New Moon in Cancer II at 28.27*, 2020 ~ Financial and Mundane Astrology.
The Americans are betting on everything! Here is a poll on the Presidential elections, for 2020: Biden is in green, Kamala Harris in yellow.
I know, it is a "crowded" chart again, with details, not with planets! That I left clean. LOL.. So who is she?
American politician and lawyer of the Democratic Party serving as the junior
United States Senator from California since 2017. She previously was the 32nd
Attorney General of California from 2011 to 2017.
She was born to a Tamil Indian mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris (1938–2009), and
a Jamaican father, Donald Harris. Her mother was a prominent breast cancer
researcher, who emigrated from Chennai, India, in 1960, and her father a
Stanford University economics professor, who emigrated from Jamaica in 1961 for
graduate study in economics at University of California, Berkeley.
Her name adds up to 13/4 if I use
Pythagorean or 8 with Chaldean numerology. I like Chaldean, so I'll use 8,
ruled by Saturn- is at 28 Aquarius. Numerologically she will be in her 7th
year! not a good one to run .
She is 54.81 years old, the
elections will be in Nov 2020. In a year she will be 55-56 almost, exactly, age
wise on the worst fixed stars in Pisces, Scheat- that is one minus point.
Her date adds up to 5, ruled by
Mercury, which is at 1 Scorpio. Mercury is contra parallel( as if in
opposition) to asteroid Kassandra! ( credibility?!) The elections will take
place on Nov 3, 2020; I made a progressed chart for 10 pm, then Mercury will be
at 27Sag! on the Galactic Center! That shows, she has a role in this life
and gives her a 1+ point.
Her natal Sun is at 27 Libra, in
opposition the Moon~ she was born on a Full Moon! on Nov 3,rd 2020 Vesta, will
conjunct her Moon- that gives her another good
She has a stellium in Virgo,
Venus, Uranus, Pluto... hmmm. That points to a need of power, deep feelings,
jealousy, must be in power! I would not give that position a plus one..
A few days ago, I wrote
about Henry the 8th, (scroll
down to June 28) and how his character was built or affected by a
Jupiter-Neptune opposition. Well, here we have a similar aspect, however, not
so tight! 8 degrees- on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. They point to age 46 and 54,
then next age highlighted in the natal chart is 57.60- 58.30. Therefore, even
if she will not win in 2020, she will still be on stage and who knows? maybe
later.. in 2024...
Today, the polls give a win to Biden... I don't believe in polls, not here and not there. I'll have to look at the charts. I already wrote many times in the past, that Trump wins, I'll check again.
I wrote about Joe Biden on April 26, 2019-
Joe Biden announces that he want to run for presidency... Seriously?? He is 76.43 years old. The elections will be on Nov 3, 2020. He will be almost 78 years old. But, fine with me!! Let's see if the planets are smiling or what?
He was born with a Scorpio sellium... Aha.. Don't underestimate this guy! Ruler of his MC, career is Mercury, at 21 deg.( a critical degree). Saturn crowns kings. His Saturn is at 9 Gemini, Retro.
2nd wheel: Directed chart: his stellium moved to Aquarius. He really believes in what he says, fight for the people .. all the Aquarius stuff...
Saturn is at 27 Leo. Now looking at the transit Positions, tr Saturn is 150& to Dir. Saturn, and tr.Merc. is conjunct Dir Pluto. So far so good...
Which planet can fail him? It is Venus, ruler of his health... This health issue will pop up in June 2020, but even before... just sayin...
How is his health??
This is what he tweeted 19 hours ago: "
Joe Biden
I promise you if I'm elected, I won't waste any time getting this virus under control. I'll call Dr. Fauci and ask him to stay on. I'll bring together top experts and leaders from both parties to chart a path forward.
We'll get it done, together."
So, let see again his natal chart with transit on Nov 3rd; transit Saturn is not supporting his election. Severe health or money issues will pop up till Nov.
