New Moon in Libra, 2020 ~ Financial and Mundane astrology
Between: October 16- November 15, 2020
Thanks for following from the former article!
I am in the USA, so the chart is for NY; the New Moon falls in the 8th house, of transformation, life and death, money , especially others' money. We have 4 planets in retro: Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Neptune. Neptune is also the ruler of this New Moon, due to the date adding up to it. It is a code I learned. It tells us that this New Moon will be under a lot of fraud, conspiracy, fake news, fake outcomes... see elections, Mercury at 11 Scorpio, in retro, backs that! Mars at 20 Capricorn will fight to the last drop too. Venus is in Virgo, in its fall, cannot help much. So this month will be everything, but calm. The squirrel in my garden looks at me and says, not over here! LOL...
For Israel the New Moon falls in the 4th house and Neptune is in the 9th- house of laws. More news will come out about Netanyahu's pending law cases. Neptune is also about gas, poison, medicine, faith, drugs.
During the month Mercury turns direct and Venus moves to Libra- its domicile.- positive. Mars slows down just before turning Direct at the beginning of the next New Moon,
Important days to watch:
23.10.2020 1:59:30 > Sco Sun
28.10.2020 4:33:19 > Lib Mercury
28.10.2020 4:41:03 > Lib Venus
31.10.2020 5:03:37 >0 S Venus
11.11.2020 0:55:26 > Sco Mercury
Heliocentric sky:
19.10.2020 14:37:29 > Ari Mercury
22.10.2020 23:02:21 > Tau Node
23.10.2020 1:59:30 > Tau Earth
23.10.2020 17:20:18 > Leo Venus
25.10.2020 9:26:17 > Tau Mercury
29.10.2020 0:48:16 > Tau Mars
30.10.2020 10:39:18 > Gem Mercury
31.10.2020 5:03:37 >0 S Venus
4.11.2020 5:04:44 > Cnc Mercury
9.11.2020 3:07:35 > Leo Mercury
11.11.2020 4:23:57 > Vir Venus
14.11.2020 16:13:54 > Vir Mercury
21.11.2020 9:30:32 > Lib Mercury
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You might want to click "interesting, cool" and of course you are welcome to leave messages, questions, whatever comes to your mind. And don't forget to click "Like" at the bottom of the article!!
November 15, 2020 Sunday
It is the last day of this month, I will start a new article later. The Sun and Moon are at 23^ Scorpio, both send a 30^ aspect to the upcoming Solar eclipse. Mercury, at 5 Scorpio, is bad; makes several disharmonious aspects; Venus squares Pluto; Mars is still stationary, and is 45^ to the part of Catastrophe; Jupiter sextile the Sun and Moon, and squares Chiron; but most important, it is slowly departing from a conjunction to Pluto and approaching Saturn... And Karma, the asteroid is at 26 Leo... Remember who has 29 Leo Asc? Trump...if time of birth is correct.. So Karma is a bitch...
my logo for 11 years has been the little man on a star. I have to add it to my images, because people are using my works without mentioning my name, or asking permission...
Exact aspects for today: GMT+2 during trading hours:
Mercury 5Sco15 160 Mars 15Ari15 15.11.2020 9:33
Mercury 5Sco21 150 Chiron 5Ari21 15.11.2020 11:35
Moon 27Sco08 60 Saturn 27Cap08 15.11.2020 13:12
Sun 23Sco34 60 Pallas 23Cap34 15.11.2020 13:51
Moon 28Sco05 160 Uranus 8Tau05 15.11.2020 14:43
Moon 28Sco36 36 Venus 22Lib36 15.11.2020 15:33
Vesta 8Vir43 135 Eris 23Ari43 15.11.2020 15:51
Sun 23Sco43 150 Eris 23Ari43 15.11.2020 17:16
TA35: closed at 1418; the arbitrage is 0.01%, that will not give any clues; so wait and see. It should stay above 1418 to go up...
NIO: On 11/12 I wrote target 48.-52.88; topped at 54.20 and fell. :)
You can now continue rereading in the New article: New Moon is Scorpio, 2020
November 13, 2020 Friday
On Nov 11th Helio Venus moved into Virgo. That date was 163 bars from March 23 low. I always write, count the days! We had a top and since then a decline. Now check your index, share and see how did it perform?
Today the Moon is still in Libra, and you have the aspects in yesterday's post. She moves to Scorpio at 18:19 pm, during US trading hours, watch the aspect she'll do! And of course, before that time she is VOC, so direction will be reversible. Just to mention, that Mars is still stationary, and Mercury is now, at 9 am, at 2Sco 40.
November 12, 2020 Thursday
Today we are under the energies of Jupiter and Mars. mars is stationary before turning direct! at 15Aries15^. The Moon moved into Libra, see yesterday's list of aspects and here are the aspects for today: GMT+2
Sun 20Sco26 135 Chiron 5Ari26 12.11.2020 11:09
Moon 15Lib15 180 Mars 15Ari15 12.11.2020 18:50
Moon 15Lib24 135 Ceres 0Psc24 12.11.2020 19:06
Jupiter 22Cap51 0 Pallas 22Cap51 12.11.2020 21:23
Pluto 22Cap52 0 Pallas 22Cap52 12.11.2020 22:43
Moon 18Lib11 160 Uranus 8Tau11 12.11.2020 23:32
Moon 18Lib14 150 Neptune 18Psc14 12.11.2020 23:37
Jupiter 22Cap52 0 Pluto 22Cap52 12.11.2020 23:38
The aspects for tomorrow: GMT+2
Moon 24Lib14 144 Neptune 18Psc14 13.11.2020 9:10
Moon 25Lib25 160 Chiron 5Ari25 13.11.2020 11:02
Moon 26Lib59 90 Saturn 26Cap59 13.11.2020 13:32
Venus 20Lib10 120 Node 20Gem10 13.11.2020 16:03
Venus 20Lib10 60 S.Node 20Sgr10 13.11.2020 16:03
Pallas 23Cap05 135 Vesta 8Vir05 13.11.2020 17:50
Moon 0Sco33 120 Ceres 0Psc33 13.11.2020 19:11
Mercury 3Sco14 135 Neptune 18Psc14 13.11.2020 19:53
Uranus 8Tau09 120 Vesta 8Vir09 13.11.2020 22:48
Moon 3Sco14 135 Neptune 18Psc14 13.11.2020 23:25
Moon 3Sco26 0 Mercury 3Sco26 13.11.2020 23:44
It is a day that Charles Manson was born... also Hassan Rouhani.. It popped up in my birthday reminder. LOL...
We are still long in the markets... raise your stops. The US markets rose, especially the Nasdaq. I find this FINVIZ.COM page very useful. You can see how many shares rose or fell, which made new highs, those are to buy, maybe, we must check the chart, the past, the graph.... Moderna (MRNA) rose by 8 % yesterday! Watch for insiders selling , probably in the future...If I check who is selling I also check who is buying? and it is KHC.. so check all these infos/ .
MODERNA: Technically it was a buy, when it ran up and out of the descending triangle. First trade date: DEC. 7, 2018.
Oh, bummer... This one too has Neptune in the 2nd house! Also Sun, Saturn and Pluto are conjunct be declination. Mr.Stephan Bancel is the CEO; born Oct 20,1972- made his money- as per his solar chart, by investing in healthcare. Very rich, with Pluto at 2 Libra, and Venus in Virgo. He has a Libra stellium ( Sun+Uranus+Mars_Pluto) all are triggered by transit Mars. Will be interesting to see what happens in the coming months, when Mars will be in opposition his natal Uranus. In spite having 4-5 planets in fall, or weak, he made it , big time. SO far.
I also check who is buying? Here is a list...
Some of you are trading STOXX600; watch it, failing to go above 392, use it as stop for shortWell well well, look who is the biggest winner ~ IN EUROPE ~ of the month! HUNGARY !!
