Between Sept 17, - Oct 16, 2020
This New Moon falls in the 9th house of foreign affairs, law, high studies and dreams. So we already are in the mid of foreign affairs, I heard Trump saying many other countires will follow normalising situation with Israel... ( and openig a port to sell them modern weapons); Law, well the trial of Mr N. is getting closer; and we can dream about getting back to normal life. The turmoil is at its peak? or maybe we still havent seen the peak! New Moon in Virgo speaks about health!! So we are far from normal life. When Netanyahu landed with all the people who were with him, they were greated at the airport, "You are not welcome!" Why did you return?" He is no 1. disliked persona, by many, but, there are still many others who can be fed with sweet words, and will vote for him regardless, what farce he does. So now, that he is back, they are tightening the close down. Interesting, that he and co. don't have to be in closedown after the trip to the USA>
The Sun and Moon are at 25 degree Virgo, that is an Aries degree , so they signal for fights, and everything Aries stands for.
Mercury is in Libra, will cross over Scorpio, and on the 13th Oct. will be stationary, before turning retro for 3 weeks, till Nov.4
Venus is now in Leo, moved to Virgo, where it is in detriment (weak and mean).
The rest don't move much.
In my former article I wrote that the New Moon in H1, shows new beginnings, and a lot of secrets. And voila, we had the " Normalisation agreements" signed with Arab countries, which whom we had relations since the time of Rabin and Peres, may they R.I.P; but now it was brought to surface, disturbing enormously Iran, It also opened a portal of sales of weapons for the USA.
"The New Moon, for Israel falls in the first house, showing new beginnings. the Sun, Moon and Mercury are conjunct in Leo at 24-26 degrees, in trine with Mars, in the 9th, foreign events and law, and the South Node, in the 5th house, that is not a good vibration for the markets. Mars conjunct the Lilith, is also a dark position. The Sun, Moon Mercury are 150^ to Saturn! That is a challenging aspect; but lasts only 1-2 days. Then we have Venus sextile Uranus, which points to some monetary,eccentric move during the month, and the Cap stellium sextile Neptune, a sextile that lasts all month, because of the slow moving planets... Neptune as you know already is the mystery behind the curtains, Neptune dissolves, brings fake news, etc.."
Aspect for this New Moon:
In this chart we can see two long bad aspects from Mars to Saturn and PLuto, those are the days to watch it!
Important days to watch: GEO Centric sky
22.09.2020 16:30:29 >0 S Sun
22.09.2020 16:30:37 > Lib Sun
27.09.2020 0:01:45 max S Saturn
27.09.2020 10:40:37 > Sco Mercury
29.09.2020 8:10:36 D Saturn 25°20'14"Cap
2.10.2020 23:47:49 > Vir Venus
4.10.2020 16:33:20 D Pluto 22°29'12"Cap
7.10.2020 0:01:45 max S Pluto
13.10.2020 2:45:05 max S Mercury
14.10.2020 4:05:03 R Mercury 11°40'10"Sco
Heliocentric sky:
16.09.2020 14:03:15 > Gem Venus
22.09.2020 12:48:01 > Ari Node
22.09.2020 16:30:37 > Ari Earth
22.09.2020 19:49:29 > Ari Moon
23.09.2020 18:12:34 > Cap Mercury
3.10.2020 23:16:49 > Aqr Mercury
5.10.2020 4:53:53 > Cnc Venus
12.10.2020 13:40:57 > Aqr Jupiter
12.10.2020 14:30:00 > Psc Mercury
19.10.2020 14:37:29 > Ari Mercury
Former articles: New Moon in Virgo:
2017; 2016; 2015; 2014, 2013, 2012; 2011& 2010,To my new readers: I start a new article every new Moon, and I add to it almost daily. You will find here market analysis, world events, celebs' charts, whatever comes to my mind, to look at.
My services are: *Daily alerts for 25$ per day,
*To sign up to my mailing list on world indices alerts, also commodities and 3 Cryptos, $70 a month+ 5% Paypal fees.(73.50). You receive alerts 1-2 times a week with stops and targets.
*Natal chart reading: $430,
*Yearly forecast for Cryptocurrencies, or any other commodity or index or share: $ 2300 each, with quarterly updates.
The weekly market report is based on technical analysis, cycles, and math: $250/ month;
Please send me a mail to and I shall send you my bank details for bank transfer. If you really want to know how do I make my forecasts, sign up to the "Financial Astrology course". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You might want to click "interesting, cool" and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind. And don't forget to click "Like" at the bottom of the article!!
October 16, 2020 Friday
It is a day ruled by Venus and Jupiter. Venus is in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn, 120^ between them, soon it will be exact. The Moon is 3.55 degree from the Sun, soon we will have the New Moon and I will start a new article.
It is raining over here, I just got back from the preschool, weekend ahead, and another 5 days to go home.
Market is about to start over here, and in the premarket, all rallied.