US election polls now:KLSE, Nikkei, Nifty,BIG, PSTI,Local : Robogrp, Mind,Hizdamnut Yahash, Foresight, Bezeq, Partner, Strauss Bluefenix (Block chainKria),,
KLSE: Malaysia gained a lot till 2020- now as long as it trades above the midpoint =1550- is a long.
Local share: Bezeq: ( gov.telephone co).
BAC: should go above 26.70 to be able to rally!
BPT: now that's a phenomenon... How low can it fall? last alert was in 2017..
It is a day ruled by Uranus. It is at 10 Taurus. The only aspect it makes is a sextile to Ceres. We should look up the grains, to see how are they doing. It is also at the NN/Neptune MP. ( lasts for 3 days) Ebertin wrote about this position: "The inability to become an integrated unit of community owing to an unrestrained self-willedness, the inclination to get upset over the anti-social conduct of others. A sudden undermining or destruction of a good relationship having existed hitherto between associated persons. "
Now it's OFF-LIMITS?!?!
OVER 1000 Giant Skeletons Have Been Found in Recent Years.
Proof: Photo from Museum's Archive
Disseminated on 5 continents, archaeological remains of human skeletons have been discovered that discovered that gigantic beings inhabited the earth.
Giants have often been considered legendary figures created by the imagination of the ancients, which symbolize human power.
The giants were not fictitious and if they existed, they have played an important role in humanity.
Where are they now??
How or why they disappeared from the face of Earth all of a sudden??
Have they move out of our Solar system, or have they move inside the honeycomb Earth?
What does our world govt. knows about it?
Why is Smithsonian Institution and Vatican trying their best and going to any extent to hush this entire matter up and hiding all the evidences in out of the reach archives??
Aspects of the day: NY time
Jupiter 60 Neptune 27.07.2020 12:08
Venus 150 Jupiter 27.07.2020 13:36
Venus 90 Neptune 27.07.2020 13:48
Mercury 90 Mars 27.07.2020 17:46
THE DYAD. TWO, 2 . Nu m bers---Th eir Occu lt Power An d Mystic Virtu es By W. Wyn n Westcott s was the case with the Monad, so the Dyad also was said to represent a large number of different objects and ideas; things indeed so dissimilar that it is difficult to understand how such multiplicity of opinion arose. And first it is the general opposite to the Monad, the cause of dissimilitude, the interval between multitude and the Monad. Of figures, those, which are characterized by equality and sameness, have relation to the Monad; but those in which inequality and difference predominate are allied to the Dyad. Monad and Dyad are also called Bound and Infinity. 1. It was called “ Audacity,” from its being the earliest number to separate itself from the Divine One; from the “ Adytum of God-nourished Silence,” as the Chaldean Oracles say. 2 . It was called “ Matter” as being definite and the cause of bulk and division. 3 . It is called “ the interval between Multitude and the Monad,” because it is not yet perfect multitude, but is parturient with it. Of this we an image in the Dyad of Arithmetic, for, as Proclus observes, “ The Dyad is the medium between unity and number, for unity by addition produces more than by multiplication, but number by addition Nu m bers---Th eir Occu lt Power An d Mystic Virtu es By W. Wyn n Westcott produces less than by multiplication; whilst the Dyad, whether added to itself or multiplied by itself, produces the same.” 4 . “ Fountain of Symphony,” and “ Harmony.” 5. Erato, because it attracts the Monad, like Love, and another is formed. 37. 6 . Patience, because it is the first number that endures separation from the Monad. 7. Phanes, or Intelligible Intellect. 