2:00 pm
One of the buyers !!! Watch this BMRG; tgt 11.30 till 12/8; stop 10.35
Here is Martin Armstrong's latest article. Biden will shot down the USA! Better check and research some weapon shares...
NIO: One year ago it was 1.60! NOw?46! Target 48.88- 52.88. Auto manufacturer in China? Why is it rallying so much? I have no idea...a... electric car... rival to Tesla...I see now
XPEV: Another Chinese company that wants to reach the starsANyone here from Russia? Your index, IMOEX has a support at 2943 and a turning day on the18th.-19th
November 11,2020 Wednesday
Something odd happens with my blog... I couldn't open it, to write! I had to go around and enter differently than I used to do for the last 11 years... I hope they are not blocking me..
Today we are under the effect of Saturn and Mercury. Mercury just entered Scorpio, the sign of money, where it is bad, being in a water sign, and Saturn is at 26Cap.50; receiving a trine from the Moon, which approaches the Sun, after a sextile to it. Jupiter and Pluto are conjunct, still. Mars and Venus are contraparallel, this energy is like an opposition. I will have to work on the alerts. I got so much hooked up with the trade that I couldn't even think about something else....
Moon's aspects today: GMT +2
11.11.2020 12:58:31 26°50'51"Vir Trine Saturn
11.11.2020 18:09:17 0°00'00"Lib <<<
Back later..
9:45 alerts sent except for the USA+Comm. - market starts. later..
To open the blog, you must right click on the page, and click open in a new page.. Then you can read it.. I have no idea why did this change during the night. !
remember Pfizer??? Here is the bomb!
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla sold 62% of his stock in the company on the same day the drugmaker announced the results of its COVID-19 vaccine trial.
And here is another share that jumped, and its CEO cashed out..TLRY:
November 10,2020 Tuesday
What was the main aspect yesterday? Sun 120^ Neptune. How did it manifest in the markets? a crazy sputnik! up and down... I hope you caught that move... I did :) . It was most beneficial!!!
Today: we are ruled by Mars and Neptune! wow! That Neptune is back again...
Today it is a CIT day for :
Spy, DAX, JKSE, Gold, LTC, AEX, BTC, Soya, GPRO, JNJ, NNDM, GM, MCD, CAT, wmt
Spy, DAX, JKSE, Gold, LTC, AEX, BTC, Soya, GPRO, JNJ, NNDM, GM, MCD, CAT, wmt
Zuckerberg needed some cash, so he sold shares by 4 million $ value.. Check who sells what !! Technology shares fell most yesterday!
Check the announcements! UK unemployment rose! More announcements to come.
Planetary positions GMT+2
Moon 0Ari00 P Vesta 0Ari00 10.11.2020 10:39
Moon 11Vir47 135 Saturn 26Cap47 10.11.2020 11:46
Moon 14Vir42 45 Mercury 29Lib42 10.11.2020 16:43
Moon 15Vir19 150 Mars 15Ari19 10.11.2020 17:45
Moon 15Vir29 160 Chiron 5Ari29 10.11.2020 18:03
Moon 16Vir41 30 Venus 16Lib41 10.11.2020 20:04
Moon 17Vir46 144 Eris 23Ari46 10.11.2020 21:52
Moon 18Vir15 180 Neptune 18Psc15 10.11.2020 22:42
Moon 0Ari00 P^ Mercury 0Ari00 10.11.2020 23:13
Sun 18Sco58 60 Moon 18Vir57 10.11.2020 23:53
Let's look at Pfizer; "the cause" of yesterdays' rise.. Fundamentally. The real cause we know. SUN-120 Neptune. First trade date of Pfizer 17.Jan 1944 at 10 o'clock NY. On a cold Monday morning... The share is under Mars' energies, Mars is conjunct Uranus! HA!! First reason for an unexpected jump! Both are in Gemini, so volatile and unpredictable... The Sun is at 26 Cap- receives now the conjunction of the TRIO;' Moon at 14 Libra, got a conjunct from Venus yesterday! In the 8th house of others' money. News is under Mars (H3), and they are in sextile to an after birth Sol.ecl. at 4^32 Leo. So this degree will be important to remember.
Since the share's money is under Neptune, I would watch how their money flow is...some fishy issues are going on there.
I'll run TS, let's see what is it advising us now?
And finally: Pfizer compared to S&P, Nasdaq and health ETF sector:
November 9, 2020 Monday
Here is the calendar for the week; that so many of you like. It shows the exact positions of the planets. What it doesn't show is the ongoing or the existing positions, and that we can see in the opening part of the article.
What can we learn from this table? That there is a SUN~120~Neptne aspect for 3 days, and Venus 180^ Mars till mid Nov 10th, From the list at the opening, we remember, that Mercury enters Leo today, and the Moon moved into Virgo. So all alerts I send, I hope I'll have time... will be based on these positions.
Meanwhile, I see that Asia is up, the Nikkei is rocketing! waw... No shorts around the corner yet. So raise your stops and earn money!
This month we will have a Lunar eclipse on Nov 30th ; at 9 Ge/Sag axis.
Why is this important? Because for Trump, a most important period is between Nov 28- Dec 4! Lun ecl trio ( Jup+Sat+Pluto) are in opposition his Venus+Saturn. Trump was born under a Full Lunar eclipse, which occurred on 24^ Scorpio, and the upcoming Solar eclipse in Dec. 14th, will trigger that point. Seriously, I admire both old men, how they still fight to stay or be in power... Other 70-78 old are feeding doves in the park... This lunar eclipse is pointing to serious health problems. Also L.E. Neptune is in his 8th, squares natal Uranus. And L.E.MC is conjunct natal Pluto. so many powerful aspects...Is this a karmic closure? We will see these will fold out.
SET index, Thailand: trades now at 1285; it is a long above 1282.
Here is the chart of the King of Thailand: He has a Libra stellium, which is triggered by a bad Mars in opposition. Age wise he reached his Part of Catastrophe. I am also suspicious of the trio attacking his Uranus in Cancer. He might be sick, for a while now.
Here is another article by Martin Armstrong. Yesterday I shared one of his articles on FB, and they CENSORED IT.. !
German Elections Postponement
Here is the Wissenschaftliche Dienste report and it concludes if there is an epidemic, then they can postpone the elections. What is significant here is that they were even asked for an opinion.
“The postponement of an election date once set within the time corridor can occur due to special, extraordinary circumstances. Such important reasons can, for example, include natural disasters, unrest, epidemics, or large-scale strikes. However, irrelevant considerations may not be included, nor may the reasons appear arbitrary. In this respect, weighty, legally significant public interests or aspects of the common good are relevant. It is not necessary, however, that it is “Absolutely imperative” reasons.”The interesting aspect is that our sources are warning that elections will be suspended in Europe and we may see that attempted in the USA come 2022. The German elections will be in August 2021. So to already be scheming that they will use this virus to justify postponing elections means that our model which targeted 2022 for a real pandemic may still be deliberately manufactured and released to assist Gates in his obsession to reduce the population to save the planet while the elite, like him, can have three children.
The entire social structure of debt, pensions, and welfare is no longer sustainable. Instead of working with a solution to save our freedom and correct the stupidity of nations borrowing year after year with no intention of repaying any debt has been rejected in place of Communism 3.0.
This is the Monetary Crisis Cycle right on time with the Sovereign Debt Crisis also on target. This means they have no possible way to sustain the current system. Therefore, they needed this fake pandemic and quite possibly manufactured this virus in a lab since this precisely what Fauci was doing and then sent it to Wuhan." etc--- it continues...
Look him up, and subscribe!
German Elections Postponement
Here is the Wissenschaftliche Dienste report and it concludes if there is an epidemic, then they can postpone the elections. What is significant here is that they were even asked for an opinion.