I wrote many times in the past to watch the Oil and Copper for a rally, to see if markets will follow: Copper:
Gold: here is the graph with the last alerts:
Here are the Fed. Announcements for today: The groups that rallied most this week: Technology no 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yesterday my son in law showed the children the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh. Now, reading about his life, I am shocked to read, that he committed suicide at the age of 37; because of mental illness and because he was NOT appreciated for his paintings. I never knew her had more that 2000 paintings, and he died in utmost poverty....I was visited the museum in Holland many years ago... One of his most known paintings is Starry night; here is the song by Don Mclean. His chart shows his genius; illness and madness, but this is not the point now.
Then, my grandson, 6, year old in a month, asked, did he invent anything? And my son in law answered, no, but he had a very special and new style of painting, for his time. The one who invented many things and lived before his time was Leonardo Da VInci; who invented many things we use today; and still there is more to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Market opened meanwhile. we are all dressed in green again.... so long long. I'll send some updates later.
The Sun is at Arcturus, very fortunate fixed star; tomorrow will conjunct Spica, the best star of Libra.
It's 12 noon; alerts sent...
Here is an interesting article by Martin Armstrong. Sign up to his newsletters! In this article he writes about a person called Klaus Schwab; read the article.. you'll see. Just out of curiosity I googled him, and guess what?! He too was born on March 30; just like Van Gogh, in 1938; now looking at his chart, I can see Venus, Jupiter at the 22 killer degree, a Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus!( is described as " the anarchist") He is a very dangerous person. I will have to check who else has this position. Well, I went back 3 Uranus cycles, to 1853, 1770, 1685, I couldn't find anyone who has this conjunction in Taurus. Here is a good article about Mars-Uranus conjunction. The people he mentions at the end, didn't have this conjunction in Taurus. Ok, I am running now TS and I'll show you when was Mars 0^ Uranus in Taurus. Sorry, It's the S&P and not the Nasdaq... We will watch what role will he have in history?! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In a day, but no trade, the Sun squares Saturn. we will be after the New Moon. Market on Monday will open with Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Neptune at 19 degrees. It is a difficult degree.
October 15, 2020 Thursday
A day ruled by Jupiter and the Moon. The Moon approaches the Sun at 4 Libra and Jupiter at 19 Cap. is departing from the sextile to Neptune.
Oh!!! the Sun is at 22 Libra! That is THE killer degree..and if it's not enough, it squares Pluto. Each index with its own calculation, but for the S&P 3443 is a resistance, lower stop here.
For TA35 the support on Sunday is at 1345 tgt 1359; as long as it trades below 1359 we are very much short.
October 14, 2020 Wednesday
Today we are under the rulership of the Sun, at 21 Libra, and of Mercury, which is now stationary, till 8 pm, NY time, and then it turns retro for 3 weeks. From 11.Sco39 it will retreat to 25.Lib26.
Yesterday I was asked, if I think the Corona will get worse during the winter. Well, since the Corona started under a Mars-Neptune trine, in Nov-December; 2019; I don't have in this laptop the charts, but it was November, that it all started in China, and I am sure it was under a Mars-Neptune aspect, because I wrote in this blog, that it was a bio weapon, that got away from a lab... So when Mars makes aspects to Neptune, and Mars is approaching Neptune, there will be another outbreak. To these positions, we can add Mercury, the little devil, when this one aspects both, it will culminate. We can also add Jupiter, that makes everything out of proportions. So, now I can run TS, and see when will these events occur?! I found my article; it was in December 2019, that I wrote about it, uploaded a lot of charts and everything we knew about it then... I also wrote in Dec, 2019, that the DOW is heading towards 30000; and here we are almost a year later, at 28000.
In the graph below, we can see, when will be peaks of the Corona. Obviously, when all the colors fall together at the same time. I can run it till 2200; it is not something that will disappear. As a running nose doesn't . We will get immune to it. IMHO... SO what we can do, now with winter coming, is eat healthy, exercise, be in the open air. I can add my onions... but not everyone is fond of it...But it helps.
October 13, 2020 Tuesday
God did not answer my calls, and my daughter had to fly home to do her exam, so I have less time now to watch the screen, busy with the little ones. Another 8 days in America...Meanwhile the US markets topped. there are all kind of maths, that show the top; but I have no time now; just raise your stops to the last hours' low, and you'll be fine
I am working now on the updates for the cryptos.
It's 2:30 pm, I just made my lunch. I am free today; so I went to some return stuff I bought to my cute Ethan, he is 13 months old; but you know what? I couldn't find anything I need for myself. Have you ever met a woman, who doesn't need anything? We arrive to an age, when we have it all, thanks God, and I don't need another rug. Anyways, temperatures in Israel are so different than here, that I'll never wear these stuff. I bought diaper cream... LOL... I was driving and thinking, what on earth are people doing all day here? Well, surely people work, but one can drive for 20-30 minutes, to find a shop, or a cinema, mind you I didn't see any.. or a theatre... WHAT do you DO all the days here? Then I wondered how much those beautiful houses cost? Probably much less than in Israel. I will have to look it up. I really really hope, that after all this stupid Korona is over, some of you, who read this blog, will be able to come and visit Israel. People live outdoors there, at every corner there is a coffee shop- restaurant, lots of shops everywhere, there is LIFE on the streets. I guess in Europe and here, because of the weather, people live indoors.