8 . It is the fountain of all Female divinities, and hence Nature, Rhea and Isis. 9 . Cupid, just as Erato, from desiring its opposite for a partner. In Astronomy, we speak of 2 nodes, Caput and Cauda Draconis; and in Astrology of 2 aspects of the planets, Benefic and Malefic. The Two Pillars Ikin and Boz at the entrance of King Solomon’s Temple are notable symbols of Strength and Stability. They are comparable to the Two Beings, Kratos and Bia, who appear in the Play by Eschylus, as a male and a female potency, who bind Prometheus. Nu m bers---Th eir Occu lt Power An d Mystic Virtu es By W. Wyn n Westcott The Chinese speak of Blue as the color of Heaven, because made up of Red, Male and Black, Female; of the active and the passive; the brilliant and the obscure. The followers of Pythagoras spoke of two kinds of enjoyment. First, lasciviousness and indulgence of the belly, like the murderous songs of Sirens; second, honest and just indulgences, which bring on no repentance. Hierocles says two things are necessary to life, the aid of kindred, and benevolent sympathy of one’s neighbors. A notable ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic was formed of two serpents in connection with a globe or egg, representing the world. Another celebrated pair, in connection with worship, is the association of a tree and a serpent, referring as some say to the Mosaic account of the Tree of Knowledge and the Tempter Serpent. Some have supposed that it is only since the condemnation “ on thyBelly shalt thou go” that the Serpent has been limbless and obliged to crawl. Note, it has been argued, and by a great churchman too, that the whole tale rests on error, and that for serpent we should read “ Ape” (Rev. Adam Clarke). This is substituting one error for another. In the orgies of Bacchus Maenades, the worshippers had snakes twined in their hair and danced, singing “ Eve, Nu m bers---Th eir Occu lt Power An d Mystic Virtu es By W. Wyn n Westcott Eve, by whom came the sin.” See Clemens Alexandrinus, Protrept 9. 38. Duality introduces us to the fatal alternative to Unity or Good, namely Evil; and to many other human and natural contrasts---night and day, light and darkness, wet and dry, hot and cold, health and disease, truth and error, male and female, which man having fallen from his high estate, from spirit to matter, cannot avoid associating himself with. Two is a number of Mourning and Death, misfortunes are apt to follow; turn to our History of England, see the unhappiness of Kings numbered the second of each name----William II., Edward II., and Richard II. of England were all murdered. The Romans dedicated the 2 nd month to Pluto, God of Hades, and on the 2 nd day of it they offered sacrifices to the Manes. Pope John XIX. instituted the Fete des Trepasses (All Souls’ Day) on November 2 nd , the second month of Autumn. The Two Talmuds of the Jews, among other quaint notions, have the following ideas of the number Two. Nu m bers---Th eir Occu lt Power An d Mystic Virtu es By W. Wyn n Westcott It is not every man who deserves to have two tables. This meant that very few deserve to have the best of the next life, as well as the good things to come. There are two important things. First, that one’s bed should be placed north to south and that one should pray in front of his bed. There are two ways before a man, one leads to Paradise and one to Gai-hinnom, the place of punishment. There are only two Jewish laws, the written Law of Moses, and the oral law of the Qabalah. Every Jew who goes from the Synagogue to his house on the eve of the Sabbath is accompanied by two angels, one good and one bad, and if the house is all in order the good angel confirms a blessing, but if it be in disorder, the good angel has to say Amen to the condemnation spoken by the evil angel. 39. Two are better than three; this means youth is better than old age with its staff of support. There were two women notorious for their pride, and their names were contemptible. Deborah meant wasp and Hulda weasel. Many persons nowadays believe that Nu m bers---Th eir Occu lt Power An d Mystic Virtu es By W. Wyn n Westcott birth names somehow affect their owners, as names given are prophetic of the nature and fate of the person. Speech may be worth one Selah (a Jewish coin), but silence is worth Two. A certain man had two wives, one young and one old. When he was forty and inclined to become gray, the young one pulled out all the gray hairs and the old wife pulled out all his black hairs, so he became bald. Which things point a moral as well as adorn a tale. Given two dry firebrands of wood and one of green, the dry will destroy the green. Two dogs once killed a lion, so