“The postponement of an election date once set within the time corridor can occur due to special, extraordinary circumstances. Such important reasons can, for example, include natural disasters, unrest, epidemics, or large-scale strikes. However, irrelevant considerations may not be included, nor may the reasons appear arbitrary. In this respect, weighty, legally significant public interests or aspects of the common good are relevant. It is not necessary, however, that it is “Absolutely imperative” reasons.”The interesting aspect is that our sources are warning that elections will be suspended in Europe and we may see that attempted in the USA come 2022. The German elections will be in August 2021. So to already be scheming that they will use this virus to justify postponing elections means that our model which targeted 2022 for a real pandemic may still be deliberately manufactured and released to assist Gates in his obsession to reduce the population to save the planet while the elite, like him, can have three children.
The entire social structure of debt, pensions, and welfare is no longer sustainable. Instead of working with a solution to save our freedom and correct the stupidity of nations borrowing year after year with no intention of repaying any debt has been rejected in place of Communism 3.0.
This is the Monetary Crisis Cycle right on time with the Sovereign Debt Crisis also on target. This means they have no possible way to sustain the current system. Therefore, they needed this fake pandemic and quite possibly manufactured this virus in a lab since this precisely what Fauci was doing and then sent it to Wuhan." etc--- it continues...
Look him up, and subscribe!
November 8, 2020 Sunday
"The most corrupt election in the American history" by Martin Armstrong.
I agree with this article. And I can also say, we haven't seen the end yet. No matter what the media says. We will see what happens till Jan.20,2021...
Since during the weekend only the cryptos traded, and they didn't like what happened, and they move in harmony with the big indices, we will see tomorrow a tops and slide in all markets. But, of course we should check the planets.
The BTC: topped at 15873 and with the news fell to 14426~
Here is a comparison graph between the BTC to all the other cryptos I send alerts for:
Let's look back to my post on July 3, 2019 about Kamala Harris. ( in the New Moon in Cancer article.)
Kamala Harris in the news. I searched my past posts, and I found that I analyzed her chart on July 3, 2019, and this is what I wrote:
The Americans are betting on everything! Here is a poll on the Presidential elections, for 2020: Biden is in green, Kamala Harris in yellow.
Kamala Harris in the news. I searched my past posts, and I found that I analyzed her chart on July 3, 2019, and this is what I wrote:
The Americans are betting on everything! Here is a poll on the Presidential elections, for 2020: Biden is in green, Kamala Harris in yellow.
I built this chart for Kamala Harris to try to see what pushes or blocks her?
I know, it is a "crowded" chart again, with details, not with planets! That I left clean. LOL.. So who is she?
I know, it is a "crowded" chart again, with details, not with planets! That I left clean. LOL.. So who is she?
American politician and lawyer of the Democratic Party serving as the junior United States Senator from California since 2017. She previously was the 32nd Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2017.
She was born to a Tamil Indian mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris (1938–2009), and a Jamaican father, Donald Harris. Her mother was a prominent breast cancer researcher, who emigrated from Chennai, India, in 1960, and her father a Stanford University economics professor, who emigrated from Jamaica in 1961 for graduate study in economics at University of California, Berkeley.
Her name adds up to 13/4 if I use Pythagorean or 8 with Chaldean numerology. I like Chaldean, so I'll use 8, ruled by Saturn- is at 28 Aquarius. Numerologically she will be in her 7th year! not a good one to run .
She is 54.81 years old, the elections will be in Nov 2020. In a year she will be 55-56 almost, exactly, age wise on the worst fixed stars in Pisces, Scheat- that is one minus point.
Her date adds up to 5, ruled by Mercury, which is at 1 Scorpio. Mercury is contra parallel( as if in opposition) to asteroid Kassandra! ( credibility?!) The elections will take place on Nov 3, 2020; I made a progressed chart for 10 pm, then Mercury will be at 27Sag! on the Galactic Center! That shows, she has a role in this life and gives her a 1+ point.
Her natal Sun is at 27 Libra, in opposition the Moon~ she was born on a Full Moon! on Nov 3,rd 2020 Vesta, will conjunct her Moon- that gives her another good point.
She has a stellium in Virgo, Venus, Uranus, Pluto... hmmm. That points to a need of power, deep feelings, jealousy, must be in power! I would not give that position a plus one.. A few days ago, I wrote about Henry the 8th, (scroll down to June 28) and how his character was built or affected by a Jupiter-Neptune opposition. Well, here we have a similar aspect, however, not so tight! 8 degrees- on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. They point to age 46 and 54, then next age highlighted in the natal chart is 57.60- 58.30. Therefore, even if she will not win in 2020, she will still be on stage and who knows? maybe later.. in 2024... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
She was born to a Tamil Indian mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris (1938–2009), and a Jamaican father, Donald Harris. Her mother was a prominent breast cancer researcher, who emigrated from Chennai, India, in 1960, and her father a Stanford University economics professor, who emigrated from Jamaica in 1961 for graduate study in economics at University of California, Berkeley.
Her name adds up to 13/4 if I use Pythagorean or 8 with Chaldean numerology. I like Chaldean, so I'll use 8, ruled by Saturn- is at 28 Aquarius. Numerologically she will be in her 7th year! not a good one to run .
She is 54.81 years old, the elections will be in Nov 2020. In a year she will be 55-56 almost, exactly, age wise on the worst fixed stars in Pisces, Scheat- that is one minus point.
Her date adds up to 5, ruled by Mercury, which is at 1 Scorpio. Mercury is contra parallel( as if in opposition) to asteroid Kassandra! ( credibility?!) The elections will take place on Nov 3, 2020; I made a progressed chart for 10 pm, then Mercury will be at 27Sag! on the Galactic Center! That shows, she has a role in this life and gives her a 1+ point.
Her natal Sun is at 27 Libra, in opposition the Moon~ she was born on a Full Moon! on Nov 3,rd 2020 Vesta, will conjunct her Moon- that gives her another good point.
She has a stellium in Virgo, Venus, Uranus, Pluto... hmmm. That points to a need of power, deep feelings, jealousy, must be in power! I would not give that position a plus one.. A few days ago, I wrote about Henry the 8th, (scroll down to June 28) and how his character was built or affected by a Jupiter-Neptune opposition. Well, here we have a similar aspect, however, not so tight! 8 degrees- on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. They point to age 46 and 54, then next age highlighted in the natal chart is 57.60- 58.30. Therefore, even if she will not win in 2020, she will still be on stage and who knows? maybe later.. in 2024... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
No now, if what the media declared will still be valid on Jan.20th 2021, then she will be VP. She will be in her 7th year, 8th month, it is as a "dream come true". But, the 7th year is never a good one... so as I wrote before, let's wait and see what happens till January 20th.
Looking at her Solar return chart, for Oct 20th , 2020- till 2021: we must remember the following planetary positions: In the natal chart Neptune rules her career, or the MC; Neptune is at the Karmic degree 16^ in Scorpio, on the cusp of the 6th house. ( I can tell you in private what that means!) In the Sol.return chart, Neptune is at the VICKED/ evil 18 degree, in Pisces. Neptune rules Pisces, therefore strong. It shows a winning. but by what means? Pisces is the sign of fraud, manipulations, fake news, also sign of religion, medicine and art, the muse oh the muse is on the Neptunian cloud.. Neptune is in the 3rd house of the media, messages, letters, wires, envelopes, news. She was declared a winner, by the media, so far.
What else is there? in the Solar return chart, that gives a perspective for a year~ ( among other charts as well). The Moon! which Nataly rules her 2nd house of self respect, is conjunct the SOUTH NODE! and more !! at 22 degrees, the killer degree and in SAG!. That is a very bad position. Tells us more lies and more manipulations. The Moon squares S.return Venus- and Venus rules her 4th house, her base and also her 12th! hidden issues again! Her Sol.ret. Sun - she , herself, is at 27Libra46, in the 10th house of career, so she has 2 years and a few months to go, until the Sun moves to Scorpio.