So let's see, what is happening in the markets?
Except for the short ETF's all are red; as I thought they will be, in the morning.
FAZ: for example. double bottomed; now the stop is at 13 targeting 17; But keep in mind, that elections are near, so markets will not crash. We might gain a penny or two with these short ETF,s but keep an eye on the long ones.
And if it was not for the elections, we have Mars in Aries; THAT pumps the markets up. OKOK, we also have some blocking aspects, that is what the alerts are for. VIX:
One hour chart: multiple support at 26.19; we gained on the short, the stop was 30; now lower stop to 26.79 and go long above it.
What will happen with the oil ?? Order the monthly forecast, be ahead of others. The Nifty opens before TA35, so we can check how did they do, to get a clue, or a tip, how will TA do...Interesting, that this and the DAX, for what I checked, topped after 17 days from the last low... 17 is not a number I would look at for a CIT.. I would look at 3x7; or 23, the FIBO no... So I think, that if we got a reversal BEFORE TIME... than the correction will be sharp. Mercury turns retro, and that will mess up expectations in all levels.
October 11, 2020; Sunday
Our market reached exactly the forecasted price level:1398; and reversed. The cryptos are rising too. Let's see what to expect for the next week in the sky?
Calendar: NY time
Here is a simpler way to see the aspects, maybe. Inner wheel is Monday next week. We can see in the table at the right, that except for the Moon, no planets change signs; But, there is a major event! Mercury turns retro.
Actual aspects
Begin: 12.10.2020 Period: 3 days (GMT+3)
Aspect Exact
Jupiter 18Cap45 60 Neptune 18Psc45 12.10.2020 10:07
Mercury 11Sco34 60 Venus 11Vir32 12.10.2020 19:39
Sun 21Lib05 180 Mars 21Ari05 14.10.2020 2:26
Sun 21Lib52 60 S.Node 21Sgr53 14.10.2020 21:41
Sun 21Lib52 120 Node 21Gem53 14.10.2020 21:41
Venus 14Vir39 144 Mars 20Ari40 15.10.2020 10:12
Sun 22Lib31 90 Pluto 22Cap31 15.10.2020 13:15
Sun 24Lib38 144 Neptune 18Psc38 17.10.2020 16:3
Here is the whole month! pay attention to Nov 6th, when Jupiter conjuncts PLuto! that will be a major event. Range of search: 1.01.2000 - 1.01.2030
In steps of: 24h 0m 0s
Search for...:
jupiter.0. pluto
Realization intervals (begin - end):
7.12.2007 0:00 (GMT+2) - 17.12.2007 0:00 (GMT+2)
28.03.2020 0:00 (GMT+2) - 15.04.2020 0:00 (GMT+2)
20.06.2020 0:00 (GMT+2) - 10.07.2020 0:00 (GMT+2)
6.11.2020 0:00 (GMT+2) - 19.11.2020 0:00 (GMT+2)
October 9, 2020 Friday
There is no kindergarten today, due to Simchat Tora, everybody is still sleeping, but I am up , so here we go: it is still early for the US markets, but the cryptos are soaring! There is a malefic aspect in the sky now for a few days, Mars not only squares Pluto , they are at the death degree 22! Besides that the Moon makes harmonious aspects to Mercury and Uranus, and of course Jupiter still sextile Neptune. The day is ruled by Venus, which is in disharmonic aspect to Pluto, and by Mercury, which is still opposing Uranus. So all these point again to a very volatile market.
October 8, 2020 Thursday
It is 11.17 am here, I wanted to drive to one of the malls, but my phone is out of battery and I cannot drive without google map
The moon moved into Cancer, sign of family, and we still have all the other aspects I wrote about yesterday. The weather is fantastic... warm but not too warm... Another 13 days and I am gone home. Everything ends once. On Sunday when Israeli markets open; the Moon will be in Leo and approaching the Sun. probably another positive day.
Now pay attention, those who trade the S&P spot, 3438-39 is a strong resistance, failing to go over it, it will correct down. The up target is at 3505
The BTC: crossed the stop, long was triggered, target now is 11635.
October 7, 2020 Wednesday
Oh... Wednesday, it is ruled by Mercury, this is still in Scorpio, sign of the money, so together with a Gemini Moon, be careful for a manipulated market. Some announcements might come in, then reverse them. Let me see if there are any announcements today? cannot be quick enough! ;
The Nasdaq Ustec topped at 11524 and fell to 11200; now it is trying to reach again former highs, but I doubt it will! we are 13 days from Sept 24th low; time for correction.
Then we have a returning Mars~90^~Pluto aspect, that happened in August 13th-17, check what happened then.
On Sept 26th I posted the grains with targets ; the Corn held above 365- now = 390; I would raise stop to 388 expecting 400
Soyabean Meal raise stop to 358
WHeat: broke above triple resistance, now at 605- tgt 618-626-631.