the minority must at last always give way to a majority. The Talmud argues that Adam had two faces. Some say one before and one behind, while others say one looked to right and one to the left. Others say that Adam was both a male and a female. Others say that Eve was made from his thirteenth rib, and was not drawn out from his head, lest she should be vain. Not from his eyes, lest she should be wanton; not from his mouth, lest she should talk to much; not from his ears, lest she should be an eavesdropper; not from his feet, lest she should be a gadabout; and not from his heart, lest she should be Nu m bers---Th eir Occu lt Power An d Mystic Virtu es By W. Wyn n Westcott jealous; yet in spite of all these precautions woman has developed all these faults. Of two who quarrel, he or she who first gives in shows the noblest nature. Two negatives or affirmations are as good as an oath. Shevuoth, 36. I. The Twos of the Two Testaments are Two Tables of the Law. The Disciples were sent out two and two; two disciples were sent by Jesus to fetch the ass’s colt; two to make ready the Passover; two disciples buried Jesus; Caleb and Joshua were the two spies; two angels rescued Lot; there were two witnesses of the Resurrection and two of the Ascension. 40. The Book of Revelation of St. John the Divine speaks of Two Witnesses, two olive trees and two candlesticks. If a dream was dreamed two times it foretold a truth; as in Genesis xli. Judges vi., First Book of Kings, chapters ix. and xi. The animal kingdom shows all sexual generation to arise from pairs of contrasted beings, the male and female; the microscope now discovers to us the spermatozoon and the ovum, but the truth was known of old to phi- Nu m bers---Th eir Occu lt Power An d Mystic Virtu es By W. Wyn n Westcott losophers of India, Egypt and the Gnostics, in whose lore we find human generation to spring from the Serpent and the Egg. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
S&P and AXJO DOW, Dax fut, Nasdaq, Nyse, Gold fut, Corn, Ripple, BCH, AMZN, 10 YEAR BONDS, CSCO,LNKD, PSTI,
Local shares: Razio, Afrika nechasim, Evugene, Elbit Maarachot, Teva, Bank Beinleumi, DiPharm, Gvaot , machon leheker iNternet, mankind, Maayan, Medivi, Rami Levi, Silicom, Tadir Gan, etc
Knesset approves “Big Coronavirus Law,” giving gov't more power
In practice, the law will allow the government to bypass the Knesset's coronavirus committee and to implement urgent restrictions without the need for approval by the committee.
There's a saying where I come from.. "All those who left us are good; all those who remain are their sweet memories".
ReplyDeleteI hope your mom is resting in peace.
Thank you so much ! Simple you and me :)
ReplyDeletelittle late but Hope your MOM is resting in peace and thinking that she does not have to Gasp for Breath due those lung troubles.
so seems like everything is doing fine and when those doctors are coming to Philadelphia again or do they have to wait till these COVID GETS LITTLE LESS SCARY !!!
hope you are keeping up solaredge SEDG this evening it is up up up and away
as always yours follower of blog every morning
Dear Vick,
DeleteThank You!
My daughter and family will be leaving in two weeks to Philly. I will join them after a week and will be staying with them for 2 months, to help with the kids and everything. So, America... here I come :) .
ReplyDeletewelcome to world of brotherly city of Philadelphia where the Original document of Emancipation was drafted and sent over to the first president for review
thank God you are coming just when Fall will start on East coast and leaves will be changing colors and it will be beautiful and i am sure children will love the Kid's meal of Great yellow Arches fast store
Anyhow, you are coming at peak political theater time and i know everybody hates Donald Trump but he is going to win landslide again for 4 more years atleast i am thinking that way
1/2 population hated Obama, as 1/2 hates Trump. Thats about what it always is. The term everybody is always over rated.
Deletedo the Russians have the covid vaccine? what will they want(demand) for it?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I cannot answer to an "Anonymous."