I noticed, that she has many planets around 23 degree, the upcoming SOL. eclipse degree, on DEC.14.2020; therefore her Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn , the nodes, all will be triggered. No doubt a pivotal year for her.
There is also a Lunar eclipse at 9 SAG/GEM' and its Ascendant falls in her 9th house.. of law. While Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn are in her 8th house of death, oh pardon me, of transformation..
Kamala has no children, she is married to Douglas Emhoff, who has two daughters from former marriage.
After all these thoughts, the bottom line is, " I never promised you a rose garden..." Very difficult times ahead, that will last not more than 2.5 years. November 7, 2020 Saturday
Listen to this you tube recording: by William Stickevers!
I am watching on Netflix a serial called "The house of paper". fantastic serial!! It is about a gang of people who dressed in red suits and wearing Dali masks, break in the central bank of Spain. Not to steal money or gold, but to release one of their members, who was caught by the police and tortured, in exchange some hostages. What they do take from the bank, are secret documents, that show how governments operate. If reached by the media, those files would collapse a lot of governments and institutions.... So what is the police doing? They fabricate their own fake files, leak it to the media, which will be so incredible, that by the time the Dali group would use the true ones, the people would not know which one to believe. Thus the MEDIA will be held responsible, and not the police, or the secret service.
I have a vague feeling, that we live this movie.
Thanks to William Stickevers, I have the time of Biden's victory speech. It was held under a VOC Moon. Meaning, nothing comes out of it. By the time the Moon moves on into Leo, the first aspect to make is a square to Uranus- thus a big surprise of unforeseen event awaits Biden and co.
Let"s see what to expect next week in the markets?
TA35: Opens under a positive arbitrage at 1380; From here the way is up to 1388-96.
The sky next week:
we open with the Moon in Leo' approaching the SUN, this can bring new highs... Moon 60^ Venus, Mercury 60^ the Galactic center, the Sun is separating from a bad asp. to Mars, Jupiter is CONJUNCT Pluto! the final conjunction for a long long time! ( next conjunction Feb. 2033); no signs of crashes. we are long.
To sign up to my weekly/monthly/ forecast, or to the alerts, pls. send me a mail.
After I read, that Oregon legalized Heroin and all hard drugs!!!! Time to flee that place! I looked at the Cannabis shares in my list, maybe there are more, I don't know, but the first to pop up is ACB; which , IMHO is a short below 14.77.
November 6,2020 Friday
The day is ruled by Venus and Jupiter. Venus is solitary today, while Jupiter is getting closer to Pluto, as I wrote yesterday. The Moon will conjunct the Vertex today and both will trine Neptune. It is a CIT day.
Rally is still on, here are the leading groups:
In the last week it was Healthcare that lead, : the first runner up by volume and % is ONCT ~ this is not a trading advise, since Healthcare share can drop as quickly as they rise.. In Sept 2018 it traded at 180$... so, just saying... a deeper analysis must be made to enter after 122% rise.
If you are a subscriber to my alerts, and you checked the alerts sent yesterday, you are now short. I didn't check, but as per the graphs, I see now, I think stops were broken, and shorts were triggered.
SO, what else is new?
I read on FB, that Putin might step down, next year because of Parkinson... Looking at his chart, that might be true, since his Mars, ruler of his health, is attacked by Uranus and Saturn in the Future Directed chart. I also found hard aspects to his Libra stellium in the Secondary progressed chart. In his Solar return chart, also bad aspects from SR Mars to natal Mars.
Here are a few dates when this might happen: January 19-22. March 10-16. More likely May 12-15 or June 28-July 1. In any case, these periods are bad times for him.
Don't you think it's time to order the monthly forecast? Emergency times!!
12:25 now all the media is full with it. Kremlin denies.
How can we gain from this news? And I wish him only health, or recovery... But we must act. So it's time to buy USD; I think, with the uncertainty in the USA, and this news, AND MORE TO COME, we can only think short market, long Dollars or BTC, what ever you can afford.
EUR/USD trades now at 1.1752, I think it'll go to 1.25-1.38-1.46 CIT: March 9, 2021.
If i was not clear: in this chart we can see that we pay 1.1752 euros to buy a Dollar. Now, we will have to pay more Euros; up to the levels I gave in the morning, to buy the same dollar.
The elections in the USA are still in turmoil, as expected. I read that more and more fraud is discovered.. Oh, well.
I am looking again at Trump's chart.- now with the upcoming Lunar eclipse as transit. It will occur on Nov. 30th at 9 Sat/Gemini... and you won't believe! all the planets on that day trigger his chart. Uranus will be in the 9th house of law. Sits right on his MC, career. N.Node, on the SUN. a very good position. Jup+Sat+Plu will be in opposition his Venus+ Saturn; Meaning, he turned to the court for recounting... Uranus will bring a huge surprise; nothing is over yet, nor will it be next week. not with these transits!!!.
November 5, 2020 Thursday
Finally I ended my lock-down period ~ 2 weeks after landing~ incredible how time flies... and I am going back to my Pilates lessons. I saw a program on TV, they questioned elder people how is the loneliness effecting them... They were all sliding on the ladder. Well, I can tell you, that I cannot be happier, than left alone, and doing my own thing... But how many people are involved with astrology, a never ending science and research, and the stock market? I am so thankful that life or fate guided me here!!!
So, it's still early, have time to tell you, that Mercury is still squares Saturn, and we are seeing the difficulties in counting the votes, the unclear situation, which as I wrote below will not end till the next week. To this we can add the Moon, she moved to Cancer, a sign she rules, so out of volatility, tension should decrease, but vulnerability will rise for the next two days. Using one degree orb, Jupiter will conjunct Pluto in the night, for a few days, here are the dates for a year:
Actual aspects Jup/Saturn/Pluto:
Begin: 1.11.2020 Period: 1 year (GMT+2)
Aspect Exact
Jupiter 0 Pluto 12.11.2020 23:38- 19/Nov. extremely difficult times.
Jupiter 0 Saturn 21.12.2020 20:22- Dec 30
Jupiter 30 Pluto 20.04.2021 21:09 - April 24
Jupiter 30 Pluto 11.09.2021 12:04 - Sept 16
Since Jupiter was retro, it made a conjunction to Pluto 3 times this year:
Actual aspects
Begin: 1.01.2019 Period: 10 years (GMT+2)
Orb Begin of Aspect End of Aspect Exact Aspect
Saturn 0 Pluto 1.0 1.01.2020 0:00 24.01.2020 12:00 12.01.2020 18:59
Jupiter 0 Pluto 1.0 27.03.2020 12:00 15.04.2020 12:00 5.04.2020 4:45
Jupiter 0 Pluto 1.0 19.06.2020 12:00 10.07.2020 0:00 30.06.2020 7:46
Jupiter 0 Pluto 1.0 6.11.2020 0:00 19.11.2020 12:00 12.11.2020 23:38
The good news about this is, that this too ends in a few days....
SO while I was sleeping the markets made new highs... I see Nikkei reached Jan 2020 top! wow! I'll send alerts later... Any ways, till then, just raise stops at the max you can. Calculations later. example for the Nikkei the stop was 22230, sent on Nov 3, now it trades at 24105, move it to 24056.
For the Nifty future: the stop was 11700 move it to 12086 ! what a gain !!
In Europe I think SMI gained most: from Stop 8550 the gain is 7.83% ! Now isn't that great? The DAX too rallied, of course... But now I should run. see you later. OH... the BTC!!! wowawaaaa almost 700 point gain.
11:45 am : I am back. It was worth while to go only to get all those hugs and kisses from the group..
So now I'll work on the alerts.
It's 2 pm- I sent all the updates..
Several people I know, were born today: Sara Netanyahu, Yair Lapid, ( head of a political party); and an astrologer I know.. 3 people, 3 so different lives!