I am running the computer to see when was Mars 90^ Pluto, going to buy some stuff, will be back later.
Look for a Chart
Range of search: 1.01.2000 - 1.01.2030
In steps of: 24h 0m 0s
Search for...:
Realization intervals (begin - end):
19.01.2000 0:00 (GMT+2) - 21.01.2000 0:00 (GMT+2)
3.10.2000 0:00 (GMT+2) - 5.10.2000 0:00 (GMT+2)
30.12.2001 0:00 (GMT+2) - 1.01.2002 0:00 (GMT+2)
21.09.2002 0:00 (GMT+2) - 24.09.2002 0:00 (GMT+2)
25.11.2003 0:00 (GMT+2) - 29.11.2003 0:00 (GMT+2)
9.09.2004 0:00 (GMT+2) - 11.09.2004 0:00 (GMT+2)
2.06.2005 0:00 (GMT+2) - 4.06.2005 0:00 (GMT+2)
29.08.2006 0:00 (GMT+2) - 31.08.2006 0:00 (GMT+2)
13.05.2007 0:00 (GMT+2) - 15.05.2007 0:00 (GMT+2)
16.08.2008 0:00 (GMT+2) - 18.08.2008 0:00 (GMT+2)
26.04.2009 0:00 (GMT+2) - 28.04.2009 0:00 (GMT+2)
3.08.2010 0:00 (GMT+2) - 5.08.2010 0:00 (GMT+2)
11.04.2011 0:00 (GMT+2) - 13.04.2011 0:00 (GMT+2)
17.07.2012 0:00 (GMT+2) - 19.07.2012 0:00 (GMT+2)
26.03.2013 0:00 (GMT+2) - 28.03.2013 0:00 (GMT+2)
29.12.2013 0:00 (GMT+2) - 2.01.2014 0:00 (GMT+2)
21.04.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) - 26.04.2014 0:00 (GMT+2)
12.06.2014 0:00 (GMT+2) - 17.06.2014 0:00 (GMT+2)
11.03.2015 0:00 (GMT+2) - 13.03.2015 0:00 (GMT+2)
6.12.2015 0:00 (GMT+2) - 8.12.2015 0:00 (GMT+2)
22.02.2017 0:00 (GMT+2) - 23.02.2017 0:00 (GMT+2)
18.11.2017 0:00 (GMT+2) - 21.11.2017 0:00 (GMT+2)
1.02.2019 0:00 (GMT+2) - 3.02.2019 0:00 (GMT+2)
4.11.2019 0:00 (GMT+2) - 7.11.2019 0:00 (GMT+2)
11.08.2020 0:00 (GMT+2) - 16.08.2020 0:00 (GMT+2)
7.10.2020 0:00 (GMT+2) - 12.10.2020 0:00 (GMT+2)
21.12.2020 0:00 (GMT+2) - 26.12.2020 0:00 (GMT+2)
21.10.2021 0:00 (GMT+2) - 23.10.2021 0:00 (GMT+2)
1.07.2022 0:00 (GMT+2) - 3.07.2022 0:00 (GMT+2)
8.10.2023 0:00 (GMT+2) - 10.10.2023 0:00 (GMT+2)
11.06.2024 0:00 (GMT+2) - 12.06.2024 0:00 (GMT+2)
24.09.2025 0:00 (GMT+2) - 26.09.2025 0:00 (GMT+2)
25.05.2026 0:00 (GMT+2) - 27.05.2026 0:00 (GMT+2)
9.09.2027 0:00 (GMT+2) - 11.09.2027 0:00 (GMT+2)
9.05.2028 0:00 (GMT+2) - 11.05.2028 0:00 (GMT+2)
21.08.2029 0:00 (GMT+2) - 23.08.2029 0:00 (GMT+2)
It's almost 3:20 pm here, PA time; You see that little devil Mercury ??!!! we are back again to the highs.
The Sun is now at 14 Libra. in another 10 days it will reach 24.07 degree, where the very blessed fixed star, SPICA is. I will run TS to see what happened in the past when the Sun was here?!
For TA 35 it meant a culmination and fall.
October 6, 2020 Tuesday
Today we have a different harmony in the sky. Jupiter 60^ Neptune! Remember?? Jupiter = exageration, Neptune= fake news?! and also Mercury opposing Uranus
THis means, a sudden change, when they will be exact. Many European readers trade the EUROSTOX50; this one too, like all the others, fell in Feb-March, Now 3200 is stop targeting 3330
The October calendar is attached:

Markets reversed, as Trump spoke. It was expected, under the Mercury-Uranus opposition
October 5, 2020 Monday
I just sent updates for all the indices, cryptos, etc.. Pls. check your mails.
