturday. 

So, I start a new article every New Moon. Have you listened to my last recording on EUR/USD and MODERNA/PFIZER law issue? Pls. click on the You Tube link above.
On this day Abu Bakr al-Razi was born, in Iran, Al-Razi was one of the world's first great medical experts. He is considered the father of psychology and psychotherapy.
On this day, in 1770 Hegel was born, the German philosopher. - Died at age 61- as his chart shows, had different gastrointestinal disease.(Stellium in Virgo, Neptune especially.) 
“We learn from history that we do not learn from history.”
― Georg Hegel

On Aug 25 I wrote: " 
A few days ago I mentioned Buffett buying technology shares: AAPL, MSFT, etc, here are yesterday's highest volumes: " since then he is losing.

TA35: tomorrow will open at 2040; which will be 2/3 down correction of the 8/23-25 rise. then, probably will try to close the gap that will open to 2060. Falling even below 2040- will be a correction of the rise since since 7/14- to 1975-30. 