Sara Natanyahu is 62 years old today. We don't have her time of birth, well, I don't maybe other do, but they won't share. So I won't bother..
and happy birth day to the other two.
Have you seen that Besos sold a L O T of shares???
November 4, 2020 Wednesday
How nicely everything clicks! It is Wednesday, ruled by Mercury, this is now stationary,~ strong ~ before turning Direct, in Libra. In the Helio sky Mercury just entered Cancer, air in water, is not bad, but it is not good as well. It is as if you would try to speak out loud under water. You can't, no one will hear you. This is how the election situation looks right now. No outcome yet, they say maybe on Friday.. trump to speak at 9 am, Washington time, that is another 7 hours from now. At that time Mercury will be already on move, at 25Libra 55, that is an Aries degree. So he will speak fiercely, announcing victory even. The thing is, that he is still in the dark, and doesn't know the real outcome. The Sun approaches a trine to Neptune, Venus, ruler of his career is 150 to Uranus. SO wait and see- under a still ongoing Mercury~90!Saturn aspect! Asteroid Karma trines the upcoming eclipse at 23 Leo/SAG.
Meanwhile the markets rose.
Let me see.. All indices that I send alerts for made a low on Oct.30th, and rose since. Now, as I write, there is a huge zig-zag trade, showing an uncertainty , which way to go. Better stay out during the first hour of trade, no matter what you trade. You cannot catch these moves. Well, I can't maybe you can.
Moon's aspects for today: GMT:00:00
4.11.2020 13:48:30 25°57'42"Gem Trine Mercury
4.11.2020 21:45:18 0°00'00"Cnc <<<
TA35: Closed yesterday at 1354.97; should go above 1359 to be on the safe side for long.
For GMT+2
Moon 150 Pluto 4.11.2020 9:24
Moon 72 Vesta 4.11.2020 9:36
Moon 45 Uranus 4.11.2020 11:00
Moon 60 Eris 4.11.2020 11:35
Venus 36 Juno 4.11.2020 15:25
Moon 120 Mercury 4.11.2020 15:49
Moon 150 Saturn 4.11.2020 16:42
Moon 180 Center of Galaxy 4.11.2020 18:07
TA35: reached the incredible top of 1366! That is mars'' price level. I think it will fall to 1352.Let's see.
The volatility is extremely high... in all indices. Very difficult to trade. Better stay out of trades today, till ll calms down, maybe till Monday.
November 3, 2020 Tuesday
It is a day ruled by Mars on the double. WOW Election day under Mars.. Very tense.
I worked on the alerts, pls. check your mails.
I have internet problems.. see u later.
On this day 4 years ago the S&P was at 2083- since then it topped at 3588- a 1505 points rise during the Trump administration.
Between 2008-2016 the S&P rose 1115 points.- during 8 years 400 points less!
November 2, 2020 Monday
it is a day ruled by the Moon and Saturn. Miraculously, they are in trine~120^~. It is the last aspect the Moon makes from Taurus, at noon ( for GMT+2) she enters Gemini, and that again will bring a very volatile trade.
2.11.2020 2:29:15 26°16'36"Tau Trine Saturn
2.11.2020 9:59:32 0°00'00"Gem <<<
What else? Mercury squares Saturn today, Jupiter 150^ to the NN'
here is the list for GMT+2:
Moon 90 Ceres 2.11.2020 10:28
Moon 36 Eris 2.11.2020 11:40
S.Node 36 Juno 2.11.2020 11:58
Node 144 Juno 2.11.2020 11:58
Moon 72 Neptune 2.11.2020 12:43
Moon 160 S.Node 2.11.2020 12:44
Sun 160 Moon 2.11.2020 12:57
Moon 45 Mars 2.11.2020 14:15
Moon 144 Mercury 2.11.2020 16:04
Sun 72 Pluto 2.11.2020 18:09
Sun 160 Koronis 2.11.2020 18:54
Moon 90 Vesta 2.11.2020 20:35
Moon 160 Juno 2.11.2020 21:03
Moon 135 Pallas 2.11.2020 22:39
Moon 45 Koronis 2.11.2020 23:26
Moon 60 Chiron 2.11.2020 23:32
FOR NY time: GMT-5
Moon 144 Mercury 2.11.2020 9:04
Sun 72 Pluto 2.11.2020 11:09
Sun 160 Koronis 2.11.2020 11:54
Moon 90 Vesta 2.11.2020 13:35
Moon 160 Juno 2.11.2020 14:03
Moon 135 Pallas 2.11.2020 15:39
Moon 45 Koronis 2.11.2020 16:26
Moon 60 Chiron 2.11.2020 16:32
Moon 135 Jupiter 2.11.2020 17:42
Asia is green so far, that's a sign for a rise in Europe; let me see.. well, difficult to tell yet, all trade below stops sent in the alerts. Our premarket opened with 0.80 % up! as I expected.
We have positive announcements from Asia; Europe will follow, so watch those!
Another serial I suggest you watch on Netflix, is " The house of Paper"- f a n t a s t i c .
November 1, 2020 Sunday
I remember this date from my childhood, it is the day of the dead. Everybody goes to the cemetery, lights candles, bring flowers. But I don't need Nov.1, to remember my mom... she is present every day. and my dear aunt too. May they rest in peace.
We wave good bye to October, never to come back again. It was one of the best months when we earned with shorts.
The S&P fell from Oct 12 by 9 %; Now falling below 3209, it will be bloodier. But, keep in mind, the count! 160 trading units or bars from 3/23- that's Nov 4! interesting, after the elections, we will see a major CIT. As I check different indices, most of them topped on Oct 12th. You must count Fibo days from there.
The Gold made 1/3 correction of the rally from March 19- July 8; so for it, the count start from 7/8.
Yesterday I signed up to Netflix and I saw a very good serial " The Queens Gambit" - Watch it if you can! It ended after midnight, and suddenly I realized something about the BTC... So I sent a late night alert to raise stop to 13839 or 13800; and look at it now! it is lower... there too time is ticking.
But let's see what to expect now: it is almost 9 am
The Sun is at 9 Scorpio19; it is separating from an opposition to Uranus; The Moon is at 16 Taurus37; exalted in this sign, meaning strong, and we are after the Full Moon. It is the second full moon this month, and it is called "Blue Moon." the first FM was on Oct 1st.
In the Heliocentric chart there is a very important aspect: Mars 90 Jupiter+Saturn; which are conjunct at 1 Aquarius!
For intraday traders: Moon aspects:
Venus 144 Ceres 1.11.2020 9:37
Moon 60 Neptune 1.11.2020 12:31
Moon 120 Pallas 1.11.2020 15:47
Moon 150 S.Node 1.11.2020 16:40
Moon 30 Node 1.11.2020 16:40
Moon 135 Venus 1.11.2020 16:52
A friend sent this article to me yesterday, I found it very interesting, I hope you too !
Since the Moon is now at the 19th degree, and I wrote several times in the past, how important this no. is, See what I found!
There was a deadly earthquake, on Oct. 31st at 13:51: 24 km from Samos, Greece, or close to Izmir, Turkey. Till now 33 people died. It is easy to see that Uranus was just passing over the area.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~And of course I must mention, a dear actor passing, whom I loved very much, Sean Connery... at the age of 90. R.I.P.
October 31, 2020, Saturday
It is a celebration day for me. On this day in 2009 I started to write this blog. I Don't remember what made me do it, but the chart speaks.
Look, The Sun~me~ is in the 4th house, in Scorpio, meaning I work from home, and I write ~Mercury~ about money~ Scorpio. The Ascendant is in Cancer, and angular sign, so it will be a lasting event. The Moon in Aries, conjunct the MC~ shows a career, with a lot of enthusiasm. Mercury (mind, thought, writing) 120^ to Kronos; also shows a lasting event. So far 1840343 people read it!