October 4, 2020 Sunday
I woke up today at 12:30 Israel time, just about time to sell my calls after a nice gain. I bought put for tomorrow.
did you feel it? Venus entered Virgo! This is very important for the markets; if you check in the list at the beginning of the article, it already happened on the 2nd, but I give it a day or two to adjust to the new environment... Venus in Virgo is debiliated, weak, shows its negative side. It is exalted in Pisces, as I have it in my natal chart, and when it arrives to the opposition, it is called in fall. So if Venus is important in your chart, ruler of the Asc, or the MC~ like in Trump's case, it is a weak~ time bringer. Virgo being a dual sign, and mutable, also adds to a zig zag move in the markets. Venus rules forex and banks, so we should keep an eye on them.. Virgo is also in charge of small things, small animals too and of course health and hypochondria.
October 3, 2020 Saturday
That nasty Mars-Saturn aspect did it for Trump as well. I hear he got the virus and is hospitalized. But, like always, when Neptune is around I would take everything with suspicion. Many astrologers argue about the hour! when he announced that he has it, while I am sure he got it for more than 3-4 days, only the announcement was made just yesterday. My thought is, that the debate was so awful for him, that this is just a trick to avoid another one and to get some sympathy. Then there is his tax issue! He has to draw away the attention from that as well. He is not young, so yes, he might be exhausted, his chart shows some very hard transits, but nothing serious besides that. it is hilarious, that the first to wish him well was Kim Yong UN. How funny life can be.
I am writing now from my new laptop. I got my Hebrew letters, it is great! I can work 17 hours on it with the battery. When I return home, I will need my technician to upload all my softwares, like ZET, TS, I don't have the passwords here, so I am jumping from one computer to the other to be able to upload something.
In Israel the situation is hot. Politically, from what I hear. There is a lockdown, and Netanyahu succeeded to pass a LAW!! against manifesting, but people are doing it anyway, tens of thousands on the streets. Religious people held a huge Tabernacle gathering, with no masks, now there are 1500 people infected. God is not answering the red phone.
TOmorrow the market in Israel will start with a Taurus Moon, we are after the Full Moon in Aries. Things the start after the full Moon end till the new Moon- in 14 days.
We have a negative arbitrage, so it will revisit 1311- from the close of 1318; the problem is, that Mars-Saturn are pressing down at 1314-15; so only staying above this level it will be a long, below it, short.
It's 3:40 pm PA time, some bad news are coming in about Trump, Pence taking his calls, not him... will have to look at his chart, and get out of my denial.
This is a rectified chart, by my friend, Bill Meridian. Trump is 74.30 years old, if I deduct 60 , I would look at every planet or asteroid there is at 14.30- the first to pup up is CHiron, at almost 15, so in 5-6 months, CHiron will make it's affect.- Sickness and recovery.
Maurice Fernandez, my astrologer friend looks at Hygeia asteroid all the time, this one is at 21 Aries in the natal chart; sextiles the SUN. Since we are talking about the Corona, asteroid Koronis, which is at 13.22 Capricorn. Now let's look at the transits

His 6th house of health opens in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, and that just turned DIrect. ALso, we remeber, the Mars-Saturn square in the sky. Trump's Sun is at 22 degrees, and it is now aspected by multiple aspects from Pluto! the Nodes, and if I use wide aspects, then by Mars too. Mars enters his 8th house of transformation in the last days of October. So till then, no worries. Jupiter, that"saviour" is in Cap. conjunct Saturn the whole year, so that too helps to come out of the situation harmless.Interesting, as I wrote before, Trump's healt- Saturn is conjunct Venus-Career... So whatever happens to him health vise, AFFECTS HIS CAREER AND VICA VERSA.If I use the DIrected chart, his Sun is in the first house, very strong
His Uranus is also in the first house, but not sending any aspects; so bottom line, I don't see anthing critical.
October 1, 2020 Thursday
SO we again wave good bye to another September, and welcome October with the falling leaves; over here at least. In Israel it is still extremely hot. The trees are fabulous. I guess, you guys, who live here take it for granted, for a tourist from the Middle East, it is a beauty; not that I see it for the first time in my life! I was born in Europe, in minus 20 degrees C in January, so I know how it is Spring, and Autumn, it is just nostalgic feeling.
Today I feel much better, I hope I am over that flip flop I had yesterday. I will use my remedy, eat a lot of onions and have one in the room for the night- cut in 4.It absorbs germs and bacteria.
With the new laptop I will need a technician to copy all my softwares and all my files, so meanwhile I am still on the old one.
Meanwhile I have the calendar ready: NY time: 1,2,3 Oct.
Or if you like it the simplest way: we have the Mars-Saturn square till mid Oct 3;
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The indices detached themselves from the US markets; Asia is weak, Europe shows some consolidation; here is the DAX: I would raise my stop to 12730 and go short.
In the VIX the stop sent to subscribers was 33.09- fell to 29.47; lower stop to 30- long if above. For the DIA the stop was 270- went up to 280; raise stop to 275.50 now
In Europe the first runner up in September was the Turkish Titan: how tricky statistics can be!