I thank for all my readers and followers.
One of the readers asked me, what is the likelihood that there will be riots in the USA, after Trump's victory? This is a very interesting question, that' IMHO, has high possibility. But let's look at the chart of the day of the election and a month later.
Nov 3, 2020: the day is ruled by Mars and Saturn. On that day and place, chart made for Washington DC, 10 pm; when first counts should come in, Mercury squares Saturn. Mercury the mind, is blocked; cannot think straight, there is no flow of comprehension. Mars is still retro on the cusp of the 10th house, at 15^ Aries, adds to it. The people~ symbolized by the Moon~ is conjunct the North Node, this is a fated event, and to asteroid Psyche; in the 11th house of communities, in GEMI NI, meaning the people are divided: She is also 150^ to Jupiter- disharmonious aspect- brings outburst of trouble. Jupiter is conjunct Pluto, and both conjunct the part of Catastrophe in the 6th house of routine life, with will not be quiet at all with these there...The Sun, the king of the day, is at 12 Scorpio; now that is a Pisces degree, he, no matter who, will be under a big fog, misunderstanding, manipulation, fraud. There are more aspects, but this is enough. I am using 1 degree orb.
If I use 8-10 degrees, that is used to analyze a natal chart, the first to pop up is a 150^ from Mars to the Sun- and also a 150^ from Venus, ruler of the IC, or home, to Uranus , in the 10th house, sudden outburst; and Venus is also 180^ to Mars; so yes, a lot of trouble is coming.
Let's see the chart of the day a month later. But even before, On Dec.1 at 2:57 pm Washington time, Mercury will be at 0^ SAG; from there again triggering the last eclipse degree, at 0^ Cancer. And you remember what happened when this happened before! right? If not, scroll down and read former day's posts. The Sun on Dec. 1st is in the 8thhouse- he is in danger, receives a disharmonious aspect from Uranus, from the Asc! Lilith, the dark spirit is at 4 Taurus, conjunct Uranus, adds to it. The Moon is again in Gemini 150 to Jupiter+ Saturn and Pluto, means that the people is against the gov. Which planet can help? Venus, but it is weak in Scorpio, and Jupiter, is in fall in Capricorn. part of fortune? is at 23 Scorpio, not much help from there as well.
We can also check the US natal chart with these days as transits. I have 7-8 different times for the USA natal chart, let's see the one with the Scorpio rising, at 2:00 pm. Transit Moon, in the 8th house is conjunct USA MARS. This alone shows the trouble. Mars(fights, riots,wars) is in opposition Saturn, the Gov. There are more aspects, but I think this answers the question.
People criticize Trump for not handling well the COVID; Well, he might be in denial, but the virus will be here as long as Mars is in Aries and conjunct asteroid Koronis.
Let's see what can we expect next week in the markets, under the planets effects?
Aspects between Nov 1-30:
For TA35 on Sunday here are the important ones:
Venus 144 Ceres 1.11.2020 9:37
Moon 60 Neptune 1.11.2020 12:31
Moon 120 Pallas 1.11.2020 15:47
Moon 30 Node 1.11.2020 16:40
Moon 150 S.Node 1.11.2020 16:40
Moon 135 Venus 1.11.2020 16:52
We have a minor negative arbitrage, that could press the price at the opening down. 1325-1324; Only above 1329 I would go long.
A rising personality to follow in the USA is Tucker Carlson. Born May 16, 1969 on a Friday, in San Francisco. He is a double Taurus, Sun ( conjunct Algol!!!!~ most vicious fixed star of Taurus). and Moon 4 degrees apart, in Taurus, in the 11th house of community, friends, and big enterprises. Someone born during a New Moon, is a person, who speaks what is in his heart, straight and direct. Being a Taurus, you will not move him from his believes. Mercury, free from the Sun's burning effect is at 11 Gemini, very clever and sharp, also fights for the truth (being an Aquarius degree). Mercury receives an opposition from natal Mars, in SAG- more justice is required! His Sun and Moon is opposed by Neptune- research and uncovering the elite. .He has Mercury and Mars OOB! His Saturn is at 2^ Taurus, gives his extreme powers.
He is almost 52, looking at his Directed future chart, his Sun moved to 17 Cancer, he is in his prime now under this degree. In another 7! years the Sun will be on his Asc. let's see where will it take him.
But, in his transit chart, there is a bad aspect between tr.Uranus to his natal Vertex. That is a warning, asking "do you really want to do what you are doing?" Sudden and unexpected events can happen to him, as long as Uranus is between 5-11 Taurus, and that's a long time! ( If I only use 3 degrees orb... what if I use 8 degrees? that would last till MAY 2023.)
SInce I am not an American, I feed from FB posts. Here is one from my friend, William Stickevers:
"KABOOM: 'You'll Bury Everyone Involved': Bobulinski Recorded Biden Operatives Begging Him To Stay Quiet, Set To Release Tuesday
Former Biden insider Tony Bobulinski allegedly has a recording of Biden family operatives begging him to stay quiet, or he will "bury" the reputations of everyone involved in Hunter's overseas dealings.
According to The Federalist's Sean Davis, Bobulinski will play the tape on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Tuesday, when Carlson will devote his show 'entirely' to an interview with the Biden whistleblower.
According to a source familiar with the planning, Bobulinski will play recordings of Biden family operatives begging him to stay quiet and claiming Bobulinski's revelations will "bury" the reputations of everyone involved in Hunter's overseas deals.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) October 26, 2020
Text messages from Bobulinski also reveal an effort to conceal Joe Biden's involvement in Hunter's business dealings, while Tony has also confirmed that the "Big guy" described in a leaked email is none other than Joe Biden himself.
How much longer can the corporate-controlled mainstream media ignore this?"
I am still looking for Tony Bobulinski's birth data...
We think of ourselves as the cleverest being on Earth.. Yes every day we discover something new, that has been there if only we have looked!
Important day to watch for all indices, that bottomed on March 23: November 11! If yours bottomed on a different day, adjust.
October 30 , 2020 Friday
It is a day ruled by Venus and Saturn. Venus is at 2 Libra46^; the first aspect to make will be a disharmonious one to Uranus on Nov 3rd! Elections day! WAW!! Saturn is at 26 Cap. It is at the SUN/Mars MP; no other aspects. Mercury will square Saturn from tomorrow till Nov 8!
I'll post later what this meant for the S&P
Working on the alerts now.
Moon's aspects for today GMT:00:00
30.10.2020 6:25:41 22°39'00"Ari Square Pluto
30.10.2020 13:30:06 26°08'37"Ari Square Saturn
30.10.2020 16:12:23 27°28'44"Ari Opposition Mercury
30.10.2020 21:18:49 0°00'00"Tau <<<
12:35 all alerts sent.
Meanwhile the computer calculated how did the DOW behave under a Mercury~90~ Saturn aspect. It shows a 60% probability for a rise... well... I like higher than 75%.
And, always remember this aspect is one of tens or hundreds...
Just a quick count for the DOW: from 3/23 +150 trading days= Oct 23; then we had the last top and since than a fall. If they don't do something about it, it will slide to 25140....Check out the alert.
If you are still not subscribed to it, for 70$ a month, you can have it, and earn money.
We always arrive to a time, when all earnings are great, still the markets stumble or slide down, even if there is still no snow out there. ... time, my dears, time.. count the days.!!.
BLRX: PREMARKET 2.16; once it was 27.50 so it is a buy ,stop 1.5. Bioline in's a buy
Yesterday I mentioned the Turkish Lira, let's see where is the Indian Rupee in the last years?
I wrote about it last time on Sept 4, 2019; said, that the stop is at 72.10; On Feb 2020 it ran above it, now at 74.50! Stop should be now at 74.63~ long if above.
As for the GBP/USD: the stop is at 1.2935.