I wrote about the DX- the Dollar in August. Now the trade range is between 92.70- to 96. Major CIT on Nov 17.About the DOW:
The BTC behaves like on Sept 23rd- if it will continue to fall, then it will be back to 10200; however, if it stops at 10400; it will revert up again,
September 30th 2020 Wednesday
I am writing from my new laptop :). It is fast and good, I only forgot that it doesn't come with Hebrew letters! That's a bummer... I was thinking about returning it, but my daughter downloaded Hebrew keyboard and I'll buy the silicon letters and all will be good.
I don't feel well today, as it someone drained out all my energy. I slept a lot and had some tea. Why is this feeling? Well, Saturn stationary in my 2nd house and squares Mars. Ebertine in one of his books wrote that this aspect is one of the deadliest. The debate occurred yesterday under this aspect too, and as I hear it was ugly.
Our market made an incredible reversal today, and with it US markets now. I will post October Calendar soon...or maybe tomorrow. My head is spinning.
September 29, 2020 Tuesday
My Virgo daughter corrects me, and says" Mother!!! that is not the BEST laptop, it is just a stronger one than you have. Imagine! I have an Asus I1 O NE ! WITH 4 ram... What is due to arrive any minute now is I7 with 16 RAM... so for me it is gorgious. I am not a gamer, so I think it will do for wat I do, and Rick, I don't know how many monitors can be connected to it. Actually, at home I work on the PC, so... it is excellent for now.
SO let's see what is happening in the sky?
Just out: consumer confidence very green!
Nasdaq USteq stop was 11100- now raise it to 11340-tgt 11365
For TA35 the trade range is between 1296-85; failing to run above 1296, it will fall back. last trade day tomorrow for the weekly options!S&P should run above 3376 for a new upleg, otherwise it'll be a short below
September 27, Sunday, 2020
I wanted to say something clever for Yom Kippur but I am so tight up with the children, especially with the little one, not yet 14 months old, that the only thing I can say is, that the most important thing is family. I feel, that I turned from a "world famous finanial astrologer, ( as I want to see myself) to a simple grandmother. LOL My daugher says, it is more important than "your silly astrology"... Well, she is a Virgo, and I am an Aquarius; what does she understand? But suddenly , here in this village, everything is so far and unimportant. One of my local friends, Yair Tribelsky, wrote so correctly about Yom Kippur for Aquarius
WHat he does is, he puts every sign on the Asc. and analyzes it. Here is the chart, for Aquarius rising, you can see, that with Neptune in the 2nd house, I put myself completly behind the curtains, and the children, H5, is Mercury at the MC- that is my carrer now.- for the next couple of weeks.Mercury also my daugher ' career' and she studies for her huge exam,
which is due on Oct 19.
Rick, and VIck I bought an Asus i7, Ram 16 here are the details. Due to arrive Tuesday. I can't wait!
By the way I bought a few books as well; Look up
Georgia Stathis, I listened to her you tube; and liked it. I met her in 2009 in Denver, she is a great anstrologer.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So just to show you how my fame is fading out: LOL... everything has a price.
What can we expect on Monday opening>? We have a very hard aspect:Mars( power) a Retro Mars, so negative power, and Saturn=Governement- receives all this negative power; since Mars is retro, and approaches Saturn. I am sure you don't know what is going on in Israel, terrible times... People whould be in lockdown, but tens of thousands manifesting against Netanyahu; who like Louis the VIII, thinks he is the SUN.
The moon will still be in Aquaius, where the S&P makes a top/low; so this time we saw a recuperation, which will last at least on Monday.
September 26, 2020 Saturday
Below is the calendar, finally, for Sept 28-30. Usa time. Take into consideration only the ones that occur during trade hours
I am working on the updates for the alerts, so see you later.
Asia: this week's first runner up is New Zealand.My last alert was in June, stop was 187, topped at 205 in August; now at 193, still above stop; target is 200. Failing to go over, use it as stop for short
THe worst performer is the Hang Seng, it is falling since Jan.17th
In Europe, the best performer was Turkey Titans, stop now is at 1000 In the USA the weekly best performer was FAZ. On Sept 22nd I wrote: " 9/22 I wrote above FAZ in the past, we went long above 13, now it is above 15.90, targeting 17. Failing to reach it, it will mean a CIT and reversal, and with that, a new upleg in the indices. Are you counting the days? Bottomed on 9/2- Oct/2 will be a CIT. " Meanwhile it double topped at 17.25 and reversed. Move stop to 16.20
The worst performer ( in my list) was the XLE: we are short here since June 5!, stop is at 30.83 CIT:9/28, 10/13
In the Commodities section the worst this week, or the best short... was SILVER; my last stop was at 27.36, fell to 21.81 now lower stop to 23.25
THe best up runner was the American Litium. If you can, just buy it, and don't look back. Stop is 0.34 p last top was 0.64.
Soybean Meal: stop was 290, now at 336; raise stop to 335.50
Soybean oil: Topped on Jan 2, +182 days=Sept18, double top! at 35.51; now this is stop for short. TGT 32.72-31.62; CIT:10/7,29
Corn: should stay above 365 for a further rally, failing, it will fall back,
10 year note: since 1982: stop is 136.25
From all the shares that I have in the list; mind you, I don't trade US markets, just local; one month perforamnce it was EVUGENE that rallied most. Target is 5-6$ September 25, 2020, Friday
Yesterday I ran TS, to make a calendar, but it was in the intraday chart, it took 12 hours, and stuck my laptop; made myself a Rosh Hashana present, and I bought the strongest laptop there is. It should arrive in a few days. Halleluya!
Today it is a day ruled by Venus and the Moon. They are inconjunct. It is a negative day.
September 24, 2020 THursday
Yesterday, if you checked the above list, Merury entered Capricorn; a sign it "dislikes" to be in, it is blocked and depressed, and we got a low, together with the Sun position in Libra, which shows lower lows till the first week of October.
I sent 5-6 updates today, for the VIX, TA35 and Nasdaq AND MORE...Check your mails.
It was the last trade day for us again, since Yom KIppur is coming, and markets will be closed, till Tuesday. For you, I am running ZET, will post the aspects for the next 2 days.
Tuesday, Sept.29th, the Moon will be in Pisces.

USA time
Venus 150 Pluto 26.09.2020 5:22
Moon P Jupiter 26.09.2020 6:29
Moon P Pluto 26.09.2020 7:07
Sun 120 Moon 26.09.2020 9:30
Moon 45 S.Node 26.09.2020 18:48
Moon P Saturn 26.09.2020 19:48
Moon 90 Uranus 26.09.2020 21:01
Mars 0 Lilith 26.09.2020 23:55
Mercury P^ Venus 27.09.2020 3:18
Venus 60 Node 27.09.2020 7:51
Venus 120 S.Node 27.09.2020 7:51
Moon A^ Uranus 27.09.2020 16:06
And from MOnday the 28th :
Actual aspects
Begin: 27.09.2020 Period: 3 days (GMT-4)
Aspect Exact
Moon 60 S.Node 27.09.2020 23:18
Moon 120 Node 27.09.2020 23:18
Moon 180 Venus 28.09.2020 1:04
Moon 60 Mars 28.09.2020 3:18
Moon 60 Lilith 28.09.2020 4:05
Moon A Mercury 28.09.2020 9:34
Mercury P^ Uranus 28.09.2020 10:54
Moon 120 Mercury 28.09.2020 14:44
Venus 150 Saturn 28.09.2020 16:23
Moon 45 Jupiter 28.09.2020 17:03
Moon P Mercury 28.09.2020 18:58
Moon A^ Lilith 28.09.2020 19:06
Moon A^ Mars 28.09.2020 19:50
Moon P^ Uranus 28.09.2020 19:55
Venus 120 Mars 28.09.2020 21:01
Sun 150 Moon 29.09.2020 0:14
Moon 45 Pluto 29.09.2020 2:13
Moon P^ Venus 29.09.2020 3:13
Moon 60 Uranus 29.09.2020 6:58
Moon 45 Saturn 29.09.2020 7:48
Moon 45 Mars 29.09.2020 8:01
Moon 45 Lilith 29.09.2020 9:40
Venus 120 Lilith 29.09.2020 12:21
Mars 90 Saturn 29.09.2020 17:49
Moon P^ Lilith 29.09.2020 18:38
Moon 60 Jupiter 29.09.2020 22:40
Moon 60 Pluto 30.09.2020 7:50
Moon 90 Node 30.09.2020 9:17
Moon 90 S.Node 30.09.2020 9:17
Moon 45 Uranus 30.09.2020 12:34
Moon 60 Saturn 30.09.2020 13:29
Moon P^ Mars 30.09.2020 14:27
Untill the computer calculates, here is the Dollar to the Shekel: from 3.22- target is 3.44-3.50
September 23, 2020 Wednesday
Google wouldn't load today, till now, more than 12 hours; I couldn't see what is going on. What can I SAY? Our index crashed below 1308 support level; Unfortunatly, I couldn't follow the trade, since I was busy with the grandkids, and I sold too early my puts. I could have earned another 1000$. Well, I shouldn't trade...
Meanwhile I got the answer for the SUN in Libra~ for the S&P.
But, don't forget, this is just statistics!
September 22, 2020 Tuesday
It is so cold here in the mornings, that we went shopping for warm winter clothes. In ISrael it is 40 degrees Celsius, that is 104 F; so now it will be bearable here too. I have a month more to stay here; till then, I guess the trees will turn red, how beautiful nature is!! and it will get colder. THanks God we have a roof above our heads. Not everybody has.
THe markets , as epected, as correcting down, the rise since June. I wrote above FAZ in the past, we went long above 13, now it is above 15.90, targeting 17. Failing to reach it, it will mean a CIT and reversal, and with that a new upleg in the indices. Are you counting the days? Bottomd on 9/2- Oct/2 will be a CIT.
The commodity that shows improvement in the market is the Copper. I wrote about it too in the past, last stop was 2.70, now at 3.09; stop is at 3.082; below that it will correct.