I don't trade forex... just looking at them/ The most volatile is the Turkish Lira, I traded that one once and other pair, etc etc, but now I don't have the nerve for it. LOL.. But nice income can be made.
October 29,2020 Thursday
These are the aspects for today: as you can see, the most important one is the Moon conjunct Mars at 3:55 pm GMT+2- that is before market opens in the USA.
Moon P Venus 29.10.2020 12:54
Moon 150 Juno 29.10.2020 12:57
Moon 45 Ceres 29.10.2020 14:51
Moon P^ Eris 29.10.2020 17:08
Moon 108 Center of Galaxy 29.10.2020 17:14
Node 72 Vesta 29.10.2020 18:42
S.Node 108 Vesta 29.10.2020 18:42
Moon 0 Mars 29.10.2020 20:33
Moon 135 Vesta 29.10.2020 22:41
Jupiter 150 Node 29.10.2020 23:00
Jupiter 30 S.Node 29.10.2020 23:01
Moon 30 Neptune 29.10.2020 23:51
Yesterday we saw a big correction in all markets. Some say it is because of the COVID; because of the lockdown in Europe.. etc etc a lot of explanations, while we know the reason... Venus and Mercury squaring the eclipse degree.- read yesterday's post.
During the night or ASIA trading hours, the US indices got recuperated, now in 5 min. Europe opens, we'll see how it continues.
TA35: arbitrage is positive; only that Mars-Moon aspect bothers me... but it'll come later, so now I 'll take a quick shower, and be ready for today. Yesterday I was exhausted from the hectic trade. But it was worth while.
I sent alerts for the cryptos, check u mails.
Back later. . it's 8:57 am.
Having my morning fruit. It is a must... also a lot of water. Welcome to my reader from Sicilia! Are you trading anything?
Europe opened; the only one making and effort is Check index. All the others are weak. and they are scalping the US markets. At times like this, I wonder if the Gold shows and positivity? Let's see .. well, it trades above 9/25 low, 1866; but no strength there either.
A lot of announcements today, also unemployment in Germany and the USA, so check those and if you cannot trade during those hours, better stay out.
IBEX: Negative announcement: Stop is 6480- short below.
DAX: will come out in 30 min; below 11520 it'll be a major short. ; now at 11616
Why is the second wave worse than the first? Mars in Aries sends its aspects to asteroid Koronis; and since it is Retro, it will last.
On August 17, 2020 I wrote that the Turkish Lira will reach 8-8.80! Check it out! Erdogan is in power since 2003; till today, the Turkish Lira lost 440% of its value. It was forecasted in this blog, many time before.
USA: Good announcements, market is up; next important notice will be about new home sales. The expectation is low, so if it'll be one house more, it will give an extra push - up.
Home sales are bad:
October 28, 2020 Wednesday.
It is a day ruled by Mercury and Venus. They are 30^ apart and Venus just entered its kingdom, Libra. From there both make an aspect~ 90~ to the Eclipse degree at 0^Cancer, of 21 June 2020; and this will trigger a major move. Next time it'll be on Nov 21st Venus will sextile the eclipse degree. Actually, if you remember the eclipse degrees and you see the list of ingresses above, you can know it in advance.
Now we will have to watch the next eclipse at 23 SAG. on Dec.14,2020
It is 8:25 am, Asia still trades, so let's learn from them. I see SZSE KSE,SSEA,SSEC, AORD,AXJO,HK50,HSCE are green. Nifty and the Nikkei are red.
Nifty Bank is trying to build a double top with 8/31, for 6 days, not successfully till now. But it is still positive above 24280 Now at 24555. Tomorrow should be a turning day, so watch out.
The Nikkei made a nice short move, falling to 23231- far below our stop, so you must have gained there! Now it is still below stop.
SZSE: I gave a quote in July, stop 11870; tgt 13370; now at 13430; should goto 13620 at least. Move stop to 13250
KSI: I wrote about it on 8/20; then stop was 28030, now at 29229; raise stop to 2900;
The up move was led by the Consumer index, so Nasdaq rallied. OK, that depends which Nasdaq you trade. Nasdaq 100 bottomed on 10/26 at 11360; now the target is 12030.-12090..and the stop at 11550.
The Nasdaq Us tech future got scalped under Moon 45^Uranus aspect from 11623 to 11507; the reversal up occurred when the Moon was 120^ to the IC. Now it should base itself above 11539 to be a long.
OK, market soon starts, see u later.
TA35: behaved as I forecasted yesterday. Fell to 1327 at the opening, and at 10:35, when the Sun made 6-^ to the Asc. reversed, under and Aries Moon and is trying to go up now. Till further notice.
The S&P too bottomed- so far at 3332; that is now stop. That is the exact Moon at 2^ Aries position.
Isn't this miraculous ?
9:45 pm/
TA35 fell to 1311.33 target now is 1290
October 27, 2020 Tuesday
Yesterday I worked into the night trying to figure out how will the market move this week. It is an important week, 7-8 days till the elections. Should go up, but there are some controversial energies. Yesterday we got a very nice short in all indices, I sent updates as market was moving, I hope that helped. MSFT: fell to 208! If you took Puts there, that was a good move. Moving above 211; might correct the fall.
Today we are under Mars' energies. It is at 17Aries17, also at the Sun/Venus midpoint. The other planet that affects us is Mercury, which is still retro, both are; at 0Sco^49. So please don't argue today, there is a lot of moves in the background that you are not aware of.
The Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces, brings more fog on the ground.
SPY: On Oct 24th I wrote to subscribers to move stop to 245-and short below. It fell to 235! 2.7% in 2 hours and 15 min.
5:13 PM
Whaaat a day !!! TA35 in the last 2 days fell from 1372, which was Pluto resistance line to 1344.36; almost one cycle.( 1342 would have been the perfect one) but it is good as it is so far, as well!
I sent urgent updates during the day for different indices.
Hope you got them.
Those who read my blog but are not in the mailing list... what re you waiting for?? LOL...
Soon I post about that!
Tomorrow when TA35 opens, at 9:45 the Moon is on the worst fixed star, Scheat, at 29^ Pisces. But soon after that, she moves to Aries, brings in new energies. SO I think the index might open low, but correct up strong during the day.
October 26, 2020 Monday
The day is ruled by the Moon and Uranus. The Moon moved into Pisces over the night. At 9:38 GMT+2 Moon 45^ to Jupiter, will be interesting to watch how will the market open under this aspect. Besides that, not much action today. This week there are a lot of earning announcements of different companies ex. MSFT: now at 216, there is a support at 214; below it, short. Other companies that will report are: the FAANG shares: FB, AMZN, AAPL, Netflix and Goog.
In a former post I wrote, that Nifty, since it opens before TA35, shows the direction for us. Nifty now trades below the stop I sent you; let's see if it's true, that TA35 moves alike.
For those who trade the one minute chart, Which I DON'T, here are the Moon's aspects GMT:00:00. Pls. check if it is correct, I found some discrepancies with Tel Aviv time.
I saw on TV yesterday, that Paris is going into a lockdown between 11 pm- 6 am; That will hurt business, for sure; but Covid is rising there dangerously. Spain is also closing for the night. I posted about IBEX on Oct 6th, it made a low on Sept 25 at 6552, now it trades above it, the stop there is 6867; first resistance is at 6895; then 6904-6909; failing to reach any of these, will fall back.
F40: France just fell with a gap!!
TA35: support at 1368.50- short below!
Seems that Moon45Jup- works.
10:45 am
Europe trades under a great open gap down! I sent alert for the DAX future. at 12 noon there is an announcement!.
TASI: Saudi index : Since March 16,2020 at 5959, till - Oct 13;8614.50 rallied by 45.16%! It is a short below, below 8220. Would you like to see the yearly forecast? Time to order.