On Sept 15th I wrote about the DOW30; to double short below 27780; now it is at 27000; yesterday was 182 days from 3/23; so we can try a long pos. with a stop at yesterday's low::26584- if you can afford such a deep stop. If not, you are welcome to sign up to the alerts service.
Today the Sun moved to LIbra. This is a major event. I will try to run TS, to see how do different indices behave under a LIbra Sun, But it is slow, so don't wait for it
September 19, 2020 Saturday
Yesterday we celebrated the New Year with friends; It was nice.
Today I read that Ruth Bader Ginsburg died exactly on New Yea'rs eve. May she rest in peace. SHe did much for America, for what I read... I analised her chart in the past, will have to look it up. The markets dressed red. Let's see why?
THe Dow: We have 145 days from the top and 164 days between the bottom to top- (in red); time for a CIT. THose who have my app service, knew to go short. On the 15th I sent an alert saying: DOW future: Topped at 28124- "consolidation between 27780-28165; short below 28165;" now at 27948 "falling below 27780- double short"~ still / Today there is no trade, but all indices that bottomed on March 23, have 180 days since. On March 23rd the Sun was at 3^ Aries, in the sky the Sun will be in exact opposition on the 26th, so that will be a major CIT. THe graph also shows, that we did get a top in the DOW since June low, but didn't go higher then the Feb . historical top.
Compared to the Nasdaq, which went far more higher.
THe VIX: with the alert: from 25.60 to 32.02! DAX:
Let's see what is the next week bringing? On the 21st, when markets open, let' smake the chart for 1 am : Mercury squares Pluto, and the Moon is in the sign of Scorpio; departing from the Sun, gaining in light.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ReplyDeletehow are you?? i realize that you are Faced with super slow internet here
here speed of internet is nothing but money and that is how cable company rips you off here; they say it is deregulated but they charge you so much and every speed you ask for you have to pay more and more and that goes in every part of country and even in Arizona where i live it is same you have to pay arm and length to get faster internet.
i am used to read your blog early in morning but looks like here you post it in afternoon.
you mentioned Bad aspects of Mars to Saturn and Pluto
will you please mention those Dates as i have difficulty figuring out from the chart and i believe it is me only chart seems to be very clear
with many thanks
Hi Vick, thanks, I am fine. Well, I Cn t do anything to improve the speed. All will be normal when I AM BACK HOME. The proberb says: everywhere is fine, but the best is at home. I pay about 25$ for super speed internet...per month.
DeleteSo I Cn work simultanuosly on 3 computers.
When in ISRael, I post at 6-7 am in the morning, BEFORE MARKET STARTS,Irael time. Here in Philly, I post at around 10 am USA time, that's why the difference.
Mars squares Saturn Sept. 25-Oct 4 and Pluto Oct 6-13.
all the best to you an family.
Shana Tova! Happy new year
ReplyDeleteGood morning; leaves must changing colors in PA so time enjoy those beautiful FALL colors.
i know this, and you know this too that you should be a proud parent who has MD daughter and she drives everyday to Jerusalem to work and then come back home and attend those young ones. and we grand parents become occasional caretakers of those young innocent ones and i believe as you are at present enjoying every moment of it by taking care of little ones while parents are trying make their skills better and better in MEDICINE AND SURGERY and then they will apply when they return home in ISRAEL.
Glad you are here for a while ; by the way which Brand fastest computer did you buy????
HI Vick, I just answer you and Rick about the laptop. Maybe it was my old computer that drove me crazy and not the local internet.!!! LOL.. I will apologize for that after I'll try it out.
DeleteMy Son in law and daughter got a special Visa to come here, under US national immergency order, to help with the Corona, can you believe that?? Noone gets a visa to come to the USA nowadays. LUckily, I had one already.
I will make a photo every day of the trees till I am here, we will watch autumn in its glory!
ReplyDeletei hope you feel better please
drink lots of liquids and if there is a way of taking some vitamin C as you take it while in TelAviv
please do so
seasons are changing too and temperatures are cooling down especially where you are so please take Extra precautions
Dear Vick,
DeleteTHank you for your concern, You are so right! It is not warm here like back home and I forgot to drink, but today I feel much better, I also took vitamin C, on the double . My daughter didn't let me do anything today, she took the kids to the kindergarden. So, I am at ease today. I hope it was a one day flip. :)
ReplyDeletei hope you are enjoying those FALL colors there.
Did you notice How Gold your words are !!! you wrote mercury oppose Uranus and that means markets will Reverse
it did exactly who knew Trump was going to open his big mouth ???
well that's called power of Stars in universe and it makes people behave or act
Great call,
thank you
Hello Vick,
DeleteThank you, for the thumbs up! It was a hilarios move, yesterday, wasn't it? Trump is a Gemini, his rulin gplanet is Mercury, Mercury is in the sign of the money, and when opposing Uranus, this can happen. Now, Mercury will soon turn retro, so we might see a recapitulation of this move!
Have a nice day!