TA35: Fell today as all the other indices and since the fall it was correcting up. Exactly on the second, when the Moon squared the MC the rally stopped and abruptly reversed- we are sliding again.
I finally succeeded to make it right! See the Moon's aspects for NY it is now 5:14 pm my time, 11"15 am NY
October 25, 2020 Sunday
It is a day ruled by the Sun. Yesterday I wrote that our index opens high, and will go higher than 1359; It trades now at 1367. There is a small resistance at 1367.47; - then 1368.50-1371- till 76 ! Still a few hours till the close. It is 1:08 pm now.
The other planet that rules today is Jupiter, and that is at 20CAP10; should be a positive day, as I said, but volume is low and calls don't pay. I managed to make 3 rounds on the calls, now I am out, watching.
My morning started this a non-functioning screen!! What a bummer! yesterday was OK... I have several, but I need now to buy a new one instead of this one. I could blame Mercury in retro, but, well. maybe it was just its time.
If you check the list above, Mercury entered Taurus today. It "feels" uncomfortable. I'll show you later, how did it affect the S&P, or the DOW>
I ran the S&P. Using the Sun, Mercury Helio and Mars Geo cycles; I got controversial outcomes. So stick to the alerts I gave you, I think it'll be best.
October 24, 2020 Saturday
it's 10:10 am here, America is still asleep.
Here are the aspects for the next 3 days, for the Tel Aviv market, that opens tomorrow under a positive arbitrage. the close was 1353, now, I think it will open above 1356 targeting 1359 and higher.
pay attention at 8:57 am, the Moon makes a 30^ aspect to Pluto; we reverse the clock by one hour to winter time...The TA35 closed on Mercury line, which is at 3 SCO.22^; and Mercury is conjunct the Sun, so it is weak. Furthermore the Moon will be VOC; after making a disharmonic aspect to Venus, at 27Virgo. So we might get a quick reversal after the opening. The best is to follow the banks. If they rally, so will the market.
For ex. Poalim Bank is weak, only above 2090 will rally. Leumi ,fell back to June 2017 level! would be a long above 1665 only. We have 4 big banks in Israel. All went down, as the whole world in the end of February till March 23; but unlike the rest of the world, these hardly made a 50% correction, so since March they show weakness. last bottom was 185 days later, on Sept 24th, staying above that level ( Discount Bank- for ex); it might go to 1100;) but again, Israeli banks show a great weakness. thanks to his highness; who would not pass a budget. It is really incredible what is going on here.
On the 26th, when Asia, Europe and the USA open the Moon will be already in Pisces.
and the bad aspect between the Sun and Neptune 135^; will bring clouds and uncertainty to the markets. There is a big uncertainty about the US elections; as per the polls; I wrote two years ago, and since then several times, that Trump wins; but the polls. ohhhh.... in any case, the stars reflect this manipulation.
AXJO: long above 6176I'll work now on the alerts, stay tuned.
October 23, 2020 Friday
I am home. All went well with the flight, I rested, cleaned and arranged my luggage; it is after midnight here. It was 31 Celsius , very hot, when I landed. They said it will be raining, but no sign of it till now. I have to be in a lockdown for 2 weeks, that means I cannot go back to pilates. So, more computer time, I guess, to catch up. Anyone would like to order anything, it is the time now. Let know how were you doing in these months.
Have you seen the BTC? What a rally! Now, I think the stop should be at 12950
GOLD: you could made a few trades here, always entering above 1900..
The best performer this month, from what I follow, was the Etherium, up 29%, if you followed the alert I sent, we were long since 370 Oct 16, now at 414; STOP SHOULD MOVE TO 402
Nifty: stop is now at 11880I'll send some updates, later
It's 6:18 pm now, I slept and arranged things, washing machine works, my son brought me lots of plants, so my balcony is full of flowers again. My daughter was here for a week, she left me also lots of flowers, I am so happy. I am back to my balcony, enjoying the flowers, and the huge salad I made, in the total quietness of Friday evening.
Meanwhile the Sun moved into Scorpio, as you can see in the list above; and we will have to check how are indices behaving under such a position?
As you can see, the Moon moved into Aquarius. The aspects she will make from there:
23.10.2020 1:09:16 23°56'14"Cap Trine Venus
23.10.2020 4:34:39 25°48'42"Cap Conjunction Saturn
23.10.2020 12:16:39 0°00'00"Aqr <<<
23.10.2020 13:22:51 0°35'49"Aqr Square Sun
23.10.2020 21:48:42 5°08'04"Aqr Square Mercury
24.10.2020 5:02:09 8°59'22"Aqr Square Uranus
24.10.2020 21:53:45 17°52'38"Aqr Sextile Mars
25.10.2020 21:18:15 0°00'00"Psc <<<
26.10.2020 1:58:58 2°23'50"Psc Trine Mercury
26.10.2020 3:30:26 3°10'36"Psc Trine Sun
26.10.2020 14:43:47 8°53'29"Psc Sextile Uranus
Unfortunately, ZET doesn't show the Minor aspects, like 30, 45 degrees and those too are sometimes important, for someone trading the 1 minute chart .( like my friend on FB, Norm Winsky... I never trade the 1 min. chart)
AAPL: is falling, taking with it the whole sector! From top to top 41 days, that's almost 6x7; and we got a reversal. raise stop to 3141! 

Nasdaq Us tech future is building a dangerous M pattern! It trades now at 11595; falling below 11560, will get to 113250.
SPY: Stop was 349; lower it to 345.
I work now from my PC; it has to be updated in so many ways, so it takes time until it will be back to full action.
Here is the calendar for the rest of the month:
ReplyDeletei know you must be busy with those little ones and also trying to pack to go back to warm weather of TELAVIV
time runs by so fast and i know when you return it will take few days to get used to those old times
hope you enjoyed your stay and hope and wish you A SAFE TRIP BACK AND STAY HEALTHY
Thanks Vick, so true! My daughter had the exam, returned from Israel just now, and I am packing to fly home tomorrow. It is raining in Tel Aviv, I was told, but it's OK. will rest and go on from there. You are sweet. :)
DeleteWhat is the likelihood that there will be riots in the United States after Trump's victory?
ReplyDeleteGood Morning, i know there is Nothing like sweet home and i am sure you are enjoying it now.
yes, can you believe it is 11 Good years that we all have been Blessed with your writings and i am sure thankful for that to you. please keep writing and giving the Divine knowledge that you have; even though your doctor Daughter does not believe in Astrology.
Thank you Vick,
DeleteAlthough she doesn't believe, she ask me sometimes what I wink about this and that.. SO if I manage answering without mentioning the planets, I am listened to ; but of course, my answer is based on the planets.. She passed the exam, with high grades and I cannot be happier. The hugs and kisses I got is for a lifetime.
Yes, politics is dirty, everywhere.. Luckily I am not watching local news, not to vomit, actually I just subscribed to Netflix. LOL.
And yes, I am continuing to write, and publish my thoughts, everyone is OK to pop in and discuss things.
Have a great week-end!
The Queens Gambit thumbs up, interestingly Chess during this virus is resurging in popularity
ReplyDeleteAnother serial I suggest you watch on Netflix, is " The house of Paper"- f a n t a s t i c .
DeleteIt is so tense, I had to stop watching.. LOL
DeleteBoth men way to old to be President of the United States, and 'some' of the reasons as to why we are seeing what we are seeing today. America moves from a generation to a generation, trying to stop this flow is like stopping the younger persons to move ahead. Bush Obama and Trump latter in history will be known 'as the Bankers Presidents'..ZIP
ReplyDeletesomething odd is happening to my blog... Now, to open it, you must right click on the page and open it in a new page.
Try and check if it opens!
Good day G!
DeleteThe blog opens just fine...
That's great! Not on my computer... :) Glad u can follow. Just sent out alerts for the USA markets.
DeleteI updated Pfizer's forecast as per Timing solution... check it out under Nov 10th post.